"Yes, Lord!" January 2015 Subscribe Share Past Issues Prayer and ministry updates from Jeff & Mary Ann Anderson. Translate View this email in your browser "Yes, Lord!" Update January 31, 2015 Dear Friends, This has been a full month with a disaster relief operation, post-Christmas evangelistic parties, 2015 immigration requirements, writing a 2014 ministry report for our ACTION Philippine Board and the daily care of our entire ACTION team. *Thank-you* very much for your ongoing prayer and financial giving which allows us to continue our ministry of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and sharing Christ-like compassion with needy people. You are a huge blessing to us! Here are ministry updates for your encouragement and continuing prayer. 1. Fire relief operation: January 1 I was up early in the morning reading when I heard sirens screaming and saw fire trucks whizzing by our building so I knew there was a large fire nearby. I learned that a large squatter community in Quezon City was completely gutted by a windswept fire which was started by firecrackers and left 4,000 families homeless. It’s said that this is the largest fire in Quezon City’s history. January 10 the Street Impact Team (SITeam), partnered with Daily in Christ Fellowship (DCF), located near the fire, to do a relief operation for 100 of the neediest families selected by community officials and DCF workers which was held at the church. The operation was a blessing to each family not only because they received a large bag of food with toiletries, used clothes and hygiene supplies but also because they were warmly received by workers of DCF when they entered the church and escorted to their seat. Then each person was given cold water and a snack. We had a simple program before distributing the relief bags consisting of prayer, a few uplifting songs, I gave a brief Gospel message http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=e0c338dbbb17c24dd952b26b1&id=8b43ff9891&e=fe43c8c461[2/3/2015 9:55:40 AM] RSS "Yes, Lord!" January 2015 followed an invitation to trust Christ by the pastor and many indicated they did. When the program was over everyone ate a delicious lunch while we mingled among the families getting to know them better. January 11 five families attended DCF’s worship service and Bible studies have started for those who want them. DCF and SITeam are now planning to start a feeding program using Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) food for children in coordination with community leaders, train DCF workers to do trauma debriefing and give school supplies to students. Pray for these families and our plans to help them start again. *Log on this link to see more photos. 2. SITeam’s evangelistic Christmas party ministry: January 13 SITeam, in partnership with Youth With a Mission and a local church, held a post-Christmas party for 100 street kids in Legazpi City in Albay province. This week we were in Eastern Samar and Leyte provinces where we held six parties for families who've been pummeled by typhoons and are struggling to recover. A total of 1,537 children, youth and adults attended these fun-filled parties at which the Gospel was preached by Child Evangelism Fellowship workers and local pastors. Many indicated they trusted Christ but it was too difficult to get the exact number how many. Five parties where held in elementary schools that were hammered by typhoons Haiyan and Hagupit with three schools still in ruins. With three of these schools we’ve had FMSC feeding programs, Vacation Bible Schools and given text books and Bibles and at two installed playground equipment. We’re planning to continue the feedings because many kids are still undernourished. Pray for these precious people whose trauma is still very raw. We heard story after story of survival and the lose of loved ones and physical damage is still obvious especially in the http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=e0c338dbbb17c24dd952b26b1&id=8b43ff9891&e=fe43c8c461[2/3/2015 9:55:40 AM] "Yes, Lord!" January 2015 countryside. My bionic hip did well despite the rough roads, climbing in and out of vehicles, carrying heavy bags, lots of walking and standing, thin mattresses and bucket showers. It’s been about 11.5 months since my total hip replacement and lots of work to get to where I am now. I’m not completely recovered but getting there and it’s great to be back “in the game”! Due to my 1 inch leg discrepancy I’ll need to get a professionally made lift for my left leg which will help a lot. Thanks for praying with me through this challenge. *In total SITeam held 25 parties (18 in December in Metro Manila) with 3,322 attending them. The total cost was approximately $12,048US. **In addition to the parties we officially turned over a full curriculum of text books to the Marabut Central Elementary School in Western Samar. During the ceremony it was like “kids on Christmas morning” with excitement because the principal, teachers, students and parents were very thankful for the books which included teachers manuals. During his speech the principal said he prayed for books because the learning of his students was very incomplete at best. Then “out of the blue” our team visited his school in November. In December we told him we’ll try to supply his school with books and the funds were given to buy them. In January we purchased and shipped the books to him which he considers an answer to his prayers. A nearby respected pastor will soon start teaching “spiritual values” to students. Pray for the students, teachers, parents and the principal as they hear the Gospel and learn Bible-based values. My message to everyone was they have many friends all over the world who love them, are praying for them and are giving sacrificially so we can help them. I said specifically to the resilient school principals and their teachers they are heros because they’re teaching hungry traumatized students in either ruined buildings with little equipment and supplies http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=e0c338dbbb17c24dd952b26b1&id=8b43ff9891&e=fe43c8c461[2/3/2015 9:55:40 AM] "Yes, Lord!" January 2015 or if they have new buildings built by non-government organizations they have few books and supplies. Everyone, both kids and adults, expressed their deepest appreciation for our help and coming alongside them during their severe trial. I was doubly blessed by their genuine delicious hospitality. ***Photos of the post-Christmas parties will be posted on this link in a few days. ****Here are a few testimonies from Manila’s parties: 1. I really loved the Christmas party that I attended. I am Susan, 12 years old. For the first time I heard a story about Jesus and I am thankful that I was invited. I'm really looking forward to learning more about Him. Thank you to my friend who encouraged me to join this Christmas party. 2. My name is Monica and I'm 12 years old. I really enjoyed the Christmas party. Thank you for the teachers who went to our house and invited me. The message I heard really touched my heart because now I understand why Jesus died on the cross and it’s because of my sin. They invited me to join their Saturday school and I said yes because I want to know more about Jesus. 3. I'm Vivian, 9 years old. I was invited to a Christmas party with my sister. I had fun in the games they prepared. Also I enjoyed the food I ate and the gift I received, but the most important thing is, I learned so many things about Jesus and that He is always at my side helping and guiding me. Thanks for the teachers who invited us! 4. My name is Jessie, 13 years old. I’m thankful to the Pastor who shared the message about Jesus at the Christmas party. 5. My name is Carlos and I'm 10 years old. I'm really happy teachers asked me to attend their Saturday school. I am so happy! 6. I’m Pabilonia. The party was so fun! There were so many games and we enjoyed them a lot! We were also filled with the food and lots of toys and candy. 7. I’m Jenny and the party was so fun! I'm thankful because this is the best Christmas party because I met my Savior. 8. I’m Theresa and I'm glad because we had a beautiful celebration of the Lord Jesus. I know my sins are forgiven. I thank God because Jesus Christ died for us on the cross. 9. I’m Randal and I'm happy because this is a special joyful celebration. I surrendered my life to Jesus. 10. I’m Myla and am very thankful for the wonderful time we had at the party. We received Christmas groceries for our Noche Buena (special meal). Jesus our provider. I want to go to church and learn more about Him. 11. I’m Yuan and 9 years old. I have four siblings. I’m very sure my parents will be excited see I received these gifts. I will tell my mom that Jesus is the true meaning of Christmas. 12. Melody- For four years now we just celebrated Christmas with pancit (noodles) and special bread because my brother is suffering with Leukaemia. We don’t have enough money to buy special food for Christmas. I’m glad that my younger sister and brother joined this party. Christ is our hope in everything that’s been going with my family. Thank-you very much to everyone. 3. Pastors conference: Another ministry we looked into while in Leyte and Samar was having an encouragement conference for pastors struggling to overcome destruction, damage and death. We’re planning one for March 6-7 to be held in Tacloban City, Leyte for the 26 churches in Basey and Marabut, Western Samar which are the poorest towns of the province. This will be in partnership with Food for the Hungry and will include a short seminar on how to use the New Living Translation Life Application Study Bible with each church receiving a free copy. 4. Papal visit: January 15-19 Pope Francis visited Manila and Tacloban City with his http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=e0c338dbbb17c24dd952b26b1&id=8b43ff9891&e=fe43c8c461[2/3/2015 9:55:40 AM] "Yes, Lord!" January 2015 message of “mercy and compassion". Everywhere he went there were huge crowds of adorning people and it’s estimated more than 6 million (that’s not a typo!) attended a papal mega-mass at Rizal Park on the 18th. It’s said this is the largest gathering to see a single person in history! This month with the Procession of the Black Nazarene in Manila City on the 9th which attracted more than 1 million people and the Sinulog Festival in Cebu City on the 18th which attracted an estimated 2.5 million it’s very clear the Philippines is a devoted Catholic country. As I followed these events I read Romans 6 and verse 4 really grabbed me which reads “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” (ESV) We need to preach the transforming Gospel of God’s grace because it’s not about religion or the size of the crowds but “we’re saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for God’s glory alone.” Pray for the Philippines please and preachers of the Biblical Gospel. 5. Mobile FMSC packing event: Friends of ours in the Fargo, ND area organized an FMSC food packing event on January 24. They had 1,044 volunteers who packed 1,008 boxes of food packs, several of which will be sent to SITeam for our feeding ministry. That food is enough for 217,728 meals! We're extremely grateful for Ron Stensgard's leadership in this project and several other friends who rolled up their sleeves to make this happen. One of SITeam's principles has *always* been to mobilize reliable people and empower them in their niche of service then put them to work. Even though I'm far away I'm was these dear friends in prayer. Go team! 6. Health update: Mary Ann had an executive physical this month and checked out well overall. She was advised to adjust her diet and get more exercise which she’s doing. As I mentioned I’m recovering from my hip surgery, however, since July I’ve been seeing a urologist for an elevated PSA count and an enlarged prostate gland. This Thursday I’ll have a biopsy done so pray the enlargement is benign please. 7. Move and furlough: In April Mary Ann and I will move to ACTION’s discipleshipvocational ministry campus called 2nd Mile south of Manila in Cavite province. We’ll stay there until we leave for a one year furlough in May. During our furlough we’ll live in our condo in Roseville, Minnesota. Mary Ann’s sister Janna will be with us April 7-18 to help with our move so we’re grateful for her assistance. Pray for our move and if you'd like us to speak in your church’s worship service, Sunday School class, school or office let us know. You can track our furlough schedule click on this link. 8. Conclusion: While on our trip this week I thought over and over how vulnerable children are to trafficking and labor exploitation as well as sexual, physical, verbal and emotional abuse. I also saw how weak, dependent, unpretentious, trusting, humble, sincere and playful they are. Many of our activities were located along the Pacific Ocean so I clearly saw the water as I played, laughed, spoke with, (in Tagalog not Wary-Wary the local tongue) and listened. Matthew 18:1-6 pulsated through me while there and still is when Jesus rebuked His disciples about their childish self-centeredness as they argued http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=e0c338dbbb17c24dd952b26b1&id=8b43ff9891&e=fe43c8c461[2/3/2015 9:55:40 AM] "Yes, Lord!" January 2015 about rank and advantage in His Kingdom rather than their place of humble service within it. I also saw afresh that because children are trusting by nature they need to be protected by adults and Jesus holds parents and other adults accountable for how we influence them-either toward faith in Jesus or away from Him. Imagine with me being surrounded by laughing but traumatized children while looking at the great expanse of the Pacific hearing Jesus say: “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me. But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.” (NLT) Let’s hear and obey the word of the Lord. Lord Jesus help us be like little children as we walk with You and serve others especially the precious little ones. Blessings in Christ, Jeff ACTION USA • PO Box 398, Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043-0398 • Tel. 425.775.4800 • [email protected] ACTION Canada • 3015A 21 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 7T1 • Tel. 403.204.1421 • [email protected] ACTION New Zealand • PO Box 8928, Riccarton, Christchurch • Tel. 011.643.341.0933 • [email protected] ACTION Philippines • PO Box 110, Greenhills Post Office, 1502 Metro Manila • Tel. 011.632.477.3559 • [email protected] ACTION United Kingdom • PO Box 144, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 5WE • Tel. 011.151.630.2451 • [email protected] UK Registered Charity 1058661 Visit our ACTION webpage for more information Copyright © 2015 Action International Ministries, Inc., All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=e0c338dbbb17c24dd952b26b1&id=8b43ff9891&e=fe43c8c461[2/3/2015 9:55:40 AM]
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