THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES 10191 CENTRAL AVENUE (at Orchard), MONTCLAIR, CA 91763 PHONE: (909) 626-7278 email: [email protected] FAX : (909) 626-0562 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 12 Noon, 1 - 5 PM Friday 8:30 – 12:00 Noon, 1– 2:00 PM. Closed Saturday & Sunday Website: FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Masses: Saturday (Sunday Liturgy): 5 PM, 6:30 PM (Spanish), Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 Noon, 1:30 PM (Spanish) Daily Masses: Monday 7 AM (Spanish), Tuesday , Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 7:00 AM, School year 8:30 AM (School Mass) Holy Days : Vigil Mass at 6:00 PM . Holy Day: 7 AM (English) 5 PM (Spanish), 6:30 PM (English), Confessions in Eng. & in Spanish on Saturdays 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament First Fridays Sept. - June following the 8:30 AM School Mass and concluding with Benediction at 5:30 PM OUR MISSION STATEMENT “We the members of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish of the Diocese of San Bernardino are a caring community of faith. We embrace the mission of Jesus and seek to build up the Body of Christ and to bring all people, all races, all ethnic groups into full union with Him. We journey together in faith and strive to be a prayerful and Eucharistic family, through worshipping God together, teaching the faith and serving one another. We are empowered to be a sign of God’s love in our families, neighborhood, and society.” LA AFIRMACIÓN DE NUESTRA MISIÓN “Nosotros los miembros de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes de la Diocesis de San Bernardino somos una comunidad de fé. Nosotros tenemos la misión de Jesús de buscar y construir el Cuerpo de Cristo y traer a todas las personas, todas las razas, todos los grupos etnicos a una completa unión con El. Nosotros caminamos juntos en fé y hacemos todo lo posible para ser una familia Eucarística de oración, adorando a Dios juntos, enseñando la fé y sirviendonos unos a otros. Nosotros estamos autorizados para ser signos del amor de Dios en nuestras familias, vecindario y en la sociedad.” Feb. 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of Lourdes Page 2 PRIESTS / DEACON PARISH ADMINISTRATOR: Father Arnel Macabio, MS PAROCHIAL VICAR: Father Jacob Thomas Vettathu, MS DEACON: Deacon Don Norris PARISH SECRETARY: Mrs. Elva Ellington Abortion (Post) Hotline Project Rachel 1-800-794-7863 ADULT BAPTISM & CONFIR. (RCIA) Eng. Phil & Theresa Margala 627-5571 Span. Paulina Gurrola 559-0654 ALTAR SERVERS ENGLISH: ALTAR SERVERS SPANISH: Mayra Fragoso (909)549-4344 APOYO FAMILIARY EN CRISTO: Jorge Alejandre (909)5187807 BAPTISM TEAM: Eng. : R. Espinosa 626-0928, Angie Paredes 626-5989 BAPTISM TEAM: Spanish Miriam Montoya , 624-3912, Maria Elena Reyes 625-1204 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: Sylvia Flores (Español) (909)815-6246 BULLETIN EDITORS: Sister Angela & Alicia Sugerman CATHOLIC CHARITIES: 481-7196 CHOIRS: Music Director, Lilaine Thomas 983-1006 CORO DE LOURDES: Span. Director: Olga Galindo 248-0851 CORO : “ENTRE SUS MANOS” Eustacio Rodriguez (909)625-9220 DIVINE MERCY GROUP: Catalina Molina (909)364-9451 LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA : Pati Ramirez (909)419-2828 ENCUENTRO MARIMONIAL: Efrain y Amanda Reyes (909)354-0717 ESL PROGRAM: Sister Angela 261-2521, Dr. Carmelo Arena, FILIPINO MINISTRY: Joey & Josephine Ebue 482-0061 FORMACION DE FE: Dorita White (909)628-7228 FUND-RAISING COMM.: Anne Dutrey 627-7559 GUADALUPANA SOCIETY: Catalina Molina (909)364- 9451 HEALTHCARE MINISTRY: Marylou Barin-Balao (909)286-5552 HOMBRES DE VALOR: Juan Carlos Bravo (562) 674-6800 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Francisco Noriego (909)843-8072 LITURGY TEAM: Deacon Don Norris MARR. PREP. TEAM: Kevin & Eliana Leon 624-2889 Y MATRIMONIOS PREPARACIÓNES: Eugenia Paniagua & Francisco Ramirez (909)984-9180 MASS MEDIA: Joey Ebue 482-0061 MARY’S DONUT SHOPPE: Coffee & Donuts Sunday after Masses (Closed summer vacation). MINS. OF HOLY COMMUNION: English: Theodora Okafor (909) 518-5565 Spanish: Isabel Hernandez (909) 635-5218 MIN. TO SICK / HOMEBOUND : MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY: (Ushers) Angelica Padilla (909) 624-7448, Elias Valdivia (909) 626-5021 MINISTRY OF THE WORD (LECTORS): Nicco Ricci (909) 268-9833 PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL: Sue Cauley (909) 591-3572 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Lupe Martinez (909)938-7840 PRO-LIFE: Sister Angela, 261-2521 & Core Team: Katherine Aguilar 2131071, Sylvia Aguilar, Maria Louisa Flores. Secretary: Sue Cauley Alternate Avenues Crisis Pregnancy 920-5518 Pro-Life Hotline (24 Hours) 985-0205 Project Rachel Post Abortion Hotline 1-800-794-7863 QUINCEAÑERAS: Call the Church Office SMALL FAITH COMMUNITIES: Baltazar Manriquez (909)815-6095 SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR: Mr. Mark Befort (626) 589-5726 STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY: Peppy Bravo 625-7354 UCIC - (Inland Congregation United for Change) WEDDING COORD.: Angelina Padilla 624-7448 YOUTH MINISTER: Hernan Calderon (909) 641-8000 New parishioners are welcomed and are asked to register as members and to serve in one of our ministries. Registration form is available in the vestibule from Ministers of Hospitality or come to the Church Office. OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH SCHOOL Mrs. Beverly Diaz de Leon, Principal Tel. nos. 621-4418, 624-5164, 624-2654. Open Enrollment: Call the Office for a Registration packet or visit our web site: OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFICINA DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Director: Ms Yoselin Romero 626-0318 Assistant: Ms. Janet Lopez 626-0318 ENGLISH CLASSES: Wed. 3:45PM - 5:15 PM Sat. 9:00AM - 10:30AM CLASES EN ESPAÑOL: Sabados:10:45AM-12:15PM 12:30PM-2:00PM THURS.: Grades 7 - Confirmation: 6:30PM-8:00PM JUEVES: Grados 7- Confirmación: 6:30PM-8:00PM OUR SICK: Mary Monteleone, John Leonard, Pam Clark, Benita Jauregui, Dolores Candelas, Jorge, Gloria, Jesus, Monia, Jesu Jose, Domingo Canal, Julia Salazar, Gabriel Rodriguez, Jerry O’Neil, Gloria Davalos y Familia, Darlinda Brownell, Sandra Mendivil, Gabriel Prado, Anne Weber, Catherine Soro, Maria Teresa Reyes, Mary Ann Amador, Monique Muse, Magdalena Alba, Fortunato Dearoz, Juliana Dearoz, Jeannine Schmidt, Francisco Noriega. PRAY FOR OUR FAITHFUL DEPARTED: : Trinidad Pete Garcia, Lucy Tesoro, Margarito Carrera, Joe Louis Cisneros, Adilia Zepeda, Karla Danielle Gallardo, Liberia Josephine Setlich, Gilda Weil, Maria Teresa Reyes, George Gigliotti, Stephen Ortiz, Lorenzo Galvan, Sara Pedrozo, Jeff Esqueda, Bob Cook, William Domas, Victor Rojas, Lucille Stoiber, Ben Beltran, Melanio S. Tuazon, Edelberta de Leon, Genovea de Ramos, Simona Esparza, Antonio (Tony) Chavez. Feb. 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASSES FOR THE WEEK Saturday 1/31 Confessions English & Spanish 3:45PM-4:45PM 5:00PM - Renato Peleo , Fe Peleo 6:30PM - Jaime Berumen , Family 6:30PM - Lorenzo Galvan , Family 6:30PM - Elsa Garrido , Family Sunday 2/1 - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dt 18: 15-20 / 1 Cor 7: 32-35 / Mk 1: 21-28 8:00AM - Sergio Barrios , by Familia 10:00AM - Priscilla Boiser , Mario Boiser 10:00AM - Augustus Torralba , Mario Boiser 10:00AM - Danilo Zosa , Mario Boiser 10:00AM - Natalia Secuya , Mario Boiser 12:00PM - Parishioners of OLL 12:00PM - Martha Cruz , Family 1:30PM - Tranquilino Velez , Elena Velez Monday 2/2 - The Presentation of the Lord Mal 3: 1-4 / Heb 2: 14-18 / Lk 2: 22-40 or 2: 22-32 7:00AM-Romualdo ,&Lourdes Creus, by Maria Creus 7:00AM - Lilia Odron , Carlos Odron & Family Tuesday 2/3 - Tue. of the 4th Week In Ord. Time Heb 12: 1-4 / Mk 5: 21-43 7:00AM - Lilia Odron , Carlos Odron & Family Wednesday 2/4 - Wed. of the 4th Wk In Ord. Time Heb 12: 4-7, 11 -15 / Mk 6: 1-6 7:00AM - Lilia Odron , Carlos Odron & Family Thursday 2/5 - Saint Agatha, Virgin & Martyr Heb 12: 18-19, 21-24 / Mk 6: 7-13 7:00AM - Lilia Odron , Carlos Odron & Family Friday 2/6 - St. Paul Miki & Companion, Martyrs Heb 13: 1-8 / Mk 6: 14-29 7:00AM - Lilia Odron , Carlos Odron & Family 8:30AM - School Mass Saturday 2/7 Confessions English & Spanish 3:45PM-4:45PM 5:00PM - Moises Raymundo , Marilyn Vivit 5:00PM - Orencio Sales , Family 5:00PM - Lilia Odron , Carlos Odron & Family 6:30PM - Lorenzo Galvan , Familia LENT / CUARESMA 2015 ASH WED. FEBRUARY 18, 2015 / MIÉR. DE CENIZA FEBRERO 18, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE Distribution of ashes at all Masses Distribución de ceniza en todas las Misas MASS ENG.& ASHES 7:00AM ENGLISH MASS & ASHES 11:00AM ENGLISH MASS & ASHES 3:30PM ENGLISH MISA/CENIZA EN ESPAÑOL 5:30PM MASS & ASHES 7:30PM BILINGUAL MISA/CENIZA 7:30PM BILINGÜA Our Lady of Lourdes Page 3 EVENTS OF THE WEEK Sunday 2/1 7:00AM - Hombres de Valor - Hall 8:00AM - Guadalupanas sell dance tickets in Portico 8:00AM - Donut Sale - Portico 9:00AM - English RCIA - Room 8 10:00AM - RCIA Presentation of Our Father - Church 11:00AM - Youth Grp Choir Practice-Church 1:30PM - Spanish RCIA - Vatican II 3:00PM - English Baptisms - Church Monday 2/2 6:00PM - Bingo in Hall 6:30PM - Spanish Divine Mercy Devotion-Church 7:00PM - OLL Novena Church Tuesday 2/3 7:00PM - Spanish Prayer Meeting - Church 7:00PM - Youth Ministry Meeting - Youth Room 7:00PM - RCIA Adult Confirmation Class - Room 8 7:00PM - OLL Novena Church Wednesday 2/4 3:45PM - Religious For. Classes - Hall/School/Vat. II, St. Bernadette 5:30PM - Children’s Choir, Church 6:00PM - Citizenship class room 8 & ESL 7 PM, Rm. 6 & 7 at 7PM 7:00PM - Eng. & Span. Baptism Orientation - St. Bernadette & Vat II 7:00PM - Sick & Homebound Meeting, Hall 7:00PM - OLL Novena Church Thursday 2/5 4:00PM - Youth Ministry Choir Practice - Church 6:00PM - Coro de Lourdes, St. Paul Room 6:30PM - Religious For. Classes - Hall/School/Vat. II, St. Bernadette 7:00PM - OLL Novena Church Friday 2/6 9:00AM - Citizenship Class - St. Bernadette room 6:00PM - Filipino Choir, Church 7:00PM - Matrimonios - Hall 7:30PM - Entre Tus Manos Practice - St. Paul Room Saturday 2/7 9:00AM - PMFP Hall, Vat. II, St. Bernadette 9:00AM - Religious Formation Classes - School/Hall/ Vatican II/St. Bernadette ADORATION FIRST FRIDAY, FEB. 6, 2015 Adoration begins after the 8:30 AM Mass and concludes with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 5:30PM. If you have to leave the Church and there are no adorers, please inform the Church office. Adoration closes if there is no adorer. Feb. 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of Lourdes Page 4 STEWARDSHIP OF OUR TREASURE January 24 / 25, 2015 SATURDAY SUNDAY 5:00PM $1,716.56 6:30PM $ 754.66 8:00AM $1,520.23 10:00AM $1,990.18 12:00PM $ 890.03 1:30PM $1,551.23 TOTAL COLLECTION Total Envelopes Used: 385 Received from Envelopes: Total Loose Utilities: Last Year’s Collection: Jan. 25/26, 2014 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $45,000 $8,442.89 $40,000 $5,734.00 $2,688.89 $ 189.00 $35,000 $30,000 $7,009.48 $25,000 $20,000 Divine Mercy Devotion The English group meets on the 4th. Friday of each month at 6:30PM in the Vatican II rm. For info., call Catalina Molina at (909)364-9451. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia: Patti Ramirez (909)4192828. En Español sus reuniones son a las 6:30PM en salon de jovenes. $15,000 $10,000 Goal 2015 $42,300.00 Pledged: $ Paid: $ $5,000 INVITATION FOR THE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER CHURCH The matrimonial encounter group are here today in our Parish to make a cordial invitation to live an FDS world Marriage Encounter and are inviting couples who have 2 years of marriage or living together, where no limit exists to live this experience. Their approach is to have more communication in order to discover how important and special they are to each other. The FDS teaches a communication technique that helps you to see another perspective on marriage and grow in unity, respect, and love in your marriage relationship. INVITACIÓN PARA LA IGLESIA DE ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL El grupo del encuentro matrimonial están hoy aquí en nuestra parroquia para hacerles una cordial invitación para vivir un FDS del encuentro matrimonial mundial y están invitandoa todas las parejas que tengan 2 años de casados o de estar junto y no existe limite a v ivir esta experiencia que su enfoque es en tener más comunicación para poder descubrir lo importante y especial que son el uno para el otro. En el FDS se les enseña una técnica de comunicación que ayuda a ver de otra perspective el sacramento de matrimonio ye crecer en la unidad el respeto y el amor en su relación matrimonial. FEAST OF ST. BLAISE, TUESDAY FEB. 3, 2015 - Bishop & Martyr St. Blaise was a doctor and was born in Sebaste, Armenia in the 3rd - 4th. Century. He is the patron of ailments of the throat. In many places on this feast, the blessing of St. Blaise is given: two candles are consecrated, generally by a prayer, and are held in a cross position by a Priest over the heads of the faithful or the people are touched on the throat with them. He died a martyr rather than deny his faith. Feb. 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Youth Ministry would like to invite all teens, ages 1417, to our Youth Nights every Tuesday at 7pm-8:30pm. We will see you there! El Grupo de Jóvenes Adolecentes los gustaría a invitar a todos los jóvenes, entre las edades de 14-18, a nuestra reunión todos los martes de 7-8:30pm. Nos vemos alli. Aside from our the Our Lady of Lourdes Youth Ministry, ages 14-17, that come together every Tuesday at 7pm, we also like to remind all middle school aged teens, ages 11-13, to come to our youth gatherings this Wednesday and every other 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 6pm7:30pm. We will see you there. Our Lady of Lourdes Page 5 O W ur Lady of Lourdes Parish Festival is scheduled for April 25th and 26th. Invite your friends and come out to support the parish. e are also looking for volunteers to help out at the event. Look for sign up sheets in the pews, fill them out, and drop them in the box in the portico. Aparte de nuestras Nuestra Señora de Lourdes Grupo de Jóvenes Adolecentes, edades 14-17 , que se reúnen cada martes a las 7:00 de la tarde , también nos gusta recordar a todos los jóvenes, edades 11-13 , para venir a nuestras reuniones de jóvenes este miércoles y cada otro primero y 3er miércoles de cada mes de 6:00-7:30 de la tarde . Nos vemos allí. All are invited to participate in the Novena in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes. The Novena schedule is as follows: Monday Feb. 2 through Feb. 6 - 2 Mass 7AM & Novena at 7PM. On Saturday, Feb. 7 the Novena will take place after the 5:00PM & 6:30PM Masses. On Sun., Feb. 8 it takes place at the 10AM Mass. On Feb. 9 & 10 Mass at 7AM & Novena at 7PM. On the actual Feast Day, Wed. Feb. 11 we have 3 Masses: 7AM, 11AM for the School, and the special 5PM Mass with a Candle-Light Procession. All are asked to bring their own ‘bottled candle’ or you may purchase one here at the Church. Ministries Directing Novena: Mon., Feb. 2, Religious Formation Catechist (English)Tues., Feb. 3, Adult Confirmation (English), Wed., Feb. 4, Apoyo Familiar (Spanish), Thurs., Feb. 5, Hospitality / Eucharist (Spanish), Fri., Feb. 6, Filipino Ministry (Eng. / Filipino), Sat., Feb. 7, Lectors (Spanish), Sun., Feb. 8, Hombres de Valor (Spanish), Mon., Feb. 9, Divine Mercy / Divina Misericordia, (Eng. / Spanish), Tues., Feb. 10, Youth Ministry (English). Wed., Feb. 11, 3 Masses (see above). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. In honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Church and School are sponsoring a Queen of Our Lady of Lourdes Pageant. The Pageant is open to girls 8 - 14 years of age who attend OLL School or whose families are registered with OLL Church. Applications and rules are available at both the Church and School offices. Contact: Anne Dutrey 627-7559. Applications are available in the Church & School Offices. Eligibility: Girls age 8 - 14 years of age whose families are registered in the Parish or attend Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School. Sponsorship is through January 30th. All funds must be turned in by that time or ASAP Top 5 fund raisers, in order, will be the pageant queen and her 4 person court. Winners will be announced on or after February 3. Practice for the pageant is Saturday, February 7 (crowning of Our Lady) The Queen and her court must be available for Mass the day we celebrate the Feast, that is Sunday, February 8 at the 10AM Mass and at the 1:30PM Mass.
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