Spring 2015 Class Schedule California State University San Bernardino 5500 UNIVERSITY PARKWAY SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92407 TELEPHONE: (909) 537-5000 Class Schedule Spring Quarter 2015 The Class Schedule is prepared by the Academic Programs Scheduling Office. All information including, but not limited to, class meeting times, locations, faculty, course offerings, and statements of fees are subject to change without notice or obligation. The University does not guarantee the availability of a particular course or section. Students are encouraged to obtain a copy of the University's Bulletin of Courses for specific requirements and course descriptions. Since this Class Schedule contains valuable resource information, it is recommended it be retained throughout the quarter. Visit the CSUSB web page at: http://www.csusb.edu For web updates to the schedule of classes and course materials go to: http://academicscheduling.csusb.edu/ TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Spring 2015 Page Academic Advisement Contact Listing.......................... 117 Academic Calendar......................................................... 4 Academic Technologies & Innovation..................................67 Online and Web/Classroom Instruction .....................68-72 Televised from Main Campus Course Offerings..............67 Building Names/Codes.................................................... 9 Campus Map..................................................BACK PAGE Campus Office Hours...................................................... 5 Certificate Programs .................................................... 119 Complaint Resources Reference List................................127 Final Examination Schedule...........................................13 Financial Aid Information....................................... 107-110 Footnote Explanation .............................................. 80-84 General Education Course Listings ......................... 89-92 General Education Requirements ............................ 85-88 Guide to Course Offerings............................................... 8 Interdisciplinary Programs and Service Learning: Asian Studies ..................................................................62 Chicano(a)/Latino(a) Studies...........................................62 Community-University Partnerships (CUP) and Service Learning............................................................63 Ethnic Studies .................................................................64 Gender and Sexuality Studies ........................................65 Latin American Studies....................................................65 MyCoyote eHelp Center - Student Self-Service..............10 MyCoyote Self-Service Login & Password FAQ.........11 Open University............................................................130 Palm Desert Campus ....................................................73 Palm Desert Campus Course Offerings.................... 75-79 Palm Desert Campus Map..............................................74 Parking FAQ.......................................................... 112-113 Parking Information...................................................... 111 Student Health & Psyc. Counseling Center............128-129 Quick Guide (fees and registration)................................12 General Information Administrative Drop...........................................................124 Attending Classes ............................................................124 Auditing Courses ..............................................................124 Campus Safety Report......................................................125 Change of Major................................................................122 Children's Center...............................................................122 Commencement ...............................................................121 Concurrent Enrollment......................................................122 Course Numbering System...............................................124 Course Overload Permits..................................................124 Coyote OneCard...............................................................122 Credit by Examination.......................................................125 CSU Intrasystem Program................................................123 Page Graduation Requirement Check........................................123 Grievance Policy Information............................................125 Lost and Found Property Procedure.................................126 Measles/Rubella, Hepatitis B and Meningitis Immunization Policy.....................................................123 Non Academic Grievance .................................................122 Non-Smoking Policy..........................................................124 Other Fees........................................................................121 Police Department.............................................................125 Privacy Rights of Students................................................122 Skateboard and Bicycle Policy..........................................126 Transcript Requests..........................................................123 Registration Adding Classes...................................................................95 Adds Requiring Permits.......................................................96 Cancellation of Registration or Withdrawal from the University...........................................................98 Dropping Classes................................................................97 Important Registration Dates...............................................94 Office of the Registrar.........................................................93 Other Registration Periods..................................................95 Priority Registration.............................................................95 Retroactive Withdrawals......................................................99 Withdrawal from the University After Census......................98 Withdrawal Procedures.......................................................98 Registration Payment Procedures Dishonored Check and Credit Card Charge..................103 Fees and Debts Owed to the Institution........................106 Installment Payment Plan.............................................102 Late Registration Payment Procedures........................102 Purchasing Parking Permits.........................................103 Registration Payment Deadlines, Spring 2015..............100 Student Parking Fee Refund.............................................103 Student Fee Deadline for Credit/Refund including Non-Resident Tuition.....................................................104 Basic Registration Fee and Non-Resident Tuition Refunds................................................................105 Refund Schedule for Registration Fees and Non-Resident Tuition.................................................106 The following applies to all Registration Fees...................102 Payment methods..........................................................102 Drop box payments........................................................103 Payment by mail............................................................103 TABLE OF CONTENTS Schedule of Classes by Subject 3 Spring 2015 Page Page Mathematics (MATH)...........................................................42 Military Science (MILS).......................................................44 Accounting (ACCT).............................................................14 Music (MUS)........................................................................44 Administration (ADMN)........................................................14 Natural Sciences (NSCI).....................................................48 Aerospace Studies (AS)......................................................14 Nursing (NURS)...................................................................48 American Sign Language (ASL)..........................................14 Paralegal Studies (PLST)....................................................50 American Studies (AS)........................................................15 Philosophy (PHIL)...............................................................50 Anthropology (ANTH)..........................................................15 Physics (PHYS)...................................................................50 Arabic (ARAB).....................................................................16 Political Science (PSCI)......................................................51 Art (ART)............................................................................16 Psychology (PSYC).............................................................52 Asian Studies (ASIA)...........................................................18 Public Administration (PA)...................................................53 Biology (BIOL).....................................................................19 Reading Education (ERDG)................................................54 Career and Technical Studies (ECTS).................................21 Rehabilitation Counseling (EREH)......................................54 Chemistry and Biochemistry (CHEM)..................................21 Science Technology, Engineering, Math (ESTM)................54 Child Development (CD).....................................................23 Science Education (EDSC).................................................54 Chinese (CHIN)...................................................................23 Secondary Education (ESEC).............................................54 Communication Studies (COMM)........................................23 Social Sciences (SSCI).......................................................55 Computer Science and Engineering (CSE).........................24 Social Work (SW)................................................................56 Correctional and Alternative (EDCA)...................................26 Sociology (SOC)..................................................................56 Criminal Justice (CJUS)......................................................26 Spanish (SPAN)...................................................................57 Curriculum and Instruction (EDCI)......................................27 Special Education (ESPE)...................................................58 Dance (DAN).......................................................................27 Supply Chain Management (SCM)......................................59 Economics (ECON).............................................................27 Theatre Arts (TA).................................................................59 Education English to Speakers of other Languages (EESL)..........................................................27 University Studies (USTD)..................................................61 Education (EDUC)...............................................................27 Educational Administration (EADM)....................................28 Special Programs Educational Counseling (ECLG).........................................29 Elementary/Bilingual Education (EELB)..............................29 Over 60 Program...............................................................126 English (ENG).....................................................................30 Ethnic Studies (ES).............................................................32 SAIL (Student Assistance in Learning Program)...............126 Finance (FIN)......................................................................32 Foreign Language (FLAN)...................................................32 French (FREN)....................................................................33 Gender and Sexuality Studies (GSS)..................................33 Geography (GEOG)...........................................................33 Geology (GEOL)..................................................................34 German (GER)....................................................................35 Health Science (HSCI)........................................................35 History (HIST)......................................................................36 Honors (HON)......................................................................37 Human Development (HD)..................................................37 Humanities (HUM)...............................................................37 Information Systems and Technology (IST).........................38 Instructional Technology (ETEC).........................................38 Interdisciplinary Studies......................................................39 Japanese (JAPN)................................................................39 Kinesiology (KINE)..............................................................39 Korean (KOR)......................................................................40 Management (MGMT).........................................................41 Marketing (MKTG)...............................................................41 Undergraduate Advising ELM/EPT Basic Skills Information..................................... 116 Testing Office..................................................................... 114 Undergraduate Academic Advising................................... 115 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 4 Spring 2015 MARCH 2015 APRIL 2015 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 9 16 10 17 11 18 12 19 13 20 14 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W T 3 10 17 4 11 18 5 12 19 6 13 20 7 14 21 F 1 8 15 22 S 2 9 16 23 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M T 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 S M 1 8 15 22 29 MAY 2015 W 1 8 15 22 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 S 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 JUNE 2015 7 14 21 28 T 2 9 16 23 30 W 3 10 17 24 T 4 11 18 25 * Holiday Spring quarter: April 6 - June 15, 2015 Spring Priority Registration.............................................................................................Feb. 16 - March 9 Last day for full refund of fees...........................................................................................................April 3 First day of Saturday Spring classes.................................................................................................April 4 First day of Regular Spring classes...................................................................................................April 6 Last day to add via MyCoyote......................................................................................................... April 10 * Memorial Day Holiday observed (campus closed; utility shutdown)............................................ May 25 Census (Last day to drop via MyCoyote Self Service)....................................................................April 24 Last day of Saturday Spring classes.............................................................................................. June 13 Last day of Regular Spring classes................................................................................................ June 15 Final Exams............................................................................................................................. June 16 - 20 Commencement.................................................................................................................. June 18, 20-21 CAMPUS OFFICE HOURS 5 Spring 2015 The office hours listed below are in effect during classes and final examinations. Between quarters and during the summer, students should telephone to ascertain office hours. From off campus dial 53 + extension (example: 53 + 75057). FACULTY OFFICE HOURS: In addition to meeting with students during scheduled class hours, faculty members hold regularly scheduled office hours which are posted outside their offices. A student who is unable to see a faculty member during class or the scheduled office hours may arrange an appointment by contacting the appropriate department office. Emergency and Police Protective Services - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ----------------------- 911 CAMPUS OPERATOR.................................................................................................................................................................................. 75000 ACADEMIC TECHNOLOGIES & INNOVATION..........7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 77439 PL-233 ADMISSIONS AND STUDENT....................................8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75188 RECRUITMENT 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fridays and days prior to holidays UH-107 For records, transcripts, grades, graduation checks, please see Records, Registration & Evaluations. ADVISING AND ACADEMIC.......................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 75034 SERVICES UH-380 ARTS AND LETTERS, COLLEGE OF........................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 75800 UH-237 ASSISTIVE COMPUTING RESOURCE......................8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75079 CENTER 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday PL-1104 BOOKSTORE..............................................................7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75966 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday Bookstore 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Saturday Call for special hours 1st week of class BURSAR’S OFFICE....................................................8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday ................................................................ 75157 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday UH-035 BUSINESS AND PUBLIC............................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 75700 ADMINISTRATION, COLLEGE OF JB-278 CAREER CENTER......................................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 75250 UH-329 CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday ..................................................................... 75193 STUDIES AND PROGRAMS CE-356 CHILDREN'S CENTER...............................................7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75928 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Friday COYOTE ONECARD..................................................8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75064 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday PL-005 EDUCATION, COLLEGE OF.......................................8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75600 DEAN'S OFFICE 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday CE-221 EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM . ..........8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 75042 OFFICE UH-395 EXTENDED LEARNING, COLLEGE OF....................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday ..................................................................... 75975 (Open 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday during second week of the term) SH-134 .............................................................................8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Saturdays - Yasuda Center only........................................... 77324 (Limited services available on Saturdays and the Yasuda Center is open only when classes are scheduled.) FACILITIES SERVICES..............................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 75166 FM-109 FINANCIAL AID OFFICE.............................................8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75227 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fridays and days prior to holidays UH-150 6 Spring 2015 CAMPUS OFFICE HOURS GRADUATE STUDIES OFFICE..................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 75058 CH-123 HOUSING AND RESIDENTIAL LIFE..........................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday........................................................(909) 537-4155 University Village Office LEARNING CENTER..................................................................................................................... ...............................................................75038 General office hours (when classes are in session): M-Th: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. / F: 8 a.m. - 5:00 p.m UH-351 Testing hours (when classes are in session): M&Th: 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. / Tu, W, & F: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Computer lab printing (when classes are in session): M-Th: 7:45 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. / F: 7:45 a.m. - 4 p.m. Please check the web site for detailed hours and services: http://www-ugs.csusb.edu/lc/ LIBRARY.....................................................................8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday............................................ Circulation 75090 For special hours in effect during 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. on FRIDAY ONLY Reference 73328 final examinations, see posting 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Saturday Pfau Library Bldg. in the Library 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday * Hours are subject to change, please check the library website for updated information. MEDIA SERVICES OFFICE........................................8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75060 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday PL-003 NATURAL SCIENCES, COLLEGE OF........................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75300 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday BI-107 OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR...................................8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75200 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fridays and days prior to holidays UH-171 PARKING SERVICES OFFICE...................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday .................................................................... 75912 UH-39 Information Services...............................................Station at University Parkway................................................................................... 75915 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friday 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday PEER ADVISING LIBERAL STUDIES........................Hours change quarterly............................................................................................. 75482 (PALS) Please go to PALS center for posted hours CE-114 PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING CTR.....................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday and Thursday............................................................ 75040 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday HC-162 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday PSYCHOLOGY PEER ADVISING CENTER...............Call for current hours................................................................................................. 75434 (PAC) SB-426 SANTOS MANUEL STUDENT UNION.......................7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday............................................................... 77201 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Friday SU-222 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday SELF INSTRUCTIONAL LABS...................................8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday............................................................... 73095 PL-1109, PL-1105 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday PL-1109 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday PL-1109 SERVICES TO STUDENTS WITH..............................8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75238 DISABILITIES 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday - Saturday UH-183 Evening/Saturday Testing by Appt. only 8:00 a.m - 10:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday - Saturday SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES,...................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 77500 COLLEGE OF SB-207 SPECIAL EVENTS AND..............................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 77360 GUEST SERVICES 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday CO-107 STUDENT ACCOUNTS OFFICE................................8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75162 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday UH-034 STUDENT AFFAIRS, OFFICE OF THE......................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 75185 VICE PRESIDENT UH-231 CAMPUS OFFICE HOURS 7 Spring 2015 STUDENT HEALTH . ..................................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75241 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday HC-162 STUDENT LEADERSHIP AND...................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 75234 DEVELOPMENT, OFFICE OF SU-203 STUDENT SERVICES, COLLEGE OF.......................9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday................................................................. 75609 EDUCATION 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday CE-102 STUDENT TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT.......................9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 73395 CENTER By Appointment: Saturday and Sunday PL-1109 UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES...................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 75032 UH-352 UNIVERSITY POLICE Business Phone 24/7 77777 Lost and Found Property Hours................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 73782 VETERAN CERTIFICATION.......................................8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday...................................................................... 75213 UH-171 8 Spring 2015 GUIDE TO COURSE OFFERINGS How to Read List of Courses (see next page for an explanation of each code) Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. Room Faculty GE Ind. Art ART -120 INTRODUCTION TO 2-D DESIGN 21133 01 ACTMW 0800AM 1150AM VA-302 Fees $39 ART -121 INTRODUCTION TO 3-D DESIGN 21135 01 ACTMW 0800AM 1150AM VA-122 Fees $39 ART -122 INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING 21136 01 ACTMW 0120PM 0510PM VA-306 Fees $39 ART -123 INTRO ART & TECHNOLOGY 21137 01 3 ACTMW 0100PM 0320PM VA-232 Fees $39 ART -320 DIGITAL IMAGE EDITING 23843 01 SEMTR 1000AM 1150AM VA-110 ART -395 ART IN THE CLASSROOM 21175 01 ACTTR 0900PM 0510PM VA-222 Fees $39 21176 02 ACT TR 0100PM 0350PM VA-122 Fees $39 21177 70 ACT TBA 0100PM 0350PM VA-122 Department Consent Required Web with classroom component Fees $39 4 Units TORREGRO 4 Units PALMER D 4 Units STAFF 4 Units COOPER H 4 Units HOLLIDAY 3 Units SCULLIN K MURRAY H MURRAY H Biology If class is closed all students must fill out a waiting list request form by visiting http://biology.csusb.edu/. For additional information contact the Biology Department at 537-5305. BIOL-100 TOPICS IN BIOLOGY 22704 01 31, 30 LECTR 0800PM 0950PM Department Consent Required Fees $25 22705 02 LEC MW 0200PM 0350PM Department Consent Required Fees $25 23787 03 LECMW 0600AM 0750AM Fees $10 22707 0431, 30 LABT 0530PM 0820PM Fees $10 22708 06 31, 30 LABR 0530PM 0820PM 22709 03 13 LABM 0610PM 0900PM Fees $10 BIOL-201 BIOL OF ORGANISMS 22724 01 LECTR 1000AM 1150PM Department Consent Required Fees $25 22725 02 LABT 1200PM 0250PM 22726 03 LABT 0300PM 0550PM 22727 04 LABT 0300PM 0550PM 5 Units PS-010 STAFF JB-102 STAFF CS-142 STAFF BI-302 STAFF BI-302 BI-302 STAFF STAFF 5 Units CE-105 WILLIAMS BI-205 BI-205 BI-205 STAFF STAFF STAFF B2 GUIDE TO COURSE OFFERINGS Explanation of Codes from Preceding Page Subject Area/Catalog Number The subject area is used to identify the courses (refer to table of contents). The catalog number can be referenced in the Bulletin of Courses. Course Requirement Notes appear below each course section providing information on registration requirements such as department consent; Math and English remediation; English 101; and additional course fees. Section Number The section number is used to distinguish one section of the same course from another. Class Number Each section of each course has its own unique class number. The number changes each quarter and is used to identify the term during registration. Course Components ACT = activity; CLN = clinical; DIS = dissertation; LAB = laboratory; LEC = lecture; SEM = seminar; SUP = supervised instruction. Course Title Abbreviation This abbreviated title will also appear on your grade reports and transcripts. Refer to the Bulletin of Courses for complete course titles, descriptions, and prerequisites/corequisites requirements. Days M = Monday; T = Tuesday; W = Wednesday; R = Thursday; F = Friday; S = Saturday; U = Sunday; DAILY = Monday through Friday; TBA = Meeting time arranged between instructor of department or division and students. Time Beginning and ending times for each class are shown using standard time. Units The number of quarter units this course yields. Instructor The faculty assigned to teach the course section. GE/IND General Education indicator. See page 87 for GE Requirements 2015. 9 Spring 2015 Building Names/Codes Administration . ....................................... AD Biological Sciences .................................. BI Coyote Bookstore ....................................BK Chaparral Hall......................................... CH Chemical Sciences.................................. CS Children's Center..................................... CC College of Education............................... CE Faculty Office Building............................. FO Health Center.......................................... HC Health & PE Complex/ Coussoulis Arena...................................HP Jack Brown Hall........................................ JB Off-Campus Locations............................. OC Palm Desert Campus.............................. PD Performing Arts/Theatre........................... PA Pfau Library.............................................. PL Physical Education ..................................PE Physical Sciences....................................PS Santos Manuel Student Union................. SU Serrano Village.........................................SV Social & Behavioral Sciences...................SB Student Union.......................................... SU Temporary Classrooms............................TC Temp. Acad. Modules............................... TA Temporary Offices....................................TO University Hall......................................... UH University Police.......................................UP University Village..................................... UV Visual Art Center/ Museum. .................................................. VA Yasuda Center for Extended Learning.... YC Footnotes Footnotes apply to specific courses. Explanatory information for footnote codes are listed on pages 83 - 86. Course Numbering System 1-99 Nondegree-applicable credit. 100-299 Lower-division courses designed primarily for freshmen and sophomores. Graduate credit is not allowed. 300-599 Upper-division courses of junior and senior level; graduate credit may be awarded if course is accepted in a specific graduate program. 600-699 Courses for postbaccalaureate and graduate students only. May not be taken by undergraduates. 700-799 Courses for doctoral candidates only. 990-999 Special comprehensive exams, projects, units not awarded. 10 Spring 2015 11 Spring 2015 REGISTRATION 12 Spring 2015 Additional Registration information available beginning on page 96 or go online at: http://rre.csusb.edu REGISTRATION PROCEDURES All registration, including schedule adjustments (adds and drops) and late registration, will be accomplished by using MyCoyote a web based registration system. Access the web site at https://mycoyote.csusb.edu Access Rate and Times The on-line registration system will be available during the following time periods: 7 Days a Week; 6:00 am. to 2:00 a.m. Registration System: MyCoyote On-line: https:Mycoyote.csusb.edu Fees are now due on a specific date based on the date of your registration. IMPORTANT DATES FOR REGISTRATION PRIORITY REGISTRATION February 16 - March 9 OPEN ENROLLMENT March 10 - 22 LAST DAY TO ADD CLASSES VIA MYCOYOTE April 10 LAST DAY TO DROP VIA MYCOYOTE (CENSUS) April 24, 2015 A Grade Of "W' Will Be Assigned for approved drops and withdrawals occurring after the census date April 24, 2015. FEES The Registration Payment Procedures information is available beginning on page 100 or visit the Bursar web site at: http://fees.csusb.edu/ CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or Student Accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees, without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by The Board of Trustees. FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE JUNE 16 - 20, 2015 13 Spring 2015 A final examination has been scheduled for each class. For classes scheduled at the Palm Desert Campus, see instructor for day and time of the final exam. In courses extending over more than one term, the examination in the concluding term may also cover work done in the preceding term or terms. Examinations may not be taken before or after the scheduled period nor may the time of an examination be changed without authorization by the corresponding college Dean. Permission to take a final examination with a different section of the same course may be granted by the appropriate college Dean with the consent of the instructors concerned. Failure to take or to pass any final or other course examination will result in such deficiencies as instructors may assign. The final examination for classes meeting at times other than those listed will be arranged by the instructor and will take place during the time period of June 16 - 20, 2015. REGULAR CLASS MEETING TIME FINAL EXAM DAY FINAL EXAM TIME MWF 8:00 A.M. MWF 9:20 A.M. MWF 10:40 A.M. MWF 12:00 P.M. MWF 1:20 P.M. MWF 2:40 P.M. Friday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Friday Wednesday 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. MW 8:00 A.M. MW 9:00 A.M. MW 9:20 A.M. MW 10:00 A.M. MW 10:40 A.M. MW 12:00 P.M. MW 1:00 P.M. MW 1:20 P.M. MW 2:00 P.M. MW 2:40 P.M. MW 4:00 P.M. MW 5:00 P.M. MW 6:00 P.M. MW 7:00 P.M. MW 8:00 P.M. Friday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Friday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Wednesday 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 7:50 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:50 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:50 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 9:50 P.M. M 8:00 A.M. M 9:00 A.M. M 10:00 A.M. M 11:00 A.M. M 12:00 P.M. M 1:00 P.M. M 2:00 P.M. M 3:00 P.M. M 4:00 P.M. M 5:00 P.M. M 6:00 P.M. M 7:00 P.M. Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:50 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:50 P.M. W 8:00 A.M. W 9:00 A.M. W 10:00 A.M. W 11:00 A.M. W 12:00 P.M. W 1:00 P.M. W 2:00 P.M. W 3:00 P.M. W 4:00 P.M. W 5:00 P.M. W 6:00 P.M. W 7:00 P.M. W 8:00 P.M. Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:50 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:50 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 9:50 P.M. WF 8:00 A.M. WF 10:00 A.M. WF 12:00 P.M. WF 2:00 P.M. Friday Wednesday Friday Wednesday 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. TR 8:00 A.M. TR 9:00 A.M. TR 10:00 A.M. TR 11:00 A.M. TR 12:00 P.M. Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. REGULAR CLASS MEETING TIME FINAL EXAM DAY FINAL EXAM TIME TR 1:00 P.M. TR 2:00 P.M. TR 3:00 P.M. TR 4:00 P.M. TR 5:00 P.M. TR 6:00 P.M. TR 7:00 P.M. TR 8:00 P.M. Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday 12:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 7:50 P.M. 7:50 P.M. 9:50 P.M. T 8:00 A.M. T 9:00 A.M. T 10:00 A.M. T 11:00 A.M. T 12:00 P.M. T 1:00 P.M. T 2:00 P.M. T 3:00 P.M. T 4:00 P.M. T 5:00 P.M. T 6:00 P.M. T 7:00 P.M. T 8:00 P.M. Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:50 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:50 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 9:50 P.M. R 8:00 A.M. R 9:00 A.M. R 10:00 A.M. R 11:00 A.M. R 12:00 P.M. R 1:00 P.M. R 2:00 P.M. R 3:00 P.M. R 4:00 P.M. R 5:00 P.M. R 6:00 P.M. R 7:00 P.M. R 8:00 P.M. Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:50 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:50 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 9:50 P.M. F 8:00 A.M. F 9:00 A.M. F 9:20 A.M. F 10:00 A.M. F 10:40 A.M. F 11:00 A.M. F 12:00 P.M. F 1:00 P.M. F 1:20 P.M. F 2:00 P.M. F 2:40 P.M. F 3:00 P.M. F 4:00 P.M. F 6:00 P.M. Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:50 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:50 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:50 P.M. S 8:00 A.M. S 8:30 A.M. S 9:00 A.M. S 10:00 A.M. S 12:00 P.M. S 1:00 P.M. Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M.11:50 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:50 P.M. SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 14 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Accounting ACCT-211 43125 01 1 43126 02 1 43127 03 1 43128 04 1 ACCT-212 43129 01 1 43130 02 1 43131 03 43139 04 43145 05 43481 06 ACCT-315 43132 01 Fees $25 43133 02 43142 03 Fees $25 43143 04 43494 40 Fees $25 43495 41 ACCT-347 43134 01 43625 02 ACCT-372 43135 01 43136 02 ACCT-373 43137 01 43138 02 43484 03 ACCT-426 43146 01 ACCT-440 43147 01 Fees $18 43148 02 43160 03 Fees $18 43161 04 ACCT-468 43158 01 ACCT-539 43159 01 ACCT-541 43149 01 Fees $18 43150 02 43486 03 Fees $18 43487 04 ACCT-544 43492 01 43493 02 ACCT-547 43491 01 ACCT-556 43151 01 1 ACCT-574 43152 01 43157 02 ACCT-575 43154 01 3 ACCT-595B 43171 01 INTRO ACCT I 4 Units LEC MW 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-111 BAZAZ M LEC MW 08:00AM 09:50AM JB-111 BAZAZ M LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-258 LIU X LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-257 AMBROSSI W INTRO ACCOUNTING II 4 Units LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-111 RANTZ D LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-257 LI W LEC MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-257 JIN J LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-258 RANTZ D LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-118 HUH S LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-118 HUH S ACCT INFO SYSTEMS 4 Units LEC TR 10:00AM 11:10AM JB-257 JOHNSON K LAB TR 11:10PM 11:50PM JB-257 JOHNSON K LEC MW 08:00PM 09:10PM JB-285 BOBBITT D LAB MW 09:10PM 09:50PM JB-285 BOBBITT D LEC T 06:00PM 07:50PM ROMERO J LAB T 07:50PM 11:40PM ROMERO J MGMT ACCT & DECISION MAKING 4 Units LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-116 SENTENEY D LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-262 LIU X INTERMEDIATE ACCT 4 Units LEC MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-144 COURTS J LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-138 ESCOBAR R PROBLEM INTERMEDIATE ACCT 4 Units SEM MW 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-258 LI W SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-258 LI W SEM MW 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-144 HENRY M INTRO TO TAXATION 4 Units LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-262 LIU W FINANCIAL STATEMENT AUDITING 4 Units LEC TR 08:00PM 09:10PM JB-257 WILSON M ACT TR 09:10PM 09:50PM JB-257 WILSON M LEC MW 06:00PM 07:10PM JB-257 SHARIFI MA ACT MW 07:10PM 07:50PM JB-257 SHARIFI MA ACCT GOVT & NOPROFIT ORG 4 Units SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-114 BOBBITT D ADVANCED ACCOUNTING 4 Units LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-112 BAZAZ M ADVANCED AUDITING 4 Units LEC TR 06:00PM 07:10PM JB-257 ESCOBAR R ACT TR 07:10PM 07:50PM JB-257 ESCOBAR R LEC MW 08:00PM 09:10PM JB-257 STAFF ACT MW 09:10PM 11:00PM JB-257 STAFF ACCT LAW,ETHICS &INSTITUTION 4 Units LEC TR 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-140 SCHNAUS G LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM JB-140 JOHNSON K COST ACCOUNTING 4 Units LEC MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-118 SENTENEY D ESTATE/GIFT/SPECIAL TAX TIP 4 Units LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-144 DOROCAK J REPORTING ISSUES INT ACCT 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-118 COURTS J SEM MW 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-258 JIN J INTERNSHIP 4 Units SUP TBA CHAVEZ J Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA SHEIL A Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. ACCT-595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 43170 01 3,4 SUP TBA SHEIL A Department Consent Required ACCT-610 FINANCIAL REPORTING&DISCLOSURE 4 Units 43489 01 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-139 SENTENEY D ACCT-615 CONTROLLERSHIP 4 Units 43173 01 SEM TR 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-144 HUH S ACCT-620 INTERNAL AUDIT&MGMT CONTROL 4 Units 43176 01 SEM MW 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-262 MUNSIF V ACCT-630 ADV TAX TOPICS: CORP TAX 4 Units 43490 01 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-144 DOROCAK J ACCT-675 INTERNSHIP 4 Units 43174 01 SUP TBA CHAVEZ J Department Consent Required ACCT-695A GRAD INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 Unit 43179 01 SUP TBA SHEIL A Department Consent Required ACCT-695D GRAD INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 43178 01 19 SUP TBA SHEIL A Department Consent Required ACCT-697 MSA PROJECT 4 Units 43488 01 LEC TBA MUNSIF V Administration ADMN-210 43479 01 Fees $25 43540 02 Fees $25 43541 03 Fees $25 43542 04 Fees $25 ADMN-601 43554 01 43555 02 ADMN-602 43556 01 APP BUS STATISTICS 4 Units LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-143 SIROTNIK B LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-143 SIROTNIK B LEC MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-141 FARAHBOD K LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-143 DYCK H DATA-DRIVEN DECISION MAKING 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-060 STAFF Department Consent Required SEM S 09:00AM 12:50PM JB-112 STAFF Department Consent Required ADVANCED MGMT COMMUNICATIONS 4 Units SEM TR 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-112 STAFF Department Consent Required Aerospace Studies AS -90 40051 01 AS -103 40052 01 AS -203 40053 01 AS -303 40054 01 AS -403 40055 01 LEADERSHIP LAB 0 Units SUP F 12:30PM 02:30PM JB-102 STAFF THE AIR FORCE TODAY III 1 Unit SUP F 11:00AM 11:50AM PL-269 STAFF AIR FORCE ETHICS 1 Unit SUP F 08:00AM 08:50AM SB-127 STAFF AIR FORCE LDRSHP&MGMT III 3 Units SUP F 07:00AM 10:50AM SB-211 STAFF NTNL SEC FORCE AMER SOC III 3 Units SUP F 08:00AM 10:50AM SB-217 STAFF American Sign Language ASL -101 43031 01 Fees $15 ASL -102 43030 01 Fees $15 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE I 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-062 GRAVATT F AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE II 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-241 GRAVATT F SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note ASL -103 43029 01 Fees $15 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE III 4 Units C3 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-062 GRAVATT F American Studies AMST-300 43380 01 INTRO AMERICAN STUDIES 4 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-058 STAFF Anthropology ANTH-100 40024 01 ANTH-102 40025 01 40683 70 ANTH-140 40026 01 1 ANTH-200 40406 01 ANTH-301 43437 01 ANTH-314 43433 01 ANTH-321 43427 01 43428 02 ANTH-323 43450 01 ANTH-328 40499 01 ANTH-331 40382 01 ANTH-333 40685 01 ANTH-340 40420 01 ANTH-343 40580 01 ANTH-356 40684 01 ANTH-365 43434 01 ANTH-366 43438 01 43439 02 ANTH-381 43430 01 ANTH-390 43429 01 ANTH-575B 40027 01 3 ANTH-575C 40028 01 3 ANTH-575D 40029 01 3 ANTH-575E 40030 01 3 ANTH-576B 40031 01 3 ANTH-576C 40032 01 3 INTRO ANTH-HUMAN EVOLUTION 4 Units D4 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM CE-105 NIEWOEHNR INTRO ANTH-CULTURE & SOC 4 Units D4 SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM VA-101 BENNETT M SEM TBA MILLER-THA Online course WORLD CIVILIZATIONS I 4 Units D3 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-102 DIAS C BIOLOGICAL ANTHRO LAB 1 Unit LAB W 01:00PM 03:30PM SB-364 DUBOIS J ANTHROPOLOGICAL THEORY 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-216 NADEAU K ARCH OF CALIFORNIA 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-212 STAFF ARCH LAB ANALYSIS 5 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-364 BARBER R LAB T 09:00AM 11:50AM SB-364 BARBER R NATIVE N AMER ART 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM VA-221 BARBER R FORENSIC ANTH & CRIME 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-216 NIEWOEHNR ANTHRO OF HUM DEV 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-224 MILLER-THA SEX&GENDR CRS/CUL 4 Units G2 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-224 VELASQUEZ ANTHRO OF HEALTH 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-224 MILLER-THA MAGIC,RELIGION & SCIENCE 4 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-216 BENNETT M CULTURES SO-AMER 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-216 VELASQUEZ ASIAN AMERICAN CULTURES 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-216 NADEAU K FILIPINO PERFORMANCE CULTURE 2 Units SEM F 04:00PM 04:50PM PE-104 NADEAU K ACT F 05:00PM 06:50PM PE-104 NADEAU K CALIF INDIAN LINGUISTIC ANTHRO 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-216 JANY C SELECT TOP ANTH: INTRO TO FOLKLORE4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-216 FANTA A INTERN IN ANTHRO 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERN IN ANTHRO 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERN IN ANTHRO 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERN IN ANTHRO 5 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERN IN MUSEUM STUDIES 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERN IN MUSEUM STUDIES 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note ANTH-576D 40033 01 3 15 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. INTERN IN MUSEUM STUDIES 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-576E INTERN IN MUSEUM STUDIES 5 Units 40034 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-577B INTERN IN ARCHAEOLOGY 2 Units 40035 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-577C INTERN IN ARCHAEOLOGY 3 Units 40036 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-577D INTERN IN ARCHAEOLOGY 4 Units 40037 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-577E INTERN IN ARCHAEOLOGY 5 Units 40038 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-578B INTERN APPLIED CULTURAL ANTHRO 2 Units 40039 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-578C INTERN APPLIED CULTURAL ANTHRO 3 Units 40352 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-578D INTERN APPLIED CULTURAL ANTHRO 4 Units 40040 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-578E INTERN APPLIED CULTURAL ANTHRO 5 Units 40041 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-585 FLD WK CULTURAL ANTH 4 Units 40528 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-595B INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 40042 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40394 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-595C INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units 40043 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 40044 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40393 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40521 03 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40634 04 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-595E INDEPENDENT STUDY 5 Units 40045 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40615 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-597 SR HONORS PROJECT 5 Units 40046 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40772 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-600 PROSEMINAR IN ANTHROLOGY 4 Units 43441 01 SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM SB-211 VELASQUEZ Department Consent Required ANTH-695B IND GRAD STUDIES 2 Units 40047 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-695C IND GRAD STUDIES 3 Units 40048 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-695D IND GRAD STUDIES 4 Units 40049 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ANTH-695E IND GRAD STUDIES 5 Units 40050 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 16 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Art Arabic ARAB-102 42997 01 Fees $15 43011 02 Fees $15 ARAB-103 42987 01 Fees $15 43012 02 Fees $15 42996 03 Fees $15 43600 04 Fees $15 ARAB-203 42991 01 Fees $15 ARAB-204 43004 01 Fees $15 ARAB-214 42998 01 Fees $15 ARAB-290 43005 70 Fees $15 43601 71 Fees $15 ARAB-303 42995 01 Fees $15 ARAB-314 43007 02 Fees $15 ARAB-330 43006 01 Fees $15 ARAB-399A 42992 01 ARAB-399B 42993 01 ARAB-470D 43014 70 Fees $15 ARAB-496 42986 01 Fees $25 ARAB-575A 43016 01 ARAB-575B 43003 01 ARAB-575C 43602 01 ARAB-575D 42990 01 COLLEGE ARABIC II 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-060 RAMADAN A SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-108 HAMMAD M COLLEGE ARABIC III 4 Units C3 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-062 RAMADAN A SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-108 ALJORD H SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-250 DOUEIRI D SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-260 ALJORD H INTERMEDIATE ARABIC III 4 Units SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-260 ALJORD H INTERMEDIATE ARABIC IV SEM TBA 4 Units STAFF CONVERSATION IN ARABIC 4 Units C3 SEM S 09:00AM 12:50PM UH-062 RAMADAN A ARABIC LIT IN TRANSLATION SEM TBA Online course SEM TBA Online course 4 Units C3 DOUEIRI D HAMMAD M ADVANCED ARABIC III 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-241 MANGO O ADV ARABIC CONVERSATION SEM TBA 4 Units STAFF LEVANTINE ARABIC DIALECT 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-104 MANGO O COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required CNTMP ISS ARAB CLTR:ENV ASPECT SEM TBA Online course SENIOR ASSESSMENT SUP TBA Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP SUP TBA INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 1 Unit MANGO O 2 Units MANGO O 4 Units HAMMAD M 2 Units STAFF 1 Unit MANGO O 2 Units MANGO O 3 Units MANGO O 4 Units MANGO O ART -120 40858 01 Fees $39 ART -121 40798 01 Fees $39 40875 02 Fees $39 ART -122 40852 01 Fees $39 ART -123 40891 01 Fees $39 ART -124 40876 01 Fees $39 ART -200 40853 01 Fees $9 ART -223 40799 01 Fees $9 ART -232 40800 01 Fees $39 ART -235 40892 01 Fees $39 40893 02 ART -238 40801 01 Fees $39 ART -240 40802 01 Fees $39 40803 02 ART -254 40804 01 Fees $39 40805 02 40900 03 Fees $39 40901 04 ART -260 40859 01 Fees $39 40860 02 ART -268 40854 01 Fees $39 40855 02 ART -270 40869 01 Fees $39 40870 02 ART -290 40871 01 Fees $39 40872 02 ART -291 40895 01 Fees $39 40894 02 40903 03 Fees $39 40904 04 INTRODUCTION TO 2-D DESIGN 4 Units ACT TR 08:00AM 11:50AM VA-302 ADSIT R INTRODUCTION TO 3-D DESIGN 4 Units ACT MW 08:00AM 11:50AM VA-110 RINGSMUTH ACT MW 01:20PM 05:10PM VA-110 RINGSMUTH INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING 4 Units ACT TR 01:00PM 04:50PM VA-306 ADSIT R INTRO ART & TECHNOLOGY 4 Units ACT MW 06:00PM 09:50PM VA-232 COOPER H INTRO DIGITAL MEDIA DESIGN 4 Units ACT TR 06:00PM 09:50PM VA-232 STAFF STUDIES IN ART LEC TBA Online course 4 Units C1 OL-ONLINEBLALOCK A ART HIST:RENAISSANCE-PRESENT 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEBLALOCK A Online course PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN MGMT 4 Units ACT MW 08:00AM 11:50AM VA-224 COOPER H BEGINNING PAINTING 5 Units SEM TR 08:00AM 08:50AM VA-305 MACON K ACT TR 09:00AM 11:50AM VA-305 MACON K PROD OF VISUAL INFO DESIGN 4 Units ACT MW 01:00PM 04:50PM VA-224 RUVOLO T BEGINNING SCULPTURE 5 Units LEC MW 08:00AM 08:50AM VA-102 JOHNSTON R ACT MW 09:00AM 11:50AM VA-123F JOHNSTON R BEGINNING CERAMICS 5 Units LEC TR 06:00PM 06:50PM VA-102 KEENA S ACT TR 07:00PM 09:50PM VA-102 KEENA S LEC TBA STAFF ACT TBA STAFF BEGINNING PRINTMAKING 5 Units LEC MW 01:20PM 02:10PM VA-108 KRAEMER D ACT MW 02:20PM 05:10PM VA-108 KRAEMER D BEG WOODWORKING 5 Units LEC TR 08:00AM 08:50AM VA-117 KING S ACT TR 09:00AM 11:50AM VA-117 KING S BEGINNING GLASS 5 Units LEC TR 06:00PM 06:50PM VA-123C GRAY K ACT TR 07:00PM 09:50PM VA-123C GRAY K BEGINNING ANALOG PHOTOGRAPHY 5 Units LEC MW 08:00AM 08:50AM VA-111 STAFF ACT MW 09:00AM 11:50AM VA-112D STAFF BEGINNING DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY 5 Units LEC TR 08:00AM 08:50AM VA-112D KING S ACT TR 09:00AM 11:50AM VA-112D KING S LEC MW 01:20PM 02:10PM VA-112D MCGOVRN T ACT MW 02:20PM 05:10PM VA-112D MCGOVRN T SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note ART -306 40907 01 Fees $9 ART -308 40877 01 Fees $39 40878 02 ART -310 40896 01 Fees $9 ART -322 43637 01 Fees $39 43638 02 ART -323 43448 01 Fees $9 ART -324 40890 01 Fees $9 ART -330 40908 01 Fees $39 40909 02 ART -335 40845 01 Fees $39 40846 02 ART -336 40806 01 3 Fees $39 40807 02 3 ART -340 40879 01 Fees $39 40880 02 ART -341 40843 01 Fees $39 40844 02 ART -342 40850 01 Fees $39 40851 02 ART -343 40808 01 Fees $39 40809 02 ART -344 40840 01 Fees $39 40841 02 ART -345 40810 01 3 Fees $39 ART -355 40811 01 3 Fees $39 40812 02 3 ART -357 40813 01 3 Fees $39 40814 02 3 ART -359 43639 01 Fees $9 ART -361 40861 01 Fees $39 40862 02 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. GREEK & ROMAN ART 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-283 STAFF Web with classroom component INTERMEDIATE WOODWORKING 5 Units SEM TR 01:00PM 01:50PM VA-117 KING S ACT TR 02:00PM 04:50PM VA-117 KING S ASIAN ART 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-283 STAFF WEB DESIGN 5 Units LEC MW 06:00PM 06:50PM VA-232 STAFF ACT MW 07:00PM 09:50PM VA-232 STAFF NATIVE N AMER ART 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM VA-221 BARBER R PRE-COLUMBIAN ART SEM TBA 4 Units STAFF ANIMATION&WEB MOTION-GRAPHICS 5 Units LEC TR 01:00PM 01:50PM VA-224 PICARD D ACT TR 02:00PM 04:50PM VA-224 PICARD D INTERMEDIATE PAINTING 5 Units LEC MW 08:00AM 08:50AM VA-305 SPENCE B ACT MW 09:00AM 11:50AM VA-305 STAFF ADVANCED PAINTING 5 Units LEC MW 01:20PM 02:10PM VA-305 SPENCE B ACT MW 02:20PM 05:10PM VA-305 SPENCE B INTERMEDIATE SCULPTURE 5 Units SEM MW 08:00AM 08:50AM VA-102 JOHNSTON R ACT MW 02:20PM 05:10PM VA-123F JOHNSTON R ADVANCD SCULPTURE 5 Units LEC MW 01:20PM 02:10PM VA-123F JOHNSTON R ACT MW 02:20PM 05:10PM VA-123F JOHNSTON R GRAPHIC DESIGN I 5 Units LEC TR 08:00AM 08:50AM VA-226 STAFF ACT TR 09:00AM 11:50AM VA-226 STAFF GRAPHIC DESIGN II 5 Units LEC MW 08:00AM 08:50AM VA-226 BOUSKILL B ACT MW 09:00AM 11:50AM VA-226 BOUSKILL B GRAPHIC DESGN III 5 Units LEC MW 01:00PM 01:50PM VA-226 BOUSKILL B ACT MW 02:00PM 04:50PM VA-226 BOUSKILL B GALLERY MANAGEMNT 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERMEDIATE CERAMICS 5 Units LEC TR 08:00PM 08:50PM VA-123M PETTY A ACT TR 09:00AM 11:50AM VA-123M PETTY A ADVANCED CERAMICS 5 Units LEC TR 08:00AM 08:50AM VA-123M PETTY A ACT TR 09:00AM 11:50AM VA-123M PETTY A HIST OF PHOTO 4 Units LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM VA-221 STAFF INTERMEDIATE PRINTMAKING 5 Units LEC MW 06:00PM 06:50PM VA-102 KRAEMER D ACT MW 07:00PM 09:50PM VA-102 KRAEMER D Class Sec Foot- No. No. note ART -362 40863 01 Fees $39 40864 02 ART -365A 40815 01 3 Fees $39 40918 02 Fees $39 ART -365B 40816 01 3 Fees $39 40914 02 Fees $39 40921 03 Fees $39 ART -365C 40817 01 Fees $39 40919 02 Fees $39 ART -365D 40818 01 Fees $39 40912 02 Fees $39 40920 03 Fees $39 ART -365E 40819 01 Fees $39 40910 02 Fees $39 40911 03 Fees $39 40913 04 Fees $39 40915 05 Fees $39 ART -369 40856 01 Fees $39 40857 02 ART -370 40820 01 Fees $39 40821 02 ART -373 40873 01 Fees $39 40874 02 ART -383 40916 01 Fees $39 40917 02 ART -384 40881 01 Fees $39 40882 02 17 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. ADVANCED PRINTMAKING 5 Units LEC MW 06:00PM 06:50PM VA-108 KRAEMER D ACT MW 07:00PM 09:50PM VA-108 KRAEMER D DIRECTED STUDIO PROBLEMS 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF 2 Units STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF 3 Units STAFF STAFF 4 Units STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF 5 Units STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF DIRECTED STUDIO PROBLEMS SUP TBA Department Consent Required DIRECTED STUDIO PROBLEMS SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required DIRECTED STUDIO PROBLEMS SUP TBA Department Consent Required DIRECTED STUDIO PROBLEMS SUP TBA Department Consent Required ADV WOOD & FURN 5 Units LEC TR 01:00PM 01:50PM VA-117 GLAZE C ACT TR 02:00PM 04:50PM VA-117 GLAZE C INTERMEDIATE GLASS 5 Units LEC TR 06:00PM 06:50PM VA-123C GRAY K ACT TR 07:00PM 09:50PM VA-123C GRAY K INSTALLATION ART 5 Units SEM TR 01:00PM 01:50PM VA-110 STAFF LAB TR 02:00PM 04:50PM VA-110 STAFF COMPUTER ANIMATION:CHARACTER 5 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 12:50PM VA-224 STAFF ACT TR 01:00PM 03:50PM VA-224 STAFF DIGITAL MOTION IMAGING 5 Units SEM MW 01:20PM 02:10PM VA-224 STEFFEL B ACT MW 02:20PM 05:10PM VA-224 STEFFEL B SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 18 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Art (continued) ART -385 40897 01 Fees $39 40898 02 ART -386 40884 01 Fees $39 40885 02 40905 03 Fees $39 40906 04 ART -395 40865 01 Fees $39 40866 70 Fees $39 43636 71 Fees $39 ART -396 40822 01 Fees $39 40823 02 ART -414 40899 01 Fees $9 ART -416 40824 01 Fees $9 ART -442 40867 01 Fees $39 40868 02 ART -443 40825 01 Fees $39 40826 02 ART -471 40827 01 Fees $39 40828 02 ART -525 40847 01 Fees $9 ART -530 43640 01 ART -540 43641 01 Fees $39 ART -575A 43643 01 Fees $39 ART -575B 40829 01 3 Fees $39 ART -575C 40830 01 3 Fees $39 ART -575D 40831 01 3 Fees $39 ART -575E 40832 01 3 Fees $39 SOUND DESIGN FOR MULTIMEDIA 5 Units LEC MW 08:00AM 08:50AM UH-043 STAFF ACT MW 09:00AM 11:50AM UH-043 STAFF DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY 5 Units LEC TR 08:00AM 08:50AM VA-111 KING S ACT TR 09:00AM 11:50AM VA-112D KING S LEC TBA STAFF ACT TBA STAFF ART IN CLASSROOM 3 Units ACT MW 01:00PM 03:50PM VA-222 TABLER J ACT T 04:30PM 07:30PM VA-222 BROCKIE K Web with classroom component ACT R 05:30PM 08:30PM VA-222 BROCKIE K Web with classroom component NEW GENRES 5 Units LEC TR 01:00PM 01:50PM VA-110 STAFF ACT TR 02:00PM 04:50PM VA-110 STAFF SENIOR STUDIO CRITIQUE 4 Units SEM MW 06:00PM 09:50PM VA-111 STAFF SENIOR PROJECT 2 Units LEC TR 05:00PM 05:50PM VA-102 GRAY K GRAPHIC DESIGN IV 5 Units LEC TR 08:00AM 08:50AM VA-232 OAKES A ACT TR 09:00AM 11:50AM VA-226 OAKES A GRAPHIC DESIGN V 5 Units LEC TR 01:00PM 01:50PM VA-226 OAKES A ACT TR 02:00PM 04:50PM VA-226 STAFF ADVANCED GLASS 5 Units LEC TR 06:00PM 06:50PM VA-123C GRAY K ACT TR 07:00PM 09:50PM VA-123C GRAY K SEM ART HISTORY 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM VA-221 DAVIDSON J ART WRITING 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM VA-221 BUCKLEY A ART AND COMMUNITY 3 Units ACT TR 02:00PM 05:00PM VA-221 BUCKLEY A INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required 1 Unit STAFF INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required 2 Units STAFF INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required 3 Units STAFF INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required 4 Units STAFF INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required 5 Units STAFF Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. ART -595A INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 Unit 40833 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Fees $39 ART -595B INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 40834 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Fees $39 ART -595C INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units 40835 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Fees $39 ART -595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 40836 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Fees $39 ART -595E INDEPENDENT STUDY 5 Units 40837 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Fees $39 ART -595F INDEPENDENT STUDY 6 Units 40838 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Fees $39 ART -604 GRADUATE STUDIO IN ART 5 Units 40848 01 SEM TBA PETTY A Department Consent Required Fees $39 40849 02 ACT TBA PETTY A Department Consent Required ART -617 GRAD SEMINAR:CRITICAL THEORY 4 Units 43642 01 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM VA-302 DAVIDSON J Fees $9 ART -620D GRADUATE STUDIO CRITIQUE 4 Units 40883 01 ACT TBA PETTY A ART -695D MASTERS PROJECT STUDIO ART 4 Units 40839 01 19 SUP TBA GRAY K Department Consent Required Fees $39 ART -695E MASTERS PROJECT STUDIO ART 5 Units 40902 01 SUP TBA GRAY K Department Consent Required ART -698E CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 5 Units 40842 01 SUP TBA GRAY K Department Consent Required Asian Studies ASIA-575B 41288 01 ASIA-575D 41286 01 ASIA-595B 41289 01 ASIA-595D 41287 01 INTERNSHIP ASIAN STUDIES SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required INTERNSHIP ASIAN STUDIES SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required 2 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 2 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Biology If class is closed all students must fill out a waiting list request form by visiting http://biology.csusb.edu/. For additional information contact the Biology Department at 537-5305. BIOL-100 41888 01 Fees $25 41889 02 Fees $25 41893 06 41894 07 41895 08 41896 09 41897 10 41898 11 41899 12 41900 13 41901 14 41902 15 41903 16 41904 17 41905 18 41906 19 41907 20 42234 21 42235 22 BIOL-202 41908 01 Fees $25 41909 02 41910 03 41911 04 41912 05 41913 06 42236 07 42237 08 42254 09 42617 10 BIOL-216 42289 01 BIOL-220 42264 01 Fees $25 42277 02 42278 03 42279 04 42280 06 42281 07 42282 08 42283 09 42284 10 42285 11 42286 12 42287 13 BIOL-224 42220 01 Fees $25 42221 02 Fees $25 41914 03 41915 04 41916 05 41917 06 41918 07 41919 08 41920 09 41921 10 41922 11 41923 12 41924 13 TOPICS IN BIOLOGY 5 Units B2 LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM PS-010 STAFF LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM CS-142 STAFF LAB T 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-106 STAFF LAB T 12:00PM 02:50PM BI-106 STAFF LAB T 03:00PM 05:50PM BI-106 STAFF LAB T 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-106 STAFF LAB W 08:00AM 10:50AM BI-106 STAFF LAB W 11:00AM 01:50PM BI-106 STAFF LAB W 02:40PM 05:30PM BI-106 STAFF LAB W 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-106 STAFF LAB R 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-106 STAFF LAB R 12:00PM 02:50PM BI-106 STAFF LAB R 03:00PM 05:50PM BI-106 STAFF LAB R 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-106 STAFF LAB F 08:00AM 10:50AM BI-106 STAFF LAB F 11:00AM 01:50PM BI-106 STAFF LAB F 02:00PM 04:50PM BI-106 STAFF LAB R 03:00PM 06:50PM STAFF LAB R 06:00PM 09:50PM BI-214 STAFF BIOL POPULATIONS 5 Units B2 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-102 FERRARI J LAB T 12:00PM 02:50PM BI-205 STAFF LAB T 03:00PM 05:50PM BI-205 STAFF LAB T 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-205 STAFF LAB W 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-205 STAFF LAB W 12:00PM 02:50PM BI-205 STAFF LAB R 12:00PM 02:50PM BI-205 STAFF LAB R 03:00PM 05:50PM BI-205 STAFF LAB R 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-205 STAFF LAB TBA STAFF GENETICS&SOCIETY 2 Units B4 SEM M 04:00PM 05:50PM HP-124 STAFF PRIN MICROBIOLOGY 5 Units LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PS-010 STAFF LAB T 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-213 STAFF LAB T 12:00PM 02:50PM BI-213 STAFF LAB T 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-213 STAFF LAB W 12:00PM 02:50PM BI-213 STAFF LAB W 03:00PM 05:50PM BI-213 STAFF LAB W 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-213 STAFF LAB R 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-213 STAFF LAB R 01:00PM 03:50PM BI-213 STAFF LAB R 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-213 STAFF LAB M 02:00PM 04:50PM BI-213 STAFF LAB M 05:00PM 07:50PM BI-213 STAFF HUMAN PHYS & ANAT II 5 Units LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM PS-010 SUMIDA S LEC MW 08:00AM 09:50AM CE-105 STAFF LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB M M T T T T W W W W R 10:00AM 12:50PM BI-328 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-328 08:00AM 10:50AM BI-328 11:00AM 01:50PM BI-328 03:00PM 05:50PM BI-328 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-328 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-328 12:00PM 02:50PM BI-328 03:00PM 05:50PM BI-328 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-328 08:00AM 10:50AM BI-328 STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 41925 14 41926 15 41927 16 41928 17 41929 18 42275 19 BIOL-295A 42434 01 BIOL-295B 42310 01 BIOL-319 41930 01 Fees $25 41931 02 42387 03 Fees $25 42388 04 BIOL-331 43279 01 Fees $25 43280 02 BIOL-396A 41932 01 42440 02 42451 03 BIOL-396B 41933 01 42311 02 42315 03 BIOL-413 42699 01 BIOL-423 41934 01 Fees $25 42263 02 42602 03 42709 04 BIOL-424 42543 01 Fees $25 42544 02 BIOL-431 43277 01 Fees $25 43278 02 BIOL-450 41935 01 Fees $25 41936 02 42601 03 BIOL-491A 42687 01 Fees $25 BIOL-555 43281 01 Fees $25 43282 02 BIOL-572 43283 01 19 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. LAB R 11:00AM 01:50PM BI-328 STAFF LAB R 03:00PM 05:50PM BI-328 STAFF LAB R 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-328 STAFF LAB F 08:00AM 10:50AM BI-328 STAFF LAB F 11:00AM 01:50PM BI-328 STAFF LAB F 02:00PM 04:50PM BI-328 STAFF SPEC PROJECTS BIOL 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPEC PROJECTS BIOL 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required LOCAL FLORA 5 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM CS-128 WILLIAMS K Department Consent Required LAB W 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-204 WILLIAMS K SEM MF 12:00PM 01:50PM BI-204 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB F 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-204 STAFF BIOL INVERTEBRATE 6 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM CE-104 POLCYN D LAB R 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-214 POLCYN D R 04:00PM 05:30PM DIRECTED STUDY 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required DIRECTED STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required BIOLOGY OF STEM CELLS 3 Units SEM R 04:00PM 06:50PM CH-135 STAFF GENETICS 5 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM CS-128 BOURNIAS Department Consent Required LAB T 04:00PM 06:50PM BI-329 BOURNIAS LAB R 04:00PM 06:50PM BI-329 BOURNIAS LAB F 12:00PM 02:50PM BI-329 STAFF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY 6 Units SEM TR 11:00AM 12:50PM BI-210 OWRKOWICZ Department Consent Required LAB TR 08:00AM 10:50AM BI-210 OWRKOWICZ PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 6 Units SEM MW 09:20AM 11:10AM CE-107 SKILLMAN J LAB MW 02:30PM 05:20PM BI-204 SKILLMAN J ECOLOGY 5 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CS-128 METCALF A Department Consent Required LAB T 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-204 METCALF A LAB R 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-204 METCALF A RESEARCH IN MICROBIAL GENOMICS 1 Unit LAB R 03:00PM 05:50PM BI-207 STAFF COMPARATIVE BIOMECHANICS 5 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM BI-210 HORNER A LAB MW 02:00PM 03:50PM BI-210 HORNER A VIROLOGY 4 Units SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM CS-128 NEWCOMB L SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 20 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. BIOL-596D 42218 01 Biology (continued) BIOL-573 43285 01 Fees $25 43287 02 BIOL-575A 42288 01 42303 02 BIOL-575B 42515 01 42737 02 BIOL-575C 42452 01 BIOL-575E 42449 01 BIOL-575F 42500 01 BIOL-580 42473 01 BIOL-591 42194 01 BIOL-596A 42216 01 Fees $25 42619 02 Fees $25 42623 03 Fees $25 42624 04 Fees $25 BIOL-596B 42219 01 Fees $25 42312 02 Fees $25 42439 03 Fees $25 42533 04 Fees $25 BIOL-596C 42214 01 Fees $25 42734 02 Fees $25 42735 03 Fees $25 42736 04 Fees $25 42738 05 Fees $25 IMMUNOLOGY 5 Units SEM MWF 12:30PM 01:40PM CE-104 ORWIN P LAB W 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-214 ORWIN P INTERNSHIP IN BIOLOGY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP BIOL: PRE-HEALTH 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERSHIP BIOL: BIOTECHNOLOGY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required INTERNSHIP BIOL: BOTANY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP BIOL: SCI EDUC 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required NEUROBIOLOGY 4 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM CS-128 CHAO M BIOLOGY SEMINAR 1 Unit SEM F 03:30PM 05:00PM CS-142 STAFF INDEPENDENT RESEARCH 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF INDEPENDENT RESEARCH SUP TBA Department Consent Required 2 Units STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF INDEPENDENT RESEARCH SUP TBA Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 3 Units STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF Fees $25 BIOL-596F 42217 01 Fees $25 42713 02 Fees $25 42720 03 Fees $25 BIOL-597 42512 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. INDPENDENT RESEARCH SUP TBA Department Consent Required 4 Units STAFF INDEPENDENT RESEARCH SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required 6 Units STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF 1 Unit STAFF 2 Units NEWCOMB L 2 Units STAFF 2 Units RHOADS D 2 Units STAFF DIRECTED STUDY SCIENCE EDUC SUP TBA Department Consent Required BIOL-600 ADV TOP MOL BIO: RNA BIOLOGY 43289 01 SEM T 01:00PM 02:50PM Department Consent Required BIOL-601 T.A. TRAINING IN BIOL 41937 01 19 LEC TBA Department Consent Required BIOL-620 ADV TOP PLNT BIO 43290 01 SEM W 10:00AM 11:50AM Department Consent Required BIOL-690 GRADUATE SEMINAR 42611 01 SEM TBA Instructor Consent Required 42721 02 SEM TBA BIOL-691 CURRENT TOPICS IN BIOLOGY 42494 01 SEM TBA BIOL-692A GRADUATE RESEARCH METHODS 42304 01 LAB TBA Department Consent Required BIOL-692B GRADUATE RESEARCH METHODS 42301 01 LAB TBA Department Consent Required 42307 02 LAB TBA Department Consent Required 42429 03 LAB TBA Department Consent Required BIOL-692C GRADUATE RESEARCH METHODS 42260 01 LAB TBA Department Consent Required 42413 02 LAB TBA Department Consent Required 42419 03 LAB TBA Department Consent Required 42513 04 LAB TBA Department Consent Required 42524 05 LAB TBA Department Consent Required 42525 06 LAB TBA Department Consent Required BIOL-696A DIRECTED GRAD RESEARCH BIOLOGY 42240 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required BIOL-696B DIRECTED GRAD RESEARCH BIOLOGY 42211 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42305 02 SUP TBA Department Consent Required BIOL-696C DIRECTED GRAD RESEARCH BIOLOGY 42192 01 SUP TBA 42509 02 SUP TBA 42614 03 SUP TBA BIOL-696D DIRECTED GRAD RESEARCH BIOLOGY 42299 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42425 02 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42430 03 SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF 1 Unit STAFF 1 Unit STAFF 2 Units STAFF STAFF STAFF 3 Units STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF 1 Unit STAFF 2 Units STAFF STAFF 3 Units STAFF STAFF STAFF 4 Units STAFF STAFF STAFF SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. BIOL-696F 42499 01 DIRECTED GRAD RESEARCH BIOLOGY SUP TBA Department Consent Required BIOL-698A CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 42201 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42625 02 SUP TBA Department Consent Required BIOL-699A THESIS RESEARCH I 41938 01 6,19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42615 02 SUP TBA Department Consent Required BIOL-699B THESIS RESEARCH II 41939 01 6,19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required BIOL-699C THESIS RESEARCH III 41940 01 3,6,19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42616 02 SUP TBA Department Consent Required BIOL-999 BIOL COMP EXAM 41941 01 19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 6 Units STAFF 1 Unit STAFF ECTS-504 41740 70 ECTS-518 41742 70 ECTS-519 41786 70 41787 71 41844 73 41845 74 ECTS-520 41810 70 ECTS-639 41785 70 ECTS-999 41746 01 TEACHING DES SUBJ SEM TBA Online course PRINCIPL CAREER & TECH EDUC SEM TBA Online course FLD WORK DES SUBJ SUP TBA Online course COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SEM TBA Online course ACT TBA Online course SEM TBA Online course ACT TBA Online course CURR DEV CAREER & TECH SEM TBA Online course PROF COMPTENCIES CAREER & TECH SEM TBA Department Consent Required Online course COMP EXAM SUP TBA Department Consent Required Fees $20 41946 05 41943 06 3 Units STAFF 42490 07 STAFF 3 Units STAFF 3 Units STAFF STAFF 0 Units STAFF 42491 08 42492 09 42493 10 CHEM-205 41947 01 Fees $20 41948 02 41949 03 41950 04 41951 05 41952 06 4 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 4 Units PENDLETON STAFF STAFF STAFF 4 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 0 Units STAFF If class is closed contact the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at 537-5318. Fees $20 42489 02 41945 04 STAFF Chemistry & Biochemistry CHEM-100 41942 01 41944 03 Career and Technical Studies ECTS-501 41741 70 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note CHEM MODERN WORLD 5 Units B3 LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM CS-142 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM CS-142 STAFF Department Consent Required CHEM-207 42228 01 Fees $20 41953 02 41954 03 42292 04 42540 05 CHEM-216 42223 01 64 Fees $20 42224 02 64 Fees $20 41955 03 Fees $20 41956 04 41957 05 41958 06 41959 07 41960 08 42470 09 43252 10 43253 11 43254 12 43255 13 CHEM-222A 42695 01 CHEM-222B 43256 01 Fees $20 43257 02 Fees $20 43258 03 Fees $20 CHEM-223A 42222 01 CHEM-223B 41962 02 Fees $20 41963 03 Fees $20 42469 05 Fees $20 21 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. LAB T 06:00PM 08:50PM CS-129 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB R 06:00PM 08:50PM CS-129 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB R 01:00PM 03:50PM CS-129 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB T 01:00PM 03:50PM CS-129 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB M 10:20AM 01:10PM CS-129 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB M 02:40PM 05:30PM CS-129 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB W 10:20AM 01:10PM CS-129 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB W 02:40PM 05:30PM CS-129 STAFF Department Consent Required FUND GENERAL CHEM 5 Units B3 LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM CS-142 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB M 07:40AM 10:30AM CS-131 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB M 05:00PM 07:50PM CS-131 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB W 07:40AM 10:30AM CS-131 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB F 07:40AM 10:30AM CS-131 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB F 01:00PM 03:50PM CS-131 STAFF Department Consent Required FUND BIOCHEM 5 Units LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM CS-130 STAFF LAB W 01:20PM 04:10PM CS-321 STAFF LAB R 08:00AM 10:50AM CS-321 STAFF LAB M 09:00AM 11:50AM CS-321 STAFF LAB T 09:00AM 11:50AM CS-321 STAFF GENERAL CHEM II 6 Units LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM CS-130 STAFF LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM CS-130 STAFF LEC MWF 02:40PM 03:50PM CS-130 STAFF LAB MW 07:40AM 10:30AM CS-231 STAFF LAB MW 07:40AM 10:30AM CS-233 STAFF LAB MW 04:00PM 06:50PM CS-231 STAFF LAB MW 04:00PM 06:50PM CS-233 STAFF LAB TR 09:00AM 11:50AM CS-231 STAFF LAB TR 09:00AM 11:50AM CS-233 STAFF LAB TR 12:00PM 02:50PM CS-231 STAFF LAB TR 12:00PM 02:50PM CS-233 STAFF LAB TR 03:00PM 05:50PM CS-231 STAFF LAB TR 03:00PM 05:50PM CS-233 STAFF ORGANIC CHEM II LECTURE 3 Units LEC TR 08:00AM 09:15AM CS-130 STAFF ORGANIC CHEM II LAB 1 Unit LAB T 12:00PM 02:50PM CS-221 STAFF LAB R 03:00PM 05:50PM CS-221 STAFF LAB F 12:00PM 02:50PM CS-221 STAFF ORGANIC CHEM III LECTURE 3 Units LEC MWF 08:00AM 08:50AM PS-010 STAFF ORGANIC CHEM III LAB 1 Unit LAB T 03:00PM 05:50PM CS-221 STAFF LAB F 09:00AM 11:50AM CS-221 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB R 12:00PM 02:50PM CS-221 STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 22 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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Chemistry & Biochemistry (continued) CHEM-295A 41965 01 Fees $20 42732 02 Fees $20 42733 03 Fees $20 CHEM-295B 41966 01 Fees $20 CHEM-301 41967 01 42618 02 CHEM-323 42225 01 Fees $20 41968 02 41969 03 42468 04 CHEM-345 42226 01 Fees $20 41970 02 41971 03 42482 04 CHEM-437A 42229 01 CHEM-438A 42230 01 CHEM-438B 41972 01 Fees $20 41973 02 Fees $20 CHEM-452 42227 01 Fees $20 41974 02 41975 03 43259 04 CHEM-475 41976 01 Fees $20 41977 02 41978 03 CHEM-500 41979 01 3 CHEM-501A 41980 01 3 Fees $20 CHEM-501A 42410 02 Fees $20 CHEM-501A 42411 03 Fees $20 42442 04 Fees $20 CHEM-501A 42448 05 Fees $20 SPEC PROJECT CHEM SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required 1 Unit STAFF Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 42534 06 Fees $20 CHEM-501B 42191 01 3 SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF Fees $20 CHEM-501B 42417 02 SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF Fees $20 42418 03 2 Units STAFF Fees $20 CHEM-501B 42620 04 SPEC PROJECT CHEM SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required SERV LEARN CHEM 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required PRIN ORG CHEM III 5 Units LEC MW 07:40AM 08:55AM CS-130 STAFF LAB MW 09:00AM 11:50AM CS-221 STAFF LAB MW 12:00PM 02:50PM CS-221 STAFF LAB TR 09:00AM 11:50AM CS-221 STAFF MODERN QUANT ANALYSIS 5 Units LEC MWF 12:20PM 01:10PM CS-122 STAFF LAB MW 09:00AM 11:50AM CS-336 STAFF LAB TR 08:00AM 10:50AM CS-336 STAFF LAB MW 01:20PM 04:10PM CS-336 STAFF BIOCHEMISRY LECTURE II 3 Units LEC MWF 12:00PM 12:50PM JB-262 STAFF BIOCHEMISTRY LECTURE III 3 Units LEC MWF 12:00PM 12:50PM PS-204 STAFF BIOCHEMISTRY LAB III 1 Unit LAB R 02:00PM 04:50PM CS-321 STAFF LAB F 07:40AM 10:30AM CS-321 STAFF PHYSICAL CHEM BIOCHEM II 5 Units LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM CS-122 STAFF LAB T 09:00AM 11:50AM CS-335 STAFF LAB T 02:00PM 04:50PM CS-335 STAFF LAB F 01:00PM 03:50PM CS-335 STAFF INORGANIC CHEM 5 Units SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM CS-222 STAFF LAB M 02:40PM 05:30PM CS-335 STAFF LAB W 02:40PM 05:30PM CS-335 STAFF TOP IN CHEM: MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 2 Units SEM T 12:00PM 01:50PM CS-122 STAFF ADV LAB TECHQ: ORGANIC 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required ADV LAB TECHQ: ANALYT CHEM SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required 1 Unit STAFF ADV LAB TECHQ: ORGANIC SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required 1 Unit STAFF STAFF 1 Unit STAFF SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required ADV LAB TECHQ SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required Fees $20 CHEM-545 41981 01 Fees $20 41982 02 CHEM-575A 42501 01 Meeting Days Hours SUP TBA Department Consent Required Bldg. 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STAFF ADV LAB TECHQ: ANALYT CHEM SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required 2 Units STAFF ADV LAB TECHQ: ORGANIC SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required 2 Units STAFF STAFF 2 Units STAFF SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required ADV LAB TECHQ: SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS 6 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CS-222 STAFF LAB TR 02:00PM 04:50PM CS-336 STAFF INTERNSHIP IN CHEMISTRY 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CHEM-575B INTERNSHIP IN CHEMISTRY 2 Units 42261 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CHEM-575C INTERNSHIP IN CHEMISTRY 3 Units 42506 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CHEM-575D INTRNSHIP IN CHEM 4 Units 42431 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CHEM-575E INTERSHIP IN CHEMISTRY 5 Units 42443 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CHEM-590A CHEMISTRY SEMINAR I 1 Unit 41983 01 SEM R 11:00AM 11:50AM CS-122 STAFF CHEM-590B CHEMISTRY SEMINAR II 1 Unit 41984 01 SEM R 11:00AM 11:50AM CS-130 STAFF CHEM-595A INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 Unit 41985 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Fees $20 CHEM-595B INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 41986 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Fees $20 CHEM-595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 41987 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Fees $20 CHEM-595E INDEPENDENT STUDY 5 Units 42428 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Fees $20 CHEM-597 DIR STUDY SCIENCE EDUC 1 Unit 42609 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CHEM-599 UNDERGRAD COMP EXAM 0 Units 42290 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CHEM-695E SUPERVISED GRAD STUDY CHEMSTRY 5 Units 42444 01 SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required Fees $25 42527 02 SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required Fees $25 CHEM-698A CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 1 Unit 42522 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note CHEM-698B 42257 01 42420 02 CHEM-698D 42207 01 CHEM-699 42256 01 42531 02 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT SUP TBA Department Consent Required GRAD PROJ OR THESIS SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required 2 Units STAFF STAFF 4 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF STAFF 5 Units STAFF 5 Units STAFF 5 Units STAFF 5 Units STAFF 0 Units STAFF Child Development CD -611E 40590 01 CD -612E 40591 01 CD -695 40602 01 CD -699 40603 01 CD -999 40604 01 ADV INDEPENDENT STUDY SUP TBA Department Consent Required DIRECTED READINGS SUP TBA Department Consent Required GRADUATE PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required THESIS SUP TBA Department Consent Required COMP EXAM SUP TBA Department Consent Required Chinese CHIN-102 43033 01 Fees $15 CHIN-103 43034 01 Fees $15 COLLEGE CHINESE II 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-212 SHIH H COLLEGE CHINESE III 4 Units C3 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-212 SHIH H Communication Studies COMM-120 41290 01 41388 02 41291 03 41292 04 41384 05 41293 06 41294 07 41385 08 41295 09 41296 10 41352 11 41386 12 41353 13 41297 14 41358 15 41359 16 41360 17 41361 18 41364 19 ORAL COMMUNICATION 4 Units A2 SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM UH-247 DRAKE-GRE SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM UH-057 STAFF SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-057 SHELTON S SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-061 STAFF SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-247 STAFF SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-057 SHELTON S SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-247 WORKS B SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-042 STAFF SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-057 STAFF SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-247 STAFF SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-264 STAFF SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-057 STAFF SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-247 STAFF SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-248 STAFF SEM MWF 02:40PM 03:50PM UH-057 STAFF SEM MWF 02:40PM 03:50PM UH-247 STAFF SEM MWF 02:40PM 03:50PM UH-264 STAFF SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-057 STAFF SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-057 STAFF Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 41365 20 41366 21 41367 22 41368 23 41373 24 41377 25 43409 26 43410 27 43411 28 43412 29 43413 30 43414 31 43415 32 COMM-180 41298 01 41299 02 41362 03 41389 04 43418 05 COMM-200 41300 01 COMM-225 43419 01 COMM-240 41301 01 43420 02 COMM-243A 41302 01 3 COMM-243B 41303 01 3 COMM-243D 41378 01 COMM-304 41304 01 41305 02 41370 03 43422 04 COMM-306 41306 01 41391 70 COMM-307 43421 01 COMM-309 41307 01 41392 02 COMM-311 41351 01 COMM-320 41380 01 COMM-321 41308 01 41394 02 COMM-341 41395 01 COMM-344 41309 01 COMM-346 41310 01 1 Fees $20 41311 02 1 41312 03 1 COMM-365 43423 01 COMM-381 41403 01 COMM-399A 41313 01 COMM-399B 41314 01 41379 02 23 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM UH-057 DRAKE-GRE SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM UH-247 STAFF SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-057 STAFF SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-247 COOLEY D SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-263 STAFF SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-057 STAFF SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-247 STAFF SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-263 STAFF SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-057 PATZOLD S SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-247 STAFF SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-057 PATZOLD S SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-057 STAFF SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-247 STAFF CRIT THINK THRU ARGUMENT 4 Units A4 SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM UH-042 PATE J SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-042 PATE J SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-042 BIGGERSTAF SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-266 BIGGERSTAF SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-042 BIGGERSTAF INTRO COMM STUDIES 4 Units LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-106 WORKS B FUND INTERPERSONAL COMM 4 Units LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-242 DICKSON R WRITING FOR MEDIA 4 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-038 HANSLER K SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-038 SMART J COMM PRAC:PRINT & ONLINE JRNL 3 Units ACT TR 12:00PM 02:50PM UH-038 SMART J COMM PRAC:RADIO 3 Units ACT MWF 09:20AM 11:10AM PL-266 DRAKE-GRE COMM PRAC:PUB RELATIONS 3 Units ACT TR 04:00PM 06:50PM UH-038 RIVERA J INTERCULTURAL COMM 4 Units G2 SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM UH-249 BAHK C SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-249 BAHK C SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-266 FOWLIE J SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-042 FOWLIE J COMM THEORY 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-042 GOTCH D SEM TBA HEISTERKAM Online course RHETORICAL THEORY 4 Units LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-241 HEISTERKAM DIGITAL MEDIA & COMMUNICATION 4 Units SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-249 CORRIGAN T SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-257 STAFF BUS & PROF COMM 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-042 COOLEY D MEDIA HISTORY & INSTITUTIONS 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-241 CORRIGAN T MEDIA & CULTURE 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-245 METTS C SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-245 ALGAN E PR THEORY & PRACTICE 4 Units SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-042 MUHTASEB A PR COMM 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-242 RIVERA J TV&VIDEO FLD PROD 5 Units LEC MW 09:20AM 11:10AM UH-249 METTS C ACT M 11:20AM 01:40PM UH-025 METTS C ACT W 11:20AM 01:40PM UH-025 METTS C TOPICS IN MEDIA STUDIES 4 Units LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-115 OWEN K DEV OF MOTION PIC 4 Units SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-042 STAFF COMM SERV PROJECT 1 Unit SUP TBA SALVADOR M Department Consent Required COMM SERV PROJECT 2 Units SUP TBA SALVADOR M Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 24 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Communication Studies (continued) COMM-400 41315 01 41387 70 COMM RESRCH METHS 4 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PL-245 CORRIGAN T SEM TBA POPESCU M Online course COMM-401 GENDER, RACE & MEDIA 4 Units G2 41316 01 SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM PL-245 ALGAN E 41375 02 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-249 STAFF 43451 03 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-257 STAFF COMM-403 INTERPERSONAL REL 4 Units 41396 01 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-257 DICKSON R COMM-421 ORGANIZATION COMM 4 Units 41397 01 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-283 DICKSON R COMM-424 FILM ANALYSIS 4 Units 41381 01 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-245 STAFF COMM-431 CLASSROOM COMM 4 Units 41317 01 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-242 GOTCH D COMM-442 PR CAMPAIGNS 4 Units 41318 01 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-245 GIRARD D COMM-444A ADV COMM PRAC:TV 3 Units 41319 01 3 ACT TR 04:00PM 06:50PM UH-043 WICHMAN M COMM-444B ADV COMM PRAC:RESEARCH 3 Units 41320 01 ACT TBA SALVADOR M Department Consent Required COMM-444C ADV COMM PRAC:RESEARCH 2 Units 41349 01 ACT TBA SALVADOR M Department Consent Required COMM-471 INTERNATIONAL COMM 4 Units 43452 01 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-243 ALGAN E COMM-491 ETHICAL ASPECTS COMM 4 Units 41369 01 SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-264 HEISTERKAM 41371 02 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-025 STAFF Televised Crs-origination site COMM-499 SENIOR PROJECT 1 Unit 41321 01 ACT T 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-277 COOLEY D 41322 02 ACT W 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-277 COOLEY D 41355 03 ACT R 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-277 COOLEY D COMM-506 MEDIA SEX AND VIOLENCE 4 Units 41374 01 SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM PL-245 BAHK C COMM-522 MEDIATION THEORY & PRACTICE 4 Units 43454 01 SEM S 01:30PM 05:20PM UH-062 JANDT F COMM-542 CRISIS COMMUNICATION 4 Units 41323 01 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-245 GIRARD D COMM-591B INTERNSHIP IN COMM 2 Units 41324 01 3 SUP TBA SALVADOR M Department Consent Required COMM-591C INTERNSHIP IN COMM 3 Units 41326 01 3 SUP TBA SALVADOR M Department Consent Required COMM-591D INTERNSHIP IN COMM 4 Units 41328 01 3 SUP TBA SALVADOR M Department Consent Required COMM-591E INTERNSHIP IN COMM 5 Units 41330 01 3 SUP TBA SALVADOR M Department Consent Required COMM-595B INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 41345 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM-595C INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units 41348 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM-595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 41346 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM-595E INDEPENDENT STUDY 5 Units 41347 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM-602 QUANTITATIVE METHODS 4 Units 41332 01 19 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM UH-240 POPESCU M COMM-685 PROPOSAL/COMP EXAM PREG 2 Units 41363 01 SUP TBA MUHTASEB A Instructor Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. COMM-686 GRADUATE PROJECT 5 Units 41333 01 19 SUP TBA MUHTASEB A Department Consent Required COMM-689 TEACHING PRACTICUM 1 Unit 41335 01 3,19 SUP T 02:00PM 03:00PM UH-263 GOTCH D Department Consent Required COMM-691 SEMINAR IN PR 4 Units 43457 01 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM UH-240 GIRARD D COMM-695B GRADUATE INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 41354 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM-695C GRADUATE INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units 41336 01 19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM-695D GRADUATE INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 41337 01 19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM-695E GRADUATE INDEPENDENT STUDY 5 Units 41338 01 19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM-697B INTERNSHIP IN COMMUNICATION 2 Units 41339 01 3,19 SUP TBA MUHTASEB A Department Consent Required COMM-697C INTERNSHIP IN COMMUNICATION 3 Units 41340 01 3,19 SUP TBA MUHTASEB A Department Consent Required COMM-697D INTERNSHIP IN COMMUNICATION 4 Units 41341 01 19 SUP TBA MUHTASEB A Department Consent Required COMM-697E INTERNSHIP IN COMMUNICATION 5 Units 41342 01 19 SUP TBA MUHTASEB A Department Consent Required COMM-698D CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 4 Units 41372 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM-698Z CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 0 Units 41350 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM-699 THESIS 5 Units 41343 01 19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM-999 COMP EXAM 0 Units 41344 01 19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Computer Science & Engineering CSE -122 42324 01 CSE -125 42325 01 Fees $30 42326 02 42327 03 CSE -129 42328 01 42329 02 CSE -201 42330 01 Fees $30 42331 02 42332 03 42333 04 Fees $30 42334 05 CSE -202 42335 01 Fees $30 42336 02 42337 03 BIOINFORMATICS 2 Units B4 LEC R 12:00PM 01:50PM HP-124 DEVLIN K PROGRMNG IN BASIC 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:15AM CS-128 WATSON P ACT T 11:30AM 01:20PM JB-360 WATSON P ACT R 11:30AM 01:20PM JB-360 WATSON P SCIENCE, COMPUTING & SOCIETY 2 Units B4 LEC T 12:00PM 01:50PM HP-124 DEVLIN K LEC T 02:00PM 03:50PM HP-124 DEVLIN K COMP SCI I 4 Units LEC MW 12:00PM 01:15PM JB-113 TURNER D ACT M 01:30PM 03:20PM JB-358 TURNER D ACT W 01:30PM 03:20PM JB-358 TURNER D LEC TR 10:00AM 11:15AM JB-146 MURPHY O ACT T 11:30AM 01:20PM JB-358 MURPHY O COMP SCI II 4 Units LEC MW 02:40PM 03:55PM CE-110 ZEMOUDEH ACT M ACT W 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-359 ZEMOUDEH 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-359 ZEMOUDEH SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note CSE -313 42338 01 Fees $30 42339 02 42415 03 CSE -320 42340 01 Fees $30 42341 02 42342 03 CSE -330 42343 01 Fees $30 42344 02 42345 03 CSE -366 42346 01 Fees $30 42347 02 CSE -401 42348 01 Fees $30 42349 02 42412 03 CSE -403 42497 04 Fees $30 42498 05 CSE -408 42603 01 Fees $30 42604 02 CSE -441 42350 01 Fees $30 42351 02 CSE -455 43388 01 Fees $30 43389 02 43390 03 CSE -460 42352 01 Fees $30 42353 02 CSE -461 43645 01 Fees $30 43646 02 43647 03 CSE -482 42354 01 42355 02 42414 03 42453 04 CSE -511 43644 01 CSE -541 43626 01 Fees $30 43627 02 CSE -550 42593 01 42594 02 CSE -565 42356 01 CSE -575 42357 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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MACHINE ORGANIZATION 4 Units LEC MW 10:00AM 11:15AM JB-140 GEORGIOU ACT M 11:30AM 01:20PM JB-360 GEORGIOU ACT W 11:30AM 01:20PM JB-360 GEORGIOU PROGRAMMING LANGS 4 Units LEC MW 12:00PM 01:15PM PL-263 GOMEZ E ACT M 01:30PM 03:20PM JB-359 GOMEZ E ACT W 01:30PM 03:20PM JB-359 GOMEZ E DATA STRUCTURES 4 Units LEC MW 12:00PM 01:15PM UH-042 GEORGIOU ACT M 01:30PM 03:20PM JB-356 GEORGIOU ACT W 01:30PM 03:20PM JB-356 GEORGIOU SYSTEMS NETWORKING 4 Units LEC MW 06:00PM 07:15PM JB-356 HAN K Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 42358 02 42532 03 CSE -595A 42359 01 CSE -595B 42360 01 CSE -595C 42361 01 42528 02 CSE -595D 42362 01 ACT M 07:30PM 09:20PM JB-356 HAN K CONTEMP COMPUTER ARCH 5 Units LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM CS-128 GOMEZ E 42436 02 ACT T 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-360 GOMEZ E ACT R 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-360 GOMEZ E CIRCUIT DESIGN & ANALYSIS 4 Units SEM TR 01:00PM 02:15PM TO-146C SUN Q 42450 04 LAB TR 02:30PM 04:00PM TO-146C SUN Q SUSTAINABLE ENGINEER DESIGN 4 Units LEC MW 01:30PM 02:45PM TO-146C QIAO H LAB MW 03:00PM 04:15PM TO-146C QIAO H GAME PROGRAMMING 4 Units LEC TR 12:00PM 01:15PM JB-146 TURNER D LAB R 01:30PM 03:20PM JB-360 TURNER D SOFTWARE ENGINEER 4 Units LEC MW 06:00PM 07:15PM JB-113 CNCEPCION LAB MW 07:39PM 08:50PM JB-358 CNCEPCION LAB MW 07:30PM 08:50PM JB-359 CNCEPCION OPERATING SYSTEMS 4 Units LEC MW 12:00PM 01:15PM JB-146 ZEMOUDEH ACT M 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-359 ZEMOUDEH ADV OPERATING SYSTEMS 4 Units LEC TR 02:00PM 03:15PM JB-111 MURPHY O ACT T 03:30PM 05:20PM JB-358 MURPHY O ACT R 03:30PM 05:20PM JB-358 MURPHY O SENIOR PROJECT 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EXPERT SYSTEMS 4 Units LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-360 CNCEPCION ROBOTICS AND CONTROL 4 Units SEM TR 09:00AM 10:15AM JB-356 QIAO H LAB R 10:30AM 12:20PM JB-356 QIAO H ADV BIOINF I: SEQ ANALYSIS 4 Units LEC TR 03:00PM 04:15PM JB-356 KARANT Y LAB R 04:30PM 06:20PM JB-356 KARANT Y SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING 4 Units LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-146 KARANT Y INTERNSHIP CSE 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 42441 03 CSE -621 43651 01 CSE -630 42363 01 CSE -640 43482 01 CSE -660 42364 01 Fees $30 42365 02 CSE -680 43515 01 Fees $30 42585 02 CSE -689 42366 01 CSE -690B 42367 01 CSE -690C 42368 01 CSE -690D 42369 01 CSE -690E 42370 01 42447 02 CSE -695B 42371 01 42445 02 CSE -695C 42372 01 CSE -695D 42373 01 42523 02 42530 03 CSE -698D 42374 01 25 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CONTEMP COMP GRAPHICS 4 Units LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-359 YU T THEORY ALGORITHMS & ANALYSIS 4 Units LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-146 GEORGIOU ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 4 Units LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-114 WU Z OPER SYS CONCEPTS & THEORY 4 Units LEC TR 06:00PM 07:15PM CS-222 YU T ACT R 07:30PM 09:20PM JB-356 YU T DISTRIBUTED DATA MGMT SYS 4 Units LEC TR 04:00PM 05:15PM JB-114 MENDOZA J ACT R 05:30PM 07:20PM JB-358 MENDOZA J COMP EXAM 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required MASTERS PROJECT 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required MASTERS PROJECT 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required MASTERS PROJECT 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required MASTERS PROJECT 5 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required GRAD INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required GRAD INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required GRAD INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 26 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Computer Science & Engineering (continued) CSE -698Z 42375 01 CSE -699B 42376 01 CSE -699C 42377 01 CSE -699D 42378 01 CSE -699E 42379 01 CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT SUP TBA Department Consent Required THESIS SUP TBA Department Consent Required THESIS SUP TBA Department Consent Required THESIS SUP TBA Department Consent Required THESIS SUP TBA Department Consent Required 0 Units STAFF 2 Units STAFF 3 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 5 Units STAFF Correctional and Alternative EDCA-999 41729 01 COMP EXAM SUP TBA Department Consent Required 0 Units STAFF Criminal Justice CJUS-101 40056 01 CJUS-102 40057 01 CJUS-106 40722 01 CJUS-311 40058 01 40330 02 CJUS-312 40059 01 40427 70 CJUS-320 40060 01 40513 02 CJUS-330 40601 02 40670 70 CJUS-340 40061 01 40581 02 CJUS-370 40400 01 CJUS-431 43510 01 CJUS-440 43511 70 CJUS-441 40511 01 CJUS-451 40062 01 CJUS-462 43546 01 INTRO CRIM JUST I 4 Units LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-128 WOLBECK E CRIMINAL LAW 4 Units LEC M 06:00PM 09:50PM CS-142 KHOURY R CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 4 Units LEC W 06:00PM 09:50PM CS-142 KRAUS D RSRCH METH IN CJUS 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM TC-015 SCHOEPFER SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PS-223 BICHLER G STATISTICS IN CJUS 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM MARTEACHE SEM TBA KREMLING J Online course THEOR CRIME&DELINQ 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM SB-213 TIBBETTS S Web with classroom component SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-213 FAMEGA C CORRECTIONAL THEORY&INST 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM SB-213 WEISS D SEM TBA KREMLING J Online course POLICE&POLICE SYS 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-213 FAMEGA C SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM SB-213 BECKNELL K LAW & COURTS 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM TC-015 CHRISTIE J COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS 4 Units SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM SB-213 WEISS D POLICE ADMIN 4 Units LEC TBA GAINES L Online course COMMUNITY POLICING 4 Units SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM SB-213 BECKNELL K WOMEN & CRIME 4 Units G2 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM TC-015 NORRIS A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE & CJUS 4 Units SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM SB-213 WOLBECK E Class Sec Foot- No. No. note CJUS-466 43513 01 CJUS-470 43514 01 CJUS-504 40582 01 CJUS-550 43516 01 CJUS-575 40063 01 3 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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JUSTICE & MEDIA 4 Units SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM TC-015 CHRISTIE J ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME PREVENTION 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-213 MARTEACHE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE 4 Units LEC T 06:00PM 09:50PM TC-015 SCHERTELL CRIME & INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS 5 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 09:50PM SB-106 BICHLER G INTERN CRIM JUST 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CJUS-585 CRIMINALITY ACROSS LIFE COURSE 4 Units 43517 01 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM SB-213 TIBBETTS S Web with classroom component CJUS-595A INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 Unit 40064 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CJUS-595B INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 40065 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CJUS-595C INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units 40066 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CJUS-595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 40067 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CJUS-596 PEER ADVISING CRIMINAL JUSTICE 2 Units 40527 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CJUS-597 SR HONORS PROJECT 4 Units 40068 01 10 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CJUS-598 INTEGRATIVE STUDIES IN CJUS 4 Units 40522 01 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM TC-015 REITZEL J 40069 70 SEM TBA SCHOEPFER Online course CJUS-604 ADV TECH CJUS RSRCH 4 Units 40404 70 SEM TBA OL-ONLINEREITZEL J Online course CJUS-629 MINORITIES IN CJ SYS 4 Units 40515 70 SEM TBA NORRIS A Online course CJUS-650A DIRECTED STUDY 1 Unit 40070 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CJUS-650B DIRECTED STUDY 2 Units 40071 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CJUS-650C DIRECTED STUDY 3 Units 40072 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CJUS-650D DIRECTED STUDY 4 Units 40526 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CJUS-686 REVIEW IN CJUS 1 Unit 40074 01 19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CJUS-698Z CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 0 Units 40331 01 SUP TBA STAFF CJUS-699A THESIS I 4 Units 40075 01 6,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40623 02 SUP TBA STAFF CJUS-699B THESIS II 4 Units 40076 01 6,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40749 02 SUP TBA STAFF CJUS-999 CJUS COMP EXAM 0 Units 40077 01 19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Curriculum and Instruction EDCI-628 EDUC ASSESSMENT K-12 4 Units 41612 01 1,19 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-303 STAFF EDCI-633 HIST OF EDUC IN U.S. 4 Units 41796 01 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-364 STAFF EDCI-663 COMP EVAL CURR&INSTR 2 Units 41613 01 1,19 SEM R 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-313 STAFF EDCI-999 COMP EXAM 0 Units 41614 01 19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Dance DAN -200A 41407 01 DAN -200C 43548 01 DAN -200D 41409 01 DAN -300A 41408 01 DAN -300D 41410 01 DAN -310D 41412 01 41413 02 DAN -481 41411 01 41414 02 DAN -580 41415 01 STUDIES IN DANCE:JAZZ 2 Units ACT MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PE-104 STAFF STUDIES IN DANCE:TAP 2 Units ACT TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PA-138 STAFF STUDIES IN DANCE:BALLET 2 Units ACT TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PE-104 STAFF DANCE TECHNIQUE:JAZZ 2 Units ACT MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM STAFF DANCE TECHNIQUE:BALLET 2 Units ACT TR 12:00PM 01:50PM STAFF WORLD DANCE TRADITION:ASIAN 2 Units SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ACT F 06:00PM 07:55PM STAFF CREATIVE DANCE IN CLASSROOM 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CH-117 STAFF SEM MW 10:00AM 11:50AM CH-117 STAFF ADV CREATIVE DANCE METHODS 4 Units SEM TBA STAFF Economics ECON-200 40078 01 40079 02 40080 03 40410 70 ECON-202 40082 01 40083 02 40084 03 40085 70 ECON-300 40661 01 ECON-335 40664 01 ECON-372 40411 01 ECON-410 40086 01 ECON-450 40380 01 ECON-490 40412 01 ECON-500 40087 01 ECON-530 43261 01 ECON-575 40088 01 3 PRIN MICROECONOMICS 4 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM TC-016 ASHEGHIAN SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM TC-017 ASHEGHIAN SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM TC-016 MACDONALD SEM TBA OL-ONLINEALDANA C Online course PRIN MACROECONOMICS 4 Units SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM TC-016 NILSSON E SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM TC-017 NILSSON E SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM TC-017 KONYAR K SEM TBA OL-ONLINEALDANA C Online course INTER MACROECONOMICS 4 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-269 PIERCE T TOOLS ECON ANALYSIS 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-105 MACDONALD BUSINESS CYCLES 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-105 DULGEROFF MONEY & BANKING 4 Units SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM PL-269 PIERCE T GLOBAL ECONOMY 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-205 ASHEGHIAN INTRO ECONOMETRICS 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-105 KONYAR K HIST ECON THOUGHT 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-269 TORUNO M THE GOOD ECONOMY 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM SB-214 NILSSON E INTERN IN ECON 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 27 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours ECON-595A INDEPENDENT STUDY 40089 01 3,4 SUP TBA Department Consent Required ECON-595B INDEPENDENT STUDY 40090 01 3,4 SUP TBA Department Consent Required ECON-595C INDEPENDENT STUDY 40091 01 3,4 SUP TBA Department Consent Required ECON-595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 40092 01 3,4 SUP TBA Department Consent Required Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 1 Unit STAFF 2 Units STAFF 3 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF Education English to Speakers of other Languages EESL-543 41773 70 TESOL LISTENING AND SPEAKING 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEMARCY P Online course EESL-544 READING FOR TESOL 4 Units 41744 70 SEM TBA OL-ONLINEHOWARD K Online course EESL-545 WRITING METHODS IN TESOL 4 Units 41701 01 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-209 HOWARD K EESL-660 SEC LANG ACQ RES 4 Units 41816 01 SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-209 DIAZ-RICO EESL-679 FIELDWORK TESOL 4 Units 41755 70 SUP TBA OL-ONLINEDIAZ-RICO Online course EESL-685 RESEARCH IN TESOL 4 Units 41745 70 SEM TBA OL-ONLINEHOWARD K Online course EESL-999 COMP EXAM 0 Units 41677 01 19 SUP TBA DIAZ-RICO Department Consent Required Education EDUC-250 DEMOCRACY AND EDUCATION 4 Units 41792 01 SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-313 STAFF EDUC-306 EXPOSITORY WRITING EDUC 4 Units F 41615 01 23 LEC M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-109 STAFF Department Consent Required Must have completed GE A1 Jr+ 41616 02 23 LEC T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-109 STAFF Department Consent Required Must have completed GE A1 Jr+ 41774 03 LEC W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-109 STAFF Department Consent Required Must have completed GE A1 Jr+ EDUC-350 HISTORY OF SCHOOLING 4 Units 41793 01 SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM CE-217 STAFF EDUC-360 EDUC FOR PEACE & NONVIOLENCE 4 Units 41794 01 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-209 STAFF EDUC-542D SEMINAR IN EDUCATION 4 Units 41887 01 SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-595A INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 Unit 41617 01 4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-595B INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 41618 01 4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41619 02 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 28 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Education (continued) EDUC-595C 41621 01 4 INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41622 02 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 41623 01 4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41624 02 4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-600 MASTER’S PROJECT 4 Units 41629 01 6,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41630 02 19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-601A ADV IND STDY EDUC 1 Unit 41650 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41651 02 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-601B ADV IND STDY EDUC 2 Units 41653 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41654 02 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-601C ADV IND STDY EDUC 3 Units 41655 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41656 02 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-601D ADV IND STDY EDUC 4 Units 41659 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41660 02 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-603 EFF COMM IN EDUC 4 Units 41736 01 19 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-313 STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-605 FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION 4 Units 41748 01 19,89 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-302 STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-607 INTRO TO EDUC RESEARCH 4 Units 41838 01 19 SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-302 STAFF Department Consent Required 41715 70 19,89 SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Online course EDUC-615 EXPL ARTS/CREATIVITY/SIGN SYST 4 Units 41815 01 LEC T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-355 STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-698Z CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 0 Units 41709 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-707 QUANTITATIVE METHODS 4 Units 41768 01 SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-712 QUALITATIVE METHODS 4 Units 41702 01 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required Televised Crs-origination site EDUC-714 EDUC SYSTEMS AS CULT&SOC SYS 4 Units 41703 01 SEM S 08:00AM 11:50AM STAFF Department Consent Required EDUC-718 STRAT PLAN,ACCOUNT & CHANGE 5 Units 41805 01 SEM TBA STAFF 41808 02 ACT TBA STAFF EDUC-780D TOPIC EDUC LEADERSHIP 4 Units 41770 01 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required Televised Crs-origination site Class Sec Foot- No. No. note EDUC-790 41725 01 41726 04 EDUC-795B 41764 01 EDUC-795D 41760 01 41765 02 41769 03 EDUC-799B 41738 01 EDUC-799D 41739 01 EDUC-799F 41731 01 EDUC-999 41712 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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RESEARCH SEMINAR SEM S 12:00PM 02:00PM Department Consent Required SEM S 12:00PM 02:00PM Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY SUP TBA Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required DISSERTATION SUP TBA Department Consent Required DISSERTATION SUP TBA Department Consent Required DISSERTATION SUP TBA Department Consent Required COMP EXAM SUP TBA Instructor Consent Required 1 Unit STAFF STAFF 2 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF STAFF STAFF 2 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 6 Units STAFF 0 Units STAFF Educational Administration EADM-601 41704 17 EDUCATIONAL LDRSHP/ETHICS 4 Units SEM S 08:30AM 04:30PM STAFF Course located off-campus EADM-610 SUPERVISION&EVAL TEACHERS 4 Units 41596 17 SEM W 05:00PM 08:50PM STAFF Course located off-campus EADM-613 SCHOOL PERSONNEL MGMT 4 Units 41714 01 SEM W 05:00PM 08:50PM CE-303 STAFF EADM-619 POLICY/GOVERNANCE/LEGAL ASPCTS 4 Units 41713 01 SEM T 05:00PM 08:50PM CE-303 STAFF EADM-620 PRACTICUM IN EDUC ADMIN 1 Unit 41598 17 SEM TBA STAFF Course located off-campus EADM-621A FIELDWORK EDUC ADMIN I 2 Units 41599 01 19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41706 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41707 03 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41722 04 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41723 05 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41732 06 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41733 07 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41734 08 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EADM-621B FIELDWORK EDUC ADMIN II 2 Units 41708 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41719 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41720 03 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EADM-626B SS&TRNDS SCH ADM:CORE STNDRDS 1 Unit 41766 17 SEM TBA STAFF Course located off-campus SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. EADM-626C 41759 01 EADM-630B 41601 01 19 EADM-681 41875 01 EADM-682 41876 01 EADM-685 41603 01 19 EADM-686 41604 01 19 EADM-692 41602 01 ISS & TRNDS SCH ADM:S.T.E.M 1 Unit SEM W 04:00PM 04:50PM CE-303 STAFF INTERNSHIP IN EADM 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF VISION AND LEARNING 3 Units SEM S 11:00AM 02:50PM STAFF CULTURE FOR LRNG/PROF GROWTH 3 Units SEM TBA STAFF LEADERSHIP CAPACITY/ETHICS 3 Units SEM TBA STAFF FACTORS OF SCHOOL CONTEXT 3 Units SEM TBA STAFF COMPREHENSIVE EVAL EDUC ADMIN 4 Units SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EADM-699 THESIS 4 Units 41605 01 19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EADM-730 POLITICS/LEG ACT/EDUC CHANGE 4 Units 41716 01 SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EADM-732 FISCAL PLAN & FACILITIES MGMT 5 Units 41717 01 SEM S 08:00AM 11:50AM STAFF Department Consent Required 41721 02 ACT TBA STAFF EADM-999 COMP EXAM:EDUC ADM 0 Units 41710 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Educational Counseling ECLG-542B SEM ED CNSLING EBP SCHOOL PSY 2 Units 43341 01 SEM TBA NELSON R ECLG-632 ADV PSYCH FOUND OF EDUC 4 Units 43384 01 19 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-213 KOWALSKI K 43385 02 19 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-217 STEWART D ECLG-633 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT COUNSELING 4 Units 41824 01 19 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-364 STAFF ECLG-649 ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 5 Units 41606 01 13,19 LEC T 04:00PM 07:50PM CE-213 PARRES F Fees $80 41607 02 13,19 SUP TBA PARRES F ECLG-650 CAREER COUNSELING 4 Units 43386 01 19 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-353 SCHNORR D 43387 02 19 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-113 SLICK T ECLG-656 COUNSELING THEORIES 4 Units 41608 01 19 SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-217 STEWART D 41823 02 19 SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-213 CLAUS P ECLG-663 GENDER AND SEXUALITY 4 Units 41835 01 19 LEC S 09:00AM 05:00PM CE-213 LANG C ECLG-667 CONFLICT RESOLUTION 4 Units 41826 01 19 LAB F 05:00PM 08:50PM CE-213 WINSLADE J 41864 02 19 LAB F 05:00PM 08:50PM CE-217 STAFF ECLG-669 PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 4 Units 41883 70 89 LEC TBA OL-ONLINEHEDTKE L Online course 41884 71 89 LEC TBA OL-ONLINEWILLIAMS Online course ECLG-679 COUNSELING FIELD EXPERIENCE 4 Units 41756 01 19 SUP W 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-213 STAFF 41757 02 19 SUP W 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-217 STAFF 41832 03 19 SUP W 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-104 STAFF 41833 04 19 SUP W 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-109 STAFF ECLG-686A SCHOOL PSYC PRACTICUM I 4 Units 41822 01 SEM R 04:00PM 07:50PM CE-213 NELSON R Department Consent Required 41871 02 19 PRA TBA NELSON R Department Consent Required 41872 03 SEM R 04:00PM 07:50PM CE-217 PARRES F Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 29 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 41873 04 19 PRA TBA PARRES F Department Consent Required ECLG-689D SEM/INTERN SCHOOL PSYC 4 Units 41609 01 1,19 LEC T 04:00PM 07:50PM CE-107 NELSON R Fees $80 41610 02 1,19 SUP TBA NELSON R 41698 03 1,19 LEC T 04:00PM 07:50PM CE-217 WIEST D Fees $80 41699 04 1,19 SUP TBA WIEST D ECLG-999 COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION 0 Units 41611 01 SUP TBA HEDTKE L Elementary/Bilingual Education EELB-230 INTRO TO EDUCATION 4 Units 41668 01 13 LEC M 12:00PM 03:50PM CE-316 STAFF 41669 02 13 LEC R 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-364 STAFF 41866 10 LEC TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Course located off-campus EELB-301 GROWTH&DEV SOC-ED CONTEXTS 6 Units 41784 01 LEC W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-355 STAFF Classroom with Web component EELB-312 FAMILY, CULTURE & SCHOOLING 4 Units 43456 01 LEC T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-313 STAFF Department Consent Required EELB-317 EDUC PSYC FOR DIVERSE SOC 4 Units 41671 01 11 LEC W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-353 STAFF Department Consent Required 43455 02 LEC M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-364 STAFF Department Consent Required EELB-423 MATH CURR & PEDAGOGY 4 Units 41673 01 11 SEM M 12:00PM 03:50PM CE-314 STAFF Department Consent Required EELB-425 LIT&SEC LANG ACQUIS,INTERMEDIA 3 Units 41674 01 11 SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-119A STAFF Department Consent Required EELB-520A TPA SEMINAR TASK 1 1 Unit 41798 01 SEM S 09:00AM 09:50AM PL-013 STAFF EELB-520B TPA SEMINAR TASK 2 1 Unit 41799 01 SEM S 10:00AM 10:50AM PL-013 STAFF Department Consent Required EELB-520C TPA SEMINAR TASK 3 1 Unit 41800 01 SEM S 11:00AM 11:50AM PL-013 STAFF Department Consent Required EELB-520D TPA SEMINAR TASK 4 1 Unit 41801 01 SEM S 12:00PM 12:50PM PL-013 STAFF Department Consent Required EELB-532 SCI/HEALTH CURR & PEDAGOGY 4 Units 41675 01 11 SEM W 05:00PM 08:50PM CE-312 STAFF Department Consent Required EELB-533 SOC STDS&ARTS CURR&PEDAGOGY 4 Units 41676 01 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-355 STAFF Department Consent Required 41724 02 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-353 STAFF Department Consent Required EELB-534 SOC STD&ART(PRIM LAN)CUR&PEDAG 4 Units 41853 01 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-302 STAFF Department Consent Required EELB-540A SUP STUDENT TCH MULTI SUBJECT 6 Units 41576 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EELB-540B SUP STUDENT TCH MULTI SUBJECT 6 Units 41577 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EELB-560A SUP INTERN TEACH/MULT SUBJ I 8 Units 41578 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EELB-560B SUP INTERN TEACH/MULT SUBJ II 8 Units 41579 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 30 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Elementary/Bilingual Education (continued) EELB-560C 41580 01 SUP INTERN TEACH/MULT SUBJ III SUP TBA Department Consent Required 8 Units STAFF English ENG -104A 41175 01 41176 02 41177 03 41178 04 41179 05 41180 06 41181 07 41182 08 41183 09 41184 10 41185 11 41187 13 41188 14 41189 15 41231 20 ENG -104B 41194 01 41196 03 41197 04 41217 05 41230 06 ENG -106A 41200 01 41229 02 41240 03 41244 04 41245 05 41246 06 41247 07 41248 08 41249 09 43462 10 41250 11 STRETCH COMP III 4 Units A1 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-256 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-256 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM UH-059 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-058 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-277 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM UH-060 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-263 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-262 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM PL-256 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-059 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM UH-060 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-118 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-109 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-059 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-060 STAFF Department Consent Required STRETCH COMP III MULTILINGUAL 4 Units A1 LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM CE-109 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-107 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-112 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-109 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-262 STAFF Department Consent Required ACCELERATED STRETCH COMP II 4 Units A1 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-264 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-264 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-261 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-261 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM UH-262 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-139 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-118 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-247 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-264 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM UH-061 STAFF LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-144 STAFF Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note ENG -106B 43463 01 43464 02 43465 03 43466 04 43467 05 ENG -107 41198 01 41199 02 41210 03 41211 04 41261 05 41262 06 41263 07 41264 08 43648 09 43649 10 ENG -110 41104 01 ENG -111 41105 01 ENG -170 41106 01 43468 02 ENG -211 41228 01 ENG -212 41268 01 ENG -301B 41107 01 41237 02 41276 03 ENG -303B 41108 01 41109 02 41269 03 ENG -306 41110 01 23 41111 02 23 41112 03 23 41113 04 23 41114 05 23 41115 06 23 41116 07 23 41117 08 23 41118 09 23 41119 10 23 41201 11 41202 12 41270 13 43469 14 ENG -311 41120 01 41121 02 41122 03 ENG -312 41123 01 1 ENG -317 41167 01 ENG -318 41124 01 ENG -319 43650 01 ENG -320 41234 01 41253 02 ENG -323 41203 70 ENG -326 43470 01 43471 70 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. ACCEL STRETCH COMP II MULTLING 4 Units A1 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM CE-115 STAFF LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-263 STAFF LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-104 STAFF LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM CE-108 STAFF LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-249 STAFF ADV FIRST-YEAR COMP 4 Units A1 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-264 STAFF LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM CE-115 STAFF LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-264 STAFF LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-262 STAFF LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-264 STAFF LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-261 STAFF LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM UH-248 STAFF LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-261 STAFF LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-262 STAFF LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-107 STAFF WORLD LIT I 4 Units C2 LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-106 RUML II T Must have completed GE A1 WORLD LIT II 4 Units C2 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-106 STAFF STUDIES IN LIT 4 Units C2 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-106 STAFF LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-116 STAFF ENGLISH LIT II 4 Units SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM UH-240 STAFF ENGLISH LIT III 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-240 DOANE M ANALYSIS AND WRITING OF POETRY 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-261 PIGEON R SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM UH-058 STAFF SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-058 STAFF ANALYSIS & WRITING PROSE FICT 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-058 BROWN J SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-058 STAFF SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-058 COTTER C EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG 4 Units F LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM UH-059 COTTER C LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-059 COTTER C LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-059 STAFF LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-263 STAFF LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-058 STAFF LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-262 STAFF LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM UH-058 STAFF LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-262 STAFF LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-262 STAFF LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-112 STAFF LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-261 STAFF LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-262 STAFF LEC MWF 02:40PM 03:50PM UH-058 STAFF LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-062 STAFF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-240 FEIZZARING SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-240 SMITH W SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-240 FEIZZARING THEOR LANG ACQUIS & LEARNING 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-059 STAFF WRITING POETRY 4 Units LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-058 SWEENEY J WRITING FICTION 4 Units LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-059 BROWN J STD DIVRSE BLCK WOMN WRIT SOC JSTICE4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-261 PAK Y CHILDREN’S LIT 4 Units LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-240 COTTER C LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM UH-242 STAFF CHICANO LITERATURE 4 Units SEM TBA GIL-GOMEZ Online course AMERICAN LIT II 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-240 PAK Y SEM TBA GIL-GOMEZ Online course SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note ENG -327 41125 01 ENG -330 41254 01 ENG -336 41204 01 ENG -385 41126 01 ENG -399A 41127 01 3 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. LIT ADOL & YOUNG ADULTS 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-240 LEMUS F TUTORING WRITING: THRY & PRAC 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-060 ROWAN K WOMEN WRITERS 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-261 PIGEON R LITERARY THEORY&CRITICISM 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-058 HENRY H COMM SERVICE PROJ 1 Unit SUP TBA HYON S Department Consent Required ENG -399B COMM SERVICE PROJ 2 Units 41128 01 SUP TBA HYON S Department Consent Required ENG -418 INTERMEDIATE FICTION WRITING 4 Units 41236 01 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-060 STAFF ENG -420 ENGLISH GRAMMAR I 4 Units 41129 01 SEM TBA SMITH W Online course ENG -423 STDIES IN A LIT THEME LIT CONVRSATIONS4 Units 41272 01 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-060 RAMIREZ L ENG -441 MAJOR AUTHOR(S): SANDRA CISNEROS 4 Units 41255 01 SEM TBA GIL-GOMEZ Online course ENG -463 ADV STDIES IN LITTOPICS CRIME FICTIN 4 Units 43472 01 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-262 PIGEON R ENG -475 SHAKESPEARE I 4 Units 41227 01 SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM UH-261 ANDERSEN J ENG -507 ADV CREATIVE WRIT:POETRY 4 Units 41238 01 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-059 DELGADO J ENG -508 ADV CREATIVE WRITING:FICTION 4 Units 41130 01 SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-061 STAFF ENG -510 ENG SEC CLASSRM 4 Units 41131 01 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-261 RUSHING D ENG -513 SPC GENRES AUTOBIOGRAPHY 4 Units 41239 01 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-060 BROWN J ENG -513 ADV CRTIVE WRT:SPC GENRES 4 Units 41256 02 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-061 STAFF ENG -515 NONFICT OF CONFESS & CONVERS 4 Units 41132 01 3 SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-261 PAEGLE J ENG -516 SENIOR PROJECT 1 Unit 41133 70 SUP TBA HENRY H Online course ENG -517 HONORS PROJECT 2 Units 41134 70 SEM TBA HENRY H Department Consent Required Online course 41205 71 SUP TBA HENRY H Online course ENG -522 IND STUDY WRITING 4 Units 41135 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -524 SOCIOLINGUISTICS 4 Units 41257 01 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-059 SMITH W ENG -526 ENG PHON&PHONOLGY 4 Units 41274 01 SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-060 VICKERS C ENG -543C LIT PUBL: PUBLICATION PROCESS 4 Units 43473 01 SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-061 SWEENEY J ENG -575B INTERNSHIP ENG 2 Units 41153 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -575C INTERNSHIP ENG 3 Units 41221 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -575D INTERNSHIP ENG 4 Units 41212 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -595B STD LIT COMP OR LINGUISTIC 2 Units 41136 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -595C STD LIT COMP OR LINGUISTIC 3 Units 41137 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 31 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. ENG -595D STD LIT COMP OR LINGUISTIC 4 Units 41138 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -595E STD LIT COMP OR LINGUISTIC 5 Units 41139 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -603 SEM IN FICTION: HUMNS IN GEO STRATA 4 Units 43474 01 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-261 HENRY H ENG -607 M.F.A. WORKSHOP POETRY 4 Units 41207 01 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM UH-058 DELGADO J ENG -608 M.F.A. WORKSHOP FICTION 4 Units 41208 01 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM UH-059 LEMUS F ENG -609 PERSPECTIVES ON RESEARCH 4 Units 41206 01 SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-059 ROWAN K ENG -612 CONTEMP COMP&DISCOURSE THEORY 4 Units 41218 01 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-059 STAFF ENG -613 SEMIN RHETORIC&COMPOSITION 4 Units 41283 01 LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-061 GLASCOTT B ENG -615 DISCOURSE ANLYS THEORY&APP 4 Units 43475 01 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-058 FEIZZARING ENG -621 APPRO IMAGINATIVE WRITING 4 Units 43476 01 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-060 DELGADO J ENG -622 CREATIVE WRITERS ON WRITING 4 Units 41220 01 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM UH-264 SWEENEY J ENG -657 SITES OF PRAXIS 4 Units 43477 01 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-061 BOLAND M ENG -662 INTERN IN COMP 2 Units 41219 01 SUP TBA BOLAND M Department Consent Required ENG -663 INTERNSHIP IN LITERATURE 2 Units 41140 01 3,19 SUP TBA MARSHALL D Department Consent Required ENG -664 INTERNSHIP IN ESL TEACHING 2 Units 41141 01 19 SUP TBA VICKERS C Department Consent Required ENG -670 CREATIVE WRITING INTERNSHIP 4 Units 41209 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41224 02 SUP TBA STAFF ENG -695A CULM EXP PREP:THESIS PREP 2 Units 41142 01 19 SEM T 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-241 BOLAND M Department Consent Required ENG -695B CULM EXP PREP:COM EXAM PREP 2 Units 43478 01 SEM R 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-241 BOLAND M ENG -696B GRAD IND STUDY 2 Units 41143 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -696C GRAD IND STUDY 3 Units 41144 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -696D GRAD IND STUDY 4 Units 41145 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -696E GRAD IND STUDY 5 Units 41146 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -697B THESIS & COMP EXAM INDEP STUDY 2 Units 41235 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -697D THESIS&COMP EXAM IND STUDY 4 Units 41147 01 19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -697F THESIS&COMP EXAM IND STUDY 6 Units 41222 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -698B CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 2 Units 41161 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -698C CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 3 Units 41169 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ENG -698D CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 4 Units 41168 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 32 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. English (continued) ENG -698E 41162 01 CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT SUP TBA Department Consent Required ENG -698F CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 41164 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required ENG -698Z CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 41150 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required ENG -699A THESIS 41148 01 19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required ENG -699B THESIS & RESEARCH 41149 01 19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required ENG -999 COMP EXAM 41226 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42809 03 5 Units STAFF 6 Units STAFF 0 Units STAFF 2 Units BOLAND M 2 Units BOLAND M 0 Units BOLAND M Ethnic Studies ES -100 40704 01 ES -394 43405 01 ES -595B 40094 01 3 ES -595D 40095 01 3 40620 02 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note ETHNCTY&RACE AMER 4 Units D4 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-213 LOPEZ E TBA OL-ONLINE Classroom with Web component TOPICS ETHN ST 4 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-224 ORTEGA D TBA OL-ONLINE Classroom with Web component INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Fees $18 42810 04 FIN -435 42790 01 Fees $18 42791 02 FIN -480 43500 01 FIN -485 42807 01 FIN -527 42798 01 FIN -546 42799 01 FIN -575 42792 01 3 FIN -585 42793 01 Fees $18 42794 02 FIN -595B 42803 01 Fees $18 42789 02 FINANCIAL CHOICES IN LIFE 2 Units E2 LEC M 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-109 RICHEY G LEC W 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-109 RICHEY G LEC T 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-109 RICHEY G LEC R 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-109 RICHEY G BUSINESS FINANCE 4 Units LEC TR 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-109 STEVENSON LEC MW 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-109 STEVENSON LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-109 RICHEY G LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-140 ANDRUSCO CORPORATE FIN MGT 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-140 ANDRUSCO SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-140 ANDRUSCO SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-262 GUO L SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-140 GUO L FIN THEORY & PRAC 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-139 GUO L FIN INST&CAPITAL FORMTN 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM TC-013 ESTES J INTERNATIONAL BUS FIN 4 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:10PM JB-285 STAFF Department Consent Required ACT MW 01:10PM 01:50PM JB-285 STAFF Department Consent Required Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. SEM MW 04:00PM 05:10PM JB-285 KIM D Department Consent Required ACT MW 05:10PM 05:50PM JB-285 KIM D Department Consent Required INVESTMENT ANALYSIS 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:10AM JB-285 SARWAR G ACT TR 11:10AM 11:50AM JB-285 SARWAR G REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL 4 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-139 SMITH S LEGAL ASPECTS OF RE 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-258 SMITH S FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-144 SARWAR G STUDENT MANAGED INVEST FUND 2 Units SEM TBA ESTES J Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP 4 Units SUP TBA CHAVEZ J Department Consent Required REAL ESTATE FINANCE 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:10PM JB-257 SMITH S ACT TR 05:10PM 05:50PM JB-257 STAFF INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA SHEIL A Department Consent Required FIN -595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 42795 01 4 SUP TBA SHEIL A Department Consent Required FIN -602 FINANCIAL THEORY&CORP FIN 4 Units 42796 01 19 LEC S 09:00AM 12:50PM JB-144 SARWAR G Web with classroom component 43498 02 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-111 YANG T 43499 03 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-258 YANG T FIN -654 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE 4 Units 42805 01 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-285 KIM D FIN -675 INTERNSHIP 4 Units 42800 01 SUP TBA CHAVEZ J Department Consent Required FIN -680 CORP FINANCIAL STRATEGY 4 Units 42797 01 19 SEM MW 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-139 YANG T Foreign Language Finance FIN -101 42776 01 42777 02 42802 03 42804 04 FIN -313 42778 01 1 42779 02 1 42780 03 1 42781 04 1 FIN -314 42782 01 42783 02 42784 03 42806 04 FIN -430 42786 01 FIN -432 42787 01 FIN -433 42788 01 Meeting Days Hours FLAN-101D 43057 01 Fees $15 FLAN-102D 43564 01 Fees $15 FLAN-103Q 43046 70 Fees $15 FLAN-103R 43565 01 Fees $15 FLAN-203Q 43566 70 Fees $15 FLAN-399B 43058 01 FLAN-555A 43038 01 FLAN-555B 43048 01 LANG STDY:PORTUGUESE 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-212 DUNN J LANG II: PORTUGUESE 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-212 DUNN J LANG STUDY III:LUISEÑO SEM TBA Online course 4 Units C3 ELLIOTT E LANG STUDY III:CAHUILLA 4 Units C3 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM UH-248 HUAUTE I 2ND YR LANG STUDY III:LUISEÑO SEM TBA Online course COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY SUP TBA Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY SUP W 02:00PM 03:50PM 4 Units C3 ELLIOTT E 2 Units STAFF 1 Unit STAFF 2 Units LAND N SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 43059 02 43060 03 SUP R 06:00PM 07:50PM SUP TBA Department Consent Required FLAN-555D INDEPENDENT STUDY 43035 01 3,4 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 43036 02 3,4 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 43037 03 3,4 SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF STAFF 4 Units STAFF STAFF STAFF French FREN-101 43073 01 Fees $15 FREN-102 43061 01 Fees $15 43080 02 Fees $15 FREN-103 43062 02 1 Fees $15 43076 03 Fees $15 43083 04 Fees $15 FREN-200 43063 01 Fees $15 FREN-201 43064 01 Fees $15 FREN-202 43065 01 Fees $15 FREN-290 43066 01 Fees $15 43086 70 Fees $15 FREN-303 43078 01 Fees $15 FREN-322 43567 01 Fees $15 FREN-399A 43067 01 3 FREN-399B 43068 01 FREN-470D 43089 02 Fees $15 FREN-471 43568 01 Fees $15 FREN-575A 43069 01 FREN-575B 43070 01 FREN-575C 43071 01 COLLEGE FRENCH I 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-061 MORGAN V COLLEGE FRENCH II 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-260 MARTIN E Class Sec Foot- No. No. note FREN-575D 43072 01 GSS -100 41776 01 GSS -103 41777 01 GSS -450 41817 01 GSS -595B 41809 01 GSS -595D 41877 01 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-260 MARTIN E CULTURE&COMMUNICATION 4 Units C3 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-248 NELSON T CULTURE & COMMUNICATION II SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM 4 Units C3 NELSON T CULTURE&COMMUNICATION III SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM 4 Units C3 NELSON T FRENCH LIT IN ENG 4 Units C3 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-104 MCGUIRE M SEM TBA Online course NELSON T CONTEMP SPOKEN FRENCH 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-248 WOLFGANG FREN TRANSLATION II 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-260 MARTIN E COMM SERVICE PROJ SUP TBA Department Consent Required COMM SERVICE PROJ SUP TBA Department Consent Required FRANCOPHONE CULTURES OF FRANCE SEM TBA 1 Unit STAFF 2 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF CULTURE AND IDENTITY 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-248 NELSON T INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required 1 Unit STAFF 2 Units STAFF 3 Units STAFF INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 4 Units STAFF INTRO WOMEN’S STD SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM INTRO LES-GAY-BI-TRANS STUDIES SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM QUEER THEORY SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM INDEPENDENT STUDY SUP TBA Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY SUP TBA Department Consent Required 4 Units D4 STAFF 4 Units D4 STAFF 4 Units STAFF 2 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF Geography COLLEGE FRENCH III 4 Units C3 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-241 MORGAN V SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-260 WOLFGANG Meeting Days Hours Gender and Sexuality Studies SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-242 MORGAN V Department Consent Required 33 Spring 2015 GEOG-100 43559 01 GEOG-104 40097 01 Fees $10 GEOG-201 43356 01 GEOG-202 40364 01 Fees $10 40365 02 GEOG-300 43560 01 GEOG-302 40428 01 GEOG-303 43357 01 GEOG-304 40505 01 Fees $10 40506 02 GEOG-311 40576 01 Fees $10 40577 02 40578 03 GEOG-315 43358 01 GEOG-322 40657 01 GEOG-402 40100 01 Fees $10 40101 02 GEOG-406 40102 01 GEOG-415 43359 01 GEOG-500 40103 01 23 40507 01 40508 02 40509 03 INTRO HUMAN GEOG 4 Units D4 LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM CH-116 CATALDI C PHYSICAL GEOG LAB 1 Unit LAB TBA STAFF Department Consent Required MAP INTERPRETATION 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-361 GOFORTH B INTRO TO GIS AND CARTOGRAPHY 5 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-359 XU B LAB TR 04:00PM 05:25PM SB-359 XU B GEOG ELEM & MIDSCHOOL CLASSRM 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM HP-124 JACOBSEN R GEOG OF CALIF 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM TC-017 KOHOUT M INTRO TO GLOBAL STUDIES 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-361 GRISHAM K FIELD METHODS IN GEOG 4 Units SEM R 11:00AM 11:50AM SB-359 GOFORTH B ACT F 11:00AM 04:50PM SB-359 GOFORTH B THE DYNAMIC EARTH 5 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM TC-017 JACOBSEN R LAB T 02:00PM 04:50PM SB-361 JACOBSEN R LAB R 02:00PM 04:50PM SB-361 JACOBSEN R SPATIAL ANALYSIS 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-359 XU B U.S. - MEXICO BORDER ISSUES 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-361 KOHOUT M GIS APPLICATIONS 5 Units SEM S 09:00AM 12:40PM SB-359 FU P LAB S 01:00PM 03:50PM SB-359 FU P DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING 4 Units SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM SB-359 XU B URBAN PLAN/LAND DEVEL 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-361 MULVIHILL SENIOR SEMINAR 2 Units SEM F 09:00AM 10:50AM SB-361 HACKEL J SUP TBA MEEK N Department Consent Required SUP TBA HACKEL J Department Consent Required SUP TBA XU B Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 34 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Geography (continued) Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 41993 06 41994 07 GEOG-575D 40787 04 GEOG-575E 40104 01 3 40366 02 40367 03 40368 04 40369 05 40370 06 GEOG-575E 40371 07 GEOG-595B 40372 01 40373 02 40774 03 GEOG-595C 40413 01 40737 02 GEOG-595D 40357 01 40374 02 40647 03 GEOG-597 40579 01 GEOG-610 43360 01 GEOG-698B 40764 01 INTERNSHIP GEOG SUP TBA Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP GEOG SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA 4 Units GOFORTH B 5 Units MEEK N HACKEL J XU B GOFORTH B STAFF STAFF Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP GEOG 5 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA MEEK N Department Consent Required SUP TBA HACKEL J Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units SUP TBA MEEK N Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA MEEK N Department Consent Required SUP TBA HACKEL J Department Consent Required SUP TBA GOFORTH B Department Consent Required SENIOR HONORS PROJECT 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required MIL GEOG FOR NATL SECURITY 4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM SB-361 MEEK N CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41995 08 42546 09 42547 10 41989 11 GEOL-102 42645 01 Fees $14 GEOL-210 41996 01 GEOL-250 42238 01 Fees $14 42239 02 GEOL-295A 42649 01 Fees $14 GEOL-295B 42210 01 Fees $14 GEOL-307A 41997 01 3 GEOL-307B 42650 01 GEOL-322 42276 01 GEOL-325 41998 01 Fees $14 41999 02 43273 03 GEOL-340 42000 01 Fees $14 42001 02 GEOL-370 43274 01 GEOL-391B 42723 01 Geology 42505 02 If class is closed contact the Geological Sciences Department at 5375336. 42730 03 GEOL-101 41988 01 Fees $14 42380 02 Fees $14 41990 03 41991 04 41992 05 INTRO GEOLOGY 5 Units B3 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CS-142 MCGILL S Department Consent Required Math remediation LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM CS-142 WINKLER F Department Consent Required Math remediation LAB M 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-112 STAFF Math remediation LAB M 01:00PM 03:50PM BI-112 STAFF Math remediation LAB M 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-112 STAFF Math remediation GEOL-391D 42651 01 GEOL-395A 42002 01 Fees $14 42298 02 Fees $14 GEOL-395B 42003 01 Fees $14 GEOL-395C 42306 02 Fees $14 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. LAB T 12:00PM 02:50PM BI-112 STAFF Math remediation LAB T 03:00PM 05:50PM BI-112 STAFF Math remediation LAB T 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-112 STAFF Math remediation LAB W 09:00AM 11:50AM BI-112 STAFF Math remediation LAB W 01:00PM 03:50PM BI-112 STAFF Math remediation LAB W 06:00PM 08:50PM BI-112 STAFF Math remediation INTRO GEOLOGY LAB 1 Unit LAB TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EARTHQUAKES 2 Units B4 SEM M 04:00PM 05:50PM CS-130 MCGILL S HISTORICAL GEOLOGY 5 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM BI-116 LEATHAM W LAB R 01:00PM 03:50PM BI-116 LEATHAM W SPEC PROJECT GEOL 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPEC PROJECT GEOL SUP TBA Department Consent Required 2 Units STAFF SERVICE LEARNING EARTH SCI 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SERVICE LEARNING EARTH SCI 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTRO TO GEOCHEMISTRY 4 Units LEC MW 10:00AM 11:50AM BI-117 MELCHIORE IGNEOUS&METAMORPH PETROLOGY 5 Units LEC TR 10:00AM 11:20AM BI-117 SMITH A LAB TR 01:00PM 03:50PM BI-117 SMITH A LAB MW 01:00PM 03:50PM BI-117 TERRY D STRATIGRAPHY 5 Units LEC MW 01:00PM 02:50PM BI-116 LEATHAM W LAB M 03:00PM 05:50PM BI-116 LEATHAM W TECTONICS 4 Units SEM TR 03:00PM 04:50PM FRYXELL J ADVANCED GEOLOGIC MAPPING 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ADVANCED GEOLOGIC MAPPING 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required DIRECTED STUDY 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required STAFF DIRECTED STUDY SUP TBA Department Consent Required 2 Units STAFF DIRECTED STUDY SUP TBA Department Consent Required 3 Units STAFF SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note GEOL-398 42386 01 42407 02 42408 03 42409 04 42520 05 GEOL-575B 42652 01 GEOL-575C 42653 01 GEOL-575D 42004 01 GEOL-590 42005 01 GEOL-595A 42198 01 GEOL-595B 42258 01 GEOL-597B 42654 01 GEOL-597D 42655 01 GEOL-690 42648 01 GEOL-691C 42517 01 GEOL-695D 42199 01 Fees $25 GEOL-695E 42502 01 Fees $25 GEOL-696A 42478 01 Fees $25 GEOL-696B 42516 01 Fees $25 GEOL-696C 42503 01 Fees $25 GEOL-696D 42510 01 Fees $25 GEOL-698A 42504 01 GEOL-698D 42731 01 GEOL-698Z 42714 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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RESEARCH METHODS AND DESIGN 1 Unit SUP T 12:00PM 01:00PM BI-117 STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP IN GEOLOGY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP IN GEOLOGY 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP IN GEOLOGY 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SENIOR SEMINAR 2 Units SEM R 01:00PM 02:50PM BI-112 MCGILL S Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SENIOR HONORS RESEARCH 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF SENIOR HONORS RESEARCH 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required GRAD SEMINAR ENVIRON SCI 2 Units SEM M 04:00PM 05:50PM STAFF GRAD INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required GRAD STUDY IN GEOLOGY 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required GRAD STUDY IN GEOLOGY SUP TBA Department Consent Required 5 Units STAFF GRAD PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required 1 Unit STAFF GRAD PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required 2 Units STAFF GRAD PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required 3 Units STAFF GRAD PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT SUP TBA Department Consent Required CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT SUP TBA Department Consent Required CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT SUP TBA Department Consent Required 4 Units STAFF 1 Unit STAFF 4 Units STAFF 0 Units STAFF Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 42729 02 GEOL-699 42215 01 35 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours SUP TBA Department Consent Required GRAD THESIS SUP TBA Department Consent Required Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. STAFF 4 Units STAFF German GER -103 43098 01 Fees $15 COLLEGE GERMAN III 4 Units C3 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM CE-107 BURKE R Health Science HSCI-100 42006 01 HSCI-120 42007 01 Fees $10 42008 02 42009 03 42010 04 42011 05 42012 06 42013 07 42248 08 42293 09 42725 10 HSCI-271 42389 01 HSCI-273 42384 01 Fees $10 43298 02 Fees $10 HSCI-295A 42014 01 Fees $10 HSCI-310 42537 01 HSCI-315 42015 01 42626 02 HSCI-342 42476 01 CONCEPTS IN HEALTH 2 Units SEM R 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-263 STAFF Classroom with Web component HEALTH&SOC, ECOL APPRCH 5 Units B2 LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM CS-142 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB M 01:15PM 03:55PM PS-320 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB M 09:00AM 11:50AM PS-320 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB M 06:00PM 08:50PM PS-320 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB F 01:15PM 03:55PM PS-320 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB T 09:00AM 11:50AM PS-320 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB W 01:15PM 03:55PM PS-320 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB R 06:00PM 08:50PM PS-320 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB T 06:00PM 08:50PM PS-320 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB W 06:00PM 08:50PM PS-320 STAFF Department Consent Required INTRO TO PUBLIC HEALTH 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM JB-114 OTINIANO V Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component SOFTWARE APPLICATION IN HSCI 4 Units LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PS-224 STAFF Department Consent Required LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PS-224 STAFF SPEC PROJ HEALTH SCI SUP TBA Department Consent Required 1 Unit STAFF HEALTH&SEXUALITY 4 Units SEM TBA STAFF STAT FOR THE HEALTH SCIENCES 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM PS-203 PHALEN R Classroom with Web component SEM MWF 09:00AM 10:10AM CS-122 PHALEN R Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component NUTRITION FOR YOUR HEALTH 4 Units LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM PS-203 STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 36 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Health Science (continued) HSCI-345 42016 01 Fees $20 42017 02 42018 03 42592 04 HSCI-352 42019 01 HSCI-367 42627 01 42628 02 HSCI-370 43249 01 HSCI-384 42271 01 Fees $20 42272 02 42291 03 Fees $20 HSCI-384 42481 04 42538 05 Fees $20 42539 06 HSCI-399A 42536 01 HSCI-401 42020 01 Fees $10 42021 02 HSCI-423 42022 01 HSCI-438 42690 01 HSCI-444 42023 01 42024 02 HSCI-445 42025 01 HSCI-451 42026 01 HSCI-455 42477 01 HSCI-460 42027 01 HSCI-468 42029 01 1 HSCI-471 42484 01 HSCI-473 42483 01 HSCI-493 42247 01 HSCI-494D 42704 01 ADV FOOD SCIENCE 5 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PS-204 HUGHES J LAB W 09:00AM 11:50AM PS-323 HUGHES J LAB F 09:00AM 11:50AM PS-323 HUGHES J LAB W 02:40PM 05:30PM PS-323 STAFF Department Consent Required PRINCIPLES ENVIRONMENT HLTH 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PS-204 MIAN L Classroom with Web component HUM DISEASE MECHANISMS 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM PS-203 COLEMAN T SEM TR STAFF Department Consent Required HEALTH BEHAVIOR 4 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PS-203 OTINIANO V NUTRITION ASSESSMENT 2 Units LEC W 08:00AM 08:50AM CS-222 CHEN D LAB W 09:00AM 11:50AM CS-222 CHEN D LEC T 08:00AM 08:50AM STAFF NUTRITION ASSESSMENT 2 Units LAB T 09:00AM 11:50AM STAFF LEC R 08:00AM 08:50AM PS-320 CHEN D LAB R 09:00AM 11:50AM PS-320 CHEN D COMM SERVICE PROJ 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ADV ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 5 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PS-304 MIAN L LAB R 08:00AM 09:50AM PS-304 MIAN L HLTH&WEL OLDR ADL 4 Units SEM MWF 02:40PM 03:50PM PL-263 STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component FINANCIAL MGT IN HEALTH CARE 4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CS-222 STAFF Department Consent Required Online course MEDICAL NUTRITION THERAPY II 4 Units LEC T 07:00AM 09:50AM PS-204 STAFF LAB R 07:00AM 09:50AM PS-204 STAFF COMMUNITY NUTRITION 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PS-204 HUGHES J Classroom with Web component PRIN EPIDEMIOLOGY 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component HLTH POLICY AND LAW 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PS-203 BECERRA M PLN&MKTG HLT CARE 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-263 STAFF Classroom with Web component RSRCH METHODOLOGY HLTH SCI 4 Units LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM PS-204 STAFF Classroom with Web component HLTH PROG PLNNG AND IMPLEMENT 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CS-222 STAFF STRAT & METHODS IN HLTH EDUC 4 Units LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM HP-125 STAFF FIELD EXPERIENCE SEM 1 Unit SEM T 10:00AM 11:50AM PS-203 STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component INTERNSHIP IN HSCI 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. HSCI-495 42250 01 FIELD EXPERIENCE 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required HSCI-496 INTRN IN ENV HLTH 4 Units 42028 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required HSCI-513 MANAGED CARE SYSTEMS 4 Units 42689 01 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM PS-204 STAFF Online course HSCI-530 FOOD-BORNE ILLNESS 4 Units 42390 01 SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-263 PHALEN R Classroom with Web component HSCI-540 SCHOOL HLTH PROGRAM PRACTICES 4 Units 42395 70 LEC TBA STAFF Online course HSCI-595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 42421 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required HSCI-603 HEALTH ECON & FINANCIAL SYSTEM 4 Units 42684 01 SEM TBA STAFF HSCI-607 CROSS CULTURAL ASPECTS HEALTH 4 Units 42030 01 19 LEC T 06:00PM 09:50PM PS-326 STAFF Web with classroom component HSCI-608 HEALTH RESEARCH METHODS 4 Units 42269 01 SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component HSCI-614 HEALTH EDUCATION PRACTICE 4 Units 42270 01 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM PS-209 STAFF Classroom with Web component HSCI-617 EPIDEMIOLOGY 4 Units 43251 01 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM PS-204 BECERRA M HSCI-685 HLTH ADM CAPSTONE SEM 4 Units 42232 01 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM PS-224 STAFF Classroom with Web component HSCI-689D FIELD EXPERIENCE 4 Units 42621 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required HSCI-697 ADMNISTRATIVE RESIDENCY 4 Units 42031 01 13,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required HSCI-698A CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 1 Unit 42208 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required HSCI-699 THESIS 4 Units 42607 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required HSCI-999 COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION 0 Units 42255 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required History HIST-140 40003 01 1 HIST-142 40020 01 HIST-144 40593 01 HIST-146 40019 01 40592 02 40720 03 43392 04 HIST-200 40004 01 HIST-201 40005 01 HIST-270 40006 01 WORLD CIVILIZATIONS I 4 Units D3 LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM UH-106 SMITH-TRAF WORLD CIVIL II 4 Units D3 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-128 MURRAY J WORLD CIVIL III 4 Units D3 LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM SB-128 SMITH-TRAF AMERICAN CIVIL 4 Units D1 LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM VA-101 HUNGATE A LEC MWF 02:40PM 03:50PM SB-128 HUNGATE A LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-128 HAWKINS M LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM SB-128 YANG T U.S.HIST TO 1877 4 Units D1 SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM VA-101 YANG T U.S.HIST 1877-PR 4 Units D1 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM VA-101 LONG T CALIFORNIA HISTORY 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-128 LORIMER M SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note HIST-305 40607 01 HIST-307 40008 01 HIST-324 40016 01 HIST-342 43407 01 HIST-350 43393 01 HIST-351 43394 01 HIST-354 43400 01 HIST-370 40653 01 HIST-379 43401 01 HIST-384 43399 01 HIST-390 40009 01 HIST-395 40656 01 HIST-399A 40010 01 3 HIST-399B 40011 01 3 HIST-405 43403 01 HIST-432 40654 01 HIST-451 43624 01 HIST-466 43395 01 HIST-494 40012 01 HIST-575 40013 01 3 40021 02 HIST-594 40014 01 40605 02 HIST-595B 40017 01 HIST-595C 40018 01 HIST-595D 40015 01 40022 02 40758 03 40770 04 40773 05 HIST-597 40757 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL EUROPE 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-210 ANDERSON EUR, 1815-PRESENT 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM SB-212 SMITH-TRAF INTRO TO ORAL HISTORY 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-210 LYON C AMERICAN INDIAN HISTORY 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-212 LONG T AMER COLONIES, 1607-1783 4 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM SB-210 SAMUELSON EVOL AMER DEM, 1783-1840 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM SB-212 SAMUELSON CIVIL WAR&RECONST 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-210 KEATING R HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 4 Units SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM SB-212 LORIMER M HISTORY OF MADNESS 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-212 JONES T MODERN MIDDLE EAST 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-212 YAGHOBIAN HISTORY OF MEXICO 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM SB-210 SANTONI P TOPICS IN HIST: WAR & SOCIETY 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-210 KEATING R COMM SERVICE PROJ 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM SERVICE PROJ 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required NAZI GERMANY & HOLOCAUST 4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM SB-356 PYTELL T MODERN CHINA III, 1949-PRESENT 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-210 MURRAY J HEALTH AND MEDICINE IN AFRICA 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-210 JONES T FOREGN RELATIONS LATIN AMER 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM SB-210 SANTONI P PROSEMINAR IN HISTORY 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-212 YAGHOBIAN INTERNSHIP HIST 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required RESEARCH SEMINAR IN HISTORY 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-210 SAMUELSON Department Consent Required SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM SB-356 PYTELL T Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SENIOR HONORS PROJECT 5 Units SUP TBA STAFF Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 37 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Honors HON -104C 42757 01 LANG & MEANING:ORAL COMM SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM Department Consent Required HON -105C HONORS COLLOQUIUM 42754 01 ACT F 02:00PM 03:50PM Department Consent Required HON -205C HONORS SEMINAR 42739 01 10 ACT F 02:00PM 03:50PM Department Consent Required HON -315 SPEC TPS:HONORS 42752 01 SEM TBA HON -598 HONORS SENIOR PROJ 42740 01 10 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 4 Units A2 STAFF 1 Unit STAFF 1 Unit STAFF 4 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF Human Development HD -240 40105 01 1 HD -245 40106 01 40107 02 HD -246 40108 01 40109 02 HD -282 40314 01 HD -292 40315 01 Fees $18 HD -400 40312 01 17 Fees $18 40313 02 17 HD -480 40110 01 17 HD -540 43507 01 INTRO TO CHILD DEVELOPMENT 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-128 DOLAN M OBS&METH CHILD DEV:EARLY CHLD 2 Units LEC MW 10:40AM 11:30AM TC-017 STAFF SUP TBA STAFF OBS&METH CHILD DEV:MID CHILD 2 Units LEC M 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-127 STAFF SUP TBA STAFF EARLY CHILDHOOD CURR&PROGRAMS 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-241 WILCOX-HER CURRICULUM LAB 2 Units LAB TBA WILCOX-HER CHILD ASSESSMENT 5 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-217 WARD S LAB MW 02:00PM 03:20PM PL-217 WARD S ADVANCED HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 4 Units SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM PS-223 KAMPTNER WORK, RETIREMENT & LEISURE 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINESHULTZ K Online course HD -575 INTERNSHIP 4 Units 40111 01 3 SUP R 03:00PM 03:50PM SB-211 WARD S Department Consent Required HD -595B INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 40112 01 3,4,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required HD -595C INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units 40113 01 3,4,17 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required HD -595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 40114 01 3,4,17 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required HD -598B HONORS PROJECT II 2 Units 40386 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Humanities HUM -180 41520 01 HUM -197 41525 01 HUM -319 41519 70 THE ART OF FILM 4 Units C1 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-106 OWEN K ASSESS PREP I LIB STDS 1 Unit LEC M 10:40AM 11:50AM CE-105 THOMERSON MYTH, META&SYM 4 Units C5 LEC TBA JACKSON J Online course SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 38 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Humanities (continued) HUM -325 41492 01 1 HUM -328 41521 01 HUM -335 41518 01 HUM -340 41493 01 43598 02 HUM -344 41513 01 HUM -350 43599 01 HUM -375 41517 01 HUM -397 41494 01 35 41495 70 36 HUM -497 41505 01 51 HUM -576A 41506 01 HUM -576B 41507 01 HUM -576C 41508 01 HUM -576D 41509 01 HUM -576E 41510 01 HUM -576F 41511 01 HUM -577D 41512 01 HUM -578D 41504 01 HUM -580D 43609 01 HUM -595B 41515 01 HUM -595D 41503 01 56 HUM -597 41501 01 39 41502 70 40 PERSPEC ON GENDER 4 Units C5,G1 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PS-010 STAFF ASIAN CULTURAL TRADITIONS 4 Units C5,G1 LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM HP-124 KIM D LATINO CULTURE 4 Units C5,G1 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM CE-105 HILL L INTERP & VALUES 4 Units C5 LEC MWF 02:40PM 03:50PM VA-101 MENTON A LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-116 RAMIREZ L IDEAS AMER CULTUR 4 Units C5 LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-106 CARLSON D AMERICAN CHILDHOOD 4 Units C5,G1 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-106 SMITH J WORLD OF ISLAM 4 Units C5,G1 LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM CE-105 DOUEIRI D ASSESS PREP II LIB STDS 1 Unit LEC W 10:40AM 11:50AM CE-105 BRYAN L Department Consent Required LEC TBA OL-ONLINEBRYAN L Department Consent Required Online course SENIOR ASSESSMENT 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTL EXP: LATIN AMER STUDIES 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF INTL EXP: LATIN AMER STUDIES 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF INTL EXP: LATIN AMER STUDIES 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF INTL EXP: LATIN AMER STUDIES 4 Units SUP TBA JANY C Department Consent Required INTL EXP: LATIN AMER STUDIES 5 Units SUP TBA STAFF INTL EXP: LATIN AMER STUDIES 6 Units SUP TBA JANY C Department Consent Required INTL EXPERIENCE:SPANISH 4 Units SUP TBA JEREZ-GOME INTL EXPERIENCE:ASIAN STUDIES 4 Units SUP TBA CHUANG B Instructor Consent Required INTL EXPERIENCE:ARABIC 4 Units SUP TBA DOUEIRI D INDEPENDENT STUDY HUM 2 Units SUP TBA OL-ONLINETHOMERSN Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY HUM 4 Units SUP TBA OL-ONLINETHOMERSN Department Consent Required SEN ASSESS LIB STDS 2 Units SUP F 10:40AM 11:50AM CE-105 STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Online course Information Systems and Technology IST -101 42811 01 Fees $25 42812 02 42813 03 42814 04 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 42815 05 42816 06 42817 07 42818 70 Fees $25 42819 71 IST -275 42820 01 IST -309 42821 01 Fees $25 42824 02 Fees $25 42825 03 Fees $25 42826 04 Fees $25 42823 05 Fees $25 42822 06 Fees $25 IST -372 42827 01 Fees $25 IST -378 42828 01 IST -415 42842 01 IST -474 42829 01 IST -475 42830 01 IST -476 42831 01 IST -490 42832 01 IST -511 42833 01 IST -575 42834 01 IST -595B 42835 01 IST -595D 42836 01 IST -609 42837 01 IST -610 42838 70 IST -646 42839 01 IST -675 42840 01 IST -695 42841 01 INTRO INFO TECHNOLOGY 4 Units LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-102 STEWART J LAB LAB LAB M W M 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-141 STAFF 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-141 STAFF 08:00AM 09:50AM JB-141 STAFF Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. LAB W 08:00AM 09:50AM JB-141 STAFF LAB M 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-141 STAFF LAB W 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-141 STAFF LEC TBA LYTLE-KOSO Online course LAB TBA LYTLE-KOSO Online course INFO NETWORKING & SECURITY 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-124 SON J INFO SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY 4 Units SEM MW 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-143 LYTLE-KOSO SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-141 STAFF SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-143 STAFF SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-141 STAFF SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-141 SHAYO C SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-143 LIN F Department Consent Required Online course INFO TECHNOLOGY 4 Units SEM MW 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-252 STEWART J PROB SOLVING & RISK MGMT 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-124 STAFF SECURITY SYS MGMT 4 Units SEM TR 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-124 SON J Online course ADV DATA BASE MGMT 4 Units SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-252 STEWART J ADV INFO NETWORKING 4 Units LEC MW 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-124 STAFF ADV SYS ANALYS & DESIGN 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-124 SHAYO C INFO PLAN & POLICY 4 Units SEM TR 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-252 COULSON A CYBER DEFENSE 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-124 NESTLER V INTERNSHIP 4 Units SUP TBA CHAVEZ J Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA ZHU J Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA ZHU J Department Consent Required INFO SYS & TECH MGMT 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-252 SHAYO C INFO ASSURANCE POLICY MGT 4 Units SEM TBA NESTLER V Online course INFO SYSTEM PLAN, STRAT & POL 4 Units SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-124 LIN F INTERNSHIP 4 Units SUP TBA CHAVEZ J Department Consent Required GRADUATE PROJECT 4 Units SUP TBA ZHU J Department Consent Required Instructional Technology ETEC-542D 41831 01 SEM INSTRCTNL ED SEM T 05:00PM 08:50PM TBA 4 Units STAFF SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note ETEC-644 41789 01 41790 02 ETEC-674 41830 70 ETEC-692 41803 01 ETEC-999 41870 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. DESIGN&DEV INSTR MATERIALS II SEM R 05:00PM 07:50PM TBA Classroom with Web component ACT R 08:00PM 09:50PM TBA Classroom with Web component E-LEARNING TECH AND MEDIA SEM TBA Online course PRACTICUM IN EDUCATIONAL TECH SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM TBA Classroom with Web component COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION SUP TBA Department Consent Required 4 Units STAFF STAFF 4 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 0 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 12 Units STAFF Interdisciplinary Studies IS -400 42775 01 RESEARCH ETHICS SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM International Program IP -198Q 42774 01 INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM (QTR) SUP TBA Japanese JAPN-102 43102 01 Fees $15 43108 02 Fees $15 JAPN-103 43099 01 Fees $15 43107 02 Fees $15 JAPN-202 43103 02 Fees $15 JAPN-203 43101 01 Fees $15 JAPN-210 43109 01 Fees $15 JAPN-302 43106 01 Fees $15 43113 02 Fees $15 JAPN-370 43110 01 Fees $15 JAPN-399A 43111 01 COLLEGE JAPANESE II 4 Units SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-263 NUNN M SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-062 NUNN M COLLEGE JAPANESE III 4 Units C3 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-260 AMAYA M SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-260 AMAYA M 2ND YR COLL JAPANESE II 4 Units C3 SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-061 AMAYA M 2ND YR COLL JAPANESE III SEM TBA 4 Units C3 STAFF JAPANESE CALLIGRAPHY 2 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-252 NUNN M THIRD-YEAR JAPANESE II SEM TBA Department Consent Required 4 Units STAFF SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-107 STAFF Department Consent Required JAPANESE CULTURE THRU FILM 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-260 AMAYA M COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required 1 Unit STAFF Class Sec Foot- No. No. note JAPN-399B 43112 01 Fees $15 39 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT SEM TBA Department Consent Required Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 2 Units STAFF Kinesiology KINE-114A BODY CONDITIONING 2 Units E3 42032 01 ACT MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM PE-100 WOLFE A Fees $5 42458 02 ACT TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PE-100 SULLIVAN J Fees $5 42578 03 ACT TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PE-100 WOLFE A Fees $5 KINE-114C JOGGING 2 Units E3 42033 01 3,23 ACT MW 04:00PM 05:50PM HP-100 BURLESON T MW 04:00PM 05:50PM PE-FD#3 Fees $5 42034 02 3,23 ACT TR 04:00PM 05:50PM HP-100 BURLESON T TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PE-FD#3 Fees $5 KINE-114E WEIGHT TRAINING 2 Units E3 42035 01 3,23 ACT TR 08:00AM 09:50AM HP-B009 GENTRY C Fees $5 42319 02 ACT MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM HP-B009 STAFF Fees $5 42320 03 ACT MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM HP-B009 OH H Fees $5 42321 04 ACT TR 12:00PM 01:50PM HP-B009 STAFF Fees $5 42323 05 ACT MW 04:00PM 05:50PM HP-B009 RIZZO T Fees $5 42422 06 ACT TR 04:00PM 05:50PM HP-B009 FLORES R Fees $5 42459 07 ACT MW 06:00PM 07:50PM HP-B009 GEARY G Fees $5 42460 08 ACT TR 06:00PM 07:50PM HP-B009 FLORES R Fees $5 KINE-114F YOGA 2 Units E3 42036 01 ACT MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM HP-104 SULLIVAN J Fees $5 42462 02 ACT TR 08:00AM 09:50AM HP-104 WHEELER Fees $5 42463 03 ACT MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM HP-104 SULLIVAN J Fees $5 KINE-120E KARATE 2 Units E3 42401 01 ACT MW 04:00PM 05:50PM PE-104 STAFF Fees $5 43362 02 ACT TR 06:00PM 07:50PM PE-104 VANOVER J Fees $5 KINE-120F SELF-DEFENSE 2 Units E3 42402 01 ACT MW 06:00PM 07:50PM PE-104 STAFF Fees $5 43363 02 ACT TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PE-104 VANOVER J Fees $5 KINE-120G CARDIO-ARTS 2 Units E3 42037 01 3,23 ACT MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM HP-G001 SULLIVAN J Fees $5 42274 02 ACT MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM HP-G001 WOLFE A Fees $5 KINE-120J PILATES 2 Units E3 42196 01 ACT TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PE-100 SULLIVAN J Fees $5 KINE-121A BASKETBALL 2 Units E3 42038 01 3,23 ACT MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM HP-G001 TOSSETTI R Fees $5 KINE-121K VOLLEYBALL 2 Units E3 43342 01 ACT TR 10:00AM 11:50AM HP-G001 OH H Fees $5 SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 40 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Kinesiology (continued) KINE-137J 42318 01 Fees $5 KINE-149 42039 01 Fees $5 KINE-150A 42040 01 23 Fees $5 KINE-150B 42041 01 23 Fees $5 KINE-150C 42042 01 23 Fees $5 KINE-150J 43336 01 Fees $5 KINE-160 42043 01 Fees $5 KINE-190 42044 01 Fees $5 KINE-200 42045 01 42416 02 KINE-205 42046 01 42047 02 42048 03 42049 04 42050 05 KINE-240 42051 01 Fees $5 42577 02 Fees $5 43349 03 Fees $5 KINE-254 42052 01 42053 02 KINE-261B 42054 01 Fees $5 KINE-261H 42055 01 Fees $5 KINE-261M 42056 01 Fees $5 KINE-261N 42667 01 Fees $5 KINE-263C 42057 01 Fees $5 KINE-263D 42058 01 Fees $5 SWIMMING 2 Units E3 ACT MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM PE-POOL1 DAVIS J INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY PROJ SUP TBA Department Consent Required 2 Units E3 RIZZO T DANCE: AEROBIC 2 Units E3 ACT TR 08:00AM 09:50AM HP-G001 ANTONIO J DANCE:LOW-IMPACT AEROBIC 2 Units E3 ACT TR 12:00PM 01:50PM HP-G001 WOLFE A DANCE:STEP AEROBI 2 Units E3 ACT MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM HP-G001 ANTONIO J DANCE:SAMPLER 2 Units E3 ACT TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PE-104 ANTONIO J WOMEN’S INTRCOLLEGTE ACT ACT TBA 2 Units CLOVER J MEN’S INTERCOL ACTV ACT TBA 2 Units STAFF FIRST AID 2 Units SEM T 04:00PM 05:50PM PE-129 MOSES Q SEM M 06:00PM 07:50PM PE-129 MOSES Q FOUND FOR LIFE FITNESS 2 Units E1 LEC T 08:00AM 09:50AM CE-105 SULLIVAN J LEC MW 12:00PM 12:50PM JB-102 STAFF LEC R 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-102 BEAUDETTE LEC M 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-105 GEARY G LEC T 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-102 BEAUDETTE EXERCISE SCIENCE SOFTWARE 2 Units ACT MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM HP-123 DABBS N ACT TR 02:00PM 03:50PM HP-123 SIEGEL S ACT TR 10:00AM 11:50AM HP-123 RYMAL A FIELD EXPERIENCE 2 Units SEM S 09:20AM 10:10AM HP-125 RIZZO T LAB S 10:20AM 11:50AM HP-125 RIZZO T PROF PREP:BADMNTN 2 Units ACT TR 12:00PM 01:50PM STAFF TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PROF PREP:SWIMMING 2 Units ACT MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM JB-114 STRATTON S MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM PE-POOL1 PRO PREP:MARTIAL ARTS 2 Units ACT MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM PE-129 SO H MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM PE-104 PRO PREP:STRENGTH & CONDITIONI 2 Units ACT TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-114 FLORES R TR 02:00PM 03:50PM HP-B009 PROF PREP:SOCCER 2 Units ACT TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-137 FLORES R TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PE-FD#2 PROF PREP:SOFTBALL 2 Units ACT TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PE-129 FLORES R TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PE-FD#2 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note KINE-263E 42059 01 Fees $5 KINE-270 42060 01 1 Fees $5 42661 02 Fees $5 KINE-305 42061 01 Fees $55 42572 02 Fees $55 KINE-310 42062 01 42576 02 KINE-323 42063 01 KINE-324 42064 01 KINE-325 42065 01 KINE-334 42317 01 KINE-352 42066 01 42067 02 KINE-360 42068 01 42664 02 KINE-370 42069 01 42461 02 43348 03 KINE-382 42465 01 KINE-410 42070 01 42668 02 KINE-471 42467 01 42663 02 KINE-473 42071 01 KINE-480 42573 01 Fees $25 42574 02 43338 03 Fees $25 43339 04 KINE-481 42456 01 Fees $25 42457 02 42660 03 KINE-483 42268 01 Fees $25 42406 02 42571 03 KINE-485 42316 01 Fees $25 KINE-486 42454 01 Fees $25 42455 02 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. PROF PREP:VOLLEYBALL 2 Units ACT MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM JB-114 OH H MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PE-100 INTRO TO FITNESS & TESTING 2 Units ACT MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM PE-129 DAVIS J MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM HP-B009 ACT TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-138 SIEGEL S TR 10:00AM 11:50AM HP-B009 PREVENT&TREATMNT SPORTS INJURI 4 Units LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM HP-125 CLOVER J LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM HP-125 ESCALANTE HIST&PHIL PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 4 Units SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM HP-125 GRENFELL C SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-266 WHELER-MA SOCIOLOGY OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 4 Units SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM HP-125 GRENFELL C PSYC OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM HP-125 WHEELER MOTOR DEVEL ACROSS LIFESPAN 4 Units LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PE-129 SIEGEL S SEMINAR IN APA 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM HP-125 OH H MOVEMENT FOR CHILDREN 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM PE-129 SO H MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM PE-104 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PE-129 GENTRY C TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PE-104 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & AGING 2 Units LEC T 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-140 BEAUDETTE LEC MW 12:00PM 12:50PM HP-125 ESCALANTE MEASUREMENT&STAT KINESIOLOGY 4 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PE-129 DAVIS J SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM HP-125 RYMAL A SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-242 SO H NUTRITION FOR HEALTH,FIT&SPORT 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-249 ALENCAR M MOTOR CONTROL & SKILL LEARNING 4 Units LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM PE-129 CLOVER J LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-257 RYMAL A EXERCISE SCI PROGRAM MGMT 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-277 ALENCAR M SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM CE-116 ESCALANTE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES IN PE 4 Units LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-114 GENTRY C BIOMECHANICS 5 Units SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM HP-250 DABBS N LAB R 02:40PM 05:30PM HP-B004 BEAUDETTE SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM HP-250 DABBS N LAB T 02:40PM 05:30PM HP-B004 BEAUDETTE EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY 5 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM JB-109 HADDOCK B LAB M 02:40PM 05:30PM HP-119 DAVIS J LAB F 01:00PM 03:50PM HP-119 DAVIS J EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 12:50PM HP-124 ALENCAR M LAB W 01:00PM 03:50PM HP-119 ALENCAR M LAB T 12:00PM 02:50PM HP-119 HADDOCK B EKG INTERPRETATION 2 Units ACT MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM HP-125 HADDOCK B INSTRUMENTATION EXERCISE SCI 2 Units LEC R 12:00PM 12:50PM JB-114 HADDOCK B ACT R 01:00PM 03:50PM HP-119 HADDOCK B SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note KINE-488 42074 01 42696 02 43355 03 KINE-490 42075 01 42076 02 KINE-493 42197 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. LEGAL ISSUES EXERCISE SCIENCE 2 Units LEC R 08:00AM 09:50AM CE-113 SIEGEL S LEC T 08:00AM 09:50AM CE-113 CLOVER J LEC MW 12:00PM 12:50PM CE-116 CLOVER J SENIOR SEMINAR IN KINESIOLOGY 2 Units SEM T 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-254 WHEELER SEM R 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-254 WHEELER INTERNSHIP 2 Units SUP TBA DABBS N Department Consent Required Korean KOR -103 43119 01 Fees $15 KOR -203 43120 01 Fees $15 COLLEGE KOREAN III 4 Units C3 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-214 HWANG B 2ND YR COLL KOREAN III 4 Units C3 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-214 HWANG B Management MGMT-230 42861 01 MGMT-302 42888 01 42889 02 42890 03 42891 04 42892 05 MGMT-306 42895 01 42896 02 42897 03 42898 04 42899 05 42900 06 42914 07 42905 70 42909 71 42911 72 42912 73 MGMT-330 42862 01 42863 02 42864 03 42865 04 MGMT-335 42866 01 42867 02 MGMT-350 42868 01 42869 70 MGMT-402 42916 01 MGMT-405 42870 01 MGMT-442 42871 01 42906 02 BUSINESS LAW 4 Units LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-102 OCHOA G MGMT & ORGANIZN BEHAV 4 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-111 ADDAE H SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-140 STAFF SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-109 STAFF SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-111 STAFF SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-140 STAFF EXPOSITORY WRITING ADMN 4 Units F LEC MW 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-116 METZ R LEC MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-116 METZ R LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-116 STAFF LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-116 WATNIK W LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-116 WATNIK W LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-116 STAFF LEC TR 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-116 WATNIK W LEC TBA BAKEMAN M Online course LEC TBA SCHREIHANS Online course LEC TBA SCHREIHANS Online course LEC TBA METZ R Online course LEGAL ENVIR BUS 4 Units LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-109 STAFF LEC MW 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-111 STAFF LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-111 JOHNSON A LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-111 BEECHKO A BUSINESS, ETHICS, SOCIETY 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-144 COATES B SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-112 STAFF ADMIN COMMUNICATIONS 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-139 PHILLIPS A SEM TBA HANSON L Online course STDY ORG BEHAVIOR 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-139 PHILLIPS A MANAGING ACROSS BORDERS 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-116 PHILLIPS A SMALL BUSINESS MGMT 4 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-137 KIRWAN P SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-137 KIRWAN P Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 41 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. MGMT-455 42872 01 42873 02 MGMT-457 43502 01 MGMT-459 42901 01 MGMT-470 42913 01 MGMT-490 42874 01 42875 02 42876 03 42904 04 42877 05 42878 06 42879 07 42926 08 MGMT-543 42920 01 MGMT-544 42908 01 MGMT-545 42921 01 MGMT-547 42887 01 MGMT-549 42880 01 MGMT-575 42881 01 3 HUM RESOURCES MGMT 4 Units SEM MW 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-112 ADDAE H SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-112 ADDAE H INDUS & LABR RELA 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-112 BETLEY W WORK GROUP MGMT 4 Units SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-258 STAFF STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MGMT 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-111 SEAL C STRATEGIC MGMT 4 Units LEC MW 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-120 DERAKHSHN LEC MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-120 DERAKHSHN LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-120 DERAKHSHN LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-120 DONOHOO W LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-120 KIRWAN P LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-120 QIU R LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-120 QIU R LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-120 DONOHOO W NEW VENTURE OPPORTUN ANALYSIS 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-137 PRYOR L NEW VENTURE DEVELOPMENT 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-137 PRYOR L NEW VENTURE RESOURCE REQMTS 4 Units SEM TR 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-137 DONOHOO W MANAGING GROWING BUSINESS 4 Units SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-137 ESTRELLA M LAUNCHING ENTREPRE VENTURE 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-137 ABBOTT S INTERNSHIP 4 Units SUP TBA STULL M Department Consent Required MGMT-595B INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 42882 01 4 SUP TBA STULL M Department Consent Required MGMT-595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 42883 01 4 SUP TBA STULL M Department Consent Required MGMT-625 NEW VENTURE PLAN & STRATEGY 4 Units 42885 01 19 SEM MW 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-137 PRYOR L MGMT-641 MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES 4 Units 43597 01 SEM MW 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-116 STAFF MGMT-650 MANAGING GLOBAL BUSINESS 4 Units 42893 01 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-120 QIU R MGMT-675 INTERNSHIP 4 Units 42910 01 SUP TBA STULL M Department Consent Required MGMT-685 CORP STRAT IN A GLOBAL ECON 4 Units 42886 01 19 SEM TR 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-120 STAFF Department Consent Required 42927 02 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-112 COATES B Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component MGMT-695 GRADUATE PROJECT 4 Units 42860 01 SUP TBA STULL M Department Consent Required MGMT-998 BACCALAUREATE REFLECTIVE ESSAY 0 Units 42894 01 SUP TBA STULL M Department Consent Required Marketing MKTG-305 42929 01 42930 02 43459 03 42950 04 MKTG-410 42931 01 42932 02 MARKETING PRINCIPLES 4 Units LEC MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-109 TAN K LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-109 RYAN J LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-109 HUTCHINS E LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-109 RIZKALLAH CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-118 HUTCHINS E SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-255 BROWN H SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 42 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Marketing (continued) MKTG-416 42933 01 Fees $25 MKTG-420 42953 01 MKTG-430 42935 01 MKTG-436 43460 01 42936 02 MKTG-446 42937 01 MKTG-470 42938 01 MKTG-496 42939 01 MKTG-525 43461 01 MKTG-550 42940 01 19 MKTG-575D 42941 01 3 MKTG-595A 42942 01 3,4 MKTG-595B 42943 01 4 MKTG-595C 42944 01 3,4 MKTG-595D 42945 01 4 MKTG-595E 42946 01 MKTG-605 42947 01 19 MKTG-675 42952 01 MKTG-686D 42948 01 19 MKTG-686H 42949 01 19 MARKETING RESEARCH 4 Units LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-124 TAN K ADVERTISING 4 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-255 ASSUMMA M PRO SELLING & SALES MGMT 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-252 TAN K MKTG DECISION MAKING 4 Units SEM MW 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-255 RIZKALLAH SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-252 RYAN J ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-255 ASSUMMA M INTERNATL MKTG MGMT 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-252 RYAN J MKTG PLAN&STRATEGY 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-255 ASSUMMA M SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MKTG 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-255 BROWN H ADV SPORTS MKTG PLAN&STRAT 4 Units LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-255 BROWN H INTERNSHIP 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 5 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required MARKETING MGT 4 Units SEM S 09:00AM 12:50PM JB-255 SEITZ V INTERNSHIP 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required GRADUATE PROJECT 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required GRADUATE PROJECT 8 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Mathematics MATH-75B BASIC MATH B 4 Units 42741 01 12 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-214 STAFF MATH-75C BASIC MATH C 4 Units 42742 01 12 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-240 STAFF 42743 03 12 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-137 STAFF MATH-80 FNDAMNTL ALGEBRA 4 Units 42077 01 12,23 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PL-211 STAFF 43322 02 LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM PL-211 STAFF 43323 03 LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM PL-211 STAFF 42549 04 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-211 STAFF MATH-90 INTERMED ALGEBRA 4 Units 42078 01 12,23 LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM JB-254 STAFF 42659 02 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM JB-254 STAFF 42079 03 12,23 LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM JB-254 STAFF 42550 04 LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM JB-254 STAFF Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 42080 05 12,23 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-254 STAFF 42081 06 12,23 LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM JB-254 STAFF 42551 07 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-254 STAFF 42082 08 12,23 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-254 STAFF 42083 09 12,23 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-254 STAFF 43325 10 LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM PL-283 STAFF 43326 11 LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM PE-129 STAFF MATH-110 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 4 Units 42084 01 23 LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM CE-110 STAFF Math remediation 42085 02 23 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM CE-110 STAFF Math remediation 42086 03 23 LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM CE-110 STAFF Math remediation 42087 04 23 LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM CE-110 STAFF Math remediation 42656 05 LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM CE-110 STAFF Math remediation 42088 06 23 LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-110 STAFF Math remediation 42241 07 23 LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM CE-110 STAFF Math remediation 42242 08 23 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-110 STAFF Math remediation 42089 09 23 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-110 STAFF Math remediation 42090 10 23 LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM CE-110 STAFF Math remediation 42243 11 23 LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM PL-211 STAFF Math remediation 42657 12 LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM PL-211 STAFF Math remediation 42658 13 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM JB-262 STAFF Math remediation 43371 14 LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM JB-113 STAFF Math remediation 43372 15 LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM PL-211 STAFF Math remediation 43373 16 LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM JB-262 STAFF Math remediation 43374 17 LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM CE-106 STAFF Math remediation 43375 18 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CH-116 STAFF Math remediation 43376 19 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-262 STAFF Math remediation 43377 20 LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-113 STAFF Math remediation 43378 21 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-113 STAFF Math remediation MATH-115 IDEAS OF MATH 4 Units 42091 01 23 LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM JB-262 STAFF Math remediation 42092 02 23 LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM PL-266 STAFF Math remediation 42093 03 23 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-249 STAFF Math remediation 42391 04 23 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-110 STAFF Math remediation MATH-120 PRE-CALCULUS MATH 4 Units 42094 01 23 LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM JB-138 STAFF Must complete MATH remediation, 110 42095 02 23 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM TC-016 STAFF Must complete MATH remediation, 110 42096 03 23,64 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-383 STAFF Must complete MATH remediation, 110 42392 04 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM TC-016 STAFF Must complete MATH remediation, 110 MATH-165 INTRO STAT AND HYPOTH TEST 4 Units 42119 01 1 LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-113 STAFF 42394 02 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-113 STAFF 42641 03 LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-113 STAFF MATH-180 CRIT THNK THRU MATH LOGIC 4 Units 42097 01 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-211 STAFF B1 B1 B1 A4 SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. MATH-192 METHODS OF CALCULUS 4 Units B1 42098 01 64 SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM JB-262 STAFF Must complete MATH remediation, 110 42393 02 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM PL-211 STAFF Must complete MATH remediation, 110 42471 03 SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM JB-262 STAFF Must complete MATH remediation, 110 MATH-199 TECHNOLOGY IN MATH EDUCATION 3 Units 42099 01 LEC TR 04:00PM 04:50PM JB-390 STAFF 42100 02 LAB TR 05:00PM 05:50PM JB-390 STAFF MATH-211 BASIC CALCULUS 4 Units B1 42101 01 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM JB-113 STAFF 42102 02 LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM JB-385 STAFF 42103 03 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-138 STAFF 42104 04 LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM JB-385 STAFF 42427 05 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-211 STAFF 42474 06 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-113 STAFF MATH-212 CALCULUS II 4 Units 42105 01 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM JB-385 STAFF 42106 02 LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-262 STAFF 42107 03 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-385 STAFF 42108 04 LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-387 STAFF 42556 05 LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-254 STAFF MATH-213 CALCULUS III 4 Units 42109 01 LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM JB-387 STAFF 42110 02 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-138 STAFF 42200 03 LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-138 STAFF MATH-229 GEOMETRY 2 & 3 DIMENSION 4 Units 42398 01 LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-254 STAFF Televised Crs-origination site MATH-241 PROB SOLV IN CALC 2 Units 42396 01 SEM TR 10:00AM 10:25AM JB-390 STAFF Fees $10 42397 02 LAB TR 10:30AM 11:50AM JB-390 STAFF MATH-251 MULTIVARBL CALC I 4 Units 42111 01 LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM JB-383 STAFF 42112 02 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-262 STAFF MATH-252 MULTIVRBL CALC II 4 Units 42113 01 LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-138 STAFF 42511 02 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-385 STAFF MATH-262 APPLIED STATSTICS 4 Units 42114 01 LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM JB-113 STAFF MATH-270 ELEM DIFF EQUATNS 4 Units 42115 01 LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM JB-385 STAFF MATH-272 DISCRETE MATH 4 Units 42116 01 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-262 STAFF MATH-301A FUND CONCPTS MATH EDUC A 4 Units 43370 01 LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM TC-013 STAFF 42552 02 LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM TC-013 STAFF 42553 03 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM TC-013 STAFF 42554 04 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM TC-013 STAFF MATH-301B FUND CONCPTS MATH EDUC B 4 Units 42117 01 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM TC-014 STAFF 43343 02 LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM TC-014 STAFF 42118 03 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM TC-014 STAFF MATH-301C FUND CONCPTS MATH EDUC C 4 Units 43344 01 LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM TC-014 STAFF 43345 02 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM TC-014 STAFF 42244 03 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM TC-014 STAFF 42555 04 LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM TC-013 STAFF MATH-308 PROB SOLV THEORY & PRACTICE 2 Units 42584 01 LEC MW 10:40AM 11:30AM JB-386 STAFF 42399 02 LEC MW 12:00PM 12:50PM JB-386 STAFF 42583 03 LEC M 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-386 STAFF 42662 04 LEC W 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-386 STAFF 43365 05 LEC T 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-386 STAFF 43366 06 LEC R 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-386 STAFF MATH-320 MATHEMATICAL INTEREST THEORY 4 Units 42246 01 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:15PM JB-383 STAFF 42249 02 ACT TR 05:25PM 06:20PM JB-383 STAFF MATH-329 TRANSFORMATION GEOMETRY 4 Units 42120 01 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-387 STAFF Class Sec Foot- No. No. note MATH-331 42121 01 43369 02 MATH-345 42122 01 MATH-355 42123 01 43350 02 MATH-372 42124 01 MATH-395A 42125 01 43 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. LINEAR ALGEBRA 4 Units LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM JB-385 STAFF LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-385 STAFF NUMBER THEORY & PROOF 4 Units LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-383 STAFF ANALYSIS & PROOF 4 Units LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM JB-383 STAFF LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-387 STAFF COMBINATORICS 4 Units LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-387 STAFF DIRECTED STUDY 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required MATH-395B DIRECTED STUDY 2 Units 42126 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 42309 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required MATH-395D DIRECTED STUDY 4 Units 42127 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 42526 02 SUP TR 08:00AM 09:50AM TC-013 STAFF Department Consent Required 42622 03 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required MATH-465 PROBABILITY THEORY 4 Units 42128 01 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM JB-387 STAFF MATH-470 ORDINARY DIFFERNTL EQUATNS 4 Units 42642 01 LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM JB-387 STAFF MATH-474 NUMERICAL METHODS 4 Units 42643 01 LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-139 STAFF MATH-480 HISTORY OF MATH 4 Units 42129 01 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-385 STAFF MATH-499 MATH IN SECONDARY CLASSROOM 4 Units 42495 01 LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-386 STAFF MATH-529 ADVANCED GEOMETRY 4 Units 42130 01 LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM JB-387 STAFF MATH-545 ABSTRCT ALGEBRA I 4 Units 42131 01 LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-114 STAFF MATH-546 ABSTRCT ALGEBR II 4 Units 42132 01 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-138 STAFF MATH-553 ANALYSIS I 4 Units 42133 01 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-387 STAFF MATH-554 ANALYSIS II 4 Units 42134 01 LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM JB-387 STAFF MATH-565 MATH STATISTICS 4 Units 43368 01 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-385 STAFF MATH-576 INTRO MATH MODELS 4 Units 43367 01 LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM JB-387 STAFF MATH-595A INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 Unit 42613 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required MATH-595C INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units 42259 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required MATH-595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 42135 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 42294 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 42296 03 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 42297 04 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 42535 05 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required MATH-599 SENIOR SEM FOR EDUCATORS 2 Units 42245 01 SEM M 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-385 STAFF MATH-610 TOPICS IN MATH: NONLINEAR DYNAMICS4 Units 42138 01 3,19 LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-383 STAFF MATH-616 STUDIES ALGEBRA 4 Units 42472 01 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-383 STAFF MATH-635 TEACHING STATS & PROBABILITY 6 Units 43379 01 SEM TR 04:00PM 06:50PM JB-387 STAFF SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 44 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Mathematics (continued) MATH-695B 42514 01 GRAD IND STUDY SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42726 02 SUP TBA Department Consent Required MATH-695D GRAD IND STUDY 42262 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42300 02 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42308 03 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42314 04 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42437 05 SUP TBA Department Consent Required MATH-696 MASTERS DEGREE PROJECT I 42139 01 19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42423 02 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42424 03 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42426 04 SUP TBA 42435 05 SUP TBA MATH-697 MASTERS PROJECT II 42140 01 19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42302 02 SUP TBA 42313 03 SUP TBA 42432 04 SUP TBA 42433 05 SUP TBA 42438 06 SUP TBA 42446 07 SUP TBA MATH-698D CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 42209 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 42295 02 SUP TBA Department Consent Required MATH-699 MAT THESIS 42136 01 6,19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Music 2 Units STAFF STAFF 4 Units STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF 3 Units STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF 1 Unit STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF 4 Units STAFF STAFF 4 Units STAFF Military Science MILS-100 40115 01 MILS-153 40116 01 MILS-253 40117 01 MILS-260 40118 01 MILS-353 40119 01 MILS-453 40120 01 MILS-595 40121 01 Meeting Days Hours LEADERSHIP LAB 1 Unit SUP T 01:00PM 03:30PM PL-269 STAFF T 03:30PM 05:30PM BASIC MIL SKILLS III 2 Units SUP T 08:00AM 08:50AM SB-211 STAFF INTERMED LDRSHIP&MGMT III 2 Units SUP T 09:00AM 10:50AM SB-214 STAFF ROTC BASIC CAMP 2 Units SUP R 08:00AM 09:50AM SB-211 STAFF ADV MIL LEAD & MGMT 2 Units SUP R 01:00PM 03:50PM SB-205 STAFF SEN LEADERSHIP 2 Units SUP T 09:00AM 11:50AM SB-205 STAFF INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP R 08:00AM 10:50AM SB-205 STAFF MUS -80 40922 01 40923 02 40924 03 3 MUS -81 40925 01 MUS -82A 40926 01 MUS -82B 40927 01 MUS -82C 40928 01 MUS -82D 40929 01 MUS -82E 40930 01 MUS -82F 41074 01 MUS -83A 40931 01 MUS -83B 40932 01 MUS -83C 40933 01 MUS -83D 40934 01 3 MUS -83E 40935 01 MUS -84A 40936 01 MUS -84B 40937 01 MUS -84C 40938 01 PREPARATORY VOICE SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREPARATORY PIANO SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP STRNG:VIOLIN SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP STRNG:VIOLA SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP STRNG:CELLO SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP STRNG:BASS SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP STRNG:GUITAR SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP STRING:HARP SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP WND:FLUTE SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP WND:CLARINET SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP WND:OBOE SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP WND:BASSOON SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP WND:SAXOPHONE SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP BRASS:TRUMPET SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP BRASS:HORN SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required PREP BRASS:TROMBONE SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required 1 Unit FRASER C RUSSELL J TOMLINSON 1 Unit CHANG J 1 Unit LEWIS L 1 Unit LEWIS L 1 Unit MALDONADO 1 Unit MALDONADO 1 Unit GREEN S 1 Unit DROPKIN M 1 Unit SCHROEDER 1 Unit USHER J 1 Unit STAFF 1 Unit REHFELDT P 1 Unit KNOP R 1 Unit TESH T 1 Unit LAMPREY A 1 Unit JESTER E SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note MUS -84D 40939 01 MUS -85 40940 01 MUS -122 41053 01 MUS -123 43332 01 43333 02 MUS -140 40941 01 40942 02 40943 03 MUS -141A 40944 01 MUS -141B 40945 01 MUS -141C 40946 01 MUS -142A 40947 01 MUS -142B 40948 01 MUS -142C 40949 01 MUS -142D 40950 01 MUS -142E 40951 01 MUS -142F 41075 01 MUS -143A 40952 01 MUS -143B 40953 01 MUS -143C 40954 01 MUS -143D 40955 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. PREP BRASS:TUBA 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM JESTER E TBA Department Consent Required PREPARATORY PERCUSSION 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM JOHNSON T TBA Department Consent Required THEORY II 3 Units SEM MWF 08:00AM 08:50AM CH-130 MENTON A MUSICIANSHIP II 1 Unit ACT MW 09:20AM 11:10AM PA-223 FRASER C ACT MW 10:40AM 12:30PM PA-223 FRASER C LOW-DIV VOICE I 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM FRASER C TBA Department Consent Required SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM RUSSELL J TBA Department Consent Required SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TOMLINSON TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV KEYBD I:PIANO 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM CHANG J TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV KEYBD:ORGAN 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM STAFF TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV KEYBD:HARPSICHORD 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM STAFF TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV STRING:VIOLIN 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM LEWIS L TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV STRING I:VIOLA 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM LEWIS L TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV STRING I:CELLO 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM MALDONADO TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV STRING I:BASS 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM MALDONADO TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV STRING:GUITAR 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM GREEN S TBA Department Consent Required LOWER-DIV STRING I:HARP 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM DROPKIN M TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV WIND I:FLUTE 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM SCHROEDER TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV WIND I:CLARINET 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM USHER J TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV WIND I:OBOE 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM STAFF TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV WIND I:BASSOON 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM REHFELDT P TBA Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note MUS -143E 40956 01 MUS -144A 40957 01 MUS -144B 40958 01 MUS -144C 40959 01 MUS -144D 40960 01 MUS -145 40961 01 MUS -180 43324 02 41082 70 MUS -202A 41095 01 MUS -204B 41097 01 MUS -205B 41088 01 MUS -211A 41096 01 MUS -212 41098 01 MUS -222 40962 01 41054 02 MUS -240 40963 01 7 40964 02 7 40965 03 7 MUS -241A 40966 01 7 MUS -241B 40967 01 7 MUS -241C 40968 01 7 MUS -242A 40969 01 7 MUS -242B 40970 01 7 MUS -242C 40971 01 7 45 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. LOW-DIV WIND I:SAXOPHONE 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM KNOP R TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV BRASS I:TRUMPET 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TESH T TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV BRASS I:HORN 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM LAMPREY A TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV BRASS I:TROMBONE 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM JESTER E TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV BRASS I:TUBA 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM JESTER E TBA Department Consent Required LOWER-DIV PERCUSSION I 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM JOHNSON T TBA Department Consent Required STUDIES IN MUSIC 4 Units C1 LEC TBA OL-ONLINEGREEN S LEC TBA OL-ONLINEGREEN S Online course CLASS WOODWINDS I 1 Unit ACT MW 08:00AM 08:50AM PA-127 USHER J CLASS PERCUSSION II 1 Unit ACT TR 09:00AM 10:50AM PA-127 JOHNSON T CLASS GUITAR II 1 Unit ACT T 04:00PM 05:50PM PA-224 GREEN S DICTION FOR SINGERS I 2 Units SEM TR 09:00AM 09:50AM PA-224 FRASER C CHORAL MUSIC LITERATURE 2 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 10:50AM PA-125 RUSSELL J CLASS PIANO III 1 Unit ACT TR 09:00AM 09:50AM PA-133 KIRK E ACT TR 10:00AM 10:50AM PA-133 KIRK E LOW-DIV VOICE II 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM FRASER C TBA Department Consent Required SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM RUSSELL J TBA Department Consent Required SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TOMLINSON TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV KEYBD II:PIANO 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM CHANG J TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV KEYBD II:ORGAN 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM STAFF TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV KEYBD II:HARPSICHORD 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM STAFF TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV STRING II:VIOLIN 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM LEWIS L TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV STRING II:VIOLA 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM LEWIS L TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV STRING II:CELLO 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM MALDONADO TBA Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 46 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Music (continued) MUS -242D 40972 01 7 MUS -242E 40973 01 7 MUS -242F 41076 01 MUS -243A 40974 01 7 MUS -243B 40975 01 7 MUS -243C 40976 01 7 MUS -243D 40977 01 7 MUS -243E 40978 01 7 MUS -244A 40979 01 7 MUS -244B 40980 01 7 MUS -244C 40981 01 7 MUS -244D 40982 01 7 MUS -245 40983 01 7 MUS -246 40984 01 7 MUS -252 41071 01 MUS -253 43334 01 MUS -301 41057 01 MUS -306 40985 01 MUS -330 41099 01 MUS -340 40986 01 LOW-DIV STRING II:BASS 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM MALDONADO TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV STRING II:GUITAR 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM GREEN S TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV STRING II:HARP 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM DROPKIN M TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV WIND II:FLUTE 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM SCHROEDER TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV WIND II:CLARINET 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM USHER J TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV WIND II:OBOE 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM STAFF TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV WIND II:BASSOON 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM REHFELDT P TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV WIND II:SAXOPHONE 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM KNOP R TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV BRASS II:TRUMPET 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TESH T TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV BRASS II:HORN 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM LAMPREY A TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV BRASS II:TROMBONE 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM JESTER E TBA Department Consent Required LOW-DIV BRASS II:TUBA 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM JESTER E TBA Department Consent Required LOWER-DIV PERCUSSION II 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM JOHNSON T TBA Department Consent Required LOWER-DIV COMPOSITION 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM MENTON A TBA Department Consent Required THEORY V 3 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:30AM CH-130 MENTON A MUSICIANSHIP V 1 Unit FLD MW 12:00PM 01:50PM PA-223 MENTON A CHORAL CONDUCTING 1 Unit ACT TR 11:00AM 11:50AM PA-125 RUSSELL J HISTORY MUSIC III 4 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PA-224 RADOMSKI J ADV JAZZ IMPROV 2 Units ACT TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PA-127 KNOP R UPPER-DIV VOICE I 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM FRASER C TBA Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 40987 02 40988 03 MUS -341A 40989 01 MUS -341B 40990 01 MUS -341C 40991 01 MUS -342A 40992 01 MUS -342B 40993 01 MUS -342C 40994 01 MUS -342D 40995 01 MUS -342E 40996 01 MUS -342F 41072 01 MUS -343A 40997 01 MUS -343B 40998 01 MUS -343C 40999 01 MUS -343D 41000 01 MUS -343E 41001 01 MUS -344A 41002 01 MUS -344B 41003 01 MUS -344C 41004 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV KEYBD I:PIANO SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV KEYBD I:ORGAN SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV KEYBOARD:HARPSICHORD SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV STRING I:VIOLIN SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV STRING I:VIOLA SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV STRING I:CELLO SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV STRING I:BASS SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV STRING I:GUITAR SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV STRING I:HARP SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV WIND I:FLUTE SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV WIND I:CLARINET SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV WIND I:OBOE SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV WIND I:BASSOON SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV WIND I:SAXOPHONE SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV BRASS I:TRUMPET SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV BRASS I:HORN SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV BRASS I:TROMBONE SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TBA Department Consent Required RUSSELL J TOMLINSON 1 Unit CHANG J 1 Unit STAFF 1 Unit STAFF 1 Unit LEWIS L 1 Unit LEWIS L 1 Unit MALDONADO 1 Unit MALDONADO 1 Unit GREEN S 1 Unit DROPKIN M 1 Unit SCHROEDER 1 Unit USHER J 1 Unit STAFF 1 Unit REHFELDT P 1 Unit KNOP R 1 Unit TESH T 1 Unit LAMPREY A 1 Unit JESTER E SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note MUS -344D 41005 01 MUS -345 41006 01 MUS -346 41007 01 MUS -348 41084 01 MUS -349 41101 01 MUS -351 43335 01 MUS -370 41078 01 41079 02 41085 03 41086 04 MUS -375 41083 01 MUS -380 41008 01 3 MUS -381 41009 01 3 MUS -382A 41010 01 3 MUS -382B 41011 01 MUS -382C 41012 01 3 MUS -382D 41013 01 3 MUS -382E 41014 01 3 MUS -382F 41015 01 3 MUS -382H 41059 01 MUS -385 41016 01 3 MUS -386 41058 01 MUS -389 41017 01 3 MUS -391 41018 01 3 MUS -392 41019 01 MUS -397 41094 01 MUS -408 41056 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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UPPER-DIV BRASS I:TUBA 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM JESTER E TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV PERCUSSION I 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM JOHNSON T TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV COMPOSITION I 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM MENTON A TBA Department Consent Required APPLIED TECH I 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM VANCE W TBA Department Consent Required APPL COMMERCIAL MUSIC 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM SVEEN K TBA Department Consent Required LATIN AMER MUSIC 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM MALDONADO MUSIC FOR CLSSRM TCHR 3 Units SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM CH-130 LEWIS L ACT TBA LEWIS L SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM CH-130 USHER J ACT TBA USHER J MUSIC THEATRE INTERNSHIP 2 Units SUP TBA FRASER C Department Consent Required CHAMBER ORCHESTRA 1 Unit ACT TR 06:00PM 07:50PM PA-127 MALDONADO TBA SYMPHONIC BAND 1 Unit ACT MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM PA-127 JESTER E CHAMBER MUS:WOODWINDS 1 Unit ACT TBA USHER J Department Consent Required CHAMBER MUS:PERCUSSION 1 Unit ACT MW 04:00PM 05:15PM JOHNSON T Department Consent Required CHAMBER MUS:FLUTE CHOIR 1 Unit ACT TBA SCHROEDER Department Consent Required CHAMBER MUS:BRASS QNT 1 Unit ACT TBA UNDEM S Department Consent Required CHAMBER MUS:SAX ENS 1 Unit ACT TBA KNOP R Department Consent Required CHAMBER MUS:GUITAR ENS 1 Unit ACT T 12:00PM 01:30PM PA-125 GREEN S Department Consent Required CHAMBER MUSIC: JAZZ COMBO 1 Unit ACT TW 06:00PM 07:50PM PA-125 KNOP R Department Consent Required CONCERT CHOIR 1 Unit ACT TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PA-125 RUSSELL J CHAMBER SINGERS 1 Unit ACT TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PA-125 RUSSELL J Department Consent Required CHAMBER WINDS 1 Unit ACT MW 04:00PM 05:50PM PA-127 JESTER E Department Consent Required JAZZ ENSEMBLE 1 Unit ACT TRF 04:00PM 05:10PM PA-127 KNOP R Department Consent Required VOCAL JAZZ 1 Unit ACT MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM PA-125 HAMPTON B OPERA THEATRE II 2 Units ACT MWF 04:00PM 05:10PM PA-125 FRASER C Department Consent Required ARRANGING 2 Units SEM TR 08:00AM 08:50AM PA-223 KNOP R Class Sec Foot- No. No. note MUS -414 41093 01 MUS -429 41089 01 MUS -440 41020 01 7 41021 02 7 41022 03 7 MUS -441A 41023 01 7 MUS -441B 41024 01 7 MUS -441C 41025 01 7 MUS -442A 41026 01 7 MUS -442B 41027 01 7 MUS -442C 41028 01 7 MUS -442D 41029 01 7 MUS -442E 41030 01 7 MUS -442F 41073 01 MUS -443A 41031 01 7 MUS -443B 41032 01 7 MUS -443C 41033 01 7 MUS -443D 41034 01 7 MUS -443E 41035 01 7 MUS -444A 41036 01 7 47 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. COMMERCIAL ARRANGING & SCORING 2 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 12:50PM CH-130 HAMPTON B MUS TECH SOUND DESGN/MUS FOR MEDIA4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM PA-130 VANCE W UPPER-DIV VOICE II 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM FRASER C TBA Department Consent Required SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM RUSSELL J TBA Department Consent Required SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TOMLINSON TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV KEYBD II:PIANO 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM CHANG J TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV KEYBD II:ORGAN 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM STAFF TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV KEYBD II:HARPSICHORD 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM STAFF TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV STRING II:VIOLIN 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM LEWIS L TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV STRING:VIOLA 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM LEWIS L TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV STRING II:CELLO 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM MALDONADO TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV STRING II:BASS 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM MALDONADO TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV STRING II:GUITAR 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM GREEN S TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV STRING II:HARP 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM DROPKIN M TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV WIND II:FLUTE 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM SCHROEDER TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV WIND II:CLARINET 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM USHER J TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV WIND II:OBOE 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM STAFF TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV WIND II:BASSOON 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM REHFELDT P TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV WIND:SAXOPHONE 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM KNOP R TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV BRASS II:TRUMPET 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM TESH T TBA Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 48 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Music (continued) Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 41087 04 41092 05 MUS -444B 41037 01 7 MUS -444C 41038 01 7 MUS -444D 41039 01 7 MUS -445 41040 01 7 MUS -446 41041 01 7 MUS -448 41042 01 7 MUS -450C 43424 01 MUS -498 41043 01 41062 02 41063 03 MUS -499 41044 01 41064 02 41080 03 41081 04 MUS -528A 41052 01 41065 02 41066 03 MUS -528B 41045 01 3 MUS -528C 41046 01 3 MUS -528D 41047 01 3 MUS -535 41048 01 41049 02 MUS -575 41090 01 MUS -598 41050 01 41067 02 41068 03 UPPER-DIV BRASS II:HORN 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM LAMPREY A TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV BRASS II:TROMBONE 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM JESTER E TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV BRASS II:TUBA 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM JESTER E TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV PERCUSSION II 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM JOHNSON T TBA Department Consent Required UPPER-DIV COMPOSITION II 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM MENTON A TBA Department Consent Required APPLIED TECHNOLOGY II 1 Unit SUP R 12:00PM 01:50PM VANCE W TBA Department Consent Required APPLIED PEDAGOGY:ORCH STRINGS 2 Units SEM TBA LEWIS L Department Consent Required JUNIOR PROJECT 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required JUNIOR RECITAL 1 Unit SUP TBA FRASER C Department Consent Required SUP TBA REHFELDT P Department Consent Required SUP TBA GREEN S Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPECIAL PROJECTS 1 Unit SUP TBA LEWIS L Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPECIAL PROJECTS 2 Units SUP TBA VANCE W Department Consent Required SPECIAL PROJECTS 3 Units SUP TBA RADOMSKI J Department Consent Required SPECIAL PROJECTS 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMP MUS TEACHERS 2 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:10AM PA-133 USHER J ACT TBA USHER J INTERNSHIP MUSIC TECHNOLOGY 4 Units SUP TBA JOHNSON T SENIOR PROJECT 1 Unit SUP TBA JESTER E Department Consent Required SUP TBA VANCE W Department Consent Required SUP TBA RADOMSKI J Department Consent Required MUS -599 41051 01 41069 02 41070 03 41077 04 MUS -628A 41061 01 MUS -990 41060 01 MUS -998 41055 01 Meeting Days Hours SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SENIOR RECITAL SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SPECIAL PROJECTS SUP TBA Department Consent Required MUS COMP ASSESSMENT SUP TBA CONCERT ATTENDANCE SUP TBA Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. RUSSELL J MENTON A 1 Unit USHER J KNOP R FRASER C RUSSELL J 1 Unit FRASER C 0 Units JOHNSON T 0 Units JOHNSON T Natural Sciences NSCI-306 42141 01 23 42142 02 23 42146 03 23 42143 04 23 42144 05 23 42145 06 23 NSCI-310 42265 01 NSCI-314 42147 01 NSCI-315 42202 01 NSCI-325 42548 01 EXPOSITORY WRITING NSCI 4 Units LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM BI-009 STAFF LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM BI-009 STAFF LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM BI-009 STAFF LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM BI-009 STAFF LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM BI-009 STAFF LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM BI-009 STAFF ENVIR&HUMAN SURVIVAL 4 Units LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM PS-010 STAFF LIFE IN THE COSMOS 4 Units LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PS-010 STAFF NATURAL DISASTERS 4 Units LEC MW 12:00PM 01:50PM PS-010 STAFF PERSPEC ON GENDER 4 Units LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PS-010 STAFF F B5 B5 B5 B5,G1 Nursing Registration for Nursing co-requisite courses must take place simultaneously in a single enrollment request. Failure to register for both courses at the same time will cause an enrollment error indicating that “requirements have not been met.” NURS-204 42148 01 NURS-205 42149 01 Fees $20 42150 02 Fees $20 42151 03 Fees $20 42152 04 Fees $20 42496 05 Fees $20 43381 06 Fees $20 BEGINNING NURSING PROCESS 4 Units LEC R 02:00PM 05:50PM CE-116 STAFF NURS 205 Coreq BEGINNING NURSING LAB 3 Units LAB F 07:00AM 06:50PM HP-234 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB W 07:00AM 06:50PM HP-234 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB M 07:00AM 06:50PM HP-239 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB W 07:00AM 06:50PM HP-239 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB F 07:00AM 06:50PM HP-239 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB M 07:00AM 10:50AM HP-234 STAFF SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note NURS-220 42153 01 NURS-221 42154 01 Fees $20 42155 02 Fees $20 42156 03 Fees $20 42157 04 Fees $20 42557 05 Fees $20 NURS-332 42158 01 NURS-333 42159 01 Fees $20 42160 02 Fees $20 42161 03 Fees $20 42162 04 Fees $20 42558 05 Fees $20 43382 06 Fees $20 NURS-340 42163 01 NURS-380 42164 01 42717 02 NURS-382 42404 01 42718 02 NURS-396 42710 01 42716 03 42722 04 NURS-400 42166 01 NURS-401 42559 01 Fees $20 42560 02 Fees $20 42561 03 Fees $20 42562 04 Fees $20 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. INTERMEDIATE NURSING PROCESS 4 Units LEC R 02:00PM 05:50PM STAFF NURS 221 Coreq INTERMEDIATE NURSING LAB 4 Units LAB M 07:00AM 06:50PM HP-126 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB W 07:00AM 06:50PM HP-126 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB M 07:00AM 06:50PM Department Consent Required STAFF LAB F 07:00AM 06:50PM HP-126 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB F 07:00AM 06:50PM Department Consent Required STAFF FAMILIES & CHILDREN 4 Units LEC R 02:00PM 05:50PM CS-122 STAFF Corequisite NURS 333 FAMILIES & CHILDREN LAB 3 Units LAB F 06:30AM 03:20PM PS-133 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB M 06:30AM 03:20PM HP-122 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB W 06:30AM 03:20PM HP-122 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB F 06:30AM 03:20PM HP-122 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB U 06:30AM 03:20PM HP-234 STAFF Department Consent Required LAB T 06:30AM 03:20PM HP-234 STAFF THEORIES OF NURSING 2 Units LEC T 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-263 STAFF PATHOPHYSIO CONCPTS NURSING 4 Units SEM T 02:00PM 05:50PM CS-122 STAFF SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PHARMACOLOGY 2 Units SEM T 08:00AM 09:50AM JB-109 STAFF SEM R 04:00PM 05:50PM OC-TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SEL TOPS IN NURS 2 Units SEM T 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-102 STAFF Department Consent Required SEM M 06:00PM 07:50PM HP-246 STAFF Department Consent Required SEM M 04:00PM 05:50PM HP-246 STAFF Department Consent Required PSYCH/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 4 Units LEC R 02:00PM 05:50PM PL-263 STAFF Corequisite: NURS 401 PSYCH/MENTAL HEALTH NURS:ACT 4 Units ACT M 07:00AM 06:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required ACT W 07:00AM 06:50PM Department Consent Required STAFF ACT F 07:00AM 06:50PM Department Consent Required STAFF ACT M 07:00AM 06:50PM Department Consent Required STAFF Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 42636 05 Fees $20 NURS-404 42167 01 NURS-405 42563 01 Fees $20 42564 02 Fees $20 42565 03 Fees $20 42566 04 Fees $20 43383 05 Fees $20 NURS-406 42169 01 NURS-407 42567 01 Fees $20 42568 02 Fees $20 42569 03 Fees $20 42570 04 Fees $20 NURS-444 42637 49 NURS-446 42638 49 NURS-483 42708 49 NURS-595A 42606 01 NURS-595B 42521 01 NURS-595D 42529 01 NURS-601 42405 01 NURS-620 42588 01 Fees $20 42605 02 NURS-654 42711 01 NURS-655 42589 01 NURS-658 42590 01 NURS-688 42485 01 NURS-690 42486 01 NURS-697 42591 01 49 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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ACT M 07:00AM 10:50AM Department Consent Required STAFF LEADERSHIP NURSING:NURS MGMT 4 Units LEC M 08:00AM 11:50AM UH-257 STAFF Corequisite: NURS 405 LEADERSHIP IN NURSING:CLIN 4 Units CLN T 04:00PM 05:50PM HP-126 STAFF Department Consent Required CLN T 04:00PM 05:50PM HP-239 STAFF Department Consent Required CLN T 04:00PM 05:50PM Department Consent Required STAFF CLN T 04:00PM 05:50PM HP-122 STAFF Department Consent Required CLN T 04:00PM 07:50PM Department Consent Required STAFF COMMNTY/PUBLIC HEALTH NURS 4 Units LEC M 08:00AM 11:50AM PL-283 STAFF Corequisite: NURS 407 COMMUNITY/PUBLIC HEALTH CLIN 4 Units CLN W 07:00AM 03:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required CLN W 07:00AM 03:50PM PS-209 STAFF Department Consent Required CLN F 07:00AM 03:50PM Department Consent Required STAFF CLN R 07:00AM 03:50PM HP-126 STAFF Department Consent Required NURSE AS EXPRT CLINICIAN 4 Units LEC S OC-REDL STAFF NURSE AS MENTOR:ACTIVITY 4 Units ACT R 04:00AM 07:50AM OC-REDL STAFF NURSE AS LIFELONG LEARNER:AP M 4 Units LEC S 04:00PM 07:50PM OC-REDL STAFF INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PREP FOR MSN LEARNING 1 Unit SEM TBA STAFF HEALTH POLICY LEADERSHIP 6 Units LEC TBA STAFF Department Consent Required LAB TBA STAFF TRANSCULTURAL HEALTHCARE 4 Units LEC TBA OL-ONLINESTAFF ADVANCED THEORY 4 Units LEC TBA STAFF Department Consent Required NURS EDUC:CURRIC & INSTRUCTN 4 Units SEM TBA STAFF ADVANCED ROLE PRACTICUM 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF PREP FOR COMP EXAM 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF CLINICAL PROJECT IN NURSING 6 Units SUP TBA STAFF SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 50 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Nursing (continued) NURS-698A 42597 01 NURS-699 42487 01 NURS-999 42488 01 CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT SUP TBA Department Consent Required THESIS RESEARCH IN NURSING SUP TBA COMP EXAM SUP TBA Department Consent Required 1 Unit STAFF 6 Units STAFF 0 Units STAFF Paralegal Studies PLST-376 43518 01 PLST-386 43519 01 PLST-575 40122 01 3 PLST-595A 40123 01 3,4 PLST-595B 40124 01 3,4 PLST-595C 40125 01 3,4 PLST-595D 40126 01 3,4 FAMILY LAW 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM PL-217 KOTTMEIER LEGAL WRITING 4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM PL-217 SCHERTELL INTERNSHIP IN PLST 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Philosophy PHIL-101 41550 01 41563 02 43549 03 43550 04 PHIL-105 41528 01 41529 02 41530 03 41565 04 43551 05 43552 06 43553 07 PHIL-190 41531 01 41532 02 41533 03 41534 04 41551 05 41554 06 43604 07 43605 08 PHIL-191 41535 01 41536 02 41552 03 41556 04 41557 05 PHIL-192 41537 01 41538 02 MORAL CHOICES IN LIFE 2 Units E2 SEM T 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-240 CHRISMAN E SEM T 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-257 JOHNS B SEM R 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-240 CHRISMAN E SEM R 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-246 JOHNS B CRIT THINK ARGUMNT ANALY 4 Units A4 SEM MWF 02:40PM 03:50PM UH-252 GARDNER T SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-252 GARCIA D SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-252 ARNECILLO SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM UH-252 ADAMCZYK K SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-252 ADAMCZYK K SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-106 KWON D SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-250 KWON D INTRO TO PHILOS 4 Units C4 SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-243 NATICCHIA SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-246 NIST P SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-257 NATICCHIA SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-106 KWON D SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-252 JOHNS B SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-252 JOHNS B SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-252 ARNECILLO SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-252 ARNECILLO INTRO TO ETHICS 4 Units C4 SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM UH-246 NIST P SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-246 NIST P SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-246 MOODY T SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-246 CHRISMAN E SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-246 CHRISMAN E INTRO PHIL OF RELIGION 4 Units C4 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-242 GALLO B SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-242 GALLO B Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 43442 03 PHIL-194 41553 01 41555 02 41559 03 41566 04 43443 05 PHIL-200 41548 01 41549 02 PHIL-314 41547 01 45 PHIL-367 43611 01 45 PHIL-387 43618 01 45 PHIL-400 41546 01 48 PHIL-460 43619 01 48 PHIL-516 41539 01 PHIL-575B 41540 01 PHIL-575C 41541 01 PHIL-575D 41542 01 PHIL-595B 41543 01 PHIL-595C 41544 01 PHIL-595D 41545 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-252 GALLO B INTRO KNOWLEDGE&REALITY 4 Units C4 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM CE-117 GARDNER T SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM CE-117 GARDNER T SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM CE-117 SCHWARTZ J SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-144 SCHWARTZ J SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-257 SCHWARTZ J CRIT THINK THRU SYMBOLIC LOGIC 4 Units A4 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-246 MUMMA J SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-113 MUMMA J MOD PHIL:ETHICS/POLITICS 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-246 MOODY T GENDER AND PHILOSOPHY 4 Units G2 SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-252 BUROKER B PHIL OF LANGUAGE 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-117 ROY T ADV ISSUES IN LGIC INTRO METALOGIC 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-117 MUMMA J ADV ISUES N VALUE THERY METAETHICS 4 Units SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-257 NATICCHIA SENIOR PROJECT 1 Unit SUP TBA ROY T Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP IN PHIL 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP IN PHIL 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP IN PHIL 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Physics If class is closed contact the Physics Department at 537-5397. PHYS-100 42170 01 Fees $12 42171 02 42172 03 42382 04 42383 05 PHYS-123 42193 01 Fees $12 42173 02 42174 03 42175 04 42176 05 42177 06 42233 07 42266 08 42267 09 42542 10 42697 11 42698 12 43266 13 PHYS-150 43260 01 Fees $12 43267 02 PHYSICS MODERN WORLD 5 Units B3 SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM HP-124 STAFF LAB M 01:00PM 04:50PM PS-123 STAFF LAB M 06:00PM 08:50PM PS-123 STAFF LAB W 01:00PM 03:50PM PS-123 STAFF LAB W 06:00PM 08:50PM PS-123 STAFF BASIC PHYSICS III 4 Units LEC MW 04:00PM 05:25PM PS-010 MCGILL J LAB M 01:00PM 03:50PM PS-124 STAFF LAB M 06:00PM 08:50PM PS-124 STAFF LAB T 01:00PM 03:50PM PS-124 STAFF LAB T 06:00PM 09:50PM PS-124 STAFF LAB W 09:00AM 11:50AM PS-124 STAFF LAB W 01:00PM 03:50PM PS-124 STAFF LAB W 06:00PM 08:50PM PS-124 STAFF LAB R 09:00AM 11:50AM PS-124 STAFF LAB R 01:00PM 03:50PM PS-124 STAFF LAB R 06:00PM 08:50PM PS-124 STAFF LAB F 09:00AM 12:50PM PS-123 STAFF LAB F 01:00PM 03:50PM PS-124 STAFF INTRO ELECTRONICS 5 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM CS-130 STAFF LAB M 12:00PM 02:50PM PS-128 STAFF SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 43268 03 43269 04 43270 05 43271 06 PHYS-222 42178 01 Fees $12 42179 02 Fees $12 42180 03 42251 04 42273 05 42385 06 42545 07 42599 08 42640 09 PHYS-225 42195 01 PHYS-295A 42181 01 PHYS-295B 42182 01 PHYS-307 43262 01 PHYS-314 42639 01 PHYS-315 43272 01 PHYS-352 43264 01 Fees $12 43265 02 PHYS-398 43263 01 PHYS-585B 42183 01 Meeting Days Hours LAB M LAB W LAB W LAB F GEN PHYSICS II LEC MW Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 04:00PM 06:50PM PS-128 STAFF 12:00PM 02:50PM PS-128 STAFF 04:00PM 06:50PM PS-128 STAFF 12:00PM 02:50PM PS-128 STAFF 5 Units 04:00PM 05:50PM PS-204 HOOD C LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PS-204 HOOD C LAB M 01:00PM 03:50PM PS-012 DIXON P LAB M 06:00PM 09:50PM PS-012 STAFF LAB T 02:00PM 04:50PM PS-012 STAFF LAB W 09:00AM 11:50AM PS-012 STAFF LAB W 01:00PM 03:50PM PS-012 STAFF LAB R 09:00AM 11:50AM PS-012 STAFF LAB R 02:00PM 04:50PM PS-012 STAFF GENERAL PHYSICS V 3 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:25PM PS-203 KOLEHMAINE SPEC PROJECT PHYS 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPEC PROJECT PHYS 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CLASSICAL MECHANICS II 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PS-133 KOLEHMAINE ELECTRODYNAMICS II 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM PS-133 RENTELN P Department Consent Required INTRO MODERN OPTICS 4 Units SEM MW 10:00AM 11:50AM PS-133 RENTELN P ADVANCED ELECTRONICS 4 Units SEM TR 12:30PM 01:55PM PS-128 DIXON P LAB TR 02:00PM 03:30PM PS-128 DIXON P JUNIOR ASSESSMENT 1 Unit ACT W 01:00PM 03:50PM PS-133 RENTELN P INTERN IN PHYSICS 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PHYS-585C INTERN IN PHYSICS 3 Units 42184 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PHYS-585D INTERN IN PHYSICS 4 Units 42213 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PHYS-595A INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 Unit 42185 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PHYS-595B INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 42186 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 42724 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PHYS-595C INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units 42187 01 3,4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PHYS-595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 42715 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 42188 02 4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PHYS-595E INDEPENDENT STUDY 5 Units 42189 01 4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PHYS-595F INDEPENDENT STUDY 6 Units 42190 01 4 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 51 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Political Science PSCI-203 40127 01 40128 02 40129 03 PSCI-204 40594 01 PSCI-300 40495 01 PSCI-305 43291 01 PSCI-310 43292 01 PSCI-314 40496 01 PSCI-315 40375 01 PSCI-320 40130 01 PSCI-325 43294 01 PSCI-326 43293 01 PSCI-328 40595 01 PSCI-410 40596 01 PSCI-431 40665 01 PSCI-484 40597 01 PSCI-530 40669 01 3 PSCI-535 40376 01 PSCI-540 40343 01 3 PSCI-575B 40131 01 3 PSCI-575D 40132 01 3 PSCI-595B 40344 01 3 PSCI-595C 40621 01 3 PSCI-595D 40345 01 3 40780 02 3 PSCI-597 40133 01 PSCI-602 40134 01 19 PSCI-606 40416 01 19 PSCI-613 43295 01 19 PSCI-698D 40377 01 19 PSCI-698F 40392 01 19 PSCI-698Z 40346 01 19 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 4 Units D2 LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM JB-102 ZENTNER S LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM CE-105 ASLANIAN A LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-105 VILLEGAS C INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PS-203 CHILDS S WESTERN POLITICAL SYSTEMS 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-213 PALM D EAST ASIAN POLITICS 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-113 CHILDS S CLASSICL POL THGT 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-113 EBERHARDT AMER POL THOUGHT 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM CE-106 VILLEGAS C POST MODERN POL THOUGHT 4 Units SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM CE-113 ZENTNER S LEGISLAT PROCESS 4 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM CE-113 CONROY M AMER FOREIGN POL 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CH-116 SMITH V POLITICAL PARTIES 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM CE-113 CONROY M JUDICIAL PROCESS 4 Units SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-110 HINRICHS T AMER CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-106 HINRICHS T AMER PRESIDENCY 4 Units SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM PS-203 CONROY M NAT SECURITY POLICY 4 Units SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM SB-213 FIELD A STDY POL THEOR: XENOPHON 4 Units SEM MWF 02:40PM 03:50PM CE-113 ZENTNER S CONSTITUTIONAL LAW SEMINAR 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM CE-113 MARIAM A AFRICAN DICTATORSHIPS 4 Units SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM PS-203 MARIAM A INTERNSHIP POL SCI 2 Units SUP TBA JANISKEE B Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP POL SCI 4 Units SUP TBA JANISKEE B Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SR HONORS THESIS 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERNATIONAL SECURITY 4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CH-116 SMITH V ANALYSIS INTL TERRORISM 4 Units SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM SB-211 FIELD A MIDDLE EAST SECURITY 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM SB-214 GORDON L CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 6 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 0 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 52 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Political Science (continued) PSCI-699 THESIS 40135 01 19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required PSCI-999 GRAD COMP EXAM 40136 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 2 Units STAFF 0 Units CLARK M Psychology Some courses in Psychology are restricted to psychology majors. To become a psychology major students must complete these courses or their equivalent: a GE Basic Skills in English (A1); a GE Basic Skills in Mathematics (A3); PSYC 100 (Introduction to Psychology); PSYC 101 (Psychology as a Major); PSYC 210 (Psychological Statistics). The grade earned in each of the above courses must be no lower than a C (2.0). PSYC-100 INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY 4 Units D4 40137 01 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM JB-102 WEINKAUFF 40421 02 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-105 STAFF PSYC-101 PSYCHOLOGY AS A MAJOR 1 Unit 40138 70 89 LEC TBA OL-ONLINEGILBERT J Online course PSYC-105 CRITIC THINKING PROB ANLY 4 Units A4 40139 01 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM CE-241 DULCICH M 40694 02 SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM SB-127 HODGE B 40140 03 SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM SB-127 HODGE B 40141 04 64 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM TC-017 STUEBNER N 40422 05 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM TC-016 EMERY C 40518 06 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM CE-241 WAGNER L PSYC-115 PERSONAL & SOCIAL ADJ 2 Units E2 40142 01 SEM MW 09:20AM 10:10AM TC-015 STAFF 40143 02 SEM MW 10:40AM 11:30AM TC-015 STAFF 40144 03 SEM MW 01:20PM 02:10PM CH-116 STAFF 40145 04 SEM MW 02:40PM 03:30PM CE-241 STAFF 40146 05 SEM T 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-241 STAFF 40147 06 SEM T 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-127 STAFF PSYC-201 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCH 4 Units 40148 01 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM CS-142 STUEBNER N PSYC-210 PSYCH STATISTICS 5 Units 40149 01 1 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM SB-127 COULSON S Fees $18 40316 02 LAB MW 10:35AM 11:55AM SB-459 COULSON S 40317 03 LAB MW 12:00PM 01:20PM SB-459 COULSON S 40318 04 64 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-127 MENDELSHN Fees $18 40319 05 LAB TR 02:00PM 03:20PM SB-461 MENDELSHN 40381 06 LAB TR 04:00PM 05:20PM SB-461 MENDELSHN 40431 07 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-463 CUPP R Fees $18 40432 08 LAB MW 08:00PM 09:20PM SB-463 CUPP R PSYC-240 INTRO TO CHILD DEVELOPMENT 4 Units 40150 01 1 SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-128 DOLAN M PSYC-301 PSYCH OF HUMAN SEXUALITY 4 Units 40151 01 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PS-223 GOETZ C PSYC-303 PARENTING & FAM RELATIONS 4 Units 40152 01 SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM PS-223 HODGE B 40600 02 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PS-223 KAMPTNER PSYC-305 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 4 Units 43503 01 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PS-223 REIMER J PSYC-311 INTRO TO EXPERIMENTAL PSYC 6 Units 40153 01 17 SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM SB-128 REIMER J Fees $18 40154 02 17 LAB MW 09:00AM 11:50AM SB-003 MILLER B 40155 03 17 LAB MW 09:00AM 11:50AM PL-217 EMERY C 40156 04 17 LAB MW 09:00AM 11:50AM SB-461 GREENWOD 40157 05 17 LAB MW 02:00PM 04:50PM SB-463 KAPLAN G 40424 06 17 LAB MW 02:00PM 04:50PM SB-003 STUEBNER N Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 40425 07 17 40519 08 PSYC-318 40158 01 PSYC-328 40708 01 PSYC-331 40159 01 PSYC-333 40320 01 PSYC-334 40709 01 PSYC-345 40695 01 PSYC-349 40407 01 PSYC-350 40160 01 PSYC-351 40161 01 PSYC-357 40162 01 PSYC-358 40503 01 PSYC-360 40163 01 40415 02 PSYC-362 40164 01 PSYC-363 40165 01 PSYC-364 40405 01 PSYC-377 40166 01 PSYC-382 40167 01 PSYC-384 40504 01 PSYC-385 40168 01 40589 02 PSYC-386 40169 01 PSYC-387 43504 01 PSYC-390 40170 01 40599 02 PSYC-391 40417 01 PSYC-400 40171 01 17 Fees $18 40172 02 17 PSYC-410 40173 01 17 Fees $18 40174 02 17 PSYC-421 40175 01 26 40532 02 26 PSYC-422 40500 01 26 PSYC-424 43506 01 PSYC-428 43505 01 PSYC-432 40702 01 Fees $18 40703 02 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. LAB MW 02:00PM 04:50PM TC-017 OKEREKE B LAB MW 02:00PM 04:50PM SB-461 STONE M HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM PS-204 GARCIA D PSYCH OF ADOLESCENT DEVEL 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM CE-241 WEINKAUFF PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CH-116 STUEBNER N DRUGS AND BEHAVIOR 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM PS-223 QUINLAN M ADDICTION AND RECOVERY 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-127 WAGNER L CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY 4 Units SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM PS-223 BRIONES L PSYCH OF GAYS & LESBIANS 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PS-223 JENNINGS T DEVEL OF EXCEPT CHILDREN 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM CS-142 FORCINO S BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION 4 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM HP-124 LEWIN M HISTORY & SYSTEMS OF PSYC 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM TC-016 EMERY C COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT 4 Units SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-127 LEVENTON-B COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 4 Units SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM PS-223 CLAPPER J SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM PS-223 KOSHINO H LEARNING AND MOTIVATION 4 Units SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM CS-142 WAGNER L BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM PS-223 QUINLAN M PERCEPTION 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM CS-130 KOSHINO H TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS 4 Units SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-127 MENDLSOHN PSYCH OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOR 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM VA-101 GOETZ C PERSONALITY&SOCIAL DEVEL 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CS-130 WILCOX-HER PERSONALITY 4 Units SEM MW 08:00PM 09:50PM PS-223 BRIONES L SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CS-142 DOLAN M INTRO TO PSYCHOTHERAPY 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM VA-101 FORCINO S COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM CS-128 LAMB C ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM PS-223 LEWIN M SEM TR 08:00PM 09:50PM SB-128 VALLEJO C PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF CHILD 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-128 EDMONSON CHILD ASSESSMENT 5 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-217 WARD S LAB MW 02:00PM 03:20PM PL-217 WARD S ADVANCED PSYC STATISTICS 5 Units LEC MW 08:00AM 09:50AM SB-463 RIGGS M LAB MW 10:00AM 11:20AM SB-463 RIGGS M ADV SEM:DEVELOPMENTAL 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-127 LEVENTON-B SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-127 DOLAN M ADV SEM:CLINICAL 4 Units SEM MW 10:00AM 11:50AM TC-013 BADIEE M ADV SEM:SOCIAL 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-266 BRIONES L ADV SEM:INDUSTRIAL 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-461 KOTTKE J EXP PSYC:CLINICAL 6 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-459 HASSIJA C LAB TR 02:00PM 04:50PM SB-459 HASSIJA C SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note PSYC-433 40178 01 26 Fees $18 40179 02 26 PSYC-434 40501 01 Fees $18 40502 02 PSYC-538 40699 01 PSYC-540 43508 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. EXPERIMENTAL PSYC:BIOLOGICAL 6 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-009 MC DOUGAL LAB TR 02:00PM 04:50PM SB-009 MC DOUGAL EXPER PSYCH:SOCIAL 6 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-459 WELLMAN J LAB MW 06:00PM 08:50PM SB-459 WELLMAN J INTRO TO PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 4 Units LEC MW 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-241 CRAWFORD WORK, RETIREMENT & LEISURE 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINESHULTZ K Online course PSYC-575 INTERNSHIP IN PSYCHOLOGY 4 Units 40180 01 3,17 SUP R 03:00PM 03:50PM SB-211 WARD S Department Consent Required PSYC-581D SEM I/O:TRAINING & EXEC DEVEL 2 Units 40182 01 2 SEM W 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-211 GILBERT J PSYC-581E SEM I/O:ETHICAL ISSUES 2 Units 40399 01 SEM M 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-205 KOTTKE J PSYC-581G SEM I/O:LEGAL ISSUES 2 Units 40588 01 SEM W 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-217 SHULTZ K PSYC-595B INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 40183 01 3,4,17 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-595C INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units 40321 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40775 04 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 40184 01 3,4,17 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-596 PEER ADVISING PRACTICUM 2 Units 40185 01 3 SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40186 02 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-598B HONORS PROJECT II 2 Units 40187 01 17 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-609B GRAD RESEARCH IN PSYC 2 Units 40188 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-609C GRAD RESEARCH IN PSYC 3 Units 40189 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-609D GRAD RESEARCH IN PSYC 4 Units 40190 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-609E GRAD RESEARCH IN PSYC 5 Units 40191 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-611B ADV INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 40192 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-611C ADV INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units 40193 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-611D ADV INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 40194 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-611E ADV INDEPENDENT STUDY 5 Units 40195 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-612B DIRECTED READINGS 2 Units 40196 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40754 10 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-612C DIRECTED READINGS 3 Units 40197 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 53 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 40753 37 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-612D DIRECTED READINGS 4 Units 40198 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-612E DIRECTED READINGS 5 Units 40199 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-630 TEACHING OF PSYC I 2 Units 40200 01 2 SEM W 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-217 WONG E PSYC-633 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS & LAW 4 Units 43512 01 SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-217 BADIEE M PSYC-638 SUB ABUSE,DETECT,ASSMNT,TREATM 4 Units 40201 01 2 SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-214 QUINLAN M PSYC-640 ADV METH IN PSYC RESEARCH 4 Units 40202 01 2 SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-217 GARCIA D 40203 02 2 SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-214 RIGGS M 40204 03 2 SEM R 05:00PM 08:50PM SB-459 WARD S PSYC-650 ADVANCED COGNITIVE PSYCH 4 Units 43509 01 SEM MW 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-216 CLAPPER J Department Consent Required PSYC-673 MARRIAGE & FAMILY THERAPY III 5 Units 40205 01 2 SEM M 09:00AM 11:50AM SB-125 CHAVEZ D 40206 02 2 LAB WF 09:00AM 11:50AM SB-125 CHAVEZ D PSYC-675 PRACTICUM IN APPLIED PSYC 4 Units 40207 01 2 SEM M 08:00AM 09:50AM SB-217 KOTTKE J 40208 02 2 SUP M 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-217 KOTTKE J PSYC-682 CLINICAL ASSESSMENT 4 Units 40706 01 SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-205 WONG E PSYC-687C MARRIAGE FAMILY PRACTICUM III 2 Units 40209 01 2 SUP TBA STAFF PSYC-689B EXTERNSHIP APPLIED PSYCH 2 Units 40210 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-689C EXTERNSHIP APPLIED PSYCH 3 Units 40211 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-689D EXTERNSHIP APPLIED PSYCH 4 Units 40212 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-689E EXTERNSHIP APPLIED PSYCG 5 Units 40213 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-697C ADV PRAC COUNSEL PSYC III 4 Units 40214 01 2 SUP TBA STAFF PSYC-698Z CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 0 Units 40348 01 2 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PSYC-699 THESIS 40215 01 19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 40630 10 SUP TBA Department Consent Required PSYC-999A GRAD COMP EX:CLINICAL COUNSEL 40216 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 5 Units STAFF STAFF 0 Units STAFF Public Administration PA -305 42980 01 PA -315 42955 01 42975 02 42956 03 ORGS MULTICUL&DIVERSE SOCIETY 4 Units G2 LEC T 06:00PM 09:50PM UH-249 MATHEWS A Classroom with Web component GOV-BUS RELATIONS 4 Units LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-140 STAFF Classroom with Web component LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-102 ROMAN A Classroom with Web component LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-111 STAFF Classroom with Web component SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 54 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Public Administration (continued) Class Sec Foot- No. No. note PA -999 42967 01 Meeting Days Hours COMP EXAM SUP TBA Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 0 Units ANDERSON J Department Consent Required PA -380 42957 01 PA -462 42958 01 PA -463 42959 01 PA -490 42960 01 PA -501 43243 70 PA -575 42961 01 PA -590 43248 70 PA -595B 42968 01 PA -595D 42969 01 PA -603 42962 01 PA -611 42972 70 PA -615 42963 01 PA -617 43245 01 PA -620 42979 70 PA -650 42971 70 PA -662 42970 01 PA -663 42964 70 PA -664 42976 70 PA -672 42973 70 PA -675 42974 01 PA -680 42965 01 PA -695 42966 01 INTRO TO PUB ADMN 4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM PL-266 COLLINS K Classroom with Web component PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMIN 4 Units SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-139 STAFF Classroom with Web component GOV BUDGETING 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM PL-266 DEMAURO D Classroom with Web component SENIOR ASSESS SEM IN PA 4 Units SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-139 BAKER D Classroom with Web component ADMINISTRATIVE LEADERSHIP 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEVAN WART Department Consent Required Online course INTERNSHIP 4 Units SUP TBA ANDERSON J Department Consent Required SEM IN PUB ADMN: ADMIN LEADERSHP 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEVAN WART Department Consent Required Online course INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA ANDERSON J Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA ANDERSON J Department Consent Required RESEARCH METH IN ADMN 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-118 ANDERSON J Classroom with Web component PA THEORY & PRACTICE 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEROMAN A Online course PUBLIC FINANCIAL MGMT 4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-118 FUDGE M Classroom with Web component MGMT LOCAL ECON DEV 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM UH-249 STRANGE C Classroom with Web component PUBLIC WATER LAW 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEALDSTADT Online course PUBLIC MIS 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEMOSHER M Online course HUM RES MGMT PUB SECTOR 4 Units SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-118 VAN WART M Classroom with Web component PUBLIC BDGT & FINANCE 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEFUDGE M Online course MGMT OF PUB ORGS 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEBAKER D Online course ADMN REGULATION 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEJOHNSON Online course INTERNSHIP 4 Units SUP TBA ANDERSON J Department Consent Required PUB POL ANALYSIS 4 Units SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-118 COLLINS K Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component GRAD RESEARCH PROJ 4 Units SUP TBA ANDERSON J Department Consent Required Reading Education ERDG-646 41820 70 ERDG-649 41819 70 ERDG-659 41821 70 ERDG-999 41678 01 SOCIO-PSYCHOLING AND LIT 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINESTAFF Online course ASSESS INTERVENT IN LIT 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINESTAFF Online course FLDWORK READING AND LIT SPEC 4 Units SUP TBA OL-ONLINESTAFF Online course COMP EXAM:READING 0 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Rehabilitiation Counseling EREH-618 APPLIED JOB PLACE 4 Units 43327 70 89 SEM TBA OL-ONLINEO’BRIEN M Online course EREH-652 DYNAMICS HUM BEHAVIOR 4 Units 41681 01 19 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-118 FRANKLIN EREH-655 MULTICULTURAL COUNSEL REHAB 4 Units 41735 01 19 SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-118 SENIOR S EREH-657 CNSLG PRACTICUM REHAB 4 Units 41695 01 SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-104 BAYNE R Department Consent Required 41696 02 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-115 BAYNE R Department Consent Required 41811 03 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-118 BAYNE R Department Consent Required EREH-678 THEOR/PRAC GRP CNSLG REHAB 4 Units 41697 01 19 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-118 NUNEZ R EREH-679 FLDWK:REHAB COUNS 4 Units 41682 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41683 02 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 41684 03 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required EREH-999 COMP EXAM:REHAB 0 Units 41705 01 19 SUP TBA MCRYNOLDS Department Consent Required Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Education ESTM-626 41788 01 TCHNG GEOM IN STEM EDUC 4 Units SEM M 05:00PM 08:50PM CE-314 STAFF Department Consent Required Science Education EDSC-643 43458 01 ASSESSMENT IN SCIENCE CLASSRM 4 Units SEM T 05:00PM 08:50PM CE-312 STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note EDSC-648 41795 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. TCHNG LIFE SCI IN STEM EDUC 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-314 STAFF Department Consent Required Secondary Education ESEC-413 INTERACTION IN THE CLASSROOM 4 Units 41685 01 11 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-316 STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESEC-417 ED PSYC:INSTR,ASSESS,CLAS MGT 4 Units 41686 01 SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-353 STAFF Department Consent Required ESEC-419 LITERACY ACROSS THE CURR 4 Units 41687 01 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-119K STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component 41730 02 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-119K STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESEC-502 SP TOPICS SEC EDUC 2 Units 41783 01 LEC M 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-303 STAFF Department Consent Required ESEC-520A TPA SEMINAR TASK 1 1 Unit 41778 01 SEM S 09:00AM 09:50AM STAFF Department Consent Required ESEC-520B TPA SEMINAR TASK 2 1 Unit 41779 01 SEM S 10:00AM 10:50AM STAFF Department Consent Required ESEC-520C TPA SEMINAR TASK 3 1 Unit 41780 01 SEM S 11:00AM 11:50AM STAFF Department Consent Required 41880 02 SEM S 11:00AM 11:50AM STAFF Department Consent Required ESEC-520D TPA SEMINAR TASK 4 1 Unit 41781 01 SEM S 12:00PM 12:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required ESEC-550A STUDENT TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2 Units 41585 01 SUP S 09:00AM 10:50AM CE-316 STAFF Department Consent Required ESEC-550B STUDENT TEACHING II 4 Units 41586 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ESEC-550C STUDENT TEACHING III 8 Units 41587 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ESEC-570A INTERN SUPERVISION I 6 Units 41590 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ESEC-570B INTERN SUPERVISION II 6 Units 41591 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ESEC-570C INTERN SUPERVISION III 6 Units 41592 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ESEC-602 POLICIES IN CA PUBLIC SCH 2 Units 41782 01 SEM M 06:00PM 07:50PM CE-355 STAFF Department Consent Required 41814 02 SEM M 04:00PM 05:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required Social Sciences SSCI-165 40228 01 40575 02 SSCI-300 40730 01 REGIONS&PEOPLES OF WORLD 4 Units D3 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM SB-128 CATALDI C LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM SB-128 CATALDI C NON-WESTERN WORLD 4 Units D5 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-128 GRISHAM K Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 55 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. SSCI-306 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI 4 Units F 40229 01 23 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PL-224 ASLANIAN A 40230 02 23 LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM CE-108 STAFF 40231 03 23 LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM CE-113 STAFF 40232 04 23 LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM CE-107 ASLANIAN A 40233 05 23 LEC MW 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-246 STAFF 40606 06 23 LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-246 STAFF 40234 07 23 LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM PL-224 DIAS C 40235 08 23 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-224 DIAS C 40236 09 23 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-269 BARTA J Department Consent Required 40516 11 23 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-217 HANSEN R 40608 12 23 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-217 HANSEN R Department Consent Required 40724 14 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-224 WEBB M 40742 15 LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-224 WEBB M 43613 16 LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-258 DIAS C 43658 17 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM TC-015 STAFF 43615 18 LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-241 VILLEGAS C 43616 19 LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM CE-241 WEBB M 43617 20 LEC TR 08:00PM 09:50PM CE-241 WEBB M SSCI-316 RACE AND RACISM 4 Units D5,G1 40237 01 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PS-010 TEXEIRA M 40238 02 LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PS-010 CAMPBELL K 40239 03 LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM PS-010 STAFF 40514 04 LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM CE-105 STAFF SSCI-325 PERSPEC ON GENDER 4 Units D5,G1 40347 01 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PS-010 MARX M SSCI-499 SENIOR SEMINAR 2 Units 40351 70 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Online course SSCI-695A DIR GRAD STUDIES 1 Unit 40240 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SSCI-695B DIR GRAD STUDIES 2 Units 40241 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40356 02 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40360 03 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40409 04 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SSCI-695C DIR GRAD STUDIES 3 Units 40242 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SSCI-695D DIR GRAD STUDIES 4 Units 40243 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40353 02 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40358 03 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40359 04 19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40361 05 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40408 06 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40783 07 SUP TBA STAFF SSCI-695E DIR GRAD STUDIES 5 Units 40244 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40354 02 SUP TBA STAFF SSCI-695F DIR GRAD STUDIES 6 Units 40449 01 3,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SSCI-697 COMP EXAM 2 Units 40433 01 SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SSCI-698A CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 1 Unit 40349 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 56 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Social Sciences (continued) SSCI-698B 40363 01 CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT SUP TBA Department Consent Required SSCI-698C CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 40362 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required SSCI-698D CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 40395 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required SSCI-698F CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 40355 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required SSCI-699 GRADUATE PROJECT OR THESIS 40245 01 19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 2 Units STAFF 3 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 6 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF Social Work SW -200 40426 01 40246 70 SW -301 40247 01 40248 02 40249 03 40250 04 SW -320 40389 70 SW -325 40390 01 SW -400C 40251 01 40311 02 SW -401C 40252 01 40253 02 40254 03 SW -595B 40523 01 SW -602C 40255 01 19 40256 02 19 40257 03 19 SW -606C 40258 01 19 40259 02 19 40260 03 19 SW -608C 40261 01 19 40268 02 19 40262 03 19 40263 04 19 40264 05 19 40265 06 19 40266 07 19 40267 08 19 SW -608E 40632 01 SW -608F 40269 01 19 40276 02 19 40270 03 19 40271 04 19 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK 4 Units LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-217 STAFF LEC TBA STAFF Online course SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH 6 Units LEC W 05:00PM 08:50PM SB-211 STAFF LAB TBA STAFF LEC M 05:00PM 08:50PM SB-212 STAFF LAB TBA STAFF CHILD WELFARE SERVICES 4 Units LEC W 05:00PM 08:50PM SB-212 STAFF Web with classroom component SW SUBSTANCE ABUSE 4 Units LEC M 05:00PM 08:50PM SB-217 STAFF SW PRAC:ORGANIZATION&COMMUNITY 4 Units LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-106 STAFF LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-210 STAFF FIELD WORK III 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required FOUNDATION MICRO PRACTICE III 2 Units SEM T 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-211 STAFF SEM M 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-106 STAFF SEM T 05:00PM 06:50PM SB-214 STAFF FOUND MACRO PRAC III 2 Units SEM T 12:20PM 02:00PM SB-205 STAFF SEM M 12:00PM 02:00PM CE-106 STAFF SEM R 07:00PM 08:50PM SB-217 STAFF FOUNDATION FIELD WORK III 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF ADVANCED FIELD WORK II 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF ADVANCED FIELD WORK III 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 40272 05 19 40273 06 19 40274 07 19 40275 08 19 40277 10 19 SW -612 40278 01 19 40279 02 19 SW -618 40378 01 19 SW -620 40280 01 19 SW -625A 40281 01 19 40282 02 19 40283 03 19 40284 04 19 40285 05 19 40286 06 19 40760 07 40781 08 SW -625B 40287 01 19 40288 02 19 40289 03 19 40290 04 19 40291 05 19 40292 06 19 40293 07 19 40294 08 19 40295 09 19 40296 10 19 40297 11 19 40298 12 19 40388 13 19 40397 14 19 40609 15 19 40733 16 40784 17 SW -633 40299 01 19 SW -638 40300 01 19 SW -647 40301 01 19 40302 02 19 40303 03 19 SW -657 40304 01 19 40305 02 19 40306 03 19 SW -660 40307 01 19 40308 02 19 40309 03 19 SW -698B 40379 01 SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH I 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-217 STAFF SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM CE-106 STAFF MENTAL HEALTH SEMINAR 1 Unit SEM TBA STAFF SW W/ALC&DRUG ABUSE 4 Units SEM TR 05:00PM 06:50PM PL-217 STAFF RESEARCH PROJECT I 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF RESEARCH PROJECT II 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SUP TBA STAFF SW INTVNTN ELDRLY & FAM 4 Units SEM TR 05:00PM 06:50PM SB-217 STAFF PUBLIC CHILD WELFARE 4 Units SEM W 10:00AM 01:50PM SB-211 STAFF SW ADVANCED MICRO PRACTICE III 2 Units SEM T 10:00AM 11:40AM SB-217 STAFF SEM M 10:00AM 11:40AM SB-211 STAFF SEM R 05:00PM 06:50PM SB-211 STAFF SW ADVANCED MACRO PRACTICE III 2 Units SEM T 12:00PM 02:00PM SB-217 STAFF SEM M 12:00PM 02:00PM SB-211 STAFF SEM T 07:00PM 08:50PM SB-217 STAFF ADV PRACTICE INTEGRATIVE SEM 2 Units SEM T 02:00PM 05:50PM SB-211 STAFF SEM M 02:00PM 05:50PM SB-211 STAFF SEM T 05:00PM 05:50PM SB-205 STAFF CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SW -699 THESIS RESEARCH 4 Units 40310 01 6,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Sociology SOC -100 40217 01 40218 02 SOC -180 40612 01 SOC -301 40219 01 STUDY OF SOCIETY 4 Units D4 LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM SB-128 AVILA E LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM SB-127 WASHINGTN CRIT THINK SOC PROB 4 Units A4 SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM SB-129 JULAGAY C QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 4 Units LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM SB-129 MUNOZ J SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 40675 02 SOC -309 40220 01 Fees $5 40221 02 40222 03 40223 04 Fees $5 40224 05 40225 06 SOC -311 40332 01 SOC -330 40676 01 SOC -339 40383 01 SOC -340 40583 01 SOC -341 43328 01 SOC -342 43329 01 88 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-129 MUNOZ J SOCIAL RESEARCH II 5 Units LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-356 YEUNG K ACT T 04:00PM 04:50PM SB-356 YEUNG K ACT R 04:00PM 04:50PM SB-356 YEUNG K LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-356 YEUNG K ACT T 08:00PM 08:50PM SB-356 YEUNG K ACT R 08:00PM 08:50PM SB-356 YEUNG K SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-129 ROBINSON K SOC GERONTOLOGY 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-129 BRIGHT O SOCIALIZATION 4 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM SB-129 LITTLE P SOC OF FAMILY 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM CH-135 AVILA E MARRIAGE&FAM BLACKS 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-129 TEXEIRA M CHICANO FAMILY 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-129 VALDEZ E TBA OF-ONLI Web with classroom component SOC -352 JUVENILE OFFENDER 4 Units 43330 01 SEM TR 08:00PM 09:50PM CS-128 HOWEY D SOC -354 DEVIANT BEHAVIOR 4 Units 40677 01 SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM CS-128 HOWEY D SOC -355 MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY 4 Units 40678 01 SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM CH-135 BRIGHT O SOC -356 SOC OF MENTAL ILLNESS 4 Units 40679 01 SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM CS-122 LITTLE P SOC -360 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 4 Units 43331 01 SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM CS-128 JULAGAY C SOC -410 SOC OF RACE & ETHNICITY 4 Units 43340 01 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-129 JULAGAY C SOC -418 SOC OF SOCIAL WELFARE 4 Units 40585 01 SEM MW 08:00PM 09:50PM SB-129 MARTIN L SOC -434 COMMUNITY ORG 4 Units 40586 01 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CH-135 JULAGAY C SOC -436 GROUP DYNAMICS 4 Units 40510 01 SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM SB-129 LITTLE P SOC -440 SOCIAL CLASS 4 Units 40430 01 88 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM CS-122 VILLANUEVA TBA OF-ONLI Web with classroom component SOC -484 SOCIAL CASEWORK 4 Units 40680 01 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-129 WASHINGTN SOC -525 INDIAN NATIONS/NATIVE AMER 4 Units 40384 01 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-214 FENELON J SOC -545 INDIGENOUS PEOPLES 4 Units 43346 01 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-214 FENELON J SOC -575 INTERNSHIP SOCIOLOGY 4 Units 40226 01 3 SUP TBA MUNOZ J Department Consent Required 40385 02 SUP TBA TEXEIRA M Department Consent Required 40402 03 SUP TBA VALDEZ E Department Consent Required SOC -590 SEMINAR IN SOC: LATINO HEALTH 4 Units 40681 02 SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-214 MUNOZ J Department Consent Required SOC -595B INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 40333 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40334 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40335 03 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40779 04 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40791 05 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note SOC -595C 40767 01 SOC -595D 40336 01 40337 02 40338 03 40339 04 40340 05 40341 06 40766 07 SOC -595E 40342 01 40769 02 57 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours INDEPENDENT STUDY SUP TBA Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY SUP TBA Department Consent Required SUP TBA Department Consent Required Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 3 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF 5 Units STAFF STAFF Spanish SPAN-101 43199 02 Fees $15 43207 04 Fees $15 43208 05 Fees $15 43209 06 Fees $15 SPAN-102 43182 01 Fees $15 43183 02 Fees $15 43193 05 Fees $15 43195 06 Fees $15 43196 07 Fees $15 SPAN-103 43184 01 Fees $15 43185 02 Fees $15 43186 04 Fees $15 43189 05 Fees $15 43191 06 Fees $15 43192 07 Fees $15 43197 08 Fees $15 43205 09 Fees $15 43210 10 Fees $15 SPAN-201 43200 01 Fees $15 SPAN-202 43202 01 Fees $15 43558 02 Fees $15 COLLEGE SPANISH I 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-109 DE LOERA-M SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-241 RIOS O SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-248 VELARDE PE SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM CE-115 DOMENECH COLLEGE SPAN II 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-060 DE LOERA-M SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-061 GARCIA-PUE SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM CE-108 CHRCAS RO SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM JB-112 SCHROM G SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-116 SCHROM G COLLEGE SPANISH III 4 Units C3 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-248 VEGA-SNCH SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM UH-062 VEGA-SNCH SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-248 DE LOERA-M SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-108 HILL L SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-062 VEGA-SNCH SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-243 RIOS O SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM CE-108 CHARCAS R SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-248 VELARDE PE SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-115 DOMENECH INTERMEDIATE SPAN I 4 Units C3 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-061 GARCIA-PUE INTERMEDIATE SPANISH II 4 Units C3 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-062 FERNANDEZ SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-062 DIAZ-RODRI SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 58 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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Spanish (continued) SPAN-203 43204 02 Fees $15 SPAN-214 43187 01 Fees $15 SPAN-290 43194 01 Fees $15 43180 02 Fees $15 43198 70 Fees $15 SPAN-295 43181 01 Fees $25 SPAN-302 43221 01 Fees $15 SPAN-314 43225 02 Fees $15 SPAN-318 43226 01 Fees $15 SPAN-322 43227 01 Fees $15 SPAN-373 43232 01 Fees $15 SPAN-394A 43238 01 SPAN-575C 43217 01 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH III 4 Units C3 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-061 DIAZ-RODRI CONVERSATION SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM 4 Units C3 FERNANDEZ SPAN&LATIN AM LIT IN ENG 4 Units C3 SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-250 HILL L SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-242 VELARDE PE SEM TBA Online course INT SKILLS ASSESSMENT SUP TBA Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note GAYLOR D 1 Unit GALLEGOS-R THEORY&PRACTICE IN COMP 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-248 GALLEGOS-R ADV CONVERSATION 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-062 FERNANDEZ TECHNIQUES LIT STUDY & ANALYSI 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-243 JEREZ-GOME HISPANIC DIALECTS 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-260 GERVASI K MODERN LATIN AMER LITERATURE 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-241 GALLEGOS-R PRACTICUM:DRAMA PROD 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPAN-394B PRAC STUDENT/FAC JOURNAL 2 Units 43223 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPAN-394C PRACTICUM:TUTORING CENTER 2 Units 43213 01 3,13 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPAN-394D PRACTICUM:MEDIA CENTER 2 Units 43214 01 3,13 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPAN-399 DEPT SERVICE PROJECT 1 Unit 43215 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPAN-402 ADVANCED COMPOSITION 4 Units 43561 01 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-062 DIAZ-RODRI Fees $15 SPAN-416 STDY SEMANTICS/SOCIOLINGUISTCS 4 Units 43222 01 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-243 FERNANDEZ Fees $15 SPAN-448 TWENTIETH CENT SPANISH LIT 4 Units 43562 01 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-249 GARCIA-PUE Fees $15 SPAN-496 SENIOR ASSESSMENT 1 Unit 43224 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Fees $25 SPAN-516F SPAN AMER LIT: CULTURE 4 Units 43610 01 SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-247 GERVASI K Fees $15 SPAN-575A INTERNSHIP SERV LEARNING 1 Unit 43220 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPAN-575B INTERNSHIP SERV LEARNING 2 Units 43216 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPAN-575D 43218 01 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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INTERNSHIP SERV LEARNING 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP SERV LEARNING 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION 4 Units SEM T 05:00PM 08:50PM UH-246 JANY C SPAN-615 43228 01 Fees $15 SPAN-655D SEM APP LING:APPLIED SPAN GRAM 4 Units 43563 01 SEM R 05:00PM 08:50PM UH-263 GALLEGOS-R Fees $15 SPAN-697 COMPREHENSIVE EXAM 1 Unit 43219 01 19 SEM TBA JANY C Department Consent Required Fees $15 Special Education ESPE-350 INTRO SPEC POPULATNS-G.E.TCHR 4 Units 41752 70 89 SEM TBA OL-ONLINEFRANKLIN Online course ESPE-530 INTRO SPECIAL EDUCATION 4 Units 43408 70 LEC TBA OL-ONLINESWARTZ S Online course 41767 71 89 LEC TBA OL-ONLINESWARTZ S Online course ESPE-531 METHODS & PROC IN SPED 4 Units 41751 01 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-117 STAFF ESPE-610 INTRO TO ASD 4 Units 41761 01 19 SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-117 STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESPE-611 ASSESSMENT METHDS SPED 4 Units 41771 01 19 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-308 CONGDON M Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESPE-612 SUPPORTIVE LEARNING ENVIRON 4 Units 41688 01 19 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-308 NAM S Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESPE-613 SEMINAR SPEC LITERACY 4 Units 41689 01 19 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-116 STAFF Department Consent Required ESPE-614 CURR & METH DIVRS LRNR W/DISAB 4 Units 41690 01 19 SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-308 STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESPE-620A SPED STDNT TCH I: MILD/MOD DIS 8 Units 41567 01 13,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ESPE-620B SPED STDNT TCH II: MOD/SEV DIS 8 Units 41568 01 13,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ESPE-620C SPEC STDNT TCH: EARLY CHLDHD 8 Units 41569 01 13,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ESPE-621A SPED SUPERVD TCHNG II:MLD/MOD 8 Units 41570 01 13,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ESPE-621B SUP STDNT TCH SPED II: MOD/SEV 8 Units 41571 01 13,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ESPE-621C SUP SPED STDN TCHII:ECSE 8 Units 41572 01 13,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ESPE-622A SPEC INTRN TEACH:MLD/MOD 8 Units 41573 01 13,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ESPE-622B SPEC INTERN TEACH: MOD/SEV 8 Units 41574 01 13,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. 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ESPE-622C SPEC INTERN TEACH: ERLY CHLDHD 8 Units 41575 01 13,19 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required ESPE-625 COLLAB, CONSULT SPECIAL EDUC 4 Units 41753 01 19 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-104 FRANKLIN-G Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESPE-627 EDUC IN ASD 4 Units 41737 01 88 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-104 CONGDON M Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESPE-633 REFLECT INQUIRY SEM&INDUC PLAN 4 Units 41802 70 20 SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Online course ESPE-643 METHODS IN MMD II 4 Units 41758 01 19 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-116 PHILLIPS K Department Consent Required ESPE-656 CURRICULUM METH:CORE SUBJ 4 Units 43416 70 SEM TBA OL-ONLINEMCCABE M Department Consent Required Online course ESPE-657 SEM MILD/MOD DISABILITIES 4 Units 41772 01 19 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-308 STAFF Department Consent Required ESPE-663 METHODS IN MSD II 4 Units 41754 70 20 SEM TBA OL-ONLINENAM S Department Consent Required Online course ESPE-673 METHODS IN ECSE II 4 Units 41691 01 88 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-117 STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESPE-685 ADVANCED BEHAVIOR MGMT 4 Units 41692 70 20 SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Online course ESPE-694 SPEC ED LEADER EVAL&OUTCOME I 4 Units 41700 70 20 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Online course ESPE-695 SPED CLEAR INDUCTION OUTCOMES 4 Units 43417 70 SEM TBA OL-ONLINEMCCABE M Department Consent Required Online course ESPE-696C INDUCTION SUPPORT III 1 Unit 43425 70 SEM TBA OL-ONLINESTAFF Department Consent Required Online course ESPE-999 COMP EXAM:SPEC ED 0 Units 41693 01 19 SUP TBA NAM S Department Consent Required Supply Chain Management SCM -304 42844 01 42845 02 42856 03 42855 04 SCM -480 42846 01 SCM -490 42847 01 SCM -505 42858 01 SCM -575 42848 01 3 PRINCIPLES OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGM 4 Units LEC MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-258 WU J LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-141 WU J Classroom with Web component LEC TR 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-141 STAFF LEC W 06:00PM 09:50PM PL-025 WU J Televised Crs-origination site QUALITY MANAGEMENT 4 Units LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-252 FARAHBOD K LOGISTICS STRATEGY 4 Units LEC TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-143 DYCK H ADV ENTRPRS RSRCE PLANNING 4 Units LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-141 FARAHBOD K INTERNSHIP 4 Units SUP TBA CHAVEZ J Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 59 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. SCM -595B INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units 42849 01 3,4 SUP TBA ZHU J Department Consent Required SCM -595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 42850 01 3,4 SUP TBA ZHU J Department Consent Required SCM -607 MANAGING THE SUPPLY CHAIN 4 Units 42851 01 19 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-143 STAFF 43547 02 SEM TR 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-143 DYCK H SCM -611 GLOBAL SUP CHAIN & LOGISTICS 4 Units 42852 01 19 SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-144 STAFF SCM -675 INTERNSHIP 4 Units 42857 01 SUP TBA CHAVEZ J Department Consent Required SCM -695 GRADUATE PROJECT 4 Units 42853 01 SUP TBA ZHU J Department Consent Required Theatre Arts TA -160 41450 01 1 41455 02 41462 03 41457 04 41463 05 43620 06 TA -212 41454 01 41466 02 41482 03 41483 04 43364 05 TA -233 43528 01 Fees $35 TA -239 41476 01 Fees $35 TA -245 43530 01 TA -252 41480 01 41490 02 TA -260 41416 01 TA -302B 41456 01 TA -320A 41417 01 3 TA -321A 41418 01 TA -321B 41419 01 TA -331 43533 01 TA -333 43534 01 TA -334 41475 01 Fees $35 TA -337 41481 01 TA -338 43535 01 WORLD DRAMA 4 Units C2 LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM CE-116 STAFF LEC MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM CE-116 STAFF LEC MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-106 STAFF LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM CE-116 STAFF LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-293 STAFF LEC MWF 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-293 STAFF ORAL INTERP LIT 4 Units C2 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PL-293 STAFF SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM PL-293 STAFF SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM PL-293 STAFF SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM PL-293 STAFF SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-293 STAFF Department Consent Required COSTUME CONSTRUCTION 3 Units ACT MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PA-227 STAFF STAGECRAFT ACT TBA 3 Units STAFF BEGINNING THEATRE MOVEMENT 2 Units ACT MWF 02:00PM 03:50PM CH-117 STAFF ACTING II:CREATING A ROLE 3 Units ACT MWF 02:00PM 03:50PM PA-138 STAFF Instructor Consent Required ACT TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required INTRO TO THEATRE 4 Units C1 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM VA-101 STAFF ANALYSIS & WRITING OF DRAMA 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-293 STAFF PERF PRAC:PERFORM 2 Units ACT MR 06:00PM 10:00PM STAFF Department Consent Required TECHNICAL PRACTICUM 1 Unit ACT TBA STAFF Department Consent Required TECHNICAL PRACTICUM 2 Units ACT TBA STAFF Department Consent Required THEATRE MANAGEMENT 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PA-225 STAFF STAGE SOUND DESIGN 3 Units ACT MWF 12:00PM 03:00PM PA-227 STAFF THEATRECRAFTS: SCENE PAINTING 3 Units ACT TR 09:00AM 11:50AM PA-227 STAFF DES: COSTUMES 3 Units ACT TBA STAFF DESIGN: SCENERY 3 Units ACT TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PA-227 STAFF SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 60 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Theatre Arts (continued) TA -347 41461 01 TA -353 41474 01 TA -357 41485 01 TA -363 43536 01 TA -423 41484 01 TA -446 41479 01 TA -475 41472 01 TA -481 41451 01 41468 02 41478 03 41477 04 TA -484 41420 01 41467 02 TA -486 43537 01 43538 02 TA -505 41473 01 TA -535A 41421 01 TA -535B 41422 01 TA -535C 41423 01 TA -535D 41424 01 TA -555A 41488 01 TA -555C 41471 01 TA -555D 41425 01 4 TA -555E 41469 01 TA -555F 41489 01 TA -575A 41426 01 TA -575B 41427 01 TA -575C 41428 01 TA -575D 41429 01 PLAYWRITING 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-293 STAFF ACTING V:STYLES OF ACTING 3 Units ACT TBA STAFF ACTING FOR CAMERA 3 Units ACT TBA STAFF Department Consent Required THEATRE HISTORY III 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-293 STAFF STDIES DRMA LIT THETRE OF THE ABSRD 2 Units SEM F 04:00AM 05:50AM PA-225 STAFF DIRECTING II 3 Units ACT TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required SHAKESPEARE I 4 Units SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CREATIVE DRAMA IN CLASSROOM 3 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:00PM CH-117 STAFF ACT TR 01:00PM 01:50PM CH-117 STAFF SEM TBA STAFF ACT TBA STAFF READERS THEATRE IN CLASS 3 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:00PM PA-225 STAFF ACT TR 03:00PM 04:50PM STAFF PUPPETRY IN THE CLASSROOM 3 Units SEM TBA STAFF ACT MW 12:00PM 01:50PM STAFF THEATRE CRITICISM IN PERF 4 Units SEM FS 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-293 STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT PROJECT 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT PROJECT 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT PROJECT 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT PROJECT 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDPENDENT STUDY 5 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 6 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required THEATRE INTERNSHIP 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required THEATRE INTERNSHIP 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required THEATRE INTERNSHIP 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required THEATRE INTERNSHIP 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note TA -575E 41430 01 TA -575F 41431 01 TA -620A 41432 01 19 TA -620B 41433 01 19 TA -620C 41434 01 19 TA -620D 41435 01 19 TA -620E 41436 01 19 TA -620F 41437 01 19 TA -620G 41438 01 19 TA -620H 41439 01 19 TA -681 41464 01 TA -684 41465 01 TA -694C 41491 01 TA -694E 41470 01 TA -695A 41445 01 TA -695B 41446 01 TA -695C 41447 01 TA -695D 41448 01 TA -695E 41449 01 TA -696A 41440 01 19 TA -696B 41441 01 19 TA -696C 41442 01 19 TA -696D 41443 01 19 TA -696E 41444 01 19 Meeting Days Hours THEATRE INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required THEATRE INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required APPLIED THEATRE PRACTICUM SUP TBA Department Consent Required APPLIED THEATRE PRACTICUM SUP TBA Department Consent Required APPLIED THEATRE PRACTICUM SUP TBA Department Consent Required APPLIED THEATRE PRACTICUM SUP TBA Department Consent Required APPLIED THEATRE PRACTICUM SUP TBA Department Consent Required APPLIED THEATRE PRACTICUM SUP TBA Department Consent Required APPLIED THEATRE PRACTICUM SUP TBA Department Consent Required APPLIED THEATRE PRACTICUM SUP TBA Department Consent Required GRADUATE CREATIVE DRAMA SEM TBA Department Consent Required GRAD READERS THEATRE SEM TBA Department Consent Required GRAD PROJECT PREPARATION SUP TBA Department Consent Required GRAD PROJECT PREPARATION SUP TBA Department Consent Required ADVANCED PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required ADVANCED PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required ADVANCED PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required ADVANCED PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required ADVANCED PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required ADVANCED INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required ADVANCED INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required ADVANCED INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required ADVANCED INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required ADVANCED INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 5 Units STAFF 6 Units STAFF 1 Unit STAFF 2 Units STAFF 3 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 5 Units STAFF 6 Units STAFF 7 Units STAFF 8 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 3 Units STAFF 5 Units STAFF 1 Unit STAFF 2 Units STAFF 3 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 5 Units STAFF 1 Unit STAFF 2 Units STAFF 3 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 5 Units STAFF SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours TA -698A 41459 01 CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT SUP TBA Department Consent Required TA -698D CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 41460 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required TA -698F CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT 41458 01 SUP TBA Department Consent Required TA -699 THESIS 41452 01 19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required TA -999 IND THEATRE PROJ 41453 01 SUP TBA Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. 1 Unit STAFF 4 Units STAFF 6 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 0 Units STAFF University Studies USTD-27B INDIV STUDY CONTRACT 2 Units 42744 01 3,12 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 42749 02 3,12,41 SUP TBA MUNYNDMU Department Consent Required 42750 03 3,12,41 SUP TBA STUTZ K Department Consent Required 42753 04 3,12,41 SUP TBA PEARSON L Department Consent Required 42755 05 3,12,41 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required USTD-40 ADV NTETAKE&ORG: GEN STUDY SKILLS2 Units 42758 01 3,12,41 ACT TR 04:00PM 04:50PM UH-362 PEARSON L Department Consent Required 42759 02 3,12,41 ACT MW 09:20AM 10:10AM UH-362 PEARSON L Department Consent Required USTD-40 ADV NTETAKE&ORG: EXPOSITRY WRITG 2 Units 42770 03 3,12,41 ACT MW 02:40PM 03:30PM UH-362 PEARSON L Department Consent Required 42771 04 3,12,41 ACT F 09:20AM 11:10AM UH-362 PEARSON L Department Consent Required USTD-40 ADV NOTETAKE&ORG: MATHEMATICS 2 Units 43628 05 3,12,41 ACT MW 04:00PM 04:50PM UH-264 VALENCIA E Department Consent Required 43629 06 3,12,41 ACT TR 08:30AM 09:20AM UH-362 VALENCIA E Department Consent Required USTD-40 ADV NOTETAKE&ORG: STATISTICS 2 Units 43630 07 3,12,41 ACT MW 12:00PM 12:50PM UH-362 OLID P Department Consent Required 43634 08 3,12,41 ACT TR 04:00PM 04:50PM UH-263 OLID P Department Consent Required USTD-45 COLLEGE READING 2 Units 42772 01 3,12,41 ACT T 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-362 MUNYNDMU Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component USTD-77 ADJUNCT: CHEM 216 2 Units 42745 01 3,12,41 SUP MW 01:20PM 02:10PM CE-109 STAFF Department Consent Required 42746 02 3,12,41 SUP MW 02:40PM 03:30PM CS-222 STAFF Department Consent Required USTD-77 ADJUNCT: PSYC 210 2 Units 42747 03 3,12,41 SUP TR 10:00AM 10:50AM PL-249 STAFF Department Consent Required USTD-77 ADJUNCT: BIOL 100 2 Units 42761 20 SUP TR 10:00AM 10:50AM STAFF Department Consent Required USTD-77 ADJUNCT: PSCI 203 2 Units 42762 21 SUP MW 01:20PM 02:10PM STAFF Department Consent Required 42763 22 SUP TR 12:00PM 12:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required USTD-77 ADJUNCT: PSYC 100 2 Units 42764 23 SUP MW 08:20AM 09:10AM STAFF Department Consent Required Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 42765 24 61 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. SUP TR 02:00PM 02:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required USTD-77 ADJUNCT: MATH 110 2 Units 42766 25 SUP MW 12:00PM 12:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required 42767 26 SUP TR 01:00PM 01:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required USTD-77 ADJUNCT: MATH 115 2 Units 42769 27 3,12,41 SUP TR 12:00PM 12:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required Web with classroom component USTD-77 ADJUNCT: MATH 90 2 Units 42773 28 SUP MW 10:40AM 11:30AM STAFF Department Consent Required USTD-200 SOPHOMORE SUCCESS SEMINAR 2 Units 42756 01 SEM MW 12:00PM 12:50PM UH-262 STAFF Department Consent Required 42768 02 SEM TR 12:00PM 12:50PM UH-250 STAFF Department Consent Required INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS & SERVICE LEARNING 62 Spring 2015 ASIAN STUDIES PROGRAM College of Arts and Letters (909) 537-5780, UH-201.9 http://asianstudies.csusb.edu Coordinator: Dr. Rueyling Beatrice Chuang Asian Studies is an interdisciplinary Minor program housed in the College of Arts and Letters. The Asian Studies Minor provides students with opportunities to study the languages and cultures of Asia and the Pacific Rim through a unique interdisciplinary curriculum drawn from courses in the colleges of Arts and Letters, Business and Public Administration, Education, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Natural Sciences. The program adds a solid international component to any major and provides physical and virtual resources for students interested in this area of the world. The Asian Studies Minor will make its graduates more marketable since they will become more knowledgeable and productive members of today’s global community. Asian Studies Courses The Asian Studies Minor consists of five core courses and 12 units of electives. The following courses can be applied toward a Minor or certificate in Asian Studies. ASIA-575B 41288 01 ASIA-575D 41286 01 ASIA-595B 41289 01 ASIA-595D 41287 01 CHIN-102 43033 01 Fees $15 CHIN-103 43034 01 Fees $15 HIST-432 40654 01 HUM -328 41521 01 HUM -578D 41504 01 JAPN-102 43102 01 Fees $15 43108 02 Fees $15 JAPN-103 43099 01 Fees $15 43107 02 Fees $15 KINE-114F 42036 01 Fees $5 42462 02 Fees $5 42463 03 Fees $5 KINE-120E 42401 01 Fees $5 INTERNSHIP ASIAN STUDIES 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required INTERNSHIP ASIAN STUDIES 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required COLLEGE CHINESE II 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-212 SHIH H COLLEGE CHINESE III 4 Units C3 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-212 SHIH H MODERN CHINA III, 1949-PRESENT 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-210 MURRAY J ASIAN CULTURAL TRADITIONS 4 Units C5,G1 LEC MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM HP-124 KIM D INTL EXPERIENCE:ASIAN STUDIES 4 Units SUP TBA CHUANG B Instructor Consent Required COLLEGE JAPANESE II 4 Units SEM MWF 01:20PM 02:30PM UH-263 NUNN M SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-062 NUNN M COLLEGE JAPANESE III 4 Units C3 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-260 AMAYA M SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-260 AMAYA M YOGA 2 Units E3 ACT MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM HP-104 SULLIVAN J ACT TR 08:00AM 09:50AM HP-104 WHEELER ACT MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM HP-104 SULLIVAN J KARATE 2 Units E3 ACT MW 04:00PM 05:50PM PE-104 STAFF 43362 02 Fees $5 KOR -103 43119 01 Fees $15 KOR -203 43120 01 Fees $15 PSCI-305 43291 01 ACT TR 06:00PM 07:50PM PE-104 VANOVER J COLLEGE KOREAN III 4 Units C3 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-214 HWANG B 2ND YR COLL KOREAN III 4 Units C3 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-214 HWANG B EAST ASIAN POLITICS 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-113 CHILDS S CHICANO(A)/LATINO(A) STUDIES College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (909) 537-5512, SB-445 http://faculty.csusb.edu/ethnic/index.html Coordinator: Dr. Elsa Valdez Chicano(a)/Latino(a) Studies provides an interdisciplinary curriculum and is designed to provide an awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of the Chicano(a)/Latino(a) experience. The minor addresses issues of language, history, culture, politics, economics, education, immigration and the creative expression of the Chicano(a)/Latino(a) presence in the United States. This new minor will greatly enrich any student’s undergraduate degree. Its goal is to extend knowledge relevant to this growing ethnic group by examining its experiences in a social context and its interdependence with other populations by addressing interracial, intercultural, and international understanding. This new minor provides students with an essential understanding of the Chicano(a)/Latino(a) culture and will enable them to succeed in a diverse society. The minor is housed in the Ethnic Studies Program, which also has a new concentration in Chicano(a)/ Latino(a) Studies. For more information, please call Elsa Valdez (Ethnic Studies Coordinator, Professor Elsa Valdez at 909-5375512 or call the Dean’s office in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at 909-537-7500. CHICANO(A)/LATINO(A) STUDIES Liberal Studies: General Track with a concentration in Chicano(a) Studies The Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies is a multidisciplinary degree program designed for students whose needs or interests require a more broadly based liberal arts curriculum than is possible through existing disciplines. It is also intended to prepare students to teach in the elementary classroom, though the program is open to everyone. The Chicano(a) Studies Concentration will help broaden students’ understanding of, and deepen their sensitivity to, the ever-increasing diversity of the region, and, in turn, prepare future teachers to reach out to their own students in meaningful ways. For more information, please call Professor Katherine Thomerson (Liberal Studies Coordinator) at 909 537-5857 or call the Dean’s office in the College of Arts and Letters at 909-537-5800. Chicano(a)/Latino(a) Studies Courses The following courses can be applied toward a Minor or certificate in Chicano(a)/Latino(a) Studies INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS & SERVICE LEARNING ENG -323 41203 70 CHICANO LITERATURE 4 Units SEM TBA GIL-GOMEZ Online course HUM -335 LATINO CULTURE 4 Units C5,G1 41518 01 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM CE-105 HILL L SOC -342 CHICANO FAMILY 4 Units 43329 01 88 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-129 VALDEZ E TBA OF-ONLI Web with classroom component COMMUNITY-UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIPS (CUP) AND SERVICE LEARNING (909) 537-5793, FO-230 http://cup.csusb.edu Director: Dr. Diane Podolske The CUP and Service Learning office promotes partnerships among students, faculty, staff and community members to improve the quality of life in our communities. One of the strategies used to achieve an improved community is service learning. Service learning combines academic learning objectives with meaningful work in the community. Students participating in service learning provide direct service to nonprofit and public organizations as a part of their requirements for academic credit, while faculty help them understand the connection between the tasks they perform and the academic course work. For example, health science students conduct health fairs and test homes for environmental hazards, sociology students help troubled teens to learn life skills, biology students supplement public schools with science demonstrations, etc. Students benefit from service learning courses through: ●● hands-on use of skills and knowledge from a course ●● interaction with people of diverse cultures and lifestyles ●● leadership development opportunities ●● gaining valuable career experience Service Learning Courses Below is a list of CSUSB courses that include service learning experiences. For further information, please contact the course instructor or Diane Podolske at (909) 537-5793. ACCT-575 INTERNSHIP 43154 01 3 SUP TBA Department Consent Required ANTH-576B INTERN IN MUSEUM STUDIES 40031 01 3 SUP TBA Department Consent Required ANTH-576C INTERN IN MUSEUM STUDIES 40032 01 3 SUP TBA Department Consent Required ANTH-576D INTERN IN MUSEUM STUDIES 40033 01 3 SUP TBA Department Consent Required ANTH-576E INTERN IN MUSEUM STUDIES 40034 01 3 SUP TBA Department Consent Required 4 Units CHAVEZ J 2 Units STAFF 3 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 5 Units STAFF 63 Spring 2015 ARAB-303 ADVANCED ARABIC III 4 Units 42995 01 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-241 MANGO O Fees $15 ARAB-399A COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT 1 Unit 42992 01 SUP TBA MANGO O Department Consent Required ARAB-575D INTERNSHIP 4 Units 42990 01 SUP TBA MANGO O Department Consent Required ART -540 ART AND COMMUNITY 3 Units 43641 01 ACT TR 02:00PM 05:00PM VA-221 BUCKLEY A Fees $39 ART -575E INTERNSHIP 5 Units 40832 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Fees $39 BIOL-575A INTERNSHIP IN BIOLOGY 2 Units 42288 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 42303 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required BIOL-575C INTERSHIP BIOL: BIOTECHNOLOGY 2 Units 42452 01 SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required BIOL-575E INTERNSHIP BIOL: BOTANY 2 Units 42449 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required BIOL-575F INTERNSHIP BIOL: SCI EDUC 2 Units 42500 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CHEM-301 SERV LEARN CHEM 1 Unit 41967 01 SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required 42618 02 SUP TBA STAFF Instructor Consent Required CHEM-575A INTERNSHIP IN CHEMISTRY 1 Unit 42501 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CHEM-575B INTERNSHIP IN CHEMISTRY 2 Units 42261 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CHEM-575C INTERNSHIP IN CHEMISTRY 3 Units 42506 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CHEM-575D INTRNSHIP IN CHEM 4 Units 42431 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required CHEM-575E INTERSHIP IN CHEMISTRY 5 Units 42443 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM-399A COMM SERV PROJECT 1 Unit 41313 01 SUP TBA SALVADOR Department Consent Required COMM-399B COMM SERV PROJECT 2 Units 41314 01 SUP TBA SALVADOR Department Consent Required 41379 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required COMM-591B INTERNSHIP IN COMM 2 Units 41324 01 3 SUP TBA SALVADOR Department Consent Required COMM-591C INTERNSHIP IN COMM 3 Units 41326 01 3 SUP TBA SALVADOR Department Consent Required COMM-591D INTERNSHIP IN COMM 4 Units 41328 01 3 SUP TBA SALVADOR Department Consent Required COMM-591E INTERNSHIP IN COMM 5 Units 41330 01 3 SUP TBA SALVADOR Department Consent Required CSE -575 INTERNSHIP CSE 4 Units 42357 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 42358 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 42532 03 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 64 Spring 2015 INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS & SERVICE LEARNING Service Learning courses (continued) ECLG-649 ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 5 Units 41606 01 13,19 LEC T 04:00PM 07:50PM CE-213 PARRES F Fees $80 41607 02 13,19 SUP TBA PARRES F ECLG-679 COUNSELING FIELD EXPERIENCE 4 Units 41756 01 19 SUP W 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-213 STAFF 41757 02 19 SUP W 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-217 STAFF ECLG-689D SEM/INTERN SCHOOL PSYC 4 Units 41609 01 1,19 LEC T 04:00PM 07:50PM CE-107 NELSON R Fees $80 41698 03 1,19 LEC T 04:00PM 07:50PM CE-217 WIEST D Fees $80 FLAN-399B COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT 2 Units 43058 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required GEOL-307A SERVICE LEARNING EARTH SCI 1 Unit 41997 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required GEOL-307B SERVICE LEARNING EARTH SCI 2 Units 42650 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required GEOL-575D INTERNSHIP IN GEOLOGY 4 Units 42004 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required HIST-575 INTERNSHIP HIST 4 Units 40013 01 3 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required 40021 02 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required HON -105C HONORS COLLOQUIUM 1 Unit 42754 01 ACT F 02:00PM 03:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required HON -205C HONORS SEMINAR 1 Unit 42739 01 10 ACT F 02:00PM 03:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required IST -575 INTERNSHIP 4 Units 42834 01 SUP TBA CHAVEZ J Department Consent Required MGMT-470 STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MGMT 4 Units 42913 01 SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM JB-111 SEAL C MGMT-575 INTERNSHIP 4 Units 42881 01 3 SUP TBA STULL M Department Consent Required MATH-395D DIRECTED STUDY 4 Units 42622 03 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PHYS-585B INTERN IN PHYSICS 2 Units 42183 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PHYS-585C INTERN IN PHYSICS 3 Units 42184 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required PHYS-585D INTERN IN PHYSICS 4 Units 42213 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SSCI-316 RACE AND RACISM 4 Units D5 40238 02 LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PS-010 CAMPBELL K SW -400C SW PRAC:ORGANIZATION&COMMUNITY 4 Units 40251 01 LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM CE-106 STAFF 40311 02 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-210 STAFF SPAN-575A INTERNSHIP SERV LEARNING 1 Unit 43220 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPAN-575B INTERNSHIP SERV LEARNING 2 Units 43216 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPAN-575C INTERNSHIP SERV LEARNING 3 Units 43217 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required SPAN-575D INTERNSHIP SERV LEARNING 4 Units 43218 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required TA -481 CREATIVE DRAMA IN CLASSROOM 3 Units 41451 01 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:00PM CH-117 STAFF TA -484 READERS THEATRE IN CLASS 3 Units 41420 01 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:00PM PA-225 STAFF ETHNIC STUDIES College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (909) 537-5512, SB-445 http://faculty.csusb.edu/ethnic/index.html Coordinator: Dr. Elsa Valdez As part of the university's minor in Ethnic Studies, the following courses are being offered during Spring 2015. Also, these courses may count in your program as free electives. Please see your advisor to ascertain how these classes might apply to your course of study. For further information, contact Dr. Elsa Valdez, Ethnic Studies Coordinator, SB-445, at (909) 537-5512. Ethnic Studies Courses The following courses can be applied toward a Minor or certificate in Ethnic Studies. ANTH-323 43450 01 ANTH-331 40382 01 ANTH-333 40685 01 ANTH-340 40420 01 ANTH-365 43434 01 ART -310 40896 01 Fees $9 ART -323 43448 01 Fees $9 COMM-304 41304 01 41305 02 41370 03 43422 04 COMM-401 41316 01 41375 02 43451 03 ENG -323 41203 70 NATIVE N AMER ART 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM VA-221 BARBER R ANTHRO OF HUM DEV 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-224 MILLER-THA SEX&GENDR CRS/CUL 4 Units G2 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-224 VELASQUEZ ANTHRO OF HEALTH 4 Units SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-224 MILLER-THA ASIAN AMERICAN CULTURES 4 Units SEM MW 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-216 NADEAU K ASIAN ART 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-283 STAFF NATIVE N AMER ART 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM VA-221 BARBER R INTERCULTURAL COMM 4 Units G2 SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM UH-249 BAHK C SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-249 BAHK C SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM PL-266 FOWLIE J SEM TR 06:00PM 07:50PM UH-042 FOWLIE J GENDER, RACE & MEDIA 4 Units G2 SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM PL-245 ALGAN E SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-249 STAFF SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-257 STAFF CHICANO LITERATURE 4 Units SEM TBA GIL-GOMEZ Online course ES -100 ETHNCTY&RACE AMER 4 Units D4 40704 01 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-213 LOPEZ E TBA OL-ONLINE Classroom with Web component ES -394 TOPICS ETHN ST: 4 Units 43405 01 SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-224 ORTEGA D TBA OL-ONLINE Classroom with Web component GEOG-322 U.S. - MEXICO BORDER ISSUES 4 Units 40657 01 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-361 KOHOUT M HUM -335 LATINO CULTURE 4 Units C5,G1 41518 01 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM CE-105 HILL L HUM -350 AMERICAN CHILDHOOD 4 Units C5,G1 43599 01 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-106 SMITH J PSYC-345 CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY 4 Units 40695 01 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM PS-223 BRIONES L SSCI-300 NON-WESTERN WORLD 4 Units D5 40730 01 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM SB-128 GRISHAM K SSCI-316 RACE AND RACISM 4 Units D5,G1 40514 04 LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM CE-105 STAFF SOC -341 MARRIAGE&FAM BLACKS 4 Units 43328 01 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-129 TEXEIRA M SOC -342 CHICANO FAMILY 4 Units 43329 01 88 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-129 VALDEZ E TBA OF-ONLI Web with classroom component INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS & SERVICE LEARNING SOC -410 43340 01 SOC -525 40384 01 SOC OF RACE & ETHNICITY 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-129 JULAGAY C INDIAN NATIONS/NATIVE AMER 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-214 FENELON J PSYC-349 40407 01 SSCI-325 40347 01 65 Spring 2015 PSYCH OF GAYS & LESBIANS 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PS-223 JENNINGS T PERSPEC ON GENDER 4 Units D5,G LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PS-010 MARX M LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES GENDER AND SEXUALITY STUDIES College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (909) 537-5255, SB-209M http://gendersexuality.csusb.edu/ Coordinator: Dr. Todd Jennings CSUSB offers both a minor and certificate program in Gender and Sexuality Studies. The aim of both programs is to prepare students, through the study of gender and sexuality, with insights, knowledge, and interpretive frameworks that will equip them personally, intellectually, and professionally. The programs allow students to examine how gender and sexuality as social constructs shape individual lives, groups, institutions, and social structures. Students will have the opportunity to examine individual development, couples, families, small groups, and organizations as well as the media, arts, and economic and political systems. A description of the program is available on the program website at http://gendersexuality.csusb.edu/ and in the annual Bulletin of Courses. For more information, contact the program office located in SB-209M, or at (909) 537-5255, or email Dr. Todd Jennings (Program Coordinator) at [email protected]. Gender and Sexuality Studies ANTH-333 40685 01 COMM-401 41375 02 43451 03 CJUS-451 40062 01 CJUS-462 43546 01 ENG -319 43650 01 ENG -336 41204 01 GSS -100 41776 01 GSS -103 41777 01 GSS -450 41817 01 GSS -595B 41809 01 SEX&GENDR CRS/CUL 4 Units G2 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-224 VELASQUEZ GENDER, RACE & MEDIA 4 Units G2 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-249 STAFF SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-257 STAFF WOMEN & CRIME 4 Units G2 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM TC-015 NORRIS A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE & CJUS 4 Units SEM TR 08:00AM 09:50AM SB-213 WOLBECK E DIVRSE BLCK WMEN WRITE SOC JSTICE 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-261 PAK Y WOMEN WRITERS 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM UH-261 PIGEON R INTRO WOMEN’S STD 4 Units D4 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM STAFF INTRO LES-GAY-BI-TRANS STUDIES 4 Units D4 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM STAFF QUEER THEORY 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM STAFF INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required GSS -595D INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units 41877 01 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required HSCI-310 HEALTH&SEXUALITY 4 Units 42537 01 SEM TBA STAFF HUM -325 PERSPEC ON GENDER 4 Units C5,G1 41492 01 1 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PS-010 STAFF NSCI-325 PERSPEC ON GENDER 4 Units B5,G 42548 01 LEC MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM PS-010 STAFF PHIL-367 GENDER AND PHILOSOPHY 4 Units G2 43611 01 45 SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM UH-252 BUROKER B College of Arts and Letters 909) 537-5858, UH 201.44 http://anthropology.csbs.csusb.edu/majorsPrograms/ Coordinator: Dr. Antonieta Gallegos-Ruiz The Latin American Studies minor program provides students with the opportunity to explore a wide range of subjects relating to the Western Hemisphere through an interdisciplinary curriculum that draws from the Colleges of Arts and Letters, Business and Public Administration, Education, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Natural Sciences. The focus of the program adds an international perspective to any major. It offers physical and virtual resources to students and faculty interested in this area of the world. The Latin American Studies minor program can make a student more marketable as he/she gains more knowledge in areas of concern for today’s global community. For further information, contact Dr. Antonieta Gallegos-Ruiz, Latin American Studies Coordinator, UH-201.44, at (909) 537-5858. Ask about CSUSB’s International Programs. Latin American Studies Courses The following courses can be applied toward a Minor or certificate in Latin American Studies. ANTH-356 40684 01 ART -324 40890 01 Fees $9 COMM-365 43423 01 COMM-471 43452 01 ENG -319 43650 01 GEOG-322 40657 01 HIST-466 43395 01 HUM -335 41518 01 HUM -576A 41506 01 HUM -576B 41507 01 HUM -576C 41508 01 HUM -576D 41509 01 CULTURES SO-AMER 4 Units SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-216 VELASQUEZ PRE-COLUMBIAN ART 4 Units SEM TBA STAFF TOPICS IN MEDIA STUDIES 4 Units LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-115 OWEN K INTERNATIONAL COMM 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-243 ALGAN E DIVRSE BLCK WOMEN WRIT SOC JSTICE 4 Units SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM UH-261 PAK Y U.S. - MEXICO BORDER ISSUES 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM SB-361 KOHOUT M FOREGN RELATIONS LATIN AMER 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM SB-210 SANTONI P LATINO CULTURE 4 Units C5,G1 LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM CE-105 HILL L INTL EXP: LATIN AMER STUDIES 1 Unit SUP TBA STAFF INTL EXP: LATIN AMER STUDIES 2 Units SUP TBA STAFF INTL EXP: LATIN AMER STUDIES 3 Units SUP TBA STAFF INTL EXP: LATIN AMER STUDIES 4 Units SUP TBA JANY C Department Consent Required HUM -576E INTL EXP: LATIN AMER STUDIES 5 Units 41510 01 SUP TBA STAFF HUM -576F INTL EXP: LATIN AMER STUDIES 6 Units 41511 01 SUP TBA JANY C Department Consent Required HUM -577D INTL EXPERIENCE:SPANISH 4 Units 41512 01 SUP TBA JEREZ-GOME 66 INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS & SERVICE LEARNING Spring 2015 Latin American Studies Courses (continued) MUS -351 LATIN AMER MUSIC 4 Units 43335 01 SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM MALDONADO SOC -342 CHICANO FAMILY 4 Units 43329 01 88 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-129 VALDEZ E TBA OF-ONLI Web with classroom component SOC -525 INDIAN NATIONS/NATIVE AMER 4 Units 40384 01 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM SB-214 FENELON J SOC -590 SEMINAR IN SOC: LATINO HEALTH 4 Units 40681 02 SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-214 MUNOZ J Department Consent Required SPAN-103 COLLEGE SPANISH III 4 Units C3 43184 01 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM UH-248 VEGA-SNCH Fees $15 43185 02 SEM MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM UH-062 VEGA-SNCH Fees $15 43186 04 SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-248 DE LOERA-M Fees $15 43189 05 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM CE-108 HILL L Fees $15 43191 06 SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-062 VEGA-SNCH Fees $15 43192 07 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM UH-243 RIOS O Fees $15 43197 08 SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM CE-108 CHARCAS Fees $15 43205 09 SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM UH-248 VELARDE PE Fees $15 43210 10 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM CE-115 DOMENECH Fees $15 SPAN-314 ADV CONVERSATION 4 Units 43225 02 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-062 FERNANDEZ Fees $15 ACADEMIC TECHNOLOGIES & INNOVATION 67 Spring 2015 The Department of Academic Technologies and Innovation (ATI), is focused on fostering and supporting faculty led innovation, student engagement technologies and growth in hybrid and online learning courses. Online courses and web/classroom courses are identified as such in the schedule of classes by subject. Students taking online courses should have access to a computer (minimum Macintosh OS X.5 Leopard or PC with Windows XP, Windows 7 or later preferred) and a high speed Internet connection. For further information regarding CSUSB’s distributed learning programs, courses and services, contact the Office of Academic Technologies & Innovation (909) 537-7439 or https://odl.csusb.edu/. TELEVISED FROM MAIN CAMPUS Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Accounting ACCT-468 43158 01 ACCT-539 43159 01 ACCT GOVT & NOPROFIT ORG SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM Televised Crs-origination site ADVANCED ACCOUNTING LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM Televised Crs-origination site 4 Units BOBBITT D GEOMETRY 2 & 3 DIMENSION 4 Units LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM J STAFF Televised Crs-origination site Supply Chain Management SCM -304 42855 04 ETHICAL ASPECTS COMM 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-025 STAFF Televised Crs-origination site QUALITATIVE METHODS SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM Department Consent Required Televised Crs-origination site EDUC-780D TOPIC EDUC LEADERSHIP 41770 01 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM Department Consent Required Televised Crs-origination site MATH-229 42398 01 4 Units BAZAZ M Education EDUC-712 41702 01 Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Mathematics Communication Studies COMM-491 41371 02 Meeting Days Hours 4 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF PRINCIPLES OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGM 4 Units LEC W 06:00PM 09:50PM PL-025 WU J Televised Crs-origination site ONLINE & DISTRIBUTED LEARNING 68 Spring 2015 Online and Web/Classroom Instruction Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Anthropology ANTH-102 40683 70 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Fees $15 43601 71 INTRO ANTH-CULTURE & SOC SEM TBA Online course 4 Units D4 MILLER-THA CURR DEV CAREER & TECH SEM TBA Online course ECTS-639 PROF COMPTENCIES CAREER & TECH 41785 70 SEM TBA Department Consent Required Online course Fees $15 ARAB-470D 43014 70 Fees $15 CNTMP ISS ARAB CLTR:ENV ASPECT SEM TBA Online course 4 Units C3 DOUEIRI D HAMMAD M 4 Units HAMMAD M Fees $9 ART -223 40799 01 Fees $9 ART -306 40907 01 Fees $9 ART -395 40866 70 Fees $39 43636 71 Fees $39 STUDIES IN ART LEC TBA Online course COMM-306 41391 70 COMM-400 41387 70 4 Units C1 OL-ONLINEBLALOCK A ART HIST:RENAISSANCE-PRESENT 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEBLALOCK A Online course GREEK & ROMAN ART 4 Units SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-283 STAFF Web with classroom component ART IN CLASSROOM 3 Units ACT T 04:30PM 07:30PM VA-222 BROCKIE K Web with classroom component ACT R 05:30PM 08:30PM VA-222 BROCKIE K Web with classroom component CJUS-320 40060 01 CJUS-330 40670 70 CJUS-440 43511 70 CJUS-585 43517 01 CJUS-598 40069 70 CJUS-604 40404 70 CJUS-629 40515 70 Career and Technical Studies ECTS-501 41741 70 ECTS-504 41740 70 ECTS-518 41742 70 ECTS-519 41786 70 41787 71 41844 73 41845 74 TEACHING DES SUBJ SEM TBA Online course PRINCIPL CAREER & TECH EDUC SEM TBA Online course FLD WORK DES SUBJ SUP TBA Online course COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SEM TBA Online course ACT TBA Online course SEM TBA Online course ACT TBA Online course 4 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF COMM THEORY SEM TBA Online course COMM RESRCH METHS SEM TBA Online course 4 Units HEISTERKAM 4 Units POPESCU M Criminal Justice CJUS-312 40427 70 Art ART -200 40853 01 Communication Studies ARABIC LIT IN TRANSLATION SEM TBA Online course SEM TBA Online course Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. ECTS-520 41810 70 Arabic ARAB-290 43005 70 Meeting Days Hours STATISTICS IN CJUS 4 Units SEM TBA KREMLING J Online course THEOR CRIME&DELINQ 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM SB-213 TIBBETTS S Web with classroom component CORRECTIONAL THEORY&INST 4 Units SEM TBA KREMLING J Online course POLICE ADMIN 4 Units LEC TBA GAINES L Online course CRIMINALITY ACROSS LIFE COURSE 4 Units SEM MWF 09:20AM 10:30AM SB-213 TIBBETTS S Web with classroom component INTEGRATIVE STUDIES IN CJUS 4 Units SEM TBA SCHOEPFER Online course ADV TECH CJUS RSRCH 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEREITZEL J Online course MINORITIES IN CJ SYS 4 Units SEM TBA NORRIS A Online course Economics 4 Units STAFF ECON-200 40410 70 4 Units STAFF ECON-202 40085 70 4 Units STAFF 4 Units PENDLETON STAFF STAFF STAFF PRIN MICROECONOMICS SEM TBA Online course PRIN MACROECONOMICS SEM TBA Online course 4 Units OL-ONLINEALDANA C 4 Units OL-ONLINEALDANA C Education English Speakers other Languages EESL-543 41773 70 TESOL LISTENING AND SPEAKING 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEMARCY P Online course ONLINE & DISTRIBUTED LEARNING 69 Spring 2015 Online and Web/Classroom Instruction Class Sec Foot- No. No. note EESL-544 41744 70 EESL-679 41755 70 EESL-685 41745 70 Meeting Days Hours READING FOR TESOL SEM TBA Online course FIELDWORK TESOL SUP TBA Online course RESEARCH IN TESOL SEM TBA Online course Bldg. GE Class Sec Foot- Room Faculty Ind. No. No. note Meeting Days Hours 4 Units OL-ONLINEHOWARD K Ethnic Studies 4 Units OL-ONLINEDIAZ-RICO 4 Units OL-ONLINEHOWARD K ES -100 40704 01 ETHNCTY&RACE AMER 4 Units D4 SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM SB-213 LOPEZ E TBA OL-ONLINE Classroom with Web component TOPICS ETHN ST 4 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-224 ORTEGA D TBA OL-ONLINE Classroom with Web component ES -394 43405 01 Education EDUC-607 INTRO TO EDUC RESEARCH 41715 70 19,89 SEM TBA Department Consent Required Online course Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Finance 4 Units STAFF FIN -602 FINANCIAL THEORY&CORP FIN 4 Units 42796 01 19 LEC S 09:00AM 12:50PM JB-144 SARWAR G Web with classroom component Educational Counseling Foreign Language ECLG-669 PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 41883 70 89 LEC TBA Online course 41884 71 89 LEC TBA Online course 4 Units OL-ONLINEHEDTKE L OL-ONLINEWILLIAMS Elementary/Bilingual Education EELB-301 41784 01 FLAN-103Q 43046 70 Fees $15 FLAN-203Q 43566 70 Fees $15 GROWTH&DEV SOC-ED CONTEXTS 6 Units LEC W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-355 STAFF Classroom with Web component English ENG -326 43471 70 ENG -420 41129 01 ENG -441 41255 01 ENG -516 41133 70 ENG -517 41134 70 41205 71 CHICANO LITERATURE 4 Units SEM TBA GIL-GOMEZ Online course AMERICAN LIT II 4 Units SEM TBA GIL-GOMEZ Online course ENGLISH GRAMMAR I 4 Units SEM TBA SMITH W Online course MAJOR AUTHOR(S): SANDRA CISNEROS 4 Units SEM TBA GIL-GOMEZ Online course SENIOR PROJECT 1 Unit SUP TBA HENRY H Online course HONORS PROJECT 2 Units SEM TBA HENRY H Department Consent Required Online course SUP TBA HENRY H Online course 4 Units C3 ELLIOTT E 2ND YR LANG STUDY III:LUISEÑO SEM TBA Online course 4 Units C3 ELLIOTT E 4 Units C3 NELSON T French FREN-290 43086 70 Fees $15 ENG -323 41203 70 LANG STUDY III:LUISEÑO SEM TBA Online course FRENCH LIT IN ENG SEM TBA Online course Health Science HSCI-100 42006 01 HSCI-271 42389 01 HSCI-315 42015 01 42626 02 HSCI-352 42019 01 HSCI-423 42022 01 CONCEPTS IN HEALTH 2 Units SEM R 10:00AM 11:50AM PL-263 STAFF Classroom with Web component INTRO TO PUBLIC HEALTH 4 Units SEM MWF 12:00PM 01:10PM JB-114 OTINIANO V Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component STAT FOR THE HEALTH SCIENCES 4 Units SEM MWF 10:40AM 11:50AM PS-203 PHALEN R Classroom with Web component SEM MWF 09:00AM 10:10AM CS-122 PHALEN R Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component PRINCIPLES ENVIRONMENT HLTH 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM PS-204 MIAN L Classroom with Web component HLTH&WEL OLDR ADL 4 Units SEM MWF 02:40PM 03:50PM PL-263 STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ONLINE & DISTRIBUTED LEARNING 70 Spring 2015 Online and Web/Classroom Instruction Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. HSCI-438 42690 01 FINANCIAL MGT IN HEALTH CARE 4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CS-222 STAFF Department Consent Required Online course HSCI-445 COMMUNITY NUTRITION 4 Units 42025 01 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM PS-204 HUGHES J Classroom with Web component HSCI-451 PRIN EPIDEMIOLOGY 4 Units 42026 01 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component HSCI-460 PLN&MKTG HLT CARE 4 Units 42027 01 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM PL-263 STAFF Classroom with Web component HSCI-468 RSRCH METHODOLOGY HLTH SCI 4 Units 42029 01 1 LEC MWF 08:00AM 09:10AM PS-204 STAFF Classroom with Web component HSCI-493 FIELD EXPERIENCE SEM 1 Unit 42247 01 SEM T 10:00AM 11:50AM PS-203 STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component HSCI-513 MANAGED CARE SYSTEMS 4 Units 42689 01 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM PS-204 STAFF Online course HSCI-530 FOOD-BORNE ILLNESS 4 Units 42390 01 SEM MW 04:00PM 05:50PM PL-263 PHALEN R Classroom with Web component HSCI-540 SCHOOL HLTH PROGRAM PRACTICES 4 Units 42395 70 LEC TBA STAFF Online course HSCI-607 CROSS CULTURAL ASPECTS HEALTH 4 Units 42030 01 19 LEC T 06:00PM 09:50PM PS-326 STAFF Web with classroom component HSCI-608 HEALTH RESEARCH METHODS 4 Units 42269 01 SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component HSCI-614 HEALTH EDUCATION PRACTICE 4 Units 42270 01 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM PS-209 STAFF Classroom with Web component HSCI-685 HLTH ADM CAPSTONE SEM 4 Units 42232 01 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM PS-224 STAFF Classroom with Web component 4 Units OL-ONLINESHULTZ K Humanities HUM -319 41519 70 MYTH, META&SYM LEC TBA Online course HUM -397 ASSESS PREP II LIB STDS 41495 70 36 LEC TBA Department Consent Required Online course HUM -597 SEN ASSESS LIB STDS 41502 70 40 SUP TBA Department Consent Required Online course Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. IST -101 42818 70 Fees $25 42819 71 INTRO INFO TECHNOLOGY LEC TBA Online course 4 Units LYTLE-KOSO LAB TBA LYTLE-KOSO Online course IST -309 INFO SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY 4 Units 42822 06 SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM JB-143 LIN F Department Consent Required Online course Fees $25 IST -415 SECURITY SYS MGMT 4 Units 42842 01 SEM TR 08:00PM 09:50PM JB-124 SON J Online course IST -610 INFO ASSURANCE POLICY MGT 4 Units 42838 70 SEM TBA NESTLER V Online course Instructional Technology ETEC-644 41789 01 41790 02 ETEC-674 41830 70 ETEC-692 41803 01 DESIGN&DEV INSTR MATERIALS II SEM R 05:00PM 07:50PM TBA Classroom with Web component ACT R 08:00PM 09:50PM TBA Classroom with Web component E-LEARNING TECH AND MEDIA SEM TBA Online course PRACTICUM IN EDUCATIONAL TECH SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM TBA Classroom with Web component 4 Units STAFF STAFF 4 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF Management MGMT-306 42905 70 Human Development WORK, RETIREMENT & LEISURE SEM TBA Online course Meeting Days Hours Information Systems and Technology Health Science (continued) HD -540 43507 01 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 4 Units C5 JACKSON J EXPOSITORY WRITING ADMN 4 Units F LEC TBA BAKEMAN M Online course 42909 71 LEC TBA SCHREIHANS Online course 42911 72 LEC TBA SCHREIHANS Online course 42912 73 LEC TBA METZ R Online course MGMT-350 ADMIN COMMUNICATIONS 4 Units 42869 70 SEM TBA HANSON L Online course MGMT-685 CORP STRAT IN A GLOBAL ECON 4 Units 42927 02 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-112 COATES B Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component 1 Unit OL-ONLINEBRYAN L 2 Units STAFF Music MUS -180 41082 70 STUDIES IN MUSIC LEC TBA Online course 4 Units C1 OL-ONLINEGREEN S ONLINE & DISTRIBUTED LEARNING 71 Spring 2015 Online and Web/Classroom Instruction Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Class Sec Foot- Room Faculty Ind. No. No. note Psychology Some courses in Psychology are restricted to psychology majors. To become a psychology major students must complete these courses or their equivalent: a GE Basic Skills in English (A1); a GE Basic Skills in Mathematics (A3); PSYC 100 (Introduction to Psychology); PSYC 101 (Psychology as a Major); PSYC 210 (Psychological Statistics). The grade earned in each of the above courses must be no lower than a C (2.0). PSYC-101 PSYCHOLOGY AS A MAJOR 40138 70 89 LEC TBA Online course PSYC-540 WORK, RETIREMENT & LEISURE 43508 01 SEM TBA Online course 1 Unit OL-ONLINEGILBERT J PA -315 42955 01 42975 02 42956 03 PA -380 42957 01 PA -462 42958 01 PA -463 42959 01 PA -490 42960 01 PA -501 43243 70 PA -590 43248 70 PA -603 42962 01 PA -611 42972 70 PA -615 42963 01 PA -617 43245 01 PA -620 42979 70 PA -650 42971 70 PA -663 42964 70 PA -664 42976 70 PA -672 42973 70 PA -680 42965 01 4 Units OL-ONLINESHULTZ K Public Administration PA -305 42980 01 PA -662 42970 01 ORGS MULTICUL&DIVERSE SOCIETY 4 Units G2 LEC T 06:00PM 09:50PM UH-249 MATHEWS A Classroom with Web component GOV-BUS RELATIONS 4 Units LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM JB-140 STAFF Classroom with Web component LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-102 ROMAN A Classroom with Web component LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-111 STAFF Classroom with Web component INTRO TO PUB ADMN 4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM PL-266 COLLINS K Classroom with Web component PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMIN 4 Units SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-139 STAFF Classroom with Web component GOV BUDGETING 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM PL-266 DEMAURO D Classroom with Web component SENIOR ASSESS SEM IN PA 4 Units SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-139 BAKER D Classroom with Web component ADMINISTRATIVE LEADERSHIP 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEVAN WART Department Consent Required Online course SEMINAR IN PA: ADMIN LEADERSHP 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEVAN WART Department Consent Required Online course RESEARCH METH IN ADMN 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-118 ANDERSON J Classroom with Web component PA THEORY & PRACTICE 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEROMAN A Online course PUBLIC FINANCIAL MGMT 4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-118 FUDGE M Classroom with Web component MGMT LOCAL ECON DEV 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM UH-249 STRANGE C Classroom with Web component PUBLIC WATER LAW 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEALDSTADT Online course PUBLIC MIS 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEMOSHER M Online course Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. HUM RES MGMT PUB SECTOR 4 Units SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-118 VAN WART M Classroom with Web component PUBLIC BDGT & FINANCE 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEFUDGE M Online course MGMT OF PUB ORGS 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEBAKER D Online course ADMN REGULATION 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINEJOHNSON Online course PUB POL ANALYSIS 4 Units SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM JB-118 COLLINS K Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component Reading Education ERDG-646 41820 70 ERDG-649 41819 70 ERDG-659 41821 70 SOCIO-PSYCHOLING AND LIT 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINESTAFF Online course ASSESS INTERVENT IN LIT 4 Units SEM TBA OL-ONLINESTAFF Online course FLDWORK READING AND LIT SPEC 4 Units SUP TBA OL-ONLINESTAFF Online course Rehabilitiation Counseling EREH-618 APPLIED JOB PLACE 43327 70 89 SEM TBA Online course 4 Units OL-ONLINEO’BRIEN M Secondary Education ESEC-413 INTERACTION IN THE CLASSROOM 4 Units 41685 01 11 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-316 STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESEC-419 LITERACY ACROSS THE CURR 4 Units 41687 01 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-119K STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component 41730 02 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-119K STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component Social Sciences SSCI-499 40351 70 SENIOR SEMINAR SUP TBA Department Consent Required Online course 2 Units STAFF ONLINE & DISTRIBUTED LEARNING 72 Spring 2015 Online and Web/Classroom Instruction Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Social Work SW -200 40246 70 SW -320 40389 70 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK 4 Units LEC TBA STAFF Online course CHILD WELFARE SERVICES 4 Units LEC W 05:00PM 08:50PM SB-212 STAFF Web with classroom component Sociology SOC -342 CHICANO FAMILY 4 Units 43329 01 88 SEM TR 02:00PM 03:50PM SB-129 VALDEZ E TBA OF-ONLI Web with classroom component SOC -440 SOCIAL CLASS 4 Units 40430 01 88 SEM MW 06:00PM 07:50PM CS-122 VILLANUEVA TBA OF-ONLI Web with classroom component Spanish SPAN-290 43198 70 Fees $15 SPAN&LATIN AM LIT IN ENG SEM TBA Online course 4 Units C3 GAYLOR D Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. ESPE-633 REFLECT INQUIRY SEM&INDUC PLAN 4 Units 41802 70 20 SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Online course ESPE-656 CURRICULUM METH:CORE SUBJ 4 Units 43416 70 SEM TBA OL-ONLINEMCCABE M Department Consent Required Online course ESPE-663 METHODS IN MSD II 4 Units 41754 70 20 SEM TBA OL-ONLINENAM S Department Consent Required Online course ESPE-673 METHODS IN ECSE II 4 Units 41691 01 88 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-117 STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESPE-685 ADVANCED BEHAVIOR MGMT 4 Units 41692 70 20 SEM TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Online course ESPE-694 SPEC ED LEADER EVAL&OUTCOME I 4 Units 41700 70 20 SUP TBA STAFF Department Consent Required Online course ESPE-695 SPED CLEAR INDUCTION OUTCOMES 4 Units 43417 70 SEM TBA OL-ONLINEMCCABE M Department Consent Required Online course ESPE-696C INDUCTION SUPPORT III 1 Unit 43425 70 SEM TBA OL-ONLINESTAFF Department Consent Required Online course Supply Chain Management Special Education ESPE-350 INTRO SPEC POPULATNS-G.E.TCHR 4 Units 41752 70 89 SEM TBA OL-ONLINEFRANKLINOnline course ESPE-530 INTRO SPECIAL EDUCATION 4 Units 43408 70 LEC TBA OL-ONLINESWARTZ S Online course 41767 71 89 LEC TBA OL-ONLINESWARTZ S Online course ESPE-610 INTRO TO ASD 4 Units 41761 01 19 SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-117 STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESPE-611 ASSESSMENT METHDS SPED 4 Units 41771 01 19 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-308 CONGDON M Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESPE-612 SUPPORTIVE LEARNING ENVIRON 4 Units 41688 01 19 SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-308 NAM S Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESPE-614 CURR & METH DIVRS LRNR W/DISAB 4 Units 41690 01 19 SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-308 STAFF Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESPE-625 COLLAB, CONSULT SPECIAL EDUC 4 Units 41753 01 19 SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-104 FRANKLIN-G Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component ESPE-627 EDUC IN ASD 4 Units 41737 01 88 SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM CE-104 CONGDON M Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component SCM -304 42845 02 PRINCIPLES OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGM 4 Units LEC MW 02:00PM 03:50PM JB-141 WU J Classroom with Web component University Studies USTD-45 COLLEGE READING 2 Units 42772 01 3,12,41 ACT T 10:00AM 11:50AM UH-362 MUNYNDAMU Department Consent Required Classroom with Web component USTD-77 ADJUNCT: MATH 115 2 Units 42769 27 3,12,41 SUP TR 12:00PM 12:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required Web with classroom component 73 Spring 2015 37-500 Cook Street, Palm Desert, CA 92211 http://pdc.csusb.edu (760) 341-2883 California State University, San Bernardino’s satellite campus located in Palm Desert offers undergrad and graduate programs for the convenience of students living in the Coachella Valley and Morongo Basin, Moreno Valley/Hemet and Blythe. Palm Desert Campus contacts Administration Office............................................................................. Admissions............................................................................................ Advising-Undergraduate........................................................................ Bookstore.............................................................................................. Education Office-Graduate Advising..................................................... Financial Aid.......................................................................................... Health & Counseling Center ................................................................. Library................................................................................................... Nursing Program-BSN........................................................................... Nursing Program-RN to BSN................................................................ Registration........................................................................................... Services for Students with Disabilities................................................... Veteran Benefit Certification.................................................................. ext 78114/78115 ext 78111 ext 78114/78115 ext 78123 ext 78114/78115 ext 78114/78115 ext 78177 ext 78112 ext 78127 ext 78127 Helpline (909) 537-7671 ext 78117 (909) 537-5213 Schedule of call numbers for student teaching and/or education intern supervision for Palm Desert Campus students is listed under the San Bernardino Campus course offerings. Parking Information Permits are requested separately from the registration process. Permits are available on line at http://parkingpermits.csusb.edu. Daily permits can be purchased at the PDC Bookstore. For questions regarding parking at CSUSB-PDC contact (909) 537-5912. Nursing Off Campus Course Locations The following list indicates the off-campus locations for the PDC Nursing Program: OC DRMC Desert Regional Medical Center 1150 N. Indian Canyon Drive, Palm Springs OC EMC .Eisenhower Medical Center 39000 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage OC JFK .JFK Memorial Hospital, 47-111 Monroe Street, Indio Nov 21, 2008 74 Spring 2015 37-500 Cook Street Palm Desert, CA 92211 • (760) 341-2883 • http://pdc.csusb.edu Map to Palm Desert Campus Cook Street TO PALM SPRINGS Berger Circle Drive TO INDIO Frank Sinatra Drive RG Cook Street ? B Lot P A Lot P IWT IWC P MAP NOT TO SCALE Alphabetical Index HS Legend Emergency Phones Disability/Medical Parking Areas P Parking Permit Dispensers ? Information Centers (IC) HS Palm Desert Health Sciences Bldg IWC Indian Wells Center For Educational Excellence IWT Indian Wells Theater RG Mary Stuart Rogers Gateway Bldg PALM DESERT CAMPUS Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Class Sec Foot- Room Faculty Ind. No. No. note 75 Spring 2015 Meeting Days Hours Chemistry Accounting ACCT-347 43527 40 ACCT-468 43531 40 ACCT-539 43532 40 ACCT-574 43529 40 MGMT ACCT & DECISION MAKING 4 Units LEC M 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC HALL K ACCT GOVT & NOPROFIT ORG 4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC PATTERSN ADVANCED ACCOUNTING 4 Units LEC W 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC GERARDI J REPORTING ISSUES INT ACCT 4 Units SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC LILLIE R If class is closed contact the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at 537-5318. CHEM-207 43319 40 Fees $20 43320 41 APP BUS STATISTICS LEC TBA 4 Units OC-PDC STAFF Art ART -337 40888 40 Fees $39 40889 41 ART -344 43286 40 Fees $39 43288 41 COMM-120 41400 40 COMM-180 43426 40 COMM-243D 43353 40 COMM-331 43653 40 COMM-399A 41356 40 INTERACTIVE & MOTION-GRAPHICS 5 Units SEM S 09:00AM 12:50PM IW-207 WELSER M COMM-399B 41357 40 ACT S 02:00PM 05:50PM IW-207 WELSER M GRAPHIC DESGN III 5 Units LEC MW 06:00PM 06:50PM IW-TBA JOHNSON D COMM-442 41402 40 COMM-491 43354 49 ACT MW 07:00PM 09:50PM IW-TBA JOHNSON D Biology COMM-499 41376 40 COMM-591B 41325 40 3 If class is closed all students must fill out a waiting list request form by visiting http://biology.csusb.edu/. For additional information contact the Biology Department at 537-5305. COMM-591C 41327 40 3 BIOL-100 43655 40 Fees $25 43656 41 BIOL-217 42706 40 BIOL-224 43446 40 Fees $25 43447 41 TOPICS IN BIOLOGY 5 Units B2 LEC MW 09:00AM 10:50AM HS-TBA LUJAN S COMM-591E 41331 40 3 LAB W 02:00PM 04:50PM HS-TBA LUJAN S BIOL SEX TRANSMTD DISEASE 2 Units B4 SEM M 12:00PM 01:50PM HS-109 LUJAN S HUMAN PHYS & ANAT II 5 Units LEC MW 12:00PM 01:50PM OC-PDC LUJAN S COMM-595D 43449 40 LAB F COMM-591D 41329 40 3 LAB R 03:00PM 05:50PM OC-PDC VIEIRO G TEACHING DES SUBJ 4 Units SEM F 05:30PM 09:20PM OC-PDC LARNEY D FLD WORK DES SUBJ 4 Units SUP S 09:00AM 12:50PM OC-PDC LARNEY D COMP EXAM 0 Units SUP S 01:00PM 04:50PM STAFF Department Consent Required ORAL COMMUNICATION 4 Units A2 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM OC-PDC RIHAN B CRIT THINK THRU ARGUMENT 4 Units A4 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM OC-PDC RIHAN B COMM PRAC:PUB RELATIONS 3 Units ACT MW 02:00PM 04:50PM OC-PDC RIVERA J COMM FOR TRAIN PROGRAMS 4 Units SEM MW 10:00AM 11:50AM RG-TBA LEO R COMM SERV PROJECT 1 Unit SUP TBA WILSON D Department Consent Required COMM SERV PROJECT 2 Units SUP TBA WILSON D Department Consent Required PR CAMPAIGNS 4 Units SEM MW 12:00PM 01:50PM OC-PDC LEO R ETHICAL ASPECTS COMM 4 Units SEM TR 04:00PM 05:50PM OC-PDC GOTCH D Televised Crs-receive site SENIOR PROJECT 1 Unit ACT T 10:00AM 01:50PM IW-TBA LEO R INTERNSHIP IN COMM 2 Units SUP TBA WILSON D Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP IN COMM 3 Units SUP TBA WILSON D Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP IN COMM 4 Units SUP TBA WILSON D Department Consent Required INTERNSHIP IN COMM 5 Units SUP TBA WILSON D Department Consent Required INDEPENDENT STUDY 4 Units SUP TBA OC-PDC LEO R Department Consent Required Criminal Justice 08:00AM 10:50AM OC-PDC LUJAN S Career and Technical Studies ECTS-501 43296 40 ECTS-518 43297 40 ECTS-999 41797 40 FUND BIOCHEM 5 Units LEC TR 12:00PM 02:50PM OC-PDC VIEIRO G Communication Studies Administration ADMN-210 43633 40 Fees $25 Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. CJUS-460 43622 40 CJUS-580 43621 40 ALCOHL,DRUG&CJUS 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC STAFF JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM 4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC WOLBECK PALM DESERT CAMPUS 76 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Class Sec Foot- Room Faculty Ind. No. No. note EELB-520C 43524 49 Economics ECON-311 40719 40 ECON IN ELEM & MID SCHOOLS 4 Units SEM S 09:00AM 12:50PM OC-PDC STAFF EELB-533 43521 40 EDUC-780D 41847 49 QUALITATIVE METHODS SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM Department Consent Required Televised Crs-receive site TOPIC EDUC LEADERSHIP SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM Televised Crs-receive site 4 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF Educational Administration EADM-613 SCHOOL PERSONNEL MGMT 41718 40 SEM S 08:30AM 04:30PM EADM-619 POLICY/GOVERNANCE/LEGAL ASPCTS 41597 40 19 SEM R 05:00PM 08:50PM EADM-621A FIELDWORK EDUC ADMIN I 41600 40 19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required EADM-626C ISS & TRNDS SCH ADM:S.T.E.M 41749 40 SEM S 04:30PM 05:30PM Online course Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. TPA SEMINAR TASK 3 1 Unit SEM TBA OC-PDC STAFF Televised Crs-receive site SOC STDS&ARTS CURR&PEDAGOGY 4 Units SEM TBA OC-PDC STAFF English Education EDUC-712 41750 49 Meeting Days Hours 4 Units STAFF 4 Units STAFF 2 Units JINDRA S 1 Unit STAFF ENG -104A 41265 40 ENG -106A 41277 40 ENG -107 43284 40 ENG -111 43435 40 ENG -301B 41232 40 ENG -306 41259 40 41260 42 ENG -311 43432 40 ENG -326 41281 40 ENG -463 41280 40 ENG -475 43431 40 ENG -513 41233 40 ENG -543B 43436 40 STRETCH COMP III 4 Units A1 LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM OC-PDC STAFF Department Consent Required ACCELERATED STRETCH COMP II 4 Units A1 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM OC-PDC STAFF Department Consent Required ADV FIRST-YEAR COMP 4 Units A1 LEC TR 12:00PM 01:50PM OC-PDC STAFF WORLD LIT II 4 Units C2 LEC MW 10:00AM 11:50AM OC-PDC STAFF ANALYSIS AND WRITING OF POETRY 4 Units SEM R 09:00AM 12:50PM OC-PDC STAFF EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG 4 Units F LEC T 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC STAFF LEC S 09:00AM 12:50PM OC-PDC STAFF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE 4 Units SEM T 09:00AM 12:50PM OC-PDC STAFF AMERICAN LIT II 4 Units SEM R 01:00PM 04:50PM OC-PDC STAFF LIT OF FEM ESCAPE & EPIC QUEST 4 Units SEM T 01:00PM 04:50PM OC-PDC PAEGLE J SHAKESPEARE I 4 Units SEM W 01:00AM 04:50AM OC-PDC MARSHALL GENRES HYBRID FORMS: AFTER SELF 4 Units SEM F 01:00PM 04:50PM OC-PDC STAFF LIT PUBLICATION:PRODUCTION 4 Units SEM M 01:00PM 04:50PM OC-PDC STAFF Educational Counseling ECLG-632 43300 40 ECLG-633 43299 40 ECLG-656 43302 40 ECLG-663 43301 40 ECLG-667 41842 40 ECLG-679 41839 40 43501 41 ECLG-999 43485 40 ADV PSYCH FOUND OF EDUC 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC STAFF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT COUNSELING 4 Units SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC STAFF COUNSELING THEORIES 4 Units SEM M 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC STAFF GENDER AND SEXUALITY 4 Units LEC S 09:00AM 05:00PM OC-PDC STAFF CONFLICT RESOLUTION 4 Units LAB F 05:00PM 08:50PM OC-PDC STEWART COUNSELING FIELD EXPERIENCE 4 Units SUP W 04:00PM 07:50PM OC-PDC STAFF SUP W 04:00PM 07:50PM OC-PDC STAFF COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION 0 Units SUP S OC-PDC STAFF Finance FIN -360 42785 40 Gender and Sexuality Studies GSS -101 41846 47 GROWTH&DEV SOC-ED CONTEXTS 6 Units LEC W OC-PDC STAFF FAMILY, CULTURE & SCHOOLING 4 Units LEC TBA OC-PDC STAFF TPA SEMINAR TASK 2 1 Unit SEM TBA OC-PDC STAFF Televised Crs-receive site INTRO MASCULINITY STUDIES SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM Web with classroom component 4 Units D4 DI SALVO A Health Science Elementary/Bilingual Education EELB-301 43440 40 EELB-312 43520 40 EELB-520B 43523 49 FIN PLAN PROCESS & INS 4 Units LEC T 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC ESTES J HSCI-120 42587 40 Fees $10 42707 41 42691 42 HEALTH&SOC, ECOL APPRCH 5 Units B2 LEC S 09:00AM 12:50PM RG-117 ANGELO A Department Consent Required LAB S 02:00PM 04:50PM HS-104 ANGELO A Department Consent Required LAB M 08:00AM 10:50AM HS-104 UNDERWOD Department Consent Required PALM DESERT CAMPUS Class Sec Foot- No. No. note 42692 43 42693 44 HSCI-345 42629 40 Fees $20 42630 41 Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Class Sec Foot- Room Faculty Ind. No. No. note LAB M 12:00PM 02:50PM HS-104 UNDERWOD Department Consent Required LAB W 03:00PM 05:50PM HS-104 STAFF Department Consent Required ADV FOOD SCIENCE 5 Units SEM S 09:00AM 12:50PM HS-118 POLLETT L LAB S 02:00PM 04:50PM HS-118 POLLETT L Fees $20 42631 41 HSCI-444 43654 48 43309 49 HSCI-445 43250 40 IST -101 43631 40 Fees $25 43632 41 Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. INTRO INFO TECHNOLOGY LEC TBA 4 Units OC-PDC STAFF LAB TBA Online course OL-ONLINESTAFF Instructional Technology NUTRITION ASSESSMENT 2 Units LEC M 09:00AM 09:50AM HS-118 CHEN D Department Consent Required LAB M 10:00AM 12:50PM HS-118 CHEN D Department Consent Required MEDICAL NUTRITION THERAPY II 4 Units LAB R 07:00AM 09:50AM GILBERSTAD LEC T 07:00AM 09:50AM OC-PDC STAFF Televised Crs-receive site COMMUNITY NUTRITION 4 Units SEM F 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC POLLETT L ETEC-546 41828 47 Fees $20 41829 48 ETEC-644 41836 47 41837 48 COMP BASED TECH IN EDUC II SEM TBA Online course ACT TBA Online course DESIGN&DEV INSTR MATERIALS II SEM TBA Online course ACT TBA Online course 4 Units OL-ONLINESTAFF STAFF 4 Units STAFF STAFF Kinesiology History HIST-144 43313 40 HIST-305 43453 40 HIST-342 43310 40 HIST-358 43406 40 HIST-389 43635 40 Meeting Days Hours Information Systems and Technology Health Science HSCI-384 42666 40 77 Spring 2015 WORLD CIVIL III 4 Units D3 LEC R 04:00PM 07:50PM OC-PDC YOUNG S ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL EUROPE 4 Units SEM T 05:00PM 08:50PM OC-PDC THMPSON AMERICAN INDIAN HISTORY 4 Units SEM M 05:00PM 08:50PM OC-PDC STANDLEY US IN WWII 4 Units SEM W 05:00PM 08:50PM OC-PDC STANDLEY IMAGES OF AFRICA 4 Units SEM TR 03:00PM 04:50PM OC-PDC FANTA A KINE-114F 42682 40 Fees $5 KINE-137L 42694 40 Fees $5 KINE-205 42681 40 YOGA 2 Units E3 ACT TR 04:00PM 05:50PM OC-TBA STAFF Course located off-campus ADVANCED SWIMMING FOR FITNESS 2 Units ACT MW 08:00AM 09:50AM OF-PDA STAFF FOUND FOR LIFE FITNESS 2 Units E1 LEC W 02:00PM 03:50PM RG-205 STAFF Course located off-campus KINE-352 MOVEMENT FOR CHILDREN 4 Units 42475 40 SEM S 09:00AM 12:50PM OC-COD KRISHKA K Human Development Management HD -575 40387 40 INTERNSHIP SUP TBA Department Consent Required 4 Units OC-PDC CUPP R Humanities HUM -197 41526 02 HUM -335 43652 47 ASSESS PREP I LIB STDS 1 Unit LEC T 01:30PM 02:20PM OC-PDC THMRSON LATINO CULTURE 4 Units C5,G1 LEC TBA OL-ONLINEGAYLOR D Online course MGMT-230 42922 40 MGMT-350 43276 40 MGMT-451 43307 40 MGMT-490 42902 40 BUSINESS LAW 4 Units LEC MW 06:00PM 07:50PM OC-PDC AFSAR A ADMIN COMMUNICATIONS 4 Units SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC SCHREHNS ORG & MGMT THEORY 4 Units SEM R 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC LEVITT C STRATEGIC MGMT 4 Units LEC S 09:00AM 12:50PM OC-PDC DONOHOO Marketing MKTG-416 43314 47 Fees $25 MKTG-420 43306 47 MARKETING RESEARCH LEC TBA Online course 4 Units OL-ONLINENEWMAN E ADVERTISING SEM TBA Online course 4 Units OL-ONLINENEWMAN E PALM DESERT CAMPUS 78 Spring 2015 Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Class Sec Foot- Room Faculty Ind. No. No. note Marketing (continued) MKTG-496 43304 40 MKTG PLAN&STRATEGY 4 Units SEM R 05:00PM 08:50PM OC-PDC NEWMAN E Mathematics MATH-110 42683 40 MATH-165 42403 40 MATH-229 42610 49 MATH-301C 42206 40 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 4 Units B1 LEC TR 08:00AM 09:50AM OC-PDC STAFF Math remediation INTRO STAT AND HYPOTH TEST 4 Units LEC F 09:00AM 12:50PM RG-205 STAFF GEOMETRY 2 & 3 DIMENSION 4 Units LEC MW 04:00PM 05:50PM RG-109 STAFF Televised Crs-receive site FUND CONCPTS MATH EDUC C 4 Units LEC TR 05:00PM 06:50PM RG-205 ADDINGTON NURS-401 42579 41 Fees $20 42580 42 Fees $20 NURS-404 42168 40 NURS-405 42581 41 Fees $20 42582 42 Fees $20 PHIL-190 43677 40 PHIL-191 43676 40 Natural Sciences NSCI-300 42586 40 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 4 Units B5 LEC T 06:00PM 09:50PM RG-117 TALYN B Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. PSYCH/MENTAL HEALTH NURS:ACT 4 Units ACT M 07:00AM 06:50PM OC-PATT STAFF ACT T 07:00AM 06:50PM OC-PATT STAFF LEADERSHIP NURSING:NURS MGMT 4 Units LEC R 08:00AM 11:50AM STAFF Department Consent Required Corequisite: NURS 405 LEADERSHIP IN NURSING:CLIN 4 Units CLN R 04:00PM 05:50PM HS-109 STAFF CLN R 04:00PM 05:50PM HS-118 STAFF Philosophy INTRO TO PHILOS 4 Units C4 SEM TR 12:00PM 01:50PM OC-PDC STAFF INTRO TO ETHICS 4 Units C4 SEM TR 10:00AM 11:50AM OC-PDC STAFF Political Science PSCI-203 43361 40 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 4 Units D2 LEC TR 02:00PM 03:50PM OC-PDC HENKLE L Nursing Psychology Registration for Nursing co-requisite courses must take place simultaneously in a single enrollment request. Failure to register Some courses in Psychology are restricted to psychology mafor both courses at the same time will cause an enrollment error jors. To become a psychology major students must complete indicating that “requirements have not been met.” these courses or their equivalent: a GE Basic Skills in English (A1); a GE Basic Skills in Mathematics (A3); PSYC 100 (Introduction to Psychology); PSYC 101 (Psychology as a Major); NURS-220 INTERMEDIATE NURSING PROCESS 4 Units 42203 40 LEC M 02:00PM 05:50PM HS-107 STAFF PSYC 210 (Psychological Statistics). The grade earned in each Department Consent Required of the above courses must be no lower than a C (2.0). NURS-221 42204 41 Fees $20 42205 42 Fees $20 NURS-340 42252 40 NURS-343 42598 47 NURS-345 42595 47 NURS-380 42165 40 NURS-396 42212 40 NURS-400 42253 40 NURS 221 Coreq INTERMEDIATE NURSING LAB 4 Units LAB F 07:00AM 06:50PM OC-DRMC STAFF LAB W 07:00AM 06:50PM OC-EMC STAFF THEORIES OF NURSING 2 Units LEC W 08:00AM 09:50AM HS-107 STAFF Department Consent Required NURSE AS A RESEARCHER 4 Units SEM T 12:00PM 03:50PM RG-107 STAFF NURSE AS ADVOCATE: FAMILY CONC 4 Units LEC T 08:00AM 11:50AM HS-107 STAFF PATHOPHYSIO CONCPTS NURSING 4 Units SEM T 02:00PM 05:50PM HS-107 STAFF Department Consent Required SEL TOPS IN NURS 2 Units SEM T 06:00PM 07:50PM HS-109 STAFF Department Consent Required PSYCH/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING 4 Units LEC W 10:00AM 01:50PM HS-107 STAFF Department Consent Required Corequisite: NURS 401 PSYC-101 PSYCHOLOGY AS A MAJOR 1 Unit 40717 47 89 LEC TBA OL-ONLINEGILBERT J Department Consent Required Online course PSYC-210 PSYCH STATISTICS 5 Units 43351 40 LEC TR 10:00AM 11:50AM HS-109 CUPP R Department Consent Required Fees $18 43352 41 LAB TR 12:00PM 01:20PM HS-107 CUPP R Department Consent Required PSYC-329 PSYC OF ADULTHOOD & AGING 4 Units 40414 40 SEM W 12:00PM 03:50PM ELLYSON S PSYC-333 DRUGS AND BEHAVIOR 4 Units 43391 40 SEM T 05:00PM 08:50PM DULCICH M PSYC-351 BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION 4 Units 43496 40 SEM M 12:00PM 03:50PM VALLEJO C PSYC-362 LEARNING AND MOTIVATION 4 Units 40418 40 SEM W 05:00PM 08:50PM LOTTO J PSYC-363 BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY 4 Units 43497 40 SEM T 12:00PM 03:50PM DULCICH M PSYC-385 PERSONALITY 4 Units 40711 40 SEM M 05:00PM 08:50PM LANGE G PALM DESERT CAMPUS Class Sec Foot- No. No. note Meeting Days Hours Bldg. GE Class Sec Foot- Room Faculty Ind. No. No. note PA -315 43242 40 Reading Education ERDG-999 COMP EXAM:READING 41679 40 19 SUP TBA Department Consent Required ESEC-520B 41868 49 ESEC-602 41849 40 Chicano(a)/Latino(a) Studies 0 Units STAFF Secondary Education ESEC-419 41848 40 ESEC-520A 41867 49 Fees $5 YOGA 2 Units E3 ACT TR 04:00PM 05:50PM OC-TBA STAFF Course located off-campus HUM -335 43652 47 LITERACY ACROSS THE CURR 4 Units SEM T 06:00PM 09:50PM OC-PDC STAFF TPA SEMINAR TASK 1 1 Unit SEM S 09:00AM 09:50AM OC-PDC STAFF Televised Crs-receive site TPA SEMINAR TASK 2 1 Unit SEM S 10:00AM 10:50AM OC-PDC STAFF Televised Crs-receive site POLICIES IN CA PUBLIC SCH 2 Units SEM T 04:00PM 05:50PM OC-PDC STAFF PRINCIPLES OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGM 4 Units LEC W 06:00PM 09:50PM RG-TBA WU J Televised Crs-receive site HUM -335 43652 47 4 Units C5,G1 OL-ONLINEGAYLOR D LATINO CULTURE LEC TBA Online course 4 Units C5,G1 OL-ONLINEGAYLOR D Gender and Sexuality Studies GSS -101 41846 47 INTRO MASCULINITY STUDIES SEM W 06:00PM 09:50PM Web with classroom component 4 Units D4 DI SALVO A Latin American Studies HUM -335 43652 47 Theatre Arts TA -260 43557 40 TA -481 41486 40 41487 41 LATINO CULTURE LEC TBA Online course Ethnic Studies Supply Chain Management SCM -304 42854 49 Bldg. GE Room Faculty Ind. Asian Studies KINE-114F 42682 40 GOV-BUS RELATIONS 4 Units LEC S 09:00AM 12:50PM OC-PDC READY D Classroom with Web component Meeting Days Hours SPECIAL PROGRAMS PSYC-422 ADV SEM:CLINICAL 4 Units 40707 40 26 SEM R 05:00PM 08:50PM SNYDER M PSYC-575 INTERNSHIP IN PSYCHOLOGY 4 Units 40181 40 3,17 SUP TBA OC-PDC CUPP R Department Consent Required Public Administration 79 Spring 2015 COMM-399A INTRO TO THEATRE 4 Units C1 41356 40 LEC M 04:00PM 07:50PM OC-PDC CATNZARIT CREATIVE DRAMA IN CLASSROOM 3 Units SEM S 02:00PM 03:50PM OC-PDC CATNZARIT COMM-399B 41357 40 ACT S 04:00PM 05:00PM OC-PDC CATNZARIT LATINO CULTURE LEC TBA Online course 4 Units C5,G1 OL-ONLINEGAYLOR D Service Learning COMM SERV PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required COMM SERV PROJECT SUP TBA Department Consent Required 1 Unit WILSON D 2 Units WILSON D 80 Spring 2015 FOOTNOTES The following explanatory notes apply to specific courses in the Spring 2015 schedule. The notes correspond to the numbers that appear in the column headed “Footnote.” 1 This same course is offered by another department(s), as a self-paced course, or may have been offered under a different number. Credit for the course may be received only once. Consult the Bulletin of Courses for additional information. 2 This course is restricted to classified graduate students in the MACD, MAGE, MSCC, or MSIO programs. Contact the Psychology Department, located in SB-425 or at 909-537-5570, for additional information. Course may be repeated. Variable topics courses may be repeated as topics change. If a course with variable topics is repeated to discount a previous grade, the same topic (identified by a specific course number and title) must be repeated. Consult the Bulletin of Courses for additional restrictions. 3 Course may be repeated. Variable topics courses may be repeated as topics change. If a course with variable topics is repeated to discount a previous grade, the same topic (identified by a specific course number and title) must be repeated. Consult the Bulletin of Courses for additional restrictions. 4 Prerequisites for Independent Study courses are: a minimum overall grade-point average of 3.0; consent of instructor; and departmental approval of a written proposal of a project submitted prior to the quarter in which the course is to be taken submitted. Students should check with the appropriate department concerning unit limitations and to obtain the standard application for filing. 5 On campus first 5 weeks- Monday/Wednesday RCH Section 7. Tuesday/Thursday RCH Section 8- Then Friday/Saturday beginning week 6 day 2 Uniforms start week 3 day 1. When uniform is worn, it must be worn in the entirety including the shoes. Campus clinical labs (first 5 weeks 8-12) in HP 239 Clinical lab at hospital 0700-1150 beginning week 6 day 2 Cannot attend classes unless all compliance documents are in the Nursing office. 6 See the Bulletin of Courses for policies on enrollment and grading. 7 Course open to undergraduate Music majors only. Students may enroll for not more than one applied music course per quarter. Contact the Music Department office for required approval of the Department Chair. 8 Requires admission to the Nursing Program. Contact the Nursing Department for additional information. 9 Campus clinical labs (first 2 weeks 8am-12pm) in assigned rooms Clinical lab at hospital 0700-1150 beginning week w day 1 Cannot attend classes unless all compliance documents are in the Nursing office Uniforms must be worn starting on the second day Bring medication supplies from black bag to campus lab Bring Fundamentals text (from Nursing 201) to campus lab meetings. 10 Course open to University Honors Program students only. Contact the Honors Program advisor for additional information. 11 Multiple Subject Credential Program Requires admission to the Credential Program by submission of the Program Admission File (PAF). Multiple Subject Informational Meets are scheduled quarterly. Contact the Teacher Education Office at 909/537-5650 for additional information. FOOTNOTES 81 Spring 2015 12 Course credit is not degree applicable. 13 Requires field experiences or classroom observation in approved settings. Contact the appropriate department/college for additional information. 14 Students are required to attend three meetings each quarter - the 1st week, the 5th week, and the 9th week. Service Learning Packets (SLP) are available for student pick-up in FO-106. The meeting dates and times are available with the packets. 15 This class requires field experiences or classroom observations in approved settings. Students are required to meet with the instructor during the first week in the classroom, on the date, and at the time specified in the second class note. 16 Requires admission to the BA in Liberal Studies Accelerated Track. Contact the PALS Center , 537-5857, for additional information. 17 Course is restricted to Psychology majors, Human Development majors, and Biological Psychology majors. Contact the Psychology department for additional information. 18 Class meets the first 5-weeks of the term. 19 600-level courses are open to postbaccalaureate or graduate students only. 20 Class section offered online. PC access to Internet is required. 21 Contact the instructor for additional course information. 22 Contact the Office of Distributed Learning at (909) 537-7439 for additional course information. 23 To be graded ABC/No Credit. 24 Requires an essay score of 7 or greater and a total score of 151or greater on the English Placement Test (EPT), or completion of the test and at least a grade of C in English 95, or completion of the test and a grade of credit in English 85. 25 PSYC-311 is restricted to Psychology, Human Development, and Biological Psychology majors. To register in the course, e-mail the Psychology department at [email protected] providing the following information: Name, Student ID, the date for your priority registration, and class sections (both lecture and lab) in which you would like to enroll. 26 This course is restricted to Psychology, Human Development, and Biological Psychology majors who have successfully completed PSYC-311 and other related prerequisites specified in the CSUSB Bulletin of Courses. Contact the Psychology department for additional information. 27 This course is taught in a hybrid format. There will be three class meetings with the rest of the course taught online. MSN courses are taught at the San Bernardino and the Palm Desert campus. 82 Spring 2015 FOOTNOTES 28 Requires completion of EELB 519 Co-requisite supervision 29 Requires completion of EELB 519 Co-requisite last quarter of supervision 30 Course requires registration in Activity/Laboratory Co-requisite. 31 Requires admission to the Credential Program by submission of the Program Admission File (PAF). Mandatory Single Subject Information Meetings are scheduled quarterly. Contact the Teacher Education Office at 909/537-5650 for additional information. 32 Co-requisite supervision 33 REQUIRED of all new Liberal Studies majors during their first term of enrollment. Attendance at the first class meeting is mandatory. 34 REQUIRED of all new Liberal Studies majors during their first term of enrollment. On-line course which will be taught using BlackBoard course management system. Students must have access to computer and internet. 35 Prerequisite: Junior standing and completion of HUM-197. Required of all Liberal Studies majors during their third year of study. 36 Prerequisite: Junior standing and completion of HUM-197. On-line course which will be taught using BlackBoard course management system. Students must have access to computer and Internet. 37 Class meets at the campus Children’s Center. 38 This course fulfills 4 elective units in the Asian Studies Minor. 39 Prerequisite: HUM-397. Open only to senior Liberal Studies majors in their last two quarters prior to graduation. Grad check must be filed. Course is largely self-paced and will not meet every week. Attendance at the first meeting is mandatory and essential. 40 Prerequisite: HUM 397. Open to senior Liberal Studies majors in their last two quarters prior to graduation. Grad check must be filed. Palm Desert and others who reside a long distance from campus will be given priority. On-line section which will be taught using BlackBoard course management system. 41 Requires approval of the SAIL (Student Assistance in Learning) Program Office. Contact the SAIL Office, in UH-386, for additional information. 42 Students who have not taken Spanish at CSUSB must take a Spanish placement test before registering. Contact the department of World Languages and Literature for additional information. 43 This section of College Algebra is being taught as a hybrid using a combination of traditional and computer instruction. The software, MyMathLab, will be used in this course. FOOTNOTES 83 Spring 2015 44 This course requires computer software for homework assignments. 45 Prerequisite: Satisfaction of Critical Thinking (GE=A4) and Intro to Philosophy (GE=C4) or consent of instructor. 46 Prerequisite: Phil 200 (GE=A4) or consent of instructor. 47 Prerequisite: Phil 200 (GE=A4) and Intro to Philosophy (GE=C4) or consent of instructor. 48 Prerequisite: Phil 300 or consent of instructor. 49 Prerequisite: At least two 300-level Phil courses and satisfaction of GE upper-division writing requirement or consent of instructor. 50 Prerequisite: Satisfaction of Critical Thinking (GE=A4) and Intro to Philosophy (GE=C4) or consent of instructor. 51 Take after your concentration or minor are completed and before HUM-595D. Course requires permission for enrollment by the Liberal Studies Program Office. Must call for an appointment during the first week of classes to discuss assignment. 52 This section of College Algebra is being taught as a hybrid using a combination of traditional and computer instruction. The software, “MyMathLab”, will be used in this course. 53 Supplemental graduate online fee of $90 per unit required to take this class. 54 EPT scores determine which course sequence students must take: 139 and below --- Eng 102A/103A/104A or 102B/103B/104B (three quarters) 140 to 149 --- Eng 105/106 (two quarters) 150 and above --- Eng 107 (one quarter) 55 Students scoring between 30 and 40 on the ELM will be required to register for Math 80. Students scoring between 41 and 49 on the ELM will be required to register for Math 90. 56 Prerequisite: HUM-497. Open to senior Liberal Studies majors in their last two quarters prior to graduation. Grad check must be filed and course cannot be taken simultaneously with HUM- 497. Course requires permission for enrollment by the Liberal Studies Office. Must call for an appointment during the first week of classes to discuss project. 57 This section of College Algebra is part of a pilot program and will use a digital form of the text. Students enrolling in this section must purchase a personal use license priced about 35% of the price of the paper textbook. Additional components of the course may also be online. 58 This class section is part of a pilot program where each student must purchase a personal use license for the course textbook content at a cost of 35% of the paper textbook. 84 Spring 2015 FOOTNOTES 59 This class section may be participating in a pilot program where each student purchases a personal use license for the course textbook content at a cost of 35% of the paper textbook. 60 This section of the Ideas of Mathematics is being taught as a hybrid using a combination of traditional and computer instruction. 61 This course requires computer software for homework assignments. Students have the option of purchasing the WebAssign code, or WebAssign with the e-book, or the physical book plus WebAssign code. 62 Gender and Sexuality Studies. For information on the Gender and Sexuality Studies program, see http:// gendersexuality.csusb.edu/. Special note: GSS 101 “Introduction to Masculinity Studies” section 01 is offered 50% online (students will only meet face-to-face as a group for 50% of the time with the remainder of the class being conducted online). 64 There is an adjunct course offered for this class. See the University Studies section of this schedule, the Bulletin of Courses, or contact the SAIL Office, UH-386, for additional information. 88 Class section requires student attendance on specific days and at specific times in addition to instruction and coursework completed online. 89 Class instruction and coursework is online. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS 85 Spring 2015 Complete 78-82 quarter units of designated courses in general education distributed in the following manner. Courses applicable to general education for 2014 - 2015 catalog year are indicated below. NOTE: No substitutions in the general education program are possible without prior approval of a petition submitted to the Office of Advising Academic Services, UH-380. Some majors require specific GE courses. Students should consult the Bulletin of Courses for their major’s requirements or contact the department. Students are strongly urged to complete the Basic Skills category requirements before enrolling in upper-division courses (numbered 300 or above). NOTE: Courses in Category A should be completed before a student reaches upper-division standing (90 quarter units). For upper-division transfer students, this category should be completed within the first 32 units taken at California State University, San Bernardino. NOTE: All students who have not completed the Written Communication and Mathematics requirements must enroll in these courses and remain enrolled in these courses until each requirement has been met. BASIC SKILLS Category A. BASIC SKILLS Category (12 units) A1 A2 A3 A4 Written Communication Oral Communication Mathematics (See B1) Critical Thinking NATURAL SCIENCES BREADTH Area B1Mathematics B2 Life Sciences B3 Physical Sciences B4 Special Topics in Science and Technology B5 Integrative Capstone - Natural Science HUMANITIES BREADTH Area C1Arts C2Literature C3 Foreign Language or Literature in Translation C4Philosophy C5 Integrative Capstone - Humanities SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES BREADTH Area D1 American History and Civilization D2 American Institutions D3 World Cultures D4 Discipline Perspectives D5 Integrative Capstone - Social and Behavioral Sciences LIFELONG UNDERSTANDING Category E1 E2 E3 The Whole Person-Physical and Physiological The Whole Person-Social and Psychological Physical Education UPPER-DIVISION WRITING REQUIREMENT F Upper Division Writing Requirement MULTICULTURAL/GENDER REQUIREMENT G Multicultural Gender 1. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION Four units chosen from: ENG 104A Stretch Composition III ENG 104B Stretch Composition III for Multilingual Students ENG 106 Accelerated Stretch Composition II ENG 107 Advanced First-Year Composition 2. ORAL COMMUNICATION Four units chosen from: COMM 120 Oral Communication HON 104C Language and Meaning: Oral Communication** 3.MATHEMATICS One course listed in the mathematics section of the Natural Sciences Breadth area (category B1). 4. CRITICAL THINKING Four units chosen from: COMM 180 Critical Thinking Through Argumentation HON 104A Language and Meaning: Critical Thinking ** MATH 180 Critical Thinking Through Applications of Mathematical Logic PHIL 105 Critical Thinking Through Argument Analysis PHIL 200 Critical Thinking Through Symbolic Logic PSYC 105 Critical Thinking Through Problems Analysis SOC 180 Critical Thinking About Social Problems ** Open only to students accepted in the University Honors Program. B. NATURAL SCIENCES BREADTH Area (20 units) 1.MATHEMATICS Four units chosen from: MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 115 The Ideas of Mathematics MATH 120 Pre-Calculus Mathematics MATH 165 Intro Stat and HyPoth Test MATH 192 Methods of Calculus MATH 211 Basic Concepts of Calculus 2. LIFE SCIENCES Five units chosen from: BIOL 100 Topics in Biology BIOL 202 Biology of Populations HSCI 120 Health and Society: An Ecological Approach 86 Spring 2015 GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS 3. PHYSICAL SCIENCES A minimum of five units chosen from: ASTR 103 Descriptive Astronomy CHEM 100 Chemistry in the Modern World CHEM 205 Fundamentals of Chemistry I: General Chemistry CHEM 215 General Chemistry I: Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding GEOG 103 Physical Geography GEOL 101 Introductory Geology PHYS 100 Physics in the Modern World PHYS 121 Basic Concept of Physics I PHYS 221 General Physics I 4. SPECIAL TOPICS IN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Two units chosen from: BIOL 216 Genetics and Society BIOL 217 Biology of Sexually Transmitted Diseases CHEM 105 Chemicals in Our Environment CSE 122 Bioinformatics CSE 129 Science, Computing and Society CSE 208 Introduction to Computer Engineering Design GEOL 205 Volcanic Hazards, Surveillance and Prediction GEOL 210 Earthquakes: Science and Public Policy 5. INTEGRATIVE CAPSTONE IN THE NATURAL SCIENCES Four units chosen from: CSE 408 Sustainable Engineering Design NSCI 300 Science and Technology NSCI 310 The Environment and Human Survival NSCI 314 Life in the Cosmos NSCI 315 Natural Disasters NSCI 320 Energy NSCI 325 Perspectives on Gender* NSCI 351 Health and Human Ecology NSCI 360 Legacy of Life NOTE:Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: HUM 325 Perspectives on Gender NSCI 325 Perspectives on Gender SSCI 325 Perspectives on Gender *Also counts in category G1 C. HUMANITIES BREADTH Area (20 units) 1.ARTS Four units chosen from: ART 200 Studies in Art HUM 180 The Art of Film MUS 180 Studies in Music TA 260 Introduction to Theatre 2.LITERATURE Four units chosen from: ENG 110 World Literature I ENG 111 World Literature II ENG 160 World Drama ENG 170 Studies in Literature TA 160 World Drama TA 212 Oral Interpretation of Literature 3. FOREIGN LANGUAGE OR LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION Four units chosen from: ARAB 103 College Arabic III ARAB 201 Intermediate Arabic I ARAB 202 Intermediate Arabic II ARAB 203 Intermediate Arabic III ARAB 214 Conversation in Arabic ARAB 290 Arabic Literature in Translation ASL 103 American Sign Language III ASL 201 American Sign Language IV ASL 202 ASL 203 CHIN 103 CHIN 201 CHIN 202 CHIN 203 CHIN 214 CHIN 290 FLAN 103 FREN 103 FREN 200 FREN 201 FREN 202 FREN 290 GER 103 GER 212 GER 214 GER 216 GER 290 JAPN 103 JAPN 201 JAPN 202 JAPN 203 JAPN 214 JAPN 290 KOR 103 KOR 201 KOR 202 KOR 203 KOR 214 PER 103 PER 201 PER 202 SPAN 103 SPAN 201 SPAN 202 SPAN 203 SPAN 214 SPAN 290 American Sign Language V American Sign Language VI College Chinese III Second Year College Chinese I Second Year College Chinese II Second Year College Chinese III Conversation in Chinese Mandarin Literature in Translation Language Study III College French III Culture and Communication Culture and Communication II Culture and Communication III French Literature in English College German III Composition Conversation Introduction to Literary Texts German Literature in English College Japanese III Intermediate Japanese I Intermediate Japanese II Intermediate Japanese III Conversation in Japanese Japanese Literature in Translation College Korean III Second Year College Korean I Second Year College Korean II Second Year College Korean III Conversation in Korean College Persian III Intermediate Persian I Intermediate Persian II College Spanish III Intermediate Spanish I Intermediate Spanish II Intermediate Spanish III Conversation Spanish and Latin American Literature In English The following rules apply to challenging a course for credit toward this category: a. Only courses at the 103-level or higher may be challenged. b. Students wishing to challenge a language not offered at this university must be tested at the University of California, Los Angeles Testing Center, where they must achieve a level of intermediate (ACTFL Stage 2) or above. The student must pay all necessary fees and make all necessary arrangements for the taking of the test and for the official reporting of the results to the Department of World Languages and Literatures. c. Students whose language of instruction in secondary school was not English may satisfy this category by submitting official academic transcripts that show completion of secondary school in a country in which the language with which they wish to meet the foreign language requirement was the medium of instruction. d. Students who satisfy the Foreign Language/Literature in Translation requirement through b. or c. above will not receive academic credit and must take four additional units from the Humanities Breadth Area (Category C) to meet the total number of General Education units required for graduation. 4.PHILOSOPHY Four units chosen from: HON 104B Language and Meaning: Introduction to Philosophy ** PHIL 190 Introduction to Philosophical Issues PHIL 191 Introduction to Ethics PHIL 192 Introduction to Philosophy of Religion GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS 4. PHILOSOPHY (continued) PHIL 193 Introduction to Eastern Philosophy PHIL 194 Introduction to Knowledge and Reality ** Open only to students accepted in the University Honors Program. 5. INTEGRATIVE CAPSTONE IN THE HUMANITIES Four units chosen from: HUM 319 Myth, Metaphor and Symbol HUM 325 Perspectives on Gender* HUM 328 Asian Cultural Traditions* HUM 330 Arts and Ideas HUM 335 The Origin and Contemporary Role of Latino Culture* HUM 340 Interpretation and Values HUM 344 Ideas in American Culture HUM 350 The Cultures of American Childhood* HUM 370 African Heritage in the Arts* HUM 375 The World of Islam* HUM 380 Comparative Studies in the Arts: East and West* HUM 385 A Cultural History of Fashion NOTE: Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: HUM 325 Perspectives on Gender NSCI 325 Perspectives on Gender SSCI 325 Perspectives on Gender * Also counts in category G1 D. SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES BREADTH Area (20 units) 1. AMERICAN HISTORY AND CIVILIZATION Four units chosen from: HIST 146 American Civilization HIST 200 United States History to 1877 HIST 201 United States History, 1877 to the Present 2. AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS PSCI 203 American Government NOTE: The American history,constitution, state and local government requirement may be met by taking: PSCI 203 American Government and one of the following: HIST 146 American Civilization HIST 200 United States History to 1877 HIST 201 United States History, 1877 to the Present If this requirement is met by examination, then students still must take 16 units of lower-division units in this breadth area. 3. WORLD CULTURES Four units chosen from: ANTH 140 World Civilizations I, the Rise of Civilization HIST 140 World Civilizations I, the Rise of Civilization HIST 142 World Civilizations II, the Civilizations of the East and West HIST 144 World Civilizations III, the Expansion of Europe SSCI 165 Regions and Peoples of the World 4. DISCIPLINE PERSPECTIVES Four units chosen from: ANTH 100 Introduction to Anthropology: Human Evolution ANTH 102 Introduction to Anthropology: Culture and Society ECON 104 Economics of Social Issues ES 100 Ethnicity and Race in America GEOG 100 Introduction to Human Geography GSS 100 Introduction to Women’s Studies GSS 101 Introduction to Maculinity Studies GSS 103 Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies PSYC 100 SOC 100 87 Spring 2015 Introduction to Psychology The Study of Society 5. INTEGRATIVE CAPSTONE IN SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Four units chosen from: SSCI 300 Nonwestern World SSCI 304 Contemporary Latin America SSCI 315 Cultural Adaptation: The Quest for Survival SSCI 316 Race and Racism* SSCI 320 Understanding Capitalism SSCI 321 Urbanization and the Urban Environment SSCI 325 Perspectives on Gender* SSCI 345 Religious Expression in America SSCI 350 Roots of Modern Racism in America* NOTE: Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: HUM 325 Perspectives on Gender NSCI 325 Perspectives on Gender SSCI 325 Perspectives on Gender *Also counts in category G1 E. LIFELONG UNDERSTANDING Category (6 units) 1. THE WHOLE PERSON - PHYSICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ISSUES KINE 205 Foundations for Lifetime Fitness and Wellness 2. THE WHOLE PERSON - SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES Two units chosen from: FIN 101 Financial Choices in Life PHIL 101 Moral Choices in Life PSYC 115 Personal and Social Adjustment SOC 110 Choices in the Life Course 3. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Two units chosen from: KINE 101 Individual and Dual Activities KINE 114 Physical Fitness and Conditioning Activities KINE 120 Somatic and Martial Arts Activities KINE 121 Team Activities KINE 137 Aquatic Activities KINE 147 A Fitness Odyssey KINE 149 Independent Activity Project KINE 150 Dance Activities NOTE: All students are required to complete two units of physical education in this category. Ten additional units of physical education activity courses (numbered 150 and below) for a total of 12 units maximum may be applied toward graduation. F. UPPER-DIVISION WRITING REQUIREMENT (0-4 units) This requirement can be met by completing one of the following two options: 1. Successfully completing one of the following upper-division expository writing courses with a grade of “C” (2.0) or better (4 units): EDUC 306 Expository Writing for Education ENG 306 Expository Writing HON 306 Expository Writing ** HUM 306 Expository Writing for the Humanities MGMT 306 Expository Writing for Administration NSCI 306 Expository Writing for the Natural Sciences SSCI 306 Expository Writing for the Social Sciences ** Open only to students accepted in the University Honors Program. 88 Spring 2015 GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS 2. Passing the Writing Requirement Exemption Exam (WREE) (0 units) No credit is awarded for passing the examination. It may be necessary to take additional units to meet minimum residency and graduation unit requirements.: G. MULTICULTURAL/GENDER REQUIREMENT Category All students must take one upper-division course designated as meeting this requirement. The multicultural/gender requirement can be met by completing one of the following two options: 1. Integrative capstone course completed in one of the three breadth areas (categories B5, C5 or D5): HUM 325 Perspectives on Gender HUM 328 Asian Cultural Traditions HUM 335 The Origin and Contemporary Role of Latino Culture HUM 350 The Cultures of American Childhood HUM 370 African Heritage in the Arts HUM 375 The World of Islam HUM 380 Comparative Studies in the Arts: East and West NSCI 325 Perspectives on Gender SSCI 316 Race and Racism SSCI 325 Perspectives on Gender SSCI 350 Roots of Modern Racism in America 2. One upper-division course from the following: ANTH 325 Human Biological Variation and the Concept of Race ANTH 333 Sex and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective COMM 304 Intercultural Communication COMM 401 Gender, Race and Media CJUS 451 Women and Crime ECON 352 Political Economy of Poverty and Discrimination ENG 314 American Indian Literature HUM 460 Cultural Studies MUS 308 Women in Music MUS 309 Jazz History in America and Africa-American Culture MUS 350 Music of World Cultures PA 305 Organizations in Multicultural and Diverse Societies PHIL 364 Philosophy of Race and Ethnicity PHIL 367 Gender and Philosophy TA 462 African-American Theatre and Drama TA 463 Asian Theatre GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES 89 Spring 2015 Course offerings begin on page 14 GE Day Course Course Title Ind. And Time BASIC SKILLS WRITTEN COMMUNICATION ENG 104A 01STRETCH COMP III A1 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM ENG 104A 02STRETCH COMP III A1 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM ENG 104A 03STRETCH COMP III A1 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM ENG 104A 04STRETCH COMP III A1 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM ENG 104A 05STRETCH COMP III A1 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM ENG 104A 06STRETCH COMP III A1 MWF 8:00 AM 9:10 AM ENG 104A 07STRETCH COMP III A1 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM ENG 104A 08STRETCH COMP III A1 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM ENG 104A 09STRETCH COMP III A1 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM ENG 104A 10STRETCH COMP III A1 MWF 1:20 PM 2:30 PM ENG 104A 11STRETCH COMP III A1 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM ENG 104A 12STRETCH COMP III A1 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM ENG 104A 13STRETCH COMP III A1 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM ENG 104A 14STRETCH COMP III A1 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM ENG 104A 15STRETCH COMP III A1 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM ENG 104A 16STRETCH COMP III A1 MWF 8:00 AM 9:10 AM ENG 104A 17STRETCH COMP III A1 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM ENG 104A 19STRETCH COMP III A1 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM ENG 104A 20STRETCH COMP III A1 MWF 1:20 PM 2:30 PM ENG 104A 21STRETCH COMP III A1 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM ENG 104A 40STRETCH COMP III A1 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM ENG 104B 01 STRETCH CMP III MULTILING A1 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM ENG 104B 02 STRETCH CMP III MULTILING A1 MWF 8:00 AM 9:10 AM ENG 104B 03STRETCH CMP III MULTILING A1 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM ENG 104B 04 STRETCH CMP III MULTILING A1 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM ENG 104B 05 STRETCH CMP III MULTILING A1 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM ENG 104B 06 STRETCH CMP III MULTILING A1 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM ENG 104 07 STRETCH CMP III MULTILING A1 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM ENG 104B 09 STRETCH CMP III MULTILING A1 MWF 1:20 PM 2:30 PM ENG 104B 13 STRETCH CMP III MULTILING A1 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM ENG 10601 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM ENG 10602 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM ENG 10603 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM ENG 10604 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 MWF 1:20 PM 2:30 PM ENG 10605 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM ENG 10606 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM ENG 10607 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM ENG 10608 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM ENG 10609 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 MWF 8:00 AM 9:10 AM ENG 10610 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM ENG 10611 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM ENG 10612 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM ENG 10613 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM ENG 10614 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM ENG 10640 ACCEL STRETCH COMP II A1 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM ENG 10701 ADV FIRST-YEAR COMP A1 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM ENG 10702 ADV FIRST-YEAR COMP A1 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM ENG 10703 ADV FIRST-YEAR COMP A1 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM ENG 10704 ADV FIRST-YEAR COMP A1 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM ENG 10705 ADV FIRST-YEAR COMP A1 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM ENG 10706 ADV FIRST-YEAR COMP A1 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM ENG 10707 ADV FIRST-YEAR COMP A1 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM ENG 10708 ADV FIRST-YEAR COMP A1 MW 4:00 PM 5:50 PM ENG 10709 ADV FIRST-YEAR COMP A1 MWF 8:00 AM 9:10 AM ENG 10740 ADV FIRST-YEAR COMP A1 MW 2:00 PM 3:50 PM ORAL COMMUNICATION COMM 12001 COMM 12002 COMM 12003 COMM 12004 COMM 12005 COMM 12006 COMM12007 COMM12008 COMM12009 COMM12010 COMM12011 COMM 12012 COMM 12013 COMM 12014 ORAL COMMUNICATION ORAL COMMUNICATION ORAL COMMUNICATION ORAL COMMUNICATION ORAL COMMUNICATION ORAL COMMUNICATION ORAL COMMUNICATION ORAL COMMUNICATION ORAL COMMUNICATION ORAL COMMUNICATION ORAL COMMUNICATION ORAL COMMUNICATION ORAL COMMUNICATION ORAL COMMUNICATION A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MW MW TR TR TR 8:00 AM 9:20 AM 9:20 AM 10:40 AM 10:40 AM 10:40 AM 12:00 PM 1:20 PM 1:20 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:10 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 11:50 AM 11:50 AM 11:50 AM 1:10 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 5:50 PM 7:50 PM 9:50 AM 9:50 AM 11:50 AM GE Day Course Course Title Ind. And Time COMM 12015 ORAL COMMUNICATION A2 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM COMM 12016 ORAL COMMUNICATION A2 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM COMM12017 ORAL COMMUNICATION A2 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM COMM12018 ORAL COMMUNICATION A2 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM COMM12019 ORAL COMMUNICATION A2 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM COMM12020 ORAL COMMUNICATION A2 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM COMM12021 ORAL COMMUNICATION A2 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM COMM 12022 ORAL COMMUNICATION A2 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM COMM12023 ORAL COMMUNICATION A2 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM COMM12024 ORAL COMMUNICATION A2 MWF 2:40 PM 3:50 PM COMM12025 ORAL COMMUNICATION A2 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM COMM 12040 ORAL COMMUNICATION A2 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM HON 104C 01 LANG & MEANNG:ORAL COM A2 MW 4:00 PM 5:50 PM CRITICAL THINKING COMM 18001 CRIT THINK THRU ARGUMENTA4 MWF 8:00 AM 9:10 AM COMM 18002 CRIT THINK THRU ARGUMENTA4 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM COMM 18003 CRIT THINK THRU ARGUMENTA4 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM COMM18004 CRIT THINK THRU ARGUMENTA4 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM COMM18040 CRIT THINK THRU ARGUMENTA4 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM MATH 18001 CRIT THNK THRU MATH LOGICA4 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM PHIL 10501 CRIT THINK ARGUMNT ANALY A4 MW 6:00 PM 7:50 PM PHIL 10502 CRIT THINK ARGUMNT ANALY A4 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM PHIL 10503 CRIT THINK ARGUMNT ANALY A4 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM PHIL 10504 CRIT THINK ARGUMNT ANALY A4 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM PHIL 20001 CRIT THNK THRU SYMB LOGICA4 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM PHIL 20002 CRIT THNK THRU SYMB LOGICA4 MWF 1:20 PM 2:30 PM PHIL 20003 CRIT THNK THRU SYMB LOGICA4 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM PHIL 20004 CRIT THNK THRU SYMB LOGICA4 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM PSYC 10501 CRITIC THINKING PROB ANLY A4 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM PSYC 10502 CRITIC THINKING PROB ANLY A4 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM PSYC 10503 CRITIC THINKING PROB ANLY A4 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM PSYC 10504 CRITIC THINKING PROB ANLY A4 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM PSYC 10505 CRITIC THINKING PROB ANLY A4 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM PSYC 10506 CRITIC THINKING PROB ANLY A4 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM PSYC 10507 CRITIC THINKING PROB ANLY A4 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM SOC 18001 CRIT THINK SOC PROB A4 MW 4:00 PM 5:50 PM NATURAL SCIENCES BREADTH AREA MATHEMATICS MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH 11001 11002 11003 11004 11005 11006 11007 11008 11009 11010 11011 11012 11013 11014 11015 11016 11017 11018 11019 11020 11021 11040 11501 11502 11503 11504 12001 12002 12003 12004 19201 19202 COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA COLLEGE ALGEBRA IDEAS OF MATH IDEAS OF MATH IDEAS OF MATH IDEAS OF MATH PRE-CALCULUS MATH PRE-CALCULUS MATH PRE-CALCULUS MATH PRE-CALCULUS MATH METHODS OF CALCULUS METHODS OF CALCULUS B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MW TR TR TR TR TR MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF TR TR TR TR TR TR MWF MWF TR TR MWF MW TR TR MWF MW 8:00 AM 9:20 AM 10:40 AM 12:00 PM 1:20 PM 4:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 AM 9:20 AM 10:40 AM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 12:00 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 10:00 AM 4:00 PM 10:40 AM 6:00 PM 10:00 AM 4:00 PM 10:40 AM 6:00 PM 9:10 AM 10:30 AM 11:50 AM 1:10 PM 2:30 PM 5:50 PM 9:50 AM 11:50 AM 1:50 PM 3:50 PM 7:50 PM 9:10 AM 10:30 AM 11:50 AM 1:10 PM 1:10 PM 9:50 AM 11:50 AM 1:50 PM 3:50 PM 1:50 PM 9:50 AM 9:10 AM 1:10 PM 11:50 AM 5:50 PM 11:50 AM 7:50 PM 11:50 AM 5:50 PM 11:50 AM 7:50 PM GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES 90 Spring 2015 Course Course Title Course offerings begin on page 14 GE Ind. Day And Time MATHEMATICS (continued) MATH 19203 METHODS OF CALCULUS B1 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM MATH 21101 BASIC CALCULUS B1 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM MATH 21102 BASIC CALCULUS B1 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM MATH 21103 BASIC CALCULUS B1 MW 6:00 PM 7:50 PM MATH 21104 BASIC CALCULUS B1 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM MATH 21105 BASIC CALCULUS B1 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM MATH 21106 BASIC CALCULUS B1 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM LIFE SCIENCES BIOL 10001 TOPICS IN BIOLOGY B2 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM BIOL 10002 TOPICS IN BIOLOGY B2 TR 6:00 PM 7:50 PM BIOL 10003 TOPICS IN BIOLOGY B2 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM BIOL 10004 Laboratory T 10:00 AM 12:50 PM BIOL 10005 Laboratory R 10:00 AM 12:50 PM BIOL 10006 Laboratory T 9:00 AM 11:50 AM BIOL 10007 Laboratory T 12:00 PM 2:50 PM BIOL 10008 Laboratory T 3:00 PM 5:50 PM BIOL 10009 Laboratory T 6:00 PM 8:50 PM BIOL 10010 Laboratory W 8:00 AM 10:50 AM BIOL 10011 Laboratory W 11:00 AM 1:50 PM BIOL 10012 Laboratory W 2:40 PM 5:30 PM BIOL 10013 Laboratory W 6:00 PM 8:50 PM BIOL 10014 Laboratory R 9:00 AM 11:50 AM BIOL 10015 Laboratory R 12:00 PM 2:50 PM BIOL 10016 Laboratory R 3:00 PM 5:50 PM BIOL 10017 Laboratory R 6:00 PM 8:50 PM BIOL 10018 Laboratory F 8:00 AM 10:50 AM BIOL 10019 Laboratory F 11:00 AM 1:50 PM BIOL 10020 Laboratory F 2:00 PM 4:50 PM BIOL 10021 Laboratory R 3:00 PM 6:50 PM BIOL 10022 Laboratory R 6:00 PM 9:50 PM BIOL 20201 BIOL POPULATIONS B2 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM BIOL 20202 Laboratory T 12:00 PM 2:50 PM BIOL 20203 Laboratory T 3:00 PM 5:50 PM BIOL 20204 Laboratory T 6:00 PM 8:50 PM BIOL 20205 Laboratory W 9:00 AM 11:50 AM BIOL 20206 Laboratory W 12:00 PM 2:50 PM BIOL 20207 Laboratory R 12:00 PM 2:50 PM BIOL 20208 Laboratory R 3:00 PM 5:50 PM BIOL 20209 Laboratory R 6:00 PM 8:50 PM BIOL 20210 Laboratory TBA HSCI 12001 HEALTH&SOC, ECOL APPRCHB2 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM HSCI 12002 Laboratory M 1:15 PM 3:55 PM HSCI 12003 Laboratory M 9:00 AM 12:50 PM HSCI 12004 Laboratory M 6:00 PM 9:50 PM HSCI 12005 Laboratory F 9:00 AM 12:50 PM HSCI 12006 Laboratory T 1:15 PM 5:05 PM HSCI 12007 Laboratory W 1:15 PM 3:55 PM HSCI 12008 Laboratory R 6:00 PM 8:50 PM HSCI 12009 Laboratory T 6:00 PM 8:50 PM HSCI 12040 HEALTH&SOC, ECOL APPRCH B2 T 9:00 AM 11:50 AM HSCI 12041 Laboratory T 1:00 PM 4:50 PM HSCI 12042 Laboratory TBA HSCI 12043 Laboratory TBA HSCI 12044 Laboratory TBA PHYSICAL SCIENCES CHEM 10001 CHEM MODERN WORLD B3 CHEM 10002 CHEM MODERN WORLD B3 CHEM 10003 Laboratory CHEM 10004 Laboratory CHEM 10005 Laboratory CHEM 10006 Laboratory CHEM 10007 Laboratory CHEM 10008 Laboratory CHEM 10009 Laboratory CHEM 10010 Laboratory CHEM 20501 FUND GENERAL CHEM B3 CHEM 20502 Laboratory CHEM 20504 Laboratory CHEM 20505 Laboratory MWF 1:20 PM 2:30 PM TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM T 6:00 PM 8:50 PM R 6:00 PM 8:50 PM R 1:00 PM 3:50 PM T 1:00 PM 3:50 PM M 10:20 AM 1:10 PM M 2:40 PM 5:30 PM W 10:20 AM 1:10 PM W 2:40 PM 5:30 PM MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM M 7:40 AM 10:30 AM W 7:40 AM 10:30 AM F 7:40 AM 10:30 AM Course Course Title GE Ind. Day And Time CHEM 20506 Laboratory F 1:00 PM 3:50 PM GEOG 10301 PHYSICAL GEOG B3 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM GEOG 10302 Laboratory T 2:00 PM 4:50 PM GEOG 10303 Laboratory R 2:00 PM 4:50 PM GEOL 10101 INTRO GEOLOGY B3 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM GEOL 10102 INTRO GEOLOGY B3 MW 4:00 PM 5:50 PM GEOL 10103 Laboratory M 9:00 AM 11:50 AM GEOL 10104 Laboratory M 1:00 PM 3:50 PM GEOL 10105 Laboratory M 6:00 PM 8:50 PM GEOL 10106 Laboratory T 12:00 PM 2:50 PM GEOL 10107 Laboratory T 3:00 PM 5:50 PM GEOL 10108 Laboratory T 6:00 PM 8:50 PM GEOL 10109 Laboratory W 9:00 AM 11:50 AM GEOL 10110 Laboratory W 1:00 PM 3:50 PM GEOL 10111 Laboratory W 6:00 PM 8:50 PM PHYS 10001 PHYSICS MODERN WORLD B3 MWF 2:40 PM 3:50 PM PHYS 10002 Laboratory R 1:00 PM 3:50 PM PHYS 10003 Laboratory T 1:00 PM 3:50 PM PHYS 10004 Laboratory W 9:00 AM 11:50 AM PHYS 10005 Laboratory W 6:00 PM 9:50 PM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BIOL 21601 GENETICS&SOCIETY B4 R 4:00 PM 5:50 PM CSE 12201 BIOINFORMATICS B4 R 12:00 PM 1:50 PM CSE 12901 SCI, COMPUTING & SOCIETY B4 T 12:00 PM 1:50 PM CSE 12902 SCI, COMPUTING & SOCIETY B4 T 2:00 PM 3:50 PM GEOL 21001 EARTHQUAKES B4 M 4:00 PM 5:50 PM INTEGRATED CAPSTONE - NATURAL SCIENCES NSCI 30040 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B5 M 6:00 PM 9:50 PM NSCI 31001 ENVIR&HUMAN SURVIVAL B5 TR 6:00 PM 7:50 PM NSCI 31401 LIFE IN THE COSMOS B5 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM NSCI 31501 NATURAL DISASTERS B5 MW 12:00 PM 1:50 PM NSCI 32501 PERSPEC ON GENDER B5 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM HUMANITIES BREADTH AREA ARTS ART 20001 STUDIES IN ART C1 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM HUM 18001 THE ART OF FILM C1 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM MUS 18070 STUDIES IN MUSIC C1 ONLI TA 26001 INTRO TO THEATRE C1 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM LITERATURE ENG 11001 WORLD LIT I C2 MW 4:00 PM 5:50 PM ENG 11040 WORLD LIT I C2 MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM ENG 11101 WORLD LIT II C2 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM ENG 17001 STUDIES IN LIT C2 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM TA 16001 WORLD DRAMA C2 MWF 8:00 AM 9:10 AM TA 16002 WORLD DRAMA C2 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM TA 16003 WORLD DRAMA C2 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM TA 16004 WORLD DRAMA C2 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM TA 16005 WORLD DRAMA C2 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM TA 21201 ORAL INTERP LIT C2 MW 2:00 PM 3:50 PM TA 21202 ORAL INTERP LIT C2 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM TA 21203 ORAL INTERP LIT C2 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM TA 21204 ORAL INTERP LIT C2 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM FOREIGN LANGUAGE OR LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION ARAB ARAB ARAB ARAB ARAB ARAB ARAB ASL ASL ASL CHIN CHIN CHIN FLAN 10301 COLLEGE ARABIC III C3 MWF 10:40 AM 10302 COLLEGE ARABIC III C3 TR 10:00 AM 10303 COLLEGE ARABIC III C3 10304 COLLEGE ARABIC III C3 20302 INTERMEDIATE ARABIC III C3 21401 CONVERSATION IN ARABIC C3 29070 ARABIC LIT IN TRANSLATION C3 ONLI 10301 AMER SIGN LANGUAGE III C3 MW 6:00 PM 10302 AMER SIGN LANGUAGE III C3 20101 ASL IV C3 TR 4:00 PM 10301 COLLEGE CHINESE III C3 TR 12:00 PM 10302 COLLEGE CHINESE III C3 20101 2ND YR COLLEGE CHINESE I C3 TR 4:00 PM 103D 01 LANG STDY III: PORTUGUESEC3 TR 2:00 PM 11:50 AM 11:50 AM 7:50 PM 5:50 PM 1:50 PM 5:50 PM 3:50 PM GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES Course offerings begin on page 14 GE Day Course Course Title Ind. And Time FLAN 103Q 70 LANG STUDY III:LUISEÑO C3 ONLI FLAN 103S 01 LANG STUDY III:SERRANO C3 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM FREN 10301 COLLEGE FRENCH III C3 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM FREN 10302 COLLEGE FRENCH III C3 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM FREN 10303 COLLEGE FRENCH III C3 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM FREN 10304 COLLEGE FRENCH III C3 TR 6:00 PM 7:50 PM FREN 20001 CULTURE&COMMUNICATION C3 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM FREN 20101 CULTURE & COMMNICATION IIC3 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM FREN 20201 CULTURE&COMMNICATION III C3 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM FREN 29001 FRENCH LIT IN ENG C3 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM FREN 29070 FRENCH LIT IN ENG C3 ONLI FREN 29071 FRENCH LIT IN ENG C3 ONLI GER 10301 COLLEGE GERMAN III C3 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM JAPN 10301 COLLEGE JAPANESE III C3 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM JAPN 10302 COLLEGE JAPANESE III C3 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM JAPN 20101 2ND YR COLL JAPANESE I C3 JAPN 20202 2ND YR COLL JAPANESE II C3 MWF 2:40 AM 3:50 AM JAPN 20301 2ND YR COLL JAPANESE III C3 JAPN 20302 2ND YR COLL JAPANESE III C3 KOR 10302 COLLEGE KOREAN III C3 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM KOR 10303 COLLEGE KOREAN III C3 KOR 20101 2ND YR COLL KOREAN I C3 KOR 20301 2ND YR COLL KOREAN III C3 SPAN 10301 COLLEGE SPANISH III C3 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM SPAN 10302 COLLEGE SPANISH III C3 MWF 8:00 AM 9:10 AM SPAN 10303 COLLEGE SPANISH III C3 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM SPAN 10304 COLLEGE SPANISH III C3 MW 4:00 PM 5:50 PM SPAN 10305 COLLEGE SPANISH III C3 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM SPAN 10306 COLLEGE SPANISH III C3 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM SPAN 10307 COLLEGE SPANISH III C3 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM SPAN 10308 COLLEGE SPANISH III C3 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM SPAN 10309 COLLEGE SPANISH III C3 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM SPAN 10310 COLLEGE SPANISH III C3 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM SPAN 20101 INTERMEDIATE SPAN I C3 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM SPAN 20102 INTERMEDIATE SPAN I C3 SPAN 20201 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH II C3 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM SPAN 20301 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH III C3 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM SPAN 20302 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH III C3 SPAN 20303 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH III C3 SPAN 21401 CONVERSATION C3 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM SPAN 29001 SPAN&LATIN AM LIT IN ENG C3 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM SPAN 29002 SPAN&LATIN AM LIT IN ENG C3 MW 4:00 PM 5:50 PM SPAN 29005 SPAN&LATIN AM LIT IN ENG C3 PHILOSOPHY PHIL 19001 INTRO TO PHILOS C4 MWF 1:20 PM 2:30 PM PHIL 19002 INTRO TO PHILOS C4 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM PHIL 19003 INTRO TO PHILOS C4 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM PHIL 19004 INTRO TO PHILOS C4 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM PHIL 19005 INTRO TO PHILOS C4 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM PHIL 19006 INTRO TO PHILOS C4 TR 6:00 PM 7:50 PM PHIL 19101 INTRO TO ETHICS C4 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM PHIL 19102 INTRO TO ETHICS C4 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM PHIL 19103 INTRO TO ETHICS C4 MW 4:00 PM 5:50 PM PHIL 19104 INTRO TO ETHICS C4 MW 6:00 PM 7:50 PM PHIL 19105 INTRO TO ETHICS C4 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM PHIL 19106 INTRO TO ETHICS C4 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM PHIL 19201 INTRO PHIL OF RELIGION C4 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM PHIL 19202 INTRO PHIL OF RELIGION C4 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM PHIL 19401 INTRO KNOWLDGE&REALITY C4 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM PHIL 19402 INTRO KNOWLDGE&REALITY C4 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM PHIL 19403 INTRO KNOWLDGE&REALITY C4 MWF 1:20 PM 02:30 PM INTEGRATIVE CAPSTONE - HUMANITIES HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM 31970 32501 32801 33501 33547 34001 34401 37001 37501 38501 MYTH, META&SYM PERSPEC ON GENDER ASIAN CLTURAL TRADITIONS LATINO CULTURE LATINO CULTURE INTERP & VALUES IDEAS AMER CULTUR AFRICAN HERITAGE IN ARTS WORLD OF ISLAM CULTURL HIST FASH C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 ONLI MWF 9:20 AM TR 2:00 PM TR 6:00 PM W 5:00 PM MWF 2:40 PM MWF 1:20 PM TR 10:00 AM MW 6:00 PM MWF 10:40 AM 10:30 AM 03:50 PM 7:50 PM 8:50 PM 3:50 PM 2:30 PM 11:50 AM 7:50 PM 11:50 AM 91 Spring 2015 GE Day Course Course Title Ind. And Time SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES BREADTH AREA AMERICAN HISTORY HIST 14601 AMERICAN CIVIL D1 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM HIST 14602 AMERICAN CIVIL D1 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM HIST 14603 AMERICAN CIVIL D1 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM HIST 20001 U.S.HIST TO 1877 D1 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM HIST 20101 U.S.HIST 1877-PR D1 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS PSCI 20301 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT D2 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM PSCI 20302 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT D2 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM PSCI 20303 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT D2 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM WORLD CULTURES ANTH 14001 WORLD CIVILIZATIONS I D3 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM HIST 14001 WORLD CIVILIZATIONS I D3 MWF 8:00 AM 9:10 AM HIST 14201 WORLD CIVIL II D3 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM HIST 14240 WORLD CIVIL II D3 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM HIST 14401 WORLD CIVIL III D3 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM SSCI 16501 REGIONS&PEPLES OF WRLD D3 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM SSCI 16502 REGIONS&PEPLES OF WRLD D3 MWF 1:20 PM 2:30 PM DISCIPLINE PERSPECTIVES ANTH 10001 INTRO ANTH-HUMN EVLUTIOND4 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM ANTH 10201 INTRO ANTH-CULTURE & SOCD4 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM ANTH 10270 INTRO ANTH-CULTURE & SOCD4 TBA ES 10001 ETHNCTY&RACE AMER D4 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM ES 10070 ETHNCTY&RACE AMER D4 ONLI GEOG 10001 INTRO HUMAN GEOG D4 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM GSS 10001 INTRO WOMEN’S STD D4 T 6:00 PM 9:50 PM GSS 10147 INTRO MASCLINITY STUDIES D4 W 6:00 PM 9:50 PM GSS 10301 INTRO LES-GAY-BI-TRNS STDIESD4 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM PSYC 10001 INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY D4 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM PSYC 10002 INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY D4 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM SOC 10001 STUDY OF SOCIETY D4 MWF 1:20 PM 2:30 PM SOC 10002 STUDY OF SOCIETY D4 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM INTEGRATIVE CAPSTONE - SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES SSCI 30001 NON-WESTERN WORLD D5 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM SSCI 30002 NON-WESTERN WORLD D5 MW 6:00 PM 7:50 PM SSCI 31601 RACE AND RACISM D5 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM SSCI 31602 RACE AND RACISM D5 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM SSCI 31603 RACE AND RACISM D5 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM SSCI 31604 RACE AND RACISM D5 MW 2:00 PM 3:50 PM SSCI 32501 PERSPEC ON GENDER D5 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM LIFELONG UNDERSTANDING THE WHOLE PERSON - PHYSICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ISSUES KINE 20501 FOUND FOR LIFE FITNESS E1 R 8:00 AM 9:50 AM KINE 20502 FOUND FOR LIFE FITNESS E1 MW 12:00 PM 12:50 PM KINE 20503 FOUND FOR LIFE FITNESS E1 R 12:00 PM 1:50 PM KINE 20504 FOUND FOR LIFE FITNESS E1 M 4:00 PM 5:50 PM KINE 20505 FOUND FOR LIFE FITNESS E1 T 6:00 PM 7:50 PM KINE 20540 FOUND FOR LIFE FITNESS E1 W 2:00 PM 3:50 PM THE WHOLE PERSON - SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES FIN 10101 FINANCIAL CHOICES IN LIFE E2 M 4:00 PM 5:50 PM FIN 10102 FINANCIAL CHOICES IN LIFE E2 T 4:00 PM 5:50 PM FIN 10103 FINANCIAL CHOICES IN LIFE E2 W 4:00 PM 5:50 PM FIN 10104 FINANCIAL CHOICES IN LIFE E2 R 4:00 PM 5:50 PM PHIL 10101 MORAL CHOICES IN LIFE E2 MW 4:00 PM 5:50 PM PHIL 10102 MORAL CHOICES IN LIFE E2 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM PSYC 11501 PERSONAL & SOCIAL ADJ E2 MW 10:40 AM 11:30 AM PSYC 11502 PERSONAL & SOCIAL ADJ E2 MW 12:00 PM 12:50 PM PSYC 11503 PERSONAL & SOCIAL ADJ E2 MW 1:20 PM 2:10 PM PSYC 11504 PERSONAL & SOCIAL ADJ E2 MW 2:40 PM 3:30 PM PSYC 11505 PERSONAL & SOCIAL ADJ E2 T 12:00 PM 1:50 PM PSYC 11506 PERSONAL & SOCIAL ADJ E2 T 2:00 PM 3:50 PM GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES 92 Spring 2015 Course offerings begin on page 14 Course Course Title GE Ind. Day And Time PHYSICAL EDUCATION KINE 114A 01 BODY CONDITIONING E3 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM KINE 114A 02 BODY CONDITIONING E3 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM KINE 114A 03 BODY CONDITIONING E3 MWF 1:20 PM 2:30 PM KINE 114C 01JOGGING E3 MW 4:00 PM 5:50 PM KINE 114C 02JOGGING E3 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM KINE 114E 01 WEIGHT TRAINING E3 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM KINE 114E 02 WEIGHT TRAINING E3 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM KINE 114E 03 WEIGHT TRAINING E3 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM KINE 114E 04 WEIGHT TRAINING E3 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM KINE 114E 05 WEIGHT TRAINING E3 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM KINE 114E 06 WEIGHT TRAINING E3 MW 4:00 PM 5:50 PM KINE 114E 07 WEIGHT TRAINING E3 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM KINE 114E 08 WEIGHT TRAINING E3 MW 6:00 PM 7:50 PM KINE 114E 09 WEIGHT TRAINING E3 TR 6:00 PM 7:50 PM KINE 114E 10 WEIGHT TRAINING E3 MW 8:00 PM 9:50 PM KINE 114E 11 WEIGHT TRAINING E3 TR 8:00 PM 9:50 PM KINE 114F 01 YOGA E3 MWF 8:00 AM 9:10 AM KINE 114F 02 YOGA E3 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM KINE 114F 03 YOGA E3 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM KINE 114F 04 YOGA E3 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM KINE 114F 05 YOGA E3 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM KINE 114F 06 YOGA E3 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM KINE 114F 07 YOGA E3 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM KINE 114F 08 YOGA E3 MWF 1:20 PM 2:30 PM KINE 114F 09 YOGA E3 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM KINE 114F 10 YOGA E3 MW 4:00 PM 5:50 PM KINE 114F 11 YOGA E3 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM KINE 114F 12 YOGA E3 MW 6:00 PM 7:50 PM KINE 114F 13 YOGA E3 TR 6:00 PM 7:50 PM KINE 114F 40 YOGA E3 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM KINE 120E 01 KARATE E3 MW 4:00 PM 5:50 PM KINE 120E 02 KARATE E3 TR 6:00 PM 7:50 PM KINE 120F 01 SELF-DEFENSE E3 MW 6:00 PM 7:50 PM KINE 120F 02 SELF-DEFENSE E3 TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM KINE 120G 01 CARDIO-ARTS E3 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM KINE 120G 02 CARDIO-ARTS E3 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM KINE 120J 01 PILATES E3 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM KINE 121A 01 BASKETBALL E3 MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM KINE 121A 02 BASKETBALL E3 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM KINE 137J 01 SWIMMING E3 MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM KINE 149 01 INDEPNDENT ACTIVITY PROJE3 TBA KINE 150A 01 DANCE: AEROBIC E3 TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM KINE 150B 01 DAN:LOW-IMPACT AEROBIC E3 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM KINE 150C 01DANCE:STEP AEROBI E3 MWF 8:00 AM 9:10 AM UPPER-DIVISION WRITING REQUIREMENT UPPER-DIVISION WRITING EDUC 30601 EDUC 30602 EDUC 30603 EDUC 30604 EDUC 30670 EDUC 30671 ENG 30601 ENG 30602 ENG 30603 ENG 30604 ENG 30605 ENG 30606 ENG 30607 ENG 30608 ENG 30609 ENG 30610 ENG 30611 ENG 30612 ENG 30613 ENG 30640 ENG 30642 HUM 30601 MGMT 30601 MGMT 30602 EXPOSITORY WRITING EDUC F EXPOSITORY WRITING EDUC F EXPOSITORY WRITING EDUC F EXPOSITORY WRITING EDUC F EXPOSITORY WRITING EDUC F EXPOSITORY WRITING EDUC F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING ENG F EXPOSITORY WRITING HUM F EXPOSITORY WRITING ADMN F EXPOSITORY WRITING ADMN F M 6:00 PM T 6:00 PM W 6:00 PM R 6:00 PM ONLI ONLI MWF 8:00 AM MWF 9:20 AM MWF 10:40 AM MWF 12:00 PM MWF 1:20 PM MW 4:00 PM TR 8:00 AM TR 10:00 AM TR 12:00 PM TR 2:00 PM TR 4:00 PM TR 6:00 PM TR 10:00 AM S 9:00 AM R 1:00 PM TR 12:00 PM MW 10:00 AM MW 12:00 PM 9:50 PM 9:50 PM 9:50 PM 9:50 PM 9:10 AM 10:30 AM 11:50 AM 1:10 PM 2:30 PM 5:50 PM 9:50 AM 11:50 AM 1:50 PM 3:50 PM 5:50 PM 7:50 PM 11:50 AM 12:50 PM 4:50 PM 1:50 PM 11:50 AM 1:50 PM Course Course Title GE Ind. Day And Time MGMT 30603 EXPOSITORY WRITING ADMN F TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM MGMT 30604 EXPOSITORY WRITING ADMN F TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM MGMT 30605 EXPOSITORY WRITING ADMN F TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM MGMT 30606 EXPOSITORY WRITING ADMN F TR 6:00 PM 7:50 PM MGMT 30607 EXPOSITORY WRITING ADMN F TR 8:00 PM 9:50 PM MGMT 30670 EXPOSITORY WRITING ADMN F TBA MGMT 30671 EXPOSITORY WRITING ADMN F TBA MGMT 30672 EXPOSITORY WRITING ADMN F TBA MGMT 30673 EXPOSITORY WRITING ADMN F TBA NSCI 30601 EXPOSITORY WRITING NSCI F MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM NSCI 30602 EXPOSITORY WRITING NSCI F MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM NSCI 30603 EXPOSITORY WRITING NSCI F MW 2:00 PM 3:50 PM NSCI 30604 EXPOSITORY WRITING NSCI F TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM NSCI 30605 EXPOSITORY WRITING NSCI F TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM NSCI 30606 EXPOSITORY WRITING NSCI F TR 6:00 PM 7:50 PM SSCI 30601 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM SSCI 30602 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F MWF 10:40 AM 11:50 AM SSCI 30603 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F MW 12:00 PM 1:50 PM SSCI 30604 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F MW 2:00 PM 3:50 PM SSCI 30605 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM SSCI 30606 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM SSCI 30607 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM SSCI 30608 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM SSCI 30609 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM SSCI 30610 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM SSCI 30611 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F TR 4:00 PM 5:50 PM SSCI 30612 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F TR 6:00 PM 7:50 PM SSCI 30613 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F TR 8:00 PM 9:50 PM SSCI 30670 EXPOSITORY WRITING SSCI F M 6:00 PM 7:50 PM MULTICULTURAL/GENDER REQUIREMENT INTEGRATIVE CAPSTONE - MULTICULTURAL GENDER HUM 32501 PERSPEC ON GENDER G1 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM HUM 32801 ASIAN CULTRAL TRADITIONS G1 TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM HUM 33501 LATINO CULTURE G1 TR 6:00 PM 7:50 PM HUM 33547 LATINO CULTURE G1 W 5:00 PM 8:50 PM HUM 37001 AFRICAN HERITAGE IN ARTS G1 TR 10:00 AM 11:50 AM HUM 37501 WORLD OF ISLAM G1 MW 6:00 PM 7:50 PM NSCI 32501 PERSPEC ON GENDER G1 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM SSCI 31601 RACE AND RACISM G1 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM SSCI 31604 RACE AND RACISM G1 MW 2:00 PM 3:50 PM SSCI 32501 PERSPEC ON GENDER G1 MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM MULTICULTURAL/GENDER ELECTIVE ANTH 33301 CJUS 45101 COMM30401 COMM30402 COMM 30403 COMM40101 COMM40102 MUS 30901 PA 30501 SEX&GENDR CRS/CUL G2 WOMEN & CRIME G2 INTERCULTURAL COMM G2 INTERCULTURAL COMM G2 INTERCULTURAL COMM G2 GENDER, RACE & MEDIA G2 GENDER, RACE & MEDIA G2 JAZZ HIST IN AMER/CULTURE G2 ORGS MLTICUL&DVRSE SOCTY G2 TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM TR 12:00 PM 1:50 PM MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM MW 6:00 PM 7:50 PM TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM TR 8:00 AM 9:50 AM TR 2:00 PM 3:50 PM MWF 9:20 AM 10:30 AM T 6:00 PM 9:50 PM "Empowering our students to become tomorrow's professionals." Mission Statement The Office of the Registrar is committed to helping our students meet their degree objectives. By building positive working relationships with our students and providing quality services, we lead them through their academic careers today for successful professions tomorrow. Records The function of the records unit consists of many different processes that affect a student's university record. These processes include, name changes, grade discounts for repeated courses, end of term grade postings, readmission from a leave of absence, management of the National Student Exchange program, CSU IntraSystem Visitor/Concurrent Enrollments and CSUSB transcript requests. Registration The function of the registration unit consists of promoting quarterly registration periods, assisting in the registration process, MyCoyote navigation, withdrawal from the university, petitions to add and/or drop, course overload permissions, simultaneous enrollments, and enrollment verifications. Evaluations The function of the evaluations unit consists of evaluating graduation requirements, credits from other transfer institutions, concurrent enrollments, change of majors, adding minors, processing certificate program requests and ordering of diplomas. The Transfer and Graduation counselors (TGC’s) of the evaluations unit are available to CSUSB students in a one-on-one setting to answer questions regarding their PAWS reports, graduation checks, concurrent enrollments and other various academic matters. Visit us on-line at: REGISTRAR.CSUSB.EDU 94 Spring 2015 OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR CSUSB *** IMPORTANT DATES *** February 2 Last day to file a Grad Check for Fall 2015 without penalty of the late fee. February 5 Spring 2015 class schedule available online at: academicsheduling.csusb.edu February 5 Spring 2015 class schedule available online at: academicscheduling.csusb.edu February 6 Spring Priority registration notices Emailed to all eligible students February 9 Academic Advising Sessions begin* February 16 - March 9 Priority Registration takes place* Log onto your MyCoyote Student Center page to view your priority registration date and time, and to check on holds. Be sure to clear holds prior to your registration appointment. March 10 - 22 Open Enrollment (prepayment of registration fees is required)* March 23 - April 10 Late Registration & Schedule Adjustment begins (Late fee applies. Pre-payment of registration fees is required.)* March 30 - April 3 Spring Break! March 31 Cesar E. Chavez holiday observed - campus closed April April April April April April April April 3 4 6 10 13 - 24 24 24 24 REFUND DEADLINE Spring 2015 Saturday classes begin Spring 2015 Regular classes begin Last day to add open classes via on-line registration (MyCoyote) Late drop period: To drop classes, use MyCoyote to drop classes Census Day. Last day to drop classes without record Last day to change from Credit to Audit Last day to complete challenge exams May May May 1 23 23 - 25 Last day to file a Grad Check for Winter 2016 without penalty of the late fees. No Saturday Classes (Memorial Day observed) Memorial Day Holiday observed - campus closed June June June June June June June 1 13 15 16 - 20 18 20 & 21 29 Last day to submit a Petition to Drop for Spring 2015 classes Last day of Saturday Spring classes Last day of Regular Spring classes Final exams for Spring Quarter Palm Desert Campus Commencement Commencement Spring grades available on-line via MyCoyote To register for classes, go on-line at mycoyote.csusb.edu *YOU MUST ATTEND A MANDATORY ACADEMIC ADVISING SESSION BEFORE REGISTERING. Please call the Office of Advising & Academic Services for dates and times at 909-537-5034. EOP students must call the EOP Office for advising at 909-537-5042. REGISTRATION PRIORITY REGISTRATION The university has established registration priority within each group of units earned and in the following order: Priority I: first year EOP, campus housing residents, veterans, athletes Priority II: seniors, classified graduates Priority III: classified post-baccalaureates and/or credentials, juniors, 2nd BA post-baccalaureates Priority IV: sophomores, freshmen Priority V: unclassified post-baccalaureates Priority Registration Dates: Feb 16 - March 9, 2015 95 Spring 2015 Registration and Tuition Fees: Registration and tuition fees are due by the scheduled due date established by the university. Financial Aid recipients and housing residents must also pay their portion of their tuition fees by the scheduled due date (refer to the “Tuition Fees” page for due dates). Please note: Fees are subject to change without advance notice by the Trustees of the California State University System. Refund Deadline: April 3, 2015 For more information on refunds, please refer to the Tuition Fees page under “Refund Schedule for Registration and Tuition Fees and Non-Resident Tuition.” OTHER REGISTRATION PERIODS If you are admitted March 5, 2015 you are eligible for priority registration. Check your Student Center page on MyCoyote for your appointed registration time and date, plus any possible holds. PLEASE CLEAR HOLDS PRIOR TO REGISTERING. Open Enrollment: If admitted after March 5th: March 10 - 22, 2015 Access Times and Dates: A $25.00 late fee applies. Pre-payment of tuition fees is required. Watch the clock! You will have a time assigned to you as well as a date to register during the priority registration period! Click the Details link in the Enrollment Date box on your MyCoyote Student Center page to see your assigned time for registration. Registration System: (MyCoyote) https://MyCoyote.csusb.edu The on-line registration system will be available during the following time periods: • 7 Days a Week • 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. Changes to your Class Schedule: Pre-payment of fees is required. Late Registration: If admitted after March 18th: March 23 - April 10, 2015 Schedule Adjustments: Changes to your registration: March 10 - April 10, 2015 Pre-payment of any additional fees is required. ADDING CLASSES During Priority Registration: Feb. 16 - March 9, 2015 ►Class is open: During Priority Registration, students who are registered can add or drop courses over MyCoyote following their appointed registration date and time. You may adjust your class schedule over MyCoyote prior to your fees due date without pre-payment of registration and tuition fees. ►Class is closed: Refer to the information listed under “Adds Requiring Permits.” Spring Classes Begin: During Open Enrollment: March 10 - 22, 2015 April 4, 2015 (Saturday classes) April 6, 2015 (Regular classes) Registration REGISTRATION 96 Spring 2015 ►Class is open: Students who are admitted to the University After March 5, 2015 may register for classes during these periods. Prepayment of fees is required during the open enrollment period for those registering for the first time, increasing from 6 to over 6 units, and/or adding nonresident units. Students who are registered into classes can also make schedule adjustments during this period. However, if additional tuition fees are required, you must pre-pay these fees prior to registering. ►Class is closed: Refer to the information under “Adds requiring Permits.” During Late Registration: March 23 - April 10, 2015) ►Class is open: Students admitted to the University after March 18, 2015 and those needing schedule adjustments, may register for classes during the period over MyCoyote. Pre-payment is required during this registration period for those registering for the first time, increasing from 6 to over 6 units, and/ or adding nonresident units. ►Class is closed: Refer to the information listed under “Adds Requiring Permits.” Last Day To Add Open Classes Over MyCoyote: April 10, 2015 ADDS REQUIRING PERMITS (1) Classes needing Dept Consent (2) Classes requiring pre-requisites (3) Closed Classes (1) Classes needing Department consent: When registering for classes, the system may inform you (by error message) that department consent is required in order to register for one or more of the classes. Please contact the department of the class for permission to register for the class. Departments will first check that you meet the requirements for the class before placing the permit (for permission) onto your records. This may include GPA, major, classification and/or enrollment limits. Footnotes for requirements such as these are noted for each class, following the section number, in the list of available Registration classes,. Please refer to the “Footnotes” for explanations of these. (2) Classes requiring Pre-requisites: When registering for classes, the system may inform you (by error message) that pre-requisites are required for one or more of the classes. Please contact the department of the class for permission to register for the class. Departments will first check that you have met the pre-requisites required for the class before placing the permit (for permission) onto your records. This may include student level, GPA, and/or completion of required courses. Footnotes for requirements such as these are noted for each class, following the section number, in the list of available classes, in the class schedule. Please refer to the “Footnotes” for explanation of these. (3) Closed Classes (April 6 - 24, 2015) When a class reaches its maximum enrollment it is then considered “closed” to other registrants. After obtaining department permission (dept consent/pre-requisites when required), students who have compelling reasons for being admitted to a closed class must also obtain approval from the instructor and department chair of the class for possible permission to register over the maximum enrollment. Once classes begin, follow these steps: (1) Complete the Add/Drop Slip; (2) obtain the signatures of the instructor and chair; and (3) bring the Add/Drop Slip to the Office of the Registrar in UH-171 with your student I.D. CLOSED COURSES CANNOT BE ADDED OVER MYCOYOTE. NOTE! It is the student’s responsibility to officially register for a class with an Add Slip containing the appropriate signatures to the Registration Office. Instructors cannot “add” a class to your class schedule by adding your name to the class roster! Official registration for a class must be initiated by the student, by following the procedures listed above. Deadline Dates for Permitted and Closed Classes: ►Class is open Before classes begin: After department permission has been granted, use the on-line registration system (MyCoyote) to add the course through April 10, 2015. April 6 - 10 (1st week of classes): After department permission has been granted, use the on-line registration system (MyCoyote) to add classes. REGISTRATION 97 Spring 2015 April 13 - 17 (2nd week of classes): Adding classes or registering for the first time can no longer be done on-line over MyCoyote. After department permission has been granted, additional approval must be obtained from the instructor, on an Add Slip, and processed at the Registration Office in UH-171. Late Drop Period: April 20 - 24 (3rd week of classes): After obtaining department permission, adding a class or classes in the third week requires additional approval from the instructor and the department Chair of the class, on an Add slip and processed at the Registration Office in UH-171. Last Day to Drop Without Permission (Census): April 24, 2015 Last Day To Add by Permission or by Permit (Census): April 24, 2015 By permission with Add Slips: Bring approved Add Slips to the Registration Office in UH-171. Add Slips will not be honored after the Census date. However, courses requiring “department consent” or “prerequisites not met” will require that you receive a permit from the department of the class prior to being registered for the class. By department issued permit: Contact the department of the class for a permit to register. Once the permit has been placed, you will be able to register for the class over MyCoyote through Census. Registration for a permitted class will not be allowed over MyCoyote after Census. BE ADVISED: Instructors cannot “add” a class to your class schedule by adding your name to the class roster! Official registration for a class must be initiated by the student, by following procedures listed above. DROPPING CLASSES By Census, April 24, 2015 Grade of “W” is NOT assigned. During Priority, Open Enrollment, Late Registration & Late Drop Periods: No record will be made of enrollment in courses that are dropped by the last day to drop (Census), April 24, 2015. To drop a course, use the on-line registration system (MyCoyote) by April 24, 2015. To drop from all classes, see “Term Withdrawal” listed below*. April 13 - 24, 2015 Classes dropped during this period will not be assigned a grade of “W. ” However, registration and tuition fees will be retained. To drop from all classes, see “Term Withdrawal” listed below*. Classes dropped by this date will not be assigned a grade of “W.” However, registration and tuition fees will be retained. To drop from all classes, see “Term Withdrawal” listed below*. Term Withdrawal: By last day to drop, April 24, 2015 (Census) Record of enrollment will not be made if a student withdraws from all classes by April 24th. To withdraw from all classes, students must go to the Registration Office to formally withdraw from the term by April 24th. Picture ID is required. This process cannot be done over MyCoyote*. Questions regarding this process should be addressed to the Registration Office in UH-171 or by calling 909-537-5200. Census Deadline: April 24, 2015 Drops will not be possible after the Census deadline except for serious and compelling reasons. Students will be required to provide documentation in order for the request to be considered. Furthermore, drops after the Census deadline will require the signatures of the class instructor, department chair and the college dean of the student’s major. A grade of “W” will be assigned for drops/withdrawals after April 24th. Requests to drop a class after the Census deadline will not be considered beyond the 8th week of classes. For the Spring quarter, this date will be June 1, 2015. Undergraduate students must petition with the Office of Advising and Academic Services, UH-380. For graduate, credential and post-baccalaureate students, please report to the Office of Graduate Studies, CH-123. Supporting documentation is required. It is the student’s responsibility to verify their class schedule prior to the Census deadline as they will receive a grade for every course in which they are shown to be officially registered. *It is also the student’s responsibility to withdraw (drop) by the Census deadline from any Registration 98 Spring 2015 REGISTRATION class(es) which they do not plan to attend and complete. Although an instructor may initiate to drop a student from a class based on the Administrative Drop Policy, students should not assume that the instructor would drop anyone from a class. (Refer to the university bulletin for information regarding the Administrative Drop Policy.) WITHDRAWAL FROM THE UNIVERSITY AFTER CENSUS 1. A drop or withdrawal will not be permitted after the last day to drop (Census), April 24, 2015 except in cases involving accident or illness (physical or mental), serious personal or family problems, military transfer, or substantial change in employment during the term. 2. Through the 8th week of class instruction (June 1, 2015), report to the office of the college of your major to begin the process. Undeclared students will need to report to the Office of Academic Services in UH-380 and unclassified graduate students report to the office of Graduate Studies in CH-123. Picture ID is required. 3. A GRADE OF “W” WILL BE ASSIGNED for approved drops and withdrawals occurring after the census date, April 24, 2015. A grade of “W” is not used in calculating grade point average or progress points but will retain fees. 4. A GRADE OF “WU” WILL BE ASSIGNED (Withdrawal Unauthorized) if and when a student fails to officially drop from a class or classes by the Census dateline. This grade is equivalent to an “F” and will retain fees. 5. Withdrawing in the 9th and 10th weeks of class instruction (June 2 - 15) is not permitted unless extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control have occurred. Undergraduate students must petition with the Office of Advising and Acdemic Services, UH-380. For graduate, credential and post-baccalaureate students, please report to the Office of Graduate studies CH-123. Supporting documentation is required. CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION OR WITHDRAWAL FROM THE UNIVERSITY After Census, April 24, 2015 A grade of “W” will be assigned. CSU POLICY: Beginning Fall quarter 2009, undergraduate students may not exceed 28 quarter units of withdrawals (grade of “W”). Withdrawals completed prior to Fall 2009 are not included in that total. This limit applies only to courses taken at CSUSB, including courses taken through Open University, the College of Extended Learning and special session. The policy will be available at www-ugs. csusb.edu/advising. Students who find it necessary to cancel their registration or to *withdraw from all classes after enrolling for any academic term are required to follow the University’s official withdrawal procedures. Failure to follow formal University procedures may result in an obligation to pay tuition fees as well as the assignment of failing grades in all courses and the need to petition for readmission before being permitted to enroll in another academic term. Information on withdrawal procedures is available from the Office of the Registrar, UH 171 and/or phone 909-537-5200. Students who receive financial aid funds must consult with the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from the University regarding any required return or repayment of grant or loan assistance received for that academic term or payment period. If a recipient of student financial aid withdraws during an academic term or a payment period, the amount of grant or loan assistance received may be subject to return and/or repayment provisions. Registration WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURES By last day to drop, April 24, 2015* (Census): Record of enrollment will not be made if a student withdraws from all classes by April 24th. To withdraw from all classes, students must go to the Office of the Registrar to formally withdraw from the term by April 24th. Picture ID is required. This process cannot be done over MyCoyote. Questions regarding this process should be addressed to the Registration Office In UH-171 or by calling 909-537-5200. REGISTRATION 99 Spring 2015 After April 24, 2015 (Census): Report to the office of the college of your major. Undecleared students will need to report to the Office of Academic Services in UH-380 and all graduate students report to the Office of Graduate Studies in CH-123. Picture ID is required. RETROACTIVE WITHDRAWALS Requests for withdrawal from a course(s) following the end of the term (retroactive withdrawal) will be considered, with required documentation, only for: 1. ACCIDENT OR ILLNESS (physical or mental) DOCUMENTATION: Police Report, note from physician 2. SERIOUS PERSONAL or FAMILY PROBLEMS DOCUMENTATION: Licensed clergyman or therapist, needs to be a professional 3. MILITARY TRANSFER DOCUMENTATION: Transfer papers, or military orders Note: Rental agreements or change of address are not sufficient for documentation of retroactive withdrawal. Transfer out of the area still requires students to drop courses before the refund deadline date. Documentation is required. In addition, extenuating circumstances MUST be shown to have prevented withdrawal before the refund deadline date. Partial retroactive withdrawal from courses is not permissible for any reason. All courses must be withdrawn and will be noted with a “W” on the official transcript. Lack of awareness of the withdrawal procedure is not an extenuating circumstance. Requests must be made in writing to the Director of Advising and Academic Services, UH-380 for undergraduates, or the Dean of Graduate Studies in CH-123 for graduate, credential, post-baccalaureate and 2nd BA students. Registration 100 Spring 2015 REGISTRATION PAYMENT PROCEDURES CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or Student Accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees, without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by The Board of Trustees. PLEASE CHECK YOUR MYCOYOTE AND CAMPUS EMAIL REGULARLY FOR FEES POSTED TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND IMPORTANT COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE UNIVERSITY. UPDATED FEE INFORMATION IS LOCATED ON THE CSUSB WEBSITE: http://sfs.csusb.edu/ or at the Chancellor's Office website: www.calstate.edu/budget/student-fees/mandatory-fees/ Visit the Student Accounts web site for Fee Information at: http://sfs.csusb.edu/ NON RESIDENT AND INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS (FEE SUBJECT TO CHANGE) Nonresident tuition is an additional per unit fee. Nonresident tuition is charged in addition to fees listed for residents and applies to all nonresidents of California including international (visa) students. PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM STUDENTS (FEE SUBJECT TO CHANGE) Professional Program tuition is an additional per unit fee charged and applies to all students in the program. SPRING 2015 REGISTRATION PAYMENT DEADLINES Registration occurring from February 16 - March 9, 2015 .......................................Fees due: March 13, 2015 Open Enrollment Period: March 10 - 22, 2015......................................................Prepayment of fees required Late Registration Period: March 23 - April 24, 2015..........................Prepayment of fees with late fee required ●● All students including Financial Aid, Fee Waiver, Third Party recipients and Housing students are responsible for paying their portion of fees by payment deadline. Students that fail to meet the designated payment deadline may be administratively dropped from the term and charged the $25 non-refundable administrative fee. ●● Please note that weekend and holiday transactions record on the next business day. ●● It is the student’s responsibility to formally cancel, drop, reduce or withdraw from classes by the deadline dates. Failure to do so may result in a “balance due” on account and may prevent registration in future terms. ●● Follow navigation on the next page to view the payment deadline on MyCoyote Student Center. Fees REGISTRATION PAYMENT PROCEDURES REGISTRATION PAYMENT PROCEDURES 1. 101 Spring 2015 Access the Charges Due deadline through MyCoyote > STUDENT CENTER > FINANCE section. 2. View Due Charges and the Due Date. Click the “Make A PAYMENT” button to pay fees. Fees 102 Spring 2015 REGISTRATION PAYMENT PROCEDURES INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLAN The Installment Payment Plan (IPP) allows students to defer payment of their registration fees. The Plan is available February 16, 2015 through April 3, 2015. For more Installment Payment Plan information, go to the Student Accounts Office website at: http://sfs.csusb.edu/Installment.html If you wish to participate in this plan, the following requirements apply. ELIGIBILITY: 1. Students must be in good financial standing with the university. 2. Failure to meet all the payment due dates may cause your registration to be cancelled, late charges assessed and the forfeiture of non-refundable fees. 3. Once the IPP agreement has been accepted, students must adhere to the agreement and payment due dates. LATE REGISTRATION PAYMENT PROCEDURES Registration Fees must be pre-paid to register during the Pre-payment and Late Registration periods: ●● Late Registration begins March 23, 2015. The $25 Late Registration Fee is also a pre-payment requirement during this period. The late registration fee is assessed based on the date of registration, not when payment is received. ●● Electronic check payments can be made through the MyCoyote Self Service Portal “SB Make Payments” with no fee to the user. ●● Credit card payments accepted on-line via the MyCoyote Self Service Portal, “SB Make Payments”. Students are assessed a service charge for the convenience of using credit cards for payment. ●● Credit card payments not accepted at the Bursar's Office. ●● Payments not accepted by phone. Weekend and holiday transactions record on the next business day. THE FOLLOWING APPLIES TO ALL REGISTRATION FEES ●● Please make checks payable to “California State University, San Bernardino” for the total amount due the University. Include the student’s Coyote ID number to ensure credit applies to the correct account. ●● The Bursar’s Office accepts cash, check, ATM, money orders and Cashier’s checks. ●● Credit card payments accepted on-line through the MyCoyote Self Service Portal, “SB Make Payments”. ●● Credit card payments not accepted at the Bursar’s Office. Payments not accepted by phone. Weekend and holiday transactions record on the next business day. ●● The Bursar’s Office accepts payments during the following hours: Fees University Hall Room 35: Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Fridays from 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. REGISTRATION PAYMENT PROCEDURES 103 Spring 2015 Drop Box Payment: Students submitting payment at the campus drop box (located at the turn-around at the end of University Parkway) receive credit within two business days. Payment by Mail ●● Payment must be received by the Bursar’s Office by the designated payment deadline to prevent an administrative drop of courses. Postmarks will be disregarded. The university is not responsible for cash payments sent by mail or submitted at drop boxes. ●● Registration fees paid by check or credit card not considered valid until the bank clears the payment. Checks and credit cards not cleared by the bank, including “stop payment” checks may cancel your registration. DISHONORED CHECK AND CREDIT CARD CHARGE A $25 service fee is charged for a first dishonored check/ACH/credit card offense; all subsequent dishonored checks/ ACH/credit cards will result in a $35 service fee per offense. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure adequate funds are available to cover checks written to the university and it is the bank’s responsibility to notify students of their NSF checks. Therefore, without written notification to the student, the university will automatically apply dishonored check/ ACH/credit card charges and late registration fees to the student’s account. PURCHASING PARKING PERMITS Parking permits are available for purchase online through the Parking Services website, http://parking.csusb.edu ●● Parking permits are mailed on a weekly basis. If you have not received a permit before the first day of classes contact Parking Services or the Information Center located on Coyote Drive (Please see Campus Office Hours Parking Services/Information for hours.) STUDENT PARKING FEE REFUND ●● Visit the Parking Services website: http://parking.csusb.edu/ regarding important Parking Refund Schedule and Deadline information. ●● The parking fee is refunded after returning the parking permit issued and completing a Refund Request Form. Request is processed by the Parking Services Office. The refund request form is also available for pick up and drop off at University Hall Bursar Office, Room 35. Fees 104 Spring 2015 REGISTRATION PAYMENT PROCEDURES STUDENT FEE DEADLINE FOR CREDIT/REFUND INCLUDING NON-RES TUITION Regulations governing the refund of mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, for students enrolling at the California State University are included in 41802 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations. For purposes of the refund policy, mandatory fees are defined as those system wide fees and campus fees that are required to be paid in order to enroll in state-supported academic programs at the California State University. Refunds of fees and tuition charges for selfsupport programs at the California State University (courses offered through the College of Extended Learning) are governed by a separate policy established by the University. ●● April 3, 2015 is the deadline to cancel, drop or withdraw from all classes prior to the first day of classes including students with non-resident tuition and receive a full refund of mandatory fees, excluding non-refundable fees. ●● April 24, 2015 is the deadline to reduce units from full time to part time and receive a 100% difference in tuition fees including students with non-resident tuition. A reduction in units from full time to part time after April 14, 2014 does not create a credit or refund. ●● May 20, 2015 is the deadline to withdraw from all units and receive a pro-rated refund excluding non-refundable fees. ●● Procedure and deadline information for canceling registration and dropping classes is available in the Records, Registration and Evaluations section of the Class Schedule. ●● Note: Application, Late Registration, ID, IPP and Administrative Fees are non-refundable. For state-supported semesters, quarters and non-standard terms of course of four (4) weeks or more, a student who withdraws during the term in accordance with the university’s established procedures will receive a refund of mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, based on the portion of the term during which the student was enrolled. No student withdrawing after the 60 percent point in the term is entitled to a refund of any mandatory fees or nonresident tuition. For state-supported semesters, quarters and non-standard terms of course of less than four (4) weeks, no refunds or mandatory fees and nonresident tuition is made unless a student cancels registration, reduces units or withdraws from all classes prior to the first day in accordance with the university’s established procedures and deadlines. It is each student’s responsibility to formally withdraw from classes and meet the conditions described above to receive a refund. Please be sure to update current mailing address on MyCoyote. Refunds are typically processed within 10 business days. Registration fees paid by check or credit card not considered valid until the bank has cleared the payment. Refunds for payments made by check require a copy of the student’s canceled check; otherwise, it may take up to five weeks before Accounting receives confirmation from the State that the student’s check cleared. Information concerning any aspect of the refund of fees may be obtained from Student Accounts Office located in UH Room 34 or by phone at 909-537-5161. Fees REGISTRATION PAYMENT PROCEDURES 105 Spring 2015 Students will also receive a refund of mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition under the following circumstances: The tuition and mandatory fees were assessed or collected in error; The course for which the tuition and mandatory fees were assessed or collected was cancelled by the university; The university makes a delayed decision that the student was not eligible to enroll in the term for which mandatory fees were assessed and collected and the delayed decision was not due to incomplete or inaccurate information provided by the student; or The student was activated for compulsory military service. Students who are not entitled to a refund as described above may petition the university for a refund demonstrating exceptional circumstances. Information concerning the refund policies of California State University, San Bernardino for the return of unearned tuition and fees or other refundable portions of institutional charges is available from the Office of Accounting, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407, 909-537-5153 and through the internet at: http://sfs.csusb.edu/refundsAndDropDeadlines/index.html Basic Registration Fee and Non-Resident Tuition Refunds Review the Refund Schedule to determine eligibility dates. All refunds subject to the $25 refund processing fee. Any outstanding fees or charges usually deducted before the refund is issued. ●● A refund may be requested for the basic registration fees and tuition (if student is not a financial aid recipient) and registration of all classes is cancelled, dropped or withdrawn or the number of unit reduced to Part-time units (six or less) by the deadline according to the Refund schedule. ●● Financial Aid recipients, some or all of the credit may be returned to financial aid accounts and not directly to the student. ●● Cash or ATM refund is issued in the form of a check or direct deposit. ●● Check refund is issued in the form of a check or direct deposit once bank confirmation that the check has cleared and has been received by the university. ●● Credit card refund may be issued as a credit to the original credit card used for payment. For more information on refunds, contact Student Accounts Office (UH-34) at (909) 537-5161. Fees 106 Spring 2015 REGISTRATION PAYMENT PROCEDURES Refund Schedule for Registration Fees and Non-Resident Tuition Deadline to cancel, drop or withdraw from All units and receive 100% refund Less non-refundable fees and a $25 refund processing fee. April 3, 2015 Deadline to Reduce units and receive 100 % Tuition Fee difference between Full time to Part time fees Less non-refundable fees and $25 refund processing fee. April 24, 2015 Deadline to Withdraw from All units and receive a Prorated Refund Less non-refundable fees and a $25 refund processing fee. March 20, 2015 Number of days in quarter. 78 days ●● Withdrawal includes MEDICAL WITHDRAWAL and EDUCATIONAL LEAVE. FEES AND DEBTS OWED TO THE INSTITUTION Should a student or former student fail to pay a fee of a debt owed to the institution, the institution may “withhold permission to register, to use facilities for which a fee is authorized to be charged, to receive services, materials, food or merchandise or any combination of the above from any person owing debt” until the debt is paid (see Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Sections 42380 and 42381). Prospective students who register for courses offered by the university are obligated for the payment of fees associated with registration for those courses. Failure to cancel registration in any course for an academic term prior to the first day of the academic term gives rise to an obligation to pay student fees including any tuition for the reservation of space in the course. The institution may withhold permission to register or to receive official transcripts of grades or other services offered by the institution from anyone owing fees or another debt to the institution. If a person believes he or she does not owe all or part of an asserted unpaid obligation that person should contact the Director of Accounting. The Director of Accounting will review all pertinent information, provided by the person and other campus offices and advise the person of its conclusions. In addition the failure to pay the amount due may result in a referral of the debt to an outside collection agency and/ or credit reporting agency; offset against amounts due from the State of California; and/or legal action. The student is responsible to pay all attorney fees and court costs. Fees FINANCIAL AID DISBURSEMENT FINANCIAL AID DISBURSEMENT SPRING 2015 107 Spring 2015 Disbursements are scheduled as early as is permitted by federal regulations and are contingentonyourfilestatusandenrollment.AtCalStateSanBernardino,theearliest possibledisbursementdate eachquarteris ten(10)days priortothefirstdayofclasses (exception: Winter Quarter earliest date for disbursement begins first business day of newyear);thereafter,disbursementsoccuronaweeklybasiseachquarter. Inaddition, you must allow additional processing days for direct deposits to occur or for paper checks to be received by U.S. mail. Below is more important information about disbursements: ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR AUTOMATIC DISBURSEMENT Yourinitialfinancialaidofferisanestimateand is basedonfull-timeenrollment.The amount of funds disbursed to you is based on your financial aid file status (for example,nofinancialaidholds,filemustbecomplete,etc.) and your actualnumber of enrolledunits: You mayviewyourfilestatusonline at https://mycoyote.cms.csusb.edu/ > SelfService>StudentCenter> andthen below “Finances” click on “View Financial Aid,” then click on appropriate aid year. Ifyouareenrolledfull-time,yourfinancial aid will automatically “authorize” and “disburse” toyouraccount,e.g.12unitsundergraduate and Credential/2nd BAstudents and8unitsforgraduate students. DISBURSEMENT FOR LESS THAN FULL-TIME ENROLLMENT If you plan to be enrolled less than full-time for the 2015 Spring Quarter, some aid typesmaybeproratedtoreflectareducedunitload.Finalfinancialaidadjustments aredeterminedafterquarterlycensus: Spring 2015 – Friday, April 24, 2015 Financial Aid 108 Spring 2015 ThinkingaboutDroppingALLofyourClasses? DidyoureceiveFederaland/orStateFinancialAid? PerhapsyoushoulddosomeresearchonR2T4!!! Federal Financial Regulations are very strict concerning dropping out of all of your classes after receiving Federal and State Financial Aid (Pell, SEOG, Cal Grants, State University Grant (SUG), EOP, Middle Class Scholarship, TEACH and Loans). If you drop all classes on or prior to the 60% mark of the session, you will owe a “Return to Title IV” (R2T4) refund based on the chart of percentages below. When will the refund be due? Once your repayment has been calculated, you will have 45 days to repay the funds. You cannot repay these funds with future financial aid. You must repay the amount due prior to receiving Federal Financial Aid, again. What can I do? Make an appointment to meet with your Financial Aid Advisor. Visit the FAO in University Hall at UH-150, or call 909-537-5227 to make an appointment. Show me an example, please! Let’s say … you received a $ 1,910 Federal Grant for Spring and drop all your classes on 4/23/2015, you would owe 74.36% (or $1,420.28) back to your grant. Return to Title IV (R2T4) Sample Refund Due Chart If you Withdraw on this date … You will have to return this % of the Federal Grant you received for this term 4/04/15 98.72 % 4/20/15 78.21 % 4/23/15 74.36 % 4/30/15 65.38 % 5/08/15 55.13% 5/16/15 44.87 % 5/20/15 00.00 % Remember!! This calculation is separate and distinct from the refund of your fees calculations made by the Accounting Office. You are strongly encouraged to read the complete R2T4 Policy and Procedures on-line at http://finaid.csusb.edu/applyAid/refundsTitle4Funds.html Financial Aid SUMMER FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE Please visit our web site for more information http://finaid.csusb.ed 109 Spring 2015 110 Spring 2015 Federal Pell Grants for Teaching Credential Students Students working towards a teacher certification program and have not previously earned a post-baccalaureate degree may be eligible for a Pell Grant for a maximum of 48 attempted units. Student must be enrolled in at least six Pell eligible units and be making satisfactory academic progress. The annual amounts range from $602 to $5,730 for the 2014-2015 academic year. The award amount is determined based on the student's Expected Family Contribution (EFC), the cost of education and the student's enrollment status. All teaching credential students automatically apply for this grant by submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Please visit the Financial Aid Office website at http://finaid.csusb.edu for additional information and a list of Pell eligible credential courses. Financial Aid PARKING INFORMATION PARKING INFORMATION Spring Quarter 2015 111 Spring 2015 IMPORTANT INFORMATION http://parking.csusb.edu/index.html Parking permits will no longer be available for purchase from the Parking Services Office (UH-039) or the Bursar Office in University Hall. PARKING INFORMATION Parking rules and regulations are designed to provide orderly parking for students, faculty, staff and visitors. Enforcement is meant to protect pedestrians and to ensure emergency access to all buildings. We will make every effort to ensure a parking space is available to anyone who purchases a parking permit through enforcement of these regulations. If you have any questions please contact us at (909) 537-5912. PARKING PERMITS Daily parking permits can be purchased at the following locations: University Parkway Lot A & Lot A extension Sierra Drive Serrano Village Drive Coyote Drive Parking Structure East Parking Structure West Median between Lots E & F Lot G Lot L Information Center (University Parkway ) Information Center-Coyote Drive MOTORCYCLE PARKING Parking permits are not issued for motorcycles. After paying the parking fee, a “Request to Not Display a Parking Permit” form should be completed and submitted along with a copy of your payment receipt to Parking Services, Bursar Offices, Information Centers or online at http://parking.csusb.edu/index.html. Parking Permits are required 24 hours a day 7 days a week VEHICLE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM If your keys have been locked in your car or you need a battery jump, please contact the University Police Department for assistance at (909) 537-5165. 112 Spring 2015 PARKING FREQUENTLY A SKED QUESTIONS PARKING FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Below are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding parking regulations at Below are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding parking regulations at CSUSB. If your specific CSUSB.isIfnot your specific question is not addressed, please call Parking Services at (909) question addressed, please call Parking Services at (909) 537-5912. 537-5912. Questions Where can I purchase a parking permit? When are permits required? Is there a grace period when parking permits are not required? I am using Internet Explorer and cannot access the online parking permit website. I did not receive a temporary parking permit after buying my permit online. I paid for my parking permit online and it has not arrived in the mail. What should I do? If I paid for a parking permit, I can park wherever I want, right? I only have a couple of classes a week; can I just pay for a daily parking permit? Answers Parkingpermitsareonlyavailableforpurchaseonlineat http://parking.csusb.edu/ Youmayhavethepermit mailedtoyouorchoosetopickitupinperson. A temporaryprintablepermitwillbeissuedatthetimeof yourpurchase.Parkingpermitswillnolongerbe availableforpurchasefromthe ParkingServicesOffice (UH-039)ortheBursarOffice in UniversityHall. Permits are required for parking on campus at all times – 24 hours a day 7 days a week. No. Thereisnograceperiod.Permitsarerequiredfor parkingoncampusatalltimes- 24hoursaday 7days aweek. YourInternetExplorersettingsmayneedtobeadjusted. Pleasefollowtheinstructionsformodifyingthesettingsin InternetExplorer. Youshouldhavereceivedanemailfrom [email protected] inyourMyCoyoteemail account. Thisemailwillserveasyourtemporarypermit untiltheexpiration date listed.If youdidnotreceivethe emailpleasecontactParkingServicesat [email protected] torequest acopyofyour temporarypermit. Pleaseensureyourmailingaddressonmycoyoteis correct.Ifnot,pleasecontact theParkingServices Officeat(909)537-5912. No. Parkingpermitsallowstudentstoparkinstudent spaces.Theydonotguaranteetheavailabilityofa parkingspace.Theinabilitytolocateaparkingspaceis notavalidjustificationforparkingillegally.Yourparking permitmustbeproperlydisplayedinplain,fullview,with numbersanddatesclearlyvisible. Yes. Youcanpurchaseadailyparkingpermitfromany oneofthe following permitdispensers: UniversityParkway,LotA,LotAextension,SierraDrive, SerranoVillageDrive,CoyoteDrive,ParkingStructure East,ParkingStructureWest,MedianbetweenLotsE& F,LotG,LotL,InformationCenter(UniversityParkway) andInformationCenter(CoyoteDrive) PARKING FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 113 Spring 2015 Below are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding parking regulations at CSUSB. If your specific question is not addressed, please call Parking Services at (909) 537-5912. Questions I ride a motorcycle. Do I have to pay to park? I have a disabled placard. Do I have to purchase a parking permit? If I lose my parking permit, can I get another one free of charge? Why are there never any parking spaces available at CSUSB? Is there carpooling available at CSUSB? I left my headlights on. How can I get a battery jump? I locked my keys in my car. What shall I do? I received a parking citation. Now what do I do? What happens if a citation is not paid? How do I pay a citation online? Answers Yes. Afterpayingthemotorcycle-parkingfee,a “Request to Not Display a Parking Permit” form shouldbecompleted.Thisrequiresthedrivertoregister his/hermotorcyclewiththeParkingServices Departmentonaquarterlybasis.Forpay-by-day parking,pleasestopatoneoftheInformationCenters. Yes. Inadditiontohavingavalidplacardproperly displayedoralicenseplatethatsignifiesthatyouare disabled,yourvehiclemustdisplayacurrentCSUSB parkingpermit.Misuse of disabled parking privileges will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. No. Parkingpermitsarepersonalproperty.Parking permitsmaybepurchasedonlineat http://parking.csusb.edu/index.html Parkinginoneparticularplacemaynotbeavailableat alltimes.Parkingisavailableatthefollowinglocations: LotA,LotB,LotBAnnex,LotC,LotD,LotE,LotF, LotG,LotH,LotLandParkingStructuresEastand West. Alternativetransportationisalsoavailable(i.e.walk, carpoolwithfriends,takethebus,orrideabicycle). ContactCommuterServicesat(909)537-7433formore informationaboutalternativetransportation. PleasecontacttheUniversityPoliceat(909)537-5165 andprovidethefollowinginformation:locationofvehicle (mustbeonUniversitygrounds),descriptionofvehicle (make,modelandcolor)andlicenseplatenumber. Assistancewith vehicleunlocksisprovided7daysa week.PleasecontacttheUniversityPoliceat (909)537-5165andprovidetheinformationlisted above. If you believe the citation was issued in error,youmay contestthecitation.Followthe“Review”instructionson thebackofthecitation.You have twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of the citation to submit an Administrative Review Request. If a citation is not paid or appealed within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of issue,latefeeswill beapplied.Aholdmaybeplaceonyourstudent account,andanyunpaidcitationswilleventuallyshow onyourDepartmentofMotorVehiclerenewalforyour vehicle. Citationsmaybepaidonline at https://csusb.t2hosted.com/cmn/index.aspx. 114 Spring 2015 TESTING OFFICE The Testing Office provides information and administration for a variety of campus, state and national exams. Please visit our website: www.ugs.csusb.edu/testing/ Contact Information Sarah Brewer Test Officer Billy Sahachartsiri Test Coordinator Location: Phone: FAX: Email: 5500 University Pkwy, UH-368 San Bernardino, CA 92407 (909) 537-5045 (909) 537-7187 testing @csusb.edu Exams currently offered at CSUSB: ACT (Institutional) CLA (Collegiate Learning Assessment) EPT (English Placement Test) ELM (Entry Level Mathematics Test) iSkills Assessment LSAT (Law School Admissions Test) MPRE (Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination) TEAS (Nursing Admission exam) U.S. Constitution, U.S. History and California State and Local Government Exams WREE (Writing Requirement Exemption Exam) Proctoring Services for Distance Learning Students are also Available. Please note: The Learning Center, UH 351 – (909) 537-5038, administers make-up exams for on campus courses. 109 UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC ADVISING 115 Spring 2015 California State University San Bernardino is full of resources designed to ensure that students have the opportunity to meet their full potential. Advising is one of those resources. During advising sessions students are encouraged to ask questions regarding major specific scholarships, internships, career goals as well as discussing course selection. If you are wondering how your department handles advising visit the campus advising website (http://advising.csusb.edu) and plan to work with your advisor on a quarterly basis. Students are encouraged to meet with advisors at least once a quarter. Be sure to print your Program Advising Worksheet (PAWS) and bring it with you to all advising sessions. STEPPING INTO SUCCESS 1. Review the campus Bulletin - Although your advisor is always happy to help, the Bulletin lists all campus policies. Be sure that you use this as your reference guide as it will be your responsibility to stay abreast of important deadlines and requirements. 2. Print your Program Advising Worksheet (PAWS) - Your PAWS is your guide to which courses need to be completed for graduation be sure you are using this each time you and your advisor select courses. 3. Register for classes - This is done through your MyCoyote account. Be sure to click the “Finish Enrolling” button for all courses selected. It is a good habit to review your class schedule immediately after you register for classes or alter your class schedule. Please remember it is your responsibility to drop any unwanted classes. Do not assume that instructors will drop you. 4. Check your campus email regularly - This is the campus” primary method of communicating with students. If you are unsure what your campus email address is listed as call the Help Desk (909) 537-7677. 5 Make connections - This is a wonderful opportunity to consider getting a mentor. The campus offers such a program; all you have to do is ask (http://www.ugs.csusb.edu/mentor/). Advising and Academic Services * University Hall 380* (909) 537-5034 or (909) 537-5035 116 Spring 2015 ELM & EPT TESTING INFORMATION All new students for Spring Quarter, 2015 must take the ELM/EPT (if necessary) prior to registering for the appropriate Mathematics and English classes for Spring Quarter, 2015, per CSU Executive Order 665. If you have a hold in Mathematics and/or English basic skills for Spring Quarter 2015, you must complete the following: ► Take the ELM (Entry Level Mathematics) and the EPT (English Placement Test); ► ► Register for the appropriate mathematics and English course based on your placement test scores; ► You must continue to register every quarter for both Mathematics and English courses until you have completed the General Education basic skills requirements. Academic regulations in the Bulletin state that “Students must complete the remediation in the Mathematics and English composition during the first year of enrollment. Failure to meet these requirements will result in the ending of matriculation at CSUSB”. If you do not take the ELM and/or EPT and do not enroll in a mathematics or English course you will be denied access for Spring Quarter 2015. SPRING QUARTER 2015 ELM/EPT TEST SCHEDULE TEST DATE REGISTRATION DEADLINE 2/14/15 1/30/15 3/21/15 3/06/15 4/11/15 3/27/15 HOW DO I REGISTER FOR THE ELM/EPT? Registration website is www.ets.org/csu HOW DO I KNOW WHICH MATH OR ENGLISH COURSE TO TAKE ONCE I RECEIVE THE RESULTS OF MY ELM AND EPT PLACEMENT TESTS? Contact Eloise Warnell ELM/EPT Basic Skills Compliance Coordinator in Advising & Academic Services University Hall, Room 380 (909) 537-5034 E-mail address: [email protected] ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT CONTACT LISTING From off-campus, dial (909) 53 +[extension]. Bldg. & Room Extension Number COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS (BA) UH-23775800 American Studies UH-237 75800 Arabic Language, Literature and Culture CH-314 75847 Art VA-105 77448 Plan I (Art Education) Plan II (Studio Art) * Plan III (Art History) * Plan IV (Graphic Design) * Plan V (Graphic Design & Marketing) Communication UH-018 75815 Human Communication Intercultural Communication * Mass Communication Public Argumentation and Rhetoric Public Relations * English * Creative Writing UH-334 75824 Linguistics Literature French - FLAGS * UH-201.38 77104 Business French and Francophone Studies Teacher German ** UH-314 75847 Japanese ** UH-314 75847 Latin American Studies ** UH-201.44 75858 Liberal Studies - PALS CE-114 75482 (Peer Advising in Liberal Studies) Music PA-111 75859 Music Education Performance/Commercial Music Composition General Music Studies Music Technology Musical Theatre Ethnomusicology Music History Philosophy * UH-339 75869 Spanish * UH-201.25 75850 Business Communication Hispanic Culture Studies Hispanic Literature, Language and Civilization Theatre Arts* PA-111 75876 Acting Dance Design/Technical Drama Education Musical Theatre COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (BA/BS) Accounting and Finance Accounting * Accounting Information Systems Business Economics Finance * Financial Planning Real Estate JB-27875700 JB-459 75704 SB-327 75511 117 Spring 2015 Bldg. & Room Number Extension JB-460 75723 Information and Decision Sciences Cyber Security Information Systems and Technology Supply Chain and Transportation Management * Management JB-461 Entrepreneurial Management * Human Resources Management International Business Management * Marketing JB-458 Marketing Sports and Entertainment Marketing Public Administration * JB-456 Undeclared JB-134 75731 75749 75758 73386 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION BA/BS CE-22175600 Career and Technical Studies (B.A.)CE-319/321 75637/75679 Career and Technical Studies (B.S.) CE-331/32175637/75679 CREDENTIAL CANDIDATES Basic Programs (Teacher Education) Multiple Subject CE-102 75603/75650 Multiple Subject Bilingual, Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) Multiple Subject Credential and Multiple Subject Credential with Bilingual Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development Emphasis (BCLAD) (Intern Track) Single Subject Single Subject (Intern Track) CE-102 75603/75650 Designated Subjects (Vocational and Adult Education) CE-321 75637/75290 Preliminary Level I Education Specialist Credential: Early Childhood Special Education with EL Authorization CE-102 77406 Preliminary Education Specialist Credential: Mild to Moderate Disabilities with EL Authorization CE-102 77406 Internship Education Specialist Credential: Early Childhood Special Education with EL Authorization CE-102 77406 Preliminary Level I Education Specialist Credential: Mild/Moderate Disabilities with EL Authorization CE-102 77406 Preliminary Education Specialist Credential: Moderate to Severe Disabilities with EL Authorization CE-102 77406 Internship Education Specialist Credential: Mild/Moderate Disabilities with EL Authorization CE-102 77406 Preliminary Level I Education Specialist Credential: Moderate/Severe Disabilities with EL Authorization CE-102 77406 Preliminary Education Specialist Credential: Early Childhood Special Education with EL Authorization CE-102 77406 118 Spring 2015 ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT CONTACT LISTING From off-campus, dial (909) 53 +[extension]. Bldg. & Room Number Extension Internship Education Specialist Credential: Moderate/Severe Disabilities with EL Authorization CE-102 77406 Autism Spectrum Disorder Added Authorization in Special Education CE-102 77406 Early Childhood Special Education CE-102 77406 Added Authorization CE-102 77406 Authorization in Adapted Physical Education HP-202 77234 Specialist and Services Credentials Administrative Services Preliminary CE-374 77404 Administrative Services Preliminary (Internship) Administrative Services Professional Professional Clear Level II Education Specialist Credential: Early Childhood Special Education CE-102 77406 Professional Clear Level II Education Specialist Credential: Mild/Moderate Disabilities CE-102 77406 Professional Clear Level II Education Specialist Credential: Moderate/Severe Disabilities CE-102 77406 Specialist and Services Credentials Pupil Personnel Services: School Counseling Pupil Personnel Services: School Psychology Reading/Language Arts Specialist School Nurse Supervision and Coordination of Designated Subjects Programs COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCES (BA/BS) BI-10775300 Astronomy (See Physics) PS-119 75397 Bioinformatics Biology * BI-302 75305 Pre-Med Ecology and Evolution Chemistry and Biochemistry * CS-204 75318 Biochemistry CS-204 75318 Computer Engineering Computer Science * JB-307A 75326 Geology * BI-113A 75336 Environmental Geology Health Science * PS-226 75339 Environmental Health Science Health Care Management * Public Health Education Kinesiology and Physical Education * HP-120C 75349 Exercise Science Pedagogy Pre-Physical Therapy Mathematics * JB-370 75361 Teachers Nursing HP-215 75380 Nursing - R.N. Nutrition and Food Sciences* PS-226 75340 Physics* PS-119 75397 Applied Physics * Bldg. & Room Number Extension COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (BA) SB-20777500 Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC) FO-144 75440 Anthropology * SB-327 75502 Criminal Justice * SB-209 75506 Crime Analysis Paralegal Studies * Economics * SB-451 75511 Political Economy Geography/Environmental Studies* SB-327 75519 Global Studies History * SB-327 75524 Public and Oral History SB-327 77555 Military Science (Army ROTC) FO-125 75533 Political Science * SB-112 75535 Psychology SB-425 75570 Biological Psychology Social Sciences SB-207 77500 Social Work SB-423 75501 Sociology * SB-327 75541 Social Service SPECIAL MAJOR (BA) UH-35275032 MASTER'S DEGREE CANDIDATES IN: 77448 Accountancy, M.S. JB-282 75703 Art, M.A. VA-105 75802 Biology, M.S. BI-329 75305 Business Administration, M.B.A. JB-282 75703 Accounting Cyber Security Entrepreneurship Executive Finance Global Business Information Systems and Technology Marketing Management Professionals Supply Chain Management Child Development, M.A. SB-425 75570 Communication Studies, M.A. UH-018 75815 Integrated Marketing Communication Computer Science, M.S. JB-307 75326 Counseling and Guidance, M.S. CE-243 75606 Creative Writing, M.F.A. UH-334 75824 Fiction, Poetry Criminal Justice, M.A. SB-209 75506 Earth and Environmental Sciences, M.S. CS-204/BI-122A 75318/75336 Education, M.A., Options in: Bilingual/Cross-Cultural Education CE-249 75622 Career and Technical Education UH-401.07 75287 Correctional and Alternative Education Curriculum and Instruction CE-102 75650/75603 Environmental Education Holistic and Integrative Education Instructional Technology CE-326 75692 Kinesiology HP-120 75349 ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT CONTACT LISTING From off-campus, dial (909) 53 +[extension]. Reading/Language Arts Science Education Special Education Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Educational Administration, M.A. English Composition, M.A. English Composition English Literature Applied Linguistics Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Health Services Administration, M.S. Interdisciplinary Studies, M.A. Mathematics, M.A., M.A.T. National Security Studies, M.A. Nursing, M.S. School Nurses Psychology, M.A., General-Experimental Psychology Psychology, M.S. Clinical/Counseling Psychology Industrial/Organizational Psychology Public Administration, M.P.A. Public Health, M.P.H. Rehabilitation Counseling, M.A. Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education, M.S. Social Sciences, M.A. Social Work, M.S.W. Spanish, M.A. Studio Art and Design, M.F.A. Theatre Arts, M.A. DOCTORAL DEGREE CANDIDATES IN: Education Leadership, Ed. D. Bldg. & Room Extension Number 75642 CE-335 75613 CE-102 7740 CE-246 75658 CE-374 77621/77404 UH-334 75824 HP-233 CH-123 JB-370 SB-112 HP-215 75393 75058 75361 75534 75380 SB-425 75570 JB-456 75758 CE-233 75606 CE-335 SB-327 SB-423 UH-314 VA-105 PA-111 75613 75524 75501 75847 75802 75876 CE-385 75651 CERTIFICATE/MINOR PROGRAMS Accounting JB-459 Anthropology SB-327J Applied Cultural Anthropology SB-327J Applied Physics PS-119 Arabic UH-314 Archaeology SB-327J Art History VA-105 Asian Studies UH-314 Bilingual/Cross-Cultural Studies Spanish/English UH-314 Biology BI-329 Biotechology BI-329 Business Administration JB-278 Business Information Mapping JB-460 Business Skills for the Artist VA-105 Chemistry CS-204 Chicano(a)/Latino(a) Studies, Ethnic Studies SB-207 Coaching HP-120 Communication UH-018 Communication Skills UH-018 75704 75502 75502 75397 75847 75502 75802 75847 75847 75305 75305 75700 75723 75802 75318 77500 75349 75815 75815 119 Spring 2015 Bldg. & Room Number Extension Community Mental Health PS-226 75339 Computer Science JB-307 75326 Computer Systems and Programming JB-307 75326 Criminal Justice SB-209 75506 Economics SB-451 75511 Education CE-221 73600 English UH-334 75824 Entrepreneurship JB-461 75731 Environmental Studies SB-327J 75519 Ethnic Studies SB-207 77500 Film Studies UH-018 75815 Finance JB-459 75704 Fitness Management HP-120 75349 French UH-314 75847 French/English Translation UH-314 75847 Gender and Sexuality Studies CE-226 75655 SB-207 77502 Geographic Information Systems SB-327J 75519 Geography SB-327J 75519 Geography - Global Studies SB327J 75519 Geology PS-219(F), BI-113A (WS) 75336 German UH-314 75847 German/English Translators UH-314 75847 Gerontology SB-327 75541 Graphic Design-Print VA-105 75802 Graphic Design-Web VA-105 75802 Health Care Management PS-226 75339 Health Science PS-226 75339 History SB-327F 75524 Holistic and Integrative Education CE-254 75678 Human Resources JB-461 75731 Human Resources Management JB-461 75731 Informational Systems and Technology JB-460 75723 Information Systems Management JB-460 75723 Intercultural Communication UH-018 75815 International Business JB-461 75731 International Relations SB-112 75535/75534 Introductory Actuarial Science JB-370 75361 Introductory Mathematics JB-380 75361 Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies SB-327F 75524 Japanese UH-314 75847 Jazz Studies PA-111 75859 Kinesiology HP-120 75349 Latin American Studies UH-201.44 75858 Management JB-461 75731 Marketing JB-458 75749 Mathematics JB-370 75361 Museum Studies SB-327J 75502 Music PA-111 75859 Native Nations/Indigenous People SB-207 77500 Nutrition and Food Sciences PS-226 75339 Paralegal Studies SB-209 75506 Philosophical Logic UH-339 75869 Philosophy UH-339 75869 Philosophy, Policy, and Economics SB-451 75511 UH-339 75869 SB-112 75535 Physics PS-119 75397 Political Economy SB-451 75511 Political Science SB-112 75535 Pre-Law SB-112 75535 120 Spring 2015 ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT CONTACT LISTING From off-campus, dial (909) 53 +[extension]. Bldg. & Room Number Extension Psychology SB-425 75570 Public Administration JB-456 45758 Public Relations UH-018 75815 Puppetry PA-111 75876 Real Estate JB-278 75700 Recording Arts PA-111 75859 Recreation HP-120 75349 Recreation Leadership HP-120 75349 Script Writing PA-111 75876 Social Services SB-327 75541 Sociology SB-327 75541 Spanish UH-314 75847 Spanish for Public Services UH-314 75847 Sports and Entertainment Marketing JB-458 75749 Sports Management JB-461 75731 Studio Art VA-105 75802 Supply Chain Management JB-460 75723 Teaching Basic Mathematics JB-370 75361 Theatre Arts PA-111 75876 Theatre for Youth PA-111 75876 Urban Planning SB-327J 75519 Writing: Creative Writing UH-334 75824 Writing: Professional Writing UH-334 75824 The following certificates are restricted to postbaccalaureate/ graduate students only: Conflict Management UH-018 JB-461 Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD) CE-102 E-Learning CE-335 Early Childhood Special Education CE-243 Education of the Gifted and Talented CE-243 Educational Technology CE-335 Environmental Education PL-279 Holistic and Integrative Education CE-261 Intelligence Methodology SB-112 Reading/Language Arts CE-261 Rehabilitation Counseling CE-243 School Business Management CE-374 Teaching English as a Second LanguageUH-334 75815 75731 75650 75290 75606 75606 75290 75640 77405 75534 77405 75606 77404 75824 PRE-PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS Pre-Dentistry BI-329/PS-21975305/75318 Pre-Engineering PS-119 75397 Pre-Law VA-112/SB-11375535/75549 Pre-Medicine BI-329/PS-21975305/75318 Pre-Pharmacy BI-329/PS-21975305/75318 Pre-Veterinary BI-329 75305 * Majors have been approved for subject matter competency for the Single Subject (Secondary) Teaching Credential ** Minor only Bldg. & Room Number Extension GENERAL INFORMATION Accounting, Bursar University Hall - Room 35 (909) 537-5157 http://sfs.csusb.edu Other Fees Additional fees listed below are not included with registration fees. Graduate Professional Fee per unit .....................$169.00 Dishonored Check/Credit Card ................... $25.00-35.00 Change of Major *.....................................................$6.00 Minor Request* (add, change or drop)......................$4.00 Commencement Fee...............................................$50.00 Credential Fee (Contact Credentials Office VA-127) Enrollment Verification **...........................................$4.00 Coyote OneCard (Replacement) ........................... $10.00 Library Fees (Posted at Library Circulation Desk) Lost Document Replacement, each..........................$2.00 Master’s Degree Thesis (Contact the Office of the Dean, Graduate Programs, AD-127) Parking Permits ...................................................$102.00 Motorcycle Parking Fee*** .................................... $69.00 IPP Late Payment Fee (failure to pay by deadline).$25.00 IPP Installment Plan Fee.........................................$22.00 Refund Request Administrative Fee........................$25.00 Enrollment Cancellation Fee (When dropped for nonpayment).........................$25.00 Enrollment Confirmation Deposit.......................... $100.00 Emergency Loan Processing Fee...........................$25.00 Emergency Loan Late Fee..................................... $25.00 Graduate Orientation Fee........................................$82.00 Emergency Loan Processing Fee...........................$25.00 Graduation Check/Diploma: First filing of Graduation Check by Deadline *........ $25.00 First filing of Graduation Check after Deadline *.... $45.00 Refiling of Graduation Check by Deadline *........... $20.00 Refiling of Graduation Check after Deadline *........ $40.00 Diploma Replacement (each)*............................... $25.00 Certified Letter of Completion*............................... $10.00 Letter of Intent to Graduate (during final term)*...... $10.00 Certificate Program Application*............................. $25.00 Transcript of Academic Records: Initial Fee for ONE transcript ....................................$6.00 Additional transcripts*........................... Add $3.00 each *Ordered & Prepared at the same time With RUSH Service .............................. Add $8.00 each Parking permits may be purchased online by visiting: http://parking.csusb.edu Fees listed below may be included with registration fees. Freshman Orientation Fee......................................$65.00 121 Spring 2015 Freshman Orientation Overnight.............................$85.00 SOAR Administration Fee (Cancellation)................$25.00 SOAR Lost Key Fee................................................$25.00 Registration Late Fee begins March 23, 2015 .......$25.00 * Fee applies to each major, concentration, plan, option, track, specialty, program, minor, etc. ** Additional verifications same as transcripts. *** Motorcycle permits are no longer issued. All motorcycle riders who purchase parking for the quarter must register their motorcycle with the Parking Services Department. You will need your motorcycle license plate number and a copy of your parking permit receipt. PLEASE NOTE: The University will not issue transcripts to the student, another educational institution or a third party if there is a transcript hold in place. The student has the right to discuss the matter with the department representative who placed the hold on Academic Records. Commencement http://commencement.csusb.edu/ Commencement Participation in commencement is voluntary. Contact the college of your major for days and times, or visit our website. In order to participate in commencement candidates must file a graduation check. Students who do not file graduation checks within the specified time period may still participate in commencement, but will not have their names included in the Commencement Program. Information will be sent to all eligible students through their Coyote email for commencement exercises. Students are required to register online and pay a $50 commencement fee to participate in commencement. Fees are not refundable. For more information, visit the commencement Web site at http://commencement.csusb.edu Masters Students In order to participate in commencement, students completing a master’s degree must file a grad check AND meet the eligibility requirements specified by their program. For the specific requirements, students should consult their program coordinator or go to http://gradstudies.csusb.edu. 122 Spring 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION Creative Media Services (909) 537-5064, PL 005 http://acm.csusb.edu/ Coyote OneCard The Coyote OneCard serves as the official California State University campus ID card and provides proof of University employment and/or enrollment. The Coyote OneCard offers access to privileges exclusive to the campus community. For detailed information regarding the Coyote OneCard, please visit our website http://acm.csusb.edu/ onecard Or call us at (909) 537-5064. Our office is located in the basement of the Pfau Library PL-005. Hours: 8 am - 9 pm Monday - Thursday 8 am - 5 pm - Friday By request: Saturday/Sunday Call ext. 77677 for assistance 9 am - 12 noon 1 pm - 5 pm Student Affairs (909) 537-5185, UH 231 http://studentaffairs.csusb.edu/ Children's Center (909) 537-5928 The campus Children's Center (located near Sierra Hall) provides an early childhood educational program for children (ages 3 to 12 years) for CSUSB students, faculty, staff, and community. For information on eligibility requirements, enrollment priorities, fees, and waiting list procedures, call the Children's Center office (909) 537-5928 or 537-5000 ext. 3828. Child care is available 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. on Fridays. (Hours subject to change.) Privacy Rights of Students All student records are maintained by the university in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act which allows students to have access to inspect their records. Any student who does not want the university to release directory information from records (i.e., address, telephone, email address, major, activities, awards, unit load, degrees, previous school attended) can go to MyCoyote/Personal Information/Privacy Setting to update the privacy flag. For further information about this federal regulation and privacy of student records, contact the Office of Registrar, UH-171. Student Affairs Office of the Registrar (909) 537-5200, UH 171 http://registrar.csusb.edu/ Change of Major In order to declare or change a major, add a concentration, track, option, or plan, students must submit a Change of Major form with the Office of the Registrar. Students will be held to the major requirements for the catalog year in which the Change of Major is submitted. Students changing concentrations within the same major will be allowed to remain under their original catalog. Dual concentrations within the same major will require approval from the Department Chair. A processing fee of $6.00 will be charged for each change or addition. An updated PAWS* reflecting the change or addition will be available to view and print approximately two weeks after the form has been submitted by going to: https://mycoyote.csusb.edu *If you are a new student and have not yet received notification (via campus email) of your completed PAWS, note that you will not be able to view an updated PAWS reflecting the major/minor changes (or additions) until your PAWS is completed. Non Academic Grievance Concurrent Enrollment Information and forms concerning non-academic grievances against the University and its employees by a student may be obtained from the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, UH-231; Vice Presidents' offices; Ombuds Services Office; and, college Deans' offices. A grievance or complaint must be filed no later than 20 work days after the end of the academic quarter in which the most recently alleged act occurred. These policies can also be accessed at: http://policies.csusb. edu/studgriev.htm Once a student has matriculated at this university, transfer courses will only be accepted for credit if the courses have prior approval on the Concurrent Enrollment for Equivalent Transfer Course(s) form. Students attending CSUSB on I-20 visas are not eligible for concurrent enrollment at community colleges. They may, however participate in the CSU Intrasystem Concurrent Enrollment Program or the UCR/CSUSB Cross Registration Program but must be concurrently enrolled in (and complete) at least 12 units at CSUSB and may only enroll in upper-division courses that are not offered at CSUSB. GENERAL INFORMATION For more information, see Intrasystem and Intersystem Enrollment Programs or UCR/CSUSB Cross Registration Program in the Bulletin of Courses. CSU Intrasystem Program Students wishing to enroll at another CSU may do so under the Intrasystem Program as either a CSU Concurrent Enrollment student, or a CSU Visitor student. Consult the Bulletin of Courses for further information. Graduation Requirement Check Students must request a graduation requirement check at the Office of the Registrar (UH 171) prior to the end of the term of their expected graduation. To avoid late fees, the graduation check should be filed by the established deadlines. Note that the deadline is the first business day of the months listed below. To be eligible to file the grad check, undergraduate students must have completed 135 quarter units towards their degree. This may include current work in progress. Filing Date January 2015 February 2015 May 2015 November 2015 Graduation Term Summer Quarter 2015 Fall Quarter 2015 Winter Quarter 2016 Spring Quarter 2016 The fee for filing the grad check is $25 per major, minor, concentration, option, plan, specialty or track. If the grad check is filed after the deadline, an additional $20 late fee, per major, minor, concentration, option, plan, specialty or track will be charged. Students who do not complete the requirements in the term for which the grad check was filed, must re-file and pay a $20 re-file fee for a second grad check, per major, minor, concentration, option, plan, specialty or track. If the re-filed grad check is filed after the deadline date, an additional $20 late fee, per major, minor, concentration, option, plan, specialty or track, will be charged. Access to subsequent registration will not be allowed until the grad check has been re-filed. The Office of the Registrar will mail the official Graduation Requirement Check to the address listed on the Grad Check request form. Transcript Requests Fees for transcripts are payable in advance. All transcripts will be complete as of the date of issuance showing all work attempted at the California State University, San Bernardino. Copies are normally mailed within two to four business days after receipt of request. However, if the request specifies inclusion of grades just earned 123 Spring 2015 or verification of a degree just awarded, two or three weeks must be allowed beyond the end of the quarter for a transcript to be issued. No transcript will be released if there is a transcript service indicator hold. The student is responsible for resolving the hold prior to submitting a transcript request. Otherwise, the transcript request will be returned to the student by mail. For more information about ordering transcripts please call (909) 537-5268, option 1, or go on line to http://registrar.csusb. edu/records/request_transcript.html Student Health and Psychological Counseling Center (909) 537-5241, HC 102 http://healthcenter.csusb.edu/ Measles/Rubella, Hepatitis B, and Meningitis Immunization Policy All new students and students applying for re-admission born after January 1, 1957 must present proof of measles and rubella immunizations to the Student Health Center. The Hepatitis B vaccine series is required of first time enrollees under the age of 19. However, you may be exempt for both of these requirements, if you’ve graduated from a California Public School during or after 2005. Meningitis (Menactra) vaccine is highly recommended for students living on campus. Measles/Rubella This vaccine is usually referred to as the Measles, Mumps, & Rubella immunization or MMR. For currently enrolled students who are unable to obtain acceptable proof of the immunization, the Student Health Center will provide the immunization. Hepatitis B If you do not have proof of the Hepatitis B series (3 vaccinations) these are also available. Meningitis This is not a required immunization for registration; merely highly recommended for students living in the dorms. Please Note: There are fees for each of the immunizations. If you’d like to receive any of the above immunizations from the Student Health Center, please call (909) 5375241 or visit https://coyotehealth.csusb.edu/ to schedule an appointment. If you have health insurance, we recommend that you check to see if these vaccines are covered under your health plan and if so, obtain the vaccines at your private providers’ office. For specific information or 124 Spring 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION if you have questions about the required immunizations, please call the Immunization Hotline at (909) 537-7356, visit us at http://healthcenter.csusb.edu/, or call the Student Health Center at (909) 537-5241. Non-Smoking Policy Smoking is prohibited on all CSUSB property and in all indoor and outdoor spaces owned, leased, licensed, or otherwise controlled by CSUSB, with the exception of designated smoking areas. from courses that are open only to declared majors in that program. To remain in such classes, permission of the instructor may be required. It is important to note that neither undergraduate students nor graduate students should assume that the instructor will process an administrative drop. Students are responsible for making sure that they are enrolled only in those classes they intend to complete. Attending Classes California State University, San Bernardino (909) 537-5000, 5500 University Parkway http://www.csusb.edu/ Course Numbering System 1-99 Nondegree-applicable credit. 100-299 Lower-division courses designed primarily for freshmen and sophomores. Graduate credit is not allowed. 300-599 Upper-division courses of junior and senior level; graduate credit may be awarded if course is accepted in a specific graduate program. 600-699 Courses for postbaccalaureate and graduate students only. May not be taken by undergraduates. 700-799 Courses for doctoral candidates only. 990-999 Special comprehensive exams, projects, units not awarded. Undergraduate Studies (909) 537-5032, UH 352 http://www-ugs.csusb.edu/ Administrative Drop Faculty members may initiate an administrative drop of a student in their courses based on any one of the following criteria. Lack of attendance: Students who fail to attend two consecutive class meetings during the first three weeks of the term without contacting the faculty member or making special arrangements may be dropped. Prerequisites not met: Students who are unable to show completion of required courses or who do not have the background needed to succeed in the course may be dropped. Not admitted to the major: Students who have not been formally admitted to certain major programs will be dropped 1. No student may attend classes until his/her registration has been completed. 2. Regular attendance is expected of all students enrolled at the university. The instructor of each class sets specific standards expected of students. 3. A student absent from class is responsible for arranging to make up missed class work and assignments if the instructor of the class allows for such make-up work to be done. Auditing Courses Enrollment in any course as an auditor shall be permitted only after students otherwise eligible to enroll in the course on a credit basis have had an opportunity to do so and only upon consent of the instructor. Auditors are subject to the same fee structure as credit students, and regular class attendance is expected. Credit for courses audited will not subsequently be granted on the basis of the audit. Transcripts are not issued for audited courses. Once enrolled as an auditor, a student may not change to credit status unless such a change is requested within the first week of class and is approved by the instructor. Students registered for credit may change their status from that of an enrolled student to that of an auditor with the approval of the instructor concerned and within the first three weeks of class. Forms for such changes may be obtained at the Office of the Registrar in University Hall 171. Course Overload Permits In order to exceed the maximum units allowed per quarter, a student may request permission to overload units (Course Overload Permit) with the College Dean of the students’ major. In order to be considered, students must be eligible by having both a grade average for the previous term of 3.0 or better and an overall grade-point average of 3.0 or better. Approved Course Overload Permits will be accepted at the Office of Registrar beginning on the first GENERAL INFORMATION day of late registration, for processing. Additional registration and tuition fees must be paid and HOLDS must be cleared PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A REQUEST TO OVERLOAD FOR PROCESSING. To enroll with an overload, follow these steps: 1. Obtain the approvals (signature) of the instructor and department Chair (of the course) for the course that will constitute the overload if the class is closed. If the class is open for enrollment, and prior to classes starting, proceed to step two (2). Closed courses without an instructor’s and Chair’s approval will not be added to your class schedule. Courses are subject to the regulations set by the CSUSB Add Policy. Please refer to the class schedule for procedures and deadlines under “ADDS REQUIRING PERMITS”. 2. Obtain the authorized signature of approval from the College Dean. Declared undergraduates see the dean of the college of your major for approval. Undeclared undergraduates see the Dean of Undergraduate Studies for approval. Classified graduates and post-baccalaureates see their graduate coordinator for approval. Unclassified graduates and post-baccalaureates see the Dean of Graduate Studies for approval. 3. Once approved, take the overload permit card, and picture I.D. to either the Registration Office (UH-171) or the office of the college dean of your major for processing, once late registration begins. Credit By Examination A matriculated student may petition to receive course credit by examination. In this manner a student who already possesses the skills or knowledge of the ideas and concepts of a course can accelerate progress through the university. The following steps must be taken: 1. Student must register for the examination in the office of the college or department concerned before the first day of classes of the quarter in which the course is offered. 2. Student must complete the examination within the first two weeks of the quarter. (NOTE: Students may NOT enroll in a course they plan to challenge. If the challenge is unsuccessful, the student may add the course subject to the regulation for adding a class.) 125 Spring 2015 3. Credit by examination may only be taken by students currently enrolled as regular matriculated students in courses other than the one to be challenged. Consult the current Bulletin of Courses for regulations governing credit by examination for undergraduates, postbaccalaureate students and graduate students. Advising and Academic Services (909) 537-5034, UH 380 http://www.ugs.csusb.edu/advising/grievances.html Grievance Policy Information Grade Grievance: For information on grade/academic grievance matters, contact the College Dean’s Office or the Office of the Director of Advising & Academic Services, UH-380. You can also email, [email protected]. A grade grievance must be initiated by the student within 40 working days after the grade is recorded. University Police Department (909) 537-5165, UP http://police.csusb.edu/default.htm Police Department 911 for emergencies The California State University Police Department is a 24hour 7-day a week operation located in the Police Facility West of Parking Lot A. The officers of the department are sworn state police officers whose primary responsibility is the protections of life and property at CSUSB but have police authority throughout the State of California. The department responds to calls for service, enforces traffic laws, takes reports, investigates crimes, and works with the District Attorney and CSUSB Judicial Affairs to insure a safe and secure educational environment at California State University. If you have an emergency on campus dial 911 from any phone. The non-emergency number for the Police Department is 537-7777 or x7777 from any campus phone. Campus Safety Report California State University San Bernardino publishes a "Jeanne Clery Report" each October 1 in compliance with federal law. The report contains information on campus safety services, policies, procedures and crime statistics for the last 3 years. This report is available through the university main web page index listing “Campus Safety Report” and copies may be obtained from the University GENERAL INFORMATION 126 Spring 2015 Police Department, Human Resources, Health Center, will be able to register on the last day of priority registraand the Admissions and Student Union. Visit the website tion. Contact Brittany Wilson in the Office of the Registrar at: http://police.csusb.edu/docs/University_Police_Safety_ (UH 171) at (909) 537-3516 for further information. Report.pdf The SAIL Program (909) 537-5921, UH 386 Lost and Found Property Procedure http://www-ugs.csusb.edu/sail/index.html The CSUSB Police Department is the location on campus for the drop-off and pick-up of lost and found property. If Director: Deborah Flores you have found any article of property while on campus, please turn the article in to the University Police as soon The Student Assistance in Learning (SAIL) program is the as possible. Here are two options: university’s TRIO Student Support Services project, which 1. Directly drop-off the article to the Lost and Found Property Desk at the University Police, or 2. Contact University Police at extension 75165 and a CSO will be dispatched to pick-up the article from your location. If you have lost any personal property (keys, books, wallets, etc.) while on campus during business hours, please contact CSUSB Lost and Found Property Desk at extension 73782 to file a Lost Property Report. If the article is turned in, a CSO will contact you to set up a time for pick-up. Lost and Found Property Hours Monday – Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Skateboard and Bicycle Policy The use of skateboards on campus is prohibited. Additionally, riding bicycles will be generally prohibited on all connecting walkways in the campus core. Affected areas will be clearly posted. This measure was taken because of system-wide liabilities resulting from bicycle/pedestrian collisions. Dedicated bikeways for intercampus areas are being included in the master plan for construction in the near future. Any questions on this policy should be directed to University Police at (909) 537-7777. SPECIAL PROGRAMS Over 60 Program Office of the Registrar (909) 537-3516, UH-171 http://admissions.csusb.edu/nontraditional/a_over60.shtml Contact: Brittany Wilson is 100% funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The goal of SAIL is to increase the retention and graduation rates of undergraduate students who are low-income, whose parents have not earned a bachelor’s degree or who have a disability. SAIL offers a variety of support services to ensure students’ success in college. These include: ●● Educational planning ●● Financial aid counseling ●● Personal finance planning ●● Career counseling ●● Assistance with graduate school planning and preparation ●● 2-unit adjunct support classes to enhance success in selected high-risk general education courses ●● 2-unit Advanced Notetaking and Organization courses with specific subject area emphases (expository writing, history, mathematics, statistics and general study skills) ●● 2-unit College Reading courses ●● Workshops addressing student success strategies, student resources and personal growth ●● Study Marathons to help students prepare for final exams ●● Community service and leadership development opportunities The primary enrollment period for the SAIL program is September 1 through September 30 of each academic The university is authorized to allow California residents, year or until the program reaches a total of 400 new and sixty years of age or older, to enroll in regular session returning students. courses at reduced fees. Persons enrolling in the program 127 Spring 2015 STUDENT/APPLICANT FOR ADMISSION COMPLAINT RESOURCES REFERENCE LIST Who is Who/what is the bringing the complaint to Nature of Complaint complaint filed Action your against? attention? Sexual Assault/ Intimidation/Threat to safety Anyone Anyone Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation based on gender or sexual orientation* Anyone Anyone Refer the individual to Cristina Martin, Title IX Director, SMSU-103A, 909-537-5669 Student or Student Applicant Student, CSU, CSU Employee or Third Party Refer student to César Portillo, Associate Vice President, Human Resources, SH-110, 909-537-5138 Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation based on any protected statuses except gender or sexual orientation Grade Appeal or Grievance regarding academic decisions where discrimination is not at issue Faculty behaves unprofessionally or inappropriately A Staff member or administrator behaves unprofessionally or inappropriately Stress; feeling emotional; unable to cope; personal problems, etc. Assistance informally resolving problems, complaints or university-related concerns Contact the University Police Department dispatch (non-emergency) at 909-537-7777; IF EMERGENCY DIAL 911 See Student Academic Grievance Procedure http://academicaffairs.csusb.edu/progs/grade_policy/ or refer to Ray Navarro, Director of Advising & Academic Services, UH-378, 909-537-3022 Student Faculty Student Faculty Student Staff or Administrator Refer the individual to César Portillo, Associate Vice President, Human Resources, SH-110, 909-537-5138 Student Anyone Refer student to the Psychological Counseling Center, HC-162, 24/7 Service, 909-537-5040 Anyone Anyone Refer the individual to Jacqueline Hughes, Associate Provost for Academic Personnel, AD-101, 909-537-5029 Refer the individual to Milton Clark, University Ombuds, PL-268, 909-537-5635 Executive Order No. 1097 was established to provide students /applicants for admission (“applicants”) a systemwide procedure to file complaints alleging violations of the California State University (CSU) systemwide policy prohibiting discrimination, harassment and retaliation against students and applicants which are made by students, the CSU, CSU employees and/or third parties. However, no student/applicant is precluded by Executive Order No. 1097 from filing a complaint at any time with the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 50 Beale Street, Suite 7200, San Francisco, CA 94105, telephone 415.486.5555, TDD 877.521.2172, or in court where civil law remedies, including but not limited to injunctions, restraining orders or other remedies or orders may also be available. * Protected statuses include: Age, Disability, Gender, Genetic Information, Nationality, Race or Ethnicity, Religion, Sexual Orientation and/or Veteran Status 12/01/2014 128 Spring 2015 STUDENT HEALTH & PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING CENTER Check out the Student Survival Guide at: http://survivalguide.csusb.edu Student Health Center Counseling and Psychological Services (909) 537-5241• Fax: (909) 537-7027 (909) 537-5040 • Fax: (909) 537-7061 http://healthcenter.csusb.edu http://psychcounseling.csusb.edu/ Regular Hours Regular Hours Mon & Thurs 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Fri - 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Mon - Thurs 8am - 6:30pm Fri - 9:30am - 5:00pm For After Hours HELP: (909) 537-5040 Please check our WEB PAGE for quarter breaks, summer hours, and campus closure dates. Our Mission Statement The Mission of the Student Health Center & Counseling and Psychological Services is to provide compassionate, accessible, and cost-effective clinical and preventative health services for the student community. Pharmacy (909) 537-3273 PLEASE CALL DAILY TO CONFIRM HOURS Regular Hours Mon-Th-Fri 9am-5pm Tues-Wed 9am-6:00pm Birth Control & Condoms, Over-the-Counter medications Prescriptions Special orders FPACT Reproductive Health Services Offered to ALL Qualifying CSUSB Students STD Testing Pregnancy Testing Birth Control / Condoms Pap smears Visit the STUDENT HEALTH CENTER today. To see if you qualify! New HIPPA Regulations The Student Health Center is a HIPPA covered entity. We are committed to preserving the privacy of your personal health information. We have a detailed Notice of our Privacy Practices available, which fully explains your rights and our obligations under the law. You may receive a copy of this notice at anytime by coming into the Student Health Center or by visiting our website: www. healthcenter.csusb.edu Student Health Center The staff of Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Pharmacists and Health Educators offer all registered students primary care that may include, but are not limited to the following: Colds / Coughs / Dermatitis / Warts Sexually Transmitted Infections / Pap Smears / Birth Control Lab / X-ray Services Wellness Classes (Weight, Stress, etc.) Smoking Cessation / Peer Health Education Outreach Call or go on-line to schedule an appointment! Immunization Requirements All students entering CSUSB for the first time must present proof of Measles/Rubella immunizations to the SHC. In addition, the Hepatitis B vaccine series is required if new enrollees are under the age of 19. However, you may be exempt for both of these requirements if you have graduated from a California Public School during or after 2005. For more information regarding your immunization requirements check out our web page at: http://healthcenter.csusb.edu Health Insurance Health Insurance Now available through Student Insurance (www.CSUhealthlink.com) and Covered California (www.coveredca.com) Counseling and Psychological Center (CAPS) (909) 537-5040 129 Spring 2015 Individual and couples counseling services are available to currently enrolled CSUSB students at no charge as fees for the CAPS are covered by the health fee paid at the time of enrollment. In, addition, a variety of group counseling options and wellness workshops are offered each quarter to meet specific needs and interest. Counseling is completely confidential and students are assured they will have privacy unless they pose a risk to self or others. Visit http://psychcounseling.csusb.edu/ for variety of resources: ●● Community Referrals. ●● Information on current groups ●● Wellness Workshop information on various topics: Stress Management, Journal Writing, Test Anxiety, Relationships, etc... ●● Information on mental health topics (Addiction, Anger, Anxiety, Cultural Issues, Depression, Impulse Control, Relationships, Study Skills) ●● Take the free and anonymous online screenings to learn about Depression, Alcohol Abuse, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, Eating Disorder or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. When an individual’s needs are beyond the scope of the CAPS services, referral options are available. THR!VE - Health Promotion Our Mission Statement The primary mission of THR!VE - Health Promotion is to enhance the educational process by modifying or removing health-related barriers to personal development and learning. Additional roles for the health center are to provide prevention, health promotion, and education services that enable students to take full advantage of their academic experience and to serve as the health and medical resource for the university community. THR!VE - Health Promotion empowers students to achieve wellness through: Promoting healthy and active lifestyles. Encouraging development through deepened self-awareness. Encouraging preventive practices for lifelong well-being. Educating students to make informed health decisions. Stop by a THR!VE - Health Promotion event to see what you’ve been missing! For more information contact: Carlos Carrio, MPH, Wellness Coordinator/Health Educator Albert Angelo, Health Educator, Tess Webster-Henry, Health Educator (909) 537-3296 http://healthcenter.csusb.edu/sh101.html
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