4+1 Multiple Pathways to Graduation REQUIRED FOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION: English Regents 1 Math Regents* 1 Science Regents* 1 Social Studies Regents* * Any Regents exam in these subject areas. + At least one of the following: Humanities Pathway STEM Pathway CTE Pathway Arts Pathway Bi-Literacy Pathway A second social studies exam or state-approved alternative assessment A second science Regents, second math Regent or a state-approved alternative assessment Completion of a state-approved Career & Technical Education program and assessment Completion of an arts sequence and state-approved arts assessment Completion of a foreign language sequence and state-approved foreign language assessment See reverse for more on the multiple pathways. 4+1 Multiple Pathways to Graduation At its January 2015 meeting, the Board of Regents approved regulations that will allow New York’s students to choose from among multiple pathways to graduation. Many details are yet to come, but here is what is known at this time (January 2015). nn JUNE 2015: The new regulations essentially go into effect immediately — meaning students graduating in June 2015 could graduate based on the pathways framework. nn STUDENT TIMELINE: The timeline for each pathway will depend on which pathway a student is interested in AND local decisions. For example, a student who needs to complete a sequence such as art, bi-literacy or CTE will need to decide on that pathway sooner in his/her high school career than a student who decides to use a social studies Regents (Humanities), or math or science Regents (STEM) to meet the graduation requirement. nn APPROVED ALTERNATIVE: The NY State Education Department has always had a list of state-approved alternative exams that can be used to meet graduation requirements. These exams still apply and can be used to meet a pathways testing requirement IF they are taken in a content area that is different from one of the other exams taken. For example, a student can’t take the the Biology Regents AND the AP Biology exam to complete a STEM pathway. nn ART and LOTE: Only one art assessment (AP Studio Art) and no bi-literacy/Language Other Than English (LOTE) assessments have been selected/approved by the state at this time. It is also unclear what would constitute an approved arts or LOTE course sequence. Expect more guidance in this area in the future. nn CTE: The CTE exam used for graduation MUST be linked to an approved CTE program. As of January 2015, there are 13 state-approved CTE exams. This list could grow over time. NOTE: Of the roughly 1,000 approved CTE programs in the state, at this time only 150 are using one of the 13 approved exams. IMPORTANT RESOURCES nn SED-Approved Alternate Assessments: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/hsgen/archive/list.pdf nn CREDITS/ADVANCED REGENTS: There are no changes to the number of credits students are required to earn for graduation OR in the exams/courses required for an Advanced Regents diploma. nn Board of Regents Pathways PowerPoint Presentation: January 2015 http://www.regents.nysed.gov/meetings/2015Meetings/January/RegentsPathways.pdf nn Board of Regents Press Release on Multiple Pathways: October 2014 http://www.nysed.gov/press/multiplepathways Copyright 2015. Capital Region BOCES School Communications Portfolio; all rights reserved. For more information or permission to use, call 518-464-3960.
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