Kensington temple LONDON city church SPRING Prayer Diary 2015 BIBLE Reading Plan CELL GrOUP Special Elim Centenary Edition “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing”. John15:5 BIBLE Welcome to our SPRING Prayer Diary 2015 Reading Plan It is also absolutely imperative that we are in the Word and the Spirit on a daily basis and this Prayer Diary has a daily Bible reading plan that will take us right through June. This prayer diary is to fuel concentrated prayer at four levels of our church: I Personal daily prayer and Bible reading Going deeper in prayer The challenge with any prayer diary is that we end up with prayer points and lists that might be prayed mechanically and not from out of the heart. The danger of not having a prayer diary is that there is no daily united and concentrated prayer across the network. We must avoid both pitfalls. In this edition we are focusing on the model prayer that Jesus taught his disciples: The Lord’s Prayer. This model allows us to go deeper in our relationship with God each time we come to him in intercession. This year we are marking the Centenary celebrations of the Elim Pentecostal Churches. As well as being Senior Minister of KT, I am also part of the National Leadership Team of the Elim Movement. The founder of Elim was George Jeffreys who also personally established Kensington Temple in 1931. Our Elim national prayer initiative Lift Up 100 have provided us with powerful prayer material for this coming spring. Every day we will be reading through the Bible together and praying for a particular aspect of our life and ministry. II Cell ministry Cell leaders will encourage and monitor the use of this Prayer Diary in the life of the cell members and also use it for prayer in their cell meetings. III Early morning prayer meetings Early morning prayer meetings are be held at Kensington Temple from 6.30am-8.30am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Leaders from our LCC network will be hosting these meetings and using the Spring Prayer Diary to concentrate our prayers. IV Wednesday evening prayer meetings & monthly half -night of prayer The Prayer Diary will be used as fuel for our regular Wednesday prayer meeting along with the Wednesday monthly half night of prayer. The pages before the Prayer Diary and Bible Reading plan will highlight some specific areas that I believe we need concentrated payer for the coming Spring season. Let us raise the levels of devotion, prayer and study of God’s Word. This is the foundation upon which all God’s plans for us depend. Colin. 2 3 SPRING PRAYER FUEL When we pray, it is helpful to address God by whichever of his names is most appropriate to our prayer – for example, Healer, Provider, Deliverer, Guide, Creator, Saviour, Shepherd and so on. Jesus’ Model Prayer This helps us to remember to pray that God will establish his rule by extending his influence as people bow their knees to Jesus Christ, and as we submit increasingly to Christ’s reign. Jesus’ model prayer in Matthew 6:9–13 & Luke 11:2–4 is the most well-known and frequently used prayer in the world. However, most people miss the point of this prayer, for Jesus is giving a framework for all praying rather than a set prayer to be prayed over and over again. Matthew 6:5–9 sets the scene for the model prayer. He does not want us to pray in the hypocritical manner he describes in verses 5–7. He does not want us to pray just to make an impression on others. He does not want us to pray publicly at enormous length. He also explains that we are approaching God who already knows all our needs and who, therefore, does not need to be educated about our circumstances. Instead, Jesus tell us to pray ‘in this manner’. The Lord’s Prayer is his example prayer. He gives us a ‘prayer skeleton’ to flesh out. As we pray, we fill in the few specific details which are relevant to our situation. Our Father The prayer is both personal and corporate. This is clearly a personal prayer which can be used privately – and yet it uses ‘we’ and ‘our’ throughout. It is another reminder of the Jewish principle that we should unite ourself with each other whenever we pray. This phrase suggests that, when we pray, we should remind ourselves both about the relationship we have with God through faith in Christ and the fellowship we share with others. In prayer, we should tell God what his fatherhood means to us, and thank him for it. In heaven Our prayers should be governed by the realisation that God is on the throne and in total control. We can ask him to help us to become more aware of his greatness and presence. Hallowed be your name This phrase reminds us to pray as Jesus does in John 17 – to ask for God’s glory and the holiness of his name to be recognised and experienced in specific ways. God is a good Father who delights to give us good things and he reveals different aspects of his nature through his varied names. 4 Your kingdom come Asking for his kingdom to come means asking God to rule – to have his way – in the situations and lives for which we are praying. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven The coming of God’s kingdom means that the conditions of heaven are revealed on earth. Of course, this will not take place fully until the kingdom comes in its final manifestation, but in the meantime we should pray for God’s revealed will to be done in those specific situations on earth that concern us. We can thank him that he wants his will to be done on earth, and we can have faith that this will happen as we pray. Give us this day our daily bread This shows us that we should pray for the physical needs of daily life. It is God’s intention that all his children should receive what they need, but we must take whatever action is necessary to provide for ourselves. Like the man in the parable, we pray for needs which we ourselves are helpless to meet. We will experience the truth of God’s provision only through a combination of prayer and action. And forgive us our debts We need to pray for spiritual forgiveness from our heavenly Father and for financial forgiveness from merciless or unjust human creditors. As redeemed believers we already have judicial forgiveness, but we need daily cleansing to maintain our personal communion with God. As with daily bread, forgiveness from debts is attained by a mixture of prayer and action. We should pray only for those needs which we cannot meet ourselves, or that God will enable us to meet the needs through the resources he has given us. There is something rather wrong about asking God to meet needs when he has already answered the prayer by providing us with the resources which could meet the needand we have not taken action. Of course, if we have done what we can with what God has provided we can ask him to do even more. 5 As we forgive our debtors Jesus makes it plain that our heavenly Father will withhold forgiveness from those who refuse to forgive others. This is emphasised in Matthew 6:14–15. Obviously he does not mean that we will be brought under God’s judgement or condemnation. Rather he speaks of God’s parental forgiveness being withheld until we learn to forgive others. He is speaking to us as sons and daughters who may displease our Father from time to time but, as our heavenly Father, he will discipline us in love. Forgiving others is not always easy to do – we need God’s help to do it. But it must be done or we ourselves will not receive God’s daily mercy. And do not lead us into temptation This phrase shows that we should ask God to keep us from falling into sin and to help us overcome the trials of our lives. But deliver us from the evil one When most people recite the Lord’s Prayer, they use a translation called ‘The Great Bible’ which is even older than the Authorised Version. It unhelpfully refers to ‘evil’ rather than ‘the evil one’. We are all involved in a spiritual struggle, and we all need to pray that God will rescue us from the attacks of the enemy. For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever. Amen. Jesus’ model prayer ends in a phrase taken from 1 Chronicles 29:11–12 which is packed with praise and triumph. So we can end our praying by thanking God for his power – and for his victory in the specific situations we have prayed about. Pray from the heart each day the Lord’s Prayer: Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen. 66 7 Elim Centenary Prayer Themes: Congregations The Elim Pentecostal Church is a growing Movement of more than 550 Christian congregations in the UK and Ireland. During this centenary year there will be an explosion of growth as we seek God together to see the vision of The Big Centenary Ask (call for church planting) worked out across the nation through our local congregations. As you worship and serve as part of this movement in your local church, it is vital that we pray for our own church and other congregations that make up the Elim family. Church is a picture of God’s people working together with the help of God to fulfil His mission. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” John 17:20-24 Prayer FueL • Pray for the different ministries and departments within your local church. Pray for all of the cell leaders and their families. • Pray for an explosion of new congregations and cell groups across the nation and especially in London. • Pray for revelation of Gods plan to expand the kingdom through each congregation. • Pray for a united working of Elim churches, departments and leaders to see sustainable churches and fresh expressions of Church established Kensington Temple London City Church. • Pray for enthusiasm and energy to be imparted as the vision unfolds in each area of the Movement. • Pray for a fresh outpouring of signs and wonders practiced by every member of Elim in every community. • Pray that God will raise up new leaders in all areas of ministry within the Movement and especially in KTLCC. 8 Elim Centenary Prayer Themes: Kingdom of God The Elim Pentecostal Church was birthed in the fires of evangelistic zeal. The salvation of the lost was and continues to be the main reason for our existence. In our centenary year by the grace of God we will see a continuation of that pioneering spirit. With the continuing growth of the movement we have also seen a widening and deepening of the Church’s concern to express the ‘kingdom of God’ in a multitude of ways. From involvement in social action to influence in the corridors of Government our aim is always to make known the love of God and bring people into a saving knowledge of Christ. Please pray that as a movement we may be salt and light to our society as well as a clear voice to this generation. “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:13-15 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken hearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” Luke 4:18-19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” Matthew 28:19‑20. Prayer Fuel • Pray that churches will continue to keep the declaration of the Gospel central in everything. • Pray for the many new Churches and expressions of Church that will commence in 2015. • Pray for the Evangelists in our nation that their gifting will flourish. • Pray for the many social action projects such as food banks that express God’s love to the community. • Pray for Christians in government and those who influence the decision makers. • Pray for the Revival that our nation so desperately needs. 9 Elim Centenary Prayer Themes: Holy Spirit Breakout During this year of Centenary Celebration we want to see God move mightily by the power of the Holy Spirit in both 2015 and beyond. There have been many sovereign moves of the Holy Spirit over the last 100 years, one of which was the apostolic birthing of Elim through the ministry of George Jeffreys. It is great to remember what God has done, but God has no Grandsons, only sons! So it is imperative that we look forwards in faith, not just backwards in remembrance. The Holy Spirit has inspired mighty outpourings, the most recent of which was in Wales (birthplace of the Welsh Revival in on 1904 at the turn of the 20th Century). Then of course the Azusa Street revival began in 1906. For us in Elim the key foundational building blocks began around 1911 when George Jeffreys was baptised in the Holy Spirit and began to preach and plant churches, thus began the birth of a Pentecostal movement in the power of the Holy Spirit with countless apostolic ‘plantings’ of churches, the majority of which are still functioning and thriving today. We are in that time again, and with a full year of prayer (with fasting and intercession and creativity) flowing into 2015 and beyond, we have an atmosphere and a fervour to see God do something really special once again with Elim churches being in the vanguard of spiritual breakthrough in the land ( Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24 If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Suddenly there was a noise from the sky which sounded like a strong wind blowing, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire which spread out and touched each person there. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to talk in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak. Acts 2: 2-4 As we look to the here and now, and ahead beyond 2015, what sort of influence will Elim churches have and what can we expect to see as a ‘move of God’? This largely depends upon our hearts and how we are growing and functioning as disciples and as the corporate people of God. Foundations have been laid, but what is built on the foundations needs God’s guidance and inspiration, through His people. This is not to be by our human strength, but be of the Holy Spirit. 10 10 When we look through the history of revivals, they have all begun with certain factors in operation: Prayer Fuel a) Desperation for God to move because of the state of both the church and the nation b) A call to intercession and prayer with fervour, passion and sacrifice c) A need for unity and oneness within the body of Christ as a whole, across streams d) A spirit of repentance pervaded the hearts of people e) A cry from the heart for God to break through and break out f) A challenging national environment where much of the society was in deep confusion g) A rise of ordinary people with hearts on fire and a burning desire for Gods answers to be revealed. • There needs to be a cry from the heart, so a fresh personal as well as corporate yearning for more of God. This requires preparation of the heart and a recognition that we cannot see God move in power if we use our own power! There is a need for dependency on God. A need to search our hearts to ensure God takes 1st place. • Pray for a fresh move of the Spirit in your own life, through the church and in the community you are a part of. • Pray for unity across the body of Christ. • Pray for God to awaken a desire for the Spirit in an increased and fresh way across the Elim movement. 11 KT Prayer Cycle 12 13 Tackling the Giants of Society Jesus told his church to be salt and light in the world. That is, to penetrate society with the healthy influence of our salt-like presence, and to illuminate society’s thinking with the light of gospel values, The cell groups are part of the ‘go and show’ thrust of the church. Traditional church has a ‘come and hear’ emphasis and largely holds its activities within the sanctity of its buildings. Cells have the capacity to penetrate every part of society and to exercise influence for Christ in the heart of the agora, or market place, of today We equip our members to ‘take the giants’ for God. The giants of our society are the great institutions and professions which exercise the most influence over our lives. We hold regular giants forums in which cell members from each of the major professional or occupational groupings can get together to encourage one another and to find ways of influencing their environment. That way we are facilitating cells in every major profession and section in society. We group the giants in the following way: 1. Business and Finance 2. Ecology and Environment 3. Education and Training 4. Law and Order 5. Marriage and Family 6. Media and Arts 7. Medicine and Health 8. Politics and Government 9. Religion and Belief 10. Science and Technology 11. Sport and Leisure 12. Thought and Philosophy. Our monthly prayer diary will cover these giants of influence, but we must also identify which of these we are called to and have an interest in and take prayerful action. Watch out for opportunities in our forums to get involved! Also these giants are appearing in the news every day identify them and seek to pray the will of God into whatever situation is being broadcast. KT Prophetic Prayer Lines! ‘The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, says the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, says the LORD of hosts’. Haggai 2:9 ‘For Kensington Temple to reach its destiny with God it must become the greatest disciple making church in London’ Canon James Wong. “I saw people coming through the doors of KT and written on their foreheads was ‘HEARERS OF THE WORD’; then I saw the same people leaving the church through the identical doors but now written on their foreheads was ‘DOERS OF THE WORD’! A KT Elder in the 1980’s. You have just read three foundational prophecies and promises regarding our ministry here at Kensington Temple. The Bible teaches to take the prophetic promises/prophecies of God and wage warfare with them by prayer and action. This Autumn-Winter we are to talk the above words and prayer them through like never before. The Apostolic pattern for our present and future is found in our Senior Ministers book ‘People with a Passion’. This book shows us the type of passionate people God has planned for us to become at KT so that we can handle the glory that Glory of God that he so desperately wants us to carry in this city. The book also shows us how to be doers of the Word – Making, Mobilising and Maturing disciples in this great city of London. Prayer fuel • Pray for Colin and Amanda Dye for the blessing and wisdom of God to lead us forward. • Pray for the Associate Minister Bruce Atkinson and all our cell leaders in KT and our London City Churches; that God would protect, bless and make them fruitful as they humbly serve the Lord and one another in our great work of making disciples. Pray for supernatural unity. • Pray for all KT members that they would step into the visions of the House and seek first the kingdom of God. • Pray for the son and daughters of the latter house to manifest themselves. Call them from the North, South, East and West. • Pray for fruitfulness and multiplication in our cell vision along with the wisdom and humility to be able to handle it. • Pray for a fresh visitation of the Holy Spirit upon us all. 14 15 Kensington Temple Daily Prayer and Bible Reading Diary A good way to pray each day is by using the acronym ACTS And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. Acts 2: 42 Each day: A people with a Passion can only sustain the fire of the Holy Spirit through the fuel of God’s word, prayer and fellowship. Adoration: Daily Bible reading But he answered and said, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that is proceeding out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4 If you don’t eat good food on a daily basis you will grow weak and ineffective in everything you do. Likewise if you don’t feed on God’s Word daily you will be spiritually weak and unable to cope not only with the call to be a disciple but even with normal everyday daily challenges. We have put a daily Bible reading plan in this booklet that will take you through the Bible in a year. It is one of the most popular Bible reading plans of all time devised by the great revivalist Robert Murray M’Cheyne. You can also dowload free daily Bible reading apps from and Start on whatever day you first receive this booklet so that we can all read the same word together each day. If for some reason you miss a day or a few days just re-join the plan again according to the actual date, don’t try to catch up what you have missed and don’t give up - be steadfast. This is about regular bible reading. Expect God to speak to you during your reading. Use book marks in your Bible/Bible apps for ease of daily reference. Say out loud and with faith the Lord’s prayer on page 7. Praise God for who He is, Proclaim His goodness, Pour worship upon Him. Confession: Remind yourself of your need for Him and reliance on Him. Keep short accounts with God ask him to forgive you and make sure you forgive others each day. Don’t negatively dwell on this though, get right with God and your fellow man and then move on! Thanksgiving: Thank him for actual named things that he has done, and thank Him for what you believe He is going to do in faith. Supplication: Come to God with your needs and the needs of London and the world and pray for the daily items on the prayer diary. We also strongly advise you to pray in tongues 15 minutes a day to build yourself up and get victory for your day! Encourage one another in this in your cells each week. CONSISTENT, CONCENTRATED, EFFECTIVE PRAYER! You will notice how daily prayer sets your mind for victory each day and causes your praying to be mixed with faith and expectation. The prayer diary is meant to be repeated each month right through to June 2015. 16 17 Day 1: Pray the Lord’s Prayer out loud with faith daily and use it as a model for further prayer see pages 4-7. Pray for Colin and Amanda Dye and all the leaders of KTLCC for unity, vision, wisdom and success. Elim 100: Pray for an explosion of new cell groups and congregations across the nation and especially London page 8 Day 2: Our Father in heaven: use the prayer fuel for this on page 4. Spend time on this theme. KT Cell Prayer Cycle (pages 12-13): Pray for the worship life of the church that many worship teams will arise from the cell ministry, for new songs of the House, and for a powerful priestly anointing on all our worship both in cells and in services (1 Peter 2:9). Day 3: Tackling the Giants of Society: Pray for all that are in government that God would grant them his wisdom. Pray for all Christians involved in politics and for our own KT Politics forum that they would be used mightily by the Holy Spirit. Check the news today and pray for about anything important going on in Parliament. KT Cell Prayer Cycle (pages 12-13): Pray for God to awaken a desire for the Spirit in an increased and fresh way across the Elim movement and especially in KTLCC. Day 4: Hallowed be your name: use the prayer fuel for this on page 4. Spend time on this theme. KT Cell Prayer Cycle: Welcome and consolidation - pray for all the new believers and new KT members that will join us in 2015. Call them forth in the spirit and pray that they will find divine connections that will root them firmly in our cells so they may flourish. Pray for all the welcome team and consolidators to be powerfully anointed in their vital ministry.(Psalm1:3) Tackling the Giants of Society: Pray for all our members working in business and finance, that God would use them for his glory and to bring wealth to fund the gospel. “The silver and the gold are mine says the Lord” (Haggai 2:8). Day 5: KT prophecy: Pray through the prophetic prayer lines on page 15. Elim 100: Read and pray through the Holy Spirit Breakout prayer theme on pages 10-11. Day 6: Your Kingdom come: use the prayer fuel for this on page 5. Spend time on this theme. Tackling the Giants of Society: Pray for all KT members involved in Education. Ask for wisdom, and favour for their lives and that God will use them as salt and light right where they are. Pray for all KT children at school and those studying in higher education. Pray that as they do their best God would do the rest. Pray that they will be strong, bold Christian witnesses. KT Cell Prayer Cycle: Pray for the Multiplication of cells and disciples (Genesis 1:28, Blessing to multiply; fruitfulness in every area; rapid growth). 18 Day 7: KT prophecy: Pray according to the prophecy regarding KT people becoming doers of the word (page 15). Elim 100: Pray for the many new churches and expressions of Church that will commence in 2015 around the nation. KT Cell Prayer Cycle: Pray especially for the cell leaders and church leaders of KTLCC, pray for God’s blessing on their family, ministry and finances. Pray for new leaders to arise (Matthew 9:37-38). Day 8: Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven: Use the prayer fuel for this on page 5. Spend time on this theme. Pray for our vision for the French-speaking nations of Africa. Pray for our Bible school in Marseille and the Temple de Paris, our church in Paris. Pray for David and Christine Thabot who lead the Temple de Paris. Day 9: KT Cell Prayer Cycle: Pray for the fivefold ministry to emerge even stronger from out of our cells in KTLCC this year. That the people in cells would be prepared for ministry. Choose 2 out of the fivefold ministry and especially pray for their manifestation in our cells and churches (Ephesians 4:11-12). Elim 100: Read and pray through the Congregations prayer theme on page 8. Day 10: Give us this day our daily bread: Use the prayer fuel for this on page 5. Spend time on this theme. Pray for our TV ministry that reaches millions in North Africa, the Middle East and Indonesia. Pray that the programmes will continue to strengthen the persecuted believers and win the lost in the nations that so need the gospel! Pray for KT’s vision to reach out to Muslims especially in Algeria. Pray that millions of Muslims would be converted in the next few years worldwide. Pray for the true nature of Islam and the Qur’an to be revealed in the media and in politics. Day 11: KT Cell Prayer Cycle: Pray for the young adults, youth and children’s cells at KTLCC that they would be on fire for the gospel and that many of them would become future Christian leaders and missionaries. KT prophecy: Pray through the prophetic prayer lines on page 15. Elim 100: Pray for a fresh outpouring of signs and wonders practiced by every member of Elim in every community. Day 12: And forgive us our debts: Use the prayer fuel for this on page 5. Spend time on this theme. Tackling the Giants of Society: Marriage and family. Pray that the biblical view of marriage and the family would be strengthened in our nation. Pray for all marriages and families in KTLCC. Pray all for God’s grace to be with all single parents and their children in our church. Pray also for singles seeking to find their life partner. 19 KT Cell Prayer Cycle: Pray for the pastoral care in the cells, for a pastoral anointing amongst us and for the training in Pastoral ministry that is taking place this year. Day 13: KT Cell Prayer Cycle: Evangelism, keep working and praying over the Evangelism of 3. Pray for your Evangelism of 3 by name every day and seek the Lord for prophetic insights into their lives, especially today in your prayer. What is God saying to you about them today? Command their spiritual ears to open and hear the gospel. Elim 100: Read and pray through the kingdom of God prayer theme on page 9. Day 14: As we forgive our debtors: Use the prayer fuel for this on page 5. Spend time on this theme. KT Cell Prayer Cycle: Pray for all our ministry and cells involved in community and social outreaches across the city, pray for our New Hope Football training initiative and prison ministry. Pray that we will be increasingly salt and light in our city. Pray for all KT cell members working in social services and in the community. KT prophecy: Pray according to the prophecy regarding KT and the glory of the latter house Day 15: Tackling the Giants of Society: Pray for the work of Christians and the gospel in the Media and the arts. Pray that these areas would be increasingly used to the glory of God and the presentation of the gospel. Pray for moral strength to be given to Christians who are called to this area that they would stand out and not compromise. Elim 100: Pray for the Elim Pentecostal churches across Britain of which we are part, that they would multiply and be effective for the gospel. Pray for KT Church Board. Pray also for the Elim National Leadership Team that they would have wisdom and courage in leading our movement. Day 16: And do not lead us into temptation: Use the prayer fuel for this on page 6. Spend time on this theme. KT Cell Prayer Cycle: Pray for the preaching/teaching of KTLCC. Ask God to give great revelation, authority and power in the pulpits and cell groups of our house to break strongholds, set captives free and release God’s people into their destiny. Lift up all KT street outreach teams and local London missions to the throne of God. Pray for the healing teams that go out on the streets praying for the sick and witnessing boldly about Christ. Day 17: KT prophecy: Pray through all the prophetic prayer lines on page 15. Elim 100: Pray for the Evangelists and evangelism in our Elim Movement that many souls would come into the kingdom this year. Day 18: But deliver us from the evil one: Use the prayer fuel for this on page 6. Spend time on this theme Tackling the Giants of Society: Choose two Giants of Influence (see page 14). Pray for all Christians and those that you know by name who are involved in these areas. Pray for favour and wisdom to be upon them all. 20 Day 19: Elim 100: Read and pray through the Holy Spirit Breakout prayer theme on pages 10-11. KT Cell Prayer Cycle: Pray for communion in the cells to be powerful as each one comes ready to share (1 Corinthians 14:26). Pray also for generous offerings for cells4mission. Day 20: For yours is the kingdom the power and the glory for ever. Amen Pray for the London and the World for Christ mission statement of KTLCC, that every KT member and every cell group will have a burning passion for KT overseas mission: to pray, give and go to the nations. Pray for supernatural resources to be released for the ministry at KT. Pray against the lack that is seriously curtailing our missionary activities. Pray for millions of pounds to be released for the gospel work of KT. Day 21: Keep Praying the Lord’s Prayer out loud with faith daily and keep using it as a model for further prayer (pages 4-7). KT Cell Prayer Cycle: Pray for all our 14-16 year olds that meet in ‘Nu Gener8ion’ cells that God would give them great favour at school and form them in to mighty men and women of God! Elim 100: Pray for a powerful spirit of unity and purpose amongst all the leaders in the Elim Movement and especially in our own Elim London City Region. Day 22: Pray for all the students at IBIOL, that God would prepare them for the ministry. Pray also for Dr RT Kendall joining our ministry at KT and IBIOL for the first six months of 2015. Pray for a new generation of leaders in the church of Europe to arise that would turn the tide of unbelief and bring forth revival. Pray that God would use KT to help bring revival to London, Europe and the World. Day 23: Our Father in heaven: use the prayer fuel for this on page 4. Spend time on this theme. KT prophecy: Pray for the healing glory of the latter house to supersede that of the former that took under our founder, healing evangelist George Jeffreys (see prophecy page 15). KT Cell Prayer Cycle: Pray for the prayer life and daily Bible reading of cell groups and cell members. That we would become a people patterned on Acts 2:42. Day 24: Hallowed be your name: Use the prayer fuel for this on page 4. Spend time on this theme. Tackling the Giants of Society: Pray for all our members involved in medicine and healthcare Pray that God’s love and healing would flow through their words and actions. Pray for the end of abortion on demand and that our nation would appreciate that human life starts at conception. Day 25: Your Kingdom come: Use the prayer fuel for this on page 4. Spend time on this theme. KT prophecy: Pray concerning the prophecy of Canon James Wong to KT (see page 15). 21 Pray for the cell vision for a stirring of passion amongst us to make and mature disciples. Elim 100: Read and pray through the Congregations prayer theme on page 8. Day 26: Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven: Use the prayer fuel for this on page 5. Spend time on this theme. Pray for Colin and Amanda Dye that God would protect them, anoint them and use them to lead us into the destiny that God has for Kensington Temple. Pray for all the leaders in KTLCC. Day 27: Give us this day our daily bread: Use the prayer fuel for this on page 5. Spend time on this theme. Pray especially for all your family, friends and loved ones. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you some needs that they have that you can pray into. Pray for any that are lonely in KT that they would find fellowship and support through the cells. Day 28: And forgive us our debts: use the prayer fuel for this on page 5. Spend time on this theme. Tackling the Giants of Society: Pray for all Christians that are involved in the Giant of Sport, for their protection against the enemy and for power to witness and testify about Jesus. Ask the Lord to raise up an army of Christians in sport who will use their gifts to glorify God to the world. KT Cell Prayer Cycle: Pray for the birth of new cells and cell churches in Kensington Temple London City Church. Pray for the growth of existing cells and churches in our network. Day 29: As we forgive our debtors: Use the prayer fuel for this on page 6. Spend time on this theme. KT prophecy: Pray through the prophetic prayer lines on page 15. Elim 100: Read and pray through the Holy Spirit Breakout prayer theme on pages 10-11. Day 30: And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one: use the prayer fuel for this on page 6. Spend time on this theme Pray for the persecuted church in Muslim majority nations, that God would protect them and give them room to multiply and freedom to worship Tackling the Giants of Society: Pray for all that are in government that God would grant them his wisdom. Pray for all Christians involved in politics and for our own KT Politics forum that they would be used mightily by the Holy Spirit. Check the news today and pray for about anything important going on in Parliament. Day 31: For yours is the kingdom the power and the glory for ever. Amen Give thanks to God for all he is doing in your life. Give thanks for every member in your cell. Give thanks for what he is about to do in you and through you in the next month. See how many things you can thank God for out loud today! 22 February 2015 1st February Numbers 10, Song of Songs 8, Psalms 46-47, Hebrews 8 2nd February Numbers 11, Isaiah 1, Psalm 48, Hebrews 9 3rd February Numbers 12-13, Isaiah 2, Psalm 49, Hebrews 10 4th February Numbers 14, Isaiah 3-4, Psalm 50, Hebrews 11 5th February Numbers 15, Isaiah 5, Psalm 51, Hebrews 12 6th February Numbers 16, Isaiah 6, Psalms 52-54, Hebrews 13 7th February Numbers 17-18, Isaiah 7, Psalm 55, James 1 8th February Numbers 19, Isaiah 8, 9:1-7, Psalms 56-57, James 2 9th February Numbers 20, Isaiah 9:7-21; 10:1-4, Psalms 58-59, James 3 10th February Numbers 21, Isaiah 10:5-34, Psalms 60-61, James 4 11th February Numbers 22, Isaiah 11-12, Psalms 62-63, James 5 12th February Numbers 23, Isaiah 13, Psalms 64-65, 1 Peter 1 13th February Numbers 24, Isaiah 14, Psalms 66-67, 1 Peter 2 14th February Numbers 25, Isaiah 15, Psalm 68, 1 Peter 3 15th February Numbers 26, Isaiah 16, Psalm 69, 1 Peter 4 16th February Numbers 27, Isaiah 17-18, Psalms 70-71, 1 Peter 5 17th February Numbers 28, Isaiah 19-20, Psalm 72, 2 Peter 1 18th February Numbers 29, Isaiah 21, Psalm 73, 2 Peter 2 19th February Numbers 30, Isaiah 22, Psalm 74, 2 Peter 3 20th February Numbers 31, Isaiah 23, Psalms 75-76, 1 John 1 21st February Numbers 32, Isaiah 24, Psalm 77, 1 John 2 22nd February Numbers 33, Isaiah 25, Psalm 78:1-37, 1 John 3 23rd February Numbers 34, Isaiah 26, Psalm 78:38-72, 1 John 4 24th February Numbers 35, Isaiah 27, Psalm 79, 1 John 5 25th February Numbers 36, Isaiah 28, Psalm 80, 1 John 5 26th February Deuteronomy 1, Isaiah 29, Psalms 81-82, 2 John 1 27th February Deuteronomy 2, Isaiah 30, Psalms 83-84, 3 John 1 28th February Deuteronomy 3, Isaiah 31, Psalm 85, Revelation 1 23 APRIL2015 MARCH2015 24 1st March Deuteronomy 4, Isaiah 32, Psalm 86& 87, Revelation 2 1st April Joshua 3, Isaiah 63, Psalms 126-128, Matthew 11 2nd March Deuteronomy 5, Isaiah 33, Psalm 88, Revelation 3 2nd April Joshua 4, Isaiah 64, Psalms 129-131, Matthew 12 3rd March Deuteronomy 6, Isaiah 34, Psalm 89, Revelation 4 3rd April Joshua 5, 6:1-5, Isaiah 65, Psalms 132-134, Matthew 13 4th March Deuteronomy 7, Isaiah 35, Psalm 90, Revelation 5 4th April Joshua 6:6-27, Isaiah 66, Psalms 135-136, Matthew 14 5th March Deuteronomy 8, Isaiah 36, Psalm 91, Revelation 6 5th April Joshua 7, Jeremiah 1, Psalms 137-138, Matthew 15 6th March Deuteronomy 9, Isaiah 37, Psalms 92-93, Revelation 7 6th April Joshua 8, Jeremiah 2, Psalm 139, Matthew 16 7th March Deuteronomy 10, Isaiah 38, Psalm 94, Revelation 8 7th April Joshua 9, Jeremiah 3, Psalms 140-141, Matthew 17 8th March Deuteronomy 11, Isaiah 39, Psalms 95-96, Revelation 9 8th April Joshua 10, Jeremiah 4, Psalms 142-143, Matthew 18 9th March Deuteronomy 12, Isaiah 40, Psalms 97-98, Revelation 10 9th April Joshua 11, Jeremiah 5, Psalm 144, Matthew 19 10th March Deuteronomy 13-14, Isaiah 41, Psalms 99-101, Revelation 11 10th April Joshua 12-13, Jeremiah 6, Psalm 145, Matthew 20 11th March Deuteronomy 15, Isaiah 42, Psalm 102, Revelation 12 11th April Joshua 14-15, Jeremiah 7, Psalms 146-147, Matthew 21 12th March Deuteronomy 16, Isaiah 43, Psalm 103, Revelation 13 12th April Joshua 16-17, Jeremiah 8, Psalm 148, Matthew 22 13th March Deuteronomy 17, Isaiah 44, Psalm 104, Revelation 14 13th April Joshua 18-19, Jeremiah 9, Psalms 149-150, Matthew 23 14th March Deuteronomy 18, Isaiah 45, Psalm 105, Revelation 15 14th April Joshua 20-21, Jeremiah 10, Acts 1, Matthew 24 15th March Deuteronomy 19, Isaiah 46, Psalm 106, Revelation 16 15th April Joshua 22, Jeremiah 11, Acts 2, Matthew 25 16th March Deuteronomy 20, Isaiah 47, Psalm 107, Revelation 17 16th April Joshua 23, Jeremiah 12, Acts 3, Matthew 26 17th March Deuteronomy 21, Isaiah 48, Psalms 108-109, Revelation 18 17th April Joshua 24, Jeremiah 13, Acts 4, Matthew 27 18th March Deuteronomy 22, Isaiah 49, Psalms 110-111, Revelation 19 18th April Judges 1, Jeremiah 14, Acts 5, Matthew 28 19th March Deuteronomy 23, Isaiah 50, Psalms 112-113, Revelation 20 19th April Judges 2, Jeremiah 15, Acts 6, Mark 1 20th March Deuteronomy 24, Isaiah 51, Psalms 114-115, Revelation 21 20th April Judges 3, Jeremiah 16, Acts 7, Mark 2 21st March Deuteronomy 25, Isaiah 52, Psalm 116, Revelation 22 21st April Judges 4, Jeremiah 17, Acts 8, Mark 3 22nd March Deuteronomy 26, Isaiah 53, Psalms 117-118, Matthew 1 22nd April Judges 5, Jeremiah 18, Acts 9, Mark 4 23rd March Deuteronomy 27, 28:1-19, Isaiah 54, Psalm 119:1-24, Matthew 2 23rd April Judges 6, Jeremiah 19, Acts 10, Mark 5 24th March Deuteronomy 28:20-68, Isaiah 55, Psalm 119:25-48, Matthew 3 24th April Judges 7, Jeremiah 20, Acts 11, Mark 6 25th March Deuteronomy 29, Isaiah 56, Psalm 119:49-72, Matthew 4 25th April Judges 8, Jeremiah 21, Acts 12, Mark 7 26th March Deuteronomy 30, Isaiah 57, Psalm 119:73-96, Matthew 5 26th April Judges 9, Jeremiah 22, Acts 13, Mark 8 27th March Deuteronomy 31, Isaiah 58, Psalm 119:97-120, Matthew 6 27th April Judges 10, 11:1-11, Jeremiah 23, Acts 14, Mark 9 28th March Deuteronomy 32, Isaiah 59, Psalm 119:121-144, Matthew 7 28th April Judges 11:12-4-, Jeremiah 24, Acts 15, Mark 10 29th March Deuteronomy 33-34, Isaiah 60, Psalm 119:145-176, Matthew 8 29th April Judges 12, Jeremiah 25, Acts 16, Mark 11 30th March Joshua 1, Isaiah 61, Psalms 120-122, Matthew 9 30th April Judges 13, Jeremiah 26, Acts 17, Mark 12 31st March Joshua 2, Isaiah 62, Psalms 123-125, Matthew 10 25 MAY2015 26 JUNE2015 1st May Judges 14, Jeremiah 27, Acts 18, Mark 13 1st June 1 Samuel 24, Ezekiel 3, Psalm 39, 1 Corinthians 5 2nd May Judges 15, Jeremiah 28, Acts 19, Mark 14 2nd June 1 Samuel 23, Ezekiel 2, Psalm 38, 1 Corinthians 4 3rd May Judges 16, Jeremiah 29, Acts 20, Mark 15 3rd June 1 Samuel 25, Ezekiel 4, Psalms 40-41, 1 Corinthians 6 4th May Judges 17, Jeremiah 30-31, Acts 21, Mark 16 4th June 1 Samuel 26, Ezekiel 5, Psalms 42-43, 1 Corinthians 7 5th May Judges 18, Jeremiah 32, Psalms 1-2, Acts 22 5th June 1 Samuel 27, Ezekiel 6, Psalm 44, 1 Corinthians 8 6th May Judges 19, Jeremiah 33, Psalms 3-4, Acts 23 6th June 1 Samuel 28, Ezekiel 7, Psalm 45, 1 Corinthians 9 7th May Judges 20, Jeremiah 34, Psalms 5-6, Acts 24 7th June 1 Samuel 29-30, Ezekiel 8, Psalms 46-47, 1 Corinthians 10 8th May Judges 21, Jeremiah 35, Psalms 7-8, Acts 25 8th June 1 Samuel 31, Ezekiel 9, Psalm 48, 1 Corinthians 11 9th May Ruth 1, Jeremiah 36, Psalm 9, Acts 26 9th June 2 Samuel 1, Ezekiel 10, Psalm 49, 1 Corinthians 12 10th May Ruth 2, Jeremiah 37, Psalm 10, Acts 27 10th June 2 Samuel 2, Ezekiel 11, Psalm 50, 1 Corinthians 13 11th May Ruth 3-4, Jeremiah 38, Psalms 11-12, Acts 28 11th June 2 Samuel 3, Ezekiel 12, Psalm 51, 1 Corinthians 14 12th May 1 Samuel 1, Jeremiah 39, Psalms 13-14, Romans 1 12th June 2 Samuel 4-5, Ezekiel 13, Psalms 52-54, 1 Corinthians 15 13th May 1 Samuel 2, Jeremiah 40, Psalms 15-16, Romans 2 13th June 2 Samuel 6, Ezekiel 14, Psalm 55, 1 Corinthians 16 14th May 1 Samuel 3, Jeremiah 41, Psalm 17, Romans 3 14th June 2 Samuel 7, Ezekiel 15, Psalms 56-57, 2 Corinthians 1 15th May 1 Samuel 4, Jeremiah 42, Psalm 18, Romans 4 15th June 2 Samuel 8-9, Ezekiel 16, Psalms 58-59, 2 Corinthians 2 16th May 1 Samuel 5-6, Jeremiah 43, Psalm 19, Romans 5 16th June 2 Samuel 10, Ezekiel 17, Psalms 60-61, 2 Corinthians 3 17th May 1 Samuel 7-8, Jeremiah 44, Psalms 20-21, Romans 6 17th June 2 Samuel 11, Ezekiel 18, Psalms 62-63, 2 Corinthians 4 18th May 1 Samuel 9, Jeremiah 45-46, Psalm 22, Romans 7 18th June 2 Samuel 12, Ezekiel 19, Psalms 64-65, 2 Corinthians 5 19th May 1 Samuel 10, Jeremiah 47, Psalms 23-24, Romans 8 19th June 2 Samuel 13, Ezekiel 20, Psalms 66-67, 2 Corinthians 6 20th May 1 Samuel 11, Jeremiah 48, Psalm 25, Romans 9 20th June 2 Samuel 14, Ezekiel 21, Psalms 68, 2 Corinthians 7 21st May 1 Samuel 12, Jeremiah 49, Psalms 26-27, Romans 10 21st June 2 Samuel 15, Ezekiel 22, Psalm 69, 2 Corinthians 8 22nd May 1 Samuel 13, Jeremiah 50, Psalms 28-29, Romans 11 22nd June 2 Samuel 16, Ezekiel 23, Psalms 70-71, 2 Corinthians 9 23rd May 1 Samuel 14, Jeremiah 51, Psalm 30, Romans 12 23rd June 2 Samuel 17, Ezekiel 24, Psalm 72, 2 Corinthians 10 24th May 1 Samuel 15, Jeremiah 52, Psalm 31, Romans 13 24th June 2 Samuel 18, Ezekiel 25, Psalm 73, 2 Corinthians 11 25th May 1 Samuel 16, Lamentations 1, Psalm 32, Romans 14 25th June 2 Samuel 19, Ezekiel 26, Psalm 74, 2 Corinthians 12 26th May 1 Samuel 17, Lamentations 2, Psalm 33, Romans 15 26th June 2 Samuel 20, Ezekiel 27, Psalms 75-76, 2 Corinthians 13 27th May 1 Samuel 18, Lamentations 3, Psalm 34, Romans 16 27th June 2 Samuel 21, Ezekiel 28, Psalm 77, Galatians 1 28th May 1 Samuel 19, Lamentations 4, Psalm 35, 1 Corinthians 1 28th June 2 Samuel 22, Ezekiel 29, Psalm 78:1-37, Galatians 2 29th May Samuel 20, Lamentations 5, Psalm 36, 1 Corinthians 2 29th June 2 Samuel 23, Ezekiel 30, Psalm 78:38-72, Galatians 3 30th May 1 Samuel 21-22, Ezekiel 1, Psalm 37, 1 Corinthians 3 30th June 2 Samuel 24, Ezekiel 31, Psalm 79, Galatians 4 31st May 1 Samuel 23, Ezekiel 2, Psalm 38, 1 Corinthians 4 27 SPECIAL PRICE £5.99 28
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