February, 2015 Congratulations, Don Swatik, 2014 Skipper of the Year! Congratulations to Don Swatik for earning the honor of being named Skipper of the Year for 2014 by the Fleet Committee! Don was an active member during the past year and he attended several of the cruising events, such as the Key Largo Angler’s Club cruise and the Dry Tortugas cruise. Don was also the fleet skipper for this year’s long cruise around the Florida peninsula. Don lead the fleet up the east coast of Florida, stopping at many destinations along the way before heading west through the locks of the Okeechobee Waterway and then finally back down the west coast of Florida arriving back in Marathon. Don and his wife Dee joined the Club in 2007 and have been active members during those years. Don is currently the MYC Treasurer and sits on the Finance Committee. Don also chairs both the Insurance and Long Range Planning Committees at MYC. His commitment to the Club goes far beyond participating in the cruising activities. Don has been an avid boater for many years, enjoying both cruising and fishing. You can find Don out on the water in TACHYON, his 44-foot Albin Marine Command Bridge vessel. Don’s enthusiasm for the water is contagious and if you spend enough time with him you’ll realize why he is the winner of this prestigious award. Thank you, Don, for your extraordinary participation in so many areas of the Club and for your earning of the 2014 Skipper of the Year award! From The Bridge Marathon Yacht Club 33rd Street, Gulf Marathon, Florida 33050 By Commodore Ralph Girkins MarathonYachtClub.com Member: Florida Council of Yacht Clubs Listed: Register of American Yacht Clubs Dear Members, Taking watch for as your Commodore will be a very exciting and rewarding experience for me! My wife and I have belonged to many clubs in Ohio, but neither of us has served as commodore. Working and raising five children never allowed that to happen. The Courtyard Renovation Project and Swimming Pool promise to make this year very exciting. The improvements will certainly attract younger members and more reciprocal visitors from other yacht clubs. In addition, milliondollar view and new Tiki Hut will enhance the quality of all of our functions. It is certainty exciting to see so many people back for the season. We all need to keep the dining room and bar busy. promises to keep our food & beverage the finest in town. Your part is to keep making reservations. It will be my job to continue implementing the Long Range Plan for the and stay consistent with the detailed guidelines. Our three lines of business will be closely monitored and enhanced. We have a lot of new local competition in town and we want to make sure our Club is the best place to be! I want to thank everyone who stayed on the Board and welcome all the new officers, chairs and committee members. The new Bridge, with and , will be awesome. We really have wonderful leadership throughout the Club. All of our Committee Chair positions have been filled, with the exception of Membership, and we are looking for the right volunteer for this important position. Please contact me if you are interested. The is a very important commitment that has kept for years. As a result, has received great community recognition. We need someone to coordinate our wonderful Club’s participation in this year’s event. Cancer is a horrible thing and we are always proud to do our part to support the search for its cure. has done a terrific job taking over the . The is running great and will certainly help to keep the community’s perception of positive. The is an important fundraiser for . It will take place Saturday, February 21st, at Municipal Park. As an organization in such a small town, and his board need your support. . This will A special thanks goes out to be Linda’s 11th year, as editor of the BELL. This is a huge commitment. All members of also need to keep to our common goal regarding membership. We are projecting many new members for this year. It takes every one of us to keep the vibrant and successful. Let’s all do our part to make our Club grow. 2 the A Parting Word... from Past Commodore Greg Konrath As my term as your Commodore has come to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people who have made my term a great success. Many thanks to: The Bridge and the Board of Governors, along with and his Finance Committee, and and the House Committee, for such a fantastic job finishing a multitude of projects around the Club; and the Pool Committee for the countless hours they put in these last months on the courtyard renovation project; The Entertainment Committee co-chairs and for an excellent job finding an array of entertainment for our Club this past year; and his committee for the variety of land and sea excursions that have occurred this last year; as Fleet Education Coordinator and MYC Educational Foundation Chairman for all of his hard work and all the courses we were able to start this year. Way to go! What a great job moving forward with this Foundation; and their combined committees for the fine job with Membership and Hospitality; for staying on top of everything that goes on in the marina. “Nothing gets by you, great job;” , the Auxiliary and all its members for coming to our aid whenever needed. Thank you, we couldn’t have done it without you; Long Range Plan Chairman for all the planning and strategic information he has provided over the last three years. It has been a crucial component to the longevity of our Club; and the Blue Gavel for their participation in Club activities throughout the past year. FCYC Director for keeping us up to date on the happenings of the Florida Council Thank you and good luck in the coming year; An extra special commendation goes out to for the fine job she has done on the Bell every month. Without her you would not be reading this right now; for working so diligently on redoing the bylaws; Last - but certainly not least - a great deal of gratitude to , and the staff for making our Club run as smoothly as it has in this past year. I have personally enjoyed many wonderful evenings because of them. Remember that this Club thrives because of the active participation of its members. Come out and join in, no matter what your talents and experience! It’s YOUR Club. Help make it the best! In closing it has been an honor and a pleasure serving as your commodore of the Marathon Yacht Club. Thank You All. 3 From the Helm by Tony Granaghan, Club Manager On behalf of the , we welcome our new Commodore, , to the bridge. We are looking forward to working together with all of the returning and new committee members toward the continued success of the Club. Every year in the month of January there is a Change of Watch. Terms expire for Flag Officers, Board of Governors, Committee Chairs, and the Auxiliary. All have imparted their knowledge and given their time and energy toward the betterment of your Club. It has been an honor working with each of these members. I applaud them for giving of themselves so selflessly to their Club. A big heartfelt thank you from all of us at goes out to our Bell editor, starting her eleventh year of keeping us all informed. We are so grateful for all you do. Also a big heartfelt thank you goes out to who (among the many hats she wears) will be hanging up the hostess cap. Thank you we appreciate all that you do to make MYC a better place to be. The increased support and growth of our membership is a sure sign that is headed in the right direction. That being said, this is the best time of the year to encourage friends and neighbors to join your Club! We have narrowed the search for the appropriate candidates to fill the Accounting/Office assistant and Business Development Director positions. We’re confident that the new job descriptions will afford more efficient use of personnel and better utilization of existing skill sets. We look forward to seeing you at the Sweethearts’ Ball on Saturday, February 14. We’ll be featuring a gourmet meal for dinner and entertainment . will by We hope you have a chance to attend ’s second annual benefit for , with the , on Thursday, March 5. We anticipate a truly special event, with proceeds benefiting this helps kids with cancer attend worthwhile charity. medically supervised sleep-away camp. Boutique (Ship’s Store) is stocked up and ready to go for The the season. Stop by on Tuesday nights to see all the new fashions. To better serve you and your guests, we ask that you make your reservations early for dinner and special events. This will ensure better service and help with control of costs. Thank you for supporting the Club. Without you we would not be here! If you wish to receive your statements via email, please contact at 305-743-6739 or email [email protected]. I assure you that your staff and I will continue to do everything possible to make all that you want it to be. Please continue to share your suggestions and comments with us. 4 Auxiliary Update by Georgie Sage-Wambold, Outgoing Chair Dear Friends, please join us on Thursday, February 5th, for our monthly MYC Auxiliary meeting. We meet at 11:00 am, then we stay for a delicious lunch at the Club. All Club members are welcome! Our mission is to provide volunteer labor for the Club, and to raise money for the benefit of the Club and the Community. What fun! Please note that our March meeting will be held on Thursday, March 12th, because the Club will be closed on March 5th for the Howard Livingston Concert to benefit KOA Kids Care Camps (see below). Last month at our January meeting, we welcomed two new members: r and . Welcome to the Club, ladies! We also elected (by acclamation) our new officers for the coming year: Auxiliary Chair, , Vice Chair, , Secretary, , Treasurer, . What would we do without these wonderful volunteers? Also, on January 22nd, we had our annual fashion show under the able leadership of , and . DK’s Style Hut of 8347 Overseas Highway in Marathon provided some scrumptious clothes and accessories for us to view. Models included and . February 21: Nautical Flea Market: and of the MYC Educational Foundation are spearheading this event. Auxiliary volunteers will provide labor to help run the Flea Market. March 5: Howard Livingston Concert to benefit children with cancer is organizing our second (KOA Kids Care Camps). annual benefit. needs volunteers to take phone inquiries regarding the Flea Market this month. and need volunteers to help with the Jewelry & Accessories Auction on March 24th. Any has a shoebox full suggestions? I don’t know about you, but of jewelry to donate! My donations are in a ziplock bag! Drop yours off at the Club office, labeled “Jewelry Auction” and make room in your jewelry box for new goodies! Our budget, according to our wonderful Treasurer, , is looking good, with approximately $5,500 in the bank! Don’t forget to buy your MYC Auxiliary Cookbook—hot off the presses, and only $14.95! Thanks to and to for organizing this project. See you at the Club! Cheers! 5 Membership/Hospitality Committees by Ruth Olson, Outgoing Membership Chair Donna Saus, Outgoing Hospitality Chair Donna and Ruth wish to thank the members of the Membership/Hospitality Committee for their involvement this past year. and made time in busy schedules to work on open houses, attend meetings and review applications. Speaking of applications, please welcome our most recent new members: are full time Marathon residents originally from the San Francisco Bay area. They worked together in Tom’s Orthodontic practice for over 20 years. They purchased a home in Marathon in 1998 and enjoyed short vacation times here while working full time. When they retired, they moved here permanently. They enjoy diving, spear fishing and lobstering. When it’s too cold to go in the water, they enjoy fishing. They look forward to cruising with the fleet as well as spending time with friends who are already members. They have a 44-foot Aquila power catamaran named Keys Kat that is at their home dock. Thanks to their sponsors: and are full time Marathon residents originally from the Daytona Beach area. Steve was a banker and land developer prior to becoming involved in the marine business in 1998. They are co-owners of Shelter Bay Marine. They are interested in business networking the Club will provide. They have a 34-foot Venture named DESPERADO. Thanks to their sponsors: and . has been a Social Studies Teacher at Marathon High School since fall of 2002. Prior to coming to Marathon, she served in a variety of teaching and administrative positions at colleges and universities. She has also traveled extensively for research, teaching or study purposes, the most unique locations being Almaty, Kazakhstan; Beer Sheva, Israel; and Chernnoblyl, Ukraine. As a teacher at MHS and a member of the Business & Professional Women’s organization, she has participated in dinners and special events for years at MYC. At this time, she would like to become more involved as an active member with a wider variety of activities sponsored by MYC. Thanks to her sponsors: and . are retired with homes in Marathon and Charlestown, Rhode Island. They owned and operated an aluminum sand casting foundry in Massachusetts for 25 years, which they sold in 2000. Since they retired, they enjoy spending half the year in Marathon and the other half at their cottage on the Rhode Island shore. Thanks to their sponsors: and . attended our April 2014 open house. They are originally from Richmond, Virginia where George was a bond and commodity broker. Brenda is a former legal secretary. They own Maser Tents, which is an internet tent sales company (http://www.tentsandsigns.com ). George is a former Nevada Search and Rescue Deputy Sheriff and they are both members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. They have homes in Marathon and Spartenburg, SC. They have a 29-foot Bahia 6 Cruiser named RELENTLESS. Thanks to their sponsors: and attended our November 2014 open house. They are originally from S. Euclid, Ohio where Mike was in private practice and emeritus Clinical Professor of Medicine and Rheumatology at Case Western Reserve Medical School. Pat raised their children and then ran his practice until she also retired. They have been coming to the Keys annually for 48 years and have had an apartment at Sunset Beach for over 25 years. Mike is the current President of the Board at Sunset Beach Apartments. They have enjoyed the Club as guests of friends at Sunset Beach. Thanks to their sponsors: and and . We also have one reinstatement as a result of a program approved by the Board of Governors at the December meeting: are co-owners of Shelter Bay Marine and have homes in Marathon and Port Charlotte, Florida. They are interested in the business networking the Club will provide. Thanks to their sponsors: and . A is planned for . It will be held in the city park with lots of space for all the tax deductible donations we hope you are saving for us!! You will see flyers for the event around town and the Club by the time you read this. You can access information via our website at http://www.mycef-fleamarket.com . A fundraiser with is scheduled for An event with Diveheart is tentatively scheduled for April 2, 2015. Details to follow. We continue to send out letters to new property owners in the Marathon, Key Colony Beach and Duck Key area. If you know of neighbors, friends or business acquaintances who may be interested in joining the Club please let them know we will be having another opportunity to come to the Club during our next You can also extend to them the opportunity to come to Club and check us out at their convenience (pay cash or credit) or bring them to the Club yourselves for complimentary hot dogs on Sunday! You can stop by the office for brochures you may wish to share. If prospective members have any questions, they can email to: [email protected] . by George and Pat Hospodar Marathon Yacht Club members are invited to join all AGLCA members in the Marathon, Florida area for their 6th Annual “Sunset Celebration” on Sunday, February 22nd, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Marathon Yacht Club. The outside courtyard will be the venue for this event and the MYC will provide a cash bar with “Happy Hour” pricing. Everyone is simply asked to bring an appetizer to share! In addition, the popular local Keys band, “Four Sheets to the Wind,” featuring Bryan Foster, will be providing the party entertainment. This year, prior to the party at 3:30 p.m., , the President of Curtis Stokes & Associates, Inc. (one of our nation’s most successful and reputable yacht brokerage firms), has made himself available to give a presentation to our members and guests. The title of his talk will be: “ An Up-Date on the Current State of the Boating Market”, and he will provide our attendees with lots of information on techniques for making a wise vessel purchase today, preparing your boat for sale, and will also provide some figures on actual sales. His insights are always of interest to our boaters, so you are urged to attend his part of our program as well. We would like to have your name tag ready for you ahead of time since last year we had 140 people at this party! To facilitate the entrance process, and so we know in advance how many people to expect, kindly contact aboard “Reflection” by February 19th if you will be attending or if you have any questions. Email Pat at: [email protected], or phone at: 908-814-6961. Thank You from Your Bell Editor by Linda Presz We have the Bell because of the contributions of so many members, month after month. It is a pleasure to take time out to thank as many as I can. , who, First, thank you to month after month, label, sort, and mail out the Bell, ably assisted by Many thanks to all of you. The many articles and photos we have enjoyed over the past year came from so many members who generously gave their time to keep us all up to date with happenings at the Club. The volunteer Committee Chairs and Club Officers - as if they did not have enough to do - took the time to write their news articles every month. Many thanks to and and and and and photographer extraordinaire Our fabulous staff also takes time out of the busy schedules we give them to make sure that we have the most up-to-date calendars, birthdays, anniversaries, visiting yachts, and all sorts of happenings at the Club. Thank you to Office Staff , and (who cheerfully fills in whenever we need her). I say it often, but it is so true: there would be no Bell without you. 7 Night December 17th and have been hard at work co-chairing the 2015 Entertainment Committee for a few months now. A lot happens behind the scenes to plan, organize and produce all the great parties that happen during the year. and know all about that, having done such a superlative job during 2014. Tara and Ann extend a heartfelt “Thank you and Job Well Done!” for all of Moe’s and Shelley’s efforts. Theirs are big shoes to fill and we hope to live up to the challenge. We would be remiss if we didn’t also send an especially . She goes above and HUGE “Thank you!” to beyond every year to hand-make many of the decorations we enjoy at our events. Chrissy is an invaluable resource for ideas, entertainers and all around info. We just couldn’t do it without her. Putting on a year’s worth of exciting, fun parties takes a lot of help and we were so grateful to have plenty of volunteers at our Organizational Meeting on January 12th. Thank you to all that have committed your time and energy to make 2015’s events a success. If you missed the meeting, you didn’t miss your opportunity to join in. All entertainment volunteers are welcome with open arms (and possibly hot-glue guns.) We start off February with a favorite we’ve not had at the Club for a couple of years, Rick & Dayna Lieder, at the February 6th CookoutÉ Éand then Bryan Foster on the 13th. Valentine’s Day just wouldn’t be the same without Terry & Chrissy Stevenson for everyone’s dancing pleasure on Saturday, the 14th. Then we’re going to add a little Asian spice on February 20th with a Chinese New Year Party and Dave Scott to serenade us. We’ll close out February on the 27th with a group that’s new to MYC, “Fiddle Rock.” You may have heard them perform at Castaway’s. March is going to be SO much fun! Remember your college days? Fraternity and Sorority parties? Well, we’re bringing those days back to MYC. On Friday, March 6th, “The Blues Brothers” will be here to get us on our feet and dancing the night away – with or without our togas. The Sunshine Band will dust off their kilts and play Irish music on St. Patrick’s Day, Tuesday, March 17th. Yankee Jack will be here for the Cookout on March 20 and Bob Newman joins us on the 27th. We said March would be fun É what’s more fun than a 50s Sock Hop? Even though Elvis left the building, we convinced him to return and spend an evening with us on Saturday, March 28th. So dig those poodle skirts out of your closets, ladies! And this is just the start – we have so much more planned for the months to come. We look forward to spending many evenings enjoying food, fun and frivolity with our MYC friends. Read the Bell online! Get Club news earlier and enjoy color photos! Click on the Bell icon on the Club’s website 8 9 Educational Foundation Fleet Education Update by Al Fairaizl, Chair As the new Chair for the Foundation I would like to thank our former Chair for the tremendous amount of effort he put in to making this program work. Thanks go out to everyone else on the Board and everyone in the Club who supported the Foundation with donations and effort. As most of you know, the Foundation is a vehicle for providing support for educational activities and scholarships to the community. The real work that allows the Foundation to achieve its goals is done through the volunteer effort of the MYC Education Committee Members and other Club members especially the Auxiliary. Our big effort for February is fundraising through the MYC Nautical Flea Market, which will be held February 21st. Please look through all your unused or unwanted items for donations to the sale. Let your neighbors know that we would love their donations and, if they have a lot of items, that they could get their own flea market space and keep any profits. If you know people in other organizations or businesses let them know that they can get a space in the Flea Market and keep their profits. If the organization is a non-profit let them know we are providing free spaces as a service to the community. We have tried to make getting this Flea Market going as easy as possible. You may have more questions, and I’m sure that people outside the Club will have lots of questions. The easy solution is to check our website. The website should answer virtually all questions and provide necessary donation forms and contracts for anyone who would like to sign up for space. The site has contact information as well for any questions we haven’t answered. Type in the website address http://www.myceffleamarket.com/ or go to the Club website and click on the Flea Market button on the left side of the home page. Lets make this happen! Putting on my other hat, I would like to make the same thanks as above. The Fleet Education Committee for 2015 includes: This year the Fleet Education Committee has created three separate groups to focus on our key areas for 2015. Educational Courses, Flea Market Support, and - in response to requests by many Club members - a group to review and develop a sailing program that fits the needs of the Club and the Foundation. Education Courses has been the mainstay of this effort with a variety of safety and water activity-related courses. Mike’s most recent course on CPR was given Jan 17th. He has a course on Marine Hazards scheduled for February 7th. 10 The is an internal Club Committee for the purpose of advancing the seamanship skills of the Club members. The is a separate entity, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation founded to promote safe boating and water skills within the whole community. has volunteered to provide a two-part course on Basic Seamanship. The course is scheduled from 10am to noon on February 28th and March 21st. Keep an eye out on our the Club website and Calendar for more information. Flea Market As you would expect, the Flea Market Committee has been working full bore on the Flea Market with and representing the Auxiliary. Other project members include Want to help or have questions? and Get in touch with any of us. Sailing Program The issue of a sailing program keeps coming up over the years. The Education Committee has decided that we need to address this issue. We are in the process of establishing a group to focus on the feasibility of a sailing program at MYC that fits with the objectives of the Long Range Plan and matches the interest and capabilities of our Club. and have agreed to manage a review and put forth a proposed sailing program plan. They will welcome your help. If you have knowledge of sailing programs please contact them directly to help. January 16 11 Cruisers’ Corner Fleet Captain: Patrick Pesa Fun Fleet Skipper: Cindy Pesa Fellow cruisers and landsmen, It is a new year at MYC and we welcome as our new Commodore, as well as all of the new and returning committee members serving the Club. It is my pleasure to once again accept the position of Fleet Captain for the 2015 season. I would like to give a big thank you to last year’s and Skippers, and for their hard work. We are planning another exciting year for the MYC has been cruisers and members. This year recruited as our new Fun Fleet Skipper; please welcome her as she takes on this role. As part of the new MYC year, I’d like to introduce a new series in this column: These are popular phrases used in today’s vocabulary with nautical origins. Here’s the first one: I’m sure many of you may have referred to a friend as being ‘three sheets to the wind’ after a long night out on the town, but did you know this phrase was originally used to describe an out of control boat? The ‘sheets’ in the phrase refer to the rope lines used to hold in place the sails of a boat while underway. If three sheets are loose and blowing in the wind, then the sails will flap and the boat will rock back and forth - much like a member or two after a fun evening at the Club! In last month’s episode, we left off with our cruisers in the middle of their long cruise. This cruise, skippered by and , had our members circumnavigating the Florida peninsula. We pick up with our fleet continuing westward along the St. Lucie Canal to the Port Mayaca lock. This is the second lock our cruisers have encountered and the short lift up placed our cruisers on Lake Okeechobee. As the lock opened the fleet was greeted by strong east winds making our chosen southern route a rough ride. The day ended with our cruisers entering yet another lock in Clewiston before arriving at Roland Martin Marina where they relaxed and met for dinner at a local restaurant. The next day proved to be a long travel day for our cruisers as they navigated approximately 75 miles to the western end of the Okeechobee Waterway, encountering three additional locks and two manually operated railroad swing bridges. Their destination was the St. Charles YC where they spent 12 two evenings recovering from the journey and were joined by . Our main fleet continued on their way to South Seas Island Resort for a two nights stay, but had to cut the cruise short and head back to MYC sooner than the others. The fleet continued their way south with stops in Sanibel as well as two more of the FCYC Clubs before returning safely to our home port of Marathon. If you are interested in more details of this fantastic cruise, please talk with those members who participated, as they would love to share with you the great time that they experienced. The annual MYC Lighting of the Fleet was held on the first Friday of December. There were 13 of our members’ vessels docked and decorated for this festive event hosted by the Blue Gavel. The boats were judged in three individual classes plus a best of show which was won by . It was great to see members and guests walking the docks and enjoying themselves as the lights adorning the fleet. December also saw our fleet, skippered by and , cruise to the Galleon Marina in Key West for the 24th annual Schooner Wharf lighted boat parade. , with four guests, and participated in this event. The group was joined by additional members who drove to the group luncheon held at the Rum Barrel on Saturday afternoon. Our group braved the cold evening air as they viewed all of the decorated boats that participated in the parade. A fun time was had by all. At the time of this writing in January, our fleet was getting ready to embark on a cruise north to Everglades Isle. We will have details and photos of this cruising event in our next issue of the Bell so be sure to check it out. On Sunday February the 15th, and will skipper our annual bus trip to the Miami boat show. This is a sold out event with a waiting list so you will have to read next month’s issue of the Bell to learn what you missed. Fun Fleet Skipper has a day cruise scheduled for Saturday February the 21st to Bahia Honda State Park. Look for the sign-up sheet in the hall for details. Future scheduled events for March include our 5th annual Sunset cruise, the annual KW Galleon Marina cruise to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, and a Fun Fleet luncheon. Be sure to look for details for each of these events if you are interested in joining in on the fun.We understand cruising is not for everyone and we would like to encourage all of our members to engage in our fleet activities. If you have ideas, please join us for our cruisers’ meetings held on the second Friday of each month at 5:30 pm. We hope to see you there. A boat is safest at port but the fun is out on the sea; get out there and join us! Port Report by Bob Barclay, Chair The end of our Club year has arrived and there are twelve boats in the harbor. Two will be leaving the end of January with ten staying for the rest of the season. It has been a slow climb to reach these number of boats. The Membership/Hospitality Committee has been a great help with four new slip holders but we lost three boats for many different reasons. The dinghy dock has a full line of dock boxes and we still can make room for one or two more for slip holders. Although I was not here for Lighting of the Fleet I heard it was very good and well-attended. I miss Marcia, as we all do, but I’m looking forward to working with Deb Green, our new person in the office. The paper work is always a pain - but doable. February 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 Have a Birthday Drink on the Bell! 11 12 You are entitled to a FREE drink on the Bell if you are listed and you are in the Club on your birthday. If you miss the exact date, don’t worry. Just make sure it’s during the right month. 14 17 BONNIE POLK ANTHONY MCKissick Susan Kampo Jack Pettigrew Harry Smith Kim Dorsett Evie Anderson Deb Walther Charles Tara Gordon Younce Norval Smith Bill Schneider Linda Shenko Patrick Pesa Carolyn Cicalese Corky Meyer Dayle Salsgiver Ronnie Janota Alene Teynor Sandy Grouten Val Buzzetta Tom Young If your member number is hidden in the ad of one of our fine advertisers you will receive a free drink during the month in which your number appears. (One drink per issue.) 1 Padre Island (Texas) Yacht Club 1 Pelican Isle Yacht Club 1 Sunset Harbor Yacht Club 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Ken Mikle Kristen Brenner Phil Flagg Barbara Hewlett Connie Butler Billie Kline Bert Mckemie Moe Quinn Bruce Popham Barbara Hilfinger Bill King Ray Baumgartner Chuck Deutermann Ross Cunningham Deeann Harmon Ehrhorn Jessie Leird Steve Driscoll Stephanie Vedros Linda Shipman Skip Lefler Peggy Steelman FebRUARY 1 3 8 12 13 14 Fort Walton Yacht Club 19 16 19 20 21 24 25 27 28 13 Lea & Dave Ruesch Ericka & Matthew Sutton Linda & Chris Espeland Ronnie & Roy Janota Brenda & George Maser Ethel & Charlie Alferes Joz & Ken Klindtworth Diane & Fred Chaplin-Colvard Sherry & Bruce Popham Grace & Werner Lohmann Ruth Olson & Steve Shultz Evelyn & Hannes Engler Kathy & Terry Garner Evie & Joe Anderson Joann & Harold Brown Jo & David Grego 14 396 15 Marathon Yacht Club 825 33rd Street, Gulf Marathon, FL 33050 STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 22 MARATHON, FL 33050 Or Current Resident Commodore: Ralph Girkins Club Hours of Operation Bar: Opens Tuesday through Friday at 11:30 am, Saturday at 4:00 pm, and Sunday at 11:00 am. NFL Sunday with Bar Food, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Sunday Happy Hour, 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Bring an hors d’oeuvre to share. Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday Happy Hours 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Lunch: Served from 11:30 to 1:30 pm, Tuesday through Friday. 11:00 am to 2:00 pm on Sunday. Dinner: Tuesday Bistro Night, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, Pilot House Grill open 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Cookouts are on Friday from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Bring your own meat to grill or have the Chef’s Choice. Music 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Movie Night: Office: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Open Monday though Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
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