Volume 60, Issue 2 The ECHO January 28, 2015 Aldersgate United Methodist Church “sharing the Living Christ through life -changing service and love” "In many cultures there is an ancient custom of giving a tenth of each year's income for some holy use. For Christians, to observe the forty days of Lent is to do the same thing with roughly a tenth of each year's days.” “After being baptized by John in the River Jordan, Jesus went off alone into the wilderness where he spent forty days asking himself the question of what it meant to be Jesus. During Lent, Christians are supposed to ask one way or another, what it means to be themselves.... to answer questions like this is to begin to hear something not only of who you are, but of both what are you becoming and what you are failing to become. It can be pretty depressing business, all in all. But if sackcloth and ashes are at the start of it, something like Easter may be at the end..” Frederick Buechner Worship Together Ash Wednesday Worship Wednesday, February 18 at 7:00 PM The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and a time of prayer, meditation, song and the imposition of ashes. Being marked with ashes is a centuries-old tradition of the Christian Church. The ashes remind us of the fragility and mess of life, our sin, and our need for forgiveness and change. In worship we will receive the ashes as a cross on our foreheads, as a sign of our turning -- and re-turning -- to follow in Jesus’ way. The Divine Hours in Worship and Prayer The Divine Hours is an ancient practice of pausing throughout the day to turn toward God. Each pause has a specific prayer focus that connects with where we are in our day. Beginning with our Ash Wednesday service, we will look at each of these pauses in a sermon series called Redeeming Time. As we discuss the Divine Hours in worship, one each week, we will practice that prayer together throughout the week. This may be done by pausing where you are at work or home, or by being part of a prayer service in the chapel at that specified time. Holy Week Worship Holy Week begins March 29th with Palm Sunday. We will celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem as children process with palm branches, and Prime Time will deliver the message that day in drama and song. Through the week we remember the last week of Jesus’ life and worship together on Maundy Thursday (April 2) and Good Friday (April 3). Easter Worship on April 5th at 6:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 9:45 AM, and 11:00 AM. Study Together LUNCH AND LEARN EVENING REFLECTIONS SUNDAY STUDY Final Words from the Cross The Lord is Our Salvation The Easter Experience Thursdays at 7pm February 26-March 26 Cokesbury Building, Room 204 What if what happened then changes everything now? Wednesdays at Noon February 25-March 25 Genesis Hall Sundays at 9:45am February 22-March 29 Cokesbury Building, Room 207 Our lives are lived at top speed. Advertisements tell us to demand the fastest cars, the fastest internet, and we should all be able to order our meals at the digital table kiosk in the restaurant so we don’t have to wait on a server. We’ve abandoned snail mail for the speedier email, and email for the near instant texting. We run from home to school to work to meetings to … (the list ends sometime after dark), and in our quest to keep up, we hold tight to our smart phones so that we can connect to the information and people we need the moment we think we need them. None of this is intrinsically bad … but it is tiring. It can also be very distracting, and a distracted life is a life lived on the surface. Jesus told a parable about the growing yields of different ground types. A farmer scatters the seeds everywhere: on hard-packed soil, rocky soil, among the thorns, and in rich, well-tilled soil. Unsurprisingly, only the good soil produced healthy plants. The seeds in the other soil types didn’t stand a chance. Either the ground was too hard for the seeds to sink in, or there was too much interference for the seeds to even get to the soil, so they remained on the surface and died. You see where I’m going, right? Could it be that our daily pace and busyness keep the good stuff on the surface, not allowing it sink in and take root in our lives? Is it possible that our constant attempt to stay connected actually interferes with deep connection? Might it be true that, as one theologian writes, “the thorns of everyday life have choked out God’s presence; all that remains is a vague regret in the soul”? I think the answer to those questions is “yes.” An answer to the problem is to reclaim our time, that is, to learn to order our time around that which is of greatest importance and will yield the greatest harvest in our lives. There is a centuries-old Christian practice that can help us reclaim our time. Sometimes called “The Divine Hours,” it is a practice of pausing seven times throughout the day to be still and become aware again of God’s presence with us. Author Macrina Wiederkehr calls these “breathing spells for the soul,” and says that they are an oasis to remember the sacredness of life, who we are as God’s children, and learn to be in the midst of so much doing. These are brief pauses that allow us to move away from the daily rush and busyness and into rest with the Eternal. February 18th marks the beginning of the Church Season of Lent. Lent is the 40 days prior to Easter (not counting Sundays), which has served as a time for examining our faith and how we live in connection with God and others. As we move through the Lenten season this year, we will mark those 40 days with pauses. In our weekly worship and in daily prayer times, we will practice the Divine Hours, one new hour each week. As we do, I think we will find a deeper connection with the one who gives us life. Watch for more details – share the Life ! Nancy Wofford Pray Without Ceasing Our church family is our best source for names of those persons in need of care. Please contact the pastors (641-5829) or a Care Team member when you know of a need. You can also email your prayer request to Christian Condolences: Jimmie Watts and Family in the passing of his mother, Corene Watts. Liz Wehrling and Family in the passing of her son. Dave & Kathy Mount and Family in the passing of Kathy’s father, Eddie Cones. Pam Panks and Family in the passing of her husband, Ronnie Panks. Edith Heath and Family in the passing of her husband Alvin F. Heath. Ryan Dick and Family in the passing of his grandmother, Christine Dick. Joys: The start of Lent. Impending Tests/Surgery: Amber deMattos, Laura Meehan, Lissa Hospitalized: Jean Blakley, Sydney Brehm, Dale Stewart, Susan Dessommes prayer@aldersgate- Recovering at Home: Sonny Alberts, Zoe Huffman, Edith Marquette, Patti Fox, Mark Senn, Doris Lutz, Jackie Ramirez, slidell.org Calvin Blaschke Our Care Team Prayers: Karen & Joe Nations, Donald Settlemyer, Debbie & coordinators are: John Hanlon, Rachel Gares, Andrea Suhor, Ruth Priest, John Rhea Snyder, 643-3945; Occhipinti, Susan Grant, Doris Merritt, Terry Kodrin, Tee and Charlotte Clifford, Shields, Barbara Fuglein, Pat McCool, Johnnie Lou Whitman, George & Jeanne Addy, Suzanne Robinson, Robbie Aucoin, 847-0966. Kevin Figueiredo & Family, Irene Caton, Hoyt Tallman, Debbie & John Roberts, Jr., Camille Callais, Husband on dialysis, Ina Johnston Miller, Ryan, Chris Nolan, Daryl Ricard, Sandy Gavin, Andrew Hanson, Alex Gamelin, Stacey Iennusa, Virginia & Don Schaal, Kay Felkins, Our Country and our Military, The Unemployed, Homebound Aldersgate Members, The whole world, Aldersgate UMC and Pastors Continuing Concerns: Pat Doyle, Jack Thurston, Charlotte Parker, Greg Zelden, Vicki Charbonnet, Kackie Cameron Sharpe, Dot Hartmann, Helen Hodge, Tim Dunn, Molly Daigle, Loretta Moore, Zachary Cheek, Dr. Bill Nelson, Debbie Rice, Betty Madison, Kathryn Milton, Jennifer Smith, Parents of Mack Wolcott, Mary Martin, Hermanie Garrett, Courtney Short, Ian Brennan and Family, Allen Little, Sharon Marshall, Bry and Blanche Copeland, Huey Gardner, Vivian Richard, Rachel Cochrane, Pat Mancuso, Sara Delaha, Marilyn Quimby, Bob and Barbara Walker, Bonnie Byrd, Rick Saluga, Kent Wasmuth What you need to know! Aldersgate United Methodist Church Shepherds Ministry There are many instances of someone from our congregation calling on behalf of others asking for prayers or notifying a pastor of a special need. But what about those members that we haven’t received a call for? When asked which is the greatest commandment, Jesus replied that we are to “love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind. And the second is like it, Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:34-36) Out of love for each other, a new lay-lead ministry has been introduced – Shepherds Ministry. Each week members of this ministry make a phone call to those we’ve missed seeing in the previous week. The call is a simple gesture of love, offering a word of encouragement while providing a contact to call should more be needed. You may have received such a call. Hopefully, you received our call as it was offered, in our love for God and for each other. Your prayers for this ministry – that God would be glorified and His love felt by those we call, are most appreciated. Please call Chris Rider at 985-707-8111 if you would like to know more about this ministry. FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH MISSION OPPORTUNITIES On the first Sunday of every month, we collect nonperishable food and personal hygiene items for Community Christian Concern (CCC), who will distribute them to those in need. There will be bins outside the Sanctuary on Sunday, February 1st, for donations. February’s Communion Rail offering will support One Great Hour of Sharing. Your gift covers the operating expenses of UMCOR and allows 100% of your designated donation to get to those who need them most! January’s Communion Rail Offering supporting Human Relations Day, raised $210. Our nonperishable food collection in January for CCC weighed in at 187 lbs. We can ALL be angels! The weekend of March 20th – 22nd you will have the opportunity to be an angel for Kairos Outside. KO, as we call it, is a ministry that serves women 20 and older whose lives have been impacted by having a loved one incarcerated or having been incarcerated. Most families so isolate themselves from friends and other family members that they feel judged and unloved. We shower them with love. Angels transform the spaces magically while the programs continue throughout the weekend. Sunday, February 8th, there will be a basket of empty bottles. You can make a difference one dime at a time by putting your loose change in the bottle for Kairos Outside. During the month of March, your bottles can be returned to the church office, left at the entry to the church on Sunday or given to Phyllis Mitchell, Connie Crosier or Renee Swalm. If your name is attached, we would love to send you our deepest thanks. If you or your Sunday School class would like to volunteer, contact Phyllis Mitchell at 985-774-4864 or [email protected]. 2015 Saturday, February 28th 7:30 am - 12 noon It’s time to start cleaning out those closets and gather up your good “junk.” Children’s Ministries will once again be hosting a Spring Garage Sale and we would greatly appreciate YOUR donations! This year’s garage sale earnings will help to replace the Nursery/Preschool playground fence, as well as help fund other unbudgeted repairs and Children’s Ministries programming. Thanks so much for your help — and for your “treasures!” Volunteers with AARP are offering FREE tax preparation every Tuesday and Thursday starting Feb. 10th until Tuesday, April 14th, in the Cokesbury Building. Tax prep will not be offered on February 17th, due to Mardi Gras. The time is from 10 am - 2 pm and is done on a first come first serve basis. Happening What would you say if I told you I spent almost every waking moment, over an entire weekend with about 50 youth? Would you say “Are you crazy???”!! I just returned from Happening #45, a powerful, spiritual retreat for youth, led by And no, I’m not crazy! I’m… …in awe of how much our youth love Jesus and embrace their relationship with God …encouraged by the spiritual growth our youth are demonstrating …hopeful for the future of the church to be led by these emerging disciples …thankful for God’s presence over the weekend …energized, excited and ready to respond faithfully as a youth leader youth Participating in the Happening weekend was about sharing our lives, sharing the gospel and learning how to share Jesus with others. I am inspired by what God has put on my heart as a youth leader - to go out and make disciples who will then go on to make disciples. This incredible weekend only “Happens” twice a year. 10th – 12th Graders, Parents and Youth leaders – get your applications in! Sasha Massel, AUMC Youth Leader Mardi Gras Mission Trip Delta Grace has an emergency need. The Bennett family, whose home we have worked on twice before, has a roof leak and the home is becoming uninhabitable. February 19-21, AUMC will meet that need! We will need about 25 team members with a good mix of youth and adults to pull off this project. The cost which includes food, transportation, housing and materials for the project will be $150.00 per person. I may have some scholarship funds available for those who need it. Please don’t let money be the reason you don’t attend this trip. If you can come on this trip I need to hear back from you ASAP so I can make a firm commitment to Delta Grace. Youth, this is a great opportunity to invite your friends to become missionaries. Adults this is a great chance to get back into the mission swing of things. Our intent for 2015 is to offer four primary mission trips. This one at Mardi Gras, one in the fall and two in response to a disaster. Thanks and God Bless, Dale Kimball There will be a pre-trip meeting on Monday, Feb. 16th at 6:30 pm in Epworth so that everyone can get their paperwork, and fees can be collected. ADULT Life Ministries A LDERSGATE U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH CONNECT THIS W EEK… Something’s Brewing… ADULT CONFIRMATION MARCH 15-MAY 3 C ome explore for the first time or revisit what it means to be confirmed in the Christian faith and in the United Methodist Church through a special opportunity being offered on Sunday afternoons at 5:00 p.m. starting March 15th. The class will be led by Rev. Nancy Wofford and Rick Lightfoot. Contact Mary Stokes, A time of Bible study and fellowship for Women Tuesday mornings at 9am in Genesis Hall A Gathering of Men Men learning to follow Jesus through conversation, scripture and current events. Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm in Genesis Hall Prayer Shawl Ministry Crocheting shawls and baby blankets for those who are suffering illness and loss or celebrating new life. Wednesday evenings at 6pm in The New Room Sunday Discipleship Classes Class descriptions on pages 2 and 3 Sunday Mornings at 9:45am There are 11 Sunday adult classes from which to choose. Check them out — one is right for you. share the Life! Sunday Morning NOT just another thing! Cokesbury Building, Room 201 A class for mid 20s-50s whose children range in age from the cradle to college. We are doing our best to establish a Christ-centered home while juggling work, school activities, sports, and aging parents. Fran Burriss, 985-445-7985, [email protected] for more info. Lost & Found Cokesbury Building, Room 202 A class for 50s and up who are enjoying our children’s children. Some of us are still employed while others have retired. We explore how holy scripture meets life and attempt to discern God’s call to us amid the noise of living. We enjoy monthly dinner fellowships. If you are game for challenging discussion and enjoy real fellowship, join us. Contact Mike Rich, 985-641-7365 or [email protected] for more info. Kaleidoscope Cokesbury Building, Room 203 We are a group of women in all stages of life who are constantly evolving. We focus on enriching our lives through Bible study, personal encouragement, prayer, regular gettogethers, and community service. Come add a new dimension to our group. Contact Pam Wesley, 985-649-3280 or [email protected], for more info. Sons of the Father Cokesbury 204 What are responsibilities and obligations of men in today’s society? Through Bible study, we explore what God intends for us in every aspect of life—as workers, leaders, fathers, sons and husbands. Regardless of age or background, there’s a place for you at the table. Contact Jim Fatic, 985-863-0638 or [email protected] for more info. Crossroads Cokesbury Building, Room 205 We enjoy lively discussions about the Bible and its application to our daily lives. Our children are celebrating life events such as college graduations, weddings and the birth of grandchildren. We keep in touch with each other through fellowship events beyond the classroom. There is always room for more! Contact, Paul Frick, 985-641-0222 or [email protected], for more info. The Adventurers Cokesbury Building, Room 206 We look to the Wesleyan quadrilateral—scripture, reason, tradition, and experience to form and ground our beliefs. We strive to be accepting, thoughtful and attentive to beliefs different from our own. Our class consists of men, women, young, young-at-heart, married, single and single again. We enjoy food, fun and fellowship. Join us. Contact Chris Rider, 985-707-8111 or [email protected], for more info. Journeys of Light Cokesbury Building, Room 207 A class for 30s-70s; married; single; some with children; some with grandchildren. Some choose traditional worship and some choose contemporary. We have discussion-oriented studies on a variety of topics using Bible passages to understand God's guidance in our present faith journeys. We enjoy a pancake breakfast each month. Contact Charlie Barron, 985-649-5837 or [email protected], for more info. The Bridge: A Small Group for College Students (Summer only) Cokesbury Building, Room 209 We are college students who gather each Sunday for discussion, prayer, reflection, scripture reading and fellowship. We also offer opportunities for fellowship and service. Contact Hallie Stoltz, 504-864-3704 or [email protected], for more info. New Life Believers Chapel We are a Bible-based class whose studies mainly focus on individual books of the Bible. Most of our members are 50 and older, but that is not a requirement! We enjoy fellowships in homes and we even enjoy traveling out of town together. Contact Clint Crosier, 985-641-9350 or [email protected] for more info. Works in Progress Asbury Building, Room 501 We are a weekly accountability group that studies God's word in a non-traditional class setting. We enjoy discussing everyday events and sharing weekly personal experiences to bring the scriptures to life. We support each other; challenge each other; and seek to serve Christ wherever we are. We range in age from late 30s to late 50s. Contact Dale &Lisa Kimball, 985-641-9889 or [email protected], for more info. Mary and Martha Azalea Estates Sunroom All women are invited to join this multi-generational group as we share life and God’s love through the study of scripture. We meet in the Azalea Estates sunroom so that we can welcome the residents there to join us as well. Contact Rhea Snyder, 985-640-3648 or [email protected] for more info. Lenten Studies SUNDAY STUDY— The Easter Experience: What if what happened then changes everything now? Sundays at 9:45am in our Cokesbury Building, Room 207 February 22 22--March 29 Join Charlie Barron as we paint ourselves into the story. The Psalmist who urges us to slow down had no idea that our schedules would be dictated by near-constant communication over phone and computer, work tasks and mindless entertainment. But it is critical that we slow down and listen to God. This Lenten season focus on what really matters. Only then will we be people whose hearts do not go astray. Please join us on Sunday mornings as we explore the truth that changes everything. LUNCH AND LEARN— Final Words from the Cross Wednesdays at Noon in Genesis Hall ▪ February 25 25--March 25 Join Reverend Mike Palermo as we examine Christ’s final words in this reflective, 5-week devotional study by Adam Hamilton. Each chapter begins with the biblical account followed by a first-person story as might have been told from the viewpoint of one of the characters in the crowd at the cross! Then we will explore the meaning for our lives today. A simple lunch of soup and salad will be provided each week and we will be respectful of the lunch hour so that you may return to work. A nursery will be provided in our Cokesbury Building. The book and lunch fees total $35. Join the crowd now and experience the final words from the cross. For planning purposes, please register by Friday, February 20. EVENING REFLECTIONS— The Lord is Our Salvation Thursdays at 7pm in our Cokesbury Building, Room 204 ▪ February 26 26--March 26 Join Rick Lightfoot as we reflect on God’s saving and redeeming love through a study of the scripture readings for Lent and Easter. We will contemplate the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ as revealed through key Bible passages. We will focus on God’s redemptive action and explore God’s grace that transforms our lives, relationships and circumstances. There is new life in Christ! Won’t you join us on Thursday evenings at 7 pm? Materials fee, $10 and a nursery will be provided upon request. Please register by Friday, February 20. Sundays March 15 - May 3 Aldersgate A DULT /Y OUTH C ONFIRMATION You are invited. C ome explore what it means to be confirmed in the Christian faith and in the United Methodist Church through a special opportunity being offered on Sunday afternoons March 15—May 3 at Aldersgate. This seven-session class, based on the CREDO confirmation curriculum, has been adapted and condensed for adults and older youth, and will be led by Reverend Nancy Wofford and Rick Lightfoot. Know Your Story… Encounter the faith narrative from creation to Christianity. Confirm Your Faith… Embrace the essential beliefs and practices of The United Methodist Church. Live Your Commitment... We will meet on Sunday afternoons at 5pm in Cokesbury 207. Adults and older youth desiring to confirm their faith will be given the opportunity to do so in worship services on Sunday, May 17th. There is no fee for the class and materials will be provided. Contact Mary Stokes, [email protected] or 985.641.5829 to register. Embody the confirmation vows and progress in the Christian discipleship journey. John Wesley’s Rule: Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can. MONTHLY FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES All seniors 55+ are invited to join us each month for these fellowship opportunities: After the funeral, when the cards and FIRST MONDAY MATINEE flowers stop coming, most of the people return to their normal lives. But your grief continues and you feel alone. Join us on the first Monday of each month at 2:00pm as we gather in Genesis Hall and enjoy a classic movie. Bring a friend and join us. GriefShare is a 13-week support group March 2—Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House that meets weekly and will be led by Craig Horn and Mary Stokes. The sessions are designed to help you rebuild your life and to offer help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. We know it hurts, and we want to help. Wednesday Evenings February 25– May 20 6:00-8:00pm Cokesbury Building, Room 206 To register, e-mail us at [email protected]. A nursery will be provided. Materials fee, $20. Scholarships available. February 2—The African Queen Starring Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn Starring Cary Grant and Myrna Loy COFFEE AND CONVERSATION Join us on the fourth Thursday of each month at 10:00am as we gather in Genesis Hall and enjoy a time of fellowship and share in informative and entertaining programs provided by leaders in our community. February 26— “Being a Tourist in your own Backyard” presented by the St. Tammany Parish Tourist Commission. They will offer 25 Welcome Bags to our first 25 guests. Won’t you join us on Thursday morning at 10am in Genesis Hall? For more information about these opportunities, contact Suzie Hunt, [email protected] or 985.768.6294 For more information about opportunities for growth, fellowship and service, contact Mary Stokes, Director of Adult Ministries mary@aldersgate [email protected] 985.641.5829 Youth Ministry- AUMY! Eric O’Quinn, Director [email protected] Music Ministry Scott Clausen, Director [email protected] ANNOUNCING AUDITIONS CHILDREN’S MUSICAL! Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet will be presented on Sunday, March 29th at BOTH worship services. Auditions for lead roles will be February 8th at 5-6:30pm and February 11th at 6-7pm. For the auditions, students will be asked to sing one of the following: My Country ‘Tis of Thee, Amazing Grace, Happy Birthday, or a song of their choice. *All Children ages 3 –6th grade are invited to participate, rehearsals will be Sunday evenings beginning Feb 22nd, as part of our PrimeTime Programming. *Auditions are needed only for those wishing speaking and solo singing roles. *Because we only have 5 weeks to rehearse, students are needed and will be expected to attend all rehearsals, especially those with lead parts. Please check and mark your calendars. *Rehearsals will take place during PrimeTime, Sundays from 5pm—6:30. Children’s Ministry Vicki Frick, Director [email protected] FAITH FRIENDS For 4th-6th Graders Wednesdays 6:00-7:30pm In Susanna Wesley It’s King Cake Time At Faith Friends! All 4th thru 6th Graders are welcome to join us on Wednesday Nights for fun, friendship and KING CAKE! Together, we hope to learn a little more about who we are and what God’s plan may be for each of us. Our time is spent playing games, making crafts, creating skits, planning and working on mission projects, and going on field trips. It’s an hour-and-ahalf each week of learning and growing and laughing. We would LOVE for you to join us! We can never have too many Faith Friends! FYI: We will not meet on February 18th so that families may attend the Ash Wednesday Worship Service. Our special Lenten Study will begin February 25th. 8:30 and 11:00 February 1 - Super Bowl Sunday (no evening programs) February 8 - Children’s Musical Auditions 5-6:30pm (during Prime Time) February 11 - Children’s Musical Auditions, 6-7pm February 15 - Mardi Gras Week (no evening programs) February 18 - Ash Wednesday Worship, 7pm February 28 - Spring Garage Sale, 7:30am-12noon March 7 - Confirmation Class Field Trip, 5-9pm March 28 - Easter Egg Hunt, 10am March 29 - Children’s Musical, 8:30am & 11:00am April 5 - Easter Sunday April 24-26 - Confirmation Spring Retreat May 10 - Children’s Mother’s Day Concert, 9:45am May 16 - Confirmation Family Dinner, 5:30pm May 17 - Confirmation Sunday June 15-19 - Vacation Bible School August 7 - 1st Day of Public School August 9 - Promotion Sunday Sunday School 9:45-10:45 Children’s Ministry Vicki Frick, Director [email protected] Spring Musical Auditions For Lead Roles: Sunday Nights are a PrimeTime for kids here at Aldersgate! All children age 3 through 6th grade are invited to join us for Children’s Choir and “Basic Training” (getting back to the basics with devotions, exercise, games, crafts, mission projects and so much more). Join us now and you’ll get to participate in some crazy science experiments and our SPRING MUSICAL! Sunday, February 8th 5:00-6:30pm Or Wednesday, February 11th 6:00-7:00pm Lead Roles will be filled with our older children (3rd-6th grade). We will only have 5 Sundays to rehearse before SHOW TIME; therefore, Lead Actors will need to make a commitment to be here. ALSO, there will be plenty of opportunities for ALL children to be a part of the show, through small “bits,” choreography, and SONG! Here’s our Sunday Afternoon schedule: 4:00 - C.O.O.L. Bells (3rd-6th grade) 5:00-6:30 - Prime Time (3-yrs thru 6th grade) We will present the Musical on Palm Sunday (March 29th) during both worship services. Apple Tree & Little Lambs Registration for 2015/2016 School Year Apple Tree Preschool offers one of THE top programs here in our community. We have both full- and part-time care children ages 3 thru 5 and part-time Mother’s Day Out (Little Lambs) for Toddlers & Two’s. Preschool Registration Schedule: Friday, January 30th - 8am - In-house (current students & siblings) Easter Egg Hunt March 28th, 10am We’ll start collecting stuffed eggs after Mardi Gras. Tuesday, February 3rd - 9:15am - Alumni & Church Members Friday, February 6th - 9:15am - Open to the Public All Registration Sessions will be held in the Susanna Wesley Building. If you would like additional information please call Cheryl or Marsha in the school office, 985-641-0184 or stop by during the week for a tour. Vacation Bible School June 15-19, 9am-12noon Registration Forms available in March. THE ECHO ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH [email protected] Pub. No. 023968 Published bi-weekly Periodical-Paid Slidell, LA 70458 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 360 Robert Blvd, Slidell, LA 70458. Return Service Requested e ow b n l l wi y! HO monthl 5 for the C E The lished xes in 201 d on the e pub ailbo leas . You re m th our will be ch mon ail y h c t a t -m a e a e h f t W yo kly to link to ns a e o i d e t i s r ne ed e w able ail o ceiv e Wed last ll still re ll still b the e-m wi wi gh and r throu ebsite. s e t e a t t d r e l u w up ews gh o the n throu Sunday Worship Times AND NOW A WORD FROM OUR SPONSORS... Cindy Alberts, Realtor Coldwell Banker TEC Realtors ~ 2040 E. Gause, #4 “I’ll Go The Extra Mile For You!” C: 707-7676 W: 649-6300 x208 Homes, Vacant Land, Commercial Michael Guevara, DDS Specialist in Orthodontics “Achieving a healthy, beautiful smile together” 1251 7th Street, 641-3587 Peffley Constuction, LLC Andrew Peffley, 504-512-0276/fax 985-649-3851 Email: [email protected] www.peffleyconstruction.com Honaker Funeral Home Forest Lawn Cemetery “Dedicated To Those We Serve” 641-1900 ~ Hwy 190 West Terry Tranchina and Kevin Tranchina Lowry-Dunham, Case, and Vivien Group Insurance since 1901 643-1234 ~ 1-800-200-1258 ACCU-TEMP Air Conditioning~Heating~Refrigeration “We guarantee your comfort!” 985-726-9984 Mike Rich Pontchartrain Investment Management Financial Services and Insurance 2242 Carey St., Olde Towne, Slidell 985-605-5064 ~ [email protected] Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC CHRIS WHITTY CONSTRUCTION Residential New Homes Commercial Renovations 985-960-1484 ~ 985-847-9417 See our FB page ~ www.chriswhitty.com We are looking for a new sponsor to fill this space. Is your company the “MISSING PIECE” that Aldersgate needs to help support our church? Please call or email our office for more information. 8:30 am • Traditional Worship 9:45 am-10:45 am • Sunday School (for all ages) 11:00 am • Contemporary Worship Staff Email: Pastor Nancy Wofford: [email protected] Pastor Mike Palermo: [email protected] Music Ministry: [email protected] Children’s Ministry: [email protected] Youth Ministry [email protected] Adult Ministry: [email protected] Facilities: [email protected] Membership/Finance: [email protected] Church Secretary: [email protected] Office Information: [email protected] Prayer Concerns: [email protected] Louisiana Conference Website: www.la-umc.org Apple Tree Preschool Director: [email protected] General Information: Church Website: Church office: [email protected] www.aldersgate-slidell.org 985-641-5829
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