February 1, 2015 11:00 A.M. Welcome! The Color is Green, symbolizing our growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. We are especially glad to have all visitors and guests worshipping with us today. Your presence with us is a blessing! Please be sure to let us know who you are by registering your attendance on the yellow card located in the pew rack and placing it in the offering plate. Visitors, be sure to pick up our informational pamphlet (pew rack), and check out our website, www.bethelmethodistcolumbia.com for more great information about Bethel. If you would like to talk with the Pastor about church membership, please contact Rev. Todd Davis at [email protected] or 787-3058. WE GATHER TO WORSHIP Chiming of Trinity—At this time please quietly take your seats. Welcome and Announcements Prelude “I Call to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ” J.S. Bach *Choral Call to Worship *Opening Hymn #398 “Jesus Calls Us” GALILEE WE HEAR GOD’S WORD Children’s Moment Rev. Davis Anthem “Break the Bread” Sleeth Break the bread, drink the wine, holy feast, sacred sign; Lamb of God, love divine, spent for me. Sorrow's cross now recall; Christ the Lord died for all; Faithful folk, great and small, thankful be. Bend the knee, sin confess, humble hearts now express; Mercy filled, God will bless graciously. Rise and go, born anew, purified thru and thru; Evermore good pursue joyfully. Scripture Sermon Mark 1:14-20 “The Disciples were NO Geniuses!” Rev. Davis WE RESPOND TO GOD’S WORD WITH THANKSGIVING Reception of New Members Jayne Greene Allison Sylvia and Channing Joye Gloria and Bob Pruett Prayer of Dedication Gracious God, Your risen life is in us, and we delight in rejoicing in what You have done in our lives and in the world. Receive these gifts and offerings, given with joyful and grateful hearts, and use them, we pray, to proclaim the good news of the risen Christ. Amen. Offertory “Speak, Lord, in the Stillness” Green Please help the Ushers by passing the offering plate down each pew so all worshippers have an opportunity to present their gifts to God. You may also place attendance registration cards in the plate at this time. *Presentation of Gifts and Tithes *Doxology #95 Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here be low; Praise him above ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. | Our Youth will be accepting Souper Bowl of Caring offering today. Donations of money and non-perishable food items to benefit Harvest Hope Food Bank will be collected before and after worship. Please help us “tackle hunger”. No YOUTH Tonight! Enjoy the Super Bowl with your families & we will see you next week (2/8) at 6:30pm in the Youth Zone! Volunteers Needed. Looking for a place to serve? We are currently seeking Safe Sanctuary adults to serve as a Youth (8th-12th grades) Sunday School teacher (every 4th week). Curriculum provided. Please call the church office or send an email to [email protected] to inquire. Short Term Study on Acts continues today during the Sunday School hour in the New Life Sunday School room (E-261). You are invited to attend all or any of the sessions. For additional information, contact Kate at [email protected] or call the church office. Keep It Shut! If you signed up for this online study, you should have started receiving emails last Monday. If not, visit http://proverbs31.org/online-bible-studies/current-study. Help support Youth Missions by purchasing stock shares. Cost is $25 per share and includes an invitation to the Stockholders Dessert that will be held in late August (date TBD). Youth will present testimonies from their Summer Mission Trips to Salkehatchie and Immerse while you enjoy dessert. See any Youth to purchase. Sales will continue through the end of February. Wednesday Night Supper February 11th, 6:00 in PAB. Menu will be spaghetti and salad. Adults $5, children $3 with $20 family max. Join us for supper and a celebration of a successful first host week of Family Promise. — Pictures & Perspectives! Neighborhood Groups. Bill Hulbert’s Group will meet on February 15 @ 7:00 pm at the home of Margaret Marshall (6109 N. Trenholm Road). Lois McNair’s Group will meet on February 15 @ 7:00 pm at the home of the Jordans (3005 Kings Way). A Service of Worship for Ash Wednesday will be held on February 18, 2015 at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary at St. James UMC. The season of Lent in the church is a period of 40 weekdays beginning on Ash Wednesday, through Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer through prayer, repentance and self-evaluation. During our worship, you will have the opportunity to receive the Imposition of Ashes. Please invite a friend to join you to experience this special service of worship as we begin the season of Lent together. The Bereavement Committee is seeking members for Hospitality Teams. If you would like to serve by providing prepared foods and accompanying items for meals or receptions, please sign-up in the Narthex or contact Anne Mathis at 360-2307. Bethel’s Annual Garage Sale is set for March 20th and 21st from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. We are now accepting jewelry for the sale so please bring any donations to the church office. If you have questions or would like to volunteer to help please call Cara Davis at 6619734. THANKS SO MUCH!! United Methodist Women Unit Luncheon will be February 5th at noon in the Pool Activities Building. Come for delicious lunch, fellowship and program. You may find sign-up sheets above the table in the office hallway or in the Narthex. Deadline is today, Feb. 1. BUMS February Outing is Friday, the 27th. Lunch at McCutcheon House and tour of ETV. RSVP forms are available in the Narthex and Admin Hallway or call Walt Speas at 736-3068 by February 25th. If you would like to purchase an Easter Lily in memory or honor of someone special in your life and help decorate the Bethel Sanctuary in celebration of Christ’s resurrection please fill out a form and return it to the church office with your payment by February 23rd. Forms are available above the office hall table and in the Narthex. Cost is $15 per dedication. Serving the Congregation Today Church Nursery w/Verta: Debbie Farmer Greeters: Marion Wilson, Linda & William Stewart Sound System Operator/Backup: Brian Kelly/David Walker Acolyte: Christopher Walker Cruficer: Brian Burger Communion Preparers: Anne & Coy White Communion Servers: Kimberly Wilson, Brenda Shealy, Dan Toma Children’s Moment: Todd Davis Head Usher: Tom Elliott Offering Counters: Mike Hellams, Frances Cox Sanctuary Preparers: Janel Bell, Elizabeth Davis Presence January 25th Church School 68; Reach! 38; Traditional 142 May God bless you for your support of Bethel’s ministries! Budget Needed Weekly Received (1/25) Needed to Date Received to Date Difference 407,307.00 7,832.83 4,396.25 31,331.32 32,969.06 1,637.74 Income (YTD) Expenses (YTD) Difference Roof Loan Roof Donations (2014) Roof Donations (2015) 32,969.06 25,661.25 7,307.81 75,000.00 17,937.44 1,205.00 Special Prayers for those in Hospitals/Rehab Jean Smith—NHC 101B Jean Tolbert—Wildewood Downs #23 Adult Choir Invite. Do you enjoy singing? That’s all it takes to join the Bethel Adult Choir. Rehearsals on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:30. Please call Music Director, Marian Scullion, at 466-3673 if you are interested. Children’s Music Leader needed. If you would enjoy singing with the children (preschool-2nd grade) each Sunday from 9:45-10 please contact Marian @ 466-3673. Preschool News Registration - 2015-2016 We will accept registrations for currently enrolled families February 2-6 On February 9th registration will be open to the community. Registration fee is $150.00 and an updated registration form can be found and downloaded on the church website. For questions, call the Preschool Office at 787-3089. Annual Spaghetti Supper and Silent Auction The dinner and auction will be held Thursday, March 26 from 5-7 pm. If you would like to make a contribution of a basket or item to auction, please call Carol Burger in the Preschool Office (787-3089). Contributions would be greatly appreciated! We hope to see everyone there for a night of fun and GREAT spaghetti! Holy Communion A Service of Word & Table II (p. 12) The Lord’s Prayer Giving of the Bread and the Cup Church Office Hours Monday 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Tuesday - Friday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm WE ARE SENT FORTH TO SERVE *Hymn #593 “Here I Am, Lord” HERE I AM, LORD *Benediction *Choral Response *Chiming of the Trinity *Postlude “Before Thy Throne I Will Appear” Publication Submission Deadlines The deadline for the Bulletin is 9:00 am on the preceding Wednesday. The deadline for The Messenger is 9:00 am on the 25th of each month. Calendar Scheduling Please contact the Church Secretary as soon as possible to get your upcoming events on the calendar. Rooms are scheduled on a first-come basis. With the new year beginning, please be sure all meeting times, dates & locations are correct on the church calendar. If you see an error or omission, please do not hesitate to give the office a call. Upcoming Events at Bethel Dupre *All who are able are invited to stand. Invitation to Christian Discipleship Those who would like to become a member of the Bethel UMC family, by profession of faith or transfer of church membership, are invited to speak with the minister at your convenience. Bethel’s Traditional Worship Ministry Team recently approved a new Order of Worship for 2015 which will include the Four-fold Pattern of worship: WE GATHER TO WORSHIP, WE HEAR GOD’S WORD WE RESPOND TO GOD’S WORD WITH THANKSGIVING, WE ARE SENT FORTH TO SERVE. Our new worship Order begins TODAY! May God use Bethel’s worship to shape us into faithful disciples, and to bless all who come to worship God’s Holy Name at Bethel UMC. The flowers in the Sanctuary are given by Bill and Gail Lucas in celebration of their 11th wedding anniversary. The flower schedule for 2015 is open and available for sign-up. If you would like to dedicate/donate the flowers for the traditional worship service many dates are still available. The cost of a standard arrangement is $54. Reserve by contacting Frances Cox by email (lighthousefrances @gmail.com) or phone (427-7070) or call the Church Office. Thank you for being good stewards of God’s blessings by leaving our Church Sanctuary in the good condition you found it. Hearing Assistance Devices are available in the Narthex. If you should need help finding or operating a device an Usher will be happy to assist you. For Your Convenience... A Nursery for Infants thru 3 yr. olds is available in Rm. E-154 of the Education Bldg. If children are joining you in worship "Fun Bags” and children’s bulletins are located in the Narthex. A "Cry Room" with toys/rocking chairs/ changing table and full view/sound of worship is also located just off the Narthex. In Need of Prayer? Simply use the Prayer Request Card found in your pew. You may place it in a Prayer Request Box (located in the narthex and office hallway) or fold and place in the offering plate. Or, you may call Iva Dell Griffin at 782-5032. Thursday, February 5 Sunday, February 1 Souper Bowl of Caring Reach! Service w/Holy Communion (PAB) 9-9:40 AM Nursery (E-154) 9-12 Noon Children’s Music (E-151) 9:45-10 AM Sunday School (EB) 9:45-10:45 AM Reach! Band Practice (PAB) 9:45-11 AM Worship w/Holy Communion (SAN) 1112 Noon New UMW Circle (PAB) 12:30-1:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal (CR) 4:15-5:15 PM Wolves (Hut) 5-6 PM No Youth Meeting Monday, February 2 Preschool Registration for 2015-2016 Begins—Currently Enrolled Families Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM BUMS Meeting (CR) 1:30-2:30 PM Evangelism (CR) 6-7 PM Webelos II (Hut) 6-7 PM Boy Scouts (Hut) 7-8 PM Tuesday, February 3 Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM Yoga (PAB) 1:15-2:15 PM Webelos I (Hut) 6-7 PM Wednesday, February 4 ...so the world will experience Christ’s love! Friday, February 6 Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM Bears (Hut) 6:30-7:30 PM Saturday, February 7 Upper Room Prayer (CR) 8-12 N UMM Breakfast (PAB) 8:30-9:30 AM Sunday, February 8 Sunday, February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Scouting Ministry Sunday Reach! Service (PAB) 9-9:40 AM Nursery (E-154) 9-12 Noon Children’s Music (E-151) 9:45-10 AM Sunday School (EB) 9:45-10:45 AM Reach! Band Practice (PAB) 9:45-11 AM Worship (SAN) 11-12 Noon Handbell Rehearsal (CR) 4:15-5:15 PM Wolves (Hut) 5-6 PM Youth Group (Zone) 6-7:30 PM Monday, February 9 UMW Lunch Set-Up (PAB) Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM Preschool Chapel (SAN) 9:30-9:45 AM Staff Meeting (CR) 10-11 AM Pray for Bethel (CR) 2-3 PM Tigers (Hut) 6-7 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal (CR) 7:30-8:30 P CR—Conference Room NLC—New Life Class PAB—Pool Activities Building Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM UMW Set-Up & Clean-Up (PAB) 9-2 P UMW Unit Meeting (Parlor) 10:45-12 N Yoga (CVC) 1:15-2:15 PM Disciple I (NLC) 6-7:30 PM Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM Lina Ott Circle (CR) 3-4 PM Trustees (CR) 6-7 PM Webelos II (Hut) 6-7 PM Boy Scouts (Hut) 7-8 PM Tuesday, February 10 Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM Belle Dent Circle (CR) 10:30-11:30 AM Yoga (PAB) 1:15-2:15 PM Webelos I (Hut) 6-7 PM Sylvia Hulsey Circle (PAB) 7-8 PM EB—Education Building CVC—Christian Voyager’s Class SAN—Sanctuary Memory Verse for week of February 1st Mark 1:17 Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” In Ministry with the Congregation Reverend Todd Davis, Pastor Michelle Keiffer, Director of Christian Education and Family Ministries Marian Scullion, Director of Music Ministries Bill Webb, Organist Sylvia Hulbert, Director of Handbell Choir Carol Barnett, Administrative Assistant Contact Us 4600 Daniel Drive, Columbia, SC 29206 www.bethelmethodistcolumbia.com [email protected] phone 803.787.3058
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