GRAPEVINE No. 264 February 2015 Thank you all for Pastor Erik’s Farewell and God’s Speed A heartfelt day was shared by many as 330 people attended the worship service and ‘Farewell and God’s Speed’ for Pastor Erik, Desta, and Family on Sunday, December 21st. Thank you to the entire congregation for your attendance and support for the Goehner Family. We celebrated Pastor Erik’s ministry with us in style. As he was outfitted in many stoles of thanks we expressed our love and appreciation for his ministry among us. Amazing describes the Farewell Committee for organizing a grand sendoff and reception. Thank you! Thank you also to the members of the Church Council, Committees, and Ministries of the congregation for your contributions to the day. Sunday, February 1, 2015 4th Sunday after the Epiphany Lesson Focus: Teaching and Healing/Jesus’ strong Beats evil’s wrong. GOSPEL: Mark 1:21-28 Worship: 8:30 & 10:00 AM Faith Journeys: 9:45 AM Sunday, February 8, 2015 5th Sunday after the Epiphany Lesson Focus: Jesus heals/Jesus is what we’re searching for. GOSPEL: Mark 1:29-39 Worship: 8:30 & 10:00 AM Faith Journeys: 9:45 AM Sunday, February 15, 2015 The Transfiguration of our Lord Lesson Focus: The Transfiguration/Jesus highlights God’s love. Lesson focus : Mark 9:2-9 Worship: 8:30 & 10:00 AM Faith Journeys: 9:45 AM Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Ash Wednesday Service at St. Columba’s at 7:30 PM 1251 Las Posas Rd., Camarillo Sunday, February 22, 2015 First Sunday in Lent Lesson Focus: God wants us to love and obey. *FIRST READING: Genesis: 9:8-17 Worship: 8:30 & 10:00 AM Faith Journeys-9:45 AM * The Old Testament reading will be the sermon text. Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Lenten Service Soup Supper at 6:00 PM Worship Service at 7:00 PM The Grapevine is a monthly publication of Mount Cross Lutheran Church, 102 Camino Esplendido, Camarillo, CA 93010 • 805.482.3847 website: • email: [email protected] • Pastor: John W. Soyster • Editor: Sheri Groenveld Living Witnesses I’m thinking of having a T-shirt made. On the front it will say: “When you know the Greek root for the word ‘witness,’ the idea of simply talking to someone else about your faith doesn’t seem so scary.” Printed on the back of the shirt will be a single word: martyr. Wouldn’t you rather be a living witness than a dead one? In Acts 1:8, Jesus gave his followers a job that must have seemed impossible. “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” Twenty centuries later, even with the internet and air travel, this still seems a daunting task. This can be especially true in a church culture like ours, which tends toward the shy side when it comes to sharing that which we confess and sing to be most important in our lives. Nevertheless, when I look at what is going on at Mount Cross these days, I am encouraged, not discouraged. But apparently not everyone shares this view. At our last Church Council meeting we heard reports that suggested some (or maybe just one) feel we are in such a state of decline that the closing of the church is a near certainty. I don’t know who might feel this way, but I am pretty sure they were not part of the search process for our new Praise Band director last summer. That group was clearly forward looking and thinking when they chose Devin Milligan to be the new leader. They were also not part of the very long and very intense search process for a new director for our ministry with children, youth and their families. When Meredith Gardner accepted the position the committee (and Council) took a collective deep breath of relief, not that the search was over, but because we’d done something decisive to insure our future. We’d found someone who had a combination of all the gifts for which we’d been looking. They were also not part of the extensive work of the Budget & Finance Committee and the Church Council that went into the presentation of a budget for the coming year. They just presented a balanced budget that allows us to rebuild our reserves so that we are financially secure into our future. While the one or more who may have voiced such concerns about our future missed out on the change to be present at these events, there may still be time to mingle with those who believe what God tells us in Jeremiah 29: “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope,” (to borrow from a devotion given at a recent Church Council meeting). They will have a chance to join with Council members and others who care about this place at our annual Leadership Retreat on January 31, as we chart a course through 2015, to be sure. But more than that. We are already looking at how we celebrate the entire year 2016 (our 50 th) as a springboard to fifty more. Consider yourself invited. Speaking of turning 50… Many of you remember (perhaps with some horror) how your AARP card seemed to magically appear in the mailbox almost exactly on the day of you celebrated that milestone birthday. Let me assure you that if an AARP (American Association of Retired Parishes) card arrives in the Mount Cross mailbox, there will be many eager to send it back! Pastor John Faith Journeys…. This program is designed for children four years old and up, but for younger children nursery care is available each week. We want to emphasize that faith is not something we just learn about, but rather an on-going journey we live out every day. While children get a grounding in the Biblical story, our overall goal is to help them experience God’s love and encourage them to put it into action because research shows that faith is more caught than taught. NEWLY ELECTED. Here are the election results from last Sunday’s Annual Meeting. Church Council: Marion Cole, Linda Frantz, Harry Griffith, Dottie Keough, Bev Rueckert & Denise Sobolik. Nominating Committee: Don Hauser, Suzanne Ingram, Susan Prosser & Bill Rowley. Voting Members to Synod Assembly: Dmitry Altshuller, Mary Altshuller & Stan Patscheck. Mediation Board: Dmitry Altshuller, Barbara Meyer and & Nils Rueckert. Audit Committee: Bob Winters. Endowment Committee: Brian Fisher & Bob Brundage. Mount Cross Kids Shutterfly Share Site- Mount Cross has a site for our families that allows us to share photos that are private and secure. The Shutterfly share site allows for lots of information to be shared: Calendars, Reminders, Announcements, and Snack Sign ups. You can request to become part of this group, just send an e-mail to the church office ([email protected]). Schedule on Sunday mornings: 9:45 AM—we start in the church sanctuary. 9:55 AM—students go with their Faith Guides to small group time with their age group. 10:40 AM—students return to the church sanctuary to join families in worship. 11:00 AM—worship ends and we are sent to serve in the world! Fun with Faith….. This ministry is for first through fifth graders who want to deepen their faith, enjoy activities, crafts, services projects and fun with their peers. Invite a friend! Wednesday, February 11—4:00-5:30 PM @ Church Bring a friend to Fun with Faith and get a special treat! Please note that during Lent you’re invited to attend all Wednesday Lenten Soup Supper and Services. The first Lenten Soup Supper and Service is on February 25 at 6:00 PM for supper and 7:00 for the service. Confirmation Wednesday, February 4 —Confirmation (6:00:-8:00 PM) Dinner: Laskey Family Wednesday, February 11—Confirmation (6:00:-8:00 PM) Dinner: Rose Family Wednesday, February 18—NO Confirmation– Ash Wednesday Service at St. Columba’s Episcopal Church at 7:30 PM Wednesday, February 25—6:00-7:30 PM (note time change) Soup Supper at 6:00 PM, Confirmation gathering at 6:30 PM, worship service at 7:00 PM, end at 7:30 PM. Confirmation Winter Camp– February 13-15, 2015 at El Camino Pines, Frazier Park Cost: $145, make checks payable to Mount Cross with “Winter Camp” on the Memo Line Meet Friday at Mount Cross at 5:30 PM and we will return Sunday early afternoon. Mount Cross Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 102 Camino Esplendido Camarillo, CA 93010-1717 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID OXNARD, CA 93030 PERMIT NO. 43 NEXT Newsletter Deadline is Thursday, February 19, 2015 If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically only, please notify the church office ([email protected]). Welcome Reception for Meredith Gardner Child Development Center Open Enrollment for 2015-2016 & Summer School Sunday, February 8, 2015 9:30 & 11:00 AM Director of Children, Youth & Family Ministries Mount Cross church members may register their children in our preschool anytime during the month of February. The registration fee is 50% off for members ($65). Children may start at 2 years and 6 months of age. We are also enrolling for Summer school which begins on June 23 and ends on July 16, 2015. If you would like to tour our school or have any questions please contact Cathy Channels at 482-9706. Come meet and introduce yourself to our NEW Children, Youth and Family Ministries Director. Please wear your name tags while Meredith is learning new faces at Mount Cross. This is a great opportunity to introduce yourself and your family and join us at Mount Cross if we haven’t seen you in awhile. Meredith is extremely excited to start working with our families and youth. Please spread the word. Church Council Update for January 2015 Council approved the hiring of Meredith Gardner for the full time position of Children, Youth and Family Minister. Meredith is a member of Mount Cross and since being in our own youth group has graduated college, attended seminary for one year, worked in children and youth ministries, camp counselor and the YMCA. We will welcome Meredith officially on Sunday, February 8th. We are excited about the gifts Meredith will bring to these ministries. Thank you to the Learning Committee and the Staffing Search Committee for their perseverance, expertise and just plain hard work throughout this entire process. The church council thanks Herb Holler for volunteering to be our church bookkeeper. This will save us the expense we expected to incur. Thank you also to Susan Prosser for taking on the task of Treasurer for the month of January until we have a new council volunteer for this position. Our deepest thanks to Tim Schneider for his superb work as Treasurer/ Bookkeeper the last two years and for assisting in the . passing of the baton to our new volunteers. The Leadership Retreat is set for Saturday, January 31 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the church. All leaders and are invited to attend a morning of planning and coordinating for 2015-2016. This is where we work to set our goals, evaluate and plan our future. Church Council and Committee Reports can be viewed at and click on resources. -Gayle Johnson, President Worship Assistant Training—February 7 Training for all ushers, worship assistants, readers, communion assistants and altar guild will be Saturday, February 7, beginning at 10:00 AM. Training will be staggered. Ushers beginning at 10, worship and communion assistants at around 11 and the rest to follow at 11:45 or so. We are hoping everyone who helps with worship can attend. Thank you for your service to Mount Cross! Any questions? Please call the church office. PRAYER CONCERNS Drs. Mark and Elena Altshuller (parents of Dmitry Altshuller), Robert Andes (nephew of Scott & Nora Fajnor), Cheryl Avery, Ben Beamer (friend of the Prossers), Bret Bentzen, Margaret Borjon, Dewayne Brady, Geri Bradley, Nichole Brickley, Phil Carr (brother of Tom Carr), Janet Colby, Kimberly Colby (daughter-in-law of the Colbys), Brandi Cole (friend of Scott Fajnor), Wendell and Rosemary Couch (uncle of Al Watts), Ken Dahlberg (brother of Betty Hough), Casey & Steve Davis, Beau Draper, Steve Engh (friend of Mount Cross), Craig & Debbie Fajnor and Family (brother of Scott Fajnor), Pam Franz, Gary (former roommate of Bill Emery), Maxine Gamboni, Jo Ann & Bill Goth (parents of Peggy Cambell), Collin Diller (grandson of Diana Hagen), Maurie Hahn (uncle of Joan & Bob Brundage), Family of Brian Hamilton, Anna Bailey (sister of Mona Neuhaus), Inga Hazer (aunt of Betty Hough), Sean Hoffman, Matt Iden (nephew of Kathleen Miller), Karen Johnson, Arloa Kelsen (aunt of Barbara Burke), Keith Jacobson (brother of Lynn Osslund), Dawn Juricic, Phillip Kent (friend of Justin Bricker), Kristyn King (friend of Randy & Jennifer Churchill), Pam King, Michelle Klapoetke, Kris Korzan, Lynn Kuchera, David Lee (nephew of Avis Miley), Cynthia Leroy (sister of John Colby), Stefan Leroy (grandnephew of the Colbys), Marcia Mann (friend of the Brickleys), Jack Marsh (Mary O’Donnell’s son-in-law), Mike Martinez , Jennifer McCord, Barbara Meyer, Frank Miley, Caroline Murphy, Mary O’Donnell, Ray Olson, Patrick O’Neal and parents Gene & Buelah O’Neal, Randy Ortega, Peter (roommate of Bill Emery), John Palatino, Kathleen Reardon Palmaro, Margaret Penza, Allan Perry (cousin of Barb Sletten), Jeffrey Prosser, Marion Sanders, Pauline Schmidt (mother of Mary Altshuller), John Scott (uncle to Mark Saner), Sheppard Family (friends of Emily Loomis), Gerry Slade, Danita Spence (friend of Mike & Diane Scoggins), Pat and Bob Springer (mother and father of Joan Brundage), Jason Stevens & Family, Marold Strand, Tara Tapangco, Bernice Vang, Louise Vincent, Lindy Watts (sister in law of Lois Watts), Toy White, Denise Woodruff (aunt of Kimberly Sandlin), Michelle Woodruff (cousin of Kimberly Sandlin), Carol Young, Lydia Young (relative of Lu Family) . Thank You! Dear Mount Cross Lutheran, We at LSS Community Care Center would like to thank you for your generous donation of $254 to Lutheran Social Services with the proceeds from your Bake Sale. The funds you have donated stay in Ventura County and work to improve the lives of individuals and families. Thank you again for your support and commitment to LSS and the community we serve. Sincerely, Leslie Orth Area Director, Ventura County Dear Mount Cross Family, Thank you for your amazingly generous response to the Gifts of Hope project this year! We surpassed the goal for Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County by the second week - raised the goal, passed it again, raised it again - and still went beyond that! More than $5000 was raised - and many hours of service were given - to help give a family a hand up out of poverty! Look for pictures on the kiosk of Rigoberto and Hirais home - it's almost complete. They, and we, are grateful for your generosity! Peace, Your Service and Missions Team We want to thank all of you for your gifts to Hickory House. They are so appreciative of the 99¢ gift cards and enjoyed singing Christmas carols accompanied by Barbara D'Addario on the piano and eating cupcakes and ice cream. And thanks to all who helped at the party. -Mary Goodenough and Rita Carolan Habitat/Thrivent Builds Update We had a small group from Mount Cross who braved the rain and worked on the Santa Paula house on December 20th. Since then, all the doors (inside and out) and all of the siding has been installed. The inside has been painted and the kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities are being installed now. Painting the outside and installing fences and landscaping are on the near horizon. You can volunteer at the site Wednesday thru Saturday if you have some time. I usually volunteer on Wednesday's and would be glad to carpool with all who can help. I will be setting up a Mount Cross day soon so please contact Gordon Henry for more information. The latest photos will be on the Kiosk. A Great Big Thank You from Karl Goebel! Thank you to all the Mount Cross members for your generosity and for making my Eagle Scout Project Bake Sale such a big success! You helped me raise $310 towards my goal. I am very excited about being able to give back to Mount Cross for all the years of support and belonging. Additional Fundraising for Karl’s Eagle Project I am collecting aluminum cans and plastic bottles, which can be deposited in the marked container in the church office. I am also in the process of coordinating an e-waste recycling event, and will get that information out as soon as possible, so please hold on to your old TV’s, computers and electronics for a little while longer. Monies raised above what is needed for my Eagle Project will go back to Mount Cross. Lent Soup Suppers are coming! The tradition is back. Every year at Mount Cross, you are invited to spend your Wednesday evenings during Lent at church. We start with a simple supper of soup and bread at 6 pm, then move to a short worship service together in the church at 7 pm. Plan to join us every week during Lent, starting February 25th. Look for the signup chart on the patio or in your Friday email (if you prefer to sign up online) to share when you would like to help. We need people to bring soup or bread, but we also need people to help setup the room, and to help cleanup after the meal is over. If everyone who participated signed up for one job - the chart would be full. It's easier than cooking a whole meal - and you get to try many different varieties of soup! Yum! Hope to see some new faces this year. Don't forget to invite a friend to join us. 3D—February 6, 2015 at 1:30 PM Dessert, Devotions, & Discussion Phil Chandler from Right at Home will be here at Mount Cross. Right at Home provides non-medical in home assistance to seniors or anyone with disabilities. Phil will be offering a great presentation on continuum care and information on resources and support groups for issues seniors may face. Happy Hour Fellowship Event Photos from the Santa Paula Build Site on Trinity Lane Photos by: Gordon Henry Happy hour at Altshuller residence, Saturday, February 7, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. Bring a bottle of wine to share and/or an appetizer. Look for the sign-up sheet on the patio Sundays and in the church office mid-week. Due to limited space only 20 people admitted. Due to limited parking spaces, carpooling is strongly suggested. Non-alcoholic beverages will be offered. Mark your calendar! April 25, 2015 Annual Dinner & Auction What is Make Bake Celebrate? A unique offering of various items that have been made, baked or donated by members and friends of the church. Enjoy an incredible dinner with friends while bidding on everything from cookies and pies to artwork, dinners to tapestries and everything in between – the sky is the limit! Mark your calendar! It promises to be a night you will remember. Remember, your attendance is as important as a donation. What will You Donate? Baked goods, dinners, quilts, paintings or the gift of time? What about donating the GIFT OF TIME or TALENT? Here are some ideas to get you going: · Offer to put up/take down Christmas lights · Babysitting - love kids? Offer an evening of free babysitting! · Yard work - Saturday Morning of yard work - offer to arrive with donuts and coffee! · Handyman Services - Help someone out with those Honey Do’s! · Cooking Class - love to cook? Offer afternoon cooking classes then sit down and eat together! · Cook a dinner or desert for someone. · Animal/House Sitting - a weekend of house/pet sitting Once you think of an idea, contact your Make Bake Celebrate Committee so we can add it to the growing list! [email protected] or 444-1768. February 1 Do you want to see photos from the Goehner Family Godspeed & Farewell? Come check out the photos on the church patio on Sunday! Happy Birthday to… 1 Dan Nelson Barbara Buenger 2 Chance Fairchild Pat Gallagher Chris Rebbe 4 Jan Beat Rosanne Stevens 5 Brian Stouch 7 Abbie Hobbs Sean Rose Jessica Stoll Bob Winters 8 Charles Angelastro Kevin Davis Shawn Gallagher 9 Linette Angelastro 10 Mark Seal 11 Terri Boyer Doug Posthauer Melinda Sheller 12 Sharyl Gallagher Melissa Lennox Brian Martin 13 Vicki Ramirez 16 John Bricker Carol Fehr Matthew Griffith Erik Johnson 17 Michael Fickenscher Melissa Henry 18 Joshua Kienitz Miera Stouch Daniel Hurault 19 Kevin Churchill Sophia Valencia Jackson Valencia 20 Jeanne Kuchera 21 Dave Fox 22 Caroline Sheller Lauren Stoll 23 Kathleen Jones Kristen Keough 24 Suzanne Ingram 25 Sally Jo Martin Kathleen Miller 26 Julie Fox 27 Genevieve Hoffman Madaline Statton Happy Anniversary to… 12 John & Leslie Soyster 15 Jerry & JoAnn Oakley 21 Raimond & Gail Weed Mission of the Month: Souper Bowl of Caring/St. Columba’s Food Pantry The Souper Bowl of Caring is February 1! Please bring a can of food (or more!) with you to church or drop $1 (or more!) in the soup pots that will be available. Donations will be matched by Thrivent Financial. For every $3, they will donate $1 more! In 1990, the Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a single youth group: "Lord, as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us to be mindful of those without even a bowl of soup to eat." Since then, more than $100 million have been raised for local charities across the country through the Souper Bowl of Caring. Be part of this movement that begins in our own backyard and reaches across the nation, sharing God's love with those who need our compassion and care. Please give generously as our church collects donations on Super Bowl Sunday. Every penny and can collected will go to St. Columba's Food Pantry to help our neighbors in need. For more than 25 years, Mount Cross has had a partner in St. Columba's Food Pantry. Rather than run our own food pantry, we have utilized their facilities to assist our neighbors in need. We collect donations and our faithful volunteer carries them over. Then we refer neighbors in need to them. This has worked beneficially for both congregations, and we hope our partnership continues for many more - although in the food pantry business, you hope that you actually put yourself out of business! Flower Chart Openings We still have openings to give altar flowers on Sundays in 2015. Dates still available are: February 1 & 8, March 1 & 8, April 12, May 24, August 16 & 30, September 13, 20 & 27, October 25, November 8 & 29 and December 6, 20 & 27. The cost is $30/arrangement. If you would like to either give flowers on any of the dates listed above, or on any other Sunday, please contact the church office with the date and the dedication for the bulletin at [email protected] or 482-3847. First Communion Workshop Sunday, February 22, 2015 11:15 AM You and your student are invited to join us for our annual First Communion Workshop. This is an experience where children can learn about different images and meanings of communion. Here are the basics: The workshop is for Kindergarten to third graders or children who are older, but are not yet receiving communion. A parent, godparent, or other trusted adult is required to attend with the student. First Communion Sunday will be on March 1 at 10:00am worship. If you and your child would like to attend the First Communion workshop please RSVP by February 20 at 482-3847 or to the church office at [email protected]. If you need childcare for younger siblings let us know and we can help arrange for it to be provided. CROP Hunger Walk –March 8 Monthly Fair Trade Sale It's time again for the CROP Hunger February 1st (Super Bowl Sunday) s your Walk. This is either a 5k or 10k - your next opportunity to purchase fair trade choice! And if you aren't able to food items. Come see us on the patio for walk, please consider donating to the some delicious and just treats! Mount Cross team - we have a group goal of $2500 this year. Don't forget - 25% of the funds raised stay here in Ventura County at seven local food banks (including St. Columba's Food Pantry). Our host this year is our neighbor, Padre Serra. We'll SAVE THE DATE be walking a different rout, through the Mission Oaks We have a blood drive coming up on area. Sign-ups for our team will begin on the patio March 15, 2015. This is a great way to make a posisoon - so look for the red CROP stop sign and table! Or tive difference in the community. contact Gordon to participate. Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. - Maya Angelou
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