Scott Eric Le Vine, AICP/PP [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] State University of New York (SUNY), New Paltz, NY 12561 (201) 354-8700 / (845) 257-3599 Twitter: @scottericlevine EDUCATION 2011 Ph.D. (Transport Studies), Imperial College London Thesis: Strategies for personal mobility: A study of consumer acceptance of subscription drive-it-yourself car services Supervisors: John Polak, Martin Lee-Gosselin, Aruna Sivakumar Examiners: Kay Axhausen, Daniel J. Graham 2005 M.S./M.U.P. dual degrees: M.U.P. (Urban Planning), New York University M.S. (Transportation Planning & Engineering), NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering (formerly known as: Polytechnic University) 2002 B.S. with Distinction (Geography, Minor in Economics), McGill University APPOINTMENTS 2014 – present 2014 – present 2015 – 2018 2012 – 2014 2007 – 2011 2001 – 2007 Assistant Professor (Urban Planning), Geography Department, SUNY at New Paltz Postdoctoral Research Associate (Part-time), Imperial College London Visiting Professor, Southwest Jiaotong [Transportation] University, Chengdu, China Postdoctoral Research Associate (Full-time), Imperial College London PhD Student / Research Assistant, Imperial College London Transportation Planner, Edwards & Kelcey (now Jacobs, Inc.), Morristown, New Jersey PUBLISHED JOURNAL ARTICLES (15) J1) Le Vine, S., Zolfaghari, A., Polak, J. (2015) Autonomous cars: The tension between occupant-experience and intersection capacity. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2015.01.002 J2) Suel, E., Le Vine, S., Polak, J. (2015) An empirical application of an expenditure diary instrument to quantify the relationships between in-store and online grocery shopping: Case study of Greater London. Transportation Research Record. DOI forthcoming. J3) Clark, M., Gifford, K., Anable, J., Le Vine, S. (2015) Business-to-business carsharing: Evidence from Britain of factors associated with employer-based carsharing membership and its impacts: Transportation. DOI forthcoming. J4) Le Vine, S. (2014) A Pareto-efficient governance mechanism for shared-mobility systems. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management. DOI: 10.1504/IJATM.2014.065253 J5) Le Vine, S., Chen, B., Polak, J. (2014) Does the income elasticity of road traffic depend on the source of income? Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2014.06.003 J6) Le Vine, S., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., Sivakumar, A., Polak, J. (2014) A new approach to predict the market and impacts of round-trip and point-to-point carsharing systems: Case study of London. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2014.07.005 J7) Le Vine, S., Latinopoulos, C., Polak, J. (2014) What is the relationship between online activity and driving-licence-holding amongst young adults? Transportation. DOI: 10.1007/s11116-014-9528-3 J8) Le Vine, S., Latinopoulos, C., Polak, J. (2014) Establishing the links between online activity and car use: Evidence from a combined travel diary and online-activity pseudo-diary data set. Transportation Research Record #2405. DOI: 10.3141/2405-09 J9) Le Vine, S., Adamou, O., Polak, J. (2014) Predicting new forms of activity/mobility patterns enabled by shared-mobility services through a needs-based stated-response method: Case study of grocery shopping. Transport Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2013.12.008 Page 1 of 9 Last updated: February 2015 J10)Le Vine, S., Polak, J. (2014) Factors associated with young adults delaying and forgoing driving licences: Results from Britain. Traffic Injury Prevention. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2014.880838 J11)Le Vine, S., Jones, P., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., Polak, J. (2014) Is heightened environmental-sensitivity responsible for the drop in young adults' driving-licence-acquisition rates? Transportation Research Record #2465. DOI 10.3141/2465-10 J12)Le Vine, S., Jones, P., Polak, J. (2013) The contribution of benefit-in-kind taxation policy in Britain to the ‘Peak Car’ phenomenon. Transport Reviews. DOI: 10.1080/01441647.2013.827267 J13)Le Vine, S., Sivakumar, A., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., Polak, J. (2013) A new concept of accessibility to personal activities: Development of theory and application to an empirical study of mobility resource holdings. Journal of Transport Geography. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2013.04.013 J14)Le Vine, S., Latinopoulos, C., Polak, J. (2013) A tenuous result: re-analysis of the link between internetusage and young adults’ driving-licence holding. Traffic Injury Prevention. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2013.793583 J15)Le Vine, S., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., Sivakumar, A., Polak, J. (2011) Design of a Strategic-Tactical StatedChoice Survey Methodology Using a Constructed Avatar. Transportation Research Record #2246. DOI: 10.3141/2246-08 JOURNAL ARTICLES IN REVISION PROCESS (2) J16)Le Vine, S., Latinopoulos, C., Polak, J. (under initial review; submitted Nov. 2014) Analysis of the relationship between internet usage and allocation of time for personal travel and out of home activities: Case study of Scotland. J17)Le Vine, S., Polak, J. (under initial review; submitted Nov. 2014) A novel peer-to-peer congestion pricing marketplace enabled by vehicle automation. STUDENT SUPERVISION Flexible carsharing (working title) (Justus Loebler, MSc thesis, 2014-15) Is car sharing a natural niche market for electric vehicles (Jacob O’Hear, MSc, 2012-13) Investigation of the observed decline in car access among young people age 17 to 21 (Qinyi Chen, MEng, 2012-13) A needs-based analysis framework to characterise induced and suppressed travel associated with subscription drive-it-yourself car services (Orestes Adamou, MEng, 2010-11) RESEARCH STAFF SUPERVISION Bingqing Chen (2013), Analysis of new relationships between income and personal mobility Esra Suel (2013), Establishing the linkage between online-retail and falling shopping trip-rates Qinyi (Cici) Chen (2013), Mobility and activity patterns of pre-driving-age teens Jianlin Luan (2013), Data-fidelity study of diverging National Travel Survey and Road Traffic Estimates of LGV usage Charilaos Latinopoulos (2012-13), Establishing the relationship between online activity and physical mobility RESEARCH FUNDING (P.I./Co-I./Named Researcher only) 2015 Travel Trends Analysis, UK Department for Transport. In collaboration with Atkins/AECOM, £10K of input from Le Vine (Named Researcher, P.I: John Polak) 2014 2014 Essay on Urban Travel Trends, Royal Automobile Club Foundation, £2.5K (P.I.) Carsharing Briefing Paper, European Assoc’n. of Automobile Manufacturers (ACEA), €5K (P.I.) 2014 Study on the Influence of ICTs on physical mobility, Institute for Mobility, €65K (Named Researcher, P.I.: John Polak) 2013 Pre-market shared-mobility study, <<sponsor name redacted>> (Co-I., Other grant holders: John Polak) 2013 Preparing a Think Piece on Vehicle Automation, Independent Transport Commission, £2K (P.I.) 2013 Funds for Qinyi Chen’s summer research placement, studying mobility patterns of pre-drivingage teens, RAC Foundation, £2.5K; Imperial College Faculty of Engineering, £1K (P.I.) 2013 Data-fidelity study of diverging National Travel Survey and Road Traffic Estimates of LGV usage, Independent Transport Commission, £5K (Co-I., Other grant holders: John Polak) Last updated: February 2015 Page 2 of 9 2013 Long-term travel trends in Wales and assessment of loss of data fidelity from terminating the National Travel Survey and transitioning to a general-purpose social survey, Wales Assembly Government, £8.5K total comprising £6K of input from Le Vine (Co-I., Other grant holders: John Polak, Peter Jones) 2012 Factors affecting trends in road traffic and rail patronage, co-funded by Royal Automobile Club Foundation, Office of Rail Regulation, Transport Scotland, and Independent Transport Commission, £43.5K study total; £32.5K of input from Le Vine (Co-I., Other grant holders: John Polak, Peter Jones, Tom Worsley) 2012 Studies of car ownership and use by young adults in Great Britain, sponsored by Institute for Mobility Research (IFMO), €8K (Co-I., Other grant holders: John Polak) 2011 Data collection for doctoral study, and preparation of summary report (“Car Rental 2.0”), Royal Automobile Club Foundation for Motoring, £7K (P.I.) EDITING AND REVIEWING (Manuscripts) Editing: Guest co-editor (with John Polak), Special Issue of Transportation on Shared-Mobility (Publication expected in 2015) Reviewing: Journal of American Planning Association, Brookings Institution (Metropolitan Policy Program), Transportation, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Journal of Transport Geography, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Journal of Advanced Transportation, and Transportation Research Board REVIEWING (Grant Proposals) UK Economic and Social Research Council, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) COMMITTEE/BOARD MEMBERSHIPS Member: Transportation Research Board Committee AHB15: Intelligent Transportation Systems (term: 2013-2016) Member (Founding): Transportation Research Board joint subcommittee AHB15[1]: Roadway Vehicle Automation Member: Transportation Research Board Committee AP020: Emerging / Innovative Public Transport and Technologies (term: 2011-2016, re-appointed 2013) Elected Trustee: Carplus (UK Charity #1093980; term 2012-2015) External Advisor: ORIGAMI (Optimal Regulation and Infrastructure for Ground, Air and Maritime Interfaces) project, sponsored by EC 7th Framework Programme WORKSHOP ORGANISING Chair of organizing committee: Strategy Day on Emerging Trends in Public Transportation and Vehicle Automation, sponsored by TRB Committee AP020. (July 2013) Co-organizer: (with Martin Lee-Gosselin), TRB workshop on Innovative Stated-Response Methods, (Jan. 2013) Member of organizing committee: Public Policy and Shared Mobility/Transit breakout sessions, TRB mid-year conferences on Road Vehicle Automation (July 2012 & 2013, resp.) PROFESSIONAL LICENSES Professional Planner, New Jersey (License #: 33LI00595000) American Institute of Certified Planners (Member #: 145747) MEDIA Research cited in: New York Times, Financial Times, Guardian, UK Parliament POSTNote, Daily Telegraph, London Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Daily Express, BBC News (home page), CityLab, Gizmag, Public Sector Executive, Local Transport Today, Shareable Page 3 of 9 Last updated: February 2015 BOOK CHAPTERS (2) B1) Le Vine, S. and Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H. (expected 2015) Chapter 12: Transport and the environment. To appear in Geography of Urban Transportation, 4th edition, edited by Guiliano, G. and Hanson, S. Guilford, New York. B2) Le Vine, S., Sivakumar, A., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., Polak, J. (2013) Empirically-constrained efficiency in a strategic-tactical stated-choice survery of the usage patterns of emerging carsharing services. In: Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making, edited by Zmud, J., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., Munizaga, M., and Carrasco, J.A., Emerald, Bingley (UK). INVITED ESSAYS (3) E1) Le Vine, S., Polak, J. (2014) Trends in Urban Travel, in: Moving Cities: The Future of Urban Travel, edited by Stephen Glaister and Elizabeth Box. Published by RAC Foundation, December 2014. Available at: _Urban_Travel_RAC_Foundation_Dec_2014.pdf E2) Le Vine, S., Zolfaghari, A., Polak, J. (2014) Carsharing: Evolution, challenges and opportunities. European Association Manufacturers Association, September 2014. Available at: E3) Le Vine, S., Polak, J. (2014) Automated cars: a smooth ride ahead?, Independent Transport Commission Occasional Paper Number Five. Available at: RESEARCH REPORTS (9) R1) Chen, Q., Le Vine, S., Polak, J. (2014) Generation Next: The changing travel habits of pre-driving age young people in Britain, RAC Foundation, October 2014. Available at: R2) Jones, P., Le Vine, S. (2014) On the Move: Car and train travel trends in Wales, prepared for the Wales Assembly Government. Available at: R3) Le Vine, S., Luan, J., Polak, J. (2013) Van travel in Britain: What do we know from the National Travel Survey?, prepared for the Independent Transport Commission. Available at: R4) Le Vine, S., Polak, J., Kuhnimhof, T. (2013) Great Britain Case Study: Socio-economic changes and variations in driving trends by income and location. In: Mobility Y: The new travel patterns of Generation Y, edited by: T. Kuhnimhof. Available at: R5) Latinopoulos, C., Le Vine, S., Jones, P., Polak, J. (2013) On the Move: Car and train travel trends in Scotland, prepared for Transport Scotland. Available at: R6) Le Vine, S. and Jones, P. (2012) On the Move: Making sense of car and train travel trends in Britain. RAC Foundation, Independent Transport Commission, Office of Rail Regulation, and Transport Scotland, Dec. 2012. Available at: R7) Le Vine, S. (2012) Car rental 2.0: Car club innovations and why they matter, prepared for the Royal Automobile Club Foundation for Motoring, June 2012. Available at: R8) Strbac, G., Gan, C.K., Aunedi, M., Stanojevic, V., Djapic, P., Dejvises, J., Mancarella, P., Hawkes, A., Pudjianto, D., Le Vine, S., Polak, J. (2010) Benefits of advanced smart metering for demand response based control of distribution networks. Research report for Energy Networks Association. Available at: Smart_Metering_Benerfits_Summary_ENASEDGImperial_100409.pdf R9) Non-author Research Assistant for Lucas, K., and Jones, P. (2009) The Car in British Society, RAC Foundation. Available at: Study recognized with the [London] Worshipful Company of Carmen’s 2009 Herbert Crow Memorial Award. Page 4 of 9 Last updated: February 2015 OTHER WRITING: TECHNICAL (2) W1) Lappin, J., Le Vine, S., Row, S. (2015) Triennial Strategic Plan (2015-2018) of TRB Standing Committee on Intelligent Transportation Systems (AHB15). W2) Le Vine, S. (2003) E-Z Pass [electronic toll collection]: Where Have We Been, Where Are We Going? Winning paper: 2003 ITS-NY student paper competition. OTHER WRITING: GENERAL READERSHIP (10) G1) Le Vine, S. (2015) Are we Ready for Driverless Cars: Ethical and Efficiency Trade-offs. 29th Jan 2015. Available at: G2) Le Vine, S. (2014) The sharing economy will transform the way we think about transport, Local Transport Today, Issue 661, 28th November 2014. Available at: (full article behind paywall) G3) Le Vine, S. (2014) Look carefully at ‘Generation Next’ – they can’t afford to become tomorrow’s drivers, Local Transport Today, Issue 651, 24th July 2014. Available at: (full article behind paywall) G4) Le Vine, S. (2014) Automated cars are coming, but has anyone grasped their implications? Local Transport Today, Issue 614, 21st February. Available at: (full article behind paywall) G5) Le Vine, S. (2014) Vehicle automation: Proceed with care, Independent Transport Commission. Available at:, Feb. 24th. G6) Le Vine, S. (2013) In Britain today, it ain’t easy being Green (Part 1). Cross-posted at and, July 2nd. G7) Le Vine, S. (2013) Bring ‘em on? Planning for the robo-cars., June 21st. G8) Le Vine, S. (2013) Hold off on Zipcar’s eulogy: Planners are key to carsharing’s next act., Jan. 14th. G9) Le Vine, S. (2013) The drive-it-yourself taxi: Is it a smooth ride?, Jan. 5th. G10) Le Vine, S. (2012) The case of London’s disappearing traffic: the plot thickens., Dec 18th. INVITED CONFERENCE PAPERS (1) I1) Le Vine, S. (2014) Mobility ‘Y’: The emerging travel patterns of Generation ‘Y’ [Millennials], 2nd Armand Peugeot Chair International Conference: Electromobility – Challenging Issues, 18th/19th December, ESSEC Business School, La Defense, Paris, France. (Invited paper) OTHER CONFERENCE PAPERS (35) C1) Le Vine, S., Polak, J. (2015) A novel peer-to-peer congestion pricing marketplace enabled by vehicle automation. 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2015. C2) Le Vine, S., Zolfaghari, A., Polak, J. (2015) The tension between autonomous cars’ impacts on intersection level-of-service and their occupants’ use of travel time for leisurely or economicallyproductive activities. 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2015. C3) Le Vine, S., Zolfaghari, A., Polak, J. (2015) Vehicle automation and road vehicle speed governance. Special poster session on Vehicle-highway automation projects and programs. 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2015. C4) Le Vine, S., Latinopoulos, C., Polak, J. (2015) Analysis of the relationship between internet usage and allocation of time for personal travel and out of home activities: Case study of Scotland. 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2015. Page 5 of 9 Last updated: February 2015 C5) Suel, E., Le Vine, S., Polak, J. (2015) An empirical application of an expenditure diary instrument to quantify the relationships between in-store and online grocery shopping: Case study of Greater London. 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2015. C6) Chen, Q., Le Vine, S., Suel, E., Polak, J. (2015) A panel-data analysis of the observed decline in car access among young adults in Britain. 47th Annual Universities Transport Study Group Conference. City University London, 5-7 January 2015. C7) Le Vine, S., Zolfaghari, A., Polak, J., Young, S. (2014) The tension between autonomous cars’ impacts on junction [intersection] capacity and occupant comfort. Automated Vehicles Symposium 2014, organised by the Transportation Research Board and Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, San Francisco, July 2014. C8) Le Vine, S., Latinopoulos, C., Chen, B., Polak, J. (2014) Does the income elasticity of road traffic depend on the source of income? Scottish Transport Applications and Research Conference, Glasgow, May 2014. C9) Le Vine, S., Latinopoulos, C., Polak, J. (2014) Factors associated with young adults delaying and forgoing driving licences. Scottish Transport Applications and Research Conference, Glasgow, May 2014. C10) Le Vine, S., Miranda-Moreno, L., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., Waygood, E.O.D. (2014) What is causing growth in urban cycling by women? Evidence from London and Montreal. Women’s Issues in Transportation conference, Paris, April 2014. C11) Clark, M., Gifford, K., Le Vine, S. (2014) The usage and impacts of emerging carsharing business models: Evidence from the peer-to-peer and business-to-business market segments. 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2014. C12) Le Vine, S., Latinopoulos, C., Polak, J. (2014) What is the relationship between online activity and driving-licence-holding amongst young adults? 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2014. C13) Le Vine, S., Latinopoulos, C., Polak, J. (2014) Establishing the linkages between online activity and car use: Evidence from a combined travel diary and online-activity pseudo-diary dataset. 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2014. C14) Le Vine, S., Jones, P., Polak, J. (2014) The contribution of benefit-in-kind taxation policy in Britain to the ‘Peak Car’ phenomenon. 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2014. C15) Le Vine, S., Jones, P., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., Polak, J. (2014) Is heightened environmental-sensitivity responsible for the drop in young adults' driving-licence-acquisition rates? 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2014. C16) Kornhauser, A., Le Vine, S., McDonald, S., Young, S. (2014) Establishing the near- and mid-term prospects for vehicle automation in public transport and shared-mobility: Deliberations from an Expert Workshop. 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2014. C17) Le Vine, S., Jones, P., Polak, J. (2013) The Company Car’s time and place: Establishing the spatiotemporal patterns of a unique form of car ownership, Royal Geographic Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, 27 – 29 August. C18) Le Vine, S., Latinopoulos, C., Polak, J., Jones, P. (2013) Is online activity leading to falling physical mobility amongst young adults? Joint Congress of Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning / Association of European Schools of Planning, Dublin, July 2013. C19) Le Vine, S. Sivakumar, A., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., Polak, J. (2013) The market and impacts of new types of carsharing systems: A case study of Greater London, 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2013. C20) Le Vine, S. Adamou, O., Polak, J. (2013) A Needs-based Stated-response Method to Predict the Impacts of New Forms of Travel, 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 2013. C21) Sivakumar, A., Daina, N., Polak, J., Skippon, S., Stannard, J., Le Vine, S. (2012) Modelling electric vehicle adoption in the UK: a stated choice study 40th Annual European Transport Conference. Glasgow, Scotland, 8-10 October. C22) Le Vine, S. Sivakumar, A. Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., Polak, J. (2012) How do respondents do it? The implications of diverse task-completion practices when performing complex multi-horizon stated-choice tasks, 13th Int’l. Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Toronto, Canada, 15-19 July. Page 6 of 9 Last updated: February 2015 C23) Sivakumar, A., Daina, N., Polak, J., Skippon, S., Le Vine, S. (2012) The impacts of the usage experience on acceptance of electric vehicles, 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Toronto, Canada, 15-19 July. C24) Le Vine, S., Sivakumar, A., Polak, J., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H. (2012) Car ownership in the context of other mobility resources: An exploratory study of consumer choice with strategic-tactical and portfolio aspects, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 22-26. C25) Le Vine, S., Sivakumar, A., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., Polak, J. (2011) A strategic-tactical Stated Choice survey of the usage patterns of emerging carsharing services, presented at the 9th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods, Termas de Puyehue, Chile, 14 – 18 November. C26) Le Vine, S., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., Sivakumar, A., Polak, J. (2011) Design of a Stated-Choice Survey Methodology Using a Constructed Avatar, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 23-27. C27) Le Vine, S., Sivakumar, A., Polak, J., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H. (2011) Operationalising a new concept of accessibility to personal activities, Royal Geographic Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, 31 August – 2nd September. C28) Le Vine, S., Sivakumar, A., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., Polak, J. (2011) Predicting take-up of servicised automobility (car clubs and cars-on-demand) using a strategic-tactical discrete choice model with composite alternatives, 39th Annual European Transport Conference. Glasgow, Scotland, 10-12 October. C29) Sivakumar, A., Le Vine, S., Polak, J. (2010) An activity-based travel demand model for London. 38th Annual European Transport Conference. Glasgow, Scotland, 11-13 October. C30) Beroud, B., Clavel, R., Le Vine, S. (2010) Perspectives on the growing market for public bicycles: Focus on France and the United Kingdom. 38th Annual European Transport Conference. Glasgow, Scotland, 1113 October. C31) Le Vine, S., Polak, J., Jones, P. (2010) Where is everyone going? Analysis of the apparent saturation in car travel. 42nd Annual Universities Transport Study Group Conference. Plymouth University, 5-7 January 2010. C32) Le Vine, S., Sivakumar, A., Polak, J., Roorda, M. (2010) Towards the implementation of an activitybased travel demand model for London: Development of the household activity scheduling module. 42nd Annual Universities Transport Study Group Conference. Plymouth University, 5-7 January. C33) Le Vine, S., Sivakumar, A., Krishnan, R., Polak, J.W., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H., (2009) An integrated methodology for analysing the acquisition and use of mobility products and services, 37th Annual European Transport Conference. Leeuwenhorst, Netherlands, 5-7 October. C34) Le Vine, S., Jones, P.M., Polak, J.W., (2009) Has the historic growth in car use come to an end in Great Britain?, 37th Annual European Transport Conference. Leeuwenhorst, Netherlands, 5-7 October. C35) Le Vine, S., Lee-Gosselin, M.E.H. and Polak, J., (2009) An Analysis of Car Club [Car-sharing] Participation and its Environmental Effects, 41st Annual Universities Transport Study Group Conference. University College London, 5-7 January. KEYNOTE PRESENTATIONS (2) K1) Le Vine, S. (2015) Current Trends in Shared-Mobility (working title for Invited Keynote Talk). 3rd World Collaborative Mobility Conference, 25th/26th June 2015, Innsbruck, Austria. K2) Le Vine, S. (2013) Car, rail and bus travel trends in Scotland, 1995 to 2010. Invited keynote presentation at 13th Annual Scottish Statistics Seminar of Transport Research Institute and Transport Statistics Users Group, Scottish Government, Edinburgh, 13th June. EXPERT TESTIMONY (1) T1) Le Vine, S. (2014) Invited expert testimony on travel demand trends, National Assembly for Wales Environment and Sustainability Committee, 2nd April, Cardiff, Wales. OTHER INVITED PRESENTATIONS (28, bold indicates funded) P1) Le Vine, S. (2015) Speculative versus classical explanations of young adults’ decline in auto-mobility: Results from Britain. Workshop on: Autos, People and Policies (Apps): Addressing the Issues of the New Millennium. National University Transportation Center, 16th January, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Page 7 of 9 Last updated: February 2015 P2) Le Vine, S. (2014) Mobility ‘Y’: The emerging travel patterns of Generation ‘Y’ [Millennials], 2nd Armand Peugeot Chair International Conference: Electromobility – Challenging Issues, 18th/19th December, ESSEC Business School, La Defense, Paris, France. P3) Le Vine, S. (2014) Presentation of Carsharing Briefing Paper to Scientific Advisory Group. European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA), 26th June, Brussels. P4) Le Vine, S. (2014) Prospective travel-demand impacts of high levels of road vehicle automation. Modelling World Conference, 5th June, Kia Oval, London. P5) Le Vine, S. and Polak, J. (2014) Making sense of GB travel and motoring trends. Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 12th March, London. P6) Le Vine, S (2014) Immobile Millennials: What is happening, and what it means for traffic and parking. Spotlight on Parking, 4th March, London. P7) Le Vine, S. (2014) Recent trends in young adults’ mobility. University of the West of England, 17th February, Bristol. P8) Le Vine, S. (2014) Recent trends in young adults’ mobility. Transport for London, 27th January, London. P9) Le Vine, S. (2013) Statistical analysis of the British National Travel Survey using SPSS. Invited to present at Transport Statistics Users Group, London, Dec. 11th. P10) Le Vine, S. (2013) How do we ‘ration’ parking to prioritize the smartest travel choices? Invited to present at Urban Mobility & Alternatives to Car Ownership Conference, Kia Oval, London, 13th Nov. P11) Le Vine, S. (2013) On the Move: Making sense of car and train travel trends in Britain. Invited to present at Openness and Transparency in National Transport Modelling Workshop, UK Dep’t. for Transport, London, June 14th. P12) Le Vine, S. (2013) Shared mobility solutions. Invited to present at ORIGAMI (European Commission FP7) project final conference, Brussels, April 17th. P13) Le Vine, S. (2013) On the Move: Making sense of car and train travel trends in Britain. Invited to present to Transport Economists’ Group, London, Jan 23rd. P14) Le Vine, S. (2012) Shared-car mobility services: Theoretical challenges and application of novel stated-choice methods. Invited to present at Workshop on Travel Survey Innovation and Quality, ETH (Swiss Inst. Of Tech.), Zurich, Dec. 6th. P15) Le Vine, S. (2012) Discussion on demographics and attitudes to car ownership. Invited to present and take part in panel discussion at Annual Conference of the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association, Warwickshire, UK, Nov. 29th. P16) Le Vine, S. (2012) Mobility 2025: Car clubs and the implications for infrastructure and public transport patronage. Invited to present and take part in panel discussion at ‘Place and Movement’ Conference, Lords Cricket Ground, London, Nov. 20th. P17) Le Vine, S. (2012) Care to share: Making space for car clubs. Invited to present and take part in panel discussion at ‘Parking World’ Conference, Lords Cricket Ground, London, Nov. 20 th. P18) Le Vine, S. (2012) Design and quality issues as viewed from the ‘data consumer’ perspective. Invited to present at UK Dep’t. for Transport internal workshop amongst statistics/policy/economics staff, London, October 17th. P19) Le Vine, S. (2012) How carsharing could change the face of urban mobility. Invited to present and take part in panel discussion at Travel 2020 Conference, Kia Oval, London, October 10 th. P20) Le Vine, S. (2012) ‘Peak Car’ in Great Britain: What’s known, what would we like to know?, presented at McGill University (Montreal), July 23rd. P21) Le Vine, S. (2012) Car rental 2.0: Car club innovations and why they matter, presented at seminar on carsharing/car rental co-sponsored by British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association and RAC Foundation, July 12th. P22) Le Vine, S. (2012) How big and what impacts: Employing the National Travel Survey and a linked stated-preference survey to develop forecasts for shared-car systems, presented at UK Department for Transport, London, June 27th. P23) Le Vine, S. (2012) Changing car and rail travel patterns in Great Britain, presented at international seminar on ‘Peak Car’, IFSTTAR (French institute of science and technology for transport, development and networks), June 19th. Page 8 of 9 Last updated: February 2015 P24) Le Vine, S. (2012) Changing car and rail travel patterns, presented at RAC Foundation expert workshop on ‘Peak Car’, June 12th. P25) Le Vine, S. (2012) Strategies for personal mobility: A study of consumer acceptance of subscription drive-it-yourself car services, presented to session titled “Doctoral Research in Transportation Modeling”, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January 22-26. P26) Le Vine, S. (2012) A study of the take-up and knock-on effects of emerging mobility services (car clubs and cars-on-demand) in London. University College London, 2 November. P27) Le Vine, S. (2010) Green Mobility? Analysing the market and impacts of car clubs. Climate change: Policy evidence and evaluation Workshop, UK Office for National Statistics Virtual Micro-Data Laboratory, University College London, 15 January. P28) Le Vine, S., (2009) Research into the Car Club [Car-sharing] Marketplace, Carplus Forum 7: Review of the Car Club Year, held in London on 21 April. TEACHING (Lecturing) L1) SUNY: Introduction to Urban Planning (32.5 contact hours, Spring 2015) L2) SUNY: Economic Geography (2 x 32.5 contact hours, Spring 2015) L3) SUNY: Physical Geography (2 x 32.5 contact hours, Fall 2014) L4) European School of Economics: Guest lecture, Spring 2011, 2012, Course: Management for Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility. Lecture topic: Transport Systems and Sustainability, 2 contact hours each (graduate) L5) Imperial College: Energy & Infrastructure II: Project Management and Networks (Responsible for infrastructure economics module, Spring 2011, 4 contact hours, undergraduate) L6) Imperial College: Engineering Economics, Management, and Sustainability (Responsible for the engineering economics topics in 2008-09 and 2009-10, 10 contact hours each, undergraduate) L7) Imperial College: Guest lecturer, Microeconomic Theory, Fall 2011, 2012, 2 contact hours each (graduate) L8) Imperial College: Guest lecturer, Creative Design, titled: Planning for Reconstruction of a Strategic Urban Motorway Junction, Feb. 2008, 4 contact hours (undergraduate) L9) Polytechnic University: Guest lecture, Spring 2003, Course: Introduction to ITS. Lecture topic: GIS in Transportation Planning, Management, and Operations, 1.5 contact hours (graduate) TEACHING (Teaching Assistant; all at Imperial College) A1) Aviation Policy Group Design Projects (Spring 2013, graduate) A2) High-Speed Rail Group Design Projects (Spring 2010-2012, graduate) A3) Microeconomic Theory (Autumn 2008, 2009, graduate) A4) Constructionarium (Summer 2009, 2010, undergraduate) A5) Creative Design (Spring 2008, Summer 2008, Spring 2009, Summer 2009, Spring 2010,Summer 2010, Autumn 2011, undergraduate) Page 9 of 9 Last updated: February 2015
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