800 North Glebe Road Electronic Tenant® Portal Created on February 5, 2015 Building Security: Access Control During the hours of 6:00 a.m. through 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., 800 North Glebe Road is open for general public access to tenants, visitors and the general public. These hours refer to building access for the general public only. For the purpose of “access control,” all other times are considered “after-hours.” In order for an employee to access the building after-hours, the individual must be assigned an access fob, which is provided at the time of move-in. Once activated, the fob will enable access into the building. In the event an individual loses his/her fob, a replacement fob can be issued at the cost of $9.00/fob. An invoice will be generated and a charge placed on the tenant’s account. IMPORTANT: DO NOT LET ANY UNKNOWN INDIVIDUALS ENTER THE BUILDING WITH YOU. Obviously, it is important that the Tenant Contact retrieve access cards from employees who leave their office, and return them to or promptly notify the Management Office for deactivation of the card to prohibit access into the building. For ease and efficiency, all tenant contacts will be assigned a Datawatch Link log-in and password so that they may manage all of their employees access fobs. Utility Closet Access You must call the JBG Commercial Management office at 571-312-8171 in order to have the Building Engineer access any Utility Closet for the purpose of a contracted vendor performing repairs or maintenance for your suite. Building Security: Security Guard A Security Guard will be on site during the hours listed below: Monday-Friday: Saturday-Sunday: Holidays: Lobby Phone Security Guard’s Cell Phone 4:00pm - 8:00am 24 hours a day 24 hours a day (571) 312-7953 (703) 200-6537 Building Security: Deliveries General All deliveries for tenants must take place in the service freight elevator as it is equipped with protective padding. Deliveries must be made using the loading dock on the lobby level and the freight elevator. Tenants must sign for and accept all deliveries; they must also arrange for immediate transport of those items to their suite. All oversized/large deliveries (those requiring more than one hour or involving pieces with any dimension greater than 5 feet) need to be scheduled at least 24-hours in advance with the Building Management, and shall take place during non-business hours. All small deliveries can be arranged during non-peak times with Building Management (see scheduled times below). Elevator scheduling is on a first-come, first-served basis. A representative from your firm must be present to accept any delivery made after-hours. All delivery companies must bring Masonite to protect lobby floors. Walls, corners, and doorframes must also be treated with appropriate protection to avoid damage. The schedule for small weekday deliveries only is as follows: Monday – Friday: Before 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. After 6:00 p.m. Weekend deliveries may be made at times pre-scheduled with the Management Office. After-Hours Building staff will not accept or allow after-hours deliveries without prior arrangement and approval through the Management Office. After-hours deliveries may not be scheduled before 6:00 p.m. Further, neither the JBG Commercial Management, building engineering staff or security personnel can accept any type of mail or packages (i.e., general mail, certified or registered mail, FedEx packages, UPS packages, etc.) from couriers coming into or exiting tenant suites. Property insurance requirements prohibit this activity. Incoming deliveries should be referred directly to the tenant’s premises. Building Security: General Office Security As our society seems to have grown more dangerous, so has the need for all of us to be more security conscious - corporately and individually. It is important for tenants to recognize that 800 North Glebe Road offers a level of security generally comparable to other first class office buildings in the Arlington, VA area. This means that we seek to secure the building, while tenants retain the responsibility for their space and the safety of their employees. Each individual needs to be security conscious, responsible and aware of his or her belongings and office area. Tenant Precautions Building security needs your full cooperation in order to effectively secure your premises. We recommend that your company implement these simple, but effective policies: Do not leave your reception area unattended. Keep valuables in secured areas (locked desks, file cabinets, etc.) when not attended and out of sight when attended. Keep safes locked when unattended, and don’t leave the combination information where it is likely to be found. Record serial numbers of all valuable office equipment. Solicitation is not permitted within 800 N. Glebe Road. Report all unauthorized or suspicious persons immediately to the Security Guard in the lobby or the JBG Commercial Management office at 571-312-8171. Provide a full description of the person(s) and the last area in which they were observed, and if possible, the direction in which they were headed. Require identification from repairmen who come to work in your office suite. Messengers must also be prepared to show identification and delivery papers at all times. Security experts have found that the receptionist position is the best line of defense against potential perpetrators. The receptionist should be trained to be the best “security” employee in the company. When an employee leaves your office space, his or her need for vigilance continues. Remind your employees that whether leaving the building to go to a meeting, retrieving a car in the parking garage, or walking about the public areas of the building, move with a purpose and be reasonably on guard. This is particularly true during the dark hours. Meanwhile, do what you can to heighten the level of security awareness, and remind everyone to keep valuables locked and out of sight. Equipment Removal It may be necessary from time-to-time for someone from your office to remove property (i.e., boxes, computers, typewriters, furniture, copier, etc) from the premises. Prior to this taking place, we ask that you notify Building Management with the information listed below. Building Management or Security can stop anyone leaving the building with equipment and request identification. If the party is unable to produce proper or matching identification, they may not be permitted to remove the property from the building. This procedure is for your protection. Information that is to be provided to Building Management includes: Tenant’s name Tenant’s phone number Date materials are to be removed List of all items and quantities to be removed (e.g., two boxes, one chair, one computer, etc) Serial number of property, if applicable Company or personal property Name of individual(s) who will be removing property Signature of tenant authorized party Date authorization is given Vendor/Contractor Access There may be times when vendors or contractors need to perform work in your suite during non-business hours. In such instances, please provide written notification to Building Management, including the name(s) of the individual(s), the company, date and approximate time they will be arriving, the nature of the work to be performed, and a Certificate of Insurance. Please note that all work and contractors must be pre-approved by Building Management. This information is requested for informational purposes only. Under no circumstances will Security and/or Building Personnel provide access to anyone into any tenant premises. A tenant representative must be available to let vendors and contractors into their space. Theft and Insurance Theft and Insurance Any suspected theft, no matter how small, should be reported to Building Management, after having called the police to file a report. Police need to be informed of any thefts in the building to establish a pattern to the thefts and to effectively complete an investigation. The insurance policy for 800 N. Glebe Road does not cover the personal belongings of tenants. Personal property insurance is the responsibility of each tenant and must be evidenced by an insurance certificate. Incident Report To provide an accurate record of every incident, Security Personnel are required to write an incident report for any accident, theft, or other incident occurring on the property. We appreciate your cooperation in answering any questions building staff may have. Building Security: Key and Lock Policy Special Keying All keys for 800 North Glebe Road are keyed to a Building Master Key System. This key system is necessary so that building staff has access to all areas in the event of any emergency. Additional keys may be obtained through Building Management at a charge of $3/key. Lock Outs In the event a tenant forgets his or her key, or locks themselves out of their office, the JBG Commercial Management Office should be notified by calling 571-312-8171. Access will only be granted once the person who signed the lease or the assigned Tenant Contact person(s) has been reached and approval given. Building Security: Lost and Found Please contact the Management Office at (571) 312-8171 to claim items that have been lost or found in the building. Building Security: Solicitation In order to relieve tenants of the burden of uninvited soliciting on the premises, soliciting is prohibited at 800 North Glebe Road. If someone is soliciting on your floor or in your suite, please notify the Security Guard or the JBG Commercial Management Office at 571-312-8171 and the appropriate personnel will be sent to request that the solicitor leave. Building Security: Visitors If you are expecting a visitor after-hours, you need to inform them of the suite that you are in. There is an electronic Directory located in the Lobby with the list of all tenants in the building. Building Services: Cleaning All office spaces and common areas are cleaned on a daily basis, Monday through Friday. Tenants should contact the Management Office for any special cleaning needs, or to report any cleaning deficiencies. In situations where a tenant would like a box of trash disposed of, please write “TRASH/ BASURA” on the box. All empty moving boxes should be flattened. All cleaning is to be performed after tenant working hours. Any daytime cleaning requirement will be at an additional charge to tenant. The following schedule describes the level of services intended: Daily Common Area: Empty trash receptacle and ash trays. Sweep/vacuum entrances, lobbies and corridors. Clean drinking fountains. Clean and disinfect restrooms – restock restroom supplies. Dispose of all trash generated in the building. Dust horizontal surfaces that are readily available and visibly require dusting. Remove carpet stains in main corridors. Dust all fire extinguisher cabinets. Sweep, mop and buff lobby marble. Clean composition floors and maintain uniform gloss finish. Damp wipe all elevator doors, cab walls, door frames and switches. Damp mop and buff granite floors in elevators. Office Space: Dust all furniture and convectors and grills. Remove trash and recyclable materials. Sweep/vacuum carpets. Clean all glass furniture tops. Clean all counter tops in kitchen areas. Sweep and mop all non carpeted areas and maintain uniform gloss finish. Clean doors, frames, walls and switch plates to remove fingerprints and markings. Weekly Common Area: Sweep or vacuum stairways. Wash partitions in restrooms to remove streaks, stains and smudges. Dust ventilation diffusers and light lenses. Flush floor drains. Polish elevator wood panels, clean light diffusers, polish granite floors. Office Space: Dust all window frames and sills, chair rails, picture or hangings. Edge vacuum all carpeted areas. High dusting of all areas above 60” from floor. Monthly Common Area: Machine scrub ceramic flooring in restrooms. Office Space: Dust all window blinds. Machine scrub, strip and wax all composition floors. Building Services: Parking Garage To register for monthly parking, please contact Rick Russell with Ace Parking Management, Inc. at (571) 312-8163. Monthly Parkers: Enter/exit the parking garage by swiping the digital pass to the reader at the gate. Hourly and Daily Parkers: Must take a ticket at the gate prior to entering the garage. The parking ticket must be validated at a Pay-On-Foot Machine (located by the P-1 elevator lobby) prior to walking back to their vehicle. The validated ticket then must be inserted into the machine at the gated exit. To register for carpool/vanpool parking, please review the Rideshare Parking Policy or contact the management office. Building Services: Directory Board & Signage An effective directory & signage program with consistently applied standards tends to create the most professional overall image for the building and its tenants. The Management Office will typically provide the initial signage for the suite and directory. Any future changes to the tenant’s suite or directory sign will be billed to the tenant’s account. A Directory Signage Request Form or a Suite Signage Request Form will need to be filled out and faxed to the JBG Commercial Management Office at 571-312-8882. The Signage form requests the tenant’s name and suite number, contact person and how they would like the suite’s or individual(s) name to appear on their suite or directory strips. All suite entry signage is building standard and consistent within the building. If a tenant requests additional signage other than building standard, a written request must be submitted in advance to the Management Office, and must be approved by the Landlord prior to any signage installation. Building Services: Elevators Vertical transportation consists of five (5) passenger elevators, two (2) garage elevators and one (1) passenger/freight elevator. The passenger elevator cabs travel between levels Lobby – 10, while garage cabs travel from P3-P1. The freight elevator travels from the Lobby – 10 th floor. The elevator system has REM controllers (remote elevator monitoring) which allows for our elevator vendor to remotely monitor safety and performance based on information for each elevator. Building Services: Energy Conservation Your company’s employees can help reduce operating costs and conserve energy by ensuring that lights, office machines and coffee makers are turned off at the close of each work day. Further, remembering to turn off lights in private offices when they are unattended for several minutes or more can practice conservation. These simple ideas make sense - we all save money and our environment benefits as well. Better Water As with many large office buildings, it is always a good idea to allow water at the drinking fountains to flow for a short period of time before drinking. You should find the water to be cooler (and healthier) if you purge a small amount of water before you drink. Building Services: Forms For your convenience, we have included downloadable and printable PDF document forms that will expedite various building management service requests. Hard copies of all forms are available from the Property Management Office as well. To view and print PDF files, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If not already installed on your computer, it can be obtained for free at www.adobe.com. Bomb Threat Checklist Contractor Rules and Regulations Electronic Tenant Solutions (ETS) User Information Sheet Fitness Center Waiver Directory Signage Request Form Suite Signage Request Form Move In - Move Out and Deliveries Form Bike Storage Room and Locker Agreement Tenant Contact Form Vendor Insurance Requirements Rideshare Parking Policy Building Services: HVAC Heating and air conditioning is not regularly provided after 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays, all day Sundays and holidays, or after normal business hours during the weekday. Tenants desiring after-hours and holiday HVAC services must pay an hourly rate designated by their lease. You may request overtime services by submitting a request through Electronic Tenant Solutions Service Request System. In the event you are unable to log-on to Electronic Tenant Solutions Service Request System, please contact the Management Office at 571-312-8171 at least 24 hours prior to the date the services are needed. Building Services: Mail Service Mail is delivered daily by a US Postal Service mail carrier. Outgoing mail may be deposited in the mailbox located on the 1st floor of the building. Oversized and large quantity mailings should be taken to the Post Office. For best mail results, incoming mail should be formatted as follows: *YOUR NAME* *YOUR COMPANY* 800 North Glebe Road Suite, ___ Arlington, VA 22203 Building Services: Maintenance Requests For your convenience, 800 North Glebe Road has a web-based work order system called Electronic Tenant Solutions Service Request System for all of your maintenance requests and repairs. In addition, you can reach the management office at 571-312-8171. These requests should be made by the Facilities contact person for your organization only. The following information will enhance timely response, and help establish trend information useful in correcting recurring problems. Kindly provide: 1. Facility contact person’s name 2. Phone number 3. Floor/Area/Suite number 4. Relevant specifics applicable to the problem (i.e., too hot, too cold, area affected) Please click here for the Electronic Tenant Solutions Service Request System Building Services: Telecommunications Locate System Within Leased Space Each tenant’s phone system must be situated within its leased space, and NOT in the building’s core and shell telephone or electrical rooms. This allows for ease of access as needed, and less chance for damage to systems due to overheating situations. From a building manager’s perspective it alleviates much of the overcrowding situations that would otherwise tend to occur in a core telephone closet. The telephone closets are intended only to accept the main cable “feed” which extends from the building’s riser cables to your system. Code Issues: “Plenum Rated” Cable and Independent Supports For Cable As with most other modern office buildings, the space above your ceiling is used as a return-air plenum. Various code requirements affect plenum spaces. It is therefore essential that you instruct your cabling company (phone, data and other) to use “plenum rated” cable for all cabling which will run above the ceiling. The building code also requires that cables be independently supported, rather than sharing plumbing supports or wires installed to hold ceiling systems or electrical conduits. Many cabling companies do not abide by this requirement without specific instructions and follow-up by the tenant. Remedial work to correct improper installation can be costly and have serious time delay considerations. No Alternative Access Provider Without Landlord’s Approval Technological advances in the area of telecommunications are having a profound impact on office buildings throughout the country. Tenant’s demands for more sophisticated building provisions such as fiber optics and competition among access providers have placed a greater burden on buildings to try to keep pace with this modernizing industry. Most buildings are limited by the space available for competitive access providers to establish a “minimum point of presence,” as well as the size of each floor’s telephone closet and shaft space for riser cables. Other issues include access to equipment, safety and security. Presently, it is important for all tenants to recognize that no alternative access provider may be permitted a point of presence or riser cable space in the building without the Landlord’s prior written approval. Emergency Procedures: Bomb Threat Telephone Threat When a bomb threat is made over the telephone, obtain the following information from the caller: Exact location of the device. Time set for explosion; Description of the device; Reason the caller has placed the bomb; Exact words used by the caller. Keep this information as confidential as possible. Notify the Police Department. Call 911. Notify the Management Office at 571-312-8171. Once the Management Office has been notified of a bomb threat, it is our policy to advise your firm’s manager or senior officer. It is up to the manager or senior officer to decide whether it is appropriate to evacuate the office. In the event that you are asked to evacuate the Building, please move away from the Building so as to allow unfettered access to emergency personnel. Do not re-enter the Building until the Management Office, the Police, or the Fire Department have given clearance. Suspicious Packages or Mail Bombs Letter bombs are usually sent through the mail addressed to a specific individual in the company, usually disguised to look like some sort of gift or a small package. Letter bombs have the power to kill or seriously maim anyone in close proximity. Letter bombs are usually contained within a large size manila envelope ¼” to ½” thick and are fairly rigid. However, the technology used in letter bombs has become increasingly sophisticated, and can be difficult to detect visually. Letter bombs have been mailed from cities or small towns in the United States, as well as from foreign countries. Be especially wary of letters that are mailed to titles -- Chairman, President, Manager, Security Officer, etc. – rather than directly to named individuals. If you suspect a parcel contains a letter bomb: Clear everyone out of the immediate area; establish at least a 25 foot radius around the package. Notify the police at 911 and Building Management. DO NOT HANDLE IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DEACTIVATE IT YOURSELF. Emergency Procedures: Civil Disturbance Should a riot or civil disturbance start outside the Building, the security guards will immediately lock all entrances to the building. The police will be notified. We will keep you informed. If a disturbance should occur in the main lobby, all elevators will be turned off at the first floor and the police will be summoned. Emergency Procedures: Earthquake Earthquake Preparedness Keep an earthquake preparedness kit on hand. Include the following: Food and water – at minimum, a 3 day supply (a 7 day supply is ideal) First Aid kit and First Aid manual Large and small heavy-duty plastic bags, duct tape and scissors Extra prescriptions and eyewear Heavy-duty shoes and gloves Extra clothing, and a whistle Rescue tools Portable TV and/or radio with extra batteries Flashlights and extra batteries Cash (ATMs and credit cards may not work) Emergency Phone List, including family at work, school, daycare, etc. Long-distance message check-in phone number Cell phone During an Earthquake Most earthquake-induced injuries are caused by falling objects or debris that has become dislodged by the quake. During an earthquake, please observe the following: Remain calm, do not panic. Stay in the office area. Take cover under tables, desks, or strong doorways. Keep away from windows and glass doors. Keep clear of filing cabinets, shelves and tall stacks of materials. Check for any injured personnel and administer first aid where necessary. Floor Wardens should assess damage and injuries and be prepared to expedite evacuation of serious cases. In the event of a fire resulting from an earthquake, follow the fire emergency procedures. Elevators are equipped with seismic detectors, which when activated, will automatically stop the elevator at the nearest floor; if they are occupied at the time, inhabitants should exit immediately, and follow instructions issued by the Floor Warden. Following an Earthquake Be prepared for aftershocks. While aftershocks are generally smaller than the earthquake that generates them, they can cause additional damage. If you smell gas, notify the Building Office or Security immediately. Check immediate location – make sure you are safe. Check for injuries and apply first aid as needed. Be prepared for an absence of immediate emergency services, and be prepared to help yourself and others. Extinguish any fires. Do not light matches. Do not smoke. Listen for news or pertinent instructions on the radio or television. Do not use the telephone unless you have a dire emergency; ensure that all telephone receivers are properly mated to their cradles. Conserve, and responsibly ration food and water. Emergency Procedures: Elevator Malfunction If you are in the elevator and it stops for no apparent reason, remember to remain calm. Pressing the emergency button within the cab will alert Building Management that the elevator is malfunctioning. The cab number will be identified, and so too, the specific floor on which it is stuck. The Guard will establish two-way communication with elevators occupants until help has arrived. In the event of a power outage, elevators will continue to operate using our emergency power generator. Should an outage occur, elevator lights will remain on, but the car itself will temporarily cease moving. Each elevator will automatically return to the lobby, their doors will open, and they will remain inoperable until the power has been restored. IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE, ELEVATORS MUST NOT BE USED FOR EVACUATION. USE THE STAIRWELLS. Emergency Procedures: Emergency Contacts Management Office Management Office – Facsimile Engineer’s Office Police Emergency Fire Emergency Medical Emergency Poison Control Center Arlington County Fire Department Non-Emergency Arlington County Fire Marshall (571) 312-8171 (571) 312-8882 (571) 970-2655 911 911 911 (800) 222-1222 (703) 228-3365 (703) 228-4644 Important notes If you call 911 as a result of a medical emergency, please be sure also to notify building management with your name, callback number, and location so that security may swiftly guide the paramedics to your exact location. If the audible alarm within the building sounds, please do not call the Management Office, unless you have something specific to report. Building Management is aware of the noise, as well as the source of the alarm, whether it’s false or a legitimate emergency. Please keep the telephone lines clear so that Management may to attend to the situation as quickly and efficiently as possible. Emergency Procedures: Fire & Life Safety Fire Prevention Do not accumulate quantities of discarded files or other paper trash in your office or storage area. Pay special attention to housekeeping in those departments that produce quantities of debris, such as duplication machines, mailing and receiving rooms. Do not store large quantities of flammable solvents, duplicating fluids, or other combustible fluids. Keep electrical appliances in good repair. Report unsafe conditions to the Management Office. When furnishing an office, consider the fire potential of materials used in large amounts, like overstuffed chairs, settees, couches or anything that could become a combustible item. Such furnishings should be flame-proofed. Where potential for fire is especially high, such as supply rooms, tenants may wish to consider installing additional fire extinguishers. Fire Emergency IF YOU DISCOVER A FIRE, you should remain calm and: 1. Pull the nearest fire alarm. Alarms are located in the corridors adjacent to the stairwells. 2. Call 911 from a safe location. 3. Evacuate or relocate and assist all others in the immediate area. 4. Close doors behind you to isolate fire. 5. Proceed to stairwells and listen for instructions. NEVER use the elevators. 6. Be cautious when opening doors so as not to spread the fire. Touch any door to see if it is hot before opening. 7. If smoke is present, stay low and crawl with your body against the floor. The clearest air is near the floor. If forced to make a dash through smoke or flame, hold your breath and cover your nose and mouth with an article of clothing. Emergency Procedures: Flooding In the event of a flood that may cause damage to tenant property or affect the normal operation of the building, designated tenant representatives will be contacted by Building Management personnel, regardless of the time of day. The first priority is to ensure that no personal injury occurs as the result of a flood. The second priority is to discover the cause and prevent or minimize additional flooding. Once the flooding has been contained, clean-up operations will be commenced. Tenants will need to contact their insurance carrier for any damage to their property. Emergency Procedures: Homeland Security The JBG Companies recommends that each tenant have an emergency action plan in place to help their employees prepare for, and react quickly to, a regional emergency, including terrorist attacks. Click on the links below to access a variety of resources that aid in preparing for a regional emergency. Department of Homeland Security http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic Federal Emergency Management Association http://fema.gov/ American Red Cross http://www.redcross.org/ Center for Diseases Control and Prevention Emergency Preparedness and Response http://www.bt.cdc.gov/ Local media outlets will provide important information during an emergency situation. Emergency Procedures: Medical Emergency In the event that an accident or illness befalls one of your employees, or a visitor to your office area, please: 1. Call Emergency Services at 911. 2. Provide the Emergency Dispatcher with the following information: a. Your name b. Your Building’s name and address c. Your specific floor number, and the exact location of the emergency d. Any pertinent details of the accident or illness 3. Do not move the injured/ill person. Attempt to make them as comfortable as possible. 4. If feasible, send someone to meet the emergency unit upon its arrival in the lobby. 5. Call the Management Office at (571) 312-8171. Inform management that you have called 911 and briefly describe the nature of the emergency. At this time please let the office know if you would like an elevator locked off for the EMS to utilize. 6. The emergency unit will be with you shortly and will administer all necessary medical assistance. 7. Determine, if possible: a. Name, address and age of injured/ill person b. The nature of the problem, as best you can surmise c. All known allergies and current medications taken by the individual d. A local doctor Emergency Procedures: Pandemic Preparedness What you Need to Know An influenza (flu) pandemic is a worldwide outbreak of flu disease that occurs when a new type of influenza virus appears that people have not been exposed to before (or have not been exposed to in a long time). The pandemic virus can cause serious illness because people do not have immunity to the new virus. Pandemics are different from seasonal outbreaks of influenza that we see every year. Seasonal influenza is caused by influenza virus types to which people have already been exposed. Its impact on society is less severe than a pandemic, and influenza vaccines (flu shots and nasal-spray vaccine) are available to help prevent widespread illness from seasonal flu. Influenza pandemics are different from many of the other major public health and health care threats facing our country and the world. A pandemic will last much longer than most flu outbreaks and may include "waves" of influenza activity that last 6-8 weeks separated by months. The number of health care workers and first responders able to work may be reduced. Public health officials will not know how severe a pandemic will be until it begins. Importance and Benefits of Being Prepared The effects of a pandemic can be lessened if you prepare ahead of time. Preparing for a disaster will help bring peace of mind and confidence to deal with a pandemic. When a pandemic starts, everyone around the world could be at risk. The United States has been working closely with other countries and the World Health Organization (WHO) to strengthen systems to detect outbreaks of influenza that might cause a pandemic. A pandemic would touch every aspect of society, so every part of society must begin to prepare. All have roles in the event of a pandemic. Federal, state, tribal, and local governments are developing, improving, and testing their plans for an influenza pandemic. Businesses, schools, universities, and other faith-based and community organizations are also preparing plans. As you begin your individual or family planning, you may want to review your state's planning efforts and those of your local public health and emergency preparedness officials. State plans and other planning information can be found at http://www.flu.gov/professional/checklists.html. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and other federal agencies are providing funding, advice, and other support to your state. The federal government will provide up-to-date information and guidance to the public if an influenza pandemic unfolds. Pandemic Flu Resources There are many publicly available resources in place to help communities, companies, and individuals plan for a possible pandemic flu outbreak. A few of the most useful sites are linked below: Pandemicflu.gov This is the official U.S. Government site for information on pandemic and avian influenza. The material on this site is organized by topic for easy reference. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The CDC Web site is another primary source of information on pandemic influenza. They also have a hotline—1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636)—that is available in English and Spanish, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (TTY: 1-888-232-6348). Or, if you prefer, questions can be e-mailed to [email protected]. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) DHS is working on a “Business Planning Guide,” which will be posted on the DHS home page and on Pandemicflu.gov as soon as it is completed. Also, for business-specific questions, the DHS has created an e-mailbox— [email protected]. BOMA Resources BOMA/Greater Toronto Pandemic Flu Report The report addresses the threat to commercial buildings from an avian flu pandemic. The resources above will provide a lot of information, but we also encourage you to: Listen to local and national radio Watch news reports on television Read your newspaper and other sources of printed and Web-based information Look for information on your local and state government Web sites Consider talking to your local health care providers and public health officials. Emergency Procedures: Power Failure All JBG Office Buildings and Common areas are served by emergency generators. In the event of power failure, these generators will provide emergency power for certain basic building functions. Those functions include: 1. Activating emergency lights on each floor throughout the building, including all Exit signs. 2. Activating all stairwell lighting. 3. Activating the building’s emergency Fire, Life and Safety Systems as well as the building’s communication systems. 4. Recalling all elevators to the ground floor lobby. (One elevator will remain operative for use by security to assist handicapped persons or to take service crews and equipment into the building, as needed.) It is seldom necessary to evacuate the building during a power failure. Unless you are directed to do so through the emergency communication system, please remain in your offices. Please…DO NOT CALL the Management Office unless you need to notify us of the location of a disabled employee. Emergency Procedures: Severe Weather When severe weather conditions become apparent, the U.S. Weather Bureau describes conditions by two (2) classifications, a Watch or a Warning. This applies to the reporting of severe thunderstorms, the approach of weather conditions favoring the formation of tornadoes, a hurricane condition, a winter storm condition, etc. A Watch becomes effective when atmospheric conditions are present that can produce the particular weather phenomenon. A Warning means that the weather condition has been spotted and prompt action must be taken to enhance safety. Except in very rare circumstances, the decision to evacuate the building based on the above weather reports will not be made by Building Management, but rather by each Tenant Company. However, in the event these conditions do exist, the following guidelines should adhered to: Move away from outside windows. If the windows in your offices are supplied with blinds, close the blinds (this will provide protection from broken glass). Do not panic. If evacuated, lock all desk drawers and take all items of value with you. If evacuated, use a route that is in the building interior and stay away from large expanses of glass and windows. Use the stairwells rather than the elevators. If evacuated, do not return to your office until advised to do so. Emergency Procedures: Tenant Training The JBG Companies would like to present our tenants with the Floor Warden Training video. The safety and security of our tenants is of the highest priority. This video generally reviews safety while in your building and specifically the key roles Wardens will play in responding to both fire and non-fire emergencies. The video is broken down into 3 sections. 1. Systems: Know your buildings systems 2. Team: Building staff management and floor warden teams 3. Procedures: Fire, earthquake, medical etc. Please take time to watch the video and familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures outlined. If you have any questions please direct them towards your Property Manager. The JBG Companies Emergency Procedures: Toxic Hazard If there is a toxic spill or exposure, proceed immediately to an area where you are no longer exposed. Call 911. Provide the building’s address, your floor and phone number, and also what type of spill has occurred. Take appropriate action to contain the hazard; close doors behind you, and always follow all safety procedures when working with toxic materials. Introduction: Welcome The tenant information provided in this Electronic Tenant® Handbook is meant to provide you with a better understanding of 800 North Glebe Road and to facilitate your company’s operations. There is a great deal of information contained within this handbook; take the time to familiarize yourself with this handbook and it will become a valuable resource for you and your company. Please note that the Building Management Office is available to help in any way possible. Your first call for any problem or question can be directed to the Building Management Office, and we will assist you from there. Provided for your convenience: www.commuterpage.com www.carfreediet.com/pages/arlingtons-urban-villages/ballston/getting-around/ www.jbg.com www.arlingtonva.us Every attempt has been made to provide current and accurate information in this handbook, but it is possible that some items will change over time. The Building Management Office will promptly notify you of any such changes. Please feel free to contact the Building Management Office with any questions you may have. We are here to serve you. Welcome to 800 North Glebe Road a premier JBG property. Introduction: About 800 North Glebe Road and The JBG Companies 800 North Glebe Road consists of ten stories of office and retail space comprising of approximately 301,895 rentable square feet. The lower level contains a combination of retail and office use, with the upper levels containing class A Office Space. Parking is provided on three below-grade levels with 47 short term parking spaces located on the P-1 level. The world-class 301,895 square foot building is located in the Ballston neighborhood of Arlington, VA. This vibrant urban location offers superior accessibility to an array of restaurants, hotels and community events. From its strategic location and proximity to the Ballston metro station and I-66, 800 North Glebe Road offers quick access to the entire region. Featuring dramatic architecture, state-of-the-art building systems and the finest finishes, 800 N. Glebe is certain to become the address of choice for discerning tenants. 301,895 sf, 10-story, Class A office building Location: Corner of Wilson Blvd. and North Glebe Road, off I-66 in Ballston. Two blocks from Ballston Metro Finished Ceiling Height: 9' Column Spacing: 30' x 45' Parking: Underground parking facility providing 535 spaces. Architect: Copper Carry, Inc. HVAC System: Consists of a Central Plant chilled water system with two equally sized water chilling units. The perimeter of the building is supplied with fan powered VAV boxes at a ratio of one per 30 linear feet of exterior vision glass wall on the perimeter and one per 1000 usable square feet for the interior. Security: Electronic perimeter and elevator key card entry system provided by Datawatch. About The JBG Companies The JBG Companies are a group of related entities engaged in the acquisition and development of significant office, hotel and mixed-use projects. The firm develops and manages retail real estate through JBG Properties and residential real estate through JBG Rosenfeld Retail Properties, LLC subdivision. Since its founding in 1962, JBG has served as owner, developer and/or manager of over 20,000,000 square feet of office space, 4,000,000 square feet of retail space, 4,000 residential units and five of the top hotel properties in the Greater Washington, DC area. Introduction: Operating Instructions Navigation You move through The Electronic Tenant® Handbook just as you would a traditional Internet site. It’s as simple as pointing and clicking. The main page features a Table of Contents that provides links to each Chapter. Upon entering a Chapter, you will find links to the specific information provided in that chapter’s Sub-Sections. You may return to the Table of Contents or Chapter Overview at any time by clicking the clearly labeled link on every page. Special Features This Electronic Tenant® Handbook has special features, such as a Forms Section and Search engine. In order to take advantage of these useful features, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. This software is free and easy to use, and can be obtained by clicking here. Updates The Electronic Tenant® Handbook is updated on a regular basis, so please be sure to periodically check for updates and new information. If you are having trouble accessing the Electronic Tenant® Handbook or need assistance, please call the Management Office at 571-312-8171. Personnel: Accounting Please remit all payments to: Lockbox Address: North Glebe Office LLC PO Box 203698 Dallas, TX 75320-3698 Overnight Address: North Glebe Office LLC 2975 Regent Blvd PO Box 203698 Irving, TX 75063 For all accounting questions, please contact the Management Office at 571-312-8171. Personnel: Property Management JBG’s management team at 800 North Glebe Road, Arlington includes: Operations Manager Property Manager Assistant Property Manager The Management Office is located at 800 N. Glebe Road, Suite 101, Arlington, VA 22203. Normal office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and closed Saturdays, Sundays, and some holidays. To contact the office, please call 571-312-8171. During non-business hours, please call 703385-4155. Both the management team and building engineers are available for emergencies on a 24-hour 365 day-a-year basis; however, after normal business hours, all tenant requests for engineering services will result in a charge to the tenant of at least 4 hours overtime per engineer, plus equipment and/or supply charges. Other building services are provided through contracts with firms specializing in the disciplines needed to support the property. Personnel: Building Holidays Normal building operating hours of 800 North Glebe Road are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays. HVAC is provided during normal building operating hours. Please click here for Security procedures. Subject to individual lease provisions, 800 North Glebe Road will follow the U.S. Government standard building closing on the following holidays: New Year’s Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day President’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veteran’s Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Should you require cleaning, heating, ventilation, air conditioning or other special services on any of the above holidays, please submit a request via Electronic Tenant Solutions Service Request System for these services at least 24 hours in advance. Building staff and contractors observe these holidays; therefore, you will be charged for any building services rendered on these days unless your lease stipulates otherwise. Management can provide you with an estimate for any of the above services. Personnel: Important Contacts Management Office Management Office – Facsimile Management Office After-Hours Concierge Admiral Security Guard Ace Parking Management, Inc. Police Emergency Fire Emergency Medical Emergency Poison Control Center Arlington County Fire Department Non-Emergency Arlington County Fire Marshall Arlington County Police Department Non-Emergency Metro Metrobus and Metrorail Schedule Information Transit Police Post Office Utilities Dominion Virginia Power Washington Gas Arlington County Water Utilities Verizon Weather Time (571) 312-8171 (571) 312-8882 (703) 385-4155 (571) 312-7953 (703) 200-6537 (571) 312-8163 911 911 911 (800) 222-1222 (703) 228-3365 (703) 228-4644 (703) 558-2222 (202) 637-7000 (202) 962-2121 (703) 525-0459 (888) 667-3000 (703) 750-1000 (703) 228-6570 (800) 826-2355 Your area code + 936-1212 Your area code + 844-4444 Personnel: Landlord/Tenant Communication For the purpose of effective communication, two contacts are established within each tenant company. The individual from a tenant company who interfaces with The JBG Commercial Management office on issues, which are day-to-day in nature, is referred to as the “Tenant Contact”. The individual from a tenant company who holds the most senior position (e.g. Doctor(s), Office Manager, Executive Assistant, etc.) is referred to as the “Principal Representative”. Kindly ensure that all official communications to the JBG Commercial Management office comes directly from either the Tenant Contact or the Principal Representative. Personnel: Leasing The leasing representative for 800 North Glebe Road is Andrea Murray. The main phone number is (202) 333-3600. Personnel: Security For your safety, and to maintain the integrity of your property, 800 North Glebe features 24-hour security. The Security Guard’s Desk is located at the Lobby level and can be reached at (571) 312-7953 or the Security Guard's cell phone at (703) 200-6537. After regular business hours, an access fob will be required to enter the building, as well as your particular floor. In addition, 800 North Glebe Road is equipped with a surveillance system containing cameras strategically placed at the main points of egress throughout the building and a monitor at the Security Guard’s Desk. Policies and Procedures: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) The JBG Companies strives to maintain ADA building compliance at 800 North Glebe Road. Compliance will be ongoing based on new regulations, priorities and budgetary allowances. Tenants are reminded that they are responsible for ADA compliance within their premises. In the interest of meeting the intent of the ADA, all tenants are advised of the following four policies designed to make 800 North Glebe Road as accessible and safe as possible where the property may not physically be in compliance with the ADA: ADA Policy #1: General 800 North Glebe Road Building Management continues to evaluate the building with respect to the Americans with Disabilities Act, and take measures to be in compliance. In addition to that action being taken, it is policy at this property that the building’s staff will assist disabled individuals as reasonably needed in the building’s public areas. Such assistance is to be provided upon request, or where observed to be needed by building staff. ADA Policy #2: Rescue Assistance Out of concern for life safety, 800 North Glebe Road Building tenants must notify Building Management of any and all physically challenged persons using the tenant’s premises. Notification must include the nature of the disability and the normal location (floor and general area) of each individual. As changes occur (e.g. in the event that the individual’s office is reassigned or use of the premises is terminated, or a new physically challenged person begins to use the premises) Building Management must be notified accordingly. Strict adherence to this policy will help enhance proper, timely and efficient rescue assistance in the event of an emergency. Without proper adherence, a disabled individual could be placed at significantly higher risk with respect to life safety. ADA Policy #3: Rescue Assistance Education To be safely prepared for a building emergency (e.g. fire, tornado, etc.), physically challenged individuals must receive special advance education/training. The nature of a person’s specific disability is likely to dictate a particular response based on the physical nuances of 800 North Glebe Road and its emergency reaction plan. It is each tenant’s responsibility to ensure that their employees, both the physically challenged and those who may assist the physically challenged, are properly educated in this regard. Concerned tenants should contact 800 North Glebe Road Building Management to request help with rescue assistance education. Tenants are responsible for ensuring that this education is reviewed periodically, and are welcome to request Building Management’s assistance in this regard. This policy applies to physically challenged employees within the tenant office space, as well as physically challenged visitors. ADA Policy #4: Elevator Access In order to meet the intent of the ADA, it is policy at 800 North Glebe Road that the building’s staff will assist physically challenged persons where they are restricted by elevator accessibility. Such assistance is to be provided upon request or where observed to be needed by building staff. Policies and Procedures: Animal Admittance Animals are not permitted inside 800 North Glebe Road; with the exception of service animals providing assistance to physically challenged persons. Policies and Procedures: Building Rules and Regulations Rules and regulations are important for the safety, appearance and integrity of any property. The JBG Companies strives to enforce the 800 North Glebe Road building rules and regulations with the best interests of the building and its tenants in mind. Please ensure that your suite’s employees abide by these rules and regulations accordingly. The following rules and regulations have been formulated for the safety and well-being of all the tenants of the Building. Adherence to these rules and regulations by each and every tenant contributes to safe occupancy and quite enjoyment of the Building. Any violations of these rules and regulations by any tenant which continues after notice from Landlord shall be a Default under such tenant’s lease, at the option of Landlord. Landlord may, upon request by any tenant, waive compliance by such tenant of any of the following rules and regulations, provided that (a) no waiver shall be effective unless signed by Landlord or Landlord’s authorized agent, (b) no such waiver shall relieve any tenant from the obligation to comply with such rules or regulation in the future, unless expressly consented to by Landlord, and (c) no suchy waiver granted to any tenant shall relieve any other tenant from the obligation of complying with said rule or regulation unless such other tenant has received a similar waiver in writing from Landlord. 1. The Common Area shall not be obstructed or encumbered by any tenant or used for any purposes other than ingress and egress to and from the tenant’s premises. No tenant shall permit the visit to its premises or persons in such numbers or under such conditions as to interfere with the use and enjoyment of the Common Areas by other tenants. 2. No awnings or other projections shall be attached to the outside walls of the Building without the prior written consent of Landlord. No drapes, blinds, shades or screens shall be attached to or hung in, or used in connection with, any window or door of a tenant’s premises, without the prior written consent of Landlord. Such awnings, projections, curtains, blinds, screens and other fixtures shall be of a quality, type, design and color acceptable to Landlord and shall be attached in a manner approved by Landlord. 3. No sign, advertisement, notice or other lettering shall be exhibited, inscribed, painted or affixed by any tenant on any part of the outside or inside of the tenant’s premises or in the Buildings without the prior written consent of Landlord. In the event of any violation of the foregoing by any tenant, Landlord may remove the same without any liability and may charge the expense incurred by such removal to the tenant or tenants responsibility for violation this rules. All interior signs on the doors and directory tablet of the Building shall be inscribed, painted or affixed by Landlord at the expense of each tenant, and shall be of a size, color and style acceptable to Landlord. 4. No show cases or other articles shall be put in front of or affixed to any part of the exterior of the Building, nor placed in the Common Areas without the prior written consent of Landlord. 5. The water and wash closets and other plumbing fixtures shall not be used for any purposes other than those for which they were constructed, and no sweeping, rubbish, rags or other substances shall be thrown therein. No tenant shall throw anything out of the doors or windows or down any corridors of stairs. 6. There shall be no marking, painting, drilling into or other form of defacing of or damage to any part of a tenant’s premises or the Building. No boring, cutting or stringing or wires shall be permitted. No tenant shall construct, maintain, use or operate within its premises or elsewhere within or on the outside of the Building, any electrical devise, wiring or apparatus in connection with a loud speaker systems or other sound system. Upon prior written approval by Landlord, a tenant may install Muzak or other internal music system within the tenant’s premises if the music system cannot be heard outside of the premises. 7. No tenant shall make or permit to be made any disturbing noises or disturb or interfere with the occupants of the Building or neighboring buildings or premises or those having business with them, whether by the use of any musical instrucment, raid, tape recorder, whistling, singing or any other way. 8. No bicycles, vehicles, animals, birds or pets of any kind shall be brought into or kept in or about a tenant’s premises or in the Building. 9. No cooking shall be done or permitted by any tenant on its premises, except that, with Landlord’s prior written approval (including approval of plans and specifications therefore), a tenant may install and operate for convenience of its employees a lounge or coffee room with a microwave, sink and refrigerator; provided that in so doing the tenant shall comply with all applicable building code requirements and any insurance or other requirements specified by Landlord. No tenant shall comply with all applicable building code requirements and any insurance or other requirements specified by Landlord. No tenant shall cause or permit any unusual or objectionable odors to originate from its premises. 10. No space in or about the Building shall be used for the manufacture, storage, sales or auction of merchandise doors or property of any kind. 11. No tenant shall buy of keep in the Building or its premises any inflammable, combustible or explosive fluid, chemical or substance, except as permitted in the lease. 12. No additional locks or bolts of any kind shall be placed upon any if the doors or windows by any tenant, nor shall any changes be made in existing locks or the mechanisms thereof. The doors leading to the corridors or main halls shall be kept closed during business hours except as they may be used for ingress and egress. Each tenant shall, upon the termination of its tenancy, return to Landlord all keys used in connection with its premises, including any keys to the premises, to rooms and offices within the premises, to storage rooms and closets, to cabinets and other built-in furniture, and to toilet rooms, whether or not such keys were furnished by Landlord or procured by the tenant, and in the event of the loss of such keys, such tenant shall pay to Landlord the cost of replacing the locks. On termination of a tenant’s lease, the tenant shall disclose to Landlord the combination of all locks for safes, sage cabinets and vault doors, if any, remaining in the premises. 13. All removals, or the carrying in or out of any safes, freight, furniture or bulky matter of any description, must take place in such manner and during such hours as Landlord may require. Landlord reserves the right (but shall not have the obligation) to inspect all freight brought into the Building and to exclude from the Building all freight which violates any of these rules and regulations or any provision of any tenant’s lease. 14. Any person employed by any tenant to do janitorial work within the tenant’s premises must obtain Landlord’s approval prior to commencing such work, and such person shall comply with all instructions issued by the superintendent of the Building while in the Building. No tenant shall engage or pay any employees on the tenant’s premises or in the Building, except those actually working for such tenant on said premises. 15. No tenant shall purchase spring water, ice, coffee, soft drinks, towels or other like merchandise or service from any company or person who has, in Landlord’s opinion committed violations of Building regulations or caused a hazard or nuisance to the Building and/or its occupants. 16. Landlord shall have the right to prohibit any advertising by any tenant which, in Landlord’s opinion, tends to impair the reputation or desirability if the Building as a building for offices and, upon written notice from Landlord, such tenant shall refrain form and discontinue such advertising. 17. Landlord reserves the right to exclude from the Building at all times any person who is not known or does not properly identify himself to the Building’s management or its agents. Landlord may at its option require all persons admitted to or leaving the Building to register between the hours of 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. Monday through Friday, and all times on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Each tenant shall be responsible for all persons for whom it authorized entry into the Building, and shall be liable to Landlord for all acts of such persons. 18. Each tenant shall use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that all lights are turned off before closing and leaving its premises at any time. 19. The requirements of tenants will be attended to only upon application at the office of the Building. Building employees have been instructed not to perform any work or do anything outside of their regular duties, except with special instructions from the management of the Building. 20. Canvassing, soliciting and peddling in the Building is prohibited, and each tenant shall cooperate to prevent the same. 21. No water cooler, plumbing or electrical fixture shall be installed by tenant without Landlord’s prior written consent. 22. No hand trucks, except those equipped with rubber tires and side guards, shall be used to deliver or receive any merchandise in any space or in the Common Areas of the Building, either by tenant or its agents or contractors. 23. Access plates to under floor conduits shall be left exposed. Where carpet is installed, carpet shall be cut around the access plates. 24. Mats, trash and other objects shall not be placed in the public corridors. 25. When needed, each tenant at its own expense shall clean all drapes installed by Landlord for the use of the tenant and any drapes installed by the tenant which are visible from the exterior of the Building. 26. Landlord shall not maintain suite finishes which are non-standard such as kitchens, bathrooms, wallpaper, special lights, etc. However, should the need for repairs arise, Landlord shall arrange for the work to be done at tenant’s expense. 27. Landlord’s employees are prohibited from receiving articles delivered to the Building and, if any such employee receives any article for any tenant, such employee shall be acting as the agent of such tenant for such purposes. 28. No smoking shall be permitted in any of the Common Areas of the Building or within twenty-five (25) feet of the Building, or in the tenant’s premises. All cigarettes and related trash shall be disposed of in trash receptacles and not on the sidewalk, parking lot or grass. Policies and Procedures: Contactors Rules & Regulations Click here to view the Contractor Rules & Regulations Policies and Procedures: Insurance Prior to moving into the building, and at all times during your suite’s tenancy, each tenant must have on file in the Management Office a Certificate of Insurance evidencing the coverage types and amounts stipulated in the lease agreement. 800 North Glebe, L.L.C. and JBG Commercial Management, L.L.C., must be included as additional insureds. The building Management’s copy of your suite’s insurance certificate must be kept current at all times while your lease at 800 North Glebe Road is in effect. Certificates representing current insurance coverage must also be on file in the Management Office for each contractor (construction, remodeling, moving, etc.) that performs work for your Suite in the building before the work begins, and at all times while the work is underway. Click here to view the Vendor Insurance Requirements Policies and Procedures: Moving Procedures General In an effort to act in the best interest of the tenants and to protect the property, the following policies regarding movement of office furniture and equipment into or out of the Building must be strictly adhered to. Before engaging a moving or delivery company, please contact the Building Management Office no later than one week prior to any move to discuss your arrangements. All correspondence concerning your move is to be directed to: JBG/Commercial Management, LLC 950 N. Glebe Road, Suite 110 Arlington, VA 22203 571-312-8171/Fax 703-243-2784 A pre-move and follow-up walk-through should be coordinated with the Building Management Office in order to document the condition of the affected areas of the building before and after the move. Any damage caused by the movers will be repaired by a contractor of the Building Management’s choice, and paid for promptly by the tenant or the moving contractor. To help avoid such damage, movers must protect all flooring with Masonite, and walls, corners and doorframes are to be treated with appropriate protection. Please click here for the Move In - Move Out and Deliveries Form The actual relocation of a tenant’s offices begins with the tenant’s ideas on how the space is to function. Relocation ends when the Building Engineer hands the tenant the keys to the front door of the premises. In the interim, there is a tremendous amount of planning, estimating, and decision-making that must be completed within the time frame set forth in the lease. Many different people are involved in the process. Building Management will assist in every way possible to ensure a smooth and efficient relocation. A pre-move and follow-up walk-through should be coordinated with the Building Management Office in order to document the condition of the affected areas of the building before and after the move. Any damage caused by the movers will be repaired by a contractor of the Building Management’s choice, and paid for promptly by the tenant or the moving contractor. To help avoid such damage, movers must protect all flooring with Masonite, and walls, corners and doorframes are to be treated with appropriate protection. The actual relocation of a tenant’s offices begins with the tenant’s ideas on how the space is to function. Relocation ends when the Building Engineer hands the tenant the keys to the front door of the premises. In the interim, there is a tremendous amount of planning, estimating, and decision-making that must be completed within the time frame set forth in the lease. Many different people are involved in the process. Building Management will assist in every way possible to ensure a smooth and efficient relocation. Moving Into the Building All tenant move-ins must be coordinated with Building Management. Information concerning move-in procedures is included later in this section. Building Management should also be notified at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance regarding any arrangements made for various trades, such as telephone installation, copier installation, etc. Many of the items needing to be addressed prior to a move are listed below: 1. Change of address information to the U.S. Post Office. 2. Contact Phone Company to arrange for installation of new phones and equipment. 3. Provide Building Management with Certificates of Insurance for all contractors (i.e., movers, general contractors) providing services on behalf of the tenant. Please name the following entities and their subsidiaries, affiliates, managers, members, partners, agents, employees, lenders, successors and assigns as a Certificate Holder and Additional Insured under such insurance policies and listed as outline below: Certificates should list as additional insured: 800 North Glebe Investors, L.L.C. and JBG/Commercial Management, L.L.C. Certificate Holder information should read: North Glebe Office , LLC c/o JBG/Commercial Management, LLC 950 N. Glebe Road, Suite 110 Arlington, VA 22203 571-312-8171/Fax 703-243-2784 4. As soon as a move-in date has been determined, provide Building Management with the information referenced in New Tenant Move-In Information Please click here for the Move In - Move Out and Deliveries Form Moving Out of the Building All tenants moving out of the building should do the following: 1. Contact the telephone company to discontinue telephone service at the building. 2. Turn over all keys and building access cards to Building Management prior to leaving the building. 3. Follow the Moving Procedures discussed later in this section. Please click here for the Move In - Move Out and Deliveries Form Move Procedures At A Glance The following procedures are provided for quick reference to help facilitate all tenant moves into or out of the building. Please be sure to provide a copy of these procedures to all moving companies bidding on your move: It is absolutely necessary that the Building Management office be notified in writing, at least one week in advance of any intended moves into or out of the building so that the freight elevator can be reserved. Provide Building Management with a Certificate of Insurance from the moving company evidencing the coverage’s in effect, and naming the building owner, North Glebe Office , LLC, and JBG/Commercial Management, LLC as additional insured. Weekday deliveries requiring the freight elevator are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. The freight car cannot be reserved or used exclusively during the week, except before or after normal business hours. Use of the freight elevator on weekdays will be prohibited for any moves or large deliveries between the hours of 8 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Larger moves (those requiring more than one hour or involving pieces of furniture or equipment with dimensions greater than 5 feet) must be scheduled after 6:00 p.m. weekdays or on weekends. Masonite must be placed on all lobby floors, and walls, corners and door fames must also be treated with appropriate protection. The tenant is responsible for taking every precaution to safeguard the building from damage (i.e., through means of crating and padding). In addition, materials should be removed from shelves, and file cabinets and desks should be emptied with drawer’s taped shut. Moving or delivery companies and tenants are responsible for leaving the building and premises clean by removing all cartons and other trash generated during the move. If clean-up assistance is desired, building personnel can be provided on a time and material basis. To arrange for this service, please contact the Building Management office at least 48 hours in advance. Should tenants wish to dispose of waste material or large, bulky items in the building dumpster, arrangements are to be made through the Building Management office at least 48 hours in advance. Again, any costs related to special use of the dumpster or removal of such materials will be charged to the tenant. Any and all damage to the building, including lobbies, hallways, elevator, loading areas, and grounds, which is caused by the tenant, moving company or its employees or agents will be the responsibility of tenant. The Landlord will perform required repairs and all costs associated with such repair will be billed to the tenant for reimbursement. Please click here for the Move In - Move Out and Deliveries Form Policies and Procedures: Regulatory Conformance It is in the best interest of the building and its tenants that all federal, state and local regulations governing 800 North Glebe Road are in practice at this property. Compliance with building codes, fire codes, health codes and other ordinances often seems too inconvenient, difficult or costly, but in fact is essential for life safety and well-being. 800 North Glebe Road is operated so as to abide with regulations to the best of Building Management’s knowledge, and it is important that each tenant acts in the same fashion to avoid jeopardizing the safety of the other tenants. The "18-Inch Rule" The "18 inch rule" is commonly overlooked in office buildings. In order for fire detection and suppression systems to perform properly, nothing may be placed within 18 inches of the ceiling. This typically involves items stored on high shelving. Please monitor this carefully so as to prevent this occurrence in your premises. This regulatory issue (and many others as well) is inherently relevant to your safe occupancy in this building. Please call Building Management if you have questions in this regard. Policies and Procedures: Remodeling Procedures Before Construction: Remodeling/redecorating work can be either minor or major, and may include any of the following: Installing electrical or phone outlets Installing or relocating light fixtures Relocating doors Repairing carpets Installing new carpet Adding or moving walls Painting or wallcovering Telephone or computer system cabling As your office contemplates remodeling work for your suite at 800 North Glebe Road, several factors involving the Landlord’s interface should be considered. The Landlord must evaluate even the smallest change for its impact on the building. Written design approval by Building Management is required prior to the commencement of work. For most projects this can be accomplished in five (5) business days or less. Be sure to provide two (2) copies of all applicable plans and specifications, so that we can return one copy to you with our comments, and keep one copy for our files. The Landlord’s review helps ensure that the proposed project will conform to the building’s core and shell systems, as well as the standard construction practices and appropriate materials for the building. The scope of various projects will require that the Tenant engage a licensed architect and/or engineer. Check with Building Management to discuss our requirements in a specific instance. Landlord reserves the right to withhold the approval of any contractor who cannot provide insurance coverage; is not licensed; or has previously caused problems. During Construction: The Landlord will require that all work that takes place comply with all governmental authorities with jurisdiction over the project. It tends to simplify matters if contractors are selected from a Management’s Approved Contractor List, though the tenant may still go through whatever process it feels necessary to ensure that the contractor is qualified for the work. No contractor will be allowed to begin work until a Certificate of Insurance naming the additional insureds has been received by the Management Office, and contractor has returned a signed copy of the back page of the Contractor Rules and Regulations acknowledging that it has read and agrees to all terms and conditions. Please reference the Contractor Rules and Regulations manual. A pre-construction meeting with the Contractor, Tenant, Property Manager, and Lead Engineer is strongly encouraged to ensure all parties are clear on the work to be performed and fully understand the rules and regulations. No loud noise is to take place during normal business hours, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. If a construction project is deemed to be disruptive to existing tenants and/or the Landlord, the General Contractor shall reschedule work so as to eliminate disruption to the satisfaction of Landlord at no additional cost to the Landlord. After Construction: Upon completion of the work, and depending on the nature of the project, the contractor must be required to furnish certain items to the Landlord to assist with the Landlord’s future maintenance of the suite; to help prove that the work was completed satisfactorily and to demonstrate that the property will remain free of liens. We suggest that final payment be withheld from the contractor until the applicable project close-out items have been obtained from the contractor and forwarded to the Landlord to ensure suitability (not all of these will be required for many small projects - ask Building Management). 1. Final Inspection Approval Certificate and Certificate of Occupancy from Arlington County Government. 1. Final Inspection Approval Certificate and Certificate of Occupancy from Arlington County Government. 2. As-built drawings depicting accurate field conditions in areas affected by the work. 3. Updated electrical panel schedules. 4. Lien releases from the General Contractor, subcontractors and suppliers. 5. Operating and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals. 6. HVAC Test & Balance Reports. 7. Written one (1) year warranty on all completed work and installed equipment. Floor Load: Code requirements restrict placing loads upon floors that exceed the load per square foot for which the floor was designed. The floor load for 800 N. Glebe Road is 80 pounds per square foot for live loads and 20 pounds per square foot partition load. Should you find it necessary to utilize equipment that exceeds this rating, you must receive prior written approval from Building Management. The Landlord’s structural engineer shall review documentation provided by the tenant, and shall have the right to prescribe the weight, size and position of all equipment, materials, furniture or other property brought into the Building. Tenants will be invoiced for the structural engineer’s services. Heavy objects shall stand on such platforms as determined by Landlord to be necessary to properly distribute weight. Floor Covering: All floor coverings should be approved through Building Management. Electrical Requirements: Prior to any alterations of electrical wiring, specifications must be submitted to Building Management, for review and approval by the building electrician to avoid any code violations. Window Covering: 800 North Glebe Road is equipped with building standard blinds in all office suites. While blinds are provided initially to all tenants, repair or replacement of blinds is provided through Building Management at an additional charge. The blinds serve an insulating function both in the retention of heat in the winter months, and the exclusion of heat in the summer months. We recommend blinds be kept drawn at all times. Policies and Procedures: Season Decorations Holiday decorations (including trees and wreaths) set up in any tenant space or lobby shall be in conformance with the following specifications: For safety purposes, only artificial trees may be displayed in 800 North Glebe Road Artificial trees shall not be set up before December 1st, and must be removed by January 2nd or the first business day after the holiday. Trees must be placed so they do not in any way block an exit door, nor obscure an exit sign. Only decorations of non-flammable material are to be used. Electrical wiring shall NOT be used on metallic Christmas trees. Metallic trees may be illuminated by use of spotlights placed a safe distance away. Any electric lights used on trees must conform to electric code and be U.L. approved. All artificial trees must be flame-proofed to the satisfaction of the Arlington County Fire Marshall. Use of any candle or flame decorations is prohibited. Policies and Procedures: Smoking All public aspects of 800 North Glebe Road or within twenty-five (25) feet of the Building, or in tenant’s premises have been declared “Non-Smoking Areas.” This includes restrooms, stairways, loading dock, corridors, lobbies, and elevators, etc. We ask all smokers’ cooperation in properly disposing of cigarettes and related trash in trash receptacles and not on the sidewalk, parking lot for grass. This will help Building Management maintain the cleanliness of the exterior of the property, and make for more pleasant surroundings for everyone. Tenants’ assistance in self-enforcing this policy is important in order for meaningful regulation. This sort of arrangement is generally consistent with the other first class office buildings in the Washington, DC area.
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