2014 Annual Report Englewood Christian Church 57 North Rural Street Indianapolis, In 46201 317-639-1541 www.englewoodcc.com “do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others” Philippians 2:4 ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING February 1, 2015 ENGLEWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH 57 North Rural Street Indianapolis, IN 46201 (317) 639-1541 Fax: (317) 639-3447 E-mail: [email protected] STAFF Pastors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Bowling Humberto Ramirez Community Development Director . . . . . . . Dave Price Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laretta Benjamin Bookkeepers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah Stultz Sharon Rice/Patrick Bowers Christy Bennett/Erin McRae Melissa Benton/Becky Ramirez Financial Clerks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Bowling/Pat Starks Building Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christy Bennett DayStar Co-Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa Bowling/Laura Dyke Kindergarten Teacher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Becky Aldrich Doulos Christou Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christopher Smith Erin McRae Brent Aldrich MUSICIANS Ellen Adams Laretta Benjamin Shelley Van Antwerp Hillary Adams Patrick Bowers Ken Swan Amber Lanman Susan Adams Laura Dyke April Adams Isaac Adams Andy May Jerod Harris ENGLEWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES – 2 February, 2014 The Annual Congregational Meeting of the Englewood Christian Church was held February 2, 2014. The meeting was held in the Auditorium following our morning worship. Vice-Chairman of the Ministry Council, Bill Dickinson, called the meeting to order at 1:05 pm. Chris Smith opened the meeting with prayer. Jenny Price, Co-Secretary of the Ministry Council, read the Minutes of the previous Annual Meeting of February 2, 2013. The minutes were approved without correction. The first order of business was to receive two recommendations from the Ministry Council, with the approval of the Elders. The recommendations to the congregation for their action were as follows: *That Ted Burks be elected to serve as Treasurer of Englewood Christian Church for one year beginning January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2014; and continuing until a successor has been duly elected and installed. The motion was made by Larry Sluss and seconded by Larry Stephens. The motion passed. *That the bylaws be amended to add that the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer be able to sign documents in behalf of the church. The motion was made by Laura Dyke and seconded by Susan Adams. The motion passed. The 2014 budget, having been available to the congregation and contained in the Annual Report, was presented and explained by Ted Burks representing the Finance Ministry Team. We have a deficit from last year of $9,300.00 which reduces assets for emergencies. We need to support the budget that we approve. There is no fluff in the budget. The Capital Campaign is for major expenses of the building. We owe $30,000 to the bank for that fund. The Pantry Fund is used for people in need. This is not approved by the budget, but a separate account. A motion was made by Ted Burks to accept the 2014 proposed budget. It was seconded by Shelley Van Antwerp. The motion passed. The Chairman asked the congregation to approve, ratify and confirm the official actions of the Ministry Council during the year of 2013. The motion to approve was made by Mike Bowling and seconded by Betty Rehfus. The motion passed without stated opposition. Note: Thanks to the Finance Ministry Team and all the Ministry Teams for their input to the budget. If any Ministry Team spokesperson would like to make a short statement pertaining to their team activities, you are invited to do so at this time. The following responded: Laura Dyke: Day care will receive money for the expansion – over $200,000 this year. Hopefully construction will begin in April. Joe Bowling (ECDC): The Mallory Project will be developed and we will be part of that. ECDC gave $15,000 and we have applied for other funding. One million has been given. We will be purchasing the Crown Laundry site & applying for city funds. We are looking at senior housing there and using energy conscious ways to work. Ministry Council officers will be elected in March. All of the Englewood family is encouraged to attend the Council meetings which are held at 7:00 pm on the second Monday of each month, usually in the Memorial Parlor. If you desire to be informed you should be at these meetings. You may just listen or hopefully join in the discussion. Thanks were expressed to: Annual report workers – headed by Laretta Benjamin. Thanks to those who helped in the assembly of the report. All ministry teams To those who served in preparation of our dinner. To all of you for your interest and participation. And our youth for working with the children during this meeting. Mike Bowling: This is the church where losers come. We have given our lives away for God’s Kingdom. As the world sees us, I can’t imagine it being better than this. We have experienced some incredible things. Such as Andy May and Micah have an idea about aquaponics or such as bees producing honey or that worm excrement is useful. We have been doing important work with the bookstore. We are concerned about healthy lifestyles, having housing & economic development in a Godly way. Daycare and child development work is important. People have their eyes on us. It is about helping children develop so they can make a difference in the world. What does it mean to be a good parent here? Finally technology & renewable energy has many opportunities. Let’s pray to be faithful for the work in this place. Mike ending the meeting with a prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 1:43 pm. Submitted by: Jenny Price, Co-Secretary, Ministry Council Sunday, February 3, 2014 2/01/2015 Dear Englewood faithful, Another amazing year has passed. The flurry of activity continues at an alarming rate. Holes in our roof and walls promising the eventual appearance of an elevator, an expanded daycare and a constant flow of people and community groups in and out of our facility did not significantly diminish the day to day shared life we enjoy in Christ. Some things, like our Wednesday Night Dinners, were temporarily suspended due to construction, but most things continued on as usual. I hope we look back on the year with attitudes of joy, humility and gratitude. God has graciously allowed us to participate in the transformation of both personal lives and our community. That transformation, which is God’s work, has just begun. Our responsibility is simply to continue loving one another and loving our neighbors. This has in the past and no doubt will in the future lead us into many real and substantive activities and projects, but we must never lose sight of our calling as a community shaped and sustained by the words and works of Jesus. When we get weary, let us remember the many ways God has provided for a Sabbath rest. When we are not sure where we will get critical resources, let us pray for vision to see the often unconventional ways provision has already arrived and for memory of God’s abundance poured out for our past endeavors. When we are hurt, angry, disappointed or fearful, let us remind one another that the root of Christian discipleship is a life of selfdenial, self-sacrifice and service toward the common good. When we are confused, let us search together the Scriptures, ask God for wisdom and gather together for discernment. An exciting year is ahead. Life in Christ with one another, especially at Englewood, is an adventure. It may be exhausting; it may be demanding; it is never boring. I can’t wait to see what’s next! Your brother, Mike 2/01/2015 2014 BOARD OF ELDERS LISTING Ted Burks, Chairman 808 Oak Court Greenfield, IN 46140 894-3113 Michael Bowling, Pastor 64 N. Dearborn Street Indianapolis, IN 46201 636-7229 Rick Adams 7925 West 300 South New Palestine, IN 46163 861-8555 Bill Dickinson 2415 West 100 South Greenfield, IN 46140 318-2301 Ernie Medcalfe 6648 E. 14th St. Indianapolis, IN 46219 357-9685 Humberto Ramirez, Pastor 8311 Rumford Rd Indianapolis, IN 46219 897-2652 Larry Sluss 237 N. Rural St. Indianapolis, IN 46201 916-8512 Larry Stephens 2852 S. Elizabeth Indianapolis, IN 46203 357-4416 Carl Webb 2818 S. Irwin Indianapolis, IN 46203 357-1406 Al Wilkerson CommonWealth Apts. 103 Indianapolis, IN 46201 473-2082 Our dear brother, Al Wilkerson passed away during this last year. We will miss his presence on our team of elders. Our brother Ernie Medcalfe, is now in the Memory Unit at American Village. He will also be greatly missed 2/01/2015 STATISTICAL REPORT AVERAGE ATTENDANCE Morning Worship NEW FACES AMONG US REMOVALS 2/01/2015 155 Many! By Death 7 2014 ENGLEWOOD MINISTRY TEAMS LISTING ADULT DISCIPLESHIP…. Elder: Mike Bowling CHILDREN’S MINISTRY….Deacon: Mary Bowling COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT….Elder: Mike Bowling/Deacon: Dave Price DAY STAR PRESCHOOL/DAY STAR CHILD CARE/DAY STAR KINDERGARTEN Elder: Larry Sluss/Deacons: Lisa Bowling & Laura Dyke FINANCE MINISTRY…. Elder: Ted Burks HISTORY/ARCHIVE TEAM …. Deacon: Ruth Bottoms INSTITUTION MINISTRY …. Elder: Al Wilkerson/Deacon: Jim Aldrich MEDIA MINISTRY….Elder: Rick Adams MISSIONS MINISTRY…. Elder: Mike Bowling/ Deacon: Jim Aldrich PASTORAL MINISTRY … Elder: Mike Bowling/Deacon: Laretta Benjamin SIXTY PLUS MINISTRY … Elder: Al Wilkerson SPECIAL EVENTS MINISTRY… Elder: Ted Burks/Deacon: Carol Burks SPORTS MINISTRY …. Elder: Ted Burks/Deacon: Josh Bowling TECHNOLOGY MINISTRY … Elder: Ted Burks/Deacon: Bill Dyke WARM WELCOME MINISTRY… Elder: Larry Sluss/ Deacon: Mark Stultz WORSHIP MINISTRY….Elder: Mike Bowling/Deacon: Ellen Adams YOUTH MINISTRY … Elder: Bill Dickinson/Deacon: Ellen Adams 2/01/2015 ADULT DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY TEAM The Adult Discipleship Team coordinates a number of activities intended to support congregational formation and encourage a deeper personal commitment among adult disciples of Jesus. Meetings are called periodically for anyone interested to help in planning various activities. Sunday night conversations were held on a variety of topics with particular attention given to the Sunday morning sermon texts. We are looking forward to some new and younger facilitators taking the lead in 2015; the focus will be the relationship of family to congregational life. At least three small groups were active until summer. The increased work load around the church has delayed the start of two of the groups. All-Church retreat was its usual big fun during Labor Day weekend. It was a true “retreat” in the sense that special emphasis was placed on just enjoying one another’s presence. No new Sunday School classes were added in 2014, however the Mothers class and the Fellowship class are very successfully meeting together. A new class is scheduled to start in February 2015; Jerod Harris will teach a class on the Old Testament. All ideas are welcome for the encouragement of each of us to live more consistent with our identity in Christ and more faithfully as a congregation. Announcements will be made prior to the scheduling of our next meeting. Mike Bowling 2/01/2015 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TEAM Children’s Ministry includes programs for children from birth through sixth grade. We offer this on Sundays during Sunday school, extended service, and on Sunday night. On Sunday mornings there are several classes to accommodate babies and infants, preschoolers and pre-readers, and older grade school children. On Sunday evenings, all of the children have been together for singing. The children also participate in a summer VBS and camping trip along with DayStar and Mano de Amistad. We welcome any children who would like to attend and try to be flexible with our classes to provide the best care for whoever wants to participate. For this reason, throughout the years, we periodically evaluate the numbers, needs, and abilities of the children who are most regularly in attendance and adjust the groups accordingly. Children’s ministry includes all of the children, parents, and teachers involved with any class or activity throughout the year. This is a very large percentage of the congregation! Many thanks to everyone who is a part of raising these children in the Kingdom! Mary Bowling 2/02/2014 DAY STAR PRESCHOOL and CHILD CARE We have so many things to be thankful for this year at DayStar. God has blessed us with an abundance of opportunities to share in His Kingdom over the past few months. It has been a busy, but exciting time. We are coming to the end of a major renovation and expansion of our facility, including the addition of an elevator. Our enrollment is the biggest it has ever been and we have waiting lists for all of our classes. We have participated in the State of Indiana’s pilot prekindergarten program, called the Early Education Matching Grant, allowing us to provide free prekindergarten to 15 children from low income families in our neighborhood. We have also been the recipients of a new 15 passenger childcare bus by a local business partner, OSP Group. This year, we have opened a new childcare center, DayStar Infant Learning Center, which is a licensed center for 16 infants and is located on our property at 201 N. Rural Street. This is the house that Casey and Dorothy Jones lived in for many years. We renovated the 3rd floor of the education building and moved our prekindergarten and school ager classrooms up there in August. We also have a large multipurpose room that we use for dance, music, karate, and gross motor times. Our homeschoolers continue to meet with us on the 3rd floor as well. The children love their new spaces! The second floor was also renovated, as we reconfigured some of the rooms, created a wonderful office space and added bathrooms to the classrooms that needed them. We also added hand washing sinks and water fountains to some of the rooms. The children moved back into these spaces in November. The elevator is well on its way! We anticipate the completion to be around Valentine’s Day. As the shaft was being dug, we found parts of the foundation from our old building! It caused some delay, but it was exciting to see some of our past and actually gather some old bricks for many of our members. With the opportunities provided through our expansion and the EEMG grant, we have been able to provide quality early childhood education to so many new families. Our staff has increased from 2 in 1996, to 34 at this present time. 18 of our staff members are members or regular attenders of Englewood. It has been such a blessing to have this opportunity. We look forward to see what God has planned for our future. Lisa Bowling, Laura Dyke, Co-Directors, DayStar 2/01/2015 ELDERS The elders meet every Sunday morning from 8:00 am to 9:00 am and usually on the third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm. Our agenda is usually open so if you have a need or concern to discuss with the elders please see Ted Burks to be included in the meeting. Our main task is to serve. That service takes many forms; some visible, some not. Much of that service involves general watch over, and caring for, the spiritual needs of our body. We cannot, of course, be the only agents of that work. We are continually amazed, impressed and inspired by the acts of love, service, and care that we regularly observe among our brothers and sisters at Englewood. May God continue to pour out the gifts of His Spirit upon us to power a continuation of these acts of love and service. We need all of us looking out and caring for each other. If a concern arises about someone, please let an elder or someone in the church office know about it. If you are shut-in at home or in the hospital and desire communion, please call the office. Our desire is to learn how to enable this Church and each of us to become more enrolled in participating in God’s kingdom. Ted Burks 2/01/2015 ENGLEWOOD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TEAM The community development ministry team had another active year in 2014 and we look forward to many new and exciting adventures in 2015. It is hard to believe that the year went by so quickly. Thanks so much to everyone who pulled together this year to make this year a success. Some of the exciting things that happened this year: We were awarded the funding that will allow us to construct the Oxford Place Senior Apartments in 2015, that will hopefully be the first multifamily building in Indiana that will produce as much energy as it uses. We will find out in February 2015 if we get the funding for Phase II that will to offer 35 units of assisted living. Tracy Taylor has done absolutely amazing job in doing our first full year of managing the CommonWealth Apartments. We are blessed to have many of our original neighbors still in the building, while welcoming many more new residents to the neighborhood. The book Slow Church, co-written by Chris Smith and John Pattison, was released by Intervarsity Press and was well received. Chris was able to do numerous speaking engagements to talk about the book around the country. We continue to do homeowner repairs for low-income neighbors that have allowed a lot of our long-time neighbors to continue to live in our community. The outdoor playspace and community garden continues to make improvements. We have started to install the picnic shelter on the property, and we just found out recently that we received the SustainIndy grant that will allow us to make further improvements. We continued to host members and neighbors alike with activities in the gym that included daycare activities, open gym nights for basketball/volleyball/hockey, and an adult hockey club. All and all, a real hub of activity in 2014. We also continued our work in bookkeeping, book sales, landscaping and a host of other activities too numerous to mention here. Thanks to everyone’s efforts in making it a great year. We have begun the work of stabilizing the old Mallory administration building by replacing the roof. Joe continues to work toward the redevelopment of the overall Mallory complex as well as key sites along East Washington Street. We were awarded funding for the construction of a four-unit rental at 225 N. Oxford Street, the apartments above the future Pia Urban Café (formerly Smith & Son), and 11 units of rental housing at one of two potential sites. As we started the ministry team, in the front of our mind was the development of the “Community of Christ” that lives together as a contrast society to the world in showing a different way to live together and is able to live transformationally in the world that surrounds it. God continues to bless us with the opportunities and resource to see transformation take place in both the human and built environment. Pray that we continue to keep that vision in the forefront of our minds. 2/01/2015 HISTORY TEAM There hasn’t been much activity in our church archives over the past year. We desire very much to keep good and somewhat organized records of our life together at Englewood so future generations can know, understand and maybe even learn from their past. We are trying to preserve some things electronically when possible and to gather other things into one main area rather than have them scattered all over the building. Right now, our archives are located in the choir room in various cabinets and file drawers. Hopefully we can continue to move forward and work in this area. If you would like to be involved in some way, let us know. Christy Bennett 2/01/2015 HOSPITALITY SUPPER/WEDNESDAY NIGHT There is not much to report this year. Due to the construction we were not able to start back up after our summer break. We look forward to starting fresh with the New Year. Hopefully with an elevator in place to help some folks join us who have been left out because of the stairs. We will be looking for help on cooking and cleaning teams. Everyone needs to be involved somehow. If you don’t feel like you can cook you can always be on a cleanup team and help wipe down tables. Christy Bennett 2/01/2015 INSTITUTION TEAM What can I say about 2014? It has been a year of construction. So much has been going on I don’t even know where to start. The 2nd and 3rd floors of the education building have been completely remodeled and the daycare has expanded to the 3rd floor. While all of that was going on we had two of the classes sharing the parlor. It was a little hectic at times. But it was fun to be able to interact with the kids every day. While all of that was going on they start digging the hole for the elevator. What a mess that was! As they were cutting thru the floor they ran into the foundation of the old church building. That slowed things down a bit. There were times there was such a cloud of dust in the hallway you could not see. When the cloud seeped into the auditorium we quickly learned to tape off the doors. I guess the pews needed a good cleaning anyway. It was amazing watching the men shovel all of the dirt and concrete and carry it out one wheelbarrow at a time. After putting up the forms for the foundation they used, those same wheelbarrows were used to bring in the concrete one load at a time. I then watched them as they wheeled in 50 tons of pea gravel to fill in around the foundations and then more concrete to fix the floor. Next came the concrete blocks to build the walls and after building the first floor walls, block was brought in and hand carried up to the roof thru the shaft. I’m not sure what they were paying these guys but they sure deserved every penny of it and then some! As I am writing this the construction is still going on. My hopes are that by the time you are reading this the fencing and blue tarps will be gone and everything will be complete. It will be great to have a nice new elevator. Mano de Amistad left their home on the third floor and joined us on the first floor using the chapel. It has been nice to have them down on the main floor interacting with us on Sunday morning. I really enjoy hearing their music on Sundays. Artie’s Paleo continues to use our kitchen some thru the week and they are here all day on Saturday filling the building with their wonderful aromas. The parlor is undergoing some much needed painting and sprucing up. We have purchased a large TV for the south wall. This will help for presentations during meetings and I’m sure there will be a movie or two watched as well. Who knows we may have a fire in the fireplace again sometime! We continue to host meetings and parties of all sorts throughout the year. NESCO, Outreach, INHP & AA just to name a few and we still have Homeschoolers on the third floor sharing space with the daycare. I would like to thank the great group of men we fondly call “the old guys”. Larry Stephens, Carl Webb, Ted Burks, Les & Paul Wright are always around to help with maintenance and repair issues. I don’t know what I would have done without all of you. Christy Bennett 02/01/2015 LIBRARY REPORT This past year has brought yet another change to our library. Due to Mano de Amistad moving from the third floor down to the chapel, the library has been relocated to the far end of the church foyer. We have created a nice little “book area” there with some chairs for reading and a place for just visiting or relaxing. Unfortunately the book and shelves have been covered in plastic for much of this past year due to the ongoing construction but we are hopeful that soon it will be open and available for anyone who’d like to find a good book to read. Our library is pretty much on the honor system right now. We trust that those who borrow books will return them when they finished. Thanks to Melody for taking the time on a regular basis to clean up our bookshelves and return books to their spots! 2/01/2015 MISSIONS TEAM The Missions group continues to meet every Sunday morning at 9:00 am. during the Sunday School hour. We spend our time in study, conversation and prayer regarding God’s mission and the way we live that out in the area of missions. Our hope is that God will continue to shape and transform the way we think and work within His kingdom. We are currently studying the book of Acts together. Anyone is welcome to join us. We currently meet in the Fellowship Hall but hope to change our location once all the construction is finished. The Mission House continues to buzz with people coming and going. There are some lulls in activity off and on throughout the year but the house is used often. Christina Francis returned back to the states this past Spring so our monthly support to her has ended. For our 2014 Christmas project we partnered with FAME in their efforts to be of service in the midst of the ebola crisis in Liberia, Guinea and . Our gift will be used to purchase the protective gear worn by the medical workers there. We continue to support Mission Indy for $200/month and are thankful for the opportunity to be involved in all of the important work they do! We dearly love the Mission Indy staff! We supported the Church Mosaic, a partnership of Indianapolis churches, this past year and will be discussing whether or not to continue that support. Laretta Benjamin 2/01/2015 PASTORAL MINISTRY The Pastoral Ministry Team is not so much a formal team as it is a coordination and facilitation function of the church. The locus of activity is centered in the church office; this activity is managed with grace and devotion by Laretta Benjamin. She has been ably assisted by Christy Bennett. However, throughout the year many of our members have served well in the office doing a variety of tasks. Susan Geisendorf, Diana Tapp, Melody Cherrette and Rich Dillon have covered the phones from time to time. Many and varied have been the contributions of Carol Burks. Les Wright and Paul Wright have served faithfully, doing what was needed with charm and humor. Of course, this picture would not be complete without the day after day, week after week service of Carl and Helen Webb, Larry and Gwen Stephens and Ted Burks; all of whom could be included in just about every ministry team report. It must be noted for the record that the scope of activities of our church and her members continues to expand and the number of community activities which take place in our building is increasing. This year, the burden of this work was magnified by very loud and extremely messy construction work which included the installation of an elevator. All the aforementioned folks, and many others, kept our collective work on course in a masterful way. We owe them a debt of thanks. This report would not be complete without mentioning the retirement of Christy Bennett as a full time staff member. Her daily presence in the church office will be sorely missed. Her coordinated work with Laretta, both managing our facility and keeping track of our constant flow of crises, helped make the inevitable chaos of Englewood tolerable. We thank God for the gift of having her as a sister in Christ and a co-laborer in the kingdom. Mike 2/01/2015 SIXTY-PLUS MINISTRY Our Sixty Plus has not met since last June but we’re starting again in 2015. We meet the 4th Thursday of each month at 11:00 am in the parlor. Come join us for good food and fellowship. Betty Rehfus 2/01/2015 SPECIAL EVENTS MINISTRY TEAM The Special Events team sponsors several Englewood family events throughout year. Our Special Events team has been meeting for a number of years. We always need “new ideas and help”. Anyone who would be interested in joining our team can join us. We have been having the same activities yearly. This year has been difficult due to the wonderful additions being made here at Englewood. We hope to get back to our “normal activities” this year if we have a normal. We try to have one planning meeting at the beginning of the year. We plan activities for the entire year so we can provide the information for the yearly calendar. We will then have short meetings prior to each event for final planning. We are usually responsible for the annual Koinonia Dinner. We prepare breakfast for Easter Sunday. Some of our bigger events include the Graduation Luncheon, the Chili Cook-off, and the all-Church Picnic. The all-Church Picnic was held at Beech Grove Park. We enjoyed delicious food and fellowship. Many played games and visited until almost dusk. The Birthday Party for Jesus/Posada was held on Sunday before Christmas. Mano de Amistad planned the night. Tickets were handed out so people could choose which delicious foods to try. Mano made many delicious dishes. Josh Bowling also made pulled pork. If you did not come you missed a fun evening. It was such a big hit that many would like to see it again next year. People of all ages were delighted to have a chance to break piñatas after dinner. This is our fifth year enjoying the meal together. Our team is always open to suggestions for new ideas that will contribute to our fellowship and times of gathering together. We can always use extra help with planning and cooking. If you would like to be a part of this team, please join us! Hopefully we can be “special” more often this year. Marty Frentz & Carol Burks 2/01/2015 ENGLEWOOD RECREATION I am so thankful for the opportunity to intentionally live life together in a way that points to the Kingdom—the way things ought to be. As a part of this, we have been given a great opportunity to play, exercise, and promote the physical, social, and emotional health of our community. Englewood Recreation is proud to have a hand in this work. Here’s a look back on some of the fun from 2014, as well as what to look forward to in 2015. The CommonWealth Gymnasium saw a lot of action in 2014. We’ve hosted basketball, soccer, hockey, and volleyball open-gyms weekly. We’ve hosted various outside groups such as Paramount School of Excellence basketball games, Circle City Sound, Adult & Child, Good New Ministries, Preserving Indiana Birth Choices, and even Roy Hibbert. We’ve hosted a 6-team adult volleyball tournament, two men’s Indy Rooftop Hockey leagues, and women’s hockey. As for youth programming, one of our new programs for 2014 was the Near Eastside Youth Running Club, which ended up being a 7-month weekly program for 20 youth, consisting of three neighborhood races and hundreds of miles. We saw incredible improvement in the kids from beginning to end, and we hope to continue this program from year-to-year. Youth Hockey was an 8-week program for 20 youth. We had a great experience and even had the opportunity to have the kids featured on a couple Indy Star articles. Finally, instead of continuing our Englewood Youth Soccer, we made the decision to merge our efforts with the Near East Soccer Alliance for their spring and fall leagues. This proved to be a huge success, as the competition not only broadened by the number of participants, but the kids now were able to play outdoors on the new O’Bannon soccer fields (on 15th just off the Monon trail). For 2015, we hope to see even more recreation take place on our rooftop hockey deck. Realizing that we have a natural ability to be mutually benefiting, Englewood Recreation will partner more closely with DayStar classes on a weekly basis, providing “structured” play and activities in our gymnasium and rooftop. We also hope to boost our annual youth hockey program to two seasons this year (April-May & July-August). All of this will obviously require more equipment and other expenses. To assist with this need, we’ve submitted a grant application to Indiana Sports Corporation that will potentially cover most of these costs. We will know whether or not we’ve received this funding in the spring. The only other change we anticipate from last year’s programming is in regard to our Running Club. We hope to split this season into two as well (March-May & August-Oct). This will still allow us to incorporate the 3-East Race Series while giving the kids (and volunteers) a break from the weekly routine. We still anticipate having our regular adult leagues/open gyms. Let me know if you have questions concerning these. We’d love to have even more participation. Finally, Englewood Rec’s programs and rentals bring in a fair amount of income to cover a lot of our expenses and upkeep of the programs, staff, and facility, but we are continuing to explore new ways to raise funds and regulate a sustainable budget. Please feel free to submit ideas for programming, fund raising, equipment and facility use, etc. If you can’t find me in person, send me an email at [email protected]. We look forward to another great year of playing, having fun, and promoting health together. Jerod Harris 2/01/2015 TECHNOLOGY/MEDIA TEAM REPORT Responsibilities The technology and media teams are responsible generally for the church’s sound systems, computers and A/V equipment. In general that includes the care and operation of this equipment. Our biggest challenge is maintenance of our aging ‘fleet’ of equipment! Sound system During the morning worship service a group of folks team up to enhance our fellowship time together by the use of technology. Josh Bowling and Jim Schrum operate the sound board and projector, Carol Burks scripts the overhead video projector. We have outsourced much of our computer maintenance work at this point. These folks do their jobs faithfully and quietly behind the scenes such that most Sundays we hardly notice that they are there. That is just what they would like; it means they are doing their work well! We anticipate updating the system in the auditorium during this next year. Discussion has begun regarding this need. Ted Burks & Rick Adams 2/01/2015 WARM WELCOME MINISTRY Well, you’ve probably seen how the members of our good team help you with programs and other materials, and in the last few months they have been the ones who help you navigate around the construction of the new elevator. We speak below of some changes we will be initiating in the next few months as the elevator is completed and we do a little reorganization not related to that event. Considering the elevator, however, we cannot promise for sure (or even suggest) that it will be one of this team that becomes the ‘Chief Exalted Elevator Dispatcher’. But, just to be sure you get on the non-existent list for this spot, this is the time to contact Mark and let him know you are ready to assist in serving our sisters and brothers in any way you may be needed. Since our community here at Englewood is small – like a really big family, we all need to be stepping up to do whatever part we can do – for the family. There are many who seem to have been involved in other services and have not been able to be as active here as they might like. As a result of this, and a few other factors, we will be revisiting all areas of our service responsibilities, and determining how we can improve the service and equalize the work load. If you have been on any of our schedules - greeting before the service, communion prep, or serving in the morning service, please be sure to consider how you have been hindered in the past and how adjustments can be made. Before too long, we hope to be able to notify you early in each week where you have responsibility. This would be via our email system. If you are not active there we hope to be able to assist you also. Be sure to check your email and your mail box in the lobby on a regular basis so you can be up to date. You may have seen that we have only one (or two) good ladies that serve at our Info Desk. We hope a few of you will consider aiding in this area. Please talk to Pat Starks, Mark, or Larry about this. One of our key procedures is the preparation and serving the Communion elements. It is our largest single effort. Often this has to be done by our backup folks rather than those assigned. Perhaps our notification system (if we can work it out) will help, but for those involved, we encourage you to perform the assignment you have accepted. Mark heads up our building monitoring operation with the assistance of several others – we would welcome anyone who might desire to discuss working in this area. It is generally a task no one ever notices, but one surely needed. We need to have someone in training on the different duties involved here. Please consider if you would like to share in this work. Please talk to Mark or Larry. Come and help us serve. Mark Stultz and Larry Sluss 2/01/2015 WORSHIP MINISTRY TEAM REPORT The Worship Ministry Team is responsible for planning for Sunday morning gathered worship times, as well as Good Friday and Christmas Eve services. We have watched in gratitude as God continues to provide musical talent and fresh perspectives. In 2014, in addition to our regular and faithful worship musicians (Hillary Adams, Isaac Adams, April Adams, Laretta Benjamin, Patrick Bowers, and Andy May) we have enjoyed trying new approaches, with Hillary joining Susan on vocals, Jerod Harris frequently joining us on piano, and Andy May test driving the new cajon, a box drum. Amber Lanman organized a vocal ensemble and held it steady while the ensemble tackled challenging choral pieces. The 2015 sermon theme, "The Kingdom Is Here," will survey the entire canon of biblical texts, beginning with Genesis and ending with the Revelation. Mike plans to regularly include interviews of various Englewood folk during the sermon time. These interviews promise to strengthen the linkage between our daily practices and our understanding of the texts, as well as help us to know one another better. Family sharing time, congregational choral reading of Scripture, and congregational songs selected in alignment with the morning's text will continue to be key features of our time together as we collectively continue to seek God's wisdom on the best ways to encourage one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in our hearts to God (Colossians 3:16). The Worship Ministry Team meets one or two times per month at various times. Anyone wishing to participate in the planning of our worship services should speak with Mike, Susan, or Ellen regarding our meeting times. Elder – Mike Bowling Deacon – Ellen Adams 2/01/2015 YOUTH MINISTRY TEAM REPORT The Youth Ministry Team works with youth in grades 7 - 12 to disciple, teach, and plan fellowship and service activities. The youth group meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:00. In the summer, the youth group went on a backpacking trip in the Dolly Sods Wilderness area in West Virginia. During the trip, the young people worked together to set up camp, prepare meals, and accomplish their goals. They also talked about the history of the land in which they were hiking, which includes destruction and restoration, and considered how that ties in to our lives in Christ. Prior to the backpacking trip, the youth group organized a variety show as a fund raiser for the trip. Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, the youth have discussed a variety of topics including refugee and immigration issues, bullying, ebola, and other current concerns. They discuss what scripture has to say about the topic and how a Christian view of the subject might differ from the world view. The Youth Team meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room. Elder - Bill Dickinson Deacon - Ellen Adams 2/01/2015 Those we will miss . . . Leota Canada Joe Cosby Juanita Jamison Bobbi Kerr Al Wilkerson John & Ethel Zink “For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” I Thessalonians 4:15-17 2/01/2015 Page 1 Englewood Christian Church Statement Of Financial Position 12/31/2014 2014 ASSETS: Cash Checking Account - General Fund Savings Account Savings Account - General Fund Savings Account - Kenya Project Savings Account - Youth Group Trip Savings Account - Missions Christmas Project Savings Account - Funds held for NESCO Savings Account - Van Fund Total General Fund Cash Petty Cash Petty Cash - DayStar Petty Cash - Office Pantry Fund Total Cash 83,605.02 27,077.97 45,865.69 3,484.00 2,334.83 22.00 - 14,165.59 4,984.00 2,758.65 22.00 113.42 135,311.54 150.00 200.00 - 49,121.63 150.00 200.00 135,661.54 Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable - Church Accounts Receivable - Community Development Accounts Receivable - Screenprinting Total Accounts Receivable 262.50 38,357.18 221.00 Fixed Assets Grey Van Green Van Screenprinting Equipment Total Fixed Assets 12,149.00 6,700.00 4,934.25 TOTAL ASSETS 2013 49,471.63 262.50 38,357.18 2,910.15 38,840.68 41,529.83 12,149.00 6,700.00 4,934.25 23,783.25 23,783.25 198,285.47 114,784.71 Page 2 Englewood Christian Church Statement Of Financial Position 12/31/2014 2014 2013 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: Liabilities: Accounts Payable Payroll Liabilities 13,509.74 3,630.38 4,342.97 1,515.10 17,140.12 Long Term Liabilities Loans from Members Loan-Capital Improvement 23,590.49 253.16 66.10 (1,877.94) 174.80 1,147.55 16,178.27 Unrestricted Memorial Gifts Prior Years Loss / Gain 2011 Loss 2012 Profit 2013 Loss 2014 Profit Total Unrestricted Net Assets 18,428.75 17,493.43 (676.36) 48,682.02 (5,025.84) 62,710.92 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 29,452.49 35,310.56 253.16 66.10 (2,541.43) 174.80 1,147.55 (236.33) Permanently Restricted: Esther Hoyt Endowment for Music Total Permanently Restricted Net Assets TOTAL NET ASSETS 29,452.49 23,590.49 40,730.61 TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS: Temporarily Restricted: 60+ Fund Adult Library Screenprinting Fund Memorial Scholarship Fund Mission Development Fund Total Temporarily Restricted Net Assets 5,858.07 (899.82) 16,178.27 16,178.27 16,178.27 18,188.75 17,493.43 (676.36) 48,682.02 (19,492.14) 141,612.92 64,195.70 157,554.86 79,474.15 198,285.47 114,784.71 ENGLEWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH NET ASSETS ACTIVITY 2012 Page 1 60+ Ministry Fund Balance as of January 1, 2014 253.16 Donations Disbursements - Balance as of December 31, 2014 253.16 Adult Library Balance as of January 1, 2014 66.10 Donations Disbursements - Balance as of December 31, 2014 66.10 Capital Campaign Balance as of January 1, 2014 (410.50) Donations Disbursements 5,912.00 (5,862.00) Balance as of December 31, 2014 (360.50) Memorial Gifts Balance as of January 1, 2014 18,188.75 Donations Disbursements 240.00 - Balance as of December 31, 2014 18,428.75 Memorial Scholarship Fund Balance as of January 1, 2014 174.80 Donations Disbursements - Balance as of December 31, 2014 Missionaries Esther Mousette Andy and Jen May Christina Francis Mission Development Mission Indy Total For Year 174.80 01/01/2014 Balance (3,275.00) (7,200.00) 4,726.00 1,147.55 (9,600.00) (14,201.45) 2014 Giving 0.00 2014 Disbursals (1,800.00) (2,400.00) (4,200.00) Money given for a designated missionary is disbursed the following month around the 10th. 12/31/2014 Balance (3,275.00) (7,200.00) 2,926.00 1,147.55 (12,000.00) (18,401.45) ENGLEWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH NET ASSETS ACTIVITY 2012 Page 2 Youth Fund Balance as of January 1, 2014 Donations & Fundraisers Disbursements Balance as of December 31, 2014 2,758.65 765.25 (1,189.07) 2,334.83 Screenprinting Fund Balance as of January 1, 2014 Income Expenses Balance as of December 31, 2014 (2,541.43) 12,189.50 (11,526.01) (1,877.94) Esther Hoyt Music Endowment Fund Balance as of January 1, 2014 16,178.27 Donations Disbursements Balance as of December 31, 2014 16,178.27 Englewood Christian Church 2015 Budget Account Description GENERAL FUND GENERAL OFFERINGS Budget 2014 Page 1 Actual 2014 228,547.00 Budget 2015 199,019.82 212,954.96 BIBLE SCHOOL OFFERINGS - 859.33 - FLUFF INCOME - 3,499.27 - Sub Total 228,547.00 EXPENDITURES SALARIES - PASTORAL STAFF 203,378.42 212,954.96 (35,000.00) (34,999.90) (35,000.00) SALARIES - OFFICE STAFF (28,250.00) (27,680.60) (28,250.00) SALARIES - CUSTODIAL STAFF (28,300.00) (28,299.96) (6,000.00) HOUSING ALLOWANCE (20,379.96) (20,379.96) (20,379.96) EMPLOYERS FICA (12,166.28) (4,251.78) (10,000.00) MEDICAL INSURANCE (25,903.76) (23,220.80) (27,000.00) DIRECT DEPOSIT EXPENSE - (53.65) - Sub Total (150,000.00) (138,886.65) (126,629.96) Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses 228,547.00 (150,000.00) 78,547.00 203,378.42 (138,886.65) 64,491.77 212,954.96 (126,629.96) 86,325.00 360,000.00 410,851.30 500,000.00 DAY STAR CHILD CARE REVENUE DAYCARE TUITION DAYCARE DONATIONS - 1,708.89 - DAYCARE GRANTS - 85,475.00 - DAYCARE TRAINING AND STAFF REIMBURSED - 7,401.21 - DAYCARE NAP CREDIT DONATIONS 15,000.00 26,910.00 375,000.00 532,346.40 500,000.00 (300,000.00) (385,123.26) (400,000.00) (22,787.00) (27,005.08) (30,000.00) (7,500.00) (8,024.96) (10,080.00) (120.00) (395.81) (600.00) DAYCARE SUPPLIES (4,400.00) (12,397.23) (15,000.00) DAYCARE FOOD (8,040.00) (8,366.79) (12,000.00) Sub Total EXPENDITURES DAYCARE SALARIES DAYCARE PAYROLL TAXES DAYCARE HEALTH INSURANCE DAYCARE PHONE DAYCARE FIELD TRIP DAYCARE TRAINING DAYSTAR COMMONWEALTH DAYCARE MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES DAYCARE GRANT EXPENSES (900.00) (5,000.00) (600.00) (5,200.00) - (6,422.79) (5,164.93) (50,791.57) - (900.00) (5,000.00) (600.00) (5,200.00) - Sub Total (354,547.00) (503,692.42) (479,380.00) Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses 375,000.00 (354,547.00) 20,453.00 532,346.40 (503,692.42) 28,653.98 500,000.00 (479,380.00) 20,620.00 SPECIAL EVENTS MINISTRY REVENUE SPECIAL EVENTS - ACTIVITIES 1,050.00 106.00 250.00 Sub Total 1,050.00 106.00 250.00 (65.00) (65.00) EXPENDITURES SPECIAL EVENTS - ALL CHURCH PICNIC SPECIAL EVENTS - GRADUATION LUNCH (65.00) - - - (760.00) (304.93) (400.00) SPECIAL EVENTS - PAPER GOODS (50.00) (93.60) (100.00) SPECIAL EVENTS MISCELLANEOUS - - - (875.00) (463.53) (565.00) 1,050.00 (875.00) 175.00 106.00 (463.53) (357.53) 250.00 (565.00) (315.00) SPECIAL EVENTS - FOOD Sub Total Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses MISSION MINISTRY Englewood Christian Church 2015 Budget Account Description REVENUE MISSIONARY OFFERINGS Budget 2014 Page 2 Actual 2014 Budget 2015 3,000.00 2,984.00 MISSION HOUSE REVENUE 2,400.00 570.00 1,000.00 CHRISTMAS PROJECT 3,000.00 1,923.92 3,000.00 FELLOWSHIP CLASS OFFERINGS KENYA MISSIONS - CHRISTINA FRANCIS MISSIONS IN-KIND DONATIONS 1,800.00 - 3,000.00 - - - - 5,477.92 - Sub Total 10,200.00 7,000.00 EXPENDITURES UTILITIES/ELECTRIC (1,000.00) (534.42) (750.00) UTILITIES/GAS (2,000.00) (977.96) (1,000.00) UTILITIES/WATER (650.00) (600.35) (650.00) MISSION HOUSE GENERAL EXPENSE (500.00) (614.87) (650.00) MOSAIC CHURCH PARTNERSHIP MISSION INDY (600.00) (500.00) (500.00) (2,400.00) (2,400.00) (2,400.00) MISSION PROJECTS (1,000.00) (179.00) (500.00) CHRISTMAS PROJECT (3,000.00) (2,413.49) (3,000.00) KENYA MISSIONS - CHRISTINA FRANCIS (1,800.00) (1,800.00) Sub Total (12,950.00) (10,020.09) (9,450.00) Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses 10,200.00 (12,950.00) (2,750.00) 5,477.92 (10,020.09) (4,542.17) 7,000.00 (9,450.00) (2,450.00) REVENUE SCREENPRINTING INCOME 15,000.00 12,189.50 10,000.00 Sub Total 15,000.00 12,189.50 10,000.00 EXPENDITURES SCREENPRINTING EXPENSES (15,000.00) (11,526.01) (10,000.00) Sub Total (15,000.00) (11,526.01) (10,000.00) Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses 15,000.00 (15,000.00) - 12,189.50 (11,526.01) 663.49 10,000.00 (10,000.00) - - SCREENPRINTING MINISTRY MEDIA MINISTRY REVENUE MEDIA MINISTRY INCOME - - - Sub Total - - - EXPENDITURES MEDIA MINISTRY EXPENSES (150.00) - (150.00) Sub Total (150.00) - (150.00) Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses (150.00) (150.00) - (150.00) (150.00) Englewood Christian Church 2015 Budget Account Description INSTITUTION REVENUE BUILDING USE INCOME Budget 2014 Page 3 Actual 2014 Budget 2015 12,000.00 22,705.44 200.00 145.76 200.00 POP MACHINE INCOME 1,000.00 1,295.00 1,000.00 CATERING INCOME 2,000.00 1,407.10 2,000.00 HOSPITALITY DINNER INCOME 7,500.00 3,413.00 7,500.00 RECYCLING INCOME MISCELLANEOUS INSTITUTION INCOME Sub Total EXPENDITURES UTILITIES - ELECTRIC - CHURCH PROTECTIVE LIGHTING CHARGE UTILITIES - GAS - 7,288.72 12,000.00 - 22,700.00 36,255.02 22,700.00 (20,000.00) (20,659.97) (20,000.00) (1,250.00) (1,137.29) (1,250.00) (10,000.00) (12,456.89) (12,000.00) UTILITIES - WATER - CHURCH (4,500.00) (5,055.05) (4,500.00) UTILITIES - PHONE (2,200.00) (2,373.11) (2,200.00) (2,000.00) INSURANCE - VEHICLES (1,500.00) (1,459.32) INSURANCE - WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION (3,000.00) (2,978.00) (3,000.00) INSURANCE - GENERAL LIABILITY (9,500.00) (11,724.33) (10,000.00) TRASH REMOVAL MAINTENANCE & REPAIR (2,600.00) (2,664.53) (2,600.00) (10,000.00) (14,677.34) (14,000.00) SECURITY EXPENSE (3,500.00) (4,039.02) (4,000.00) JANITOR SUPPLIES (5,000.00) (8,073.13) (7,500.00) (500.00) (120.99) NEW EQUIPMENT PAPER GOODS (1,000.00) (2,744.80) GROUNDS MAINTENANCE (1,000.00) (628.08) (1,000.00) COMPUTER NETWORK - MAINTENANCE/LABOR (9,000.00) (5,777.50) (7,000.00) (1,000.00) HARDWARE & SOFTWARE (1,000.00) (500.00) (2,622.19) KITCHEN SUPPLIES (1,800.00) (2,122.29) (1,800.00) GAS/OIL - VEHICLES (3,500.00) (2,719.57) (3,500.00) MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,784.20) LICENSES - VEHICLES (150.00) (92.25) (150.00) CATERING EXPENSES (2,000.00) (1,181.19) (2,000.00) POP MACHINE EXPENSES (1,000.00) (969.81) (1,000.00) HOSPITALITY DINNER EXPENSES (7,000.00) (3,447.07) (7,000.00) INSTITUTION MISCELLANEOUS (500.00) - (500.00) Sub Total (102,000.00) (111,507.92) (110,000.00) Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses 22,700.00 (102,000.00) (79,300.00) 36,255.02 (111,507.92) (75,252.90) 22,700.00 (110,000.00) (87,300.00) YOUTH MINISTRY REVENUE YOUTH MINISTRY INCOME 1,000.00 765.25 2,000.00 Sub Total 1,000.00 765.25 2,000.00 EXPENDITURES GRADUATION GIFTS YOUTH ACTIVITIES (70.00) (96.00) - - (50.00) - SUMMER TRIP (1,000.00) (1,189.07) (2,000.00) Sub Total (1,070.00) (1,285.07) (2,050.00) Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses 1,000.00 (1,070.00) (70.00) 765.25 (1,285.07) (519.82) 2,000.00 (2,050.00) (50.00) Englewood Christian Church 2015 Budget Account Description WORSHIP MINISTRY Budget 2014 Page 4 Actual 2014 Budget 2015 REVENUE WORSHIP MINISTRY INCOME 80.00 84.76 80.00 Sub Total 80.00 84.76 80.00 EXPENDITURES PIANO & ORGAN REPAIR (500.00) (120.00) (500.00) COPYRIGHT LICENSE (200.00) (196.00) (200.00) (60.00) (88.20) (60.00) (400.00) - (400.00) WORSHIP SUPPLIES HONORARIUM INSTRUMENT REPLACEMENT (500.00) - (500.00) Sub Total (1,660.00) (404.20) (1,660.00) Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses 80.00 (1,660.00) (1,580.00) 84.76 (404.20) (319.44) 80.00 (1,660.00) (1,580.00) CHILDREN'S MINISTRY REVENUE CHILDREN'S MINISTRY INCOME 100.00 - 100.00 Sub Total 100.00 - 100.00 EXPENDITURES CURRICULUM / EDUCATION (100.00) - (100.00) Sub Total (100.00) - (100.00) Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses 100.00 (100.00) - - 100.00 (100.00) - ADULT DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY REVENUE ADULT DISCIPLESHIP INCOME 2,000.00 1,473.52 1,500.00 Sub Total 2,000.00 1,473.52 1,500.00 EXPENDITURES ADULT DISCIPLESHIP EXPENSES (3,300.00) (3,444.68) (3,500.00) Sub Total (3,300.00) (3,444.68) (3,500.00) Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses 2,000.00 (3,300.00) (1,300.00) 1,473.52 (3,444.68) (1,971.16) 1,500.00 (3,500.00) (2,000.00) PASTORAL MINISTRY REVENUE PASTORAL MINISTRY INCOME - 382.55 300.00 Sub Total - 382.55 300.00 EXPENDITURES POSTAGE (800.00) (662.75) (800.00) PAPER (800.00) (843.74) (800.00) OFFICE SUPPLIES (1,000.00) (863.44) (1,000.00) COPIER EXPENSE (1,500.00) (1,225.38) (1,500.00) RISOGRAPH EXPENSE (1,200.00) (590.10) (750.00) PASTORAL RESOURCES (300.00) - (300.00) COMPUTER TONER CARTRIDGES (800.00) (353.39) (800.00) (150.00) (74.90) (150.00) MISCELLANEOUS PASTORAL EXPENSE EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY (1,000.00) (1,018.87) (1,000.00) Sub Total (7,550.00) (5,632.57) (7,100.00) Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses (7,550.00) (7,550.00) 382.55 (5,632.57) (5,250.02) 300.00 (7,100.00) (6,800.00) Englewood Christian Church 2015 Budget Account Description FINANCE MINISTRY REVENUE BANK ACCOUNT INTEREST EARNED 10TH STREET BUILDING INTEREST EARNED Sub Total Budget 2014 Page 5 Actual 2014 Budget 2015 25.00 41.43 - - 50.00 - 25.00 41.43 50.00 EXPENDITURES INTEREST EXPENSE (2,000.00) (1,298.55) (1,500.00) (150.00) (428.80) (500.00) BOOKKEEPING (3,000.00) (2,650.00) (3,000.00) COUNTING (1,000.00) (822.50) (1,000.00) (350.00) (325.00) (350.00) Sub Total (6,500.00) (5,524.85) (6,350.00) Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses 25.00 (6,500.00) (6,475.00) 41.43 (5,524.85) (5,483.42) 50.00 (6,350.00) (6,300.00) BANK AND FINANCE FEES MISCELLANEOUS FINANCE EXPENSES OFF BUDGET ITEMS REVENUE HEALTH INSURANCE REIMBURSEMENT - 550.53 - SOLAR PROJECT - 4,000.00 - MEMORIAL INCOME - 240.00 - FUNDS HELD FOR NESCO - 1,815.99 - CAPITAL CAMPAIGN INCOME - 5,912.00 - DAYSTAR EXPANSION INCOME - 486,293.30 - IN-KIND DONATIONS - 110.53 - ELEVATOR FUND - 10,262.00 - UNDESIGNATED GIFT - 52,500.25 - TECHNOLOGY - 900.00 - Sub Total - 562,584.60 - EXPENDITURES SOLAR PROJECT - (1,810.48) - COMMUNITY PROJECTS - MEALS & SUPPLIES - (644.59) - VAN - - DAYSTAR EXPANSION EXPENSES - (491,356.76) - TECHNOLOGY (NEW SERVER AND TV) - (4,906.57) - Sub Total - (498,718.40) - Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Revenue over Expenses - 562,584.60 (498,718.40) 63,866.20 - Grand Total Revenue Grand Total Expenses Grand Net Revenue over Expense 655,702.00 (655,702.00) - 1,355,085.37 (1,291,106.39) 63,978.98 756,934.96 (756,934.96) -
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