TIGER SYNERGY BERHAD (“TSB” OR THE “COMPANY”) PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT OF UP TO TEN PERCENT (10%) OF THE ISSUED AND PAIDUP SHARE CAPITAL OF TSB (“PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT”) 1. INTRODUCTION On behalf of the Board of Directors of TSB (“Board”), RHB Investment Bank Berhad (“RHBIB”) wishes to announce that the Company proposes to undertake a private placement of up to ten percent (10%) of the issued and paid-up share capital of the Company, to investors to be identified at an issue price to be determined by the Board and announced later (“Proposed Private Placement”). The Company had obtained the approval from its shareholders at the last annual general meeting (“AGM”) convened on 29 December 2014, authorising the Board to issue new ordinary shares of RM0.20 each in TSB (“TSB Shares”) not exceeding ten percent (10%) of the issued and paid-up share capital of the Company pursuant to Section 132D of the Companies Act, 1965 (“Act”). The approval shall continue to be in force, unless revoked or varied by the Company at a general meeting, until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company, which is expected to be held after the completion of the Proposed Private Placement. Further details on the Proposed Private Placement are set out in the following sections. 2. DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT 2.1 Size of the Proposed Private Placement The Proposed Private Placement will entail the issuance of up to 138,294,026 TSB Shares, representing ten percent (10%) of the issued and paid-up share capital of TSB to investors to be identified at a later date (“Placement Shares”). As at 20 January 2015, being the latest practicable date prior to the date of this announcement (“LPD”), the issued and paid-up share capital of TSB is RM154,828,040 comprising 774,140,200 TSB Shares. In addition, as at the LPD, the Company has 41,346,450 outstanding Warrants 2010/2015 (“Warrant A”) and 387,070,100 outstanding Warrants 2013/2018 (“Warrant B”) (collectively, the “Warrants”) and up to 180,383,512 employee share option scheme (“ESOS”) to be granted and exercised. The maximum number of Placement Shares to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Private Placement would depend on the issued and paid-up share capital of the Company, after taking into consideration the number of outstanding Warrants being exercised and the ESOS options being granted and exercised prior to the implementation of the Proposed Private Placement. For illustrative purposes, assuming that all 428,416,550 Warrants are exercised and 180,383,512 ESOS options are granted and exercised prior to the implementation of the Proposed Private Placement, the resultant issued and paid-up share capital of TSB may increase up to RM276,588,052 comprising up to 1,382,940,262 TSB Shares. As such, a total of up to 138,294,026 Placement Shares representing ten percent (10%) of the enlarged issued and paid-up share capital of TSB may be issued pursuant to the Proposed Private Placement. The actual number of Placement Shares to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Private Placement will be determined at a later date. Subject to prevailing market conditions, the Proposed Private Placement may be implemented in one (1) or more tranches within six (6) months from the date of approval of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) for the Proposed Private Placement or any extended period as may be approved by Bursa Securities, depending on the timing of identification of the placee(s) and investors’ interest at the point of implementation. Page 1 of 10 2.2 Basis of determining at the issue price and justification of the Placement Shares The Placement Shares will be issued based on a discount, if any, of not more than ten percent (10%) to the five (5)-day volume weighted average price (“VWAP”) of TSB Shares immediately preceding the price-fixing date, to be determined by the Board after obtaining all the relevant approvals for the Proposed Private Placement. In any case, the issue price of the Placement Shares will not be lower than the par value of the TSB Shares of RM0.20 each. As the Proposed Private Placement may be implemented in one (1) or more tranches within six (6) months from the date of approval of Bursa Securities for the Proposed Private Placement or any extended period as may be approved by Bursa Securities, subject to the prevailing market conditions and investors’ interest at the point of implementation, there could potentially be several price fixing dates and issue prices. For illustrative purposes only, the issue price of the Placement Shares is indicatively set at RM0.20 per Placement Share, which is priced at the par value of the TSB Shares and represents a premium of approximately RM0.065 or 48.15% from the five (5)-day VWAP of TSB Shares up to and including 28 January 2015 of RM0.135. 2.3 Allocation to placees The Placement Shares will be placed out to independent third (3rd) party investors to be identified at a later date, where such investor(s) shall be person(s) who/which qualify under Schedule 6 and 7 of the Capital Markets and Services Act, 2007. In accordance with Paragraph 6.04(c) of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities (“Listing Requirements”), the Placement Shares will not be placed to the following parties: 2.4 (a) the director, major shareholder, chief executive of TSB or interested person connected with the director, major shareholder or chief executive of TSB; and (b) nominee corporations, unless the names of the ultimate beneficiaries are disclosed. Ranking of the Placement Shares The Placement Shares shall, upon allotment and issue, rank pari passu in all respects with the existing TSB Shares, save and except that the Placement Shares will not be entitled to any dividend, rights, allotment and/or other distribution that may be declared, made or paid to the shareholders, the entitlement date of which is prior to the date of allotment of the Placement Shares. 2.5 Utilisation of proceeds The Company is unable to determine the actual amount of proceeds to be raised from the Proposed Private Placement at this juncture as the amount to be raised will depend on, amongst others, the actual issue price and the actual number of Placement Shares to be issued. For illustrative purpose, the effects of the Proposed Private Placement shall be based on two (2) scenarios as follows: Page 2 of 10 Minimum Scenario : Assuming that none of the outstanding Warrants are exercised and none of the ESOS options are granted and exercised prior to the implementation of the Proposed Private Placement and the Placement Shares are fully placed out Maximum Scenario : Assuming that all of the outstanding Warrants are exercised and the ESOS options are fully granted and exercised prior to the implementation of the Proposed Private Placement and the Placement Shares are fully placed out For illustrative purposes, based on an indicative issue price of RM0.20 per Placement Share and the issuance of up to 138,294,026 Placement Shares, the Proposed Private Placement is expected to generate gross proceeds of approximately RM27,658,805. The proceeds raised are expected to be utilised in the manner set out below:- Details of utilisation Working capital (1) Property development expenditure (2) Estimated expenses Minimum Scenario Maximum Scenario RM’000 RM’000 5,054 6,258 Within twelve (12) months from the date of completion of the Proposed Private Placement 10,054 21,026 Within twelve (12) months from the date of completion of the Proposed Private Placement 375 375 Within one (1) month from the date of completion of the Proposed Private Placement 15,483 27,659 (3) Total Estimated timeframe for utilisation of proceeds Notes: (1) Working capital includes but not limited to the day-to-day operations and general expenses of TSB and its subsidiaries (“TSB Group”). The details of the working capital will be utilised as follows: Minimum Scenario RM’000 Maximum Scenario RM’000 895 1,584 Staff related expenses (including salary, allowances and payment to Employment Provident Fund and Social Security Organisation) 3,159 3,474 Other operating and marketing expenses 1,000 1,200 Total 5,054 6,258 Details of utilisation General expenses (including utility charges) (2) The proceeds from the Proposed Private Placement are intended to be utilised for property development expenditures, which would include payments to contractors, suppliers and consultants, mobilisation fees and also contribution payments (which include, amongst others, charges for the provision of the supply of electricity and water, land conversion or land alienation premium and building plan fees and development charges) to the relevant authorities as well as applications for permits and licenses in respect of property development activities. The proceeds from the Proposed Private Placement have not been allocated for any specific projects at this juncture to provide flexibility to TSB in determining the use of the proceeds so long as the proceeds will be utilised for the TSB Group’s property development expenditures. Page 3 of 10 (3) The estimated expenses of RM375,000 consist of professional fees, fees payable to authorities, placement management fee and placement commission and other miscellaneous expenses to be incurred in relation to the Proposed Private Placement. Any variation in the actual amount of expenses will be adjusted to/from the amount allocated for working capital portion. The amount is expected to be utilised within twelve (12) months from the date of completion of the Proposed Private Placement. Pending utilisation of proceeds from the Proposed Private Placement will be placed with financial institutions or short term money market instruments. 2.6 Listing of and quotation for the Placement Shares An application will be made to Bursa Securities for the listing of and quotation for the Placement Shares to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Private Placement on the Main Market of Bursa Securities. 3. RATIONALE FOR THE PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT After due consideration of the various methods of fund raising, the Board is of the view that the Proposed Private Placement is the most appropriate avenue of fund raising as it: (i) enable TSB to raise funds for its working capital requirements without incurring interest costs, as compared to bank borrowings; (ii) is the most expeditious way of raising funds from the capital market as opposed to other forms of fund raising; and (iii) increases the size and strength of the Company’s shareholders’ funds and potentially increases the liquidity and marketability of TSB Shares on the Main Market of Bursa Securities. The Company had on 31 December 2013 completed a rights issue exercise and raised RM77.41 million whereby, the Company has as at the LPD utilised RM67.41 million of the proceeds raised from the rights issue exercise. The remaining RM10.00 million raised from the rights issue exercise is earmarked for property development expenditure and land acquisition which is envisaged to be fully utilised by within eleven (11) months. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, the Board has decided to raise additional funds vide the Proposed Private Placement to raise further funds for working capital, property development expenditure and to cater for additional working capital requirements costs due to amongst others, the rising material costs and higher labour costs due to the goods and services tax. 4. EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED PRIVATE PLACEMENT The proforma financial effects of the Proposed Private Placement on the issued and paid-up share capital, net asset (“NA”) and gearing, earnings and substantial shareholdings of TSB Group are set out below: Page 4 of 10 4.1 Issued and paid-up share capital For illustrative purposes, the proforma effects of the Proposed Private Placement on the issued and paid-up share capital of TSB are as follows: Minimum Scenario Existing as at the LPD Shares to be issued upon full exercise of the outstanding Warrants Shares to be issued upon the ESOS options are fully granted and exercised Shares to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Private Placement Enlarged issued share capital and paid-up Maximum Scenario No. of TSB Shares RM No. of TSB Shares RM 774,140,200 154,828,040 774,140,200 154,828,040 - - 428,416,550 85,683,310 774,140,200 154,828,040 1,202,556,750 240,511,350 - - 180,383,512 36,076,702 774,140,200 154,828,040 1,382,940,262 276,588,052 77,414,020 15,482,804 138,294,026 27,658,805 851,554,220 170,310,844 1,521,234,288 304,246,857 THE REST OF THE PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 5 of 10 4.2 NA and gearing Based on the latest audited consolidated financial statements of TSB as at 30 June 2014, the proforma effects of the Proposed Private Placement on the consolidated NA and gearing are as follows: Minimum Scenario: Audited as at 30 June 2014 After the Proposed Private Placement RM RM 154,828,040 170,310,844 15,565,991 15,565,991(1) 66,561 66,561 37,181,275 37,181,275 - - Accumulated loss (37,399,433) (37,774,433) Shareholders’ funds/NA 170,242,434 185,350,238 No. of TSB Shares 774,140,200 851,554,220 0.22 0.22 6,884,930 6,884,930 0.04 0.04 Share capital Share premium Revaluation reserve Warrant reserves Other reserves NA per share Total borrowings Gearing (2) Notes: (1) The indicative issue price for the Placement Shares is based on the par value of RM0.20 per TSB Share. (2) After deducting the estimated expenses for the Proposed Private Placement of RM375,000. THE REST OF THE PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 6 of 10 Maximum Scenario: Share capital Share premium Revaluation reserve Warrant reserves Other reserves Proforma I Proforma II Proforma III After full exercise of the outstanding Warrants After Proforma II and the Proposed Private Placement Audited as at 30 June 2014 After Proforma I and after the ESOS options are fully granted and exercised RM RM RM RM 154,828,040 240,511,350 276,588,052 304,246,857 15,565,991 (1) 52,747,266 66,561 66,561 66,561 66,561 37,181,275 (1) - - - - (3) 52,747,266 - - (2) 52,747,266 (37,774,433) Accumulated loss (37,399,433) (37,399,433) (37,399,433) Shareholders’ funds/NA 170,242,434 255,925,744 292,002,446 319,286,251 No. of TSB Shares 774,140,200 1,202,556,750 1,382,940,262 1,521,234,288 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.21 6,884,930 6,884,930 6,884,930 6,884,930 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 NA per share Total borrowings Gearing Notes: (1) The warrant reserve of RM37,181,275 was deducted pursuant to the exercise of Warrants. (2) The indicative issue price for the Placement Shares is based on the par value of RM0.20 per TSB Share. (3) After deducting the estimated expenses for the Proposed Private Placement of RM375,000. 4.3 Earnings and earnings per share The Proposed Private Placement is not expected to have any material effect on the earnings of TSB, except that the earnings per share of TSB will be proportionately diluted due to the increase in number of TSB Shares as a result of the issuance of Placement Shares pursuant to the Proposed Private Placement. 4.4 Existing convertible securities As at the LPD, TSB has outstanding of 41,346,450 Warrants A, 387,070,100 Warrants B and 180,383,512 ESOS options. 4.5 Substantial shareholders’ shareholdings The proforma effects of the Proposed Private Placement on the substantial shareholders’ shareholdings as at the LPD are set out below: Page 7 of 10 Minimum Scenario: As at the LPD Shareholders Dato’ Tan Wei Lian Tan Lee Chin Datin Sek Chian Nee Direct No. of TSB Shares 134,165,700 18,382,000 23,432,000 % 17.33 2.37 3.03 Indirect No. of TSB Shares 41,814,000(1) (2) 134,165,700 (3) 134,165,700 % 5.40 17.33 17.33 After the Proposed Private Placement Direct Indirect No. of No. of TSB Shares % TSB Shares 134,165,700 15.76 41,814,000(1) (2) 18,382,000 2.16 134,165,700 (3) 23,432,000 2.75 134,165,700 % 4.91 15.76 15.76 Notes: (1) Deemed interested by virtue of the interest of his sister, Tan Lee Chin and his spouse, Datin Sek Chian Nee pursuant to Section 6A of the Act. (2) Deemed interested by virtue of the interest of her brother, Dato’ Tan Wei Lian pursuant to Section 6A of the Act. (3) Deemed interested by virtue of the interest of her spouse, Dato’ Tan Wei Lian pursuant to Section 6A of the Act. THE REST OF THE PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 8 of 10 Maximum Scenario: As at the LPD Shareholders Dato’ Tan Wei Lian Tan Lee Chin Datin Sek Chian Nee Shareholders Dato’ Tan Wei Lian Tan Lee Chin Datin Sek Chian Nee Direct No. of TSB Shares 134,165,700 18,382,000 23,432,000 % 17.33 2.37 3.03 Indirect No. of TSB Shares (1) 41,814,000 (2) 134,165,700 134,165,700(3) % 5.40 17.33 17.33 Proforma II After Proforma I and after the ESOS options are fully granted and exercised Direct Indirect No. of No. of TSB Shares % TSB Shares % (4) (1) 169,848,251 12.28 81,694,845 5.91 (4) (2) 40,133,320 2.90 169,848,251 12.28 (4) 41,561,525 3.01 169,848,251(3) 12.28 Proforma I After full exercise of the outstanding Warrants Direct Indirect No. of No. of % % TSB Shares TSB Shares (1) 151,809,900 12.62 45,618,143 3.79 (2) 22,094,969 1.84 151,809,900 12.62 23,523,174 1.96 151,809,900(3) 12.62 Proforma III After Proforma II and the Proposed Private Placement Direct Indirect No. of No. of TSB Shares % TSB Shares % (4) (1) 169,848,251 11.17 81,694,845 5.37 (4) (2) 40,133,320 2.64 169,848,251 11.17 (4) 41,561,525 2.73 169,848,251(3) 11.17 Notes: (1) Deemed interested by virtue of the interest of his sister, Tan Lee Chin and his spouse, Datin Sek Chian Nee pursuant to Section 6A of the Act. (2) Deemed interested by virtue of the interest of her brother, Dato’ Tan Wei Lian pursuant to Section 6A of the Act. (3) Deemed interested by virtue of the interest of her spouse, Dato’ Tan Wei Lian pursuant to Section 6A of the Act. (4) Assuming the following substantial shareholders who are also eligible employee, as well as persons connected to them would be allocated 10% of the number of shares to be issued under the ESOS scheme and the options were fully granted and exercised. Name Directors/Substantial shareholders Dato’ Tan Wei Lian Tan Lee Chin Entitlement of the ESOS options under the ESOS (No. of ESOS options) 18,038,351 18,038,351 Human Resource Manager Datin Sek Chian Nee 18,038,351 Page 9 of 10 5. APPROVALS REQUIRED The Proposed Private Placement is subject to and conditional upon the following approvals being obtained: (i) Bursa Securities for the listing of and quotation for the Placement Shares on the Main Market of Bursa Securities; and (ii) Approvals of any relevant authorities and/or parties, if required. The Company had obtained approval from its shareholders at the last AGM convened on 29 December 2014, authorising the Board to issue new TSB Shares not exceeding ten percent (10%) of the issued and paid-up share capital of the Company pursuant to Section 132D of the Act. The approval shall continue to be in force, unless revoked or varied by the Company at a general meeting, until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company, which is expected to be after the completion of the Proposed Private Placement. The Proposed Private Placement is not conditional upon any other corporate exercise undertaken or to be undertaken by the Company. 6. INTERESTS OF DIRECTORS, MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS AND/OR PERSONS CONNECTED None of the Directors, major shareholders of TSB and/or persons connected to them, as defined in the Listing Requirements, have any interest, either direct or indirect, in the Proposed Private Placement. 7. DIRECTORS’ RECOMMENDATION The Board having considered all aspects of the Proposed Private Placement, including the rationale and its financial effects to TSB, is of the opinion that the Proposed Private Placement is in the best interests of the Company. 8. PRINCIPAL ADVISER RHBIB has been appointed by the Company to act as the Principal Adviser for the Proposed Private Placement. 9. ESTIMATED TIMEFRAME FOR SUBMISSION TO AUTHORITIES AND COMPLETION The applications to the relevant authorities, in particular Bursa Securities, will be made within one (1) month from the date of this announcement. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Proposed rd Private Placement is expected to be completed by the third (3 ) quarter of calendar year 2015. This announcement is dated 29 January 2015. Page 10 of 10
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