Good Neighbor The Page 7 Heath Health Foods celebrates 9 years! Find us in McCracken, Marshall, Ballard, Graves, Livingston, & Massac! Wow, look who is 7! Happy Birthday Feb. 5 We love you! Momma, Daddy and your whole family. Bre Stimson, Brook Salsman and Jordan Fenwick, all seniors at McCracken County High School, earned top nods at the Poetry Out Loud competition in the C-Plant Performing ArtsCenter at MCHS. The Charity League of Paducah presented a $20,700 check to Easter Seals West Kentucky on Jan. 22. The money was raised by the ladies of the Charity League during their annual Snowball event. February 1 - 8, 2015 Meg Hancock, Paducah Tilghman junior, and a captain of the school’s Speech and Debate Team, was named the American Legion Oratorical Contest District 1 Champion on Jan. 25. The McNET librarians have donated board books and baby caps to the Little Miracles Nursing staff at Lourdes. This is the third year McNET has been involved with this community service project. Rick Hughes Exit 11, North of i-24 • God Bless America, One Nation Under God! “Family Home Town Views” Vol. 23, No. 31 Skylar Hill FREE! • 270-415-1885 President Funeral Director 270-415-1885 Brenda Hughes Allcock Darrell Reed Family Services Funeral Director 270-519-0896 Funeral Assistant 270-415-1885 Sarah hugheS Funeral Director Appr. 270-415-1885 • Green funerals • Saving costs on a funeral/memorial service • Medicaid • Social Security • Veteran benefits • Moving • Changing my Plans • Dying away from home • Cremation The Good Page 2 The Good Neighbor invites all friends and neighbors to join us as we read the New Testament (KJV) together. Each week we will print a brief portion of the Bible until we reach Revelation. 2 Peter 1 King James Version (KJV) 1 Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: 2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, 3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: 4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; 6 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; 7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. 8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. 10 Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: 11 For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 12 Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth. 13 Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance; 14 Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me. 15 Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance. 16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 17 For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. 18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount. 19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: 20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. February 1, 2015 REAL PEOPLE SERVING THE REAL GOD Sharing the message of Christ for 127 years! 3601 Lone Oak Rd. 554-1441 Sunday Morning Worship...................8:30 a.m. ........................................9:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Bible Study.......................8:30 a.m. & 9:45 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship...................7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service.................6:30 p.m. Dr. Dan Summerlin, Pastor Friends Don’t Let Friends Go To Hell The 1983 Ad Council campaign slogan “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk” has been pirated by hundreds of causes, such as “Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Democrat” (or Republican) to “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drink Starbucks.” Friends don’t let friends go to hell without warning them. “Wounds inflicted by the correction of a friend prove he is faithful” (Proverbs 27:6 The Voice). James 5:19 My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, 20 let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins. (ESV) In the final analysis, we can’t stop friends from sinning if they are hellbent on doing so, but we don’t stand by and watch them plunge over the precipice of destruction without raising our voices in warning. Houser Grove church of Christ 7310 Old Houser Rd. • Boaz, Ky Come Worship With Us Services: Sun. 9AM, 6PM; Wed. 7PM • Questions/Comments? Website: Back To The Bible: Romans 14 (KJV) From your friends at MapleFrom Hill Church of Christ •at 3960 ScaleHill Rd.,Church Benton, KY 42025 Romans 14 (KJV): Your Friends Maple of Christ Phone: 270-527-2744 SOLUTION AT: Solutions at: 3960 Scale RD, Benton, KY 42025-7875 Phone: 270.527.2744 2 4 5 6 9 10 Valentine’s Issue 11 V-pics are only $10! Good Neighbor 7 8 Next week will be our The 1 3 12 13 Finalist 2012, 2013, & 2014 3042A Lone Oak Rd. Paducah, KY 42003 270-554-5623 or [email protected] ACROSS DOWN The Good February 1, 2015 Graves County Central Elementary School students who belong to the group known as the Central Drama Players learned more about presenting plays and earned high praise at the 2015 Junior Theater Festival in mid-January at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta, Ga. Teacher-directors Patsy Riley (far left) and Amy Murphey (far right) pose with , (front row, from left) Katya Bartolo, Naima Bhutta, Michael Kayse, Carley Dowdy, Chloe Hendley, Caloeb Paschall, (back row, from left) Aiden Walker, Maggie Murphey, Zach Lamb, Josie Erdmann, Kaylee Davis, and Taylor Wyatt. Photo by James Barker. Page 3 Heath Middle School competed in the District Governor's Cup Competition at Paducah Middle School on Jan. 17. The team was named Overall Governor's Cup Champion after taking multiple awards in the following individual written assessments and team competitions. Written Composition 1st Katelyn Woodard, 3rd Alec Ramos, 5th Emma Jones; Arts & Humanities 1st Emma Jones, 2nd Sydney Woodard; Language Arts 1st Katelyn Woodard, 3rd Emma Jones; Mathematics 5th Garrett Childress; Science 1st Noah Ellis; Social Studies 3rd Noah Ellis, 5th Garrett Schooley; Future Problem Solving 2nd Katelyn Woodard, Hayden Faughn, Noah Ellis, and Ethan Johnson. Pictured above (left to right) are Belle Salchli, Annissa Roberts, Jameson Evers, Garrett Childress, Hayden Faughn, Hailey Bowers, Noah Ellis, Katelyn Woodard, Ethan Beeler, Alec Ramos, Garrett Schooley, Emma Jones, and Sydney Woodard. Kenny Randle's In Business Since 1913 Ross Packing 645 Starr Hill Rd in Lone Oak SPECIAL #1 3# T-Bones 3# Sirloins 3# Round Steaks 3# Beef Roast 3# Ground Beef 15# for st A Lender you can tru Local service, Local hospitality SPECIAL #3 3# Round Steak 3# Pork Steaks 3# Beef Roast 3# Fryers 3# Ground Beef Conventional FHA RHS VA loans Closed ! 0 days 3 within 15# for David Sither Branch Manager NMLS # 46033 25# for 4645 Village Square 156 Bleich Rd. Drive Suite F Suite 103 Paducah, KY 42001 Paducah, KY 42001 p: (270) 450-0831 (270) 450-9050 c: (270) 559-6384 NMLS # 4664 NMLS#4664 $59.95 SPECIAL #4 5# Rib Steaks 5# Beef Roast 5# First-Cut Chops 5# Fryers 5# Ground Beef EQUAL HOUSING LENDER ********** Hey Veteran! THANKS! ********** $89.95 SPECIAL #5 5# Beef Roast 5# First-Cut Pork Chops 5# Bacon 5# Pork Roast 5# Fryers 5# Pork Steaks 5# Pork Sausage 5# Short Ribs 5# Ham for Beans 5# Ground Beef 50# for $169.95 270-554-3236 We Still Do Custom Slaughtering! $89.95 $59.95 15# for We offer purchasing and refinancing options · · · · EBT SPECIAL #2 3# First-Cut Pork Chops 3# Pork Roast 3# Beef Roast 3# Round Steak 3# Ground Beef Oh, if it be to choose and call thee mine, love, thou art every day my Valentine! ~ Thomas Hood OPEN Mon-Fri 7-5 Closed Sat 100 LBS. $389.95 FILL YOUR FREEZER WITH THESE 3 SPECIALS! /8 Page Horizontal 1 SPECIAL #6A 5# T-Bones 5# Sirloin Steaks 5# Round Steaks 5# Rib Steaks 5# Chuck Roast 5# Boneless Rump Roast SPECIAL #6B 5# Center Pork Chops 5# Pork Steaks 5# Bacon 5# Sausage 5# Fryers 5# Ham 5# Hot Dogs 5# Cube Steak 1 SPECIAL #6C 5# Pork Roast 5# Ground Beef Patties 5# Arm Roast 5# Short Ribs 10# Ground Beef 30# for $99.95 "Still Your EBT 411/16$189.95 ” wide by$139.95 2 /2” tall Specialist!" (3#6A, columns) SPECIAL B, & C 100# for $389.95 30# for 40# for Buy Individual Cuts From Our Old Fashioned Meat Counter! "THE MEAT PLACE" Page 4 The Good February 1, 2015 5978 Old US HWY 45 S • Paducah, KY 42003 Phone: 270-554-0720 Fax: 270-554-3966 [email protected] Affordable Care Act FAQs — Individuals The Supreme Court’s landmark decision on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has resulted in uncertainties among many individuals, regardless of their tax bracket, personal circumstances or state of residence. Below are some commonly asked questions that address issues ranging from coverage availability to tax credit eligibility. Your CPA can provide the guidance you need to make the most timely, well-informed health care and tax planning decisions. Q: What impact does the ACA have on my health care decisions? A: The ACA generally requires that all individuals have qualifying health insurance coverage, also referred to as Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC), in effect for each month, other than certain short coverage gaps, of 2014 and succeeding years. If you already have MEC through your employer, a government-sponsored program, a direct purchase from an insurance company or the Health Insurance Marketplace (the Marketplace), you need only to maintain it. However, MEC does not include coverage that provides only limited benefits, such as stand-alone vision or dental care. If you are without MEC, you can purchase it in the Marketplace, which facilitates the purchase of health insurance in each state in accordance with the ACA. Q: What is the Health Insurance Marketplace? A: The Marketplace facilitates the purchase of health insurance in each state in accordance with the ACA. It provides government-regulated and standardized health care plans from which individuals, families and small businesses (businesses with 50 or fewer full-time equivalent employees) can compare health insurance plans based on costs, benefits and other features, and enroll in coverage. Marketplace plans cover essential health benefits and have four levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum, each based on the average percentage that the plan pays toward health care services. The Platinum level generally pays the highest percentages and has the lowest deductibles, co-pays and cost-sharing structure, though it requires the highest premiums. Q: When is the Marketplace health care enrollment period? A: In most cases, you can only enroll in health plan coverage through the Marketplace during the Open Enrollment period. For coverage starting in 2015, Open Enrollment begins Nov. 15, 2014, and closes Feb. 15, 2015. Coverage can start as soon as Jan 1, 2015. (If you enroll between the 1st and 15th of the month, your coverage starts the first day of the next month.) If you lose eligible coverage, have a child, marry or experience another significant life event, you may qualify for a special 60-day enrollment period in Marketplace health plans outside Open Enrollment periods. Q: When can I change plan types, for example, from the Platinum Plan with the highest premium to the Bronze Plan with the lowest premium? A: You are required to remain within your chosen plan for 12 months or until the next Open Enrollment period, even if there has been a change in your health. However, you qualify for a special enrollment period 60 days following certain life events that involve a change in family status, for example, marriage or birth of a child, or loss of other health coverage. Q: If I live in one state but work in another, which Marketplace should I use when purchasing coverage? A: Generally, you should purchase coverage in the Marketplace in the state where you live. Q: What are the maximum out-of-pocket costs for individual Marketplace plans? A: The maximum out-of-pocket cost limit for any individual Marketplace plan for 2015 is $6,600 for an individual plan and $13,200 for a family plan. Q: Are there any circumstances under which I can be exempt from the ACA’s coverage requirement? A: You may be exempt from the ACA’s coverage requirement if: • Your minimum required payment for annual premiums is more than 8% (8.05% in 2015) of your annual household income (for certain lowest cost employer-sponsored or Marketplace plans, or • Your annual income is below the minimum threshold for fi ling a tax return, or • You belong to a group specifically exempt from the coverage requirement, such as Christian Scientists or a federally recognized American Indian tribe. Q: What steps do I need to take for an exemption to apply? A: The application procedures will depend on your exemption category. For example, if you are claiming an exemption due to a coverage gap that was less than 3 months or citizenship status, you can simply claim the exemption when you fi le your federal tax return. However, if you are seeking exemption due to religious affiliation or certain situations that prevented you from obtaining coverage (e.g., foreclosure), you must submit an application to the Marketplace to obtain an exemption code that is reported on your tax return. Keep in mind that the exemption code must be obtained before you fi le your return. Filing the exemption request early will help ensure the timely fi ling of your return. Q: How much is the Individual Shared Responsibility payment? A: For 2014, the payment is the greater of: • 1% of your household income above your tax fi ling threshold for 2014, or • A monthly fl at-dollar amount, which is $95 per adult and $47.50 per child, up to a family maximum of $285. B. For 2015, it will be the greater of: • 2% of household income above your tax fi ling threshold or $325 per adult, $162.50 per child, up to a family monthly maximum of $975. Your payment cannot exceed the cost of the national average premium for the Marketplace’s Bronzelevel health plan, which is $2,448 for 2014. Also, if you did not enroll in coverage during the Marketplace’s Open Enrollment period or qualify for the special enrollment period, your payment will be prorated based on the number of months you are uninsured. Q: If I do not qualify for an exemption, what are the consequences for not having qualifying coverage for me, my spouse and any dependents? A: You will be required to make an Individual Shared Responsibility payment for yourself and any non-covered family members for each month that you do not have qualifying coverage, which is due when you fi le your federal income tax return. However, there is no payment required for a coverage gap lasting less than three months. Q: Is any tax relief available that can lower my out-of-pocket premiums? A: Individuals may be eligible for the Premium Tax Credit on their federal income tax return if they: • Purchase insurance through the Marketplace • Are ineligible for employer or government-plan coverage • Are within specifi c low- or moderate-income limits (for 2015 coverage, generally, individuals with income below $46,680 and families of four or more with income below $95,400) • Cannot be claimed as a dependent by another person Q: What type of changed circumstances may affect the Premium Tax Credit and should be reported to the Marketplace? A: Signifi cant events that should be reported include changes in income, marital status or residence; the birth or adoption of a child; or a new job or other change that affect eligibility or access to health care coverage. Q: How is the Premium Tax Credit applied? A: When applying for Marketplace coverage, you will provide information such as projected income and family size that is used to estimate your Premium Tax Credit. You can then decide to have some or all of the estimated credit paid in advance to your insurance company to lower your monthly premiums, or wait to claim the credit when you fi le your return. If you have the credit paid in advance, the payment will be reconciled with the actual credit when you fi le your federal income tax return. Any overpayment needs to be paid back to the IRS. If you do not take advance credit payments, you may claim the credit when you fi le your tax return, which will either reduce your taxes owed or increase your refund. You can help expedite correct fi nancial assistance and advance payments by promptly reporting any changes to your income or household size to the Marketplace. Q: Can my employer reimburse me for health insurance premiums that I pay for an individual policy? A: They can, but they will probably be subject to a nondeductible excise tax. The amount of the excise tax is steep: $100 per employee, per day, which amounts to $36,500 per year for each individual reimbursed under an arrangement. These arrangements are subject to the excise tax because they limit the amount of benefits to a maximum amount and do not provide for preventive services. Under the ACA, group health plan annual and lifetime benefits cannot be limited and they must provide preventive services. This excise tax is imposed on the employer reimbursing the premium. Q: How have Health Flexible Spending Arrangements (FSA) contributions and Health Savings Account (HSA) distributions been affected by the ACA? A: Annual contributions to a health FSA are limited to $2,500 (inflation adjusted) or the plan maximum, whichever is less, and there is a 20% penalty, up from 10%, on HSA funds applied to non-qualified medical expenses. Q: Can distributions from HSAs or Archer Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) be used to pay for over-the-counter medicines and drugs without a tax penalty? A: With the exception of insulin, only prescription medicines and drugs are qualified medical expenses not subject to an additional 20% penalty tax. Q: If FSA funds are used for co-pays and deductibles, are those expenses still reimbursable taxfree with Health FSA funds? A: Funds used for co-pays and deductibles still are reimbursable tax-free from a Health FSA and a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA). Q: How have deductions for medical expenses been affected by the ACA? A: Taxpayers under 65 years of age can only deduct unreimbursed medical/dental expenses that exceed 10% (up from 7.5%) of adjusted gross income. The deduction remains 7.5% through 2016 if age 65 or older. Full disclosure: I stole this from the AICPA’s website. ~ If we can help, please give us a call at 270-554-0720 or email at [email protected] SENIOR CITIZENS - ARE YOU AWARE? The Homestead Exemption Is For All Homeowners Who Will Be 65 or Over Anytime During The Current Tax Year, Who Live In Their Home & Claim It As Their Primary Residence. You Must Apply In Person To The PVA & Bring In Proof Of Age. The Property Must Be In Homeowner’s Name As Of January 1, 2015. The Total Exemption Allowed Is $36,900 Nancy Bock, Property Valuation Administrator 621 Washington St. • Paducah, KY 42003 • (270) 444-4712 The Good February 1, 2015 Three art students at Community Christian Academy received awards at Teen Spirit, the high school art competition and exhibition being held through Jan. 31 at Paducah’s Yeiser Art Center. Winning 2nd place in the Show and $75, as well as a $350 scholarship to attend the Murray State University Summer High School Art Workshop, was CCA sophomore, Ellagrace Kirby. Her piece was a white charcoal entitled “Just a Little Sparkle.” Carrie Hughes, sophom o r e , won Best in Painting for a watercolor entitled “Wildflowers.” Winning one of three Honorable Mentions in the Show was ElizaKate Carter, sophomore. “Garden Queen” was the name of her watercolor. Page 5 Graves County High School students in teacher Mechelle Gattis’ class comprised two teams placing among the top six in the fall 2014 Stock Market Game™. It’s a national program the Kentucky Council on Economic Education offers throughout the commonwealth. Students learn to invest a fictional $100,000 in publically-traded securities. Organizers then rank the teams after several weeks of playing, based on ending portfolio values. This fall, more than 300 teams and more than 1,200 students competed. GCHS students Elizabeth Wiggins, Dystan Holmes, Daniel Heath, and Cooper Myatt comprised a team known as “The Four Thieves” and placed fifth overall statewide, with a final portfolio value of $107,925, a 3.99 percent return above the Standard & Poors 500 Benchmark. GCHS students Abigail Hughes, Tristen Davidson, and Leah Cope took as their team name Stock It To ’Em and finished sixth overall statewide with a final portfolio value of $107,195, a 3.26 percent return. Pictured (from left to right) are Broker, Hughes, Holmes, Davidson, Heath, Wiggins, Myatt, and Gattis. Valentine’s Special For Two 270-554-1775 6000 Old US Hwy 45 Paducah, Ky Hours: Monday-Friday • 6am-8pm & Saturday • 6am-9pm *Check us out on Facebook for daily specials Appetizer • Salad Filet Mignon Baked Potato & A Dessert To Share For $ 99 32 • We have daily lunch & dinner specials • Kids eat free on Mondays • Friday night catfish dinner & Bbq • Saturday night is steak night • Call us to cater your next special event The Good Page 6 February 1, 2015 Local 184 of the Plumbers and Steamfitters Union, of Paducah, brought a $2,000 donation to the welding program at Ballard County Career and Technical Center on Jan. 23. Shown (from left to right) are Barry Davis, business agent for Local 184; David Meinschein, Ballard Memorial/BCCTC principal; Kyle Henderson, business manager for Local 184; Kevin Chatellier, welding teacher at BCCTC; and Casey Allen, Ballard County Schools superintendent. Henderson said the union hoped the donation would help ease the shortfall from state budget cuts, and that he hoped to get other trade unions involved in helping area career centers if the lower-trending state budget continued. 9th annual Heartland Wine Competition Feb. 21 The West Kentucky Winegrowers Association (WKWA) will hold the 9th annual Heartland Wine Competition at 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21, at the Purple Toad Pavilion, 4275 Old US Highway 45 South, Paducah. Thirty local and regional judges, as well as judges provided by the American Wine Society will be participating in tasting over 200 wines. Judging is based on taste, clarity and quality of the wine. All wine bottles to be judged need to be received by 5 p.m. Feb. 16, along with an entry form and $10 per bottle. For more information, entry form and shipping information, email Tom Curtsinger, event chairman at [email protected] or check our Facebook page West Kentucky Winegrowers Association. Award winners will be announced via email and facebook. Medals will be sent to the winning categories. WKWA is a not-for-profit club that is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, hands-on-experience and fellowship in all aspects of grape cultivation, making wine, responsible wine drinking and appreciation. From agriculture, horticulture, harvesting, processing, blending, chemistry, bottling,storage and enjoyment, this club is geared for the novice, expert, the home winemaker, the commercial wine maker and all in between. For additional information about the club, contact Bob Hoppmann at 270-3664037, Allen Dossey at554-0010, Tom Curtsinger 270-705-8620 or Barry Brooks at 270-853-0240. 2 ONLY TRIPLE CHEESEBURGER $ JALAPENO BURGER Jackson St. • Mayfield Clark’s River Rd. & Hinkleville Rd. McDonalds Are Now Open 24 Hrs Jennifer Gaines of Paducah (center front) was nominated by her teammates and randomly selected to be recognized as the January USTA Kentucky Adult League Captain of the Month. She has been a USTA league team captain since 2010. Her teams have won local tennis championships and have attended Kentucky district tournaments. Headaches? Neck & Back Pain? Common Symptoms: • Back Pain • Headaches • Numbness Neck Pain • Arm & Leg Pain • Stiffness Hip Pain • Arthritis • Bursitis • Pain in Joints Shoulder Pain • Whiplash Limited Time Offer FREE EXAM And 2 X-Rays IF Required Dr. Travis W. Kahre 3333 Irvin Cobb Dr. • Suite 104 Paducah, KY 42003 Located in the same complex as Holman House 270.442.2211 Glenda S. Collins Jeffrey A. Baumgardner Most Insurance Covers Your Care & We’ll File For You! Expires in 30 days due to Federal Regulations. Some Medicare Restrictions May Apply. You have the right to rescind within seventy-two (72) hours any obligation to pay for services performed in addition to this free offer. Contact Michael O. Hibbs Jason M. Hibbs Jennifer N. Lamphere (270) 554-2105 or The Good February 1, 2015 Page 7 Heath Health Foods celebrates 9 years serving Paducah area Heath Health Foods of Paducah is celebrating nine years of service to the community as one of the area’s premier locally owned and operated retail health and wellness store. According to owner Yolanda Heath, who is a nurse, aromatherapist and certified natural health professional, said the store provides so much more than organically based food products and supplements, but also offers patrons health options that allow people to “begin their journey towards personal health and restoration.” Heath Health Food offers educational classes in areas such as: Essential oils, which outlines their basic usage in handling stress and anxiety, pain relief and more; Gluten Free classes, which assists individuals in understanding how gluten works on the body, how to avoid it, and what to look for on labels. Other services include health consultations for all ages, detoxification foot baths and Healthy 4 Life weight loss programs. Yoga classes are also available. The store has two certified yoga instructors who offer public and private classes for all yoga levels. When Heath Health Foods opened in 2006, it did so with a mission. According to their web site, the stores goal includes being “dedicated to the well being of the community and to the service of our fellow man. “Our mission is to pursue and share the health and wholeness available through alignment with the will of God as witnessed through the example of Christ Jesus. As a business, we offer products and services that we believe advance this mission.” The store recently relocated to their new location at 3420 Lone Oak Rd., Suite B, in Paducah, and are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m to 3 p.m., and is closed on Sunday. For more information about Heath Health Foods’ products and services, contact the store at 270-534-4977 or stop by to receive information on how you can improve your health and wellness today. It’s Ourrsary e v i n n A 9th We have Yoga • Boot Camp Classes Essential Oil Classes & Lots More Call For Details & To Sign Up 3420 Lone Oak Rd. Paducah, KY HeathHealthFoods.com270-534-4977 Check Out Our Facebook Page for Our Specials, Our Calendar & Other Informative Information We have relocated to 3420 Lone Oak Road Heath Health Foods offers several paths to overall wellness thanks to the expertise of associates (pictured above, left to right) such as Yoga Instructor Jessica, Yolanda Heath (owner, nurse, aroma therapist and certified natural health professional), Floor Manager and Yoga Instructor Jessica, and General Manager and Nutritional Consultant Brandi. Lone Oak Pharmacy 3535 Lone Oak Rd. • (270) 554-7944 OPEN: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-Noon We have the perfect gift for. . . your wife, From Now daughter, Until Feb. mother, 14th FREE or just Scarf that with $20 Gift special person Purchase FREE Gift Wrapping in your life! Page 8 READ ALL ABOUT IT! The Good In Memoriam ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMING EVENTS The West Ky Christian Alliance will sponsor a Valentine’s Day “The LOVE of Christ” Breakfast and Celebration at Mary’s Restaurant on Southside Paducah, at 10:30 on February 14. In addition to food, there will be music and a Christian message of LOVE. All of this is free, and a LOVE offering will be taken. There will be many door prizes given, all related to Valentine’s. RSVP to 270-994-3230 or 270983-1738 by February 13 to know our food needs. Come help us celebrate the Best Love of all….Jesus Christ. “For God so loved the world….” Kentucky Foundation for Women will be in Paducah Feb. 7 at the McCracken County Library from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. for a workshop to discuss concerns for local artists and grant opportunities for women. It is free and open to the public. The Challenger Learning Center at Paducah on the campus of West Kentucky Community and Technical College is hosting its annual Trivia Night on Friday, Feb. 6, at 7 p.m. at St. Thomas More Church. Get together with your best and brightest friends to purchase a trivia table for six. The cost is $90 and all proceeds will benefit the Challgner Learning Center. VIP tables that will provide mulligans and butler table service are also available. Register today at 270-534-3101. The Hotel Metropolitan’s presents “Grand Ma’s Recipes” Saturday, Feb. 14, at 11a.m. The speaker will be Jim Hank. The program includes a skit before the Soul Food Sampler. Menu: chitterlings, fried chicken, pig feet, white beans, slaw, greens, rolls or cornbread, cakes, chess pies and sweet tea. Questions call Betty Dobson 270-443-7918. The Paducah Jazz Ensemble will host its popular Valentine's-themed ballroom dance on Saturday, February 7, from 8-10:30, at the Robert Cherry Civic Center at 2701 Park Ave., in Paducah. Admission is $11 with an advance reservation or $15 at the door. To make an advance reservation or for more information, please call 270-898-0180 or email the Paducah Jazz Ensemble at paducahjazz@gmail. com. DURBIN’s SERVICE STATION Minor Repair & Service ServING All Brands of Tires Paducah Brakes & Oil Changes Since Tire Repair 1962 • DEL, BENNIE, DERRIN DURBIN • 3401 Lone Oak Rd. • Paducah, KY 42003 270-554-5839 Funeral Arrangements February 1, 2015 Attorney Kristen S. Simpson Do you remember this loving & amazing couple? Shirley Wynn Weitlauf 4/27/1935-7/26/2011 & Tooney Joseph Weitlauf 2/1/1931-8/19-2012 Their birthdays will soon be coming up & we wanted them to know they have not been forgotten. Mom & Dad, as your birthdays approach, we want you to know you have not & never will be forgotten. There is not a day that you are not thought of. The homeplace is silent with only memories of love, hard times, suffering, laughter, the house full of friends & family, the driveway full of cars, and most of all, the discipline you demonstrated & taught us that made us who we are today. Mom, I know you are with the Lord, your Mom & Dad, Curtis & Minnie Wynn, your sisters, Nettie Spraggs & Patsy Chandler, your sons who went before you, Curtis & Kenny Weitlauf. Dad, I also know you are with the Lord, your Mom & Dad, Ruth & Andy Weitlauf, your brothers, Bobby, Willard, & Athel, and your sons, Curtis & Kenny Weitlauf who share your eternal home in heaven. Our lives changed when you left us, for nothing has been the same. So Happy Birthday, leave a light on for those you left behind, for we will join you someday. Your sons, Michael (Mickey) & Stan Weitlauf, your daughter Mendy Shelton, you sisters, Brenda & Jerry Houser, Ocella Kaufman, Brother, Gary & Jeannie Wynn, Aunt Carolyn Weitlauf Webb, your brother-in-law Richard Chandler & all your neices, nephews & grandchildren. We will always love you. PRE PLAN FOR FUTURE NEEDS NOW WITHOUT PRE-PAYING! Cost - estimate consultation. May prepay through insurance or trust plans available. Feel free to call anytime. Give Rick a call, 270-415-1885 Hughes Funeral Home of Paducah. 2975 Old Husband Rd. Computer Classes A Local Geek Computer Repair now offers classes to teach you the basics of using your computer. Topics include, but are not limited to: properly turning on/off your computer, using your keyboard/mouse, safely surfing the Internet, fixes for simple computer problems, using email and backing up your data. We have a Q & A at the end of each class to get your specific questions answered. Our small classes have no more than 5 students per session offering personal attention. And yes! A Local Geek still offers professional computer repair at an affordable price as well! No charge if we don’t fix. Call 554-9645 Attorney at Law 504 Fountain Ave. Paducah, KY 270-883-ATTY Misdemeanors Felonies • DUI Divorce Adoption Child Custody/Visitation Wills Mediation Power of Attorney Petting Zoo Barnyard Buddies & Friends Petting Zoo & Pony Rides now accepting reservations for booking dates March -Dec. Featuring well rounded friendly animals, like Booger the Camel & Bubba the Zebu. Great addition to Open Houses, Company Picnics, Birthday Parties, Family Reunions, School Events or any other. Owned & Operated by the Cornwell Family. 13 Yrs Experience & USDA Licensed! 270-534-8203 or 270-210-2184 Visit our website: www.barnyardbuddies Small Engine Repair Brenda Hughes Allcock 270-519-0896 Ky Licensed Funeral Director Advance Personal Planner [email protected] Exit 11, North of I-24 270-415-1885 Lawn Care Too many leaves? It’s time to “let your lawn breathe.” LEAF CLEANUP! Small yards in Paducah. 270704-9646. Sewing Glennis Poole Seamstress 6241 Old Mayfield Rd. Paducah, KY 270-534-4912 or 270-559-8773 Learn to sew. Age 10 and up. New shop now open, Call for details. Tied Like A Bow, 3807 Schneidman Rd. Paducah. 270-558-4878. Sewing for your home. Window treatments, bedding, slip covers & alterations. 270-816-3325. Computer Repair Professional computer repair at an affordable price! A Local Geek has been repairing PCs and laptops in Lone Oak for over 10 years, our technicians are friendly and will speak to you in a language you can understand. We specialize in virus/spyware/Trojan removal WITHOUT erasing your information. Or, if you don’t mind starting over, we have complete system restorations for $50. No appointment needed. A Local Geek now offers Beginner Computer Classes as well. Call 5549645 “If we can’t repair your computer in-shop, there’s NO CHARGE!” A & J Small Engine Repair: Repairs on saws, weedeaters trimmers, tillers, go karts, etc.. pickup & delivery avail. Winter Hours: 8:30am4:30pm Mon-Fr 250 Theobold Ln. Paducah, 270-444-8212 Leather LEATHERSMITH Ye Olde Leather Shoppe 137 Charleston Ave. Lone Oak 270-554-2003 Wallets, belts, check book covers, etc. Minor repairs. NO sewing. Heating & Air Install & repair gas floor furnaces, Empire wall furnaces, gas lines, gas logs, & ventless heaters. Joe Thweatt, 554-1208 or 217-4027 License #M00651. $65/hour. Sitter- Babysitter Will sit with the elderly, day or night. Part time or full time. References furnished. 270-5542123. Will house clean, sit, run errands. Negotiable price. 270-933-3665. The Good February 1, 2015 Wish Your Sweetheart a Happy Valentine’s Day ay D s ’ e n i t n , le t a r a V e y h Happ y Sweet to M Mary ve! o L y M l l A e, i h t t e i e W w S r u Yo y m m i J With a Message for $5 or a Photo & Message for $10 Valentine Issue is Sunday, February 8th, Next Week! Deadline is Noon Friday, February 6th Drop Off or Mail to: The Good Neighbor, 3042A Lone Oak Rd., Paducah, KY 42003 Or Email to: [email protected] Call 270-554-5623 for more information Page 9 The Good Page 10 Home Improvement Services Animals Appliances Perdew Nate’s motorcycle detailing & restoration. 407-473-8161. See Ashley Perdew at The Beauty Shop! 2925 Jackson St. $10 kids & senior citizens, $12 for adults. Offering color, highlights, perms, manicures, pedicures. 270-933-0084. For sale red OB Peacock Cichlids. Two, three, & four inch, ready to go. Some are starting to bread. Call after 5 p.m. 270-908-5759. Three registered black angus bulls. $2,000 each. 270-556-1178. 30 goats, $2500 cash; square bales cow hay, $4.50/bale. 270-8767384 after 8 p.m. Creatures Great & Small are in need of donations of dog house, dog fence panels, gate panels & carriers, will pickup donated items. 556-6394 aft. 6pm Female dachshund/pomeranian pup, 7 weeks old, shots, $100. 270970-3504 Free 4 mo. old male ferret, comes w/cage, food, hammocks, everything you need. 618-638-4873 7 stock tank de-icers. $8 ea. 270-210-4925 2 mini pot belly pigs, 3 mo. old. $40 ea. 270-9709504 Mini-fridge, 1.7 cuft. $30. 270-243-9705. Crosley chest deep freezer. 14.8 ct. ft. Exc. cond. Very Clean. $145. 270-519-8741 GE Dorm frig. 34”x18” w/freezer. Works great. $75. 270-748-8519 Vintage, working coke machine will dispense bottles or cans. $325. Call KMC Realty 270443-2421 or 270-9337444. Good used refrigerator for sale, $100 OBO. Just needs a good cleaning. 14 cuft. 270-349-3551. Pressure cooker & whistling tea kettle. 270-5340963. 40 gallon water heater. Like new. $50. 270-4427196. Maytag gas dryer, extra large capacity, $175; Maytag washer, $250. Works great. 270-5599808. Decorative Iron 38 Years In Business Handrail • Gates Iron Fences 10% off If You Mention This Ad 270-744-8731 or 270-559-5525 Animals Beagles, laying hens, baby pigs & 350 lbs. sow for sale. 270-933-3384. Pigs, ducks, chickens, rabbits. 270-933-3384 Wanted: Newborn nanny goat. 270-933-3384 Rabbits for sale, 50% California, 25% New Zeland & 25% Flimish. 270-366-1709 or 270366-1644. Berkshire pigs. 6 feeders, all female. 50 to 55 lbs. $75 each. 270-9942684. Berkshire pigs: 175 lbs. boar. $150; four 450 lbs., $325 each. 270-9942684. Larry’s Roof & Gutter Repair & Cleaning, 30 years expereince. Free estimates. 270-556-1877 or 270-366-6192 Jacob’s Ladder. Roofing, siding, flooring & more. We want to help you. Call for estimate today. Kyle Jacob Hughes 270-349-0665. Skip Mills Remodel & Repair Winter spruce up, trim, carpentry, painting, sheetrock, repairs, pressure washing, handyman. 35 yrs. Paducah licensed. Katie Wulff. Pet groom270-554-3905 er, pet/house sitter. Pet Tree Service transporter. 270-3311780. Call or text. ReferMr. Lopez Tree & ences available. Lawn Care Service. B-R-r-r-r-r It’s time Dangerous tree removal, trimming, limb to winterize your horse. Warm & cozy insulated debris clean-up & more. 270-970-1319 or barn, very limited avail270-227-2781. 20 years ability. Call today for a barn visit, or checkexperience! out our facebook page. CRAZY’s TREE Shelby Lane Stables, SERVICE boarding facility. Full Stump Removal board & pasture board 270-217-8252 available. Outdoor 90x120 ft. riding arena Handyman with round pen. Scenic Got a job LARGE or trails, oversized stalls. small, give Shaun a call, “Multi-gaited” commuand consider it done. nity where your horse is Servicing all interior & treated like family. Exexterior home repair or cellent affordable rates full renovation needs just 6 miles from Lone from plumbing, electri- Oak. For more inforcal, decks, floors, paint- mation call 519-0593 or ing and more. Qual- visit us on Facebook @ ity workmanship is my Shelby Lane Stable. promise. Shaun SchLegacy Kennel, certimeiser. 270 908 1230 fied, professional afOdd jobs, trash haulfordable grooming ing, mowing, weedeatboarding, Breeders of ing, trimming trees, AKC show quality Yorraking, rotor tilling, kies & Poodle puppies, moving, hauling & $400 and up 898-4712 cleanup 270-933-3384 Announcements If anyone knows anything about the basketball trophies that were at the Melber school when it was torn down, please call 270-994-4275 or 270-856-3359. Appliances Kirby vacuum, gently used. Paid $1200, sell for $799. Attachments never used. Call 270-217-0691 Almond refrigerator, free standing electric range, built-in dishwasher, & range hood. All in working condition. $100 cash firm/all. 270-674-5552. Heavy duty Maytag dryer, $150. Paducah. 270-243-9705. Good used fridge for sale, $125 OBO. 14 cuft. Call or text 270-3493551. Whirlpool washer & dryer both $200 or $125 each. Call or text 270210-5206. Maytag washer & Inglish dryer. Excellent condition. Moved, do not need. 270-366-1129. Appliances–Used Buying and Selling used appliances! Washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators, deep freezers, etc. Will pick up or deliver. 832-0839 Free: Will haul off your broken or unwanted washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators & freezers. 270-564-8168. Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Selling Used Electric Refrigerators w/30 Day Warranty Used Furniture & Home Decor 1000 C Sat 10:30-4:00 February 1, 2015 Cemetery Lots, Etc. Four plots in Woodlawn Memorial Gardens, Garden of Trinity. $4,000. 270-554-9307. One lot w/crypt in Woodlawn Memorial Gardens. $1000. 270415-5347. Woodlawn Memorial Gardens lot #148, block D, unit 1-2. In Garden of the Last Supper. $2,000. 270-705-6740. Clothing Mens’ blue jeans. Sizes 30-30 & 31-30. $1-$3 per pair. 270-554-7789. Medium Colombia jacket, red. Polyester. $45; Michael Kors black purse, Asking $45. 270705-6716. Med. Heath Middle School girls letter jacket, has been monogrammed, never worn, tags attached. Paid $150, asking $75. 270705-6716. Ladies 9-1/2N slightly worn or new name brand shoes & boots; L & XL tops & sweaters, $5. Call 270-554-2424 for appointment. Mens’ black SAS shoes, worn one time. Size. 15S. Cost new $150. Will take $75. 270-519-9082. New Carhartt coveralls, 46 reg., $50. 270-933-0561 Lee Jeans. Regular fit straight leg size 34x32. Great condition. $5 pair. 270-462-3826. Mens’ leather coat. Medium, long. $100. 270804-5062. Pair of womens’ black Harley Davidson boots. Lace up. Size 10. Brand new. $60. 270-559-8615. Pair of lace-up boots w/ Gortex liner. 13W. Like new. $40. 270-210-9494. Electronics Irulu 7” tablet w/keyboard. New still in box. Cost $299. Asking $75. 270-444-6196. Sony surround sound. $30. 270-243-9705. Boaz Company speakers, 7”T for computer. $30; wireless keyboard & mouse, $15. 270-243-9118. 47” Smart TV w/apps & glass stand. $500. 270349-3551. Electronics 23” Vizio Smart TV. Cost $190. Asking $130. New, still in box. 270442-9319 or 270-3317195. Battery back-up surge protectors; computer w/ components & printers; 270-554-0763. Dell Windows 98 computer, large screen $150. 270-554-4087 Panasonic 5 disc DVD home theater system. $250. 270-519-5353 Sanyo 26” television (not flat screen). $50. 270928-2175. Karaoke machine system, DVD/CD+G/MP3, $50. 270-538-0791 Crosley Radio, new. Plays records, cd’s & tapes + table with drawer for storage, $125. 270210-7619 Antenna for motorhome or camper, Concord area, $50. 270-442-1909 Mens’ insulated coveralls, 42L. $35; long sleeve shirts, L, $5 each; sweat pants & tops, L, $5 each. 270-898-3118. Mens’ sweaters, L, $5 & $6. 270-898-3118. Crown XLS202 amp; Crown XLS1500 amp; Behringer XENYX1002 pre-amp; 4 Kustom KPC15 speakers. Sell together or separate. 270-366-2858. 4 speaker stands; Cerwin Vega JE-36C subwoofer. Will sell together or individually. 270-3662858. New Viper Remote Car Start System w/security add-on & Geek Squad Installation from Best Buy. Never opened. $275 OBO. 270-519-7588 Samsung Galaxy Smart phone, 6 mo. old, w/AC/ car charger. $100. OBO. 270-554-8831. Employment Wanted: person with carpentry ability to repair chest of drawers. 270-442-8929 Prep cook & server needed. Fill out application in person. Potsy’s Place, 6000 Old Hwy. U.S. Hwy. 45. Paducah, 42003. The Good February 1, 2015 CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE! Call • LIFE • HEALTH • MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS Gary G. Grace In Business for 42 Years GARY G. GRACE Page 11 3570 Lone Oak Rd. PO Box 7406 • Paducah, KY 42002 email: [email protected] (270) 443-8780 Employment Exercise Equipment Free for Taking Household Household Household Doodles Restaurant now hiring servers & cooks. No phone calls, please. Apply in person 4039 Clarks River Rd. Needed licensed cosmetologist for salon in West Paducah. Some walk-ins available. Booth rent $70 week. With 1 week free every year. Call/text Mendy 270-727-0369. Need housekeeper- prefer live-in. 270-205-6768 Experienced Short Order Breakfast Grill Cook. Morning Shift. Apply in person. Pork Peddler, 701 N. 8th St. Local Established Plumbing Company has immediate opening for current Kentucky licensed Plumbers. Must have five to ten years’ experience in commercial & residential repair & construction. Competitive wages & benefits. Please forward your resume to twallace@ Treadmill. Good shape. $150. 270-898-3945. Free: 8 ice cream buckets. 270-933-1336. Free 4 mo. old male ferret, comes w/cage, food, hammocks, everything you need. 618-638-4873 Remodeling-Hunter Ceiling Fan, pink flowers, from Lowes, $50; 4 light bath brass fixture, $15. 720-554-5223. Neal Holland Prints, framed & matted. “As Time Goes By”, “To Please A Lady” (#260 /500), “The Open Door”, “Of Time And Eternity”, “Sentimental Echo”. $20 ea. 270-2103773 40”W, 44”H roll top desk. Dark wood. In good shape w/chair & four drawer cabinet. $100. 270-994-5759. New 4 poster metal canopy bed. $1100 new, asking $450; 4 poster full size bed. $35. 270-4429319 or 270-331-7195. Wood bed frame & head board. $40; large leather recliner, $40; Like new Schwinn exercise bike, $120. 270-442-9319 or 270-331-7195. 32” console table w/mirror; TV stands; Parson chairs; table & chairs; beautiful glass sets; kitchen utensils; other misc. 270-554-0763. Like new oak veneer 4-piece twin bedroom suit. Mattress & box springs included if wanted. 270-366-4438. $175 Futon. Black w/2 cushions. $75; green wing back chair. Seat lifts. $275 like new. 270-8162298. 8x11 wool rug. Is 3 months old. $150 or obo. Used Twin Campbell Mattress. $50. Oak coffee table w/removable glass & drawer. $100 or obo. (270)362-4218 2 infrared heaters made by Thermal Wave/Sun Heat, one looks like a fireplace, bought at Hanks, $100 ea. 270444-0467 House full of antiques & junk, reasonable. Sell all or some. 270-705-3599 Small adult beige platform rocker, $20. 270898-2013 Ridgeway grandfather clock, 7’T. $750; Lillian Russell 2 pc. BR suite, beautiful, $1499 firm; old cast pig iron cauldren on stand, $150. 270-748-8519 3’x2’ framed mirror, antique gold lace. $45. 270210-3773 TVs; full size bed; table & chairs; computer desk; office chairs; folding metal chairs. Prices reasonable. 270-2107626. Antique dresser w/oval mirror; rocking chair, reupholstered; odds & ends. 270-331-7007 White twin half bunk bed w/slide. Play under bed. $80. Call or text 210-5206. Heavy dark wooden table & 6 matching chairs w/leaf. Very solid, sturdy. $75. 618-638-0802. Metal futon bunkbed w/futon mattress, $150. 270-704-1415 Crosley Radio, new. Plays records, cd’s & tapes + table with drawer for storage, $125. 270210-7619 Mauve swivel rocker, $20; platform rocker & ottoman, both rocks, $65. 270-210-7619 Wanted: Please donate chest of drawers for cancer patient. 270331-4859 Farm/Hvy Equip. 7 stock tank de-icers. $8 ea. 270-210-4925 1370 farm tractor. Dual wheels, H/C. $14,000 OBO. 618-564-2230. Ask for Donnie. Tractor PTO grass seeder, $50. 270-928-2175 or 270-559-9063. 5’ bush hog. $150. 270559-4829. ‘52 8N Ford tractor. Complete restoration, $2,000; 16’ utility trailer, new 8-ply tires & seated floor. $1200. 270-2107619 or 270-210-4392. Ferguson tractor. $1200. 270-243-4402. Country fresh eggs for sale $2/dozen. Call or text 270-217-0289. Games/Toys/Dolls Games/Toys/Dolls Madame Alexander Doll, green dress Scarlet in original box. $75. 270554-0763. 4 pc. doll furniture set, handcrafted, solid wood, painted & stenciled, $25. 270-554-0392 Pond pump with 80 yards of wire. $700. 270-705-6740. Food We Have LOW PRICES on new items 2402 New Holt Rd. Paducah, KY 42001 270-554-7202 Barnett compound crossbow, 150 lbs. pull, 6 bolts & broadheads. 3 dot scope. $200. 270217-0820. Will send picture. Night vision rifle scope, Gen. 2. Great for hunting/spotting. Military surplus. Can see w/verification of funds. 270408-1602. Chinese SKS w/scope. 270-559-1223. Wurth Gun & Pawn. New/used guns. FFL transfers. Order new gun for you; consign guns. 270-408-1602. Household Exercise Equipment Stationary exercise bike, adjustable seat. Digital time, distance, & calories burned. $75. Used very little. 270-519-8499. ProForm power incline treadmill. Certified personal trainer program. Fan. 10-speed. $250 OBO. 618-638-2319. ProForm exercise walker. $200. 270-243-4402. Mon-Fri 3-6 • Sat 10-5 Guns, Etc. We Accept Hobby Related Consignment Items USA leather couch & matching love seat. Very good condition. $800 or will separate. Couch $400, love seat $350. Can text photos. 270-559-9808. Microfiber recliner, $150. 270-559-9808. PRE PLAN FOR FUTURE NEEDS NOW WITHOUT PRE-PAYING! Cost-estimate consultation. May prepay through insurance or trust plans available. Feel free to call anytime. Give Rick a call please, 270-415-1885. Hughes Funeral Home of Paducah 2975 Old Husband Rd. Corner Hutch $250. 270-442-1304 Twin cast iron & brass bed. Made in USA, bought new $800, used very little. Asking $375. Call/text 270-559-5274. Antique umbrella stand w/mirror, $150; 4 bar stools, $200. 270-5561178. Small computer desk, $30; small floor clock, $30; Flex Steel floral couch & love seat, $125. 270-415-5347. End table & coffee table. Glass tops. $100 each. 270-804-5062. Very old Kenmore sewing machine in nice cabinet. Model 117552.; solid oak round table. 270-534-0963. Dresser, $250; metal bed frame w/full mattress set, $175; blue & beighe sofa, $300. 270331-4372. Nice oblong table w/2 extra leaves, $45; round table & 5 chairs, $85; bar stools, $20 each. 270876-7384 after 8 p.m. Twin storage bed, w/2 drawers for storage & bookcase headboard, $135. Call/text 270-559-5274. The Good Page 12 Lone Oak Dog Wash Veterinarian Approved Self-Serve Pet Wash Daily Hours: 8 am-10 pm No Lifting-Dog Ramp Heated & Cooled Easy & Fun to Use 4 Types of Shampoos • Conditioners • Dryers Controlled Temperature Water 4275 Old US Hwy 45 Paducah, KY 554-0010 Mon-Thur • 11-6 Fri & Sat • 11-8 Household 1960 cedar chifferobe. 3x6 double door, cedar shoe rack on bottom. $100. 270-217-0820. Will send picture. Love seat for sale. Wood frame w/red & green exterior. $35. 270-898-5477. New traverse rod, oneway draw cord on left. White. 48”x86”. $10; painting box art. Flowers in vase, $45. 270444-7750. Large solid brass table lamp w/shade. $10. 270331-1904. Two Victorian chairs, ladies & gents. Green. $100/pair; oak claw-foot table. $75. 270-970-3062. 3 pc. BR suite, solid wood w/maple finish, $250; solid wood entertainment center, $150. Paducah. 270-243-9705. Oak king BR suite: head/ foot board, dresser/mirror, chest of drawer & 2 night stands. Asking $1,000. 270-705-6716 3 pc. full size maple BR suite. $475. 270-2439118. 1940 Cedar BR set: full sz. mattress/box, head/ foot board, wardrobe, chest of drawers, night stand, dresser w/mirror. 270-804-9257. $550. Beautiful. Antique rocker w/ curved back & curved arms & spindles. I need space it occupies. Call 270-442-7636 before 7:30 p.m. Jewelry All brand new: Pink Peace necklace $6; earring holder w/4 pairs of earrings $12. 270-5340026. 3 pair of pearl button earrings sterling silver backs $7; JLO Purple/ Silver dangle earrings $4. 270-534-0026 Located at Lone Oak Car Wash 3550 Lone Oak Rd. (270) 554-7273 Miscellaneous Body jewelry of all kinds. 270-559-1223. Costume jewelry, $1/ piece; vintage jewelry box. $50. 270-339-1780. Lost: Echo chain saw w/18” bar. Lost between Old Mayfield Rd. & Lone Oak Rd. 270-8167899. Lost: Phone on either Schneidman Rd., Broyles Ave., Old Mayfield Rd., or Bleech Rd. Call 270-853-2056 if found. Princess Diana collectibles: plate, scrapbook of memories, 1983 calendar & paper dolls. $150. 270-442-9734 after 12 noon. Man cave special: rare real electric guitar neon Bud Light sign. Perfect shape. 4”x29. Will send picture. $400. 270-2170820. New AM/FM radio w/ weather band & TV, $20; 5x3 mirror w/wood frame, $50; hanging wall mirror, 48”x32”, $50. 270-444-7750. New Monopoly sets, $5 each; milk glass lamp, $50; new black suitcase, $45. 270-444-7750. Kennedy half dollars 1971 & newer. Circulated. $11.40 per $10 roll. Mike. 270-554-1149. Red bricks made in 1960. 75 cents each. Mike. 270-554-1149. 300 gallon smoker w/ external fire box. $500. 270-519-4373. Moving boxes, 30 cents each. 270-217-0303. Approx. 200 2x4s, 8’ each. Call 270-933-3384. New carpet & two 15x15 green turf rubber back. Cheap. 270-554-7454. 641-278-0036. Angels, cups, milk glass for sale. 270-443-0022. Two cap wood burning laundry stove. $175. 1 yr. old. 270-554-2331 or 270-210-6975. Small tools, glass, coins, tea brewer w/dispenser; restaurant pans, utensils, tables & chairs; lanyards, key chains. 270554-0763. 2 large kerosene heaters, half full. $150/pair. 270243-9297. 500 gal. propane tank. 270-331-9452 Lost & Found Lost: German Sheppard, 4 yrs. old, black & white, in Symsonia or Hickory. If Found 270970-1839 or 270-2171384. Lost: two Alex & Ani bracelets on Jan. 8 in Paducah area. Reward. 270-559-1306. Medical Power chair for sale. Needs batteries. $75. 270-331-1904. 5301 IVC Invacare medical hospital bed w/mattress. Like new. Sells for $800. Asking $699. 270564-8854. Electric hospital bed, twin size. Very clean. Works great. $400 OBO. 270-366-9721. Beige fabric lift chair, $250; 270-559-9808. Miscellaneous House full of antiques & junk, reasonable. Sell all or some. 270-705-3599 Used 2x4’s, 8’ long. 270933-3384 Vintage, working coke machine will dispense bottles or cans. $350. Call KMC Realty 270443-2421 or 270-9337444. Panels of galvanized 1/4” woven steel 5’x7’ panels. $90 each or four or more $70 each. 618638-2538 Alucobond, used for skin panels on motorhomes, campers, bass boat, boat docks signs, etc. 12’x6’W. $4 per square foot. 618-638-2538 Three large storage tubs of baseball cards, some football. Late 80’s, early 90’s. $100 for all. 270554-5223. Firewood for sale. $50/ rick. 270-674-5554 or 270-336-6314. GUN & PAWN BUY • SELL • TRADE , Owner OPEN: Mon-Fri 10-5 • Sat 9-1 6333 US 45 S • Suite C Paducah, KY 42001 270-408-1602 or 270-559-7025 [email protected] Lost & Found Elderly lady moving: Craftsman riding mower. 42” cut, 18 h.p., hydrostatic transmission, headlights. $400. 270534-9278 Whites Outdoor riding mower by Bolens. 13 h.p. Briggs, 8-speed forward & reverse. Runs good. $150 OBOText/ call 270-210-4523. Yard Machine 42” cut. Needs battery. $300. 270-554-7789. Scagg ZTR w/22 h.p. Kohler Command. 48” cut w/turf runner bagger. Front gears need seals, which are available. 270-556-1055. Riding mower, 28" cut. Craftsman, everything works, $999. Used very little, bought new, 3yrs old, 30 day money back guarantee. 270-554-1149 Poulan push mower. Works great. Will consider trade for desk top computer. 270-3660505. 2013 Chuck Wagon. Like new. 9 h.p. Subaru gas motor. $3,450 or trade for equal value golf cart. 270-856-3183 or 270-556-7442. WURTH DWAYNE WURTH Jewelry Lawn & Garden February 1, 2015 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Vintage, working coke machine will dispense bottles or cans. $325. Call KMC Realty 270-4432421 or 270-933-7444. 12x16 (Cook) building, all wood, full loft, wired, shelvings, small air condition, on skids. $1600. 270-442-4987 or 270994-6632. Cast iron bathtub, 6’, center drain. $400. 270462-3155. Aluminum Christmas tree, 6’T, w/stand & lights. All works. $300. Lve Msg. 270-462-3155. Very told trolley w/old rope in it, $250; old interior doors w/hardware & frames w/transit window above. $100 each. 270-674-5554 or 270336-6314. Wood for sale, oak & hickory. $50/rick. Thomas 270-816-7899. Handmade quilted hand bags & key chains. 270519-3009. Kerosene heater. Never used. Costs $150. Will take $95 cash. 270-5548549 or 270-559-8501. Custom mantels; old wooden wagon running gear, no wheels; lots of old chairs. Call for pricing. 270-674-5554 or 270-336-6314. Beautiful 1920s front entrance door w/sidelights & original screen door. $850; solid oak entertainment center, like new. $100. 270-674-5554 or 270-336-6314. Old school desk & chair. Very good shape, $100; old screen doors from 30s. $75 each. 270-6745554 or 270-336-6314. Two rotary phones. One round dial, 1 push button. $50 each. 270-2103996. Blanks of Alucobond for sign boards or etc. 33 -1/2” x 62”. $80. 34 1/2” x 75-1/12”. $120. 618638-2538. Cast iron wood stove. $300. 270-559-4829. 2 wooden office desks. Best offer. 270-559-5715. Mariposa serving trays w/handles & initial “S” carved in center. $100. 270-331-3855. Thalia Lincoln print circa 1973. Paid $1000, will take best offer. 270366-0505. Stamps: U.S. & Canada. Dating from 1950 thru 1964. 270-554-0763. Washboard, $20; antique wood fram windows, $6 each. 270-8767384 after 8 p.m. Big box of toys including 18 Barbie dolls, $45; two 15” boys bikes w/ helmets $85 or $45 each. 270-876-7384 after 8pm Barrels For Sale: 55 gal. steel, $8; plastic $10; 30 plastic gal. $9; Call 270623-8136 or 227-7138. Musical D-8 Fender String Master lap steel guitar, $1350. Call 270-5549234 S-8 Remington SteelMaster lap steel guitar. $750. Call 270-554-9234 S-10 Carter Guitar Pedal steel guitar 3XT, $750. Call 270-554-9234. Yamaha AW1600 Professional Workstation. Never used. $300. 270554-2495. Larivee guitar w/case. Great condition on guitar, not played much. $600. 270-994-8133. 54 Country & Gospel music cassette tapes. 3 for $5. 270-442-7196. The Good February 1, 2015 A Local Geek Computer Repair • $50 System Restorations • Spyware/Virus Removal • Data Recovery • No Appointment Needed • Professional Service for 20+ Years • iPhone/iPad/iPod Repairs Page 13 Herzog, Inc. Herzog Pawn & Loan 700 S. 6th St. • Paducah, KY 42003 554-9645 (270) 442-1296 If we can’t repair your computer in-shop, there is NO CHARGE! We Buy Silver, Gold & Diamonds 3530 Lovelaceville Road (2 Blocks from Wendy’s from Lone Oak Rd) Now open Sat. 10AM – 4PM • M – F 10:30AM – 5PM HOURS: Mon-Fri 10 AM - 5 PM • Sat 9 AM - 2 PM FREE ESTIMATES Property for Rent Property for Rent Hartke bass amp, $100. 270-748-8519 J&C Rentals: houses in Paducah. No pets. $550 to $1200. 270-564-9635. Concord duplex, 3BR, 1B, all appliances, great neighborhood, w/d hookup. No pets. $695/ mo. + $300 dep. 270442-1932. 3BR, 2B double-wide on Schaffer Rd. $600/mo. + dep. No pets. 270-2078244. 2BR, 1B mobile home for rent $350/mo. + $300 deposit. 270-994-8828. New duplex for rent. 1428 sqft., 3BR, 2B on Annie Lane in Paducah. $850/mo. Call 270-3492138. 3BR, 1B great neighborhood. Close to mall & schools. Washer & dryer hookup. Water furnished. No pets. 270442-1932. 2BR, 1.5B Townhouse apt. All appliances included. $500/mo. + $500 dep. 1 yr. lease. No pets. References required. 270-554-7658 or 270559-2236. 580 Denver Ave. 3BR, 2B, den & office. Private lot. Water/trash & lawncare (?) furnished. $700/mo. + dep. 270832-0145. 3BR, 1B house, 205 Farley Pl. South side of Paducah. $725 Rent + $725 deposit. Brooke 270559-1507. New duplex: large 2BR, 2 full bath, garage, stainless steel appliances. $975/mo. Near Paducah Info Age/Commerce Park. 270-554-2919 or 270-554-3098. Nice 1-2BR units. Affordable rates. I24, exit 3 area. 270-933-6640 or 270-564-1529. 2BR brick home in Farley area. $650/mo. 270994-7765. 55+ Senior Community; 1BR contemporary studio apartment, handicap accessible, laundry facility on site, 30 days free rent, 2429 Homewood Ave, Paducah. Call 270450-4221 Property for Rent Lone Oak Duplex - 2 BR, 2 B, garage. No pets. Nice. 270-210-5062 4 BR, 2½ B house, no pets, no smoking, $1,200 mo+$1,000 dep. 554-9605 3BR, 2B home. $775/mo. + $775 dep. Additional fee for pets. All electric, trash pick up/lawn care included. Brooke 270559-1507. Large clean 3BR, 2B in Lone Oak. 1 year lease. $800/mo. + deposit. Tenant pays utilities. No pets/smoke. Vince 502974-8464. 2BR, 2B, w/laundry room in quiet neighborhood. $550/mo. + $550 dep. Call 270-559-5575. 3307 Bullard: 1BR, $475/mo. + $475 dep., 1 yr. lease. No pets. All electric. 270-443-5591. 453 College. 2BR, $585/ mo. + $585 dep. 1 yr. lease. No pets. All electric. 270-443-5591. 803 N. 22. 2BR house. $475/mo. + $475 dep. Completely redone. No pets/smoking. 270-4435591. For Rent - $600 monthly 2 Bedroom, 1 bath. 836 N 10th St, Paducah. Available Feb 1st. 270366-6200 2BR, 1B duplex on quiet cul-de-sac in Lone Oak. $675/mo. + dep. No pets. Call/text 270-210-3422. Two story home in Smithland. Can be seen Feb. 1, 2-3BR, 1B. Near drugstore/shopping. Absolutely no pets. Joyce 270-928-4498 or 270508-1474. For sale/rent: 2-3BR mobile home. Southside. 270-705-7042. 270-442-3533 Earl Herzog & Jeff Herzog Musical Representing Property for Sale Property for Sale Paducah, KY Property for Sale Asking Price $84,900 Property for Sale Or best offer: adjoining lots on 2442 Spruce St. to settle estate. 270-5641996 or 270-564-8892. 1988 mobile home, 14 x 70, 2BR, 2 B in Lone Oak w/2 out-buildings & 1/2 land partially fenced. $36,000. 270933-3035. 3BR, 2.5B, 2700 sqft. home. Metal roof, all electric, Jackson Purchase power, well water, barn. 13 acres, attached double garage. 270-5547454 1024 Yarbro Ln. 2BR, 1B, LR, new kitchen & floors, laundry room, carport & storage bldg. Fenced back yard. $49,900. 270-519-8154. FSBO: remodeled 3BR, 1B on 1 acre, $114,000; next door remodeled 2BR, 1B on 1 acre $47,000. $149,000/both. 270-564-3870 or 270554-8058. 1994 Clayton 2BR 2B 16x60 new flooring, lighting, plumbing, electric stove & deck included. Call Nina 270-9332606. $15,000. Reduced: 11 bed tanning salon, partial or total liquidation sale! All inventory in great shape. Total value $67K. Now $39,950. 270-5640270. 1-1/4 acres in Grand Rivers, on J.H. O’Bryan Dr. Good for residential, boat storage, or camper. $24,000. 270-519-9377. MLS #74417- LONE OAK, 3BR/1B, 1 car carport/1 detached garage. One owner. Lots of oak hardwood. Sun room, large eat in kitchen w/snack bar & dining area, large living room. Walk-in shower w/handrails. Vinyl/steel siding that is maintenance free. Lots of new paint. MOVE IN READY! Kim Musgrave, Realtor 366-1770 [email protected] For sale: 722 N. 24th St. 4BR, 1B. LR 10x28’ w/gas log fireplace. DR w/hardwood floors. $33,900. 270-898-8320. 3BR, 2B double-wide mobile home. Approx. 1/2 acre lot. 3161 Delaware. $49,500. 270-5595242. Must be moved: 28x70 2000 double-wide. Remodeled. 3BR, 2B. 270210-1361. For Sale – 2002 Doublewide $32,000 OBO 3 Bedroom, 2 bath on rented lot. 270-366-6200 4BR, 2B, many extras. On W. Jefferson. $110,000. 270-534-5984. 4BR, 3B brick remodel, 1800 sqft. 1/4 acre fenced. Wood & carpet, central HVAC. Furnished. 400 Franklin, Paducah. $119,000. 270-564-9706. For sale/rent: 2-3BR mobile home. Southside. 270-705-7042. 3BR, 1B, Lone Oak. Metal roof, vinyl window, central air/heat. Pantry, covered porch, fenced, car port. Beautiful quiet neighborhood. $94,900. 270-415-5347. 948 St. Rt. 80E, Arlington. Reduced. 3 level house w/5.23 acres. Completely renovated. 4-5 BR, 2 B, paved circle drive. 40x30 shop. 270534-8303. Renovated brick home in Paducah. 1800 sqft., 1/4 acre lot. 4BR, 3B, wood floors, central heat. $119,000. 270-5649706. 12x50 mobile home w/ large outbuilding. 270442-9319 or 270-3660346. Fully furnished condo in Lowertown, the Friedrick. Open floor plan, 1BR, 2B. Appliances including washer/ dryer. Move-in ready. $151,900. 270-559-1575 or 270-217-6835. Brick family home in excellent location. 1800 sqft. 0.25 acre lot, fenced. 4BR, 3B. $119,000. Call 270-564-9706. Recreational 2012 Cam Am Commander. $1,000. 270519-9441. 1994 Jayco 5th wheel, 31’ , very nice. $3100. 270-564-5710. 2007 Harley Davidson Road Glide. Lots of extras. 36,300 miles. Asking $11,800. 270-9947575. 1984 Coachman Classic Camper, nice, 22’, at Cypress Lakes RV Park. Asking $3,000. 270-3492983 Pool table w/ping pong on top. Got everything needed to play. $125. Call or text 270-2105206. Woman’s Shogun Trail Blaster mountain bike. Never ridden. $175. 270748-8519. Antenna for motor home or camper, Concord area, $50. 270-4421909. The Good Page 14 Saxony Mobile Home Parts • Anchors & Set-up Materials • Roof Coating • Electrical • Underpinning • Doors & Windows • Skirting Supplies • Plumbing • Heating & Cooling 2655 N. Friendship Rd. (270) 554-4720 A&J Small Engine Repair Lawn Mowers • Saws • Weedeaters • Trimmers Tillers • Go Karts • Etc. Trimmers • Blowers & etc. w/5 Year Warranty Be Sure To Have Your Equipment Ready To Go! Mon-Fri • 8 AM - 5 PM HOURS: Sat • 8 AM - NOON Pickup & Delivery Available (270) 444-8212 or (270) 217-2832 250 Theobold Ln. • Paducah, KY 42003 February 1, 2015 Pruitt Law Office Del K. Pruitt Attorney at Law KY & IL Licensed • 15 Years Experience Criminal • Family • & Personal Injury Williams Bldg. 1700 Kentucky Ave. • Suite 100 Paducah, KY 42003 • (270) 575-4877 email: [email protected] Recreational Recreational Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles 75 Goose Decoys, $550. 1-270-556-1178 For sale: 2007 Wildwood camper, 29’L. Excellent condition. 270-554-0745. Sunquest Pro 26RS Wolf System tanning bed. 12 yrs. old. Used 20 times. Everything works, extra new bulbs. $500. 270247-7613. 2008 Forrest River Sunseeker, 31’L motor home. Slide-out, Ford V10. Garage kept. 12K miles. $49,900. Make offer. 270-554-4014. T style fiberglass Dune Buggy. Under 100 miles. 1641 cc engine. New tires & wheels. $8500. 270-554-8722. 4 seat cruiser rail buggy. Under 100 miles. 1641 cc engine. $10,000. 270554-8722. Set of Harley Davidson saddle bags (hard). Includes mounting. $550. 270-519-3009. Trek Navigator 300 bicycle. In need of repair. $75 OBO. 270-556-1055. 2004 Cougar 5th wheel. 29’L. Sleeps 4. Tires >200 miles on them. A1 cond. $9500 OBO. 618638-2319 1995 Conquest boat, 20’, great shape, seats 8, new leather seats. $8500. 270-534-8303 Valley pool table, 3.5x7’, great shape; 3 Rowe juke boxes, holds 100 CDs, like new, great shape; video machines (Cherry & poker machines) 270-534-8303 26” Huffy boys bike, $75; Huffy RPM exercise bike w/spoke wheels. $35 270-2107619 or 270-210-4392. Prowler camper, 30’, excellent condition. $13,200. 270-243-4402. 10’ Ouachita fishing boat, $150. 270-3319452 2008 Cadillac Escalade. 29K miles. Black. 3 row seats. 270-832-2630. 1995 Chevy Dually w/6.5L diesel turbo engine. Makes great lawn service, tree removal or work truck. Runs great. $6,000. 270-983-2156. 1994 Chevy truck 1500 w/topper. V6, new auto trans. Good tires. $1500 OBO. 270-339-7151. 1978 Pontiac. New brakes, new tires, great shape. 73K+ miles. $3500 OBO. 270-444-6196. 1982 Olds Cutlass w/1986 Chevy Caprice motor, $600. 270-7052787 2002 Pontiac Montana. Runs good, air, cloth seats. $2800 OBO. 270217-2861. 2006 Honda Accord EX. 124K miles. $8,600. 270320-6859. 1996 Chevy Blazer, needs work. $800 OBO. 270-243-2599. 1999 F250 XL Super Duty. $5500 OBO. 165K, V8 turbo diesel 7.3L. Manual 5-speed, towing, good tires. 270556-6186. For sale or trade: 1989 Cadillac Burnham. $2,000 or trade for minivan. 270-564-4691. Leave message. 1994 Infinity J30. Very dependable car. Very good body. All power, leather, sunroof, good tires. $2500 OBO. 270933-0144. 2005 Mini Cooper. 114K miles. 5-speed. Fully loaded. New tires. $8500. 270-933-0144. 2006 Chevy Uplander 7 passenger van. 147K miles. Very good body & interior. DVD player. Good tires. $4250 OBO. 270-933-0144. 2002 Montana, motor issues. Might be easy fix, turns over, no start. Very nice van all electric, plus DVD. $900 OBO. 270210-4523. 03 Monte Carlo Super Sport, loaded! Exc. cond. 270-205-6768 1997 Chev. Silverado, 75,000 mi. like new, garage kept. Eagle lift for tailgate, lifes up to 1000 lb. 270-534-8303 2008 Pontiac Gran Prix, garage kept, great shape. 270-534-8303 1985 Chevy Silverado Pickup Truck. $600. 270-705-2787 94 Chevy 1500 w/topper. V6. New automatic transmission. Good tires. $1500 OBO. 270339-7151. 2014 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT Quad Cab. Show room cond. Loaded, Great gas mileage. 9100 miles $21950. 270-443-2928 1996 Nissan XE. Second owner. 122K mi. AC, automatic, cruise control, new tires/belts. $2500 OBO. 270-442-3781. 1999 F250 XL Super Duty. $6000 OBO. 165K, V8 turbo diesel 7.3L. Manual 5-speed, towing, good tires. 270556-6186. 1991 Honda Civic 5-speed manual. Runs excellent. Body needs minor repair. 109K miles. 37 mpg. Mostly new parts. $1800 firm. 270-415-5347. 1993 GMC Sierra. 5-speed in floor, bed liner & tool box. $3200. 270-243-4402. 1997 Chev. Silverado, 75,000 mi. like new, garage kept. Eagle lift for tailgate, lifes up to 1000 lb. 270-534-8303 We Specialize In Getting You Financed! Tools Kobalt 10” sliding miter saw, like new. $60. 270243-2599. Bosh air compressor. 5 guns & accessories. Like new. $100. 270-2432599. Troybilt chainsaw, 16” bar. Like new. $100. 270-243-9297. AirCo AC/DC welder, $200. 270-928-2175 or 270-559-9063. Concrete mixer, $400. 270-928-2175 or 270559-9063. Craftsman 10” stationary table saw, $300; Craftsman Band saw, $100; Hobart AC/DC Stick Mate LX Welder, $300. 270-331-9452 Closing workshop. Variety of tools, odds & ends. You pick. 270-898-3945. Argon cylinder about 32”T, full with 75% Argon/25% CO2 for Mig Welding. $220. 618-6382538. Rigid pipe vice, $65; 2 steel tool boxes, $25 each. 270-210-7619 or 270-210-4392. Trailers 5x10 2 wheel trailer, tilt. Sikeston built, perfect shape. $400. Will send pictures. 270-217-0820. 8’x20’ single axle trailer, bumper pull, 1-7/8” ball. $400 OBO. 270-3663716. 8.5 x 20 enclosed carhauler trailer. 270-8322630. 4x8 tilt trailer, $425. 270-855-9768 Trailer floor replacement galvanized 1/4” woven steel 5’ x 7’ panels four or more $70 each. 618-638-2538. 08 Chrysler Aspen..... Sold! 13,900 04 Cadillac Escalade.12,900 12 Chrysler S 200......... old! 12,900 05 Nissan Crew 4x4.. 12,900 05 Ford X-Col 4x4..... 12,900 06 Chev. Tahoe 4x4....11,900 07 Dodge Charger......11,900 03 Ford X-Cab 4X4.....11,500 05 Chrysler 300......... 10,900 07 Toyota Camry....... Sold! 10,900 03 Chevy Tahoe 4X4... 9,900 05 Chevy 2500 crew.....9,900 01 Toyota Tundra 4x4...9,900 05 Chrysler Pacifica. Sold! .....8,900 05 Ford X-Cab..............8,900 07 Hyundia Sonata.......8,900 05 Buick Lacrosse........7,900 05 Chevy Trailblazer.....7,900 01 Ford Crew 4X4....... 6,900 02 Ford Ranger X-Cab.6,900 06 PT Cruiser...............6,900 07 Ford Focus..............6,900 06 Kia Sedona Van...... 6,900 03 Ford Explorer...........5,900 02 Hyundai Santa Fe....5,900 03 Cadillac Deville........4,900 03 Ford Mustang..........4,900 99 Chev X-Cab 4X4......4,900 01 Dodge p/u................4,900 Massey Motors 801 S. 6th St Paducah, KY 42001 270-575-4999 97 Ford Explorer, new tires. 270-559-2174 2006 F150 supercab, 4D. Brown exterior, tan interior. Above average condition. New tires on factory wheels. 270-5596345. $10,200 OBO. 1990 Oldsmobile 4D Cutlass. Very good condition. 94K original miles. New Diehard battery. Good tires. 270415-5492. $1500. Vehicles 1999 Chevy Malibu $4950 2000 Buick LaSabre $3950 2002 Saturn Vue $3950 2001 Dodge Dakota $4950 76”x10’ w/Dovetail 3’ Gate, New Tires $1295 “Buy here pay here” low as “Payments as y” da a $5.50 2161 Irvin Cobb Dr Paducah, KY 42003 270-575-0061 HOURS: 9-5 M-F & 9-12 Sat. On the Web -24/7 The Good February 1, 2015 vice Ser alls C Page 15 FREE ESTIMATES • ALIGNMENTS • BRAKES • SHOCKS • BATTERIES • TIRES New & Used YOUR #1 CHOICE FOR QUALITY & CUSTOMER SATISFACTION! 1147 Kentucky Ave. • Paducah, KY 270-442-0737 Vehicles GOOD, CLEAN AFFORDABLE VEHICLES 09 Chevy Cobalt........ $5995 06 Jeep 4x4............... $6995 05 Chevy Impala LS.. $5995 05 Ford Explorer....... $5995 05 PT Cruiser............ $3995 05 Ford Taurus.......... $4995 04 Chevy Tahoe........ $5995 04 Cavalier LS........... $4995 03 Lincoln Towncar.. $5995 03 Grand Am SE....... $4995 03 Saturn Wagon...... $3995 03 Dodge Caravan.... $3995 02 Mazda Pick-up...... $4995 02 Ford Taurus.......... $2995 02 Escort ZR2............ $3995 02 Mercury Sable...... $3995 01 Ford Windstar...... $4995 00 Chevy Impala LS.. $2995 $2995 00 Dodge S Caravan.... old 98 Buick Riviera........ $4995 98 Dodge Caravan.... $2995 96 Chevy PU SoldSWB.... $7995 96 Cougar XR7.......... $3995 96 GMC Pick-up........ $2995 93 BMW coupe.......... $2495 Jim Nelson Used Cars 801 Martin Luther King Jr Dr Vehicles Vehicles Veh Parts, Etc. Wanted C&K 2002 Ford F150, red, 4 dr, 4x4, 145K mi. 270331-9452 92 Ford F150 4x2 SWB XLT Lariat Flareside. 5.0L V8, 120K miles. 1 owner, sharp truck, $3,000 OBO. 270-4422403 2003 LS Lincoln, silver 150k miles. Will need transmission work but does run. Price adjusted to compensate. 270-5565056 after 4 p.m. 1967 real nice Mustang Coupe. Extra sharp, low miles. Reduced, $15,000. Can text pictures. 270559-9808. 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee Ltd. 4x4. Runs good. $1800. 270-559-7015 or 270-554-3758. 1999 Pontiac Sunfire. Needs work. $700. Call 270-554-7906. Lear fiberglass bed cover off 2001 Toyota Tundra. $200. 270-5646950. Wanted: Newborn nanny goat. 270-933-3384 Wanted: Pfaltzgraff Yorktown design creamer (only). 270-331-5160 Wanted: free furniture or appliances to help family who lost everything in fire. 270-7760550. Wanted: 49 or 50cc scooter; riding mowers & push mowers 270519-3286. Wanted: person with carpentry ability to repair chest of drawers. 270-442-8929 Wanted: Please donate chest of drawers for cancer patient. 270-3314859 Wanted: cheap push mower, charcoal grill, & if you’re remodeling I might be able to use your old stuff. 270-9087602 Wanted: Good used battery for pick-up truck. 270-331-5657. Wanted: garden vegetable trays for starting plants indoors; small greenhouse. Will take down. 270-331-5657. Wanted: hand cranked or electric corn grinder. 270-443-1266. Wanted: used electric hot water heater, any size. 270-559-2762. Wanted: Need charcoal grill. 270-243-9498 Wanted: used battery charger w/2 amp, 10 amp & 50 amp charging station. 270-331-5657. Wanted: metal carport. 618-638-2538. MOTORS 3870 State Route 408 W, Hickory, KY offers quality used cars for sale 00 GMC Yukon XL (3rd Row).. $4,200 98 Ford Ranger 4x4 Ex Cab 83k $5,500 99 Chev. Lumina LS 136k .....$2,800 04 OLDS Alero 133k ................ $3,900 00 Chevy 4x4 ( Reg Cab )........ $5,900 02 Toy. Sequoia LTD 4x4...... $6,900 08 Ford Edge SE................ $8,800 04 Chevy Tahoe 4x4 122k...... $7,900 06 Toyota Sienna ............... $5,500 04 KIA Sorento EX 124k.... $5,800 03 Chevy 4x4 Quad 133k ...... $10,800 01 Chevy 2500DH CREW 4x4....$5,900 06 Chevy Quad 4x4............ $5,900 06 Toyota Corolla 5sp 142k... $4,400 03 Toyota Matrix 156k............. $5,300 03 Toyota Corolla (1 Owner) $4,400 03 Toyota 4RUNNER LTD........ $6,800 05 Toyota Highlander 126k.$8,800 06 Chevy Impala LT .......... $4,900 TRAVELING CAR LOT 5 MILES WEST OF HWY 45 ON HWY 408 Visit SEE A VEHICLE YOU LIKE WE WILL DELIVER TO YOU OR YOUR MECHANIC Call/Text Kenneth 705-5973 or Wesley 705-1329 ANYTIME!! 270-564-6950 1994 Ford Ranger. 4 cylinder, 5-speed. AC, stereo, CD. Good little truck. $1800 OBO. 270243-2131. 1989 Chevy window van. 3/4 ton. $1000. 270442-4851. 1972 VW Super Beetle. New interior, stereo system, paint & tires. $3800 firm. 270-554-8722. 2002 Chevy Suburban Z71, 4x4, sun roof. Runs, drives & looks good. 257K, $5200 OBO. 270556-6186 (270) 856-4415 1991 Chevy Ext. Cab pickup, 4.3 V6 eng., 4wd, $2400. 270-527-3394 Chrysler sebring 2007. Car is in good condition, new battery. 136,034 miles. Fairly new tires, been a great car. 270994-8133. $6,000. 2013 Chrysler Town & Country towing sedan. All options. 7K miles. Garage kept. $21,600 make offer. 270-5544014. 1973 Duster drag car rolling body w/racing wheels; 1996 3500 HD bucket truck, diesel. For sale or trade. 270-705-3599. Veh Parts, Etc. New Bush Wacker fender flares. OEM style made for 1988-1998 Chevy trucks. Sold new for $400. Asking $200. Call 270-519-9707. 80s style corvette wheels. $100. 270-559-1223. Four mud machine tires, 26-12-12, on ITP chrome wheels, 90% tread. $500. 270-704-1415. Corvette clear floor mat protectors. Fits models 1997-2013. $20. 270554-0392. 1835 reconditioned VW engine. Turn key, hear run. $2200. 270-5548722. New Viper Remote Car Start System w/security add-on & Geek Squad Installation from Best Buy. Never opened. $275 OBO. 270-519-7588 Transmission off ‘97 250 Ford truck. Just rebuilt. $600. 618-638-2319. Chrysler wheels, $50. 270-705-6740. Pair of Uniroyal Tiger Paw tires. P205-75-R15. $60 for both. 270-2107619 or 270-210-4392. Four 4-wheeler tires & wheels. Front 23-8-11 & rear 24-9-11. $125. 270704-1415. Wanted Wanted: digital scanner for older woman. 270366-2015 Wanted: acrylic or plexiglass scraps. 270519-8499. Wanted: goats. 270-9333384. Wanted: 20 h.p. horizontal engine 270-5547454. Wanted: 8’x12’ or larger wood storage building. 618-638-2538. Wanted: License plate 1963, McCracken County in good condition. No holes except original 4 holes for mounting. 270994-8009. Wanted: Used mattress sets of all sizes & bedroom furniture. For info call 270-970-0202 please leave message. Wanted: blacksmith anvil, dinner bell complete parts, ad signs, thermometers, chainsaws, Indian artifacts, tractors, knives/guns, ammunition, other items. Also buying estates! Call 270-705-8137. Yard Sales, Etc. Estate inside/yard sale 2624 Eastes Lane, 8am3pm, Feb. 6-7. 55” flat screen TV, household items, furniture, tools, CDs, DVDs, clothing. hear t l andgar Ron’s Drain Cleaning & Septic Service Commercial & Residential 231/2 Hour Service State Certified in KY & IL Licensed Bonded & Insured (270) 554-3711 Cell: (270) 519-7860 7 of the Area’s Largest Trucks Serving This Area Since 1978 The Good Page 16 Dr. Mark E. Atnip McCracken County Chiropractic Take Control of Your Health 2731 Jackson St. Paducah, KY 42003 270-444-7111 Have you started noticing numbness in your hands or fingers? Perhaps you are starting to lose some of your ability to feel small objects. In addition you may have been noticing you are losing strength in your grip or are dropping objects because your muscles are not working the way you would like. If this is the case, you may think you have carpal tunnel syndrome. And while in some cases you may be having carpal tunnel syndrome, in many other cases you could actually be experiencing a different problem originating from a developing problem in the spine where your neck and upper back are located. First let us discuss carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition I work with on a routine basis in my office. This condition is caused when the nerve (median nerve) going from your arm into your hand gets compressed where the wrist is located. When this nerve gets compressed, it can cause pain, numbness, weakness, and tingling in the hand. This can affect your ability to do most any activity. If you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, the plan of correction is to get the pressure off of the nerve. For some the option is to stop doing any of the activities that aggravate. This doesn’t take the pressure off the nerve; it just doesn’t irritate the nerve as much. You may feel better; but the problem is that you can no longer do many of the activities you enjoy or need to do in your daily life. Another option is surgery. With surgery, the surgeon will go in and cut some of the tissues that create the tunnel and as a result open the carpal tunnel up. In other words, make it bigger so that the nerve has more room to travel. This can be very affective for severe cases that are not showing any signs of relief with other forms of care. In my office, we do not do surgery, but instead use a series of stretches and manipulations to increase the size of the carpal tunnel. This is not an invasive procedure and is very comfortable for most patients. If we can naturally open up the carpal tunnel, the problem is resolved and surgery can be avoided. Besides carpal tunnel syndrome, another common cause for your hands to go numb, burn, be in pain, and lose strength is pressure on the nerve roots in your neck. These symptoms can be almost identical to those of carpal tunnel and are very difficult to differentiate if you are not a trained professional. While the symptoms are identical the source is completely different. In my opinion, symptoms originating from the neck are more serious than those originating from the wrist. I say this because problems in the neck can not only cause problems in your wrist and Feeding The Soul Sponsored by Heath Health Foods This is my cousin Vicki’s recipe. I only like banana pudding this way. I fixed this the firsts time we had company at our house. There are still bits of pudding mix on my recipe card. Blessings, Beth Beth Baker Giving Him Back To God Caleb’s Journey Banana Pudding 1 lg. can Eagle Brand Milk 1 sm. box instant vanilla pudding 1 sm. container Cool Whip 1 c. water 1 box vanilla wafers 6 bananas Mix first 4 ingredients. Layer wafers, pudding and bananas 2 times and top with wafers. Chill. Enjoy! We have relocated to 3420 Lone Oak Road 3420 Lone Oak Rd. Paducah, KY 270-534-4977 10% Off PURCHASE TGN Good Thru 2/10/2015 With Coupon Some Restrictions Apply February 1, 2015 Two reasons Your Hands May be Going Numb hand, but they can cause problems throughout the entire arm, the person’s shoulder, their neck, their upper back, their shoulder blades, headaches, and even affect them internally as the nerves travel to the internal organs and tissues. You may wonder how it can affect so many different areas. This is because of the vast number of nerves that originate in the neck and leave to go all over in the body. When these nerves become irritated and compressed, it can have an effect to anything they are attached to. How do you know if the numbness in your hands is originating from your neck or your wrist? Your best bet would be to have a trained professional go through some orthopedic and neurological maneuvers to find the source of your numb hands. By doing the appropriate tests, the doctor can tell you the cause and help you get a plan of action to correct the problem. Before you go to the doctor you can check a few things yourself. First, which fingers are having symptoms? If the pinky and/or ring finger are having symptoms, you can automatically know that there4 is more going on than just your wrist. The carpal tunnel holds the median nerve. This only goes to the thumb, first finger, and middle finger. You may still have carpal tunnel syndrome, but when the last two fingers are involved there is something going on besides just the carpal tunnel. Also, do you have other symptoms besides those in the hand and wrist? If you have other symptoms such as headaches, neck pain, upper back pain, shoulder blade pain, or shoulder pain you have a higher probability of having a problem in your neck than in your wrist. And finally, do you have pain in one wrist or in both. If it is in one there is about a 50% chance of it being in your wrist or neck. If your symptoms are in both hands there is a 75% chance it is in your neck versus a 25% chance of the wrist. Again the best way to find out is to get checked by a professional. If you come into my office we will take time out, discuss your symptoms, and do the appropriate testing procedures to see where your symptoms are coming from in your hands. The testing is not painful at all and only takes a few minutes. Once we know where your problem is originating from, we can discuss options for treatments. If we can help great, if not we will let you know. If you are tired of your hands going numb and hurting, give us a call today. Thanks, Dr. Mark E. Atnip D.C. If you would like me to help you with your back pain, neck pains, or headaches, call my office at 270-444-7111. We are open from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday. You can also check out our website at NECK & BACK PAIN Common Symptoms: • Back Pain • Headaches • Numbness • Neck Pain • Arm & Leg Pain • Stiffness • Hip Pain • Arthritis • Bursitis • Pain in Joints • Shoulder Pain • Whiplash FREE EXAM And Two X-Rays If Required Most Insurance Covers Your Care And We’ll File For You! EXPIRES IN 30 DAYS * You have the right to recind, within seventy two (72) hours, any obligation to pay for services performed in addition to this free or discounted service.” Sorry, due to Federal Regulations this coupon may not be used if you have Medicare or Medicaid. Also does not apply to Bluegrass/ACN. McCracken County Chiropractic CALL TODAY! For An Appointment 444-7111 2731 Jackson St. • Paducah, KY Dr. Mark E. Atnip, D.C. (Across from the Jackson St. Chongs)
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