Surgiccal Technolo gy Accelerrated Alterna ate Delivery ((AAD) Progrram (For all stu udents in the program p Jannuary 2015 orr later) General Informatiion The Acccelerated Allternate Deliv very (AAD) Pathway in Su urgical Technoology was devveloped to asssist currentlyy practicing non-ceertified surgiccal technologiists to obtain the t education nal backgrounnd required too be eligible too sit for the N National Board d of Surggical Technollogy and Surg gical Assisting (NBSTSA)) certifying exxam. Surgiccal technologiists interested d in this prograam must fit in nto one of twoo groups: 1. Form mally trained surgical tech hnologists who o completed their t educatioon from a nonn-Commissionn on Accredittation of Allieed Healthh Education Programs (CA AAHEP) accreedited program m in surgical technology; or 2. On tthe job trained surgical tecchnologists wh ho have comp pleted 120 caases as a surgiical technologgist. The AA AD program in Surgical Technology T is a 47-credit program. p Up tto twenty-fivee of those creddits may be ggranted by docum mented work experience e in the field. Thee remaining tw wenty-two creedits represennt seven courses to be takeen through Neew Englannd Institute off Technology's online distaance educatio on program. Successsful completion of all AA AD requiremen nts establishees eligible-to-ttest status to tthe completerr for the Natioonal Board off Surgiccal Technolog gy and Surgicaal Assisting Certified C Surg gical Technoloogist (CST) ccertifying exaam. The Surgiical Technoology program m of study is accredited by y the Commisssion on Accrreditation of A Allied Health Education Prrograms (CAAH HEP). Questio ons and Answ wers 1. Where do my classes meet? nline, there arre no times when w students are required tto meet in a ttraditional on--campus Since tthe ST AAD program is on classrooom. At a min nimum, you will w need to lo og on weekly for your assiggnments. Facculty may schhedule (at theiir discretion) online discussions or o other activiities through the t online leaarning softwar are that may reequire you to attend class aat a specific time. T These session ns may be reco orded for stud dents to accesss at a later tim me. Howeverr, most online work is expeected to be compleeted based on n the student'ss schedule witthin the conteext of the couurse requiremeents. hat do I need to know? 2. I’m not familiarr with online courses. Wh You’lll need basic faamiliarity witth your compu uter. For exam mple: emailinng, using the W Web, and dow wnloading and attaching docum ments. No speccial equipmen nt is required – just a modeern Windows or Mac compputer, an “offfice suite” succh as Microso oft Office, and a broadb band internet connection. New E England Tech online coursees are designeed to help accclimate you too the technoloogy, and buildd your skills aand your confidence as you go. g We offer support s 24 x 7 via phone, email e or chat to help you w with computerr or online syystem issues. Tablet computers caan be useful for f doing courrse readings, watching couurse videos, aand catching uup on course ddiscussions. But a ttablet will nott be sufficientt for doing alll your course work – be suure you have rregular accesss to a real lapptop or desktop. ning their ownn computer’s hardware andd software. New England Onlinee students must be capable of installing and maintain Tech ddoes not assistt students witth the setup of their compu uters. Informaation about obbtaining softw ware (if requirred) will be made aavailable to you y at the startt of each courrse. al computer skills s in ordeer to take an online coursse? 3. Do I need specia You w will need to bee able to comffortably navig gate the Intern net, use emaill, attach docuuments to emaail, install sofftware and hardwaare on your home h computeer at a basic leevel. 4. How w can I get heelp for my co oursework when w I need itt? There are several ways w that you can get the heelp you need with w your couursework. Firrst, your instruuctor will be available to you thrrough email, chat and the phone p and NE EIT’s Academ mic Skills Cennter will be av available via eemail and phoone. w much time should I exp pect to dedica ate to an onliine course? 5. How New E England Tech’s policy regaarding the am mount of work expected of a student is siimilar to all oother colleges and universities. The nu umber of cred dit hours assig gned to courseework is relatted to the acaddemic time a student is exppected to spen nd in direct faculty insttruction and out-of-class o work, w and reassonably approoximates one hour of classsroom or direcct faculty instrucction and a miinimum of tw wo hours of ou ut-of-class stu udent work eaach week for aapproximatelly ten weeks ffor one hour of o credit; or at least an n equivalent amount a of worrk for other accademic activvities as estabblished by Neew England T Tech including g t the award of o credit hourrs. Since this is an online ccourse and theere is no “classs studyinng and exam preparation tiime, leading to time orr direct instru uction” you sh hould estimate that you willl spend threee hours each w week for eachh credit. or help with technical issues? 6. Where do I go fo The Reesponse Desk k at NEIT is available a throu ugh email and d the phone. P Please undersstand the Respponse Desk can only assistt you wiith access to your y online acccount. The Response R Dessk cannot helpp you with anny software orr hardware isssues with you ur personnal computer. Canvas, NEIIT’s online leearning manag gement system m, offers 24 x 7 support viia phone, emaail or chat forr anythinng related to Canvas. w do I acquirre textbooks? ? 7. How Studennts may purch hase their texttbooks either through the NEIT N Bookstoore or throughh online mercchants. Textboook inform mation for all courses c is avaailable throug gh the NEIT Bookstore B prioor to the startt of each acaddemic term. Please be sure that yoou order the correct edition n. dance and pa articipation requirements r s? 8. Aree there attend Yes. E Each week you u will be requ uired to particcipate in vario ous activities such as discuussion boards or other assiggnments for each coourse. This paarticipation will w be the bassis of attendan nce. w is taking an n online courrse different from an on-campus courrse? 9. How Onlinee courses offeer you flexibillity in the scheduling of yo our class and sstudy time. H However, onlinne courses alsso require sellfdisciplline and self-m motivation to do the work that is expectted of the couurse. Since theere will be noo “lecture” tim me and no traditioonal class tim me to attend, you y will need to dedicate an n appropriatee amount of tim me to review w the course coontent on the Canvas learning maanagement system, compleete the reading gs, participatee in the onlinee discussion fforums, and ccomplete otheer assignm ments. Insteadd of meeting at a a fixed tim me and location n, your onlinee course will run on a weekkly schedule starting on a Monday and endingg on a Sunday y evening. Generally there are no set meeeting times dduring which the entire claass meets. Addditionally, theere may bee some assign nments when specific due dates d must bee met. o courses? c 10. Doo online courses take morre time than on-campus No. Onnline courses require the saame amount of o work as an n on-campus ccourse. Howeever, the time you spend inn an online coursee will be differrent than in an a on-campus course. For example, e morre time may bbe spent on reading and com mpleting the assignm ments and ressponding to electronic postts from both the t instructorr and other stuudents and lesss time will be spent on drivingg to and from m campus and no time will be b spent in a traditional claassroom. All courses mustt be completeed in 10 weeks. Each ccourse mirrorss the course taaught in-classs at New Eng gland Institutee of Technoloogy. 11. Wh hat are the withdrawal w policies? p Stuudents who withdraw w from m NEIT must notify n the Reg gistrar’s Officce, in writingg. Abbsence from class c does nott constitute withdrawal. Alll refunds of tu uition, registration, adminiistrative, student, and lab ffees are calcullated on an accademic quarrter basis. Wrritten notificaation received d by the Regisstrar: - In the firstt week* of claass will resultt in a refund of o 75% of thee quarter’s tuiition and fees. - In the seco ond week of class c will resu ult in a refund d of 50% of thhe quarter’s tu tuition and feees. - In the thirrd week of claass will resultt in a refund of o 25% of the quarter’s tuittion and fees. - After the third t week off class, will reesult in no refu fund. (*Notee: A week is an a academic week, w which begins b on Sun nday and endds on Saturdayy. An academ mic quarter is ccomprised of ten (10) weeks.) Policy Drop P Dropping a course is i a two-step process: p Step One: Students S mustt contact theirr Student Adv visor for apprroval to drop aany course. Step Two: Students S must complete th he drop proced dure by eitherr presenting w written authorrization from the Student Advisor to the Registrar’s Office or by b completing g the electroniic drop process outlined byy their Studennt Advisor. Th he Registrar’s Office will only complete the requested d drop upon rreceipt of theiir Student Addvisor’s approoval. Studennts who have never attendeed a course an nd drop the co ourse prior to noon on Satuurday of the ssecond week oof the quarterr will haave the record d of their registration in thaat course removed. No refeerence will apppear on theirr college transscript. To avooid receiving a failing grad de, students must m drop courrses within thhe first five w weeks of the quuarter. The deeadline to dro op a coursse is Friday of o the fifth weeek of the quaarter. Studennts who ceasee attending a specific s coursse, but fail to complete the two-step drop process outtlined above, will receive a grade bbased upon th he evaluation criteria outlin ned in the cou urse syllabus.. 12. Hoow do I accesss my coursess? Upon aacceptance in nto the prograam you will bee provided wiith the user naame and passsword that alloows you to acccess to your coursees. All coursees can be acceessed via the link l for Canvas, NEIT’s onnline course m management system, at https:/// – you will log into yo our course(s) via the Internnet. And, sincce this is an assynchronous llearning environnment, you will w have access to your cou ursework wheenever it is coonvenient forr you – 24 houurs a day, sevven days a week. We have creaated this sort of environmeent because cllassmates are often in diffeerent time zonnes, thereby m making it imposssible for every yone to “atten nd” class at th he same time.. ho will be my y instructorss? 13. Wh NEIT w will assign in nstructors to th he courses. All A instructors have experieence in designning and teachhing online coourses. The instrucctor for the co ourse that you u register for will w teach, asssign homewo rk and determ mine your graade based on tthe work that you suubmit. Throug gh chat roomss and messagee boards, stud dents and instrructors interaact in posting assignments, responding to questioons, and learn ning about thee subject and each other. t to a tessting center to t take any quizzes q or exxams? 14. Wiill I need to travel All NE EIT quizzes an nd exams aree taken via Caanvas, NEIT’ss online coursse managemeent system. Foor pre-determined NEIT assessm ments/exams the student iss required to recruit r the serrvices of a prooctor who agrrees to receivve your assesssment/exam materials from NEIT and to adm minister the asssessment/exaam to you in a suitable environment. Yoour instructor will provide you wiith further infformation abo out this processs. Please note that the Certified Surrgical Techno ologist (CST®) exam must be taken at a testing centeer approved byy NBSTSA. All stuudents are req quired to take the CST certiifying exam, which will innvolve scheduuling with andd traveling to the authorizeed testingg center. This process will be b coordinateed by NEIT’s Account Exeecutive, in colllaboration w with the AAD completer. Th he studennt is responsib ble for all costts related to th he CST certiffying exam. T Taking the CS ST exam is a rrequirement ffor completion n of the A AAD program m. ber of students who can enroll in each h course? 15. Is tthere a limit to the numb Class ssections are liimited to 30. Each student will receive personalized p attention. have not earn ned my high school diplom ma or GED: can I enroll in the AAD program? 16. I h AAD rrequires appliicants to havee a high schoo ol diploma or GED for entrrance into thee technology. 17. Hoow long shou uld it take mee to completee my program m? To com mplete the AA AD program requirements r in the shortesst possible tim me, you shoulld take the courses outlinedd in the prescriibed curriculu um as they aree offered. Thee typical AAD D completionn time is 12 too 18 months. mplete the pro ogram? 18. Is tthere a time limit when I need to com Each sstudent can tak ke as long as 4 years from the time of enrollment e to complete thee AAD prograam. 19. Wh hat does my program cosst? The coost of your pro ogram will bee as outlined by b NEIT’s Acccount Execuutive. 20. Wiill this progrram prepare me for a nattional certificcation exam?? Yes. T The National Board B of Surg gical Technology and Surg gical Assistingg (NBSTSA) offers a certiification exam m. You must compleete the entire course of stu udy before you u become elig gible to sit forr this exam. NEIT accred dited? 21. Is N NEIT iis accredited by the New England E Asso ociation of Sch hools & Colleeges (NEASC C). The Surgical Technology program of o Programs (CA study iis accredited by b the Comm mission on Acccreditation off Allied Healtth Education P AAHEP). 22. Caan I transfer the credits th hat I earn att NEIT to ano other collegee? The traansferability of o a course is always up to o the institutio on to which thhe student is ttransferring. d from anoth her college? 23. Caan I transfer credit that I have earned You m may transfer crredit from ano other accreditted college reecognized by N NEIT for the courses that are outlined iin the curricuulum. p averagee? 24. Doo I need to maintain a cerrtain grade point Yes. Y You are requirred to attain a C+ (77) or higher h in each h of your technnical core subbjects -- (BIO O and ST) in oorder to pass the couurse. 25. Am m I required to documentt my prior work w or cliniccal duties as a first or secoond scrub? Yes, att least 120 surrgical proced dures with (a minimum m of) 80 procedurees in the Firstt Scrub role annd a combinaation of 40 proceddures in the Fiirst or Second d Scrub role as a stipulated by b the Core C Curriculum forr Surgical Technology, 6thh edition, are requireed to be docum mented in thee Surgical Pro ocedure Log Book. B The Suurgical Proced dure Log Boo ok contains diirections for verifying v surggical procedurres and is dow wnloadable ass a .pdf file from thhe Surgical Technology T Online web sitee. o entry requirements r s for the prog gram? 26. Arre there any other A canddidate for adm mission to thee AAD prograam must subm mit or complette the followiing: Muust complete an application. Muust pass the online o reading g and writing skills assessm ment placemeent exam. Muust pass a pree-assessment exam e that is related r to the field of surgiical technologgy. Muust provide documented em mployment an nd surgical ex xperience verrification. Muust provide tw wo letters of professional p recommendati r ion on letterhhead. Printedd Student’s Name N Signatuure Date D
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