APIdays Sydney 2015 Liberate then Innovate Version 7, 05/02/15 – Subject to change. APIdays Sydney 2015 Workshops Axway: Mark O’Neill Security and APIs beyond REST OAuth in action for mobile apps and Office365 Beyond REST: HTML5 WebSockets for API access SalesForce API Access: Session management, caching, orchestration API Developer Portal tips and tricks WSO2: Mifan Careem Architecting an Enterprise API Strategy A good internal and external API management strategy and architecture is key to building ecosystem platforms that lead to successful API economies in the enterprise. This workshop will look at best practices in API management using the WSO2 API Manager and Integration Platform products, which are used to rapidly implement RESTful design, enforce governance policies, safely scale solutions, orchestrate complex interaction sequences, and re-use assets. The session will also look at reference architectures and architectural recommendations of building large scale API ecosystems. Talk Abstracts Prof Aditya Ghose Ben Franzi The Servitized Enterprise Australia Post & StarTrack – API integration for the logistics industry Ben Franzi will give an overview of the current domestic and global eCommerce markets before sharing insights gained from the development of Australia Post and StarTrack’s API integration strategy designed to meet changing needs of business customers in the logistics and supply chain industry. Beth Skurrie Consumer-driven contracts with Pact Microservices are all the rage right now. Breaking up code into small independent services has many benefits, but on the downside, it increases the number of integration points, which increases the amount of integration testing required. How can we be confident that all our services will work correctly together, without being burdened by complex and brittle integration tests? Learn how Pact solves this problem by using consumer driven contracts. Brad Drysdale The Innovators Delight APIs are giving companies a way to expose core capabilities in order to service new channels, as well as driving revenue to the very core of their business. As well as this, the proliferation of these APIs is also providing a very fertile landscape for innovators to rapidly build new composite capabilities by assembling APIs in creative ways. This session will discuss why it’s important to think of your business as a “composable enterprise”, what a successful API strategy looks like, and also how these APIs are driving a pace of change which allows innovators to come to market with offerings that challenge traditional business models. David Harrison The API and Culture journey at Freelancer.com Freelancer.com - the world's largest freelancing and crowdsourced services site. Freelancer.com has 14.4m users across 247 countries and 7m projects, Freelancer.com leads the world in many of the 700+ skill categories from app development to logo design and website building to copy writing. APIdays Sydney 2015 Frank Arrigo Telstra's Path to API Enlightenment Frank will tell us about Telstra’s path to API enlightenment. Hadi Michael Five Elements of Superior Developer Portals Are you failing to attract client developers and grow your ecosystem? Do you understand the human influence a developer portal can have? Our industry dedicates so much attention to building stellar user portals for clients, however regularly fails to deliver the same experiences on developer and API portals. We have the power to do better. As API designers and developers, we have the opportunity to influence developer experiences and decision making. In this talk, Hadi will explore the elements commonly found on developer portals, and identify those that consistently contribute to superior developer experiences. James Horton Beyond Privacy: Trust and the Personal Information Economy Privacy in the digital universe is broken. Software might be eating the world, but big data fuelled by mobile, social networks, cloud and IoT is eating privacy. We are now facing difficult questions about what privacy and consent means, as well as the ethical issues associated with how we gather, analyse and use data. In the face of these challenges are both risks, but also new opportunities if can begin to reframe our thinking beyond privacy to building new trust and permission based systems and models. Joel Wermut Symptoms & Treatment of APItis Organic API growth rates are increasing, with unprecedented cases of APItis now found spreading deeply across large financial institutions. APItis restores power and flexibility back to developers, however, left untreated it has the potential to leave your business unguarded and exposed to significant risk. The good news is that early signs of intervention are starting to pay off and can lead to really positive outcomes. If you’re interested in finding out more, including early diagnosis and treatment plans, this is the talk for you. John Sheehan Scale Oriented Architecture: Building Scalable Systems with MicroServices When John started Runscope less than 2 years ago, his team designed their architecture around "microservices" before it became a buzzword. Runscope's application is built on dozens of small services, connected through HTTP APIs, and maintained by a small but growing engineering team. Along the way they've learned a lot of lessons about developing, scaling and operating microservices. John will show how architectural choices like queues and proxies can help your services stay robust and reliable. They will also discuss deployment and automation strategies that will help you adapt to a rapidly changing infrastructure. Lastly, hear about the continuous integration and deployment techniques that have allowed Runscope to ship code almost a hundred times a day. Justin McIean APIs for Open Source Hardware CPUs that cost thousands a decade ago are now cost a few dollars. The Arduino platform has lowered barriers to entry so that people with minimal tech knowledge can create special purpose computers capable of changing the world. Open Source Hardware is in autonomous drones, 3D printers, DNA replicators, satellites, city-wide sensor networks, smart houses and wearable computers. In this talk I'll take you through an introduction to Open Source Hardware and look at the various ways you can talk to it, covering the physical communications (RF, ZigBee, WiFi, Bluetooth) and the software/API layer (HTTP, WebSockets, Can Bus, COAPI and MQTT). APIdays Sydney 2015 Kate Carruthers Welcome to the Internet of Things, by the way privacy is dead… The internet of things opens up new vistas for business and at the same time provides enormous challenges in relation to privacy and security. This session will provide an overview of some of these issues. Keran McKenzie Leading an API Community So you’ve built (or are building) your API and it’s endpoints are ready. So how do you take your api to the world ensuring it’s consumed? Join Keran McKenzie as he talks about the api developer community. Working at MYOB, Keran took the existing closed developer community and turned it on it’s head, opening it up and bringing new APIs to market. With in 24 months the MYOB developer community grew massively resulting in a vibrant API add-on ecosystem that now impacts thousands of businesses daily. Keran explores internationally successful developer programs looking at what developers love and hate, to show you how to create, deliver and maintain your own api community. Kin Lane The Programmable World With APIs And Containers We find ourselves at an interesting point in the evolution of compute, where data, content, and other digital resources can be defined as small, reusable, programmatic interfaces that can be consumed by any desktop, web, mobile, or device-based applications that is connected to the Internet. When you take APIs, and marry them with new approaches to virtualization technology like Docker, these API driven resources can now live anywhere in the world, within a specific region, within a localized data centers, or even in the bedroom closet, on a Raspberry Pi server. The combination of APIs and containers allow for an orchestration of virtual and physical applications, like we’ve never experienced before—join me for a discussion about the opportunities in 2015, deploying high value, re-mixable APIs, using Docker. Mark Hibberd Breaking Point: Building Scalable Resilient APIs The default position of a distributed system is failure. Networks fail. Machines fail. Systems fail. The problem is APIs are, at their core, a complex distributed system. At some point in their lifetime, APIs will likely have to scale, maybe due to high-volume, large data-sets, a high-number of clients, or maybe just scale to rapid change. When this happens, we want our systems to bend not break. This talk is a tour of how systems fail, combining analysis of how complex systems break at scale with anecdotes capturing the lighter side of catastrophic failure. We will then ground this with a set of practical tools and techniques to deal with building and testing complex systems for reliability. Mark O'Neill DaaS: Liberating your Data with APIs for Fun and Profit Real-life case studies about how businesses worldwide are succeeding with APIs, enabling new business channels and revenue. Mark Wolfe Beyond HTTP, Breaking Free of The Web For some time there has been a big focus on "The Web" and HTTP, this has overshadowed some of the other protocols people are using to build applications on the internet. In this talk I will provide some examples of other protocols which are being used to build applications, go through some options, and review the pros and cons of doing so. Matt Palmer Microservices: Fun for the Whole Family Exposing the components of your system using APIs is a powerful architectural model in its own right. However, that's not all. APIs can empower everyone in your organisation to automate more of their jobs and increase their effectiveness. In this presentation, Matt Palmer will talk about the benefits that a microservices architecture can provide for everyone, from the "techies" in infrastructure operations and customer support, all the way to surprising places like finance and Sales. APIdays Sydney 2015 Mehdi Medjaoui 12 Industry Propositions for an API-enabled Sustainable World. The API industry has been structuring itself really fast in the last 2 years. By fundraising, acquisitions, more and more companies join this industry every day providing tools to build, manage, deploy and integrate APIs for the next millions of other corporations that are launching their own API to the world. But from outside, the API industry value chain, practices, and dynamic is still chaotic to understand for companies that are opening APIs and do not want not re-invent the wheel. And this on a commercial, technical, legal, skills, financlal point of view. In this talk, Mehdi, from its experience in the API industry in the last 3 years, will share 12 concrete propositions that can be applied in 2015 to make this industry go forward for (at least) the next 10 years. Mifan Careem APIs - the foundation for the future connected telco Connectivity is fast becoming a commodity. The role of the Telco is rapidly moving away from traditional business models and focus areas towards a holistic, end to end solution provider for all aspects of the connected business. In order to achieve this vision and stay competitive in a rapidly changing landscape, the telco business model is moving towards a participatory model that leads to new collaborative business opportunities by exposing previously internal only services and features to the wider ecosystem and thus creating an API economy. APIs are the fundamental building blocks for this new telco revolution; be it a singular identity model verified by the telco, a global set of telco API standards such as GSMA OneAPI or a set of services exposed by Internet of Things style devices, API monetisation is fast becoming the business of choice for telcos which also leads to massive collaboration between telcos, partners, stakeholders and the long tail. With the right building blocks, federation models, global standards and ultimately APIs, a mobile developer can now build apps that work with telcos and across telcos covering the entire globe. In this session, Mifan will look at how the future telco can accelerate their digital strategies by building an effective Developer API ecosystem that encourages participatory business models leading to APIs as the currency for a digital economy. Mike Amundsen Liberating the API Economy with Scale-Free Networks The Web exhibits a feature found in many complex systems known as "Scale-Free" or "Power-Law" networks, sometimes called the "long tail" Most people think of the "long tail" as an economic and/or social property. However, it also represents physical and informational properties fundamental to the way the Web works. But the steady increase in major service outages indicate that many current Web APIs, services, and even client applications ignore this basic "law of the Web." This talk explores the "Scale-Free" rule of complex systems and offers clear and simple advice to those planning to build and/or consume APIs for the Web. Such as what to avoid, what to plan for, what to build, and how to identify & steer clear of clients and services that fail to abide by the rules and, in the process, are making it harder for all of us to liberate the API Economy. APIdays Sydney 2015 Mike Amundsen API Design Methodology At some point, we all need to design and implement APIs for the Web. What makes Web APIs different than typical component APIs? How can you leverage the power of the Internet when creating your Web API? What characteristics to many "great" Web APIs share? Is there a consistent process you can use to make sure you design a Web API that best fits your needs both now and in the future? In this session Mike Amundsen describes a clear methodology for designing Web APIs (based on the book "RESTful Web APIs" by Richardson and Amundsen) that allows you to map key aspects of your business into a usable, scalable, and flexible interface that will reach your goals while creating a compelling API for both server and client developers. Whether you are looking to implement a private, partner, or public API, these principles will help you focus on the right metrics and design goals to create a successful API. Ole Lensmar API Virtualization - Mocking on Steroids APIs are core to most of the software being developed today, as well as being integral to connected devices. But how do you test your application or device against those APIs and know that your application can survive an API failure? And how do you start building tests and clients for your API while it is still in development? And how do you evolve components that depend on APIs without consuming those APIs during development and testing? API Virtualization comes with big promises for both API providers and consumers - let’s have a look at a number of common use cases, like design-first development, sandboxing and load testing, to see how and when virtual APIs can help - and when they can’t. Orlando Kalossakas Build Real APIs Leveraging Editors and other Tools We're in a time where engineers can leverage the power of multiple tool, from the design phase all the way to the deployment. Like extendible IDEs did it for web engineers, now API crafters can arm themselves and take advantage of numerous tools to speed up go-live times, ultimately making their life easier and following best practices. Owen Evans For The Love of Small API's are driving the world creating new spaces for us to flex our creativity as software developers. But they also have enabled us the realisation of true micro service oriented architectures. What does micro-service mean? what can we leverage to make them true to doing one thing and one thing well? what are the true overheads of such an architecture and how can we truly leverage interconnected APIs to make them a reality. What are the main types of microservice architecture and what are their pros and cons? Paul Glavich Practical Insights When Designing An API From Scratch Designing a new API from scratch? What things do you need to consider? In this talk, Paul will chat about some of the design decisions around building a new API for Saasu, one of Australia's leading online accounting software providers, and what practical considerations have been taken to make the new Saasu API easy to consume, and flexible enough to meet future needs for years to come. While Saasu uses predominantly Microsoft technology, generic topics will be discussed such as versioning approach, hypermedia usage, authentication and other aspects you can talk about at dinner parties. APIdays Sydney 2015 Paul Greenwell Matching your API Business Model to your Company When taking an API to market you need to consider what the product or service offering will be, who are the intended customers, what are the sources of revenue and importantly how these fit with your company’s broader business strategy. In this presentation Paul Greenwell, MYOB Platform Strategy Manager shares his journey developing MYOB’s API business model and taking the API to market. As part of this he will compare and contrast other big name API providers business models and how they align to their company strategy. Ross Dawson The Flow of Innovation Saul Caganoff Enabling The Composable Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture is a relatively mature practice within most enterprises, however the job is not finished and for many organizations the full promise of SOA is yet to be realised. APIs and Microservices are two more recent variations on the theme of SOA and each brings with them new approaches and solutions to some of the challenges of SOA. This talk looks at what service oriented enterprises can learn from APIs and Microservices to overcome both technical and cultural challenges. Scott Shaw & James Gregory A polyglot approach to enterprise software: Using the right tool for the job One of the hallowed goals of enterprise architects is to reduce the proliferation of technologies across organisations. Intuition says if all applications are built and deployed on the same platform, using the same set of tools, then the organisation can deliver more efficiently. If all developers could just agree on a single programming language and a single platform, then people and code could be interchangeable between projects. But how does a flexible, innovative organisation reconcile the need for standards and consistency with its other goals? We all want to release software early and often, using technology to gain an edge over our competitors. We want to test new product ideas in the marketplace and validate them quickly. But the same platforms that promise consistency and stability do so at the cost of speed and agility. Or do they? This talk describes the benefits of a polyglot approach and the risk of emphasising consistency for consistency’s sake. We draw on our real-world experience and show how healthy diversity can shorten feedback cycles, get products to market faster and expose hidden business model assumptions. We explain the discipline necessary to maintain order in a diverse, multi-language environment. Some of the practices we cover will be quite technical, while others are more people- and process-oriented. The narrative will be underpinned by examples taken from a recent project delivered in a traditional enterprise environment. Simon Dorrat The dam is about to burst - Creating value from the rivers of data coming soon from our vehicle telematics Analytics is no longer tied to static structured data in the data warehouse. The ability to now perform Real time analytics on in-flight data combined with the volume and variety of telematics data coming on stream creates a massive opportunity to generate new business insights and turn these into business opportunities. It also requires new skills and technologies to make this happen and will impact the approach to traditional BI. Toyota is just starting out on this journey, with the knowledge that the next generation telematics platform, plus the demand for innovation from our customers will mean we need to turn the promise into reality very quickly. This presentation will detail the steps taken so far in Australia and overseas at Toyota and outline our direction and possibilities for the future. APIdays Sydney 2015 Simon Spencer The Service Oriented Business and how API's power the Service Oriented Startup. Businesses today begin with the API and aim to execute a successful business strategy through the use and re-use of modular services comprised of their own technical and business assets integrated with the services of partners and even competitors. It is a strategy to drive scale and rapidly accelerate maturity. Its also a strategy to minimise investment needed and accelerate innovation and exploration of market opportunities. It is also a proven strategy that has enabled small startups, from Yammer, TripAdvisor, Uber, to Trello, Xero and many others to rapidly create capabilities, experiment, integrate with partners and successfully deliver new innovations across a multitude of market spaces. The realisation of the 'Lego block' dreams of many, Application Programming Interfaces (API's) have gone from a something that only developers and architects once discussed to emerge as a capability that is central to many successful companies business strategies and a key focus of many of their senior leadership teams. This move to a 'federated' business and technology services strategy, tied together by modular, reusable and scalable API driven services is the maturation of a long held Services Oriented vision whose roots go all the way back to Client-Server computing and even earlier, but whose time has now quite definitely now arrived. It is also a strategy that creates new opportunities, challenges and new complexities in how businesses operate, monetize their services, manage and even how they define themselves and their federated operating entities. Steve Klabnik The Road to JSON API 1.0 (JSON API)[http://jsonapi.org] is a standard to help you build your APIs in JSON. In this talk, Steve will talk about its history, what it can do for you, and the process of bringing a standard to a 1.0 release. Steven Cooper IoT Commerce IoT Commerce - in this talk we will look at ways that IoT (Internet of Things) can be easily integrated with ecommerce platforms and API's to create low cost and functional solutions for business to interact with users in a whole new way Steven De Costa The Economic Benefits of Open Data With economic benefits forecast in the trillions of dollars, open data is on a fast track to a future that will bring smaller, smarter governments that empower citizens and cities. In this session you'll learn about a vision for the future that is taking shape right now. Public data is being liberated, made open to all and is living free in the cloud. Your next start-up, research grant or civic improvement program may be the direct result of open data initiatives that are exploding with activity all over the globe. Questions we'll explore: - How will future trends in machine interfaces for humans, society and governments benefit from today's explosion of open data? - Where are the savvy putting their bets and who is already winning big with open data? APIdays Sydney 2015 Tom Quinn Warp Speed: a New and Important KPI The digital world demands greater dexterity in creating value from technology. Consumers are innovating faster than many businesses and now call the shots. Any business that misses a consumer trend is dead. Tom discusses how this shift produces new requirements for integration and renovation of core application infrastructure and how by coupling a component based approach to technology to its "cloud-first" strategy News Corp is now meeting the digital challenge, while at the same time bringing the enterprise along for the ride. Troy Hunt Hack Your API First We’ve never had it better when it comes to connecting things to the internet – awesome frameworks and slick cloud services have our APIs up and running in minutes. But with great power, comes great responsibility and we often unknowingly misuse this power and create vulnerable APIs. The communication between modern devices and web servers is very easily identified, intercepted and manipulated by hackers on the web. In this session we’ll look at modern apps talking to APIs in cloud services and identify common security antipatterns that put users at risk. We’re going to “Hack Ourselves First” so that we may learn of vulnerabilities in our software before online attackers do. Speaker Biographies Prof Aditya Ghose Director, Decision Systems Lab University of Wollongong Aditya Ghose is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Wollongong. He leads a team conducting research into services, business process management, software engineering and optimization and draws inspiration from the crossfertilization of ideas from this spread of research areas. He works closely with some of the leading global IT firms. Ghose is President of the Service Science Society of Australia and served as VicePresident of CORE, Australia’s apex body for computing academics, between 2010 and 2014. He holds PhD and MSc degrees in Computing Science from the University of Alberta, Canada (he also spent parts of his PhD candidature at the Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and the University of Tokyo) and a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. In his spare time, Ghose explores how computer science can contribute to a better understanding of the history of civilization. Ben Franzi GM, eCommerce Platforms and Marketplaces Australia Post Ben Franzi, GM Sales, Global eCommerce Platforms, is an expert in the eCommerce market with a detailed understanding of industry trends and growth areas both domestically and internationally. He guided the strategy direction for parcels and freight services of Australia Post as it shifted from a mail service to an eCommerce service provider. He also led the development of the $750m eCommerce Program for Australia Post. Ben has been with Australia Post for over 12 years in a combination of finance, operational, transformation and strategy roles. Before joining Australia Post, Ben was with Deloitte Consulting specialising in strategy and customer, channel and product profitability and solutions. APIdays Sydney 2015 Beth Skurrie Consultant DiUS @bethesque Beth is a consultant at DiUS, specialising in Ruby development. Beth became a developer not because she particularly likes computers, but because she loves to solve problems and make things that are useful. Brad Drysdale Principal Solutions Consultant and APAC CTO MuleSoft Brad works with customers to articulate the value of integration in the New Enterprise, as well as a keen evangelist for the API Economy. Prior to MuleSoft, Brad was Global Technical Director for Kaazing, a software company enhancing the way business and customers communicate across the Web using the new HTML5 WebSocket standard. Before joining Kaazing, Brad was Technical Director for Azul Systems in EMEA, working with large customers to realise the benefits of virtualised, high-scale, networkattached Java computing. Brad also was the EMEA technical evangelist for Azul and spoke at several Java developer and industry analyst events. Brad has also worked at Openwave and Netscape Communications in various pre-sales and technical evangelist roles. He is a proficient speaker and tries his best to describe new and revolutionary technologies in a way easily understandable by audiences ranging from very technical to more business focused. David Harrison VP Engineering Freelancer.com David Harrison is the Vice President of Engineering at Freelancer, and has been responsible for leading the engineering team in its design and implementation of the web-scale features that have allowed Freelancer‘s websites to handle the growth in web traffic that has been experienced. David has also led the Company‘s adoption of cloud based technologies, realtime systems, and service oriented architectures. He is also a co-author of a patent application. David holds a Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology from the University of Sydney. Frank Arrigo API Evangelist Telstra @frankarr Frank Arrigo is the API Evangelist in the Telstra Software Group. Before Telstra, Frank had been with Microsoft, where he most recently was a Principal Technical Evangelist. APIdays Sydney 2015 Hadi Michael Digital Adviser & Software Engineer Deloitte Digital @hadi_michael Hadi is a digital adviser and software engineer, with an interest in making the physical world more connected. As part of the Mobile and Connected Devices team at Deloitte Digital, he has helped clients realise the power of liberating data, as well as capitalising on disruptive innovation in mobile, wearable, contextual and ambient computing. He has been known to tinker with hardware and use JavaScript for unusual things such as mathematical modelling and building robots. James Gregory Market Tech Principal Thoughtworks @jagregory James Gregory is a Consultant for ThoughtWorks in Australia. He’s a self-taught, completely unqualified, jack of all trades technologist with a firm belief in open technologies and embracing the web. James’s current shiny is Golang, Hypermedia APIs, all things DevOps, and he is the originator and maintainer of Fluent Nhibernate. James has presented at conferences around the world, including NDC Oslo, DDD London, Alt.NET in the USA, and numerous user groups in between. James Horton Founder Datanomics @jameshorton James Horton is a data technology advisor, strategist and sensemaker. He is founder and principal of Datanomics, an advisory and collaborative venture involving local start-ups Meeco, doubleIQ and Lumanetix that is exploring new types of permission-based value exchange through sharing personal and enterprise data. James has over 25 years experience in developing and leading data-centric technology initiatives for both multinational and startup enterprises across Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. He assists private and public sector organisations in developing strategies to maximise the value of their data and data technology related assets. James has a Bachelor of Business, University of South Australia and an MBA, ANU. Joel Wermut Consultant, API & Elastic Cloud VERSENT @jwermut APIdays Sydney 2015 John Sheehan Co-Founder & CEO Runscope @johnsheehan John is a Co-founder and CEO of Runscope and API fanatic. As an early employee at Twilio, John lead the developer evangelism program and worked as a Product Manager for Developer Experience. After Twilio, John was Platform Lead at IFTTT working with API providers to create new channels. John is also the creator of RestSharp, API Changelog, API Digest, API Jobs and co-host of Traffic and Weather, an API and cloud podcast. Justin McIean Freelance Developer Class Software @JustinMclean Justin Mclean has more than 15 years experience in developing web based applications and over that time has worked on hundreds of database driven web sites, mobile applications and desktop applications. He has seen significant changes of technology in the industry, surviving the browser wars and the dotcom bubble. Justin has a keen interest in the open source hardware movement and it’s huge potential. Kate Carruthers Head of Business Intelligence & Data Governance University of NSW @kcarruthers Kate Carruthers is a technologist, marketer, entrepreneur, and educator who blogs at katecarruthers.com and can be found on Twitter @kcarruthers. With extensive experience in senior executive roles for diverse organisations such as GE, AMP, Westfield and State Government she is currently working with big data, strategic business intelligence and data governance at UNSW Australia. Kate has also lectured in postgraduate business and accounting at Macquarie University and taught TAFE level courses in business and management. Keran McKenzie API Evangelist MYOB @keranm Keran’s always been a tinkerer, someone who constantly looks for ways to change things up and do things differently. Over the past 20 years Keran has worked in education, enterprise and has founded and run a number of startups. He loves the business journey and his role at MYOB sees him enjoying the best of an enterprise company while spending many of his days immersed in startups. A dad with a young family Keran is amazed at the speed his kids pick up and embrace technology, and as a car nut he can’t wait to buy his first self drive car (come on Google!). Kin Lane The API Evangelist The API Evangelist @kinlane Kin Lane has been working with databases since the late 1980’s, with the last five years exclusively focused on the technology, business and politics of Application Programming Interfaces, also known as APIs. Kin works to educate technologists, as well as the “normals” about the importance of data portability, interoperability, security and privacy across the web and mobile application platforms we depend on in our personal and business lives, by advising startups, companies, and the government as as a former Presidential Innovation Fellow. You can follow him via his APIEvangelist.com blog and on Twitter @kinlane. APIdays Sydney 2015 Mark Hibberd Chief Technical Architect Ambiata @markhibberd Mark Hibberd is Chief Technical Architect at Ambiata where he spends his time building robust systems for large-scale data and machine learning problems. Mark O'Neill VP Innovation Axway @TheMarkONeill Mark O’Neill is VP Innovation at Axway, and was founder and CTO at Vordel, a leader in API Management and Security which was acquired by Axway in 2012. Mark is the author of the book Web Services Security, and contributing author of Hardening Network Security, both published by McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media. For over ten years, Mark has provided guidance on REST and Web Services Security to US Government agencies, Fortune 100 and Global 500 firms. He is a frequent speaker at key industry events such the RSA Security Conference, is regularly quoted in tech media and is author of the blog www.soatothecloud.com. Mark is based in Boston, Massachusetts. Mark Wolfe CTO Ninja Blocks Mark Wolfe is CTO at Ninja Blocks, an Australian startup based in Sydney which has been shipping a hacker friendly IoT product for the last couple of years. He has been working in the software industry for the last 15 years, mostly building software and solutions for customers in the Telecommunications and Government sectors. Mark has been an open source developer for many years, having written and contributed to a wide array of projects, mostly around Linux, messaging and distributed systems. Currently Mark is also a co-organiser of the Melbourne go users group, which he speaks at regularly. Matt Palmer Independent Technology Consultant Matt Palmer is an Internet technology consultant, with over a decade's experience in infrastructure management and software development. He has held technology leadership and senior management positions in leading companies in the managed hosting and Internet applications firms. Matt now runs his own firm providing hands-on expertise to companies looking to take their infrastructure and software systems to the next level. APIdays Sydney 2015 Mehdi Medjaoui Co-Founder Oauth.io & APIdays @medjawii Mehdi is the founder of OAuth.io (previously Webshell.io) , an API for integrating the OAuth protocol from 120+ providers and also the founder of APIdays Conference held in Paris, San Francisco, Berlin, Barcelona and Sydney. Mehdi focuses on in his research time on politics of APIs, working to build trust for a stable ecosystem. Mifan Careem Director of Solutions Architecture WSO2 @mifanc Mifan Careem is Director of Solutions Architecture at WSO2. He specialises in SOA and IoT, spatial architectures, eGovernment cloud, emergency management and big data analytics. Mike Amundsen Chief API Architect CA Techhnologies @mamund An internationally known author and lecturer, Mike Amundsen travels throughout the world consulting and speaking on a wide range of topics including distributed network architecture, Web application development, and other subjects. Ole Lensmar Chief Architect SmartBear Software @olensmar I'm an API Evangelist that has been doing APIs since the late 90:ies - starting with POX, then SOAP, now REST, and looking forward to the wave of IoT related lightweight protocols. Originally created SoapUI in 2005 and joined forces SmartBear Software in 2011 where I'm currently CTO, focusing on all-things API for SmartBears products and visions. Orlando Kalossakas API Growth Enabler Mashape I am working at Mashape and my goal is to grow the API economy and raise awareness. I call myself a true European, I like to learn new languages as I visit new countries, if you're interested in APIs, technology and good food, come find me! APIdays Sydney 2015 Owen Evans Co-Founder & CTO Hoist @buildmaster Owen is a lover of integrated code and business. In 2014 co-founded Hoist where he is currently CTO. Was an early member of Xero and helped create their Public API Paul Glavich CTO SaaSu @glav Chief technology officer at Saasu.com, Microsoft Most Valued Professional in ASP.Net, Book Author, Geek, Gamer, Martial artist. Paul Greenwell Platform Strategy Manager MYOB Ross Dawson Author, Futurist, Strategy Advisor @PaulGreenwell AHT Group @rossdawson Ross Dawson is globally recognized as a leading futurist, keynote speaker, entrepreneur and authority on business strategy. He is Founding Chairman of four companies, including the leading future research and strategy firm Future Exploration Network. Strong demand sees Ross speak frequently at major conferences and company internal events around the world. He is a best-selling author of books including the prescient Living Networks, which foresaw the social networking revolution, as well as Trends in the Living Networks, ranked as one of the top business blogs in the world. Ross’s frequent media appearances include CNN, Bloomberg TV, SkyNews, ABC TV, Today and Sunrise shows, Washington Post and many others. APIdays Sydney 2015 Saul Caganoff CTO Sixtree @scaganoff Saul Caganoff has over twenty years experience in information technology, building composite applications to support business processes in major enterprises across finance, telecommunications, energy and government. Saul is an enthusiastic proponent of Service Oriented approaches to information technology and has written, spoken-about and implemented Service Oriented Architecture for longer than he cares to admit. Saul is currently the CTO of Sixtree, a consultancy that helps organizations find value in their existing information assets. Prior to Sixtree, Saul architected SmartGrid systems at Ausgrid, built event-driven systems for large Indian Telcos, lost count of the number of "single customer view" projects he has worked on, wrangled the world's largest geographic information system and scoped out hot plasmas in distant galaxies. Scott Shaw Head of Technology Thoughtworks Scott Shaw is the Head of Technology for ThoughtWorks in Australia where he helps to foster and share technical innovation across a broad spectrum of projects. For more than 15 years, Scott has been a developer, architect, and consultant to business, government and nonprofit organisations. He helps organisations shape pragmatic IT strategies while maintaining the highest possible technical quality. Scott has a particular interest in offshore and distributed delivery and travels frequently to mentor technical leaders in India and China. He has a wide-ranging passion for all things technical, and his current interests include microserivce architectures and the Clojure programming language. Simon Dorrat Strategy, Architecture & Innovation Toyota Responsible for Toyota's Technology Strategy, Enterprise Architecture and Innovation practice, including leading the creation of the Asia Pacific regional technology roadmap. With an extensive background in Architecture and BI, currently focussing on embedding an enterprise wide strategic planning approach based on Business Capability Modelling to drive IT to Business Alignment, driving an MDM program and planning how to mine the telematics data coming on stream to generate new business insights and opportunities. Simon Spencer Founder edgelabs @nomisruption With a diverse career spanning start-ups, large enterprises and government assignments across Australia, the United States (Silicon Valley, New York and LA) and Europe, Simon is the founding CEO of edgelabs, the founder of ‘The Big Little Data Co’ and Chairman of the not for profit “Kids Helping Kids’, that was founded by an eleven year old. During his career, Simon has led research projects at the Telstra Research Labs, served as VP of emerging technologies with Citibank, led innovation pipeline for ANZ, contributed to CBA’s Mobile strategy and ran Nab’s Innovation Hub from 2004 to 2006. Simon has served as the CTO, CIO, MD, Director and as the founder of several US and Australian based startups, including Redsheriff, Netgateway, Bluefreeway, Bluecentral and Netgen Networks, and actively participated in successful listings on both the ASX and NASDAQ. Simon was responsible for launching Yammer in Asia Pacific and for signing key accounts across the region in banking, government, insurance and telecommunications, prior to their successful acquisition by Microsoft. With a team of former CTO’s and experienced professionals, Simon created edgelabs to do three things well ‘Advise;’ ‘Incubate’ and Execute and their major clients now include Telstra, Nab, Me Bank, Jetstar and others. APIdays Sydney 2015 Steve Klabnik Hypermedia Expert @steveklabnik Steve Klabnik is a hypermedia enthusiast who works for Mozilla on their Rust programming language. He's also the author of "Designing Hypermedia APIs" Steven Cooper Developer Advocate Braintree/PayPal @DeveloperSteve Steven Cooper is responsible for working with the strong developer community within Asia-Pacific, to develop and nurture the healthy start-up culture that continues to flourish across the region. Over the last 20 years, Steven has worked as a senior developer for a host of startups and as a developer analyst for more than 10 years with Sensis. Before joining PayPal, he configured and spec’d mass production technology hardware for the likes of Virgin, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Visa, St. George and Westpac Steven De Costa Open Data Evangelist, Director Link Digital @starl3n Steven is the Communications and Community Team Lead for the CKAN Association, Board member of Open Knowledge Australia and the Executive Director of Link Digital; a data-first digital agency. Tom Quinn CIO News Corp Australia Tom Quinn is responsible for defining technology vision and leading innovation for News Corp. He’s creating nimble, cost effective enterprise IT to enable an entrepreneurial news organisation. His strategic roadmap for future technology in News Corp Australia enables the transformation of the traditional print-media business to its multi-platform counterpart of the future. Tom is results oriented and people focused - with a user oriented delivery style. Tom has successfully delivered the IT transformation of the News core business driving a genuine partnership between IT and editorial, sales, production and finance functions. He has consistently built high performance teams which he sees as a critical success factor. Tom has led, as CIO/CTO, major business and technology transformations of high profile and complex organisations including inter-touch pty ltd, chello broadband, Sydney's hotel and casino complex, The Star, Singtel Optus and the ASX. APIdays Sydney 2015 Troy Hunt Microsoft Most Valuable Professional and Pluralsight Author @troyhunt Troy Hunt is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional for Developer Security with a strong focus on security in a web-connected world. He's the author of many toprating Pluralsight courses on security, a frequent international speaker, blogger and trainer helping developers build more secure software across an ever increasing array of internet connected "things".
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