3"Fn HI"}y{ACS{AE, FI.B}ei!",S i,x},{ C+rjro.?te Cffice : SCO llo 1. C iy Toner, l,,loc9 -o!i,n LLrdh ans Ph 0161-4575499 \rv.absii-. : !,..!,."r,hina.i,a iibre ..rr 1.1.t aa2 ClNr 117119HP1980P1c031020 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY OF RESOTUTION PASSED BY THE COMPANY THROUGH POSTAL BALLOT ON 2+'n Jlruunnv, zots the provisions of section 51(1)(d) and other applicable provisions, if any of the Companies Act, 2013(including any statutory modification(s) or enactment thereof for the time being in force) and Article 51(b) and other enabling provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company, consent of the Members be and is hereby accorded to sub-divide each equity share of the Nominal value of Rs. 1o/-{Rupees Ten Only) each in the Capital of the Company fully paid up, into 10 Equity Shares of Rs. 1/-(Rupees One only) each fully paid up and allthe Equity shares of Rs10/-(Rupees Ten only) each fully paid, of the com pany, be subdivided accordinely, with effect from the Record Date as may be fixed for the purpose. "RESoLVED THAT pursuant to REsoLvED FUTHER THAT pursuant to the sub-division of the equity shares of the Company, all the issued, subscribed and paid up equity shares of nominal value of Rs. 10/-(Rupees Ten Only) ofthe Company existing on the Record date to be flxed by the company shall stand sub-divided into equity share of nominal value of Rs. 1(Rupees One Only) each fully paid up. the existing share Certificate{s) in relation to the existing Equity Shares of Rs 1o/-(Rupees Ten only) each held in physical form shall be deemed to have been automatically cancelled and be of no effect on and from the Record Date and the Company may, either call back the existing Share Certiflcate(s) from the Shareholders or without requlring the surrender of the existing Share Certificate(s), directly issue and dispatch the new Share Certificate(s) of the company, in lieu of such existing Share Certificate(s) subject to the provisions laid down in the Companies (5hare Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 (including any statutory modification(s) or reenactment thereof for the time being in force) and the Articles of Association of the company and in the case of shares held in dematerialized form, the number of sub-divided Equity Shares be credited to the respective beneficiary accounts of the Shareholders with the Depository Participants, in lieu of the existing credits representinS the Equity shares ofthe Company before Sub-division. RESOwED FURTHER THAT upon Sub-division as aforesaid, the Board of Directors of the Company( the "Board", which expression shall aiso include a duly authorized committee thereof) be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as may be necessary for obtaininE approvals, statutory, contradual or RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Regd. Offlce & Works Plot No 43 44, lndustriaiArea. Baroliv/ala, Distt. Solan (H P) 174103 Telefax: 01792 253034' i{ E iMAej gAA I- "fhryB !i ir Ei5 :4.!rorale r,': E,r*-S, 5 I*I tr{E T E ot{je. SCO No 1, i;r,,T.r!,,€r i!lot,.lr-orir Ludh ar: 14i ph:c16;-467549q \ii.'e_qx te .r",,r,- | r?.ii-, iihi€.orr * 0C2 otherwise, in relation to the above and to settle all matters arising out of and incidental thereto and to execute all deeds, applications, documents and writings that may be required, on behalf of the Company and generatly to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things and to give, from time to time, such directions as may be necessary, proper, expedient or incidental for the purpose of giving effect to this Resolution and to delegate all or any of the powers herein vested in the Board, to any Director(s) or Officer(s) of the Company as may be required to give effect to the above resolution." CERTIFIED TRUE COPY 'f* HlilfttP,fL FrBilt$tfi'{,''.c Head (Corporate AfiaiDi curn ComDanY S.,trni?ry Amit Sharma (Company secretary) Regd. Offi ce & Works : Plol No 43-,14, lndustria I Area, Earotiwata Distt. Solan (H. P) , 1 741 03 Telelax : 01 792-253034
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