CORINDA STATE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT RESOURCES HANDBOOK JUNIOR SCHOOL YEAR 7, 8 & 9 2015 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) STATONERY REQUIREMENTS SUBJECT LEVIES Commitment Dear Parent/Caregiver Corinda State High School is committed to providing the best possible resources to support student learning and the most effective way to do this is through the provision of a Student Resource Scheme (SRS). The purpose of the scheme is to provide parents/caregivers with a cost effective alternative to purchasing textbooks, resources, consumables and materials from elsewhere through reduced prices gained from the school’s bulk purchasing processes. Courtesy Cooperation The benefit for parents is that it is one upfront fee that can be budgeted for, while students are then able to access a full range of resources throughout the year. This scheme also offers the teacher’s flexibility and opportunity to access a wide variety of up to date and current resources, materials and text made possible through this scheme to provide innovative curriculum and powerful learning. Participation in this scheme is voluntary, but I can sincerely say that what we are providing is exceptional value. The scheme has the approval of the school’s Parents and Citizens’ Association. The annual fee to participate in the scheme is $ 280.00. The benefits of this scheme are clearly set out in this booklet. Helen Jamieson Principal Corinda State High School STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME 2015 YEARS 7, 8 & 9 INFORMATION, TERMS AND CONDITIONS Corinda State High School operates a Student Resource Scheme to ensure that all students have the necessary resources to support their educational requirements. It is also intended to parents/caregivers as a convenience and provides a more economical option to purchasing new textbooks each year. Contribution to the scheme is voluntary. Parents/caregivers are under no obligation to join, however, they will need to provide all necessary textbooks and pay for resources for the students if they elect not to join the scheme. The Student Resource Scheme operates at this school under the policy and guidelines of Education Queensland and has been endorsed by the Corinda State High School Parents and Citizens’. Parents who wish to take advantage and participate in the Student Resource Scheme pay an annual fee and any additional charges that relate to an area of studies where extra intensive resourcing is required, and sign an agreement to comply with the condition of the scheme. Authority Corinda High School is funded primarily by the State Government to meet the costs associated with the provision of instruction, facilities and administration for the education of all students. Parents/caregivers do not contribute to the provision of these basic services. This provision is commonly referred to as “free” education. Other costs associated with providing for a student’s education are not free. Schools are authorised under Chapter 3, Section 51, Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 to charge fees for a range of services. PART A: STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME FEES 2015 All Year Levels $ 280.00 per student (direct out of pocket expense to the parents / carers) Clarification of Costs: $ 280.00 Classroom resources, class sets(texts), novels, textbooks, workbooks Student ID Cards Student Study Planner School Annual Magazine (Koondoo) Personal photocopying allocation per year Equipment hire (enhances learning outcomes) Administration of Student Resource Scheme VET Coordination and / or QCS SLT / Active Volunteering Program $ 160.00 $ 8.00 $ 12.00 $ 12.00 $ 10.00 $ 18.00 $ 10.00 $ 30.00 $ 20.00 (In addition to the above costs, the Government Textbook Allowance paid directly to the school for Year 10 $ 111.00 and years 11 & 12 $ 242.00 offsets further costs to the school to enhance students’ learning. This includes, but is not limited to, software access, internet access, Applied Studies/Industrial Technology/IT/AV/HPE equipment, faculty/classroom reprographics, basic consumable items, and swimming carnival/district sport costs.) Note: The student Resource Scheme does not cover students’ personal requisites such as stationery, writing materials, or protective clothing. Please refer to the year specific stationery and subject area requirements in this booklet. Information regarding the uniform shop, price list and extended trading hours for the Dec 2014 - Jan 2015 period is available from the school’s website: CORINDA STATE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME 2015 - $ 280.00 The scheme has the approval of the school’s Parents and Citizens Association and provides parents with the following general benefits: Major benefits enjoyed by joining the Scheme: Temporary use of Textbooks prescribed for each subject Temporary use of class sets of books, dictionaries, atlases Student I.D Card (with photo) Student Planner Annual school magazine School produced curriculum booklets Specialised Literacy and Numeracy Support Foundation programs for Literacy/Numeracy intervention Reading Programs Temporary use of reference materials, periodicals, novels, DVDs, CDs and texts kept in Library and classrooms Reproduced class workbooks and worksheets and teacher prepared material which complements and / or substitutes for textbooks. Ceremonies and celebrations Administration of the Student Resource Scheme High Resolves – Student Leadership Program Mighty Minds workshop preparation for NAPLAN QCS (Queensland Core Skills) writing task practice and short response item practice conducted as part of senior studies. (short course)- includes workbooks, marking by independent authority, photocopying and various consumables. Access to a range of subscribed on-line programs which compliment curriculum resource eg: Mathletics Access to ICT support devices including but not limited to digital cameras, video cameras, microphone headsets, graphics tables, I Pads, USB storage devices, data projectors, webcams, data logger, external DVD devices and scanners. Access to teacher generated resources made available on the school network and “The Learning Place” Audio visual classroom support provided through the use of software programs Clickview Use of school purchased licensed software including AutoCAD, Photoshop and also subject specific software. Subject Specific Benefits: Access to demonstrations for Hospitality / Industrial Technologies / Agricultural students Access and provision of basic textile articles, food items for cooking and various printed booklets ie: recipe booklets in Hospitality and Home Economics. Access and provisions of basic materials, paint, craft, adhesives, drawing, screen printing, clay and ceramics and specialist art equipment in Art. Access and provisions to basic materials, earmuffs, welding goggles, helmets and protective clothing. Access to disposable gloves and apron, provision of chemicals and consumables for group/experimental work in Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Agriculture. Access to costumes, Specialised Dance Instructors, specialised make up for dance and drama Administration of the Workplace Placement and Independent Learning Centre Year 10, 11 and 12. This scheme provides an entire package for a set fee and is not available in parts. How do I participate in the scheme? Complete & return the Participation Agreement Form to the School Office or Student Services with your required payment (as selected in the payment arrangement section of the form) Parents/caregiver experience financial difficulty We understand that some families may have difficulty meeting this cost in one payment therefore we have several options for payments available, please contact the School’s Student Services for further information on 33790236. Exceed Your Expectations Non-Participation Parents/caregivers who do not wish to participate in the scheme should complete Option 2 Non-Participation Agreement Form and return it to the School Office. These parents/caregivers will receive a payment or credit from the school to the value of the Government Allowance for their child. However, parents/caregivers are expected to provide all necessary textbooks and resource for their child. A list of the textbooks can be provided via the Textbook Hire Room and students will be invoiced for resources supplied by the school that are included in this scheme. Non-Participants should also refer to the school refund policy. Student Resource Scheme (SRS) – Parent Contribution: Every effort has been made to contain the cost of the participation fee whilst ensuring that adequate resources are available for student use. The standard parent contribution for 2015 will be $ 280.00 for the entire year in all year levels. This is approximately $ 7.00 per week and an early bird discount will be offered of $ 20.00 where this fee is paid in full by the 23 January, 2015. This contribution is in addition to the Government Textbook Allowance. The scheme represents excellent value and provides substantial savings to parents of students in all year levels. Joining the Student Resource Scheme is optional. It attracts many benefits, which are detailed here for your information. If you do not join the scheme, and hence access the savings due to bulk purchase, sharing of texts over a number of years and streamlined, enhanced resource provision, you will need to purchase individual resources as required and pay for all the benefits previously listed that will be received by members of the scheme. (The average cost of a textbook is currently $ 55.00 approx., with some costing up to $ 85.00 each.) A detailed costing of all items to be purchased will be made available on request. The school encourages your participation in the scheme, as the best savings for all eventuate from high participation rates. The SRS at this school operates under the policy and guidelines of Education Queensland. Parents wishing to take advantage of the services provided by the scheme are required to pay the annual contribution and sign a Participation Agreement Form agreeing to the conditions herein. Textbook and Resource Allowance – Government Contribution: Education Queensland encourages schools to provide a SRS in an effort to limit costs to parents. The Queensland Government Textbook and Resource Allowance supports this scheme. To this end schools, with the approval of their Parents and Citizens Association, may elect to receive a direct bulk payment of the government textbook allowance for all students. The allowance is paid only once in any calendar year, regardless of the number of schools the student attends. This allowance assists with the early purchase of materials and books so that the advantage of discounts can be secured through bulk ordering. Our Parents and Citizens Association has currently approved direct payment of the allowance to the school. Should parents decide not to participate in the scheme the school will pay the Textbook and Resource Allowance to them. The Government Textbook Allowance for 2015 is to be advised. All students attending secondary schools in Queensland (state or non-state) are eligible to receive a Textbook and Resource Allowance with the exception of the following categories of students: students enrolled as full fee paying overseas students (FFOS); students on exchange programs; students undertaking part time distance education from a non-state school accredited for distance education; students enrolled after the first Friday in August. Subject Levies Some subjects attract an additional subject levy charge. These levies are based on user pay and are affiliated with subject areas that have a high consumable or resource requirement for the subject studied. These costs are additional to the basic consumables and resources included in the Resource Hire Scheme (SRS) eg Industrial Technologies, Applied Studies and Art. Please refer to the Subject Charges as attached. Exceed Your Expectations TERM PAYMENT CALENDAR Full payment of the SRS Participation Fee is the school’s preferred payment option to be paid by the end of the third week of school, 13 February 2015. Full payment is preferable for ease of management and issue of school resources to students. However, if financial constraints prevent full payment at this time, term payments are an option. If choosing the term payment method to pay SRS participation fees, please display this calendar in a prominent place so that you do not miss payments when they are due. The initial term payment is due within the first three weeks of term 1. However, each subsequent term payment is due during the first week of term. Please be prompt with term payments. Reminder accounts will only be issued as notification of late payment. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure term payments are made on time if this is their chosen option. There will be reminder notices via the school newsletter. If there are special circumstances that will prevent payment by the due date, please phone the school (3379 0222) to discuss payment at a later date. The “Automatic Deduction of Term Payments from Credit Card” solves the problem of remembering to pay by the due date. Please complete this section on the “SRS Participation Agreement Form” if choosing this option. TERM PAYMENT DUE BY DATE EARLY BIRD 23 January 2015 Term 1 30 January 2015 Term 2 24 April 2015 Term 3 17 July 2015 Term 4 9 October 2015 Please be prompt with term payment STUDENT SERVICES / PAYMENT OFFICE HOURS FOR PAYMENTS Monday 1 December Tuesday 2 December Wednesday 3 December Thursday 4 December Friday 5 December 2014 8:00 am and 5:00 pm 8:00 am and 5:00 pm 8:00 am and 5:00 pm 8:00 am and 5:00 pm 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday 19 January Tuesday 20 January Wednesday 21 January Thursday 22 January Friday 23 January Exceed Your Expectations 2015 8:00 am and 5:00 pm 8:00 am and 5:00 pm 8:00 am and 5:00 pm 8:00 am and 5:00 pm 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Student Resource Scheme 2015 RETURN THIS FORM TO THE OFFICE WHEN MAKING PAYMENT Option 1 - Participation Agreement Form – CORINDA STATE HIGH SCHOOL Privacy Statement The Department of Education and Training through the school is collecting your personal information in accordance with section 51 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 in order to administer the Student Resource Scheme in an efficient, ethical and secure manner. The information will only be accessed by school employees conducting the scheme. Some of this information may be given to departmental employees for the purpose of debt recovery. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given permission or the Department of Education and Training is authorised or required by law to make the disclosure. Participation YES I wish to participate in the Student Resource Scheme in 2015. I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions of the scheme (see reverse) and agree to abide by them and to pay the $ 280.00 yearly participation fee in accordance with the selected payment arrangement below. NO I do not wish to participate in the Student Resource Scheme in 2015. I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions of the reverse) and agree to abide by them, in particular paragraphs 12 and 36. scheme (see Please refer to Option 2 – Non-Participation Form and 2015 Subject Requirements lists for details Student Details Student Name: Student EQ Number: Year level 2015: Parent / Guardian Names: Address: Contact Numbers: Home: Work: Mobile: Email: Parent/Carer Signature: Fax: Date: Payment Arrangement SRS with Early bird Before 23/1/15 $ 260.00 SRS After 23/1/15 $ 280.00 SRS - $ 280.00 payable by four instalments of $ 70.00 per term TOTAL $ Date Paid: IN FULL NOW: I wish to make a single payment now of the total amount above. INSTALMENTS: I wish to make instalment payments, during the first two weeks of each of the four terms at $ 70.00 per term; or as follows after being negotiated with the school. Other payment details: 1st Instalment: Term 1 due 30/1/15, Instalment 2, 3 & 4 due week 1 of each term I agree to make payments by the due dates and I understand that any failure to make payments by these dates may result in debt recovery action being undertaken including, where warranted, referral to an external debt collection agency at my expense. Payment Method Centrelink Deduction - Payment by Centrelink deduction can be arranged through the school administration EFT - Payment by EFT can be made to the school bank account BSB: 064-144 Account Number 00902300. To ensure correct identification of the payment, please ensure that the EFT payment reference clearly includes the STUDENT NAME, along with the characters SRS, and Student EQ ID number: eg. Polly Smith SRS 111111111M EFTPOS (Credit/Debit Card) Cheque MasterCard or Visa only Cheque payments to be made out to Corinda State High School, crossed I hereby authorise the school to debit my: MasterCard Visa Card number: $ 260.00 Account Payee Only Not Negotiable Amount: $ Expiry Date: $280.00 Name of cardholder as it appears on the card: $280.00 by instalment - at the beginning of each term to the value of $ 70.00 as detailed above Signature of cardholder: Purpose of the Scheme 1. In accordance with the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, the cost of providing instruction, administration and facilities for the education of students enrolled at State schools who are Australian citizens or permanent residents, or children of Australian citizens or permanent residents, is met by the State. 2. Parents are directly responsible for providing textbooks and other personal resources for their children while attending school. In recognition that these costs can be high, the school operates a Student Resource Scheme (the “scheme”) that enables a parent to enter into an agreement with the school that, for a specified annual participation fee, provides for the temporary use by the student of prescribed textbooks and/or other resources, and/or the purchase of consumables and materials for the student. 3. 3. A Student Resource Scheme is separate to and distinct from a request for a voluntary financial contribution. Benefits of the Scheme 4. The purpose of the scheme is to provide the parent with a cost effective alternative to purchasing textbooks and/or resources elsewhere, through reduced prices gained from the school’s bulk purchasing practices. 5. The scheme also ensures that students have consistent personal resources for their education, and saves the parent time and money in sourcing the prescribed materials elsewhere. 6. The scheme is not used to raise funds for other purposes, and revenue collected through the scheme is applied only to the operation of the scheme. Participation in the Scheme 7. Participation in the scheme is voluntary, and there is no obligation on a parent to participate in the scheme. A parent’s decision to participate or not is based on consideration of the value afforded to them by the scheme. 8. The completed and signed Participation Agreement Form should be returned to the school by the advertised date to indicate participation or non-participation in the scheme. 9. If a parent chooses to participate in the scheme and completes the Participation Agreement Form, a fee will be due and payable by the parent for the items provided by the scheme to the student. 10. Payment of the participation fee is a requirement for continued participation in the scheme. An unpaid fee will be subject to the school’s debt collection processes. 11. A parent who does not wish to participate in the student resource scheme shall inform the school by completing the Participation Agreement Form and returning it to the Administration Office. Arrangements will be made for the parents of students in Years 8 to 12 or of secondary education age to be paid the value of the Textbook and Resource Allowance for each of their eligible children. 12. A parent who chooses not to participate in the scheme is responsible for providing the student with all items that would otherwise be provided to the student by the scheme as detailed on the Year Level Requirements List and/or Subject Requirements List, to enable the student to engage with the curriculum. Parents and Citizens’ Association Support of the Scheme 13. The operation of the Student Resource Scheme is discussed annually at a meeting of the Parents and Citizens’ Association. Parents are extended an invitation to attend this meeting and provided with an opportunity to express their opinions. A vote is taken at this meeting on supporting the operation of the scheme. Textbook and Resource Allowance 14. The Queensland Government provides financial assistance to parents of students in Years 8 to 12 or of secondary education age, attending State and approved non-State schools, to offset the costs of textbooks and other resources. Assistance is provided in the form of a Textbook and Resource Allowance which is paid once a calendar year through the school. Parents have the option to receive the allowance directly from the school or as an offset of fees associated with participation in the school's Student Resource Scheme. This option is made available to each parent annually by the school. Current allowance rates are available from stu.html Payment Arrangements 15. Payment of the participation fee may be made by EFTPOS (Debit Card; MasterCard; Visa; cheque, or cash. 16. For payment made by direct deposit (EFT) to the bank account indicated on the front of the form, please ensure that the payment reference includes the reference as indicated on the front of this form. The acknowledgement from your financial institution of the successful electronic transfer of funds should be retained as your record of payment. 17. Payment of the participation fee may be made in whole or by instalment as indicated on the Participation Agreement Form or for another amount as approved by the Principal. 18. For payments made in person by cash, cheque or credit/debit card, a receipt will be provided to the payer. Where payments are received by other methods, a receipt will be provided on request. All receipts and documentation on the scheme should be retained by the parent for future reference and possible taxation purposes. Parent Experiencing Financial Difficulties 19. A parent wishing to participate in the Student Resource Scheme and experiencing financial hardship is encouraged to contact the principal to discuss how their financial obligations can be met throughout the school year, or to negotiate alternative arrangements that may be available to accommodate their individual circumstances. Centrelink deduction is a payment option offered by the school. All discussions will be held in the strictest confidence. 20. The onus of proof of being so affected is on the parent, and might include a current Health Care Card or other evidence to establish financial hardship. 21. Any concessions given to the participation fee will be at the discretion of the Principal. Terms and Conditions of Participation in the Scheme 22. For the purposes of the scheme, where a student is living independent of his/her parents, reference in the terms and conditions to “parent” is a reference to the independent student. 23. Where a parent chooses to join the scheme and completes a Participation Agreement Form, an annual participation fee will be due and payable by the parent to the Student Resource Scheme. 24. In return for payment of the participation fee, the scheme will provide the participating student with textbooks and/or resources, consumables and materials as listed on the Year Level Requirements List and/or Subject Requirements List as being provided by the scheme, when due for the student’s use. 25. Payment of the participation fee is to be made according to the payment arrangement option indicated by the parent on the Participation Agreement Form, or as otherwise approved by the Principal. 26. Non-payment of the participation fee by the designated payment date(s) will generate a reminder notice to the parent/carer from the school at intervals of 30 days overdue and 60 days overdue. The Principal may thereafter undertake debt recovery action for the overdue participation fee including, where warranted, referral to an external debt collection agency. This may result in extra costs being incurred by the parent. 27. Without limiting any other action the Principal may take in accordance with these terms and conditions, subject to 26 above, the Principal may withdraw a student’s participation in the scheme due to non-payment of a participation fee, and/or may require the return of items provided by the scheme for the temporary use of the student, and/or may withhold the giving of any further items under the scheme until the debt is paid. 28. The Principal may refuse to admit a student to the scheme where participation fees are overdue from the previous year’s scheme. 29. Where participation fees are overdue, the Principal has the discretion to exclude a student from an optional extra curricula school activity. 30. The scheme provides the entire package for the specified participation fee, and is not available in parts unless specifically provided for by the school in the fee structure. 31. All textbooks and resources provided for temporary use by the scheme remain the property of the scheme and shall be returned at the end of the course or school year or when the student leaves the school, whichever is the earlier. Where an item is not returned, the parent will be responsible for payment to the scheme of the replacement cost of the item. Failure to make payment may result in debt recovery action being undertaken. 32. Textbooks and other resources provided for temporary student use by the scheme shall be kept in good condition by the student. The school Administration Office shall be notified immediately of the loss or negligent damage to any issued item. Where an issued item is lost or negligently damaged, parents will be responsible for payment to the scheme of the replacement cost of the item. Failure to make payment may result in debt recovery action being undertaken. 33. The parent is responsible for supplying the student with any additional student materials that are not provided by the Student Resource Scheme, as indicated on the Year Level Requirements List and/or Subject Requirements List or otherwise advised by the school. 34. If a student enters the scheme after the first week of school, a pro-rata participation fee will apply, calculated on a 40-week school year basis. 35. If a student, having paid a participation fee, leaves the school through the year, a pro-rata refund will be made to the parent, calculated on the participation fee paid, less the cost of consumed materials and the replacement cost of scheme items that are lost or negligently damaged or not returned, plus the pro-rata Textbook and Resource Allowance calculated on a 40-week school year basis. 36. As the scheme operates for the benefit of participating parents and is funded solely from participation fees, resources provided by the scheme will not be issued to students whose parents choose not to participate in the scheme. 2015 Student Resource Scheme Option 2 – Non-Participation Agreement Form – CORINDA STATE HIGH SCHOOL SURNAME: ……………………………………..… FIRST NAME: .………...…...……...……………… YEAR LEVEL 2015: ………….. CARE GROUP: ………….... I DO NOT wish my child whose name appears on this form to participate in the scheme or enjoy any of the benefits offered by the SRS. I therefore agree to provide all requirements to support my child’s education at Corinda State High School by purchasing resources and making payment to the school for any of the items listed below that pertain to my child. I agree to purchase all required sports uniforms and equipment. I agree to purchase all long and short term loan textbooks as needed for up to one year. A list will be provided, on request, by the school office. (short term loan texts - eg: SOSE texts; plays and novels studied in English/Drama; approx value of $ 120.00 per student). I agree to payment for assorted curriculum handouts and printed booklets. I agree to payment for a range of photocopied teacher prepared notes and student worksheets at 20c per single sheet. I agree to payment of a fee for the use of reference materials, periodicals, novels and other library resources. I agree to purchase any dictionaries or atlases required for my student to use in class. I agree to purchase a Go Grammar Workbook 2 Year 8 students. I agree to purchase a Go Grammar Workbook 3 Year 9 students I agree to purchase a Maths Mate 8 Year 8 students I agree to purchase a Maths Mate 9 Year 9 students I agree to purchase an annual online Mathletics subscription all maths students I agree to payment of $ 10 for a quota of basic text or non-coloured printouts from downloads. I agree to payment of $ 15 for the study planner/diary specially produced for the school, which includes tips on how to study and information on school policies and procedures. I am aware that my student will require the diary to present to the teacher for regular checks. I agree to payment for the use of all specialised equipment items. I agree to payment of $ 15.00 pool entry fees for Physical Education I agree to payment for consumables for group/experimental work (eg: Science). I agree to payment to assist in the construction of textile articles in Home Economics. I agree to purchase consumables including timber and paints for all Manual Arts and Art projects. I agree to payment for the use of specialist Art and Manual Art equipment and resources. I agree to payment for certificated courses that are part of any designated approved course within a subject that is studied at the school. I agree to payment for licences that are a requirement of any designated approved course at the school. I agree to payment for transport costs for Special Education student weekly outings. I agree to pay the $ 50 fee for organisation of work placement for eligible Special Education students. This fee is payable for each placement that involves a different employer. I agree to payment of Student Leadership Activities I agree to payment of costs associated with the QCS (Qld Core Skills) writing task practice and Short Response item practice conducted as part of senior studies – includes workbooks, marking by independent authority, photocopying and various consumables. I agree to pay district levy sport fee I agree to payment for all costs associated with the annual Sport Carnival and Swimming Carnival. I agree to pay specialist sports fees for senior Physical Education I agree to payment of $ 15.00 for the annual school magazine “Koondoo”. I agree to payment of costs associated with the administration of the SRS, including purchasing, housing, operating, processing time and bank fees. I agree to payment for the use of specialist software program used within selected classes and library I agree to payment for basic consumable items used with subject area not included in a subject levy. Signature of Parent/Guardian: ………………………….…… If choosing the NON-PARTICIPATION OPTION for your student please return this completed form to Corinda State High School office Date: ……………… Purpose of the Scheme 1. In accordance with the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, the cost of providing instruction, administration and facilities for the education of students enrolled at State schools who are Australian citizens or permanent residents, or children of Australian citizens or permanent residents, is met by the State. 2. Parents are directly responsible for providing textbooks and other personal resources for their children while attending school. In recognition that these costs can be high, the school operates a Student Resource Scheme (the “scheme”) that enables a parent to enter into an agreement with the school that, for a specified annual participation fee, provides for the temporary use by the student of prescribed textbooks and/or other resources, and/or the purchase of consumables and materials for the student. 3. 3. A Student Resource Scheme is separate to and distinct from a request for a voluntary financial contribution. Benefits of the Scheme 4. The purpose of the scheme is to provide the parent with a cost effective alternative to purchasing textbooks and/or resources elsewhere, through reduced prices gained from the school’s bulk purchasing practices. 5. The scheme also ensures that students have consistent personal resources for their education, and saves the parent time and money in sourcing the prescribed materials elsewhere. 6. The scheme is not used to raise funds for other purposes, and revenue collected through the scheme is applied only to the operation of the scheme. Participation in the Scheme 7. Participation in the scheme is voluntary, and there is no obligation on a parent to participate in the scheme. A parent’s decision to participate or not is based on consideration of the value afforded to them by the scheme. 8. The completed and signed Participation Agreement Form should be returned to the school by the advertised date to indicate participation or nonparticipation in the scheme. 9. If a parent chooses to participate in the scheme and completes the Participation Agreement Form, a fee will be due and payable by the parent for the items provided by the scheme to the student. 10. Payment of the participation fee is a requirement for continued participation in the scheme. An unpaid fee will be subject to the school’s debt collection processes. 11. A parent who does not wish to participate in the student resource scheme shall inform the school by completing the Participation Agreement Form and returning it to the Administration Office. Arrangements will be made for the parents of students in Years 8 to 12 or of secondary education age to be paid the value of the Textbook and Resource Allowance for each of their eligible children. 12. A parent who chooses not to participate in the scheme is responsible for providing the student with all items that would otherwise be provided to the student by the scheme as detailed on the Year Level Requirements List and/or Subject Requirements List, to enable the student to engage with the curriculum. Parents and Citizens’ Association Support of the Scheme 13. The operation of the Student Resource Scheme is discussed annually at a meeting of the Parents and Citizens’ Association. Parents are extended an invitation to attend this meeting and provided with an opportunity to express their opinions. A vote is taken at this meeting on supporting the operation of the scheme. Textbook and Resource Allowance 14. The Queensland Government provides financial assistance to parents of students in Years 8 to 12 or of secondary education age, attending State and approved non-State schools, to offset the costs of textbooks and other resources. Assistance is provided in the form of a Textbook and Resource Allowance which is paid once a calendar year through the school. Parents have the option to receive the allowance directly from the school or as an offset of fees associated with participation in the school's Student Resource Scheme. This option is made available to each parent annually by the school. Current allowance rates are available from stu.html Payment Arrangements 15. Payment of the participation fee may be made by EFTPOS (Debit Card; MasterCard; Visa; cheque, or cash. 16. For payment made by direct deposit (EFT) to the bank account indicated on the front of the form, please ensure that the payment reference includes the reference as indicated on the front of this form. The acknowledgement from your financial institution of the successful electronic transfer of funds should be retained as your record of payment. 17. Payment of the participation fee may be made in whole or by instalment as indicated on the Participation Agreement Form or for another amount as approved by the Principal. 18. For payments made in person by cash, cheque or credit/debit card, a receipt will be provided to the payer. Where payments are received by other methods, a receipt will be provided on request. All receipts and documentation on the scheme should be retained by the parent for future reference and possible taxation purposes. Parent Experiencing Financial Difficulties 19. A parent wishing to participate in the Student Resource Scheme and experiencing financial hardship is encouraged to contact the principal to discuss how their financial obligations can be met throughout the school year, or to negotiate alternative arrangements that may be available to accommodate their individual circumstances. Centrelink deduction is a payment option offered by the school. All discussions will be held in the strictest confidence. 20. The onus of proof of being so affected is on the parent, and might include a current Health Care Card or other evidence to establish financial hardship. 21. Any concessions given to the participation fee will be at the discretion of the Principal. Terms and Conditions of Participation in the Scheme 22. For the purposes of the scheme, where a student is living independent of his/her parents, reference in the terms and conditions to “parent” is a reference to the independent student. 23. Where a parent chooses to join the scheme and completes a Participation Agreement Form, an annual participation fee will be due and payable by the parent to the Student Resource Scheme. 24. In return for payment of the participation fee, the scheme will provide the participating student with textbooks and/or resources, consumables and materials as listed on the Year Level Requirements List and/or Subject Requirements List as being provided by the scheme, when due for the student’s use. 25. Payment of the participation fee is to be made according to the payment arrangement option indicated by the parent on the Participation Agreement Form, or as otherwise approved by the Principal. 26. Non-payment of the participation fee by the designated payment date(s) will generate a reminder notice to the parent/carer from the school at intervals of 30 days overdue and 60 days overdue. The Principal may thereafter undertake debt recovery action for the overdue participation fee including, where warranted, referral to an external debt collection agency. This may result in extra costs being incurred by the parent. 27. Without limiting any other action the Principal may take in accordance with these terms and conditions, subject to 26 above, the Principal may withdraw a student’s participation in the scheme due to non-payment of a participation fee, and/or may require the return of items provided by the scheme for the temporary use of the student, and/or may withhold the giving of any further items under the scheme until the debt is paid. 28. The Principal may refuse to admit a student to the scheme where participation fees are overdue from the previous year’s scheme. 29. Where participation fees are overdue, the Principal has the discretion to exclude a student from an optional extra curricula school activity. 30. The scheme provides the entire package for the specified participation fee, and is not available in parts unless specifically provided for by the school in the fee structure. 31. All textbooks and resources provided for temporary use by the scheme remain the property of the scheme and shall be returned at the end of the course or school year or when the student leaves the school, whichever is the earlier. Where an item is not returned, the parent will be responsible for payment to the scheme of the replacement cost of the item. Failure to make payment may result in debt recovery action being undertaken. 32. Textbooks and other resources provided for temporary student use by the scheme shall be kept in good condition by the student. The school Administration Office shall be notified immediately of the loss or negligent damage to any issued item. Where an issued item is lost or negligently damaged, parents will be responsible for payment to the scheme of the replacement cost of the item. Failure to make payment may result in debt recovery action being undertaken. 33. The parent is responsible for supplying the student with any additional student materials that are not provided by the Student Resource Scheme, as indicated on the Year Level Requirements List and/or Subject Requirements List or otherwise advised by the school. 34. If a student enters the scheme after the first week of school, a pro-rata participation fee will apply, calculated on a 40-week school year basis. 35. If a student, having paid a participation fee, leaves the school through the year, a pro-rata refund will be made to the parent, calculated on the participation fee paid, less the cost of consumed materials and the replacement cost of scheme items that are lost or negligently damaged or not returned, plus the pro-rata Textbook and Resource Allowance calculated on a 40-week school year basis. 36. As the scheme operates for the benefit of participating parents and is funded solely from participation fees, resources provided by the scheme will not be issued to students whose parents choose not to participate in the scheme. PART B: LAPTOP 2015 Years 7 and 8 Take-home Laptop Program 2015 RETURN THIS FORM TO THE OFFICEWHEN MAKING PAYMENT Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Laptop (Device Only) Privacy Statement The Department of Education and Training through the school is collecting your personal information in accordance with section 51 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 in order to administer the Student Resource Scheme in an efficient, ethical and secure manner. The information will only be accessed by school employees conducting the scheme. Some of this information may be given to departmental employees for the purpose of debt recovery. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given permission or the Department of Education and Training is authorised or required by law to make the disclosure. Participation YES I wish to participate in the Student Resource Take-home Laptop Scheme in 2015. I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions of the scheme (see reverse) and agree to abide by them and to pay the $ 280.00 yearly participation fee in accordance with the selected payment arrangement below. This scheme is for the device only. NO I do not wish to participate in the Student Resource Take-home Laptop Scheme in 2015. I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions of the scheme (see reverse) and agree to abide by them, in particular paragraphs 12 and 36. Student Details Student Name: Student EQ Number: Year level 2015: Parent / Guardian Names: Address: Contact Numbers: Home: Work: Mobile: Email: Parent/Carer Signature: Fax: Date: Payment Arrangement Payment in full $ 1300.00 Deposit required by 31Nov2014 Balance due 28 Feb2015 Payment by instalment Deposit required by 31Nov2014 Instalment due dates – see below TOTAL $ Date Paid: IN FULL NOW: I wish to make a single payment now of the total amount above. INSTALMENTS: I wish to pay $1300.00 by instalment payments: First year: Deposit $200.00 due 31 November 2014, plus balance of $234.00 due in first two weeks of semester one 2015. Second year: $217.00 due in first two weeks in semester one and two of 2016 Third year: $217.00 due in first two weeks in semester one and two of 2017 I agree to make payments by the due dates and I understand that any failure to make payments by these dates may result in debt recovery action being undertaken including, where warranted, referral to an external debt collection agency at my expense. Payment Method Centrelink Deduction - Payment by Centrelink deduction can be arranged through the school administration EFT - Payment by EFT can be made to the school bank account BSB: 064-144 Account Number 00902300. To ensure correct identification of the payment, please ensure that the EFT payment reference clearly includes the STUDENT NAME, along with the characters TLS, and Student EQ ID number: eg. Polly Smith SRS 111111111M Account Payee Only EFTPOS (Credit/Debit Card) MasterCard or Visa only Not Negotiable Cheque Cheque payments to be made out to Corinda State High School, crossed I hereby authorise the school to debit my: MasterCard Visa Card number: Name of cardholder as it appears on the card: Amount: $ Expiry Date: Signature of cardholder: Purpose of the Scheme 37. In accordance with the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, the cost of providing instruction, administration and facilities for the education of students enrolled at State schools who are Australian citizens or permanent residents, or children of Australian citizens or permanent residents, is met by the State. 38. Parents are directly responsible for providing textbooks and other personal resources for their children while attending school. In recognition that these costs can be high, the school operates a Student Resource Scheme (the “scheme”) that enables a parent to enter into an agreement with the school that, for a specified annual participation fee, provides for the temporary use by the student of prescribed textbooks and/or other resources, and/or the purchase of consumables and materials for the student. 39. 3. A Student Resource Scheme is separate to and distinct from a request for a voluntary financial contribution. Benefits of the Scheme 40. The purpose of the scheme is to provide the parent with a cost effective alternative to purchasing textbooks and/or resources elsewhere, through reduced prices gained from the school’s bulk purchasing practices. 41. The scheme also ensures that students have consistent personal resources for their education, and saves the parent time and money in sourcing the prescribed materials elsewhere. 42. The scheme is not used to raise funds for other purposes, and revenue collected through the scheme is applied only to the operation of the scheme. Participation in the Scheme 43. Participation in the scheme is voluntary, and there is no obligation on a parent to participate in the scheme. A parent’s decision to participate or not is based on consideration of the value afforded to them by the scheme. 44. The completed and signed Participation Agreement Form should be returned to the school by the advertised date to indicate participation or nonparticipation in the scheme. 45. If a parent chooses to participate in the scheme and completes the Participation Agreement Form, a fee will be due and payable by the parent for the items provided by the scheme to the student. 46. Payment of the participation fee is a requirement for continued participation in the scheme. An unpaid fee will be subject to the school’s debt collection processes. 47. A parent who does not wish to participate in the student resource scheme shall inform the school by completing the Participation Agreement Form and returning it to the Administration Office. Arrangements will be made for the parents of students in Years 8 to 12 or of secondary education age to be paid the value of the Textbook and Resource Allowance for each of their eligible children. 48. A parent who chooses not to participate in the scheme is responsible for providing the student with all items that would otherwise be provided to the student by the scheme as detailed on the Year Level Requirements List and/or Subject Requirements List, to enable the student to engage with the curriculum. Parents and Citizens’ Association Support of the Scheme 49. The operation of the Student Resource Scheme is discussed annually at a meeting of the Parents and Citizens’ Association. Parents are extended an invitation to attend this meeting and provided with an opportunity to express their opinions. A vote is taken at this meeting on supporting the operation of the scheme. Textbook and Resource Allowance 50. The Queensland Government provides financial assistance to parents of students in Years 8 to 12 or of secondary education age, attending State and approved non-State schools, to offset the costs of textbooks and other resources. Assistance is provided in the form of a Textbook and Resource Allowance which is paid once a calendar year through the school. Parents have the option to receive the allowance directly from the school or as an offset of fees associated with participation in the school's Student Resource Scheme. This option is made available to each parent annually by the school. Current allowance rates are available from stu.html Payment Arrangements 51. Payment of the participation fee may be made by EFTPOS (Debit Card; MasterCard; Visa; cheque, or cash. 52. For payment made by direct deposit (EFT) to the bank account indicated on the front of the form, please ensure that the payment reference includes the reference as indicated on the front of this form. The acknowledgement from your financial institution of the successful electronic transfer of funds should be retained as your record of payment. 53. Payment of the participation fee may be made in whole or by instalment as indicated on the Participation Agreement Form or for another amount as approved by the Principal. 54. For payments made in person by cash, cheque or credit/debit card, a receipt will be provided to the payer. Where payments are received by other methods, a receipt will be provided on request. All receipts and documentation on the scheme should be retained by the parent for future reference and possible taxation purposes. Parent Experiencing Financial Difficulties 55. A parent wishing to participate in the Student Resource Scheme and experiencing financial hardship is encouraged to contact the principal to discuss how their financial obligations can be met throughout the school year, or to negotiate alternative arrangements that may be available to accommodate their individual circumstances. Centrelink deduction is a payment option offered by the school. All discussions will be held in the strictest confidence. 56. The onus of proof of being so affected is on the parent, and might include a current Health Care Card or other evidence to establish financial hardship. 57. Any concessions given to the participation fee will be at the discretion of the Principal. Terms and Conditions of Participation in the Scheme 58. For the purposes of the scheme, where a student is living independent of his/her parents, reference in the terms and conditions to “parent” is a reference to the independent student. 59. Where a parent chooses to join the scheme and completes a Participation Agreement Form, an annual participation fee will be due and payable by the parent to the Student Resource Scheme. 60. In return for payment of the participation fee, the scheme will provide the participating student with textbooks and/or resources, consumables and materials as listed on the Year Level Requirements List and/or Subject Requirements List as being provided by the scheme, when due for the student’s use. 61. Payment of the participation fee is to be made according to the payment arrangement option indicated by the parent on the Participation Agreement Form, or as otherwise approved by the Principal. 62. Non-payment of the participation fee by the designated payment date(s) will generate a reminder notice to the parent/carer from the school at intervals of 30 days overdue and 60 days overdue. The Principal may thereafter undertake debt recovery action for the overdue participation fee including, where warranted, referral to an external debt collection agency. This may result in extra costs being incurred by the parent. 63. Without limiting any other action the Principal may take in accordance with these terms and conditions, subject to 26 above, the Principal may withdraw a student’s participation in the scheme due to non-payment of a participation fee, and/or may require the return of items provided by the scheme for the temporary use of the student, and/or may withhold the giving of any further items under the scheme until the debt is paid. 64. The Principal may refuse to admit a student to the scheme where participation fees are overdue from the previous year’s scheme. 65. Where participation fees are overdue, the Principal has the discretion to exclude a student from an optional extra curricula school activity. 66. The scheme provides the entire package for the specified participation fee, and is not available in parts unless specifically provided for by the school in the fee structure. 67. All textbooks and resources provided for temporary use by the scheme remain the property of the scheme and shall be returned at the end of the course or school year or when the student leaves the school, whichever is the earlier. Where an item is not returned, the parent will be responsible for payment to the scheme of the replacement cost of the item. Failure to make payment may result in debt recovery action being undertaken. 68. Textbooks and other resources provided for temporary student use by the scheme shall be kept in good condition by the student. The school Administration Office shall be notified immediately of the loss or negligent damage to any issued item. Where an issued item is lost or negligently damaged, parents will be responsible for payment to the scheme of the replacement cost of the item. Failure to make payment may result in debt recovery action being undertaken. 69. The parent is responsible for supplying the student with any additional student materials that are not provided by the Student Resource Scheme, as indicated on the Year Level Requirements List and/or Subject Requirements List or otherwise advised by the school. 70. If a student enters the scheme after the first week of school, a pro-rata participation fee will apply, calculated on a 40-week school year basis. 71. If a student, having paid a participation fee, leaves the school through the year, a pro-rata refund will be made to the parent, calculated on the participation fee paid, less the cost of consumed materials and the replacement cost of scheme items that are lost or negligently damaged or not returned, plus the pro-rata Textbook and Resource Allowance calculated on a 40-week school year basis. As the scheme operates for the benefit of participating parents and is funded solely from participation fees, resources provided by the scheme will not be issued to students whose parents choose not to participate in the scheme. YEAR 7 STATIONERY : COMPULSORY REQUIREMENTS 2015 ALL STUDENTS REQUIRE: DESCRIPTION All Purpose Glue Stick 40g Scissors 130mm Pens Red, Black Reaction retractable ballpoint pen HB Pacer reaction mechanical pencil 0.7mm Leads and Eraser Refills 0.7mm HB Black Pen (0.4 fine felt tip) Ruler Plastic 30cm Eraser Pencil Case A4 Pouch Calculator USB (8GB) Dictionary Highlighters Pkt 4 assorted colours Coloured Pencils Pkt 10 A4 Notebooks 192 Pages with durable PP cover 8mm ruled A4 Notebooks with 4 Plastic Pockets - 120 pages A4 Document Wallet, plastic A4 Refillable Display Folder Protractor (360 degrees) Drawing Compass Metal BRAND CODE BIC BI17302BK (BLACK) B17302RD (RED) BI40792 BI01286 BIC BIC Sharp EL-531VBH Australian Pocket Oxford OX95553406 Staedtler Protext ST823C1ON NOBTED192 Marbig ColourHide® 1716999 QUANTITY 2 1 2 each 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 4 1 5 1 1 Note: Multi-Subject Notebooks are not permitted The student Resource Scheme does not cover students’ personal requisites such as stationery, writing materials, or protective clothing. ELECTIVE SUBJECTS : ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS DANCE MUSIC 1 A4 Visual Diary 120 pg (Derwent) 2 2B Pencils (Staedtler) 1 Manuscript Book 1 Pair Headphones and ¼ inch adaptor DRAMA 1 A4 Visual Diary 120pg (Derwent) INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC DESIGN TECHNOLOGY 1 A4 Visual Journal with Storage Pocket (Canson) 2B Pencils (Staedtler) FOOD TECHNOLOGY Apron for food preparation (Available from Uniform Shop) 1 A4 Refillable Display Folder 1 Performance Uniform if part of an ensemble 2 2B Pencils (Staedtler) VISUAL ART 1 A4 Visual Journal with Storage Pocket (Canson) 2B Pencils (Staedtler) SPECIALIST CLASSES : ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS DANCE EXCELLENCE MUSIC EXCELLENCE 1 pair of Headphones (Liquid Ears in Ear or similar) 2 2B Pencils (Staedtler) 1 Manuscript Book 1 Pair Headphones and ¼ inch adaptor All Musical Excellence students are required to sit the Australian Music Examinations Board theory papers. DESIGN AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 1 2 1 1 A4 Visual Art Diary (Derwent) 0.4mm Black Ink Fineliner Pens (Artline) 1mm Black Ink Pen (Artline) Pair of Safety Glasses clear (Cobra or similar) TENNIS SPECIALISATION PROGRAM FOOTBALL EXCELLENCE Tennis Racquet Shin Pads VISUAL ART EXCELLENCE 1 A4 Visual Journal with Storage Pocket (Canson) 2 2B Pencils (Staedtler) Subject Charge applicable Students are not to bring liquid paper, permanent markers or felt pens to school. Students will NOT be allowed to utilise mobile phone calculators. They must use the graphic or scientific calculators as listed above. Exceed Your Expectations YEAR 8 STATIONERY : COMPULSORY REQUIREMENTS 2015 ALL STUDENTS REQUIRE: DESCRIPTION All Purpose Glue Stick 40g Scissors 130mm Pens Red, Black Reaction retractable ballpoint pen HB Pacer reaction mechanical pencil 0.7mm Leads and Eraser Refills 0.7mm HB Black Pen (0.4 fine felt tip) Ruler Plastic 30cm Eraser Pencil Case A4 Pouch Calculator USB (8GB) Dictionary Highlighters Pkt 4 assorted colours Coloured Pencils Pkt 10 A4 Notebooks 192 Pages with durable PP cover 8mm ruled A4 Notebooks with 4 Plastic Pockets - 120 pages A4 Document Wallet, plastic A4 Refillable Display Folder Protractor (360 degrees) Drawing Compass, metal BRAND CODE BIC BIC BIC BI17302BK (BLACK) B17302RD (RED) BI40792 BI01286 Sharp EL-531VBH Australian Pocket Oxford OX95553406 Protext NOBTED192 Marbig ColourHide® 1716999 QUANTITY 2 1 2 each 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 4 2 5 1 1 Note: Multi-Subject Notebooks are not permitted The student Resource Scheme does not cover students’ personal requisites such as stationery, writing materials, or protective clothing. ELECTIVE SUBJECTS : ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS DRAMA MUSIC 1 A4 Visual Diary 120pg (Derwent) 2 2B Pencils (Staedtler) 1 Manuscript Book 1 Pair Headphones and ¼ inch adaptor FOOD TECHNOLOGY Apron for food preparation. (This is available from the Uniform Shop) INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY 1 A4 Visual Journal with Storage Pocket (Canson) 2B Pencils (Staedtler) INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 1 A4 Refillable Display Folder 1 Performance Uniform if part of an ensemble 2 2B Pencils (Staedtler) VISUAL ART 1 A4 Visual Journal with Storage Pocket (Canson) 2B Pencils (Staedtler) SPECIALIST CLASSES : ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS DANCE EXCELLENCE MUSIC EXCELLENCE 1 pair of Headphones (Liquid Ears in Ear or similar) 2 2B Pencils (Staedtler) 1 A4 Notebook (included in General Requirements) 1 Manuscript Book 1 Pair Headphones and ¼ inch adaptor All Musical Excellence students are required to sit the Australian Music Examinations Board theory papers. DESIGN AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 1 2 1 1 A4 Visual Art Diary (Derwent) 0.4mm Black Ink Fineliner Pens (Artline) 1mm Black Ink Pen (Artline) Pair of Safety Glasses clear (Cobra or similar) FOOTBALL EXCELLENCE Shin Pads TENNIS SPECIALISATION PROGRAM Tennis Racquet VISUAL ART EXCELLENCE 1 A4 Visual Journal with Storage Pocket (Canson) 2 2B Pencils (Staedtler) Subject Charge applicable Students are not to bring liquid paper, permanent markers or felt pens to school. Students will NOT be allowed to utilise mobile phone calculators. They must use the graphic or scientific calculators as listed above. Exceed Your Expectations YEAR 9 STATIONERY REQUIREMENTS 2015 ALL STUDENTS REQUIRE: DESCRIPTION All Purpose Glue Stick 40g Scissors 130mm Pens Red, Black Reaction retractable ballpoint pen HB Pacer reaction mechanical pencil 0.7mm Leads and Eraser Refills 0.7mm HB Black Pen (0.4 fine felt tip) Ruler Plastic 30cm Eraser Pencil Case A4 Pouch Calculator USB (8GB) Dictionary Highlighters Pkt 4 assorted colours Coloured Pencils Pkt 10 A4 Notebooks 192 Pages with durable PP cover 8mm ruled A4 Notebooks with 4 Plastic Pockets - 120 pages A4 Document Wallet, plastic A4 Refillable Display Folder Protractor (360 degrees) Drawing Compass, metal BRAND CODE BIC BIC BIC BI17302BK (BLACK) B17302RD (RED) BI40792 BI01286 Sharp EL-531VBH Australian Pocket Oxford OX95553406 Protext NOBTED192 Marbig ColourHide® 1716999 QUANTITY 2 1 2 each 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 4 2 5 1 1 Note: Multi-Subject Notebooks are not permitted The student Resource Scheme does not cover students’ personal requisites such as stationery, writing materials, or protective clothing. ELECTIVE SUBJECTS : ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS DRAMA 1 A4 Visual Diary (Derwent) DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIES A4 Display Folder 2B Pencil (Staedtler) FOOD TECHNOLOGY Apron (This is available from the Uniform Shop) GRAPHICS 1 A4 Visual Art Diary (Derwent ) 2 0.4mm Black Ink Fineliner Pens (Artline) 1mm Black Ink Fineliner Pen (Artline) INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 1 Black Music Folder 1 Performance Uniform if part of an ensemble 2 2B Pencils (Staedtler ST102BOW) MUSIC 2 2B Pencils (Staedtler) 1 Manuscript Book 1 Pair Headphones and ¼ inch adaptor TEXTILES Sewing Kit (available from school Bookshop) JUNIOR CONSTRUCTION STUDIES 1 Pair of Safety Glasses (Cobra or similar) A4 Visual Journal with storage pocket (CANSON) JUNIOR ENGINEERING STUDIES 1 A4 Visual Journal with storage pocket (CANSON) 1 Pair of Safety Glasses (Cobra or similar) VISUAL ART 1 A4 Visual Journal with Storage Pocket (Canson) 2 2B Pencils (Staedtler) SPECIALIST CLASSES : ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS DANCE EXCELLENCE 1 pair of Headphones (Liquid Ears in Ear or similar) VISUAL ART EXCELLENCE 1 A4 Visual Journal with Storage Pocket (Canson) 2 2B Pencils (Staedtler) FOOTBALL EXCELLENCE Shin Pads DESIGN AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 1 A4 Visual Journal with storage pocket (CANSON) 2 0.4mm Black Ink Fineliner Pens (Artline) 1mm Black Ink Fineliner Pen (Artline) 1 Pair of Safety Glasses (Cobra or similar) TENNIS SPECIALISATION PROGRAM 1 A4 Refillable Display Folder Tennis Racquet MUSIC EXCELLENCE 2 2B Pencils (Staedtler) 1 Manuscript Book 1 Pair Headphones and ¼ inch adaptor All Musical Excellence students are required to sit the Australian Music Examinations Board theory papers. Students are not to bring liquid paper, permanent markers or felt pens to school. Students will NOT be allowed to utilise mobile phones calculators. They must use the graphic or scientific calculators as listed above. Exceed Your Expectations PART C: SUBJECT FEE 2015 – YEAR 7 Invoices for these charges are sent home Annual Fees – week 3 Term 1 Semester 1 – week 3 Term 1 / Semester 2 - week 3 Term 3 Term fees week 3 of each Term APPLIED STUDIES Food Technology $ 32.00 per Semester DANCE EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 100.00 DESIGN AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM $ 50.00 eLEARNING EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 250 per Semester ENGLISH $ 5.00 ENGLISH/HUMANITIES EXCELLENCE PROGRAM BrainWays – One Day Program (History) WABIAD MacArthur Museum Griffith University Writer’s Camp Brisbane Writer’s Festival ICAS English Competition $ 70.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 20.00 $ 8.00 FOOTBALL (SOCCER) EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 100.00 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Design Technology $ 35.00 per Semester INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Percussion Levy Instrumental Music Instrument Hire $ 100.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 to $ 100.00 LANGUAGES Language Perfect –online language competition. The program features native speakers. Students can access it from home and school. $ 30.00 MATHEMATICS Mathletics (all students) Maths Foundation(MAF)- includes workbook $ 6.00 $ 15.00 MATHS/SCIENCE EXCELLENCE PROGRAM BrainWays – one day program Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians Optiminds $ 60.00 $ 40.00 $ 50.00 MUSIC EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 65.00 ROBOTICS AND SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING $ 15.00 SCIENCE $ 10.00 Agriculture Technology $ 15.00 SPORT District Affiliation Fee Compulsory Registration requirement for all students from all state schools. TENNIS SPECIALISATION PROGRAM THE ARTS Dance (DAN) Drama (DRA) Visual Art (VAR) $ 2200.00 (TBC) VISUAL ART EXCELLENCE PROGRAM ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT– Applicable to all students This levy is used to assist with the cost associated within the school to support ICT infrastructure, Technical Support including take-home and BYOX devices. $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ 10.00 per Semester $ 15.00 per Semester $ 25.00 per Semester Exceed Your Expectations PART C: SUBJECT CHARGES 2015 – YEAR 8 Invoices for these charges are sent home Annual Fees – week 3 Term 1 Semester 1 – week 3 Term 1 / Semester 2 - week 3 Term 3 Term fees week 3 of each Term APPLIED STUDIES Food Technology $ 32.00 per Semester DANCE EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 100.00 DESIGN AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM eLEARNING EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 50.00 $ 250 per Semester ENGLISH $ 28.00 ENGLISH/HUMANITIES EXCELLENCE PROGRAM BrainWays – One Day Program (History) WABIAD MacArthur Museum Griffith University Writer’s Camp Brisbane Writer’s Festival ICAS English Competition FOOTBALL (SOCCER) EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 70.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 20.00 $ 8.00 $ 100.00 $ 35.00 per Semester INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Percussion Levy Instrumental Music Instrument Hire $ 100.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 to $ 100.00 LANGUAGES Language Perfect –online language competition. The program features native speakers. Students can access it from home and school. $ 30.00 MATHEMATICS Mathletics (all students) Maths Foundation(MAF)-includes workbook $ 6.00 $ 15.00 MATHS/SCIENCE EXCELLENCE PROGRAM BrainWays – one day program Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians Optiminds & ICAS $ 60.00 $ 40.00 $ 50.00 MUSIC EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 65.00 ROBOTICS AND SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING $ 15.00 SCIENCE Agriculture Technology $ 10.00 District Affiliation Fee Compulsory Registration requirement for all students from all state schools. $ 15.00 SPORT TENNIS SPECIALISATION PROGRAM THE ARTS Dance (DAN) Drama (DRA) Visual Art (VAR) $ 2200.00 (TBC) VISUAL ART EXCELLENCE PROGRAM ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT– Applicable to all students This levy is used to assist with the cost associated within the school to support ICT infrastructure, Technical Support including take-home and BYOX devices. $ 50.00 $ 10.00 per Semester $ 15.00 per Semester $ 25.00 per Semester Exceed Your Expectations $ 100.00 PART C: SUBJECT CHARGES 2015 YEAR 9 Invoices for these charges are sent home Annual Fees – week 3 Term 1 Semester 1 – week 3 Term 1 / Semester 2 - week 3 Term 3 Term fees week 3 of each Term APPLIED STUDIES Food Technology (FDS) Textiles (TXT) $ 40.00 per Semester $ 25.00 per Semester DANCE EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 100.00 DESIGN AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 50.00 eLEARNING EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 250 per Semester ENGLISH $ 28.00 ENGLISH/HUMANITIES EXCELLENCE PROGRAM BrainWays – One Day Program (History) WABIAD MacArthur Museum Griffith University Writer’s Camp Brisbane Writer’s Festival ICAS English Competition $ 70.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 20.00 $ 8.00 FOOTBALL (SOCCER) EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 100.00 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Junior Construction (JCS) Junior Engineering (JES) Graphics (GPH) $ 50.00 per Semester $ 50.00 per Semester $ 15.00 per Semester INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Percussion Levy Instrumental Music Levy Instrument Hire MATHEMATICS Mathletics (all students) Maths Foundation(MAF)-includes workbook $ 100.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 to $ 100.00 6.00 $ 15.00 MATHS/SCIENCE EXCELLENCE PROGRAM BrainWays – one day program Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians STEM & ICAS $ 25.00 $ 60.00 $ 40.00 $ 70.00 MUSIC EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 70.00 SCIENCE Agriculture Technology THE ARTS Dance (DAN) Drama (DRA) Visual Art (VAR) $ 20.00 SPORT – Applicable to all students District Affiliation fees – Compulsory registration requirement for all students from all state schools $ 15.00 TENNIS SPECIALISATION PROGRAM $ 2200.00 (TBC) VISUAL ART EXCELLENCE PROGRAM $ 50.00 ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT– Applicable to all students This levy is used to assist with the cost associated within the school to support ICT infrastructure and Technical Support. $ 30.00 $ 10.00 per Semester $ 15.00 per Semester $ 25.00 per Semester Exceed Your Expectations
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