INSIDE Help Plan Creative Service . . . . . . . . . 3 Social Action Shabbat Service . . . . . . . . . 4 The Gaza War and Its Aftermath. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Mitzvah Project . . . . . . 5 Hebrew Refresher Course/ New Friend Groups. . . . . . . 5 Annual Giving Campaign. . . 6 Shir Appeal!. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Gallery Sinai Presents Litterati . . . . . . . . 7 ARZA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Exploring the World of Judaism Speaker Series and Adult Education . . . . . . . . 10 Summer Camp Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Midrasha, Preschool and Sababa Shabbat . . . . . . . . 13 Wresting Jerusalem . . . . . 14 FROM THE CANTOR’S DESK Songs of Torah: So good you can taste it! The Torah ascribes two songs to Moses which form book ends to the Israelites’ journey in the desert. One is delivered after Israel’s rescue from the Red Sea, at the beginning of the desert wanderings (Exodus 15). The other comes at the end of the journey when the Israelites are about to enter the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 32). The victory song that Moses sang after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea is called Shirat Hayam, Song of the Sea, sometimes shortened to just Shirah, meaning The Song. The Sabbath on which it is read is called Shabbat Shirah, the Sabbath of Song. When it is chanted, it is customary for the entire congregation to stand in order to convey the overwhelming sense of gratitude that the children of Israel felt at the sea. By standing during its recitation, we are reenacting this event as if, we too, stood at the shores of the sea thousands of years ago with Moses. This song is so important that the central component of the song actually found its way into our daily liturgy and is known as the Mi Chamocha prayer! In the Torah it is actually followed by another shorter song which is ascribed to Miriam. “Then Miriam the prophetess, took a timbrel in her hand, and chanted for them, ‘Sing to God for God has triumphed gloriously” (Exodus 15:21). These two songs frame the wilderness experience and deal with Israel’s survival. The first song expresses gratitude to God, thanking God for saving the Israelites and bringing them out of slavery to freedom. At the sea, the physical existence of the nation was assured, but the forty years that followed put its spiritual future in doubt. The second song is a song of hope, a poem for the future. Now at the borders of the Promised Land, having survived the years of wandering, Moses sings a hymn of hope to an Israel that will prevail in spirit as well as in body. Join me and the Temple Sinai Adult Choir on Friday, January 30, 2015 at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary for Shabbat Shirah: Celebrating the Songs of Torah. We will be singing text selections from the Five Books of Moses set to music which spans the range of human emotions similar to the two songs of Moses. In Deuteronomy 31:19 we are taught, “Therefore, write for yourselves this song and teach it to the children of Israel; put it in their mouths, in order that this song may remain a witness for the Israelites.” From this we learn that the Torah itself is like a song whose sweetness leaves us with a great taste in our mouths and joy in our hearts. “It is very near to you, in your mouth and in your heart, so that you may observe it” (Deuteronomy 30:14). So draw it near and drink it up, sweet words of Torah! ~ Cantor Ilene Keys At the end of Moses’ life, the great leader delivers yet another song to the Israelite people in the book of Deuteronomy 32:1. Now at the end of the Torah, Moses is about to die. He has led the Israelite people through forty years of wandering in the desert and they are about to enter into the Promised Land without him. This song has a very different nature than the first. It is a song of instruction, warning and hope, for although the Israelites may rebel against God’s law in the future, God will always watch over them and care for them. Jacqueline Mates-Muchin, Rabbi Ilene Keys, Cantor Yoni Regev, Rabbi Samuel Broude, Rabbi Emeritus Steven A. Chester, Rabbi Emeritus t Cantor Keys, Rabbi Mates-Muchin and Rabbi Regev Weekly eNews Are you receiving the Weekly eNews each Tuesday? It’s a great way to keep track of upcoming events at Temple Sinai. To ensure that you aren’t missing anything, email [email protected] with Weekly eNews in the subject title. Mike Baker, President Paul Geduldig, Executive Director Sue Bojdak, Director of Education Ellen Lefkowitz, Preschool Director Lisa Hanauer, Director of Membership & Communications TEMPLE SINAI BULLETIN (USPS 7053) is published monthly except June and July by the First Hebrew Congregation of Oakland, 2808 Summit Street, Oakland, CA 94609. Periodicals Postage Paid at Oakland, CA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Temple Sinai Bulletin, 2808 Summit Street, Oakland CA 94609-3605. 2 n Temple Sinai n January 2015 T’FILAH SHABBAT MINYAN Second Shabbat morning of each month, at 10:30am in the Albers Chapel The Shabbat Minyan is an exuberant and joyful lay-led service. This highly participatory celebration combines traditional elements with professionally led modern music. Our strong sense of community is enhanced by the potluck kiddush that follows the service. Volunteers (for chanting, readings, etc.) can contact Dan Fendel at [email protected]. Schedule of Services TUESDAY MORNING LEARNER’S MINYAN Every Tuesday morning from 7:30am – 8:00am Do you wonder why we read the prayers we do, where they come from, what order they come in, or how they are chanted? Do you crave an understanding of the meaning (both literal and mystical) of Jewish prayers? Join us, along with Rabbi Regev and lay leaders, as we explore the prayers and learn the traditional davening (prayer) style. 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Tamir Menahemy; Sanctuary SHABBAT MORNING TORAH STUDY Every Shabbat Morning from 9:00am – 10:15am We study Torah together. Become part of the group that joins Rabbi Mates-Muchin or Rabbi Regev in a stimulating discussion as we work our way slowly, about a chapter per week, through Torah. We are now in the book of Leviticus. The session closes with a prepared drash by a volunteer congregant on the portion of the week. Bagels and coffee are served and the discussions end in time for the 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service. HELP PLAN CREATIVE SERVICE IN MAY January 12, 7:30pm Temple Sinai will be having it’s First Annual Congregational Creative Service on May 15, 2015. Come learn about what goes into a Friday night service and contribute something creative (a prayer or song) to what promises to be a meaningful and moving service. Make friends and worship as a community. Join us at the first meeting of those interested in participating in the service on January 12th at Temple. For more information call Lora Thielbar or Bob Unger at (510) 547-3625. EREV SHABBAT – MIZMOR SHIR! SERVICE Friday, January 16, 7:30pm A musical Shabbat service featuring Cantor Keys and the Mizmor Shir! musicians on piano, guitar, mandolin, flute, saxophone, clarinet, violin, harmonica, drums and other percussive instruments. This service features congregational melodies and eclectic, contemporary music which complement the creative service booklet compiled by Rabbi Mates-Muchin specifically for this service. Thank you... to all who donated, sorted and delivered food for December’s Greenleaf School food drive. We collected over 60 bags of food! Temple Sinai is committed to accessibility. All programs taking place at Temple Sinai are wheelchair accessible. Accessibility of programs taking place offsite is noted by the wheelchair accessibility symbol. If you have concerns about an offsite location, please check with the contact person provided for that program. Friday, January 2 6:30pm, Erev Shabbat Family Service; Albers Chapel Saturday, January 3 Friday, January 9 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat Service with Tufts University Shir Appeal Coed Jewish A Cappella; Sanctuary Saturday, January 10 10:30am, Shabbat Minyan Service; Albers Chapel 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bat Mitzvah of Isabelle Epstein Ziegler; Sanctuary Friday, January 16 7:30pm, Social Action and Mizmor Shir! Erev Shabbat featuring the Mizmor Shir! musicians and soulful music; Sanctuary Saturday, January 17 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the B’nei Mitzvah of Siegmund Lipansky and Kyle Spanier; Sanctuary Friday, January 23 6:00pm, Sababa Shabbat, Shabbat for Pre-K through 2nd grade with their families, Temple Sinai Preschool sponsored; Albers Chapel 7:30pm, Erev Shabbat; Albers Chapel Saturday, Janaury 24 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Benjamin Huntington; Sanctuary Friday, January 30 7:30pm, Songs of Torah Sermon in Song, Erev Shabbat Shira featuring the Temple Sinai Adult Choir; Sanctuary Saturday, January 31 10:30am, Shabbat Morning Service, Shabbat Shira; Albers Chapel n 3 TO PROGRAMS FROM COME THE CANTOR’S AND EVENTS DESK Sunday Morning Mah Jong Continues! Sunday, January 4, 11 & 25, 9:30am – 11:00am in Stern Hall Friends, nosh, mahj. All levels welcome (instructors available each week). Learn this Jewish classic while your children study the Jewish classics! Continuing nearly every Sunday there is Religious School through the winter/spring. Temple Sinai Trivia Team January 8, 7:00pm, New Parkway Theater Thursday, January 8 at 7:00pm at the New Parkway Theater at 474 24th St. (near the Temple!) Free parking at the Douglas lot – entrance on 23rd St. We are trying out venues until we find the one we like so please come and give us your input...and your brains! Social Action Shabbat Service – What Is The California You Dream Of? Friday, January 16 That is the big question Reform California* is asking Reform Jews throughout the state. The Social Action Committee invites you to join your fellow congregants for a special Social Action Shabbat service on January 16 to learn more about Reform California, the successful actions it’s been involved in to date, what’s happening now, and ways to add our voices to the social justice discussion and action in our state. *Reform CA is a joint campaign of California Reform Movement to act powerfully together for justice in our state. The Gaza War and Its Aftermath Finding Pathways Forward Amid the Violence and Rubble Presented by Stanley Wulf, M.D. Thursday, January 8th at 7:15pm, Albers Chapel, Temple Sinai n n Stanley Wulf, M.D. Why was the Gaza War inevitable – and today’s violence predictable? How has the war changed political dynamics in Israel, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority? n What is behind the current spiral of violence? n What can be done to prevent another war? Stanley Wulf was raised in South Africa as a committed Zionist and traditional Jew. He practiced as an obstetrician-gynecologist in Los Angeles, studied in Jerusalem at the liberal Pardes yeshiva, served as Chief Medical Officer of a medical technology company, and was named one of the “100 Most Inspiring People in the Life-Sciences Industry.” Dr. Wulf has lived in Berkeley since 1989, and has served as President and Treasurer of Beth Israel, Berkeley’s Modern Orthodox synagogue. His family has a home in Jerusalem and he visits Israel every year. Dr. Wulf recently retired in order to talk to congregations throughout the U.S. about the urgent situation in Israel. Sponsored by the Temple Sinai Israel Education Committee, Temple Sinai Brotherhood, Temple Sinai Fine Arts Committee on Culture and Community, and the Congregation Beth El Israel Committee. For more information go to: 4 n Temple Sinai n January 2015 PROGRAMS, GROUPS ANDWORSHIP CLASSES The Mitzvah Project Wednesday, January 28, 7:00pm Temple Sinai is proud to present The Mitzvah Project, a remarkable combination of theater, history lesson and conversation in which actor, child of survivor and Bay Area native, Roger Grunwald, “... The Mitzvah is an explores one of the most important piece of shocking aspects of the cultural discourse as well Jewish experience during the Second World War. as a marvelous piece of Through the story of theater... by a gifted and Christoph Rosenberg, a versatile playwright and German half-Jew, the oneperformer.” person drama – created with director and co-author Annie McGreevey – reveals ~ Rabbi Shalom M. Paltiel the surprising history of tens of thousands of German men known as “mischlings” – the derogatory term the Nazis used to characterize those descended from one or two Jewish grandparents – who served in Hitler’s army. Grunwald’s post-play lecture delves deeper into the history that produced these mischling-soldiers – men who were the product of two centuries of German-Jewish assimilation, intermarriage, conversion and the striving of a people committed to calling the German Fatherland their home. After the performance, Mr. Grunwald will engage in a discussion with the audience. Hebrew in a Day: Refresher Course for Passover with Ophira Druch Sunday March 22, 2:00pm – 4:00pm Temple Isaiah, Lafayette Refresh your Hebrew and get ready for Passover with “Hebrew in a Day!” This is a 2-hour Hebrew workshop for students who are able to decode Hebrew (i.e. sound out words using Hebrew letters and vowels), but want a reading refresher before Passover. We will do a review of letters and vowels, practice decoding to become more fluent, read and become familiar with some of the texts from the Haggadah. $18 for members or $30 for non-members. Registration: jewish-studies-hebrew-classes/ Two New Friend Groups Starting at Temple Sinai NEW BABY PEOPLE Have you had a baby in the last year or so and want to get together with other parents and babies? To be added to the email list, contact [email protected] YOUNG ADULT’S GROUP (YAG) For adults in their 20s, 30s, and those “young at heart” to gather for Shabbat dinners, cultural events, holiday celebrations, and (most importantly) making new friends. For information or join our Google Group, please contact Emmett and Olivia at: [email protected]. Roger Grunwald n 5 ANNUAL FROM THE CAMPAIGN CANTOR’SAND DESK EVENTS WHY YOU SHOULD SUPPORT THE ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN By now, you should have received a letter about Temple Sinai’s Annual Giving Campaign, which raises funds to bridge the gap between membership contributions and actual expenses. Your contribution will provide stability for current staffing and programing and ensure that we can remain a congregation whose doors are open to all members regardless of their ability to pay. It also allows for the kind of flexibility that a congregation of our size needs as unexpected opportunities and expenses arise throughout the year. Our Annual Giving Campaign runs for the entire fiscal year, from July 1 through June 30. We hope you will choose to support the campaign this year. It’s easy to do. Simply visit to make your commitment. Please consider making additional gifts to the Annual Giving Campaign in honor of special mitzvot or in memory of loved ones throughout the year. You are making a real difference for our congregation now and for our future. ~ Melissa Heller 6 n Temple Sinai n January 2015 Join Rabbi Mates-Muchin, Jewish Federation of the East Bay and Temple Sinai TRIP to ISRAEL Now open for registration! For more information and to register: Design your own experience and discover Israel your way! Optional pre-trip to Poland April 14 – 20. Subsidies available. If you would like additional brochures or any other informational support, please don’t hesitate to call our trip coordinator: Riva Gambert at (510)809-4953 or cell: (925)895-3605. GALLERY WORSHIP EXHIBIT Gallery Sinai Presents… Litterati: A Shared Responsibility to Our Environment January and February In 2012, Temple Sinai member Jeff Kirschner and his then four-year-old daughter, Tali, were on a hike in the Oakland Hills. Upon citing trash by a stream she exclaimed, “Daddy, that doesn’t go there!” Both in response to his understanding of the Jewish ethic of tikkun olam and out of his sense of responsibility to his children’s generation, Jeff founded Litterati, a movement dedicated to cleaning the planet one piece of litter at a time by combining environmental awareness with social media to inspire global change. Litterati invites the public to document litter using the photo-sharing service Instagram, before disposing of it. Since its inception, more than 80,000 pieces of litter have been photographed, cataloged, and properly discarded and Litterati has become an international movement. The Litterati exhibit features photographs from locations around the world that serve as a stark reminder of the need for new strategies to reach the public, who still too often improperly discards its refuse. The chosen photographs reflect the range of types of garbage found in Austria, Thailand and the US Virgin Island, in addition to the United States. Each image is accompanied by thoughts from the photo-documentarian who encountered the discarded objects in their respective Images from Litterati environments. The exhibit will be on display beginning in early January and running through the month of February in our main lobby and social hall. Jeff Kirschner (right) will introduce the film, “Waste Land” on February 10 at Temple Sinai In conjunction with this exhibit, at 7:00pm on Tuesday, February 10th, Women of Temple Sinai will be screening Waste Land, an awardwinning documentary that follows renowned artist Vik Muniz as he journeys from Brooklyn to his native Brazil and his relationship with self-designated pickers of recyclable materials at the world’s largest garbage dump. Jeff Kirschner will introduce the film and speak more about steps we can all take to improve the handling and management of our own waste products. Please join us; look for more detail on this event in the weekly Temple Sinai’s Weekly eNews. NOVEMBER PHOTOS Sababa Shabbat for families with children Pre-K through 2nd grade (top) and The Shemesh Class (4 yr. olds) brings in their Tzedakah collected for the Holiday Dinner Drive (right) n 7 TO SPOTLIGHT FROM COME THE CANTOR’S ON ARZA DESK Support ARZA! From January 15th through April 30th 2015, the American Zionist Movement (AZM) will hold elections to determine US Jewish representation to the World Zionist Congress (WZC), the highest legislative body of the World Zionist Organization (WZO). The WZO provides a forum for all the world’s Jews to come together and deliberate about issues affecting both Diaspora Jews and the state of affairs in Israel. 145 seats in the Congress are dedicated to the AZM. The composition of the Congress has both financial and policy implications in Israel, as resources are directed to recipients in Israel based on the power each party holds within the Congress, and the policy positions of those parties. In short, these elections are the strongest way for American Reform Jews to promote and encourage the ideals of justice, equality and democracy in Israel itself and help build the kind of Jewish state we all know is possible. We have the opportunity to achieve our vision of a just, equal, pluralistic future for Israel by voting to support Refrom Judaism in the 2015 World Zionist Organization election. Vote for ARZA! Go to to pledge to vote for ARZA. Our Responsibility, Our Opportunity While visiting Israel in 2005, again in 2012 and lastly a year ago for the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Women of the Wall, I saw repeatedly how Reform Jews in Israel are treated like the “poor relatives” or second-class citizen in the Jewish Homeland. They have to fight for equality of financial subsidies from the government, Trish Elliot salaries for their rabbis, and persuade the Orthodox that Reform Judaism is every bit as legitimate as Orthodoxy. It is a shanda! I love being a Reform Jew. I love that I have many choices when it comes to my Jewish practice, and that I am responsible for the choices I make each and every day. To me, this means that I am constantly thinking first and acting second, rather than my words, thoughts and actions being automatic. Halacha, the Jewish Law, is not my first concern for its own sake; quality of life, equality, and the well being of my fellow beings is. I believe that we have a responsibility to bring these kinds of modern Jewish values to conversation in Israel and demonstrate that we care not only about the safety and security of Israel, but also its moral character as a Homeland to all streams of Judaism. As I learned about the work of ARZA (Association of Reform Zionists of America), I realized that they are already engaged in this exact process. They believe that “Reform Zionism is Zionism infused with the values and principles cherished by Reform Judaism, including religious equality for women and men, a commitment to tikkun olam, and the creation by individuals of meaningful Jewish lives through informed choice and interpretation,” and so do I. Support the work of ARZA and vote in this year’s World Zionist Organization election. Vote for ARZA! ~Trish Elliot 8 n Temple Sinai n January 2015 CONTRIBUTIONS WORSHIP Todah rabah! Thank you very much to the following who provided contributions to Temple Sinai. These donations were recorded between November 4 and December 1, 2014. For corrections or additions to this list, please contact [email protected] (510) 451-3263 x302. ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN LITERACY PROJECT – PEOPLE OF THE BOOK Susan Krauss and Linda Benson In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin’s Bar Mitzvah Lisa Braver Moss and Mark Moss In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin’s Bar Mitzvah CANTOR KEYS MUSIC FUND RABBI CHESTER DISCRETIONARY FUND Lester and Amy Bart David Alexander and Polly Fox In honor of Eilam Meinster’s Bar Mitzvah In appreciation of Rabbi Chester and the Steve Douglas and Melissa Heller Temple Sinai office staff: Paul, Maureen, In honor of Sandler Douglas’ Bar Mitzvah Rhonda, Lisa, and Shaun Carolyn Friedman RABBI MATES-MUCHIN In honor of Bill Bachrach’s birthday DISCRETIONARY FUND Herb Holman and Leslie Paine David Alexander and Polly Fox In appreciation of Cantor Keys In appreciation of Rabbi Mates-Muchin In honor of Joshua Berg’s Bar Mitzvah and the Temple Sinai office staff: Paul, Fred Isaac and Robin Reiner Maureen, Rhonda, Lisa, and Shaun In honor of Pearl Wolffs’ birthday Joel Berger and Linda Zwerdling Joan Natkin In memory of Gail Zwerdling Nelson In honor of Roger Biddle’s Bar Mitzvah Elaine Binger Ed and Fritzi Schoen In memory of Shirley Osher In honor of Sandler Douglas’ Bar Mitzvah Andrea Daniel In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin’s Bar Mitzvah In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin’s Pearl Wolffs Bar Mitzvah In appreciation of Cantor Keys and all Steve Douglas and Melissa Heller she gives to enhance the services in our In honor of Sandler Douglas’ Bar Mitzvah beautiful synagogue Rich and Robin Edwards CARING COMMUNITY FUND In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin’s Larry and Barbara Kluger Bar Mitzvah In memory of Harry Kluger Eli and Linda Frank CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND Linda Kamby and Paul Weir In memory of Michael Kamby Pearl Wolffs In honor of the birthdays of Robin Reiner and Fred Isaac CENTENNIAL CAMPAIGN Anonymous Charles and Lanie Linker Steve and MaryJane Lowenthal Rob and Eileen Ruby In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin’s Bar Mitzvah Herb Holman and Leslie Paine In honor of Rabbi Mates-Muchin In honor of Joshua Berg’s Bar Mitzvah Moses and Susan Libitzky In memory of Thelma Hoffman Tillie Molho In memory of Sam M. Molho Warner Oberndoerfer In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin’s Bar Mitzvah Stanley Osher In memory of Shirley Osher Stuart and Abby Zangwill In honor of Gabriel Lemberger’s Brit Milah Rita Zwerdling In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin’s Bar Mitzvah In memory of Gail Zwerdling Nelson RABBI REGEV DISCRETIONARY FUND Steve Douglas and Melissa Heller In honor of Sandler Douglas’ Bar Mitzvah Herb Holman and Leslie Paine In honor of Rabbi Regev In honor of Joshua Berg’s Bar Mitzvah Joan Natkin In honor of Roger Biddle’s Bar Mitzvah Pearl Wolffs In appreciation of Rabbi Regev and all he gives to enhance the services in our beautiful synagogue SOCIAL ACTION/ANTI-HUNGER FUND Toby Berger In appreciation of Susan Krauss In appreciation of Jill Tregor Rabbi Samuel and Judith Broude In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin’s Bar Mitzvah SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND Raidelle Newman In memory of Thelma Hoffman Eric Walker URJ CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS FUND Ann Brandt In memory of Minnie Etkind and Lillian Brandt WHERE THE NEED IS GREATEST FUND Heidi Berger In honor of the life of Gerald Berger Toby Berger In appreciation of Fred Isaac and Bill Vidor Lorin Blum and Jean Brady In memory of Esther Blum LIONEL BENAS CONFIRMATION FUND Jim and Gail King Ed and Fritzi Schoen Evelyn Benas In memory of Joseph Opat In memory of the Hershel and Chava Kramer In honor of Steve Douglas for providing free Tillie Molho disability parking at the High Holidays Family In memory of Bob Rapaport In memory of Jack Joachim Lewin Valerie Sopher In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin’s Bar Mitzvah In honor of Teddy Mates-Muchin’s Bar Mitzvah Alla Naroderskaya In memory of Viliy Khmelnik Pearl Wolffs PRESCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In appreciation of Rabbi Mates-Muchin and United Way Lisa Hanauer and Gemma Baumer all she gives to enhance the services in our In memory of Andrew Baumer beautiful synagogue n 9 ADULT FROM THE EDUCATION CANTOR’S DESK ISRAEL RISING FROM THE DESERT: WHAT ISRAEL CAN TEACH US ABOUT LIVING WITH DROUGHT WITH DR. ERAN KAPLAN Sunday, January 25, 9:15am in the Albers Chapel 9:15am SUNDAYS IN THE ALBERS CHAPEL This program is supported in part by the Newton & Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust in partnership with Jewish Learning Works. Zionism was a political, social and cultural revolution; it was also a technological revolution. The Zionists wanted to create a new society and many Zionists believed that technology would play a crucial role in achieving this goal. From the beginning of the Zionist settlement in Palestine, the struggle for water has played an important role and been a critical area of technological innovation. With time the combination of ideological commitment and technological innovations allowed Israelis to overcome the “water challenge” and today Israel has enough water to sustain a thriving state. We will explore this story and its relevance for us here in California. Eran Kaplan is the Rhoda and Richard Goldman Chair in Israel Studies at San Francisco State University. Introduction to the Jewish Experience: Israel and Texts with Rabbi Ruth Adar The Bible Goes to the Movies: Exodus with Jehon Grist Wednesdays, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, starting January 14 at Congregation Beth El in Berkeley The land of Israel has been central to Jewish history, both ancient and modern. Even during the years of galut (exile) the Jewish heart was “in the east,” in the words of medieval poet Yehudah HaLevy. This class will examine the history of ancient Israel, the beginnings of rabbinic Judaism, and the modern return to the land. With that history as a backdrop, we will learn about the great texts of Judaism: Tanach (Bible), Midrash, Talmud, the Prayer Book, and the Codes of Jewish Law. This class is part of a three-unit series. To see the full series and register for this unit: http://catalog. or call (510) 845-6420. Tuition: $90 for members/$105 for the public. Thursday, January 15, 7:30pm – 9:00pm at Temple Sinai Ridley Scott’s Exodus with Christian Bale is the latest in a long line of films chronicling one of the seminal events of our Western heritage. Our class will begin by briefly exploring just how much of the Exodus narrative is fact and how much myth. From there, we’ll delve into Hollywood’s fascination with this story, from DeMille’s brilliant 1923 and cheesy 1956 versions, to later efforts starring Burt Lancaster and Ben Kingsley as well as the innovative Prince of Egypt. We’ll share clips from these films as well as tidbits about their stars and background on the latest version. And yes, there will be popcorn. Co-sponsored with Lehrhaus Judaica and Congregation Beth-El The Arab Palestinian Israeli Tribes with Rabbis Jacqueline Mates-Muchin & Yoni Regev Part Four of The Tribes of Israel: A Hartman Institute Study Series Sunday, January 11, 9:30am – 11:00am in the Albers Chapel This fourth installation in our monthly Israel study series explores the complex identity of Arab Palestinian Israelis and opportunities for redefining the relationship of these tribes with the modern State of Israel. Come for one session or come for them all. There is no fee for this course, though you are invited to register at course/2014/fall/H500-TS/ or by calling (510) 845-6420. Co-sponsored with Lehrhaus Judaica and the Israel Education Committees of Temple Sinai & Congregation Beth-El Register at A450-TS/ or by calling (510) 845-6420. Tuition: $10. Pre-registration is required. This course will be available to registered students at no extra charge via Adobe Connect online distance learning. Students may attend live in the classroom, live online or anytime via recording. Co-sponsored with Lehrhaus Judaica and Women of Temple Sinai Tu B’Shevat Seder: A Cultural, Spiritual and Ecological Journey with Ira Steingroot Tuesday, February 3, 7:30pm – 9:30pm at Temple Sinai Join us for a richly symbolic Tu B’Shevat seder led by Ira Steingroot. The seder will examine the Biblical, Talmudic, astronomical, agricultural and historical origins of the holiday and follow its later evolution through its Kabbalistic, Zionist and ecological phases. We will celebrate with fruits, nuts, and wines, indicating the ascent through the Kabbalistic worlds and the transition from winter to spring. Ira Steingroot is the author of many books including Keeping Passover (Harper San Francisco, 1995). Register at course/2015/winter/P400-TS/ or by calling (510) 845-6420. Tuition: $10. Pre-registration is required. Co-sponsored with Lehrhaus Judaica and Temple Sinai’s Green Committee. 10 n Temple Sinai n January 2015 TO COME Women of Temple Sinai Your membership in WTS helps to fund Camp Newman and Israel Trip scholarships, provide financial support to Temple Sinai education programs from pre-school to Midrasha, coordinate various programs of interest to our members, and to collaborate with other Temple Sinai affinity groups in organizing and delivering wonderful events for the entire Temple Sinai community. Through our membership in the international organization, Women of Reform Judaism, we support social and education issues of importance to the global community of Jewish women. Save the Date WTS Sisterhood Shabbat – Friday, February 27th at 7:30pm. Please plan on joining us for this very special service. On-Going With WTS WTS GIFT SHOP Tallitot for your B’nei Mitzvah. Contact Susan Levy at [email protected] or Office Staff for help. 10% discount to B’nei Mitzvah Families WTS DAYTIME BOOK CLUB Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm in the TS Library January 21 – Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard von Bingen by Mary Sharratt EVENING BOOK CLUB The WTS evening book club meets every 6 weeks on Thursday evenings from 7:30pm – 9:30pm at the home of Lynn Greenberg & Michael Rothschild in Oakland. For further information please contact Zell Nathanson at (925) 247-0132. WTS PARTY BRIDGE We play two Wednesday evenings each month from 7:00pm – 9:00pm(ish). To join (with or without a regular partner) call Lynn Greenberg at (510) 250-9419. WTS LUNCH CONNECTION Meets the first Wednesday of every month to enable members to strengthen bonds of friendship while enjoying a no-host lunch at local restaurants. This year we’ll be gathering from 11:30am to about 1:00pm to give more leisurely time to visit. Please contact Sabina Cohen at [email protected] if you have any questions. WTS and BROTHERHOOD WORSHIP WTS BOARD MEETINGS Monthly Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month at the Temple. 7:15pm for coffee and schmoozing; 7:30pm for the meeting Everybody is welcome. Please join us and get involved. Please contact Sue Bachman at [email protected] for more information. Brotherhood Along with the Temple Sinai Israel Education Committee, the Temple Sinai Fine Arts Committee on Culture and Community, and Congregation Beth El’s Israel Committee, the Temple Sinai Brotherhood is co-sponsoring a presentation on “The Gaza War and Its Aftermath— Finding Pathways Forward Amid the Violence and Rubble,” presented by Stanley Wulf, M.D., in Albers Chapel on Thursday, January 8 at 7:15pm. Please join us for what is sure to be a fascinating discussion. See the article on page 4 for more details. The next Brotherhood meeting will be held on Thursday, January 8, 7:30pm, at the home of Dick Cohen, 15 Vista Ave., Piedmont. All interested temple members are invited. Plan on attending and contributing your ideas for an outstanding 2015. The Brotherhood is also co-sponsoring a “Quiet Game Day” with the Fine Arts Committee on Culture and Community on Saturday, Jan. 31, immediately following the Kiddush, in Stern Hall. Quiet Game Day will feature checkers, Scrabble, Go, and other games that involve no noise – a good way to spend Seudah Shlisheet. Refreshments will be provided by the Hospitality Committee. Contact Phil Rubin or Larry Kluger with questions. The Brotherhood gives financial and volunteer support to many activities and events at the temple. Membership is open to all. For more information contact Dan Crouch at [email protected]. WTS MEMBERSHIP Please join WTS and renew your dues now! For further membership information please contact Beth Eiselman at: [email protected] n 11 YOUTH FROM THE CANTOR’S DESK Jewish Sleepaway Camp Registration for Summer 2015 is open now! CAMP NEWMAN IS OUR REFORM JEWISH CAMP! Camp Newman, located in Santa Rosa, CA, has sessions all summer long for students entering 2nd grade all the way through 12th. Jewish summer camp is fun, dynamic, and amazing. Learn about Camp Newman at Newman scholarships are available from Temple Sinai. Contact Sue Bojdak to request a camp scholarship form. Scholarship requests are due January 31. Camp Newman will be visiting Sinai on January 11 & 14 during Religious School. THE FOUNDATION FOR JEWISH CAMP HAS SCHOLARSHIPS Get up to $1000 for first time campers at THE EAST BAY FEDERATION OFFERS CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS Visit for more information. More Camp Options JCC MACCABI SPORTS CAMP – A NEW JEWISH OVERNIGHT SPORTS CAMP Try out this new Jewish overnight sports camp offering programs in soccer, basketball, baseball, and tennis for boys and girls entering grades 4-12. 2-week sessions combine high-level specialized sports instruction with the fun, friendship, and community of a traditional overnight camp. Registration is open now. Visit or contact Sinai member Aviva Black at [email protected] for more information. CHECK OUT CAMP TAWONGA Tawonga is an unaffiliated Jewish residential summer camp that is American Camping Association accredited, and has a staff/camper ratio of 1/1.5. Tawonga is located outside Yosemite National Park on 160 acres in the Stanislaus National Forest. Tawonga offers camp sessions as well as teen leadership, Israel, service learning and adventure travel programs for 2nd through 12th graders. Tawonga also offers weekend programs for individuals, couples and families. Learn more at DECEMBER’S PRE-HANUKKAH CELEBRATION PHOTOS BY LINDA BURNETT 12 n Temple Sinai n January 2015 PRESCHOOL, YOUTH PROGRAMS & MIDRASHA WORSHIP Midrasha Our first semester at Midrasha was so positive, lots of new connections made, teens joining together in community, uncovering who they are as ethical beings in the world, replenishing each other’s resilience and spark. Tuesday nights have a kind of magic to them, and it’s been heartwarming. There are a couple of great things to highlight that are happening in January at Midrasha. On January 6th Shir Appeal, the Jewish A Capella group from Tufts, will be giving a performance during Midrasha. Parents, other teens from the broader community, Midrasha alumni, and community members are all welcome to join us for this performance at 8:30pm! Temple Sinai Preschool is now accepting applications for the 2015-16 school year If you haven’t yet had an opportunity to come see the school, there are a couple of ways to come visit us: 1. Come to Prospective Parent Night on Monday, January 12th at 7:30pm – Come hear about our program, meet some of our preschool educators and returning parents. 2. Come take a tour. Please contact me, Ellen Lefkowitz, preschool director to set up a morning or afternoon tour. Email Ellen at [email protected]. On January 13th we will be having our annual ‘Bring a Friend Night’. This is a chance for anyone curious about Midrasha to come visit for the night, no obligation, just to see what the hype is about, or even just to visit friends you haven’t seen in a while. 7:15pm – 9:15pm with a lounge night before hand at 6:00pm. Save the date: The annual Midrasha fundraiser is the evening of March 21st! Please mark your calendars and stay tuned for details! Family Tu B’Shevat Explore Sunday, February 1, 9:30am – 11:30am Where: Manzanita Picnic Area at Roberts Regional Park What: Guided hikes, food tasting, fun family outdoor education! Feel free to hang out afterward and picnic or play at the play ground with your friends! This is Family School and Religious School for that day. Preschool Openings! Temple Sinai Preschool has a few openings available for the current school year. Contact [email protected] for more information. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DATES TO REMEMBER SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 Religious School Resumes SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 No Religious School – MLK Weekend SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 All-School Tu B’Shevat Family Program at Robert’s Park No Regular K-6 Classes Today Celebrating Shabbat with children in Pre-K through 2nd Grade and their families. Friday, January 23 at 6:00pm, Evening Service in the Albers Chapel Next Month: Saturday, February 28 Morning Service Go to for program descriptions and RSVP info. Contact: [email protected] n 13 LIFECYCLES BIRTHDAYS MAZEL TOV! 1/2 Brady Dewar 1/2 Sylvie Mwila Jonath 1/2 Elizabeth Spander 1/3 Helen Dittmer 1/3 Michael Gettelman 1/4 Rebekah Kaplan 1/4 Jane Lande 1/5 Jason Gardner 1/7 Natalie Weinstein 1/9 Sandra Zusman 1/12 Michael Hurwitz 1/12 Florence H. Schoenfeld 1/12 Eric Wheeler 1/14 Sandra Goldberg 1/14 Melanie Schane 1/18 Deana Freedman 1/18 Joan Heilbronn 1/18 Terry Kramer 1/19 Shelley Gordon 1/20 Bruce Udelf 1/21 Marilyn Fountain 1/21 Cecille Gunst 1/21 Bertram Lubin 1/22 Adam Silverman 1/24 Lisa Norris 1/24 Wendy Pomerantz 1/26 Elizabeth Beck 1/27 Richard Granberg 1/27 Jay Lewis 1/28 Jack Garfinkle 1/28 Margaret Sparber 1/30 Andre Welmond 1/31 Marilyn Berger 1/31 Sarah Weisman It’s a boy! Brendan Zane Goldberg was born on December 6, 2014 Proud parents: Melissa and Jon Goldberg Tamir Menahemy Son of Kobi & Anne Menahemy Saturday, 1/3/2015 Proud Sister: Sabrina Goldberg It’s a girl! Amelia Sara Nachat was born on December 8, 2014 Proud Parent: Arian Nachat Proud brother: Charley Nachat WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! Sheryl and Adam FitzGerald, Owen (age 2), Sydney (age 2) Rachel Berger, Isaiah Orlando (age 11), Jonah Orlando (age 7) Sarah and David Fetter, Leo (age 3), Edith (age 2), Ruth (age 8 mos.) Kellie and Tony Evon Isabelle Ruby Epstein Ziegler Daughter of Samuel Ziegler & Elizabeth Epstein Saturday, 1/10/2015 Siegmund Lipansky Son of Adam & Felicia Lipansky Saturday, 1/17/2015 REMEMBERANCES WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES 1/1 Howard & Elly Ruiz-Harrison 15 1/3 James Allison & Margaret Lindenstein 45 1/8 Robert Schoen & Sharon Chabon 15 1/18 Andrew Nadler & Cindy Flinn 35 1/19 Raymond & Susan Modlin 40 1/22 Cliff & D’Anne Gleicher 15 Birthdays and Anniversaries are listed in multiples of 5 as well as birthdays age 69 and over. Mazel Tov! B’NEI MITZVAH Thelma Hoffman, congregant Linda Benas Samirick, sister-in-law of Evelyn Benas Harold Reese, uncle of Mary Pezzuto Ralph Goldman, father of Karen Goldman Judith Burk, mother of David Burk Harrison Anixter, brother of Sandy Goldberg Theodor Schuchat, father of Sam Schuchat Laureen Hoffman, congregant THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING JANUARY B’NEI MITZVAH FAMILIES FOR ONEG SPONSORSHIP: Kyle Jacob Spanier Son of Alan Spanier & Megan Jacob Saturday, 1/17/2015 Benjamin Huntington Son of Andy Huntington & Melissa Schoen Saturday, 1/24/2015 1/2 Menahemy Family 1/9 Epstein- Ziegler Family 1/16 Lipansky and Jacob-Spanier Families 1/23 Schoen-Huntington Family DONATE THOSE TOYS AND GAMES! As you think about cleaning out to make room for year-end presents, please save the toys for our 2nd annual December/January drive. This was a great success last year, delivering toys and games to three organizations that engage kids in after-school and other programs. Look for the bright blue bin in the temple lobby. Sponsored by the Social Action and Green Committees 14 n Temple Sinai n January 2015 JANUARY WORSHIP sunday 2015 Temple Sinai monday wednesday Preschool Closed – Winter Break No Hebrew School, Adult Choir, or Midrasha 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan Preschool Resumes 8:15am Hebrew School 9:30am Religious School 9:30am Sun. Morn. Mah Jong 11:30am Jr. Choir 11:45am Hebrew School 11:45am Religious School Omanut/Art Enrichment 2:30pm 7th Gr. Hebrew 3:00pm 7th Gr. Religious School 3:00pm Youth Event (7th Grade) 4 5 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 4:30pm Hebrew School 6:00pm Ritual Committee Meeting 7:00pm Adult Choir 7:15pm Midrasha: Concert 8:30pm Shir Appeal A Cappella Performs for Midrasha Students 11 12 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 4:30pm Hebrew School 7:00pm Adult Choir 7:15pm Midrasha: Bring a Friend Night 13 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 4:30pm Hebrew School 2:30pm Hebrew School 7:30pm The Bible Goes to the Movies: Exodus 2:30pm Religious School Omanut/Art Enrichment 4:00pm Religious School 7:00pm Purim Spiel Rehearsals 7:15pm WTS Board Meeting 7:30pm Intro to the Jewish Experience with Rabbi Adar 19 No Midrasha 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 4:30pm Hebrew School 7:00pm Adult Choir 7:30pm Green Committee Meeting 20 26 7:30am Tuesday Morning Minyan 11:30am Seniors Lunch 4:30pm Hebrew School 7:00pm Adult Choir 7:15pm Midrasha 27 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 4:30pm Hebrew School 2:30pm Hebrew School 2:30pm Religious School Omanut/Art Enrichment 4:00pm Religious School 7:00pm The Mitzvah Project 7:00pm Purim Spiel Rehearsals 7:30pm Israel Education Committee Meeting Preschool Closed – Winter Break 8:15am Hebrew School 7:00pm Creative Services Planning Meeting 9:30am Adult Education: Tribes of Israel Hart7:30pm Preschool man Institute Series Prospective Parent Night 9:30am Religious School 9:30am Sun. Morn. Mah Jong 11:30am Jr. Choir 11:45am Hebrew School 11:45am Religious School Omanut/Art Enrichment 12:00pm Adult B’nei Mitzvah 12:30pmPurim Spiel Rehearsals 2:00pm Family School 2:30pm 7th Grade Hebrew 3:00pm 7th Grade Religious School 6th/7th Grade Retreat @ Camp Newman No Religious School 18 Martin Luther King Day 6th/7th Grade Retreat @ Camp Newman Preschool Closed 25 8:15am Hebrew School 7:30pm Brotherhood Bowling 9:15am EWJ Speaker Series– Extravaganza (offsite) Dr. Eran Kaplan on Israel & Drought 9:30am Religious School 9:30am Sun. Morn. Mah Jong 11:30am Jr. Choir 11:45am Hebrew School 11:45am Religious School Omanut/Art Enrichment 12:30pmPurim Spiel Rehearsals 2:30pm 7th Grade Hebrew 3:00pm 7th Grade Religious School 6:00am Piedmont Ave. Scavenger Hunt (8th – 12th Grade) DEC. 30 6 DEC. 31 thursday DEC. 29 No Religious School DEC. 28 tuesday friday saturday 1 Preschool Closed – Winter Break 6:30pm Erev Shabbat Family Service 8 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service with Shir Appeal A Cappella Group from Tufts 14 15 6th/7th Grade Retreat @ Camp Newman 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Mizmor Shir! Service with Social Action 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 4:30pm Hebrew School 2:30pm Hebrew School 2:30pm Religious School Omanut/Art Enrichment 6:00pm Cantor’s Intro Family B’nei Mitzvah Meeting 4:00pm Religious School 7:00pm Purim Spiel Rehearsals 7:30pm Temple Board Meeting 21 22 28 29 Midrasha Retreat 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service Songs of Torah featuring the Adult Choir Preschool Closed – Winter Break New Year’s Eve No Religious School 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 7 11:30am WTS Lunch Connection (offsite) 12:15pm Al-Anon Meeting 2:30pm Hebrew School 2:30pm Religious School Omanut/Art Enrichment 4:00pm Religious School 7:00pm Purim Spiel Rehearsals 7:15pm Adult Hebrew Class with Elaine Bachrach New Year’s Day Preschool Closed – Winter Break Office Closed No Hebrew School 4:30pm Hebrew School 7:00pm Trivia Team 7:15pm Gaza War and Its Aftermath 7:30pm Brotherhood Board Meeting (offsite) 7:00pm Israel Education Committee Meeting 7:30pm Education Committee Meeting 7:30pm Preschool Parent Committee/Education Meeting 2 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Tamir Menahemy 3 9 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Minyan Service followed by Potluck Kiddush Lunch 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with the Bat Mitzvah of Isabelle Ziegler 16 6th/7th Grade Retreat @ Camp Newman 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with B’nei Mitzvah of Siegmund Lipansky and Kyle Spanier 5:30pm Sababa Shabbat Dinner 6:00pm Sababa Shabbat Service with Preschool outreach 6:30pm Sababa Shabbat Oneg 7:30pm Erev Shabbat Service 23 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Benjamin Huntington 30 Midrasha Retreat 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service, Shabbat Shira 12:30pm Community Kiddush Lunch 1:00pm Quiet Game Day co-sponsored by Brotherhood and Committee on Arts, Culture and Community 10 17 24 31 n 15 PERIODICAL First Hebrew Congregation of Oakland Temple Sinai 2808 Summit Street Oakland, CA 94609 (510) 451-3263 COMING SOON! THEATRE PERFORMANCE AT TEMPLE SINAI March 28, 2015; 7:00pm Wrestling Jerusalem is a riveting 90-minute solo performance following one man’s journey to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is a personal story that grapples with the complexities of identity, history and social justice. Aaron Davidman, former director of the Traveling Jewish Theatre, gives voice to over a dozen engaging characters, including Israelis, Palestinians and American Jews. Mr. Davidman’s brilliant rendition of these perspectives convey the conflicting narratives of what seems to be an endless conflict in the Holy Land. If you are interested in helping make this event happen, please contact Deena Levine-Lipsett, Event Coordinator, at [email protected] or at (925) 451-3556. Wrestling Jerusalem is being co-sponsored by Temple Sinai’s Israel Education Committee, Women of Temple Sinai, Brotherhood of Temple Sinai and the New Israel Fund (San Francisco Regional Office). Additional support comes from the Fine Arts Committee for Culture and Community and individual congregants. Ticket prices will be announced in January. TEMPLE SINAI HAS BEEN CERTIFIED AS A BAY AREA GREEN BUSINESS Our Bulletin is printed on recycled paper at a printer registered as a Green Business and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. We print with earth-friendly soy-based ink.
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