Trinity Times Newsletter FEBRUARY Published by Trinity Lutheran Church, Saint Peter, Minnesota, a congregation of the ELCA Gather as God’s People... Grow in Faith, Family, & Service... Go into the World as Disciples for Christ... “Souper” Bowl Sunday Wednesday Evening Lent Services The sights and sounds of Jesus' world 2,000 years ago come to life in the movie, The Bible. The TV mini-series, created and produced by Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, was broadcast in March of 2013. Since then, of course, it has been available on DVD. Each Wednesday evening at our mid-week Lenten worship services (February 25March 25), we'll watch a brief segment of this movie. We will start out in Nazareth at the synagogue, where Jesus begins his public ministry. From there we’ll join the crowd and witness as Jesus heals a paralyzed man. We will hear Jesus tell the powerful story about a Pharisee and a tax collector. We’ll be part of Jesus’ inner circle of followers when he asks them, “Who do you think I am?” At Bethany, we will stand at Lazarus’ grave when Jesus raises him from the dead. All along the journey, Jesus’ enemies look for ways to trap him and put him to death. Mark your calendar for each Wednesday evening because you won't want to miss a bit of it! Come for supper (served from 5:00 to 6:00 pm) and great conversation with your church family. Stay for the Holden worship service at 6:30 pm to see and hear the greatest life-story ever, the story of Jesus our Savior. Call Process Déjà vu It seems as though Trinity Lutheran just finished the process of calling a pastor and now it is about time to begin again! The first thing to happen is forming a Call Committee. Trinity’s constitution states, “When a pastoral vacancy occurs, a Call Committee of six voting members shall be elected by the Congregation Council” (C13.05.01). At the time of this newsletter, the Council has created a list of members who are being asked to prayerfully consider serving on the Call Committee. The hope is to have this committee formed by mid-February. They will then update Trinity’s Mission Site Profile and begin the task of interviewing candidates to serve as associate pastor. When they have selected the best candidate for the position, that candidate will be presented to the church council for recommendation and then to the congregation for a vote. Keep your eyes and ears open for updates along the way. It is—to be sure—an exciting time for Trinity Lutheran Church! February 2015 “Souper” Bowl Sunday is February 1st! Bring your food or monetary donations to Trinity. We will be donating 100% of our proceeds to the St Peter Food Shelf. There will be tables located at the entrances of the church and you may drop your non-perishable food items there. Any monetary donations may be put in the offering plate in an envelope marked “Souper” Bowl! Checks should be made payable to the Saint Peter Food Shelf. Also, be sure to have your Sunday Schooler bring a non-perishable food item instead of an offering that day. Learn more at P B & J? PB&J – are you thinking a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Well this is much, much better than that! We are going to explore the idea of “Pizza, Beverage and Jesus” instead! Join us for an inaugural evening on Sunday, February 22 at 5:00 pm at Jake’s Pizza. All are welcome, but we want to issue a special invitation to parents and youth grades 7 and up. What is PB&J? A time of fellowship and food, but also a time for conversation and God. It’s also an opportunity to have a “safe space to be honest and open about topics of faith, to freely ask questions, and at the end of the night, know that it’s perfectly fine if we disagree with one another.” (Berghoef, Pub Theology 101) Our topic for the first evening: “Culture and Society.” Come for fun yet serious conversation with one another! Talk to Patti or Reegan Kelly or Pastor Trish for more information. Red Cross Blood Drive February 20 The Red Cross Blood Drive will again be held here at Trinity on February 20th. The hours on Friday will be 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. People who have donated before will be on the calling list or anyone will be able to sign up on the Red Cross website. Calls will start to be made the fourth week of January. For questions please call Ann Bruggeman at 931-1664. Please Welcome Carly Ballman To The Staff Carly will be serving in this temporary, parttime position (up to ten hours per week) as Youth Activities Coordinator. She will be planning and engaging the youth in some fun activities. First up is bowling on Monday, February 16 at 5:30 pm. Sign-up on the bulletin board and come get to know Carly. Welcome aboard Carly, the Trinity Staff is so glad you’re here! Page 1 Newsletter PASTOR’S COLUMN When Advent rolled around we began a new liturgical year in the church, and with a new year also comes a different lectionary. (The lectionary is the scripture that is appointed to be used in worship each Sunday.) Many different denominations use the same lectionary, called the Revised Common Lectionary. This year, the Gospel of Mark is the primary gospel that will be heard and used in worship. With that in mind, here are some basics about Mark for you to know: It’s believed that this Gospel was written around the time of the Jewish War with Rome (66-70 AD). Many scholars believe it is the oldest of the Gospels, and that it was used as one of the sources in the writing of Matthew and Luke. There is a variety of speculation about who the author was, and where it was written, but several scholars do believe it was likely written to preserve the stories of Jesus’ life. It is also likely that Mark had some concerns within his community that he hoped this writing would address, including wanting to support and strengthen those whose faith was in danger, and being concerned about people he might have considered to be false prophets. Mark is the shortest Gospel in the Bible, and it’s unique for all the things that are NOT recorded in its story. There are no Christmas stories, no Sermon on the Mount, and no Lord’s Prayer. Many of the most wellknown stories of Jesus are also missing, like the Good Samaritan or the prodigal son or the raising of Lazarus. But the greatest surprise is at the end – there are no “Easter stories” in this Gospel. It’s generally believed that the Gospel ends at 16:8 with the women finding the empty tomb and a young man claiming a resurrection had occurred, then fleeing the tomb in “terror and amazement.” The longer ending is believed to have been added later, likely because the narrative seemed unfinished at this point. Mark’s Gospel has “urgency” to it – and also focuses more on Jesus’ actions than Jesus’ words. The scenes move quickly from one to another, and the word “immediately” occurs 42 times in Mark – 11 times in the first chapter alone! Contact the Pastors Lead Pastor Joy G. Ekstedt Phone: 507-519-1004 Email: [email protected] Intern Pastor Trish Reedstrom Phone: 507-380-8036 Email: [email protected] February 2015 At the same time, the Gospel is also dominated by the rather long passion narrative that takes place over the last three chapters. While there is a fast-paced reporting of events in Jesus’ life before this, in these last chapters the reader gets a day-by-day and even hour-byhour account of Jesus’ life. It could be argued that in this Gospel we get the most human portrait of Jesus. In the Gospel of John, for example, Jesus is identified with and addressed as God, but in Mark, Jesus gets tired and hungry, and exhibits a full range of human emotion including pity, anger, wonder, compassion and indignation. This “humanness” gets extended to Jesus’ disciples as well – many times in this Gospel the disciples are portrayed as unperceptive or unable to live up to Jesus’ expectations. This is most clear in the events surrounding the cross, where in Mark all the disciples say that they are willing, if necessary to die for him; but when the time comes they either betray him (Judas) or desert him, and Peter of course, denies three times that he ever knew Jesus. Mark’s gospel also has an aspect of secrecy to it. Jesus himself refers to the “secret of the kingdom of God” but there are also several times in this Gospel when he commands those who benefit from his miracles to say nothing to anyone. Elsewhere, he silences the demons who call him the Holy One. Why such secrecy? There are several theories among Biblical scholars, including that Mark may have wanted to emphasize or “correct” certain views that early Christians had of Jesus, or to facilitate a certain reading of the story. The reader learns right away who Jesus is in the first verse (the Messiah, the Son of God) and so it may be about answering the question, “What does it mean to call Jesus this?” or “How do we come to know this?” These are a few of the things you can keep in mind and watch for as we read through many parts of Mark in the coming weeks and months. But – one final tidbit for you – we follow a three year lectionary with each year emphasizing one of the Synoptic Gospels – Matthew, Mark or Luke. The Gospel of John is interspersed throughout the lectionary during all three years, but this year, as we read Mark, we will also hear more from the Gospel of John than we will in any other year. Here’s to Spirit-filled listening and reading! Intern Pastor Trish Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your kind words and actions last Sunday as you helped me celebrate my graduation are so very much appreciated. Honestly, I don't think I have the words to express how much this community has come to mean to me, but the love and encouragement you have given me humbles me. Literally, I could not have graduated without all of you(!) so thank you again for last Sunday, and for this past year! Intern Pastor Trish Page 2 February’s Featured Book On a snowy day, find your way, to the library! A Life of Joy and Adventure, by Curt Stolee, MD. Yes, Trinity’s own Curt Stolee has written this book about his families and their life’s travels. It is with pleasure and thanks for his writings that we print his preface in this month’s newsletter. “One of the ways I often pass my time as I drive along either previously untraveled or more familiar country roads is by observing the abandoned building sites. I see a grove of trees, perhaps a headless windmill, a roofless silo, a collapsing barn, a dilapidated house, or other evidence of long-departed residents. In each location lie many interwoven tales unknown to casual passersby, and only fading memories of scattered survivors. Ah, if one could know about the achievements, adventures, triumphs, failures, and tragedies that had here taken place, this locale would again be made alive with meaningful memories rather than just casual speculation. I feel that we, like that abandoned farmstead, each have our opportunity to live, love, and contribute during our brief life here on earth. Hopefully, my recounting some of my experiences and observations will be of some value and interest in the lives of those who will care enough to listen.” Pinot and Paint! Interested in trying your hand at a creative endeavor, while spending some fellowship time with fellow members of Trinity? Robyn Sand Anderson is an artist from New Ulm, who also happens to be the spouse of our synod leader, Bishop Jon Anderson. Robyn has recently begun offering "Pinot and Paint" classes, and we are gauging interest to see if we can offer one here at Trinity as an opportunity for fun and fellowship. The cost of a class is $45 per person, which includes a glass of wine or sparkling juice, all materials and each participant walks away with a finished painting. You can check out the paintings her previous classes have created on Facebook at "Robyn Sand Anderson Art." The goal of the class is to lead people into using paint as a way to express themselves. It's NOT a class where everyone paints the same thing - Robyn teaches us how to work with paint by layering color, using movement and various techniques in a guided step-by-step experience. The class is approximately 2 to 2 1/2 hours. In order to hold a class we need a minimum of ten and maximum of 20 participants. If you are interested, let Pastor Trish know or sign up on the bulletin board. Once we know who's interested we will find a date that works for all. No previous experience necessary - we will learn and enjoy together! Newsletter TRINITY NEWS Our Lenten Soup Suppers Trinity continues its Lenten tradition of a simple supper of soup and bread on Wednesday evenings for five Wednesdays beginning on February 25. We will serve from 5:00 to 6:00 pm in the Gustafson Fellowship Hall. Soup-makers! We invite you to share your favorite soup with your church family by bringing enough soup to serve 50 people. Enjoy some lively conversation as you “serve it up” to your fellow Trinity members. You may sign-up on the Lenten Soup Supper sheet in the narthex. Equipping Congregations Day The SW MN Synod is holding an "Equipping Congregations Day" in Willmar on Saturday, February 28th. Event times are 8:30 am to3:30 pm. Lunch is included, and we will carpool from Trinity to the event. Keynote speaker will be Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber talking about creatively engaging the liturgical year and the broader community while staying deeply rooted in tradition. A closing video presentation will be offered by Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. In between there will be over 20 workshops to choose from on a large variety of topics: youth programs, conflict management, worship, stewardship and more. This event has been a huge success in the past, and the synod is prepared to welcome up to 1,000 registrants. If you are interested, let one of the pastors know. Deadline for registration is February 13th. Crossroads Winter Carnival Crossroads is the Lutheran Campus Ministry program located at Minnesota State University – Mankato. They are sponsoring a winter fundraiser and family event on Sunday, March 1, from 12-4 pm at Messiah Lutheran in North Mankato. Crossroads participants will have kids games and activities available, and there will be Bingo, a chili cook-off, and a silent auction. Fun for all ages – and a chance to support this important ministry of our larger church. Crossroads members are also looking for folks who would like to participate in the chili cook-off, so if you have the best chili around, this is your opportunity to prove it! There is also a $100 prize for first place, as well as prizes for 2nd and 3rd places. If you would like to donate to the silent auction they would love to hear from you as well – donations are accepted until Sunday, February 15th. Call Crossroads at 625-6779 or check out their website at for more information. for the March edition is Sunday, February 15th. Any committees or individuals that have information for the arch newsletter need to have it turned in no later than Sunday, February 15th. Thank you so much! February 2015 Page 3 Newsletter COUNCIL MINUTES ing on an activity for Faith-4-Life kids. Will also be looking at doing the camp weekend preview again, as was offered last year, rather than a camp event here at Trinity. e. One funeral last month. Visits to homebound continued, complicated somewhat by either their illnesses or my own. Trinity Lutheran Church Council f. The Worship Band began again on 1-11-15 and is Minutes For January 13, 2015 planning/hoping to play every Sunday, using the Members Present: Rita Gibbs, Ann Bruggeman, Pastor same music for about a month at a time. I have had Joy, Tom Peterson, Meredith Young, Grey Lusty, Jim some communication with them about trying to get Vavreck, Jim Christenson, Mark Oberlander. stuff organized, and the biggest difficulty at this point Members Absent: Judy Schultz has been to try and find a Sunday after worship that 1. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Presworks for Larissa and Roy and the church schedule! ident Rita. We are into the middle of February at this point. L 2. Devotions were conducted by Patti Kelly. g. Items for consideration: 3. The January agenda was reviewed and approved YoCo – would like to do a listening session with with the addition of approving the congregation stamembers of Trinity about perspectives on and tistic reports for the Annual meeting. concerns about the youth of the congregation. They would formulate their questions and lead a 4. The December Council minutes were approved as couple discussions on a Sunday morning as an printed. opportunity for mutual learning and listening. 5. Pastor’s Report: They suggest it be built on the format that was Senior Pastor Report: done with GAC students last spring on ecology The senior pastor report as reported in the Execuissues. tive minutes had no additions or emphasis items. YoCo – also expressed interest in representaAssociate Pastor Report: tion on/communication with council on a regular a. Confirmation – we had a Guide meeting in Decembasis. I indicated I would bring their concerns/ ber and will be dividing the youth into two groups: ideas/passion to the council, so will provide th 7/8 and 9 with two different lessons to see how more info at the meeting. that works between now and Lent. Other things we Equipping Congregations Day is February 28th. will try over these next few weeks include an “all Interest? small group night” and another servant night – this time with parents involved. I have been approved A “Pinot and Paint” or “Coffee/Tea and Paint” for a Thrivent Action Team grant for some seed class could be done at Trinity by Robyn Sand money to use on the service projects. We will also Anderson, an artist in New Ulm (and spouse of be doing faith mentors again during the Lenten seaBishop Jon). I’d like to gauge interest for this as son. a fellowship activity. b. National Youth Gathering – super successful bake 6. Call Committee/Annual Meeting: sale, and pizza sale is coming on 1-18-15. a. The top ten members to be considered for the call committee were presented to the council for considc. Youth and Family Committee and YoCo – the Youth eration. Of those top ten candidates, the council and Family Committee has had a hard time gatherpaired the list down to represent all necessary deing but YoCo had a great meeting on 1-11-15. We mographics who would be the best suited to make have planned a couple fellowship activities but had up this committee. Patti is willing to call and inquire some really great discussion as well about their whether the individual is interested or not. The complace in the life of this congregation…see below for mittee must be made up of six individuals. A returna couple discussion topics for the council. ing Church Council member should be part of the d. Children and Family and Christian Ed – we are committee as a liaison, and as a voting member planning for a “Souper Bowl” Sunday on 2-1-15. (Jim Christianson). ( And we will There was a good number of children b. A motion was made to consider and ask the individin church for Epiphany Sunday and Erica and I uals brought forward for this committee, in the order thought we had done a pretty good job of trying to presented to the council and divided by demographinvolve the children in the worship service – but ic, to be part of the Call Committee. This motion what do we know!? J With the successful SS Prowas seconded and passed. gram behind them they are now choosing a VBS c. The new congregational membership statistics for program and looking at making some changes to 2014 was reviewed with a motion made to accept that activity for the coming year. Erica is also work- Council Minutes continued on page 5 ———————— February 2015 Page 4 Newsletter TRINITY WOMEN World Day of Prayer On March 6 Trinity has been invited to attend World Day of Prayer on March 6, 2015 at First Lutheran Church, Lafayette, MN with coffee beginning at 9:00 am followed by the worship service at 10:00 am. The theme for this event is Jesus LWR Quilt Project said, “Do you understand what I have done for you?” written by World Lutheran World Relief was founded in 1945. They have two warehouses – one in Minnesota and one in Maryland. Last Day of Prayer Bahamas. We will car year LWR distributed 408,245 quilts to impoverished areas pool from the church parking lot. A in the world. At this time there sign-up sheet will be on the sign-up are many good people fleeing board and a poster will be displayed. their war torn countries with very Consider attending. The whole world will be praying on the few possessions. A quilt may be same day using this worship service. How powerful is that? the only thing protecting them the elements as they atCouncil Minutes Continued from page 4 — tempt to get some rest. Thefrom camps they have retreated to the report for inclusion into the Annual Report passed. usually have space for them, but no shelters. LWR is also d. Need four individuals for the ballot for Synod Assembly one of the first responders when disaster happens in this country. This is the reason Trinity Women pray for the peoin June. ple who receive the quilts we make during our quilting ses7. Visioning: sions. We want them to feel loved by our efforts. Trinity has a. Review of the top five areas brought forward by the sent many quilts to LWR over the years. discussions within small groups. b. A delegate from each group will send a summary of HELP!! Quilters Needed bullet points to Rita to pass on to the new council pres- God has been good to us. We have some very efficient ident. quilters at Trinity. We are averaging 10-12 quilts each time 8. Carly Ballman has indicated she is willing to begin partwe quilt, which is wonderful. time duties as a Youth Coordinator. Based on the point The challenge has been to that a pay range and position have been previously apmaintain a supply of tops to pair proved, she should begin up to ten hours of work each up with batting and backs for week at the pay scale determined. these speedy quilters to work on. We need people that will cut 9. Planning: squares and people willing to 30 Days—Annual Meeting Jan 25, Call Committee, All sew tops. The size of the finConference Assembly (Can have up to six people atished quilts should be 60” x 80”. tending) Feb 8. Depending on the seam allowance, the best sized squares 60 Days—Blood Bank Feb 20, Equipping Congregations are 10½” or 11”. If you can help, let the office know. They Feb 28, Lent will relay the info and someone will contact you. Bless you. 90 Days—Easter, Confirmation retreat 10. Meeting Adjourned at 8:25 pm. Lutheran World Relief Kits Along with the distribution of quilts by Lutheran World Relief, Respectfully Submitted, they distributed 292,629 kits in 2014. Tom Peterson These include 88,705 School Kits, 122,550 Personal Care Kits, 16,564 Fabric Kits, and 64,810 Baby Care Kits. Trinity Check Out Laura Gatzke’s Blog members have contributed many items to A few weeks ago we signed a poster to send to Laura Gatzke, complete these kits. One example: A who is continuing her training in ministry by completing a chapSchool Kit can enable a refuge child to attend school, even though his/her parlaincy residency at Brigham and Woments may not be able to afford the puren's Hospital in Boston. Laura will be chase of supplies needed to go to school. there until May, and is pursing ministry What a Blessing! in the United Church of Christ (UCC) An article from LWR has been posted on church. Laura also keeps a blog that the Women’s Board in the hallway next to members of Trinity may be interested in reading. It can be the office. A large poster explaining found at Go check it where quilts and kits were sent to is in the out and see what its all about! hallway across from the Gustafson Room. February 2015 Page 5 SUNDAY MONDAY “Souper” Bowl Sunday 1 Collecting Nonperishables & Monetary Donations for the Saint Peter Food Shelf 8:00 am Communion Worship Service 8:45 am JOY! Choir Rehearsal 9:00 am Coffee Fellowship Hour 9:30 am Communion Worship Service Sunday School Celebration Singers Rehearsal Public Access TV Broadcast 10:45 am Contemporary Communion Worship Service w/Baptism of Ryleigh Anne Schroeder 2:00 pm YoCo Meeting 7:00 pm AA (Closed) Transfiguration of Our Lord 15 Newsletter Deadline (for March 2015 newsletter) 8:00 am Communion Worship Service 8:45 am NO JOY! Choir Rehearsal 9:00 am Coffee Fellowship Hour 9:30 am Communion Worship Service Sunday School Celebration Singers Rehearsal Public Access TV Broadcast 10:45 am Contemporary Communion Worship Service 12:00 pm Fat Sunday Celebration for Confirmands 7:00 pm AA (Closed) 8:00 am 8:45 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 5:00 pm 5:30 pm Public Access TV Broadcast “The Kitchen” Meal Served 10:45 am 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm Public Access TV Broadcast “The Kitchen” Meal Served 9:00 am 11:00 am 4:30 pm 6:15 pm 6:30 pm Mission Quilters w/Potluck Public Access TV Broadcast Trinity Brass Rehearsal Children & Families Committee Mtg Finance Committee Meeting Trinity Women Board Mtg 4 7:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 8:00 pm 11:00 am 1:30 pm 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Public Access TV Broadcast Amazing Grey’s, Host Corrine S. Trinity Brass Rehearsal Church Council Meeting 7:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:30 pm President’s Day 16 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 17 9:00 am Mission Quilters w/Potluck 11:00 am Public Access TV Broadcast 23 5:00 pm 5:30 pm Public Access TV Broadcast “The Kitchen” Meal Served 24 11:00 am Public Access TV Broadcast FRIDAY Men’s Bible Study Staff & Music Meeting AA (Open) SS Shepherds Pizza Party in Youth Room Confirmation Servant Night, Parents are included PraiseBELLS Rehearsal O2 Senior High Youth Group 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Al-Anon AA (Open) Ash Wednesday 18 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 1:00 pm Staff & Music Meeting 2:00 pm AA (Open) 4:30 pm Communion Worship Service 6:30 pm Communion Worship Service 8:00 pm O2 Senior High Youth Group 12 19 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 25 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 1:00 pm Staff & Music Meeting 2:00 pm AA (Open) 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Soup Supper Served 6:30 pm Lent Worship Service 6:45 pm PraiseBELLS Rehearsal 8:00 pm O2 Senior High Youth Group Al-Anon AA (Open) 26 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Al-Anon AA “Pin Night” (Open) Mother Teresa (1910-1997) 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Pre-School Screening in Ed Wing 1:30 pm Martha Circle Bible Study at Benedictine Court, Host: Millie L. 7 9:00 am AA (Closed) 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm “Winter Thaw” at Northern Star Council Base Camp, Bloomington 13 Valentine’s Day 14 Deadline for Bedding Donations to the YoCo February Service Project Deadline to Register for Sr High Youth Gathering 9:00 am AA (Closed) 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm Babysitting Service available in Gustafson Room by the Kids going on the 2015 Mission Trip, Contact is Julie Gault 20 27 9:00 am AA (Closed) 21 28 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Equipping Congregations Day in Willmar, MN 9:00 am AA (Closed) Newsletter FEBRUARY CALENDAR It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving. Page 6 6 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm Red Cross Blood Drive in Gustafson Room Stewardship Snippet February 2014 SATURDAY 5 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm Pre-School Screening in Ed Wing 5:00 pm Al-Anon 7:00 pm AA (Open) 11 6:45 pm 8:00 pm Rebecca Circle Bible Study Hope Circle Bible Study at Realife. Public Access TV Broadcast Youth Bowling at Kingpins “The Kitchen” Meal Served Men’s Bible Study Staff & Music Meeting AA (Open) Confirmation Classes PraiseBELLS Rehearsal O2 Senior High Youth Group 10 6:30 pm 9:30 am 1:30 pm THURSDAY 3 9 22 Worship Service NO JOY! Choir Rehearsal Coffee Fellowship Hour Worship Service Sunday School Celebration Singers Rehearsal Public Access TV Broadcast Contemporary Worship Service7:00 pm AA (Closed) PB&J Inaugural Evening at Jake’s Pizza WEDNESDAY 2 Teacher Appreciation Sunday 8 Deadline for Valentines Babysitting Registration Forms 8:00 am Worship Service w/Installation of 2015 Council 8:45 am JOY! Choir Rehearsal 9:00 am Coffee Fellowship Hour 9:30 am Worship Service w/Installation of 2015 Council Sunday School Celebration Singers Rehearsal Public Access TV Broadcast 10:45 am Contemporary Worship Service w/Installation of 2015 Council 11:45 am Appreciation Lunch for SS Teachers 1:30 pm MN Valley conference Assembly at Christ Lutheran Church, Glencoe, MN 7:00 pm AA (Closed) TUESDAY Page 7 February 2014 Newsletter CHILDREN & YOUTH February Sunday School Tidbits On February 1st , have your child bring a non-perishable food donation for “Souper” Bowl Sunday. This will be instead of their normal offering. Any money or food items collected will go to the Saint Peter Food Shelf. Sunday February 8th is Teacher Appreciation Day at Trinity! We encourage your children to make something special or even offer a simple “Thank you” to their teachers and Shepherds that day. Remember that our children K-4th rotate rooms and typically have the same 1-2 Shepherds plus a Station Teacher every week. This takes a big commitment and we want to thank them for making Trinity’s children a priority. First Communion classes start March 1st for 5th Graders and their parents! There will be four classes, March 1, 8, 15 and 22nd during the 9:30 am education hour. First Communion this year will be on Maundy Thursday (April 4th) at 6:30 pm. Instead of a Potluck, there will be a reception in the Gustafson Room following the service. This is a very exciting milestone, if you have a 5th Grader, please plan on attending all of our March classes! For more info, see Erica Penkert or Pastor Joy! On January 16th Faith-4-Life children had a chance to sleepover at Trinity! This was an event that the kids have been looking forward to for a long time! We had ten kids attend and each one of them wants to have another one! We played games, had a Bible study with activities, watched a movie, made small blankets for a crisis Nursery and of course ATE! Our family Epiphany service was so wonderful, not only because it included the kids but because it was the only service of the day. We were able to worship with many others that we normally don’t see! Thank you Pastor Trish for the exciting Sermon as well! February brings us two new rotations! They are titled “Love is…” and “Walking on Water.” Thank you to all of the volunteers that helped with the 5th and 6th Grade Faith-4-Life Sleepover at Trinity. The kids had a great time! Our theme was “Celebrating that you are special in God’s eyes.” February 2015 Senior High Youth Gathering High School Youth Grades 9-12: Register NOW for the SW MN Synod Senior High Youth Gathering on March 6-7 at the Courtyard by Marriot in Mankato. Cost is $90 and includes hotel, program, a gathering T-shirt, Friday dinner and Saturday lunch. The theme for this year's gathering is "Can You Hear Me?" and includes "Lost and Found" as the band and speaker. Registration forms are located on the bulletin board by Carly’s office and are due in the church office by Friday, February 13th! Valentine’s Babysitting Available The youth that are going to the National Youth Gathering are offering a babysitting service on Valentine’s Day evening. You can drop your children off at church at 5:30 pm and we are asking that you pick them up by 9:30 pm. We’re asking for $10 per child, and all of the money earned will be used for the trip to the National Youth Gathering in Detroit, Michigan. Please fill out a registration/permission form that can be found in the narthex and return it to the youth sitting at the Kwik Trip card table. If you are bringing younger children please have things such as diapers, special foods, certain toys, and bring their blanket along. Activities and snacks will be provided throughout the evening, and adults will also be present throughout the evening. Thank you for your support. Registration due by Sunday, February 8. YoCo’s February Service Project The confirmation kids and YoCo are working on a service project that will be completed in February. The confirmation kids are making tie blankets that will be taken to the “Sharing and Caring Hands” in Minneapolis. The YoCo kids are collecting new or used bedding to take there. New or gently used blankets, sheets, comforters or bedspreads are appreciated. No pillows please. The YoCo kids will be delivering the items to the shelter and taking a tour. You can get more information on the shelter and the founder, Mary Jo Copeland, by visiting the website at Please drop your donations in the conference room by Friday, February 13th. Any questions please contact Taylor Graft at 934-5599. Page 8 Lead From God’s Pencil By the Church Secretary Mrs. Odie Mielke was the name of my Kindergarten teacher and she was really a sweet teacher. She always would smile at you and you could tell that she really cared about each one of us kids. In kindergarten when it was time to rest, we’d lay our heads down on our desks and there were many times I’d fall asleep only to be awakened by Mrs. Mielke gently rubbing my arm. After sitting up to get my bearing's, I’d look around and see that I was the only one who needed to be woke up. We always got a snack after our time to rest, which consisted of a glass of orange juice and two saltine crackers. I always thought that orange juice and saltine crackers were a weird tasting combination. Sometimes if it was someone's birthday we’d get a cookie or Rice Krispy bar. We always sat in alphabetical order and for the next 13 years I was always second in the row. Rosemary B. was always the first to be call upon, first in line and the first to be seated. Sitting behind Rosemary, day in and day out, was great for me, because I could admire her naturally curly, blonde hair that went to the middle of her back. My hair was brown and pin straight. I always wondered what it would be like to have a little natural curl in my hair and if it would be easy to take care of. At recess I’d find my good friend Diane to hang out with. We’d go to the teeter-totters and wait until one was open for us to use. Diane and I would use the rest of our recess to teeter-totter until the whistle blew. I remember one windy Spring day that I had on my blue rain coat and a scarf to match when the whistle blew. I didn’t hear the whistle because the wind was blowing between my scarf and ears, but Diane did. To my surprise, Diane jumped off of her end so quickly, that I didn’t have time to react and down I went. I hit the ground hard and slid off the end of the wooden plank, onto the ground. I looked at Diane who was running and had gotten half way up to the school door already. Diane didn’t look back and to this day, I don’t think she new what had happened when I slid off of that plank. Well . . . I got a two inch, wooden sliver in my bum and man did that hurt. I got up and walked gingerly across the school yard, to the door. When I got to my locker, I took my coat and scarf off and went to my desk. I could tell it was going to be a long painful afternoon. Well needless to say I spent the rest of the day sitting on one side of my bum with the other side, the one with the sliver, hanging over the edge of my seat. I had to sit like this on the bus ride home too. This was one day it would have been nice to not be the last family off the bus at night. Once I was home I told Ma what happened and she had me show her where it hurt. After checking it out she told Dad and I had to show him, too. After a bit of discussion, they said I had gotten a sliver and Dad was going to try and remove it. Dad reaches in his pocket and pulls out his pocket knife. All I could think of was, “he cuts the twine off of hay bales with that knife and he hasn’t even sterilized it!” With Ma holding the flashlight, Dad had me lean over his knees. I was scared of the pain and I know I whimpered and squirmed every time Dad poked me. After a bit, Dad announces there’s no way he could get that thing out, so I got off of his lap and asked, “Now what?” That’s when Dad asked me if I wanted to go to the doctor to have it taken out, to which I nod yes. At the doctors office, they must of numbed it, because I didn’t feel a thing. Awhile back I was at Ma & Dads place and low and behold if they hadn’t saved that sliver, so I got to see that miserable thing and it really was jagged and two inches long, and it still had green paint on it. As I wrote this column I kept thinking of how God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called. I’m sure glad the doctor had the right equipment compared to my Dads equipment (his pocket knife). Until next month, God’s Peace, Love, and Joy! Bonnie February 2015 Page 9 Newsletter TRINITY NEWS On Butterfly Wings - S. (Shae) Cooke “You alone are the Lord. You made the skies and the heavens and all the stars. You made the earth and the seas and everything in them. You preserve and give life to everything, and all the angels of heaven worship you.” Nehemiah 9:6 The Hawaiian sun glinted off the windshield of the helicopter as it prepared for takeoff. I fastened the seat belt snugly around my waist, tugging it a little tighter than I had to. “All belted in?” the pilot asked. I nodded. Seconds later, we took off. My head swirled with the sudden vertical ascent into the cloudless sky. White-knuckled and clutching the edge of the seat, I muttered the twenty-third Psalm. We flew higher. I stammered the Lord’s Prayer. The pilot banked the craft sharply left. So help me, I thought I was going to fall out of the helicopter. I cried out in my most desperate voice, “God, help me!” I wanted to live to see my eighteenth birthday. He must have heard, since we leveled off, allowing my heart rate to level off as well. Feeling a tad braver, I opened my eyes—and saw heaven. “Wow, oh wow!” I blurted mindlessly. We soared over the Pacific Ocean and headed toward a lush and verdant valley. We skimmed the treetops, traveling over palm trees and pineapple fields. The helicopter descended and we arrived at the base of a waterfall. The water cascaded over cliffs and rocks while we hovered alongside of the falls like a hummingbird. Water fell like dew on the windshield. We ascended slowly, observing the flora and fauna growing up the steep incline. My heart leapt as we reached the top of the falls. Before me was a scene of incredible artistry. We lingered, taking in the scenic wonder. From that vantage point, I could see for hundreds of miles. Shades of azure blue, aqua, and indigo framed the portrait. An endless patchwork quilt of vibrant greens blanketed the canyons and hills. A light, smoky mist drifted out of a rain forest. Rainbows arched like porticos over groves of mossy trees. In the distance, snow-capped peaks crowned the tropical paradise. I viewed the palette of nature and saw God’s face. “My Daddy is quite the artist, ain’t He?” quipped the pilot. I nodded, fixing my gaze at the vivid panorama. “It’s just like riding on the wings of a butterfly,” I thought. We swooped down from our “perch” and into the fertile valley below. Mossy canopies sheltered the rain forests. As we headed west, into the sunset, and home, my thoughts turned to my uncertain future, without my mother—a victim of smoke inhalation in a fire just that past Christmas. God seemed so close. In fact, I felt His presence in every “On Butterfly Wings” continued on page 10 ——— Newsletter IN HIS SERVICE USHERS February 2015 Sunday, February 1st 8:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am Leona Miller, Lillias Harmer and Jim & Nancy Kruger Joel & Carolyn Darge and Marc & Wendy Bachman Matthew Broeder & Jessica Ortiz Family Sunday, February 8th 8:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am Paul Albers, Kathy Hauser and Lenny & Diana Miller Joey & Laura Hulsebus and Lauren & Kelli Satrom Mike & Marlae Kolek, Rita Gibbs Sunday, February 15th 8:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am Paul Albers, Kathy Hauser and Lenny & Diana Miller Joey & Laura Hulsebus and Lauren & Kelli Satrom Mike & Marlae Kolek, Rita Gibbs Ash Wednesday, February 18th 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Dale & Kay Mowbray and Doug & Ginny Nimmo Marc & Wendy Bachman and Mark & Mary Oberlander Sunday, February 22nd 8:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am Kathy Herberg, Don Slarks and Don & Elizabeth High Marc & Wendy Bachman and Mark & Mary Oberlander The Brent Hanson Family LAY READERS February 1st 8:00 am 9:30 am Walt Grochow Tammy Poppen 8:00 am 9:30 am Eileen Kivi Lynn Davey 8:00 am 9:30 am Barbara Simpson Judy Schultz 8:00 am 9:30 am Val Youngblom Kirk Beyer February 8th February 15th February 22nd February 2015 ALTAR CARE February 1st Sandy Grochow, Rebecca Brenke February 15th Mary Jo & Dennis Erickson Ash Wednesday, February 18th 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Natasha & Steve Pettis Nancy Kruger, Marlene Tolzman VIDEO CAMERA February 1st February 8th February 15th February 22nd ACOLYTES Tom Frey Tom Frey Pat Klubben Pat Klubben 8:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am Evan Borgmeier, Jake Stoffel Savannah Dorris, Grace Penkert Reegan Kelly, Alex Gault 8:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am Tom Peterson Al Hewitt Tim Kennedy Council Assistants “On Butterfly Wings” continued from page 9 glorious gift of nature I witnessed. The incredible detail of His creation gave me confidence that He cared about every facet of my life. I reveled in the glory and beauty of His nature. As we touched down on the landing pad, I felt elated. My spirit praised God, for I finally grasped the magnitude of His love for me, through nature. Taken from the book “A Cup of Comfort” Devotional Daily Reminders of God’s Love and Grace By James S. Bell & Stephen R. Clark Attention Graduating High School Seniors And Parents Two scholarship opportunities are available for graduating high school seniors who are members of Trinity Lutheran Church. Each year the Fern Martinson Scholarship of $1,000 can be awarded to a student who will be attending any ELCA college and a scholarship of $500 is available to a Trinity member who will be attending any accredited post-secondary school. These scholarships are administered through the St. Peter-Kasota Chapter of Dollars for Scholars and will be awarded in May at the St. Peter High School Awards night. Students who would like to be considered for these scholarships need to complete an on-line scholarship profile available at: phpsection=chapterWebsite&action=student_parent&fwID=962. Be sure to indicate on the profile that you are a member of Trinity Lutheran Church in St. Peter. Page 10 All Trinity members share in food preparation and serving duties for funerals and other church events throughout the year. The membership has been divided into 13 groups with designated coordinators for each month. This allows one group to have a month off each year. Groups move up one month each year as well, so that you are not serving in the same month each year. When your assistance is needed, a coordinator will contact you. February 2015 Food Coordinators: Jill Gatzke 934-6399 Laurie Polikowsky 931-2729 Name: Anderson, Jesse & Courtney Beaty, Lyn Beran, Rich & Nancy Broeder, Matthew & Ortiz, Jessica Cooke, Bridget Cummins, Dan & Lisa Dunn, Justin & Katherine Gatzke, John & Jill High, Donald & Elizabeth Holland, Bryan & Kristin Krueger, Robert & Angela Kruger, Pauline Kruger, Rita Lesmeister, Peggy Lindemeier, Marlene Madigan, Beverly Marthaler, Ryan & Julie Mayo, Mike & Sherri Meeks, Bob & Annette Meyer, Todd & Kimberly Moreau, Duane & Marilyn Nimmo, Doug & Ginny Parras, Libbey Perry, Gwen Peterson, Carl & Kathy Polikowsky, Laurie Rustman, Steve & Rose Scheff, Rita Schultz, Bryon & Michelle Zust, Barbara Newsletter SERVICE LISTS March 2015 Food Coordinators: Sandy Grochow 934-1756 Deb Dixon 934-9232 Name: Anderson, Teresa Behrends, Al & Mary Conroy, Judy Davis, Matthew & Kristi Dixon, Bill & Deb Elofson, Andy & Jessica Emich, Denise Gessner, Mike & Kathy Graft, Richard & Jennifer Grey, Dean & Donna Grochow, Walt & Sandy Gundlach, Norm & Sandy Hanson, Nancy Herberg, Irene Hinden, Larry & Donna Hubrig, Jennifer Johnson, Lynn & Jeanne Kjellgren, Steve & Julie Kracht, Emily Kracht, Kris Kuiper, Brian & Jan Lambert, Bob & Sally Melton, Joanne Meyer, Scott & Malinda Moelter, Chris & Ashley Mulvehill, Roberta Rietz, Ron Robeck, Marge Sourbeck, Jess Steiner, Cynthia Thompson, David & Lisa Timmerman, Jim & Sonja Wiebusch, Corey & Cinde Funerals Mavis Royce - Morcus November 29, 1932 - December 10, 2014 Alan Gerard Weingartz Baptism October 15, 1960 - January 2, 2015 Tara Jean Borchardt Sharon Y. Rasche Daughter of William Borchardt and Becki Schleeve January 4th, 2015 February 2015 July 29, 1942 - January 21, 2015 Page 11 Newsletter Stamp TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 511 South Fifth Street Saint Peter MN 56082 Address Label Here Trinity Staff Lead Pastor: Joy G. Ekstedt Financial Secretary: Jennifer Hubrig Intern Pastor: Trish Reedstrom Custodian: Barry Wood Christian Education Coordinator: Erica Penkert Organist / Pianist: Judy Maharry PraiseBAND: Roy & Larissa Nieves Youth Activities Coordinator Carly Ballman Celebration Singers Director: Annette Meeks Office Coordinator/ Publicist: Bonnie L. Rieger PraiseBELLS Director: Ian Decker JOY! Choir Director: Nancy Sizer Contact Information: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Facebook: Office Hours: 507 - 934 - 4786 507 - 934 - 4562 [email protected] Trinity Lutheran (St Peter, MN) Monday - Thursday: Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm 8:30 am - 12:00 pm February Newsletter February 2015 Page 12
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