St. Titus Parish 3006 K R, E N , PA 19403 P P: 610-279-4990 F: 610-279-8640 .. E: . P : R L A. L D: C G February 1, 2015 Jeu’ en hn e u M S Saturday Vigil Sunday Morning Daily Mass Mon, Tues, Fri Thurs Saturday Holy Days 4:30pm 9:00am, 11:00am 8:45am 6:30pm 8:45am 8:45am, 12:00Noon, 7:00pm S R Saturday aernoons 3:30-4:00pm or by appointment. S B Second Sunday of each month at 12:15pm. Fourth Sunday of month during 11:00am Mass. Bapsms are not performed on holidays. Parents presenng their first child for bapsm are required to aend Pre-Jordan class. S M Couples must make arrangements at least six months in advance of the requested date. Pre Cana parcipaon is required. A S Catholics who are seriously ill or weakened by old age are encouraged to request this Sacrament. Those entering the hospital for surgery are invited to receive this sacrament prior to admission. 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 P O H Monday – Friday 9:00am—4:00pm Evenings: Monday—Thursday 6:00—9:00pm B M Mrs. Frankie Ogden: 610-279-4990 [email protected] R E /Y M Mrs. Claire Boyle: Director/Coordinator, 610-306-3438 [email protected] C M D Mr. Bob Leso: 856-478-4137 [email protected] P S/B E Mrs. Maureen Lewis: 610-279-4990 [email protected] H R R S Principal: Mrs. Lisa Hoban 610-825-0160 [email protected] 3040 Walton Road, Plymouth Meeng, PA 19462 L N Children’s Liturgy of the Word 11:00 Mass Bethany Mass February 8th & 22nd, 11:00am “From the Pen of Father Len” Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Titus Parish, Praised be Jesus Christ—now and forever! This past Monday, January 26th, was the feast day of St. Titus - our parish’s patron saint. Although there is not much “specific” detail about St. Titus’ personal life (e.g., the exact dates of his birth and death, what he looked like, or his family background and occupaon), it is quite clear from sacred scripture that he was an apostle of St. Paul, admired and respected by St. Paul, and used by St. Paul to carry out some very challenging tasks that required the balance of a “firm approach” with a “gentle and likeable personality”. St. Titus obviously had the ability to deliver the “harsh spiritual reprimands of St. Paul” using “a spoonful of sugar” to make those reprimands understood as coming from “loving and caring father” (St. Paul) and, consequently, easier to “swallow” and “accepted” without being agitang or offensive. Here is the story of St. Titus as history and tradion proclaim it to be: Titus was a Greek, apparently from Anoch, who seems to have been converted by Paul, whereupon he served as Paul's secretary and interpreter. In the year 51, Titus accompanied Paul to the council held at Jerusalem, on the subject of the Mosaic rites. Although the apostle had consented to the circumcision of Timothy, in order to render his ministry acceptable among the Jews, he would not allow the same in regard to Titus, so as not to seem in agreement with those who would require it for Genle converts. Towards the close of the year 56, Paul sent Titus from Ephesus to Corinth, with full commission to remedy the several subjects of scandal and dissensions in that church. From Corinth, Paul then sent Titus to organize the collecons of alms for the Chrisans at Jerusalem. Titus was a peacemaker, administrator, and missionary. He rejoined Paul in Macedon, and cheered him with the dings he brought from Corinth. St. Paul, aer his first imprisonment, returning from Rome stopped at the island of Crete to preach. The necessies of other churches requiring his presence elsewhere, he ordained his disciple Titus bishop of that island, and le him to finish the work he had begun. Chrysostom says that this is an indicaon of the esteem St. Paul held for Titus. Paul summoned Titus from Crete to join him at Nicopolis in Epirus. Later, Titus traveled to Dalmaa. The New Testament does not record his death. Peace, Father Len Miraculous Medal Novena Following 8:45am Mass on Monday Divine Mercy Devoon Following 8:45am Mass on Friday Rosary Following every Morning Mass Sodality Sunday #095 9:00am Mass 2nd Sunday of every month. W N R! The St. Titus Hand Bell Choir is looking for anyone interested in becoming a member of our lile circle. All you need is strong wrists, a happy heart and the desire to add to the beauty of our liturgies with the music we make. If interested, please give Rose Sparano a ring at 610-539-3553. February 1, 2015 3 M I W Sunday, February 1 9:00am † Michael Kuhna 11:00am † James Walsh Monday, February 2 8:45am † Michael Cooke Tuesday, February 3 8:45am † Special Intenon Wednesday, February 4 No Mass Thursday, February 5 6:30pm † Joseph McGonigal Friday, February 6 8:45am Living & Deceased Parishioners of St. Titus Saturday, February 7 8:45am † Frank Kelly 4:30pm † Anthony Monastero Sunday, February 8 9:00am † Vincent P. Corbo 11:00am † Lucy U C I S J : Sal Pires M A: Chrisne Corbo S: Erin R. Crawford T W S. T S, F 1 6:00-9:00pm, Bethany Music Group Pracce, Church 6:30-8:30pm, Middle School Youth Ministry, Youth Ctr M, F 2 6:45-8:00pm, PREP & Catechist Meeng, School 6:45-8:00pm, RCIA Session 14: Penance/Anoinng of the Sick, School T, F 3 10:30am, Senior Cizens Meeng, Parish Center 6:00-8:00pm HR CYO Cheerleading Pracce, SH 6:30pm, Hand Bell Choir Pracce, Music Room, Sch. 7:00-8:00pm, Market Day Pickup, Social Hall 7:00pm, Ministry Chairperson Meeng, School W, F 4 7:30-9:00pm, Knights of Columbus Council Meeng, PC T , F 5 7:00pm, Learn to Pray the Rosary, Parish Center S , F 7 4:00pm, Rosary for the Unborn, Church 6:00pm, Living Bridges Evening of Prayer, Church/SH Welcome To all who are red and need rest; To all who mourn and need comfort; To all who are friendless and need friendship; To all who are discouraged and need hope; To all who are homeless and need sheltering love; To all who sin and need a Savior; And to whomsoever will. The Parish of St. Titus opens wide its doors In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! O F P Fiscal Year: July 1st, 2014 to June 30th, 2015 Weekend of January 25, 2015…….…...…....$9,470.75 Thank You for Your Generosity! Elecon of Godparents: One Godparent is required. Two Godparents – one male, one female may be appointed. Godparents must be praccing Catholics, 16 years of age or older, fully iniated into the Church (Bapzed and Confirmed) at least 6 months before bapsm. A non-Catholic may stand as a Chrisan Witness. Former Catholics are ineligible. Godparents must obtain a Cerficate of Eligibility from their pastor; Chrisan Witnesses must provide a copy of their bapsmal record. These documents and bapsmal spend must be received by the parish office one week before the day of Bapsm. Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul of: Charles E. Fees Father of Charles J. Fees Evelyn Burzacki Wife of Edward Ramon Bauza Husband of Gloria WE NEED HELP SELLING SCRIP ESPECIALLY AT SATURDAY 4:30pm MASS! Please call Parish Office 610-279-4990 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4 To prepare for the World Meeng of Families and Pope Francis’s visit, we are studying a catechesis on family life called Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. Each month, our parish is reflecng on one chapter. Previous monthly reflecons are online at You can order the catechesis and learn more about next year’s big event, at F 2015: C 4: T B O Our first three chapters reviewed basic Chrisan faith. We saw how confidence in Jesus opens the door to faith, enabling us to know God and what God has done in history. God creates male and female in his image, and makes a covenant with Israel and the Church. God is faithful to his promises, even when we sin. Because God loved us in this way, we spend our lives trying to return our love to God and share it with our neighbor. In this month’s chapter and in the chapters to come, we will study the implicaons of these doctrines for marriage and the family. When husband and wife promise to love each other as God loves us all, they make a commitment to love not only romancally, but also with mercy and forgiveness. Our culture somemes teaches us to think of marriage as a negoable contract between two individuals who happen to feel sexual chemistry. This view of love is a recipe for instability, since it is sll premised on individualism and the waxing and waning of romanc feelings. The Church’s alternave account of love enables us to transcend the culture of individualism and become who we were created to be. Founded on Christ, sustained in the sacraments, Catholic marriage builds humility and self-sacrifice into the dynamic between male and female. As this month’s chapter explains in more detail, sacramental marriage creates inmate communion even in mes of suffering and hardship. “Love is our mission,” as our Catechism’s tle declares, because Christ’s love frees us from false, shrunken accounts of love and makes us fully alive. ~Christopher C. Roberts, Catechism editor Did you know? The World Meeng of Families is for everyone, whether you are married, single, celibate, or consecrated! Talk topics include marriage, parenng, grandparenng, celibacy, dang, fostering vocaons, family life and much more. Visit the website for the list of speakers and talk tles: W M F C P : Thursday, February 19, 2015, 7:00pm Presentaon which includes a teaching on the WMOF Catechism and updates on event planning will be held at St. Maria Gore Parish, 1601 Dersne Road, Haield, PA. Register for this event at There is no cost to aend. AN INFORMATION NIGHT ON CHURCH ANNULMENTS When it comes to quesons of divorce, annulments and marriage in the Church, there are many misunderstandings and misconcepons. Quesons such as - “Can I receive Holy Communion as a divorced (and not remarried) person?” “If my spouse and I are married outside the Church, how do we go about celebrang the Marriage as a Sacrament?“ “Why might a non-Catholic need to avail himself or herself of the annulment process?” - are rounely asked by many people and oen the responses to the quesons are misleading, half-truths or completely erroneous. Msgr. Paul A. DiGirolarno, the Judicial Vicar of the Archdiocesan Tribunal, will speak at St. Stanislaus Parish to provide clear and accurate informaon concerning annulments in the Catholic Church. He will provide me to address quesons that may surface. Msgr. DiGirolamo is a priest of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. He has spent #095 many years assisng people who have experienced a divorce to explore the possibility of marriage in the Church. While the evening is intended for divorced persons who have quesons concerning a Church Annulment, the presentaon is open to everyone. Perhaps there is someone in your family, a friend or a co-worker who needs sound, clear informaon on this process. Be an ambassador of good news by providing people you know with the proper informaon that seeks to offer healing of the past and hope for a new beginning in the future. Tuesday evening - February 10th - 7:30pm St. Stanislaus Parish, 51 Lansdale Ave., Lansdale, PA 19446 For quesons concerning the event, please call the Rectory at (215) 855-3133. To begin a case, please call the Metropolitan Tribunal at (215) 587-3750. February 1, 2015 5 S. T O P Our next project at Valenne’s Day will be collecng personal care products and our first Lenten project at Ash Wednesday will be a canned meal drive. More details will follow. S. J’ H C P St. Titus Parish has been making casseroles for St. John’s Hospice in Center City Philadelphia for over 25 years. The casseroles are the “Main Course” of a complete, hot meal that is served to hundreds of God’s poor and homeless who come to St. John’s for their daily bread. Please do not feel restricted to the recipes which can be found on the recipe sheets near the casserole pan in the vesbule. Your favorite recipe is most welcome! So are store bought casseroles such as Stouffers or Oncor. St. John’s provides us with pans and lids for your dishes. If you provide your own, please use a standard “half tray”. Each casserole serves 6-8 men. Each month, St. John’s picks up the dishes from our freezer. Here are some useful hints: x Please bring your casseroles frozen to church and put them in the freezer located in the vesbule of the Social Hall. If the door to the Social Hall is locked, please leave the casserole with a sacristan or maintenance. x Prepare your recipe so that it can be eaten with a plasc “spork” (a combinaon spoon and fork). x Please mark the lid with the main ingredients St. Titus / St. Francis KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS M Altar Guild/Servers Bell Choir Bereavement Bethany Music Boy Scouts Catechist Cub Scouts Church Cleaning Church Decorang CYO Eucharisc Ministers Finance Council Fundraising Comm. Gabriel’s /Gardening Knights of Columbus Lectors Liturgy Commiee Music Ministry Outreach Pilgrim Virgin Statue Pre-Jordan Prayer Shawls Respect Life Comm. Sacristans Senior Group Sodality STAC Stewardship Council Ushers Jeanie Kirkpatrick Rose Sparano Nancy Granese Ken Yoder Karl Watkins Claire Boyle Jenn Schaffer Denise DiFerdinando Karen Haggerty Megan Patzuk Phil Killian Mike Sexton Anthony Saldu Parish Office Phil Killian Denise Hoisington Martha Heid Bob Leso John Barre Rose Fiorenno Lina & Tom McCracken Ann Blood John Harris Jack Fessler Bernie Pires Nancy Kolenda Bill Munro Kevin Tickner Parish Office 610-222-7696 610-539-3553 215-822-6012 610-272-6660 610-630-6326 610-306-3438 610-313-9066 610-272-6678 484-390-1217 484-744-0771 484-868-0875 215-480-5866 610-313-9063 610-279-4990 484-868-0875 484-432-5871 610-272-2309 856-478-4137 610-279-5086 610-631-1835 610-279-7891 610-277-7487 610-631-0532 610-476-6316 610-630-0962 610-716-5617 610-277-6926 610-292-7193 610-279-4990 Deacon Granese would like to determine interest in a Lenten Bible study. The format will include commentary, related teaching from the Catechism, reflecon, prayer and follow-up spiritual or charitable acvity. It most likely will be held on Sunday evenings during Lent. If you think you might be interested, please contact Deacon at 215-2926479 or email him at [email protected]. B S ! N M: Council Meeng, Wednesday, February 4th, 7:30-9:00pm, Parish Center Scrip cards are a great idea for weekly food shopping, gas, meals out or birthdays. Scrip is sold in the Church Lobby before and aer the weekend Masses and at the Parish Office Monday-Friday-9:00am-4:00pm, and Monday-Thursday evenings-6:00 -9:00pm. 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6 Deacon Claude’s Corner R C The Scriptures we heard today remind us that Jesus, because he is God, speaks with ulmate authority. So, when we hear him speaking to us we should not harden our hearts, but be open to His word (Psalm 95: 1-9; Mark: 28). Mahew Kelly, in his book, Rediscover Catholicism, may be speaking a prophec word to us about our Church and God’s call to us through the Church to become all that he wills for us to become. Through the generosity of several parishioners, this book was gied to substanally all families who aended Christmas Mass. The hope being that by taking the me to read the book, each family may be revitalized in their love for the Church and seek to become the best version of themselves by the grace of God; in other words, to grow in the holiness to which God calls each of us. Aer all, the Church remains God’s gi to us aer Jesus ascended into heaven. The Church gives us the Word of God and the Sacraments and protects them because these, through the grace won for us by Jesus, help lead to our salvaon; to help us become the “best version of ourselves.” However, we live in a me where in the Western world the Church suffers at the hands of those who chasse it and poke fun of it for its beliefs. Further, the behavior of certain “Catholic” individuals keeps from making Jesus’ presence felt in the world. In other parts of the world, like the Middle East and Communist naons, the Church suffers physical persecuon and many are martyred for their faith. In the face of this discouragement then, we as Catholic Chrisans need hope. This book provides that hope and encourages us to take a look, or a second look, at the Church and the teachings of Jesus Christ and why they are what this world needs and needs in a most profound way. “If today you hear his voice; harden not your hearts.” Here is a sample of the many posive reviews about this book: “As someone who was raised Catholic and has waned in Catholic faith throughout the years, this book came just at the right me. When I put aside my cynical views and opinions of the Catholic Church, I was able to learn a lot about the tradions and how I might try to praccally apply them to my life as an Adult Catholic. If you can just let this book speak to your heart and let go of all the negavity that society places on Catholic life, I believe it can bring great spiritual growth. I love the idea of being the best version of ourselves and I love the reminder that God meets us as we are. ..” Please… Read this book; be encouraged by it; and share it with others. If you have a theme, topic or spiritual maer that you would like Deacon Granese to address, please contact him at 215-292-6479 or [email protected]. A F S. T P As we connue to grow and evolve as a parish, St. Titus is looking for a way to beer connect to you. In an effort to update the informaon we have on file, we are looking for parishioners to provide your name, and an email address that you check regularly. There will be slips of paper and containers located in the hallway outside of church where you can provide this informaon. If you would prefer to send us an email electronically so we have your informaon, please email Deacon Claude at [email protected]. St. Titus will be creang an email list that will be used as a means to geng out important informaon to you, the parishioners. This informaon includes opportunies to gather together as a parish through events and service, as well as ways to grow in faith and through the Word of God. Your email will NOT be shared outside of parish use. Thank you in advance! Sincerely, The St. Titus Evangelizaon Team #095 February 1, 2015 S. T/S. H B M Bereavement Support Group St Helena School, Rt.202, Blue Bell ,PA Thursdays, 7:00- 8:30 PM February 19 - March 26, 2015 Please join us if you have experienced the loss of a loved one recently or in the past. The Bereavement Ministry Support Group does not consist of counselors. Lay ministers provide educaon regarding the stages of the grieving process, handling stress, emoons and loneliness, encouraging health and nutrion, and other techniques for healing and growing. Bibliographies for personal reading, ways to honor and remember loved ones, and opportunies to join with others who share your experience will be offered. All Are Welcome! To Register: Complete the form found in the racks at the entrance of Church and place in the envelope provided -OR- call Nancy Granese at 215-822-6012. D H P St. Helena in Blue Bell is offering a winter session of its Divorce Survival Ministry. This ministry is offered to men and women who have suffered from divorce, whether it was recently or years ago. The twelve-week program features thirty-minute DVD presentaons each week that cover many topics such as shock, denial, anger, grief, forgiveness, money, the courts, the ex-spouse, annulment and much more. Each presentaon will be followed up with a discussion and refreshments. The program will begin on Monday, February 2nd at 7:00pm in the Parish Meeng Room. Cost is $35 per person and includes a Personal Survival Guide workbook, refreshments and all materials needed. Sorry no childcare available. Seang is limited. To register, please contact Gina Malony at [email protected] with full name, phone number and e-mail address or call the Parish Office at 610-275-7711. For more informaon about The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide, please visit or 7 P ... Baby Anthony, Eddie Avancena, Alex Baronowski, Beverly Becker, Tony Bello, Nancy Booth, Edward Bowman, Savana Bross, Constance Brown, Mary Burns, Chris Burns, Francis Burns, Eileen Burke, Bart Cahan, Maureen Cahan, Patrick Campellone, Joseph Campopiano, Elizabeth Carriero, Frank Castaldi, Thomas W. Clime, Stephanie Collins, Joseph P. Collis Sr., Josie Collis, Donny Corino, Constance Coyle, Michael Cross, Sister Patricia Ann Czarnota, Carol Damiani, Ray Damiani, Robert DePetris, Donna Delmaro, Lorea Detberner, Jack Devine, Rosemary Dillon, Edward Donnelly, Penny Drake, Edward Dybicz, Leslie Ely, Elizabeth Fessler, Raymond Ford, Carmella Gallo, Mary Gilligan, Mike Gillinger, James Greenwalt, Mary Ann Greve, Robert Greve, Andrew Hamaday, Steve Hedrick, Earl Henion, Renee Hertzog, Michael J. Higgins,Richard Holmes, Lillian Hooper, Joan Interrante, Richard Interrante, Zander Jakielaszek, Jeff Kelly, Rose Kelly, Frances Kletzel, Judy Koch, Janet Landers, Lena Leodora, Samantha Madara, Joseph Paul Mascaro Jr., Regina Matheson, Shawn Matheson, Michael McAvoy, Sonia McCabe, Fr. James McConnell, Leslie McKeon, Larry Meoli, Margaret Meoli, Msgr. Anthony McGuire, Deidre Miller, Clara Monsimer, Mike Morrell, Dorothy Niechcielski, Tara Nori, Joanne Pagel, Walter Paquee, Joseph Perri, Rosalie Powel, Rose Ricco, Alice Rippert, Denise Robinson, Margaret Rogers, Steven Romano, Susan Rubio, Vicki Russo, Jean Sauter, Ma Schlo, Marge Shehadi, Leslie Spedding, Marjorie Spra, Carol Swanson, Margaret Swi, Michelle Taylor, Millcent Thurman, Olimpia Tranzilli, Isabella Stankunas, Rich Uhrich, Benjamin Luke Wallace, Mary Walsh, Rose Wagner. HELP US CLEAN UP THE PRAYER LIST. Let us know who we can add or remove from the list! S. T S A C Open to anyone age 55 or older. Meengs are held the first Tuesday of the month. Our next meeng will be held Tuesday, February 3, 2015, at 10:30am in the Parish Center. F R . L EN ’ S L A UG H ING C OR NER One day, Lile Laura watched her priest wring a homily. She could not curb her curiosity and asked, “How do you know what to say?” “God tells me,” the priest replied. “Oh,” Laura remarked, “then, why do you keep crossing things out?” L - ’ 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8 R C I A RCIA is for adults who seek to become fully iniated members of the Catholic Church. A F F ADULT FAITH FORMATION is for all who wish deepen their understanding of the Catholic Faith. RCIA and ADULT FAITH FORMATION meet together on Monday evenings from 6:45-8:00pm in the school. SYMBOLON: THE CATHOLIC FAITH EXPLAINED is presented. SYMBOLON is a beaufully craed series that opens up the faith in a way that helps us to know it, live it and arculate it to others. PLEASE JOIN US! February 2 February 9 February 16 February 23 PENANCE/ MATRIMONY/ NO CLASS A CATHOLIC ANOINTING OF HOLY ORDERS PRESIDENT’S DAY MORAL VISION THE SICK LEARN TO PRAY THE ROSARY! – Long to pray the Rosary but not really sure how? Join us Thursday evenings at 7:00pm in the Parish Center to learn and pray this beauful prayer! ========================================================================================================== St. Titus Youth Ministry REAL. RELEVANT. JESUS. STYM is a place where young people can come together, feel comfortable, be open and belong. We ask (and answer) some of the really BIG quesons but play some of the cheesiest games! We dive into some of the deepest prayer but laugh at some of the silliest things! We’re honest, real and relevant…because Jesus is. COME AND SEE! February 1 6th-8th Grades 6:30-8:30pm YOUth Center “WHY BE CATHOLIC?” February 8 EVERYONE! 7:30-8:30pm Church EUCHARISTIC ADORATION February 15 High School 6:30-8:30pm YOUth Center “WHY BE CATHOLIC?” February 22 6th-High School 6:30 – 8:30pm YOUth Center MOVIE NIGHT! FREE popcorn & soda! Saturday, February 28 – ‘STIR UP YOUR SOUL’ – High School 11:00-1:00 – YOUth Center. A deep, JOYFUL prayer experience! ========================================================================================================= U E Grades 8th—12th Sunday, March 8th, 10:00am – 5:30pm Archbishop Carroll High School For video: #095 FAITH IN ACTION! Confirmaon candidates and sponsors and parents donated and assembled MANY toiletry gi bags for Project Home! Now that’s FAITH ALIVE! CONTACT FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE: Claire Boyle, [email protected] OR 610-306-3438 February 1, 2015 9 If the weather is bad on a Sunday, you don’t have to miss Mass completely…. Archdiocese of Philadelphia Television Mass Watch the Television Mass Sunday mornings at 5:30am WPVI-TV — Channel 6 It will be rebroadcast each Sunday at the following mes: 9:00am DT-2 Channel 6 digital 10:00am La Salle University 56 5:00pm DT-2 Channel 6 digital The Archdiocese thanks Channel 6 for its generosity in broadcasng the Television Mass. The WPVI Televised Mass on WATCH ABC WPVI-TV — Channel 6 now offers WATCH ABC a special new benefit brought to you by 6ABC and parcipang providers at no addional cost. Just enter your TV Provider account informaon to log in and get the WATCH ABC Live Stream of the Mass! A S : P C A R A St. Mary Center for Rehabilitaon & Healthcare Connuing Care Rerement Community, 701 Lansdale Avenue, Lansdale, currently has personal care apartments as well as rehabilitaon care available. Our community is aached to a beauful, historic Chapel where residents can aend daily Mass. For more informaon, call 215-368-0900. J O PT Hospitality Coordinator at Malvern Retreat House. Dues include seng up for Mass and working with Rector, Msgr. Joseph Marino. For more informaon, please contact Jim Hall, Director of Hospitality, at 484-321-2541 or [email protected]. Pick up is Tuesday, February 3, 2015 7:00—8:00pm in the Social Hall. J O : Part-me work in medical office in E. Norriton. Job dues: 1) Assist paents and doctors; 2) Inventory and preparaon/stocking of rooms; 3) Light computer work including scheduling of paents. Previous experience in medical office not required, but preferred. We are very willing to teach all job dues. Friendly office atmosphere. If interested, please call 610-279-3080. 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10 C N Y C T The next Malvern Retreat House Women’s Tea will be held on Sunday, February 1st, 2:00-4:00pm. The topic is Be Anxious for Nothing: How Prayer Can Turn Your Pain into Peace. Please join us for this popular event. Register at hp:// register or by calling 610-644-0400. F, F F ! You and your family are invited to join Living Bridges on February 7th, 7:00-9:00pm at St. Titus Parish Social Hall for the first of many opportunies to gather as a faith community, to share food and fellowship and to revive your spirit through the Sacrament of Reconciliaon. This first event will be a “Coffee House” format, featuring Paging Samuel, one of the featured bands from Abbey Fest (check them out at: hp:// Bring the whole family and don't forget to pass this invitaon to others! L F Corpus Chris Parish presents Walking toward Eternity; Engaging the Struggles of Your Heart, a DVD series with Jeff & Emily Cavins, designed to help parcipants live their faith more fully. Program will be held on Wednesdays, February 4-April 1, 2015, at 8:45am or 6:45pm in the Corpus Chris Parish Center. Cost is $16.00. To register, send check for $16.00 with your name, phone number and email address to Corpus Chris Parish Center, Adult Faith Formaon, 900 Sumneytown Pk, Lansdale, PA 19447. Include session choice-Morning or Evening. Contact Eileen Dowling at [email protected]. S A Y C The Immaculata Symphony will hold its annual Youth Concert on Sunday, February 15, at 3:00pm in Alumnae Hall on campus. Cost is $10 for adults and free for children under the age of 12. Seang is available on first-come, first-served basis. Call for info/ckets,610-647-4400, ext. 3473. Tickets are also available by mail to Immaculata Symphony, 1145 King Road, Immaculata, PA, 19345-0703, with checks payable to Immaculata Symphony. #095 L U P Do you find it easy to pray? The Oremus (“Let Us Pray”) program will teach you the essenals of an effecve and fruiul prayer life. In this eight week study you will discover how God speaks to you, even in the smallest encounters. Each session includes a thirty minute DVD presentaon followed by group discussion. Sundays, February 1st through March 22nd 7:00pm to 8:15pm OR Fridays, February 6th through March 27th 9:30am to 11:00am St. Maria Gore Parish Center: Lower Level Cost - $20.00. Please mail name, phone number, and e-mail address, along with payment, to: Saint Maria Gore Parish, c/o Angela McClellan, 1601 Dersne Road, Haield, PA 19440 Y A R Will be held February 13-15, 2015 (Friday dinnerSunday 1:00pm) at the Marianist Family Retreat Center, Cape May Point, NJ. Call 609-881-3829 or For young adults (age 22-35, married or single) wishing to examine their personal faith in relaon to God, self, coworkers and others. There will be a me for Eucharist, prayer experiences, faith sharing, social interacon and free me to explore Cape May. Cost: $125 per person, double occupancy. Financial Aid is available. A M C This year, the Mom Café of Corpus Chris Parish will ulize the Momnipotent DVD series hosted by Danielle Bean. At each monthly session, we will view the DVD presentaon, then, conversaons on the concerns, challenges, joys, and unique experiences all mothers share. Join us in support of motherhood and momnipotence! The Mom Café meets on the first Tuesday of each month from October through May in the Religious Educaon Room of our church from 9:30am to 11:00am. Child care is available at no cost. Study packet is $30.00 and includes both the book and journal. Contact Angela McClellan at to register or for more informaon. $650 OFF 10% OFF JOBS OVER $2000.00 CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT FREE 10% OFF SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT INSPECTION AAA COSMETIC INC. ✔ Expert Basement Waterproofing ✔ Basement Remodeling LIFETIME WARRANTY ✔ Mold Remediation & Odor Removal Penn Square Dental Associates, P.C. Thomas M. Check Thomas C. Check 228 Bryans Rd. 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Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 Philadelphia, PA 19131 Please Consider Having Your Business, Service or Professional Practice Recommended to Our Parish Families Please contact Wyatt Grove at John Patrick Publishing Company 800-333-3166 ext. 176 or Cell 610-212-9298 John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 • J Fryer Landscaping BOYD - HORROX Funeral Home, Inc. Landscaping & Hardscaping “A Life Celebration Home” Lawn Maintenance Mulching Patios • Walks 610-277-7000 Spring Clean-ups 200 West Germantown Pike Parishioner • 610-277-1777 Dr. William Baldassano Norristown, PA 19404-0777 Richard J. Falicki Supervisor Personalized Funeral and Cremation Services Funeral Financing Available Local Parish Member Dekalb Pike Blue Bell 610-279-1811 Jennifer J. Riley Attorney Attorney at Law Bakery & Deli Mon-Fri 8am-7pm Sat 8am-6pm • Sun 8am-4pm 2014 Old Arch Rd., Norristown Reds Barbone Shopping Center 610-275-6664 610-272-8957 RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured FINE DENTISTRY Corropolese Home of freshly baked bread... Daily! PA Lic. #006806 Providing high quality, compassionate legal services for you and your family (215) 283-5080 585 Skippack Pike • Suite 200 Blue Bell, PA BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-337-0988 Donald E. Moore, Supervisor Look no further! ALLIANCE Blue Bell Rick Gambone Realtor, CRS, Parishioner Bus: 215.641.9500 Ext. 321 Cell: 610.587.2516 [email protected] Lorena Carlson Owner TOM MAGUIRE INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING ~ Parishioner Discount ~ No Job Too Small 30 Years Experience Fully Insured Home (610) 222-3824 Cell (610) 504-4800 Providing care for your loved one in the comfort of their home. Hiring Caring uals! Individ Diccianni Financial Group, Inc. CINDY DICCIANNI Experience Peace of Mind: Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. An Excellent Choice For Our St. Titus Families 610.539.0520 3118 Germantown Pike Eagleville, PA19403 CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY 300 E. Germantown Pike East Norriton, PA 19401 RN, ChFC, CSA, CLTC, AEP® Investment Advisory Representative [email protected] 333 W. Germantown Pk., East Norriton, PA 19403 office 484.681.9046 fax 484.681.9053 cell 610.864.8317 Securities offered through Leigh Baldwin & Company LLC Member FINRA/SIPC John DiRosato Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. Residential Commercial Industrial Or go to for free planning kit. Numerous locations. 610-239-7700 Hot Water & Steam Heating • Water Heaters • Bathrooms Present this ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. 2130 Carol Lane (610)277-2140 Parishioner of Visitation East Norriton Women’s Healthcare Obstetrics Individualized Pre-natal Care & Delivery Gynecology Specializing in Robotic Surgery Accepting new patients and offering evening and weekend appointment hours For all women’s healthcare needs, please call 610-239-8970 for an appointment Joann Sansone, DO Dominick Giuffrida, DO Grace Adofo, MD Jeffrey Blatt, MD Margaret Toth, CRNP Katherine Schneider, CRNP Francesca Kotey, CNM 325 West Germantown Pike, Ste. 300 • East Norriton, PA 19403 095 St. Titus, Norristown (b) R John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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