Wednesday, January 28 2015 List of Active Building Surveyor and Plumbing Plan Certifier Licences on Wednesday, January 28 2015 Name COLA Licence No ACT METROPOLITAN BUILDING CERTIFIERS PTY LTD Old Licence No Class Condition Expiry Date Occupation Class 200428123 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 17-Nov-2015 2013584 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 01-Apr-2015 199915913 Plumbing Plan Certifier nil 30-Sep-2015 199214659 Plumbing Plan Certifier nil 15-Jul-2015 Location: , ANLEZARK, IAN 199816240 Building Surveyor Phone: 199816240 Building Surveyor 2008953 Building Surveyor Principal Building 11-Jan-2016 Surveyor Principal 11-Jan-2016 Government Building Surveyor Principal Building For work as an employee of Philip 30-Jun-2015 Surveyor Employee Chun & Associates only. 20121120 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 06-Nov-2015 199715300 Plumbing Plan Certifier nil 14-Feb-2015 Phone: 0262900461 Location: DEAKIN WEST, ACT AKRITIDIS, ARISTIDIS Phone: 0411124513 Location: , AMEY, BRETT RICHARD Phone: 0423840337 Location: FYSHWICK, ACT ANDERSON, DEAN JOHN Phone: 0418482371 0408868112 Location: PHILLIP, ACT APOSTOLOPOULOS, CON Phone: 0457843710 Location: JOLIMONT, VIC ASSET BUILDING CERTIFIERS PTY LTD Phone: 0431476557 Location: KAMBAH, ACT Allan, JAMES GORDON Phone: 0408633426 Location: FLYNN, ACT Page 1 of 13 Wednesday, January 28 2015 List of Active Building Surveyor and Plumbing Plan Certifier Licences on Wednesday, January 28 2015 Name COLA Licence No BAILEY, ERIC JOHN Phone: Phone: Phone: 2005553 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 13-Sep-2015 200714 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 12-Jan-2016 2010192 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor Restricted to work performed as 26-Sep-2015 an employee of City Plan Services Pty Ltd 2010660 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 19-Jul-2015 2014917 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 19-Jul-2015 2012460 Building Surveyor Principal Building For work as an employee for Surveyor Employee Building Certificates Australia Pty Ltd only. 31-Jul-2015 2012490 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 31-Jul-2015 19884388 Building Surveyor General Building Surveyor 23-Sep-2015 0414421907 Location: SYDNEY, NSW BLACKETT, DAVID JOHN Expiry Date Class 0262851199 Location: PHILLIP, ACT BENNETT, BRENDAN JOHN Class Condition Occupation 0409234171 Location: SYDNEY, NSW BCA CERTIFIERS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Phone: Old Licence No 0417247344 Location: ULTIMO, NSW BLACKETT MAGUIRE & GOLDSMITH PTY LTD Phone: 0417247344 Location: ULTIMO, NSW BOULLE, IVAN Phone: 0408273177 Location: SURRY HILLS, NSW BUILDING CERTIFICATES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Phone: 0408400314 Location: SURRY HILLS, NSW Bates, JOHN DAVID Phone: 0412628585 Location: O'MALLEY, ACT Page 2 of 13 Wednesday, January 28 2015 List of Active Building Surveyor and Plumbing Plan Certifier Licences on Wednesday, January 28 2015 Name COLA Licence No CANBERRA REGION BUILDING CERTIFIERS PTY LTD Phone: Class Condition Expiry Date Occupation Class 2011278 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 2012818 Building Surveyor General Building Surveyor 200426203 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 02-Sep-2015 2008957 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 15-Mar-2015 2010868 Building Surveyor Principal Building For work as an employee of Du Surveyor Employee Chateau Chun Pty Ltd only. 13-May-2015 199710877 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 17-Nov-2015 199615657 Plumbing Plan Certifier nil 22-Mar-2015 20131017 Building Surveyor Principal Building For work as an employee of Du Surveyor Employee Chateau Chun Pty Ltd only. 13-May-2015 27-Sep-2015 0408808226 Location: GUNGAHLIN, ACT CAPITAL CERTIFIERS PTY LTD Phone: Old Licence No 0407235233 Valid for buildings up to 5000 square metres. 16-Sep-2015 Location: FYSHWICK, ACT CERTIFIED BUILDING SOLUTIONS PTY LTD Phone: 0262539911 Location: MITCHELL, ACT CERTIS ACT PTY LTD Phone: 0434273105 Location: CIVIC, ACT CHAI, CHRISTINA Phone: 0412368228 Location: DOCKLANDS, VIC CHAMBERS, GLENN Phone: 0417219200 Location: DEAKIN WEST, ACT CHIERA, JOHN FRANCIS Phone: 0418628197 Location: , CHU, LO WAN Phone: 0433185531 Location: DOCKLAND, VIC Page 3 of 13 Wednesday, January 28 2015 List of Active Building Surveyor and Plumbing Plan Certifier Licences on Wednesday, January 28 2015 Name COLA Licence No COLLINS, MICHAEL Phone: Phone: Phone: 200698 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 06-Nov-2015 2014413 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 18-May-2015 2012392 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 01-Nov-2015 2012178 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 31-Jul-2015 19884407 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 29-Aug-2015 2010141 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 17-Nov-2015 2013238 Building Surveyor Principal Building Only valid for work as an Surveyor Employee employee of Certified Building Solutions Pty Ltd. 01-Sep-2015 200416279 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 13-May-2015 0429800896 Location: QUEANBEYAN, NSW DA SILVA, ORLANDO Expiry Date Class 0413157009 Location: , CTECK HOP PTY LTD Class Condition Occupation 0431476557 Location: KAMBAH, ACT COOKE, DUNCAN MCKENZIE Phone: Old Licence No 0408400314 Location: , DAGGER, WILLIAM Phone: 0448897206 Location: KILLCARE, NSW DAVIDSON, ADAM STEPHEN Phone: 0429834879 Location: FYSHWICK, ACT DELCHAU, DAVID JOHN Phone: 0478705501 Location: MITCHELL, ACT DU CHATEAU, GREGORY WALTER JOHN Phone: 0411557703 Location: DOCKLANDS, VIC Page 4 of 13 Wednesday, January 28 2015 List of Active Building Surveyor and Plumbing Plan Certifier Licences on Wednesday, January 28 2015 Name COLA Licence No DUCHATEAU CHUN PTY LTD Phone: Phone: Phone: 2014653 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 13-May-2015 2007304 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 19-Nov-2015 200016267 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 27-Sep-2015 199315133 Plumbing Plan Certifier nil 22-Mar-2015 200216270 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 11-Jan-2016 20111255 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor Employee 01-Sep-2015 201383 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 08-Jul-2015 20141110 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 0408808226 Location: GUNGAHLIN, ACT Fleming, GRAEME GRANT Expiry Date Class 62553222 Location: HAWKER, ACT FEKETE, JOSEPH Class Condition Occupation 0411557703 Location: DOCKLANDS, VIC EDGE, DARREN JOHN Phone: Old Licence No 0407632726 Location: , Foley, ROBERT JOHN Phone: 0413352217 Location: PHILLIP, ACT GARRICK, LINDSAY GILBERT ALAIN Phone: 0401766570 Location: MITCHELL, ACT GEORGOPOULOS, NICK Phone: 0498043388 Location: , GRIFFIN, ANTONY Phone: 0401005156 Restricted to work performed as an employee of Certis (ACT) Pty Ltd only. 15-Mar-2015 Location: , Page 5 of 13 Wednesday, January 28 2015 List of Active Building Surveyor and Plumbing Plan Certifier Licences on Wednesday, January 28 2015 Name COLA Licence No HADDAD, CAMILE Phone: 2006432 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 20101188 Building Surveyor 2011918 Plumbing Plan Certifier General Building Must not issue certificates for 14-Sep-2015 Surveyor Employee Buildings requiring an alternative solution to achieve compliance with the Building Code of Australia (BCA). Restricted to work performed as 01-Apr-2015 nil an employee of AECOM PTY LTD. 2013240 Building Surveyor General Building Surveyor 25-Sep-2015 2014666 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 30-Apr-2015 19967883 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 01-Nov-2015 2006750 Building Surveyor General Building Surveyor 19-Feb-2015 19822465 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 17-Nov-2015 Location: CAMDEN, NSW Phone: 0408825618 Location: ADELAIDE, SA HAYWARD, BRADLEY MORRISON Phone: 0417875682 Location: , HENDRY GROUP (NSW) PTY LTD Phone: 0417866669 Location: CANBERRA, ACT HOPKINS, KENYON GEORGE LAURENCE Phone: Expiry Date Class 0423568807 HARRIS, DEREK PHILLIP Class Condition Occupation 0414574767 Location: PARRAMATTA, NSW HARDY, CRAIG EDWARD Phone: Old Licence No 0401298565 25-Sep-2015 Location: QUEANBEYAN, NSW HOWARD, RAYMOND GUY Phone: 0417466002 Location: TUGGERANONG, ACT HUNGERFORD, KENNETH GEORGE Phone: 0488584916 Location: DEAKIN, ACT Page 6 of 13 Wednesday, January 28 2015 List of Active Building Surveyor and Plumbing Plan Certifier Licences on Wednesday, January 28 2015 Name COLA Licence No HYDE, BELINDA Phone: Class Condition Expiry Date 2012959 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor Only able to perform building certification work for Certis ACT Pty Ltd. 15-Mar-2015 199916249 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 15-Jan-2016 2013874 Building Surveyor Principal Building Restricted to work as an Surveyor Employee employee of Certified Building Solutions Pty Ltd. 01-Sep-2015 20091157 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 20-Nov-2015 20111017 Building Surveyor Principal Building For work as an employee of Philip 30-Jun-2015 Surveyor Employee Chun & Associates only 2007519 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 199811562 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 0402131318 Location: , KEY BUILDING CERTIFIERS PTY LTD Phone: Class 0408274315 Location: HOLT, ACT JACEY, PHILIP RICHARD Phone: Occupation 0434273105 Location: CANBERRA, ACT Howard, JERRY ANTHONY Phone: Old Licence No 62553222 Location: PAGE, ACT KMITA, KATRINA KRYSTYNA Phone: 0403835987 Location: JOLIMONT, VIC KOLOADIN, JOHN Phone: 0404022137 Location: ROSEBERY, ACT KREVATIN, LIVIJ DENIS Phone: 0418265453 Location: FYSHWICK, ACT 15-Jul-2015 For building certficiation work, 28-May-2015 other than building certification work authorised to be undertaken by a building surveyor in the construction occupation class of general building surveyor, you must notify the Construction Occupations Registrar in writing of the proposed staged inspection for each relevant building approval 2 working days prior to undertaking the inspection. Page 7 of 13 Wednesday, January 28 2015 List of Active Building Surveyor and Plumbing Plan Certifier Licences on Wednesday, January 28 2015 Name COLA Licence No LAAJOKI, PETRI JAAKKO Old Licence No Class Condition Expiry Date Occupation Class 200216271 Building Surveyor Principal Building Restricted to work performed as 02-Apr-2015 Surveyor Employee an employee for Certified Building Solutions Pty Ltd. Not able to contract. 2005693 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 2007197 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 19-Jul-2015 Location: ULTIMO, NSW MCCULLOCH, DAVID 198814767 Building Surveyor 17-Nov-2015 Phone: 198814767 Building Surveyor 198814767 20131324 Plumbing Plan Certifier Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor Principal Government Building Surveyor nil Principal Building For work as an employee for Surveyor Employee Hendry Group Pty Ltd only. 30-Apr-2015 2013251 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 31-Jul-2015 2009320 Building Surveyor Principal Building Restricted to work performed as Surveyor Employee an employee for Hendry Group Pty Ltd. Not able to contract. 30-Apr-2015 19926123 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 29-Dec-2015 Phone: 0412143909 Location: MITCHELL, ACT MACKIE, PAUL DAVID Phone: 0438115538 Location: , ACT MAGUIRE, BRIAN JOHN Phone: 0417423418 0414346549 Location: DEAKIN, ACT MCDONALD, JESSICA Phone: 0431031572 Location: , MCKENZIE GROUP CONSULTING (NSW) PTY LTD Phone: 0409060066 Location: SYDNEY, NSW MIHALJEVIC, JOHN Phone: 15-Mar-2015 17-Nov-2015 07-Jan-2016 0414817166 Location: SYDNEY, NSW MCNAMARA, MATTHEW JAMES Phone: Only able to perform building certification work for Certis ACT Pty Ltd 0412292109 Restricted to no more than 600 appointments as certifier in one registration year Location: MITCHELL, ACT Page 8 of 13 Wednesday, January 28 2015 List of Active Building Surveyor and Plumbing Plan Certifier Licences on Wednesday, January 28 2015 Name COLA Licence No MILLAR, DAVID ANTHONY Phone: Phone: Phone: 20121318 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 09-Sep-2015 2007799 Plumbing Plan Certifier nil 05-Mar-2015 2007858 Building Surveyor General Building Surveyor 19936628 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 05-Aug-2015 2012232 Building Surveyor General Building Restricted to work performed as Surveyor Employee an employee of Blackett Maguire and Goldsmith Pty Ltd. 19-Jul-2015 2006634 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 31-Jul-2015 20121102 Building Surveyor General Building Surveyor 201015 Building Surveyor General Building Surveyor 0407235233 Location: FYSHWICK, ACT MONTGOMERY-HRIBAR, ANDREW Expiry Date Class 0427879600 Location: , ACT MONKHOUSE, STEPHEN ALAN Class Condition Occupation 0435073536 Location: , MISKO, DREW MICHEL Phone: Old Licence No 0417449750 Valid for buildings up to 5000 square metres. 16-Sep-2015 Location: , MORRISEY, MATTHEW JOHN Phone: 0410602533 Location: ULTIMO, NSW NATILLI, STEPHEN Phone: 0414817166 Location: SYDNEY, NSW NAYLOR, ANDREW STUART Phone: 0418973154 Location: PHILLIP, ACT O'NEILL, PETER JAMES Phone: 0408221218 Restricted to work performed as an employee of BCA Certifiers Australia Pty Ltd. 11-Jan-2016 29-Mar-2015 Location: , Page 9 of 13 Wednesday, January 28 2015 List of Active Building Surveyor and Plumbing Plan Certifier Licences on Wednesday, January 28 2015 Name COLA Licence No OWEN, ANNETTE MARY Phone: Phone: Phone: 2010825 Building Surveyor General Building Surveyor 11-Jan-2016 20111508 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor Employee 11-Jan-2016 2014648 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 30-Apr-2015 2014438 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 30-Jun-2015 2014625 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 18-May-2015 199314947 Plumbing Plan Certifier nil 22-Sep-2015 2007356 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 30-Oct-2015 2005395 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 041786669 Location: , PHILIP CHUN & ASSOCIATES PTY LTD Expiry Date Class 0413352217 Location: PHILLIP, ACT PAYNE, GREGORY Class Condition Occupation 0411087745 Location: PHILLIP, ACT PASCOE, ROSALYNNE Phone: Old Licence No 0396622200 Location: JOLIMONT, VIC PROJECT BUILDING CERTIFIERS PTY LTD Phone: 0413157009 Location: KENT TOWN, SA Pirotta, CHARLES Phone: 0412603458 Location: MANUKA, ACT ROSSELLO, PETER Phone: 0419660222 Location: NORTHBRIDGE, NSW SCHENKO, PAUL ANDREW Phone: 0412511289 Restricted to work as an employee under Group DLA Pty Ltd. Not able to contract. 02-Oct-2015 Location: SYDNEY, NSW Page 10 of 13 Wednesday, January 28 2015 List of Active Building Surveyor and Plumbing Plan Certifier Licences on Wednesday, January 28 2015 Name COLA Licence No SELECT STRUCTURE PTY LTD Phone: Old Licence No Occupation Class Class Condition 2010979 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 20101179 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor For building certficiation work, 28-May-2015 other than building certification work authorised to be undertaken by a building surveyor in the construction occupation class of general building surveyor, you must notify the Construction Occupations Registrar in writing of the proposed staged inspection for each relevant building approval 2 working days prior to undertaking the inspection. 14-Sep-2015 2009770 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor Employee 01-Sep-2015 2014494 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 23-Apr-2015 20101139 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 30-Jun-2015 2010307 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 11-Jan-2016 2005214 Plumbing Plan Certifier nil 01-Nov-2015 0418265453 Location: FYSHWICK, ACT SHANAHAN, MICHAEL JOHN Phone: 0412868604 Location: CAMDEN, NSW SHARWOOD, CRAIG THOMAS Phone: 0401428303 Location: MITCHELL, ACT SINGLETON, SIMON Phone: 0417822250 Expiry Date Location: , SNART, NICHOLAS JAMES Phone: 0411557708 Location: JOLIMONT, VIC SORENSEN, MICHAEL CHARLES Phone: 0447603745 Location: PHILLIP, ACT TAIT, JASON MATTHEW Phone: 0402313654 Location: QUEANBEYAN, NSW Page 11 of 13 Wednesday, January 28 2015 List of Active Building Surveyor and Plumbing Plan Certifier Licences on Wednesday, January 28 2015 Name COLA Licence No THOMAS, PAUL DAVID Phone: Phone: Phone: 2011390 Building Surveyor General Building Surveyor 201246 Building Surveyor Principal Building For work as an employee of Philip 30-Jun-2015 Surveyor Employee Chun & Associates only. 19926208 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 28-Feb-2015 199715551 Plumbing Plan Certifier nil 09-Feb-2015 19812186 Building Surveyor Principal Building Surveyor 30-Sep-2015 200427787 Plumbing Plan Certifier nil 30-Sep-2015 2011411 Building Surveyor General Building Surveyor 0413758413 Location: MAWSON, ACT WAGNER, ANTON ADOLF Expiry Date Class 0416028500 Location: , VAZIRI, SHAHROKH KASHANI Class Condition Occupation 0407285999 Location: GUNGAHLIN, ACT THOMPSON, BENJAMIN JAMES Phone: Old Licence No 0418631924 08-Mar-2015 Location: WANNIASSA, ACT WARING, DONALD JOHN Phone: 0412219951 Location: KINGSTON, ACT WATERLAND PTY LTD Phone: 0423840340 Location: FYSHWICK, ACT WATSON, NATALIE Phone: 0408543722 Location: , Limited to buildings of BCA Class 1 and 10 only where compliance is achieved by BCA deemed-tosatisfy provisions. 17-Nov-2015 Page 12 of 13 Wednesday, January 28 2015 List of Active Building Surveyor and Plumbing Plan Certifier Licences on Wednesday, January 28 2015 Name COLA Licence No WHYTCROSS, JUSTIN BLAKE 20141138 Phone: 0418436191 Location: , Number of Licences Old Licence No Class Condition Expiry Date Occupation Class Building Surveyor Principal Building Restricted to Class 1 and 10 04-Nov-2015 Surveyor Employee Buildings under the Building Code of Australia (BCA), but only if the building achieves compliance with the performance requirments of the BCA by complying with the deemed-to-satisfy provision of the BCA and not by the formulation of any alternative solutions. Restricted to work performed as an employee of BCA Certifiers only. Not able to contract. 94 Page 13 of 13
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