Newington Community Association Monthly Newsletter February 2015 PRESIDENT’S CORNER By Beth Rodriguez INSIDE THIS ISSUE: President’s Corner .......... p. 1, 3 Directory .............................. p. 2 Ads ....................................... p. 3 Minutes ............................ p. 4-5 New Ad Hoc Committee ..... p. 6 Community News ................ p. 6 Reminders ............................ p. 6 Architectural Standards ....... p. 8 Exterior Project Form .......... p. 9 Calendar ............................ p. 10 2015 NCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS March 4 April 1 May 6 June 3 Happy Valentine’s Day!!! I am pleased to announce that Flo Smoczynski has volunteered to serve on the Board of Directors and was duly appointed. We still have two vacant slots on the Board and two that will be up for election in August so if you are still interested, please come to the March Board meeting on Wednesday, March 4th at 7:00 pm. Remember, that whether you want to volunteer or not, all homeowners and residents are welcome at all Board meetings. Well winter is upon us so this seems a good time to go over some important winter items. 1. If trash and recycling pick up is cancelled due to weather conditions and road safety issues it is your responsibility to bring in your trash and recycling. Trash will not be picked up until the NEXT scheduled trash pick up and recycling will not be picked up until the following Tuesday. If unsure if trash/recycling will be picked up, call the Community Manager’s office and look for any signage on Delong or Northumberland. Failure to bring in your trash will result in a trash violation. 2. Take note where fire hydrants are located on your street. After a snow and especially after your street is plowed, Continued on Page 3…. FEBRUARY BOARD MEETING CANCELED Regularly scheduled Board Meeting for Wednesday, February 4 is canceled. See page 6 - NEW AD HOC EMPLOY EE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE for more information. 1 NEWINGTON STATION DIRECTORY http:\\ NCA COMMUNITY OFFICE USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS 703-455-3606 Fax: 703-455-0013 Hours: Monday / Wednesday /Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tuesday / Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Community Manager: Lori Randall Assistant Community Manager: Tina Queen Email: [email protected] BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Beth Rodriguez (Aug ’15) Email: [email protected] Vice President - Kevin Benore (Aug ‘17) Treasurer - Louise Whitt (Aug ‘17) Secretary - Chris Hammel (Aug ‘16) Member - Vacant (Aug ‘15) Member - Vacant (Aug ‘16) Member - Vacant (Aug ‘16) ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE Chair - Cameron Mulloy Emergency 911 Non-Emergency (Police & Fire) 703-691-2131 Including barking dog complaints American Disposal Services 703-368-0500 Animal Control/Shelter 703-830-1100 Cox Cable 703-378-8422 Domestic Violence Hotline 800-838-8238 Dominion Towing 703-730-1177 Dominion Virginia Power 1-888-667-3000 Fairfax Connector 703-339-7200 Fairfax County Fairfax County Housing Authority Selena Davis 703-704-6758 Fairfax County Storm Water Management (not State streets) 703-934-2800 Fairfax Water 703-698-5600 Key Middle School 703-313-3900 Lee High School 703-924-8300 Lorton Fire and Rescue 703-339-5141 Lorton Landfill 703-690-1703 Poison Control 202-625-3333 Pool (emergencies only) 703-455-9873 Saratoga Elementary School 703-440-2600 Streetlights 1-888-667-3000 Summit Management 703-360-0904 Supervisor Gerald Hyland 703-780-7518 Virginia Highway Department (Snow—State Roads Only) 703-383-8368 Virginia Railway Express 1-800-RIDE VRE Voter Information 703-222-0776 West Springfield District Police 703-644-7377 FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair—Louise Whitt Newsletter Distributors PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Chair—Lou Tobat Liaison - TBN Kathy Anderson Donna Kellam Lori Randall Amanda Baird Pat Levister & Sandra Wolford Roche Family RECREATION COMMITTEE Chair - Volunteer Needed Liaison—TBN Karen Chauvin William & Mary Loy Spinelli Family Gladys Diaz Roseanne McLafferty Regina Watson Carolina Falaiye Sharoyn Marshall Ethan Richard Neimeyer Jennifer Firman Al Owens Abdul Berlas MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE Chairs—Sarah Jernigan and Lori Randall 2 Mike Smith President’s Corner … continued from page 1 consider performing a community service by digging out the fire hydrant. You will be glad you did should either a neighbor’s home or your own catches fire and firefighters do not have to dig out the fire hydrant before they can fight the fire. 3. When shoveling your snow, PLEASE shovel the sidewalk in front of your home. If you don’t do it, no one else will. There is one issue I need to bring to your attention and it is a year round issue. That issue is filling out the “Exterior Project Request Form”. It has come to the Board’s attention that some Newington Community members are doing exterior projects and not submitting the form for approval of the project. Remember we are all required to adhere to our community’s covenants and architectural policies AND the Board is required to enforce that adherence. The purpose of the Exterior Project Request form is to assist you in having your project be in accordance with the architectural guidelines. It is much easier to make changes to your project while it is in the planning stage instead of when you are trying to sell it and an inspection results in a violation. Newington Community members, in the past, have made the mistake of not submitting the Exterior Project Request form before starting and completing an exterior project and they have been told that they must bring their project in compliance or remove it --- a very costly mistake. To get a form, check your last copy of the newsletter, pick up one at the Community Manager’s office, or go online to If there is any confusion about if your project needs prior approval, please call or email the Community Manager. 3 NEWINGTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING – January 7, 2015 Draft Minutes of the Meeting – NCA Pool House Meeting Room At 7:00 pm President Beth Rodriguez called the meeting to order. Board members present were President Beth Rodriguez, Vice President Kevin Benore, Secretary Chris Hammel and Treasurer Louise Whitt. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Treasurer Whitt made a motion to accept the December 3rd monthly board meeting minutes, with the addition of ‘Vice President Rodriguez’ in the list of those in attendance and the addition of the word ‘anything’ between ‘dump’ and ‘into’ in the last sentence of the Community Forum section. Vice President Benore seconded the motion. Vote: 4 yes. Secretary Hammel made a motion to accept the December 3 rd monthly board meeting executive session minutes as written. Vice President Benore seconded the motion. Vote: 4 yes. EMAIL VOTES HELD BETWEEN MEETINGS In continuation of a discussion held on December 3, 2014, regarding Lot 189, President Rodriguez made a motion to waive any charge for a rule violation as the violation had been corrected. Vote: 4 yes, 1 no. In continuation of a discussion held on December 3, 2014, regarding Lot 400, President Rodriguez made a motion to assess the owner of Lot 400 $10 a day for up to 90 days starting December 17, 2014, for an architectural violation. Vote 4 yes, 1 no. HEARINGS There were no hearings. COMMUNITY FORUM There was discussion on the trash and recycling being canceled due to inclement weather on January 6th. Many people left their trash out despite signs, the office voice mail message, and reminders in the newsletter. A reminder will be put in the newsletter again. COMMITTEE/BUSINESS REPORTS Treasurer’s Report, Louise Whitt The TIPS investment of $190,000 in reserve funds matures on April 15th. The Treasurer will provide CD rates for reinvesting the funds at the next meeting. Community Manager (CM) Report, Lori Randall General Disclosure Packets: None Asphalt paths/stream crossing update: waiting for county to approve bridge design that rebid path work and both stream crossings Brandeis Way renovation: contract signed and a certificate of insurance has been requested Pool cover cart exceeded approved cost by $50 NCA served with lawsuit for a ‘quiet title’. Attorney believes it is a mistake by lender’s Continued on Next Page 4 attorney trying to foreclose on a property outside of NCA. CM will be on vacation during February meeting. Elevated tree branches around steps that lead from pool parking lot to Dampier Court. Sign put on hand railings warning that they are in the process of being repaired. Annual SCC filing form received and annual Registered Agent renewed and annual worker’s compensation insurance audit complete. Started Maintenance Planning spreadsheet. Resident Complaints/Issues/Comments Would like assessment policy in next newsletter, highlighting when late fees are incurred. Several residents commented on the recycling truck coming through the community on Wednesday but not picking up all the recycling still out from the previous day’s canceled pick up. That truck was dedicated to Christmas tree pick up. Because the CM will be on vacation during the next scheduled Board meeting, there are no hearings scheduled and the agenda should be fairly small, the Board discussed the need for a February board meeting. Secretary Hammel made a motion to cancel the February meeting. Vice President Benore seconded the motion. Vote: 4 yes. The CM received a call and email from USAID who would like to walk through our wooded area and around the ball field to discuss survival skills with 10 to 14 employees. The Board discussed requesting a liability waiver or certificate of insurance to protect NCA. Vice President Benore made a motion to allow USAID access to NCA property for the purpose of training on January 16th. Treasurer Whitt seconded the motion. Vote: 4 yes. The CM passed out a copy of the 2014 pool rules for the Board to review before the next meeting. The rules are normally approved at the February meeting and posted in the March newsletter. Because the February meeting is canceled, if board members have any changes, they should send them to the CM no later than January 15th so that she can mark up the current policy, redistribute and have an email vote by January 25th. GENERAL BUSINESS – Old Architectural Standards, Article VI, Section 22, Windows – The board reviewed drafted changes to this section of the Architectural Standards. There will be one sentence changed regarding egress windows and the policy will be put in the newsletter to allow community input. Based on discussions of different window styles, the violation for not following the Architectural Standards regarding windows, which had been tabled, will be considered for a hearing during executive session. Employee Compensation Committee Develop- ment – Secretary Hammel and Vice President Benore will discuss a date and time for the first committee meeting and put it in the February newsletter. GENERAL BUSINESS – New Community survey – The CM shared her first draft of potential questions for the community survey and requested additional topics the survey should include. Treasurer Whitt provided written input that will be compared to the first draft. After setting it up in a format favorable with survey monkey, the next draft will be presented to the Board for the March meeting. Brainstorming – There was discussion on the four member Board of Directors and lack of single family representation on the Board. Florence Smoczynski offered to become a board member. The Board will discuss her candidacy in executive session. At 8:40 pm Secretary Hammel made a motion to convene to executive session to discuss a write off, probable cause for a hearing and a board member consideration. Vice President Benore seconded the motion. Vote: 4 yes. At 9:00 pm the Board reconvened to the regular meeting. NCA collection attorney recommends write off of the outstanding assessment balance for a property that has been foreclosed and the owner no longer lives in the community. Regarding the write off, Treasurer Whitt made a motion to write off $1029.62 as uncollectible on Lot 338. Vice President Benore seconded the motion. Vote: 4 yes. Regarding Flo Smoczynski’s offer to fill a vacant board position, Secretary Hammel made a motion to have Flo fill the vacant board position that runs until August, 2015, which will be up for election this year. There are still two vacant board positions that expire in 2016. Vice President Benore seconded the motion. Vote: 4 yes. Regarding Lot 178, who received a letter that their windows were in violation of the Architectural Standards and did not obtain proper approval, Secretary Hammel made a motion that probable cause exists for a hearing on the violation of Architectural Standards, Article II, Section 3, regarding not getting proper approval before changing the window style. President Rodriguez seconded the motion. Vote: 3 yes, 1 no. Regarding Lot 178, Secretary Hammel made a motion that no probable cause exists for a hearing on the violation of Architectural Standards, Article VI, Section 22, regarding the style of the windows. President Rodriguez seconded the motion. Vote: 3 yes, 1 abstain. At 9:08 pm Vice President Benore made a motion to adjourn. President Rodriguez seconded the motion. Vote: 4 yes. NEXT MEETING: Mar ch 4, 2015 –7:00PM NCA Poll House. All residents welcome 5 NEW AD HOC EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE Shoveling, Raking and Lawn Mowing Next month we will be forming an ad hoc Employee Compensation Committee for the purpose of developing a written employee compensation plan. The policies thus far have been informal and decided year by year. This will be an effort to put policies down on paper to give the board written guidance and employees a visible procedure on how compensation decisions are to be made. Anyone interested in serving on this committee should plan to attend the first meeting. The first meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 6th at 7 pm at NCA Pool House. Any resident is welcome to participate. Do you have lots of leaves, snow, or untamed grass? Do you not have the time or energy to take care of it? Hire me -- a responsible, ablebodied teen looking for some work. I have experience with yard work and contribute to the community regularly. Price: $20/hr. (minimum 1 hour) Contact: John Paul Spinelli, 703-451-1779 HOLIDAY LIGHTS Thank you for the Holiday decorations. Our neighborhood was very festive this year! Now it’s time to undeck the halls. Just a friendly reminder that the Architectural Standards state "holiday decorations are permitted on the exterior of a home 30 days prior and 30 days after a major holiday". REMINDER: Save Your NCA Pool Passes Be sure to keep track of your pool passes from last summer. Lost pass fees are $10 per pass. Look for pool registration form in the March newsletter. 6 10+ Years’ Experience in Northern Virginia Real Estate LAURA ORTEGA, REALTOR NEIGHBORHOOD SPECIALIST Free Consultation Office: 703-569-7870 Mobile: 703-582-3369 E-mail: [email protected] Laura has stayed on top of the ever-changing VA market…how? Laura's strengths start with her availability and unparalleled dedication; she is exceedingly responsive and makes a client feel as if he/she is the only one Laura "cherry-picks" potential properties, serving clients’ interests and facilitating the process Laura is diligent in ensuring that the many concurrent action items do not fall through the cracks, as they easily may Laura is solution-oriented; she is forward thinking when obstacles arise Laura offers her support beyond the typical constraints of an agent Resident of “our” Newington community for 20+ years! HABLO ESPAÑOL 7 Revisions to Architectural Standards, Article VI, Section 22 The Board has discussed revisions to the Windows section of the Architectural Standards. The purpose is to clarify what is required before replacing windows and what will be considered. All changes are highlighted with bold type. This policy will be up for vote at the March monthly Board meeting on Wednesday, March 4th. Public comment is always welcome during the Community Forum segment of that meeting. —————————————————————————Section 22. Windows: In Newington Place, Newington Woods and Woodmere, all windows are double hung windows except for the bay windows which have one center picture window (not moving). The double hung window has two rectangular window sashes within one rectangular window frame. Grid patterns are Colonial and six squares per window sash. Some smaller windows are four per sash. In Newington Glen (contemporary style) window styles are either picture windows (not moving) or glider (horizontal sliding) windows. No windows in Newington Glen have mullions, grids or grilles. Replacement windows shall be white vinyl, white vinyl-clad, or metal-clad. Window trim (wood or vinyl) must be white or blend with the existing siding color. Replacement windows in Newington Glen shall be brown. All windows on a home must match each other in style and grid pattern. If a window is being replaced by a door, the window replacement style and color scheme applies. Owners must get approval for any style other than the original style installed as outlined in the first paragraph of this section. (i.e. changing from a double hung window with grids to a double hung without grids; any change in grid or grille pattern; going from two windows separated by a mullion to one window; etc.) Mutins (dividers/grids) will be optional although owners are encouraged to consider them. Egress can only be installed in the rear of the home. Egress window approval will be based on size and placement as it relates to the existing window and proximity to homes next to it. Definitions: Mullion – vertical section that separates two windows that are placed side by side Grids, grilles or mutins – dividers within a window sash. Can be permanent between the panes of glass or removable. 8 9 10 TUESDAY 23 22 Schools Closed Day Groundhog Trash & Recycling 24 17 Trash & Recycling Trash & Recycling 10 25 18 11 NO BOARD MEETING 4 WEDNESDAY 1 1 26 White Good Removal1 19 White Good Removal1 White Good Removal 12 White Good Removal 5 THURSDAY Trash & Bulk pick-up 27 20 Trash & Bulk pick-up Trash & Bulk pick-up 13 Trash & Bulk pick-up 6 FRIDAY 28 21 First Day of 14 7 SATURDAY February 2015 Contact American Disposal Customer Service at 703-368-0500 24 hours in advance of pick-up. There is an additional cost to resident for this service. 1 ** Board meetings are open to all NCA residents. 16 9 8 Student Holiday 3 MONDAY (FCPS) No School Trash & Recycling 15 2 1 SUNDAY Newington Community Association
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