SOUTHERN AFRICA: Floods and Cyclones Update (as of 28 Jan 2015) MOZAMBIQUE: UGANDA Since the declaration of a red alert on 12 Jan, heavy rains and floods have affected 157,172 people (32,711 households) and the death toll currently stands at 120. The Prime Minister visited the hardest hit province of Zambézia this week. KENYA Despite logistical difficulties and initial delays, distribution of relief supplies is underway in all accommodation centres, and the restoration of electric power is expected by 30 Jan in the affected areas in the Northern and Central regions. In Zambézia Province, 456 plots of a targeted 2,500 have been assigned and occupied by flood-affected families. SEYCHELLES UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA The UN Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), comprised of UN Agencies and NGOs, is planning to submit a funding request to the OCHA-managed Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) on 28 Jan 2015. The request will be for approximately US$ 3 million and will concentrate on immediate life-saving activities in the sectors of shelter, food, water, protection and logistics. ZAMBIA MALAWI 638,000 MOZAMBIQUE COMOROS Tropical Storm Eunice Mozambique Channel 157,172 MADAGASCAR ZIMBABWE BOTSWANA 120,300 1,500 Rodrigues MAURITIUS INDIAN OCEAN SWAZILAND Country Legend 0,000 Affected People Tropical Storm 100Km Flooding Malawi Mozambique Madagascar Zimbabwe Total The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Creation date: 28 Jan 2015 Map No.:433v05 Sources: OCHA, UNCS, GAUL, MeteoFrance, Humanitarian Partners. At field level, the HCT is closely coordinating with local and central government bodies and NGOs to ensure assistance rapidly reaches affected families. A number of assessments are also underway. MALAWI: Rains continue to fall over northern and central Malawi, and to a lesser extent over the hardest hit southern region. SOUTH AFRICA LESOTHO Concurrently, the HCT is also preparing with local actors a response and recovery proposal covering priority activities for livelihood recovery, rehabilitation and repair efforts over the next 6 months. This will be submitted to in-country partners/donors for support, in response to the official request received on 19 Jan from the Government of Mozambique via the UN Resident Coordinator for the mobilization of support from partners in response to the flood situation. This proposal will be disseminated by 02 Feb and can be supported through Government, UN Agencies or NGOs. Affected Population 638,000 157,172 120,300 1,500 916,972 Displaced Population Feedback: [email protected] 174,000 51,000 43,000 268,000 UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) teams concluded an interagency assessment in Phalombe district and the verification of assessments in Nsanje and Chikwawa districts, and have now started to assess the situation in Zomba and Charadzulu. As the weather forecast is predicting heavy rains in northern Malawi, the assessment team will prioritize Karonga and Rumphi Districts, focusing not only on the impact of the heavy rains, but also on preparedness. In addition, the UNDAC team continues the support to the emergency operations centers (EOC) in Blantyre and district coordination in the 3 most affected districts (Chikwawa, Nsanje and Phalombe). A comprehensive situation report is expected to be issued shortly. The Preliminary Response Plan will be officially launched in Geneva tomorrow, 29 Jan 2015. REGIONAL: Two tropical storms have formed in the Indian Ocean, named Diamondra and Eunice. Given their south-easterly trajectory, they currently pose no threat.
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