Services for February 2015 Morning and Evening Prayer are said daily at 8.45am and 4pm from Monday to Friday. On Saints’ Days, Evening prayer is replaced by a Eucharist. Prayer Meeting at 8.45am, first Saturday of each month, at which we pray about future developments in the Benefice. Sunday 1st Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas) 9 .00am Eucharist Hempton 10.30 am First Sunday Deddington 10.30 am Eucharist Barford St M 6.30 pm Choral Evensong Deddington Wed 4th 10.00am Eucharist Deddington th Thurs 5 2.00pm Squeals and Wheels Deddington Sunday 8th 2nd Sunday before Lent 8 .00am Holy Communion (BCP) Deddington 10.30 am Eucharist: Deddington (with healing prayer) 10.30 am Family Service Barford St M Wed 11th 10.00am Eucharist Deddington th Thurs 12 2.00pm Squeals and Wheels Deddington 7.30pm Induction of new Vicar Deddington th Sunday 15 Sunday next before Lent 9 .00am Eucharist Hempton 10.30 am Eucharist Deddington 10.30 am Morning Service Barford St M th Wed 18 10.00am Eucharist with Deddington Ash Wednesday Imposition of Ashes 7.30pm Eucharist with Barford St J Imposition of Ashes Thurs 19th 2.00pm Squeals and Wheels Deddington nd Sunday 22 Lent 1 9.30am Fourth Sunday: Deddington Eucharist followed by Interactive Café Church at 10.20am 4.00pm Evensong Barford St M 6 .00pm Evensong Hempton Wed 25th 10.00am Eucharist Deddington th Thurs 26 2.00pm Squeals and Wheels Deddington 12 BENEFICE OF DEDDINGTON, HEMPTON, CLIFTON AND THE BARFORDS February 2015 PRAYERS Bible Readings Readings— — February 2015 Jesus wants to heal us to wholeness, and to him no one is untouchable. Heavenly Father, your desire to save us made you willing to share our human brokenness; as the Body of Christ, may the Church share that willingness to be vulnerable in order to serve in love. Heavenly Father, so wise and perceptive, take us to the heart of all conflicts, and give us the grace to share in the healing between factions and nations, guided by your Spirit. Heavenly Father, so comforting and kind, help us to notice the needs around us, in our families, friends and colleagues, and respond to them in love. Heavenly Father, shock us into seeing more clearly the ache of those whom society rejects and overlooks; the wounds of the discarded and socially embarrassing. May we reach out where others turn away. We pray for the sick including Issy Walton, Daphne Puttick, Vivienne Brewer, Jessica Broadbent, Arthur Lewis, Peter Hancock and Judy Ward. Heavenly Father, so welcoming to all, we commend to your everlasting keeping those who have recently died and those who mourn their going. We pray especially for the family and friends of Robin Woolgrove, Thomas Rogers, Thelma Higgins, Philip Rudge, Joyce Bliss and Dorothy Faint. This month, as a Deanery we pray for 1st February 4th Sunday of Epiphany Ironstone Benefice: Drayton, Horley, Hornton, Hanwell, Shenington, Alkerton, Wroxton, Balscote. John Reader, Hugh White, Lindy Bridgeman and Trina Wilcock. For the Children and Schools work; Worship development; Community Engagement and the Banbury Food Bank. 8th February 2nd Sunday before Lent St Hugh’s Banbury: Anita Smith. For the work of Relate, Samaritans and all counsellors helping those in crisis. For LLMs and all other authorised and accredited Ministers who work throughout our Deanery and are such a blessing. 15th February Sunday Next before Lent Deddington, Clifton, Hempton and the Barfords: Christopher Hall, Hugh Marshall and Christine Turner; Children's and Youth Worker David Benskin. For our good keeping of Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. For all Lent Groups. For those who make pilgrimages – that they may be richly blessed. All retreat houses. 22nd February 1st Sunday of Lent For all Village Christian Communities served by Quakers, Methodists, and Baptists. For circuit Teams and Visiting Ministers travelling many miles to minister to small flocks. For all that we can learn through ecumenical dialogue. For Fair Trade to happen in all countries and for us to ensure it does. 2 Sunday 1st Malachi 3.1-5 Presentation of Christ in the Temple Ps 24. [1-6]7-end Hebrews 2. 14-end Luke 2. 22-40 Sunday 8th 2nd Sunday before Lent Proverbs 8. 11, 22-31 Ps 104.26-end Colossians 1. 15-20 John 1.1-14 Sunday 15th Sunday next before Lent 2 Kings 2.1-12 Ps 50.1-6 2 Corinthians 4. 3-6 Mark 9. 2-9 Sunday 22nd Lent 1 Genesis 9. 8-17 Ps 25. 1-9 1 Peter 3. 18-end Mark 1. 9-15 Services for March 2015 Sunday 1st Lent 2 9 .00am 10.30 am 10.30 am 6.30 pm Eucharist First Sunday Eucharist Choral Evensong 11 Hempton Deddington Barford St M Deddington WE REMEMBER THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARY FALLS THIS MONTH Deddington and Hempton: Donald Welford, Stephen, James and Christopher Holt, Jack Churchill, Clara Clarke, Barbara Garrett, Gertrude West, Harry Hall, Josephine Stevens, George Doggett, Peggy Driver, Hilda Evans, Gertrude Butler, Oliver Hawes, Janet Kyte, Philip Abernethy, Peter Hancock, Malcolm Adkins, Florence Spencer and Ellen Cresswell. Barfords: Harry Austin, Robert Smith, Frederick Callow, Frank Lovell, Gertrude Bennett, Phyllis Castle, Frank Haynes, Geoffrey Castle, Brenda Tibbetts, George Brain Joan Cook. If you would like to have a name included in the Book of Remembrance, please contact Jean Welford (338539). Don’t forget to look at the Church website: Deadline for notices and other contributions for March issue to: Christopher Hall [email protected] By Sunday 15th February The calendar of events may be viewed on the internet via DOL (Deddington on Line) follow the links Deddington Church What’s on & calendar of events Google Calendar Please continue to contact the Churchwardens for all church matters until 12th February. Vicar: The Revd Annie Goldthorp (01869)336880 The Vicarage, Earls Close, Deddington OX15 0RY Churchwardens: Deddington George Fenemore 338203 Iain Gillespie 338367 Barfords Cubby Brett 338300 Youth Worker: David Benskin [email protected] Our grateful thanks to Hamptons International for their generosity in photocopying our newssheet. Editor: Sue Addison, Laurel Cottage, Church Street, Barford St Michael, OX15 0UA Tel: 01869 338017 Email: [email protected] 10 If you would like prayer on any matter, please contact anyone in our Prayer Circle: Glynne Bianchi 337743 Christine Gillespie 338367 Liz Dickinson 337050 Rosemary Clark 336267 John Osborough 07753802841 Judy & Jenny Ward 337187 Don't give up chocolate for Lent this year IF it is Fair Trade chocolate. In the Ash Wednesday [18 Feb] lesson, Isaiah says: ‘Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry?' Last year my friend Arton Medd shared in a 'Meet the People' tour in Ghana. He visited the grow ers of fair trade cocoa, palm oil and bananas. Divine Chocolate is produced from the cocoa grown by the 80,000 members of the Kuapa Kokoo co-operative. They produce 6% of Ghana's cocoa. What difference has the Fairtrade Premium made to them? The growers decided to build village schools so that children did not have to walk a long way to their lessons. The premium also paid for boreholes providing clean water which teenagers carry from the pump back to their homes. Clinics and village health services too were improved. Fair Palm cleaning products are a new line introduced by Traidcraft last year. Traidcraft is supporting the Serendipalm co-operative in Ghana to produce fairtrade, organic palm oil, known as FairPalm, in a way that supports smallholder farmers and protects the environment. Arton saw the palm oil processing plant with its wood-fired boilers emitting steam and smoke on a dark wet evening. Fairtrade banana growing in Ghana produces 5000 to 6000 tonnes of bananas a year from 600 acres. Arton witnessed the meticulous care of and for the workers as they used pillows on their shoulders so as not to bruise the bananas being carried to the conveyor system. He also saw the secondary school that had been built using the Fairtrade banana premium. George Fenemore supported Fair Trade - buying 500kg of Fairtrade sugar from the Coop Village store to keep his bees fed this winter. Fairtrade ensures that producers wherever they are in the world are paid a fair price for their labours to meet our needs. There is no conflict between local producers in Britain and producers in the Two-Thirds World - both are dependent for their living on being paid more than it costs them to produce what they sell. That's only fair. 3 The 'I DO Bridal Campaign' is promoting the sale of Fairtrade Gold wedding rings. With St Valentine's Day this month in mind, engaged couples are invited to share their romantic stories to win £1500 wedding rings See page 11 in the February edition of THE DOOR [Diocesan newspaper] In Fairtrade Fortnight [22 Feb-6 March] Deddington School will have a Fair Trade themed Assembly at 2.45 on 27 Feb, and host a Traidcraft stall at 2.45 on 6 March. On Sat 28 Feb Deddington Fairtraders of course have their regular stall in church at the Farmers' Market, selling Divine Chocolate and FairPalm products - but not gold or bananas. We turned over £6000 last year - thanks to you! When Janet Chapman was interviewed for the role of Vicar at St Mary's Banbury, she told her interviewers that her three priorities were "God, Justice and Chocolate not necessarily in that order." She then gave the panel a bar of Divine Chocolate and told them to share it among themselves - fairly. She was given the job. We are praying for Annie Goldthorp as she settles into the vicarage in Earl's Close. We look forward to her induction on Thursday 12 February at 7.30pm. She has chosen for us all to sing: Brother, sister let me serve you Let me be as Christ to you Pray that I may have the grace To let you be my servant, too Instead of giving up something for Lent this year, decide to take up Fairtrade products so that we can serve our brothers and sisters, and be as Christ to them. Christopher Hall to everyone in the Benefice for your gifts and good wishes. I am not moving to Scotland yet but I'll let you know the new address when I get there. With good wishes for the future of Deddington Benefice. Rosemary 4 SAINTS ALIVE! February 10th: SCHOLASTICA, sister of Benedict, Abbess of Plombariola, c.543 Scholastica is a more shadowy figure than her famous brother, St Benedict. She too was born at Nursia, central Italy, around the year 480. At an early age she chose to consecrate herself to God, but probably continued to live at home. Only after Benedict moved to Monte Cassino did she settle at Plombariola nearby, joining or maybe founding a nunnery under his direction. As abbess she sought to follow his Rule, and met him each year at a house near his monastery where they would praise God together and discuss spiritual matters. She died in about the year 543. Benedict had a vision of her soul rising up to heaven and, collecting her body, he had her buried in the tomb prepared for himself. Scholastica soon became a figure for veneration by all nuns who followed Benedict's Rule. February 16th: JANANI LUWUM, Archbishop, Martyr d. 1977 Janani Luwum was born in northern Uganda. He became a teacher and was converted to Christianity in 1948. He was ordained in 1956 and served in parishes in the Upper Nile. His abilities were recognized in 1966 when he became Provincial Secretary of the Church of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and BogaZaire. He was consecrated Bishop of Northern Uganda in 1969. President Obote and Chief of Staff, Idi Amin, were in the congregation. Two years later, Amin was in power. Bishop Luwum was known as a faithful visitor to his parishes and also had a growing influence at international gatherings of the Anglican Communion. He was elected the Archbishop of Uganda in 1974. He must have known the likely outcome of standing up to the President, saying on one occasion, ‘I do not know how long I shall occupy this chair. I live as though there will be no tomorrow… While the opportunity is there, I preach the Gospel with all my might, and my conscience is clear before God.’ On 5 February 1977 the Archbishop's house was raided by soldiers who said they had been ordered to look for arms. On 8 February the Archbishop and nearly all the Ugandan bishops met and drafted a letter of protest to the President and asked to see him. A week later, on 16 February, the Archbishop and six bishops were publicly arraigned in a show trial and were accused of smuggling arms. Archbishop Luwum was not allowed to reply, but shook his head in denial. The President concluded by asking the crowd:"What shall we do with these traitors?" The soldiers replied "Kill him now". The Archbishop was separated from his bishops. As he was taken away Archbishop Luwum turned to his brother bishops and said:"Do not be afraid. I see God's hand in this." 9 For your diary... Sightsavers The problem There are 39 million blind people in the world, but 80 per cent of blindness could be prevented or cured. That’s 31.2 million people who are blind when it could have been avoided. Shocked at how unfair this is? So are we. But you can help us do something about it. We want to eliminate avoidable blindness and support people who are irreversibly blind or disabled to live independently. For every £1 we receive (including donated supplies) 94.p is spent on our vital work 0.5p keeps us running 5.p grows awareness and funds Regular Events NB: Tracey (Bullard) lived in Barford St Michael and was a parish councillor and a very active member of the village, serving on many committees. She was particularly keen on raising funds to support a Mother and Baby Home in Nepal that she had visited. (Editor.) 8 Monday 6.45pm BB Band Practice* Deddington 7.30-9.00pm Bell Ringing Practice Deddington Wednesday 5.30pm BB Anchors * Windmill Centre 5.30pm BB Juniors * Windmill Centre 7.15pm BB Company Section * Deddington Friday 10-12.00am Katharine House Hospice Deddington Coffee Morning / Solemates Footcare 7.45pm Choir Practice Deddington Saturday 9.30am Deddington Farmers’ Deddington th Market [4 Saturday] *these events take place during term time only 5 Events Update February 2015 All events to be held in Deddington Parish Church – unless otherwise indicated. Amendments and additions (in bold throughout text). Unconfirmed bookings in italics. The calendar of events may be viewed on the internet via DOL (Deddington on Line) follow the links Deddington Church What’s on & calendar of events Google Calendar Banbury Bellringers Social Evening Induction of new Vicar ‘Rhythm is Life’ Concert Deddington Primary School Banbury Symphony Orchestra Sat 7th Feb 6.30pm Thurs 12th Feb 7.30pm Sat 14th Feb 7.30pm Tues 3rd Mar 9.30am-12 noon tbc Sat 21st Mar 7.30pm (Set up from 1.15 Rehearsal 2.00-5.00pm) Warriner Choral Society* Sat 28th Mar 7.30pm NB: (Stage construction after Farmers’ Market. Rehearsal 2.30-5.30pm) Neil Colledge Piano Recital Sat 18th April 7.30pm Wedding Sat 2nd May 2.00pm Bells, Choir, Organ Private Party Sun 17th May from 1pm Deddington Parish Show Sat 5th Sept All Day (Preparation 2.00-5.00pm Fri 4th Sept) Wedding Sat 19th Sept tba Warriner Choral Society* Sat 7th Nov 7.30pm (Stage construction morning. Rehearsal 2.30-5.30pm) Banbury Symphony Orchestra Sat 21st Nov 7.30pm (Set up from 1.15 Rehearsal 2.00-5.00pm) * Kitchen booked for this event Tel. 01869 338017 E-mail; [email protected] Please contact Sue Addison, Benefice Secretary, for all Church bookings. Something for Lent Please sign up on the list in Deddington Church if you would like to share in a series of meetings on Tuesday evenings from 24 February and / or Wednesday afternoon from 25th February. Topics to be decided. 6 REPORTS are needed on Deddington and Hempton Church activities for inclusion in the Annual Parish Magazine to be published for distribution prior to the APCM on 23rd April 2015. Please send items to Sue Addison [[email protected]] or leave them in the folder at the back of Deddington Church as soon as they are ready. Deadline: Friday 22nd March!!! Last year’s contributors included: Vicar’s Report Deddington PCC Treasurer Churchwardens’ Report St John the Evangelist, Hempton Choir Report Sacristans’ Report Youth Work Deddington Pastoral Care Group First Sunday services i-tea and biscuits Home Groups Katharine House Coffee Mornings 1st Deddington Boys’ Brigade Deddington Fair Traders Deanery Synod Christian Aid Children’s Activities Ride & Stride If you are involved in a group that is contributing to Parish Life, please write a short piece for the magazine. Photographs of Parish events will be very welcome. 7
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