Before completing this form please read the school’s admission criteria below. Application form for Year 7 in September 2015 I would like my child to do the assessment for a place in Ninestiles School. Male Pupil’s first name Female Pupil’s last name Date of birth Address Post Code Home telephone No: Mobile No: Present school: Tel No: Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Title Ms Mrs Miss Mr Please circle as applicable Name of parent (in block capitals please) If your child has one or more brothers or sisters at this school please give their name(s) and tutor group(s) Name Tutor Group PLEASE MAKE YOUR APPLICATIONS DIRECTLY TO THE PRINCIPAL OF NINESTILES BY FRIDAY 19 September 2014 Parents of pupils taking the assessment, i.e. all those requesting a place for September 2015 will receive further details about the assessment by Friday 26 September 2014. You should contact the school immediately if notification has not been received by this date. Assessments for entry into Year 7 September 2015 will take place on Saturday 4th October 2014 IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE LA PREFERENCE FORM IS ALSO COMPLETED IN ADDITION TO THIS ADMISSION FORM. YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED IF BOTH FORMS ARE NOT COMPLETED. see below Admissions Procedure for Entry Into Year 7 Who Can Apply? 300 places are offered to children aged 11 by 1st September in the year of entry 9 places are allocated to the Special Learning Centre by the Local Authority All other applicants will be required to complete an assessment. These assessments will test aptitude in non-verbal reasoning in line with the proposal in the Government White paper “Excellence in Schools”, which encourages specialist schools to give priority to children who demonstrate the relevant aptitude. 30 places (10% of 300) will be allocated to those students achieving the highest marks in the assessment tests. Up to 261 places allocated on criteria of: First to looked after children (in public care) Second to children with a brother or sister already in the school who will be in attendance in September of the year of admission is sought – The Local Authority‘s sibling definition has been adopted. Third to those living closest to the school. Distances are calculated on the basis of a straight line measurement between the applicant’s home address and the middle front gate of the school. The Local Authority’s Distance Definition, Shared Responsibility, Separating /No tie Breaker definitions have been adopted by Ninestiles. Applications All applicants are required to submit a completed Ninestiles application form directly to the school by the published deadline. Application forms can be obtained from the school on request or from the Local Authority, Admissions and Appeals, Tel. 0121 303 1888 Applications can also be made on line at: All applicants must also complete the Local Authority application form to be considered for a place at Ninestiles. The Local Authority application form can be obtained from your child’s Primary School or from the Local Authority, Admissions and Appeals. Tel. 0121 303 1888 Late applicants will be positioned on the distance waiting list after the initial offers are made to children who have completed our admissions process. Late entries from siblings are placed at the top of the distance waiting list and take priority. Proof of address may be asked for either at the time of making the application or when attending for the assessment tests.
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