, ._.. /} r ./ "L. a;r VoL. V . - - - - ---------- DELA,¥ARE COLLEGE, JUNE , 1887. Published Monthly during the College Year, by the Press Association of Delaware College. EDITORIAL BOARD: ' IIIEF EOIT()R S: J. E. J. Whi~tler, '87. Sam'l A. Buchanan, '87. ASS() lATE EDITORS : J. E. J. Whistle_r, '87. I l•: X ' JIA;'\'(;E, Harry T. Price, '89, Norman E. Layfield, '89. 1:"/TER · ,. 't l.I.ECIATE. A. F. Polk. '89, IJE A I. 1.0 ' \ 1.. I :"/ I. .• S. A. BUCHANAN, '87, Business Manager. H. T . PRICE, Ass't Business Manager. - - - - - -- OFFICERS OF Tll E AS . ·o I \TTON: l'resiclent, Vicc -l'resiclenl, Secretary, Trea ·urcr, CIRCULATION, G. SHARI ', '88 ll. IJ<J ill >, 89 N. E. LAYFIEI.I>, '89 s. A. Ht• ' IIAi'\ .\\', · ~7 BYIW:-1 1,000, - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 1t1rPnblished in the interests of Debware College.~ Articles solicited from the Alumni. Send us your subscription as soon as possible. Subscn'ption $1.oo a l ear. Sing/~ Copi~s, IO cents. For advertising rates, and all communications, address DELA 11/A RE COLLEGE RE VIE l·V, NEWARK, DE!.AWARF.. M ANY coli ges have been agitating the question of the marking system for such a long time that the subject has become as much a ch stnut as the sul ~ect of c -education. We, like most other coli g s, long to s e thi · pu rile ustom become ol sol te. Of c ursc, nobody will claim infallibility for the marking system says the 'Iuftonian. There is no ro m in its narrow limits for the man who Jives for himself; all it pretends to do is to grade the fid lity with \\ hich its 'ictims recite the text-book and agr e with the opinions of the author. That it fails ' n in this regard may be s m tim s affirm d, and at any rate a brief rcvi w of its method wil1 t nd to define its limitations. S f<tr a· pro~ ssors are c nccrn ed, the syst m tak s almost as many forms as the number of teach rs practi ing it. Som pro(! ssor Rrc trict "markers," /~ .7 No. 8 oth rs ar lax; thu s making a standard far from uniform, unle:s all stud nts r cite the same number of tim s in ca h subject. So long as prof; ssors fall unci r the l~unous dictum, ''all men arc mortal," we suppose they will tend instinctiv ly to assign higher marks to ~uch pupils as show a deferential interest in their particular branches. Ag-ain, any scheme which attempts to rrad mental attainments by arithmetic, ne e. sarily must IJ imperf; ct. In relation to th e stud ents th ·ms lvcs, the markingsystem t mpts men to ·hoose such courses as 1 are ' marked high.'' If a student has made some attainment in a c rtain line, and desires above cv rything else t rank well, he will select his studi es '' ith a vi w to his pr ficien y, and n t his defici ncy. Whil students r cite with an eye to imm e liatc effe ct, they will not be able to give a rcc pti\ c car to all the wisdom expressed daily in th class -r om, especially to such points as are sugge ted by th e class in generaL The main difii culty '' ith this ancient custom is that it sets a false standard. Students are invit d to compete [I r marks, instead of beingtaug-ht to learn for th e sa ke f learning. While tru e scholarship may xist under the marking sy ·tem, it can exist as th system is disregarded. Som students delib ratcly fail in their classroom work b cause th y scorn the boon of a high record. This indi ates a healthy entimcnt and promises an era wh ·n study will be pursued vig rously, without th in ce ntive of an imaginary reward. T HE Manager wish s to xt nd to all the patr ns f the REv 1E W, who have promptly paid their subscriptions, his b st wishes [; r a long an l happy life. W would like to leave th REVIEW upon a firm financial foundation. W h 1 th public hav not~ rm d the impression that " e enter d in this literary c~ rt with the ho1 c of cnrichin ursclves. Howcv r mu h financial success may fa or us our constituti n i. ttrran d and J ropcrly ) so that the 4 DELAWARE COLLE<IE REVIF:W. suq Ius shall h utiliz d ~ r th advan ment f th REVIEv\ th [i llowing year. You n d hav no [i ar f a surplus, howe r. ur nt rtainm nts have b n upon th whole a finan ·ial failur . Now, nobl Alumni, w app alto you n m re for that Almighty Dollar. We know ~ rtun has mil d upon s m f you uffi i ntly t enabl you to give us that dollar with ut mtssmg it. W ar som what surpris d at th littl int rest mani[i ted in our coli ge literary organ by those who pret nd and ar SUI pos l to be th most potent factors of the c Il g , vtz.: s m of the Trust The Trust m this vi inity, how v r, hav appr ciat d our ffi rts and aiel d us in ev ry mann r p s ibl . T th m w ar m re than grat ful. Th r 'tr still a [i w whom w would lik to s e enjoy 1 ro p rity and liv with a cl ar onsci nee, but th y ar delinqu nt upon su s ription. Howev r, it is nev r too lat to r pair. You may y t gain th r putation of me ting your dues to th REVIEW, and not only r s ue yourself, but giv it the just r ward of labor. W hope you will · nd us y ur subscripti n at once so that "e may s ttl ur accounts and yield the p n to our su ss rs without any mbarrassment on their part. I T is v ry int r ting, and if it \vere not so personal a matt r, would be very amu ing t h ar the diffi r nt id as that pers ns have regarding the provinc of college journalism. S me think a c 11 g paper sh uld b a refl tion of the liege it represents, and therefore mer ly 1 al in its interests. Others think that since n a gr at many topi s while n 1 arns a Iittl in 11 g , it is n t inapJ r priat to tou h up n matt rs f gen 'ral int r st. Again, ·orne think it pr 'SU111J tu us for stud nts to att mpt to xpr ' ·s an pini n on th chara t r r writings f lit rary giants; whil still th r assum that sin tud nts do n t pret nd to be walking- ny lot dia f lit ratur , and inc th pat r d ume t be a literary ra le bey nd wh cnt1 ism th r i n app al, ther ~ r it i n t ut f place t xpre id as which imply laim t 1 an xpr i n f th " rit r s pini n. Alas, w ar I ·t in a la1 yrinth f u h ontradi t ry ·tat m nts, and th nly c n lati n is that t the nd f tim , m n will ha diffi rent OJ tmons. W r th r no fricti n r ntradiction th re would n stimulus th ught. Clinging to thi thr ad of hop " hav d ne what we could and I ave th ju gm nt f the r suit to the kindly m rcy of our r ad rs. W H EREVER \Ve may turn ur [i otst ps, we find s res of living illustrations, sh wing the prevalence of egotism. It xists in all nationaliti s and in all clas s of men. To [! rm a orr ct estimate f su h a ndition, fr m its very ompl xity, seems difficult. Egotism appear in o many [! rms, and in su h vari d aspe ts that it can not 1 ntir ly c nured nor entir ly san tioned. Ace rdingly th n, w will 'i ·w it in its various phas , and criticise it in that aspe t. No sp cifi d ause an be ascrib d for the origin of egotism, as lik causes of this ondition do not always produ e lik effi cts in all individual . F r instance, 1 raise may produce g ti m in ne man and may at the same time ffect an th r man dire tly the opp site. Egotism is a faculty f highly estimating self-a ility. It may be an ov r-estimation, an un ler-estimation, or a right e ·timation f one' tru abil ity. H w ver it generally exists as an ovcr-e timation f true ability, and in this form it is the commonest; the oth r form s exist le s frequ ntly, and are milder forms f eg tism. It can not be said that ignorance is an in eparabl c mpanion f eg tism, for many instan es can b found of m n possessing a ility, whose egotism is scarcely bearabl . But it is true that a large majority of egotistical men are ignorant, and the tend ncy of eg tism i towards ignorance. Egotism is oft n a barrier to improvement. It is oft nan injustice t mankind. Its manifestati n y a man often destroys his influ nee, and mak s his true abilities of little r no a count. A lib ral self-complacency and a trust in one's wn capa ity, of c urse, is not obj ti nabl , y t it constitutes a mild ~ rm of gotism, whi h, with a little cultivati n would d v lop int an ~ tionahle form. Ind ed at times, a mild ~ rm of g tism seems requisite with s m m n, but its exist nee in any ~ rm is u ually harmful, and t av id it s ems wi e. Eg ti m ft n pr due s int leranc e ms the worst and m st di rusting form f e tism that can p r ad the s ul. Continual talk f self DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. and self-abiliti s, while perhaps in a me sure excusable, y t amounts to a very repellant form of egotism. In fact, in almost all of its d partments, egotism is~ und to be a disgusting, harmful and r pellant evil. Where it exists ·among stud nts or s holarly lasses, it is th mor obj cti nabl , and its xi t nc in individuals of such classes aim st univ r ally shows that th y are sadly out of th ir sph r . L t us b '.vare of th vil influ n e of egotism, and keep its approach far fr m us. '' Honor to whom honor is du , '' g n rally triumphs in the nd, and if our r ward i not given to us, I t us not att mpt self-laudation to gain that reward. (JOLLEGE li~ is a strange one. It is the conn cting link between childho d and manhood. W often look forward to what we shall do wh n through school. We se m to expect that a -reat chang will com ov r us. But we shall find our elv s ntir ly mi tak n. What we ar in s hool, w will, to a great ext nt, be in th gr at, busy w rld. If we are kind, obliging, forgiving h re, w will be so always. If s lfish, pr ud and ver- e ring, thus will we. v r be. Tru , the tim will com when we shall have finish d our c 11 ·g li~ and nter upon a new one. But wear laying the foundation on which our futur chara ·ter will be built. Aft r all, wh is it that is th m . t u ce ful in school? I it he who c n fill his fellow-students with a ~ eling f amaz m nt and wond r by his smartn s ? I it the on wh is able to plan well and see his sch mes p rfi ctly xecuted. Is it h who g es around with a c -rtain air ab ut him, as much a to say, ''I am bett r than th common class of pe pl , '' and nev r as ociat with any but those f his own s t? W answer no. But rather, it is he who ha ordinary int llectual p w rs and 1lenty f go d ommon sense. He who has self-c nfi 1 nc and selfr spect, but i fr from con it. H wh i · n t d ceitful, but plainly speaks his mind on a subj ct, pr vid d hi opinion has been ask d. He who tries n t to imit tc oth r , but rem mbers hi own individuality. H wh has du r spect ~ r oth r pe pi 's ~ lin s and a kind w rd r smile fi r very on . H wh i r ady to sympathize ·should s me neg t into tr ubi . He \D 5 wh lives n but to mak W E always try to b corr ct in all that we say, but it s ms w have fall n r atly into rr r. In our last is u w remark d up n l was pa s d by th Ia t a bill whi h we supp Legi ·lature. We thought ur in[i rmati n am fr m a r liable sourc , 1 ut w w re mistak n. The true as i this: A bill was intro uc 1 r lating to traction ngin s, in whi h '\as a s ti n with the requirem nts m nti n d, in r lation t bicy 1 . But. ev ral m m ers of the L agu of Am rican Wh elm n wrot , pr t sting against it, and threaten d to make a t st as imm diat ly, and showed that th y would rtainly be succe sful. On this ac unt, this part f th bill wa. withdrawn. B (! re th bill pass d it was changed to such an xt nt, that it b ·cam but ju t and right. W c ar glad to mak this corr ction, and ar sorry that the arti I was reprint d in th Mornin cr News b (! r its in rr ctn ss was pointed out by th Every Eve·ning. I T does not r quire a 1 rg amount t run th REVIEW, but it d s tak s m m n y, an 1 \\ would like to impress that fact up n th minds of our d elinqu nt : ubscribers. Th r ar men n our subscripti n li t that we for the 1 ar r that prof ss great attachm nt ~ r th 11 g , that orne t se u at C mmen m nt, and whom v ry on , n t knowing th rwis , would think to be am ng the first t s nd in th ir d llar, but th y have mad n r spons t the polite requ sts that hav b n mad ·by our flu ·in s Manag r. W di ·like t bring a matter lik thi into ur lumns, ut w d pair d of r a hing the g ntlem n in any oth r way. This y ar' s ex peri nc has taught us s m ·thing. W• w re ju t g ing t r m rk that C mm nc m nt is n ar and that it is an sp cially bu y sea on with oil g b ys; and t a 1VI th boys t work hard, tc., but w su p se that all c II g p plc alr ady kn w this, and w ar sur that visi ns f sundry ' nditi ns '' will b suffici nt t make the boys tudy harder than usual. 1 DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. -----------------------6 "F r without ar d ogs "THOU SHALT DO NO MURDER." MATTHEW 1 9: DY REV. JAMES IH. ERN N . Th qu insult whi h m3n DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. 7 d wn up .. od wa it r writt n, and not di "." "Woe 8 J)ELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. - - .:=:...._-====-- -====-----==----us th eir own tong u ·s and say owe teph I)ELAWARE C<)LLE.CiE I~EVTEW. 9 • IO J)ELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. ----------~ ·:yn-c·,x~~ l ; ~~ 1 ,ore. \Vhoa, Emma ! Excuse om ignorance. No in sinuation s, howcv r. Ask dJ what it mean ? Now I t Jack's whit e hat alon e. "0 . nint - - an amusing little hild. Re sure to rend the arti cle on apital Punishment. Great puzzl : .GS+·or.1_.os.1.. ors == .GG8o. A man in oil ge r c ntly did this. \Ve would lik e to know how he did it. ---~·----- - A young woman in 1 ortland tried to be ari to rnti and did not look at the money ·h aave t the ondu tor; but h me kl y hand d her ba .k the I z ng , on whi ·h wa print d " I will nev r ease to 1 e th e , '' and aid he was an orphan with five littl brothers t SUJ 1ort, and must be ex us d. Pat in want of mon y so ld his hooks and wr te hom e : " ~at h r, r j i e; for I now derive my support from iiteraturc.'' One of th stud nts has a banjo. Now may we xp t to hear ntertaining- mu sic re: undi11g through th e ·lass ie hall of ld 1 elawar . \Ve ar glad to hea r of th e onval ·sc n e of t phen R. 'hoate, Jr., ' 8, who }·.as been very ill for some tim e. \Ve miss d his geuial ountenan e at th po t-offi e. If the big- head d kid who has h n .land rin g us in our abs n ~will ca ll o n u: w will end eavor to how him how th at we have suffi ciently recovered from th e lumlxlgo to ue :tblc: to ki -k with great vigor. If that 1 in-t d, knork cl-knc d, gog rl -eyed roo ter who has ht. ·n talki ng al>cmt u · will call at our offi we will c:ndeavor to ust.: th e ditorial lub upon him in su ·h a ma nn er as t prevent his erri ·,g in the future. Senior Ja k sp nt hi s va at i n in Maryland, among some fair dams b of th at tate. \Ve are orry we ould not a · cpt his invitation to go along, for we would like to s e him away from home with th e fair s x. Many supposed that he had eloped. It behoove us to make a n apology for the ::~p p aran c f our lit rary depa rtrn n t in th e last issue. It wa. owing to th e fa t th at we r eived a very fine arti I from an Alumnu., but in sendin rr it to th print er it was 1 . t in th e mail, and we \verc omp li ed to put what we ould find. Ja ·k n. has always prov n himse lf a "kicker, I I parti 11larly aga in st th Fa ulty, but with littl su e . 'T'he ther day he seiz d a fine opportunity to ki -k, but it was not against th e Fa ulty, but a fine plug hat which was lyin g in th e stre t. H e ga it a trem ndou s ki k, but alas! it did not move. It wa. filled with bri ks. " He find -Berlin's hi f dry goods mer hant, Rudolph it hard to ki k again t the bri ks," and now Hertzog, spends $Ioo,ooo a year in advertising. walks with on crutches. DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. PROGRA~~E (0QMMEN0EMENT1 1887, F RI DA Y, J NE 1oth. I I FAREWELL A DRE • " /Voman's tjJ/ure of Act/o11." . A. B HA NAN. l\1usic l>y r ·hestra. Declamation Contest. o nm1en N YEAR. . ND\\'. J UNE 12th. 8 o ' 'LO ' K P. M. Dnring th e J. b.~e n e o f th e L ca l dit r so me fri end too k adva ntage there f a nd inse rt ed so me a lleged oil ge poe try or om th er kind in th lo a ls. \ e assure th e reader. of th R EV I ..:w th:lt as soon as he is aptur d he will be return ed to his age . ome one has sa id that n ·!aware Colk rr stud nt. :ann ot be ome law ye rs b ec::ltl c; th y ai~lt all owed to ente r a ba r. No; but if th e n , DR . \ VILLI AM CO K , c;f \Vilmin g ton, Del. wh got off tl11. joke d s not stop ge ttin g up thin gs of this desc ripti on he will eht ·r seve ra l T E 'D. Y, J UN E L+ th. oars, a nd will have a chan e t pee p udw ee n 2 P. r. A nn ua l Mee ti ng f th e BoJ. rd of th em aft er he does ente r. T ruste s. Our Loca l edit or be in g away we w re .omp ·lied to writ e the lo als ; hut he has return ed and aga in 8 ' 'L O 'K P. l\l. a sum es ontrol of hi ''Jiu r•Jn. If an ybody Anniversary of the Athenrean Society. wants a 1 ugilistic en ounter, go to him, a he is des irous of deve lo1 in g his Inus le. \Ve have . 0 'I ETY ADDRESS . im rt d a few, as we alway. do, to r li eve ur " Tltf' R 11ssian E mpir e." editor of th e g rea t task that is imposed u1 on h11n . N. E. LAYFI E LD. No t many days ago a party of y un g b li s R TI ON. w r ga th er d in a hall of Ne wark , engacred in onversa ti on. ".J:fa 11 and I J/s Fm·/nmm f'llls." udd nl y one of th em ex ·!aim d: " Well, I ' ll giu e th m th e ve ry debbil ; " th en JI N. A. P. R BI N N, George town, Del. ·han in g t turn Jnd beholdin g an amused xSO ' I ETV ADDRESS . pre. sion on th e Lo a l edit or' s fa e, she a nd h r ompa ni ons b at a has ty r tr at. Don't be " P r/11c/p!es o/ C o7't'rllmel71. '' afraid, g irl., co ll ege stud ents say devil th emse lve · PRI N JER. sometimes. Baccala ureate Sermon. 1•rom th e noise made about th e hange of time of th e tra in form erl y arri vin g here at 12. 38, one would suppose that th e wh o le po pula ti on of New\VEDNE D Y , J UNE 15th. ark were in th e habit of attendin g th e th atr s IT 0 ' ' LO 'K A . M. in P hilad elphi a about six ni g hts out of th e w k. 'Th re are probably more pas~ nge rs from \Vil COAifM ENCEMENT E.XERCIS ES. ming ton th an fro m Newa rk, and it is ·ertainly " Th e N eed r!f T /m e," W. H . Smith . more onvei i nt forth m. The. g rowl ers should " Aifedic/ne as a P rojess/o11," . A . Bu chanan. remember th e majority rul e. and 1f th e Railroad r. mpa ny had not th ou{!h t th y woul d a rry mo r , "Law as a P ro/ess/o/1." I [arry l\1. Da vi ~ . passe nge rs they w uld no t have h::tnged th e " 'Titt'o/ogy as a Prqfesjion ," J. E . J. \ Vhistl er. time. Ivf usi by R itchie's r ·hes tra. T he foll owing appea r d in th e last R EV II·:w : Anniversary of the Delta Phi Society. SO ' I ETV A \V. H. DRE .. • MIT H. RATI ON. RE . J. S. \VILLI . " For fear of clia11i nat ion of th e : upcr:\ IJUndan cc of lip whi ch we po: s •,;s we have decided not t insert tho~e Ia ·anre nd inJ; local · wlaich ha \'e o freq uently appeared in uur local colum n ·." \Ve will d no su h th ing. T he Lo al edi t or has ne ver published anyt hin g th at any ne lw.d cau<;e to offend ed a t. \Vhat we do sa y, however, we propose to ba k up. A lso, we propose to say what w please, if we have to bu y an arsenal or have th e tate militia alled out to protec t us. I2 DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. lassi al and s ientifi <.leplrtments in Prin et n Dr. J. H. M Ilvaine is president. ~o ll ege. 'fh nin te nth annual com mencement of the Hampton Normal ·hool, at Hampton, Va., took pbc a ·hort time ago. A di stinguished gat herin g was prese nt, and the exer ises and inr. \Vhi te, of the n iv rsit y of Pcnnsyl van ia, du:trial work of the pupils eli ited ge neral approhas an x ell nt paper in Lippin cott's .Ailiwadne bation. urin g the year there have bee n enrolled on Physical ulture. o er seven hundred students, about one-fourth f \vhom were Indi ans. Th e P · nn sylvani a Stat Int rco lleg iate porb w rc 1 eld on th e niv rsit y of Penn ylania The grit and firmn ess of th e berlin stud nts g rounds, in \Vest Philadelr hia, a sh rt ttme ago. ar s on to be put to th e tes t. eve nte n opho Th e N. Y. tate Inter- ollegi 1tc Jhse- hall mor . have sworn to wear kn ee-br eches and the L ague have req u sled th e ornell nine to \vith - Fa ·ultv, with its a ustomed co ns rvatism and draw from tl·. c League, a it is to stron g for the se nse of the "prope r, has forbidden th em to do oth r nin s. so, asserting that kni kerho kers are in the same at go ry as l w-n k d dres es and short sl eves. A n w religions journal alled the .fttlt.:r - Colle.r:i an has be n es tablished by a ommittee of th e 1 her ar al o eight ophomore girls impli ated Int er- ll egiate Y. M. ·. A, an d circulat ed in this same troubl . 1 ow, we don't know-Ex. through sev ral coilege . The Spring fi eld s orts of ornell niversity w re held a short time ago, in the prese n e of a N arly o,ooo doctors have graduated durin g large number of spe tarors. :.~ge ollege was the l a~t t n y ars, and this ountry now has one do tor to v ry Goo inh abitants, while Eng land represented by a brg number of young ladies who showed g rea t enthu iasm and intere ·t in th e has nlyone to veryr,3oo. se veral eve nts . The meeting was on e of the most Y olb and Keen, of th e niversity of P nn - su , ssful ever held there. A number of th e sylvania, arc xpe t d · to ·om1 ete in a sc: ratch re ords were broken and th e gate re eipts gave a btcy le ra e at the Autumn games of th e \Varren hand . orn e sum to the thleti As o iati n with thletic 'lub, in \tVilmington. whi ·h to senJ a\\ :1y the ornell boating rew. It i rumor d that the ambridge, England, rew whi h was recently vi t rious over xford, GOOD AND BAD HABITS. h::ts sent a hall enge t Harvard, the race to be rowed 111 Am ri a, at some place to be agreed If any of } ou have pnid a visit to a dentist's upon hereafter. ffic , and had a tooth xtracted, you know what • Bowdoin ha re ntly had $5,ooo be JU ath ed a painful operation it is. It has een g rowing and to it, to found two or mores ·holar. hip , with th e rooting there deep in th e socket, from its alta hprovi o that stud nt re iving ai J fr m thi:; fund ments. shall ke 1 the donor' s grave fr e from the ap1 ea rJust as hard and . om etimes more painful is it to ance f n gle t. break ur bad habit:::. ; they have grown with }' ur Th S cretary of the Navy has ju t r tved growth. and be orne a part of yourself, but they the n w tha t ensigns H~;;w es and Copps have ar- mu t be roo ted or th ey will de troy you. ri d off all the priz s in marin ar hit cture, at " Rem mber," sa id Lor<.! Collingwood to a hool at Gla. go w. It . ee m that the Naval youn g man he love<.!, " that before you are fiv e Ameri a has the ability and only Ia k the will to and twenty, you mu t es tabli h a clura ter that h ld th e 1 o it ion of '' mist r =->S f th e . ea." will erv e you all your life. " A g ift of $ 5,ooo t the 'Yale:! Law ho 1 wa nr. J ohn n say ~ that "the habit f looking at r ntly a nn un ed. Th e nam e of th e donor is the bright ide of ev rythin g is worth more than uukn wn , but th e fund i int end eJ to endO\ a a th ou ·and pounds a year." There are ther Professorship of ommer ial and Finan cial Law , hauit., e ven more valuable, which the young t b all d th e Ph It l'r fessorship, a ft er l'r f. should most ·ar fully ultivate . The habit f h. J. Phelps, Mini ter t England. - Ex. temp ran e in all things, of urbmg th e tem1 r, Evelyn is the name of the new oll eg ~ r of love and kindn e- to all, of diligen e 111 busi11 w building after th wom 11 in Prin ton. nes ·; th re are a ~ w uf th e good habits we cann pr pa1 ed for th re not }Jlac too hi gh a value upon. It i as st ran ge ue n nne st_ le ha cption f y un (T w men a tudents, and fur - as aid that b d hab its are far more t na ious. n ni eu e of oil ·ge life. Ev n wh at is at fir t di tast~ful may be ·ome at nished with all th e Th ollege ' ill open n xt ptembe r. 'ub tan - I ·ng th a n ssi ty. I neve r hea rd :.1. person wh o tially the ame course will Le pur ued as iu th e enj ycd hi first <1u id of t bacco . 'The niversity f Mi ·hi gan at present ha ,535 stud nts-next to th e lar0 . t number in this ountry. I ___ ----··._, DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. Here is a whole boxfull of ex hang s. thers speak about their tab le being loaded down with exchan ges ; l>ut we an not say that, for obv iou reasons. Even if th ey were put on a tabl e, th ey would n t affe t it verv much, because th ere are so few of them. Now ·if the table had only three legs, whi ch i. not entirely unknown in allege, they might affect it, provided th ey were put on the corner that had no leg und er 1t. \Ve get along very well with a box, and we surmi. e that the exchange table, lik e the edit ors' easy hair, exist only in the imag in atio n f most ex hange edrtors. ay, Brother Exchage Editor, is it warm wh ere ur condition now is some thin g lik e you are? th at of a prize. fight r-d ressed more for mfort in work th an s tri~t on formity to rul es ol so ·iery. S if you find us more ·riti ·a l than usual, you will kn w the reason. \\ e noti e that many ex ·hangcs say that the olumn s devoted t other papers should not be fill ed "ith empty praise, but that it sh uld contain hints for improvement, an9 if need be, en. ure of the faults of other . But very few of them seem to pra ·ti e what th y prea h, ex eot perhaps the Col!rge Rambler, and it is so emin en tl y unjust th at no one pays mu ·h attention to it. Perhaps they all find, as \\ e do, that most of th e papers deserve mu h ' redit and littl e adverse criti ci m. \Velllet us" proceed to th e proceedings:" The Lawrence has an interesting account of the playing of th ir Lacros e team. It see ms at present that th e time-honored base-ba ll will have to give way to its more lastic ompe titor- th e !ae ro sc ball. Visions of " hinny ·on-your·ownside" flit through our mind as we read this description and, indeed, we think this game ("S hinny" ) is as good as La ro se, if not better. If none of our excha nges know how " hinny" is played, let th em say ·o, and we will des ribe it. We do not know wh ether thi aa me is local or not. It is mu~ h Iike Ia ro. se. The Lawrc11ce i a newsy pap r, but it Ia ks literary work. The Acarltllll' !Jdlc has a short artic le n "Col lege Customs,~" which gives me of th e tri k. played upon Freshies. It doe. not con . idcr th e propriety or impropr iety of these ustoms. As a rule, they are sc..:ve re, but good d1 s i1linarians. The Occident spoi l it over by putting ads on the front. It ha a go d arti le on " The R viva! f tbe reek Drama." It says: 1 ' And the 'r ek drama has one in ulab le advantage over ur own. It was written in the midst of the li(! it portrays, while most of ours was written enturie aft r the events which it des ribes had taken pia e. The ~ rmer annat fai l to give us a true pi ture, and, though th e colors may have ecome faded and in I" pla s ev n blatt d out hy time, y t we po s s · an ori inal work . " That i jtl t th e trot JI>I · \\'C get too good a pictur . Th r fin mcnt Jf mod ern tim e · do s not, or h uld not, permit it. The remarks of th e newspap r show how th e people take it. The Lafayette sa) s th ·ir \'. M. C. A. lecture s have bee n a finan ial failur . Th R a•t'oC' can sympat hi ze with it, for it has " b en ther , " and knows all about it, mu h to the relief of the 1 o ' ket-books of the as o iati n. \VIII some one kindly send us th e addr ss of th e Ddawarc: Col!rge Tra11script l \Ve would like to ex han ge with it. \V c would lik e to offer a few orrccti on s t th e :uti le in the Col!rgc C11rrent up n " The go P T , nt. Rule." 'Th author seems to think that boys do not lik e sttdy, but ar put in oil gc t h:we instru ction pound ed into th m. I t sa s : "Thi rul e leads to the formation of bad habit s of st ud y. In stead of studying for di:ciplinc and knowledge of th e sul>j e ·t, they st udy for rccit ifJ tJ - go per ent. The ·e 1 rimary obj cts of all edtJ cu tion and in st rtJ ction are e ·lips b th won d rfully and prominently Jar c fi gme go, behind whi his th e unse n, the unknown and th ' unf·lt, e nergy and ab ilit y·giving pow r, whi ch mov : th · int II tual world. 1 d n't care, jtl.' t so r g ·t go,' is heard from many studcn ts. Can there be any salutary cffc t from su ' h study?" \V tdd not those stud ent: say at th end of term, if thin gs were otherwise, "\Ve il , I must go and ram so nt - - for xamination." \Vh i ·h is th e worst? The one who tries to make go in re 1tations. or the one who tries to make Go in exam in at i n? urely th e rule wuuld work well in su ·h a as . The author points out a great many evils result in g fr m su ·h a rule; but d not many of th 111 exist at present, or wor ·c ones for tltat matter? Here i th e Owl, whi ·h is ce rtainly what it i.intended for. It · nsiders the" ·event en-year Lo ust '' in an int restin g manner. The A. ass it Asso iati n i. on of the be. t instituti ns f ur tim s, and th e result. of thi w rk will ue known on ly in the future, when th m mbers of th ' so iation be orne th t: grrat Naturalists of th e world. · Mari tta 'nil gc 0/t'o has an :1rticl ' whi ch d ·fends John Jlrown in hi s raid. The auth r 't: rtain ly makes sam go d p int ·, and we wait for some on to an swer th em. The position tak ·n by Brown himse lf is v ry diffi ·ult to a~sail, n. ici erin r its moralrty only ; but, of our;,e, it would iJ I little tffc ·t in a ourt. Th S rr;11t'narrl Opinalor i · a new one on ur li st· n it is not, :th ·r. It is our old fri nd th · minary OjJt·nalor. B g your pard n for rnak ing th e mistake. lt · literary arti le are ertainly amon g the best we have read. I DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. Riggs & Giles, MER'S Fll2E +}uI n1 hin Dr. g, F. English, I (J 703 Market Street, "Jap ni adam" is the last nam e g iven to New Yor k high s ' icty . DEN"TIST::r Flies and yo uth b th lik e ' lasses, and yet however " fly" a yout h may be, he ca nnot be a fly. WlLMINGT N. B ranch Office: Newark. A ll branches o f the Dental pro fe ·. ion skillfully ::tlt encled to. ~ ~Ne wark office ope n Tuesdays a nd . 'a turdays of ac h week. 1513 Delaware Ave. , "I have th e subj e tat my finger's end," says the stud nt, as he begi ns to SJ ur u1 his ' ' pony." :\ ge nts forProf. in Log ic-" \ Vhat is th e tmtversal nega-I\'onpnrcil I .n un clry. tive?" Sl py Junior (arising lazily)-" I am not 1lrepared .'' \VtL M I :-;<:T0:--1 1 ] )(.:r.. EARLE:JS A physi ian says if a child does not thrive on Sarah E. Zigler fre.- h mi lk, boil it. This is ent irely too severe. Jl i .·IIY S'J'N E;;; 7; W hy not spank it? I\'E\V AI\ K , I>EL. c !\ ATE~, KITCHEN UF A l.l. ! . .·1.11 I'S . ,' Etc. W ARE- RO MS, HARDWARE 'The number of women who really ·a rc to vote is about nal to the r.umue r of men who like to S l ~· l Cf..lf. TJ: I rq n • b put t 1c 1ua y to slerp. - .t uck. Kl ~ ll!', I ,\ :-:11 . l.lu~cr th :ln :~ IH·othcr, ::t nd ' c t PI t BBIt s our as Bf ! (11;--/ FI ~EST SII.K .) , hi cago moth ers now fri ghten th eir naughty children into bedi ence with the fl) ll ow in g wa rnin g: " If you ar not good th e Interstate Com- 1 mun Dill will ca tch yo u.' ' 1\K , ·d f d 1 f 1 1· ".u·ty so n, sa t a tnt r o 01 11t 11 mora tt y but severe ac;pe t, putting h~:; hand on th e boy' s 1 ·hould _r, " I belie;e Sat~n hac; got hold of you." " I bc ltcve so to o, ' rcp lt cd th e boy. 1 I H ea ls Like Magic. f,n· :1 LOOKIN G-GLASS 816 Chestnut St., Philada STICI~S ~e nd - AND- " ne ki ss," says a ·aut ious suitor. " is worth a doze n love letter , and it ca nnot be 111 tradu ced in a breach of promise suit." Ranges, Stoves, Furnaces, 0 1'1·:1\' galleries ~ Paintings \ Vhy wom en kiss ea ·h oth er is \n und ... termin ed q ues ti on, l nl ~ss th e d· rlin gs would l>y this Give rn an a swee t sugges ti on. cnts in ~ tnm p ..; l::trgc ·heel, or 25 ce nts 10 fur three. Z JAMES BELT Newark Pharmacy Th_e foll owing arc. t\\'O ap proved mctl!ods _o f i. the place to buy flllnkm g among th e 1 res hm en: " I haven t q111te PHARMACIST , got o nt o thi ·et, Professo r," and "vV.e ll , Pro - PURE DRUGS, .1 / rrd.·tt 1m:I ..Si.1·t; Sb~tcls, f . . sso r, I haven't got thi ~ down fin e yet." I Patent Jl1edicincs, \VII.Ml:'\ ( ,f() ~, ])fl.. I Du d e ( m cttng . I' 'I I ld ' Dve Stll llj· 11s ta t or w 1ere cou n t cse<lJ e . ./ JF ' 1 hi m) -- '' A h, Jun es, old hoy, how d' yc do? Combs, Bntstus, . Philadelphia Badge Depot. Beast ly w cat h ~ r , thi s; it 's so un se ~tl 'd, ~on't you . . I-ofitm ~' ~lc kn ow.'' T a tl ur-'' gh- yeS- JUSt lik e your l'h ~. tct ~ n ·' .., l't:escnpt_10 n · jacob Somerset, bill ! ' ' nne\ l•n mti.Y h. cc qJcs om1 1 1 ' 1 I I COLLEGE & SCHOO L BADGES, 7"2 CHESTNUT Street, 1 ' u tomcr- ' ' \ Vaitrr, here's so up. '' \Vait r - " nntt on, SJ.h, yc.' a II ri g h t , sa! 1. " 'u:,tomer- ' lL ':-; all right, th ou ht perh aps a b 1tton-ho lc pounrl ecl wtth c::t rc. a button in the sa h ; I guess dal' s of co urse · but I went with it." 1 E . T . DILWORTH, DRUGGIST, i\EWAl,K, f>ELAW. RE. a ll al any hour of dny ur , night. ADVERTISE IN THE DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. CIRCULATION 1;,000. IS DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. Artistic Paper Hangings AND "\J\TIN"DOVT S:H:ADES, UJ 'H l\10 STRAIGHT CUT No. I JJ CIGARETTES. lie Smok rs who ar willin~ to p:1y a little more than th e price char~ d for th e p){JJI:"\ARY TKAIH•: IGARI<Tl'ES will fin I TIJ[. ' BRAND superi or to all other:. The Richmond Straight Cut No. 1 Cigarettes are macl from th brightest, m st c1 li cate ly Oavorerl and highest co. t 'pJ.Jl LEM' ~rown in \'ir~i ni:1. This is the Old and Original brand of Stra1ght Cut 'igarcttes, and was br ug ht out by us in the ye:n 187 S· Vfirlh:w 1\E nF biJTATJn:-:s . and observe that the FIRM NAME AS HI•: J.<J\V is 0 11 ev •ry )1:1C\w gc. A I .I .EN c ' l KTER, Manufa ct ur rs, R1 'HW) . n, VA. 1-22 A£ARKE T Street, 1 VILAfiNGTOi"v~ Del. i~ar Jti.r fly presrntinrr tllis card at our 1 I II . .. T l' JII J.ADEJ. l ' II J.\. At S eci 1 R 'i••nc.! .:. RK. DO PHOTOGRAPHS~ te at $ ________ _ ·----------------------------------------s. J. WALKER, Photo. Artist. E ~ · ':tmplc: I~ TilE tJ!'\TRY ITY rRI AT mailed when rcqu : ted. DUB ELL, Studio~ tE.I:CT, THE HOLDER will RECEIVE ONE DOZEN 7-.PINE GABINET \V ~THE HATTER,~No. E. THIRD STREET, 2 \ 'V il n-.in~i<•n, -DELAWARE- University of Virginia. Steam Marble and Granite SUMMER LAW LECTURES, (nin weekly) be~in 14th July, 1887, and end 14th ~eptemJ.cr. llave prov d of s i~nal u e-1 : 1. T : tu Ient s who design to pursue their st udie. at thi or other Law School; 2d. T those who prop se tor ;ul privately; nne! .)d. To prn c titi~mer. who have not hnd the adva ntage of : ystematic 1nstru Li on, For ci rcular apply (P. 0 . ' niver~ ity of \ 'a.) to J d ll:-1 D. Mt:-loR, l'r f. (' nn. anrl . 'tal. I .aw. ·.\ LL .\T A- K_ GUS TIS, -T ilE- Aiti tlicil Ctt erand l1cV I DEI·." R /'. IRA. /1 TEL VTORKS. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, l9»vfo~ u-t e.~, &c. The Largest Stock, Newest e. igns and Lowest Price! in the tate. t r ALL WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS. DAVIDSON & ERO-:~ 5th and King Streets, WILMI . "GTON, DEI .. Fulmer's Dining Rooms FOR LADIES AND GENT , No. 508 Market Street, NILJ\II~ T N, ELi\ WARE. BOWEN BROS, Publishers and E t~it 0rs, NE"'W'" ARK. DEL. 16 DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. ~-----------------------, TRAUTWINE'S POCKET-BOOK WJJ.EY j t l ) ):'\ E. F.~. SJ'II:", 1. :-I IJU:". N""E-v\T EDITION""- N"'O-v\T READ'Y- HUMPHREYS' I -v\T:H:EEL~EN"": TO Dll. HUMPHREYS' Doc k of::: ll ~ israsC' R, Cl oth r( Cold Einding 1 ·1-ll 'n~;•· •· 'I 11 llh ~l • • t • l J : u u rn•lu ~; 1 \J I.I' IIl r: I' F. I!JIIft TmLET iJIIJll; . ( :lltnrr I, 11 0 11 LOOr ----::- - - - ·hnmi c; ]nthll•n zn, ,l';O \\' huuJiillg eotuch, \ ' ioll·nl t'ong lt s. · :r;r;cct <\11lhllln, Op pre8l!ucl Hn·nt llin l? . ... .. . l!:nr Jlh•chnr~tc•s, lmjutit't•d J l l'n J·! '" .l\0 !oirrofuln, Enlll l'l( t'd (; 11111 1 ~. Hwl'lh nl( .1)0 (,1 ·ncrnl Jlchllll v, Php<~L' II"~' en km ·~K .~0 Urop"iv nnci :Scnnt y ~P c rO'Imt• " · ... ·.. .ItO !Olen Jlilri"tCIIII, 'ic lu H':sll fr otn H1dm..: .ItO Kitlllc'v Dl,.•·n~w .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . .. .r;o Ncrnms J)~hlllll' • •'" ll!innl " ' t•nl< · ., n ~ .•. or I nv o lnnt.nry Dn ·hn rg •s .... l.U l filort! .U nuth. ('nnkl'r ...... . ..... . · · · · .~0 l rl11nrr \Vt•nkn ""· ''' "ttin~? Jkd .. . ,r;o Pnlnfu l"c•rlodH, with Hpn ~ 11~ ... : .. .. ,r;o Ul!'lt'RIIC'II or liH' ll onrt , Pnlpllllll ll ll 1 .UO F\lllt•tJN\' l'pn ><m 1-'t .. \ itn ' Dn nt'l' .. . 1.0U 1) Jlhtlwr'ln. Uh:l'rn.tnd Hor~ '1' 1!·nnt . •r;o ( ' hrnn l r ( ' Ollltf'IIIIOIIII <' J-.1'11 l llOI A ,l\U Over I7 ,ooo Bottles "Ideal Tooth Powder" Sold Since Jan . xst, 1887. 4- Grand Prize Aw ards- 4 ;'\ ·w < lrlea ns , t X '4; 1 t•ui-.vi ll c, Ky., t8Ss; l'hd adcl ph ia, 1 '86; lount I loll y, Ig86. PECIFICS. l'lens.1nl to ~'\old hy Driii!J::iRI·"· or 1 1•nt Jw.· t pnid ?n receip.t ~f ':-.e, I [arden: the <.:um-;, Prevents I>ccay, nnd lea ,·es pril'O.- lll'lii'IJJIE\'M' ~ ll : llti ' JX E 1'11.1 1111 t nil on )!t. :'\, \. -~- Ask a ny tlcnler in T qj] ·t ~o: q •o.; ror it j O r se nt ]'()S(jl:l iol--s c. ]''I' t.:Jkc; 3 cr~k ·s, oc. <J . ~ ~ . ~hav ing . 'o;~p 15r. V/\ 11. l i R<>TIIJ-:1-: ~. 239 1arkct St., l'hiLtdl'l(olti:J, l'c tru sylvauia. I he muuth inn. 'wect nncl ll calthy co uditi on. '\\ \.\,'\ ~\"\'\,~C,~% ~ \.\. \\. ~\.~~\ 0\.\ 1\ sk y ur I Jruggi :-.t ror it; or, :--e nt lly mnil per J,ottk. \ ' All. HROTilERS, 239 ;\brk ct St, l'hilad clphin, Pa. -sc. t\L L Wll ADVERTISE IN ~llnttld notiry u. at n e, in onl r thnt they may rc c ,i,·c cnpic · IC ,~ IIbrly and prompt ly. Th o,.,. wh o wi h to rurth cr the in t ' I C. t: or 1) •Ja \\':lf'e 'ulJeg and the J' t•: \'JE\V sJwu ld a nd indue • 1thcrs t subs ribe. Adv rtis in the REVIEW. l'ntronitc it s ac\verti ·ers. ~crihe (I r th R EVII•: \ ontriuutc articles and item · of intclli~:ence. ul • ELKTON, Cecil county, Md. I T HAS A LARGE CIRCULATION. $1 A YE An. TilE Al'l'EAL J> lJLISI/1,\ G CO. DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW . ~CID •• rors/OrdS F:E:OSF:E:~TE_ For Dyspepsia, Mental and Physical Exhaustion, Nervousness, Diminished Vitality, etc. Prepared according to the direction · of Prof. E. r. IIorsford, of Cambridge. A preparation of the phosphates of lim e, magne ia, pota ·h and iron with pho 1 horic acid in such form as to b( readily assimilated by the y 'tem. Univer ally recommended and pre crihen by phy icians of all schools. Its action will harmonize with uch timulants as are nece. sary to take. It is the be t tonic known, furni ·hing ·u ·t nance to both bra in and body. It makes a delicious drink with water and sugar nly. As a Brain and Nerve Tonic.-1 R. E. \ . R BERT N, Cleveland, ., says : "From my experience, can cordiall1 recommend it as a brain and nerve tonic, especially in nerv u dt:bility, nervou ly pcp ·ia, etc., etc. For Wakefulness.- DR. vVU .l.IA;\ [ P. L()Tifll~ R, lJunalo, N.Y., ays: I prescribed it for a Catholic priest, who was a hard student, for wakefuln e · , extreme nervou nes. , etc., and he report it ha been of great benefit to him." In Nervous ebility.- l R. Enwi. F. E, rtl and, le., says : "1 have pre cribed it for many of the variow forms of nervous d. b 1ity, and it has never failed to do good." For the Ill l ff .cts of Tobacco.- DR. C. . FER ' ALIJ, Bo. ton, says : "I have u: c 1 it in cases of impaired nerve function with beneficial re. ult., e. pecially in ca es wl ere th e . y ·tcm is aiTccted by the toxic action of t bacco." (I INVIGORATING, STRENGTI-IENING, I£EALTHFUL, REFRESHI1VG. Prices reasonable. Pamphlet giving particular maile 1 free. Manufactured by the RUMFORD CHEMICAL WORKS, Providence, R. I. ~. BOOKS, THREE CENTS E·ACH. Th followin~ hook s nr pul.lllshcd i o neat pnmphl t form, many of th m hnnd i!Oml'ly lllu ,;trnt u, and nllnro print ·J from g ood type upon ~roull pnp r. PI aRe xamin tho li s t flnll ll e if you llu not flnd therein Rome that you would l ike to po sr~ess . Io cl oth ·uoun ll t' rm th e ·e lJooks woulll cost $1.00 nch. Each IJook Is complete In itself: An edotc offh c U c b •lllon. A rnlll·rtlnno rhum nt·o us, ~~~~~~~~:~j~~::~.\ ,: :·:;:~Ill! 1· 1~ n11~ 1o r1~f~~~ ~;: ~~~t~.~~l11~1~~~~ ~Bl~~~~;~R~~~~~ ~~:~~8~ 8l<li'ICK or pi'ISOII ll rl· , oftho j: l'ellt ll •momls, o r lllr. Lin coln , •tc. Tho J.,lf't' of Gcnornl t. 1'1. Grunt. lly w. A. J>~:T ~:tts. 1 1 Outofth olilcn. AN uv 1. lly r.ArtAAIIOUBTA. ~f.nt~j~~\~,~~~OJF~·.. : ~;·:~CI'~: ~A~~~!'e~:l' )j~~ ~~~KI8 COt. I.INR. l tltt . tl'ntccl. 'l'h I .. n,.t of the Jtuthvcns. A Novel. Dy Miss llfu r.ocK. With pn1·trult ILIHl o thuo· llln• lt'o lfl llnK. Jllu 11rated. J•omnl', by John (.l . \Vh I tiler. Thr on ly ch np dil lon A n •nd llcnrt. A Novel. Dy Anlhor or" n orl\ Thorne." pllhll•h cd-s hunl cl ho ln uo·o•ry hull~o ·ho lrt. Illu~tratrd. Uut nf th U t'pthf!, A Novel. Dy Jl vo 11 Co WAY. J'umn11, hy ll o nr•y \V . J. nnllft·lluw. 1.'\u u11o cun nfl'ortl to Tho ltmnnntl o AdventureR of n MliJ.mn!d. A Novel. By Tn• I~IA S ll AIIIIY , bo whlo nnt tltls ll11 o •·oll••c· tt on. Jllrt•tl't<lrd. J•ocmll. by All'rod 'J '~ nuy M on. 'l' hlg WOI'k r ontnlnK som In tht• Jlolldny11. A Novrl. ny L< nv f' F.c rr. HAY. 'J'hoJiclrtoA hlcy. A Nnv!• l. nl y [email protected] HYW oon. ortlo lln •Ktruntpn~t ll n ll H(I Ith of.( l'' llli'Oc tLnurcu t o . J•nrlor Allin" •m c nt • A l OL l'~! oil ee l lu ll of Ac tln sr ChnJ\ll1111 ur Mr8 I A Nov I. , ll y W11.llJY. Co t.r.IN8. Illu atrated. rncl a, l' ur· l o~ l' llt '" " "' ~• Shnclow l'nnloonlno ·s, Onm cs , l'uzzl cs, J\lore J.Uttcr thun Dcuth. A liuvcl. Uy tbo Auth or or •tr., for ftlll'i rll f.(lllht• l· ln~:~ pulrll1: null prl\•uto e utor tuhun cnls "Dorn 'J'Io or ne." nnrl cv nho ~.;• nt hu11w. lllrt•trat ccl . Vurrl11ton 111 Olrt. A ' ov 1. Dy 11 011 o ' WAY. Illu atratt d. Mnnunl nt' i'l urlc•nl t u rt•. 'l't•nrhcA th o hea t mcthool o r prop· Th • Jo' ntnl J,lllcl!. A Nuv el. lly Auth or o r 10 Doru Th n1110. " n srnllu~e nll th n olllrcn• nt pln11t a, l r ll s how to uru dlsens nnrl A 8hndo1 on th • Thr • holcl. A lir•v••l. Uy MAll Y ', II AY, (ll'llo ll rnll• I n ~o·r· t pr·~f•, !: 1''"" cllrl'o' l lnnM rnr lllrlkl11 g 1r •n11Uful Hom I 'l'h ( ' url'c nt'Unr<•w. A Novel. By rrlllh ur of " Oom 'l'h orlll'." 81111 ot lll' r ohl\' I'I'R, rur Wlll clow I;ILI'II•nl ng, ~ I c. JUnatratccl. 'J'b Hlntt:bford n 'QUC t.. A 'ovcl . Uy llu o u CONWA Y, Gulol • t,. N tllework, Knltllnc urul <Jrochct. Con- nllut rltt cl. t nl11ln• < h•H I ~ n H nnd tlh·o•c·tluiiK fur nil klu riH o f F'nn cy NewlleA Queen A.mone t Wome n. A Novel. By the author or w ork, Arll ~ lk E1111Jrol d •t·y , l.n <"ll 'Vork, Kultllu g 1 1.'nlUng, "Dnm Th orn e." C•F~ 1n~:~;~ .;~~~~~~~~ 1t1~~j~;~.1 t~ oll cc llon or thrilling nnr- ~~!~~ 00 ~8r~ ~h o t~;~r~~!'1~;~~nc ·, mnny or them wrltt •n loy nctunl Yank \V It nncl Jlumor. A coll ection or hum orous ~o~ 1 s~ ~ k ~c~: ·~.~~~;·~~~~:R~~d };~~~:~~.:~~~~ tho l ondlug ruuny The My t ry lit Hinck wood Gronsc. A Novel. Dy lire. MAY AONKK F t.E illt No . !Jy 10 11 ~t~ E:O~YGoer"!u~or~~olc~o:r. ~Y ~ir~~~~~=·o. A ATJ N. lhTn~nt~: ~~~rr~~~~~~el~ ,~;v~:~s.~fu:!!": ~~~o~nADDOM, ~ ~~:~~f:co~:;:!.vc':" f ::vvc 1 ~. lf1~ ~:·.~~~: ~~~~~~~.T,horno," I nch•llow II"''"~'' A Novel. n y author o r" Dora Thorn a." nJ.::~~. ~}u~~~~~J.Idse My8tcry. A ' ovc l. lly CuAIILEI \V cdd •llnncll'nrtctl. A Novel. By 1111thor nr"noraThorn ·" A .t'ortun Jlunwro A Novel . By ANNIK 'l'IIOM'AA. Ill'd , J\!::.~nt'o~':r~~'rtovc~ ~ 0~ ~Y~ir:~ ~::. ;;~c~v~~~~· lll'tl, Q-We wlllsen!l n.nyfour of the stbovo books by mall poRt-paid upon rec lrtofonly Tw lve Cent• I any ten for .S ent 1 any twentv·ftl' e for GO Cents ; th ntire li st (40 book ) for 'to Cent•; tl• ntlrc II t IJound In boards with cloth bn k, for 1.10. Th Ill nrc tho cheapest books ev r publi shed and gunran t • d worth three tlmea tho mon y ask d for them. 'atl4{acttonauat·ant ed onnon 11 re.{Untled. J>o tag stampR takeo for fra tlonR of a dollar. AJ to our relln.blllty, we r f r to nnynewRpllp r publi sh dIn N w York, Ilk wi Re to tho omm rclul Ag ncl a. .l81 Toeveryon s n!llngforthe nttrellstofbooksllRn.bov . w wllh nd,wlthout extrn. charg , !thor Rlxty cents' worth of the Imp rlol Pinned Pnper Pattern•, to b 11 lected bf your elffromacatnl gu which wllll.lc R otyou, or TheP o1•l •'•Rome Journal. a large J6-par , G! · colulXUllUustr~tcu llterar_y _pnn1 rl- for on~_y ar. All orders flll ell?}' r turn mall. Spec A<ldro11alllo~ten: Offer! 1". M. L1JJ-TON 1 J•ublldler Wv. IJJ•ark Place. New Worlw DELAWAR E COLLEGE REVIEW. ··- -- ReliableFurnitureStores, ThirtyYE1L'c; r . Gl}li. :~ a ays givingsatisfaction, ' ·i :111dhan~ w nr l ' - w i l n;t:.t l·,. ,r.n· h : vi nr ., h ·.l y n ·.1• 1 y f r i11 1 " : , 1.• 1 d',·r-·,1,l.: 1 . 11 t ·· i:tni.d , fa ·i•n. 'I•·,C' w :t pcs l a nd Ill , , ' l l't k .. I 't ri ll I 1\t ', !l t·dd ing- a n I (',II'! ",, t I s d l't t ftl l!:, \I t )· ' I r ,, • • (.' ' a t'.,., ~t.'t I II '\ •r. 'n pri c ·s 1 \ n I 1• \ ' r Il l ' I l un !rc.:d !'. 1I ·r .·u·: •• • t t r ! " , I •·1 Jtitu ' •rl tn.iq·:c· in t csi,.: n , · ' .., t 1 : ' ,_, .,., , fr PI\ 1 : 111 •• t • -;. , • J k,idc·s :~ ru u n tl · ~ · \',tti < t}ll f n tlt l l' ,t tt il lc -< ,a tp ric• • ., ,l• w .· ' ' " 1·,, .. 1 ,,nl,.~ •. t' •' ll'' .. : l ~ ··•·on r g rc a t s tnck. Y nu w ill rccl' iv,· 1 1't .tll •·t ti 1, pu t ch .hc.: o r tw t. \' 11 tt w ill 1\' C m n·· a I u:tt• ~ c au ti f 1! Jol i et Asll, Cher ry o r Old r 0 O a k Ch a r·nb r S 11t , f r o nl $ 1 . 5 0 . S E THI:.M . ::- . a:. ( 'O IL"'\,._ 'J' 1 \ : · ~ :u \1 . n :T s-rs. \ ·; ' 0 n :· 1 sJ: I :xn ST. '0 No. g JULY, 1887. v. ----===:::=::::=-....::::~ 0 . I P• ' ===- llfrlr::-~==--=.:-- --::=____ --- - I' I -- - f DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW. S:H:ORT FIIN'"TS WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED "A LIBRARY IN ITSELf".•• Social Etiauette. .... Compiled fi 'O!n lit e .l<lk.rl a11d 1 tltc 11 ~/cc:!. BY "Al T t t I Forks 011 IATI LDA. " PRICE, 40 CENTS. Tl is b Jk should lJe in every fan ily d c:: irou of kn wing " 1he prop r things to do." \Ve all de sire to behave properly, ::-, nd to know \vha t is th e bt t · ·lwul of mannt:rs. \ hat hall we tea h our childr n, th a t th y may go out into the world w II hr d men an d woml'n? " H RT HI T .'" contain th e anS'v\er and will be mail d to any ad drtss, po ·tage prepaid on r ei]Jt of price. 1'he latest issue of this work comprises A DICTDONARY containin g 118,000 Words, anu 3000 Engravings, A CAZETTEER OF TH E WORLD 2u,OOO Tit.! R, with pronnnci:tt.ion , &c., (re nearly 10,000 Noted Per ons ; also various Tables, ALL SPECIAL. Until furtht·r noti ce we will mail eac h of our fri end . a py f th e abuv aluabk boo k grati · and free of 1 ostage, if th y will mail us 15 wrappers of ] ol>l>ins' Ele tric oap. By folding llp tb ' wraJ pcrs as y u would a new paper, the po tage will only b zcts . Ahvays put your full name an d addres on th · outside of the lJundlc:, and wri te th ' w o ·d "F titlutte" also, and th n we, will know who se nds it. PHILADELl'I-J lA, A. HARVEY & SISLER, Wholesale Agents) VV.lL 1..1N(:.-'ION, DEL. B rt has 3000 moro Word s in it. v co.bulary than nro found in any o tlt r American Dictionary, nnd nearly throe times t fl o number of En...=g:....ru_v_in -=g=-·_. - - -- It is tho he. t practical ~nglish Dictionary ex- tan t.-Qua rt crl!J R cvicu , L o11dort. Webster is Standard Authority in th Gov' t Printing Office, and with the U. S. Supreme Court, and i r ommend d by th State Sup'ts of Schools in 36 States, and by tho leadiug College Presidents of th U. . and unada. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., . pringfiell, :!ass. HELPS ( utlin I. L. CRAGIN & CO., ntly add d) an l A BIOCRAPHUCAL DiCTIONARY TO Studies LITERArrUl\E STUDY in Lowd l, Joe ; in Ho lm s, Bryant and Wh ittie r, JOe.; i11 George E liot, 10c .· in Ro b r t Browning's Poetry, 25 .; in litics, roc .; T e n Great N o vels, a g uil e to En gl ish fic tion, roc.; Unity Clubs, telli ng how to form rc din<T circles, JOe.; M anual Tr.aining in Education, 2_r;c . i\uy or a ll se nt post free on r ce ipt o f 1 rice. \cldre:s ' ll.\ R LE.' IL K E I' k & CU., Pul;lishcr:; 175 J)(;arborn ''THE PHILAD L ALL THE NEWS. AILY 7 ~E~KL -y- & SU~:OA -y-_ • S. KIMBALL & C . t ak~:: plea ure in ann o uncing th a t they a.re _.1>re1>a1red to supply wit hout delay GE FRATERNITIES Cigarettes, RS. • Al ·o, CLA . . . nnd t LLEGE color ·. ROCHESTER, N. Y. D ELJ\ \:V 1\R 8 COLLEGE R E V I F:\V . FRANCIS KELLY & CO., 12CHI '111': Tl\ l:T Up ~ n nll th e year. , tn rlPut < mny ~nrroll nl nn~· thn . A •a · ul l_r or 1'; iu oli ti 'UC t flrS lllld I! 'C I IIrt•l'"" · l'U i lf' rior f:u·ll hlt•,.z lnr tr n i tt illl! \' 0111!.1! ttl l' lt rt llil WOtll(' ll in tlH' F tl •' ft l'••, ( ' u .. tulll "' • nu•l ""W"IL~INGTON ;:J l'rnf'tlr.- ;,f t"llrrP t t l ''"'"''"' ' "" .. ltt't u·e·elun•. aut\ ft~r tht• F IU' <'P I' fill ('1111• 111''1 ,,r 1•1'1 \ttll • u u •i 1•111+1\1' afl'ltir .:. ~·· 11rt fn r dr,•t ll u r-= 11 11d H• •l••'t'1 n f t ' ••tll'll l' ll l' t·nwut. ·ruo ~ ..1. 1'1 : IC'J~ E'l"l, l' n •, ltlt•n t . Nl- H lQst.?\-\ GILLOTT's ~t~ 1 lf~ FINE WHISKIES. I No s ""'QVEEKLy i +MOR JING NE N.S.+ lt:$ FOR ART ISTIC USE in ft r. c dra·,..·i n g , N os . 6sCJ (C ro w qu tll ), 29 0 and 291. FOR FINE W RITI NG, I N os . 303 and La ciies·, 170. ' F O R BROAD Wl<lTING, IFO R ENr~A~9&,~8?r~~<h~ t ub P oi nt . 84g. I GINS, - .\ . ' 1 - L Prepare. Y mn g ren ancl \Vom n fur oil q ; e , T each ing, or Du~ ine s ·. Writ e to th e l'rin ci pal. A . N. RAUB, Ph. D ., Newark, D el. DEL- WINES~RANOIES, \CHOICE THE AGADEfAY OF NEWARK EL \ Vi\ l~E N H l\IAL MARKET STREET, 103 T., 1' 1111,.\IIJ:I ,l' lli A. THE LEADING SCHOOL r F BUSINESS SCIENCES. 75 ONLY CENTS A YE AR, !1. ' cJ ; anc~ . 23~. 4:1 4. ::,go ar.d 604. dose ph Glilott & So ns, S1 John ~t., N. Y. 1! FSR Y JI OF: . s .-, :.P. r\c.F . ·T. Sold !·.1' A I./, T- F ..I !, F. !I S tll"""u,·ll •:II il: r T/ ·,,,!d. Geld M edl! l Pa ris Exp si ti c n. 1878. I 11:\~ U Tl1 l·: '.\l <l .. l·: \' T J \ 'Ol' l' l' ' l 'T . I I- - A RARE CHANCE. DELAWARE COLLEGE REVIEW ~~ ----~ ~... E . TA1'LI.' IIEI -v;;r_ JY.1:_ & I \ .' TE l"'. .. . 49· GARRETT~ Artists and Photographers, Market Street , Wil mingto n , D el. ARE M. l-IN NF 1 ZF .. 'A lH l\ETS 720 (fin c:t work,) NEW YORK WORLD FOR $~ -50- llesi dcs a han(h,omc I I i. tory of the L'nited State:. BEATON" J>J : ~c S~I T :H: ;, ;. L~ T, FOR $3-00JT ow I ng thi : hea p rate will co ntinu i!> very nn ccrtain, ;o would advi ·e ni l to take atlva ntn~c of it imlll •diat ly. I \'I ' . and E:\J. I'G l NG in 1 tl cir ur. llches, an l fini ·hed in all th e style . CRAY N W RK a specialty. In Caskey Building, Newark, D elaware, ~./.LRS- S - A- ROACH sire-; a :-;hnre o f your p .1tron a ~e a nd offer: in retu rn th e F R ES '[ :1 nd 1-'RI·:S il l'...· T l>RL' (;.' oht::ti n ..l,J- , a nd the very hc~ t attention. li · m al< sa specialty of Physician's Prescriptions a nd A FRESH AND CHOICE SUPPLY OF ALWAYS HA S 1) H\ND OYSTEJ:BS., FA;'Itll .\' R El 'll' ES. You will li ncl hi s :tor' well . tuckc ll with all goocls gene rally k pt in his line f IJU .. ine. :. Th os · wh sm ke will find a clo;.c n different bran<..l · of g od [ AH . fr 111 whi ch t " ·lee . Th ose wh drink Soda Water, will fi nd hi: <J H. a nd REF RE.' IIl :"'<; , with 1 : !lEI> tn : in it. T he m st conv eni ent an ll p.e:1 ·an littl (;t~ AI • I ' \TEl l T :O.ll~l.F.R , fr m which to take nH.:' i..::i n · i.; fur sale at hi · tore, at 5 cent ·. ) SERVED I N A"t'. Y . T\ LE, and at Reaso nable Rates. SALOON ON MAIN ST. , NE f1/ ARK, DEL. may hn f<,nnfl on 1\1 THIS PAPER uu· NEW YORK IN ll , . \ DYRHTI I NO D OltEAU "truc·l!:l ·rt lslumgRyconb' :.L d U 1Ul' it (10 81ruco 'Ell. 1' . I ! ' '· \\' IOJ I, . · E w . 1• l ' l':lt t.ro l) , wh •r DELAWA RE COLLEGE REVIEW. PEIRCE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS. (Record B uilding.) 917 and gxg CH E STNUT STREET, Philadelphia, Fa. THOMAS MAY PEIRCE M. A ., Prin i ~ al and Foun 1er . MO RNING, AFTE NOON AND NJ HT SESS IONS . MO I'NING SE.'.'T l .',three month: , $ 40. i \I·TEI'l\ 00:\ SES.'IO '. ,three m nth . , lf2o. N IGHT SESS l NS, Monday, Tu e:!hy an<l Thur:,day eveniu~s , three months , $15. Hu : it ·s · Jl) n, m ·r hant :, and r;l rnl r: wh o h:we had doul >tS as to w :l Lh e r a pra cti c;tl lJU ..; inc:: education u !Llbc obtain •d outsid. of the co unting-room have h • ·n su rp ri.; ·c_l :1t tl~ e tl oruu~llly pr.tctica l 111.1nn •r in whi ch their s1ms a nd daugh· ·rs have l>e '1\ qu alified for IJU'iillCS'i · n g:-~g 'Ill ·nt a t 1 \·lr~·e qllvg- ·,and nrc 11 0 1\' :\lll O llg its wa nnc...;t rricnd -, . I'll~· liS U F !,\ "/'I~· N/~· .\"1' FON '/ J/1~· '//10 .(/11/F{"I.. ( 1 .) T he I .( J :xrr _,!\,it~ th · fin :· t l>uildin g .in l_'h iladclph ia ; :1 ~1 Elevat or S t 'a lii heat, _special \'cn~i.bt 1"> \\ a r~lr. h . , Lava tories, and E l ·ctn L1gh ts. al l a nd ·xa n11n c the onventen cc,; a nd a omnwd a t1 1J l1S. (::! .) 1 h OL!RS l·. a nd MKrii O I>.' or 1:'\ST I' . TI Cl . · .th e pcr:-.o n.tl ·xperie tH' · r)r the l'rure..;-.or.;, a nd th · tc · hni ca l kn owledge ~ather d l>y the J'rin ipal :1s . ~.;o u rl expert. (,) . Th · SLTC!·::-; :-; 'l ll l·: \ · 1·: 1l . I<ig ht l.uncl1 ·d a ~1d :-.~ \· e nty 11ine '> tutknt:; las l year. I.acl i ·s and gentlemen arc ·nr II cl a t any t11nc, a nd are · l~ arged LJ nl y from d.t lc tl ( ' nt ro !lm ent. Ul.W 'a ll or write for circ ular :l lHl on, men ce menlp mcee dlng.... RE V . J OH N T H OMPSON , Dean. >IIi s , R o ms 5 ami 6 sl'co nd tlo r. HELL ER & BRIG H TLEY, -+$URVEYI N ~ INSTRU MEN1t M a nufact ~. ~~r~ ,-->Spring Garde •. ; NEW S TU DIO OF PHO TO GRAPHY, Jl 'o. {n7 li. JNA 'J~· 'J· IN TANTANE U Ytn·d, 11'1!. 11/\·(," /'0 \ ", I Fl.. PROCE ... S U , ED ONLY. 'rayon Portraits :1. :-ipc cialty. LARGES·r OLD B OOK STORE nivcr:-.ily o r l'.l. , OrcrTun . 't.tli.: (" niMailino- D c paritu nt. L niv cr., ity, I l.ll't· ~f a ine . 'tate ;c 1If ?OU (':l llll<lt g ·L to til t c·ity , writ Htatin~ w h r\t B oo k ::~ yo u wa rr t , H I H I wo \v i ii a n . w r itnl l i Od i nLC'Iy . Jt I Cullegc of !)hilaC'o~tR on ly a t r iflt• <'xtra t.,, HC' ll!l I ' Hli\H by 111 ail , antl w lllll kc a ~>~ J H'f < a ' t .\· of till il·r g- 111 ail onl('rs, ft rll .v app r o<:inti n g- tirt• v:rlrrc• o f p rnnrpl and cnre!'ul utLuutiou I~ f .E . RY . 0 i. th uivcr · it~ · a l. Stat~ mouth o II e g e , lege, Polytech ni.: <1 11Jhia. \:\I EH.l -,A ! to lUtl U< lll:llld H ul' 0 \' CI'.}' No. 9 S OUTH :.: 1.. l 'E :-;A. l' 11'1'(':-< Jltll!rJ H T R~E T , Il l. K 'T R "' PHILADELPHIA l>' l l \.•i'l' l l ( Hl l t BEf, f l\V .•l ·\ Hl ' t·:T . ·T . 1 :-"' Arc grown .fr(J/11 ttrl forks, the result if carifu/ sc!a tioll, in lricrl lmls rpuial/y ria olt:d to I!tat p11rpose . S ad lr/al beds are 7loll!ing uc'W, as many persons are lc I to suppose, luning beell in u e by !Ius !touse O'i)er otJe lutndrcd )'Cars. II va rictic: f Grass and Clover Seeds Th orough ly Re-cleaned , fr c fr m weed k ind. A. K_ P- TR.A.SK., -A-PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO,-'· 1210 Chestnut Street, 202 S. S econd Strec.t PHILADELPHIA. GREAT ADVANCEMENT IN PHOTOGPAP!-L', CHJLDRENS' )'ICTURES MADE INSTANTANt:OUS. PHOTOGRAPHS, all Sizu, madt by tlu Ntw 11lc'll: ~ d LIFF.- IZE PHOT GRAPHS A SPECIALT\... W'CJ.ass Photo~r.,.pher for '83, '84, '85. or tra h of a uy Landreth's Lawn Grass Seeds, Prorl uci ng a bea uti rul anti 1 errna nent ·od in a hort tim e. F L WER EE · of th e be t imp rted a nd American varieties. Lnndreths Rural R errislcr nud Almnuac free of charge. Agricultura l a n d H orticultura l Implements and Tools in great variet.y. D. LANDRETH & SONS, No. 21 and 23 S . Sixth Street, Bet. Market and Che tnut St., PIIILA~ : ELPHIA.
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