rEultr tov autvaT sxaton r*n rxnr.E slflrl of, Er slisEr F.O3OXiIO226 6aa8s1{.6"SIRSEI I{*ILFII)iIDTi 3st4l JAl{rritY FEBtOrn{ 2015 rf,VEt-sttEvat-rDa( 5?7s BEtu w.t€npleb€thtov.ors E Sliev.! $c l5r dry oftlEJeish nodh ofsh.h! is a holid.y ale k om d 6e "Nd Y@ for Tr€" Tl& mrd 'tu" is Dot rqly a wd, it t the nmb{ 15 ia E b@ IXft e i4 @sloc d obswam to thb nolday. One o51m is to 6r a Auit on rhis d.y, d ro @r non Sdo sp6ies (shva Ildinia) .t*ihcd in tht Bible N b.in8 abudat in th. Ied of IsEel, Th. Shi\rt H.rioi6 d.: whet, belex snD.s, 6ss, daies, Dooesturr.3t dd olives. tn rh. 166 edfy kbh6lttr d.rdoD6 a Scds ntud! sinila ro tn. P.$vd S.dE, dissing de Airitual stnifi@. of tutu e.l ofin€ Shirt llloioin. Th. osrod sprqr!, tu 1 ir St9h.rdic @,mnniei but !r@dy ro rlte Tu B Sh4fi &lh on W.dnasdry, tetoary 4 2015 this W. *iI hwc a Tu B'Shdar Scdd at tt€ Temple Dring 'er.the demny w. will tlst Auits giM in Isrel, sone *ith a sheI. (oars€n b8]M): $m with a se( {d!ie& p@h6); dd ene you at *lDlc (gnp.q ngs). We will drint *;.s ybilG and ,ed. Evcrythirs is dplaincd pith songr ed ditrlo8E. B'SmvAT SEDIA SATURDAY! F.bE.r,?,2015 Tu T-tJ Trrb'SlEE d di. & &\ra- I m di. EdiE FnJtiF i.#{r tu crAlio Nl|fu D@ Atot.d. prltt Il ."Tub" D€rFlLr-*h-i,ft pa!.i risi66 t5 6Ii. '6 My pocis cot jnEB..pai68 yobsvrds 6 cr. di &dis thr& ta 6ed;; pl,@ 15 a l.i-d...6c dg@. tur! o tu ureo, Etr s cffi. uu,\ higo.r (h'tq, g,uA! o dgo .t ts er@d:!.! y si.t ..p-- (S[ivd aqi._) eioB el-sielodi.xti! Eh.tr6. .Lordtrd E -ids rir!4 lEairo d siia & p,ei l!l{d! *&rd ns.i6F"h..piriE t d. rri s|r y d. "sri;iH@i!ir" E--;;rL"; aE! l! 66dl|d- S&ir.. y ,E Ei.dffi. .fr. lo. Arttfrzia hrbh p&D.go T*'sh.vd 4 & r€r,ffi d€t 20t 5y @g,fu tubia lo cd!br,'@r.6 '@.@E,r-6le d ,dpb. 3 rrrld. h €Esn !.06oEc rrsl6< &rc qE * otritu a tr&! d,fu h hr(dd ... do@)i r6sqE-* :1:19'q'*.p''TE)ids@@ cl:|6 .das (uv!., ri36} rehk, b.6sEr ybo bt @ytm ir. qrioao o REMINDER: Jduary r8,2015 is lhe dadline for slli.g the rafle nckets lor the s5" LG SMAf,T TY. RECORDATORIO: en mero 13 de2015 es el ultimo dia pm vender los lickeB de la rif! el telcvisor s5"LG SMAnT rV. El sort6 Drawinq on Smday, January 25. 2015 sm el doni.go, e.@ 25 de12015. I JA]TUARY BIRTUDAYS NomD Snw.del 20 Olg. Bmudez 13 Pemyly.n Goldsiie! 25 Eelen 17 Bufro. 2TPhyuis 13 Fred t&fis Metelnikow 27lNin Rosolhal Cwslz Sieee @ndole.ces ae extenderl to Chdlotie Klieha. on the loss of h€r bmlher. Manyrhanks to Elaine Marlin who has rak€n over lh€ job ol seodins out YaiEeil nolic€s h is a. inpofrmt job a.d app.eciaied by evetyone Edith Mei$er did a wondertul job lor mny yees and has decided 10 rclire and 22 Ariel Frcedn FEBRUARY ANNt!'ERSARIES Frdces & Millo. Millei Ilyour birthdiy 105-382-0240 is lakeileasy ThankyouEditn .or li$ed, call Rurh d+(.dr1d d dail tuhsd@aolron MAZEL TOV to Zelda & Nomd Shwedel 2! $ trd .eeds bilh llqse x $ _ Fulerfs JANUARY ANN]!'ERSARTES I Jesica & Mtron Gi.sb6g l9 Bena & Moris B6dman FIBRUARY EIRTEDAIS I Charlone Kliehan 20 tuia Aguire 28 ir is vnh sad.ess thar we @ouce rhe prssi.g of LOUIS FINE EeMdhiswiae Diane vere vdy active m b6s oflh€ Tenple. They vill b. missed by their faithtul family md mmy friends here n the T€Dph mail ir your dues pledg€s. The lemple yourhelp lo pay motuhly li$ ofHebre nanesolall the 6edbe6. Pl€ase fill our this rorh:.d sive it lo Charlofte (lieman or any membe.ofiheBoed Thankyou The Temple would like a $ $ $ NAME ADDRESS Plea$note: Siterhood dues re due in January Ir is $20 for th€ y€r Wewillplan a ZIPCODE Sistefiood m€ering soon Your donations ofca.ned goods ed no.perishable gools is needed for lhe Jewish Food Banl The goEmme n ottins back ad mdyp6ple.ed help to leed their I R.S. ALERT Ifyou gei a phone call For sone one rhat says This islh€ LR S. and you de in a lot of troDble, call this.uhber for help " Htugup! F.IrAn_ at This is a FRAUD. and a SCAM IEIRS never calls p€opl€ ob lhe pho.e DO NOT give rn@ a.y pssonal inaomalon DO NOT snd th€m any money. Call IRS l-800-366-1434 rnd repon il * * * * & Happr ftewYe,r 2o tE MESSAGE TROM CANTOR BABE RESNICK rsal sLbjds p'nijn slomlsir lrr\:' prc(htr ol Lhe tlebtw,u e n Hrnorah ,5h w.;. vav'ca"h _ E Tebel t\e Pnesr' popt d md B"Dvlon'{ .omfon ' hrs peoD'e trho hale 'oq hope in h' lod'n ' ,"i,.,ozion *.,n,hedresoryor$e;''onorrhe var'e' orlhe Drv vv .s*Ee .h.- ,..;; d.p@re iion rhe I ;l'.,il;..;;.";;; X."".1"i.i,iil'.-,iiiJI';;;;r.:".io,e""i'*-u""r*nisqionorlrEsLa(nono'rhe """" E,"tiel i, of Judah and Ioseph to $lre rwo sticks od lo wdte on thei the nahes omDes he Lthel "o.^unaea ne,qob'orhdsue, nired aier ved s or '{mgem'm ntugB e' ro' '","";;;;;".." l::": :i.-:;;;";; k;;o. or ruaa,,c nonr.. r"oaom orrs'ae, u'rh rheBv'o n'r rhe and iudah ::ll:i#;ilil:: ""*;i,::'";""',-. p-i*r"sorhereisaDala]'e'orrhere\'varandre,mro "*"i"''rph i ;:1,;i;::;;;;;,,i;;i:;i.o'rrera,mozon nonhem dd $u,r'em r,roors and,o,he i:;l ;:; d;ir;.;:;:; ;o,6,\e '",n,nEo..he o^"r t"-b B@'halood mll D Na'l ," '*-'*;;;;.:;;:;;;;;,il,;ds ",r*.i.,or'l. rempre"s(tu'edbv' surconn'o bu drorevlve h.":,^e ol-au'.,e$ halEd Onlv lo\ea{ lorgaenesb€rseen b_orhetslan rerore "'' "" ';;; i;" ,**,"** Duunn\ drnru$ r1d rar'e -d sv >o'.6'nour'ongEsdron --,.*,'"n' urtt dr,ae trrns u' doM wenr$l'snhow'olo'p:\eandrepeiMoNerrowe ro''iranc'ar w'idrar 'rrsave r\ n ,o',""g.en :::?i;";;;;;;.-lr-' *' ' ' '; ""'.,p' er,rn*. te cn:nurah od\ c\a red bv Ru r' Gh$man . i;;;;.,. osoi.e,irror ";. 'i Rtr\{hddwork andrheso.datu rinsrngbve!erybrd}' uhssures m'g( ormusic .;.;;;.,""'" rha, i' rh. tridleo'.h4tulana-d shalomchaveiin. MESSAGE FROM }RESIDENT CIIARLOTTE KLIEMAN o'our so;;beqin t ne*vee of 2or5 Asweleave20l4 we highlight son€ hen'eour ceiet-arinq rne-hormav" garher'lres nembe's 'rene rhc eab &L P'a'kl ;;;;;.;;;;ii;""i" r'i orsoins il1ii,:::':l:;;',;;.;;;tllli."i,'r..'i,a-"p'i*i*.a"or,hes)ragogue \er ue wl c.rrinue i,"e.,^ -i,.*'' I rhjs nes ;;i;;:";:;;;-;; ;;:;i- .'i' '*^'1;,:;;.ii;,. r?75 rrhe shturah(\abbau'a'rd) a shabbd ro-rne rno or e,b'""|-"dences For rump'e I e\ ot 254 8 5mna'ommandmol r".i :i:11..':":;T';#ffi ",..-t ;;:;;uu"'i.i*r"i"""ii..'r"t-a" rheve&rolrowingthedestrudion '**r ved orrhes ?-ved cvcres lherc tre i"*riia*raq *ens to be the nr$con-epb .liili''IliJiii, or Lhe \r m{ar' vea RaboiAv' lil--" ii, "i,,"i -^ -a *-, itur \dmonr bu,lt ol Lhe ;fi; :l,I'il,i,iiJ'.;,..i]#';;. ;;i;;;;; ;;' 1 te'|e ae rwo rn pmrr a' r' I nns Rabbi, 1 : ',r Ah,:hin r.,huat[sh;l. Rabbiwerssnores htrforqxd'vq(dts) qe16{'on-tvmenor' iuoru ."ir,"r'-rr'a"voo,r".rocu'01-be'ngnore"''-)rheSlmnalvedBdrrnerosrow b rhe world md ils i.habitans ' '-^";il;,.;;;;;;lv :"n.,',.**.u*""r'r'nc'arrv"oL{ re\nect ard'atrdd! seare euona -,"^,.iLli,l,iJ;,""1,iJ.iir,.,. in.,o*r.u-*,*,r'*,t".spdc^) ',{urdmoL *""$ u."*t) a.o o o$ exra,esp.fl o eact orrer dlllg Ll i: slmiah )ed i" :1..*,p" "t roo,s anonso'nqcoopem !e and do_able proce$ HaPPY New Yed! And All The Best t atrd'<u'tu ?ar/'n x fianlr you lor you gen€rous do@tions i. 6e6ory ol loved on6. s,ndra gellman in-m-of RhodaPonerdrz Sandra {euman in-nal Isidore Pmennlz Betty GnnaDd in memory ofMihon Gula.d Joyce voschiniFm-ofMiltonGoldenberg Joyce Voschi, i.-m-ol Loreita Cold€nberg N.mrn waxna. i. n olctrlos A Woman Noma. Waman in-m-of ,acob wMan No@ waxnan in-m-ol lo*ph Galperin Noma Waxnan in-n-oll€arl Nalhanson Ruth classmm in-m-ol Harry Glassman Mi.nael Ta.dlich in m ofRuih Tedlict Micna€l Tandlich in-d-of Je.ry Glassman Esiher Rosner in-m-o Col. Aiben A. Rosner We MESSAGE FROM OT,R VICE ?RESIDENT In ounw ending se@h for kmsparency and accou.rabilily for Temple kiodly tsk you. Beth Tov Ahavat Shalom. ifyou ar€ going lo pay yor menbership dues, asecide henbership dues or give a domtion, pl@e do $ pirh a money ordq or * That my mo.ey coning in or goins our ofrhe synagosu€ we can have a ben€r undersrbdine of lhe ff.ancial siluatio. ofour Thanl yon for your cooperalion atrd und6$ dinq ofJoseph Meistr Abbey vargas in memory cail Quigl€y i. nemoryofB€llaMeeio "6a""6ffi 4..64..64""64. Diess code: Show rBpecl whs anoding seNices al dyHoue olworship Dress mode$lx no sDasheni or shons. This is Mitta in th. Hebrew Talmud. rhe bo ok shere all of the sayings and pre&hin g of Rabbis ee consaed over rime. "A WOMAN''Be very c&.tu1 ilyou n.L€ a woman cry, because God ounls holeds Th€ woman cam€ oul ofa ha. s nb. Nor 60m lis feer ro b€ walLed on Nol fron hn h€ad to be superior, bur ftom hn sid€ ro be equl Under the lo be pdecred, &d n ,.r to the hedr d g$t$qg My it is osi lo keeptBckol in6is nans. fu@Aqu@r "6.e"6e"6.q"6</"6</<a"6"e) January ll,2015, afterftinyoi is rhe unveiling for Rlth Deuiehman, beloved wlfe ofBiu Deur$hna. at Mi Nebo 5s05 Nw 3'd Slrcel, Miami,lloida followed by a sruie and lunch ar Tenple iuday, FROM YOIJR EDTTOR As I sil ar mv k€y boud,l think .boul many rhinss th.t I hale read. h*d, ed l{ned. lirsl ofall, greer €eh day d a gifl You may nor b€ able to climb mountai.s &y more: but you cau a ftiend, rqd a b@k, Mie a letter, wal€h t v. or djoy the snell of tsh biew€d cotre. I think aboul my Teiple It place willl liiendly people, a place is r to nale new rriends, have anos[ enjoy eve.ts ud ferivnies. Lel us all €njoy the donl need nore, and ee have" rhank Edhefr fo. i! all Eere's ro a healthy. peac.tul & happy Ns Yd to all my friends 6 *@ * p tyddfie Everyon€ e.joyed the Cha.Dtah nusic aranged by Cantor Resnict ed rne choir Adis P€re was pr€sntert ooNds for her &ele$ *ork wirh the childrc. on Shabbal g-!L 3t-* and $e Suday Aciivity proEr@. Thank you Mfia Rodnsuez d Adis Perez, lor your donatios otin gifl bags for ihe childlen on Ch@kah Iims a lovely g€slDre md the kids loled lhen Thanks . REMINDER - please pay youpasl du6 ,trd pl.dges e thal *e cd k*p our Tdple the friendly place *e enjoy We.e€d the toney lo pay cEefl expeNi and mo hly bilh Tha.k you $ ! $S IL{SEEMIS PqARMACY A slicd cdot Ioohs like the luman eye. The PuPiL nh & Ediating lin6 lke ehumaneye scrence shows crots srearly enhanceblooi aow to rhe dd tunclion oflhe eYe. lookrus hs lod chanb{s and is red the hqn hs loDt chambe6 and is red Tomloes are loaded with Ivcopine dd are iodeed Dure Ato ato Iias de tull olseds and tang in two\ *i.n ttt y g.o* Iiss incree fie mobililv olmsle spem and in'rease lhe NmbeE ofSpem as wellro wy Sveer poubd look like the nmcreas and &LuallY b.lan(e Onnqer Orapelruiis Craoes hana in a .lusier rhal h,srhe Each qraPe looks .h,;..rdE hed lik; a bbod cell and Gesch shows gmpes ec also Prolound hean and ells maEiah lrofr all oarhe Cele4. BokChoY Rhubarb & They even Produce teats which washlhe layd oflhe eyes A working companion Gelrc. also h;lDselim'naIe wtste mtlerials ud danEerous ieeBd,cds liom rhebod! + I! lllxl c.diun in v;ur dier fie body Pulls n fiom thiboies, thus mahiig them Avocadoes" Eggpla.t. od Peds tdn t lhe n€alth & tundion ol lhe aid ceNix orthe remal€ ev (,B)<rr&) qnExrr&) (rgE)<t ts) ENJOY FRESII PRODUCE Aonl rs ll"rqlly the firsr monrh olrhe ved -:nv rruns and vceemhlesae 'n \aqon Fiavo6 d. at their Pedk ddthe -i.. tr:n;morelook lik€ the bones ! TheEe toods kreet bone ruengh B6ne! are 2loo sodlumrnd these tre also lf vou don't have.nougt bodY eus Kid.ev Beans &tually h€al a.d help ;a,nIaink'dneY tudDned \es rhey Lookea lYI'l'erhe w;b nenl of lynph in a.d out olrhe bEasrs a or fblds on ihe nul tre iu* like ihe neo-coarex walN$ help d.velop nore thu I dozen neuron irdsmdeG for brain ffi orh'r Cntus Onions look like rhe body s Onions help clear vaste fttle biain alen and riqht hedisphere, upper and lover cde&lluns Even the Minkles A walnur looks like and rnn;bokhke rhe mammary glands olrhe female and aciuallv a$isr the health ollhe 6!€sis and rhe 6ove - lookrust ike rher oBa, Wrrena womn e:ts one avocaao a wek it balances hodones sheds unwanted binh weigh dd Pw.nts pi,.e! reu\ually lowerb(tule produce is qet to-see plenr tul and groce6don'r sn.Ll.n Lhe shelves For rhe n€n tw ueeks,load up your can vith erapeiit or ees. PrneaPPle! srawberies anichokes. aspdsus, broccoli gr€en .nions. letuce. oeas, rhubdb d spimch Mia H"',rd P,-dc ' 'i.". 105,932,5333 ta5-2?4-2450 305-279-8150 CIE|oft e I<lienu President Avi.Cond,l vi€ 305-661-r421 1AG223-'t',ls7 1a6-294-7120 105-22r-809? 305-132-0240 )a5 264 2962 Pres. Rhodr Haber, 2d Vice Prcs Bdno Smdld. 3rd V Pr€s. Cmen H6da. Treaurer. tucied V&, Iimncial Mvsr Ruth Cla$naq Rec Seoelary Eva Finkel. Cofts. Secldary 186-26t6a92 Abe Lavender. Mensclub ?res 305-382 0240 Ruth Glrssma.. Si${n d Pres 305-66G371',1 105-661-1421 305 2794114 Fl'i.eMdlin Yabue Notes Rdh Gla$man. Bullelin GALACELEBRATION HONORtrIG BILL DEUTSCHMAN AND RI ITH GLASSMAN As I walked inlo the enctuary on Sundav, in the Novenber 9 2014I was $eIwa *rons Dlae Tables wde elegantly set udr whire rabl*loths, puole napkins & purple accessodes d liesn floveis! Wlileand DuDle balloons w€ hansinE liomlhe(eilins roua rne rcom Maqn,ficedr rhe DroLrM beg ad rh.fluecw h Ptdlino lnis ;t rh. $e noney lo helP Most mnhy chdiiies de: su.€ rhe chanty n using ihe nedy The Salvarion Amy The Aneiican Lesion o) @s l,nrastE. Eleryoneqasclapping ;nan& roininEa conqo l,neud enjoving every file nelodid chdned us TheRabbi o1tercd Babe md broke our witb llaEnu Shalom Alachen " Th€n, evetvone ws mhing a.d tahi.g at rne delicious f@d Spe.rleB ond presenLe6 ofered eords and plaques ol R6ognnion b BillDedtschman ,nd RufiGlalsman. thc hogre's w hlxe vdand fiends. Torop tlloff, the udq th€ dndion of Adis Pdd. eng laikeah ' Thanks to all who worked put on a evenr your h€lp and dediqtion for Thanks ielessly to velfds, Yel@layim Shel ZalEv"is,etuel€mofgold. mdol6roue rd light, behold I am a rolii\ for dl you. Dec.mbd 2, 1763r The co.s4ration olrhe Jeshual Isael Sy.agogue in NetTot, Rhode khnd Cdlor childr€, Ronald McDonald Houss The translation of lhe nom eiin bautitul rel Sl .lude RMch drganiu ti.ns go ro help fasilies, and childr€n Thant you. babv Crand mo$es, emcee Rnoda Haber was inlmpred .n her .hone vilh "We Are Fan_i-Iv." A 6d le i'qhLinE ceremony ws held lo honor ver€rans ofloreign Wds Dhabled An€rican vere.ans Military of PDrple Hedts lOeZ olnon€y donated o rn se like, oi r$e whe. do.atins Foney to chdiies - nate keyboard (sounding Designed by noEd @lonial architecl Petq Heison, and renaded the To@ synasoexe in the I9u centuy, il is the oldesl $anding synagogxe in lhe United Slar.s lt *as designakd a Nalional Hisioric Sne in "6e.6</"d\<a.6.e.6<l"6</ A molhr was re.ching he! Iirb gnl lhe Lord s prayd One nighl lh€ ide snl eid shews rcady to say bY he6elf. The toother li$€.ed md ws very proud lo hed hq.ay ever' sord up !orhe end _ ''Lead us nor Lemptarion buL delivd us 'no EFFECTS OF MAH JONG R6e&lrEs lound i. a srudy with peopl€ of rhe avdag. age ol83 with a diag.osls of demenua egnificanllY imPovedaRer olavinaMahlons PlayinEbndgeordoing crossvord puzzles will also lo*o vour nsk or IrIE flECHOSEXGIFT * sti. gftgMict E r'@6ia'rdE! iL"'s'E Hffi :s,#a*#m ^t.. A'l,r'Y'* TOP.NOTCH 60O 27e6t5o TUTORING THoPIQ$liA CLEANEFIS NRY CLEA]!ERS & LAUNIJKY 10 STIIIET NIIAMI' ILO(DA 10t265:1222 Yon - Fri 7a m -?Pn'/Sal8an -5Pn -u\srlrtr! ltsre. f,5' @1 s.w.9s sr@r, Mhr,-Fodd' grlE .:,....--.-=-e.-*e+ U*l'g:'g* al a"a e"* 'i i'.{ *na s;tn't'tt'zPtg s l\- a,r&6@&i'11@Ye ,-...*.*^"--r- '{"*,**'i*EnH Fdakd/',,dlsd\it6 J[fullEki.BEI.16,rn@,.o! I i : 9:r5 a.6. CALENDAR TOR FEBRUARY 2OT5 8:15Pn Friday Nishi 9 15 a.d SeNi.e Sarurday Shlbbal Join us loi Sunday domile Saices at lo30 am. Als weeklY minyons on Monday and Thu*day at 7:45 P fr ,oin us for SundaY nomi.g SeNices al lo 30 a.m. AIso wekly minyons Dn Monday and Thu6day a17 45 P m .ALENDAR FOR JAI\UARY 2OI5 salurday Shabbat Swice Swice TORAE PONTIONS TORAII IORTIONS VaYechi 24 Bo ll Be Shall&h' lo Shem , Snnah r? Va,Era l- JANUARY SPECIAL EVENTS ll Sunday _ Unv€iling fo! Rxrh Dsnr.hman. wife olBill Deut$hnm. Mt Nebo (3505 N w l'd sted) followed hy lunch at the sYnasosue Fnd.Y Cuest Speaker for 16or I Mdin L (i.s DaY 20 Tuesday 7:loPm R@itins Tehillin for Rosh Chodsh Shevar 25 Sundav l2noo. LinkiM to Lali. Am;ca + Childrc.'r Acriviry T V. ram€ dawing Si{erhood Shabbtr lO Friday 3 ls p SeR,ce\q'll& in Enshs[ SDeilh and Hebrs bY Skterhood membets n TEMPLE BETH TOV AIIAVAT STIALOM 6438 S.W 3rH STRIET PO.BOX440226 MIAMI.ILONDA ]3144 l4 IEBRUARY SPf,CIAL EVENTS Salurday Tu B Sndar Seder lollowed by a tull Kddush lunch 13 Friday SDeal€r - 5775 ShmilahYeE 19 Thuuday 7:,15 Mi.ron RsiiingTehillin Ior Posh chod€sh Add 22 Sundrv 12 noo. Lalin An;ca + childre. s ActivnY 27 Fnday W€lconine New Meoben 8 Conins - Mrch Sp€cial Elenls wednesdaY 7 l0 P m Pnrim PMY 5 Thu6day lo o.m Punh Senile ? Sdurdav K'ddush lponsr€d bv Bill na r;hrn in honotolhisbrnhdaY J
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