SHELTER BAY NEWS shelter bay community, inc. February 2015 Issue President’s Message - Cheryl Westlake and the list goes on. The facility is available for members' use ~ with a fee ~ for weddings, reunions, parties or any gathering too large to conduct in our homes. The Board is reviewing users' "wish lists", the governance documents related to use of the facility, the costs associated with improvements and how best to balance recreational use with the need for meeting space. Your comments, concerns and questions are welcomed. Submitted by Vice President Vanessa Finch Master Lease Update. The Lease Team has been working hard to move this forward even through the distractions of the property tax issue and the holiday season. We have fine-tuned a presentation that will be given to the Swinomish Tribe’s Lease Negotiating Team in mid-February. From there we hope to be able to provide more information to the Community this Spring regarding the progress made in the negotiations. I know you’ve heard similar news before, but I’m feeling quite positive about what Lease Team Chair Larry Kibbee has been able to accomplish. Harbor Dredging Update. As most residents know Shelter Bay has applied for a permit to put in new docks in the marina and to conduct some dredging in specific areas. Dredging costs can run from anywhere from $5 to over $500 per cubic yard of material dredged dependent on the level of pollution that exists in the sediment. The Community was very fortunate to have the test results from the sampling done in the Shelter Bay Harbor come back as “suitable for deep water disposal”. This means that the dredging costs will be on the very lower end of the previously mentioned scale. This will allow Shelter Bay to conduct our dredging as planned. This says more than just good news for our modernization plan for the marina. It says a tremendous amount about our community. Most marine areas that are captive to a large degree and surrounded by development would have expected some degree of pollution, but not Shelter Bay. It is held in trust by very responsible people who are concerned about nature, the environment and fellow man. How proud we should all be to live amongst such responsible people. Submitted by Director Pat McGarry Recent Burglaries. I believe that most everyone is now aware of the break-ins that occurred in our Community. The Safety Committee and Office personnel are working to provide better communication when incidents occur, but time must be taken to verify the facts. Please take a moment to review the information provided on the Website to help impart some safety suggestions that are easy to do in order to keep you and your home safe. All Safety Committee meetings are open, so feel free to attend their meetings on the first Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. The Committee is also planning to host a Town Meeting regarding security issues on March 2 nd – look for more information later in this Newsletter. The Work of Your Board Members. Sometimes people think that the only thing we Board of Directors do is to sit at meetings. I would like to remind the Community that Board Members also serve on at least two of our committees where they willingly work on projects and perform site visits/monitoring tasks as needed. We also serve on specialty Task Forces and Planning Teams to the benefit of the Community. I am taking this opportunity to Thank this Board for all that they contribute to the Community. Be sure to take the same opportunity when you see them out and about. On the other hand, the job of a Board Director is not without reward and I urge anyone who would like to serve the Community in this capacity, to step up and run for office this spring. The deadline for filing as a Board Candidate is Friday, March 6th and forms are available in the Office. Your Community needs YOU! Want to do something that’s interesting, important and provides a meaningful contribution to everyone in Shelter Bay? Several of our volunteer committees are short-staffed and in need of new members. We rely on these committees to help with the essential functions of managing greenbelts, lots, harbor activities, planning social activities, and overseeing beautification and improvement projects. Your perspective and experience are valuable commodities and contributing both by joining a committee will enhance our Community. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to give me a call at (360) 941-4141 or visit one of the regular committee meetings held in the clubhouse (calendar is online at Submitted by Vice President Vanessa Finch Clubhouse Use. The Board is seeking member feedback about the Clubhouse, how it's used and how it could better serve the needs of the Community. Current usage includes exercise classes, game nights, chorus practice, informational and training seminars, yacht club dinners, Board and Committee meetings ... SHELTER BAY 1 February 2015 Manager’s Corner - David Franklin Member Email and Telephone Updates: Two or three times a year we request members update the office of any changes to their contact information. These updates are important to make sure the office can contact members in case of water outages, community safety issues, and general information of concern to the members and Board. Sewage Lift Station Servicing: The Maintenance Crew has been performing more than the usual service calls on sewage lift stations in the community lately. Lift stations are the collection and pumping units that are necessary in areas of the community that cannot rely on gravity to deliver sewage to the sewage plant. The service calls have all been related to the accumulation of items that should not enter the sewer system either through the sinks or toilets. An example of these items are: dental floss, tampons and applicators, feminine pads, razor cartridges, and bathroom garbage. These items do not break down and accumulate in the pump intakes causing the pumps to shut down. Maintenance has had to respond to these shut downs over a number of weekends recently, which makes for increased expense to all community members. A general rule used by many municipal sewage system operators is- If you didn’t eat it or drink it first, it shouldn’t go in the toilet. RV Parking: Please be reminded that the Marina parking lot is not to be used for visiting guest’s RV parking. We have had numerous incidents over the holiday season where residents have told friends and family that it is OK to use these parking lots for weekend stays. Community Security Town Meeting: There will be a Security and Safety Presentation at 7:00 PM on 2 March 2015 in the Club House. This presentation will be conducted by the Swinomish Police and there will time for Q&A. Please reserve the date. Our office has received calls from residents regarding car break ins or suspicious activity many times hours after the occurrence or concern. Residents should call 911 immediately and report these types of incidents to the Swinomish Police and then if they feel the need, inform the Shelter Bay office. Input on Budgets Still Encouraged: The Manager continues to work with the Finance Committee on the development of the Community’s Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Operating and Capital Budgets. The Finance Committee held three budget workshop meetings at the end of January to refine the budget before sending to the Board. The Board will be holding two budget workshops on Tuesday, February 24 th at 4:00pm and Wednesday, February 25th at 4:00pm. Community members are encouraged to attend these meetings and provide input to the Board during their budget development process. If you are unable to attend any of these sessions, but have comments, please direct them to me by phone, email, or other means. We welcome your thoughts and will try to build those ideas into a budget that will satisfy the needs of our community. A New Face in the Office: When you come to the front counter, you will be greeted by our new Office Secretary, Kelly Baxandall. Kelly is a local Skagit Valley girl who is quickly learning all the ins and outs of the Shelter Bay administrative operation, and has been a big help to all of us. Please stop in to say hello! Did you know?...You can now submit an Incident-Concern-Complaint form online! Just go to the Forms page, click the Online Incident-Concern-Complaint link, complete the form and click "Submit." The Shelter Bay Office will immediately receive your form and begin the process of resolving your issue." SHELTER BAY 2 February 2015 NOTICE OF MEETINGS FOR THE FY 2015-2016 BUDGET Community members are asked to become familiar with the proposed FY 2015-2016 Operating and Capital Projects Budget. The proposed draft Operating and Capital Improvement Projects Budget will be available in the Business Office and at the Members Only section of the Website beginning February 23 rd. Your input during the development of the Budget is welcome. CALENDAR OF UPCOMING MEETINGS REGULAR BOARD MEETING – Board receives the Draft FY 2015-2016 Operating and Capital Projects Budget as pre7:00 p.m. – Wednesday, February 18th pared by Manager Franklin and reviewed by the Finance Committee. BOARD BUDGET WORK SESSION – Review of the Draft 4:00 p.m. – Tuesday, February 24th FY 2015-2016 Operating and Capital Projects Budget. 4:00 p.m. – Wednesday, February 25th BOARD BUDGET WORK SESSION – Continued review of Draft Budget and Committee Budget Requests. 4:00 p.m. – Tuesday, March 3rd BOARD BUDGET WORK SESSION – Continued (if needed) All Meetings will be held in the Community Clubhouse COMMUNITY MEMBERS ARE WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND Thank you, Hermann O. Wolz, Board Secretary LA CONNER’S ONLY DEPARTMENT STORE A Good Place to Shop for gently used women’s, men’s & children’s clothing, home furnishings, kitchenware, books, audio & video entertainment, linens, craft & decorative items plus much more. Shop our local Soroptimist non-profit store for bargains galore! New Merchandise arrives daily. CONSIGN YOUR CLUTTER We want what you no longer use: Furniture and finer decorative Items Must be in good condition and worth at least $50 We offer: High visibility location with good store traffic, an inviting atmosphere for shoppers, new inventory daily, which stimulates shopper activity, eliminates hassles of trying to sell items yourself, a competitive split Plus: Tax deduction opportunities benefit you, sale of your item(s) benefits your community Soroptimist International of La Conner is a non-profit community service organization. All money we make from donated and consigned merchandise is used to assist our community. SHELTER BAY Open Tuesday - Sunday 11am to 5pm Corner of Morris & 3rd (360) 466-4017 3 February 2015 Our Finances From the Treasurer, Anne Hays FY 2015-2016 Budget. The time for development of the annual budget is upon us. The Finance Committee held 3 late afternoon Budget Work Sessions at the end of January to develop a draft Budget for the Board of Directors’ consideration at the February 18th meeting. All Board and Committee meetings are open and members are encouraged to attend and participate. Annual Audit. Williams & Nulle, PLLC has provided the draft Audit report. The Finance Committee will review the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report at the February meeting. One of the Auditor’s early observations was the need for the Community to acknowledge “bad debt” on our financial statement, this will most likely be a $25,000 Balance Sheet adjustment from the FYE June 30, 2014 audit. We intend to continue tracking the accounts receivable to ensure we are on top of any new or emerging trends. Permit Deposits. As a consequence of the Finance Committee’s inquiries to other Committees about permit fees and application deposits, the Board of Directors approved a Building Committee proposal dropping the requirement for construction deposits for painting and roofing permits which would eliminate the associated costs of administering the deposits for 60% of the construction permits issued. We will continue to look for additional savings in this area. Financials. I am pleased to report that review of the financial reports indicates that revenues and expenses for the current fiscal year are tracking with budget forecasts and indicate a steady growth in the cash position of both the Community and Company. Upcoming Issues of a Financial Nature: —Outsourcing. Working with Manager Franklin, we are planning a comprehensive review of outsourcing opportunities. —Reserve Transfers. A special sub-committee of Treasure Anne Hays and Finance Committee Member Judi Slajer has been formed to review the Company financial policies in order to automate the transfer of net income to reserves. FILING FOR BOARD MEMBER CANDIDACY May 2, 2015 – Annual Election Board Member Candidacy Deadline: Three (3) three-year positions on the Board of Directors will be elected at the May 2, 2015 Annual Membership Meeting/Election in order to fill the three expiring terms. Members wishing to file should complete the Board Candidate Form which is available in the Community Office and at the Forms Page on the Website at Anyone wishing to become a Board candidate must be a member in good standing in the Community. Board candidates must file by no later than: Friday – March 6, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. All interested members are encouraged to file. Hermann O. Wolz Board Secretary SHELTER BAY 4 February 2015 Shelter Bay Community, Inc. Board of Directors Action Items for February 2015 Newsletter Special Meeting of January 9, 2015 1. Regarding the Appeal Hearing for Geneva Heller, Lot 115, the Board upheld the decision of the Lot and Rules Committees approving the view restoration requests of Lot 859, 860, 862, 863, and 864 requiring work on trees in the Lummi Drive area. 2. Regarding the Appeal Hearing request of Stuart Thornton, Lot 450, concerning a view restoration, the Board determined the decision approving the view restore request was moot. Special Meeting of January 21, 2015 1. Tasked the Social and Recreation Committee to work with staff in reviewing usage of the Clubhouse including policies, event rental fees, damage deposits, and the facility use agreement. 2. Tasked the Building Committee with a review of private dock easements as provided in Divisions #2 and #5 and whether an additional easement should be required in the approval process for a dock extension. 3. Appointed Linda Barrett as a Member of the Ad Hoc Finance Committee. 4. Appointed Britt Gjolmesli as a Member of the Ad Hoc Communications Committee and as the Newsletter Editor. Regular Meeting of January 21, 2015 1. Adopted Resolution 15-01 revising Rules and Regulations Part I and the Harbor Committee Guidelines to require contact information be provided for vessels moored at private docks and to limit the extension of vessels beyond the dock to 10% of the dock’s length unless otherwise approved by the Harbor Committee. 2. Adopted Resolution 15-02 revising Rules and Regulations, Part II, Chapter 20, Committees and the Fee Schedule in order to make appeal deposits non-refundable unless the appellant prevails. 3. Adopted Resolution 15-03 revising Rules and Regulations, Part II, Chapter 20, Committees and the applicable permits to move the deadline for submitting a permit from Friday at 5:00 p.m. to Wednesday at 12:00 Noon and to require the posting of committee agendas by Friday the week before the meeting. 4. Adopted Resolution 15-04 revising the Building Construction Guidelines and the Fee Schedule to remove the requirement for a construction deposit on painting and roofing permits. A permit is still required, but will not need to be accompanied with a deposit, reducing the administrative cost of handling deposits. 5. Approved the appointment of a Task Force to review the Conflict of Interest and Code of Conflict policies as they relate to Board and Committee members. Task Force to provide the Board of Directors with any recommendations for changes to the governing documents. 6. Approved the FY 2015-2016 Budget Development and May 2, 2015 Annual Membership Meeting and Election Calendar scheduling various deadlines and public meetings. Shelter Bay Company Meeting of January 21, 2015 Amended and adopted Resolution 15-01 revising the Marina policies, Moorage Lease, and Company Rate Schedule and approving new Marina Rules and Regulations and a Temporary Live-Aboard Permit. LOCAL AREA EVENTS 50th Annual La Conner SMELT DERBY FESTIVAL February 28th, 2015, 8 am-10 pm *A day of family fun and an Evening of Suds, Sliders, Spirits & Dancing* Presented by the Rotary Club of La Conner. For more information and schedule of events, visit ___________________________________________________ The Kiwanis are celebrating their 100th Anniversary of Service to the Children of the World, and the 38th year of helping the youth of La Conner at Maple Hall on March 21st. “Kiwaffodil” will be a celebration of the first day of spring and the crowning of La Conner’s King and Queen of the Daffodils. SHELTER BAY 5 February 2015 SHELTER BAY HAPPENINGS FREE EXERCISE CLASS SEWING GUILD Class meets at 10:15 a.m. in the clubhouse on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Men and women, all levels and strengths are welcome. Weights, bands, mats and beachstyle balls are used. Bring water and your enthusiasm. Make new friends and have fun exercising! The Skagit County neighborhood group of the American Sewing Guild will meet on Tuesday, February 17 at 1:00 p.m. at the Shelter Bay Clubhouse. This is the second of a two part presentation on making pants using Cecelia Podalak's "The Classics" pull-on pants pattern or the pattern of your choice. The group will be bringing their trial muslins and making adjustments before cutting their actual pants fabric. Contact Sue Donaldson at 466-3032 with any questions. EVERYTHING YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SHELTER BAY...but didn’t know who to ask! A free presentation and hands-on workshop. Wednesday, March 4 at 7 p.m. at the Shelter Bay Clubhouse. Whether you’re relatively new to Shelter Bay or a longtime resident, chances are there’s some questions you’d love to find the answer to. -How can I find out what committees are doing? -What can I do about that loose dog who thinks my lawn is his toilet? -How can I share a concern about something that’s happening in my community? Meet up on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month in the Clubhouse from 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Type of game: Dealer’s choice, 25¢ limit, 3-raise limit. Come and have fun! Contact Floyd Hubbard at 466-4256 or Bob Grubb at 466-9950. “HOW TO CARE FOR COMMON EMERGENCY MEDICAL SITUATIONS” will be presented by our Fire District #13 EMS crew on February 12th starting at 7:00 pm at the Clubhouse. They will cover basics of CPR, AED operation and treatment of Hypothermia. We are making this training session open to the Shelter Bay Community. It may come as a surprise to you that the answers to these, and lots of other burning questions – can be found on the Shelter Bay web site. Join us at the Clubhouse for a guided tour of, followed by a hands-on help session for those who want to bring a laptop, tablet, or mobile device. Subject matter experts will help you gain access to information about the community and the surrounding Skagit Valley area and resources. SHELTER BAY BOOK CLUB The February 2nd meeting will be hosted by Mary Newby at 663 Muckleshoot Cir. Discussion will be led by Patricia Anderson regarding “Dare I call it Murder” by Larry Edwards. ~ Sponsored by the Communications Committee Christine Walsh will be hosting the March 2nd meeting at 101 Chinook Place. Discussion will be led by Lynn Parnell & Pat Cushman regarding “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed. Welcome to Shelter Bay! COMMUNITY HAPPY HOUR continues Wednesday February 11th at 5:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse. This is a BYOB event for those 21 years and older. Please bring an appetizer to share. We are looking forward to seeing you! New Owners Gus & Loraine Kapetan - 444 Modoc Way The Johnson’s– 517 Kloshe James Dowrey-222 Skagit Susanne Lenard & Heather Dallas-781 Lillooet Ct. Shunji Asari-265 Quillayute Place Philip Attneave & Penny Berk-546 Klamath Dr. Advertising in Shelter Bay News does not imply an endorsement by Shelter Bay Community, Inc. or the Shelter Bay Board of Directors. New Tenants Kimberly Bibee– 46 Swinomish SHELTER BAY MIXED POKER 6 February 2015 “A tradition of sound advice whether Buying or Selling” Greg Nelson 360-661-1558 or [email protected] Property Search and Market Info Go To: In Memoriam ~ Paul Crain, January 7, 2015 [email protected] Call The Shelter Bay Home Team for all your real estate needs. Enormous changes have taken place in the real estate industry in the past few years as 95% of all Buyers begin their search on the internet. In order to get your home Sold, you need professional still and aerial photography as well as high visibility on numerous web pages. Your listing needs a compelling reason for the Buyer to click twice! The home team uses all the latest technology and knows the unique needs of Shelter Bay real estate. It takes teamwork to close the sale on your Shelter Bay Home after you get an offer. Pictured from left to right are Karen Ashley (Land Title) Mo and Tim Good Managing Broker RSVP Real Estate (Shelter Bay residents), Kevin McManus (McManus Photography). Not pictured Carolyn Lloyd-Whitney (VP Peoples Bank MLS#487364 ). Call 360-708-3828 and visit Click here for an example: Shelter Bay Home For Sale SHELTER BAY 7 February 2015 Jennifer Thompson Assistant Vice President Senior Loan Officer Your Shelter Bay mortgage specialist. Office (360) 848-7034 Cell (360) 421-5755 [email protected] NMLS#487362 Peoples Bank A higher level of service Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training to be held at Shelter Bay! Sponsored by the Safety Committee The CERT Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills such as Fire Safety, Light Search and Rescue, Team Organization, and Disaster Medical Operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an even when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members are also encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community. SHELTER BAY 8 February 2015 Doulos Construction, Inc. Winter Workshops Building More - Costing Less 4th Saturday Mornings of the Month in the Shelter Bay Clubhouse February & March 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. February 28th Sensitive Shoreline Areas Russ Rehm, General Contractor Licensed and Bonded 360-708-2601 [email protected] Check out our website! Fine Craftsmanship with a Servant’s Heart. March 28th Air Quality Send articles and ads to: [email protected] Brought to you by the Shelter Bay Eco$ense Education Committee Electronic Delivery of Membership Meeting Notices State RCW now allows for the electronic delivery of Membership Meeting Notices. If you would like to receive notices of Shelter Bay Community Inc. Annual and any Special Membership Meetings electronically, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. Your email should contain the statement that you agree to receive any Shelter Bay Membership Meeting Notices electronically. Notices will be sent to the sender’s email address unless otherwise specified. You may revoke your consent to receive notices electronically at any time by providing us with notice of your desire to do so. New this year, we plan to offer electronic voting as a third alternative, in addition to mail-in and in-person voting, for participating in the annual and any special membership meetings. Look for details on how to take advantage of this method of voting in the Notice for the May 2, 2015 Annual Membership Meeting/Election coming this April. Thank you, Hermann O. Wolz, Board Secretary 6th Annual SPOTLIGHT NIGHT Dinner & Auction to benefit Saving Pets One at a Time Tuesday & Wednesday, February 24 & 25, 4:00 PM 2015-16 Budget Meetings. All members are encouraged to attend and participate. Saturday, February 28th Doors open at 5:00pm at the St. Joseph Center 215 N. 15th Street, Mt Vernon Monday, March 2, 7:00 PM Town Meeting: Safety and Security Presentation by the Swinomish Police Department. Tickets are $35 presale or $40 at the door Wednesday, March 4, 7:00 PM Computer Skills and Protection – Use of the Internet Hosted by the Communications Committee. S.P.O.T. was founded in 1999, a non-profit, all volunteer network of foster homes dedicated to the care and adoption of homeless cats and dogs. Friday, March 6 Board Member Candidacy Deadline. Forms available at the Community Office or on the Shelter Bay website. Call 360-336-5388 for tickets, to donate an auction item or to become a sponsor. All events are held in the Clubhouse unless otherwise noted. Watch the website for additional events or for more details. SHELTER BAY 9 February 2015 1890’s Lounge ~ La Conner Seafood & Prime Rib House 614 South 1st Street ~ 360-466-4014 HAPPY HOUR DAILY 3-6PM $5 PLATES - CALAMARI, CHOWDER, FISH TACOS, PORK SLIDERS, CLAMS EARLY DINNER MENU 3-6PM DAILY 4 COURSE MENU FOR $20 ~ Reservations suggested Check out our webpage for full menu viewing Exceptional Dining and Fresh, Local Seafood Thinking of Selling your Shelter Bay Home? The Tim Good Shelter Bay Home Team wants to say, “Thanks Shelter Bay for a great 2014.” In appreciation of our neighbors in Shelter Bay we are offering a full service 2% listing side fee for all qualified new listings taken during January, February and March 2015. Save $$$ thousands. Includes full MLS Coverage, Professional Photography, and syndication to thousands of web pages. Call Tim L. Good, Managing Broker, RSVP at 360-708-3828 to see if you qualify or email Tim at: [email protected]. “If your property is currently listed, this is not a solicitation of the listing” SHELTER BAY 10 February 2015 SHELTER BAY 11 February 2015 15 8 1 9:00 Tap 10:15 Exercise PRESIDENTS’ DAY OFFICE CLOSED 9:00 Tap 10:15 Exercise 9:00 Tap 10:15 Exercise 1:30 Enhancement 9:00 Tap 10:15 Exercise 4:00 Safety Monday 23 16 9 2 4:00 Board Budget Meeting 9:00 Building 1:00 Sewing Guild 7:00 Mixed Poker 12:30 Rules 3:00 Harbor 9:00 Building 7:00 Mixed Poker Tuesday 24 17 10 3 10:15 Exercise 4:00 Board Budget Meeting 10:15 Exercise 7:00 Board Meeting 10:15 Exercise 2:30 Eco-Sense 4:00 Social & Rec 5:30 Happy Hour 4 25 18 11 10:15 Exercise 3:00 Communication Wednesday 9:00 Greenbelt 3:00 Chorus 4:30 Belly Dancing 6:30 CERT Training 9:00 Lot 6:30 CERT Training 9:00 Greenbelt 3:00 Chorus 4:30 Belly Dancing 7:00 CPR Training 9:00 Lot 12:30 Finance 3:00 Chorus 4:30 Belly Dancing 6:30 CERT Training Thursday 26 19 12 5 10:15 Exercise 10:15 Exercise 10:15 Exercise 10:15 Exercise Friday 27 20 13 6 All Committee Meetings are held in the Clubhouse Meeting Room. Interested Shelter Bay residents are welcome to attend. 22 Sunday FEBRUARY 7 10:30 Eco-Sense Workshop 28 21 14 Happy Valentine’s Day! Saturday shelter bay community, inc. 1000 Shoshone Drive La Conner, WA 98257 360-466-3805 Shelter Bay Community, Inc. 1000 Shoshone Drive, La Conner WA, 98257 Board of Directors President - Cheryl Westlake Vice-President - Vanessa Finch Treasurer - Anne Hays Secretary - Hermann Wolz Mike Morrell, Pat McGarry, Bob Rosso Britt Wisniewski, Jerry Ziegler Shelter Bay Manager - David Franklin Executive Secretary - Debbie Byrd Committee Chairpersons: Building: Ric Henderson Lot: Ron Wigal Greenbelt: Jack Withrow Rules: Tom Napier Harbor: Mike Silhan Safety: Ted Taylor Social & Recreation: Lou Grogan Communications: Don Monroe Eco-Sense: Maureen Pilon/Penny Rigoni Enhancement: Carol Silhan Finance: Anne Hays SHELTER BAY 12 February 2015
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