THE STAR February 2015! Volume 37, Number 7 Congregation Beth Elohim Lewis Mintz, Rabbi Cantor Sarra Spierer Leann Shamash, Director of Education Meryl M. Alpert, Director, Early Learning Center Table of Contents A Special Musical Shabbat with Our Choir! Adult Education Presents a Field Trip!! Beyond Bubbie’s Kitchen Flyer! Brotherhood News! Calendar! Community Megillah Reading! Cuba Thanks! Donation Acknowledgements! Family Shabbat Service! How to Reach Us! Jewish Meditation at CBE! Oneg Shabbat News! President‘s Message! Purim Carnival Flyer ! Schedule of Services! Sisterhood Mishloach Manot Flyer! Sisterhood News! The Board Of Directors Needs You! Tot Shabbat/Shin Shin Shabbat Services! Volunteers Serve Christmas Dinner at Cor Unum! Page 9 Page 7 Page 11 Page 13 Pages 16, 17 Page 4 Page 7 Pages 8-10 Page 8 Page 4 Page 3 Page 12 Page 3 Page 15 Page 3 Page 14 Page 5 Page 4 Page 7 Page 6 Congregation Beth Elohim! THE STAR! February 2015 Congregation Beth Elohim and The Star appreciate the support of these sponsors: " Special " Le Petit Salon 260 Arlington Street Acton, MA 01720 (978) 263-8040 New Relaxing 20% off first Boutique Salon visit! and Spa Hair Salon ! Nail Salon ! Skin Care Copyright © 2014 by Congregation Beth Elohim. All Rights Reserved. The deadline posted in the previous month’s issue, is generally the 15th of the previous month, slightly earlier in case of holidays. Send material for inclusion in The Star by email: to [email protected] (receipt acknowledged); Editor: Bob Becker 978‑263‑8097. The Star is generally published monthly by Congregation Beth Elohim and is mailed at Acton, MA. To request a subscription call Congregation Beth Elohim at 978‑263‑3061 or write to 133 Prospect Street, Acton, MA 01720. ! -2- February 2015! THE STAR! Congregation Beth Elohim Schedule of Services Sunday,! February! 1! 8:30!AM! Friday,! February! 6! 7:00!PM! Saturday,!February! 7!10:00!AM! Saturday,!February! 7!10:00!AM! Saturday,!February! 7!10:00!AM! Sunday,! February! 8! 8:30!AM! Friday,! February!13! 8:00!PM! Friday,! February!20! 8:00!PM! Saturday,!February!21!10:00!AM! Friday,! February!27! 6:00!PM! Friday,! February!27! 8:00!PM! Saturday,!February!28!10:00!AM! Shacharit Minyan Family Shabbat Service # Shabbat Service #—Jacob Formaggio Bar Mitzvah Junior Congregation K’tonton Shabbat Shacharit Minyan Shabbat Evening Service Shabbat Evening Service Shabbat Torah Study Tot Shabbat & Shin-Shin Shabbat Evening Service # with Choir Shabbat Service #—Zachary Volinsky Bar Mitzvah # - Denotes services conducted by both Rabbi and Cantor. people and left behind so many wonderful and powerful memories. I pray you had a sense of how sweet it was to know you. Zikhronah livrakha. In terms of what’s going on at CBE, just a brief follow up to my email and the announcement in Star-Lite in January asking for volunteers for the Polling/Sensing committee. This committee, the first to be constituted as part of our Rabbi search process has the important task of finding out from as many of our members as possible what we hope and need our new rabbi to be, especially with regard to ideal or preferred qualifications, religious practice preferences, interpersonal styles, and experience on and off the bimah. If you're interested in volunteering to be on the Committee, please send an email with pertinent background information about yourself to [email protected]. If you have any questions about what participation on the committee (Core and Associate members) is all about, please don’t hesitate to ask me or any other member of the Board of Directors. The Board will be reviewing and making their recommendations for committee membership by the middle of this month.! ✡ President‘s Message Alan Weiss [email protected] / 978‑263‑3882 All of President’s messages that I’ve written so far have been composed at the end of the month before they’re published. For the most part, I’ve written about events that are coming up, but this time I need to look back before I can look forward. Most of you reading this message probably knew Linda Burton fairly well and will know that she died suddenly on December 26 while on her way to visit family in North Carolina. I am certain that many of you also attended the lovely and moving memorial service held for Linda on January 18 at CBE because the sanctuary (including the swing space and social hall) was completely filled. I want to use some of the space in this month’s message to express how much I miss Linda. Linda was everywhere at CBE: downstairs in the Early Learning Center (and before that the JCC) playing with happy toddlers and comforting not-so-happy toddlers; downstairs in the religious school teaching eager children and helping notso-eager children learn about Judaism and being Jewish; and upstairs attending Shabbat services and taking adult education classes. Linda brought such joy and energy to whatever she was doing and she loved teaching, learning, and observing in equal measure. Like so many other parents whose children were fortunate enough to be in one of Linda’s classes, I remember my son coming home from Hebrew School after his first class with Linda and asking him where he got the Hersey Kiss he was holding in his hand. He told me that Morah Linda had given him the candy to remind him that “the study of Torah was sweet.” Linda, you touched so many ! Jewish Meditation at CBE Join Cantor Sarra for an evening of Jewish meditation on Tuesday, February 10 at 7:15. The evening will include mindfulness meditation, chanting, and an inspiring teaching from the weekly Torah portion. Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome. There is a suggested donation of $10. If you have any questions, or for more information, please email [email protected]. -3- Congregation Beth Elohim! THE STAR! member ending his or her term of service early for personal reasons. Most positions can be filled by two people serving as co-chairs, which not only lightens the load but makes the job more enjoyable, and we are all richer for a greater abundance of ideas and talent! The following positions will be opening this year: President, VP of Development, VP of Programming, VP Early Education, VP Operations, Membership, Fundraising, Social, and Youth. In addition, there will be from one to three Member-atLarge positions opening, which many members find is a good way to serve on the Board in an introductory capacity without specific assigned responsibilities. Our Nominations Team this year is Linda Minkoff, Sara Levine and Liz Hess. If you, or you and your spouse or a friend, are interested in exploring service on the Board in any of these positions, please contact Linda Minkoff at [email protected] to discuss the opportunities that are available. If you are interested in serving the community but feel that the Board of Directors may be a larger commitment than you are able to offer, please consider service on one of our many committees. We currently have openings on the following committees: School, Social, Fundraising, Adult Education, Library, Operations and Kitchen. Remember, this is our community and its continued success is the responsibility of us all. Please consider doing your part to help ensure that CBE is here for our children and for generations to come.! ✡ The Board Of Directors Needs You! Linda Minkoff [email protected] Members, it is that time of year again when we have the pleasant task of choosing our new Board of Directors for the 2015–2017 term. Service on the CBE Board of Directors is rewarding and fulfilling work, yet no special skills are required! Anyone with an interest in seeing the continued success and growth of our community is encouraged to seek office. This upcoming two year term will be critical as it is during this time that we will choose and welcome our new spiritual leader. Although much of the work of that process will be done by committees, the Board will also play a critical role Each year, the Board of Directors has a number of vacancies to fill. Vacancies occur for a number of reasons: the end of a member’s one or two-year term (most positions are limited to two terms); members changing from one board position to another; or a Community Megillah Reading Save the Date: Wednesday, March 4 Purim service at 6:30 Megillah Reading at 7:00 CBE’s Community Purim Services and Megillah Reading are a highlight of the year! Come and hear CBE friends of all ages chant verses from the Megillah (scroll). Join Rabbi Mintz and Cantor Spierer in telling the story of Esther with costumes, humor, and music. Renowned Klezmer musician Barry Shapiro will join members of CBE’s own Klezmer Band to make this is a special musical event. If you’d like, bring homemade noisemakers and wear a costume! We will be collecting donations for the Acton Food Pantry in order to fulfill an important mitzvah of Purim (matanot l’evyonim), so please bring a canned good. All are welcome! How to Reach Us Telephone The congregation office telephone number is 978‑263‑3061. Dial these extensions for: Rabbi Mintz! Cantor Spierer! Ezra Habif! Leann Shamash! 2 7 1 3 The telephone number for the Early Learning Center office and director Meryl Alpert is 978‑266‑9988. Mr. Shapiro, a Klezmer and Jazz pianist and accordionist, is a graduate of The New England Conservatory. One of the founding members of the Klezmer Conservatory Band (along with Hankus Netsky, CBE’s 2009 Artist-in-Residence), he currently leads and plays with several bands, including the “Barry Shapiro Orchestra,” and teaches Israeli dancing. ! February 2015 Web Site Our congregation web site,, includes the online edition of The Star as well as a variety of other information including a bookstore link ( and a donation form. -4- February 2015! THE STAR! thousands of abandoned children whose fates would be determined by pure luck. Would they be adopted by a kind and loving family, or would they face a childhood and adolescence of hard labor and servitude? As a young Irish immigrant, Vivian Daly was one such child, sent by rail from New York City to an uncertain future a world away. Returning east later in life, Vivian leads a quiet, peaceful existence on the coast of Maine, the memories of her upbringing rendered a hazy blur. But in her attic, hidden in trunks, are vestiges of a turbulent past. Seventeenyear-old Molly Ayer knows that a communityservice position helping an elderly widow clean out her attic is the only thing keeping her out of juvenile hall. But as Molly helps Vivian sort through her keepsakes and possessions, she discovers that she and Vivian aren’t as different as they appear. A Penobscot Indian who has spent her youth in and out of foster homes, Molly is also an outsider being raised by strangers, and she, too, has unanswered questions about the past. Moving between contemporary Maine and Depression-era Minnesota, Orphan Train is a powerful tale of upheaval and resilience, second chances, and unexpected friendship.” (Note: I am pretty sure wine and snacks are served at book club, but that aspect is interestingly not emphasized. Hmmm. Oh wait, check out this recent Facebook post from Pam Laufer promoting our next event.) “The Sisterhood and Brotherhood are at it again, this time to celebrate the joy of eating, which begs the question, when isn't food central to our events? (Note: exactly!) Questions aside, come join us as Jewish foodies from the Sisterhood and Brotherhood enjoy an outing to Beyond Bubbe’s Kitchen, where Boston’s top chefs do traditional Jewish with a twist! This kosher-style food festival will be held from 5:00-7:30 at the Back Bay Events Center on Sunday, March 1, $36 per person. Visit http://www. for more information and to purchase tickets. We will be organizing carpools from CBE for those interested. Please email [email protected] to RSVP or sign up to be a driver or passenger by Wednesday February 25. I see I am not alone in noticing the preponderance of snacks. Perhaps this is a valid sociological observation and not simply a function of my own Labrador retriever-like attraction to food. I don’t know. I can’t think anymore. I need something to eat…! ✡ Sisterhood News Julie Agapite [email protected] It seems to me that Sisterhood and joint Sisterhood/Brotherhood events tend to revolve around food and drink. Does this focus simply reflect universal social practice, our own particular cultural expression, or perhaps it’s just my own love of food that causes me to zero in on the edible fare attached to each activity? It is a serious sociological (perhaps psychological) question. Let’s explore, shall we? Brotherhood and Sisterhood recently teamed up for their second annual Bagels & Bowling event. (Note: bagels come first in the title.) On the morning of Sunday, January 11, 35 brothers and sisters met at the Acton Bowladrome to bowl and, yes, eat. Pam Laufer shared that, “many of us kept six lanes rolling while others relaxed and enjoyed the breakfast buffet.” (Note: some attendees didn’t even bowlthey just ate.) Thank you to Pam and Chuck Pollak of Brotherhood for coordinating this great event and providing us with the opportunity to socialize and, of course, eat. Coming soon is a fun and creative “paint and wine” outing to Pinot's Palette (Note: Pinot comes first in the title), 7A Meriam Street, Lexington on Thursday, February 5 from 7:00 to 10:00. We will have a private room where we will each paint the same design while we enjoy wine, appetizers (ahem) and music. A professional artist in residence will take us through the painting process step by step, everyone can follow the easy directions! No artistic experience or even aptitude is required. We bring the wine and appetizers and Pinot’s Palette supplies the rest! We each get our own canvas, paint and brushes. The cost of this event is $35 per person. Please register online at https://www.pinotspalette. com/LexingtonCenter/Class/38792. After registering, contact Honi Kawut at [email protected] and let her know if you will be bringing an appetizer or wine to the event. (Personal note: I like arts and crafts activities but the main draw for me here is the wine and snacks. Just saying.) The February meeting of the Sisterhood Book Group will take place on Sunday, February 22 at 7:30 PM at the home of Sharon Smith, 230 Newtown Rd., Acton. The sisters will discuss the historical novel, Orphan Train, by Christina Baker Kline. From, “Between 1854 and 1929, so-called orphan trains ran regularly from the cities of the East Coast to the farmlands of the Midwest, carrying ! Congregation Beth Elohim -5- Congregation Beth Elohim! THE STAR! Thanks to members of the following CBE families for donating their time: the Bersons, Blooms, Hobans, Greens, Kushners, Laufers, Leichers, Levines, Mausers, Mendelsohns, Nyers and Sussmans. CBE Volunteers Serve Christmas Dinner at Cor Unum Barry and Jo-Anne Nyer [email protected] Once again, we’d like to thank the group of CBE volunteers who helped serve Christmas dinner at the Cor Unum Meal Center last month. The Cor Unum Meal Center is a nonprofit organization in Lawrence that provides free, nutritious meals in a safe environment to anyone who is in need of food. It is open 365 days a year, and serves approximately 250,000 meals annually (with 600 meals on Christmas alone). As they say, “We serve hundreds of people every day, with a small core staff and a large army of generous volunteers.” If you would like more information about Cor Unum, please see their website at And if you are interested, you can coordinate with them directly to volunteer at other times of the year. They are always very appreciative of any support individuals can provide. If you would like to join a group of CBE volunteers who will help serve Easter dinner in 2015, please email CBE congregant Ann Budner at [email protected]. Finally, if you'd like more information about other Social Action activities with the temple, please contact Ann at [email protected] or Barbara at [email protected].! ✡ That’s where CBE comes in. Each year, on Christmas and Easter, CBE volunteers help serve dinner so the volunteers who would otherwise be there can celebrate these holidays with their families. This past Christmas, 35 CBE volunteers helped serve food, wait on tables, bus tables and clean up. ! February 2015 -6- February 2015! THE STAR! Cuba Thanks Tot Shabbat/Shin Shin Shabbat Services As many of you know, a number of our congregants recently returned from a trip to Cuba. The purpose of the trip was to provide the Jewish Community in Cuba with tzedakah, basic supplies/ toiletries and above all, hope. The community was very touched by the group’s generosity and acknowledged their kindness by writing the following letter of appreciation. Friday evening, January 23 at 6:00 PM With Purim approaching, children are welcome to come dressed in their favorite costume! All of our youngest children and their families are invited to sing, dance, pray, and learn at our monthly Tot Shabbat services with Cantor Sarra. Children with a birthday during the month will receive a special birthday song. During “Torah Time,” we’ll hear a story and march in the sanctuary with our own Torah scrolls. After services, we will enjoy an Oneg Shabbat, a sweet nosh and conversation in the Social Hall. Tot Shabbat services, for our very littlest ones through kindergarten, take place on the third or fourth week of each month. Look on CBE’s online calendar to find out all of the dates for services this year. This is a wonderful way to meet new friends in the community! Shin Shin: Shabbat Services for Young Children Coinciding with Tot Shabbat Shin Shin, a Friday evening Shabbat service for young children, accompanies our monthly Tot Shabbat at CBE. Shin Shin (the first letter for “Shabbat” and “Shalom”) is for all children in grades 1-3, including our recent Tot Shabbat “graduates” and older siblings of our Tot Shabbat children. Shin Shin services include games, stories, prayer, and opportunities to play, sing, and learn. After services, Shin Shin and Tot Shabbat families will join together in the social hall for Birkat Banim (a blessing of the children) and a combined oneg. Shin Shin services are led by Amelia Friedman and Miriam Wallack, two wonderful teens with experience working with younger children in our community. Shin Shin service and Tot Shabbat will take place this month on Friday, February 27 from 6:00-6:45 PM (followed by oneg). If you’d like, bring your own (dairy) dinner and join us at 5:15 PM as we eat together in the Social Hall before the service. All are welcome. If you have any questions or for more information, please send email to Cantor Sarra at [email protected]. Adult Education Presents a Field Trip! Come see the hilarious, annual Latke vs. Hamantashen Debate at MIT in Cambridge Wednesday, February 11 at 7:45 PM in MIT Room 10-250 (right under the Great Dome) More information is available at Contact Bob Ferrara at [email protected] for more information or interest in carpooling Do not say, when I have time, I shall study, for you may never have time. —Pirkei Avot ! Congregation Beth Elohim -7- Congregation Beth Elohim! THE STAR! February 2015 Donations The congregation thanks our members, their relatives and friends, and the larger community for donations recently received… To the General Fund from: To the Back to the Future Fund from: Ken & Jessie Klein Malcolm & Ina Burdine Abbott & Barbara Weiss Jeff & Deborah Wesson Elan Riesman in gratitude to Rabbi Mintz’s adult education class, “Wisdom of the Talmud.” Jeff & Sandy Haber Dan & Shelley Klein in memory of Peter A. Stark. Esther Bachrach in memory of David Bachrach. Doris & Freddy Goldstein in loving memory of a colleague and friend, Linda Burton. Ken & Jessie Klein in honor of Phillip Yacouby’s engagement to Shari Zakim. To the Chesed Fund from: To the Cantoral Fund from: Shelley & Alan Sherman in loving memory of Harold Alpert. Didi & Steven Lazar in appreciation of Cantor Sarra’s efforts for the Bat Mitzvah of our granddaughter, Emma Perkins. To the CBE Early Learning Center from: Jonathan Spierer in memory of Mary & Harry Spierer. Gary & Judy Budiansky in loving memory of Linda Burton. Family Shabbat Service our familiar tunes, and instrumental accompaniment by CBE’s own talented musicians. Each month, children, and even families together, have the opportunity to lead a prayer, blessing or song in the service. This is a fun way for children (and parents!) to learn and to feel the special sense of joy and pride that comes with leading a community in prayer. Please let Rabbi Mintz or Cantor Spierer know if you or your child would like to help lead. After the service, we will enjoy our oneg Shabbat (a time for a nosh and visiting with old and new friends). All are welcome! A Joyful Way to Celebrate Shabbat with Your Family and Community! Celebrate Shabbat with music, blessings, stories, and friends on Friday evening, February 6 at 7:00 PM. This month, we will also enjoy the music and rhythms of our CBE Klezmer Band! Geared especially toward children in grades one through six, yet designed to be welcoming for all adults and children, our Family Shabbat services feature many opportunities for participation, uplifting and lively new melodies mixed in with Yiddish and Contemporary Israeli Music: WERS, 88.9 FM, broadcasts Chagigah, Sunday mornings 8:00–11:00 AM. ! -8- January 2015! THE STAR! Congregation Beth Elohim Donations The congregation thanks our members, their relatives and friends, and the larger community for donations recently received… To the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund from: To the Kol Nidre/High Holyday Appeal from: Ruth Morton in honor of Susan & Michael Goldman. Larry & Rita Grossman Tom & Marlene Wachtell Dan & Shelley Klein in memory of Ida Berkwitts. To the Choir Fund from: To the School Fund from: Didi & Steven Lazar in appreciation of the choir’s beautiful participation at the Bat Mitzvah of our granddaughter, Emma Perkins. Gerald & Sharon Malkin in memory of Linda Burton. Risa & Chuck Brooks in loving memory of Linda Burton. Jane Karol & Howard Cooper to the Choir in honor of our daughter, Sara’s, upcoming Bat Mitzvah. Dan & Shelley Klein in memory of Linda Burton. To the Library Fund from: Cherie Marcus in loving memory of Linda Burton. Paul & Susan Linet in memory of Linda Burton. To the Adult Education Fund from: Sandy & Jeff Haber and Family in memory of Linda Burton. Bob & Kathie Becker in memory of Linda Burton. A Special Musical Shabbat with Our Choir Friday evening, February 27 at 8:00 PM On February 27, the CBE choir and Cantor Sarra will fill our Friday evening Shabbat service with music and harmonies. This is the second in a series of three Friday evening services throughout the year featuring our choir. While we look forward to CBE’s Shabbat Shirah (our annual choral Shabbat) service on May 8, these three services are opportunities for our choir and community to enjoy and make music together. Please join us! ! The next time you want to buy a book — or practically anything else — go to via CBE’s website and Amazon will donate 5 – 10% of your total purchase directly to CBE. Visit Pull down the “Give” menu at the upper right, and click on “Shop Amazon.” -9- Congregation Beth Elohim! THE STAR! February 2015 Donations The congregation thanks our members, their relatives and friends, and the larger community for donations recently received… To the Amy Naparstek Fund from: Bob & Kathie Becker in memory of Ben Harris, Chips Naparstek’s father. Gary & Judy Budiansky in memory of Ben Harris, Chips Naparstek’s father. Ezra & Amanda Habif in memory of Ben Harris, father of Chips Naparstek. Herman & Suzanne Kabakoff in memory of Ben Harris, Chips Naparstek’s father. Gerald & Roberta Berenson in memory of Ben Harris, grandfather of Amy Naparstek. Herman & Suzanne Kabakoff in memory of Linda Burton. Gerald & Sharon Malkin in memory of Ben Harris. Herman & Suzanne Kabakoff in memory of Jerold Feinstein, brother of Ellen Krueger. Robert & Meryl Widman in memory of Ben Harris and Amy Naparstek. Judy Auderieth & Family in memory of our most vivacious cousin. Marvin & Karen Gould in memory of Ben Harris. Denis & Linda Friedman in memory of Linda Burton, a true mensch and exceptional educator. Richard & Patricia Reed in memory of Ben Harris. David & Jane Pearl in memory of Ben Harris. David & Chips Naparstek in memory of Ida Naparstek, on the occasion of her yahrzeit. Paul & Jennifer Friedman in memory of Ben Harris, Chips Naparstek’s father. David & Chips Naparstek in honor of Linda Friedman’s birthday. Henry & Doris Apfelbaum in memory of Ben Harris, father of Chips Naparstek. Jean Thacker in memory of Ben Harris. Paul & Susan Linet in memory of Ben Harris, Chips Naparstek’s father. Alan & Peggy Berko in memory of Ben Harris. Jeffrey & Susan Hunter in memory of Ben Harris. Allan & Ellen Krueger in memory of Ben Harris, father of Chips Naparstek. Mark & Rena Ellingwood and Linda & Bill Pollack in memory of Ben Harris. Iris Stutman in memory of Ben Harris, father of Chips Naparstek. Elaine & Steven Shapiro in memory of Ben Harris. Dan & Shelley Klein in memory of Ben Harris. Denis & Linda Friedman in memory of Ben Harris, Chips’ father, and in honor of his long and wonderful life. Sandy & Jeff Haber and Family in memory of Ben Harris, Chips Naparstek’s father. Risa & Chuck Brooks in memory of Ben Harris. Larry & Sharonlee Tyler in memory of Ben Harris. Doris & Freddy Goldstein in loving memory of Ben Harris and Amy Naparstek. Ronni Kenger in memory of Ben Harris, Chips’ father. Cherie Marcus: “In loving memory of Linda Burton.” Ken & Jessie Klein in memory of Chips Naparstek’s father, Ben Harris. ! - 10 - February 2015! THE STAR! Congregation Beth Elohim Calling All Jewish Foodies! Join us for a combined CBE Sisterhood and Brotherhood Outing to The 6th annual Beyond Bubbie’s Kitchen Boston’s premier Jewish food festival Where Boston’s top chefs do traditional Jewish with a twist! March 1st @ 5:00 PM Back Bay Events Center, 180 Berkeley Street, Boston $36.00 per person Visit for more information or to purchase tickets We will be organizing carpools from CBE for those interested. Please email [email protected] to RSVP and sign up to be a driver or passenger. Purim shpiel at the Jewish Theatre in Warszawa, Poland. March 2009. Photograph by Henryk Kotowski. ! - 11 - Congregation Beth Elohim! THE STAR! February 2015 January Special Thanks Bob Becker, Lori Lotterman and Gary Kushner, Sara and Steve Levine, Debbie and Peter Berson, Michelle and Chris Siegert, Linda and Denis Friedman, Laura Kelmar, and the 5th Grade Class hosted by Faith Jarger and Rachel Tadmor [email protected] Oneg needed for most dates from mid-February through mid-April ! - 12 - February 2015! THE STAR! Congregation Beth Elohim February 2015 Submitted by Michael Sanders Hineh ma tov uma na'im Shevet achim gam yachad How good and pleasant it is For brothers & sisters to sit together In the past year, it seems there has been so much more collaboration between Brotherhood and Sisterhood. Sukkot wine and cheese has been two years successful now. Most recently, bagels and bowling on a Sunday morning in January. Coming up, we are attending Beyond Bubbe’s Kitchen; Boston’s premier Jewish food festival. Will you join us? Brotherhood takes the lead in many areas. For example, we provide ushering at services when needed. We’re all deeply saddened by the loss of Linda Burton. Knowing it would be a very full memorial service, Brotherhood stepped up with a lot of ushers for the 500 attendees that showed their respects for Linda. The next day, Brotherhood led the kitchen effort for the annual MLK Day “No Place For Hate” breakfast. Coming up next month, Brotherhood will continue its leadership of the Purim Carnival. (See the full page ad in this edition of The STAR) Sure, we do guy stuff, like brew beer, play softball and billiards and have a number of other ideas in the works, yet it seems in the past year, the programs we have raved about more are the ones that collaborate with Sisterhood -- ELC, Adult Education, Social Action, and everyone else that has an active role in making CBE a vibrant community. Many of the programs have been solely for fun. Others have been successful fundraisers for CBE. The BBQ this past summer, a community wide partnership brought in close to $1,500. Thank you to everyone who participates. What are your ideas? Thank you to the 62 paid members ! - 13 - Congregation Beth Elohim! THE STAR! February 2015 Happy Purim! CBE Sisterhood Mishloach Manot Purim Bags Fundraiser Partake in the age old tradition of sending gifts of food to friends, relatives, neighbors, teachers or any others this Purim. Mishloach Manot is a mitzvah that celebrates a miracle of the Jewish people long ago and fosters greater unity within the Jewish community. Each package costs $8 and will be filled with holiday treats including homemade hamantashen! We will deliver to Acton, Stow, Boxborough, Harvard and Westford on Sunday, March 1st. Each bag contains a note explaining the custom and who it is from. Orders are due by January 31st. Please indicate if you would like a nut-free bag with an “NF” next to their name. Name of Sender to appear on package: Sender email : Recipient Name Address City Total number of baskets x $8 # $ Please make checks out to CBE Sisterhood. Order forms and checks can be dropped off at the CBE office (133 Prospect St., Acton) or mailed to Susan Gruskay, 11 Daniels Way, Boxborough, MA 01719 If you have any questions, please call 978-266-2971 or email [email protected] ! - 14 - February 2015! THE STAR! Congregation Beth Elohim Its back…. for a one-day showing… The Annual Beth Elohim Purim Carnival Sunday, March 8th, 2015 **11:15 am until 1:15 pm Directly after the Purim Shpiel In the CBE Social Hall Brought to the kids {young and old} by the CBE Brotherhood and B’nai B’rith Youth Organization Yummy Hamantaschen CBE Brotherhood will provide a Light Lunch that can be purchased in back of Hall. There will be crafts for the younger set as well. There will be a new special game surprise!... **15 minutes after Purim Shpiel is over ! - 15 - ! - 16 - 26 Shevat 16 27 Shevat 17 28 Shevat 18 29 Shevat 22 3 Adar 23 4 Adar 24 5 Adar 25 6 Adar 9:00-11:00 AM Brotherhood Board 6:30-8:30 PM 4:15-6:15 PM 4:15-6:15 PM Meeting Midrasha Religious School Religious School 7:00-9:00 PM Tzion 15 8 30 Shevat 23 Shevat 16 Shevat Thursday 7 Adar 5:30-7:00 PM ELC International Night 26 19 12 Wednesday 19 Shevat 9 20 Shevat 10 21 Shevat 11 22 Shevat 8:30 AM Shacharit Minyan 6:30-8:30 PM 4:15-6:15 PM 4:15-6:15 PM 9:00-11:00 AM Brotherhood Breakfast Midrasha Religious School Religious School 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Religious School 7:15 PM Meditation 7:00-9:00 PM Tzion Morning: Family Education: Vav Class Class with Cantor 7:00 PM Congregation Board Meeting Sarra Tuesday 5 Monday 12 Shevat 2 13 Shevat 3 14 Shevat 4 15 Shevat 1 8:30 AM Shacharit Minyan 6:30-8:30 PM 4:15-6:15 PM 4:15-6:15 PM 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Religious School Midrasha Religious School Religious School 9:00 AM Family Education: Aleph Class 7:00-9:00 PM Tzion Sunday 17 Shevat Friday 24 Shevat 1 Adar 8 Adar 18 Shevat Yitro (Exodus 18-20) 25 Shevat Terumah (Exodus 25-27:19) 2 Adar Mishpatim (Exodus 21-24) 9 Adar Tetzavveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10) 10:00 AM Shabbat Service #—Zachary Volinsky Bar Mitzvah 28 10:00 AM Shabbat Torah Study 21 14 10:00 AM Shabbat Service #—Jacob Formaggio Bar Mitzvah 10:00 AM Junior Congregation 10:00 AM Kʼtonton Shabbat 7 Saturday THE STAR! 6:00 PM Tot Shabbat & Shin-Shin 8:00 PM Shabbat Evening Service # with Choir Candle Lighting Time— 5:14 EST 27 8:00 PM Shabbat Evening Service Candle Lighting Time— 5:05 EST 20 8:00 PM Shabbat Evening Service Candle Lighting Time— 4:56 EST 13 7:00 PM Family Shabbat Service # Candle Lighting Time— 4:47 EST 6 # — Denotes services conducted by both Rabbi and Cantor Congregation Beth Elohim February 2015 Congregation Beth Elohim! February 2015 The congregation calendar is also online at ! Monday Tuesday Wednesday - 17 - The congregation calendar is also online at 9 Nissan 30 10 Nissan 31 11 Nissan 8:30 AM Shacharit Minyan 6:30-8:30 PM 4:15-6:15 PM 9:00-11:00 AM Brotherhood Board Midrasha Religious School Meeting 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Religious School 29 13 Nissan 6 Nissan 28 Adar 15 Adar 22 Adar 29 Adar 7 Nissan Candle Lighting Time— 6:55 EDT 14 Nissan 6:00 PM Tot Shabbat & Shin-Shin 8:00 PM Shabbat Evening Service # Candle Lighting Time— 6:47 EDT 27 7:00 PM Shabbat Evening Service—Gimel Class Participation Candle Lighting Time— 6:39 EDT 20 5:30 PM Gan Class Dinner 7:00 PM Family Shabbat Service # Candle Lighting Time— 6:31 EDT 13 8:00 PM Shabbat Evening Service Candle Lighting Time— 5:23 EST 6 Friday 16 Adar Ki Tissa (Exodus 30:11-34) 23 Adar 1 Nissan Vayikra (Leviticus 1-5) 8 Nissan Tzav (Leviticus 6-8) 15 Nissan 10:00 AM Shabbat Service #—Grace Watman Bat Mitzvah 10:00 AM Junior Congregation 10:00 AM K'tonton Shabbat 28 10:00 AM Shabbat Torah Study 21 10:00 AM Shabbat Service #—Lily Hollenberg Bat Mitzvah Vayakhei/Pekudei (Exodus 35-38:20/38:21-40) 14 10:00 AM Shabbat Torah Study Evening: Purim Ball & Shpiel 7 Saturday THE STAR! 12 Nissan 26 2 Nissan 23 3 Nissan 24 4 Nissan 25 5 Nissan 8:30 AM Shacharit Minyan 6:30-8:30 PM 4:15-6:15 PM 4:15-6:15 PM 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Religious School Midrasha Religious School Religious School 7:30 PM Adult 7:00-9:00 PM Tzion Education Movie Night: The ZigZag Kid 22 14 Adar Thursday 21 Adar 7:00-9:00 PM ELC Parenting Education Evening 12 19 17 Adar 9 18 Adar 10 19 Adar 11 20 Adar 6:30-8:30 PM 4:15-6:15 PM 4:15-6:15 PM Midrasha Religious School Religious School 7:30 PM Adult 7:00-9:00 PM Tzion Education Movie Night: The Jewish Cardinal 5 24 Adar 16 25 Adar 17 26 Adar 18 27 Adar 8:30 AM Shacharit Minyan 6:30-8:30 PM 4:15-6:15 PM 4:15-6:15 PM 9:00-11:00 AM Brotherhood Breakfast Midrasha Religious School Religious School 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Religious School 7:30 PM Adult 7:00-9:00 PM Tzion 7:00 PM Congregation Board Meeting Education Movie Night: Paradise Now 15 Purim Shpiel Following Shpiel: Purim Carnival 8 10 Adar 2 11 Adar 3 12 Adar 4 13 Adar 1 8:30 AM Shacharit Minyan 6:30-8:30 PM 4:15-6:15 PM 4:15-6:15 PM 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Religious School Midrasha Religious School Religious School 7:00 PM Purim Megillah Reading and Service # Sunday # — Denotes services conducted by both Rabbi and Cantor Congregation Beth Elohim March 2015 February 2015! Congregation Beth Elohim Congregation Beth Elohim! THE STAR! Congregation Beth Elohim 133 Prospect Street Acton, MA 01720 February 2015 The deadline for the March issue of The Star is February 15 Articles submitted to The Star must include a contact name in case of questions. Congregant email addresses listed in the CBE Directory are to be used solely for CBE matters. ! - 18 - February 2015
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