Quranic Duas 1| ِٱلس ِميع ٱلۡعل ِ َۖربَ َنا تَ َق َبلۡ ِم َنٓا ن إ َنت أ َك يم َ َ َ َ ُ ُ Rabbana taqabbal minna innaka antas Sameeaul Aleem Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: You - and You alone - are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing! 2:127 س ُۡورَ ةُ ال َب َقرَ ة 2| ِ ك َوأَ ِرنَا َم َن َنت َ ٱج َعلۡ َنا ُم ۡسلِ َم ۡي ِن ل َ َ َك َو ِمن ذُ ِريَ ِت َنٓا أُ َمة ً۬ ُم ۡسلِ َمة ً۬ل َ اس َك َنا َوتُ ۡب َعلَ ۡي َنٓاۖ ِإن َ َك أ ۡ َربَ َنا َو ِ ٱلت َواب ٱلر يم ح ُ َ ُ َ Rabbana wa-j'alna Muslimayni laka wa min Dhurriyatina 'Ummatan Muslimatan laka wa 'Arina Manasikana wa tub 'alayna 'innaka 'antat-Tawwabu-Raheem Our Lord, make us both submissive to You, and (make) of our progeny as well, a people submissive to You and show us our ways of Pilgrimage and accept our repentance. Indeed, You - and You alone - are the Most-Relenting, the Very-Merciful. 2:128 س ُۡورَ ُة ال َب َقرَ ة 3| ِ ٱلدنۡيا َحس َنة ً۬ َوفِى ۡٱۡلَ ِخر ِة َحس َنة ً۬ َوق ِربَ َنٓا َءاتِ َنا ف ى ٱلنا ِر ذ ع ا ن ُ َ َ اب َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil 'akhirati hasanatan waqina 'adhaban-nar Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of Fire. 2:201 س ُۡورَ ُة ال َب َقرَ ة 4| ِڪـف ِ ين ر ۡ َربَ َنٓا أَفۡ ِر َ ٰ َ ۡٱنص ۡرنَا َعلَى ٱل ۡ َق ۡو ِم ٱل ُ غ َعلَ ۡي َنا َص ۡبرً۬ا َوثَ ِب ۡت أَقۡ َد َام َنا َو Rabbana afrigh 'alayna sabran wa thabbit aqdamana wansurna 'alal-qawmil-kafirin Our Lord, pour out endurance on us, make firm our feet and help us against the disbelieving people. 2:250 س ُۡورَ ةُ ال َب َقرَ ة 5| ِ ِ ۚينٓا أ َۡو أ َۡخطَأۡنَا َ َرب َ َنا ََل تُ َؤاخ ۡذنَٓا ِإن نَس Rabbana la tu'akhidhna in-nasina aw akhta'na Our Lord, do not hold us accountable, if we forget or make a mistake. 2:286 س ُۡورَ ةُ ال َب َقرَ ة 1/9 Quranic Duas 6| ِ ِ ۚين ِمن قَ ۡبلِ َنا َ َربَ َنا َو ََل تَ ۡحملۡ َعلَ ۡي َنٓا ِإ ۡصرً۬ا َك َما َح َملۡ َتهُ ۥ َعلَى ٱلَذ Rabbana wala tahmil alayna isran kama hamaltahu 'alal-ladheena min qablina Our Lord, do not place on us such a burden as You have placed on those before us. 2:286 س ُۡورَ ُة ال َب َقرَ ة 7| ِ ِرب َ َنا و ََل تُح ِملۡ َنا ما ََل طَاقَ َة ل ََنا ب ٱنص ۡرنَا َعلَى ٱع و ۦ ۖ ه َ ف َع َنا َوٱ ۡغفِ ۡر ل ََنا َو ۡٱر َح ۡم َنٓاۚ أ ۡ َ َ َ َ َ ُ ََنت َم ۡول َٰٮ َنا ف ُ ِ َ ۡ ٱل ۡ َقو ِم ٱل ين َ ڪ ٰـف ِر ۡ Rabbana wala tuhammilna ma la taqata lana bihi wa'fu anna waghfir lana wairhamna anta mawlana fansurna 'alal-qawmil kafireen Our Lord, do not make us bear a burden for which we have no strength. And pardon us, and grant us forgiveness, and have mercy on us. You are our Lord. So then help us against the disbelieving people. 2:286 س ُۡورَ ةُ ال َب َقرَ ة 8| اب َ َربَ َنا َل َ تُ ِز ْغ قُلُوبَ َنا بَ ْع َد ِإ ْذ َه َد ْي َت َنا َو َه ْب ل ََنا ِمن ل َ ُد َ نك َر ْح َم ًة ِإن َ َك أ ُ َنت الْ َو َه Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana ba'da idh hadaytana wa hab lana milladunka rahmah innaka antal Wahhab Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate from the right path after You have given us guidance, and bestow upon us mercy from Your own. Surely, You, and You alone, are the One who bestows in abundance. 3:8 س ُۡورَ ةُ آل عِمرَ ان 9| ِٱّلل ََل ي ۡخل ِ َك َج ِ ِ ِاس لِيومٍ۬ ََل ريب ف ِ َرب َ َنٓا ِ يه َ ِ ن إ يعا َد ن إ ۚ ٱلن ع ام َ َ َ َ ف ٱلۡم ۡ ُ َ ُ َ ۡ ُ َ َ Rabbana innaka jami'unnasi li-Yawmil la rayba fi innAllaha la yukhliful mi'aad Lord! You are going to assemble all the people on a day in (the occurrence of) which there is no doubt. Verily, Allah does not back out of His promise. 3:9 س ُۡورَ ةُ آل عِمرَ ان 10| ِ ِ النا ِر َ اب َ َرب َ َنا ِإن ََنا َ آم َنا فَا ْغف ْر ل ََنا ذُنُوبَ َنا َوق َنا َع َذ Rabbana innana amanna faghfir lana dhunuubana wa qinna 'adhaban-Naar Our Lord, surely we have believed, so forgive us our sins and save us from the punishment of the Fire. 3:16 س ُۡورَ ةُ آل عِمرَ ان 2/9 Quranic Duas 11| ِ الش ِ َ اه ِد َ ول فَا ْك ُت ْب َنا َم َع ين َ آم َنا بِ َما أ ََنزل َْت َوات ََب ْع َنا َ الر ُس َ َربَ َنا Rabbana amanna bima anzalta wattaba 'nar-Rusula fak-tubna ma'ash-Shahideen Lord, we have believed in what You have revealed, and we have followed the messenger. So, record us with those who bear witness (to the Truth). 3:53 س ُۡورَ ةُ آل عِمرَ ان 12| ِربَ َنا ا ْغفِر ل ََنا ذُنُوبَ َنا َو ِإسرافَ َنا ف ِ َ وانصرنَا َعلَى الْ َقو ِم الْ َكافِ ِر ِ ِ ين ا ن ام د ق َ أ ت ب ث و ا ن ر َم أ ي ْ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ ْ َْ ُْ ْ Rabbana-ghfir lana dhunuubana wa israfana fi amrina wa thabbit aqdamana wansurna 'alal qawmil kafireen Our Lord, forgive us our sins and our excesses in our conduct, make firm our feet and help us against the disbelieving people. 3:147 س ُۡورَ ةُ آل عِمرَ ان 13| ِ َك ف ِ ربَنا ما َخلَ ْق َت َهذا ب النا ِر ذ ع ا ن ق ن ا ح ب س ال اط َ َ اب َ َ ً َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ُْ Rabbana ma khalaqta hadha batila Subhanaka faqina 'adhaban-Naar Our Lord, You have not created all this in vain. We proclaim Your purity. So, save us from the punishment of Fire. 3:191 س ُۡورَ ةُ آل عِمرَ ان 14| ِ ِ النار فَ َق ْد أ َْخ َزيته وما لِلظَالِ ِم َنصا ٍر َ َربَ َنا ِإن َ َ ُ َْ َ ين م ْن أ َ َ َ َك َمن تُ ْدخ ِل Rabbana innaka man tudkhilin nara faqad akhzaytah wa ma liDh-dhalimeena min ansar Our Lord, whomsoever You admit into the Fire, he is disgraced by You indeed, and for the unjust there are no supporters. 3:192 س ُۡورَ ةُ آل عِمرَ ان 15| ِ ِ َربَ َنا ِإن ََنا س ِمع َنا م َن ِاديا ي َن ِادي لِ ِإل ٓام َنا َ َيمان أَ ْن آم ُنواْ ب ِ َربِ ُك ْم ف ُ ً ُ ْ َ َ Rabbana innana sami'na munadiyany-yunadi lil-imani an aminu bi Rabbikum fa'aamanna Our Lord! We have heard the call of one calling (Us) to Faith, 'Believe in your Lord,' and we have believed. 3:193 س ُۡورَ ةُ آل عِمرَ ان 3/9 Quranic Duas 16| ِ ِ ِ اۡلب َرا ِر ْ َرب َ َنا فَا ْغف ْر ل ََنا ُذنُوبَ َنا َو َكف ْر َع َنا َس ِي َئات َنا َوتَ َوف َ َنا َم َع Rabbana faghfir lana dhunoobana wa kaffir 'ana sayyi'aatina wa tawaffana ma'al Abrar Our Lord, forgive us, then, our sins, and write off our evil deeds, and make us die only when we have joined the righteous. 3:193 س ُۡورَ ةُ آل عِمرَ ان 17| ِربَنا وآتِنا ما و َعدتَنا َعلَى رسل َِك َل َ تُ ْخل ِ ِ ك َوَل َ تُ ْخ ِزنَا يَوم َ الْ ِقي َام ِة ن إ يعاد َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ف الْم ُ ُ ُ َ ْ Rabbana wa 'atina ma wa'adtana 'ala rusulika wa la tukhzina yawmal-Qiyamah innaka la tukhliful mi'aad Our Lord, give us what You have promised us through Your messengers, and do not put us to disgrace on the Day of Judgement. Surely you do not go back on Your promise. 3:194 س ُۡورَ ةُ آل عِمرَ ان 18| ِ ِ َ ربَنا آم َنا فَا ْكتبنا مع ين َ َ َ َ َ َُْ َ الشاهد Rabbana aamana faktubna ma' ash-shahideen Our Lord, we have come to believe. So, record us along with those who bear witness. 5: 83 س ُۡورَ ةُ المَائدة ِ السماء تَ ُكو ُن ل َنا ِعيداً ِۡلَ َولِنا و ِ ِ َنت َخ ْي ُر َ آخ ِرنَا َوآيَ ًة ِم َ نك َو ْار ُزقْ َنا َوأ َ َ َ َ َ َرب َ َنا أَن ِز ْل َعلَ ْي َنا َمٓائ َدةً م َن ِ َ ين َ الرا ِزق 19| Rabbana anzil aalayna ma'idatan mina assama-i-takoonu lana aeedan li-awwalina waakhirina wa a'yatam-minka warzuqna waanta Khayrur-Raziqeen O Allah, our Lord, send down to us a repast from heaven which may be a happy occasion for us, for all our generations present and future, and a sign from You, and give us provisions. You are the best Giver of Provisions. 5: 114 س ُۡورَ ةُ المَائدة 20| ِ ِ ِ ين َ َربَ َنا ظَلَ ْم َنا أَن ُف َس َنا َو ِإن ل َ ْم تَ ْغف ْر ل ََنا َوتَ ْر َح ْم َنا ل ََن ُكونَ َن م َن الْ َخاس ِر Rabbana zalamna anfusina wa il lam taghfir lana wa tarhamna lana kunan minal-khasireen Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and do not bless us with mercy, we shall, indeed, be among the losers. 7:23 سس ُۡورَ ةُ االٴعرَ اف 4/9 Quranic Duas 21| ِِ ين َ َربَ َنا َل َ تَ ْج َع ْل َنا َم َع الْ َق ْو ِم الظَالم Rabbana la taj'alna ma'al qawwmi-dhalimeen Our Lord, do not join us with the unjust people. 7:47 سس ُۡورَ ةُ االٴعرَ اف 22| ِِ ين َ َربَ َنا افْ َت ْح بَ ْي َن َنا َوبَ ْي َن قَ ْو ِم َنا بِالْ َح ِق َوأ َ َنت َخ ْي ُر الْ َفاتح Rabbanaf-tah baynana wa bayna qawmina bil haqqi wa anta Khayrul Fatiheen Our Lord, decide between us and our people, with truth, and You are the best of all judges. 7:89 سس ُۡورَ ةُ االٴعرَ اف 23| ِِ ين َ َرب َ َنا أَفْ ِر ْغ َعلَ ْي َنا َص ْب ًرا َوتَ َوف َ َنا ُم ْسلم Rabbana afrigh 'alayna sabraw wa tawaffana Muslimeen O our Lord, pour out patience upon us, and cause us to die as Muslims. 7:126 سس ُۡورَ ةُ االٴعرَ اف 24| ِ َ رب َ َنا َل َ تَجع ْل َنا فِت َن ًة ل ِ ْل َقو ِم الظَالِ ِمين ;ونَ ِج َنا بِر ْحم ِت ِ ين ْ َ ْ َ َ َ ك م َن الْ َق ْو ِم الْ َكاف ِر َ َ َ ْ Rabbana la taj'alna fitnatal lil-qawmidh-Dhalimeen wa najjina bi-Rahmatika minal qawmil kafireen Our Lord, do not make us a victim of the unjust people, (85) And save us, through Your mercy, from the disbelieving people.” (86) 10: 85-86 س ُۡورَ ةُ یُونس 25| ِ َرب َ َنا ِ َك تَ ْعلَ ُم َما نُ ْخفِي َو َما نُ ْعلِ ُن َو َما يَ ْخ َفى َعلَى اّللِ ِمن َشي ٍء فَي اۡلَ ْر الس َماء ن إ َ َ ض َوَل َ فِي ْ Rabbana innaka ta'lamu ma nukhfi wa ma nu'lin wa ma yakhfa 'alal-lahi min shay'in fil-ardi wa la fisSama' Our Lord, surely You know what we conceal and what we reveal for nothing whatever is hidden from Allah, neither on the earth nor in the heavens 14:38 س ُۡورَ ةُ إبراهیم 5/9 Quranic Duas 26| َرب َ َنا َوتَ َق َبلْ ُد َعاء Rabbana wa taqabbal Du'a Our Lord! And accept my invocation. 14:40 س ُۡورَ ةُ إبراهیم 27| ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اب َ َربَ َنا ا ْغف ْر لي َول َوال َد َي َول ْل ُم ْؤمن ُ ين يَ ْوم َ يَ ُقوم ُ الْح َس Rabbana ghfir li wa li wallidayya wa lil Mu'mineena yawma yaqumul hisaab Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and (all) the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established. 14:41 س ُۡورَ ةُ إبراهیم 28| نك َر ْح َم ًة َو َه ِيئْ ل ََنا ِم ْن أ َْم ِرنَا َر َش ًدا َ َرب َ َنا آتِ َنا ِمن ل َ ُد Rabbana 'atina mil-ladunka Rahmataw wa hayyi lana min amrina rashada Our Lord, bless us with mercy from Your own and provide us with guidance in our matters. 18:10 س ُۡورَ ةُ الکهف 29| اف أَن يَ ْف ُر َط َعلَ ْي َنا أ َْو أَن يَطْغَى ُ َرب َ َنا ِإن ََنا نَ َخ Rabbana innana nakhafu an yafruta 'alayna aw an yatgha Our Lord, we fear that he will hasten against us, or will become (more) rebellious (against You) 20:45 س ُۡورَ ةُ ٰطه 30| ِربَنا آم َنا فَا ْغف ِ َنت َخير الر ِ اح أ و ا ن م ح ار و ا َن ل ر ين م َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ْ ْ ُْ Rabbana amanna faghfir lana warhamna wa anta khayrur Rahimiin There was indeed a group of My servants who used to say, ‘Our Lord, we adhere to the (true) faith, so forgive us and have mercy upon us, and you are the best of all the merciful.’ 23:109 س ُۡورَ ةُ المؤمنون 6/9 Quranic Duas 31| اءت ُم ْس َت َق ًرا َو ُم َق ًاما ْ اب َج َه َن َم ِإ َن َع َذابَ َها َكا َن غَ َر ًاما ِإن ََها َس ْ اص ِر ْ َربَ َنا َ ف َع َنا َع َذ Rabbanas-rif 'anna 'adhaba jahannama inna 'adhabaha kana gharama innaha sa'at musta-qarranw wa muqama Our Lord, avert from us the punishment of Jahannam (the Hell); indeed, its punishment is a persisting affliction.” (65) Indeed, it is evil as an abode and a place to dwell in (66) 25 : 65-66 س ُۡورَ ةُ الفُرقان 32| ِ ِ ِ ِ ين ِإ َم ًاما ْ َرب َ َنا َه ْب ل ََنا م ْن أَ ْز َو ِاج َنا َوذُ ِريَات َنا قُ َرةَ أ َْع ُي ٍن َو َ اج َع ْل َنا ل ْل ُم َتق Rabbana Hablana min azwaajina wadhurriy-yatina, qurrata 'ayioni wa-jalna lil-muttaqeena Imaama Our Lord, Give us, from our spouses and our children, comfort of eyes, and make us heads of the Godfearing. 25 : 74 س ُۡورَ ةُ الفُرقان 33| ور ٌ ور َش ُك ٌ َربَ َنا ل َ َغ ُف Rabbana la Ghafurun shakur Our Lord is indeed Most-Forgiving, Very-Appreciative. 35 : 34 س ُۡورَ ةُ َفاطِ ر 34| ِ َ َربَ َنا َو ِسع َت ُكل َ َشي ٍء َر ْحمةً َو ِع ْلما فَا ْغفِر لِلَ ِذين تَابوا َوات َبعوا س ِبيل اب الْ َج ِحي ِم ُ َ ْ َ َُ َ ك َوق ِه ْم َع َذ َ َ ً ْ ْ Rabbana wasi'ta kulla sha'ir Rahmatanw wa 'ilman faghfir lilladhina tabu wattaba'u sabilaka waqihim 'adhabal-Jahiim Our Lord, Your mercy and knowledge comprehends everything; so forgive those who repent and follow Your way, and save them from the punishment of the Fire. 40 : 7 غَافر/ س ُۡورَ ةُ المؤمن 7/9 Quranic Duas 35| ِ ربَنا وأَ ْد ِخ ْلهم ج َن َنت َ ات َع ْد ٍن ال َ ِتي َو َعدت َُهم َو َمن َصلَ َح ِم ْن آبَائِ ِه ْم َوأَ ْز َو ِاج ِه ْم َو ُذ ِريَات ِ ِه ْم ِإن َ َك أ َ ُْ َ َ َ ِ َ ات ومن تَ ِق ِ َ الْع ِزيز الْح ِكيم وقِ ِهم ِ ك هو الْ َفو ُز الْع ِات يوم ِئ ٍذ فَ َق ْد ر ِحم َتهُ و َذل يم ظ َ ُ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ الس ِي َئ َ َ الس ِي َئ ُ َ ْ َ ُ َُ َ ُ َ Rabbana wa adhkhilhum Jannati 'adninil-lati wa'attahum wa man salaha min aba'ihim wa azwajihim wa dhuriyyatihim innaka antal 'Azizul-Hakim, waqihimus sayyi'at wa man taqis-sayyi'ati yawma'idhin faqad rahimatahu wa dhalika huwal fawzul-'Adheem Our Lord, admit them to the eternal gardens of Jannah (Paradise) that You have promised for them, and (admit) those as well who did good from among their fathers and wives and children. You, only You, are the Mighty, the Wise, (8) And save them from evils (of punishment). And whomsoever you save from evils that day, it is surely because you bless him with mercy. And that is the great achievement indeed.” 40 : 8-9 غَافر/ س ُۡورَ ةُ المؤمن 37| ِ َك ر ُؤوف َر يم ح ٌ َ َ َربَ َنا ِإن ٌ Rabbana innaka Ra'ufur Rahim Our Lord, you are Very-Kind, Very-Merciful. 59 : 10 س ُۡورَ ةُ الحَ شر 38| ك الْ َم ِص ُير َ َربَ َنا َعلَ ْي َ ك أَنَ ْب َنا َو ِإل َْي َ ك تَ َو َك ْل َنا َو ِإل َْي Rabbana 'alayka tawakkalna wa-ilayka anabna wa-ilaykal masir Our Lord! In You (Alone) we put our trust, and to You (Alone) we turn in repentance, and to You (Alone) is (our) final Return. 60 : 4 س ُۡورَ ةُ المُم َتح َنة 39| ِ َربَنا ََل تَجع ْلنا فِتن ًة لِل ِ َنت الْع ِزيز الْح ِ ين َك َفروا َوا ْغفِر ل ََنا َرب َ َنا ذ ن إ يم ك أ َك َ َ َْ َ َ ْ َ َ ُ َ َ َ ُ ْ ُ Rabbana la taj'alna fitnatal lilladhina kafaru waghfir lana Rabbana innaka antal 'Azizul-Hakim Our Lord! Make us not a trial for the disbelievers, and forgive us, Our Lord! Verily, You, only You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. 60 : 5 س ُۡورَ ةُ المُم َتح َنة 8/9 Quranic Duas 40| ِ َك َعلَى ُك ِل َش ْي ٍء قَ ِد ٌير َ ورنَا َوا ْغفِ ْر ل ََنا ِإن َ َُربَ َنا أَ ْتم ْم ل ََنا ن Rabbana atmim lana nurana waighfir lana innaka 'ala kulli shay-in qadir Our Lord! Keep perfect our Light for us [and do not put it off till we cross over the Sirât (a slippery bridge over the Hell) safely] and grant us forgiveness. Verily, You hast power over all things. 66 : 8 س ُۡورَ ةُ ال ّتحْ ریم 9/9
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