Valorisation Centre Home of Innovation A Cross Section of DIG-it! -it! - Xpose 1 Valorisation Centre Home of Innovation A Cross Section of DIG-it! Table of Contents 4 Introduction 5 Technology Readiness levels, what is that? 6 About DIG-it! 7 Chapter 1 Basic to Early lab scale demonstration projects 9 Chapter 2 Late Lab scale to Early prototype projects 34 Chapter 3 Late prototype to Market ready applications 65 About the Valorisation Centre 83 Index by research theme 85 Introduction The transfer and application of knowledge for the benefit of society and the economy are becoming increasingly important to the innovation policy of national and international governmental bodies. Technical universities play a prominent role in this. TU Delft regards it as its mission in society to deliver pioneering technological/scientific solutions that have a significant impact in helping to achieve sustainability and a healthy economy. In the past few years, knowledge valorisation has developed into a full third core activity of our university, besides education and research. Examples of valorisation activities, that will be strengthened in the coming years, are entrepreneurial education and facilitating the start-up of new businesses. Other activities are the collaboration with the business community in order to jointly participate in large research consortia and to conduct authoritative contract research. Special attention is being paid to improving TU Delft’s activities in the field of entrepreneurship such as: The growing demand for entrepreneurial education, the YES!Delft incubator and the active support in the field of intellectual property. ‘Entrepreneurship@TUDELFT’ forms the umbrella under which the entrepreneurial activities will take shape. The TU Delft Holding, with its sub-holding Delft Enterprises, plays an important facilitating role in this development. In order to empower TU Delft scientists to more actively engage in valorisation activities the DIG-it! programme was initiated at the end of 2013. Which the pro-active approach of xplore, xplain & xpose the programme assists scientists with profiling their innovative research and/or products into society. 11 November, 2014 the TU Delft organised an exclusive event: its first research exhibition at the TU library. More than 80 innovative ideas from all across the university gathered through the DIGit! process presented themselves to the business community. The event demonstrated the enormous innovation potential of the TU Delft. For the invited (inter) national companies, it was a unique opportunity to get a taste of what’s cooking in TU Delft’s star cuisine kitchen. This booklet is a compilation of the various poster presentations of that day to give you a flavour of TU Delft’s research. Let it inspire you and be invited to directly interact with us or through your counterparts. Sincerely, Paul Althuis Director of the Valorisation Centre 5 Technology Readiness Level, what is that? The projects you will find in this booklet are sorted by their respective self-chosen Technology Readiness Level (TRL). A TRL is a measure to indicate the matureness of a developing technology. When an innovative idea is discovered it is often not directly suitable for application. Usually such novel idea is subjected to further experimentation, testing and prototyping before it can be implemented. Please find below the list of TRL’s we used to categorise the innovative ideas we encountered with DIG-it! 1. Basic research 2. Proof of principle 3. Early lab scale demonstration 4. Late lab scale demonstration 5. Validation 6. Early prototype 7. Late prototype 8. Early stage commercial environment application 9. Market ready application About DIG-it! DIG-it! is the innovation stimulating and supporting initiative within the Delft University of Technology coordinated by its Valorisation Centre. All year round we facilitate TU Delft scientists to make their ideas more tangible and visible. With this support we aim to enhance collaboration with external partners and its chance for successful implementation in the market or society. Xplore, Xplain, Xpose DIG-it! works according to the following three principles: Xplore, Xplain & Xpose. With a small team we actively search within the faculties for the innovative ideas that are being developed. Thereby we map the innovation-ecosystem. Subsequently, in collaboration with the scientist we look for the most effective way for making their idea more tangible. The thought behind these principles is that by translating their ideas into something more concrete scientist will be more able to share the idea with his/her non-peer community. This allows for the creation of synergy at an early stage to develop the ideas further. Where does the name come from? The initiative originates from the Delft Innovation Award. This award was created in 2009 to bring attention to the most noteworthy innovations of the TU Delft and as a token of respect for the scientists. At the end of 2013 the executive board decided to place this award in a broader framework since working on innovative ideas is one of the University’s core business. What started as the Delft Innovation Gallery the initiative soon changed its name into DIG-it! The process actively digs for ideas and supports them in such a way that it is easier for others to understand them. The name DIG-it! originates form the Gaelic “tigim”, meaning I understand and led to the phrase ‘Can you dig it’ which means ‘I understand’, or ‘Wow! That is awesome’. For more information about the presented projects please check 1 Basic to Early lab scale demonstration projects 9 Design Vision for User-Centered Electronic Payment for Public Transportation Dr. ir. Japer van Kuijk Research theme Technology Readiness Level 10 Infrastructure & Mobility / Transport High Tech / Safety & Security Basic research Why? Realising this Design Vision is expected to increase the number of users and frequency of use. Furthermore, OV-chipkaart stakeholders save time and money on training, marketing, and solving user problems. How? Through user-centered design innovation. First we analysed the users’ needs and abilities, and then – based on that – appropriate business models and technologies were identified. When? We created a Design Vision for the complete public transportation in 2019. If realized, it makes public transport accessible to a wide audience, and a convenient way to travel. Hydraulic Impact of Overtopping Waves on a Multifunctional Dike Ir. Xuexue Chen | prof. Wim Uijttewaal Research theme Technology Readiness Level Infrastructure & Mobility / Transport Water & Maritime Basic research Why? Predicting the wave load on a wall on a dike crest along the shorelines of low-lying countries; Evaluating the safety status of a building on a dike. How? Conduct physical model tests and develop empirical formula for design purpose. Meanwhile using test data to validate a numerical model. When? The project is expected to finish at the end of 2015. Help other projects within the same program framework to do a feasibility study of design a multifunctional flood defence. 11 Single-Molecule Protein Sequencer, to Diagnose Diseases Protein Level Jetty van Ginkel MSc | dr. Chirlmin Joo | dr. Anne S. Meyer Research theme Technology Readiness Level Basic research Why? Current protein sequencing techniques require relative large amounts of sample and fail to detect small protein populations. Our method will sequence single protein molecules, with high sensitivity and dynamic range, bringing single cell proteomics within reach. How? This system uses a combination of a natural nanochannel and single-molecule fluorescence to scan the sequence of a subset of amino acids of full length proteins. Using existing proteomic databases, proteins can be identified from this sequence. When? 12 Health We will finish the lab scale demonstration in 2017, and place the first tabletop prototypes by 2019. Our system will replace many current techniques for protein based medical diagnostics and research. Also providing a powerful tool for personalised medicine. Self Healing in Steels with Added Gold Niels van Dijk | Shasha Zhang MSc | Prof.dr. Ekkes Brück Sybrand van der Zwaag Research theme Materials Technology Readiness Level Basic research Why? Extending the lifetime of steel components under demanding high temperature applications. How? Like biological systems, steels can also repair themselves. When a nanoscale crack appears, mobile gold atoms move to the damage site to fill the crack and thereby prevent failure. When? Currently we have a proof of principle. 10-15 years to translate this into products. FNsteel SKF TATA steel 13 Green/Blue Infrastructure for Sustainable Attractive Cities Prof. dr. ir. Arjan van Timmeren | Arch.Taneha Bacchin Arch. Daniela Maiullari | Arch. Emanuele Paladin Research theme Technology Readiness Level Environment & Climate Infrastructure & Mobility / Transport Basic research Why? The main objective is to develop knowledge and tools required to manage urban stormwater that facilitate robust, synergistic and multi-functional green infrastructure addressing future changes in dynamic urban areas. How? The project is conducted in an international Urban-Living-Lab in Kiruna, Sweden, combined with national Urban-Living-Labs per participatory country, bringing together citizens, practitioners, decision makers, researchers, to jointly develop innovative solutions. When? The research will impact decisions being taken for future strategic and structural plans of three municipalities (Kiruna-Sweden; Zwolle-Netherlands; and Insbruck-Austria) additionally to scientific innovation on green-blue design processes. Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck 14 Luleå University of Technology Media Embodied Tekne and Bridges of Diversity: METABODY Dr. Nimish Biloria | Jia Rey Chang | Dieter Vandoren Prof. Ir. Kas Oosterhuis | Veronika Laszlo Research theme Technology Readiness Level Health / Robotics / ICT Social impact / Delft Global Basic research Why? METABODY aims to counter the growing trend of current media of reducing nonverbal interactions (93% of our expressions) to a highly reduced standardised set gestures of interaction through conventional interfaces. How? METABODY will develop technologies, tools, techniques and devices that will be integrated in the first fully interactive architectural pavilion, which will tour throughout Europe. Architectural Robotics, Computational simulations, Sensors, actuators and control systems, Human Psychology, Choreography, Computer Science and AI shall be systematically synergised in order to attain this vision. When? The research which started in 2013 shall be producing novel physical prototypes every year, with its final climax in 2017, resulting in the world’s first real-time interactive pavilion structure. Such a space will seek to open perceptions, relations, movements and behaviours up to indeterminacy, for a social ecology to come. 15 Cancer Causing Mutations in the Three Dimensional Genome Dr. ir. Jeroen de Ridder | Prof. dr. ir. M.J.T. Reinders | Sepideh Babaei MSc. Research theme Technology Readiness Level Basic research Why? Our research uncovers which genes are affected by mutations in the DNA. For the first time, we are considering the DNA as a three dimensional structure, rather than a linear on. We can do this by exploiting so called chromatin conformation capture data. This will contribute to an improved understanding on how cancer is caused. How? We are the Delft Bioinformatics Lab. We create algorithms that can find patterns in large volumes of molecular data. In this project we have created an algorithm that can integrate large collections of mutation data with 3D conformation data. When? 16 Health Our research is basic research, and aims to better understand what goes wrong in the cell when mutations causes cancer. The knowledge gained from our algorithms is indispensable for the development of new cancer therapeutics. Unfortunately, this will be several years from now. Zebrafish Swim into a New Light, High-Throughput, High-Resolution, In-Vivo Imaging of Zebrafish Dr. Jeroen Kalkman | J. van der Horst MSc. | A. K. Trull MSc. Research theme Technology Readiness Level Health High Tech / Safety & Security Basic research Why? Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease is largely based on small animal models, such as the zebrafish. Hence, there is a need for high-throughput, highresolution, in-vivo imaging of zebrafish. How? The researchers are building a new type of optical microscope with which highresolution, three-dimensional images can be made of the structure and function of the zebra fish. When? The first novel microscope is currently build and needs some subsequent improvements. Imaging of zebrafish starts in two to three years and clinical impact is expected subsequently. 17 Worldviews & Global Issues Dr. Annick Hedlund-de Witt | Prof. Patricia Osseweijer Dr. Joop de Boer | Nick Hedlund-de Witt Research theme Technology Readiness Level Why? How? When? Hedlund-de Witt explores worldviews—the fundamental lenses through which humans see and filter reality—and their interface with global issues. For advancing the debates around issues like climate change and biotechnology, understanding these lenses is crucial. Through both qualitative (interviews) and quantitative methods, including large-scale surveys in the Netherlands, the USA, and Brazil, as well as literature studies. In 2015 I hope to have created (the fundament for) a valid and reliable tool to quickly and easily assess individuals worldviews, for purposes of, among others, policymaking and communication. Institute of Education, University of London 18 Environment & Climate Social impact / Delft Global Basic research Proof of principle Institute for Environmental Studies User-Driven Distributed Pervasive Sensing Dr. Andrea Simonetto Research theme Technology Readiness Level High Tech / Safety & Security / ICT Proof of principle Why? Our algorithm senses the environment without the need for a central data collector. It is tuned by the users and delivers the requested environmental information timely and reliably. How? The algorithm is designed using the analytical tools of distributed convex optimisation. Then, it will be embedded on real devices and tested on real environmental data. When? In less than 10 years, environmental information will available in any location, at any time, and will be generated, aggregated, and processed by the user’s devices. 19 Artificial Photosynthesis using Metal Organic Frameworks Ir. Jara Garcia Santaclara | Dr. Monique Van der Veen Ir. Mario Jose Muñoz Batista Research theme Technology Readiness Level Why? How? When? 20 Energy Proof of principle Solar-to-chemical energy conversion can be achieved by mimicking the natural photosynthesis in plants by artificial materials. However, the efficiency of this process is still too low for practical implementation. Nanoporous 3-D metal structures linked by organic units (metal organic frameworks) will be used as photocatalytic materials. By applying high-level spectroscopy, multi-electron charge and proton transfer phenomena responsible for the photo-catalytic cycle will be unraveled. It’s expected that in 20 years we will have an actual device capable of produce chemical fuels from solar energy. Making Antibiotics with Laboratory Bacteria Dr. Greg Bokinsky | Ms. Helena Shomar Research theme Technology Readiness Level Environment & Climate Health Process Technology Proof of principle Why? Engineered bacteria can be cheaper, cleaner, and more versatile platforms for antibiotic production than existing methods. How? Our bacteria will tolerate the action of the antibiotics they produce, enabling production to continue to high titers. When? After approximately six years of development, if successful, our process will decrease antibiotic production costs, and in turn, lower medical costs worldwide. 21 iGEM, International Genetically Engineered Machine: Using ELECTRACE to Detect Landmines Dr. Anne Meyer | Ing. Esengul Yildirim Dr. Dennis Claessen | team of 13 students Research theme Technology Readiness Level Why? How? When? The goal of our project ELECTRACE, is to develop a microbial sensor, responding to a signal by emitting an electrical output. In contrast to conventional outputs, Electrace supports accurate and low effort measurements. This will reach the gap between electronics and biology. This microbial sensor is constructed by engineering the very basic and well known bacteria - Escherichia coli. For detection we will make use of native Escherichia coli promoters, which are activated in response to the aforementioned explosive compounds. Our device will be presented to a vast scientific community in Boston between 30 October -3rd of November 2014. BE-BASIC 22 High Tech / Safety & Security Social impact / Delft Global Proof of principle Delft Health Institute EraSynBio DSM 4D – EEG: a New Tool to Investigate the Spatial and Temporal Activity Patterns in the Brain Prof. dr. Frans van der Helm | Dr. Alfred Schouten Dr. Yuan Yang | Dr. Teodoro Solis-Escalante Research theme Technology Readiness Level Health Robotics Proof of principle Why? Patient-centered rehabilitation maximizes post-stroke functional recovery. Prognostic models help adjusting rehabilitation strategies. 4D-EEG is a new tool for monitoring dynamic cortical plasticity during stroke recovery with high temporal-spatial resolution. How? Robotic manipulators apply mechanical perturbations to the sensorimotor system. Highdensity electroencephalogram records electrical potentials from the scalp. Advanced source localisation and system identification algorithms describe the underlying neurophysiological system. When? We have developed methods for neuromuscular system identification, and are improving source localisation algorithms. Results of an ongoing longitudinal study with stroke patients will be available within three years. Northwestern University University Medical Center Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 23 Mainstream Traffic Flow Control at Sags Using Variable Speed Limits Ir. Bernat Goñi Ros | Dr. Victor Knoop Bart van Arem | Serge Hoogendoorn Research theme Technology Readiness Level Infrastructure & Mobility / Transport Proof of principle Why? Traffic congestion has negative impacts on the performance of freeway networks. In hilly countries (such as Japan), sag vertical curves cause many traffic jams. We are developing a traffic management concept aimed to reduce the severity of congestion at that type of freeway bottlenecks. How? Variable speed limits are applied on a freeway section upstream of the sag vertical curve, keeping the traffic inflow to the bottleneck below its capacity. Consequently, traffic never becomes congested at the bottleneck. Traffic becomes congested on the variable speed limit section, but that congestion is less severe than if it occurred on the sag vertical curve. When? We carried out a proof of principle using microscopic traffic simulation in 2013. Considering its potential benefits, we expect that this technology will be developed further. Traffic management services based on this technology could be ready for implementation in five years. Toyota Motor Corporation 24 Optimisation of the Organisation of the Maritime Value Chain using Simulation Dr. ir. Jeroen Pruyn | Jenny Coenen Research theme Technology Readiness Level ICT Water & Maritime Proof of principle Why? Seamless integration of the supply chain is a must for shipbuilding, but which concepts and approaches will best fit the needs of this diverse industry? How? Due to the recent implementations of lean and other principles in the Dutch shipbuilding industry, much more data on shipyard processes has become available. The same can be seen at suppliers and co-makers. Integration of this data will allow simulations to test different forms of working together, optimising the construction process. When? Unlike earlier research on integral cooperation, impact should be expected within the next 5 years, as the work will support and facilitate discussions on this subject. 25 Inter Terminal Transport at the Port of Rotterdam in 2030 Dr. Rudy Negenborn | Ir. Mark Duinkerken | Dr. Francesco Corman Research theme Technology Readiness Level Proof of principle Why? Container volumes transported through the Port of Rotterdam are expected to increase due to the construction of Maasvlakte 2. Performance and competitiveness will, however, decrease without adequate measures due to intense congestion. Our research proposes an innovative inter terminal transport system to prevent this from happening. How? We develop demand scenario generation, mixed-integer mathematical optimization, and detailed discrete-event simulation techniques to determine what type and how many transport vehicles for inter terminal transport are required. We propose intelligent distributed control approaches for coordinating the operational actions of all vehicles, aiming for optimal transport system performance. When? 26 Infrastructure & Mobility / Transport Our research focuses on design of the inter terminal transport system of 2030. The tools developed during the project can, however, already impact the port’s transport systems design from as early as 2016. Smart Support for Marketing & Communication Processes Dr. Maarten van der Sanden | Prof.dr. Catholijne Jonker Dr. Wander Jager | Dr. Koen H. van Dam | Drs. Jeroen Stragier Research theme Technology Readiness Level Energy ICT Social impact / Delft Global Proof of principle Early lab scale demonstration Why? Communication and marketing professionals take decisions on complex issues on a daily basis. Smart Support makes those decisions more accountable. How? Testing and improving our proof of principle in co-creation with software developers and communication and marketing professionals by design based research. When? Our research and resulting tools will have a direct impact on the professionalisation of communication and marketing professionals which entails profound enhancement of scenario thinking and thereby accountability. 27 HF Auto Human Factors of Automated Driving Dr. Miltos Kyriakidis | Ms. Silvia Varotto, Mr. Christopher Cabrall Mr. Zhenji Lu | Mr. Pavlo Bazilinskyy | Dr. Joost de Winter | Dr. Raymond Hoogen Research theme Technology Readiness Level Why? It will help to reduce road accidents, traffic jam, fuel emissions. It explores human interaction with highly automated driving and the effects on traffic flow. How? Driving simulator experiments, eye tracking monitoring, control authority transition, traffic flow modelling, human machine interface design, public acceptance When? 28 Infrastructure & Mobility / Transport High Tech / Safety & Security Social impact / Delft Global Basic research Early lab scale demonstration By 2020, many people believe that highly automated driving will be on the public roads. This research will deliver a novel Human Machine Interaction to improve driving conditions and safety while driving in automated mode and it will also predict the effects on traffic flow. Direct to Shape Printing with Robot Prof. Jo Geraedts | Prof. Robert Babuska Sunniva van Ipenburg | Marco de Giera Research theme Technology Readiness Level Robotics ICT Early lab scale demonstration Why? (3D) Printing on existing non-flat structures is not possible with existing commercial printers. How? A novel method regarding printing with an industrial printhead mounted on a robot arm instead of a XYZ Linear Translation Stages. The demo shows the realised step from printing on flat surfaces to curved surfaces. When? Research must be the basis for an early prototype to show the added value of printing on non-flat surfaces in 2 years. 29 Gaming at the Dentist’s, Serious Game Design for Pain and Discomfort Distraction Dr. ir. Rafael Bidarra | Rob Kooij Research theme Health / ICT Technology Readiness Level Early lab scale demonstration Why? Decrease patient discomfort caused by anxiety during dentist treatment by reducing their perceived pain, while at the same time, improve regularity of dentist visits, and reduce duration of critical treatments. How? By deploying virtual reality within an immersive game environment especially developed for this purpose. Serious game design principles are carefully applied to create a customised experience for this specific context. When? 30 Achieving a more personalised and humane health care by reducing anxiety that saves practitioners time and money. Wearable Fall Prevention to Reduce Falls Dr.-Ing. Heike Vallery | Daniel Lemus Research theme Health, Robotics Social impact / Delft Global Technology Readiness Level Proof of principle Early lab scale demonstration Early prototype Why? Reducing falls is an urgent challenge in ageing societies, as falls are among the most frequent causes of hospitalization and death among the elderly. A key factor leading to falls is degraded balance control. How? We propose a minimalistic, backpack-like solution for balance assistance that is based on a gyroscope assembly coupled to the upper body. By exploiting the effect of several control moment gyroscopes (CMGs), the required support is generated in the case of loss of balance. Here, we study technical feasibility of this approach using a single CMG mounted on an inverted pendulum (IP). When? We expect to start first experiments with human subjects by the end of this year, and with a small number of patients throughout 2015. We are also exploring commercialisation opportunities of the system. Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago 31 H-haptics: Human-Centered Design of Haptic Interfaces David Abbink Research theme Technology Readiness Level Why? How? When? Currently, the design of haptic interfaces (i.e., for driving, telerobotics, exoskeletons) is by trial-and-error. A better understanding and incorporation of the human controller is needed for a technological breakthrough. Radically change human-machine interaction by developing next generation collaborative robotic interfaces which are optimized to the user’s capabilities and limitations using innovative models of the human controller. H-Haptics projects range from basic research to an already-marketed application. Industrial partners build the devices as demonstrators of state-of-the-art haptic interfaces, supporting the notion that “feeling is believing”. MOOG Netherlands 32 Robotics High Tech / Safety & Security Basic research Early lab scale demonstration Validation Heemskerk Innovative Technology “Intensive collaboration with the business community is crucially important to contribute to social needs of society with the developed products and services. Here at the TU Delft we are committed to improve and expand our cooperation with the business community at the regional, international, European and national levels” Dirk-Jan van den Berg President of the Executive Board, Technical University Delft 33 2 L ate Lab scale to Early prototype projects 34 Bio-inspired Eye Movements with an Active Binocular Vision Robot Prof. dr. ir. Pieter Jonker | Kimberly Nancy McGuire BSc Xin Wang MSc Research theme Technology Readiness Level Why? How? When? Robotics Early lab scale demonstration Late lab scale demonstration Our project will improve the visual processing and stabilization of an active vision system meant for visual guided mobile robotics. Taking inspiration on how the human eye system works from a neurological point of view, not only to imitate its eye movements, but to implement its adaptive capabilities as well. Our system could have an impact on society by 2020, depending on its use. Visual guided mobile robotics and existing image recording systems can benefit from this. 35 Efficient Low Peak Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (hELP OFDM) Mrs. Seyran Khademi | Prof. Alle-Jan van der Veen Research theme Technology Readiness Level 36 ICT Early lab scale demonstration Late lab scale demonstration Why? OFDM waveform suffers from the unpredictable time domain signal (nonconstant envelope), which leads to non-efficient use of the electronic devises and erroneous reception time to time. How? We developed an efficient signal processing algorithm that can be easily implemented digitally to modify the undesired generated OFDM signal to obtain more hardware-friendly (constant envelope) waveform. When? This is a ready-to- use algorithm that can be implemented digitally in basestations and how fast it can go to industry it depends on the promotion of the this work. Delft Social Sensing Lab, Managing Big Urban Data for Analysing and Modelling Cities Dr. Stefano Bocconi | Dr. Alessandro Bozzon | Dr. Birna van Riemsdijk Achilleas Psyllidis | Christiaan Titos Bolivar Research theme ICT Social impact / Delft Global Technology Readiness Level Late lab scale demonstration Why? To solve urban problems is to improve quality of life. Our goal is to improve the understanding of urban environment by enriching and interpreting big urban data through social sensing. How? By integrating, enriching, and interpreting machine and human generated data. Through big data analysis, simulations, and crowdsourcing we aim at providing citizens, decision- and policy-makers with actionable knowledge. When? As a better urban knowledge leads to better actions, our research could have an immediate societal impact. We are developing a set of prototype “City Dashboards” for several European cities. 37 Galatea-Project A Bio-inspired Underwater Vehicle ir. Tim Vercruyssen Research theme Technology Readiness Level Late lab scale demonstration Why? Dedicated underwater missions in complex and vulnerable underwater areas benefit from a highly manoeuvrable, robust and efficient robot equipped with undulating fin propulsion. How? Deriving basic performance principles from biomechanic research on seahorses and cuttlefish and use them as an inspiration and functional requirements for state of the art underwater robotics. When? 38 Robotics In a few years, swarms of underwater robots, will carry out stealthy inspection, surveillance and research missions with a unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. CNC Dynamic Mould for Producing Freely Curved Glass Panels Dr. Karel Vollers Research theme Technology Readiness Level Climate & Environment, Robotics & Process Technology Late lab scale demonstration Why? As yet, 3DC (=freely double curved) glass panel transforming on moulds CNC milled from steel or ceramic materials, implies great waste in labour, material, energy, logistics and time. Our CNC dynamic mould processing is based on 1 mould that can infinitely be reconfigured. How? A flat glass panel will be positioned on an array of actuators (pins), which are simultaneously activated to transform the panel in a heating process into the desired 3DC shape. We follow 3 parallel development trajectories: Actuators, CAD-CAM, Transforming Technology. When? Dynamic Glass Mould marketing starts in 2016. The market for architectural large freely curved glass panels will become enormous as most buildings need glass. After demonstration as transforming tool for glass, we will apply the technology for processing of other materials. TUD-DEMO Linak Van Lagen Metaalbewerking 39 Zebro Swarm Robots Dr. ir. Chris Verhoeven | dr. G.A.D. Lopes, | Research theme Technology Readiness Level Late lab scale demonstration Why? Swarms of dependable, simple fully autonomous rovers can form an omnipresent virtually indestructible self-deploying sensor network in harsh environments (incl. the Moon and Mars). How? Especially the optimisation of the swarm robots heavily relies on practical experiments in the CyberZoo to extract the models and parameters needed for the simulation of large swarms. When? 40 Robotics / High Tech / Safety & Security Robot swarms will be excellently suited for surveillance tasks like finding drugs or explosives, for which presently dogs are used, or for exploration of dangerous areas, like collapsed buildings of caves on Mars. The Next Step in the Smart Drone Revolution: Swarm of Pocket Drones Dr. Bart Remes | dr. Guido de Croon Research theme Technology Readiness Level Robotics Late lab scale demonstration Why? Our research will allow the next step in the smart drone revolution: swarms of pocket drones able to fly and explore completely by themselves. How? We develop computationally extremely efficient artificial intelligence for pocket drones that fits on miniature electronic systems, such as a 4-gram stereo vision system or 2-gram autopilot. When? Where now we all have a smart phone, in 5 years we will all also have a pocket drone. Moreover, swarms of drones will then be integrated in your daily live. 41 Novel Optical Hydrogen Detectors for the Diagnosis of Lactose Intolerance Dr. Peter Ngene | Prof. Bernard Dam | Dr. Ruud Westerwaal Research theme Technology Readiness Level 42 Health / Materials Late lab scale demonstration Validation Why? This project aims to develop novel low cost sensors for diagnosis of lactose intolerance via breath analysis. The device is able to undergo reversible change in its color when in contact with exhaled breath of people suffering from lactose intolerance. How? The exhaled breath of lactose intolerance patients contain unusually high concentration of hydrogen. The proposed device comprises yttrium thin film which is able to change colour in the presence of hydrogen at concentrations relevant for the diagnosis of lactose intolerance. When? The device has been successfully tested in the laboratory and presently undergoing validation. The device will have huge impact on the society because it is much cheaper and simpler to use than the state of the art device for diagnosis of this ailment. The TU-Delft Nanosatellite programme Dr. ir. Chris Verhoeven | Prof.dr.E.K.A.Gill | dr.J.Guo | ir.J.Bouwmeester Research theme Technology Readiness Level Robotics / ICT Validation Why? To provide experimental evidence of the robustness of nanosatellites and nanosatellites swarms in space. Nanosatellite swarms will enable real-time global earth observation systems and large area scientific instruments like OLFAR, a LF radio telescope based on a swarm of nanosatellites in moon orbit. How? The research focuses on the realisation of highly miniaturised space systems based on modern main stream technologies, validate them in space by pursuing a regular launch scheme. When? The research has led to the startup of already 3 and added new business opportunities in the space industry for several other companies and is as such already a considerable impact on the market and society. The TU Delft satellites Delfi-C3 (launched in 2008) and Delfi-n3Xt (2013) have had a large impact on both research and education. 43 Scalable Nanostructured Powders Production by Atomic Layer Deposition J. Ruud van Ommen | Ir. Aris Goulas Research theme Technology Readiness Level 44 Process Technology Materials Validation Why? Engineered nanostructured powders/particles production relies on wet-chemistry. Manufacturing often lacks rationality and is associated with large liquid waste streams. We apply a gas-phase nanostructuring technique that is rational, scalable and minimizes waste production. How? Our process is efficient (precursor materials usage), versatile (different nanostructuring possibilities), doesn’t use solvents and utilizes scalable reactor technology. Different product configurations with precisely-controlled nanofeatures can be made. When? We are working with industrial partners to validate the performance of our materials and process. Developments in the energy/chemicals/pharma sectors will drive engineered nanostructured powders demand to a tonne-scale in the near future. Prêt-à-Loger; Improve your House Preserve your Home Josien Kruizinga (Technical Manager) | Andy van de Dobbelsteen Craig Martin (Faculty Advisors) Research theme Technology Readiness Level Environment & Climate Energy Social impact / Delft Global Early prototype Why? Our research presents a solution for the existing 1.4 million row houses in the Netherlands, which have poor energy ratings, lack space, and suffer from moisture and lighting problems. How? We made case study in the city of Honselersdijk, where the typical dutch row houses are present. From there, we made a working prototype of the solution (the skin). When? Prêt-à-Loger facilitates the transition phase of sustainable society, targeting larger amount of houses to achieve 80% neutralization while keeping an eye on the option of becoming 100% sustainable. We expect to have impact on society within 1-2 years. 45 PHENICX: Towards Enriched Classical Concert Experiences Cynthia Liem MSc MMus | Alessio Bazzica MEng | Prof. dr. Alan Hanjalic Research theme Technology Readiness Level Early prototype Why? The PHENICX project creates new digital experiences for (live) classical music performances. In doing this, it strives to preserve a Western cultural heritage asset, and find new audiences for it. How? In many fields, ranging from multimodal signal processing to visualization, stateof-the-art techniques are deployed and advanced upon. Their utility and validity is continuously monitored through active involvement of potential end-users. When? The research already impacts current user-facing apps, such as the RCO Editions magazine. It shows novel functionality opportunities, and the user studies guarantee systematic validity testing of these. O F A I 46 ICT Smart Fixed Wings using Shape Memory Alloys Adrián Lara-Quintanilla MSc. | Ir. Freek Sluis Research theme Technology Readiness Level Environment & Climate / Energy / Materials Early prototype Why? Wings of conventional aircrafts have a fixed geometry. Smart Fixed-Wings can continuously adapt to the current flight conditions. How? By means of a kind of smart materials called Shape Memory Alloys which are able to change and maintain different shapes. When? It is still in design and early testing phase. If it shows a good performance and it is safe, it could be implemented on several years. CleanSky 47 Robot Eva Bram van der Veen, BSc. | Joost Broekens Research theme Technology Readiness Level Early prototype Why? The Robot Eva project revolves around researching the interaction between a service robot and people with the aim of gaining the knowledge required for the development of service robots that can be used in the care sector. Currently, the investigation is looking towards how a non autonomous robot can be best controlled for Wizard of Oz studies. How? Eva will be tested at a homecare facility using semi-autonomous and semicontrolled movements in a Wizard of Oz setting. When? 48 Health / Robotics We expect that the results will immediately aid in the development of socially affective service robots that can help in reducing the pressure on the currently strained care sector. Electricity from Kite Power Dr. Roland Schmehl | Dr. Axelle Viré | Uwe Fechner MSc Research theme Technology Readiness Level Energy / Robotics Early lab scale demonstration Why? Kite Power aims at energy generation at a lower cost, material usage and environmental impact than achievable by conventional, tower based wind turbines. How? Within a one year timeline Kite Power 2.0 builds an improved 32kW demonstrator for 24 hour continuous operation. Modeling and simulation will be employed to improve automatic control and increase speed and efficiency of development cycles. When? Commercial development of the technology will start in Q3 of 2015, first with a focus on smallscale (~50 kW) generation, then moving to largescale (MW) systems. The first generation of commercial smallscale systems should be on the market in 2018. 49 Wind Turbines on a Flood Defence Combining Technical and Governance Aspects dr. Paul Hölscher | dr. Baukje Kothuis Research theme Technology Readiness Level Water & Maritime Social impact / Delft Global Early prototype Why? Wind turbines on flood defences are economically beneficial. Consequences of such large structures for safety are unknown. Complex multi-actor context creates governance and development problems for water boards and private parties. How? Technical aspect: Numerical and theoretical evaluation of consequences of wind turbines for the well-known failure mechanisms. Governance aspect: Evaluation of incentives, barriers and interactions in development processes by applying anthropological methodologies. When? The technical research should lead to the knowledge that is needed to introduce this aspect in existing regulations. The governance aspect should lead to improvement of development processes in similar oncoming projects. Integral & sustainable design of Multi functional flood defences 50 Adaptivity and Robustness of Multi-functional Flood Defence Dr. Tushith Islam Research theme Technology Readiness Level Why? How? When? Infrastructure & Mobility / Transport ICT Early prototype Evaluating flexibility of available options for flood defence infrastructure (extendable to other fields ) to address and accommodate uncertainties. The computational method will be used to analyse existing flood defence strategies. Within the next two years, the core algorithms will be available for scientific use. Integral & sustainable design of Multi functional flood defences 51 Economy of Chain Integration Dr. Telli van der Lei | Gerben Bas Research theme Technology Readiness Level Early prototype Why? The process industry is predominantly characterised by economies of scale. With energy and transportation costs rising this business model becomes unsustainable. How? Local production networks of modular factories in containers have a small environmental footprint and are agile. Their economic viability depends on their location and the market they serve. A simulation model been developed to explore the viability of these networks. When? 52 Energy Infrastructure & Mobility / Transport Process Technology Because the model is dynamic and capable of simulating market responses the predictive power of the model is higher than current models used within industry. Uncertainty regarding investment decisions is significantly reduced. CrackGuard, Methodology for Monitoring Crack Growth in Steel Structures Ir. Menno van der Horst | Prof. dr. ir. Mirek Kaminski | ing. Erik Puik Research theme Technology Readiness Level High Tech / Safety & Security Water & Maritime Early prototype Why? My research will improve safety and lower inspection costs of offshore and maritime steel structures by offering a solution to monitor detected fatigue cracks. How? Prototype design, numerical simulations and experimental research will be done to make the CrackGuard system as reliable, robust and affordable as possible. When? By the end of my PhD research in 2018, the CrackGuard system should be a product that is market ready and classified by several class societies in the maritime industry. 53 Leah, Delft Personal Robot for the Service Industry Dr. ing. Maja Rudinac | Prof. dr. ir. Pieter Jonker | Ir. Floris Gaisser ir. Aswin Chandaar | ing. Machiel Bruinink Research theme Technology Readiness Level 54 Robotics Early prototype Why? To help elderly people living alone to solve everyday tasks of daily living. How? Using set of computer vision and control algorithms the robot can autonomously navigate in its environment, manipulate objects and interact with humans. When? With the company robot care systems we are market ready version that will be available in two years. Pocket negotiator: Intelligent Negotiation Support for all negotiation Phases Prof. dr. Catholijn Jonker | Dr. ir. Joost Broekens | Dr. Reyhan Aydogan Research theme Technology Readiness Level ICT Social Impact/Delft Global Early prototype Why? The Pocket Negotiator supports people in their negotiations by structuring the negotiation process and helping to proposal good bids. One-to-one or multi-party, we have technology for all. How? We are now working on business models, then we will create the market ready application. We have two interested parties for two different business models, you could join! When? The transition of prototype to market ready application could be within a year from now. Impact could be on a specific market, e.g., real estate, B2B, B2C (e.g., conflict resolution). Almende B.V. Nederlands Instituut voor Onderhandelen Paction 55 New Technologies as Social Experiments: Conditions for Morally Responsible Experimentation Prof. dr. ir. Ibo van de Poel | Dr. Neelke Doorn | Dr. Behnam Taebi Dr. Lotte Asveld | Jan Bergen | Zoë Robaey | Shannon Spruit Research theme Technology Readiness Level 56 Social impact / Delft Global Early prototype Why? Introducing technologies in society, such as nanotechnology, biotechnology or nuclear energy, comes with unknowns. We develop an ethical framework based on the notion of experimentations to deal with that uncertainty. How? We conceptualise the introduction of technology in society as a social experiment and explore the conditions rendering it morally acceptable. When? The ethical framework “New Technologies as Social experiments” is being conceptually developed for different technological fields. Next, we will adapt it to policy and industrial contexts with relevant partners. Large-Scale Environmental-Data Visualisation Prof. Dr. Elmar Eisemann | Dr. Bert Buchholz Research theme Technology Readiness Level Why? How? Environment & Climate Water & Maritime Early prototype Climate changes pose a threat to many regions in the world, among them the Netherlands due to its low elevation. Understanding such developments and their consequences is crucial in order to act sensibly on them. For this reason, large-scale data capture and interpretation is necessary. Captured data is complex and difficult to visualize in its entirety. Especially, heterogeneous sensor networks (comprised of weather stations, social media, mobile phones etc.) provide a wealth of different data types and formats. We aim at using visualisation to render this otherwise complex information understandable. When? Currently, there are 14 weather stations in the Rotterdam area that measure a number of different environmental factors. In addition, we were already able to use social media to correlate messages with larger weather events like rain storms allowing to extract highly localized information. 57 Reinvent the Toilet: Water Diverting Toilet & Community Sanitation Centers Dr. Jan Carel Diehl | Dr. Johan Molenbroek | Gerwin Jansen Anne Jansen | Miguel Melgarejo Research theme Health Social impact / Delft Global Technology Readiness Level Early prototype Why? The need for better sanitation in the developing world is clear. 2.5 billion people practice open defecation or lack adequate sanitation facilities, and the consequences can be devastating for human health as well as the environment. How? By employing multidisciplinary as well human centered design approaches a water diverting toilet and community sanitation centers have been developed which meet the needs and aspirations of inhabitants of urban informal settlements. When? Early prototypes have been tested in informal settlements in India. As a follow up the further development and implementation is being explored in collaboration with India commercial partners, NGO’s and academic institutions. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 58 3D Photography Reflectance Transformation Imaging Dome Ir. Tim Zaman Research theme Technology Readiness Level Robotics Early prototype Why? 3D RTI Images taken with our system can be used for quick high resolution 3D scanning; for example quick quality analysis and digitisation of objects. How? Our 3D RTI Dome allows us to relight photo’s after they are taken, and allows us to construct a 3D image and model the surface reflectance. We do so by computing image’s appearance as a function of the position of the light on the object. When? Our method will allow rapid capture in 3D, that can be used for shape, material or quality analysis. Such RTI images are easy to publish on-line and allow relighting of objects. We intend to use it to scan the entire numismatic collection of the Federal Reserve in the USA. 59 SketchaWorld: Easy-to-use Tool for Modelling your 3D Virtual Worlds Rafael Bidarra | Ruben M. Smelik Research theme Technology Readiness Level Early prototype Why? Intuitive and easy to use methodology for modelling 3D virtual worlds for games and training applications in a matter of minutes instead of days. How? SketchaWorld seamlessly integrates a variety procedural methods, in order to enable artists and designers to focus on what they want to create, instead of on how they should model it. When? 60 ICT By applying those techniques to do the tedious work for you, this methodology can stimulate people’s creativity, and has the potential to make virtual world creation available to the masses. 3D Scanning and Reproduction of Paintings Ir. Tim Zaman | Ir. W. Elkhuizen Research theme Technology Readiness Level Robotics Early prototype Why? We want to be able to make the ultimate reproduction of paintings, in order to be able to fully understand them and conserve their exact appearance. How? A hybrid system with cameras, a projector and automated translation stages allow us to scan the planar surfaces with a very high resolution in full colour. 3D Printing then allows us to make near undistinguishable reproductions. When? By exactly modelling the appearance of a painting, we learn exactly what makes a painting look the way it does, and we learn how the original master has done this. This allows us to make 3D printed reproductions that gives rise to the question: if we can make an undistinguishable reproduction, what is the value of the original? 61 Neutron In-Beam Mössbauer Spectroscopy Investigating Industrial Materials/Catalysts under Authentic Working Conditions Dr. Achim Iulian Dugulan | Ir. Michel Steenvoorden Research theme Technology Readiness Level Early prototype Why? In chemistry and solid state physics, Mössbauer spectroscopy is commonly used as an analytic tool that provides valuable information on the electronic structure of chemical compounds. The Mössbauer effect was observed on 82 isotopes of 44 elements, but only a few of them are used in practice. How? In this project, the number of usable Mössbauer nuclei will be increased by producing them in-beam. Neutron capture prompt-gamma nuclei for in-beam excitation like 157Gd, 155Gd, 167Er, 161Dy, 177Hf, 163Dy, 179Hf, 171Yb, 154Gd, 173Yb, 160Dy, 182W, 56Fe, 66Zn and 39K will be produced. When? 62 Energy / Materials The measurements on the neutron in-beam Mössbauer spectroscopy instrument are expected to start in 2016. The intended research and development of improved catalysts could have a substantial impact on the economics and sustainability of products in many sectors of industry in the Netherlands. Grab the Future - Virtual Prototyping Using Particle Based Simulation ir. Stef W. Lommen | Dr. ir. Dingena Schott | Gabriel Lodewijks Research theme Technology Readiness Level Infrastructure & Mobility / Transport Process Technology Early prototype Why? Grabs are a type of handling equipment for dry bulk such as coal or iron ore. Development of grabs is conservative as the particular nature of dry bulk material hinders an accurate continuous description of the material and grab behaviour during operation. Virtual evaluation of prototypes can shorten the time to market and reduce the development costs greatly. How? The project has created a validated virtual environment for simulating the interaction between particles and equipment by Discrete Element Method and Multi Body Dynamics. The simulation has been validated through lab-scale and full-scale industrial experiments of existing grabs. When? By now the model has been validated and is ready to be used to develop the grab of the future. It provides insight into the working principles of equipment from a particulate material perspective. This helps to improve any process that involves handling and processing of powders and granular materials. 63 3 Late prototype to Market ready applications 65 Bio-Inspired Medical Technology Paul Breedveld | All people within the BITE research group Research theme Technology Readiness Level 66 Health High Tech / Safety & Security Early prototype to Market ready application Why? Inspired by muscular hydrostatic skeleton systems in squid tentacles a range of steerable medical instruments have been developed for nearly all applications of minimally invasive surgery, e.g. laparoscopy, neurosurgery, eye surgery and catheter interventions. Our novel prototypes feature world’s thinnest and most manoeuvrable steerable constructions. How? For medical input we collaborate with medical specialists (AMC, LUMC, Erasmus MC, UMCU), and for biological input we collaborate with the University of Wageningen. Our researchers and instrument makers collaborate closely in a team, using a new design methodology that strongly stimulates creative design processes. When? Worldwide, our research group BITE is on the forefront. Commercialisation is being carried out by spin-off company DEAM in collaboration with the medical industry. The surgical instrumentation market is very complex and the “when” depends on many factors. But I expect that our inventions will revolutionise minimally invasive surgery and enable complex operations that can not yet be carried out. Nuon Solar Team Bianca Koppen Research theme Technology Readiness Level Why? How? When? Environment & Climate / Energy Infrastructure & Mobility / Transport Late prototype To show the world what is possible with solar energy and the latest technologies. With a team of 16 persons we spend 1,5 years building a solar car, with several disciplines each focussing on a different aspect of the car. Next year October we will start the race in Australia and hopefully win it again! 67 Structural evaluation of multifunctional flood defences Ing. M.Z. Voorendt Research theme Technology Readiness Level Water & Martime Late Prototype Why? The present guidelines for the design and assessment of flood defences are not suitable for multifunctional flood defences. How? A generic method will be developed for the evaluation of a-typical flood defences. This method is based on a distinction of structural parts regarding their structural function. When? After publication of the dissertation the method will be available for application in the design and assessment practice. Integral & sustainable design of Multi functional flood defences 68 Terahertz Silicon-Integrated CAMera for Low-Cost Imaging Applications Prof. Andrea Neto | Dr. M Spirito | Dr. N. Llombart | Dr. Daniele Cavallo Research theme Technology Readiness Level High Tech / Safety & Security Late Prototype Why? Terahertz cameras can provide improved capabilities in sensing and security applications. However, such devices are currently limited by their large size/cost and their low sensitivity. We propose solutions for realising integrated terahertz cameras with radically enhanced sensitivity. How? To improve the sensitivity of terahertz cameras, we will employ novel wideband highgain antenna concepts, combined with high-sensitivity detectors based on state-of-the-art CMOS and BiCMOS technologies. An integrated 1K pixel camera in a silicon-based technology will be developed. When? At the end of the two-year project, the technology will be transferred to the industrial partners for developing future systems for commercial applications. THz sensing will play an important role in electronics research and development for the next decades. 69 DORA Digital Operating Room Assistant Dr. John van den Dobbelsteen | Prof.dr. Jenny Dankelman | Linda Wauben ir. Annetje Guedon | Drs. Frédérique Meeuwsen Research theme Technology Readiness Level Late prototype Why? DORA will prevent disruptions of the workflow of operative processes and thereby improve patient safety and efficiency in the entire care pathway. How? DORA monitors events related to patients, personnel, equipment and instruments and uses pattern analysis to discover deviations from protocol and to identify possible risks for patient safety. When? The ability to monitor the processes in real-time will have a direct effect on the efficiency of the care pathway and reduce costs. Implemented the knowledge of DORA will grow automatically and incrementally improve patient safety. Reinier de Graaf Hospital 70 Health Leiden University Medical Center Eye Hospital Rotterdam SATA, Shaft Actuated Tip Articulation in an Arthroscopic Punch Tim Horeman | Gabrielle Tuijthof | Prof.dr.Gino Kerkhoffs (MD) Research theme Technology Readiness Level Health High Tech / Safety & Security Late prototype Why? Repairing menisci lesions is challenging when the tear is located in a difficult to reach location. Using the current cutting tools that cannot steer multiple instrument exchanges are required, which leads to frustration, longer operation time, high tissue stress on cartilage and portals and therefore potential tissue damage and hand pain. How? Our Steerable Punch offers the needed extra reachability in knee joints, and prevents the use of multiple cutting tools. This is achieved by a new patented stiff articulating shaft mechanism (SATA), which allows the tip to be positioned at all possible angles between 55 and -55 degrees and simultaneously allows for precision cutting of tough tissues within one single instrument. When? As soon as the first SATA punch comes available in 2016. This new punch reduces the number of instrument changes (one punch is needed) and reduces the risk on tissue damage. 71 Fast DNA Analysis for Cancer Diagnosis Using FPGA-based Technology Dr. Zaid Al-Ars | Dr. Koen Bertels | Dr. Vlad Sima Research theme Technology Readiness Level Late Prototype Why? DNA analysis is a slow and expensive process, limiting its utilization in disease diagnosis such as cancer. We design specialized computer hardware to substantially increase the speed of the analysis. How? There are standard algorithms used to diagnose cancer using DNA. We design circuits that can solve these algorithms directly in hardware much more efficiently than on a general purpose computer. When? 72 Health / ICT We have an algorithm already running in the field with 10x speedup. A second algorithm is a prototype running 1.5x faster, and to be ready for commercialization by November. Survival of the Fattest; Using Algea for Biofuel Production ir. Peter Mooij | dr. ir. Robbert Kleerebezem | prof. dr. ir. Mark van Loosdrecht Research theme Technology Readiness Level Environment & Climate Energy Late prototype Why? We’ll make the production of microalgal starch and lipids, which can be used to produce biofuels, cheaper. How? By using nature’s diversity in a smart way, we can guarantee stable production in cheap cultivation systems. When? Currently, the first pilot-scale tests are performed. The technology will be ready for further scaling up in 1-2 years. 73 Hygienic Train Toilet Dr. ir. Johan Molenbroek | Prof. ir. Daan van Eijk | ir. Marian Loth Research theme Technology Readiness Level Why? Enhancing train toilet hygiene, so that travelling by train becomes more attractive, or specifically that the train traveller will rate the train toilet as sufficient. How? The ‘research through’ design of the train toilet is based on approximately 230 observations of users and questionnaires completed by about 1500 train travellers. When? 74 Infrastructure & Mobility / Transport Health Late prototype Commercial application At the end of 2015 or beginning of 2016 both the PhD Thesis Defense as well as the key elements of the design proposal with specifications in the modernization of the double decker trains (Virm) will take place. Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory Prof. dr. ir. Nick van de Giesen | Dr. ir Rolf Hut | Ir. Martine Rutten Research theme Technology Readiness Level Environment & Climate / ICT Early stage commercial environment application Why? Africa is very poorly monitored when it comes to water and climate. Yet, to develop the continent’s agriculture and resources, such data are essential. TAHMO will build a network of 20,000 robust and cost effective weather stations to turn this situation around. How? The TAHMO network will mainly be roled out through schools, thereby enhancing the water & climate curriculum. Data will be freely available for non-commercial use. Commercial use will pay for the upkeep of the network. When? Two pilots, one in Ghana and one in Kenya, will start this year. The Kenyan pilot aims at providing data for micro-crop insurance. The Ghanaian project aims at improving weather forecasts and providing farmers with weather related information. 75 Robot Operating System Industrial, Open Source Cross-Platform Dr. Martijn Wisse | ir. Gijs van der Hoorn Research theme Technology Readiness Level Why? ROS-Industrial is a software platform that allows (inter)connection of all types and brands of robots and other intelligent machines. It will greatly improve the accessibility of robot technology gains of robotics. How? A worldwide network of developers works together to translate high-level research results, such as smart 3D camera software, into plug-and-play software components. When? 76 Robotics ICT Early stage commercial environment application ROS-Industrial is already operational, and many more features and capabilities will be added in the next few years. Factory-in-a-Day - Fast Installation to Make Robotics Affordable for Small Companies Dr. Martijn Wisse | Prof. dr. ir. Jo Geraedts | ir. J. C. Verlinden Research theme Technology Readiness Level Robotics Early stage commercial environment application Why? Factory-in-a-Day will bring industrial robots within reach of medium and small companies. How? The key bottleneck, installation time (and cost), is drastically reduced by combining rapid manufacturing techniques with smart software. Think of it as ‘apps’ for various robot tasks. When? The first small/medium companies are being served right now. By the end of the project (2017), a significant number of companies will enjoy the productivity gains of robotics. 77 Haptic Shared Control for Driver Assistance Dr. ir. David Abbink | Dr. ir. Mark Mulder | Dr. ir. Erwin Boer Research theme Technology Readiness Level Infrastructure & Mobility / Transport High Tech / Safety & Security Proof of principle Market ready application Why? Communication and interaction between drivers and intelligent vehicles is crucial for the further introduction of automation. We use haptics as a basis for novel interfaces to control such vehicles. How? We conduct human-in-the-loop experiments in driving simulators to identify driver behavior, and design and evaluate novel interaction interfaces based on force feedback and haptic guidance. When? Our research has resulted in successful marketing of the haptic gas pedal (Distance Control Assist). Our patents will also help marketing lateral assist systems in the coming five years. Nissan Motor Company, Ltd. 78 Mathematical Modeling of Industrial Furnaces for Cement Production Dr. Domenico Lahaye | Ir. Michele Pisaroni | Ir. Rudy Sadi Research theme Technology Readiness Level High Tech / Safety & Security Materials Market ready application Why? Producing cement requires high temperatures. Operating the furnaces used in the process is typically based upon a trial and error process. We instead developed a mathematical model that allowed to identify the optimal temperature and to substantially increase the profit margins. How? The developed mathematical model proved valuable in two ways. 1) it allowed to locate too high temperature regions in the oven. 2) it allowed to validate changes in the operating conditions that reduce peak temperature. When? The proposed operating condition changes have been tested in the field in August 2011. Since, the furnaces has been operating without unscheduled shut-downs, resulting in hugely important cost savings. The method of mathematical modelling can also be applied to other industrial processes. A L M AT I S 79 GeoBee, Outcrop Analogue Modelling in Fieldworks Ir. Kevin Bisdom | Prof.Dr. Giovanni Bertotti | Dr. Nico Hardebol Research theme Technology Readiness Level Market ready application Why? Collecting accurate geological datasets has long been a challenge for geoscientists. Several ‘Digital Outcrop Modelling’ methods exist, but their flexibility is limited. The GeoBee provides both accuracy and flexibility. How? The GeoBee workflow applies existing commercial tools (a high-end drone and photogrammetry techniques) with our in-house digitisation tools to create accurate geological datasets for input in geomechanical and fluid flow models. When? 80 Energy The GeoBee has been used in two projects, and the resulting datasets and models are providing both academic output (publications) as well as improved geological models for the Oil and Gas industry. Earth, Wind & Fire Natural Air Conditioning Dr. Ing. Benjamin Bronsema | Dr. Ir. Wim van der Spoel Dr. Regina Bokel Research theme Technology Readiness Level Environment & Climate Energy Market ready application Why? Natural air conditioning improves the indoor environment, decreases the energy use of buildings and bridges the gap between architecture and technology. How? Buildings will be designed as “climate machines” using the ambient energy of the earth mass, the wind and the sun, eliminating the need for mechanical systems. When? The Earth, Wind & Fire concept will be applied in a newly to be build hotel in Amsterdam, worlds first zero energy hotel. Dutch Green Company Eindhoven University of Technology 81 Mechanical Recycling of End Of Life (EOL) Concrete into High-Grade Aggregates Somayeh Lotfi | Prof. Peter Rem Research theme Technology Readiness Level Environment & Climate Materials Market ready application Why? Increasing amount of concrete waste, lack of dumping places, saving natural resources and reducing CO2 emissions, are the main driving forces for finding a sustainable and economic way for concrete recycling. How? The C2CA project aims at an innovative, cost-effective and environmental friendly approach for in situ recycling of high-volume end of life concrete streams into primegrade aggregates and cement. When? The feasibility of this recycling process was examined in a demonstration project involving 20,000 tons of EOL concrete. Results show that the +4 mm recycled aggregate compares favourably with natural aggregate. Strukton - Heidelberg Cement - Holcim - Theo Pouw - DV - Laser 2000 - Inashco R&D 82 About the Valorisation Centre Successful innovation not only calls for in-depth knowledge and cutting-edge creativity, but constructive partnership is just as essential. To transform technological innovations into practical added-value applications for society, we need assistance from external partners. By cooperating with business, government and civil society organisations or directly via individuals, we can make our knowledge work to the benefit of wider society. By commercialising academic research, the University wants to contribute to sustainable and innovative solutions to social problems. The university adds value to society by making its knowledge available for commercial purposes, or conducting research commissioned by companies or international institutions. Scientists from the TU Delft work together with specialists from all over the world to create break-through solutions with an impact on society. The success of Technology Transfer therefore highly relies on the effort our academic employees make. The Valorisation Centre is a good place to start to start doing business with the TU Delft and there are different ways in which this can take shape: Patent portfolio, Business relations & Contract research. Linked to this TU Delft has its own participation holding called Delft Enterprises. Patent portfolio TU Delft has an interesting patent portfolio but a patent is only the beginning. A beginning that may lead to a profitable business or a successful venture or license agreement. For more information: T +31 (0) 15 278 4859 [email protected] Start-ups and spinouts Delft Enterprises is the one stop shop for entrepreneurship and spin out companies of the Delft University of Technology. For more information: T +31 (0) 15 278 2122 [email protected] 83 Business Relations The TU Delft can be an interesting business partner. There are various clusters on which we intensively collaborate with business, such as clean tech, medical technologies, high tech systems, nano technologies, energy and infrastructure & mobility. For more information: Antal Baggerman T +31 (0) 15 278 6973 [email protected] Contract research The TU Delft participates with various companies and organisations in large-scale research projects. For more information: Margo Strijbosch (NL Research funding) +31 (0) 15 278 3917 [email protected] Servaas Duterloo (EU Research funding) T +31 (0) 15 278 3758 [email protected] General information about the Valorisation Centre: Mekelweg 4 2628CD, Delft, the Netherlands [email protected] More information about DIG-it! Susanne Sleenhoff Project manager T +31 (0)15 278 83078 [email protected] 84 Index by research theme Energy projects See pages: 20, 27, 45, 47, 49, 52, 62, 67, 73, 80 & 81 Environment & Climate See pages: 14, 18, 21, 39, 45, 47, 57, 67, 73, 75, 81 & 82 Health See pages: 12, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 30, 31, 42, 48, 58, 66, 70, 71, 72 & 74 High Tech / Safety & Security See pages: 10, 17, 19, 22, 28, 32, 40, 53, 66, 69, 71, 78, 79 ICT See pages: 15, 19, 25, 27, 29, 30, 36, 37, 43, 46, 51, 55, 60, 72, 75 & 76 Infrastructure & Mobility / Transport See pages: 10, 11, 24, 26, 28, 51, 52, 63, 67, 74 & 78 Materials See pages: 13, 42, 44, 47, 79 & 82 Process Technology See pages: 21, 39, 44, 52 & 63 Robotics See pages: 15, 23, 29, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 48, 49, 54, 59, 61, 76 & 77 Social impact See pages: 15, 18, 22, 27, 28, 37, 45, 50, 55, 56 & 58 Water & Maritime See pages: 11, 25, 50, 53, 57 & 68 85 -it! - Xpose Colophon Production: Valorisation Centre TU Delft – DIG-it! Text and Editing: Paul Althuis, Susanne Sleenhoff, Malou Spruit Cartoons: Total Shot productions - Stephan Timmers Layout: Liesbeth van Dam Print: Vanderheym © January 2015 DIG-it! is the innovation stimulating and supporting initiative within the Delft University of Technology coordinated by its Valorisation Centre. All year round we facilitate TU Delft scientists to make their ideas more tangible and visible. With this support we aim to enhance collaboration with external partners and its chance for successful implementation in the market or society. This booklet presents a first cross section of projects that have been supported by the DIG-it! initiative.
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