INSIDE Holocaust Memorial . . . . . 3 Tin Pan Alley Concert . . . . . 4 Gallery Sinai Presents Litterati . . . . . . . . 4 Hebrew Refresher Course/ New Friend Groups. . . . . . . 5 Cantor Jack Mendelson Coming in March. . . . . . . . . 5 Wresting Jerusalem . . . . . . 6 Jewish Film Festival . . . . . . 6 Social Action . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Keep up the Momentum – Give to our Annual Campaign! This year’s Annual Giving Campaign is off to a record-breaking pace because you have once again responded generously at unprecedented levels. Since we first approached you in early December, we have raised $71,900, far surpassing the $55,000 that was raised at this point during our campaign last year. And we’ve only just begun. You can understand our confidence that participation levels and total dollars raised will continue to increase. The Campaign, which runs for the entire fiscal year through June 2015, helps us bridge the gap between membership contributions and actual expenses and provides stability for current staffing and programing. It ensures that we can remain a congregation whose doors are open to all members regardless of their ability to pay and also allows for the kind of flexibility that a congregation of our size needs as unexpected opportunities and expenses arise throughout the year. Thank you so much if you have already made a gift. If you have yet to do so, you can still help... Tu B’Shevat Seder/ Adult Education . . . . . . . . 10 ONLINE: Simply go to WTS and Brotherhood . . . 11 BY MAIL: You can send a check directly to the Temple. Please mail your donation to: Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit Street, Oakland, CA 94609 and make your checks payable to Temple Sinai. Religous School . . . . . . . . 12 Preschool, Youth Programs and Midrasha . . . . . . . . . . 13 Lifecycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Celebrate Purim! . . . . . back BY PHONE: Call Temple Sinai at (510) 451-3263 x300 and ask to speak with Shaun Hannan to give via credit card. Please consider making additional gifts to the Annual Giving Campaign in honor of special mitzvahs or in memory of loved ones throughout the year. You are making a difference for our congregation and for our future. Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2015. ~ Melissa Heller FROM THE RABBI’S CANTOR’S DESK DESK I am honored and humbled to be Temple Sinai’s Senior Rabbi. Temple Sinai is a special place, and I believe that we have a special relationship. I want to share with you some of the reflections I wrote in the personal statement that accompanied my application many months ago. It captures what I appreciate most about this community, and why I feel so blessed to serve Temple Sinai. That is what drew me to Temple Sinai a decade ago, its heart. I saw my values in you. I value warmth and inclusivity. I value deep conversations about tradition, meaning and purpose. I believe that a synagogue must be a place where people feel and know they belong so they can be themselves, share who they are and what they think without concern of judgment. It must be a safe and comfortable place because it is in the synagogue that we wrestle with the most essential aspects of life: meaning, purpose, family, and tradition. A community that values these things is a community I want to serve, and Temple Sinai is that community. “Congregations have personalities. Of course, every individual within the community is unique, but when they come together, the collective establishes a distinct environment. Spend time in another synagogue and you will see the differences. The fact that our values are the same has contributed to the fact that we have been so successful in our relationship. We understand each other and have grown with each other over the years. The way in which we work together is natural and easy. I want to help you reach your potential in the same way that you urge me to reach mine. We have trust, friendship and shared values. Our personality match paired with our decade long history gives us a solid foundation to move our congregation forward in a positive way. Some are very corporate; they have teams of rabbis each with his or her own specialty, and on any given Shabbat may have half a dozen programs and services running at the same time. Some are focused on academics; they take pride in the number of scholarly articles and books their rabbi has written. Some are like celebrities; the rabbi and/or the congregation pride themselves on being famous, they appear frequently in the media of all sorts, and are often talked about on the national scene. So what differentiates us as a congregation? How might one describe our personality? Temple Sinai is all about heart. True, we have cutting edge programs, lots of intellectuals, and many different programs happening at any given time. Yet, it is the openness of our hearts, our compassion, our care for each other and the world around us that sets us apart and makes us who we are. We value sincerity and honesty. We are professional, but not formal. We are big, yet still hamish (warm). Temple Sinai is the place that people come to be welcomed for who they are and because they know that they will be included within the diversity of our community. Temple Sinai leads with its heart. Together, we will continue to build on our strengths, knowing who we are at our core. We are a community wherein individuals care about each other. We are honest, reflective and open to change. We have strong lay/ professional partnerships that determine our path. We are a community who learns and grows, inspired by our tradition and enriched by each other. It is our strengths that will keep us relevant as, not only our community, but all of organized American Judaism shapes its future identity and evolves to reflect the needs and experience of the younger generation of Jews. Being a place of belonging and inclusivity, being a safe place where people can search and explore, being a place where the search for meaning and purpose is at the forefront of every conversation will enable us to thrive in the present and in the future. Synagogues will always be relevant when they focus on matters of the heart. And that is who we are.” I am thrilled to be leading our community through the next stages of its life. Thank you for your trust and your confidence. We have an exciting future ahead. Jacqueline Mates-Muchin, Rabbi Ilene Keys, Cantor Yoni Regev, Rabbi Samuel Broude, Rabbi Emeritus Steven A. Chester, Rabbi Emeritus t Cantor Keys, Rabbi Mates-Muchin and Rabbi Regev Mike Baker, President Paul Geduldig, Executive Director Sue Bojdak, Director of Education Ellen Lefkowitz, Preschool Director Lisa Hanauer, Director of Membership & Communications TEMPLE SINAI BULLETIN (USPS 7053) is published monthly except June and July by the First Hebrew Congregation of Oakland, 2808 Summit Street, Oakland, CA 94609. Periodicals Postage Paid at Oakland, CA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Temple Sinai Bulletin, 2808 Summit Street, Oakland CA 94609-3605. 2 n Temple Sinai n February 2015 T’FILAH SHABBAT MINYAN Second Shabbat morning of each month, at 10:30am in the Albers Chapel The Shabbat Minyan is an exuberant and joyful lay-led service. This highly participatory celebration combines traditional elements with professionally led modern music. Our strong sense of community is enhanced by the potluck kiddush that follows the service. Volunteers (for chanting, readings, etc.) can contact Dan Fendel at [email protected]. TUESDAY MORNING MINYAN Every Tuesday morning from 7:30am – 8:00am Join us in an intimate setting for prayer based on the tradition, and using the Reform siddur, with time and space for individual prayer as well. We begin in the Chapel at 7:30am with 10 minutes of learning (presented either by Rabbi Regev or a lay participant), followed by the prayer service itself, ending at 8:00am. Newcomers, including those not familiar with the prayers, are especially welcome to join us in times of special need, to help perform the mitzvah of providing a minyan for those who are saying kaddish, or if you would like to explore prayer and learning to see how it may enhance your day. We welcome you to join us afterwards for coffee/tea/bagels at Posh Bagel on Piedmont Avenue. SHABBAT MORNING TORAH STUDY Every Shabbat Morning from 9:00am – 10:15am We study Torah together. Become part of the group that joins Rabbi Mates-Muchin or Rabbi Regev in a stimulating discussion as we work our way slowly, about a chapter per week, through Torah. We are now in the book of Leviticus. The session closes with a prepared drash by a volunteer congregant on the portion of the week. Bagels and coffee are served and the discussions end in time for the 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service. EREV SHABBAT – MIZMOR SHIR! SERVICE Friday, February 20, 7:30pm A musical Shabbat service featuring Cantor Keys and the Mizmor Shir! musicians on piano, guitar, mandolin, flute, saxophone, clarinet, violin, harmonica, drums and other percussive instruments. This service features congregational melodies and eclectic, contemporary music which complement the creative service booklet compiled by Rabbi Mates-Muchin specifically for this service. Schedule of Services Friday, February 6 6:30pm, Erev Shabbat Family Service, Led by 5th and 6th grade religious school classes, Music led by Junior Choir; Sanctuary Saturday, February 7 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the B’nei Mitzvah of Samuel and Arnold James Silberstein; Sanctuary Friday, February 13 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service, Disabilities Awareness Shabbat; Sanctuary Saturday, February 14 10:30am, Shabbat Minyan Service; Albers Chapel 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the B’nei Mitzvah of Amos and Micah Rubel Ancell; Sanctuary Friday, February 20 7:30pm, Mizmor Shir! Erev Shabbat featuring the Mizmor Shir! musicians and soulful music; Sanctuary Saturday, February 21 Inviting Holocaust Survivors’ Families Do you have a family member buried at Home of Eternity who survived the Holocaust? Whether the burial spot is marked by this symbol or not, please call Robin Reiner, the cemetery administrator at (510) 325-7073; or email [email protected]. You will be invited to the unveiling of the survivors’ memorial dedication on Sunday, March 29th. Please save the date. Temple Sinai is committed to accessibility. All programs taking place at Temple Sinai are wheelchair accessible. Accessibility of programs taking place offsite is noted by the wheelchair accessibility symbol. If you have concerns about an offsite location, please check with the contact person provided for that program. 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Crommie; Sanctuary Friday, February 27 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service led by Women of Temple Sinai; Sanctuary Saturday, February 28 9:15am, Sababa Shabbat, Shabbat Service and Program for Pre-K through 2nd grade with their families; Albers Chapel 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Max Augus; Sanctuary n 3 TO PROGRAMS FROM COME THE CANTOR’S and EVENTS DESK The 14th Annual Temple Sinai Poets of Tin Pan Alley Concert Sing-along Saturday, February 7, 7:30pm in the Sanctuary Ain’t We Got Fun – Songs of the Roaring ’20s $15 suggested donation ($10 if you’re over 80 or under 30) Proceeds benefit the presentation of these shows in local retirement communities. In 2014, we brought sing-alongs to: Reutlinger Home for Jewish Living, Danville Rhoda Goldman Plaza, San Francisco Piedmont Gardens, Oakland Baywood Court, Castro Valley Lake Park, Oakland Questions? contact Phillip Rubin at (510) 547-8080 or [email protected] TEMPLE SINAI TRIVIA TEAM Thursday, February 5, 7:30pm, New Parkway Theater Thursday, February 5, at 7:30pm at the New Parkway Theater at 474 24th St. (near the Temple!) Free parking at the Douglas lot – entrance on 23rd Street. Join us! SUNDAY MORNING MAH JONGG Sundays, February 8 & 22, 9:30-11:00am in Stern Hall Friends, nosh, mahj. All levels welcome (instructors available each week). Learn this Jewish classic while your children study the Jewish classics! Continuing nearly every Sunday there is Religious School through the winter/spring. Co-sponsored by the Women of Temple Sinai FEBRUARY SHABBAT WITH ATID Friday, February 20, 7:30pm Join ATID (Temple Sinai’s Young Adults Group) at the Mizmor Shir! musical Shabbat service, at Temple Sinai, at 7:30pm. Immediately following services, we will have a late night shabbat dinner/drinks at a nearby restaurant. RSVP [email protected] Thank you to Shir Appeal for their amazing perfomance last month! Keep the music going by purchasing their CD at 4 n Temple Sinai n February 2015 Continuing in the Gallery Sinai Stern Hall Exhibit Space... LITTERATI: OUR SHARED RESPONSIBILITY TO THE ENVIRONMENT Both in response to his understanding of the Jewish ethic of tikkun olam and out of his sense of responsibility to his children’s generation, in 2012 Temple Sinai congregant Jeff Kirschner founded Litterati, a movement dedicated to cleaning the planet one piece of litter at a time by combining environmental awareness with social media to inspire global change. Since its inception, more than 90,000 pieces of litter have been photographed, cataloged, and properly discarded and Litterati has become an international movement. The Litterati exhibit features photographs from locations around the world that serve as a stark reminder of the need for new strategies to reach the public, who still too often improperly discards its refuse. Each image is accompanied by thoughts from the photo-documentarian who encountered the objects in their respective environments. The exhibit is on display in Stern Hall through February. Please join us for a special oneg reception following Erev Shabbat services on Friday, February 6th. TO COME PROGRAMS, GROUPS ANDWORSHIP CLASSES Three New Friend Groups at Temple Sinai HEBREW IN A DAY: REFRESHER COURSE FOR PASSOVER WITH OPHIRA DRUCH Sunday March 22, 2:00pm – 4:00pm Temple Isaiah, Lafayette Refresh your Hebrew and get ready for Passover with “Hebrew in a Day!” This is a 2-hour Hebrew workshop for students who are able to decode Hebrew (i.e. sound out words using Hebrew letters and vowels), but want a reading refresher before Passover. We will do a review of letters and vowels, practice decoding to become more fluent, read and become familiar with some of the texts from the Haggadah. $18 for members or $30 for non-members. Registration: jewish-studies-hebrew-classes/ Save the Date CANTOR JACK MENDELSON AND FRIENDS Saturday, March 7 at 8:00pm Part of the 30th Jewish Music Festival, February 26 – March 22, 2015 Cantor Jack Mendelson sings classical hazonos (Jewish liturgical music). Cantor Mendelson, the subject of the acclaimed 2005 documentary A Cantor’s Tale, and a master of the genre, has dedicated his life to teaching, performing, and preserving the liturgical music tradition. Accompanied by Frank London and special guests. For 15% discount for groups of ten to thirty, contact the Festival office at (510) 848-0237, ext. 126 TICKETS: Tickets are $26 general admission/ $22 seniors (65+), full-time students, JCC East Bay and Temple Sinai members and are on sale Saturday, January 10 at or by calling (800) 838-3006, and at the door. NEW BABY PEOPLE Have you had a baby in the last year or so and want to get together with other parents and babies? To be added to the email list, contact [email protected] ATID YOUNG ADULTS GROUP For adults in their 20s, 30s, and those “young at heart” to gather for Shabbat dinners, cultural events, holiday celebrations, and (most importantly) making new friends. For information or join our Google Group, please contact Emmett and Olivia at: [email protected]. THE NEXT CHAPTER GROUP The Next Chapter group for people 60+, is being revitalized. To be included, please email [email protected]. Join Rabbi Mates-Muchin and Rabbi Chester, Jewish Federation of the East Bay and Temple Sinai TRIP to ISRAEL Now open for registration! For more information and to register: Design your own experience and discover Israel your way! Optional pre-trip to Poland April 14 – 20. Subsidies available. If you would like additional brochures or any other informational support, please call our trip coordinator: Riva Gambert at (510) 809-4953 or cell (925) 895-3605. n 5 EVENTS FROM THE COMING CANTOR’S SOON! DESK “Remarkable solo performance… yearning beauty…riveting.” ~San Francisco Chronicle THEATER PERFORMANCE AT TEMPLE SINAI March 28, 2015; 7:00pm Wrestling Jerusalem is a riveting 90-minute solo performance following one man’s journey to understand the IsraeliPalestinian conflict. It is a personal story that grapples with the complexities of identity, history and social justice. Aaron Davidman, former director of the Traveling Jewish Theatre, gives voice to over a dozen engaging characters, including Israelis, Palestinians and American Jews. Mr. Davidman’s brilliant rendition of these perspectives convey the conflicting narratives of what seems to be an endless conflict in the Holy Land. Following the performance, Temple Sinai and The New Israel Fund, co-sponsor, invite you to stay for light snacks and a post-performance discussion with the performer. WRITTEN AND PERFORMED BY AARON DAVIDMAN The ticket price will be $15 for Temple Sinai members; $18 for non-members. If the performance has not sold out, tickets will be sold at the door for $20 (cash only). Tickets will go on sale in February. Wrestling Jerusalem is being co-sponsored by The New Israel Fund; Temple Sinai’s sponsors include The Israel Education Committee, The Women of Temple Sinai, The Brotherhood, the Fine Arts Committee for Culture and Community as well as individual congregants. If you would like to contribute in any way to this event, please contact Deena Levine-Lipsett, Event Coordinator at [email protected] or at (925) 451-3556. SEE A FILM. SEE THE WORLD. March 7 – 15 at the Century 16 Theatres Pleasant Hill Join Temple Sinai on Sunday, March 8 at 5:00pm for a showing of The Green Prince Contra Costa Premiere. Germany/Israel/United Kingdom, 2014, 99 minutes, Hebrew/Arabic/subtitles. Winner of Sundance’s Audience Award, The Green Prince is a riveting documentary about one of Israel’s most important intelligence sources. After 17-year-old Mosab Hassan Yousef rejects Hamas’ use of suicide bombers, he agrees to spy for the Shin Bet, Israel’s security service. This tale of intrigue and betrayal is based on Yousef ’s memoir in which he describes his coming-to-terms with working with the Shin Bet and his own family history—his father having been a founding member of Hamas. “As gripping as any high concept Hollywood thriller and as psychologically knotty as Greek tragedy” – Guardian. Co-sponsor: Temple Sinai. For a complete schedule and to purchase tickets: 6 n Temple Sinai n February 2015 HOME OF ETERNITY and SOCIAL WORSHIP ACTION About Beit Olam Celebrating 150 Years: Forty folks turned out in November to celebrate Home of Eternity’s big anniversary. We thanked stained glass artist James Silva of HOM E Avalon GlassWorks who refurbished the o f E T E RNI T Y mausoleum’s beautiful stained glass ceilings and learned about sacred Jewish burial traditions from Rabbi Mates-Muchin. Call for a cemetery planning guide for Temple members. Holocaust Survivors’ Memorial: Unveiling and program on Sunday, March 29th, at 1:00pm. Please save the date. If you have a family member buried at Home of Eternity who is a Holocaust Survivor, please contact cemetery administrator Robin Reiner at (510) 325-7073 or [email protected]. New Space: New niches were added this November in a lovely, sunny area. About 70 graves were added last November; 50 are still available. Windows Get a Makeover: Some panels sagged; others had cracked or missing glass. And a good cleaning helps the light shine through! before after Community Photos What began as a one-man endeavor in 1998 by Temple Sinai congregant Dan McClosky has expanded over 17 years to raise the equivalent of 2.3 million meals! Yasher Koach to Sylvia Smith, Marsha Saks, Judy Zollman, Ginny Fine, Sarah Weisman and Jean Stein (not pictured) who sorted and inventoried 1,000 books donated for our 5th Night of Hanukkah book drive. Social Action Needs You! Do you have an interest in helping with food preparation for local shelters? We also need help coordinating entertainment for the Reutlinger Senior Care Center. Email Teri Bleckner at [email protected] Social Action in Action The Social Action Committee is currently working on several new activities. In addition to further involvement with Reform California, we are investigating how to assist the Central American children who have arrived recently in Oakland. We also are planning a Local Opportunities Fair where congregants can learn about local nonprofit organizations other congregants volunteer for and support. We also are coordinating and co-sponsoring activities with other committees. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, February 21 at 6:00pm at the temple. To help with one of these efforts, be added to the Social Action mailing list or more information contact co-chairs Teri Bleckner [email protected] or Helen Smiler [email protected]. During the month of February we will again be collecting toiletries and clean or new socks. Please look for the big blue barrel in the lobby. These go to Berkeley Women’s Shelter. Socks can be men’s or women’s. Gratitude from Greenleaf Elementary School “Thank you everyone for your time and donations. I was overwhelmed to see all the food when I helped unload the car yesterday! I know the families will deeply appreciate it!” ~ Cameron Stephenson, Principal Greenleaf Elementary “For the past two weeks so many families have walked into our office with faces full of joy. Your work has helped ensure that our families are able to celebrate with each other. Thank you for all your hard work, I wish you could see every smile that your work helps to create.” ~ Melanie Schoeppe, Greenleaf Elementary n 7 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CANTOR’S DESK Todah rabah! Thank you very much to the following who provided contributions to Temple Sinai. These donations were recorded between December 2 & December 31, 2014. For corrections or additions to this list, please contact [email protected] (510) 451-3263 x302. ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN Anonymous Chuck Adams and Dena Belzer Mathilde Albers The Family of Rebecca Alexander In appreciation of Rabbis Chester, MatesMuchin, and Regev, and Temple President, Mike Baker Barry and Kate Augus Barbara and Allan Barza Toby Berger Blair Biddle and Jessica Natkin Elaine Binger Bernie and Bonnie Blackman Michael and Aviva Black In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin becoming Bar Mitzvah Steve and Dale Block Lorin Blum and Jean Brady Rabbi Samuel and Judith Broude Maxine Brownstein Richard Burge and Shelley Gordon In appreciation of Rabbi Mates-Muchin Rabbi Ruth Adar and Linda Burnett In appreciation of Dawn Kepler for all that she does for us Alysa Chadow John Citron and Felicia Liu Jeremy Cogan and Beth Goldberg Sandy Cohn Joan Coleman Tom DeWit and Janine Bloch In memory of Anthony Galindo Drew and Rachel Dorsey John Dresslar and Erika Wodinsky Barry and Dori Dubin Isobel Dvorsky Eric and Rosanne Eigenfeld In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin; President, East Bay Council of Rabbis Mark and Maxine Eisenberg Douglas and Lori Elefant Jacob and Louise Epstein Jon and Jenny Ettinger Dan and Nina Fendel Karen Fierer and Debra Schoenberg Jon Braslaw and Robin Flagg Bill Freais and Andrea Silvestri Abe and Jennifer Friedman Matti Fromson and Thomas Mayhew Susan Getreuer David Gold and Lori Onderwyzer 8 n Temple Sinai n February 2015 Tom Gold and Lucy Harris Aaron and Amy Jo Goldfarb In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin becoming Bar Mitzvah Steve Goldstein and Pat Livingston Ann Greenspan Alex and Cecille Gunst In appreciation of Rabbi Mates-Muchin for the Mitzvah Project Michael and Sarah Handelsman Eileen Ingenthron Fred Isaac and Robin Reiner Mark and Irene Isaacs Ruth Jaffe In memory of Thelma Hoffman Linda Kamby and Paul Weir In memory of Michael and Alice Kamby Jason and Annie Kantor Peter Countryman and Allison Ketler Jeff and Adrienne Kirschner Susan Krauss and Linda Benson Richard and CeCe Langs Peter and Diane Laub In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin becoming Senior Rabbi of Temple Sinai Siddharth Sanghvi and Sari Leivent Sanghvi Ray Lifchez Herman and Betty Anne Lipow Michael and Barbara Loeb Jack and Judy Mates Dan McClosky and Nan Toder Tillie Molho Jay Momet Richard Nagler and Sheila Sosnow Glenn and Ricki Oleon Eric and Martha Peltier Peter Pervere and Georgia Cassel Fred and Wendy Pomerantz Claudia Reet Joel and Barbara Richmon Seth and Molly Rosen Chuck Ross and Mary Triest Stan and Marty Ross Joel Sanders and Carol Bieri Mikey Sands and Carolyn Hoppe James Schaaf and Kelly Schaaf-Brown Sarah Schulman Bruce and Teddy Schwab Stephen Shane and Sheryle Bolton Rabbi Colette Sidi-Schoulal Ronald Simenauer and Genice Jacobs Simenauer Benjamin and Jane Simon Jeff Simon and Dana Cohen Joel Simon Art and Liz Spander Frances Stevens and Jen Rainin In honor of Finneas Patterson Michele Stone In honor of Benjamin Huntington becoming Bar Mitzvah Esther Saidman and David Thorne In memory of Theodor Schuchat Eti and Stephanie Valdez-Kaminsky Claire Wahrhaftig In honor of Cantor Keys on a great year for the Choir Robert and Shirley Warwick Matthew and Sarah Weisman Andy and Billie Wiesenthal Linda Yaffe In memory of Frances Minsuk Rita Zwerdling CANTOR KEYS MUSIC FUND Bob and Flora Feldman Ken Hoffman and Jan Goldberg IN MEMORY OF THELMA HOFFMAN Bob and Flora Feldman Ken Hoffman and Jan Goldberg In memory of Thelma Hoffman Shelley Horwitz In honor of Max and Isabel Davidoff becoming B’nei Mitzvah Aaron Kaufmann and Anne Schmitz In honor of Sophia Kaufmann becoming a Bat Mitzvah Pearl Wolffs In memory of Melvin R. Wolffs CARING COMMUNITY FUND Henry and Janice Snyder In memory of Melody Kepler CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND Donation from Jay and Mina Elliott In memory of Robert L. Delmont The Estate of Robert Delmont Warner Oberndoerfer In honor of Robin Reiner’s birthday CENTENNIAL CAMPAIGN Larry Ginsburg In honor of Flossie Ginsburg and in memory of Aaron Ginsburg Seth and Molly Rosen TO COME ENDOWMENT FUND Steve Oppenheimer In memory of Jerrold Schoenblum Philip Rich and Barbara Morrissette In memory of Seymour and Lillian Rich LITERACY PROJECT – PEOPLE OF THE BOOK FUND Bob and Flora Feldman Gary and Susan Forman Barry and Barbara Gross In memory of Thelma Hoffman Frances Stevens and Jen Rainin Pearl Wolffs In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin becoming Bar Mitzvah RABBI CHESTER DISCRETIONARY FUND Sandy Cohn In memory of Jessie Jaffe Annette Lipkin In memory of Camille Lipkin In honor of the 50th anniversary of Diane and Peter Laub RABBI GIVING FUND David and Audrey Wagman In honor of Rabbi Chester for all the support he has given our family RABBI MATES-MUCHIN DISCRETIONARY FUND Robin Berry In memory of Nathan Solomon Berry and Rose Samuels Berry Elaine Binger In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin becoming Bar Mitzvah Arnie and Joyce Brown In honor of Max and Isabel Davidoff becoming B’nei Mitzvah Bob and Flora Feldman Jon Braslaw and Robin Flagg In memory of Sam Braslaw Stewart Florsheim and Judy Rosloff Donald and Dava Freed Shelley Horwitz In honor of Max and Isabel Davidoff becoming B’nei Mitzvah Aaron Kaufmann and Anne Schmitz In appreciation of Rabbi Mates-Muchin Sima Khantsin Rob and Sarah Larson In appreciation of Rabbi Mates-Muchin Michael Lipsett and Deena Levine-Lipsett Seth and Molly Rosen Rob and Eileen Ruby CONTRIBUTIONS WORSHIP Sandie Margulies and Bart Schenone In memory of Norma Margulies Women of Temple Sinai RABBI REGEV DISCRETIONARY FUND Linda Burnett and Rabbi Ruth Adar In memory of Eva and William Burnett Bob and Flora Feldman In honor of Rabbi Steven Chester on the occasion of his performing the wedding service of the marriage of our daughter. SOCIAL ACTION/ANTI-HUNGER FUND Bob and Flora Feldman Carol S. Jacobs In memory of Helga Tannenbaum David Lewis In memory of Theodor L. Schuchat Alice Klein and Prentice Starkey In memory of Warren H. Klein TEMPLE SINAI TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES Mike and Linda Baker John Ehrlich Robert and Catherine Einsbruch Ben Galison and Sabrina Hollander Tom and Jill McCleary URJ CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS FUND Paul Friedman In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin on her appointment as Senior Rabbi Women of Temple Sinai In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin becoming Bar Mitzvah WHERE THE NEED IS GREATEST FUND Jacki Annes In memory of Rabbi Pierce Annes and Harriet Bookbinder Robert Beardon In memory of Jennifer Sharon Momet Toby Berger Anne Brandon In memory of Sylvan Brandon Rose Cohen In memory of Jennie Markovitz Stan and Leslie Delugach In memory of Orna Sasson Carter and Patty Dunlap In memory of Sam Braslaw Robert and Bette Epstein In memory of Hannelore Wanderer Dan and Nina Fendel In honor of Louise Epstein’s work on behalf of the congregation Jon Braslaw and Robin Flagg In honor of Rizwan Mir Doris Goldman In memory of Melvin Goldman Howard and Donna Goldberg In honor of Brendan Goldberg on the occasion of his bris Shelley Horwitz In appreciation of Mir, Maureen, and the entire Temple staff and Max and Isabel Davidoff becoming B’nei Mitzvah Neil and Denise Jacobson Moss Kardener and Renee Grimani-Kardener Gene and Susan Kaufman In memory of Jennifer Momet CeCe and Richard Langs In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin becoming Bar Mitzvah Richard and CeCe Langs In honor of Dan McClosky’s receipt of the Jefferson Award Evelyn Levin In honor of Ted Schuchat Joan and Roger Mann In memory of Harrison Anixter Charles Miller In memory of Frank Miller, Isadore and Rose Miller, and Sidney Miller Yevgeniya Pinskaia In memory of Chaim David Esther Rosner In memory of Helga Tannenbaum Matt Rossiter and Ruth Ann Binder In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin becoming Bar Mitzvah Steven Sackrin and Pennie Bacon-Sackrin Elizabeth Sevilla In memory of Felix and Jeanette Jones Robert Snyder In memory of Melody Kepler Roslyn Tunis In memory of Max Singerman United Way Joshua and Lori Waltzer Kathie Zatkin In memory of Orna Sasson GIFTS IN KIND Computers, IT services Wiyt and Sharon Wright Part of the stained glass restoration work in Home of Eternity’s Mausoleum James Silva, owner of Avalon Glass Works Torah Commentary Collection Gift from Frances Greenberg to the Fisher Library n 9 ADULT FROM THE EDUCATION CANTOR’S DESK TU B’SHEVAT SEDER: A CULTURAL, SPIRITUAL AND ECOLOGICAL JOURNEY WITH IRA STEINGROOT Tuesday, February 3, 7:30-9:30pm You’re invited to a Tu B’Shevat seder! It’s a delightful way to celebrate Tu B’Shevat, the New Year for Trees, which is the only Jewish holiday devoted to nature. It opens up Spring for us, culminating with Passover two months later. The Green Committee is hosting the seder in collaboration with Lehrhaus Judaica. We will celebrate with fruits, nuts, and wines, indicating the transition from winter to spring. The seder will be led by Ira Steingroot, famed for his classic book about that other Seder, Keeping Passover. We will look at the Biblical, Talmudic, astronomical, agricultural and historical origins of the holiday and follow its later evolution through Kabbalistic, Zionist and environmental phases. Register at P400-TS/ or by calling (510) 845-6420. Donation: $10. Pre-registration is requested. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Hart at [email protected]. Co-sponsored with Lehrhaus Judaica and Temple Sinai’s Green Committee. Note that this is not a full meal. Tree nuts will be served. UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN THE JEWISH TRADITION WITH RABBIS JACQUELINE MATES-MUCHIN & YONI REGEV; Part Five of The Tribes of Israel: A Hartman Institute Study Series Sunday, February 8, 9:30am – 11:00am in the Albers Chapel This fifth installation in our monthly Israel study series explores how Jewish sources have grappled with the issue of balancing the competing values of unity and diversity and provides key insights that can help shape the conceptual landscape of a Jewish democratic public sphere. Come for one session or come for them all. There is no fee for this course, though you are invited to register at http://catalog. or by calling (510) 845-6420. Co-sponsored with Lehrhaus Judaica and the Israel Education Committees of Temple Sinai & Congregation Beth-El. 10 n Temple Sinai n February 2015 PREPARING FOR BAR/BAT MITZVAH FOR INTERFAITH FAMILIES WITH DAWN KEPLER Sunday, February 22, 9:30am – 11:00am in the Albers Chapel Planning a B’nei mitzvah is stressful enough if you had one yourself, but if you weren’t raised Jewish it can be truly nerve wracking. There are the questions of how the study process works, timing, sessions, amount to be learned, how to help your child succeed. Then there’s the non-Jewish partner and extended family. How do you include them, make them comfortable, and explain what is going on. How does a non-Jewish parent participate? What part of the planning do they want to share? What if it’s all on you alone? What role does each parent play during the bar or bat mitzvah? Join other wondering parents of all backgrounds as we decipher this life cycle event. Dawn Kepler is the Director of Building Jewish Bridges: Outreach to Interfaith Couples. She has worked extensively with interfaith and intercultural couples for 18 years. There is no fee for this course, though you are requested to pre-register at course/2015/winter/P250-TS/ or by calling (510) 845-6420. Co-sponsored with Lehrhaus Judaica and Building Jewish Bridges. RELIGION AND STATE: THE ISRAELI EXPERIENCE WITH RABBI URI REGEV; Part Six of The Tribes of Israel: A Hartman Institute Study Series Sunday, March 1, 9:30am – 11:ooam in the Sanctuary Join us for a special guest speaker, Rabbi Uri Regev (our own Rabbi Regev’s father), who will share insights from the front lines on the battles for religious freedoms in Israel, and will offer analysis of the upcoming Israeli elections. Rabbi Regev is a leading voice for civil rights in Israel and the founding president of HIDDUSH (For Religious Freedom and Equality in Israel). He is the past president of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, and the founding director of IRAC (the Israel Religious Action Center). WTS and BROTHERHOOD WORSHIP Women of Temple Sinai Membership in WTS helps to supports various programs of interest to our members, and to help support wonderful events for the entire Temple Sinai community. Through our membership in the international organization, Women of Reform Judaism, we support social and education issues of importance to the global community of Jewish women. WTS MEMBERSHIP Please join WTS and renew your dues now! For further membership information please contact Beth Eiselman at: [email protected] WTS BOARD MEETINGS Save the Dates Monthly Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month at the Temple. 7:15pm for coffee and schmoozing; 7:30pm for the meeting WTS Sisterhood Shabbat. Please plan on joining us for this very special service. Everybody is welcome. Please join us and get involved. Please contact Sue Bachman at [email protected] for more information. Friday, February 27th at 7:30pm Tuesday, February 10 at 7:00pm WTS in conjunction with the Gallery Sinai Committee, will be screening Waste Land, an award-winning documentary that follows renowned artist Vik Muniz as he journeys from Brooklyn to his native Brazil and his relationship with self-designated pickers of recyclable materials at the world’s largest garbage dump. Jeff Kirschner, Sinai congregant, founder of Literati, will introduce the film and speak. For more information please contact: Karen Tanner at [email protected]. Brotherhood On-Going With WTS The presentation will cover ways to accumulate tax-free savings and avoid taxes on future distributions for collegerelated expenses for your family. The first in a series of educational programs on personal financial planning topics to be sponsored by the Temple Brotherhood, this program will be presented by Larry P. Ginsburg, CFP, and will include a Q&A session to address everything you wanted to know about saving for college but didn’t know what to ask. SUNDAY MAH JONGG AT THE TEMPLE Sponsored by WTS. Most Sunday’s from 9:30-11:00. All levels are welcome. Instructors will be there. WTS GIFT SHOP Tallitot for your B’nei Mitzvah. Contact Susan Levy at [email protected] or Office Staff for help. 10% discount to B’nei Mitzvah Families WTS DAYTIME BOOK CLUB Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm in the TS Library February 18th – The Dinner by Herman Koch WTS PARTY BRIDGE SAVING FOR COLLEGE: FOR YOUR CHILDREN, YOUR GRANDCHILDREN, OR FOR YOURSELF (MOVED FROM DECEMBER) New date: Thursday, February 12, 7:30pm in the Albers Chapel Learn how to accumulate tax-free savings and avoid taxes on future distributions for college-related expenses for your family. Sponsored by the Temple Brotherhood. This session will be in lieu of Brotherhood’s February monthly meeting. The Brotherhood gives financial and volunteer support to many activities and events at the Temple. Membership is open to all. For more information contact Dan Crouch at [email protected]. Fun games the first and third Wednesday evenings each month from 7:00pm – 9:00pm(ish). To join, call Lynn Greenberg at (510) 250-9419. WTS LUNCH CONNECTION Meets the first Wednesday of every month to enable members to strengthen bonds of friendship while enjoying a no-host lunch at local restaurants. This year we’ll be gathering from 11:30am to about 1:00pm to give more leisurely time to visit. Please contact Sabina Cohen at [email protected] if you have any questions. Weekly eNews Are you receiving the Weekly eNews each Tuesday? It’s a great way to keep track of upcoming events at Temple Sinai. To ensure that you aren’t missing anything, email [email protected] with Weekly eNews in the subject title. n 11 RELIGIOUS FROM THE CANTOR’S SCHOOL DESK The WHAT of Our Teaching at Temple Sinai’s Religious School Over the past several years, we’ve spent a lot of time and energy in our community discussing the HOW of our Religious School programs here at Sinai. How do we meet the needs of all of our students and families? How do we structure a program that is fun, engaging and accessible? How do we help children and families connect with Judaism, with the Temple, with each other? In the past year, our Education Committee together with Director of Education Sue Bojdak has been thinking about the WHAT of Jewish education. What do we want our children to know as a result of their learning at Religious School? What do we want them to be able to do by the time they are 13? What kinds of experiences do we want them to have had in their Jewish childhoods? In two to three hours a week, twenty-five weeks out of the year, what from all of Jewish tradition do we want to prioritize exposing our children to during their Religious School time? This fall we asked Religious School parents to talk together and share their ideas on the question of WHAT. Here is what they said: We want our kids to know about Jewish history especially about the Holocaust and about Israel. We want our kids to know their Jewish holidays and to especially be able to do Shabbat. We really want our kids to have a strong Jewish identity, to be articulate about that, and to feel a part of a Jewish community. We want our kids to see and celebrate the diversity of our Jewish community and to do good works, to volunteer and be engaged in social action and social justice. We want our kids to be competent prayer leaders, to have bnei mitzvah and to have it mean something to them. We want our kids to go to Jewish camp and to make Jewish friends. Great news! A lot of this is what we already do! And this spring (and beyond) the Education Committee will be thinking together about how we make what we do stronger. We’ll be thinking about four big ideas: 1. What should be in our kids’ Jewish tool kits? What are the key basic Jewish practice skills we want to make sure every child has? 2. How do we make Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World) a reality? How do we strengthen our teaching about social action and social justice and create more hands-on opportunities for kids and families to make a difference. 3. What about history, the Holocaust and Israel? How much of this can we bring to students during their Religious School years? What’s right to teach to kids these ages and what’s the best way to teach it? 4. What does a connected community look like? What else can we do for kids and families to build community in the classroom and beyond the classroom? Your input is always welcome! Got a great idea or deep commitment you want to add to the conversation? Or have a conversation you want to make sure we have as a broader community? Contact Sue Bojdak at [email protected] and share your thoughts. We look forward to learning and creating together. THE MENDELSSOHN SIBLINGS FROM ABROAD TO AMERICA Sunday, February 15th at 5:00pm Sunday, February 22nd at 5:00pm Temple Sinai Sanctuary RSVP Ticket Prices Adults: $15 Students & Seniors: $10 Children: FREE (+$5 if purchased at the door) RSVP and/or contact: [email protected] 12 n Temple Sinai n February 2015 Kolot (meaning voices in Hebrew) is a new chamber music series focusing on the works of Jewish composers from the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Concerts on February 15th and 22nd will feature music for string quartet performed by professional string players from the Bay Area. Both concerts will engage with Jewish cultural and historical themes by exploring the music of specific Jewish composers. The mission of the Kolot Chamber Music Series is three-fold: to explore and share the works of the great Jewish classical composers, to engage in community building through thought-provoking concerts, and to cultivate a sense of connectedness by celebrating our shared Jewish cultural identity. PRESCHOOL, YOUTH PROGRAMS & MIDRASHA WORSHIP Youth Events FAMILY TU B’SHEVAT EXPLORE! Sunday, February 1, 9:30am – 11:30am; Manzanita Picnic Area at Roberts Regional Park Join us for guided hikes, food tasting and fun family outdoor education! This is Religious School & Family School for that Sunday. Feel free to hang out afterward and picnic or play at the play ground with your friends! YOUTH GROUP SUPER BOWL PARTY! Sunday, February 1, 3:00pm – 6:00pm; $10. 4th-7th graders, come watch the big game. Or don’t watch and just hang out with friends and play your own games. Fun, snacks, Piñata, and a great afternoon together. 5TH & 6TH GRADE FAMILY SHABBAT SERVICE Friday, February 6, 6:30pm; Dinner at 5:30pm Spend Shabbat in community at our first Friday family services and support our 5th and 6th graders as they participate in leading and teaching. Our 6th graders will receive their very own siddurim/prayerbooks at this special service. Connect with other families over an easy Shabbat dinner first and then gather for our child-friendly service filled with music and stories. RSVP for dinner by following our link in the Temple’s Weekly eNews or call Marcy Walsh at (510) 451-3263. Have a 5th or 6th grader who is in day school? They can participate too! Contact Sue Bojdak and we’ll give them a part. B’NEI MITZVAH CLASS OF 2017 MEETING Sunday, March 1, 11:30am All Sinai children turning 13 in 2017 and their families are encouraged to come to this first walk through of the b’nei mitzvah process. You will get oriented to how to make your child’s bar/bat mitzvah happen here at Temple Sinai and you will get all of the materials you need to set the date for your child’s big day. Don’t miss this vital first step in making your child’s bar/bat mitzvah happen. Preschool Openings! Spread the Word! Temple Sinai Preschool is now accepting applications for the 2015-16 school year. If you haven’t yet had an opportunity to come see the school, come take a tour. Please contact Preschool Director Ellen Lefkowitz at [email protected] to set up a morning or afternoon tour. There are still spots available for THIS year! RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DATES TO REMEMBER SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 All-School Tu B’Shevat Family Program @ Robert’s Park @ 9:30am Youth Group Super Bowl Party @ 3:00pm No Regular K-7 Classes Today FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 5th & 6th Grade Family Shabbat Service & Dinner SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 THROUGH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 No Religious School/Hebrew Classes – Presidents’ Week SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Sababa Shabbat co-led by the 2nd Grade SUNDAY, MARCH 1 Class of 2017 B’nei Mitzvah Meeting Coming soon...7th Grade Purim sleepover and Purim Carnival! Please join us for a Shabbat morning service in the chapel geared towards children in pre-k through 2nd grade. The service will be co-led by students from the 2nd grade religious school class. Saturday, February 28, 9:15am-11:00am, Morning Service Next Month: Saturday, March 21 Havdalah Go to for program descriptions and RSVP info. Contact: [email protected] n 13 LIFECYCLES BIRTHDAYS MAZEL TOV! 2/1 Jonathan Goody 2/1 Michael Semler 2/2 Jonathan Austin 2/4 Michael Sands 2/5 Marilyn Friedman 2/6 Pat Livingston 2/6 Janet Weinstein 2/9 Gilbert Holtzman 2/9 Laura Lunt 2/9 Steven Oppenheimer 2/10 Barbara Richmon 2/11 Toby C. Berger 2/11 Flossie Ginsburg 2/11 Rita Zwerdling 2/12 Billie Wiesenthal 2/13 Scott Nelson 2/14 Melissa K. Batavia 2/14 Michael Rancer 2/14 Ellen Ruiz-Harrison 2/14 John Weiss 2/15 Bruce Joffe 2/16 Sarah Postyn Goldberg 2/18 Carol Sideman 2/19 Lisa Braver Moss 2/19 Amy Schoenblum 2/19 Samuel Schuchat 2/20 Rose Belzer 2/20 Elaine Binger 2/20 David Gold 2/20 Karen Marker 2/21 Ben Harrison 2/22 Lynn Greenberg 2/22 Benjamin Lepow 2/22 Steven Wolmark 2/24 Arthur Lande 2/25 David Wagman 2/26 Lawrence Noveshen 2/27 Helene Farber 2/28 Debbie Chernoff 2/28 Willie Greene, Jr. It’s a boy! Marcel Henry Evon was born December 27, 2014. Proud parents: Kellie & Tony Evon It’s a boy! Matthew Ashley Boffey born on December 31, 2014 Proud Parents: Ariel and Elizabeth Boffey Proud Grandparents: Ophira Druch and Peter Boffey Emily Whitgob, daughter of Dr. Steve and Barbara Whitgob and sister of Julia Whitgob, is finishing her Pediatric Residency training at Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford and has been accepted to start a three year fellowship there in Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics beginning in July. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! Sheryl and Adam FitzGerald, Owen (age 2), Sydney (age 2) Rachel Berger, Isaiah Orlando (age 11), Jonah Orlando (age 7) 2/10 Mark & Kerri Lubin 35 2/10 Mike & Susan Levy 63 2/12 Anthony & Jennifer Reed 10 2/17 Elliott & Rubi Abrams 35 2/18 George & Maggie Lazar 10 2/22 Frank & Libby Silver 40 2/23 Bart Schenone & Sandie Margulies 35 Arnold James Silberstein Son of Ron Silberstein & Suzanne Hayne Saturday, 2/7/2015 Samuel Lawrence Silberstein Son of Ron Silberstein & Suzanne Hayne Saturday, 2/7/2015 Micah Rubel Ancell Son of Remi Rubel & Ken Ancell Saturday, 2/14/2015 Amos Rubel Ancell Son of Remi Rubel & Ken Ancell Saturday, 2/14/2015 Sarah and David Fetter, Leo (age 3), Edith (age 2), Ruth (age 8 mos.) Kellie and Tony Evon, Marcel (age 2 mos.) REMEMBERANCES Melody Kepler, sister of Dawn Kepler Jerrold Schoenblum, father of Amy Schoenblum Joshua Michael Crommie Son of Michael Crommie & Ursula Guidry z’’l Saturday, 2/21/2015 Hannelore Wanderer, mother of Emily Cohen Jiri Vitek, father of Jan Vitek WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES B’NEI MITZVAH Sam Braslaw, father of Jon Braslaw Bill Smulyan, brother-in-law of Diane Lichtenstein Stanley Schonberger, congregant and husband of Monique Schonberger Max Augus Son of Barry & Kate Augus Saturday, 2/28/2015 Ricki Lanya, sister of Bryan Grunwald Leda Silver, mother of Callie Harvey Wil Fountain, congregant, husband of Marilyn, father of Merilee DONATE THOSE TOYS AND GAMES! We need your gently used party favors, books and toys for next month’s Purim Carnival! Please bring them to Michele’s office. THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING FEBRUARY B’NEI MITZVAH FAMILIES FOR ONEG SPONSORSHIP: 2/6 Silberstein & Hayne Family 2/13 Rubel & Ancell Family 2/20Crommie Family 2/27Augus Family Birthdays and Anniversaries are listed in multiples of 5 as well as birthdays age 69 and over. Mazel Tov! 14 n Temple Sinai n February 2015 FEBRUARY WORSHIP sunday 2015 Temple Sinai monday tuesday wednesday Midrasha Retreat No Hebrew School, Jr. Choir, Omanut/Art Enrichment, 7th Grade Hebrew/Religious School 9:30am Religious School/ Tu B’Shevat Family Event 12:30pm Purim Spiel Rehearsal 3:00pm Youth Group Super Bowl Party 1 2 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 4:30pm Hebrew School 6:00pm Ritual Committee Meeting 7:00pm Adult Choir 7:15pm Midrasha 7:30pm Tu B’shevat Seder: A Cultural, Spiritual and Ecological Journey 8 9 8:15am Hebrew School 9:30am Adult Education: Tribes of Israel Hartman Institute Series 9:30am Literacy Project Coffee in Living Room 9:30am Religious School 9:30am Sunday Morning Mah Jongg 11:30am Jr. Choir 11:45am Hebrew School 11:45am Omanut/Art Enrichment 12:00pm Adult B’nei Mitzvah 12:30pm Purim Spiel Rehearsal 2:00pm Family School 2:30pm 7th Grade Hebrew 3:00pm 7th Grade Religious School No Religious School 5:00pm Kolot: Jewish Music Chamber Concert Series 15 22 8:15am Hebrew School 9:30am Adult Education: Preparing for Bar/Bat Mitzvah for Interfaith Families 9:30am Religious School 9:30am Sunday Morning Mah Jongg 11:30am Jr. Choir 11:30am Madrichim Meeting 11:45am Hebrew School 11:45am Omanut/Art Enrichment 12:30pm Purim Spiel Rehearsal 2:30pm 7th Grade Hebrew 3:00pm 7th Grade Religious School 3:00pm Hamentaschen Bake-In 5:00pm Kolot: Jewish Music Chamber Concert Series President’s Day – Preschool Closed thursday 3 Tu B’Shevat 4:30pm Hebrew School 11:30am WTS Lunch 7:30pm Preschool Parent Connection (offsite) Committee Meeting 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 7:30pm Trivia Team (offsite) 2:30pm Hebrew School 2:30pm Omanut/Art Enrichment 4:00pm Religious School 7:00pm Purim Spiel Rehearsals 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 4:30pm Hebrew School 7:00pm Adult Choir 7:15pm Midrasha 7:30pm WTS Film Series 10 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 4:30pm Hebrew School 2:30pm Hebrew School 7:30pm Brotherhood Board Meeting (Offsite) 2:30pm Omanut/Art Enrichment 7:30pm Saving for College 4:00pm Religious School 7:00pm Purim Spiel Rehearsals 7:15pm WTS Board Meeting 16 No Hebrew School No Midrasha 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 7:00pm Adult Choir 7:30pm Green Committee Meeting 17 No Religious School 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 1:00pm WTS Book Group Meeting 7:00pm Purim Spiel Rehearsals 7:00pm Temple Board Meeting 23 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 11:30am Seniors Lunch with Cantor Keys 4:30pm Hebrew School 7:00pm Adult Choir 7:15pm Midrasha 24 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 4:30pm Hebrew School 2:30pm Hebrew School 2:30pm Omanut/Art Enrichment 4:00pm Religious School 7:00pm Purim Spiel Rehearsals 7:30pm Education Committee Meeting 7:30pm Israel Education Committee Meeting friday saturday 4 5 11 12 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service with Disabilities Awareness Shabbat 19 7:30pm Erev Shabbat – Mizmor Shir! Service 9:00pm ATID Young Adult Group Gathering (offsite) 26 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service with Sisterhood Shabbat 18 25 No Hebrew School 6 5:30pm Family Shabbat Dinner 6:30pm Erev Shabbat Family Service with Junior Choir & 5th/6th Grades 7:30pm Opening for Litterati 7 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with B’nei Mitzvah of Samuel and Arnold James Silberstein 7:30pm Ain’t We Got Fun Sing-a-long 13 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Minyan Service followed by Potluck Kiddush Lunch 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with B’nei Mitzvah of Amos and Micah Rubel Ancell 14 20 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Crommie 27 9:00am Torah Study 9:15am Sababa Shabbat Morning Service 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with Bar Mitzvah of Max Augus 21 28 n 15 PERIODICAL First Hebrew Congregation of Oakland Temple Sinai 2808 Summit Street Oakland, CA 94609 (510) 451-3263 Celebrate Purim with Temple Sinai WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 5:30pm M’gillah Reading, Erev Purim Dinner and Spiel “ beach This year’s Purim Spiel … blanket babylonia” FEATURING MUSIC ADAPTED FROM THE BEACH BOYS Original Script by Musical Director: Lucy Harris; Director: Jackie Berkman; Starring: The Temple Sinai Spielers. SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 9:30am – 1:00pm The Annual Fantastical Super-Fun Exquisite and Amazing purim carnival & spiel Kids Pre-K thru 2nd grade The Great Spiel for all ages! Kids 3rd grade and higher 9:30am – 10:30am 10:30am – 11:30am 11:30am – 1:00pm Incredible Purim Spiel, challenging games, thrilling prizes, great food and fun for all! TEMPLE SINAI HAS BEEN CERTIFIED AS A BAY AREA GREEN BUSINESS Our Bulletin is printed on recycled paper at a printer registered as a Green Business and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. We print with earth-friendly soy-based ink.
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