Име и презиме Небојша Н. Арсенијевић Звање Назив институције у којој наставник ради са пуним радним временом и од када Ужа научна односно уметничка област Редовни професор Факултет медицинских наука,Универзитет у Крагујевцу 1984. Микробиологија и имунологија; Основи онкологије Академска каријера Година Институција Избор у звање 2001. Медицински факултет, Универзитет у Крагујевцу Докторат 1993. Медицински факултет, Универзитет у Крагујевцу Област Микробиологија и имунологија; Основи онкологије Медицина Специјализација 1989. Медицински факултет, Универзитет у Београду Клиничка имунологија 1982. Медицински факултет, Универзитет у Београду Медицина Магистратура Диплома Репрезентативне референце 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Volarevic V, Markovic BS, Bojic S, Stojanovic M, Nilsson U, Leffler H, Besra GS, Arsenijevic N, Paunovic V, Trajkovic V, Lukic ML. Gal-3 regulates the capacity of dendritic cells to promote NKT cell-induced liver injury. Eur J Immunol 2014 doi: 10.1002/eji.201444849. Volarevic V, Misirkic M, Vucicevic L, Paunovic V, Simovic Markovic B, Stojanovic M, Milovanovic M, Jakovljevic V, Micic D, Arsenijevic N, Trajkovic V, Lukic ML. Metformin aggravates immune-mediated liver injury in mice. Arch Toxicol 2014; 10.1007/s00204-014-1263-1 Volarevic V, Paunovic V, Markovic Z, Simovic Markovic B, Misirkic-Marjanovic M, Todorović Marković B, Bojic S, Vucicevic L, Jovanovic S, Arsenijevic N, Holclajtner-Antunović I, Milosavljevic M, Dramicanin M, Kravic-Stevovic T, Ciric D, Lukic ML, Trajkovic V. Large Graphene Quantum Dots Alleviate Immune-Mediated Liver Damage. ACS Nano 2014; 8(12):12098-12109. Volarevic V, Nurkovic J, Arsenijevic N, Stojkovic M. Concise review: therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of acute liver failure and cirrhosis. Stem Cells 2014; 32(11):2818-2823. I.P. Jovanovic, G.D. Radosavljevic, B.J. Simovic Markovic, S.P. Stojanovic, S.M. Stefanovic, N.N. Pejnovic, N.N. Arsenijevic. Clinical Significance of Cyclin D1, FGF3 and p21 Protein Expression in Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. JBUON 2014; 19(4): 944-952 N.D. Zdravkovic, I.P. Jovanovic, G.D. Radosavljevic, A. N. Arsenijevic, N. D. Zdravkovic, S. Lj. Mitrovic, N.N. Arsenijevic. Potential Dual Immunomodulatory Role of VEGF in Ulcerative Colitis and Colorectal Carcinoma. Int J Med Sci 2014; 11(9): 936-947. V. Volarevic, S. Bojic, J. Nurkovic, A. Volarevic, B. Ljujic, N. Arsenijevic, M. Lako, M. Stojkovic. Stem Cells as New Agents for the Treatment of Infertility: Current and Future Perspectives and Challenges. BioMed Research International 2014; 2014:507234. Pavlovic S, Zdravkovic N, Pejnovic N, Djoumerska-Aleksieva I.K, Arsenijevic N, Vassilev T.L, Lukic M.L. Enhanced anti-diabetogenic effect of intravenous immune globulin modified by ferrous ion exposure. European Journal of Inflammation 2014; 12(1):67-76. Ljujic B, Milovanovic M, Volarevic V, Murray B, Bugarski D, Przyborski S, Arsenijevic N, Lukic ML, Stojkovic M. Human mesenchymal stem cells creating an immunosuppressive environment and promote breast cancer in mice. Sci Rep 2013; 3:2298. doi: 10.1038/srep02298. Jovanovic I, Pejnovic N, Radosavljevic G, Pantic J, Milovanovic M, Arsenijevic N, Lukic M. Interleukin-33/ST2 Axis Promotes Breast Cancer Growth and Metastases by Facilitating Intratumoural Accumulation of Immunosuppressive and Innate Lymphoid Cells. Int J Cancer 2014; 134(7):1669-16682. D.P. Dimitrijević, V.V. Glođović, G.P. Radić, S. García-Granda, L. Menéndez-Taboada, M. Milovanović, V. Volarević, N. Arsenijević, G.A. Bogdanović, S.R. Trifunović. Stereospecific ligands and their complexes. Part XV. Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of novel platinum (IV) complexes with some esters of ethylenediamine-N,N0-di-S,S-(2,20-dibenzyl)acetic acid. 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Pejnovic N, Pantic J, Jovanovic I, Radosavljevic G, Milovanovic M, Nikolic I, Zdravkovic N, Djukic A, Arsenijevic N, Lukic M. Galectin-3 Deficiency Accelerates High-Fat Diet Induced Obesity and Amplifies Inflammation in Adipose Tissue and Pancreatic Islets. Diabetes 2013;62(6):1932-1944. N. Zdravkovic, S. Pavlovic, V. Zdravkovic, N.Pejnovic, N. Arsenijevic, M.L. Lukic. ST2 gene-deletion reveals a role of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in diabetes modulation in BALB/c mice. Translational Research 2013;161(2):118-129. Baskic D, Vujanovic L, Arsenijevic N, Whiteside TL, Myers EN, Vujanovic NL. Suppression of natural killer-cell and dendritic-cell apoptotic tumoricidal activity in patients with head and neck cancer. Head Neck 2013; 35(3):388–398. M. Borovcanin, I. Jovanovic, G. Radosavljevic, S. Djukic Dejanovic, D. Bankovic, N. Arsenijevic, M.L. Lukic. Elevated serum level of type-2 cytokine and low IL-17 in psychotic episodes. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2012; 46(11):1421-1426. A.Volarevic, B. Ljujic, V. Volarevic, M. Milovanovic, T. Kanjevac, A. Lukic, N. Arsenijevic. A new semiquantitative method for evaluation of metastasis progression. J BUON 2012; 17:585-590. Milovanovic M, Volarevic V, Ljujic B, Radosavljevic G, Jovanovic I, Arsenijevic N, Lukic ML. Deletion of IL-33R (ST2) Abrogates Resistance to EAE in BALB/C Miceby Enhancing Polarization of APC to Inflammatory Phenotype. Plos ONE 2012;7(9):e45225. M. Arsenijević, M. Milovanović, V. Volarević, D. Čanović, N. Arsenijević, T. Soldatović, S. Jovanović, Ž.D. Bugarčić. Cytotoxic properties of platinum(IV) and dinuclear platinum(II) complexes and their ligand substitution reactions with guanosine-50-monophosphate. Transition Met Chem 2012; 37(5):481-488. J.M. Vujić, G.N. Kaluđerović, B.B. Zmejkovski, M. Milovanović, V. Volarević, N. Arsenijević, T.P. Stanojković, S.R. Trifunović. Stereospecific ligands and their complexes. Part X: Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumoral activity of platinum(IV) complexes with O,O0-dialkyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamineN,N0-di-2-(4-methyl)pentanoate ligands. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2012; 390:123–128. G. Radosavljevic, V. Volarevic, I. Jovanovic, M. Milovanovic, N. Pejnovic, N. Arsenijevic, D.K. Hsu, M.L. Lukic. The roles of Galectin-3 in autoimmunity and tumor progression. Immunol Res 2012; 52(1-2):100-110. M. Milovanovic, V. Volarevic, G. Radosavljevic, I. Jovanovic, N. Pejnovic, N. Arsenijevic, M. L. Lukic. IL-33/ST2 axis in inflammation and immunopathology. Immunol Res 2012; 52(1-2):89-99. Volarevic V, Milovanovic M, Ljujic B, Pejnovic N, Arsenijevic N, Nilsson U, Leffler H, Lukic ML. Galectin-3 deficiency prevents concanavalin A-induced hepatitis in mice. Hepatology 2012; 55(6):1954-1964. T. Kanjevac, M. Milovanovic, V. Volarevic, ML. Lukic, N. Arsenijevic, D. Markovic, N. Zdravkovic, Z. Tesic, A. Lukic. Cytotoxic effects of glass ionomer cements on human dental pulp stem cells correlate with fluoride release. Med Chem 2012; 8(1): 40-45(6). M. Arsenijević, M. Milovanović, V. Volarević, A. Djeković, T. Kanjevac, N. Arsenijević, S. Đukić and ŽD. Bugarčić. Cytotoxicity of gold (III) complexes on A549 human lung carcinoma epithelial cell line. Med Chem 2012; 8(1):2-8(7). S. Pavlović, N. Zdravković, G. Radosavljević, N. Arsenijević, ML. Lukić, I. Jovanović. Interleukin-33/ST2: a new signaling pathway in immunity and immunopathology. Vojnosanit Pregl 2012; 69(1): 69–77. Факултет медицинских наука, Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Светозара Марковића 69, 34000 Крагујевац, Србија, тел.:034/306-800, факс: 034/306-800 лок.112, email: [email protected], web: www.medf.kg.ac.rs Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Svetozara Markovica 69, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia Phone +381 34 306 800, Fax: +381 34 306 800 ext.112, email: [email protected], web: www.medf.kg.ac.rs 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Volarevic V, Mitrovic M, Milovanovic M, Zelen I, Nikolic I, Mitrovic S, Pejnovic N, Arsenijevic N. and Lukic M. Protective role of IL-33/ST2 axis in Con Ainduced hepatitis. Journal of Hepatology 2012; 56(1):26-33. V. Volarevic, B. Ljujic, A, Lukic, N. Arsenijevic, Stojkovic M. Human Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine - Present and Future. British Medical Bulletin 2011; 99:155-168. Vujić JM, Kaluđerović GN, Milovanović M, Zmejkovski BB, Volarević V, Zivić D, Durđević P, Arsenijević N, Trifunović SR. Stereospecific ligands and their complexes. Part VII. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumoral activity of platinum(II) complexes with O,O'-dialkyl esters of (S,S)-ethylenediamineN,N'-di-2-(4-methyl)pentanoic acid. Eur J Med Chem 2011; 46(9):4559-4565. Jovanovic I, Radosavljevic G, Mitrovic M, Lisnic Juranic V, McKenzie ANJ, Arsenijevic N, Jonjic S. and Lukic ML. ST2 Deletion Enhances Innate and Acquired Immunity to Murine Mammary Carcinoma. Eur J Immunol 2011; 41(7):1902-1912. G. Radosavljevic, I. Jovanovic, I. Majstorovic, M. Mitrovic, V. Juranic Lisnic, N. Arsenijevic, S. Jonjic, ML. Lukic. Deletion of Galectin-3 in the host attenuates metastasis of murine melanoma by modulating tumor adhesion and NK cell activity. Clin Exp Metastasis 2011; 28(5):451-462. A. Ravić-Nikolić, G. Radosavljević, I. Jovanović, N. Zdravković, S. Mitrović, S. Pavlović and N. Arsenijević. Systemic photochemotherapy decrease expression of IFN-γ, IL-12p40 and IL-23p19 in psoriatic plaque. Eur J Dermatol 2011; 21(1):53-57 V. Volarevic, N. Arsenijevic, M.L. Lukic, M. Stojkovic. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment of Complications of Diabetes Mellitus. Stem Cells 2011; 29(1):5– 10. S. Pavlovic, N. Zdravkovic, JD. Dimitrov, A. Djukic, N. Arsenijevic, TL. Vasillev, ML. Lukic. Intravenous immunoglobulins exposed to heme (heme IVIG) are more efficient than IVIG in atteuating autoimmune diabetes. Clin Immunol 2011; 138(2):162-171. V. Volarevic, M. Milovanovic, A. Djekovic, B. Petrovic, N. Arsenijevic, Z.D. Bugarcic. The cytotoxic effects of some selected gold(III) complexes on 4T1 cells and their role in the prevention of breast tumor growth in BALB/c mice. J BUON 2010; 15:768-773. D. Baskic, N. Ilic, S. Popovic, P. Djurdjevic, P. Ristic, D. Avramovic, N. Arsenijevic. In vitro induction of apoptotic cell death in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by two natural products: preliminary study. J BUON 2010; 15:732-739. S. Popovic, D. Baskic, P. Djurdjevic, I. Zelen, M. Mitovic, I. Nikolic, D. Avramovic, M. Radenkovic, N. Arsenijevic. Endoplasmic reticulum stess-associated caspases-4 and -2 mediates Korbazol-induced CLL cell apoptosis. J BUON 2010; 15:783-790. J. Vujić, M. Cvijović, GN. Kaluđerovic, M. Milovanović, BB. Zmejkovski, V. Volarević, N. Arsenijević, T J. Sabo, SR. Trifunović. Palladium(II) complexes with R2edda derived ligands. Part IV. O,O'-dialkyl esters of (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-(4-methyl)-pentanoic acid dihydrochloride and their palladium(II) complexes: Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumoral activity against chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells. Eur J Med Chem 2010; 45(9):36013606. M. Milovanovic, V. Volarevic, A. Djekovic, B. Petrovic, N. Arsenijevic and ZD. Bugarcic. 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Збирни подаци научне, односно уметничке и стручне активности наставника Science Citation Index, Web of Science Укупан број цитата Scopus Укупан број радова са SCI или (SSCI) Тренутно учешће на пројектима 56 21 Домаћи Међународни 20 1 Усавршавања Као стипендиста WHO а на предлог Министарства за здравље Републике Србије током 2001/02 године успешно је завршио мастер студије из области здравственог менаџмента на Istituto superiore di sanita и Универзитету Sapienta у Риму, Италија Други релевантни подаци Члан уредништва часописа American Journal of Cancer Biology (AJCB), World Journal of Respirology Члан уредништва часописа Ser J Exp Clin Res, J BUON, Jugoslavica Physiologica et Pharmacologica Факултет медицинских наука, Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Светозара Марковића 69, 34000 Крагујевац, Србија, тел.:034/306-800, факс: 034/306-800 лок.112, email: [email protected], web: www.medf.kg.ac.rs Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Svetozara Markovica 69, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia Phone +381 34 306 800, Fax: +381 34 306 800 ext.112, email: [email protected], web: www.medf.kg.ac.rs Факултет медицинских наука, Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Светозара Марковића 69, 34000 Крагујевац, Србија, тел.:034/306-800, факс: 034/306-800 лок.112, email: [email protected], web: www.medf.kg.ac.rs Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Svetozara Markovica 69, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia Phone +381 34 306 800, Fax: +381 34 306 800 ext.112, email: [email protected], web: www.medf.kg.ac.rs
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