Striving to be a “Loving, Caring, Christian Community” Catholic Parish of Mary Immaculate, Bossley Park Page Striving to be “A Loving, Caring, Christian Community” Vol. 39 No.10 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time/B 1st February 2015 PARISH STAFF Rev. Sebastian Savarimuthu, Parish Priest ……………[email protected] Rev. Deacon Paul Naggar PRIESTS' HOUSE 110 Mimosa Road, Bossley Park NSW 2176 Tel: 9604 8927/9729 4005 ..............................................Fax: 9729 2128 [email protected] Web: PARISH SECRETARY & SACRAMENTS Mrs Maria Office Hours: Monday - Friday .................................................9.30am-4pm SACRAMENTS & LITURGY OFFICE Tel:9609 6087 Teresa & Nadia, Sacramental Coordinators……Fridays 10am-3pm ………………………………………[email protected] Rita Cordina, Music & Liturgy……………. [email protected] Tues 10am-3pm Wed 9am-3pm & Thurs 9am-12pm FILIPINO CHAPLAIN Rev. Nards Mercene, Filipino Chaplain……………[email protected] Resides next to the Priests' House. Tel: 9604 5512 Fax: 9604 5380 ITALIAN CHAPLAIN Scalabrini Fathers 230 Humphries Rd, Bonnyrigg 2177 Tel: 9610 1025 MARY IMMACULATE PRIMARY SCHOOL Corner Mimosa & Restwell Roads, Bossley Park Tel: 9604 3877 Fax: 9609 4988 Mr John Barton, Principal SUNDAY MASSES Vigil Saturday Sunday 6:00 pm 8:00 am 10 am 6:00 pm On the second Sunday of each month, at 11.00am, a Mass is celebrated in Tagalog, the Filipino language. WEEKDAY MASSES Tuesday – Friday, 9am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays between 5pm and 5.30pm or after any weekday Mass or by appointment. HOSPITAL CALL : Fairfield Parish 0439 615659 EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Saturday, 4.30pm—5.30pm BAPTISMS: By appointment. On weekends of 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. MARRIAGES: By appointment at least 6 months notice. LITURGY OF THE WORD 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st Reading: Deut 18:15-20 Responsorial Psalm: If today, you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. 2nd Reading: Cor 7:32-35 Gospel : Mk 1:21-28 Next Weekend: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Job7:1-4,6-7;Cor9:16-19,22-23;Mk1:29-39 Gospel Mark 1:21-28 In this reading Jesus teaches and acts with authority. In this first miracle recorded by Mark, Jesus shows his power over the forces of evil. Even the evil spirit gives witness to Jesus, recognizing him as "the Holy One of God" and submitting to his commands. We should learn to trust in Jesus and his loving care for us. We should listen each day for his quiet voice in our hearts, urging us to trust him and to do what he asks. What are our attitudes toward authority in our lives? Are our attitudes toward Jesus the same as or different from our attitudes toward other authorities? Does Jesus "authorize" our thoughts and actions? How or when? We thank Vince, Tony, Denis & Ernie for fixing some of the pews. Fr Sebastian Savarimuthu 2015 Mission Event in Mary Immaculate Parish—11-17 March 2015 ”The Catholic Guy” Session One Session Four Wed, 11 March—7.30pm Monday, 16 March— Thurs, 12 March—9.45am 7.30pm Session Two Tuesday, 17 March— Thurs, 12 March—7.30pm 9.45am Friday, 13 March—9.45am Session Five Session Three Friday, 13 March —7.30pm Tuesday 17 March— 7.30pm Monday,16 March—9.45am Catholic Parish of Mary Immaculate, Bossley Park Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): In today’s Gospel, those who heard Jesus in the synagogue knew that his teaching was new and that it came with authority - such authority that even the unclean spirits recognised and obeyed him. The living Gospel is about making our lives new and all who listen with their hearts know the undeniable sense of God’s presence and power. Please continue to pray for our catechumens, Nadia, Alan and Dean, who continue to grow in their faith as they experience more of God’s presence in their lives. If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a Catholic or know more about the faith, please contact the RCIA team : RCIA team c/o Parish Secretary, Mary Immaculate Parish, Bossley Park On 02 9604 8927 Or by Email: [email protected] We pray for... Our sick: Corey Attard, Dana Hrkac, Olimpia Rosa Agostino, Nora De Jesus, Benedetta Russo, Fares Zaraneh, Salvina Camallieri, Iris Hanlon, Milovac, Nena Sta Maria, Emily Novak, Bruno Di Leo, Paul Habbard, Valerio Collet, Flery Rael, Danny O’Connell, Eric Palmero, Mary Mahony, Bernie Bond, Nediljko Terkes, Ante Marasovic (Names will be removed from the sick list after 3 months unless Parish Office is notified otherwise). Please keep in your prayers the soul of the recently deceased: Ramona Beech, Antonio Barone, Aida Atal Chur,Donald Cully, Saayde Shahen, Padre Antonino Sernagiotto (Italy) And those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Bruno Viler, Giuseppe Panuccio other deceased including: Francesco Papalia, Daj Brane, Jose Ch Perez, Conor Dinan, Catherine Viler Dalnawaz, Rosa Marando, Carmen Clarete, Manea-Melosso Lucia, Hazel Vertley, Edgar St. John, Giuseppe Genua, Giovanni Gava Paterno Jr & Sr, Leonarda, Francia Pante, Ruth O Connor, Cherrie MacDonald, Vincenzo Bugge, Vincenzo Oliveri, Anthony Cardona, Maria Pisano, Frank & Joe Debono, Joseph Fenech, Tom Anderson, Luigia & Giulio Baseggio, Mario Manea, Antonio Froio, Sam Xuereb and Borg family, Silvano & Angelo Zadro, Antonio (Tony) Lucci and Tullio Lucci, Marcello & Angela Seraglio, all deceased Seraglio, Mario family & Beniamino Fuser family, Marcello Soligo, Guido Pontello family & Holy souls in Purgatory. May they rest in peace. Thought for the Week “Real difficulties can be overcome. It is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.” ~ Theodore N. Vail Parish Diary Monday 2nd Feb. 9.00am Communion Service 10am Italian Charismatic Grp Tuesday 3rd Feb. 9.00am Communion Service 6.00pm Legion 7.30pm Italian Charismatic Grp Wednesday 4th Feb. 9.00am Mass 7.30pm Choir 7.30pm Fundraising Mtg. Thursday 5th Feb. 9.00am Mass 7.30pm Italian Charismatic Grp Friday 6th Feb. 9.00am 7.30pm 8pm Saturday 7th Feb. 4.30pm Adoration 5.00pm Reconciliation 6pm Vigil Mass Sunday 8th Feb. 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass 8am, 10am, 6pm 11am Filipino Mass 7pm Antioch Mass Disciples Healing Mass-JH Charismatic Group WELCOME INTO OUR COMMUNITY OF FAITH Elise Grace Bizaya, Jeremiah Thanh Buraga, Amelia Liliana Ciccia and Alexis Gianna Morlin who will be baptised this weekend. Next baptismal Information evening is on the 26th February, 7.30pm in PM2 CATECHISTS NEEDED for 2015 Our Heavenly Father has summoned each of us to proclaim the Good News within our families and our communities. What better way than by becoming a catechist in one of our local Primary Schools! If you can spare ½ hour in the classroom and 1 hour of preparation per week, JOIN TODAY and help share the hope and joy that Jesus brings…. If you have any questions, please contact our Catechist Coordinator - Yvonne Vitagliani on 0409817031. Thank you and God bless. Commissioning and Sending Forth of all Catechists at Mary Immaculate Parish, Bossley Park, will take place during ALL MASSES on the weekend of the 14th/15th FEBRUARY 2015 In the foyer-$2.00 Striving to be a “Loving, Caring, Christian Community” Page 3 Mary Immaculate Parish Rosters for next weekend 2015 Dates for the Preparation of Sacraments7th/8th February 2015 Min of the word Vigil 8.00 am 10am 6:00 pm 1st L Piccione M Tran R Agostino D Demaio 2nd S Bortolazzo M Cowan N Faro T Baroni P Sama M Cabiling A Cignarella Comm J Bortolazzo Acolytes E Cardona EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER OF HOLY COMMUNION F Di Marco F Labis P Griffiths C Baddock M Baddock L Chircop C Cowan N Lozina R Wright A Froio ALTAR SERVERS S Poulath L Daniele I Matti M Stam E Piccione A&E Cousins R Wilde J Panuccio Data Projector PIETY STALL S Martin M Di Grazia C Claxton A Sterrey N Currao D Soans Y Havey H Vella J Vella A Maiuolo R Shishoian M, M & M Musa N ElBayeh J Kahila I & M Currao M&M Oraha E Barbieri D Raffo M Vargas S Cabiling CD, Y Havey S Wilde F Borbe S Cabiling C Gubert C&S Gerace G Smith D Hrkac T Seraglio WELCOMERS — General M Grovenor N Lozina R Cruz M Porquez COUNTERS : Group 4 D Gubert M Grossel W Grossel MORNING TEA : After 8am– Baddock family 10am– MUSIC No Morning Tea ALTAR LINEN : L Yalda CHURCH CLEANING: M Liska T McCallum A Fleming A Yoshiba W Liang M Lo Flowers : Z Beinroth S Mansoor W Liang C Lai Altar Servers Formation : All Altar Servers (Old & New) are invited to attend the 1st formation this year on Friday, 13th March 2015 in the church at 6pm. Children who wish to become altar servers should have received their sacrament of 1st Holy Communion. If you have any questions pls call Parish on 9604 8927. Order your copies of ARISE: Lenten Program 2015, a 44-page weekly program published by the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong designed as a six-week Lenten resource for small groups, prayer companions, staff reflections, families and individuals. Call Parish on 9604 8927. Pilgrimage with Fr Sebastian to Turkey/Greece/Malta/Holy Land Departure : 13th May-4th June 2015 Tour Cost USD $8,350 Pls contact Cora on 0411 323690 Parent Info evening : Sacrament of 1st Holy Communion - 24th February Children must have celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation before they can begin immediate preparation for this sacrament. If any of the parents interested to become a catechist, pls send us an email to [email protected] and provide us your name, date of birth & WWCC number. Sacrament of Confirmation -2nd June 2015 Sacrament of 1st Reconciliation - 1st Sept. 2015 at 7.30pm in the church. For more info call Parish office on 9604 8927. LENTEN SCHEDULE 2015 for Catholic Parish of Mary Immaculate, Bossley Park 18 February - Ash Wednesday Masses: 9:00am (with Whole School) & 7:30pm (Parish) 11 March – 17 March—Mission Event Presented by The Catholic Guy. Five inspiring sessions in the Church. See pamphlet for details. 27 February – 27 March - Stations of the Cross Every Friday throughout Lent commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Courtyard 29 March - Passion (Palm) Sunday (With Procession of Palms into the Church) Masses: Vigil 6:00pm, Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am, 6:00pm 1 April - Reconciliation (Individual) From 6:00pm – 8:00pm 2 April - Holy Thursday Celebration of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm followed by Adoration at the Altar of Repose until 11:00pm 3 April - Good Friday 10:00am - Morning Prayer 10:30am - Stations of the Cross 1:00pm - Filipino Liturgy 4:00pm - Celebration of the Lord’s Passion & Veneration of the Cross 4 April - Easter Saturday Morning Prayer at 10am followed by the Blessing of Easter foods Easter Vigil commencing at 6:00pm with the Lighting of the Easter Candle and Procession of Candles into the Church 5 April - Easter Sunday Masses: 8:00am, 10:00am Note : No 6pm Mass Celebrating Community : Congratulation to : Frank & Emilia Baroni for their 55th Wedding Anniversary. May God continue to bless and guide them. MALTA TRAVEL/ Pendle Hill Travel ACROSS SYDNEY PLUMBING Lic No. 182208C Call Steve 0402 158 774 ● Plumber ● Drainer ● Gasfitter ● Hotwater Repairs Best Price and professional Service! John & Son Painting Services has been proudly providing professional painting services in the Sydney Metropolitan area for over 20 years now. Our painters have extensive experience in all residential and commercial painting. Licence Number 88696C Free Quotation : 0417 212 636 / 9788 0865 [email protected] MALTA TRAVEL. Join Charlie Felice on a Tour of USA West! Its all inclusive - flight, top hotels, breakfast and dinner daily, transfers and insurance! Only 4 couples left! Looking for a single lady. First come first served! Call Charlie on 9631 2689. Max Perram Funerals “Proudly Serving Parish of Mary Immaculate since 1947” Ph: 9602 6175 24 Attention 143 George St, LIVERPOOL Family Owned & Operated Advertising spaces available for $165 per quarter including GST. 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WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND: SMASH REPAIRS FRANK SPAGNOLO Managing Director 20-22 Tangerine Street, Fairfield NSW 2165 Smash repairer for all major leading insurance companies. Ph : (02)9726 8866 Fax: (02) 9726 2381 Frank Mob: 0412 305 506 24 Hr Towing 9757 2666 “We believe children deserve the very best Start the New Year off with a in life, including the Educators who are bang! Spend a weekend with your entrusted with their Education and Care”. spouse at a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The peaceful setting of this weekend NEED A NANNY? enrichment is a great way to rekindle the romance We are dedicated to deliver tailored childcare alternain your marriage. tives aimed at minimising disruptions to the lifestyles Weekend date: 6-8 March at Mt Carmel Retreat of busy professionals Centre, Varroville, NSW. 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