Requirements Contact Us Students entering the program from outside the Balmoral Ridgeway geographical boundaries must complete an Application for Optional Schools at the Shelby County Schools Board of Education, 160 S. Hollywood, Room C106. Parents of applicants must provide a copy of the most recent comprehensive report card and a copy of the student’s current nationally normed or TCAP Achievement Test scores. The principal and staff at Balmoral Ridgeway encourage parents and prospective Optional students to visit the school. Please call the school office to schedule a guided tour. Students must meet the following requirements: • First- and second-grade applicants must take the Optional Schools admittance tests. No other tests will be accepted for admittance to these grades. • Parents of applicants will be contacted about testing dates. • First- and second-grade applicants must attain the 70th percentile or above in total reading AND total mathematics on the admittance tests. • First grade applicants must have satisfactory skills and behaviors and achieve mastery in all academic and support subjects on their most recent report card. • Applicants for grades three through five must score at or above the 70th percentile on the Reading/Language Arts AND Mathematics subtests of the current TCAP Achievement Test or a nationally normed achievement test. • Applicants for grades two through five must have a B average or above in all academic subjects and satisfactory grades in special subjects, conduct, and attendance (including promptness to school). • A total of more than 15 absences, late arrivals, and/or early dismissals is considered unsatisfactory. Department of Optional Schools and Advanced Academics (901) 416-5338 To remain in the Optional Program, students must maintain the entrance requirements for grades, conduct, skills and behaviors, academic and support subjects, and attendance. Transportation is the responsibility of the student’s parents/legal guardians. Final approval is contingent upon the review of the student’s final comprehensive report card. Balmoral Ridgeway Elementary School (901) 416-2128 Balmoral Ridgeway Elementary on the Web Board Members Teresa Jones, Chair Kevin D. Woods, Vice Chair Shante K. Avant Miska Clay Bibbs Chris Caldwell Mike Kernell Stephanie Love Scott McCormick William “Billy” Orgel Dorsey Hopson II, Esq., Superintendent Shelby County Schools offers educational and employment opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, creed, age, disability, national origin, or genetic information. 12/14 International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme World School Balmoral Ridgeway Elementary School Grades 1-5 5905 Grosvenor Avenue Memphis, TN 38119 Principal: Sharonda Beard (901) 416-2128 An International Education Balmoral Ridgeway Elementary School teaches students to be critical thinkers with worldwide perspectives, which prepares students for future study and work in an increasingly global community. As an International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP), Balmoral Ridgeway offers an Enriched Academics Optional Program that promotes the education of the whole child through an emphasis on intellectual, personal, emotional, and social growth. The aim of all IB Programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. IB Learners strive to be: • Inquirers who develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning, and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives. • Knowledgeable by exploring concepts, ideas, and issues that have local and global significance. They acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines. • Thinkers who exercise initiative in applying thinking skills both critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems and make reasoned, ethical decisions. Engaging Students in a Unique Environment Balmoral Ridgeway’s unique open-space classroom environment fosters a strong sense of community among the school’s students, teachers, and staff. The open space environment promotes collaborative work relationships among faculty members and students while providing a learning environment conducive to an interdisciplinary approach. Knowledge gained from various subjects is interwoven and presented within a concept-based context. The lack of hallways provides more space for instructional use and creates greater accessibility to the school’s many amenities. Without traditionally defined rooms, teachers can redefine the nature of their roles, shifting from dispensers of knowledge to facilitators of learning. When teachers are not isolated from each other, they can collaborate and implement instruction as a team. Balmoral Ridgeway strives to develop curious, creative, and caring citizens. Teachers at our school are mindful of students’ individual needs, diversity, and character development. The school’s classrooms are child-centered, offering interest centers and topical activities that promote the inquiry method of learning. The focus of student learning involves meaningful and relevant experiences that will lead them to international awareness and an inquiring nature that will last a lifetime. Inquiry is the pedagogical approach in the PYP which allows students to be actively involved in their own learning and to take responsibility for that learning. Teachers and staff at Balmoral Ridgeway encourage students to acquire all of the traits in the IB Learner Profile. An IB Learner is knowledgeable, a thinker, principled, open-minded, caring, an inquirer, balanced, a communicator, a risk-taker, and reflective. Equipped for Excellence Balmoral Ridgeway has a rich tradition of providing students with a quality education. Balmoral Ridgeway’s faculty and staff are all highly qualified in Tennessee. Teachers at Balmoral Ridgeway have an average of 10 years teaching experience, and over eighty percent (80%) hold a master’s degree or higher. Diversity is evident at our school, where you will find teachers from Bangladesh, Germany, Panama, as well as the United States. Our students’ races and ethnicities are also wide-ranging; at Balmoral Ridgeway you will find students identifying themselves as African American, Caucasian, Asian, Syrian, African, and Hispanic, among others. The school’s staff includes a music teacher who is a well-known local musician, having performed with artists such as Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder, and others. Several of our teachers are recipients of multiple grants from organizations such as, AutoZone, Inc., and Rotary International. Teachers at the school have served on various Shelby County Schools’ curriculum writing teams and as instructors of summer programs such as STEM Summer Academy and Cougar Technology Camp. The school employs an interventionist who has over 45 years teaching experience to assist students in both reading and math. Our school believes that achievement levels can consistently be improved and achievement gaps eliminated. In addition to the school’s open classrooms, Balmoral Ridgeway is unique in its commitment to developing lifelong learners by engaging students in interactive learning activities that teach them to solve real world problems. As students learn to construct knowledge through practical applications, they begin to understand that their ideas, solutions, and contributions can make a difference in the global community. The Balmoral Ridgeway faculty and staff believe that building students' confidence and giving them the opportunity to experience success fosters a love of learning that will continue to benefit students throughout their entire lives. Every classroom is equipped with computers for student use, a SMART Board, and a document reader. Our media center is the heart of our school where you will find one of the most stellar and up-to-date book collections in the District. Individual classroom libraries provide added access to the six transdisciplinary skills. Responsive Classroom® practices are an integral component of our school routine. Students participate daily in morning meetings, where they greet their teachers and classmates, share, and work on group decision-making and listening skills. Individual students are recognized for their academic progress and for demonstrating one of the “IB Attitudes” through the IB Student of the Month program. Balmoral Ridgeway teachers utilize The CAFE Book: Engaging All Students in Daily Literary Assessment and Instruction to guide their literacy program within the classroom. The CAFE system is based on research into the habits of proficient readers. CAFE is an acronym for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding vocabulary. The CAFE system allows teachers to prepare their instruction based on individual goal-setting conferences with students, posting of goals on a whole-class board, developing small-group instruction based on clusters of students with similar goals, and targeting whole-class instruction based on emerging student needs. One parent’s thoughts about Balmoral Ridgeway Elementary “Since my daughter has been a student at Balmoral Ridgeway, I have watched her grow and blossom into a smart, well-rounded child. She has done extremely well, and I credit her success not only to our involvement as parents, but also to the well-trained, dedicated teachers and staff. Everyone knows my daughter and cares about her. Their number one priority is to see her excel academically and become an IB Learner.” – DeJuanica Hampton
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