From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. Differential Tissue Expression of the Lewis Blood Group Antigens: Enzymatic, Immunohistologic, and Immunochemical Evidence for Lewis a and b Antigen Expression in Le(a-b-) Individuals By Torben F. Orntoft, Eric H. Holmes, Philip Johnson, Sen-itiroh Hakomori, and Henrik Clausen The Lewis blood group system comprises two main carbohydrate antigens, Le’ and Leb. Lewis typing has traditionally been based on serologic determinations using erythrocytes and saliva. Several recent studies have demonstrated that erythrocyte Lewis phenotype may change during pregnancy or disease, and inappropriate Lewis antigens have been found in both normal and neoplastic tissue. To evaluate whether these observations are in conflict with the presently proposed genetic and biosynthetic basis of the Lewis blood group system, we performed a combined enzymatic, immunohistologic, and immunochemical study of Lewis antigen expression in normal and neoplastic tissues, as well as erythrocytes, plasma, and saliva of Le(a- b-)-typed individu- als. Of six cancer-bearing patients typed Le(a-b-), three were identified as nongenuine owing to the presence of a1 + 4fucosyltransferaseactivity (a1 + 4FT) and Lewis antigens in saliva and three were identified as genuine (lacking a1 -+ 4FT and Lewis antigens in saliva). These genuine Le(a-b-) individuals were shown to express significant a1 + 4FT in tissues, and Lewis antigens were detected in tissues by immunohistology as well as immunochemistry. We conclude that the Lewis phenotype obtained by serologic determination of erythrocytes and saliva does not apply to all tissues. We discuss biosynthetic and genetic consequences of this finding. @ 1991 by TheAmerican Society of Hematology. T In this study, enzymatic, immunohistologic, and immunochemical methods were used to gain insight into expression of Lewis a and b antigens and corresponding a1 + 4FT activities in individuals typed as Le(a-b-) by standard hemagglutination. Owing to the rare occurrence of Le(a-b-) individuals ( 6% of the white population), only six individuals were examined. Two groups of Le(a-b-) RBC-typed individuals were identified. One group (consisting of three individuals) was classified as nongenuine Le(a-b-) (a1 -+ 4FT activity detected in saliva); the other (also consisting of three individuals) was classified as genuine Le(a-b-) (no a1 + 4FT activity detected in saliva). The nongenuine Le(a-b-) individuals had chemical amounts of Lewis active neutral glycolipidsin their RBC and serum similar to Lewis’ individuals, regardless of lack of hemagglutination. In the genuine Le(a-b-) group, none or very small quantities of Lewis a and b antigens were HE STRUCTURES (Table 1) of Le” and Lebdeterminants were first deduced from serologic inhibition tests” and subsequently confirmed by isolation of oligosaccharide fragments from Le”- and HLeb-active glycoproteins isolated from ovarian cyst f l ~ i d s . ’ ~ Le” , ’ ~ antigen (GalPl+ 3[Fucal-+ 41GlcNAc + R) is formed by the action of the Lewis gene-encoded a1 -+ 4-~-fucosyltransferase (a1 + 4FT) on type 1chain (Galpl+ 3-GlcNAc + R) endings in glycoconjugates.’ In tissues from individuals who encode an active a1 + 2-~-fucosyltransferase, both the galactosyl and the N-acetyl-glucosaminyl residues in the type 1 chain are substituted with L-fucose and an Leb (Fucal -+ 2Galp1 + 3-[Fucal + 41GlcNAc + R) structure is formed.I5Lewis antigens on erythrocytes differ from ABH antigens in that they are not synthesized by the erythrocyte but rather are secondarily acquired from plasma.16 The individual Lewis phenotype has traditionally been based on serologic determinations for erythrocytes and saliva. The Lewis’ phenotypes, Le(a+b-) and Le(a-b+), have been believed to result from action of a transferase encoded by an active allele Le at the Lewis locus, whereas the Lewis- phenotype, Le(a-b-), which comprises ~ 6 of % the white and 35% of the black population, has been believed to result from the homozygous presence of the silent allele le.” Exceptions to the present concept of regulation of Lewis antigens, however, have been reported during recent years as either Lea, Leb,or both antigens have been detected in of individuals small intestine,” saliva,18 or ~rothelium’~ typed as Le(a-b-) in hemagglutination assays. Similarly, Lewis a and b antigens have been detected in various cancer tissues of RBC Le(a-b-)-typed individual^.^^^** Whether these observations are in conflict with the proposed genetic and biosynthetic basis of the Lewis blood group system is unclear because of reports demonstrating that the Lewis phenotype on RBC may change with various conditions, including carcinomas?o,2z-aWith regard to breast cancer, the current lack of knowledge regarding regulation of Lewis blood group antigen expression has led to recent controversies regarding the frequency of this disease in Le(a-b-) individuals.2628 Blood, Vol77, No6 (March 151,1991: pp 1389-1396 - From The Biomembrane Institute and Department of Pathobwlogy, University of Washington, Seattle; the Departments of Experimental Clinical Oncology, Danish Cancer Society, and Clinical Chemistry, Aarhus Kommune Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark; the Pacific Northwest Research Foundation, Seattle, WA; the Division of Immunochemical Genetics, Medical Research Council, Harrow, England; and the Royal Dental College, Copenhagen, Denmark. Submitted March 29,1990; accepted November 19, 1990. Supported by Outstanding Investigator Grant No. CA 42505 from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda, MD (to SH) and by fundsfrom The Biomembrane Institute. H.C. was supported in part by Fru Jenny Vising, Lundbeck Fonden, and Sundhedsvidenskabelige Forshingrad, Denmark. T.F.Q. was supported by the Danish Cancer Society; he was a visiting Scientist at The Biomembrane Institute. E.H.H. was supported by NCI Research Center Development Award No. K04CA01343 and NCI Grant No. CA41521. Address reprint requests to Dr Torben Qmtoft, Dept. Clinical Chemistry, Aarhus Kommunehospital, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1991 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/91/7706-OO21$3.OalO 1389 From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. ORNTOFT ET AL 1390 Table 1. Biosynthesis of Lewis Antigens and Related Isomeric Structures Based on Type-2 Chain Poly-N-Acetyllactosamine Structure Antigen Lewis Blood Group Genotype Lea+b- Le, se Type 1 V Le” O . Fucal 1 Fucal --+ Le 4 2Galpl+3GlcNAcpl-+R SelHl V Leb Le“* Led Le” Fucal -+ 2Galpl+4GlcNAcpl+R HISel 3 T Fucal nonsec Le’ Les-b+ sec 0 . O . 0.0 Le, Se Lea-b- nonsec le. se Lea-b- sec le, Se O . A 0 . 0 A X(Le) O . H 0 . 0 Two distinct a1-2 transferases,encoded by the secretor and H genes, respectively, are presently believed to exist.’”,3The secretor gene-encoded FT has preference for the type-1 chain substrate, whereas the H gene-encoded transferase has preference for the type-2 chain.‘ The Lewis gene-encoded FT may use both the type-1 and type-2 chain substrates in vitro, thus participating in formation of both Le”mand Le*?.6 In vivo, however, it may use only the type-1 chain structure.’ Independent al-3FT activities have been recognized and are believed to be encoded by the X At present, no information is available regarding the existence of an a1+4FT activity independent of that believed to be encoded by the Lewis gene. Abbreviations: Le, Lewis gene-encoded a1-4FT; Se(H), secretor or H gene-encoded al-2FT; 0,Gal; 0, GlcNAc; 0, Fucal+2: V, Fucal-4; A, Fucal+3. ‘The LeEantigen has been reported to be an elongated variant of the basic Gal pl+3GlcNAcp disaccharide with the type-2 chain Le” hapten.” f o u n d on RBC or in serum, whereas Lewis antigens and low but readily detectable a1 -+ 4FT activity were found in colon and bladder tissues. MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples. Fifty-milliliter samples of human whole blood were obtained from six individuals by venipuncture, partly used within 24 hours for serology, and partly centrifuged and stored at -80°C as serum and cells. Saliva was obtained simultaneously with the blood samples, and 1 mL was stored at -80°C for enzyme analysis and 1 mL was boiled and stored at -20°C for hemagglutination inhibition studies. Biopsies were taken from colon tumors as well as morphologically and microscopically normal colonic mucosa far from the tumor. From two individuals, biopsies were obtained from transitional cell carcinomas of the urinary bladder. All biopsies were immediately frozen at -80°C. Serology. RBC were grouped by use of polyclonal human, rabbit, and goat antisera (Ortho Diagnostic Systems, Raritan, NJ) as well as Dolichos biflom and Ulex europaeus agglutinin (Sigma Chemical, St Louis, MO) according to routine blood bank procedure. Identical sera and lectins were used to detect Lewis substance in saliva by low-ion-strength hemagglutination inhibition. In all assays, appropriate known controls were included. FT assays on saliva. Saliva was thawed and frozen twice and centrifuged at 800g, and the supernatant was used for assays. For assays of a1 + 31T and a1 + 4 l T , 20 pL enzyme source was added to GDP-L-[*~C]-FUC (0.28 nmol, 70,000 cpm), MnCl, (1 pmol), acceptor (0.5 pmol), ATP (0.5 pmol), Triton X-100 (500 pg), and 0.1 mol/L Tris-HCI (pH 7.2) in a total volume of 100 pL. The mixture was incubated for 2 hours and chromatographed on Whatman no. 40 paper in ethyl acetate/pyridine/water ( 1 0 4 3 vol/vol/vol) for 48 hours. The papers were dried, scanned for radioactivity (Packard radiochromatogram scanner, Downersgrove, IL), and the mobility of peaks was measured relative to known compounds; these areas were then cut out and counted by a liquid scintillation counter. N-Acetyllactosamine (Galpl + 4GlcNAc) was used as acceptor for the a1 431T determination, and lacto-N-biose I (Galpl 4 3GlcNAc) was used as acceptor for the a1 + 41T.29 FT assay on tissues. Tissue samples ( = 1 g) were homogenized in 2 vol50 mmol/L HEPES buffer (pH 7.2), 0.5 m o w sucrose, and 1mmol/L EDTA by two strokes of a Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer and used for characterization of enzyme activities present in each fraction. The FT activity was determined as previously described”’ in reaction mixtures containing 2.5 pmol HEPES buffer (pH 7.2), 40 pg lactotetraocyclceramide (Galpl-3GlcNAc~1-3Gal~l4Glcp1-1Cer) (Lc4) or lactoneotetraosylceramide ( G a l p l 4GlcNAcpl-3Galpl-4G1cpl-1Cer) (nLc,), 100 pg taurodeoxycholate, 1pmol MnCI,, 0.5 pmol CDP-choline, 15 nmol GDP-[’4C]-Fuc (15,000 cpndnmol), and 100 to 300 pg protein in a total volume of 0.1 mL. The reaction mixture was incubated for 2 hours at 37°C and terminated by addition of 6 pmol EDTA and 0.1 mL chloroform-methanol (CM) 21. The entire reaction mixture was streaked onto a 4-cm-wide strip of Whatman no. 3 paper and chromatographed with water overnight. The glycolipid remaining at the origin was extracted with 2- to 5-mL washes of chloroformmethanol-water (CMW) 10:5:1. The solvent was removed by nitrogen stream, and the glycolipid was dissolved in 20 pL CM 2 1 . A 10-pL aliquot was removed, spotted onto an high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) plate (Merck, Darmstadt, FRG), and developed in CMW 605:l containing 0.02% CaCl, as a From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 1391 DIFFERENTIAL TISSUE EXPRESSION OF LEWIS ANTIGENS final concentration. Standard glycolipids were visualized by orcinol spray. Radioactive glycolipid bands were located by autoradiography, scraped from the plate, and counted by liquid scintillationcounter. Isolation of glycolipids. RBC ( = 20 mL) and serum ( = 30 mL) were extracted overnightat 4°C with solvent A (isopropanol-hexanewater [IHW] 65:25:20).Tissues were extracted with 10 vol solvent A in a Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer, sonicated, and centrifuged at SOOg for 20 minutes. The insoluble pellet was re-extracted twice in an identical way, and the combined supernatants were evaporated under nitrogen stream. The near-dry samples were then dissolved in CMW 30603 and subjected to chromatography on diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) Sephadex A - 2 9 to separate total neutral glycolipids from gangliosides. The total neutral glycolipid fraction was dried and acetylated with 1 mL pyridine and 0.5 mL acetic anhydride, followed by chromatography on a Florisil column and deacetylation with s-vol 0.5% sodium methoxide in CM 21. The samples were dried and resuspended in CM 21, and 5 JLLof this total neutral glycolipid fraction was spotted on HPTLC plates, developed in CMW 5040:10, and stained with orcinol. The amount of glycolipid in each lane was standardized according to the extent of orcinol staining. TLC immunostaining. Immunostaining of glycolipids separated by HPTLC was performed according to the procedure of Magnani et allz as modified by Kannagi et The monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) used were anti-le” clone CF4-C, (IgG,)34and anti-Leb (IgM) donated by Dr Donald A. Baker (Chembiomed, Alberta, Canada). TLC immunostaining with the anti-LebMoAb produced staining in the hexaosylceramide region. In glycolipid extracts of tissues, staining of the H type 1 pentaosylceramide region was also observed, indicating cross-reactivitywith H type 1 structures. Only one anti-Leb MoAb was used for TLC immunostaining studies owing to the limited amount of lipid extract available. Immunohistochemistry. Immunohistochemicalstudieswere performedwith two additional IgM anti-LebMoAbs: one from BiotestSerum Institut, GMBH, Frankfurt, FRG, the second donated by L. Messetter, Malm@Hospital, Sweden. The specificity of the latter MoAb has been studied in detail?5An IgG, MoAb, FH7:6 directed to the sialosyl derivative of Le” (sialosyl-Le;,), was also used. A modification of previously described methods3’.” was used. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded 3-km sections were deparaffinized and rehydrated. Endogenous peroxidase was blocked by 0.8% H202in absolute methanol for 30 minutes. Sections were washed in TrisPhosphate-buffered saline (PBS), incubated with 10% normal rabbit serum in PBS for 10 minutes, and then incubated overnight at 4°C with MoAbs diluted 1:40 to 1:80 in PBS. After repeated washings, MoAb binding was visualized by incubation for 60 minutes with biotinylated rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulins (diluted 1:loO in PBS), followed by avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Dakopatts, Copenhagen, Denmark) and 0.04% 3-amino-9ethylcarbazole. The three anti-LebMoAbs showed similar staining reactions. MoAb FW7 (antisialosyl-Le;,) stained more cells than the anti-le” MoAb in colonic sections. RESULTS Genuine &(a - b - ) individuals. Three individuals were identified as genuine Lewis-negative individuals because their RBC typed Le(a-b-) and their saliva contained no a1 -+ 4FT activity (Table 2). Normal colon and colonic cancer tissue was available from only two of three and in one only bladder cancer tissue was available. Normal colon tissue and bladder tumor tissue from Lewis-positive individuals served as control. FT activity of tissue from Le(a-b-) individuals. In normal colonic mucosa, colon carcinoma tissue, and bladder cancer tissue, a1 +. 4FT activity was readily detectable with the type-1 chain glycolipid acceptor Lc4 (Table 2). The specific activity of the a1 + 4FT was similar in all five specimens examined and considerably lower (5% to 16%) than the activity in Lewis-positive controls (Table 2). In contrast, significant a1 +. 3Fuc transfer into the type-2 chain glycolipid acceptor nLc, occurred in all samples regardless of Lewis status of donor. TLC analysis of reaction products from transfer of I4C-Fucfrom GDP-[I4C]Fuc to the type-1 chain acceptor Lc4 and the type-2 chain Table 2. Serologic, Enzymic, Immunohistologic, and Immunochemical Findings in Genuine Le(a- b-) Individuals Serology’ Material Normal Colon Co, Colon Co, Cancer Colon Co, Colon Co, Bladder B, Lewis-positive control Normal colon (n = 3) Cancer, bladder (n = 5) Enzyme Activity (pmollhtmg Protein) Saliva RBCs Le’ ABH Lewis A, A, Le(a-b-) Le(a-b-) 2 2 A, A, A, Le(a-b-) Le(a-b-) Le(a-b-) Leb Tissue* Salivat ABH a1+3 al-4 8 8 >256 >256 90 340 0 0 1,990 1,320 2 2 4 8 8 8 >256 >256 4 90 340 308 0 0 0 16 16 >256 >256 >256 >256 581 293 Immunohistology§ HPTLC Le‘ Leb Le’ Leb 60 70 + - + + (+) i 2,000 1,460 608 47 177 98 + + + 2,480 472 1,190 632 a1-3 u1-4 - + + + + + + + + + + *Hemagglutination with polyclonal sera, Dolichos biflorus, and Ulex europaeus lectins defined RBC phenotype; hemagglutination inhibition was used to determine titer in saliva. tSaliva was incubated with GDP-L-[“CI-FUC (0.28 nmol, 70,000 cpm), MnCI, (1 pmol), acceptor (0.5 kmol) lacto-N-biose I (al-4FT) or N-acetyllactosamine (al-3FT). ATP (0.5 pmol), Triton X-100 (500 kg), and 0.1 mol/LTris-HCI (pH 7.2) in a total volume of 100 pL. SHEPES buffer (pH 7.2) 2.5 pmol, Lc, or nLc,40 pg. taurodeoxycholate 100 pg, MnCI, 1 pmol, CDP-choline 0.5 pmol, GDP-[14C]-Fuc15 nmol(l5,OOO cpdnmol), and 100 to 300 pg protein in a total volume of 0.1 ml. Material for assay was homogenized in 50 mmol/L HEPES buffer (pH 7.2). 0.5 mol/L sucrose, and 1 mmoVL EDTA. §Anti-lea and three different anti-LebMoAbs were used to demonstrate Lewis structures on tissue sections and TLC. Similar staining was observed with the three anti-LebMoAbs. From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 0RNTOFT ET AL 1392 active glycolipids when total neutral glycolipids wcre extracted from RBC and serum and subjected to immunochemical characterization (Fig 2A). Normal and malignant tissuc spccimcns examined by this mcthod all Contained pcntasaccharidc Le' and hcxasaccharidc Lehantigens however, (Fig 2A). Thcsc findings wcre furthcr supported by immunohistochemicaldctcction of Lewis antigcns on tissue scctions (Fig 3) from all fivc spccimcns. Thc prcscncc of small quantities of Le' and Lehactivc glycolipids in RBC extracts of thc bladder carcinoma patient (Fig 2A, B, samplcs) is obscure. The migration of thc glycolipids, as well as the immunorcactivity, indicates that thcsc arc authentic Le' and Lehglycolipids.This patient had no W o r Lehactive glycolipids in scrum extract. Nongenuine I / ( a 4-) individuals. Three individuals, two with colon canccr and onc with a bladder tumor wcrc serologically dcfincd as Le(a-b-) individuals. Detailed study of thcir saliva showed a1 4FT activity and secretion of Lewis antigcns, howcvcr; therefore, thcy are classified as nongcnuinc Le(a-b-) (Tablc 3). Normal colon tissue was obtained from the two colon carcinoma paticnts; from the third patient. bladder carcinoma tissue was availablc. FT activity in tissue from non-genuine Le(a4-)individuah. In thc two spccimcns of normal colon mucosa, an a1 4FT activity similar to that in the Lewis positive control group (Table 2) was detcctcd (Table 3). In thc bladder carcinoma, the al + 4FT activity was in the same rangc as that of gcnuinc Lewis-negativc individuals (Tablc 3). The a1 3FT was activc to an cxtcnt similar to that of the other individualsexamined (Tablc 3). Lewis antigens in tissues jivm nongenuine L.e(a-b-) individuals. lmmunostainingof extracted total neutral glycolipids showed pcntasaccharide Le' and hexasaccharidc Leh antigens in tissues, and interestingly, also in RBC and scrum although RBC could not bc agglutinated by antiLewis sera (Fig 3B). As cxpcctcd, immunohistologyshowcd Lewis antigcns in these individuals (Tablc 3). - 1 2 3 4 nc Flg 1. aM-h of FTproductrfrom le, a d nLc, utr)ynd f" hom Lmb-pOrhh 8 d gmUim w + n e g & e donon. Autoradiographs of product. from Lc, with Lewicpcattive donor W e 1). nLc. with Lewis-podtive donor (lane 2). Le, with genuina Lewh-negative donor (lane 3). and nLc, with genuine Lewisnegative donor (lane 4). Reaction conditions am deaccribed in the Materiah and Methods section. The solvent syrtem was C M W 60:35:8. TLC mobility of standard glycolipids ia shown. dUU0 acceptor nLe4 was conducted with enzyme fractions from Lewis-positive and genuine Lewis-negative donors. These results arc shown in Fig 1. Strong bands corresponding to formation of a l 3Fuc derivativcsof nLc, wcrc found with eithcr fraction (lanes 2 and 4). as was a product corrcsponding to a1 2 fucosylation of the terminal Gal of Lc, (lanes 1 and 3). most probably associated with thc sccrctor gcnc status of the donors. Fucose transfer in a1 4 linkagc to Lc, rcsultcd in a strong band with the Lewis-positivc donor (Fig 1, lane 1). which was greatly reduced but still dctcctablc with the genuinc Lewis-ncgativc donor (Fig 1, lanc 3). Further analysis of thc isolated band corrcsponding to III'FucLc, from the Lewis-negative donor was conducted by TLC analysis of the acetylated derivative." Thc acctylated product comigrated with standard III'FucLc, but not III'FucnLc,, indicating that the product Contained an a1 4 linked Fuc on Lc, (data not shown). The rclativc intensity of thc bands reflects the competition betwccn the a1 4FT and a1 21T for their mutual acceptor Lc4and that of the a1 3FT and a1 2FT for their mutual acceptor nLc,. In the former case, the a1 4FT dominatcs in Lewis-positive individuals (Fig 1, lane 1). whereas the a1 2FTdominates in Lewis-negativeindividuals(Fig 1, lane 3). In the latter case, the a1 -* 3FT is so strongly expressed in most individuals as comparcd with a1 -* 2FT that only insignificant amounts of a1 + 2-fucosylated products are formed (Fig I, lanes 2 and 4). Lewis antigens in tissues of genuine L.e(a-b-) individuals. The genuine Le(a-b-) status of the examined individuals was confirmed by the nearly complete absence of Lewis - - -- - - - - - - - - DISCUSSION Lewis blood group status is traditionally determined by RBC and saliva phenotyping. Based on such phenotyping, wc idcntificd thrcc pcrsons as genuine Lewis-ncgativc individuals having Lc(a-b-) RBC and no a1 4FT activity in saliva. Thrcc other individuals were identified as nongcnuinc Le (a-b-) bccausc their RBC wcre typed Le(a-b-) by serology but their saliva contained at 4FT activity and Lewis a and b antigens. In the group of gcnuinc Le(a-b-) individuals, we were ablc to idcntify Lewis a and b antigens and detect low a1 -* 4FT activity in colon and bladder tissue, indicating in vivo activity of the a1 4FT. In the group of nongenuine Lc(a-b-) individuals, an al 4FT activity corrcsponding to that detected in Lewis-positivc individuals, as well as Lewis antigens, were dctcctcd in colon and bladder. Owing to grcat individual variation in enzyme activity, homozygous and heterozygous individuals cannot be scparatcd, but the relatively high frequency of heterozygous (Le, le; IC, Le) individuals in the population makes it unlikely that the rclativcly rare nongcnuinc Le(a-b-) individuals should simply be the heterozygous individuals. - - - - From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. DIFFERENTIAL nssw EXPRESSION OF LEWIS ANTIGENS 1393 NORMAL TISSUE A Standord CANCER TISSUE Cor ~8Leb IJo?Leb Leo b Le orc R S R S RSTRST T T T T T T R S T R S T NORMAL TISSUE B 1 Stondord Leb CANCER TISSUE I 1 1 TrCo4 Leo Leb @Leb -- Leo Leb orc - c =e - R S R S R S T R S T T T R S T R S T no 2 o(w.ndw.ahng)yedipidrbync kmn-ining.iotli m i gmpidr-~erbnt.dfrom RBC, ..~m,cdon, and Moddar tkrcm...pmhdby HPTLC, and lmmunmtaimd with anti-Le' and anti-Lsb M o m .Pam1A: Snnpk. from p.tknta d . u M as gonuim L d a - b - ) indbidualr based on saliva M a phenotype and a1 4FT nttvfty. Staining of bands migrating ar Le' and Lo' glydlpldr lmmunortaimd by the reapectlve MoAbr In RBC of E,. but not in M N ~wm . weak. The nature of the fast-migrating band in aome individualr is obacum but could muk from variation. in the rphingblipid portlon of th.molecuiea or from ataining of the H t y p l pentaoaylcarrmlde region ( d d b e d in the Materiair and Method. d o n ) . Panel B: Sampln from patient. clauifled ar nongenuine Le(a-b-) individual.. Standard glycolipids were extracted from 0 Le(a+b-) and 0 Le(a-b+) RBC. Co,, CO,, TrCo, and TrCo,: colon tirrue donora. E, and TrB,: bladder tirrue - donor. R, RBC; S, aerum; T, tirsue; On,orcinol rtaining of cancer tiaaue from Co, and TrCo,. b n e r labeled Le* and Lebare autoradlogramr of plat- developed In CMW 0:35:8and immunortalned with anti-Le' (fromthis laboratory) and anti-Leb(fromChemblomed) YoAba; deacribed in the Materiala and Method. &ion. The demonstration of small quantities of Le' and Leb antigens on RBC., but not serum, of a bladder carcinoma patient classificd as genuine Le(a-b-) raises the possibility that the antigen originates from Lewis a and b antigcn- positive tumors. They may therefore constitute authentic "tumor markers" similar to thosc observed for sialosyl derivatives of Le' In the case of glycolipids, these may be more conccntrated on RBC as compared with From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. _-. lV 13 U O l N V 8 - . . .. A- W&l From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. DIFFERENTIAL TISSUE EXPRESSION OF LEWIS ANTIGENS patients may have Lewis antigens in tissues or secretions, because they probably are genetically identical to Lewispositive individuals. Owing to some unknown rearrangement of their RBC membrane, however, their RBC cannot agglutinate with anti-Lewis sera although chemically they contain detectable quantities of Lewis active glycolipids. The three persons we identified as nongenuine Le(a-b-) individuals all had terminal cancer. This is in accordance with previous reports of occurrence of a RBC Le(a-b-) phenotype in individuals previously typed as Lewis positive in association with changed biologic conditions such as pregnancy,= alcoholic cirrhosis and pancreatitis? hydatid cysts,25and various carcinomas.M~” The finding of a1 + 4FT activity leading to formation of Lewis antigens in vivo in genuine Le (a-b-) individuals is of interest because such persons are assumed to be homozygous for an inactive allele le at the Lewis gene locus. The operational definition for Lewis-positive and Lewisnegative individuals does not specify any mechanism for the observed differential expression, however. In view of our results, the distinction between Lewis-positive and Lewisnegative individuals does not appear to be qualitative and alternate mechanisms for differential expression might be proposed as follows. First, the present findings may reflect differing tissue distribution of the Lewis FT in Lewis a o r b antigen-positive individuals as compared with Lewis a o r b antigen-negative individuals, resulting in the absence of antigen activity in saliva but presence of antigen activity in certain tissues. This is consistent with results from human colon in which high a1 + 2FT activity was observed in cecum and low activity of the same transferase was observed in rectum,4l with results from bladder tissue showing synthesis of Leb antigens in urothelium from individualswho have Le(a+b-) RBC,” and with results from rats exhibiting variable tissue expression of sialyltransferase ( > 50-fold), with the highest levels in liver and the lowest in brain.” 1395 Second, the observed pattern of expression may indicate the existence of a hitherto-unrecognized a1 --* 41T not associated with the Lewis gene. Such an enzyme may be detectable only in Lewis-negative individuals, however, in whom it is not masked by the Lewis enzyme. The a1 + 2 ITSare examples of similar transferases that are coded by two different structural genes. Third, a probably more likely alternative involves an analogy to the blood group A subgroups. Some members of such subgroups inherit an A gene coding for an A transferase with high acceptor affinity (A, transferase), whereas others inherit a gene coding for an enzyme with lower acceptor affinity and more restricted substrate specificity (A, transferase), yielding different levels of cell surface A antigen characterizing the phenotype.44345 Although current knowledge regarding number and specificities of a1 + %FTs is a m b i g u o u ~ , ~a1 - ~ .+ ~ % transfer apparently is ascribable to the same protein, based on kinetic data? In addition, in recent studies using gene expression data in which human DNA was transfected into COS-1 cells, an enzyme with both a1 + 3-(N-acetyllactosamine as acceptor) and a1 + 4FT activity was identified and expressed (John B. Lowe, personal communication, March 1990). By similar techniques, an a1 + 3FT activity with no a1 + 4FT activity was recently identified.47If the number of FT genes is limited to the presently identified Lewis (a1 + %FT) and “ X ’ (a1 + 3 R ) , the Lewis gene probably comprises several variants similar to the blood group A genes, with differing relative reactivities to type-1 and type-2 chain acceptors. The specific mechanism for the expression of Lewis a and b antigens in Lewis-negative individuals is complex and still unresolved. 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For personal use only. 1991 77: 1389-1396 Differential tissue expression of the Lewis blood group antigens: enzymatic, immunohistologic, and immunochemical evidence for Lewis a and b antigen expression in Le(a-b-) individuals TF Orntoft, EH Holmes, P Johnson, S Hakomori and H Clausen Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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