The Herald February 2015 Music and Laughter Laughter is a gift from God. Ask Sarai, (later changed to Sarah) what it’s like to realize that God has done “the impossible.” All her life, unable to conceive and have a child, now at 90 she was about to give birth to Isaac, thanks to the Lord. “Sarah said, ‘God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.’” (Genesis 21:6) Music is also a gift from God. Ask David, who, thanks to the Lord, rid his people of fear and oppression by slaying Goliath. “……the women came out from all the towns of Israel to meet King Saul with singing and dancing, with joyful songs and with tambourines and lutes.” (1 Samuel 18:6) David went on to write dozens of songs, found in the book of Psalms, including Psalm 32 in which he writes (sings), “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Another Psalm, number 126, he says (sings), “Our mouths are filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’” Laughter and music……music and laughter. These two gifts from God are signs of God’s presence, evidence of our gratitude and faith, and expressions of joy that reflect the good-natured love and contentment of our creator. We are made in his image, but show that most when we laugh and make music, when we radiate the joy of the Lord, the trust of a child who does not spend the night ruminating on the electricity bill, or the barrage of daily news, or the harms suffered by others, or the burdens of mortality. It is this “laugh of love” that brings us perspective, that reminds us that we are not in control, but we follow a God who certainly is. It is the joy of those freed from lesser things, like the Godly woman described in Proverbs 31 who is “clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Laughing and making music are two types of barometers which truly tell us whether our faith and trust in God is healthy or lacking. I find that those days when my sense of humor is nowhere to be found, or it’s late in the day (or week) and I haven’t once sung in my car, those are the days when my faith in God is faltering, and I need a spiritual revival. Not that we should laugh or sing the day away. There are times to grieve, to wail, to ponder in silence….and to turn around. Yet we keep in mind that we are not alone. This life leads to a better one. We are sons and daughters of the God of Heaven. Heaven, by the way, will not sound like a monastery. It will not sound like a library. It will not sound like a hospital. “Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand. They circled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. In a loud voice they sang: ‘Worthy is the lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise.’ Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing: ‘To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power for ever and ever.’” (Revelation 5:11-13) Might as well, while we are here, get some practice in. Pastor Scott Sunday Morning Schedule CHURCH HOURS: Monday—Thursday Friday 8:30am—4:30pm 8:30am—3:00pm Closed every day for lunch from: Noon—1:00pm Information for the worship bulletin is due by noon on Wednesdays. This is necessary so that we can mail the bulletin to our shut-ins in time for the Sunday radio broadcast of the 11:00 a.m. church service. 8:15am Traditional Worship Adult Sunday School 9:00am CornerStone Café Hospitality Time Upcoming Herald news deadlines are at noon on: Feb. 18 (for March) March 18 (for April issue) April 15 (for May issue) Unless otherwise noted, information to be published in the Herald should be in the church office by noon on the third Wednesday of the month preceding publication. Please be thinking ahead to what you need to publicize in the coming months. Deadlines will not be extended. No exceptions. Thank you for your cooperation. FYI: During the colder weather, everyone wears a winter coat and many of them look alike. It is not uncommon for someone to take the wrong coat. To avoid this, put your name on small pieces of paper and leave one in the pocket of all your coats and jackets. You at least have a chance of getting your coat returned. Also, you might put your name in any book or Bible you bring to the church! Sparkle Team Work Day Hello, Sparkle Team members! Our first work day is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 21 from 12:30-2:30 p.m. We’ll begin with a potluck lunch and then tackle the sanctuary and Main Street foyer areas. Please bring a main dish, side dish, dessert or all three! We’ll have some cleaning and dusting supplies on hand, but would appreciate those who can to bring some of their own as well. Please dress appropriately as we gather to make the Lord’s house shine! Thanks in advance for all who participate in this very special ministry. Questions or comments? Please contact Debra Lucas. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Col 3:23 9:30am PTM (Praising the Master) Contemporary Service Children & Adult Sunday School 10:30am CornerStone Café Hospitality Time 10:30am Children’s Choir practice 11:00am Blended Service on WBEX J.A.M. (Children’s Sunday School) Adult Sunday School time Cherub Choir practice ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 9:30am 9:30am 9:30am 11:00am 11:00am Aldersgate (Upper Room) Bible Discussion (Chapel) Christian Sharing (Lounge) Generation J.(Lounge) Seekers Study (Fellowship Hall) PLEASE NOTE: The two new Sunday school classes — one for men, one for women — that were to have begun last month have been cancelled. Please see Pastor Scott if you have any questions. Member Attends "Life-Changing" Stephen Ministry Training A hearty welcome back for our newest Stephen Leader, Linda Jones, who just returned from an exciting week of training at a Stephen Series Leaders Training Course. Linda was among 380 pastors and church leaders present who trained in Orlando, Florida. The fast-paced weeklong course began on Sunday evening, Jan. 11, and concluded the following Saturday at noon. Stephen Ministers came from all over the U.S. and from dozens of denominations united in the mission: learning how to bring Jesus' love and care to hurting people. There is so much to absorb during the week. But everything is so well organized and presented that it makes it possible to keep up. At the end of the conference, they are given the 3,000page Leader's Manual that takes them through the entire system. What is the difference between a Stephen Minister and Stephen Leader you might ask? A Stephen Leader helps direct the ministry. They are the ones who recruit, select, train, and supervise Stephen Ministers .Their roles are more focusing on administrative and supervisory aspects of the ministry. The Stephen Minister training we periodically offer here at Walnut Street UMC is 50 hours and focuses on the actual caregiving skills Stephen Ministers will use in their caring relationships. Linda Jones will be joining the existing Stephen Leader Team at Walnut Street UMC consisting of Vicki Nichols, Janine Shilling, and Candi Barnes. Jane Roach will be stepping down as a Stephen Leader to pursue other interests. We wish her well and will miss her greatly. Thank you Jane for all your hard work over the years and the passion you have for this ministry If you would like more information about Stephen Ministry, how to receive care from a Stephen Minister, or how to become a Stephen Minister, please contact the church office or contact any of the Stephen Leaders. Stephen Ministry is a Christcentered ministry that belongs to the people of Walnut Street UMC. I encourage you to support and turn to this ministry if there is a need. In Christ Service, Vicki Nichols Blood Pressure Checks Feb. 8 The Walnut Street UMC Health Ministry Team will provide free blood pressure checks following each service Sunday, Feb. 8. The health team will be available 9-9:30 a.m., 10:30-11 a.m., and noon-12:30 p.m. in the church office. The checks are offered on the second Sunday of each month unless otherwise noted in church publications. PRAYERS HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLD Allison Augustine Pvt Ryan Bandy SSgt. James Bellmar, S.T.A.R.C. Major Andrew Blankenship, Air Force Sr Airman E-4 Chris Bower Major Colleen Kell Burgemaster Holden Corzine Pvt 2nd Class Justin M. Davis Sgt Tony Davis Capt. Matt Dresbach Shane Elking Brad Emerine Dwight Emmerine Airman Scott Fischer Sgt Adam Frump Steve Groves Capt Thomas Howard Ranger Phillip Jenison Spc Johnathan R. Johnson Staff Sgt Mark Johnson Kyle Manasco Tiffany Manasco SRA Ryan Murphy TSGT John T. Pohlman Daniel Robinett SRA Col Bridget Rourke Rct. Logan Shepherd Sgt Adam Squibb 2nd Class Mike Wesley PV2 Daniel Wilken Sgt Anthony Wilsey Please note that the information on military names is submitted by concerned friends and family and may lack some details, such as rank. February in the Sanctuary Healing Where it Hurts How do we respond when life is hard, when the tough stuff hits? Whether its physical, emotional, or spiritual stress that hits, how can we begin to find healing? Feb. 1 — When You’re Overwhelmed So many things in life can converge in such a way that we are just overwhelmed. Health issues, loss, relationship problems, stress, overload, loneliness, and the list goes on and on. We’ll let Moses teach us about being overwhelmed. Numbers 11:13-17 Feb. 8 — Bringing Healing As much as we would just like a ‘magic wand’ to make healing happen in our lives, we’ll talk about healing beginning with God. We’ll offer anointing for anyone who would desire it. 2 Kings 19:14 Feb. 15 — The Healing of Two Hearts The healing of relationships comes at a price; it requires a kind of “heart surgery,” yet God longs to heal us. Colossians 3:1-17 Luke 4 Lent Encounters with Jesus Lent Message Series This Lenten season, we will journey with Jesus toward the cross, and encounter him at various points along the way. The challenge for our congregation is to read through the gospel of Luke daily as we weekly encounter Jesus in the gospel of Luke together. Feb. 18 — “Return!” Ash Wednesday evening service, 7:00 p.m. Trinity United Methodist Church, 24 S. Mulberry St. Pastor Lori preaching Joel 2:1-2, 12-17, Luke 3:3 Feb. 22 — Push out of the Shallows Jesus begins his ministry challenging his disciples to launch out into deep waters. Let us begin our Lenten journey with this same challenge! (Launch out into a deeper relationship with Jesus!) Luke 5:1-11 2014 Leadership Report As we came into 2015, we realized that the new Leadership Board has now been functioning for one year! We thought we’d take this opportunity to share a kind of ‘one year report’ to let you know how things progressed under the new structure this last year. Overall, everything went Lori Lossie very smoothly. The Leadership Board took over the administrative functions of the former staff parish, trustees, finance, lay leadership, vision, and administrative board functions. Now we have a good feel for the rhythm of what happens when during the course of a calendar year. Here is a summary of what happened in each area in 2014. Trustees Our trustees were kept extremely busy over the course of the year. Here are a few of the major items: ● Repair of plaster in the sanctuary ● Clean up of youth room area after leaking pipes affected carpet and walls ● Purchase of new riding lawn mower as old one was old and too expensive to repair ● Awarding of three scholarships to college students ● Maintenance of apartment buildings continues to be a significant job. Repair of apartments is financed by their rent. ● Leadership team has approved money for replacement of glass doors. This project will occur in the spring. Thank you for your patience! ● Trustees also worked on getting a cost estimate for the downspouts located along the church. This also will be a project for this spring. Our trustees are working hard to maintain our property! Finance- 2014 overview ● A year ago, we finished 2013 with about $25,000 in expenses over income. This led us to cut our budget, as we sought to be very lean on expenses this year. We asked you a year ago January to please be in prayer this year for our financial health. And thank you for that prayer. As you will soon see, we have much to celebrate as we close out 2014. ● The “KEY” barometer indicator (our bank balance) increased from $76,567 at the end of 2013 to $122,818 at the end of 2014. This represents a $46,251 positive turnaround, which means that our income exceeded our expenses by $46,251. Included in that number was an extremely generous anonymous gift of $32,000; we are excited to report that even without that wonderful gift, our income would have exceeded expenses by $14,251 for 2014. ● The budget was prepared for 2015 and approved in December 2014. The budget for 2015 is $731,485, compared with last year’s 2014 budget of $728,000. ● Finances are a challenge to monitor. (Keep in mind that during the course of any year, our bank balance fluctuates by tens of thousands of dollars as neither income nor spending is evenly distributed over 12 months.) In 2014, ● the lowest point was at the end of July when we were about $10,600 in expenses over income. We knew that we tend to make that up at the end of the year, and so we just kept monitoring. This year, we were blessed with the very generous gift already mentioned, as well as a really good November and December — all of which pushed us way into the positive. A great big thank you to the congregation for all your prayers, gifts, and faith as we came through this year! Staff Parish Here are the major items handled by Staff Parish in 2014: ● Hiring of Assistant Business Manager: Mary Carl decided that she wanted to reduce her hours as business manager, and hire an assistant. We were very pleased to welcome Kay O’Connor as the Assistant Business Manger. Mary now works Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., and Kay works Wednesdays 12:30-4:30 p.m., Thursdays 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m., and Fridays, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. ● Hiring new Technology Coordinator: Neal Parks resigned as technology coordinator when he accepted a full time position with Wellston High School teaching Information Technology to 9th and 10th graders. We subsequently were blessed to hire Randa Rossman as our new technology coordinator, and she is doing very well! ● Custodians: Our nighttime custodian, Bob Vickers, retired, and we hired Lee Spurlock in his place. Then, when our daytime custodian, Blake Schoebelock, had to go on leave as he healed from foot surgery, Lee moved temporarily to day custodian, and Deb Lucas was hired to cover the evening hours. Blake’s foot continues to heal and he will see the doctor at the end of February to determine when he can come back to work. Also, Staff Parish has been informed that Pastor Lori will be chairing the West Ohio Conference Strategic Planning Team, which will entail three weekend retreats in January and February, and will help determine the direction of the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church. Please be in prayer for that process!! Books and Conferences As leadership of the church, we feel strongly that we need to continue to be learning and growing. During the course of this year, we read The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. We also went to conferences: a Spiritual Leadership conference on May 10, and a Church Leadership Conference on April 3 and 4. Our Finance Team took advantage of various training opportunities. We continue to plan for conferences and reading in 2015. Future In addition to handling the administrative function of the church, we are prayerfully hoping this year the leadership board can add some strategic planning. Stay tuned! As a reminder, here is a list of our Leadership Board, and know that you can always find this list in the café: John Henricks (Chairperson), Ralph Roach (Vice Chairperson), Joyce Atwood (Continued on page 6) Leadership Report … (Continued from page 5) (Staff Parish Representative), Eric Wissler (Staff Parish Representative), Shane Mathey, (Trustee Representative), Martin Quanci (Trustee Representative), Gini Tarbill (Stewardship Representative), Wayne Holland (Stewardship Representative), David Smith (Lay Leader), Jeff Lehner (At Large+connecting people), Mandy Van Deusen, (At Large+children), Jill Adams (At Large+outreach) Preschool Registration Starts March 2 Walnut Street Children's School (WSCS) will begin registration for the 2015-2016 school year March 2 for children of Walnut Street UMC members. Students currently enrolled at WSCS who are not church members can reenroll beginning March 9. Registration will open to the general public March 23. To register your child, please pick up a 2015-2016 registration form and drop it and the $50 registration fee off at the preschool office or the mailbox inside the church office. Registration is first come, first served. Registration forms must be completely filled out and the fee must be paid in order to hold a spot for your child! Tuition forms and rates can be found on the school’s website — — under the documents and forms tab. If you have questions, please call the Kelli Gothard at the preschool at 775-2525. Upcoming Learning Opportunities Here are some wonderful training opportunities offered through our Shawnee Valley District of the United Methodist Church. Pastor Lori will be attending these events, so let us know if you’d like to carpool! "How does the church reach out to the folks in our community who struggle with addiction/co-dependency/ enabling?” Feb. 3, 10 a.m., Tyler Memorial UMC, 260 Mill Street, Chillicothe, 45601 Speaker- Barry Bennett "Ministry with the Public School System and the use of Summer programs to reach At-Risk Young People" March 3, 10 a.m., Location- TBA Speaker- RaNae Street/Dawn Trapp Luke 4 Lent 4 United Methodist Churches Reading Through the Gospel of Luke Beginning Feb. 18 As many of you know, the season of Lent is the period of time beginning approximately six weeks prior to Easter (beginning with Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18, this year) and concluding with Easter, April 5. This year, we’re going to do something special! The four United Methodist Churches in Chillicothe are joining forces! We will all be reading through the gospel of Luke, and we will have a daily reading calendar, so we will all be reading through the same passages every day. In reading through the gospel of Luke, we will be journeying with Jesus toward the cross of Holy Week. We will have four special evening worship services, rotating location, preacher, liturgist, and special music. (All Sunday morning services will be at our own churches.) All four churches will participate in all four evening worship services and rotate locations. What a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and to be unified in Christ. What follows is a chart detailing each of the four worship services, their locations and other elements. All worship services are at 7:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18, 7:00 p.m. Location: Trinity UMC, 24 S. Mulberry St. Preacher: Pastor Lori Lossie Liturgist: supplied by Tyler UMC Special Music: supplied by First UMC Palm Sunday Evening, March 29, 7:00 p.m. Location: Tyler UMC, 260 Mill St. Preacher: Pastor Kurt King Liturgist: supplied by First UMC Special Music: provided by Walnut Street UMC Maundy Thursday Evening, April 2, 7:00 p.m. Location: Walnut Street UMC (praise band providing music) Preacher: Pastor Doug Cox Liturgist: Supplied by Trinity UMC Special Music: provided by Tyler UMC Good Friday Evening, April 3, 7:00 p.m. Location: First UMC, 585 E. Main St. Preacher: Pastor Don Mundy Liturgist: Supplied by Walnut St UMC Special Music: provided by Trinity UMC Additionally, we will be providing a Lenten daily devotion book, made up of devotions written by folks from all four churches. The Walnut Street UMC staff and leadership team have contributed devotions on behalf of Walnut Street UMC. What a wonderful opportunity for us to connect both with God and one another through daily readings! A Frozen Adventure! February 13 6 p.m. Please plan to join us with your preschool child for a great time of food, activities and fellowship! Feel free to dress your child up in their royal best! Please RSVP to the church by Tuesday, Feb. 10 for food purposes. Walnut Street UMC 740.775.7222 Walnut Street Children’s School 740.775.2525 Attention All Café Servers, Greeters, Ushers & Connections Center Staffers! Service Team Training will be held on Sunday, Feb. 22 from 12:30-2:00 p.m. (Service Teams are those volunteers who serve in the Cornerstone Café, the Connections Center and as greeters and ushers.) We are the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in action! Our continued service to others has had a great impact here at Walnut Street UMC. But did you know serving others not only demonstrates the love of Christ, but it helps us grow closer to Christ and to each other? Join Noelle McCoy, the Connections Ministry Coordinator, as we prepare our hearts for service in 2015 by equipping and recharging. All members of the hospitality service teams (café servers, greeters, ushers and Connections Center staffers) are strongly encouraged to attend. Lunch and childcare provided! RSVP by Sunday, Feb. 15 for food and childcare purposes. Contact Noelle at 614.425.2804 or [email protected]. PS: Due to budgetary constraints, this will be the only Service Team training for 2015. Please make a special effort to join us and don’t miss out! When a teenager received his driving permit, he asked his father, who was a minister, if they could discuss use of the car. His father said, “I’ll make a deal with you. You bring your grades up, study your Bible a little and get your hair cut, and then we’ll talk about it.” A month later, the young man returned to continue the discussion. “Son, I’ve been real proud of you,” the father said. “You’ve brought your grades up and studied your Bible diligently, but you didn’t get your hair cut!” The teenager replied, “You know, Dad, I’ve been thinking about that. Samson had long hair, Moses had long hair, Noah had long hair and even Jesus had long hair …. ” “Yes,” the father said, “and they walked everywhere they went!” Thank You … in Their Own Words Dear Members of Walnut Street United Methodist Church, On behalf of the Chillicothe City School District, I would like to thank you for your kindness and generosity. Our community day was a success, thanks to you. You fed many people in the community, and many of our students received a free coat because of your efforts. This event wouldn’t have been possible without you! With deepest appreciation, Lisa Clark Thank you so much to the Aldersgate Sunday school class and to Walnut Street Preschool for donations to Wee Care ministries. We could not provide to pregnant and parenting teens in Ross County without your blessings. Dear Covenant Church, Your donation of 12/30/14 for the Kinney Habitat house on Mechanic Street has been received and is greatly appreciated. Thank you for sharing in our ministry of providing decent homes for families in need. May God richly bless you. Scioto Valley Habitat for Humanity Dear Congregation, Your donation to the Good Samaritan Network of Ross County was greatly appreciated. It is through your gift that those less fortunate receive. (Households served: 1,070; individuals served: 3,536) Thank you, G.S.N.R.C. Angie Walls Wee Care Chair Thank You!!!! Walnut Street UMC, Thanks for your prayers and cards through this difficult time. God Bless, Glenda McCoy Chocolate Fantasy Scheduled for Feb. 8 The 22nd Annual Habitat For Humanity Chocolate Fantasy will be held Sunday, Feb. 8 from noon to 3 p.m. at St. Mary's Church Family Life Center, 40 E. 4th St. Tickets are $6 and will gain you entrance to the event along with four picks of the best chocolate desserts you'd ever want to have. I have tickets. So, if you are interested in supporting Habitat For Humanity, not worrying about calorie counting for one day, and want to have some fun, please put this on your calendar. If you want to purchase advance tickets let me know and I'll get them to you. Thanks, Wayne Holland The staff of Walnut Street Church would like to thank all of you who contributed cards, goodies, tokens of appreciation, and so many other ways that you extend the love of Christ this Christmas season. We appreciated each and every gesture! Thank you so much for making such a busy season meaningful and for sharing the love of Christ from your heart! Dave Ramsey's Legacy Journey Program Starts April 12 Since our powerful Financial Peace University (FPU) this past fall, we have received many requests for Dave Ramsey's subsequent program, The Legacy Journey. This program will be a great help to those who have attended FPU, as well as any other follower of Jesus, who are interested in leaving a legacy for their family, community and the world. There will be seven sessions, starting Sunday, April 12 and concluding at the end of May. The programs will start at 6 p.m. and last two hours. Childcare will be available. This program provides an extension of the wisdom of FPU, and you will be blessed by attending Captain Edward Reister McKee (known as E.R. McKee) 1843 – 1923 Historic Note by Julia Pierson February 2015 Captain McKee was one of Chillicothe’s leading citizens and a member of Walnut Street United Methodist Church. The Captain served on the Board of Trustees of Walnut Street Methodist Church, led the choir for 45 years, was Sunday School Superintendent from 1895 – 1899, was a member of the Organ Committee, negotiated with Mr. Stacy to buy our church lot, and was Chairman of the Building Committee. E. R. McKee Besides being President of the Board of Trustees at Walnut Street Methodist Church, he was President of the Elks Home Company, President of the Board Park Commissioners, and Vice-President of Chillicothe Cemetery Company. He was responsible for the Soldiers’ Monument that is in Grandview Cemetery, and directed the mass choir of Ohio’s Centennial Celebration in 1903. He was a member of the Sunset Club and the Chillicothe Country Club. He was a member of one of Chillicothe’s first families, and was the great-grandson of George Hayes, who came to Chillicothe in 1796 and built a house at Mulberry and Second St. His father died when he was 11 years old. He continued his schooling but went to work at Valley Bank to help the family. Valley Bank later became the First National Bank. Captain McKee rose to be the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the First National Bank. Captain McKee was a Civil War veteran, having served as a member of the Morgan Raid Defense Corps, who went to guard Cincinnati from Kirbey Smith’s raiders. He was sent on to Baltimore and Washington to protect the Capital. He took part in the Battle of Monocracy. Captain E.R. McKee married Anne Meek and they had three children – Edna, Mary, and William. The memorial gift that he gave to our church in 1924 has helped the church through the years. He died in the house where he was born. His good works and deep faith has been a beacon for many generations. In our museum is a picture of the Ever Faithful Class of 1/28/23, a Sunday School Class that Captain McKee taught. The class gave a pair of electric wrought iron candelabrums in his memory. One is in our museum and the other in our archives across the street. Research: a. Ross County Historical Society: Standard History of Ross County, Volume II. b. “Chillicothe’s Grand Old Man Answers Summons, at the Ross Count Historical Society. Change of Address 2014 a Successful Year for Soup Kitchen John and Maxine Dearth are now living in Maryland and would like to hear from their friends at Walnut Street UMC. They may be contacted at: The past year was a busy one for the Christ’s Community Kitchen Ministry. Volunteers prepared and served 4,883 meals last year, including those served in Fellowship Hall, carryout orders, delivered meals, and meals donated to shelters. Meals are normally served on the second Thursday and the fourth Tuesday of each month. 6500 Freetown Road, Apt. 105 Columbus, MD 21044 The Success of Love ... The success of love is in the loving; it is not in the result of loving. — Mother Teresa FEBRUARY 2015 DATEBOOK Sun 1 Mon 2 † See Sunday Schedule on page 2 4pm Snack & Learn 6pm Disciple 2 6pm Hole in the Gospel 6pm Youth Tue Wed 3 4 7am Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, Bob Evans, Bridge St. 7:45am 20/20/20 Thu Fri Sat 5 6 7 12 13 14 5pm Stephen Ministry Supervision & CED 6:30pm Praise Team 7pm Faith Foundation 6pm Snack & Learn 7pm Intentional Prayer 7:30pm Chancel Choir 10 11 8 9 † See Sunday Schedule on page 2 7am Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, Bob Evans, 9:30am Miriam Rebek- Bridge St. ah Circle 7:45am 20/20/20 8:30am CARE Outreach to McArthur Free Blood Pressure Checks MOPS 4pm Snack & Learn 4pm Soup Kitchen Italian Night 6pm Disciple 2 6pm Hole in the Gospel 6pm Youth 15 16 † See Sunday Schedule on page 2 6:30pm Praise Team 7pm Faith Foundation 7pm Outreach Team 6pm Snack & Learn 7pm Intentional Prayer 7:30pm Chancel Choir 17 18 7am Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, Bob Evans, Bridge St. 7:45am 20/20/20 19 Ash Wednesday Devotion Time A girl asked a boy if he loved her, and he replied, “Yes, of course.” “Would you die for me,” the girl wondered. After a brief pause, the honest lad said, “No, mine is an undying love.” 20 21 9am MOPS 12pm Lenten Lunches Noon - Herald info due for March issue 4pm Snack & Learn 6pm Disciple 2 6pm Hole in the Gospel 6pm Youth 22 23 † See Sunday Schedule on page 2 12pm Sparkle Team 5pm Stephen Ministry Supervision 6:30pm Praise Team 7pm Faith Foundation 6pm Snack & Learn 7pm Intentional Prayer 7:30pm Chancel Choir 24 25 7am Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, Bob Evans, Bridge St. 7:45am 20/20/20 26 27 28 12:30pm Connections Ministry 12pm Lenten Lunches 4pm Soup Kitchen 4pm Snack & Learn 4pm Leadership Team 6pm Disciple 2 6pm Hole in the Gospel 6pm Youth 6:30pm Praise Team 6pm Snack & Learn 7pm Intentional Prayer 7:30pm Chancel Choir Please note that all information on calendars is transcribed exactly from the calendar in the church office. If something is not included, that information did not appear on the church office calendar. VBS SAVE THE DATE!! June 15-19, 2015 This is your opportunity to be one of the VBS Planning Team members. Joining the VBS Planning Team makes you part of the team from inception to completion. We are looking for new faces and ideas to join our existing Team. E-mail or phone Amanda Ballentine if you would like to be part of this exciting event that happens every year at Walnut Street UMC: Call 649.3957 Or e-mail [email protected] Two Devotional Books Available Want to start the new year right, and get into a daily time with God? We have ordered two devotional books if you don't already have a plan for your devotional life. "Jesus Today" is the latest devotional book by Sarah Young. It is designed to help you read scripture and at the same time immerse yourself in God's love for you. The suggested donation is $8. The other devotional book is called "365 Devotions" and is a great way to get started with a scripture and devotion each day of the year. The suggested donation is $6. As always, if you don't have the money, please don't let that keep you from getting a devotional book; just feel free to take one. Current and Upcoming Classes A “New Beginnings” Membership Class will be held Sunday, March 15, from 4 to 7 p.m. The class id for those who would like to become a member of Walnut Street UMC or those who would like to understand the meaning and purpose of becoming a member of the church. Those joining the church will do so Sunday, March 22. “The Hole in Our Gospel” small group study currently meets Sundays at 6 p.m. in the lounge. The study, led by Dave Smith, will continue through Feb. 22. The study is the compelling true story of a corporate CEO who set aside worldly success for something far more significant, and discovered the full power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to change his own life. A “Faith Foundation” small group study meets Tuesday nights at 7:00 in the lounge through Feb. 17. Led by Larry McCoy, the study is based on the book Christianity Explored by Rev. Rico Tice. It is designed to familiarize participants with who Jesus was and why He is of absolute importance to every person who has ever lived. It focuses on the Book of Mark, which provides an accurate account of Jesus' life. The book is a supplement to the “Christianity Explored” DVD course.
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