NOTRE DAME CATHOLIC SCHOOL Principal: Alex Van Wieringen Secretary: Irene Devlin Trustee: Norm Bethune Superintendent of Education: Francine Pilon Director of Education: Catherine Montreuil Parish Priest: Fr. Dave Reilander 885 25th Street East Owen Sound, Ontario N4K6X6 Phone (519) 371-0161 or (519) 371-5703 Fax: (519) 371-6637 Website: JANUARY 2015 A Blessing for the New Year HAPPY NEW YEAR! God of time and of eternity, Wishing you and your family all the best in 2015! May God continue to bless our school community in the year ahead. with Christmas joy we praise you for the year gone by and for the year we have begun. VIRTURE FOR JANUARY PATIENCE Your Son comes among us Patience is a quiet hope and trust that everything will turn out well, even when now it is difficult. It also requires us to accept ourselves and others when a mistake is made. It calls us to a greater understanding of each other and to invite God into our lives to help us to be accepting and patient with each other. ♥ We believe that God’s timing may be different than ours. ♥ We wait our turn without complaining. ♥ We accept that everyone makes mistakes. ♥ We believe that it takes time for all things to reach their potential. to bring glad tidings to the poor, to proclaim a year of grace for all the world. We bring you these promises as signs of our love. Strengthen us to follow you more closely during the coming year. Amen Please join us for our next Notre Dame Catholic School Council meeting on Monday, January 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the Library Everyone Welcome! Grey Bruce Youth Film Festival Call for Submissions! BUS CANCELLATIONS SNOW DAYS Students in grades 7 through 12 are invited to submit short films of up to a maximum 10 minutes in length to be screened at the Galaxy Cinemas in Owen Sound as part of the Grey Bruce Youth Film Festival. The winning films in all 3 categories (junior, senior and people’s choice) will be announced at the screening on April 20, 2015. This year we have an additional category sponsored by the City of Owen Sound, awarding films that feature Owen Sound. The winner in this category will win a GoPro camera. On inclement weather days, our school will remain open when buses are canceled unless a school closure is announced. Parents should continue to listen to local radio stations (CFOS 560 AM, MIX 106.5 FM and Country 93 FM) for bus cancellations or access this information at Links to the Bus Cancellations website are also posted on each school website. Notre Dame Catholic School is in Zone 11. Subscribe to receive an email notification or Tweet when buses are canceled. You can subscribe to receive alerts from the Bus Cancellations and School Notifications website via email or Twitter. Go to select your ‘Zone’, click on ‘follow’ and enter your email address. The deadline for submissions is March 27, 2015 For more information, contact Youth Services Librarian, Nadia Danyluk at 519-376-6623 ext 4, or [email protected] BUSSING DESIGNATIONS GRADE 9 REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 Grade 8 Parent and Student Information Nights will be held at St. Mary’s High School on Thursday, January 15th and Tuesday, January 20th beginning at 7:00 PM. All parents of grade 8 students are encouraged to attend one of these evening sessions to learn more about St. Mary’s High School, programs, diploma requirements and course options. If you know of a current grade 8 student interested in coming to St. Mary’s in September please pass this information along to them. GRADE 8 ORIENTATION DAY All grade 8 students will attend an Orientation Day at St. Mary’s High School on Thursday, January 29th. Students will have the opportunity to participate in several mini-classes. This will help them as they select their courses for the fall. Lunch will be provided. Alternate Weather date: Monday, February 2nd Please note that the following buses are designated IN TOWN BUSES for the purposes of bus cancellations. #823 #871 #875 #876 #878 #881 #899 All other buses are considered Rural Buses When only In-Town buses are running, only the above noted routes will pick up students. Parents of students on rural buses deciding to bring their children to school will be responsible to pick those students up at the end of the day 3:20pm. When in-town buses are running and your child will be absent from school or if your child normally walks to school and will be absent a phone call from a parent is expected in accordance with our Safe Arrival procedure. 519-371-0161 Encourage Your Child to Make Learning Resolutions for 2015 It’s the New Year! So help your child start if off right by adopting stronger school-related habits. After all, it may technically be the middle of the school year, but it’s never too late for a fresh start! Depending on their particular strengths and weaknesses, encourage your child to make New Year’s resolutions related to their: Homework habits. Did your child spend the first part of the year scrambling to get their assignments finished each night? Help you child turn over a new leaf this time around. Set aside a specific time for studying each night and remind them to stay with it. Weekends. Does you child stay up late every Friday and Saturday and then snooze away much of the next day? And does that make waking up for school a major struggle on Monday morning? Have your child stick to a more reasonable bedtime on weekends. It might help them start the school week stronger. “Reprinted with permission from Parents Still make the Difference SCHOOL LEVEL COMPETITION Thursday January 22nd All Grades CONSIDER REMIND 101 TO KEEP INFORMED Get immediate updates on your phone or computer regarding events and/or cancellations at Notre Dame Catholic School. To receive messages via test on your phone, send a text to 587-316-5621 and type in the message @notredame1 To receive messages via email, send an email to [email protected] You can leave the subject blank. Home and School Communication In an effective school, there is open communication between home and school. We strongly encourage you to maintain open communication at all times with your child’s teacher. If there are issues that you would like to discuss, please note the following procedure: 1. Speak to the teacher by telephone or arrange for a suitable meeting time. 2. If the issue is not resolved at this level, speak to the principal. If you have not spoken to the teacher, the principal will ask you to do this. The principal will involve the teacher in the discussions. The principal may request, at any time in the process, that you put your concerns in writing. The principal may involve, at any time in the process others who may be helpful in resolving the concern; supports from system support staff, senior staff, the school board, community agencies. If you arrange a meeting with the teacher and the principal, you will be informed in advance about those who will attend the meeting. The teacher or principal will complete the communication by letting your know the outcome, or what is being done to resolve the situation as soon as possible. 3. Trustee Involvement - You may contact the trustee at any time. The trustee will direct you to follow the process as outlined above. Trustees will facilitate the communication process between the parent and the school. PUBLIC SPEAKING INFORMATION Royal Canadian Legion Branch 6 Public Speaking Competition Sunday, February 15, 2015 For more information please contact Sharon McGregor, Youth Education Chairman 519-376-3870 ****** Lions Club International Multiple District ‘A’ Owen Sound Scenic City Lions Club Effective Speaking Competition Saturday, March 21st, 2015 at the Neustadt Community Centre For more information please contact Ev Barnes 519-371-5657 [email protected] DID YOU GET NEW ELECTRONCIS FOR CHRISTMAS? A reminder to students and parents that cell phones, iPods, DS’s and other hand held electronics are not to be used at school by students unless directed by the teacher. While these tools provide everyone with great convenience, the class room should be a place of focused learning that is not interrupted by text messages or gaming activities. Parents, as well, are asked to refrain from texting their children during instructional time. Recess is a time for physical activity and positive social interactions, where students learn to interact and engage in activities together. Older students who may require a cell phone for after school activities, are requested to leave them in their lockers. Should the need to call a parent arise, there is a student phone in the office for health or emergency use. If you allow your child to use electronics as a form of entertainment on the bus, it should be kept securely in the child’s knapsack in their locker. The school cannot be responsible for any loss or damage that could occur should these expensive items come to school or while on the bus. Checking in at the Office Parents and guardians are always welcome at Notre Dame Catholic School. To ensure the safety and well being of our students, however, we ask that all visitors sign in (visitor’s sign in book located just outside the main office) and check in at the office. If you need to speak to your child, it would be our pleasure to have them meet you in the office. Thank you for your understanding. Notre Dame Catholic School Christmas Concert Video Our Christmas concert from December is now available for viewing on line. Please follow the steps below to log into the Notre Dame Video folder. Step 1 Enter the link below: Step 2 Have your son or daughter sign into their schools Google account ([email protected]) Step 3 Enjoy! JANUARY 2015 Sun 4 Mon 5 Tue 6 Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 24 7 PIZZA DAY 11 18 25 12 13 SUB DAY PIZZA DAY from last week PIZZA DAY GR 8 PARENTS’ INFO NIGHT @ SMHS 7pm 19 20 21 22 23 Parent Council mtg 7 pm in Library GR 8 PARENTS’ INFO NIGHT @ SMHS 7pm Mass @ 10:30 in gym K of C Free Throw BGCDSB JR VOLLEYBALL SHHS 26 27 28 29 30 BGCDSB INT GIRLS’ VOLLEYBALL SHHS BGCDSB INT BOYS’ VOLLEYBALL SHHS WEATHER DATE FOR ALL 3 VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENTS GR 8 ORIENTATION @ SMHS PD DAY NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS SUB DAY PIZZA DAY PIZZA DAY 31
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