Volume 29 Issue 2 T he Official Publication of A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota, Inc. February 2015 Has your Chapter planned their trip to the State Capitol? American Bikers for Awareness, Training, and Education of Minnesota, Inc. Go to www.abatemn.org for the newest version in color! This publication is the Official Newsletter of A.B.A.T.E. of MN, Inc. Opinions expressed here in, by the Editor and others, may not be those of A.B.A.T.E. of MN. Articles may be reprinted with proper attribution. SUBMISSIONS TO ROAD NOISE [email protected] Road Noise 16100 228th Ave NW Elk River, MN 55330 No faxed ads. Deadline is the 1st of the month prior to publication. Use a jpeg file format for electronic ads. Mailed ads must be mailed flat. Send Display Ad Artwork on paper no larger than 8.5" X 11". Do not reduce artwork to desired size, make a note for the desired size for the ad (spell out the size). Cost / Spaces / per issue Business Card $12.00 $35.00 1/4 page $65.00 1/2 page Full page $125.00 Full page *Insert call *Additional printing charges for Inserts. If Ads are prepaid for one year, a 10% discount is applied. If production work is necessary on the Ad, $35.00 per hour will be billed. Chapter Fundraisers/political ads receive a 30% discount. At the descretion of the Editor, if late ads (after the 1st of the month prior to publication) are accepted, a 20% surcharge will be added to the cost. Website advertising: Chapter Fundraisers ads are free of charge. Use a jpeg file format for electronic ads and send to: [email protected]. ROAD NOISE ADVERTISEMENTS Submissions are encouraged, however, are subject to editing and will be printed at the discretion of the Road Noise Committee. The use of foul language, personal attacks or the use of language that may be libelous or interpreted as inciting hate or sexual harassment is not permitted. User comments are reviewed by moderators to ensure that comments meet these standards. Anyone submitting an article, “Letter to the Editor,” or photograph may request that it be returned by including with submission a self-addressed stamped envelope. Letters to the Editor must be accompanied with the author’s signature. For electronic picture submissions, use a tiff or jpeg file format. LETTERS AND ARTICLES GRAPEVINES AND REPORTS The deadline is the 10th of the month prior to publication. - DO NOT submit in all uppercase, or insert backgrounds. - Include your chapter/committee name on the subject line of the email that you send to the Road Noise. Use the following basic outline: 1) Chapter/Committee Name 2) Upcoming Chapter/Committee Meetings/Time, Place 3) Upcoming Events; What, Where, When 4) Meeting Updates, Important News, Comments 2 February 2015 Road Noise Content A.B.A.T.E. OF MN STATE OFFICE Chapter Contact List 3 State Coordinator 5 Asst State Coordinator Committees & Reports 5 6 - 12 SW District Grapevines 13 - 15 NW District Grapevines 17 - 19 SE District Grapevines NE District Grapevines New & Renewals Calendar of Events 15 - 17 20 - 23 26 34 - 35 Cover: Past Bikerday by Photo from Past Issue R OAD N OISE C ONTACTS [email protected] Kimmer Robertson (763) 772-4776 Becky Hasslen (612) 554-0530 Road Noise 16100 228th Ave NW Elk River, MN 55330 Road Noise Committee Members: Committee Chair: . . . . . . . .Becky Hasslen Editor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kimmer Robertson Treasurer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charm Bolgrean Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Audra Koel Advertisements: . . . . . . . . . Michelle Backlund Proof Readers . . . . . . . . . . .Becky Hasslen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Michelle Backlund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nita Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tammy Winkels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Charles Fletcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rhiannon Dubinsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sheryl Immel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dave “Putz” Schmoll Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dawn Riba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rick Arguello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Danita McDowall State Office Hours: Monday - Friday 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm State Office Administrator, Liz Herzog E-mail: [email protected] A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota, Inc. P.O. Box 6 Marshall, MN 56258 (507) 487-5000 / 1 (800) 224-6570 Not receiving your Road Noise: Contact the State Office to ensure your address is correct in our system. If it is correct, you will need to contact your post office to ensure that they are delivering the Road Noise to you. Get address changes to me ASAP. Road Noise is bulk mail and will not be forwarded. Membership tri-folds: can be requested from the State Office, or from Tom Buffington (Membership & Retention Chair) at (507) 383-7068, or [email protected]. You can also find membership forms on the website at www.abatemn.org. When you recruit a new member, write your name and Chapter on the tri-fold so you receive credit for the recruit. Make sure tri-folds, Chapter information forms, and other pertinent business documents are written legibly, including area codes, zip codes, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Use POSTAL CORRECT addresses. The following are address tips: Do not abbreviate County Road, Minnesota State Highway, Circle, do not use # sign (i.e. Co. Rd, ST, Hwy, CR, use Lot or Apt. or TRLR number, example: Trailer + number =TRLR 201 or Lot 201, or Apt 201). Memberships: Postcards go out to members who will expire at the end of that given month. Renewals must reach the State Office by the third Friday of the month, regardless of the date, to ensure you receive your next month’s Road Noise. Use POSTAL CORRECT address! Please allow 4-6 weeks to receive your new hard cards. Minutes: from Chapter, Committee, and District meetings can be e-mailed to [email protected]. Mailing Labels: The State Office can print current mailing labels for your Chapter’s newsletters, reminder cards, and event flyers. Feel free to call me with questions, concerns, and inquiries 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, or leave a message and I will return your call ASAP. A.B.A.T.E. of MN accepts no responsibility for the submissions, comments, opinions, or errors contained within this publication. A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. A.B.A.T.E. OF MINNESOTA CONTACTS State Coordinator Mark “Mack” Backlund (763) 226-9195 [email protected] Assistant State Coordinator Kevin Todd (507) 766-1411 [email protected] State Treasurer Michelle“Mitch” Backlund (763) 263-1532 [email protected] State Secretary Michele Legried (507) 251-3805 [email protected] Northeast District Director Jean Afrooz (612) 599-2808 [email protected] Northwest District Director Mike Jeppesen (320) 760-0711 [email protected] Southeast District Director Tony Corporon (507) 440-0157 [email protected] Southwest District Director Paul Tjepkes (320) 841-0473 [email protected] Trustee Frank Ernst (612) 801-2920 [email protected] U H O C P 7 K E 6 J N G L Y M D 5 I V 4 B A S Q 8 X Roseau Marshall St. Cloud Bethel Wells Parkers Prairie Glenwood Detroit Lakes Finlayson Delano Rochester Twin Cities Red Wing Bemidji Duluth Red Lake Falls Forest Lake Mankato St. James Big Lake Hutchinson Worthington Owatonna Savage Grand Rapids Madison www.abatemn.org A.B.A.T.E. U Chair Jane Doyle (763) 754-5644 [email protected] Awards Bill Gruhlke (320) 629-3498 [email protected] Education Chair Jim Pease (320) 234-3517 [email protected] Gambling Manager Kim Ostlund (507) 334-7592 [email protected] Historian Cathy Schwalich (703) 656-6355 [email protected] Legislative Director Todd Riba (952) 239-0929 [email protected] Marketing Director Open Membership and Retention Tom Buffington (507) 383-7068 [email protected] MRF Liaison Todd Riba (952) 239-0929 [email protected] NCOM Liaison Frank Ernst (612) 801-2920 [email protected] Products Manager Rhiannon Dubinsky (952) 451-1039 [email protected] Publications Chair Becky Hasslen (612) 554-0530 [email protected] Revisor Jan Loft-Pilgrim (507) 537-1806 [email protected] Road Noise Editor Kimmer Robertson (763) 772-4776 [email protected] State Office Administrator Liz Herzog (507) 487-5000 [email protected] State Rally Chair Derrell W. Jensen (320) 838-3921 [email protected] Ways and Means Kristie Orn (320) 398-6966 [email protected] Website Becky Hasslen (612) 554-0530 [email protected] C H A P T E R P R E S I D E N T C O N TA C T S Borderland Chapter Buffalo Ridge Chapter Central Chapter East Central Chapter Flatlanders Chapter Freedom First Riders Chapter Glacial Ridge Chapter Heart of the Lakes Chapter Jack Pine Riders Chapter Lake Chapter Lower Corner Chapter Metro Chapter Mississippi Valley Chapter North Star Chapter Northeast Chapter Northwest Chapter River Riders Chapter River Valley Chapter Rolling Prairie Chapter Sand Dunes Chapter South Central Chapter Southwest Chapter Straight River Chapter Tri-County Chapter Up North Chapter Way West Chapter Lee Heaton Rick Dubbeldee Albert Peck Mark Braastad Chuck Glend Brian Johnson Anthony “Moose” Larson Edgar Burke Duane Tchida Todd Riba James “Bones” Randall Joe Jones 'JJ' Steve Graves Dane Schroeder Eric Larsen Travis Embretson David Zaun Barb Anderson Cory Lorenz Dan Larson Galen Sundin Kevin Harberts Jim Pitts Kent Slavik Jeff Serich Tim Longman (218) (507) (320) (763) (507) (320) (320) (218) (320) (952) (507) (763) (507) (701) (218) (218) (612) (218) (507) (763) (612) (507) (507) (952) (218) (320) 386-4124 247-5051 654-1344 234-5642 210-6666 808-6980 290-5577 849-5021 515-0232 239-0929 923-7875 781-5293 589-8055 446-7234 591-4619 289-9097 205-6075 324-0666 317-5895 350-3004 669-7255 360-8962 456-6260 448-5500 256-3710 598-3460 ROAD NOISE 3 Dear Fellow Motorcyclists: American Bikers for Awareness, Training, and Education (A.B.A.T.E.) of Minnesota is a not for profit, grass roots organization that is committed to educating motorcyclists and the general public about motorcycling. A.B.A.T.E. members ride many different types and brands of motorcycles. We are all people with a common interest in a common activity. The fact that we share an interest in motorcycling is more important than the type of motorcycle we ride. the local, state and national political process. Safer motorcycling, reducing accidents and fatalities can be best accomplished by education and training of both the motorcyclists and the general public, not necessarily through additional legislation. Our ability to enjoy many freedoms while riding motorcycles in Minnesota is the direct result of the work done by motorcyclists in our state. These people have joined together to fight for our rights and freedoms. There are chapters of A.B.A.T.E. located throughout Minnesota. Each of these chapters is represented on the A.B.A.T.E. Board of Directors (B.O.D.). The B.O.D. also includes the A.B.A.T.E. state officers. The B.O.D. meets once each quarter to discuss the operation of the organization. In addition, each chapter holds a monthly meeting in their area of the state. A.B.A.T.E. is a member driven organization. Members are encouraged to participate in any of these meetings. The efforts of these people have made Minnesota a leader in motorcycle safety. We have one of the toughest licensing standards in the nation, the best public awareness programs, and the most comprehensive rider education programs in the nation. These efforts have helped reduce motorcycle accidents, injuries, and fatalities in spite of the growing number of licensed motorcyclists in Minnesota. A.B.A.T.E. seeks to promote the positive aspects of motorcycling and strives to protect the rights of motorcyclists by being involved in To continue these efforts we need your support and participation. Show your commitment to protecting and preserving your rights as a MINNESOTA ORGANIZATIONS Motorcycle PAC of Minnesota Mark Senn (612) 839-1077 8360 Suffolk Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Minnesota Motorcycle Club Coalition Ryan Westphal 651-503-3097 PO Box 68069 Minneapolis, MN 55418 [email protected] Minnesota Motorcycle Safety Center - MMSC Beginning, experienced, and sidecar rider courses (800) 407-6677 www.motorcyclesafety.org St. Croix Valley Riders PO Box 112 St Paul Park, MN 55071 www.scvr.org Minnesota Motorcycle Safety Advisory Taskforce Charles Fletcher [email protected] Motorcycle Dial A Ride John Nelson (320) 262-6607 [email protected] www.motorcycledialaride.org MN Confederation of Clubs Brandon (920) 899-6888 4 February 2015 motorcyclist in Minnesota. Participate in the meetings, rides, and the fundraising activities. You will be informed about the motorcycle activities in the state by receiving Road Noise, the A.B.A.T.E. monthly news publication. A.B.A.T.E. is fun, educational and a great way to meet people and make new friends with similar interests. With your help, we can continue to promote the positive image of motorcyclists. If you want more information about A.B.A.T.E., please attend any of our meetings, meet other members, and ask questions. We are pleased that you have decided your rights are worth protecting, that the positive aspects of motorcycling are worth promoting, that education is important, and that the cost of an A.B.A.T.E. membership is a small price to pay to preserve and promote these principles. Members are the most important thing that A.B.A.T.E. has, so Thank You for becoming a member and we look forward to seeing you at our events. T H E MR F & H E A R T L A N D S.T.E.A.M. O R G A N I Z AT I O N S Motorcycle Riders Foundation M.R.F. E-Mail: [email protected] 1325 G Street N.W. Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 546-0983 • Fax: (202) 546-0986 http://www.MRF.org A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois 311 E Main St Galesburg, IL 61401 (309) 343-6588 • Fax (309) 343- 6387 http://abate-il.org A.B.A.T.E. of Iowa 1240 Washington St. P.O. Box 70 Eldora, IA 50627 (641) 858-5001 • Fax (641) 858-5012 http://abateiowa.org A.B.A.T.E. of Nebraska P.O. Box 30332 Lincoln, NE 68503 (877) 912-9889 www.abateofne.com A.B.A.T.E. of North Dakota 1001 S 22nd St Bismarck, ND 58504 (800) 726-4094 • Fax (701) 224-0650 abatend. com A.B.A.T.E. of South Dakota #243 2601 S. Minnesota Ave, STE 105 Sioux Falls, SD 57105-4750 http://www.abatesd.com A.B.A.T.E. of Wisconsin 438 N Water St. Black River Falls, WI 54615 (800) 386-4442 • Fax (715) 284-7545 http://www.abatewis.org NATIONAL MOTORCYCLE RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS National Coalition of Motorcyclists N.C.O.M. 21054 Sherman Way, 3rd floor Canoga Park, CA 91303 (800) ON-A-BIKE http://www.aimncom.com American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) 13515 Yatmouth Drive Pickerington, OH 43147 (614) 856-1900 www.AMADirectlink.com A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. STATE COORDINATOR MACK BACKLUND (763) 226-9195 [email protected] Did You Break Your New Year’s Resolutions Yet? If so, there is still time to make one more. How about something really new for the New Year? How about a new focus on protecting motorcycling rights and safety by volunteering your time and knowledge to A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota? 2015 will be a challenging but exciting year for Minnesota motorcyclists. Here are some ways to make the year more fun, help yourself stay safe and preserve your motorcycling freedom: Get Politically Aware and Active We need to stay in contact with our friends at the Minnesota Capitol. A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota’s agenda is not party specific, we work with those who support us and try to change the minds of those who disagree with our mission of common sense motorcycle rights and safety. Go Back to College No, not literally - Attend A.B.A.T.E. University in April. A.B.A.T.E. U will be a weekend full of workshops and speakers to educate you on current motorcycle trends. All while having a good time with friends. Head to Bismarck, North Dakota Heartland STEAM is a seven state regional motorcycle conference in May that will not disappoint. It is very interesting to interact with other like-minded motorcyclists to learn what is happening in the surrounding states. Help Out at the Freedom Rally Membership Table A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota’s Membership Chair, Tom Buffington, will be looking for your help in July. Every year our good friends at A.B.A.T.E. of Iowa allow us to recruit Min- ASSISTANT STATE COORDINATOR KEVIN TODD (507) 766-1411 [email protected] Well, 2015 is here and I hope everyone had a safe a wonderful Holiday season. It actually did get white down here a few days after Christmas. But we all know we will have enough snow by the time Spring gets here. So, the good news. House Bill HF 59 was introduced to Curtail Profiling of Minnesota Motorcyclists. Now our job is to get a hold of our legislators and ask them to co-sponsor this bill as it needs bipartisan support from both sides of the aisle. Drop them a line, or phone call, even a letter would do fine and show Frank that we all are capable of actually writing a real letter. www.abatemn.org nesota members at the entrance to their Rally. It is a fun and important job! Attend and Volunteer at A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota’s State Rally Save the date – Labor Day weekend will be Rally time in Minnesota. We will all have a great time at this year’s Rally – Guaranteed! Ever Been to Milwaukee? In September, A.B.A.T.E. of Wisconsin will be hosting the Meeting of the Minds conference in Milwaukee. This is the Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s national motorcycling conference. Ask anyone who has attended in the past and you will see that this is a “must do” event. Take Part in a Training Course The New Year is a great time to brush up on your motorcycling skills. Courses are offered all summer and range from beginner to expert. Become a Share the Road Presenter Through A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota's Share the Road program, thousands of students, senior citizens, and service groups have been educated on motorist awareness of motorcycles. Our volunteers are extremely dedicated and professional. During a class, bikers explain awareness of motorcyclists to a very receptive audience. Everyone who takes the class has a new respect and appreciation for motorcyclists on the road. Avoiding a crash is the goal. Your life may have been saved because a driver you encountered on the road has been trained by our volunteers. New Year = New You Please look for details in this newsletter or at www.abatemn.org throughout the year. Make a personal commitment to maintain and improve the rights and safety of Minnesota motorcyclists. Ask your family and friends who ride to join and support A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota. Yours in freedom, Mack Next, the January Board was held last month in Shakopee and all State Officers were nominated as well as the proposed Annual Budget was sent to the Chapters for review and discussion. This will be voted on in April at A.B.A.T.E. U in Alexandria by the Board. If you haven't made your reservations yet, get a hold of Jane. Her info is in the Road Noise. Ya know as messed up as our State Capitol is with renovations and such, it's up to us to take it upon ourselves to do our lobbying trips in small numbers to St. Paul. If you have a small group interested in car pooling up to the Capitol, call Mack or Todd for info and needed talking points to make your trip worth while. So, times are getting busy once again as we charge head first into the New Year. Don't forget to attend Chapter Fundraisers and stay focused on motorcycle rights as the big picture. Ask yourself, "How will this affect the Rights and Privileges of Motorcyclists in Minnesota?" Let's all make sure THAT is our New Years resolution and goal. See ya and be Safe and Responsible..... kt ROAD NOISE 5 COMMITTEES AND REPORTS NCOM REPORT FRANK ERNST (612) 801-2920 [email protected] NCOM (National Coalition of Motorcyclists) Report February, 2015 Before I begin my report I want to share a message. I recently received a plaque and letter of encouragement and appreciation from long time A.B.A.T.E. member and artist Rick Arguello. I want to publicly express my thanks to Rick for what he did for me and what he does for all of A.B.A.T.E. We learned at the last NCOM Board meeting that the Trademark Defense fund is doing well. We have sent $53,000.00 to the attorneys handling the case and will plan to send $50,000.00 at a time in future donations. A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota was recognized for our donation. That was approved at our July Board of Directors meeting. The “patch” trial is expected to begin in March and will be a very difficult case. It is expected no matter who wins there will be an appeal by the other party. We will keep you posted on this one. We welcomed five new groups and one returning group to the fold of NCOM. It was also announced we will have a new addition to our Board of Directors Michael “Cutter” Jay will come on board as Co-Director of Region III filling the void left when we lost Glen Fengstad. Cutter has been active in many areas of motorcycling and motorcycle rights and is known to many in Minnesota. He is knowledgeable and hard working; he will be a good addition to our Board, welcome Cutter. It was announced that we had a recent win in Florida. The West Florida COC went to the state Fair and were not allowed in Jerry T (Florida AIM attorney) took the case for the COC Pro-Bono. The state Fair knew they would lose so they settled for $73,000.00. The Fair has now taken down their signs. Our 30th Anniversary Convention and 2015 Board Meeting will be held May 7th – 10th in Denver, Colorado a one or two day ride depending on your schedule and riding preferences (see official flyer and registration on other pages of Road Noise). There will be many excellent seminars, but a couple I want to mention are “Public Relations/Media” by Jason Hill and “Working your State Legislature” with Paul Landers. I am excited to announce that Paul and Jason will be speaking at A.B.A.T.E. U 2015. Thanks to the help from NCOM and Steve O'Brien for helping make this possible. One more topic I want to mention is we have openings for AIM Reps. This is an opportunity for outgoing verbal people to earn a little extra cash working part time at motorcycle events, let me know if you have interest. In closing I want to mention again that Paul and Jason will be taking their time and traveling from Texas to share their knowledge with us at A.B.A.T.E. U 2015. Lets show them our commitment and dedication by traveling from all over Minnesota to attend this event. We will all benefit from what Paul and Jason have to share. Thank you for all you do. fe STATE TREASURER MICHELLE ‘MITCH’ BACKLUND [email protected] PLEASE MAKE SURE TO SEND ALL MEMBERSHIPS TO THE STATE OFFICE, P O BOX 6, MARSHALL MN 56258. If they are sent to me they will be delayed. Thanks, Mitch 6 February 2015 A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. GAMBLING REPORT KIM OSTLUND (507) 334-7592 [email protected] P.O. BOX 382 FARIBAULT, MN 55021 Upcoming Meeting(s): February 17th, home of Frank Ernst, Chanhassen, 6:00 pm I want to start by saying that Robbie is now working nights, 4:00 pm-4:00 am. So please, if you need to call our house try and do it in the evening. Otherwise feel free to call my cell phone and leave a message if I don't answer. By the time you read this I will be starting a busy tax season along with recouping from another biopsy. So I may not be readily available. So it is very important that you do leave a message if you need something. Thank you in advance. Well not much to write about currently since we have not had our January meeting as of yet. I know that we are going to start talking about and planning our State Rally raffle at our January meeting. So I will report more on that next month. With all the talk about A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota being in a position to possibly buy our own land; it is possible that could have an effect on what the Gambling Committee decides to do as far as a State Rally raffle this year. For those of you that don't realize it, the Meeker County Fairgrounds is currently our primary premise for our gambling license. Yes, we can apply for offsite permits to host raffles at other locations throughout the year, but we are limited as to how many offsite permits we apply for. And the whole process is not as easy as just filling out an application asking to change the address of our primary premise. In order for us to apply for a different location, whether it be our primary location or any other location that a Chapter may want to have a raffle, here is what needs to take place: 1. We have to get permission from the owner of that location. 2. Once we have that we need to submit an application to the governing body where the premise is located. This application needs to be signed by this governing body and we need a copy of the resolution where they approve this application. This means getting on the agenda of either the city council or the township where the premise is located. Sometimes this is challenging since they may not meet very often. Once that is done then all that paperwork is mailed to me. PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE BECKY HASSLEN (612) 554-0530 [email protected] Next Meeting(s): February 13th, Kimmer Robertson’s home, Big Lake, 6:30 pm March 14th, Jacque B’s, Montrose, 2:00 pm If anyone is interested in submitting an article or story, on a regular, occasional, or even a one-time basis we’d love to publish it. Personal stories and anecdotes really www.abatemn.org 3. If it is a Chapter applying for a premise permit, the application and resolution then need to be approved by the gambling committee. Once it is approved then it all gets forwarded to Mack for his signature. 4. Mack in turn signs and forwards all paperwork to the Gambling Control Board. 5. Once they approve, they then send us a permit for our files. I have had some Chapters that have contacted me thinking that all they needed to do was give me a request to order tickets and then they could have a raffle. So as you can see it is not that easy and it is very time consuming. When I get these types of inquiries I inform the Chapters that this whole process can take at least six months to complete. Even though we do have a license to gamble we must have a permit for a specific location and a specific date on file before we can hold that raffle. No matter if it's the State hosting the raffle or the Chapter. Chapters do not receive their own independent permits. Those permits are all issued as part of our primary permit. We only have one gambling license number. I hope this clears up any confusion within your Chapters. We definitely don't want to jeopardize our gambling license by starting to have raffles where we don't have permits or permission to do so. If your Chapter has any specific questions, please feel free to contact me or anyone on my Committee. I do still have plenty of A.B.A.T.E. University raffle tickets left. When you read this I may also still have some posters. At this time I do, but I am hoping to get rid of a lot of them at the January B.O.D. Also keep in mind that if you would like to have any of the A.B.A.T.E. University motorcycles at your winter fundraisers please contact me as soon as possible so that I can make sure to get all the insurance taken care of. As always, our Committee is looking for some new members. We normally only have three people at our meetings other than myself. It's pretty hard to do any voting really when you only have three people. Even though I am required to have a meeting every month, please don't let that scare you. I realize that this is a volunteer organization so we can't require that any Committee members be at every meeting. Our Committee would appreciate any time that you or any of your members could give us. I know that it looks like we meet in the cities a lot of the time but that's because it is half way for me and two of the three Committee members. This Committee is not afraid to travel. We would love to get members from the outer Chapters in this state. help to make Road Noise an interesting read. I know we have a lot of good writers out there and we definitely have some great storytellers! As always, we’d love to see some new faces on this Committee. Feel free to join us at an upcoming meeting. We promise we won’t put you to work, but we would like to hear some new ideas. Until next time, Becky Committee ROAD NOISE 7 A.B.A.T.E. UNIVERSITY JANE DOYLE (763) 754-5644 [email protected] Next Meeting(s): February 4th, Hasty Truckstop, Hasty, 5:00 pm Upcoming event(s): April 17th-19th, A.B.A.T.E University, Holiday Inn, Alexandria Are you ready to take the Road Guard class? If so, you MUST go online to the DPS website and APPLY. Go to https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ots/mmsc/motorcycle-road-guard/Pages/default.aspx. At the bottom of the page, there is a link to the Motorcycle Road Guard Certification application. This application must be completed and sent to Driver and Vehicle Services (DMV) THREE WEEKS before the class. Your driving records will be reviewed and you will receive a letter from DVS letting you know if you are approved. You cannot enter the classroom without a certificate and approval letter. Class size is limited to 12 people. We have plans for two classes, so let me know when you get approved so I can hold your place in class. Dinner Banquet: We have decided on three meal choices - Bacon Wrapped Turkey Tenderloin, Pork Cutlets, and Orange Chicken (gluten-free meal). All served with dessert for a bargain price of $25.00. Tickets will be available soon. Remember to "Dress for Dinner". We need YOUR help! In order to make this a success, we'll need lots of auction items. There will be both a silent auction and live auction this year. Start collecting/creating things now. Also, don't forget; each chapter is asked to bring a table decoration to be auctioned off. We are looking for someone with a sewing machine to set up in the courtyard. Don't forget to call the Holiday Inn and book your rooms...(320) 763-6577 See you soon... Jane MEMBERSHIP & RETENTION TOM BUFFINGTON (507) 383-7068 [email protected] Congratulations to the winners of A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota’s Fall 2014 Chapter Membership Drive Challenge The chapters with the largest percentage increase in memberships between October 1st and December 31st are: 1st Prize - Banner for your chapter - River Riders Chapter 2nd Prize - Flag flown over the US Capitol - Sand Dunes Chapter 3rd Prize - Honorable mention award - Metro Chapter Our riding freedoms will continue to be challenged. A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota will need all freedom minded bikers on board to be successful in 2015. Sign your friends up today! Buff DIAL-A-RIDE WWW.MOTORCYCLEDIALARIDE.ORG At the January B.O.D. we handed out Chapter contact forms. Please bring these forms to your next Chapter meeting and have your President ask your Chapter if they want to be a part of DialA-Ride. Return the filled out forms at the April B.O.D. meeting. We are still looking for someone familiar with WordPress to help out with our website. If you can or know someone, please contact John or Ron. 8 February 2015 "Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see." -- Rene Magritte Belgian surrelist artist A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. STATE OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR LIZ HERZOG (800) 224-6570 [email protected] NOMINATIONS! Nominations are here and I would like to point out a couple of things. First of all, if you are going to be voting via absentee ballot I need your request in writing to me no later than February 10th. They must also be requested from the person who is to be voting and not through a third party (couples may send one request). As soon as I have your chapters election information I will mail you your ballot. Please return them to me as soon as possible so that I may get them to your chapter by their election day. If they are not returned to me in time your votes may not count. Secondly, you must be a current member to vote so have your membership card with you at your meeting. Thirdly, if you belong to more that one chapter you may only vote on the State level in one chapter that you delegated as your primary chapter. You may vote in each chapter that you belong to on the chapter level. ATTENTION ALL PRESIDENTS-ELECTION INFORMATION PACKET! I will be mailing you your chapters election packets. As soon as you receive it please look at all the papers to make sure that your information is correct. If they are not please contact me asap so that I may get them corrected. Also, immediately following your March meeting mail the results to me so that I can get all of my work done before the April B.O.D. Working Together To KEEP our FREEDOM! Liz Herzog REVISOR REPORT JAN LOFT-PILGRIM (507) 537-1806 [email protected] PRODUCTS REPORT RHIANNON DUBINSKY [email protected] (952)451-1039 Please ensure that the two Operation and Procedure Manuals assigned to the Chapter are passed along to a newly elected President and/or Chapter Representative if you have new Officers after the March elections. Nothing new to report. Please keep the Manual up-to-date and current; watch for new page handouts at Board of Directors meetings. The Operation and Procedure Manual is designed to help Chapters run efficiently and effectively. WAYS & MEANS REPORT Jan Loft-Pilgrim KRISTIE ORN (320) 398-6966 [email protected] STATE RALLY REPORT DERRELL W. JENSEN (320) 838-3921 [email protected] This is hard to write as I don't know the results of the vote. All I can say is I hope it passes. This is a chance for A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota to have what I feel is the solution to get where many members feel we should be. Cynde and Tom have run our medical for many years they will be stepping down after this year. My thanks go out to them for the awesome job they have done. They will train in someone this year as their replacement. As always, support A.B.A.T.E., it belongs to you. Derrell www.abatemn.org Next Meeting(s): March 29th, Ugly Bar, Montrose, 1:00 pm The Ways & Means Committee met on Sunday, January 11th at the Ugly Bar in Montrose. Thanks to all who made it: Jim S., Dawn, Jim O., Brad, Scott, Mitch and Mack. After reviewing the reports, we were presented with the proposed budget. After having all our questions answered by Mitch, and with some insight from Mack about the future of the organization, the budget was approved by the Committee for presentation to the Board of Directors at the January meeting. We then went through the rest of the paper work with no other questions. Kristie Orn ROAD NOISE 9 LEGISLATIVE REPORT TODD RIBA (952) 239-0929 [email protected] Stand And Be Counted No Bikerday, no problem. Bikerday has been one of the most powerful tools that we have used over the years and now we have to adapt, overcome, improvise. I hope that all 26 Chapters will find a way to make a citizen lobbying trip to the state capitol. If a field trip isn’t in the cards then chapters should consider inviting their elected officials to chapter meetings. The talking points for these meetings are on the A.B.A.T.E. of MN website at abatemn.org. All of our members should be familiar with these talking points. We all need to contact our State Representatives and State Senators to ask for their support on our issues. We want the Minnesota helmet law left alone, we don’t want any changes to the insurance requirements for motorcycles, we want a “Start Seeing Motorcycles” license plate, we want an anti motorcycle profiling bill passed, and last but not least, an oldie but a goodie, we want increased penalties for careless drivers that cause crashes that result in death or great bodily harm when chemical impairment is not a factor. All Chapter Reps should be bringing an “A.B.A.T.E. of MN Enhanced Penalties Initiative” back to the chapters after the January B.O.D. If they don’t discuss it at the February meeting ask them to. You can contact me and I will email you a copy. This is important stuff, according to the Minnesota Motor Vehicle Crash Facts in 2013 there were 178 fatal crashes that were caused by distracted drivers and there were 14,694 injury crashes caused by distracted drivers. In contrast there were 35 fatal crashes and 1,148 injury crashes where chemical impairment was the cause. Clearly chemical impairment while driving/riding is a serious issue and it deserves the states full attention but those numbers also clearly indicate that the state should focus the same amount of resources and enforcement on distracted driving. Think about it, almost 15,000 crashes caused by distracted drivers on Minnesota roadways, that’s a pretty crazy environment to ride in. We can make it safer by getting this bill passed once and for all. So I am putting out a call to all who read this, contact your State Rep. and State Senator. Remember, this is state level, if their contact info isn't on the back of this publication you are contacting the wrong people. If you don’t know who represents you Google MN House of Reps or MN State Senate and go to the bottom of the page and click on “who represents me”. You can also go to abatemn.org. Contact these folks and ask them to support “Increased Penalties for careless drivers who cause crashes that result in death or great bodily harm when chemical impairment is not involved”. We will provide bill numbers and email alerts as more info becomes available. Also, please consider contacting your County Sheriff and County Attorney and ask for their support by contacting legislators. I can provide sample letters and guidance to anyone, you just need to ask. Let’s make Minnesota a safer place to ride and lets Stand And Be Counted. Todd A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota members in the Minnesota Senate gallery at the opening session of the 2015 legislative session. 10 February 2015 A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. EDUCATION REPORT JIM PEASE (320) 234-3517 [email protected] Nothing new to report. MRF REPORT TODD RIBA (952) 239-0929 [email protected] Please read the Motorcycle Riders Foundation release below and contact U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken and ask them to support this legislation so we can end this practice of discrimination once and for all. The Senators’ contact info is on the back page of this fine publication. MRF media contact: Jeff Hennie Phone: 202-725-5471 E-mail: [email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WASHINGTON, D.C. – A bipartisan bill introduced today by U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Joe Manchin (D- W.Va.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) would prohibit the use of federal funds in establishing motorcycleonly checkpoints. Specifically, the “Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act” would restrict the Secretary of Transportation from granting funds to any government entity for a program to check helmet use or to create checkpoints for an operator of a motorcycle or a passenger on a motorcycle. The American Motorcyclist Association and the Motorcycle Riders Foundation fully support the bill. “Motorcycle-only checkpoints are discriminatory, forcing riders and their passengers to do something not asked of other citizens, simply because we choose to travel on two wheels, or three, instead of four,” said Wayne Allard, AMA vice president for government relations. “The AMA believes the money used for these operations could be better spent supporting programs that conduct rider education, reduce distracted driving and encourage motorist awareness of motorcycles.” “We are excited to work on this most important issue,” said Jeff Hennie, vice president of government relations and public affairs for the Motorcycle Riders Founwww.abatemn.org HISTORIAN CATHY SCHWALICH (703) 656-6355 [email protected] Nothing new to report. dation. “It is imperative that we end the discriminatory act of motorcycle only checkpoints.” Motorcycle riders already are subject to state registration, inspection, licensing and helmet laws and must stop at sobriety check points like all other motorists. The MRF and AMA have fought motorcycle-only checkpoints since the state of New York announced plans to set up 15 of them in 2008 to stop riders on their way summer motorcycling events. “Evidence suggests that motorcycle-only checkpoints do not effectively reduce motorcycle injuries or fatalities and do not address the factors that are the main contributors to motorcycle accidents,” the senators wrote in a press release about the bill. “Accordingly, NHTSA does not list the practice in its own 2013 Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Offices, which details policies and activities that the agency considers effective at reducing crash injuries and fatalities.” States use funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to pay for the checkpoints, so federal legislation can halt the practice. If passed, this federal bill will cut off NHTSA funding and ensure that riders across the country are safeguarded from these ineffective and discriminatory stops. “Using motorcyclists tax dollars to discriminate and harass them with mandatory roadside checkpoints in the name of safety is offensive and just plain wrong. No one is more aware of the condition of the motorcycle than the person riding it,” Hennie said. “If the NHTSA truly is interested in motorcyclists’ safety, it would fund proven programs that help prevent crashes, rather than these checkpoints,” Allard said. California, Louisiana, Missouri, North Carolina, Illinois, New Hampshire and Virginia have passed legislation curbing motorcycle-only checkpoints. ROAD NOISE 11 A.B.A.T.E. University Announcement A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota is proud to announce Paul Landers and Jason Hill will be guest presenters at A.B.A.T.E. U 2015. Paul and Jason are well versed in many topics concerning motorcyclists, our lifestyle and our passion for what we do. Paul Landers "Vision without execution is still just....a hallucination". Paul Landers is a seasoned Motorcyclists Rights Activist and Freedom Fighter from Texas who believes positive results are a result of effectively Educating, Infiltrating and Legislating. Landers learned the importance of these three concepts from longtime friend and coworker Sputnik, a pioneer Freedom Fighter known for his tenacious belief in our freedoms. Landers works tirelessly at the State and National level developing successful strategies for like -minded freedom lovers from all over the country. An advocate for "changing the motorcycle culture" in our country Landers has partnered with constitutional scholars, lawmakers and Biker Community Leaders to implement programs that teach accountability and transparency which are part of the platform that he promotes throughout his extensive annual speaking engagements. Landers believes in results, and he has been instrumental in drafting Bills, lobbying lawmakers, and working with legislators to pass comprehensive legislation that protects the rights and freedoms for all motorcyclists. Landers is committed to building a national network of Freedom Fighters who will stand together against any legislative threats to our freedoms as American Bikers. NCOM Board of Directors - Member NCOM Legislative Task Force - Chairman U.S. Defenders - National LT. Commander Texas Confederation of Clubs & Independents - Vice Chair Texas Motorcycle Rights Association II - past Chairman MRF - Member Texas A.B.A.T.E. Confederation - Member Jason Hill A life- long motorcyclist has lived in Central Texas for the past twelve years and has kept an eye on the area's growth as an award winning news anchor for KVUE-ABC Television. During his more than two decades in the news business Hill traveled the globe covering some of the most important news stories of our time. His broadcast news career spans six cities and two countries. Hill currently manages a public affairs department for the city of Austin where he and his staff use their media relations and community outreach expertise to communicate market and maintain a successful relationship between the city's water utility and its customers. Hill is also the founder of the automotive blog site "On The Road With Jason Hill OTR" which has worldwide subscribers. Hill is very involved in Biker Legislation that affects the quality of life of those who choose to ride on two wheels. His commitment to protecting our freedoms as American Bikers is expressed through his involvement in the US Defenders Program and the development of the Biker Communications Network, a way for the Biker Community to stay informed and connected to current local and national issues. Hill was a member of the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and is currently the National Communications Director for the US Defenders Program. Hill has a Bachelor of Arts and Master's Degree from the University of Detroit and speaks fluent French and Spanish. U.S. Defenders - National Communications Director Texas Confederation of Clubs and Independents Director of Communications & Media Past Texas C.O.I.R. Commander YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THESE GUYS!!!! THEY ARE OUR GUEST SPEAKERS AT OUR SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER! 12 February 2015 A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. Chapter Grapevines SOUTHWEST DISTRICT DIRECTOR PAUL TJEPKES (320) 841-0473 [email protected] Greetings, hope everyone had a great holiday season. It is now time to step up our legislative activities, contact your local Senators and Representatives. Mack is offering to set up meetings for each chapter at the capital so take him up on the deal. When you read this state nominations will be done. Your chapter will have begun the process of nominations for your officers. Good luck to all. Ride Safe Ride Free Paul WAY WEST WWW.WAYWESTMN.WEBS.COM Next Meeting(s): February 6th, Pizza Ranch, Montevideo, 7:00 pm. March meeting is pending as to location. Howdy, I hope everyone had a Happy New Year. I know when you bring in the New Year with good friends; it is always a happy one. :) 2014 has flown by. It seems the older a person gets the faster the time goes. Hey! Isn't that an oxymoron? LOL We are having an Easter Scavenger Hunt. I can be contacted for the scavenger list at 320-249-7320 or at [email protected]. There are a lot of fun things to look for on the list. Last but definitely not least, I am enclosing a pic of the Way West get together from 2014 with other A.B.A.T.E. members at the State Rally. I was going to post a couple more pics, but some demon told me I couldn't send them. Good bye 2014....welcome 2015! Happy trails, Cherry Mary ROLLING PRAIRIE www.rollingprairieabate.org Next Meeting(s): February 7th, Buckshot’s, Butterfield 2:00 pm March ?, Watch Facebook for the date/time/location Committee Meetings begin one hour before each meeting. Upcoming Event(s): 22nd Annual Chili Feed, March 21st, St. James VFW, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm As I write this article we haven’t had our January meeting, the meeting is the day after the article was due so I don’t know how some topics have turned out. There is discussion on some land that A.B.A.T.E. can purchase and will be voted on at the January Board of Directors meeting. January is also the first month of www.abatemn.org State Rally 2014 nominations for the chapter. All officer positions are available, if you would like to take an active role and help lead this chapter, now is the time to step up. We have three months of nominations with the voting taking place in March. The officer training is in April at A.B.A.T.E. University. The Chili feed is just a month away. Have you done your part and collected some door prizes or items for the silent auction? It takes all of us to make sure the one fundraiser for our chapter goes smoothly and that there are plenty of items up for bid. Donations can be turned into Doug Louris or any chapter officer. Stay warm! Kelly ROAD NOISE 13 LAKE www.abatelakechapter.com Next Meeting(s): March 14th, Jacque B’s, Montrose, 3:00 pm April 4th, Chops, Hanover, 3:00 pm Upcoming Event(s): February 7th, Grounded Hogs Fundraiser, Rockford Township Hall, 7:00 pm February 11th, Lake Chapter Day at the State Capitol May 8th-11th, Heartland STEAM, Bismarck, ND We had another good turnout for the January meeting; I hope we can keep the momentum going. We started officer nominations and we will continue again in February and we will vote in March so please consider attending that important meeting. Here are the nominations that we have so far: PresidentSmoker, V.P.-Mike Berger, Chapter Rep-Jencks, Treasurer-Becky, Secretary-Maureenski, and Sgt. at Arms- Cousin Steve, John Houston, Fred, Keith Knee, and Mike Shinn. Speaking of important meetings, there will be a proposal for rally land acquisition presented at the January Board of Directors (B.O.D.) meeting in January. We more than likely will be asked to vote on the proposal as a Chapter so our Chapter Rep can bring our vote to the April B.O.D. My tentative plan, subject BUFFALO RIDGE Next Meeting(s): February 7th, Bonnie and Clyde’s, Tracy, 1:00 pm March 7th, Bonnie and Clyde’s, Tracy, 1:00 pm Happy New Year to All, 2015 shows promise and 2014 is but a bitter memory, you may recall I was on disability for 4.5 months during prime riding season. I’ve been back at work for a couple months and it’s nice to be back on full payroll. Both my bride of 18 years and I have kicked the nicotine habit for four months now. Looking at the 2015 calendar, the July 4th Holiday falls on a Saturday, Algona, here we come! Another item of interest is that our Minnesota State Rally has been moved back to Labor Day Weekend! Check your Road Noise for the awesome discounts on Advance Rally Tickets. Wishing you all a Great 2015! We had our January Meeting at Bonnie and Clyde’s and met Mike McDonald the owner of the establishment. Mike is a new Buffalo Ridge A.B.A.T.E. member and has signed up several more new members from the Tracy area. With the recent closing of the Lyndwood, Buffalo Ridge Chapter has been checking out alternative meeting places, we were very happy to meet at Bonnie and Clyde’s. Good folks, good food, Great décor, check them out. They are right on main drag on the corner. The Chili Fundraiser is on schedule, we will have the loose ends tied up by end of month. We have committed to have the fund raiser at KB’s in Ghent February 21st. To add to the fun, there will be a silent auction, we are accepting donated items right up until the event. Get in touch with Linda Moser or Angie Dubbeldee so they can get a bid sheet printed in advance. Thanks! This is the Twentieth Anniversary for our Fundraiser, the advance sale price has never changed. One thing that IS changing is the MENU. We will be making a very mild chili variety “Tiny Tim Tame” along with our white chili, and a detuned version of our red. Please pass this along to those who think the stuff is TOO HOT! For those that need the HEET we 14 February 2015 to Chapter approval, would be to discuss the proposal at our February meeting (this edition of Road Noise will come out after that meeting) and then let people think on it for a month and vote at the March meeting. This is a big deal so we need to give this subject some thoughtful consideration. Stay tuned for updates. Lake Chapter Day at the Capitol will be on February 11th. We will leave the Delano Legion at 9:00 am and the Hopkins Park and Ride at 9:30 am. We will then car pool to the Capitol and we will attend meetings with our elected officials. Talking points will be provided and I will make the appointments. If you are interested in attending please let me know A.S.A.P. and don’t be afraid to just show up, the more the merrier. After the work is done we might head over to the Gopher Bar for some Coney Island Dogs and socializing. The owner of the Gopher Bar is a Lake Chapter member and he is a great American. I would like to encourage Lake Chapter members to consider attending Heartland STEAM in Bismarck, ND in May. This is a very informative and energizing conference, it can be a lot of fun too so contact me if you are interested in attending. Let’s go for a little to North Dakota. Thanks for all that you do, Todd, Lake Chapter Prez (Mitch will be back next month) haven’t forgotten you, we will provide more condiments to add to the variety. Food, Fun and “Pirate Taxi” for five bucks advance sale, eight at the door. See you there. January meeting was the longest meeting we have had in over a year. We got some good stuff decided though. Starting January 1, 2015 to January 1, 2016 there will be a Buffalo Ridge Membership Drive, I mentioned this early in 2014 but we never nailed down the particulars, sorry. The points system is easy, any expired renewal or new member is 1 point, and couples are 2 points. An expired renewal is any person “not current” for one month or more. Here is the GOOD PART! High Points Person will get a $100.00 A.B.A.T.E. University Raffle ticket compliment of Buffalo Ridge A.B.A.T.E. We will try to list top people each month to add to the competition during the year. Buffalo Ridge Treasurer Betty Baldwin will be doing the official tally, to get credit you must submit the new membership or the expired renewal to her with your name on it, if you are not interested in the competition you can still turn in your new members and expired renewals to Liz Herzog. Rest Assured there is” strength in numbers” and there are a lot of potential members out there, go get ‘em, good luck. Chapter Elections have begun, we are accepting nominations for all officers and at this time I am not going to list. Come to the next two meetings with nominations for yourself or anyone else, all are welcome. Change is good, accepting a nomination is possibly changing who you are, into who you may become. Thank you all for the opportunity to serve Buffalo Ridge A.B.A.T.E. for four years. Yours in Freedom Rick Dubbeldee. Chapter Prez A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. SOUTH CENTRAL South Central Chapter ABATE (Facebook Site) Check Us Out Next Meeting(s): February 4th, Bonfire Bar & Grill, Litchfield, 7:00 pm March 4th, Bonfire Bar & Grill, Litchfield, 7:00 pm April 1st, Bonfire Bar & Grill, Litchfield, 7:00 pm IT'S COLD. THE END. My contact info: Jim Guza 721 S Gorman Ave Litchfield, MN. 55355 (320)699-0340 [email protected] GLACIAL RIDGE www.glacialridgeabate.org Next Meeting(s): February 7th, Rooney's, Sedan, 6:00 pm Hi Folks, Due to the switch of meeting times for January there is little for me to report. Please remember that this meeting will be the second round of nominations for Chapter Officers. I hope that all of you are spending time in heated garages playing catch up maintenance on your bikes. Spring is coming! Yours, Charlie da Swede SOUTHWEST Next Meeting(s): February 6th, Rushmore's Community Center, Rushmore, 7:30 pm March 6th, Rushmore's Community Center, Rushmore, 7:30 pm April 3rd, Rushmore's Community Center, Rushmore, 7:30 pm When you read this the chili feed will be history and hope that next month I can write that it was a success and that we had great weather. Elections will be taking place in March and those have been discussed. If you are an inactive member, the quiet winter is a good time to attend a meeting and get to know other members. We would love to see you. Until next month, keep the military and their families in your prayers. BAM SOUTHEAST DISTRICT DIRECTOR TONY CORPORAN (507) 440-0157 [email protected] No report received. RIVER VALLEY Next Meeting(s): February 8th, Eagles Club, Mankato, 12:00 pm March 8th, Eagles Club, Mankato, 12:00 pm April 12th, Eagles Club, Mankato, 12:00 pm May 10th, Eagles Club, Mankato, 12:00 pm Happy 2015 to everyone! It's snowing as I write this, riding seems soooo far away! But just as the fall weather, holidays and the New Year have all come and gone, so will the snow....and spring will be here in no time. By the time this issue of the Road Noise arrives to you, our January Thaw Fundraiser will have come and gone also. I have seen the hard work the dance committee along with other members have put into this fundraiser so am confident that it was another successful year for River Valley. www.abatemn.org January brings our first round of nominations for chapter officers. February, the 2nd round with voting in March. Think about stepping up to take an office if so inclined. Everyone's help is wanted and needed to keep A.B.A.T.E. a success. If an officer position is not your cup of tea, participation in monthly meetings and activities are also very important parts of being an A.B.A.T.E. member. Remember that you must be a member in good standing with your card in your possession to vote. Kara has a new supply of "Bucky" memorial patches and the "Tuna" patches should arrive shortly. When they do, I will give them to Kara to add to our products inventory. By this writing you may have already had the opportunity to purchases what you want at the January Thaw Dance. If not, contact Kara at (507) 720-1200. Stay warm. Together we ride free! Until next time – have fun – be safe! Barb ROAD NOISE 15 FLATLANDERS Next Meeting(s): February 14th, Dan and Arvilla Bye’s, Geneva, 1:00 pm March 14th, Moose Lodge, Albert Lea, 1:00 pm, Officer Elections Upcoming Event(s): February 14th, Bus Cruise leaves Geneva, 3:00 pm March 14th, Chili Feed, Moose Lodge, Albert Lea, 4:00 pm April 17-19th, A.B.A.T.E. University, Holiday Inn, Alexandria Greetings Fellow Riders: Hope your winter is going well and you are staying warm while your work on all your winter projects; waxing the bike, polishing the chrome or adding more, the leather needs conditioning, the lights checked and of course the motor checked for sound (the louder the better), among all the less important projects. Summer will be upon us before we know it. With the few things we have coming up in our chapter we can’t forget about all the other things going on in A.B.A.T.E., like A.B.A.T.E. University, State Rally, Rider Training, etc. The Road Noise provides us with a lot of great information but getting involved gives us much more information. There are lots of meetings one can attend, committees to participate on, and positions to be held all which help keep you and your chapter informed. Fundraising inspiration is also found by reading the other chapter Grapevines. MRF is another great source of information. Sign up for A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota e-mail alerts. Just look at how much I’ve learned just by reading the Road Noise from cover to cover, see the following. A.B.A.T.E. University will be here soon and I just learned by reading the Road Noise that each chapter is to make a center piece for a table that will be auctioned off at the end of the night, there will also be a banquet dinner with a guest speaker and a prize going to the best dressed man and woman, doesn’t have to be a couple. Silent and live auction items are also needed. Rooms can be reserved at the Holiday Inn in Alexandria, (320) 763-6577. There will be Road Guard Training classes, see details in the January Road Noise and many other great sounding classes. LOWER CORNER Next meeting(s): February 8th, Strikers Corner, Stewartville, 11:00 am Upcoming Event(s): February 28th, 10th Annual Rochester Bike Show, Mayo Civic Center, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm NEW MEETING TIME…NEW MEETING TIME…NEW MEETING TIME To accommodate all you early risers, beginning this month, our meetings will be at 11:00 am. As stated elsewhere in the Road Noise, Bikerday at the Capitol will not happen this year because of construction hassles. Individually, we need to pick up the slack. Use the A.B.A.T.E. talking points found on the website to communicate with your State Representative and Senator through email, phone call, a hand-written letter, or face to face. It is crucial we maintain our presence at the Capitol to keep our issues at the top of the heap in our legislators' "IN" basket. 16 February 2015 Did you know that A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota is ready to put a bid on land to hold the State Rally, I didn’t. The location at this time is undisclosed but will be released as soon as a final decision is made. Support this action and keep the dream alive by purchasing raffle tickets and other fundraisers at the state level. By the time this issue comes out our 25th Anniversary will be a thing of the past; I hope it is a huge success. Plans at this time are almost finished and it’s just the fun to be had that’s left to accomplish. Our annual Bus Cruise will be over too and am positive plenty of fun was had by those who were ready for a winter break. Pictures and report in March issue, watch for them (or maybe not??). The officer elections will be held at our March 14th meeting so think about running for an office or nominate someone you think will have fresh ideas to help our chapter and A.B.A.T.E. succeed. After the meeting we will hold our annual Chili Feed with a silent auction so start finding items for the auction. If you would like to help prepare the chili or donate ingredients please contact Cali Davis or Michele Legried, they will be brewing the chili on the 12th of March at the Moose Lodge, Albert Lea; come join the fun. Let’s not forget to talk with people about A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota and recruit new members, fresh bodies bring fresh ideas and help the fight for our right to ride and freedom from laws restricting our freedom of choice. Among those people you talk with don’t forget your Legislators/Senators, on both state and federal levels, asking for their support of our freedoms. Get your “Right to Ride” patch by witting a letter or e-mail to your Legislator/Senator and submit the reply along with your letter to Frank Ernst. Never give up your freedom to ride or choice! Dawn Patton As reported in the MRF Reports, California has signed into law a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) tax pilot program. This program will generate revenue for the shrinking highway fund by charging drivers a fee based on WHERE, WHEN, and HOW FAR they travel. The methods of recording distances vary from drivers reporting mileage annually to the DMV, mileage readings during annual vehicle inspections, or GPS technology onboard continuously tracking the vehicle operators' driving habits. In my opinion, this is a Pandora's box, allowing more government intrusion into our private lives. The federal gas tax has not increased since 1993. In light of the VMT tax options, now I would gladly pay more at the pump to keep less government control in my life. More on this can be found at NMA ENewsletter #264: Why VMT Taxing Schemes are Unnecessary and Intrusive. You say that's California not Minnesota? I didn't fact check this, but California probably had something to do with catalytic converters becoming mandatory. It can happen. Stop by the A.B.A.T.E. table at the Rochester Bike Show. A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. TRI-COUNTY Next Meeting(s): February 7th, Cy’s Bar, Chaska, 7:00 pm March 7th, Cy’s Bar, Chaska, 7:00 pm April 2nd, Cy’s Bar, Chaska, 7:00 pm May 7th, Cy’s Bar, Chaska, 7:00 pm Always check the Road Noise and your e-mails for any meeting location changes come the summer months. Chapter position nominations have started and will go thru March with new officers taking over in April. It is encouraged for new officers to attend the April A.B.A.T.E. University to get updated information as to what your new position entails. Also call to make your reservations for A.B.A.T.E. University. It is being held at the Holiday Inn in Alexandria, 320-763-6577. This event is offering Road Guard classes. How to lift a Bike, How to Load a Bike on a Trailer, plus other classes and a formal banquet and B.O.D. meeting. Each chapter is asked to make a table centerpiece that will be auctioned off! Any ideas!? A quick shout out to Straight River chapter for making a donation to Tri-County to help on the January B.O.D. expenses for the hospitality room that was held in January! State rally dates back to Labor Day weekend! Winter months mean bike maintenance! Till next time Ger MISSISSIPPI VALLEY Mississippi Valley A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota group page now on Facebook, we invite you to join us! www.facebook.com/missvalley.abate Next Meeting(s): February 15th, Bierstube, Red Wing, 11:30 am Upcoming Event(s): Nominations for upcoming elections. A.B.A.T.E. University April 17-19, Raffle and Centerpiece auction. Reminder now is a good opportunity to do your civic duty as a motorcyclist and Minnesota citizen - Write to Ride Program. STRAIGHT RIVER Next Meeting(s): Feruary 14th, SOS Clubhouse, Fairbault, 1:00 pm March 14th, American Legion, Owatonna, 1:00 pm Hey Straight Jackets, Wow what a month. Lots of exciting news this year. We had our Pork Chop/Fish Dinner at the Morristown Legion. Thanks to all who made it to help out. For all of you that are interested in Road Guard, the classes will be available; you will need to apply online for these. Nominations are underway for officers. 2015 looks to be a great year for us. Ride Safe, Pittsy NORTHWEST DISTRICT DIRECTOR MIKE JEPPESEN (320) 760-0711 [email protected] Greetings from the Northwest District. By now everybody should have there room booked for A.B.A.T.E. U it promises to be a good weekend. A wise man once told me there are three types of people. 1. Those who make things happen. 2. Those who watch things happen. 3. Those who wonder what the hell happened. It seems that we as human beings get too comfortable, we tend to drift to number two "Those that watch things happen ." We do not want to step out of our comfort zone for fear of the unknown. That's why we as A.B.A.T.E. freedom fighters need to get involved. For every A.B.A.T.E. member there are ten people who want to take our freedoms and rights away from us. If your reading this you already took the first step by being a member of A.B.A.T.E. and we definitely thank you for that! Now its time to take a second step and get involved. We have many forward thinking members that yes, " make things happen" meaning, doing and organizing different events. For example, Chapter fundraisers, A.B.A.T.E. U, Bikerday, and State Rally all designed to raise money for the purpose of maintaining our freedom and rights and giving us the means to stay vigilant of the happenings at our state and national capitol I would definitely like to thank those people for what they do! In closing I would like you all to look in a mirror at yourself. Are you #1 #2 or # 3 hopefully your not number 3 and wonder what the hell happened. Get active now because (sometime) and (later) will become never! See you on the road Farmer Jeppe www.abatemn.org ROAD NOISE 17 FREEDOM FIRST RIDERS www.freedomfirstridersabatemn.org Next Meeting(s): February 28th, Leaf Valley Mercantile, Garfield, 6:00 pm March 28th, Election Meeting, Elks Lodge, Alexandria, 6:00 pm Greetings Freedom First Riders! First off, I would like to apologize to you all for some misleading information I wrote in the last couple newsletters. I stated in the last couple newsletters in December and in January to get geared up for Bikerday at the Capitol. Unfortunately, at the time that the newsletters were written the entirety of the situation was unknown at the time. I was unaware that Bikerday was canceled when the newsletters were written. Again, my apologies to any of you that were confused about the last couple newsletters, Bikerday has been canceled in the Capitol due to renovations. With that out of the way, I will mention that even though Bikerday has been cancelled, you as individuals can have your very own Bikerday! By this, I mean that even though as a large group we cannot go to the Capitol we can make our voice heard by directly contacting our elected officials through written letters, email, and phone calls. Hopefully by the time that you all receive this, the chapter will have agreed on having a 'mini-Bikerday' at a meeting where we invite some of our elected officials come to a meeting and we can meet them faceto-face. Until that time (or perhaps it has already happened by the time this reaches you) I hope that you all will consider contacting them through the methods mentioned before. If you don't receive an answer from them, keep writing/calling! They can't ignore you forever! The best way for them to know what bikers consider to be important is by hearing it directly from the source! You elected them; they are accountable to you and me! Speaking of elections, the nominations for Chapter officers should have already been underway by the time this reaches you. It is always exciting to see who might step up to the plate and become a little more involved in the chapter. I encourage anyone that might have an interest in becoming an officer/ Sgt. at Arms to have a friend nominate you for the position! Speaking from experience it really is a neat way to see how the chapter runs and how everything comes together to keep our chapter running smoothly. Concurrently, if you think that someone in the chapter would be a good fit for a position, please talk to them before nominating them for a position so they aren't blindsided and the nomination portion of the meeting goes smoothly and quickly. Think about it! It's a great way to get more involved in the chapter and a great experience. I will finish this newsletter by saying: sign up to help at the Bike Show! We need all the help we can get! Big John, Bob Harris, or Gary should have the sign-up sheets at the meetings! A little bit of help goes a long way to making sure the Bike Show runs without a hitch! Sign up please! The countdown to riding season begins (or never stops)! "Expect the Unexpected" Patrick Meet and greet in Alexandria, January 1st (pictured left to right) Monte Ohlrogge, Big John President of Dial-A-Ride, Jodi Ohlrogge FFR Legislative Chair, Mike Jeppesen NW District Director, Representative Mary Franson District 08B, FFR President Brian Johnson HEART OF THE LAKES Upcoming Event(s): February 21st, Our 18th Annual Pool N Dart Tourney!! Howdy Folks, Our 18th Annual Pool N Dart Tourney!! Wow! This promises to be a very eventful and entertaining day!! FREE Food, Pork that is. Good People. A Grand Ole' time! Come see for Yourself.. I would like to THANK ALL of our sponsors and those that make this day happen! As we didn't have a meeting in December due to the passing of my Father-in-law. We didn't have a date set for the February 18 February 2015 meeting. I'm predicting it will be Friday, February 13th, at the SandBar in Detroit Lakes. I will post it when I know for sure. Election nominations are happening. Please take time to attend the meetings and help us pull this wheel down the road as straight as we can. It is important to YOUR Motorcycle Rights! A.B.A.T.E. U is just around the corner! There will be Road Guard classes at A.B.A.T.E. U so get signed up, as summer is fast approaching and you will need this to help all the nice people out, that we have money raising rides for. TAKE CARE and RIDE FREE Edgar A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. NORTH STAR www.northstarabate.org Next meeting(s): February 15th, Eagles Club, Bemidji, 3:00 pm As I sit here and write this we are bundled up in our warm cozy homes, with way below wind chills outside. Hope everyone stayed safe and sound. By the time you will be reading this we will have our 'spaghetti feed' in the books on the 18th at the Bemidji Eagles Club. It was nice to see the ones that showed up and most of all helped out, it was great food and good company. Our chapter had a great year with the Chili feed and the 'Show us what you got bike show & swap meet.' This years calendar is looking good already with us helping on another bike show and other rides and events to come. Our next meeting will be on the 15th at the Eagles club at 3pm. Would be nice to see some other members show their face and join in with us. Also put in your nominations for officer positions with the elections coming fast in March. Till next month stay safe and warm, but also don't forget Valentines Day is approaching so make sure you buy your 2 or 3 wheeled sweetheart a treat. Oh yeah and don't forget the significant other as well. Allen Foster Chapter Rep. Mark Peterson and Allen Foster accepting a donation from the Bemidji Jaycees BORDERLAND Next Meeting(s): March 10th, Roseau VFW, Roseau, 6:00 pm April 14th, Roseau VFW, Roseau, 6:00 pm "Bring ideas in and entertain them royally, for one of them may be the king." -- Mark Van Doren American poet and scholar Upcoming Event(s): February 21st, Heart of The Lakes Chapter Pool & Dart Tournament, Sandbar, Detroit Lakes April 17th - 19th, A.B.A.T.E. University, Holiday Inn, Alexandria Hello Borderland! It was fun to see our members out and having fun at our "Ground Hogs" party at Skippy's. We had a great time and raised $ for the Motorcycle PAC of Minnesota. I would suggest checking out both of the above events. Let's support our Northwest District Chapters and get down to A.B.A.T.E. U for education! Chapter and state elections are up so we'll see you at the March 10th meeting , Maybe you want to help out this Borderland Chapter and become an officer or active member, It's easy, fun, and rewarding! Once again,active or inactive, you ,the members of A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota are carrying the water for all of those that ride motorcycles! Don't forget to buy a chance on the A.B.A.T.E. U raffle. It's the best raffle in Minnesota! Spring will be here soon! Twistin' da wick,Tim www.abatemn.org NORTHWEST www.abatenorthwestmn.org Next Meeting(s): February 7th, TNJ Bar & Grill, Red Lake Falls, 6:00 pm March 8th, Scappy's place, Erskine, 2:00 pm Upcoming Event(s): February 7th, Winter Social will follow the meeting, Potluck and band hope to see you all there. Did the first round of nominations. Planning for the Spring Ride-in has started with the dates as May 15th, 16th and 17th. Stay Warm Greg ROAD NOISE 19 NORTHEAST DISTRICT DIRECTOR JEAN AFROOZ (612) 599-2808 [email protected] There were some interesting topics discussed at the January B.O.D. so I hope all the Chapter Reps got the information back to their chapters. Metro Chapter had a great turn out for their Winter Bash and East Central Chapter has their "Heart On” coming up February 8th at the Ham Lake VFW. So look for the flyer to come out! Also February 28th is the Up North Chapter's 1st fundraiser. They call it the Winter Fever Reliever! Please plan on attending this and support your sister chapter. Don't forget to contact me at 612-599-2808 if I can help you out in any way. I have the A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota banner available to sign out and post at your parties!! This is a great tool for signing up new members. If you have signed up to receive the A.B.A.T.E. emails you will notice that several chapters are organizing their own visits to the Capitol to meet with their legislators. This is a great alternative for us due to the construction at the Capitol building. Chapter officer nominations are still in progress so make sure to attend your chapter meetings and volunteer for a position as an officer. There are also several state level positions looking to be filled as well. We need a new products person; which Rhiannon would train in and a new Historian for our organization. And as Porkey Pig says, Th-th-th-th-th-th-that's All Folks!! (fade in the Looney Tunes soundtrack) Jean (Red Hot Mama) Afrooz CENTRAL Next Meeting(s): February 8th, Bubba’s Bar and Grill, Sauk Rapids, 12:00 pm March 8th, Bubba’s Bar and Grill, Sauk Rapids, 12:00 pm **officer election meeting** Well I guess 2015 decided to waste no time being chilly! As I type this most schools are closed due to the weather. I wonder how come that never happens for work. Guess that is part of being a grown up I suppose! Elections are right around the corner, so please consider stepping up to the plate and taking on an officer position. It is very rewarding and well worth the time. It is new blood and new ideas that keep our chapter fresh and fun. We have some newer and younger members spearheading our chapter fundraiser and I for one am extremely excited to see them taking on this role and can’t wait to see all the surprises and new ideas they have for us! Keep an eye on the Road Noise, as there are some changes regarding Bikerday and remember you don’t have to wait until that day to contact your representatives and let them know how you feel and see where they are at as well. It never hurts to be diligent and work with them year round. Until next month, try and stay safe and warm kids! Hope everyone is having a wonderful winter so far! Take care and hope to see you at a meeting soon!! Chestica RIVER RIDERS www.riverriders.org Next Meeting(s): February 8th, American Legion, Forest Lake, 12:00 pm March 8th, American Legion, Forest Lake, 12:00 pm Fellow Members, We have officer elections next month. It’s not too late to put your name in for an office or get nominated. This is your chapter and we want you to have a say. As always, we’d like to see more attendance and participation for the decisions and the future of the River Riders Chapter. We hope everyone had fun attending some of the winter events. Thank you to the American Legion in Forest Lake for having us at their location. Be sure and reserve your rooms for A.B.A.T.E. University. What is A.B.A.T.E. University? A.B.A.T.E. University is our annual conference, held at the Holiday Inn, Alexandria, April 17th - 19th, to enlighten and educate motorcyclists about the philosophy and overall objectives of A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota and provide safety and legislative workshops for all motorcyclists. Other interesting and informative motorcycling related classes will be provided as well. Spring is a couple months away, so try to keep busy until then. David Zaun River Riders President METRO www.metromn.com No report received. "You've got to go out on a limb sometimes because that's where the fruit is." -- Will Rogers American performer and humorist 20 February 2015 A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. SAND DUNES Next Meeting(s): February 20th, KJ’s Refuge, Orrock, 7:00 pm March 21st, KJ’s Refuge, Orrock, 2:00 pm *Meeting Change* Upcoming Event(s): April 17th-19th, A.B.A.T.E. University, Holiday Inn, Alexandria As you all know, the State Capitol is under renovations. Even though there will be no official Bikerday this year, we can still have mini Bikerdays. Anyone that is interested can contact your elected officials and schedule a visit. Our voices need to be heard if we want to ensure having our freedom of the road. Last month I attended the State Rally meeting in Shakopee. I’m excited for the change back to Labor Day weekend. We need a three day rally. If you’ve never experienced our state party, I recommend doing so. After all, we are bikers; why not take a vacation to come out, and enjoy a good time. You will meet friendly people who are not only having fun, but supporting a great fundraiser for our organization. Summer is a ways off still, so let’s talk about A.B.A.T.E. University. Never in my four years as a member have I attended this seminar. I will do my best to try and make it this year. Jane is planning new interesting classes and I thank her for stepping up and taking charge of this committee. Sand Dunes - Bikerday A final shout out for all members to attend your chapter meetings. It is nomination time and all of us could use more people to help us fight for our rights. If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. Rozie NORTHEAST [email protected] Next Meeting(s): February 4th, Chalet Bar, Hermantown, 7:00 pm March 4th, Chalet Bar, Hermantown, 7:00 pm April 1st, Chalet Bar, Hermantown, 7:00 pm Upcoming Events(s): February 28th, Up North Chapter Winter Fever Reliever fundraiser, Eagles Club, Grand Rapids, 7:00 pm March 14th, Bunwarmer, River Inn, Scanlon, 7:00 pm April 17th-19th. A.B.A.T.E. University, Holiday Inn, Alexandria May 9th, Billboard Party, place TBD, Superior, WI, information available soon Hello again, It's been a cold winter so far. So in light of that I am sending a reminder to everyone that this years "Bunwarmer" is right around the corner. It's a good opportunity to reconnect with some old friends, meet some new friends and help support our chapter. This year the band will be the Centerville All Stars. There will also be food, games and good friends. As always we encourage people not to drive if they plan to drink and we will have a limo available to shuttle people back and forth to hotel rooms. The cost is only $10.00. New members are encouraged to attend and will get in free if they sign up for an A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota membership at the event. Please bring a non-perishable food item to be donated in the month of March. Donations to the food shelf are doubled that month and it's a good way to help those in our community. www.abatemn.org Eric has A.B.A.T.E. U raffle tickets available. Five bikes will be given away this year and ticket cost is $100.00. A.B.A.T.E. University will be held this year in Alexandria on April 17th-19th. Our chapter has two rooms reserved so if anyone plans to attend please contact one of us so we can make sure to have enough space for everyone. Rooms fill up fast. Nominations for officers have begun. If anyone is interested in an office please throw your name in the hat. The current officers are all working hard but would love to see some new people step up. Speaking of stepping up, I would love to see someone new volunteer to write our monthly submission to the grapevine as I am stepping down. I am running out of things to say, hard to believe I know! It doesn't take long and can be as individual as you choose to make it. Special thanks to Bill D for helping three worthy persons receive electric wheel chairs. An expense that many in need cannot afford, but desperately need. Stay warm, Peace Lisa :) ROAD NOISE 21 JACK PINE RIDERS www.jackpineriders.org Next meeting(s): February 15th, Cricket Bar, Rock Creek, 2:00 pm March 15th, Half Way Home Bar, Banning Junction, 2:00 pm April 19th, Cricket Bar, Rock Creek, 2:00 pm Upcoming Event(s): March 14th, Northeast Chapter’s 26th Annual "Bunwarmer", River Inn, Scanlon, fun starts at 7:00 pm April 17th - 19th, A.B.A.T.E. University, Holiday Inn, Alexandria Get your reservations in now for A.B.A.T.E. U. Reserve your room by contacting Jane Doyle at [email protected] or call 763-754-5644. Check the pages of your Road Noise for events presented by your sister chapters. Make it a point to attend a few. You won’t be disappointed. Thank you to all that attended the Jack Pine Riders Annual Christmas Party. I had a great time, hope you all did as well. Look for some pics from the party in this issue. Land Ho!! A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota is close to acquiring a piece of land we can call our own. A piece of land to host the State Rally, as well as other events. Our chapter representative, Liz, will get an update on this news at the January B.O.D., or check out the State Coordinator's report in this issue. It’s time again for chapter elections. Nominations for Chapter Officers will be accepted at the February, and March meetings. Elections will be held at the March meeting. Remember, you must be a current chapter member to vote. We also have begun planning our 10th Annual “Upper Kettle River Shakedown". We need your thoughts, and ideas. Come to the next meeting and let’s assess what’s working and what’s not working, and make any necessary adjustments. It's our biggest and unfortunately our only chapter fundraiser of the year. If you would like to sponsor, or make a donation to this event contact Bill at 651-5877625. We need your support. Thinking ahead, we need to plan a few rides for this summer. Got any ideas? We are now selling A.B.A.T.E. U motorcycle raffle tickets. Tickets are $100.00 each. 1,000 tickets will be sold this year and five motorcycles will be raffled. In prior years 800 tickets were sold, but only four motorcycles raffled. 1st prize; H.D. Softail Delux, 2nd; H.D. Dyna Low Rider, 3rd; Victory Vegas 8-Ball, 4th; Indian Scout, 5th; H.D. Sportster 48. All great bikes and well worth the $100.00! The drawing will be held on April 18th at A.B.A.T.E U. Winner need not be present. For tickets or more info call Bill at 651-587-7625 or contact any chapter officer. Don’t procrastinate, only 1,000 tickets will be sold and these bikes will be gone. For updated Chapter/Events and information, log on to our website: www.jackpineriders.org Respectfully, Grapevine jesus Jack Pine Riders Annual Christmas Party 2014 22 February 2015 A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. UP NORTH Next meeting(s): February 1st, Eagles Club, Grand Rapids, 5:00 pm March 1st, Knuckleheads Bar, Hill City, 5:00 pm April 5th, Wizards Bar, Nashwauk, 5:00 pm May 3rd, Locker Room Bar, Coleraine, 5:00 pm Up North - Shag & Tina Hill Upcoming Event(s): February 28th, Winter Fever Reliever fundraiser, Eagles Club, Grand Rapids, 7:00 pm Hi everyone, hope the New Year is going great for you all. I would like to start out with a big "SORRY "to our Up North Chapter members and friends about not having our grapevine in the December Road Noise. We did have info and such for you all on dates for meetings that didn't get in, along with a passing away of one of our Up North Chapter members, Pete “Ivan” Moran. He died 12-11-14 and our prayers go out to his family and friends. Our news for the future; the Up North Chapter fundraiser, the Winter Fever Reliever, will be held on Saturday February 28th at the Grand Rapids Eagles Club. There will be a silent auction, cash bar, D-J and other surprises. Hope to see you there to show your support. We would like to thank our fundraiser committee for the great work they have done. There is a block of rooms at the Super 8 in Grand Rapids and there are other hotels within walking distance of the event. For more info you can contact our committee at 218-244-2154 or 218-398-7640. Or if you’re interested in helping at the event please call one of the numbers posted. Chapter officer nominations started at the January meeting and end with voting at our March meeting. So if you want to be more active you will need to come to chapter meetings or contact the chapter president for info on obtaining an absentee ballot. Thank you all, it has been an honor to be the Up North Chapter President and a member of A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota. Jeff (Shag) Serich Up North Pete (Ivan) Moran & wife Kathie EAST CENTRAL www.eastcentralabate.org Next Meeting(s): February 1st, Ham Lake VFW, 11:00 am March 1st, Ham Lake VFW, 11:00 am April 5th, Ham Lake VFW, 11:00 am Thank you to everyone who braved the cold and joined us for the Heart On fundraiser. It is chapter nomination time. If you would like to become an officer or know of a member you think would benefit the chapter, please come to the meeting. Elections will be held March 1st. Request for absentee ballots must be in to the State Office by February 10th. Our legislators are now in session. Did you send congratulation to your elected officials? It is still not too late. Just a quick email, less than five minutes is all it takes. We have a bill in House committee, HR 59, to establish Motorcycle profiling policies. Please contact your House Representative to co-sponsor this bill. When a senate bill becomes available, contact you’re Senator and ask them to co-sponsor that bill. www.abatemn.org This year more than any other it is imperative that you stay in contact with your legislators. With the Capitol renovations we are unable to have the huge Bikerday at the Capitol. But that is not an excuse to let our guard down. Just a reminder if you are not getting emails of chapter minutes and events please email the chapter so we can get your correct email. If you have any ideas, questions or concerns regarding the Chapter, A.B.A.T.E. or the Website, Email or call me. Remember this is your chapter and without you and your support we would not be able to enjoy the riding freedoms we have here in Minnesota. Keep looking at the State and Chapter Websites for updates of what is happening. Keep the Chrome Side Up Mark "Red" Braastad President East Central Chapter ROAD NOISE 23 STATE OFFICER / EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINEE RESUMES I have been a member of A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota since 1989. I joined A.B.A.T.E. to secure the future of my motorcycle riding passion. I have been a Chapter VicePresident, Chapter President, Assistant State Coordinator, and am presently the State Coordinator. I volunteered to be A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota’s representative to the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) in the late 1990s. This allowed me to keep A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota members abreast of national motorcycling issues. I have also served on the Board of Directors of the MRF. In 2010 I was appointed by the Governor of Minnesota as his Special Advisor on Motorcycling Issues and am currently the legislative advisor to the Minnesota Motorcycle Safety Advisory Task Force. I have been involved in A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota’s lobbying at the state and federal levels. The interaction of motorcyclists with their elected officials is crucial to our continued motorcycling freedom. I am a big promoter of educating motorcyclists and motorists. I truly believe that preventing crashes is the key to roadway safety. I have also been instrumental in improving service to our members by introducing modern technology into our membership services, reducing expenses, and the efficient management of our budget. My number one priority is to maintain and improve the rights and safety of all motorcyclists. I am committed to our “consensus by committee” system and our Board of Directors. And I am dedicated to every member of A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota. With your help, we will carry on our way of life, promote a freedom based agenda, and keep Minnesota a great place to ride a motorcycle for many years to come. Please vote for me as State Coordinator and Kevin Todd as Assistant State Coordinator. Working together we will be successful! Thank you, Mack Backlund STATE COORDINATOR NOMINEE - MARK BACKLUND Once again as we start the New Year, I am honored to be chosen as our State Coordinator’s Assistant for another year. I have been with Mack for a number of years now and am amazed at the dedication and resilience he has shown as we continue to tackle issues concerning motorcyclists’ rights and freedoms, both in our great state and at the national level. Mack is driven, focused and adamant about achieving only the best for our state’s motorcycle riders, no matter what size or make of motorcycle you ride. He knows many legislators as well as motorcyclists’ rights leaders all over our country, as well as many outside our borders. He is well versed in laws and regulations covering the spectrum of what are our rights as well as our duties as riders, within the written laws we all observe. He works tirelessly, often at his own expense in money and time, to ensure he stays well informed, and he is often consulted on issues concerning motorcycling in Minnesota. So it is with a sense of honor that I not only represent A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota as his Assistant State Coordinator, but as his friend and colleague in the fight for rider’s freedoms. I stand beside him and fully agree with the agenda he has and his beliefs for our great organization. We look forward to working for you, our friends and fellow members, as your leadership team for the coming year in A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota. Yours In Freedom, Kevin Todd ASSISTANT STATE COORDINATOR NOMINEE - KEVIN TODD 24 February 2015 It has been a privilege to serve as the State Secretary for the past two years and I am proud to have been nominated again this year. I have been a member of A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota since 2010, held the position of Vice President in the Flatlanders Chapter in 2011 and then was elected to State Secretary in 2012. I would just like to say how blessed I am to be a part of an amazing group of individuals such as we have in this organization. I am active in my Chapter by participating in our fundraisers, writing letters to our representatives (I could always do more), attending Bikerday at the Capitol, attending our Rally, assisting with membership drives/tables and just talking to people about A.B.A.T.E. These are all areas that provide the foundation for A.B.A.T.E. to continue to be successful in the fight for our freedoms. Being the State Secretary is another way for me to be active within this organization and one that gives me a lot of pride and satisfaction. Thank you for the nomination, it means a great deal to me to be able to fulfil the needs of this position. Remember, no matter how small or large your contributions to your Chapter are, each one makes a difference in the fight for our freedoms. Thank you, Michele Legried STATE SECRETARY NOMINEE – MICHELE LEGRIED Thank you for the opportunity to continue as the A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota State Treasurer. I will do my best to help this organization grow and give the members accurate financials for their use. Michelle "Mitch" Backlund STATE TREASURER NOMINEE - MICHELLE BACKLUND NORTHWEST DISTRICT DIRECTOR NOMINEE – MIKE "JEPPE" JEPPESEN Hi, my name is Mike “Jeppe” Jeppesen. I am running for the Northwest District Director. I have been riding motorcycles all my life. I am a firm believer in protecting our rights and freedoms. I farm by a little town called Leaf Valley, population five. My wife Shirley, along with our children Jesse, Zach, and Molly, are all riders and love to ride motorcycles. As an A.B.A.T.E. member I truly believe in our rights and protecting our freedoms for all bikers now, and future bikers like my grandkids; and YES, THEY LOVE TO RIDE… See you on the road! Farmer Jeppe SOUTHWEST DISTRICT DIRECTOR NOMINEE – PAUL TJEPKES It has been a privilege to serve the Southwest District for the past two years. We have achieved many of our goals, some are yet to come. I will continue to have our District meetings before each Board of Directors meetings. As your Director, I hope we can continue to make A.B.A.T.E. a stronger voice. We are the voice for motorcyclists’ rights, safety, training, and education in Minnesota. I know we will continue the fight together. I have made some great friends and I hope to make many more visiting the Chapters. As Larry the Cable Guy would say "Let's Git R Done”. Thank You, Paul Tjepkes A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. STATE OFFICER / EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINEE RESUMES NORTHEAST DISTRICT DIRECTOR NOMINEE – JEAN AFROOZ I have had the honor of being the Northeast District Director for the past four years and would like the privilege of doing it again this year. I am so proud of the eight chapters in the Northeast District; they are doing such a great job. I am amazed at the dedication and hard work I have witnessed in the Chapters in this district. Everyone is so focused on motorcyclists’ rights and spreading the A.B.A.T.E. message. I have enjoyed attending your meetings and fundraisers, getting to know all the members, and helping in any way I can. I would appreciate your vote for Northeast District Director and look forward to 2015! Thank you! Jean Afrooz aka "Red Hot Mama" SOUTHEAST DISTRICT DIRECTOR NOMINEE – HENRY VRIEZE Due to unforeseen circumstances I, Henry Vrieze, respectfully withdraw my name for nomination for Southeast District Director. Thank You. My name is Nita K. Baker. I was honored today at the Board of Director’s meeting to be nominated for the Southeast District Director position. I have been involved in A.B.A.T.E. for close to ten years now. I have been the Chapter Representative for River Valley for the past seven years. I have been a member of Dial-ARide for two years. I have been involved in our January Thaw Dance Committee. I have been the Rally Treasurer for two years. I take care of all of the ticket sales for the Rally and I am also the Secretary for the Rally Committee. I have been a proofreader for the Road Noise for several years. I am an administrator on our Chapter Facebook page. I do all I can to make sure my Chapter is informed of everything I can find out about the motorcycling community, whether it is in our state or another. River Valley Chapter members always appreciate the work I do for the Chapter as their Chapter Rep. I don’t take on a position/title unless I can do it to the best of my abilities. I work hard at everything I do for A.B.A.T.E. I would be honored to be voted in as the Southeast District Director. SOUTHEAST DISTRICT DIRECTOR NOMINEE – NITA BAKER BUSINESS OF THE MONTH VIKING LAND HARLEY DAVIDSON 7915 HIGHWAY 210 BAXTER, MN AND VIKING LAND HARLEY DAVIDSON 3555 SHADOWWOOD DRIVE SAUK RAPIDS, MN WWW.VL-HD.COM DAN WALTON BOUGHT VIKING LAND HARLEY DAVIDSON THREE AND A HALF YEARS AGO. HE PREVIOUSLY LIVED IN KETCHIKAN, ALASKA FOR 14 YEARS WHERE HE WAS A VETERINARIAN WHO OWNED HIS OWN PRACTICE. DAN IS VERY CUSTOMER ORIENTED; HE TREATS EVERYONE AS A GUEST AND A FRIEND, NOT JUST A CUSTOMER. HE HOSTED AN A.B.A.T.E. OF MINNESOTA MEMBERSHIP BOOTH DURING THE H.O.G. RALLY LAST SUMMER. VIKING LAND HARLEY DAVIDSON OFFERS HEATED INDOOR STORAGE AND SERVICE PACKAGES. THEY HAVE KNOWLEDGEABLE STAFF AND STATE OF THE ART FACILITIES. COME IN AND VISIT DAN AND HIS STAFF AT EITHER LOCATION. www.abatemn.org ROAD NOISE 25 NEW & RENEWALS FOR DECEMBER 2014 Buffalo Ridge Minneota Memorial Run Eriann Faris Dave Herzog / Liz Herzog Gary Meyers / Kathy Meyers Brant Pagel / Renee Peterson Paul Ramsbey / Raye English Central Sue Bedard-Johnson John Bradshaw Jim Matvick / Tammy Matvick East Central Rick Gallagher Tony Hovind / Cindy Hovind Michelle Scannell / Rod Gaynor Paul Szymczak George Taylor / Barbara Taylor Flatlanders Duane Bergdale John Knudsen / Laura Knudsen Freedom First Riders Richard Hertwig Dale Murray Dawn Rohr Steve Schulke Ray Stach / Dawn Stach Troy Thoennes / Kelsey Hagen Jack Pine Riders Heidi Haavisto / Brent Stumne Cass Hoadley / Annette Madson N R R N R R R N R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Milner Hystad / Nancy Jost Gordy Nordby / Jacque Nordby Rick Peterson Lake Jim Floring Lee Hammerlund / Kris Jahn Jeff Hughes / Char Hughes Jim Kosse / Sheryl Immel Judy Potter Lower Corner Gary Biller Metro Kelby Grovender David Kane Dane Kane Tim Kinney Robert Murphy David Schmoll / Deb Schmoll Bill Schreier / Diane Schreier Jon Stutelberg / Donna Stutelberg Tamie Thalhuber Mississippi Valley Steve Graves North Star Gary Goracke Sharon Johnson / Terry E Johnson Northeast Dale Peterson / Debbie Peterson R R R R R R R R R R N N R R R R R R R N R R John Shalloe Barb Staudohar-Johnson River Riders Rita Martin Mike Sellers / Linda Sellers River Valley Jake Anderson Char Darling Shelly Deutsch Dan Orr / Anita Orr Rolling Prairie Karen Steinberg Sand Dunes Dan Larson / Jenny Melsness South Central Jim Guza / Jill Meyer Alex Hamm / Kassidee DeFries James Orn / Kristie Orn Steve Pitzner Daryl Tritabaugh / Nancy Liebrenz Tri-County Jerry Cleveland Up North Corey Nelson Amy Retzlaff Frank Sever Way West Jess Bauer / Val Bauer R R R R R R N N R R R R R R R N N N R MEMBER OF THE MONTH KELLY LORENZ - ROLLING PRAIRIE CHAPTER KELLY LORENZ HAS BEEN SECRETARY OF ROLLING PRAIRIE CHAPTER FOR THE LAST FOUR YEARS. BUT HER ROLE DOES NOT STOP THERE. SHE IS OUR UNOFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER FOR ROLLING PRAIRIE. YOU MUST LOOK OUT IF KELLY IS AROUND, BECAUSE YOUR PICTURE IS SURE TO BE TAKEN. BUT BECAUSE OF THAT WE HAVE HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF GREAT PICTURES AND MEMORIES TO SHARE. KELLY ALSO HANDLES OUR PRODUCTS, WHETHER IT BE A T-SHIRT, SWEATSHIRT, OR A CHAPTER PATCH, SHE IS YOUR GO-TO PERSON. AND IF THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH, KELLY ALSO HELPS KEEP OUR WEBSITE UPDATED AS WELL AS OUR FACEBOOK PAGE, AND WRITES THE GRAPEVINE ARTICLE EVERY MONTH FOR THE ROAD NOISE. AND WHEN SHE IS NOT HANDLING ONE OF THOSE TASKS, SHE FINDS TIME TO MAKE POSTERS FOR CHAPTER EVENTS, BOOK HOTEL ROOMS FOR EVENTS SUCH AS A.B.A.T.E. U. AND OUR CHRISTMAS PARTIES, AND KEEP OUR STOCK OF CHAPTER STICKERS AND LABELS FULL. AS I AM SURE ANY CHAPTER PRESIDENT CAN TELL YOU, THE SECRETARY IS A VERY IMPORTANT POSITION, AND A VERY UNDERRATED ONE. I CAN HONESTLY SAY KELLY IS THE HEART AND SOUL OF ROLLING PRAIRIE AND WITHOUT HER WE WOULD NOT BE WHERE WE ARE TODAY. THANK YOU KELLY FOR ALL OF YOUR HARD WORK. 26 February 2015 A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. R www.abatemn.org ROAD NOISE 27 BIKE OF THE MONTH OWNER: ALLEN FOSTER NORTH STAR CHAPTER STATE REPRESENTATIVE 2008 HARLEY DAVIDSON SOFTAIL DELUXE 105TH ANNIVERSARY 28 February 2015 A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. www.abatemn.org ROAD NOISE 29 30 February 2015 A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. www.abatemn.org ROAD NOISE 31 2015 FRIENDS OF A.B.A.T.E. SHOW YOUR CURRENT MEMBERSHIP CARD AND... ALL STAR TRANSPORT SAVE $5.00 ON CAB FARE OR 10% ON LIMO AND PARTY BUS SERVICE TO A.B.A.T.E. MEMBERS ST. CLOUD (320) 493-5857 DAVID WRAY AUTOMOTIVE 10% OFF LABOR 2086 BAKER AVENUE NORTHWEST BUFFALO (763) 684-1811 WWW.DAVIDWRAYAUTO.COM Maple Lake Bowl / The Pines Bar & Grill 10% Discount on Meal 320 Maple Avenue North Maple Lake (320) 963-5555 NORTH STAR POWER SPORTS & MARINE 10% OFF PARTS 2120 COUNSUL STREET ALBERT LEA WWW.NORTHERNPOWERSPORTS.COM PANDEMIC – 80’S ROCK SPECIAL RATES FOR A.B.A.T.E. EVENTS FOR FULL BAND PRESS KIT VISIT PANDEMICFEVER.COM PERKINS RESTAURANT AND BAKERY 15% DISCOUNT ON MEAL 1120 PAUL BUNYAN DRIVE NORTHWEST BEMIDJI (218) 751-7850 THE SIGNATURE BAR 10% DISCOUNT ON MEAL 201 CENTRAL AVENUE FARIBAULT (507) 331-1657 TT MOTORCYCLES 15% off Parts & Accessories 402 East Main Street, Blooming Prairie www.tt-motorcycles.com VERN'S BIKES AND TRIKES 15% DISCOUNT ON ACCESSORIES, CLEANERS, APPAREL AND MORE BLOOMING PRAIRIE (800) 792-8893 WWW.VERNSBIKESANDTRIKES.COM BEEN THERE? GO THERE! SIGN UP FOR EMAIL ALERTS TO GET THE MOST UP TO DATE LEGISLATIVE NEWS AND A.B.A.T.E. ALERTS. WWW.ABATEMN.ORG 32 February 2015 A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. www.abatemn.org ROAD NOISE 33 CALENDAR OF EVENTS - CONTINUED ON P35 February 1 East Central Chapter meeting, VFW, Ham Lake, 11:00 am February 4 A.B.A.T.E. University Committee meeting, Hasty Truck Stop, Clearwater, 5:00 pm February 5 February 6 February 7 Up North Chapter meeting, Eagles Club, Grand Rapids, 5:00 pm Northeast Chapter meeting, Chalet Bar, Hermantown, 7:00 pm South Central Chapter meeting, Bonfire Bar & Grill, Litchfield, 7:00 pm Tri-County Chapter meeting, Cy’s Bar, Chaska, 7:00 pm Way West Chapter meeting, Pizza Ranch, Montevideo, 7:00 pm Southwest Chapter meeting, Rushmore Community Center, Rushmore, 7:30 pm Buffalo Ridge Chapter meeting, Bonnie and Clyde’s, Tracy, 1:00 pm Rolling Prairie Chapter meeting, Buckshot’s, Butterfield, 2:00 pm Glacial Ridge Chapter meeting, Rooney’s, Sedan, 6:00 pm Northwest Chapter meeting, TNJ Bar & Grill, Red Lake Falls, 6:00 pm, followed by the Winter Social Lake Chapter’s Grounded Hogs Party, Rockford Township Hall, Buffalo, 7:00 pm. Free food and beer while it lasts, live and silent February 8 auctions, music by Menace Lower Corner Chapter meeting, Striker’s Corner, Stewartville, 11:00 am Central Chapter meeting, Bubba’s Bar & Grill, Sauk Rapids, 12:00 pm River Riders Chapter meeting, American Legion, Forest Lake, 12:00 pm February 10 February 13 February 14 February 15 February 17 February 20 February 21 River Valley Chapter meeting, Eagles Club, Mankato, 12:00 pm Metro Chapter meeting, Kraus-Hartig VFW, Spring Lake Park, 7:00 pm Publications Committee meeting, Kimmer Robertson’s home, Big Lake, 6:30 pm Flatlanders Chapter meeting, Dan and Arvilla Bye’s home, Geneva, 1:00 pm, followed by Bus Cruise, leaving Geneva at 3:00 pm Straight River Chapter meeting, SOS Clubhouse, Faribault, 1:00 pm Mississippi Valley Chapter meeting, Bierstube, Red Wing, 11:30 am Jack Pine Riders Chapter meeting, Cricket Bar, Rock Creek, 2:00 pm North Star Chapter meeting, Eagles Club, Bemidji, 3:00 pm Gambling Committee meeting, Frank Ernst’s home, Chanhassen, 6:00 pm Sand Dunes Chapter meeting, KJ’s Refuge, Orrock, 7:00 pm Heart of the Lakes Chapter’s 18th Annual Pool and Dart Tournament, Sandbar II, Detroit Lakes, registration 1:00 pm. Live music, silent auction, door prizes, free pig roast Buffalo Ridge Chapter’s 20th Annual Chili Feed Fundraiser, KB’s Bar & Grill, Ghent, 5:00 pm-8:00 pm. All you can eat chili, silent February 28 March 1 March 4 March 5 March 6 March 7 March 8 auction, music by Pirate Taxi starts at 9:00 pm 10th Annual Rochester Bike Show, Mayo Civic Center, Rochester, 10:00 am-4:00 pm Freedom First Riders Chapter meeting, Leaf Valley Mercantile, Garfield, 6:00 pm Up North Chapter’s Winter Fever Reliever Fundraiser, Eagle’s Club, Grand Rapids, 7:00 pm. Silent Auction, DJ, cash bar East Central Chapter meeting, VFW, Ham Lake, 11:00 am Up North Chapter meeting, Knuckleheads Bar, Hill City, 5:00 pm Northeast Chapter meeting, Chalet Bar, Hermantown, 7:00 pm South Central Chapter meeting, Bonfire Bar & Grill, Litchfield, 7:00 pm Tri-County Chapter meeting, Cy’s Bar, Chaska, 7:00 pm Southwest Chapter meeting, Rushmore Community Center, Rushmore, 7:30 pm Buffalo Ridge Chapter meeting, Bonnie and Clyde’s, Tracy, 1:00 pm Central Chapter meeting, Bubba’s Bar & Grill, Sauk Rapids, 12:00 pm River Riders Chapter meeting, American Legion, Forest Lake, 12:00 pm River Valley Chapter meeting, Eagles Club, Mankato, 12:00 pm Northwest Chapter meeting, Scappy’s Place, Erskine, 2:00 pm 34 February 2015 A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. March 10 C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S - CONTINUED March 14 Borderland Chapter meeting, VFW, Roseau, 6:00 pm Flatlanders Chapter meeting Moose Lodge, Albert Lea, 1:00 pm, followed by Chili Feed and silent auction at 4:00 pm Straight River Chapter meeting, American Legion, Owatonna, 1:00 pm Publications Committee meeting, Jacque B’s, Montrose, 2:00 pm Lake Chapter meeting, Jacque B’s, Montrose, 3:00 pm March 15 March 19 March 21 March 28 March 29 April 1 Northeast Chapter’s 26th Annual Bunwarmer, River Inn, Scanlon, 7:00 pm. Food, raffle, games, music by Centerville All stars Jack Pine Riders Chapter meeting, Half Way Home Bar, Banning Junction, 2:00 pm Motorcycle Advisory Task Force meeting, St. Paul College, St. Paul, 5:00 pm Sand Dunes Chapter meeting, KJ’s Refuge, Orrock, 2:00 pm Rolling Prairie Chapter’s Chili Feed, VFW, St. James, 5:00 pm-8:00 pm. All you can eat chili, door prizes, silent auction Freedom First Riders chapter meeting, Elks Lodge, Alexandria, 6:00 pm Ways and Means Committee meeting, Ugly Bar, Montrose, 1:00 pm Northeast Chapter meeting, Chalet Bar, Hermantown, 7:00 pm South Central Chapter meeting, Bonfire Bar & Grill, Litchfield, 7:00 pm April 2 Tri-County Chapter meeting, Cy’s Bar, Chaska, 7:00 pm April 3 Southwest Chapter meeting, Rushmore Community Center, Rushmore, 7:30 pm April 4 Lake Chapter meeting, Chop’s, Hanover, 3:00 pm April 5 East Central Chapter meeting, VFW, Ham Lake, 11:00 am April 12 April 14 April 17-19 April 19 Up North Chapter meeting, Wizard’s Bar, Nashwauk, 5:00 pm River Valley Chapter meeting, Eagles Club, Mankato, 12:00 pm Borderland Chapter meeting, VFW, Roseau, 6:00 pm A.B.A.T.E. University, Holiday Inn, Alexandria Jack Pine Riders Chapter meeting, Cricket Bar, Rock Creek, 2:00 pm “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” --Vincent Van Gogh LETTER TO THE EDITOR THE M.R.F. NEEDS YOU! I KNOW WE CARE ABOUT OUR RIGHTS AS MOTORCYCLISTS IN MINNESOTA. BUT WHO IS WATCHING OUT FOR YOUR RIGHTS AT OUR NATION’S CAPITOL? IT IS THE MOTORCYCLE RIDERS FOUNDATION (M.R.F.). AND TRUST ME FOLKS, WE NEED MEMBERS. LESS THAN 10% OF A.B.A.T.E. MEMBERS IN OUR GREAT STATE BELONG TO THE M.R.F. WE NEED TO CHANGE THAT. SO WITH THAT SAID, I HAVE PUT IT UPON MYSELF TO SPEND MY TIME THIS YEAR RECRUITING NEW MEMBERS AND SIGNING UP EXPIRED MEMBERS. I HAVE BEEN HITTING CHAPTER MEETINGS GETTING THE WORD OUT AND WILL BE STOPPING BY FUNDRAISERS ALSO. SO IF YOU WOULD LIKE A REP TO STOP AT ONE OF YOUR CHAPTER MEETINGS, CONTACT MYSELF OR TODD RIBA AND WE WILL TRY TO GET THAT DONE. GARY GORACKE MRF ASST. REP [email protected] www.abatemn.org ROAD NOISE 35 ABATE OF MINNESOTA IS A MEMBER GROUP OF NCOM Law Offices of RICHARD M. LESTER Founder, Aid to Injured Motorcyclists • 110 Offices Throughout North America • Free Legal Consultation • No Recovery = No Fee • We Make House Calls • ATTORNEYS in Every State and Province who Ride • No Fee on Motorcycle Damage Recovery 24 Hours - Toll Free (800) 531-2424 • Also Auto Accidents Not Just ONE Attorney The AIM Team to Help YOU Check us out! Ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. Hiring a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. Also ask the next biker you see about us. Visit us on the web at www.onabike.com ATTENTION ABATE OF MINNESOTA MEMBERS: Our nationwide network of A.I.M. Attorneys donate a significant portion of their legal fees from motorcycle accident settlements back into motorcycling by being the sole financial sponsor of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists. (800) ON-A-BIKE IPHONE/ANDROID USERS SCAN TO DOWNLOAD OUR NEW SMARTPHONE APP AIM 3434-E 36 February 2015 A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. 51 years of riding and 30 years representing bikers who are hurt or in trouble in Minnesota. CALL 1-800-770-7008 St. Cloud (320) 259-5414 “Ask your friends about us.” If you have any legal problem and you wonder what to do CALL US and we will find someone to Help! www.minnesotapersonalinjury.com Offices in St. Cloud and the Twin Cities “Justice For the Injured” www.abatemn.org ROAD NOISE 37 Classifieds 02/2015 For Sale: Like new Harley Davidson Women’s Jeans Size 6 regular one pair Dark Blue one pair Medium Blue $25.00 per pair. Call (763) 682-4236 02/2015 For Sale: 2005 Lees-ure Lite motorcycle camper weighs 700 lbs pulls really well behind the bike. It sleeps two people very comfortably. $4,000.00 Firm. If interested, please call Char Darling at (530) 360-1066 The classified section is open to all members of A.B.A.T.E. of MN. The ads are free of charge and run for a three month period. Photos are acceptable as room permits. No business ads will be accepted. Send your ad to: [email protected] or mail to: Road Noise 16100 228th Ave NW, Elk River, MN 55330 Got something to sell? Looking to Trade? WANTED? Motorcycle PAC of Minnesota Patch $25.00 Year Rocker $25.00 Motorcycle PAC of Minnesota Patch and Year Rocker combination $40.00 Make check payable to: Motorcycle PAC of Minnesota Send order to: Mark Senn 8360 Suffolk Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (612) 839-1077 * All art design, prices, and name subject to change. 38 February 2015 A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Inc. u 2007 Black Yamaha Midnight Venture $11,200 u u 2006 Harley Streetbob $10,000 u u 2012 Honda 750 Shadow $6,995 u u 2006 Red Electra Glide $13,100 u 1999 Blue Heritage Classic $8,150 u 2008 Harley Davidson Pearl White Ultra Classic $15,400.00 u 1998 red Goldwing GL1500 $6,250 u u2008 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic W/Lehman Trike Conversion With Lots of Extras $33,500 u We will have our winter storage. Ready to ride for spring program starting in October. Check out the Web site for details. *Full service and repair shop* *Full line of parts and accessories* Check out our website: www.streetisneatinc.com or call 218-695-2082 for pricing IS ARE YOU A NE W ME ER OF A.B.A.T.E.MB OF MINNESO YOUR NAME SPELLED RI GHT? IN THE CORR ECT CHAPT ER PROACTIVE ... CALL TA? ARE ? BE YOU THE STATE FICE AND LE OFT HER KNOW NOW IF YOU NOTIC E AN ERRO R. www.abatemn.org ROAD NOISE 39 A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota P.O. Box 6 • Marshall, MN 56258 Attention Postmaster: Time Dated Material NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID SPICER, MN Permit No. 32 Check your expiration date. Please use the form below to re-new your membership with A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota, so that you may continue to receive the Road Noise and be informed! I want to be a part of A.B.A.T.E. ! (Applicants 18 years of age and older) Name 1 _________________________ PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name 2 _________________________ Address _________________________ City ____________________________ State/Zip ________________________ Phone # (_____) __________________ Associate name Phone # W (_____) ________________ E-mail __________________________ Renewal c yes c no DOB: ________ Chapter _______________________ If left blank the correct area chapter will be assigned Dues: $20.00 single or $30.00 per couple per year. Make checks payable to A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Checks or Money Order # __________ Charge to: c Visa c MasterCard Exp. Card # ____________________ Signature: ___________________ Cardholder Signature MOTORCYCLE PAC of MINNESOTA Unless you opt-out by signing below, $2.00 from your membership dues will go to Motorcycle PAC of Minnesota, a Political Action Committee of Minnesota Motorcyclists: To opt-out check here then sign Signature __________________________ Mail to: A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota, Inc. P.O. Box 6 Marshall, MN 56258 MN GOVERNOR Governor Mark Dayton [email protected] 130 State Capitol 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55155 Voice (651) 201-3400 or (800) 657-3717 U.S. SENATORS Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) www.klobuchar.senate.gov 302 Senate Hart Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-3244 Fax: (202) 228-2186 Senator Al Franken (D-MN) http://franken.senate.gov 309 Senate Hart Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-5641 Fax: (202) 224-0044 U.S. REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT Tim Walz (D-MN) http://walz.house.gov/ 1034 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-2472 Fax: (202) 225-3433 SECOND DISTRICT John Kline (R-MN) • http://kline.house.gov 2439 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-2271 Fax: (202) 225-2595 THIRD DISTRICT Erik Paulsen (R-MN) • www.paulsen.house.gov 127 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-2871 Fax: (202) 225-6351 FOURTH DISTRICT Betty McCollum (D-MN) • www.mccollum.house.gov 1714 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-6631 Fax: (202) 225-1968 FIFTH DISTRICT Keith Ellison (D-MN) http://ellison.house.gov 2244 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-4755 Fax: (202) 225-4886 SIXTH DISTRICT Michele Bachmann (R-MN) http://bachmann.house.gov 2417 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-2331 Fax: (202) 225-6475 SEVENTH DISTRICT Collin Peterson (D-MN) • www.collinpeterson.house.gov 2109 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-2165 Fax: (202) 225-1593 EIGHTH DISTRICT Rick Nolan (D-MN) • http://nolan.house.gov 2447 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-6211 http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/hinfo/leginfo/cong.pdf
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