February 2015 Inside this Issue 2 Board of Governors/Club Staff, President’s Message 3 General Manager’s Message, Membership Director, Paddle Tennis Art Committee Tom Ciancia on the Piano! T H U R S DAY E V E N I N G S I N F E B RUA RY ( E X C E P T F E B. 2 6 ) I N T H E G R I L L RO O M 4 Squash Director, Personal Trainers We are so excited to have Tom Ciancia joining us on Thursday evenings in the Grill Room bar throughout the month of February (except February 26). You’ve heard Tom play the piano on holidays and at member events upstairs. Come enjoy his music by the fire while enjoying a cocktail, glass of wine, and/or a bite to eat. A perfect way to spend a cold winter’s evening. 5 Executive Chef, Valentine’s Day Menu, Grill Room Manager 6 Social Calendar 7 February Scrapbook Katie Kindilien and Lady McCrady Exhibition of Painting and Art Opening Reception 8 Grill Room Hours, Birthday Bonanza, Pasta Night Menu T H U R S D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 5 , F R O M 5 T O 7 P M , I N T H E G R I L L R O O M R O T U N D A Together, Katie Kindilien’s and Lady McCrady’s paintings display action, warmth and light. Be sure not to miss their Art Opening on February 5. Book Club W E D N E S D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 1 , A T 6 P M The February selection is A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters, by Julian Barnes. Valentine’s Day Dinner in the Grill Room S A T U R D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 4 , S E A T I N G F R O M 6 P M Enjoy a romantic three-course dinner with your special someone. Due to the complexity of this event, there will be one menu featured for this evening (see menu page 5). Please make your reservations with the Front Desk! ($90 couple; sorry, no children permitted at this event). FEB 5 Art Opening Reception 6 Friday Night Buffet, Lego Night 11 Book Club 13 Friday Night Buffet, Movie Night (“Monster’s Inc.”) 14 Valentine’s Day Dinner/Grill Room 18 Pasta Night/Grill Room 20 Friday Night Buffet, Family Fun Night/Ballroom 27 Friday Night Buffet, Karaoke Night Pasta Night in the Grill Room W E D N E S D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 1 8 Come enjoy a selection of delicious pasta dishes! This will be the only menu featured for this evening (see menu back cover). Make reservations with the Front Desk early as we are sure to be sold out this night! Family Fun Night F R I D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 2 0 , F R O M 6 : 3 0 T O 8 : 3 0 P M I N T H E B A L L R O O M Starting to feel those winter blues? Bring the family out for a night of fun! We will have bowling, carnival games, and mini golf—just to name a few of the planned activities! The Friday Night Buffet will be served upstairs on this night. Be sure to make your reservations early as we are sure to be sold out! ($5 per person to enjoy the activities) Parking Available for Nonmembers The Lawn Club has parking spots available to rent. If you know someone who may be interested, contact Kayleigh at [email protected] for more information. Baby News! Congratulations to Jesse and Carol Horsford on their new baby boy, Bennett Michael Horsford, born December 7, weighing 9 lbs, 3 oz! F R I DAY N I G H T S February 6: Lego Night February 13: Movie Night (“Monster’s Inc.”) on the Big Screen in the Lounge! February 20: Family Fun Night in the Ballroom February 27: Karaoke Night President’s Message New Haven Lawn Club People often persist in trying to understand how activities that they have chosen to be involved with will benefit them and enrich their lives. With this concept in mind and as the new Lawn Club president, I am motivated to understand what satisfies our members. On which areas do we need to focus our energies as we move forward? What things work particularly well, and which areas need closer attention? How shall we prioritize our valuable time and allocate our finite fiscal resources? As we strive to answer these questions, the board and I plan to focus on three distinct projects. 193 Whitney Avenue New Haven, Connecticut 06511 tel 203.777.3494 fax 203.777.5657 www.nhlawnclub.com BOA R D O F G OV E R N O R S Susan Devine President David Soper Vice President Peter Lefeber Secretary Debra Schaffer Treasurer Robert Boltax Governor Patricia Behre Governor Brad Collins Governor Kevin Lawlor Governor Mohit Sarin Governor C L U B S TA F F x220 Chet Chicosky General Manager, CCM [email protected] x212 John Ruggiero Director of Corporate & Social Events [email protected] x211 Christine Brush Director of Weddings [email protected] x224 Andy Senior Banquet Manager [email protected] x225 Alicia Whalen Controller [email protected] The first order of business, as directed by the Lawn Club bylaws, is to review the special and standing committees. These bylaws dictate that Lawn Club committees are to be appointed by the president and approved by the board. At our most recent monthly meeting in January, we agreed that each committee should have a board member as its liaison. The liaison will provide a mechanism for direct communication back to the board and an equal voice for various constituent groups. The Tennis Committee met recently with Brad Collins (their appointed board liaison) under their capable chairperson, Susie Metrik. Board member Mohit Sarin will be the liaison with the Squash Committee, Patricia Behre has agreed to work with Scott Butler on the Aquatic Activities Committee, David Soper will be the liaison to the Art Committee, and Bob Boltax will work with Scott and Michele Tenney in the Fitness Center. As we tackle the best strategies to deal meaningfully with these areas, board officers, who are working closely with Chet and the identified members above, will oversee the issues regarding house and grounds, personnel, and finance. Committee structures, scope of authority, and responsibilities will be clarified in the next board meeting. Our overall goal is to facilitate open, transparent communication and problem-solving. The second area of focus, initiated by Tom Dembinski during his presidency, is the development of a Lawn Club member survey. The board received a draft questionnaire from Chet at our last meeting, and we hope to distribute it to all members within the next month. I encourage everyone to complete the survey and allow your opinions to be heard. x218 Gerri Oddo Assistant to the Controller [email protected] x219 Kayleigh Murphy Membership Director [email protected] Finally, in my ongoing effort to understand how we are performing, I will resurrect the Lawn Club “suggestion box.” Chet, Kayleigh and Bernie will help me to set this up. I hope to hear your ideas, compliments, suggestions, and areas of disgruntlement, and I look forward to providing timely replies. x209 Adam Soliwoda Executive Chef [email protected] x222 Cindy Cunningham Grill Room Manager [email protected] I hope all of these efforts will come together to promote an atmosphere of open communication and an enhanced sense of community here at the Lawn Club. Finally, please try to stop at the Club for either a meal or a sports activity. We offer a place of refuge, warmth and hospitality during the cold and dark winter months. x217 Bernie FitzSimons Facilities Manager x248 Scott Butler Pool Director [email protected] x232 Cliff Skakle Tennis Director [email protected] Best, Sue Devine x253 Lynn Leong Squash Pro [email protected] Scott & Michele Tenney Personal Trainers 203.376.3356 [email protected] 2 Clippings February 2015 General Manager’s Message News from the Membership Director Thankfully, the “Blizzard of 2015” was simply another winter storm for most of us in the area; business as usual in New England, with a couple of postponed events and our first large snow removal invoice. F R I DAY N I G H T S February 6 Lego Night 13 Movie Night (“Monster’s Inc.”) on the Big Screen in the Lounge! 20 Family Fun Night 27 Karaoke Night Now let’s change the subject to something certain to warm your souls. Believe it or not, we are currently working on the content and logistics of our summer—yes summer, programs. We will have Summer Program brochures available in March. Also of note is that we hope to launch an online membership survey in late February. I encourage all of you to take a few minutes to complete the survey to help make your Club a better place. Watch for Kayleigh’s biweekly Happenings e-mail in the next couple of weeks to log on. Tom, the piano man, will be back in the Grill Room bar on keyboard every Thursday evening in February, 6–8 pm (except February 26), so stop by and enjoy! Lastly, thank you to all of the members who donated to the Employee Holiday Fund. See you on the Squash Courts! We have a ton of things going on this February! Be sure to save the dates on the front of Clippings. The Friday Night kids’ activities will be fun, too. We kick off the month with Lego Night on the 6th, followed by Movie Night on the Big Screen in the Lounge on the 13th--and there can’t be a movie night without popcorn! Family Fun Night will be on the 20th (details on the front of Clippings). And then we end the month with a Kids’ Karaoke Night on the 27th! Karaoke Night includes a stage for the kids sing along to their favorite tunes, while they are dressed in an assortment of outfits! Be sure to make reservations for all these great Friday nights! See you all around the Club! Kayleigh Murphy Chet Chicosky General Manager, CCM News from the Art Committee News from the Paddle Tennis Coach ART REVIEW It's been a fun season so far. The weekly Sunday morning play at 11 am has been well attended and we always welcome new players. Monday evenings, 5–7 pm, is for A players, and that also has been going well. Thursday evenings are Ladies’ Night—paddle and dinner—and all participants seem to enjoy their weekly gathering! It may be snowing or raining (certainly freezing) outside, but inside the dining room of the Lawn Club and its adjacent spaces there is light and warmth aplenty. It is less thermal than visual. Lady McCready and Katie Kindilien are riding their particular ways with color full tilt and, for the moment, we can forget the drab tonalities of winter. We have some new members who have been using the courts, which is great to see, and I encourage those interested in playing to contact me so we can get you involved. Please join us if you'd like to play. Contact me at [email protected] for information. Tim Nolan Katie Kindilien's color is primarily that of Provence, and the associations are with certain late-impressionists. She captures the charm of the area in summer with its choppy ridges and banks of lavender. She is particularly successful in transcending the small scale of her supports to project big, intriguing distances, as in Path to La Madelene and Road in Bedouin. The beneficent influence of Cézanne is clear in La Madelene, a view of a farmhouse partially screened by trees. She can identify, too, with a very different kind of motif—who could resist those slabby rocks in the View from Lobster Cove, Monhegan?! The heat from Lady's canvases and giclée prints is palpable. A shrewd practitioner, she plays her sheets of color like a veteran jazz soloist, hitting all the tritones and scrupulously avoiding repetition. She can do this because she knows her color wheel inside and out—the hues and color complements, the complements of complements, the progressions ripe for riffing! The outcome is a cornucopia of color...sometimes serene, sometimes convulsive. Her iconography is calligraphic—and seriously edgy. The gnomes working the cones dematerialize and reconstruct themselves in front of us. Changes on the textures are rung nonstop. Altogether quite a display of action, warmth and light—winter, take note! Club members, be sure to catch the opening on February 5. Bill Cobbett 3 Clippings February 2015 News from the Squash Director Every year, in January, Vanderbilt Hall at Grand Central Station in New York City is transformed into a mecca for squash fans all across America. Since 1995 it has hosted the Tournament of Champions (ToC), a world-class professional squash tournament that features the very best men and women players on the planet. The all-glass squash court is set up in the middle of the hall, and the matches can be seen by over 200,000 visitors to Grand Central Station every day. Like our own pro tennis tournament in New Haven each summer, the ToC has become an annual pilgrimage for several of our squash-obsessed families from the New Haven Lawn Club. This January, as usual, everyone was treated to action-packed matches and witnessed several new and exciting breakthrough performances by up-and-coming young players. The quarter and semifinal matches between the rising Colombian player Miguel Rodriguez and two world champion players, Gregory Gaultier (FRA) and Nick Mathew (GB), were particularly scintillating. The dizzying array of shots and unforgettable retrieval by the man from Bogotá were simply amazing to watch. In the end, the newly crowned world number-one player, Mohamed El Shorbagy from Egypt, ousted Nick Mathew in four grueling games to take the championship. On the women’s side, Raneem El Welily of Egypt took home the crown. The upset of the defending champion and reigning world numberone player, Nicol David of Malaysia, in the semifinals was the shocker of the tournament. The brilliant performances of the Harvard senior (also the lone American in the main draw), Amanda Sobhy, and Trinity College junior Kanzy El-Defrawy (four dives during one point!) were also mesmerizing. I encourage all those who are interested in squash or learning to play the game to catch the action next year at this amazing tournament. Not only is it close to home, but there is nothing quite like seeing these incredible athletes battling on court, up close and personal. Later on in February we will be starting a new squash league called the “Father & Son” league (the title is still a work in progress). With that said, it will be open to mothers and daughters, as well. As this new league develops, we hope to bring families closer together as they battle it out in friendly competition against their opponents. The idea is simple: a twoperson team, consisting of a parent and a child, will play in their respective pool for a spot in the final playoffs. We want to recruit a minimum of six teams—and the more, the merrier. Those who wish to sign up or inquire about the league, please e-mail us or stop by the squash pro shop. The starting dates will be finalized soon and we will notify all interested parties by e-mail. News from the Personal Trainers THE REAL SCOOP ON SNOW SHOVELING! As I sit here waiting for the early-dismissal bus to bring our son home from school and the snow now is falling gently, I'm thinking about how much snow I'm going to be shoveling over the next two days. I realize I live in New England and this is just a part of life, but I wonder if people understand that there is a healthy and safe way to shovel snow. The good news is that 15 minutes of shoveling equals a moderate workout, and we should be getting 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily. The bad news is that researchers have reported an increase in heart attacks among those who shovel snow after heavy snowstorms. Cold air makes working and breathing harder, heart rates increase, and there is extra strain on the body. So, safe snow shoveling tips are as follows: n Be heart healthy. If you're sedentary, have heart issues or high blood pressure—opt out! •n Avoid caffeine. It increases your heart rate and causes extra stress on your heart. •n Drink lots of water. Hydration is just as important in the winter as it is in summer. n n n n n Dress in layers. You can remove them as needed. Warm up! A 10-minute warmup will help your muscles work more efficiently. Choose a good shovel. The smaller the blade, the smaller the amount of snow you can lift at a time—which equals less strain on the body. Bend at the knees and keep the shovel close to your body; don't pull from your back. And lastly....Listen to your body. Stop if you feel pain. Even if you exercise regularly and are not at risk for heart disease, improper shoveling can lead to a strained back. Stretching after shoveling will relax tight muscles and reduce pain and inflammation. Winter can and should be an enjoyable season for everyone. And if you haven't heard, Michele is teaching a Dynamic Duo class on Mondays at 12:50 pm in the main dining hall. The class will consist of stretching and core-strengthening exercises. It's an eight-week class, so you will need to register. If you're interested, call Michele at 203-668-2969. A yoga mat and a yoga strap are required. Here's to your health!! Scott & Michele Tenney Certified Personal Trainers Nutritionist Visit our squash website, www.pinnaclesquash.com, for all our squash news. Contact: Lynn Leong, Director and Head Pro [email protected] Leroy Leong, Assistant Pro [email protected] 4 Clippings February 2015 News from the Executive Chef We start February with Valentine’s Day Dinner offered on Saturday, February 14, with a special menu for our couples. February 18 will be Pasta Night in the Grill Room, followed by a New Orleans–influenced Friday Night Buffet on February 20. Thank you from the entire kitchen staff for your patronage. Adam Soliwoda News from the Grill Room Manager We are so excited to have Tom Ciancia joining us on Thursday evenings in the Grill Room bar throughout the month of February (except February 26). You’ve heard Tom play the piano on holidays and at member events upstairs. Come enjoy his music by the fire while enjoying a cocktail, glass of wine, and/or a bite to eat. A perfect way to spend a cold winter’s evening. Chef Adam and his staff are preparing a delicious three-course dinner menu for Valentine’s Day on Saturday, February 14. The cost will be $90 per couple. Reservations can be made at the Front Desk. (Sorry, no children permitted at this event). We will be offering a special Pasta Night menu on Wednesday evening, February 18. On Thursday evening, February 19, David Brause from Slocum and Sons will be on hand to discuss our new bottle list, as well as to answer any of your wine- or liquor-related questions. Hope to see you soon! Cindy Cunningham Valentine’s Day Dinner FIRST Lobster Bisque Brandy Crème Fraîche, Herb Brioche Crouton Sautéed Mussels and Shrimp White Wine, Fennel, Tomato Saffron Broth Market Salad with Poached Pears, Gruyere, Pecans, Fennel Honey Bourbon Vinaigrette Porcini glaze pork belly Delicata Braised Quinoa, Roasted Peach, Garlic Chive Emulsion, Apple Crisp MAIN Smoked Potato Gnocchi Serrano, Wild Mushrooms, Broccolini, Parmesan, Creamy Truffle Sauce Pan-Seared Veal Medallions Porcini Risotto, Roasted Pearl Onion, Bacon and Asparagus Ragu, Cabernet Sauce Smoked Black Pepper Rubbed Delmonico Steak Crème Pearl Onions, Gruyere Potato Gratin, Cognac Peppercorn Sauce Pasilla Chile Scallops Shrimp and Crab Arepa, Heart of Palm Puree, Chayote Squash Confit, Salsa Verde, Cilantro, Candied Kumquats Salad Black Currant Mostarda Duck Chipotle Cocoa Foie Gras Ganache, Orange Carrot Purée, Cognac-Glazed Pearl Onions and Oyster Mushroom, Scallion Gelée Pan-Roasted Baramundi Artichoke Purée, Warn Escarole Panzanella, Pickled Fennel Salad, Salted-Cod Emulsion, Fennel Pollen, Olive Oil DESSERT Chocolate Trio White Chocolate-Cardamom Panna Cotta, Passion Fruit Caramel Sauce, Coconut Tuile Milk Chocolate Hazelnut Napoleon Dark Chocolate-Raspberry Truffle Cake, Raspberry Coulis, Fresh Berries 5 Clippings February 2015 S U N DAY M O N DAY T U E S DAY 24 17 10 3 23 16 9 2 www.nhlawnclub.com 4 1 8 15 22 FEBRUARY 2 0 1 5 11 Piano in Grill Room 6–8 pm 12 Art Opening/Reception 5–7 pm, Piano in Grill Room 6–8 pm 5 T H U R S DAY 20 Friday Night Buffet, Movie Night (“Monster’s Inc.”) 13 Friday Night Buffet, Lego Night 6 F R I DAY 21 Valentine’s Day Dinner, seating from 6 pm 14 7 S AT U R DAY New Haven Lawn Club SOCIAL CALENDAR Book Club 6 pm 19 W E D N E S DAY 18 Piano in Grill Room 6–8 pm Friday Night Buffet, Family Fun Night i6:30–8:30 pm (buffet and event in the Ballroom) 4 Pasta Night 27 28 26 25 Friday Night Buffet, Karaoke Night February 2015 Clippings 6 February Scrapbook 7 Clippings February 2015 Grill Room Hours COMPLIMENTARY CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST BUFFET Pasta Night in the Grill Room on Wednesday, February 18 Saturday and Sunday, 8–10 am Menu LUNCH STARTERS Tuesday–Saturday, 12 noon–2 pm Caesar Salad Bruschetta Tuscan Soup Caprese Salad DINNER Tuesday–Thursday, 6–8 pm Friday–Saturday, 6–8:30 pm MAIN COURSE BAR SERVICE Most evenings until 9 pm— call before you come! Birthday Bonanza Complimentary entrée and dessert on any one evening of your birthday month. When you call the Front Desk for reservations, you must notify them you are a birthday guest. Enjoy! Linguini with Meatballs Cavatelli with Broccoli Rabe and Sausage Pappardelle Bolognese Yukon Gold Gnocchi Duck Sausage, Grilled Broccolini, Escarole, Porcini Ricotta, Truffled Butter Vegetable Lasagna Sweet Pea, Smoked Mozzarella Ravioli, Wild Mushrooms, Cipollini Onions, Sherry Wine Sauce
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