2015-2016 General Election Nomination Package Graduate Environment Studies Students’ Association GESSA is holding General Elections for the Executive term: May 1, 2015 - April 30, 2016 + transition period starting February 24, 2015. Positions available as follows: Chair Vice-Chair / Finance Officer Internal Communications Officer External Communications Officer Social Coordinator Advocacy Officer Research and Travel Fund Officer Election Stages NOMINATION PERIOD: Thursday January 29, 2015 - Thursday February 19, 2015 Your peers must nominate you for the position. Use the attached form (pg. 7) to collect signatures. A minimum of 25 nominations is required (no max. limit). NOMINATION FORM DUE: Thursday February 19, 2015 Submit to OSAS the Nomination Package (all pages of this document, incl. completed pg. 6 and pg. 7). No late submission accepted. ELECTION BY ACCLAMATION: Friday February 20th, 2015 Where there is one nominee for a given position they will be elected to the position. Should there be more than one nominee for a given position and a vote is required (this has not happened in the last two elections) then a campaign/election period will follow. CAMPAIGN PERIOD (OPT): Monday February 23, 2015 - Friday February 27, 2015 During this period (and this period only) nominees may introduce themselves and/or advertise their campaign through posters in HNES or MES List Serve communication. ELECTION PERIOD (OPT): Monday March 2, 2015 - Wednesday March 4, 2015 Voting will be completed via the university electronic voting system (evote.yorku.ca). Eligibility All currently registered and returning MES students who will be enrolled through April 30, 2016. This Nomination Package can be dropped off in OSAS (HNES 137) from 8:30AM-4:30PM. Please direct any questions or comments to the CRO, Chief Returning Officer for GESSA (to be announced). 1 of 7 POSITION DESCRIPTIONS CHAIR The Chair shall: a) Uphold the Constitution and be required, within reason, to facilitate all Association General Meetings and Executive Meetings. The Chair will ensure that they are conducted in an orderly, impartial fashion and will clarify the Rules of Order. b) Vote only in the event of a tie. c) Serve as the Masters representative, on Faculty Executive, the Student Representative Roundtable, and Faculty Council. d) Notify the SCLD (Student Community Leadership Development) Elections Review Officer of the name and contact information for GESSA’s Chief Returning Officer. e) Monitor their executive email and respond to inquiries in a timely manner. f) Write a final report for the purpose of assisting the incoming Chair of the Association. VP/FINANCE OFFICER The VP/Finance Officer shall: a) Prepare a preliminary annual budget for the fiscal year beginning May 1. b) Prepare a final budget no later than October 31, or after student levy discussions are finalized, for the Association’s consideration and approval no later than November 15 of that year. c) Establish a central service available to all committees of the Association in writing cheques, preparing statements, and controlling expenditures, and will maintain the Association’s books and accounts (both an electronic copy on the GESSA laptop and a paper copy to be filed in the GESSA office). d) Accept cheques and be one of the two required signatories of said bank account. e) Arrange for custody and disbursement of the funds pursuant to appropriate direction from the Association. f) Facilitate two audits of the Association that will be conducted by an accountant [see Article 8]. g) Place all audited statements in the Dean’s office and in the office of the Vice-President of the University, Student Affairs. h) Monitor their executive email and respond to inquiries in a timely manner. i) Write a final report for the purpose of assisting the incoming VP/Finance Officer of the Association and transfer all financial information by May 1. INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER The Internal Communications Officer shall: a) Be the custodian of the records of the Association, and its committees. b) Work with the Chair to coordinate all meetings of the Executive and the Association. In coordinating all meetings, the officer shall: a) Organize meeting dates ii) Book a room for all meetings iii) Send out an agenda call at least one week prior to each meeting 2 of 7 iv) Record minutes of General and Executive Meetings and keep a legible and permanent record of those meetings (both an electronic copy on the GESSA laptop and a paper copy in the “Agenda and Minutes” binder that is to be kept in the GESSA office at all times). Meeting minutes will be kept for at least 7 years. v) Bring an attendance sheet to every GM vi) Send out GM minutes no later than one week after the GM to the MES email list or any mode of communication the current EC deems appropriate. vii) Provide access to these records when requested by any Regular Member of GESSA c) Follow all communication policies as established at the GM and pursuant of Article 20: Agenda, Minutes, Motions, and Amendments. d) Be responsible for administrative tasks and duties for the Association, including maintaining communication with the EC and ensuring tasks are completed as outlined in meeting minutes. e) Be the source of contact for GESSA’s Graduate Assistant (GA) and manage their workload. All requests from EC Officers for the GA will be initially made to the Internal Communications Officer. f) Monitor their executive email and respond to inquiries in a timely manner. g) Write a final report for the purpose of assisting the incoming Internal Communications Officer of the Association. SOCIAL OFFICER The Social Officer shall: a) Fulfill those duties determined by the EC. b) Plan, arrange and advertise social events and community-building activities for the participation of all GESSA members. c) Build and maintain relationships between GESSA, faculty members, staff, and the greater student body. d) Recruit and coordinate required subcommittees for planning large social events. In creating event subcommittees, the Social Officer should coordinate with PlanIt in order to include and represent the entire MES student body. e) Monitor their executive email and respond to inquiries in a timely manner. f) Write a final report for the purpose of assisting the incoming Social Officer of the Association. EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER The External Communications Officer shall: a) Conduct all recruitment and elections for Masters representatives on FES committees by November 1, and address any concerns they have as representatives as well as coordinate their reports at GMs. b) Abide by and uphold all terms set out in Articles 11, 12 and 13 of the GESSA Constitution. c) Assist other University bodies requiring graduate student representatives from the Faculty of Environmental Studies to elect such representatives. d) Publish all public materials—including RTF and ECF (External Community Fund) forms, events, and GM Meeting Minutes—on the GESSA website. i) Ensure that all materials published on the GESSA Website and social media accounts comply with federal regulations on privacy and copyright 3 of 7 ii) Ensure that documents published on the GESSA Website are up-to-date and contain accurate information iii) Coordinate with the VP/Finance Officer to fiscally maintain the GESSA website e) Coordinate the incoming and outgoing Executive transfer of email accounts. f) Monitor their executive email and respond to inquiries in a timely manner. g) Write a final report for the purpose of assisting the incoming External Communications Officer of the Association. ADVOCACY OFFICER The Advocacy Officer shall: a) Coordinate with the First-year Representative to introduce him or herself in ENVS 5100. b) Meet regularly with the Dean’s Representative to Students to foster a safe, inclusive atmosphere for students. c) Coordinate with the External Communications Officer on ensuring safe, fair representation for students by maintaining regular communication with Student Representatives on Faculty committees and addressing any issues that might arise in conjunction with the Dean’s Representative to Students. d) Serve as the representative on the Faculty Equity Committee. e) Be a representative on other FES student groups as seen necessary. f) Provide resources for students to other campus and mediation bodies and equity services. g) Foster a safe environment for students to address their concerns equitably and without discrimination. h) Fulfill those duties determined by the EC. i) Monitor their executive email and respond to inquiries in a timely manner. j) Write a final report for the purpose of assisting the incoming Advocacy Officer of the Association. RESEARCH AND TRAVEL FUND OFFICER The Research and Travel Fund Officer shall: a) Call for research and travel fund applications during the first month of each term via the MES email list, posters, the GESSA website and Facebook, or any mode of communication the current EC deems appropriate. b) Provide advice and information for students regarding the RTF. c) Process Research and Travel Fund applications in a timely fashion. d) Arrange payment for RTF awards and administer these awards to students. e) Maintain records of all applications and payments made. f) Be the second signatory of cheques and financial transactions. g) Provide resources to students regarding other University funding opportunities. h) Monitor their executive email and respond to inquiries in a timely manner. i) Write a final report for incoming Research and Travel Fund Officer of the Association. 4 of 7 REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE ELECTION OF OFFICERS ELECTIONS The elections shall be administered according to the following regulations: a) An election to determine the Officers for GESSA shall be held during the month of March each year. b) The election will be conducted by a Chief Returning Officer, who is elected by the GM or the EC by January 31st. c) The CRO shall solicit nominations for the Officers of GESSA. d) The CRO shall call for nominations at least 2 weeks prior to the first day of the election. e) Nominations shall close a week prior to the first day of the election. f) No candidate may accept nomination for more than one executive position in any one election. g) If only one person is nominated for a particular executive position, that person shall be elected by acclamation. h) If more than one person is nominated for a particular executive position, the CRO shall contact nominees and clearly explain the election process, then forward the required information to SCLD to produce e-vote setup. i) Any other necessary regulations and the polling procedure shall be determined by the GM. j) By-elections for vacant positions will be held at the discretion of the GM. k) Any concerns should be addressed to the CRO. l) Violation of these rules and those following could result in the candidate being disqualified from the election. CAMPAIGNS Campaigns shall be administered according to the following regulations: a) Nominees will campaign only during the prescribed period. Any campaigning before or after the official dates may result in disqualification. b) Nominees are encouraged to send at least one e-mail introducing themselves and their platforms to the CRO, who will then email the MES email list or communicate through any mode the current EC deems appropriate. Excessive e-mailing through the MES email list for the purpose of campaigning is not allowed. All campaign literature must be respectful and purposeful attacks on character are not permitted. c) Nominees can set up posters in the FES building only, since voting is only open to MES students, and are permitted to campaign through their own websites and networks. 3. Voting shall be administered according to the following regulations: a) There will be a 3 day online voting period administered by SCLD. b) The CRO will send e-mails on the MES email list or any mode of communication the current EC deems appropriate, opening and closing the voting period. c) Only currently registered MES students are eligible to vote. d) Results will be tabulated by SCLD and sent to the CRO and the current chair. e) CRO will contact the GESSA executive and candidates and inform them of the results. f) If there are no concerns, the CRO will announce the results to the student body. VOTING Voting shall be administered according to the following regulations: a) There will be a 5 day online voting period administered by SCLD. b) The CRO will send e-mails on the MES email list or any mode of communication the current EC deems appropriate, opening and closing the voting period. c) Only currently registered MES students are eligible to vote. d) Results will be tabulated by SCLD and sent to the CRO and the current chair. e) CRO will contact the GESSA executive and candidates and inform them of the results. f) If there are no concerns, the CRO will announce the results to the student body. *taken from Article 9 of the Graduate Environmental Studies Students Association All candidates must receive the nomination of at least 25 persons currently registered in the MES program. All nominators must records their name, student number, and signature on the candidate’s nomination form. 5 of 7 GRADUATE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION GENERAL ELECTION CANDIDATE INFORMATION FORM PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR ON THE BALLOT (PRINT CLEARLY) SURNAME: ____________________________________________________________________________ GIVEN NAMES: ____________________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: ____________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT NUMBER: ____________________________________________________________________________ EXPECTED DATE OF GRADUATION: ____________________________________________________________________________ DELARATION: In signing this form, I confirm that I am currently as student enrolled in the Master of Environmental Studies Program, and understand the regulations governing this election. I declare that the information contained on this nomination form is true and I wish to be nominated for the position of: ____________________________________________________________________________ Position ____________________________________________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________________________________________ Date 6 of 7 GRADUATE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION GENERAL ELECTION NOMINATION FORM I,______________________________________________________ agree to be nominated as PRINT NAME _______________________________________________________ with GESSA. POSITION We, the undersigned, as members of Graduate Environmental Studies Students’ Association (GESSA) agree to nominate the above candidate for the above position. All candidates must receive the nomination of at least 25 persons currently registered in the MES program. All nominators must records their name, student number and signature below. # FULL NAME STUDENT NUMBER SIGNATURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7 of 7
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