FG5RTGOVERNMENT OF INDIA 3idftqT fuanalTpspARTMENT oF spACE 8ITGT ffiq uei srgterur wralTggNSTRUCTroN AND MAINTENANCE DrvrsroN qftq3ygJ./Lpsc _ VALTAMALA ffi qta.zpn r 047r - var$fr 1. gTrrd Til fr('ffA/rr,r7 fi' {rEqF - zs6 72Bg,7s2r, zs6 7s77, fr-rozrA sr'+rtrr cMD/ 02 / fr 3frr t 111,4 / L4-151 r frdafrEd o.rd E x z 0471 2s677r7 E .t 1tzz,s Dtd.27.0L.15 a)-6ciq TE-6{ Behalf of the President of India, sealed, item-rate tenders fu srdtf,d Hrzon are invited for the following work, k+turznescription or{ ar qftffi'zrifleof work f qfuqrar-('ffftTFA Efr{trdr il'aq uqrlgsirfr frriT6',truffrrgfr r,tifitBro, qaqrrqr$ilmrqtilq fifr(' cFrt-e{ FEEI zF.fartrfrFdzr 6rt'Tt aiqx+'armr f ftir+,fiorqtilqqtiEterfi q,iffi fi!f,dwfuRidrfi aftqal/Itenovation fi 6',ril(r6.Iqra-dl /Providing office counters in offices of Controller, LfiSC and Director, Lf'jSC in new MSOB, Valiamala (rffTr{&,S. <rti Ff$lNrr No. and Date IrqET oTaJ fr(rfrA/Nr/ frr'afycvr 111,4/'L4-1s/T(132) E,.nta.zz.01.1s Afrdr d'AI ,r$ qmoftd dl-aFT/Estimated cost put to tender or$ qrr dH | fi srofuTpsriod D / 02 / of computer room in ELIX Building at MVIT- Valiamala. fr(rfrA/M/ffiyc }i4D/03/1041,/1415lr(133) RE_ TENDER E,.nta.zz.ol.15 Rs. 13,38lakhs 7 5. ffiffi 6{arnm 6l arurazCost of tender document (O/a) {6t fiezorigiral set Rs.577 / - Rs.572/- Rs.508+{.tLtF'/ Rs. 504+{,EI.tF'l vAT @ 13.5 70 ($a/Total R*s77 / -) (!!'-eT/Total Rs.57 2 / -) Rs.577/- Rs.572/ - (q/b) 3TFf{-fi te/Addiuonat vAT @ t3.s % set 6. Ctrdr ffirns rEET 6Te fu(t Hrqa 6,{i il fizto 28.01.15 10.02.15 6I dA,/from t SferfuTP"riod during which the lo.oo qe ro.oo request for tender document hrs to 16.00 hrs. can be made. 7. AfrEr 3if4 ei irfitro.oo of tzto 10.02.15 il.F,/from 10.00 Erst ro.oo q$ ttF/10.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs. fiiltn 6i ae 6r frf,$,zlssue 28.01.15 10.02.15 +i|tat 16.00 q$/16.00 tender hrs eizat qitto.oo hrs 10.02.15 t 12.02.15+tzat q$ng.go hrs t:.:o o.oo document closes on. 8. Efr6r qre fi siftff Ffq (d 12.02.15 entZat 1 3.30 E[i/13.30 Hf,tl./Last date and time for hrs receipt of tenders. 9. 10. Efrdr g-de 61 3ifrn Ffr 12.02.Ls <d IlrqzDue date and time of 14.00 hrs opening of tenders. 3firff erd Batq 19.ua.fi. ) Earnest money deposit (EMD) d t at 14.00 qi/ Rs.17011./ (Rupees seventeen ttrousand and eleven only) 12.02.15m12at r+.oo q$na.oo hrs Rs.26,760/ (Rupees twenty six thousand seven hundred and sixty only) 2. f5fris 5rtre fi Fq fr FEtt{a afm setT 3r6h ffirn;f fi srQr frfud fr6-4a q11i q{, TT8ft snqqrm' rsntdt Etrd FFfil ffirils :5rrrrn;r, fratq <,ti squrur s$Trar, p d6a qunfr *4, Efuqqar, sla t, lqffi t, f+ffi 614 rq-s q{ 5wtfi tn r d' fr ry$ rqfu *- +rra, qlfrdr, {frqr dk srd,rfro g.Tet u; sfum_{, qr$ ffi'(t dI wF-a Hr o" request in writing with requisite fee in the form of Demand Draft : M71- 2s6 T2gg,2s6zg2l,2s6zs7z and eligibility documents, tender documents along with all required documents can be obtained from office of the Deputy Head, Construction and Maintenance Division Liquid Propulsion systems centre, valiamala, PH-0471,- 2:56 72gg, 2567321,, 2567577 on any working day during the period mentioned in Para 1 above, except on Saturdays, Sundays and Public holidays. 3. Afi+ron 6t 5q{tn kr r fr eI ,6 ufq} or 3firfl eta ftatq fffi 3r{qfud du' rrqr sntr tftrzFqtq mfd {fiq/ffi sar rfiE *'sq fr ftilr ffil, wrfiqrr6, qfrq-trilr il. w ilfrT 6'Tf,I etlrt 3TFrrT qra Fatq, BPrqr qru fr sifrff Ffq rao |5t dfi. aral ildI qrG(rllTenders should be accompanied with Earnest Money Deposit for value ;Trff ili t specified in Para 1 above, in the form of DD/Deposit at call receipt/Term Deposit Receipt of any scheduled Bank issued in favour of Accounts Officer, LPSC, Valiamala. Earnest Money Deposit shall be valid for 180 days from the due date of receipt of tenders. 4. fu 5q![r.n;r, frft('E[, Eeltlrd q{ qrg FO t'ti Err{I tR qI rs tq drtrq h gr.rel dfud ffi'a' qr si-rra eirq friE-s "TrA 6I drq?t den dfr anffir eft t qrg ilA Er6ft Af€Bn. 6t BsFd 6-{ ftqr ffiq qd sr{rerur ss{rar, fi(r+rs fi o,rddq d.t{r r fi 3EgR drqrryt sqtrerd Ffuqa;rg qr 5#fi qIfuA qFfie fi TrsrJT fu srKtafrlTenders will be received and opened at ttre office of the Deputy Head ffi CpH, Construction and Maintenance Division, VMC on the stipulated date and time specified in Para 1 above or on next working day if the due date is declared as a holiday. Delayed and late tenderes will be summarily rejected. Tenders will be opened in the presence of attending tenderers or their authorized representatives. 3{r{d fr'{rgqfr fiI t Af{qr du,R +rS qrsr qrfu+{ur eF qr t+fi erq Ff{4 6} FmfiR 6.{i F{ q"q n€i t 3ik qnS irr{ur qf,Rr fudr ffi qr qrrT sefi EtfiB]f ot rq ori or 3rfu6r rqar tr sgfi fu * Efts erd fr t qE arfi qr$ +t q*r;r€t m.rfi et qr +t$ er$ ffi af*ror qs 3fR 6r*r entc6 eI t, ErF 6{ el UrVafitlThe tender accepting authority on behalf of president of India is "r$ not bound to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserves the authority to reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed condition is not fulfilled or any condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the tenderer shall be summarily rejected. qrra il RTEcfr of oTi-i t ftfuqT {fi-f,ri o-G qror silu-fi-{q 6rd sil-acr \il-ff s-G t q-6-d oT-deld q qr cMq/ ord o1 qnr q stft or cft 3rtffii-{ rqor t oerT frfuEr-ox {q i{Girr ii ot$ cfi Eiqr r-€f uutrn t/ The tender accepting authority on behalf of President of India also reserves the right to alter the scope/ or reduce quanfum of work before issue of work order and the tenderer shall not have any claim what so ever on this account. 7. il t t {TEqfu qfr clt{ ftfuEr r+fiT{ o-d qrm qrk6-{ur frfuil o} qr.r {"t Eq qr ssb of rftmrr o-d or 3IBfiT{ Tsdr 6erT frfu{r+Tq o} ftq rrq {-iq w fi ord orqr a}.n t/ rne te1d9r accepting authority on behalf of President of India reserves the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to perfoim the same at the rate quoted. lTRd t ffi sq t qn-i ,ft s&T-e=rr-{ rrqrdr t frft-€ t cf{ +b-{n ftrsi qss-41-t tF-{i qn otRRT aft t utrb 6r*r r-qo o1 -r$ ftfuqr fffF o-q fi qr\'.ft t/ Canvassing direct$ or indirectly, io connection with tender is strictly prohibited and the tenders ftfuqT fi riEiET ii s-qeT qT G$reIH submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable for rejection. 9. FTFqET ffio-rq mrd qr;ar qltrfi-{uT rH-{.Fr{ Ergr srq-q+T q{ qrft e1 q-i qrfi ftfuf }. uyn 9-trHi d meft-s-dr ti or fr-6=fr rqtr t l/ Thetender accepting authoriry reserves thl option to give preferences to the offers in accordance with the policies of the Government from time to time. + il-q il' vs sqFr ii frfuqT qqr orri at erdqft TS fi qtt'rfi fuqt .{F{Er ti Es.il orqlq€H fg ffi-flr o.iqkd qRn vsor/sffi1 o1€ ffi ffiER t r vS s{ qfu"il ol rrrl fr r{fq-a orqr ilfl rfr vsb qrer frffi rft errtflr if orq o-{ € t qr d ssril csr 6-rd-{d t S.{ st effis fufl-rT fr qrrsra RrGTqBd oTffi or q-qffi ffi{ri t r t*-qx Enr gs q-d o-r Bcciq{ o-Ei w vsb Er{T qqr of .T-$ Frfufl G fiq fr vr\'rft oen r{f+qr tff{f, d qry,ft I The to. frf+qrfirq oi frqrJT 3n-i contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in the Division of that particular Centre of the Departrnent responsible for award and execution of contracts for which his/her near relative is working. He/she shatl also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or .re subsequently employed by him and who are near relativ", io urry Gazetted Officer in the Departrrent of Space. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable for rejection of tender or cancellation of contract. BTtttr ttr t b ergurv fdfu{r fifr qft 3iffiq frfu t oq-*-aq I2o Rdf ro qrq dfi 4T qMqoi$ ftfrEron qrq q-qB b ciqt arq--il lrkilir qrrs *dr t qr ftfuqr d sd qq ft;iwit { gu ovar t til frrn r, s{irr{ oi *or qfi t d rrron f{fl fdffi crkotr rrr Bqr{r T{ tnt$ qqqrd fuq fu{r eifrq ffi ftetq fi 50o/o (uqrs Hfrqrd) o-r gqfTr a.ni o-r oTko.R vqar t q6, ftfo+orc of old afr gqffiEET if qFr Ai ot GrJqft Tfi fi qr\'fi*/ The tender shoutd be 11. frfl.rEr, I qFq t valid for minimum period of 120 days from the due date of receipt of the tender specified in Para L above. If any tenderer withdraws the offer within the validity period or irakes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to the Department, the Government shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% (Fifty Percent) of the Earnest Money Deposit abJolutely. Furtirer, the tenderer shall not be allowed to participate in the re-tendeiiog pro."r, of the work. u. fthEr Tfr fri q{, HrD?r ftfuqrorii }qrq 9.n' ir{rq fuqr qT\ntT agreement shall be drawn with the successful tenderer. t/ Onconcluding the tender, an
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