6A Legals WEDNEsday January 28, 2014 Sidney Sun-Telegraph Online: www.suntelegraph.com Legal Notices L626 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the East front doors of the Cheyenne County Courthouse, Cheyenne County, Nebraska on the 11th day of February, 2015 at 10:00 o’clock A.M.: The East Fifty Feet (50’) of Lot Three (3), Block Five (5), Haskell’s Addition to Sidney, Cheyenne County, Nebraska, more commonly known as: 1235 Dodge Street, Sidney, NE 69162. The property is being sold “as is” and subject to any unpaid real estate taxes, assessments and any lien or interest superior in right which may affect the subject property. The highest bidder will deposit $500.00 in cash or certified funds with the Trustee at the time of the sale, which shall be non-refundable, and the remaining amount due must be paid in cash or certified funds to the Trustee by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the sale; except this requirement is waived when the highest bidder is the current Beneficiary. The successful bidder shall be responsible for applicable transfer fees or taxes including the documentary stamp tax. DATED 31st day of December, 2014. /s/STEFFI A. SWANSON, Substitute Trustee (15234) [Published in The Sidney-Sun Telegraph on December 31, 2014, January 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2015] L651 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF C Y TRUCKING, LLC C Y TRUCKING, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has filed a Statement of Dissolution with the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Nebraska. The name of the person to manage the company affairs is Joseph R. Culek, 502 South Howard, Kimball, Nebraska, 69145. Any claims may be submitted to the aforementioned manager at his stated address. Said claims must state the date of the action from which the claim is being made; a summarization of services or goods provided which are the basis of said claim; the name of the contact individual; as well as said contact individual’s phone number and address. A claim against C Y Trucking, LLC is barred unless an action to enforce the claim is commenced within five years after the last publication date of this notice. /s/ Joseph R. Culek, Manager Justin Huber, NSBA #25254 Matzke & Mattoon 907 Jackson Street P.O. Box 316 Sidney, Nebraska 69162 [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on January 14, 21, and 28, 2015] L696 POTTER-DIX PUBLIC SCHOOLS POTTER, NEBRASKA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR POTTER-DIX ELEMENTARY HEATING AND COOLING DESIGN/BUILD Sealed Proposals will be received at the Superintendent’s Office, 303 Walnut St. Potter, Nebraska, until 2:00 P.M. local time on February 27, 2015 for the following: potential Scope of work 1-8. RFP Documents can be obtained from the Administration Office from Mr. Kevin Thomas, Superintendent Telephone (308) 682-5226. Potter-Dix Public Schools reserves the rights to waive any informalities or minor irregularities, reject any and all proposals which are incomplete, conditional, obscure, or which contain additions not allowed for; accept or reject any proposal in whole or in part with or without cause; and accept the proposal which best serves the Potter-Dix Public School District. Potter-Dix Schools is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. Potter-Dix Public Schools P.O. Box 189 Potter, Nebraska 69156 By: /s/ Mr. Kevin Thomas, Superintendent [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on January 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30, 2015] L698 SIDNEY PUBLIC SCHOOLS NOTICE OF INTENT TO DESTROY SPECIAL EDUCATION RECORDS Special Education Records for students who have or will turn 21 years old by January 1, 2015 are scheduled to be destroyed on March 1, 2015. In order to maintain confidentiality these records will be shredded if not claimed by the individual or a family member. Please contact 254-5166 if you believe you or your child may have such records and wish to claim them. [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on January 28, February 4, 11, 18, and 25, 2015] L705 NOTICE OF MEETING REGION 21 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT BOARD Notice is hereby given that an open and public meeting of the Region 21 Emergency Management Board will be held at 9:30 AM on Friday, February 6th, 2015 in the Emergency Operating Center in the basement of the Cheyenne County Court House, 1000 10th Avenue, Sidney, Nebraska. An agenda for such meeting will be kept current and available to the public during normal business hours at the County Clerk’s Offices in Bridgeport, Chappell, Oshkosh and Sidney. The Agenda may be modified at such meeting to include items of an emergency nature pursuant to Section 84-1411 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes. /s/Ronald D. Leal Region 21 Emergency Management Director [Published in The Sidey Sun-Telegraph on January 28, 2015] L710 Cheyenne County Court House January 8, 2015 Sidney, Nebraska The Cheyenne County Board of Commissioners and Board of Equalization held an open and public meeting on Monday, January 8, 2015 in the Cheyenne County District Court Jury Room, Cheyenne County Court House, 1000 10th Avenue, Sidney, Nebraska. A notice of this meeting was published in the Sidney SunTelegraph, aired on KSID Radio, posted on the bulletin board in the County Court House and on the Cheyenne County website. Copies of the agenda were posted on the Court House bulletin board and Cheyenne County website, mailed to each Commissioner and kept current and available to the public at the Office of the County Clerk. In the absence of a Chairman or Vice-Chairman, County Attorney Paul Schaub called the meeting to order at 8:30 A.M., with the following present: Steven L. Olson Commissioner of the First District, Darrell J. Johnson Commissioner of the Second District, Philip E. Sanders, Commissioner of the Third District, Beth E. Fiegenschuh, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board It was announced a current copy of the Open Meetings Law Act is located in the Jury Room. County Attorney Schaub called for nominations for Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for 2015. Member Sanders nominated Darrell J. Johnson for Chairman and moved that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Darrell J. Johnson for Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for 2015. Olson seconded the motion. Roll Call: Aye: Sanders, Johnson, Olson. Nay: None. Next, County Attorney Schaub called for nominations for Vice-Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for 2015. Commissioner Johnson nominated Philip E. Sanders for Vice-Chairman and moved that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Philip E. Sanders for Vice-Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for 2015. Olson seconded the motion. Roll Call: Aye: Johnson, Olson, Sanders. Nay: None. The current agenda was reviewed. A motion was made by Sanders, seconded by Olson to approve the current agenda as presented. Roll Call: Aye: Olson, Sanders, Johnson. Nay: None. The Minutes of the December 15, 2014 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Sanders, seconded by Olson to approve the Minutes as written. Roll Call: Aye: Sanders, Johnson, Olson. Nay: None. Abbreviations for claims: Ex (Expenses), Ga (Garnishment), In (Insurance), Mi (Mileage), Re (Retirement), Sa (Salaries), Se (Service), Su (Supplies), Ta (Tax), Ut (Utilities). GENERAL FUND American Nat’l Bank 25.00Ex; Bob Barker Co 289.53-Su; Kathy Brandt 305.76-Mi; Cabelas Inc 7,175.50-Ex; Campbell Drug 34.11-Su; Carlson West Povondra Architects 5,250.00Se; CenturyLink Seattle 515.27Ut; CenturyLink 77.28-Ut; Charter Commun 373.68-Se; Cheyenne Co Clerk 2,909.36Ex; Cheyenne Co Court 2,249.89-Se; Cheyenne Co Dist Ct 274.00-Se; Cheyenne Co Sheriff Imprest Fund 197.00Ex; Cheyenne Co Treasurer 11,907.90-Ex; Cheyenne Co Treasurer 19,774.45-Ex; City of Sidney 7,500.00-Ex; City of Sidney 1,666.67-Ex; City of Sidney 4,115.23-Ut; Sheila Conley 100.00-Ex; Connecting Point Scotts Bluff 44.00-Ex; Consolidated Mgmt Co 125.75Ex; Country Printer 543.00-Su; Crystal Clean of Sterling 450.00Se; Culligan 166.85-Su; Dash Medical Gloves 79.80-Su; Dept Correctional Serv 4,442.34Se; Debra Diemoz 224.00Mi; Digital Ally 40.00-Su; DP Electronics 75.00-Su; Eakes Office Plus 208.96-Su; Family Skill Bldg Serv LLC 168.00-Se; Finneys 233.67-Su; Frenchman Valley Coop 2,394.01-Ex; Galls 765.03-Su; Garden Co Sheriff 1,200.00-Se; Grainger 436.00Su; GreatAmerica Fin Serv Corp 183.00-Ex; Ronald L Gusman 493.95-Mi/Ex; HAIX USA 139.00-Su; Hamilton Telecomm 93.40-Se; Judy Harris 750.00In; Robert S Harvoy 170.00Se; Total Funds by Hasler 4,000.06-Ex; High Plains Dental 262.00-Su; Hilton 2,322.00Ex; Loren Hoekema 700.00-Ex; Hometown Leasing 1,844.72Ex; Huber & Assoc Inc 39.00Ex; Ideal Linen 995.19-Su; Jay Law Office LLC 1,955.86-Se; Richard Jensen 1,251.40-Se; JNJ Steam Way 625.00-Se; Johnson Controls 15,150.00Ex; Kimball Co Sheriff 18.50Se; KRH Car Wash 24.00-Ex; KSID Radio 100.00-Ex; Lyle Kurth 17.50-Re; Lynn Peavey Co 92.55-Su; MailFinance 1,263.00-Ex; Kenneth A McMillen 750.00-In; Midwest Special Serv 1,745.40-Mi; Miller Office Prod 4,925.63-Su; MIPS 773.08-Ex/Su; Motel 6 201.97Ex; Lynn Namuth 1,101.67-Se; Napa Auto 42.60-Su; NE Health & Human Serv 270.00-Se; NE Assoc of Co Assessors 6.00-Ex; NE PrintWorks 90.29-Su; NE Sheriffs Assoc 120.00-Ex; NE Weed Control Assoc 85.00-Ex; NebraskaLand Tire 243.64-Ex/ Se; Mary Jo Ortman 170.00Se; Panhandle Weed Control Assoc 50.00-Ex; Tom Perkins 189.72-Se/Mi; Louella Pippitt 89.60-Mi; Protex Central Inc 176.00-Se; Protocall 350.00Su; Region 1 Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Serv 5,522.50-Ex; Regional West Medical Center 9,981.66Ex; Regional West Medical Center 951.60-Se; Reynolds Korth Samuelson PC LLO 8,702.19-Se; SA Foster Lumber 70.65-Su; Schuh Rentals LLC 125.00-Ex; Diane Scott 448.00Mi; Scotts Bluff Co Detention Center 1,444.20-Se; Security First Bank 1,088.90-In; Shirt Tales LLC 91.00-Su; Sidney Glass 327.23-Se; Sidney Sun Telegraph 696.18-Se; Sirchie Finger Print Labs 494.29-Su; Sonntag Goodwin Leef 1,009.42Se; Source Gas 2,350.50-Ut; Splish Splash Car & RV Wash 37.20-Ex; Sidney Regional Medical Center 1,100.00-Ex; Stitt Monument & Funeral Planning 335.00-Se; Jason Teters 54.00-Se; Thibault Suhr & Thibault Inc 54.34-Se; Verizon Wireless 171.72-Se; Verizon Wireless 200.00-Se; Viaero Wireless 113.30-Se; Western Cartographers 1,140.00-Su; Western Pathology Consultants PC 950.00-Se; Youngs Plumbing & Heating 95.60-Se. TOTAL: $ 157,762.25. ROAD FUND Bomgaars 232.94-Su; Charter Commun 69.99-Se; Cheyenne Co Clerk 262.42-Ex; City of Sidney 711.90-Ut; DP Electronics 169.97-Su; E&S Auto 616.15-Su; Eakes Office Solutions 83.10-Su; Charles Erb 172.95-In; Floyds Truck Center 68.17-Su; Cory Fraass 772.00Ex; Frenchman Valley Coop 31,425.63-Ex; Philip Frerichs 750.00-In; Hilton Omaha 774.00-Ex; Ideal Linen 25.90Su; Miller Office Prod 43.98Su; Napa Auto 158.09-Su; NE Machinery Co 9,722.89-Su; NebraskaLand Tire 4,975.66Su; Norma Phelps 2,781.60Ex; SA Foster Lumber 18.78Su; Sandberg Implement Inc 185.52-Su; SourceGas 2,462.21-Ut; Verizon Wireless 85.19-Se; Village of Dalton 64.11-Ut; Village of Lodgepole 232.16-Ut. TOTAL: $ 56,865.31. ROAD FUND Employee Payroll 47,306.36Sa; Ameritas 3,193.15-Re; BC/ BS 32,533.86-In; Cheyenne Co Clerk 3,543.00-Ta. TOTAL: $ 86,576.37. VISITORS FUND Burt & Rachel Abrams 50.00-Ex; American Road LLC 730.00-Se; Cabelas Club Visa 441.75-Ex; Charter Commun 154.40-Se; Flagship Publishing Inc 12,525.00-Se; John Hanley & Candace Conroy 75.00-Ex; Ron & Brenda Jessen 100.00Ex; Miller Office Prod 49.95Su; Sidney Jaycees 667.62-Su; Sidney Sun Telegraph 19.50Se; Brian & Julie Slagle 100.00Ex; Viaero Wireless 125.32-Se. TOTAL: $ 15,038.54. VISITORS IMPROVEMENT FUND City of Sidney 2,083.33-Ex. TOTAL: $ 2,083.33. PRESERVATION MODERNIZATION FUND MIPS 331.50-Se. TOTAL: 331.50. INHERITANCE FUND Carlson West Povondra Architects 5,250.00-Se; Stanard Appraisal Serv 6,140.00-Ex. TOTAL: $ 11,390.00. KENO LOTTERY FUND Cheyenne Co Clerk 331.12Su; DP Electronics 321.37-Su; SA Foster Lumber 62.77-Su; Triple O’s Bldg Supply 85.66Su; White Bluffs Vet 100.00-Se. TOTAL: $ 900.92. E911 FUND AS Central Serv OCIO 448.00-Se; CenturyLink 80.79-Ut; CenturyLink Seattle 601.99-Ut; CenturyLink 5.24Ut; Charter Commun 190.15Se; Culligan 63.95-Su; Huber & Assoc 36.00-Su; Ideal Linen 16.03-Su; Miller Office Prod 143.98-Su; Viaero Wireless 92.91-Se. TOTAL: $ 1,679.04. E911 FUND Employee Payroll 13,663.67Sa; Ameritas 922.34-Re; BC/ BS 9,376.18-In; Cheyenne Co Clerk 1,020.24-Ex. TOTAL: $ 24,982.43. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FUND Kay L Anderson 325.00Se; DP Electronics 21.99-Su; Evelyn Flessner 260.97-In; Frenchman Valley Coop 249.09Ex; Adam Hayward 325.00-Se; Midwest Card & ID 167.90-Su; Joe P Quinn 325.00-Se; Viaero Wireless 144.94-Se. TOTAL: $ 1,819.89. A motion was made by Olson, seconded by Sanders to approve and pay all claims as stated above. Delinquent taxes were deducted where owing. Roll Call: Aye: Johnson, Olson, Sanders. Nay: None. There was no correspondence to review. Beth Fiegenschuh, Cheyenne County Clerk, addressed the Board regarding a Contractual Interest Statement concerning a contract with Schuh Rentals, LLC for the rental of a storage unit to be used for evidence storage. On May 1, 2006, the Board of Commissioners entered into a contract between the County and Schuh Rentals, LLC for the rental of a storage unit. The Board discussed the Contractual Interest Statement presented by Clerk Fiegenschuh disclosing the fact that Fiegenschuh is the sole member of Schuh Rentals, LLC. The Board is and was on May 1, 2006 fully aware of the relationship between Clerk Fiegenschuh and Schuh Rentals, LLC. A motion was made by Olson, seconded by Sanders declaring that the Board is, and was on May 1, 2006, fully aware of the relationship between Fiegenschuh and Schuh Rentals, LLC and reaffirms the approval of the contract with Schuh Rentals, LLC for the rental of a storage unit to be used for evidence storage for the County Sheriff. Roll Call: Aye: Olson, Johnson, Sanders. Nay: None. The Contractual Interest Statement also applies to Dick’s Flooring, LLC. At different times, carpeting and flooring services and products are needed for the various County buildings. Bids will be received, considered and from time-totime awarded to Dick’s Flooring, LLC. The sole member of Dick’s Flooring, LLC is Richard A. Fiegenschuh, Jr., spouse of Clerk Fiegenschuh. The Board is and has been aware of this relationship. If the Board enters into an agreement to purchase services from Dick’s Flooring, LLC, it will be necessary to make a separate disclosure for every transaction, regardless of the amount. If the Board enters into an open contract with Dick’s Flooring, LLC, the Board can make purchases as needed. This open contract in no way will preclude the Board from obtaining bids for projects involving flooring and carpeting services and products. The only purpose for entering into an open contract with Dick’s Flooring, LLC is for conflict of interest and disclosure purposes for Clerk Fiegenschuh. A motion was made by Sanders, seconded by Olson to enter into an open contract with Dick’s Flooring, LLC as above stated. Roll Call: Aye: Sanders, Olson, Johnson. Nay: None. Next, Debra Hume, Clerk of the District Court presented a Contractual Interest Statement that applies to RK Electric. At different times, electrical services and products are needed for the various County buildings. Bids will be received, considered and from time-to-time awarded to RK Electric. Rick Hume, the owner and operator of RK Electric, is the spouse of Debra Hume, Clerk of the District Court. The Board is aware of this relationship. If the Board enters into an agreement to purchase services from RK Electric, it will be necessary to make a separate disclosure for every transaction, regardless of the amount. If the Board enters into an open contract with RK Electric, the Board can make purchases as needed. This open contract in no way will preclude the Board from obtaining bids for projects involving electrical services and products. The only purpose for entering into an open contract with RK Electric is for conflict of interest and disclosure purposes for Clerk of the District Court, Debra Hume. A motion was made by Sanders, seconded by Olson to enter into an open contract with RK Electric as above stated. Roll Call: Aye: Johnson, Olson, Sanders. Nay: None. The Board discussed whether to enter into a lease agreement with Continental Land Resources, LLC on the following property owned by Cheyenne County: 5 and 85/100 acres taken for Public Road No. 51 along the west part of the NW/4 of Section 30, Township 14 North, Range 50 West of the 6th P.M., Cheyenne County, Nebraska; and, A strip of land 66’ wide starting in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 30, Township 14 North, Range 50 and bearing to the southeast in a circular sweep around the rocky promontory and thence south and southwesterly for about 100 rods more or less back to the section line between Section 30, Township 14 North, Range 50 and Section 25, Township 14 North, Range 51, Cheyenne County, Nebraska. County Attorney Schaub explained the leasing procedure and stated that if it is the decision of the Board to enter into a lease agreement, it will be necessary to establish a fair market value of the property. Continental Land Resources, increased to 60.5¢ per mile LLC offered to lease the prop- effective January 1, 2015. A erty for $125.00 per net min- motion was made by Sanders, eral acre and County Attorney seconded by Olson to increase Schaub stated that would be the the mileage reimbursement amount to set as the fair marrates as above set forth. Roll ket value of the property. After Call: Aye: Sanders, Johnson, discussing this matter, a motion Olson. Nay: None. was made by Olson, seconded The Board considered the by Sanders, to proceed with appointments to the Cheyenne the lease and set the fair marCounty Fairboard. The term ket value of the property at of Gerald Frerichs and Sarah $125.00 per net mineral acre Deaver expired on December and to set February 2, 2015 31, 2014. A motion was made at 10:00 A.M., as the date and by Olson, seconded by Sanders time for the public hearing to to reappoint Gerald Frerichs and accept bids for the lease. Roll Sarah Deaver to the Cheyenne Call: Aye: Olson, Sanders, County Fairboard with the term Johnson. Nay: None. to be from January 1, 2015 to The Board considered the December 31, 2017. Roll Call: reappointment of Mary Katos Aye: Johnson, Olson, Sanders. to the Extension Board as her Nay: None. One vacancy term expired December 31, remains on the Fairboard. 2014. Karen DeBoer, Extension The Board considered the Educator, recommended that appointments to the Cheyenne Mary Katos be reappointed to County Planning and Zoning the Extension Board with her Commission. The term of Pat term to be from January 1, 2015 Dorwart, Bill Sydow and Walter through December 31, 2017. A Narjes expired on December motion was made by Sanders, 31, 2014. A motion was made seconded by Olson to reappoint by Sanders, seconded by Olson Mary Katos to the Extension to reappoint Pat Dorwart, Bill Board with her term to run Sydow and Walter Narjes to from January 1, 2015 through the Cheyenne County Planning December 31, 2017. Roll Call: and Zoning Commission with Aye: Sanders, Johnson, Olson. the term to be from January 1, Nay: None. 2015 to December 31, 2017. Next, Cynthia Gill, Jim Schild Roll Call: Aye: Olson, Sanders, and Karen DeBoer addressed Johnson. Nay: None. the Board regarding proposed The Board considered the personnel position changes at appointments to the Cheyenne the Extension Office. No action County Visitors Committee. was taken at this time The term of Gina Elsen and Mary Katos then gave an Connie Carrillo expired on update on the project to build December 31, 2014. A motion a new livestock facility at the was made by Olson, seconded Cheyenne County Fairgrounds. by Sanders to reappoint Gina The Holiday Schedule for Elsen and Connie Carrillo to 2015 was reviewed by the the Cheyenne County Visitors Board. A motion was made by Committee with the term to Olson, seconded by Sanders run from January 1, 2015 to to approve the 2015 Holiday December 31, 2018. Roll Call: Schedule below. Roll Call: Aye: Aye: Sanders, Johnson, Olson. Johnson, Olson, Sanders. Nay: Nay: None. None. The official depositories January 19, Martin Luther for Cheyenne County were King Jr., Day, February 16, reviewed. A motion was made Presidents Day, April 3, Good by Olson, seconded by Sanders Friday, April 24, Arbor Day,to designate the official deposiMay 25, Memorial Day July 3, tories for Cheyenne County as Independence Day, September follows: American National 7, Labor Day October 12, Bank of Sidney, Points West Columbus Day November 11, Community Bank of Dalton and Veterans Day, November 26 & Sidney, Adams Bank & Trust of 27 Thanksgiving, December 24 Lodgepole, Potter State Bank of & 25, Christmas, December Potter, Security First of Sidney 31, close at 3 P.M., New Year’s and NPAIT of Lincoln. Roll Call: Eve, January 1, 2016 N e w Aye: Johnson, Olson, Sanders. Year’s Day Nay: None. Commissioner Committee Treasurer Scott presented appointments for 2015 were Resolution 2015-2 regardnext discussed. A motion ing the investment of County was made by Olson, second- funds. Pursuant to Neb. Rev. ed by Sanders to approve the Stat. 77-2312, the County Committee appointments as fol- Board and County Treasurer lows. Roll Call: Aye: Olson, are allowed and authorized to Sanders, Johnson. Nay: None. invest funds of the County and COMMITTEE believe it is in the best interest REPRESENTATIVEALTERNATE of Cheyenne County to require Water Quality, Olson Sanders, securities in lieu of a bond. The Regional Land Board, Board and Treasurer require Johnson Sanders, Region 21 the amount of pledged securiEmergency Management, ties equal a value of 115% of Johnson Sanders, Commission the amount of investment over on Aging, Johnson Olson, and above the amount insured Mental Health, Sanders Olson, under the Federal Deposit Region I-Office of Human Insurance Act. Accordingly, a Dev., SandersO l s o n , motion was made by Olson, Panhandle Area Dev. District, seconded by Sanders to adopt JohnsonOlson, Panhandle Resolution 2015-2 authorizing Community Services, Olson the County Treasurer to hold Johnson,Panhandle Disability pledged securities equal to a Service Inc., Sanders Olson, value of 115% of the amount Visitor Committee – Ex Officio, of investment over and above Sanders the amount insured under the ---Waste Management Federal Deposit Insurance Act. – Landfill J o h n s o n Roll Call: Aye: Olson, Sanders, Olson, E911 Board, Johnson Johnson. Nay: None. A comOlson,Panhandle Resource plete copy of the Resolution as Conservation, Johnson Olson adopted is on file at the Office of And Development Panhandle the County Clerk. Public Health, Johnson Olson. Treasurer Scott then reportDistrict Board ed on the pledged securities for The appointment of the the County. A motion was made Appointed Officials was tabled by Olson, seconded by Sanders until later in the meeting. to approve the pledged securiThe Board designated the ties report as presented. Roll official Cheyenne County radio Call: Aye: Sanders, Johnson, station and newspaper. A Olson. Nay: None. motion was made by Olson, Highway Superintendent seconded by Sanders to desig- Tom Noel presented an infornate the Sidney Sun-Telegraph mal quote for crack sealing and as the official newspaper and router work as needed on the KSID Radio of Sidney as the following roads: County Road official radio station. Roll Call: 20 from City of Sidney limAye: Sanders, Johnson, Olson. its west for approximately 2 Nay: None. A motion was miles to State Highway 19; and, then made by Sanders, secCounty Road 46 from State onded by Olson to approve the Highway 385 to County Road following methods of providing 125 for approximately 6 miles. notice to the public: publishThe informal quote is as foling the notice in the official lows: COMPANY, ROAD 20, ROAD County newspaper, broadcast46 TOTAL B a d e r ’ s ing on the official County radio Highway & Street, $6,959.00, station, posting on the bulletin board in the Cheyenne County $19,782.00, $26,741.00 Fred Bader from Bader’s Court House, on the Cheyenne County website and in three Highway & Street explained the quote. He stated that all of the public places. Roll Call: Aye: Johnson, Olson, Sanders. Nay: work would be completed by April 1, 2015. After a review None. of the quote, a motion was The Clerk presented made by Sanders, seconded by Resolution 2015-1 for the Olson to accept the quote from Board’s review. This Resolution reaffirms the E911 surcharge of Bader’s Highway & Street in the $1.00 per month per telephone total amount of $26,741.00. Roll Call: Aye: Johnson, Olson, line as defined in Resolution Sanders. Nay: None. 1994-30. A motion was Larry Burbach from Nebraska made by Olson, seconded by Sanders to adopt Resolution Machinery Company presented and explained rental agree2015-1 as above described. ment documents for the lease Roll Call: Aye: Olson, Sanders, Johnson. Nay: None. A com- of a 2015 Caterpillar skid steer. After a review and discussion, plete copy of the Resolution as a motion was made by Olson, approved is on file in the County seconded by Sanders to adopt Clerk’s Office. Next, the Board reviewed an Resolution 2015-3 approving the lease of the 2015 Caterpillar increase in the mileage reimRoll Call: Aye: bursement rate from 56¢ per skid steer. Olson, Sanders, Johnson. Nay: mile to 57.5¢ per mile effective January 1, 2015. Pursuant to None. A complete copy of the Resolution as adopted is on Neb. Rev. Stat. 33-117, the file at the Office of the County rate charged by the Sheriff Clerk. for serving papers will be 3¢ Highway Superintendent more per mile than the rate set according to Neb. Rev. Stat. Noel updated the Board on road 81-1176. Accordingly, the mile- activities. age reimbursement rate will be Continued On Page 7A 7A Legals Online: www.suntelegraph.com Wednesday January 28, 2015 Sidney Sun-Telegraph Legal Notices Continued From Page 6A Sandi Bybee appeared and requested the Board approve the issuance of a Special Designated Liquor License for the annual Pheasants Forever Banquet to be held March 6, 2015 at the Cheyenne County Fairgrounds. A motion was made by Olson, seconded by Sanders to adopt Resolution 2015-4 approving the issuance of a Special Designated Liquor License for the annual Pheasants Forever Banquet to be held on March 6, 2015 at the Cheyenne County Fairgrounds. Roll Call: Aye: Sanders, Johnson, Olson. Nay: None. A complete copy of the Resolution as adopted is on file at the Office of the County Clerk. The list of Appointed Officials for 2015 was reviewed. After a discussion, a motion was made by Sanders, seconded by Olson to approve the following appointments with their terms to expire December 31, 2015. Roll Call: Aye: Johnson, Olson, Sanders. Nay: None. Roger Conley Building and Grounds Superintendent, T o m Noel Highway Superintendent Ronald Leal, Emergency Management Coordinator, Heidi Gillespie, Emergency Communications Director, Brian Hiett, Weed Superintendent, Ronald Gusman V e t e r a n s Service Officer, C o l l e e n TermanPlanning and Zoning Administrator. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:56 A.M., until the next regular meeting on Tuesday, January 20, 2015. Roll Call: Aye: Olson, Sanders, Johnson. Nay: None. Dated this 8th day of January 2015. /s/Darrell J. Johnson, Chairman /s/ Philip E. Sanders, ViceChairman /s/Steven L. Olson, Member ATTEST: /s/Beth E. Fiegenschuh, Cheyenne County Clerk [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on January 28, 2015] L711 STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATION AND SECTION 70-624 NOTICE Wheat Belt Public Power District 2104 Illinois Street PO Box 177 Sidney, NE 69162 Wheat Belt Public Power District is the recipient of Federal financial assistance from the Rural Utilities Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and is subject to the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, and the rules and regulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture which provide that no person in the United States on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin or handicap shall be excluded from participation in, or admission or access to, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any of this organizations programs or activities. The person responsible for coordinating this organization’s nondiscrimination compliance efforts is Timothy Lindahl, General Manager. Any individual or specific class of individuals, who feels that this organization has subjected them to discrimination may obtain further information about the status and regulations listed above from and/or file a written complaint with this organization; or USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9420, or call (800) 7953272 (voice) or (202)720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity employer, Complaints must be filed within 180 days after the alleged discrimination. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible. Section 70-624 of the statutes of Nebraska requires that salaries of any general manager of assistant general manager and all officers of What Belt Public Power District be published in legal newspapers of general circulation once a year in which such general manager of officers are employed. The salary of the general manager of the district is $11, 666.67 per month. The president, other officers and directors are not paid a salary, but for services on behalf of the District are paid $225 per diem not to exceed $7,560 for the President and $200 per diem not to exceed $6,720 for all others in the calender year. [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on January 28, 2015] L712 VILLAGE OF DALTON, NEBRASKA STREET IMPROVEMENT HEARING Public notice is hereby given in compliance with Section 39-2119, R.R.S., Nebraska, 1943, as amended, that the governing body of the Village of Dalton, Nebraska, will meet on the 9th of February 2015, between the hours of 7:30 P.M. and 7:45 P.M. in the village office in the Village of Dalton, Nebraska, for the purpose of hearing support, opposition, criticism, suggestions, or observations relating to the Village of Dalton One and Six Year Proposed Street Improvement Plan. VILLAGE OF DALTON, NEBRASKA /s/Charles Hammond Mayor [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on January 28, 2015] L714 Proceedings of the Leyton Public Schools Cheyenne County School District #03 Board of Education January 12, 2015 – 7:30 p.m. District Administrative Offices in Dalton, NE CALL TO ORDER: Vice President Jed Benish called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. New Board member Mr. Ryan Lembke recited the “Oath of Office”. Members present: Jed Benish, Colleen Cruise, Ryan Lembke, Jennifer Powell, Bryan Reimers, and Rob Rushman. Members absent: none. Also present were Principal James McGown, Superintendent Greg Brenner and Recording Secretary Janella Kruse. In addition, there were three visitors. Moved by Mr. Rushman, seconded by Mrs. Powell to approve the agenda. Motion approved 6-0. Communications were read from Dana Morgan, Anna Faye Van Anne, Ann Hurt, American Legion Post 301 Commander, John Sanna, and Bill & Becky Murray & family. REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD: Moved by Mr. Rushman, seconded by Mrs. Powell to elect Jed Benish as president of the Board and to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. Benish. Motion approved 6-0. Moved by Mrs. Cruise, seconded by Mr. Rushman to elect Bryan Reimers as vice-president of the Board and to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. Reimers. Motion approved 6-0. Moved by Mrs. Cruise, seconded by Mrs. Powell to elect Rob Rushman as secretary of the Board. Moved by Mr. Rushman, seconded by Mr. Reimers to elect Colleen Cruise as secretary of the Board. A written ballot was cast. Mrs. Cruise was elected as secretary of the Board by a 4-2 margin. Moved by Mr. Rushman, seconded by Mr. Reimers to elect Jennifer Powell as treasurer of the Board and to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Powell. Motion approved 6-0. Moved by Mr. Benish, seconded by Mrs. Cruise to approve the following committees: Americanism: Mrs. Powell, Mr. Reimers and Mr. Rushman; Building & Grounds: Mr. Benish, Mrs. Cruise and Mr. Lembke; Finance & Negotiations: Mr. Benish, Mrs. Cruise and Mr. Reimers and Transportation: Mr. Lembke, Mrs. Powell, and Mr. Rushman. Motion approved 6-0. BUSINESS MEETING: Moved by Mr. Rushman, seconded by Mr. Lembke to approve the minutes of the Board’s regular meeting for December 8, 2014. Motion approved 6-0. Moved by Mr. Reimers, seconded by Mrs. Powell to approve General Fund bills and financial reports as presented. Motion approved 6-0. Moved by Mrs. Cruise, seconded by Mr. Lembke to approve bills and financial reports from the remaining funds as presented. Motion approved 6-0. ACTION ITEMS: Moved by Mr. Lembke, seconded by Mr. Reimers to grant Special Recognition to the Leyton Public Schools Foundation, Mr. Patrick McKay, and Mr. Neal Thompson for installing video/ audio equipment & wiring in the multi-purpose room to be used to view activities in the gymnasium; to all donors for their generous contributions to the Needy Student Fund; to Mrs. Holly Benish & Mr. Shawn Oakes for conducting outstanding Christmas programs; to Mr. Bob Hedges for helping with the sound system at both programs; to Ashton VanAnne, JH/Elementary Student of the Month (December); and to Brody Morgan, HS Student of the Month (December). Motion approved 6-0. Moved by Mr. Benish, seconded by Mr. Rushman to accept a letter of resignation from Principal James McGown and to thank him for his service. Motion approved 6-0. DISCUSION ITEMS (WITH POSSIBLE ACTION): Discussed administrative evaluations and the guidelines that need to be followed under the new Superintendent Transparency Act. Discussed the need for a new activity bus. The transportation committee will meet to review the District’s current vehicles and to make recommendations. Discussed current legal representation and the flexibility of working with different law firms in the future. Discussed the need to advertise for bids for the playground resurfacing project. REPORTS: Board member Mrs. Powell discussed patron concerns including the lack of a baby changing station in the bathrooms and the quantity of the lunch program’s portions. Mr. McGown reported on the monthly staff meeting (this month’s theme: communication) and on expanding the use of the mimeo boards in the classroom. Mr. Brenner reported on the Foundation’s new video/audio equipment for the gym and multi-purpose room. TIME AND DATE OF NEXT REGULAR MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Leyton Board of Education will be Monday, February 9, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the district’s administrative offices at Leyton High School in Dalton. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by general consent at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /s/Janella Kruse, Secretary Approved by, /s/Colleen Cruise Leyton Board of Education Vendor D e s c r i p t i o n AmountAS Central Services, Service, $236.79, Jill Bartling, Supplies, $56.54, BioLogix Supplies, $189.64, Bomgaars, Supplies, $125.67, Leo Bowen, Mileage, $ 2 8 2 . 2 4 , Greg Brenner Mileage, $183.60, Bridgeport Newsblade Supplies, $73.25, Cardmember Services, Miscellaneous, $258.04, Copier Connection,S e r v i c e , $263.00, Dalton Market, Supplies, $507.46, Dalton Phone, Telephone, $18.24, Day & Night, Parts & Labor, $950.71, Deaver Tire, Parts & Labor, $51.55, Demco, S u p p l i e s , $205.72, Jennifer Dobrinski, Miscellaneous,$20.00,DP Electronics, Supplies, $196.98, ESU 13,Service,$ 8 , 2 8 9 . 8 9 , Finney’s Supplies, $224.06, Floyd’s Truck Center, Parts & Labor, $3,221.35, Susan Foster, Mileage + Other, $63.20, Frenchmen Valley Coop, Fuel, $2,712.07, Great American, Copiers, $970.00, Harding & Schultz, Legal Services, $861.00, Horizon West Supplies, $3.67, Ann Hurt, Mileage, $112.32, Ideal Supplies, $825.38, Dana JeppsonMileage, $45.36, JW Pepper Supplies, $94.93, Know Buddy Resources,Library Books, $168.60, Loading Chute, Other, $80.00, Marick’s, Service, $100.00, James McGown, Mileage, $142.56, Dana Morgan, Mileage, $10.80, Napa Auto Parts, Supplies, $17.96, Nevco, Supplies, $ 9 2 6 . 4 5 , Shawn Oakes, Mileage, $64.80, Outlaws, Other, $ 2 0 . 0 0 , Perkins County Schools, DL Spanish, Teacher/Costs, $10,920.00, Phonak, Supplies $68.39, Physical Therapy of the Bluffs, Other, $459.83, Pro Sports, Supplies, $174.00, Protex Central, Inspections, $562.00, Quill, Supplies, $235.79, Regional Care, Service,$45.00, SA Foster, Supplies, $8.98, Sidney Regional West Hospital, Other, $617.75, Sidney Sun-Telegraph, Ads, $87.95, Source Gas,Gas Service, $5,151.12, US Post Office, Fees, $220.00, Village of Dalton Utilities, $528.94, Village of Gurley, Utilities, $685.13, Vistabeam, Service, $199.95, Weathercraft,Materials & Labor, $663.00, Wheatbelt, Utilities,$4,830.50, Sherri Wiedeman,M i l e a g e , $38.88, WPCI Service, $68.00, Total, $48,139.04 [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on January 28, 2015] Please Send Notices to: [email protected] Please Send Ads to: [email protected] L703 [Published in The Sidney Sun-Telegraph on January 28, 2015.] Practice Democracy. Read your Legal Notices. They’re crucial to Democracy. The reason publication of legal notices is required in newspapers is YOU, the citizen. In a Democracy, the government is required to inform you of the public business, because you and your neighbors are the basis for government. These notices provide essential information about all local government entities, including schools, cities, villages and counties. A Democracy is a system of checks and balances. Your right to know and be informed is a check on government. Public notices shed light on the actions of all governmental bodies, but it’s up to you, the citizen, to read them and obtain more information if necessary about the actions that impact you. 8A Classifieds WEDNEsday January 28, 2014 Sidney Sun-Telegraph Cash-Wa Distributing 825 Hickory St., Sidney (308)-254-4689 Ext. 7321 Class A CDL Drivers No Haz-Mat required Home daily, No Overnights Benefits include: Paid holidays and vacations Medical, Dental, and life insurance 401k Under new management New higher starting wage PRICE REDUCED! MISC. FOR SALE UNFURNISHED APTS help wanted help wanted help wanted help wanted statewides Certified oat and yellow field pea seed for sale. 308249-0979. INNERCOURT APTS is now taking applications for studio & 2 bdrm. Sec. dep. required. Water pd. No smoking. No pets. Ref’s required. 308-2495450. Employment available: Feedtruck driver/ mill operator. Medical insurance, vacation and sick days, meat provided. 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Send your message to 175 newspapers across Nebraska for one low price! Call 1-800-3692850 or www.nebpress. com for more details. ATTN: COMPUTER Work. Work from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1,500 Parttime to $7,500/month Full-time. Training provided. www. WorkServices8.com. FOREMAN NEEDED for concrete crew specializing in flat work and footing. Experience desired. Saathoff Construction, Superior, NE, 402-8795313. Annie's Mailbox her husband’s affection. Telling Dear Annie: My wife has a good personality and makes friends her to get counseling, focus on the grandchildren, get out more, etc., easily. The problem is, she does was fine until I came to your last not keep them. If someone rubs line: “Please consider doing volunher wrong, she flares up in anger. teer work with babies at your local If someone disagrees with her, she hospital.” verbally abuses them. There are probShe also gets involved Kathy Mitchell ably hundreds of in everyone else’s per& marcy Sugar volunteer opportunisonal affairs. Creators Syndicate ties in her commuWhen these neganity. Just because tive things happen, she is a mother, the friends start backyou assume holding a baby would ing off. Then my wife complains make her happy? A simple suggesthat we have no friends and it’s tion that she look into volunteering my fault because I’m not outgoing with an organization that matches enough. But I am friendly and parher passions, whether that be at ticipate in group gatherings withher local food bank, animal shelter, out getting involved in conflicts. I day care, library or anywhere she make friends and keep them. wants, would have been less ridicuThis has been going on for 30 lous. — Ventura, Calif. years. How can I make her see Dear Ventura: We apprecithat she is the one who is driving people away? — Need Help Down ate your weighing in, but in your effort to be gender-neutral, you South miss the writer’s main point. The Dear Need: Your wife is disinwoman’s problem isn’t a need to clined to blame herself for these be useful and busy, for which any things. After all, if she had the volunteer job would be helpful. capacity for genuine self-examinaIt’s that she isn’t getting enough tion, she might not be alienating physical affection. She even signs her friends to begin with. You can discuss this honestly, calmly telling her letter, “Need To Be Held.” She isn’t likely to find that at her local your wife that she seems quick food bank or library. Volunteering to anger and slow to forgive, and at her local hospital, where she can perhaps she could learn a differhold babies, is a wonderful way for ent approach, either on her own her to get the physical affection she or through counseling. But if you craves, and it is also good for the are unwilling to risk that argubabies. (Men can do it, too.) ment, say neutrally, “Some folks Dear Annie: “Been There, are very sensitive, and I try to be Done That” lamented the trend to careful about what I say to them give kids unusual names. These and always try to forgive them for things that annoy me. But it’s hard days, complicated names can be an advantage if you are searching for work.” That may give her some someone on the Internet. A person ideas about how to treat others, while not assessing blame. It’s your with a commonly spelled first name can be impossible to find. choice. You have to live with her. Fifty years ago, my kid sister Dear Annie: I was ashamed announced that she was going to of your response to “Need To Be marry someone with a simple last Held,” who was dissatisfied with One Year (in county) $108.00 One Year (out-of-county) $128.00 One Year SENIOR - 65 or older (in county) $97.00 One Year Senior - 65 or older (out-of-county) $115.75 6 Months (in county) $60.00 6 Months (out-of-county) $67.50 6 Months SENIOR - 65 or older (in county) $54.00 6 Months SENIOR - 65 or older (out-of-county) $60.75 THE SIDNEY name. But when she married years later, it was to a man whose name was even harder to spell and pronounce than hers. When I taught elementary school in the ‘70s, the principal suggested that it might be easier for students to call me something other than my last name, as long as it started with “Mister.” On my first day, I wrote my name on the board and told the students what the principal had said. They voted to call me “Mister John.” I remember one open house when a parent addressed me by my last name. Their daughter immediately interrupted to say they were incorrect. I was “Mister John.” — Hard To Spell Last Name Dear Annie: My sister’s son, “Jared,” lives close to us but far from his mother. We always invite them to family get-togethers, but are never sure whether they will show up. Sometimes they don’t respond, sometimes they show up without responding, and sometimes they call at the last minute to say they are sick and can’t come. Jared was raised by my sister and her second husband. When my sister comes to visit Jared, his wife, “Claire,” stays in her room. She doesn’t come out to say hello or goodbye. The excuse is that she’s “not well.” My sister only comes three times a year for a couple of days because she wants to see their grandchildren. Claire does nothing for the kids. Her parents, who live with them, take care of the children. Jared’s biological father has been out of his life since he was a child. But a few years ago, a biological aunt looked up my nephew and contacted Claire. Ever since, Claire has been friendly to the biodad’s family, inviting them over and spending holidays with them. But she totally ignores our side of the family. There are periodic episodes of almost bizarre friendliness from Claire, and we always eagerly respond to these moments, but they are few and far between and never result in closer ties. We’ve been told that Claire has a wonderful, outgoing personality at work. But with us, she barely communicates. She and Jared don’t socialize with friends, either. I think Claire may suffer from depression or bipolar disease. I realize it is Jared’s place to speak up, but he’s very non-confrontational and becomes defensive. What is the best way to handle Jared and Claire? My sister just accepts the situation because she can’t do anything about it. — Illinois Aunt Dear Aunt: Your sister is right. When you cannot change an unpleasant situation, you need to step back, lower your expectations and let it go. Claire is rude and disrespectful, and she is nicer to the bio-family because they are less connected to Jared and therefore less threatening to her. You certainly have reason to stop inviting them over, but if you would rather continue seeing Jared and his children, you will have to tolerate Claire. Dear Annie: My wife and I are 75, with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We are still paying off our credit card bills from Christmas. It’s difficult for us to shop. We don’t know what they want and can’t afford much. My wife does a great job purchasing clothing and toys, but they don’t seem terribly happy to open the presents. We still have a gift in our house for one great-granddaughter because her parents don’t care enough to pick it up. Of course, none of the adult grandchildren has ever purchased us a gift. What is a solution for people our age whose gift-buying increases every year and the recipients don’t seem to appreciate it? I told my wife that maybe we should give a donation in their name. — Grandpa Dear Grandpa: A donation is lovely, provided they don’t object to the charity you have selected. Or give each child a tin of Grandma’s special cookies or Grandpa’s favorite tea. Great-grandchildren can be “given” an evening with you, popcorn and a rented movie. Please don’t go broke trying to please kids who don’t know how to be grateful. Dear Annie: This is for “Uncle Joe,” the 88-year-old mentally ill uncle whose sister insists that he be invited to holiday gatherings. The key message is: “He ruins it for everybody.” If he refuses help, leave him out and tell him why. I was 70 years old before I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and depression. I was put on the right medication and never looked back. It is not too late for Joe, but if he is too stubborn for treatment, leave him home. — Been There Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to anniesmailbox@comcast. net, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com. COPYRIGHT 2015 CREATORS.COM Yes! I’ll subscribe to The Sidney Sun-Telegraph! 3 Months (in county) $32.50 3 Months (out-of-county) $37.00 3 Months SENIOR - 65 or older (in county) $29.50 3 Months SENIOR - 65 or older (out-of-county) $33.75 Access to website only $1.00 more! 817 12th Ave. • P.O. 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