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OCHA Flash Update
Iraq Crisis – Kirkuk violence
No. 2 | 31 January 2015
Please see the latest information on today’s Kirkuk violence
The situation in Kirkuk remains relatively calm on Saturday after Peshmerga Forces successfully repelled an
attack by ISIL on the outskirts of the oil-rich city late Thursday night/Friday morning. A large presence of
Peshmerga forces remains visibly present on the streets.
Late Thursday night (29 January) ISIL forces attacked three areas on the outskirts of the city [Maktab Khalid,
Tal Alward and Maryam Bek] which were later retaken by Kurdish Peshmerga forces, with additional air
support from coalition forces.
An ISIL convoy coming from the direction of Hawija and reportedly en route to attack positions of the
Kurdistan Regional Government Security Forces (KRG-SF) along the frontline in south-western Kirkuk
Governorate was struck by coalition airstrikes. Upwards of 20 vehicles were reportedly destroyed halting the
ISIL operation.
The Makhtab Khalid checkpoint between Kirkuk and Hawija districts which was seized by ISIL on Friday is now
firmly under the control of Peshmerga forces, however, as of Saturday sporadic fighting continues in some
areas in the southwest of the governorate outside the city.
The current frontline between Kurdish forces and ISIL in the Governorate, runs through Mulla Abdalla, Tal
Alward, Makhtab Khalid (Kirkuk District), to Maryam Beg (Daquq District) further south.
Unconfirmed social media reports suggest upwards of 500 Shiite militiamen arrived in Kirkuk to support
Peshmerga forces.
No civilian casualties have been reported, however, dozens of ISIL and Peshmerga forces have reportedly been
killed over the past two days of fighting, including a senior Kurdish commander.
Humanitarian Situation/NGO presence
There are no reports of displacement or population movements due to a local curfew that was enforced at the
time of the fighting. As of Saturday, checkpoints into and out of the city have reopened.
IDPs remain out of sight today out of fear of possible retribution. The three gunmen killed in Dahuk were
reportedly masquerading as Arab IDPs.
10. ICRC has mobilized medical supplies from Erbil in support of area hospitals and clinics.
11. International and local NGOs working in Kirkuk are evaluating the security situation in Kirkuk and will resume
normal operations/distributions in the coming days.
The information in this note was compiled by OCHA Iraq and UNAMI based on a variety of sources, including the
Government of Iraq, the Regional Government of Kurdistan, UN Agencies, International Non-Government
Organizations, media reports, and key informant interviews.
The next Flash Update will be issued as required. For more information, contact David Swanson [email protected],
or visit the Humanitarian Operations Centre, UNAMI Erbil.
Humanitarian Info - Iraq
UN OCHA - Iraq
Kind regards,