MaxPo Newsletter Winter 2014

2014 Winter
MaxPo Newsletter
Visitors and Speakers
MaxPo Visiting Scholar
January 2015
Michèle Lamont is the Director desig-
sociology of knowledge. Her scholarly
nate of the Weatherhead Center for
interests center on shared concepts of
International Affairs, Professor of So-
worth and excellence, and their im-
ciology and African and African Ameri-
pact on hierarchies in social domains.
can Studies and the Robert I. Goldman
She has written on how the meanings
Professor of European Studies at Har-
given to worth shape ethno-racial and
vard University. She has codirected the
class inequality, on the definitions and
Research Program on Successful Soci-
determinants of societal excellence,
eties at the Canadian Institute for Ad-
and on the evaluation of excellence in
vanced Research since 2002. Lamont’s
higher education.
specializations include the sociology of
Read more
inequality, race, and ethnicity and the
MaxPo Visiting Scholar
January 2015
Tobias Schulze-Cleven is Assistant Pro-
protection and economic growth. He is
fessor of labor studies and employment
particularly interested in the challeng-
relations at Rutgers University, New
es to and strategies for collective action
Brunswick and received his doctoral
in contemporary capitalism. His current
degree in political science from the
book project analyzes recent transfor-
University of California, Berkeley. He
mations in European labor market pol-
specializes in the comparative political
icy, focusing in particular on the role of
economy of the advanced democracies,
unions in shaping national processes of
studying the changing politics of insti-
adaptation in Germany and Denmark.
tutional reform at the nexus of social
Read more
Page 02 | 2014 Winter
MaxPo Newsletter
Visitors and Speakers
MaxPo Visiting Scholar
March 2015
Matías Dewey is a Research Fellow in
research is centered on social theory,
the project area on the sociology of il-
economic sociology, and illegal mar-
legal markets at the MPIfG in Cologne.
kets. He has conducted research on the
He has a degree in sociology from Ar-
market for stolen vehicles and police
gentina and a PhD in political science
protection to criminals in Buenos Aires
from Rostock University, Germany. In
and Mexico City. After six-month ethno-
2010, the Alexander von Humboldt
graphic fieldwork, he is currently writ-
Foundation awarded him a grant for
ing a book about the La Salada market
a two-year research project hosted at
in Buenos Aires.
the German Institute for Global and
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Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg. His
MaxPo Visiting Scholar
January–March 2015
Isabela Mares is Professor of Political
tions on economic outcomes and social
Science at Columbia University in New
policy reform in developing countries.
York City. Her research is situated in
Isabela Mares has just finished a new
the field of comparative social policy
book entitled From Open Secrets to Se-
and comparative political economy. It
cret Ballots: The Adoption of Electoral
has included topics such as the devel-
Reforms Protecting Voters Against In-
opment of social insurance institutions,
the effects of wage bargaining institu-
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Visiting Doctoral Student
MaxPo Visiting Doctoral Student
February–August 2015
Elsa Massoc is a PhD student in political
French banking bailout. This work led
science at the University of California,
to a co-authored article published in
Berkeley. Her main research interests
the Review of International Political
are in comparative political economy
Economy and to a book chapter. She is
and the social studies of finance. The
currently working on several projects,
topic of her dissertation is the trajec-
including a paper on a tax on financial
tories of financialization in European
transactions at the end on the 19th
financial industries. She wrote her MA
century in Europe and the US.
thesis at Sciences Po Paris on the 2008
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Announcements and News
Sebastian Kohl was awarded the 2014
tion Set Germany, France and the US on
Dissertation Prize by the Franco-Ger-
Different Housing Paths.”
man University for his remarkable
His research was supervised by Jens
Franco-German dissertation in the field
Beckert at the Max Planck Institute for
of sociology. His work is titled “Home-
the Study of Societies in Cologne and
owner Nations or Nations of Tenants?
Pierre François at the Centre de sociol-
How Historical Institutions in Urban
ogie des organisations at Sciences Po.
Politics, Housing Finance and Construc-
Page 03 | 2014 Winter
MaxPo Newsletter
Announcements and News
Eileen Keller was awarded her doc-
concerning the funding sources for the
torate in political science from Hum-
real economy. Eileen Keller spent the
boldt University Berlin on December
spring semester 2013 at MaxPo under
10, 2014. Her dissertation “Negotiating
the supervision of Cornelia Woll. She is
the Future of Banking” investigated fi-
currently a Max Weber Fellow at the Eu-
nancial reform in France and Germany
ropean University Institute in Florence.
after the crisis, in particular regulation
Doctoral fellowships
MaxPo is currently inviting applications
The thesis project should be linked to
for doctoral fellowships. The recipients
MaxPo’s research program focused on
of the PhD fellowship will work under
coping with instability in market societ-
the supervision of Prof. Olivier Go-
ies and the interests of the two research
dechot or Prof. Cornelia Woll and will
group leaders, though empirical re-
have to apply for formal enrollment in
search topics may be quite varied. The
the doctoral programs in sociology or
application deadline is March 15, 2015.
political science of Sciences Po in Paris.
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Seminar Series
January 29, 2015, 12:30–2:30 pm
January 12, 2015, 12:30–2 pm
Salle Goguel
Salle Goguel
56 rue des Saints-Pères, 75007 Paris
56 rue des Saints-Pères, 75007 Paris
Michèle Lamont, Harvard University:
Tobias Schulze-Cleven, Rutgers Uni-
Getting Respect: Responses to Stigma-
versity: Liberalizing the Academy: The
tization in the US, Brazil, and Israel
Transformation of Higher Education in
Discussant: Anne Revillard, Sciences Po,
the United States and Germany
Discussant: Christine Musselin, Sciences
March 16, 2015, 12:30–2:30 pm
March 2, 2015, 12:30–2 pm
Salle Goguel
Salle du Conseil
56 rue des Saints-Pères, 75007 Paris
13 rue de l’Université, 75007 Paris
Isabela Mares, Columbia University:
Matias Dewey, MPIfG: The Great
From Open Secrets to Secret Voting:
Opportunity: Hope at La Salada, One
How European Countries Democra-
of the Largest llegal Marketplaces in
tized Their Electoral Practices
the World
Discussant: Nicolas Sauger, Sciences Po,
Discussant: Roberto Galbiati, Départe-
ment d’économie, Sciences Po, OSC-CNRS
Page 04 | 2014 Winter
MaxPo Newsletter
Fifth Joint Workshop MPIfG–Sciences Po
April 16–17, 2015
identified as a major trend in socioeco-
Max Planck Institute for the Study of
nomic development. The financial crisis
Societies (MPIfG)
of 2007 and its repercussions on the
Paulstr. 3, 50676 Cologne, Germany
economy, the state, and households
Fifth joint workshop betwenn the Max
Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) and Sciences Po
have sparked interest in political science and sociology to understand the
operation of financial markets and
possibilities for their regulation. At the
Financial markets, their regulation,
workshop in Cologne, scholars from
and the effects of finance on house-
both disciplines present findings from
holds have become major research
ongoing research projects.
fields in economic sociology and political economy. Financialization has been
Marion Fourcade, Etienne Ollion,
Lisa Kastner
Yann Algan
Much Ado about Nothing? Transnation-
The Superiority of Economists.
al Civil Society, Consumer Protection and
MaxPo Discussion Paper 14/3.
Financial Regulatory Reform.
The discussion paper created a heated
Review of International Political Econ-
debate in the press and blogosphere.
omy 21(6), 2014.
Read more
Read more
MaxPo Newsletter, Winter 2014
The MaxPo Newsletter provides information on people and upcoming events at
the Max Planck Sciences Po Center on
Coping with Instability in Market Societies. It is published three times a year.
Editorial staff
Vincent Morandi, Silvia Oster
Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping
with Instability in Market Societies
If you want to receive the MaxPo Newsletter free of charge by email, write to
[email protected]
27 rue Saint Guillaume
75337 Paris cedex 07 France
Tel +33 145 49 59 32
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Email [email protected]
The Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping
with Instability in Market Societies (MaxPo) is a
Franco-German research center which was jointly
founded by the Max Planck Society and Sciences Po.
Researchers at MaxPo investigate how individuals,
organizations, and nation-states are coping with
the new forms of economic and social instability
that have developed in Western societies as a result of policy shifts, the expansion of markets, technological advances, and cultural changes. Located
at Sciences Po Paris and cooperating closely with
the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
(MPIfG) in Cologne, the Center aims to contribute
substantially to the social sciences in Europe and
enrich academic and political dialogue between
France and Germany.