W EST CENTRAL M ISSOURI M USIC EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION 5 th & 6 th GRADE HONOR CHOIRS SATURDAY, M ARCH 7, 2015 Hey Directors! Hope your school year is going great. I’ve got information for you regarding the 5 th & 6 th Grade Honor Choirs. This event is such a wonderful experience for the students (and directors). I hope you w ill be able to attend this year. All W est-Central schools are welcome! Our clinicians and accom panists this year are M elissa Straw / Jennifer Alexander (5 th grade) and Carla Oliver / Denise Robinson (6 th grade). This year’s Clinic & Concerts will be held on Saturday, M arch 7, 2015, on the University of Central M issouri campus in W arrensburg. Rehearsals will be in the band room of the Utt M usic Building and Hendricks Hall in the Administration Building. The concerts w ill be presented in Hendricks Hall. Directions are as follow s: For Utt M usic Building: Take Business Highw ay 13 (M aguire St.) into W arrensburg. Turn w est on South St. and then an immediate right for parking. Walk across the parking lot and enter the building through the north rear entrance. For Hendricks Hall: Take the same directions and park in the same lot, but use the curved sidew alk on the right that will lead you to the front entrance of Hendricks Hall. Here is the schedule for the day: 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:15 p.m. Registration for both choirs in the Utt lobby closest to Administration Building Rehearsals - 5 th in Utt M usic band room / 6 th in Hendricks Hall Directors’ m eeting in Utt Music classroom Lunch on your own Rehearsals - 5 th in Hendricks Hall / 6 th in Utt Music band room 5 th & 6 th grades restroom and drink break 5 th grade lines up backstage & last-minute instructions / 6 th grade goes to Hendricks Hall balcony 2:30 p.m. 5 th Grade Honor Choir Concert - Students will exit from the front of the stage and be released to parents or directors immediately follow ing the concert (those 5 th graders staying can go to the balcony) 3:00 p.m. 6 th grade lines up in lobby & last-minute instructions 3:15 p.m. 6 th Grade Honor Choir Concert - Students will exit from the front of the stage and be released to parents or directors immediately follow ing the concert (If the 6 th Grade Concert starts a little late, that’s okay. We just don’t want the students waiting around - doing nothing for a long period of time.) All students must be supervised by certified employees of your school district. W hen possible, the directors should stay in the rehearsals to assist in part-singing, etc. If you bring 5 th and 6 th graders, there must be one adult for each grade. Those people m ust stay with their students especially during the times students are moving from one place to another, lining up or waiting to be picked up. Students should w ear concert attire during the day as there will be no facilities or time to change. Please don’t allow students to wear blue jeans or tennis shoes. Dress up! There will be no snacks furnished. However, students can bring w ater bottles that seal (and sealed snacks for medical reasons). There is no food allow ed in Hendricks Hall. The concerts are free and open to the public. Please encourage your administrators and board mem bers to attend this event. W e are hoping the concerts will be recorded by some UCM students. REGISTRATION INFORM ATION: Please register online at the W CM M EA website: w w w .w cmmea.com NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 15, 2015. Registration fee is $8.00 per student. Numbers are based on M SHSAA classifications for your district. 1A & 2A districts may bring 6 students per choir; 3A, 4A & 5A may bring 12 students per choir. There w ill be NO ALTERNATES. These numbers are per district - not individual buildings within a district. Okay, here it comes: ALL FEES M UST BE PAID IN FULL BY CHECK OR CASH BEFORE REHEARSALS BEGIN ON SATURDAY, M ARCH 7, 2015. If your district hasn’t paid by then - or you don’t bring their check - you w ill personally have to pay for your students. If you don’t know for sure who you’re bringing, you can at least get your P.O. requests in now for the number of students you’ll have. I don’t want to turn aw ay students and directors for non-payment of fees. Remember, purchase orders are not accepted as paym ent vouchers. You’ll receive an e-m ail receipt if paym ent is received before M arch 1, 2015. A hand-w ritten receipt w ill be provided if you pay at the registration table. If you need an invoice for your Financial Secretary, let m e know . M ake checks payable only to: W CM M EA. Address: Britt Faaborg, W CM M EA Elementary V.P. 2620 N. W oodlawn Dr. Sedalia, M O 65301 REPERTOIRE: The Clinicians have chosen some great music for the choirs this year. J.W . Pepper in M inneapolis has been notified of both lists. Request the W EST CENTRAL M ISSOURI 5 th & 6 th GRADE HONOR CHOIRS LISTS and use my name, BRITT FAABORG, as the contact. This should help speed up the ordering process. Please double-check your orders and order your music early to avoid problems. 5 th GRADE: I Hear America Singing J’entends le M oulin Listen to the Rain Route 66 Sing with Jubilation Thomas arr. Crocker Law rence Troup/arr. Emerson Estes Heritage 15/1655H Hal Leonard 08551983 Heritage 15/2266H Hal Leonard 08551735 Heritage 15/1199H 2 2 2 2 2 6 th GRADE: Follow the Drinking Gourd Hope is a Hidden Star Laudamus Te This Ol’ M an Yonder Come Day arr. Dilw orth Patterson arr. Voth Gilpin Tucker Hal Leonard 08748736 Heritage 15/2385H Colla Voce 24-96820 Shaw nee Press E0382 W orld M usic Press W M P-0101 2 part 2 part 2 part 2 part 3 part part part part part part Here is m y contact information: home: 660-826-2945 cell: 660-287-3768 e-m ail: brittfaaborg@ yahoo.com If you have any suggestions for the 2016 clinicians, let me know. The sooner the better! Thanks for all you do! Have a great year and we’ll see you on Saturday, M arch 7, 2015. In M usic, Britt A. Faaborg
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