"Complete feioei ASS How to Attain It." A Wonderful New Medical Book.writtcn for Men Only. One copy may be bad free on application. FRIDAY EVENING, APEIL 3. 1890 A FIGHT IN THE PIGNUT. Oq Saturday night March 2Stb, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roe gave a pay ball, or, in the langUiice of a guest, a "mink farm of hop," at their residence on the Mr. Albert Fletcher, in the Pignut SOCIETY at Columbia Engine House. Sons' of Confederate Veteran i meet first Wednesday in each month.No. 7713, A. 0. F Mount Vernon Court, of A. meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at street. Sarepta Hall,B.King moots first Mondty in each L 0. B. month. Both-El Congregation moete fiist Sunday of very quarter. ADVERTISING DIRECTORY, S 00 a. m., 12 00 m. and 5 00 p. m. .Southern mails via Charlottosville, close 7 50 and 10 40 a. m. and 215 and 9 30 p. m. Open at 8 00 a. m. and 3 00 p. m. Southern mails, via Bichmond, closo at 10 40 a. m. and 313 and 8 45 p. m. Manassas Division mails close at 7 50 a. m. and 3 30 p. m. Open at 10 40 a. m. Alexandria and Bound Hill mails closo at 8 40 a. m. and 4 00 p. m. Open at 9 00 a.tr. and 3 00 p. m. Chesapeake and Ohio mails close at 2 15 p. m. and 8 30 p. m. Opon at 8 00 a. m. and at 3 00 p. m. RAILROADS. and time. THE ONLY WORLD'S FATE 'Sarsaparilla PBESS.Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Har. HarrisDining CarsLouisville nsburg. Sleeping andCincinnati, burg to St. Louis, Low Rata. The expense is but a few cents a day and in many cases very much less than the scrv'ce is worth to the subscribers. Chicago. 7:i0 P M. WESTEBN EXPRESS.Pullman and Harrisburg to Sleeping Cars to Chicago, Cleveland. Dining Car to Chicago. found among our subscribers. EXPRESS. M. SOUTHWESTEBN If your name is not enrolled consult yoni 7:10 P. Pullman Sleeping and Dining Cars to St own interest by subscribing at once. Call on Cars Harrisburg to and 01 and performed More than forty classes of business aro to be Over Half a Century Old. Why Not Best?_ the managor or send him word by postal Louis, Sleeping Cincinnati. 10:40 P. M. PACIFIC EXPRESS.Pullman AYER'S PILLS cure Headache Car to Pittsburg. Sleoping McCLUEB, C. R 7:50 A. M. for Eane, Canandaigua, Rochester District Supt, Bichmond, Va. BOOKS AND STATIONER V. and Niagara Falls daily, except Sunday. 10:30 A. M. for Elmira and Benovo Agricultural Supplies. & Son. to yotj of except Sunday. For Williamsport daily, 3:40 W H May Herbert Bryant, P. M. daily E Walton, B H Wattles, FINE LINEN STATIONERY 7:10 P. M. for Williamsport, Eochester, Buffa¬ Brick Manufactories. lo and Niagara Falls daily, except Satur¬ for 10,15 and 20 centa per pound. Alexandria Brick Company day, with Sleeping Car Washington to I Suspension Bridgo via Buffalo. Books and Stationery. And High Grade Envelopes to matchis only 10:40 P. M. for Erie, Canandaigua, Bochestoi, not 5 CFNTS per pack. Bemember, this EW French. Buffalo and Niagara Falls daily. Sleeping tho so-called Linen Paper, but this is tbo Groceries. and Beer Car Washington to Elmira. genuine article, and well worth double the & Green. O'Sullivan FOE PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK AND price we ask. THE EAST. IBreweries. DO YOU KNOW 4:00 P. M. "CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED," E Pnrtner's. that we have tho largest assortment of BOX daily, all Parlor Cars, with Dining Car from Banks. PAPEB ever shown in this city. All the Baltimore. new spring shades at 10, 15, 20, and 25 Burke & Herbert, First National Bank, 7 20. 9:00, Begular at 7 05 (Dining10Car), cents per box. Citizens' National Bank. 05 (Dining Car) 10 00 (Dining Car), I Bxdchers. AETSTATIONERY AND ENGRAVING. and 11 00 (Dining Car from Wilmington) A. M.. 12 45, 315, 4 20,6 40, 1U00, Fine Leather Goods, Library and Desk Ac¬ I Hellmuth Brothers, M. Schnlor. and 1135 P M. On Sunday 7 05 Courts. cessories, Fancy Sealing Wax, etc 7 20, 9 00 10 05 (Din¬ (Dining Car), 1100 Court. A SPECIALTY. I County Court, Corporation WEDDING STATIONERY and (Dining Car 4from Or), ing beat tho of 20, Commission Merchants. Wilmington) A. M., 1215, 315, Beception and Visiting Cards who 35 and 11 P. M. For Phila¬ 10 00 & Everybody 6 40, W A Johnson Co, engraved promptly. quality FiBhor 50 M. A. 7 Fast wishes to be "UP-TO-DATE" must see all tbo MatthowBrothers, Express 8 F only, delphia Harper, & Co. new and original designs All we ask is that J T & J G Beckham, Harlow Brothers, weok days. Express 12 15 week days, order. boforo M. 2 01 and 5 40 P. daily. placing Chss King & Son, you examine our lino E E Lawler & Co. Our prices will do the rest. No effort will bo J Brcders, For Boston, without change, 7 50 A. M. week N Lindsey & Co de¬ and 3 15 P. M. daily. Sons. & spared to give our inc ustomors thoandhighest Robinson days, H Geo Printing. For Baltin.ore 6 25, 7 05, 7 20. 7 50, 9 00, gree of excellence Engraving Driujgists. 10 00.10 05,10 30,11 00, and 11 50 A. 00 W F Creighton & Co, EL Allen, AI., 12 15, 1*2 45,2 01, 3 15, 3 40, 64 40. E S Leadbcatei ASons C G Lonnon, (limited), 4 20, 4 36, 5 40,and6 05, Pharmscy Northwest & Co. Stabler 11 35 P. L 7 10 1115 10,10 00, 40, 417 AND 419 KING STREET. M. un Sunday 7 05, 720, 9 00,9 05, Dry Goods. 10 05, 30 30 and 31 00 A. M.,and 12 15, Isaac Eichberg. 4 00 (limited), 115, 2 01, 315,6 3 40, Driving Parks. 4 20, 5 40,6 05, 40, 7 10,10 00,10 40 Alexandria Driving Park. and 11 35 P. M. For Pope's Creek Line 7 20 A. M. and 4 36 Express Companies. P. M. daily except Sunday. New and Adams Express Co US Express Co. For Annapolis 7 20, and 9 00 A. M., 12 15 Peed and drain Dealers. and 4 20 P. M. daily except Sunday. PAPEB, PENS, TABLETS, COMPOSITION .7 Broders, F Burroughs, Sunday 9 00 A. M. and 4 20 P. M. BOOKS, AND EVEBYTHING SUIT¬ I TGrillborbcrr F J Pollarrl, Atlantic Coast Lino, "Florida Special'' for Bros, J W Brown, .Jacksonville and St. Augustine, 10 48 P M. J B Watkins, ABLE FOB THE SCHOOL BOOM. week days. Express for Bichmond, points W|A Moore. on Atlantic Coast Lino, 4 30 A. M.. 3 46 Florists, M. daily. Richmond and Atlanta, 8 4<) P. J L Loose. P M. daily. Bichmond only 10 57 A.M. ALAEGELLNK NEW.STYLES. Glass and Chinaware. week days. E J Miller & Co. For Old Point Comfort, with Parlor Car, A few Box Papers worth 25c now 15c. 10 57 A M, week days. Gas Companies. Accommodation for (Juantiro 7 45 A. M. Alexandria Gas Company. daily and 4:25 P. M.week days. Grocers. For Alexandria 4 30, 6 35, 7 45, 8 40, 9 45, 503 King Street, next Opera House. Fisher Brotherr, G Wm Ramsay, 10 57 and 11 50 A. M., 12 50,1 40. 3 20, I O'Sullivan & Green Shry ock itPrcsgr.ivcB 4 25,5 00,5 37, 615, 8 02, 1010 and Harlow Bros. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS Ahorn & Co, 11 39 P. M. On Sunday at 4 30, 7 45 and F 8 Hinter, H F Robertson, 9 45 A. M. and 2 45, 615, 8 02 and iHABLES KING A BON, N Lindsey & Co. I J Broders, 1010 P.M. Cr. & A W Johnson Norton Eutwislo, Loavo Alexandria for Washington 6 05, 6 43, 7 05, 8 00, 9 10,10 15, and 10 28 A. M. WHOLESALE GBOCEBS, Grocers and Liquor Dtalers. 100,215.3 00, 3 23, 5 00,5 30, 6 13 & Ficsgraves I T F Burroughs, Shyrock nson 7 00, 7 20, 9 10,10 52 and 11 08 P. M & Co. W A .Tol I Harlow Brothers, On Sunday at 6 43, 910 and 10 28 North Lee J. Broders. I Ahem & Co, A. M., 2 15, 5 30, 7 00, 7 20, 9 10 and Earaware. 30 62 P.M. .AND. Ticket office, cornor 15th and G Streets and Jas F Carlin & Sons. Bain & Paxon. at the station, Sixth and B Streets, whoro Inßrmaris. ordors can bo left for the checking of baggage Alexandria Infirmary. to destination from hotels and residences. Ice Dealer J. B. WOOD, 3. M. PEEVOST, Sole agents for LUCY HTNTON TOBACCO A Co. A Reed F General Manager. General Passenger Agent J W Hammond, and HAZABD POWDER._ Insurance Companies. L Stabler &Co. COAjL AND WOOD._ & Junk Dealers. I J Dreifus & Co. Henry Baader, Lumber Merchants. POULTRY. EGGS, J H D Smoot J B Smoot & Co, WHITE AND RED ASH, SHAMOKIN AND !?' Aitchoson & Bro. FI8H, GRAIN, LYKEN'S VALLEY. ! Lawyers. STOCK, VEGETABLES, Ac. .Tamos B Caton, From the famous mines of the George A Mushbach, C C Carlin, JEM Norton, SUSQUEHANN A COAL COMPANY. 128-130 King street, 8 G Brent Pure Coal, woll screened. 2240 lbs to the ton. Alexandria, Va. Liviery Stables. ALSO j>15_ Patterson 4f Brother, B L Myors & Co. CUMBERLAND, NEW RIVER AND SPLINT T C. MILBUBN, Lime Plaster and Cement. COAL. & Son, W A Smoot & Co. Families, Public Institutions, and Manu Geo H DKALKE TU Jas R Smoot & Co. faeturors supplied at lowest market rates. I J HP Smöot, All orders loft at office, 114 south St. Asapb Merchandise Brokers. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, to yards. AD Brockott street, telephoned immediately A Brookes Co, Fowlo Wm J. R. ZIMMEEMAN, 113 North Boyal Street, Offices. Municipal Wharf and Yards, foot of Queen street Headquarters. Alexandria, Va. City Treasurer, GasPolice COAL! City Works. and Mineral Water*. of Soda Brand Potomac of the Flonr, Proprietor Manufacturers of On onr wharf and to arrive during the sea* I James McCuon. which is unexcelled. Millers. eon a full stock of Coffees Freshly Boasted at Store._ T F Burroughs ANTHRACITE, WalteT Boherts, J W Brown. CUMBERLAND and A. JOHNSON A CO., SPLINT COALS newspapers. WHOLESALE GBOCEBS, I Alexandria Gazette, Alexandria Times of the bost quality and well screened. Wo will be pleased to supply our friends Oil Companies. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and customers at lowest market price per ton Standard Oil Compan 2240 pounds, delivered at houses, cars or of And Dealers in W. A. 8M00T & CO., Physicians. boats. ALL KINDS OF LIQU0E8. Telophone call 57. Dr H P Howard, Dr W M Smith. Dr M W O'Brien, Miller, Dr Julian Have on hand Gibson's XX, XXX, XXXX Dr T M Jones, and pnre Old Bye, Old Cabinet and Monogram Private Residences. Whiskies; also Baker's and Thompson's Pore E H Jannoy, Bye Whiskies, to which thoy invite tho atten¬ I Charles King, SUCCESSOR TO tion of the trade. W White, Mrs M A Wood, Orders from the country for mercandise B Wheatley, W H Domaine, f. a. reed & co. shall receive prompt attention. Mrs S G Brent J B Zimmerman, Consignments of Flour, Grain and Country Herbert George A Mushbach, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALER Produce solicited, for which they guarantee Miss M VBryant, E L Daingerfield, Smith, -IN. the highest market prices and prompt returns. W B Daingerfield, Chas 8 Taylor, N. E. corner Cameron and Boyal streets. A D Brockctt, BEL Tremaine, W H F Beckham, R F Knox, Q. 8. FBENCH. W. A. SHOOT. C G Lcnnon. Car load lots and country ordors a specialty A 8M00T A 00, Railroads. Orders from families solicited and promptly attended to I Southern Railway.Freight, COAL, SALT AND PLASTES. " " Leave orders with drivers of BED WAG¬ .Local Freight, ONS or by postal card or telephone. WashingtonandSouthern Railway, Prompt service and satisfaction guaranteed. I Baltimore Potomac.Freight, Railroad. Alexandria, Va. Clyde's Philadelphia steam lines Agent for with The W A & Mt Vemon Electric all points North and East connecting Real Estate. Also agent for steamer Harry Eandall for Office.8moot'i wharf. Knox & Bobinson, Harlow A Co, Potomac river landings, and steamer Sue for Restaurant. Baltimore and Potomac river landings. Special attention paid to forwarding. Louis Brill. he will call on you. telephone, and WYTHE WHITE, Managor interest . French's Bookstore. School Books. Secondhand. BOX PAPERS, S. F. DYSON & BR0. C1 j Street, Alexandria, South Street, Charlottesville. . I THOMAS PERRY CO., COAL! COAL! GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS I . Robinson QOAL1 ^T NEW TEA, Wm, M. REARDON, COM _Cor Try JUST FRESH PLAID Wm. M. JENKINS, - FINE _E. FJJM MAXIMUM, DRESDEN UMBRELLAS CHOICE DURKEE'S ALOT _No. LTTHlÄT _WABFIELD REFLECTA, by_J. ALABOE COTTONADES FANCY 50._ WRAPPING PAPER. ANEW _ C_HOICE " ... ... ' _E. ALOTat_A. npiASSAE 20an>| ..... - " .. ,.... 26am! 01pm' " . i. SLEEPING CAB SERVICE. Through Sleeping Car- between Nos. 37 and 38, Washington and Southwestern Limited. New York and Tan York and Memphis, New Now York and New Orleans, and first-class coach between Washington and J York, Ashevillo and Chattanooga, and Montgomery. Dining Car between Greensboro Nos. 35 and .'JO, United States Fast Mail. Pullman Sleeping Cars between NY a Atlanta and Montgomery, and New York and Tampa. Also Sleeping Charlotte and Augusta. New York and Florida short line limited, compo-ed of Pullman Cars between N< and Jacksonville. Tampa and St. Augustine, and Vestibuled first-class Passe) Washington and St. Augustine. For detailed schedule figures, tickets, Pullman reservation, etc.. apply to THOMAS MOSS, Ticket Agent, Alexandria Ys A. TUBE. W. W. H. GREEN, General Paasengi General Superintendent Washington, D C, Washington, D. C. BUILDING MATERIAL steamers. iESTABI.IPHRD 3 822. COMSTEAMBOAT PANT (LIMITED.) TOSIAB H. D 8M0GT tweon WASHINGTON FEEEY SCHEDULE On and after March 2nd, 1S9U. and until fuithor notice the following ferry schedule _A.C. _B. CBOMABTY _J. REMNANTS..Ginghams _A. UNDEE AHANDSOME _A. ALOT DEALES I» LUMBER, will be in force. Leave Alexandria, foot of King street, at 6 OO, 7 30, 8 30. 9 30, 10 30 and 11 3"» Shingles, Litha, Naik. Oomont, CaldnaA a. m.. 12 30, 1 30, 2 30, 3 30, 4 30, 5 30 6 m. and 30 p. Plaster, Ac. Leave Washington, foot of Seventh street, SfAJTDFACTDKEEfl OF at 6:30 7 30, 8 30, 9 30, 10 30 aud 11 30, a. n., 12 30, 1 30, 2 30, 3 30. 4 30, 5 30 and 6 30 p. m. BLINDs N. B. Same schedule Sundays, commencing FLOORING, DOOES, SASH, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, MA NT KL?, 9 30 a. m. POTOMAC EIVEB LANDINGS.STEAM¬ AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD Wl ISS ER WAKEFIELD leaves Washington Mon¬ Office and yard No. 21 north Union «troet 00 8 at days at 7 00 a.m., and Alexandria Nos. 13 and 15 north Leo 8t. Alei« a. m., for landings as far as Nomini and on FactoryVa. No chargo for delivery in city. andria, for hours at same and Saturdays Wednesdays & SON, St. Clement's Bav and Loonardtown. C. W.RIDLEY, General Manager. JOHN B. PADGETT. Agent_ S. E. Cor Royal and Wilkcs stroot. ALLY LINE TO NORFOLK AND FORT Alexandria, Va. RES8 MONROE. ! jr^ISHEILL The Norfolk and Washington Steam boat Company New Sasb, Door and Frame Factory. Now in Full Operation. PRACTICAL AND EXPERIENCED ME¬ Will run a DALLY LINE, commencing CHANICS BUN IT. and Monday, March 30, with their new pow¬ on erful iron steamers WASHINGTON AND NORFOLK, If yon don't know what you want we cu toll you. We will keep in stock and meet competition on tho following good FRAMES, SASH DOORS, BLINDS, BRACK¬ MANTELS. NEWELS ETS, MOULDINGS, BALUSTERS, FLOORING, RUSTIC SIDAC. SQUARE Leaving the wharf at the foot of Prince stree ING, DRESSED BOARDS, TURNED WORK A SPECIALTY »t 7 30 p. m. attention given to Church, Store, Olli ind Porch Work. All communication! fromtb 6 20 m. at Norfolk will leave p. Roturning answered, and all order country promptly Estimates cheerfully fui promptly filled. feb25 2y Single fare $3. Round trip $5. C. W. nished. WATTLES, Agent, V>MOOT & CO. No. 2 Prince street. i_ druggists._ Established _ E S. LEADBEATEB. E. 8. LEADBEATEE, 1792. (Rncroseora to J. Rector Smoot & Oo,) STEAM FLOORING ft PLANISH Mill 0. 0. LEAD BEATER. JE, J. Manufacturers of LEAD BEATER, iOOB AND WINDOW FEAM ES MOOT E. S. LEADBEATER fc ING8, Ac. WHOLESALE and BETAIL DBUGGISTS OKALERS IN LUMBER, SHINGLES, LIME LATHS; NAILS,PLASTER 105 and 107 south Fairfax street and CEMEHT CALCINED No. 25 north Union utroet, Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi¬ SONS, cines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Spicos, Drug¬ Fancy Goods and Specialties. gists' Wholesale agents in Northern Virginia for J. C. Ayer's Medicines and John Lucas A Co.'s Tinted Gloss and Prepared Paints, &c Manufacturers of Standard Pharmaceutical Preparations. We have mado large additions to our stock and are buying leading Proprietory Articles, Chemicals, &c., direct from the manufacturers. We are therefore enabled to supply the trado with all goods usually carried by a well-ap¬ pointed WHOLESALE DBÜG HOUSE at as low as those gi von by the best houses prices in larger cities. All goods forwarded by first freight or express after receipt of order. Promptness is our specialty. We guarantee the purity of all drags furnished. Corre¬ spondence invited. HALL, yyABFIELDDRUGGISTS, & CORNER PRINCE AND FAIRFAX STS. Aloxandria, Va. Lumber dolivored free in the city. will Y FBANK HOME, Et<| the TOappointed please take notice by the County that Court Aloxandria county, Virginia ownthe to tain a just compensation ers of land upon tho lino of u.lru. A!< mcnt within tho county of Va., for such lands as aro propo-i d te '-»*. en by tho Washington, Alexan Mount Vernon Bail way Compa purposes, will meet upon the you aro tenant of tho freehold within county, on tho 8TH DAY OF APB1 "" at 10 o'clock a m to ascertain the tion to bo paid to you by the said rn| «-.T for so much of the said land in is proposed by tho said company t" '¦.- ukeC for its purposes, and tho damage due of tho tract beyond tho pi to bo derived in respect to such the work to l>o constructed, THE WASHINGTON ALEXANDBIA A ;1 MOUNT VERNON BAILWA V I< »MPÄI»' By JAMES R. CATON, Attorney ers Prescriptions a specialty. English, French, Gorman and Domestic roarG td_Toilet Soaps; Genuine Farina Cologne; Mag-! nclia, Hedyosimia, Geranium and Florida Water; Genuine Lubin's Extracts; 8ponges, Hair Brashes and Combs; beet English Tooth NO. 701 KING STREET. Brashes; a full assortment of PatentMedi.oi; Coxe's Gelatine, Corn Starch, Sea Moss i Aline, Spices of all and a select LAURENCESTAI3LHR, of all articles sold as stock kinds, by druggists at prices as low the same quality can be obtained elsewhoro. F. CBEIGHTON A 00, REARDON, T^y OFFICE._jan!7 GENEVA NEW _E FAMEY GROCERIES .. ... Kennebec River Ice. AFINE BANQUET ... " j at 7 30 and 9 45 a. Washington mails closo 12 30, 4 30, 5 45 and 8 30 p. m. The following honses, whore advertisemen* m. and Open at 8 00 and 10 00 a. m., 12 00 m. and appear in the Gazktte. will bo found reliable 3 00 and 4 30 p. m. of attention the to pur¬ commended are Office Hours.Open at 8 00 a. m. Closo at and « 00 p. m chasers : Sunday Hour*.Open at 9 00 a. m. Close AGRICULTURAL. it 9 30 a. m. Horbert Bryant, foot of Duke street. Carriers' Schodulo.Collection* made on inside routes.6 30 and 10 00 a. m. and BOOK AND STATIONERY. :{(X) and 5 30 Full route.G 30 a. m. Kobt. W. French, 417 and 410 King stieet and 5 30 p. in. p.m. collection 5 00 p., Sunday street 508 Bro., A King Dyson in. Carriers' window open Sunday 9 00 a. m. and closo 9 30 a. m. COAL AND WOOD. Deliveries made at 8 00 a. m., 12 00 in. and T. R. Zimmorman, foot of Quoen street 5:00 p. m. W. A. Smoot & Co., Smoot's wharf. All mail should be in office fifteen minutes CAKES AND CONFECTIONS. before hour indicated for closing, Georgp R. Hill & Co., 216-222 north Loe street. FBTTITS..Cleaned Seeded Baisins, Cleaned Sultana Baisins, Cleaned Cur¬ CHINA WARE. rants. Dates and Citron, New Currants, New E. J. Miller A Co., 317 King stroot Muscatel Baisins and New Layer Baisins just FINANCIAL. received by First National Bank, 8. W. cor. Loo and _J. C. MILBUBN. Prince streets. VIBGINIA BLEND..This is a mixCitizens' National Bank, N. W. cor. Loe and ed Tea of superior drinking quality, and Prince streets. sweet as any one could wish for. It is Borke A Herbert, cor. King and Fairfax as desirable for making cold or iced specially streets. tea. B. IL JENKINS, DRUGGISTS Duke and Fairfax streets. _Cor. E. S. Lcadbeater & Sons, 105-107 south POUND SYBDP WHITE PINE AND Fairfax stroot TAB for Colds, Bronchitis and Warfleld & Hall, cornor Fairfax and Prince Hoarsoness. PreparedCoughs, by streets. WABFIELD & HALL, W. F. Creighton & Co., corner King and Prince and Fairfax streets. streets. RoyalStabler assortment of Ladies' and Gentle¬ & Co., N. W. cornor of Kiag and L. men's TJMBBELLAS for 75c, 98c, $1, Washington streets. $1.25, $1.50 up toA.$2,C. at DRY GOODS. SLAYMAKEB'8, to Amos B. Slaymakor. Woodward & Lothrop, 10th, 11th, and _Successor streets, Washington. BECEIVED 2 crates of early Florida J. E Tackett, cornor King sr d Pitt streets. ; 2 crates of early Florida Toma¬ Isaac Eichberg, enrnor Ktae, and Royal toes,Cabbage and 2 crates of Bemnda Onions, at It roots. B. H. JENKINS'S, A. C. Slaymakor, 429 King streot _Cor. Duko and Fairfax streets. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. NUTS.-Choice Grenoble Walnuts, J. & H. Aitcheson, 116 King stroot Taragona Almonds, Large Pecans, Sicily W. S. Moore, south Union street Filberts, Large Brazils and Mixed Nuts for J, C. MILBUBN. GROCERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS sale by_ Schools. H. W. A. Johnson & Co., cornor Cameron and B. AND STBIPED MUSLINS in short NO. 6 STRAND, BETWEEN KING AND High School, Episcopal Royal streets. ends at low prices; beautiful quality, PEINCE 8TBEETS. and linware. Stores and cor. Wash¬ F. Robertson, King DEALER CHOICE IN Henry just received at TELEPHONE NO. Baader. Henry C. SLAYMAKEB'S. ington streets. north _A. J. C Milburn, Royal street Seminaries. IMPOBTED BAY BUM, in 1 pin. Charles King, 217-223 north Leo stroot Theological Seminary. and in half-pint bottles, or in any quanta G. Wm. Ramsey, cor. of King and St Asaph Shoe Factories. & £. COB. DUKE AND FAIRFAX STS. iy a* wanted. For sale by streets. 8. LBADBSATEB A RON8. OLD NEWSPAPEES FOB SALE AT THIS B, H. Jenkins, corner Fairfax and Duke The Delaney Shoe Company. first-class. A large stock of the Everything treats. Steamboat Companies. WAGONS, a car load of FARM higher grades of canned goods. All sorts of lw HARDWARE WAGONS in store and for sale by fresh, salted and smoked meats specialties. Potomac Steamboat Company, HERBERT BBYANT, His brand of SMOKED TTAafS is unequaled. Norfolk: and Washington SUPPLY OF tho Sweet Orr & James F. Carlin, Sons & Co. Steamboat Co, 117 King Street, A first-class grocery in every particular, Washington Steamboat Company. Co.'a celebrated OVEBALLL9 AND INSURANCE where the best can be found at moderate JACELETS, warranted never to rip, just re¬ Chandlers. Minimum, Clinical, Standard and Ship Laurence Stabler, 701 King street mh1 ceived at N Lindsey & Co. Dairy and Brewers' Thermometers priOOE. LUMBER. H.Kirk, SLAYMAKEB'S. ENEVA MINERAL WATEB, etc., fox Barometers, Hydrometers,E.Aneroids. and Stationers Printers. Reishell A Son, southeast cornor Royal and sale 8. LEADBEATER & SONa for Troub¬ by Insomnia, Diabetes, Kidney new buckwheat R Bell's Sons. Wilkes streets. Indigestion, Nervous Dyspepsia, Nervous John H 8trider, GLOBES for Banquet and Bou¬ les, Josiah H. D. Smoot & Son, 21 north Unio» Sick Headache and Bheumatiam, .AND. Companies. Telegraph Debility, lot doir A new received just Lamps. ¦treat i ust received and for sale by Union Western SAUSAGEMEAT. POBK Telegraph PURE Company. and for sale at low prices by Smoot & Co. 525 north Union «treot. & HALL. Postal Telegraph Cable Company, H. JENKINS. J. MLLLEB & CO. _E. MINERAL WATEB..Just Tanners. reLAMPS.--An entiroiy new YARMOUTH GOODS.Atmore's Minco Meat, Self BLOATERS received a fresh supply of Geneva Min¬ C C Smoot A Sons. Pancako Flour and eral Water line of Lamps and Silk Shades just re¬ just received by Raising Buckwheat, at at C. low MILBUBN. and at received U. 8. prices Maplo Syrup just by Offices. ceived, WABFIELD A HALL'S, J. MILLER & SON'S. 0. MILBUBN. Postofhce. _J. Prince and Fairfax Streets. greatly under _Cor. Und« lakers. and 98c 75c best OF MEN'S SCARLET DBAWEBS for up, regular prices, just areceived at W H for B polish¬ Deraaino, specially adapted Wheatley, all wool and at fine to be SLAYMAKEB'S. closed for the money, quality, Wood and Coal Dealers. ing Glass, Nickel, Gold, Silver, Platedout greatly under value, at A. C. SLAYMAK EE'S, J R Zimmerman, WEAB, best quality and lowes Ware, Brass, Tins, etc Easy to use. Does not DeW. Aitcheson, A. C. SLAYMAKEB'S. Successor to Amos B. Slaymakor. J P Agnew & Co. scratch. Forsalo by W A Smoot & Co, prices, at AND and CODFISH Beautiful & Knox 8. Robinson. LEADBEATEB A 80N8. Assortment of BONELESS ._A. C. 8LAYMAEEB'S. PEBCALS, best goods, just received at Cake and Cracker Manufacturers and MACKEREL for sale by Wholesale LINE OF NECKWEAR REMNANTS OF of Bleached Cot¬ J. C. MILBUEN. Confectioners. _A. C. SLAYMAKEB'S. received by wide, at 5c; ^-yard wide, 1-yard ton, just The B. Hill Co. George C. SLAYMAKEB. C. SLAYMAKEB'S jnst received at at 3 V, FRESH BUTTER just received Wholesale Grocers. C MILBUEN. _A. C. SLAYMAKEB'S. N Lindsey & Co. OF GOOD UMBRELLAS for la, SULKS AND DUCKS, all colors, Chas King A Son, FBESH NEW YORK BUTTER JL for Ladies' wear at J Broders, SALAD DRESSING fresh re¬ Fisher Bros; dies, to sell at 50c each, just received at just received by J. a MILBUBN. A. C. SLAYMAKEB'S. A. C. SLAYMAKEB'S. tFS Harper. ceived to-day by J. C. MJLBUBN. J RAILROADS. RAILROADS. A IB LINE). OUT HE EN BAILWAY5 (PIEDMONT 8chednlo Effective January 189G, subject to change without notice to the pub! No. 32. No. 36, tf0 No. 37, No. 35. No. 31. THROUGH SCHEDULE. Dully. Dally. Daily. Pally. Daily. 945am 9 10pm Washington.... 10 43pm 11 15am loüüpm Leave. 9 22am 9 lhpm Alexandria..... 11 06pm 1133am 10 2Spm: 6 25am 5 50pru 5 'Ji»'ii " .CharlotteHvlllc.. 1 OOuml 2 27pm 1 55am 4 45am 3 5i>pw ....Lynchburt;.... 3 37am 4 OUpm 2 5Uum 2 40arn' 1 4H| m ,!«»¦ " .Danville. 12 I0S>| 5 50pm 4 50amj 5 40am .I>eave 1 I9an, 12 05| 6 57am 7 4-">pm 6 15am. Arrive.. .Oreensboro.... .1» 7 15aii. .Winston-Salcui 9 55am 12 OCN'l Allna 5 Ü5a n 4 lOpo .Raleigh.2 55pni 7 30am 12 0San 10 ...Salisbury. 8 11am 9 17pm .ji'ipia .Abbeville.i 3 52pm ttpm 1- IpQ, ,.Hot Springs. 5 22pm .Knoxvillo. Lo»ve >"»in 7 40pm f i\ita .Chattanooga... 1159pm 11 8 .Vlat. 00p .Charlotte 9 25am 10 55pm 8 Slain 7 54pn 2 Man * Km .Columbia. 2 20am.' 11 36am 2 OSpii Augusta...... lOaOpn 8 OOttm' 3 15pm -.>jpUl 10 l'.pi all. .Suva'in 244pn 5 46am! 2 36pm (Central Time.) 50an 10 5 .Jacksonville.'.. top, 6 30pm 10 700ai .Tampa. .7 10pm G 4.0am 12 ISai .Atlanta..-. " 1200b', 3 55pm 5 20am (Central Time.) ....Birmingham. 255pr 5 34»« 10 20pm 12 (Central Time,) 5 20a. .Memphis. " 915Pa 7 25am 10 00pm Tin-e.) (CentralOrleans.Leave ...New "Mpm 7 35am 10 25pm i.......(Arrive... (Central Time.) Train No. 35 connects at Calverton lor Warreutou. LOCAL SERVICE. stations. Connects at Mat.:-.-:. 8:25 a.m. Train No. 9 for Danville and way for Warrcnton* and at Franklin Junction for Calverton at intermediate atations; barg andMount and intermediate stations. Rocky 5:10 p. m. Train No. 15 for Charlottesvillo and way stations. Connects at (Vvcr-j,.; ;,.r Warrenton. except Sunday, for Stras: 4:25 p. m. Train No. 13 leaves Alexandria, daily 9:20 and 9::17 a. m. mediate stations, returning arrives at Alexandria leave Alexandria 9:OS » stations Trains for Bound Hill and intermediate p. m.,Jexcopt Sunday, and 6M0 p. m. Arrive Alexandria returning 8:28 a. m.. Pennsylvania s EAILEOAD. to call your attention to the corner 6th and B sts., Washington. Station EXCHANGE TELEPHONE ALEXANDRIAITS ADVANTAGES. In effect January G. 1896. AND 10:30 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED. and Pullman Sleeping, Dining, Smoking Instant communication by any subscriboi Observation Cars Harrisburg to Chicago, with any other is furnished any moment, day Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Cleve¬ or night. voice, land and Toledo. Buffot Parlor Car to Har¬ Each is heard in his own recognized risburg. and business is transacted with the utmost A. M. FAST LINE.Pullman Buffet saving of time. is also had with Washing¬ 10:30 Car to Harrisburg. Parlor and Din¬ Parlor Communication and Cars Harrisburg to Pittsburg. ing ton. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York AND ST. LOUIS EXmany other points, thus annihilating distance 3:40 P.M. CHICAGO Feeling, Take Get the HELLO J lWeELLQl wish To Remove That Tired Everything went on neighuorhood. and iu tood order until about quietly 11 o'clock vvheu Mr. Weat Williams dis¬ covered Mr. John Dade and others Mr. Williams said: .'shooting crap." BUFFALO, N. Y. "Did you know I am a member of the church? Stop shooting crap, I will DIRECTORi. not allow it.." John Di de replied' You have noth¬ Old Dominion CommandTemplar, Knights to do v\ ith it." Mr. Williams see¬ ing month each try meets every third Friday of that ing argument had no effect smote Masonic at Temple. Vernon Royal Mr. Dade a slight blow. Mr. Dade Chapter: Mount Boyal Arch meets every first Friday of each struck Mr. Williams a powerful under Arch Chapter rut on the chin which knocked him month at Masonic Temple. of Ma down and, Alexandria-Washington Lodge jumping on Williams, Dade sons moots on the second and fourth Thurs¬ said : "I will not hurt you; do you re¬ mouth. days of eachJackson meets or member the time I saved you from Lodge of Masons Andrew of each month. the gallows?*' Dade then let him Ihe first and third Thursdays Wil¬ Potomac Lodge of Odd Fellows, No. 39. up and started away. Wheu meets in their hall, on north Columbus street liams struck him two tremendous blows with a hickory cane, which laid ¦very Friday night. 0. Sareota Lodge I. 0. F., No. 46, moete it bim out for nearly an hour. When he Tuo",iy Jheir nail, on King street, every recovered he made for bis coat which night No. 6, moots oven oritained a pistol when Williams Marloy Encampment, Both econd and fourth Monday at Odd Fello*i.« mounted his horse and rode off. size and Hall, north Columbus stroot. of Pythias, No f the men are of herculean Mechanics' Lodge Knight's strength. Immediately after the fight. Thursday night in Pytbiar Henry French, who perhaps would not 3, meets every street Pitt Hall, north third as much as meet* weigh more than one Pythias Oriental Lodge Knights ofPitt Williams up, when Williams, tripped street. north on night Friday ¦very Robt. Pinn pulled French awav. Alexandria Lodge K. of P., No. 73, moot* French then struck Pinn in the face Wednesday nights at Saropta Hall, Kuifr and turned to run, with Pinn in hot etreet Good of Templar? pursuit for about a mile until they Golden Light Lodgo moots in their hall, on south Fairfax street came to Cedar Run, through which evoning. Tuesday ¦very French ran at full speed and Pinn stop¬ Talisman Lodgo Good Templars meets every on the other side. Monday night in Pythian Hall, north Pita pedThe next and last engagement was ¦treat 12. No. between Jesse Fitzhugh and George Befugo Council, Sons' of Jonadab, Hoe. Wm. Brooks jerked them apart meets every Monday night at Sarepta Hall. every Saturday and in doing so fell on Jesse Fitzhugb, Juvenile Templars moots Hall south Fair¬ who afternoon at Good Tomplars' thought George 15oe had him down fax street. "murder." and yelled of Goldei No. 5, Knights Champion Castle, Wednesday night at Sa¬ Tbi? wound up the ball and Mr. and every Eagle meetsKing stroot. Mrs. Pioe declare it the last they will, repta Hall, Council Boyal Arcanum moett ever give.. Warrculon Virginian. Alexandria \- Potomac Hr.'.l .com, north Columbus street, Bucklen's Arnica Salve. second and fourth Tuesday. of Honor meet/ Belle Haven Lodgo Knights in Potoma< The Best Salve in tbe world for Cute, third Tuesday and first ¦very Bruises, Sores, Uleers. Salt Khenm, Fever north Columbus stroot Lodge room, Chilblains, ot Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Robert Andrews Division Brotherhood Skin Eruptions, and positively Corns, first and third cures and all Locomotive Engineers meets Piles, or no pay required. It is guaran¬ Potomac Lodgo room. Sunday in Tribe to give perfect satisfaction or money re¬ of Bod Men, No. 1, (meet/ teed Oscoola Price 25 cents per box. For sale by funded ¦very Thursday night in Saropta Hall. moott Ernest L. Allen. Alexandria CatholicBcnoficial Sociotycomo) in St. Mary's Hall, It may save you time and money to be in¬ i^ery Sunday night Wolfo streets. Royal andMen's formed that, when you need a blood-purifier, moota every Lycoum Sodality Young in their hall on Duke street Aycr'a Sarsaparilla is the kind most in favor Tuesday night Bcnovo- with the medical profession. It is the stand¬ O'Kano Council, No. 484, Catholic ent Legion, meets on the 1 st and .'5rd Monday ard and, as such, the only blood-purifier ad each month ot St Mary's Hall. Lafayotto Lodge, No. 11, Independent Or- mitted at the Chicago World's Fair. flor Mocbanics moots Wednesday night st To t he Golden Gate. north Pitt street fythiau Hall,Council, No. 33, Jr. 0. U. A. M. conducted tours via Pennsyl¬ Aloxandria Personally meets Thursdays at Odd Fellows' Hall, or vania Bailroad will leave New York and Philadelphia for California and return to north Colunibus stroot Belle Uavon Council, No. 61, Jr. O. Ü. A. those cities May 7th. Pour and one-half Hall Monday every weeks will bo allowed in California An M- meets in ^Sarepta addition to the magnificent train is a through night. .lamos W. Jackson Council. No. 55. Jr. O. Pullman compartment car, tho very best that TJ. A. Mi meets every Wednesday night in the compauy can supply. Applications should l>e made to 1196 Broadway, Now York, or Sarepta Hall. Bathbono Division, Uniform Rank K. of P., Boom 411, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia meets every othor Wednosday at Pythian Opening And Closing of the Malta. Castle Pitt street. Mon¬ Alexandria Light Infantry moet everystreet Northern mails close at 7 30 and 9 50 a. m Armory, south Royal and 12 30, 5 45 and 8 30 p.m. Opon at day night at thoir first meet Monday Confederate Veterans ERIE MEDICAL CO. Blftht in each month TELEPHONE EXCHA NGE. M FHTHCINAL. MEDICINAL. AGM INSURANCE following flrst-cla«fin ^presenting tho insurance companies! LIVERPOOL, LONDON AN DG U>B£ I Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARTFORD. 1 PHCENIX, of London. York. : BUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PATENT WE8TCHESTER, of New HANOVER. of Brooklyn, PHCENIX, MEDICINES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, I i And others of same grade. tho GARDEN SEEDS, &c. patronage of thetopnw« Soliciting ¦ »ny the most careful attention promise iness entrusted to me. Corner King and .. Royal streets, A. C. SLAYMAKBB, Successor fl Orden will receive prompt attan-' AMOS B. SLAYMAKER, 429 King Street. 1 [ Alexandria, Virginia. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compoo Tided. tion._ STABLER A CO, (Successors to B. H. Stabler) to I I Is now opening a full and carefully t'Vstock of w IM DOMESTIC DBY GOODS, NOTIONS DERWEAR AND FURNISH¬ I ING GOODS. for tbo spring. Best values at !o*e-t-1 A trial would bo greatly appreciated .. I , ., .. DBUGGISTS AND OH KMTHTH, N. W. corner King and Washington streets. THE GEO. R. HILL CO.. ¦ QUAßTEßS, i AT THEIR NEW Dealer* in Patent Medicines, Drags, Cigar between Cameron a"'1 Lee Street, Tooth Nsi and Cjjrarettes, Fine Brashes, Aloxandria, Va., Brashes, German and Domestic Cologne, Hah Brashes, Sponges, Flesh Straps, Ac. Are prepared to fill OEDERS, and Especial care given to prescriptions. 'AINE MILK, 3 cans for 25c, at J. C. MILE URN'S. fully appr«viatn t.h» ,\,..jr*\*___^ I QARRIAGE CANDLESj^^rjgjT I
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