Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod FEBRUARY 2015 NEWSLETTER “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” [Saint John 10:27] Deadly Sins: No Match for our Life-‐Giving Lord Almost anyone who studies literature will eventually run across Dante’s Divine Comedy, a 14th century epic poem that envisions the afterlife. Among its many components, this poem lists seven deadly sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. Holy Scripture does not list seven deadly sins, but teaches us that all sin is deadly. When Paul writes, “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), he doesn’t list any exceptions. Sin breeds death. That’s why Paul elsewhere exclaims, “you were dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1). James, too, reminds us, “desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death” (James 1:15). Sin and death go hand-in-hand. Thankfully, our life-giving Lord has rescued us from sin and death and given us new life in Him. “God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). This blood-bought victory over sin, death, and devil He gives to us in Holy Baptism. “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? We were buried therefore with Him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:3-4). In that water connected with God’s Word, “our old self was crucified with Him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing” (Romans 6:6). Having been clothed with Christ’s perfect righteousness, the question now becomes, “How can we who died to sin still live in it?” (Romans 6:1). Though our flesh loves to downplay our sinfulness, Saint Paul does not let us off the hook. “Let not sin … reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions” (Romans 6:12). To the end that we might better understand some of the sins that threaten to reign in our mortal bodies, confess them, and learn to guard against them, we will be taking a closer look at seven deadly sins this Lenten season. Each threatens to ensnare us. Each threatens to sever us from the love of God in Christ. Each threatens to drive a wedge between us and our life-giving Savior. Each threatens to impede the love and service we owe our neighbor. Here is a preview: • • • • • • • lust fixates on the pleasures that absorb the mind; gluttony preoccupies itself with feeding one’s inner emptiness; greed places the love of things above the love of God and neighbor; sloth is the spiritual laziness that slowly lets go of Christ and His gracious gifts; wrath entails an irrational temperament and the seeking of vengeance; envy involves looking at others with an evil eye; pride exalts self and lies at the root of other sins. Our only hope against these deadly sins, and every other deadly sin, is Jesus Christ. He took our sinfulness upon Himself, paid its wages on the cross with His precious blood, and now freely gives us forgiveness, life, and salvation in His name. Join us this Lenten season, be filled with Christ and His forgiveness, and learn how He clothes us with chastity, moderation, charity, zeal, meekness, generosity, and humility. Deadly sins are no match for our life-giving Lord. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Pastor Mumme February Birthdays Calendar Week of Septuagesima Sun, Feb 1, 9:00 am Sun, Feb 1 10:30 am Sun, Feb 1, 12:30 pm Tue, Feb 3, 5:00 pm Tue, Feb 3, 7:00 pm Wed, Feb 4, 4:30 pm Wed, Feb 4, 7:00 pm Sat, Feb 7, 9:00 am Responsive Prayer Bible Class & Sunday School Financial Peace University Youth Catechesis (1st Year) Elders Meeting Youth Catechesis (2nd Year) Choir Practice Preschool Board Meeting Week of Sexagesima Sun, Feb 8, 9:00 am Sun, Feb 8, 10:00 am Sun, Feb 8, 10:30 am Sun, Feb 8, 12:00 pm Sun, Feb 8, 12:30 pm Tue, Feb 10, 1:00 pm Tue, Feb 10, 5:00 pm Wed, Feb 11, 4:30 pm Wed, Feb 11, 7:00 pm Divine Service Thrivent Meeting Bible Class & Sunday School Council Meeting Financial Peace University Women’s Bible Study Youth Catechesis (1st Year) Youth Catechesis (2nd Year) Choir Practice Week of Quinquagesima Sun, Feb 15, 9:00 am Sun, Feb 15, 10:00 am Sun, Feb 15, 10:30 am Sun, Feb 15, 12:30 pm Tue, Feb 17, 9:00 am Tue, Feb 17, 5:00 pm Tue, Feb 17, 7:00 pm Wed, Feb 18, 4:30 pm Wed, Feb 18, 7:00 pm Wed, Feb 18, 8:00 pm Fri, Feb 20, 3:30 pm Sat, Feb 21, 8:00 am Sat, Feb 21, 11:00 am Divine Service Thrivent Bake-a-Thon Bible Class & Sunday School Financial Peace University Pastor @ Circuit Meeting Youth Catechesis (1st Year) Book of Concord Study Youth Catechesis (2nd Year) Solemn Divine Service Choir Practice BJS Conference BJS Conference Ladies Aid Meeting 02 03 12 12 14 14 15 17 18 18 21 22 22 23 25 25 26 28 Connor Henricks Brian Rambeaux Lisa Cruz Amelia (Mia) Johnson Hector (Manny) Martinez Richard Schmidt Moira Delaney Karen McClain Monica DeWitt Nadine Parmenter Anita DeWitt Don Fiolka Emily Nurczyk Larry Jordan Amy Jordan Payton Murray Rebekah Dobbs Kelli Olifirowicz Baptismal Anniversaries 08 11 14 16 17 17 19 22 26 27 Victoria Fox John Gernenz Patrick McClain Kristina Learnahan Mary Dobbs Christa McClain Alicia DeWitt Rebecca Parmenter Kayla Klobucher Carol Kuroski Wedding Anniversaries 18 Brian & Cindy Rambeaux 19 Al & Ann Gernenz Church Activity Calendar Week of Lent 1 Sun, Feb 22, 9:00 am Sun, Feb 22, 10:30 am Sun, Feb 22, 12:30 pm Tue, Feb 24, 9:00 am Tue, Feb 24 5:00 pm Wed, Feb 25, 4:30 pm Wed, Feb 25, 7:00 pm Wed, Feb 25, 8:00 pm Thu, Feb 26, 11:00 am Thu, Feb. 26, 6-8 pm Fri, Feb 27, 9am-Noon Divine Service Bible Class & Sunday School Financial Peace University Will County Dental Van Youth Catechesis (1st Year) Youth Catechesis (2nd Year) Evening Prayer Choir Practice Pastor @ NICL Study Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent/Teacher Conferences Please remember that all activities and special events scheduled for Luther Hall must be noted on the main calendar located in Luther Hall. Christian Education events (Sunday and midweek Bible Class, Sunday School, Youth Catechesis, etc.) and Council meetings are given the highest priority. Please contact Dan Richerson, chairman of the Board of Trustees, with any questions or special requests (air conditioning, heat, tables, chairs, etc.). 2 Ash Wednesday Individual Absolution This year Ash Wednesday falls on Wednesday, February 18. Join us as we begin our 40-day journey to the cross with a solemn Divine Service at 7:00 p.m. This service begins with corporate confession and absolution and the imposition of ashes, features Jesus’ words from the Sermon on the Mount, and ends with the Lord’s Supper. While the entire church year is one of acknowledging our sins and receiving Christ’s forgiveness, the season of Lent vividly holds before our eyes the consequences of sin. Therefore, I have an invitation for you this Lenten season. Our gracious heavenly Father gives you Christ’s forgiveness in many forms. You receive it in the corporate Absolution at the beginning of each Divine Service. You receive it through the Gospel. You receive it in the Lord’s Supper. You pray for it daily in the Lord’s Prayer and in your personal prayers. Lent Midweek This Lenten season we will ponder anew Christ’s great love for us during our five midweek Evening Prayer services. These services begin on Wednesday, February 25 at 7:00 p.m. and run approximately 40-45 minutes. If any groups within the congregation would like to sponsor a dinner to precede one of these worship services, please let Karen Moritz know ASAP. Dinners will take place at 6:00 p.m. in Luther Hall only on Wednesdays where a sponsoring group has signed up. Lenten Sermon Series Our Lenten sermon series theme is “Seven Deadly Sins v. One Life-Giving Lord.” Join us for the following midweek services: Ash Wednesday, February 18 Pride Wednesday, February 25 Greed Wednesday, March 4 Envy Wednesday, March 11 Wrath Wednesday, March 18 Sloth Wednesday, March 25 Lust Maundy Thursday, April 2 Gluttony However, have you ever considered receiving it individually from your pastor? This is one of the many tasks I am called to do. Some come to private confession simply to hear the absolution individually applied. That is a good enough reason all by itself. Others come because they have guilt or shame over past sins, there are specific sins that still plague them, and/or they desire not only Christ’s absolution but also pastoral counsel from God’s Word and the specific prayers of their pastor. I am here for that too! While there are many benefits to individual absolution, many stay away from this precious gift for all sorts of reasons. “What if the pastor tells his wife, the elders, or someone else what I confess?” Remember, I vowed at my ordination and again at my installation at Divine Shepherd never to divulge the sins confessed to me, and I take that vow very seriously. Since God forgives your sins (whether “small” or “big”), who am I to bring them up to anyone? “What will the pastor think of me if he knows I ______, or struggle with ______?” So you are a sinner like me, have done things you regret, and struggle with certain temptations. That is not shocking. Remember, we are poor, miserable sinners by nature. It actually helps me be a better pastor to you if I know your sins and struggles. Individual absolution can be handled informally in my office/study, but is usually done in the privacy of the empty sanctuary. A typical order of Individual Confession and Absolution is found in Lutheran Service Book on pages 292-293. Also, know that I practice what I preach. I, too, make use of brother pastors to receive this wonderful gift. Ultimately, individual absolution is not a requirement but a gift. When you desire it, know that I will be happy to administer it to you and help you in your walk of faith. Pastor Mumme 3 Bible & Lutheranism Studies Asleep in Christ Sunday Bible Class Topic: Hebrews When: Sunday mornings @ 10:30 a.m. Where: Luther Hall Men’s Bible Breakfast Topic: TBA When: resumes in March Where: TBA Women’s Bible Study Topic: Lutheranism 101, chapters 25-26 When: Tuesday, February 10 @ 1:00 p.m. Where: Luther Hall Book of Concord Study Topic: Large Catechism, Lord’s Prayer, Holy Baptism When: Tuesday, February 17 @ 7:00 p.m. Where: Luther Hall 3:fifteen Youth Study Topic: TBA When: resumes in March Where: Luther Hall Fern Allison, a homebound member of Divine Shepherd for the past four years, fell asleep in Christ on January 9 at the age of 92. She was given a Christian memorial service at a funeral home up in Downers Grove. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.” [Revelation 14:13] United in Christ 2015 BJS Conference Brothers of John the Steadfast is hosting its 6th annual conference — “When Heterodoxy Hits Home” — at Bethany Lutheran Church in Naperville on February 2021. The conference schedule and registration information can be found at steadfastlutherans.org/sched2015.php. This conference will feature five guest speakers, worship, and good food as well. All are welcome. Planning Worksheet You may not think about it very often, but there are certain things for which you should do some planning. Your funeral is one of them. What are the important dates in your life? Who are your loved ones? What is your confirmation verse? What are some of your favorite Scripture verses and hymns? Whether you are young or old, please pick up a “Funeral Planning Worksheet” from Luther Hall, complete it, and return it to Karen or Pastor. You are always free to make updates to this worksheet as often as you want. These cold winter months are a great time to complete this worksheet. Thanks in advance for beginning the planning process. Kurt Bendoraitis and Jessica Wojnarowski (Pastor Geschke’s granddaughter) were united in holy matrimony on January 10 in a service here at Divine Shepherd officiated by Pastor Geschke and Pastor Mumme. This wedding took place with the permission and blessing of Saint Peter Lutheran Church in Joliet, where Jessica is a member. God’s richest blessings to you both as you seek to reflect the union of Christ and His bride, the Church! “What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” [Matthew 19:6] 4 Alms Fund Divine Shepherd’s Alms Fund assists members in need with gift cards to local grocery stores, gas stations, and pharmacies. Gift cards of any amount (typically $10 or $25) are welcome and can be purchased through the Ladies Aid Manna program. Especially useful are gift cards to local grocery stores (Meijer, Walmart, Jewel). See Pastor Mumme or any of the elders if you have questions or would like to make a donation. “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” [Galatians 6:10] Prayer Chain Several of our members are part of a church prayer chain. If you (men or women) would like to join them in praying for our congregation’s special needs, please contact Bobbie Light at 630-251-7860 or Pastor Mumme. Preschool This is the month of love and, along with celebrating Valentine’s Day, we will also be exploring how the Post Office works, taking care of our teeth, and exploring our senses. Our Bible stories will focus on the ministry of Jesus, and the children will finish up learning the Apostles’ Creed. Starting on Sunday, February 1 we will begin our Pastry Puffin’s fundraiser to raise money for playground improvements. If you are interested in ordering, look for one of our Little Lambs or board members. We also have the Will County Dental Van visiting us on Tuesday, February 24. They are providing free exams for the children, but will see adults for a fee. They do take insurance, so if you are interested, please let Ms. Terri know so she can get you the paperwork needed. Little Lambs is currently enrolling for the 2015-16 school year, so if you are interested and need more information, please contact Little Lambs Preschool or Terri Kreier. Stewardship: Be Merciful “Be merciful as your Father in heaven is merciful” (Luke 6:36). The word for mercy Jesus uses here means more than being kind. It means to be concerned about our neighbor’s state and well-being, even as our heavenly Father cares for our state and well-being. Our heavenly Father gave of Himself. He sent His onlybegotten Son in human flesh, to become one of us, to suffer all that we suffer, and to endure all what we endure. He took upon Himself what rightfully belongs to us (sin and death) in order that He could give to us what rightfully belongs to Him (forgiveness, life, and salvation). He entered our state for the sake of our wellbeing, died in our place, rose for our justification, redeemed us to make all things new. He entered our state so that by water and His Word we would be granted entrance into His state as children of our heavenly Father. Jesus, therefore, calls the Church to the same. “Be merciful even as your Father in heaven is merciful.” He asks the Church to give of herself, to enter into her neighbors’ state for their well-being. And the Church gives of herself the only thing in her that is worth giving. As the Body of Christ, she gives Christ to her neighbors. She gives out the same mercy that she has received. This is how the Church lives (in the forgiveness of sins received in the means of grace) and, therefore, what the church does. And since this is how the Church lives and what the Church does, this is likewise how Christians live and what Christians do. That is why joyfully returning our firstfruits to the Lord is so important. It ensures that the proclamation of the forgiveness of sins continues. It ensures that our neighbors’ state and well-being is cared for and attended to. It ensures that our neighbors have access to our heavenly Father’s mercy just as we have received it. Therefore, I say, let us be merciful even as our Father in heaven is merciful. adapted from LCMS Stewardship Ministry 5 Ladies Aid Thrivent Financial Please continue to support the Manna Card Program. Not only are these cards good for gift giving, but also for everyday purchases (food, gas, etc.). Profits from this fundraiser are used to supplement various church projects. Turn in dates are February 1 & 15 and March 1, 15, & 22 with pick up the next Sunday(s). See Marge is you would like to buy pre-purchased Starbucks, Walmart or Home Run Inn Pizza cards. $48,389 in Manna cards were purchased in 2014 and rebates were given to Little Lambs Preschool, our Youth Group (for Higher Things), the Capital Expense Fund, etc. Profits benefit many church functions/organizations. If you haven’t done so, please contact Thrivent and donate your Choice Dollars to Divine Shepherd. You need to do this every quarter. There is often a special incentive that brings even more dollars to our church. If you have any questions, please contact Bill Tilker. When packing away or getting rid of winter items, think about saving them for our annual garage sale on June 46. More information will be forth coming. Contact Lori Mumme if you have any questions. Officers for 2015 are: President: Vice President: Treasurer: Secretary: Judy Yuenger Lisa Cruz Kathy Wilson Karen Moritz All women are encouraged to attend the February 21 meeting at 11:00 a.m. LCEF and You Our congregation has its mortgage loan through Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF). Not only do they offer loans to LCMS congregations and church workers, they also offer some wonderful savings, investment, and retirement accounts. Parents and grandparents, LCEF’s YI Club (young investors club) is a savings account for children 18 and under that pays a 3.5% interest rate on the first $1000, which is an incredibly good interest rate in today’s market. Plus, you have access to this money 24/7 in a variety of ways. Accounts opened with LCEF also benefit Divine Shepherd, as we receive a portion of our mortgage interest back in the form of an annual rebate via LCEF’s Shared Blessings program. Visit lcef.org/yi_club/index.cfm for more info. Choice Dollars: At our monthly meeting in January, we made a review of funding to the church, congregation, and the community. We will continue to fund many of the same needs and any others that funds permit. Mark your calendars. We will again sponsor these events: February 15: April 5: May 10: May 17: June 21: October 25: Bake-a-Thon Easter Breakfast Mother’s Day Remembrance Confirmation Reception Father’s Day Remembrance Oktoberfest The annual Bake-a-Thon is scheduled for Sunday, February 15. We need your help, so dust off those cookbooks and make a breakfast or dessert item for the sale. Profits will benefit various church needs. See Barb Potempa if you have any questions or can help with setting up or taking down. Thrivent will sponsor the annual Easter Breakfast on Sunday, April 5 between services. This is a fundraiser our Youth Group for attending the Higher Things youth conference. Please contact Lori Mumme or Nadine Parmenter if you can contribute food for the breakfast. A signup sheet will be posted in late March. The next meeting will be held on Saturday, February 8 at 10:00 a.m. All members are encouraged to attend. Amazon Smile Do you order online from Amazon? Did you know that a small percentage of your order can come back and benefit Divine Shepherd? Simply go to smile.amazon.com, select Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church in Bolingbrook as your charitable organization, and shop like you normally do. There’s no need to change your existing Amazon login; it works with Amazon Smile as well. Simply begin each of your purchases at smile.amazon.com and Amazon will do the rest. Our congregation will receive 0.5% of every Amazon Smile purchase made by those who designate our congregation as their charitable organization. 6 Confirmation Sunday Treats Four of our congregation’s youth will undergo the rite of Confirmation and receive the Lord’s Supper for the first time on Sunday, May 17. Join them for this big day! Do you enjoy treats and fellowship after Sunday services? If so, please consider signing up on any given Sunday(s). Empty slots means no treats. Consider bringing fruit and/or crackers and cheese for our diabetic members. The 2015 signup sheet is posted on the Luther Hall bulletin board. Monetary donations are accepted to defray the cost of drinks and supplies. Vacation Bible School VBS is scheduled for July 27-31 (2015). If you are interested in being the director, please contact me. As always, many volunteers are also needed. Robin Wise, Christian Education Chairperson Important Phone Numbers Church Office: 630-759-5300 Preschool: 630-759-3995 (Terri Kreier) Pastor Mumme: 815-676-4444 Prayer Chain: 630-251-7860 (Bobbie Light) Newsletter: 630-759-3188 (Karen Moritz) (items are due February 24) Cleaning Help We are looking for a few members to help clean our sanctuary and facilities once a month on a rotating basis. Can you give an hour? You are welcome to work alone or be paired with others. Times are flexible. Contact Dan Richerson (trustee) at 630-310-2381 to help out. Tax Letters F.Y.I.: 2014 Tax letters showing your year contributions were placed into your church mail slot for you to pickup. If you had moved over 30 miles away this past year, your tax letter was mailed out. Any questions, please call me at 630-739-4447. Barb Potempa, Financial Secretary Treasurer’s Report As of 12/31/14 Expenses Income Actual $181,896 $160,772 Mortgage Balance: Organ Loan Balance: Budget $194,957 $195,104 $226,700 $3,168 Bulletin Covers & Altar Flowers The 2015 flower chart and February–March bulletin charts are posted in the narthex. Sign up for any open Sunday(s) to celebrate a special occasion or to honor/remember someone. Cost of two bouquets is $40, $45, or $50 (subject to change). Cost of bulletins is $10. See Karen Moritz for details. 2015 Altar Guild members are Katie Dobbs, Anne Drevlow, Karen Moritz, Lori Mumme, Laverne Stephens, Joan Sturm, Kathy Wilson, and Judy Yuenger. LCMS Members in Congress This past month the 114th U.S. Congress was sworn into office. Among the newly elected Senators are two LCMS Lutherans: Cory Gardner (R-Colorado) and Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska). Reelected as Representatives are five LCMS Lutherans: Larry Buschon (R-Indiana), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyoming), Erik Paulsen (RMinnesota), Dave Reichert (R-Washington), and John Shimkus (R-Illinois). Please keep these and all elected leaders in your prayers as they serve our country. Lord God, as I pray for all who are in authority, I thank You especially for the form of government given us in our beloved country. Give me the grace with my fellow citizens to value the officers and the magistrates of our government as those sent by You. Instill in me that respect and honor that is due them. Lord, endow them with wisdom for their several duties, with a spirit of sacrifice for the common welfare, with mercy and justice, with uprightness and kindliness. Correct the evils of selfishness, greed, a vain desire for honor, or abuse of power among us as well as in the other governments of the world. Grant that the true purposes of government may prevail, safeguarding peace and prosperity, so that we may live soberly and uprightly in Your sight and have opportunity to tell of You and Your kingdom. These petitions I direct to You because in Jesus I know You as my Father and Lord. Amen. Lutheran Book of Prayer, #114 For Government 7 Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your steadfast love; according to Your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against You, You only, have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight, so that You may be justified in Your words and blameless in Your judgment. Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Your presence, and take not Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare Your praise. For You will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; You will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise. Psalm 51:1-5, 10-12, 15-17 8
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