February 2015 Winters Chapel United Methodist Church ~ 5105 Winters Chapel Road Doraville GA 30360 ~ 770-396-4550 Return To Your First Love... By Rev. Shelia Preacher As I looked at the calendar, I realized with some surprise that, this year, Valentine’s Day [February 14] and the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday [February 18] are only days apart. And I suddenly realized that our whole Lenten journey with Christ toward that cross is a trek to help us to “return to our first love.” And better than the best Hallmark card…God’s Word reflects the Father who loves us first, best, and always! It is God’s valentine…written just for us! O, pause for a moment and let it sink in! For God writes: You may not know me, but I know everything about you. [Psalm 139:1] I know when you sit down and when you rise up. [Psalm 139:2] I am familiar with all your ways. [Psalm 139:3] Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. [Matthew 10:29-31] You were made in my image. [Genesis 1:27] In me you live and move and have your being. [Acts 17:28] For you are my offspring. [Acts 17:28] I knew you even before you were conceived. [Jeremiah 1:4-5] I chose you when I planned creation. [Ephesians 1:11-12] You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book. [Psalm 139:15-16] And it is my desire to lavish my love on you. [1 John 3:1] Simply because you are my child and I am your Father. [1 John 3:1] And I rejoice over you with singing! [Zephaniah 3:17] For you are my treasured possession. [Exodus 19:5] And I want to show you great and marvelous things. [Jeremiah 33:3] And if you seek me with all your heart, you will find me. [Deuteronomy 4:29] I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love. [Romans 8:31-32] If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me. [1 John 2:23] And nothing will ever separate you from my love again. [Romans 8:38-39] The question is…”Will you be mine?” [John 1:12-13] God’s question sets our hearts pounding. “Will you be mine?” How about it? Will WE return to our first love? Happy Valentine’s Day…not just on February 14th, but EVERY day! Shelia A Note from Dorcas… Another great start to our ESOL classes, but we have added a wonderful time of worship before classes start. We are so happy to say that we had 16 folks that joined us in worship for the first night of English classes and in our second week we had 36 in worship! This is very encouraging because our goal is to serve people in their spiritual needs. We hope to see this year as a fresh new start to growth within the Hispanic Ministry as well as for the whole congregation at Winter’s Chapel UMC. We don’t see numbers as just mere attendance; we see growth in the spiritual life of people that need Jesus Christ in their lives. Please Pastor Dorcas Rodriguez Hispanic Ministry continue to pray for the Hispanic Ministry. We hope to reach as many individuals this year as we are able. The work we do in partnership is for the kingdom of God. And, this year as we make resolutions for our lives, we hope to keep the most important ones and that is to bring people in relationship with making disciples for the transformation of the world. God bless you. Amen by Misha V. Stefanuk, music director and organist in residence I start this newsletter with a quote from Mr. Paul McCartney, who some of you might remember [see insert quote below]. I also like the teamwork involved in both band and choir performing. And my job does make me feel optimistic about human race, we can get together and work on projects and get things work better, as we prepare music for all of our services! Last Sunday we added an exciting element of a guest artist. Sylvester Span is an Atlanta based jazz saxophone player who represents old school of jazz and specifically jazz church music. Sylvester is a good friend and we have played gigs years ago. He is a member of Atlanta Jazz Quintet, Cascade Avenue Bebop Society Band, he opened for 1996 Olympics, Carter Center Library, Temptations, Millie Jackson and performed in Atlanta Jazz Festival. He currently runs jam sessions at Churchhill Grounds jam on Tuesdays, Apres' Diem on Wednesdays and Queen of Sheeba on Thursdays. One piece he played with us is Come Sunday, which comes out of one of the Duke Ellington jazz church suites. During Holy week, on Good Friday, my friend Magdalena Wor is going to come and lead us. She has long experience in cantoring, so I am very much looking forward to learn from her. Magdalena and I have done a lot of concerts all over United States together, and recorded a couple of CD's. Magdalena Wor sang with National Symphony and Atlanta Symphony, and is an in-demand opera singer. In our Winters Chapel rehearsals we are focused on becoming more effective and more correct in our singing, especially parts singing with the choir, and spending more time with anthems. We have chosen our next cantata, and are looking forward to present it to you on Easter! The Worship Band is going through a number of new (to us) songs, and we also have an entire service with Choir accompanied by the band, again something interesting to do! We have a new choir member, Carol Beard, and she is gracefully leading our tenor section. We are thankful for having her and looking forward to learn from her! So we have a lot of music to learn and present to you, and the Easter is coming with cantata and all the extra services! Come sing with us! Page 2 Youth is now meeting on Thursday nights! Join us for fun and fellowship every Thursday night at 7:00 pm. Contact Leslie Faulkner for more info. Upcoming Children’s Choir performances: February 22 March 29 As a member of Winters Chapel, I will faithfully participate in its ministries . . . (The Month of January) Connie & Frank Bate Clyde & Martha Beavers Joan Bell and Family By my Prayers . . . The Blackford Family The Blevins Family Andy Bowen Kim Brooks Jim Bryant Lois Hara Burdge Sandy Carlton Elizabeth Chavez Andrea Cox The Coy Family The DeLeon Family Alison Dixon Gladys Dixon Paul Epps Family Mary Gardner The Godwin Family Steph & Pete Goede Sarah Greene Walter Gregg Dawn Hall Richard Hanson Lisa Humphries Matthew Hunt Adrian Jones Sandra Lackland Arianna Lindsey Darwin & Reggie Lloyd Angie Matheny & Family By my Presence . . . Sunday School: 26 (1/4); 23 (1/11); 19 (1/18); 21 (1/25) 11 am Worship: 77 (1/4); 74 (1/11); 57 (1/18); 62 (1/25) Thursday Bi-Lingual: 16 (1/15); 36 (1/22) Lee Pelfrey LaToya Phanord Angel Ramsey Jason Ramsey John Ramsey Bob Rauschkolb Anthony & Karen Robinson Dorcas Rodriguez The Rotondi family Ferren Shambry Katie Smotherman Earle & Nancy Trumble Dawn Wade Janice Whitehead Betty Williams Jean Witcher Judy Woodall Rena Wyatt By my Gifts. . . $9,389 (1/4); $3,564 (1/11); $1,651 (1/18); $6,516 (1/25) By my Service . . . Altar Guild: Kathy Honeycutt, Arlene Bishop, Jo Culpepper, Nancy Trumble, Mary VanHorn, Joan Vining, Peggy Wallis, Betty Williams Audio: Jeff Pruett, Judy Woodall Counters: January: Sandra Lackland and Cathy Letson February: Harry Honeycutt and Ronnie Letson Greeters: Vicki Brown-Macomber, Frank and Connie Bate, Gail and Mike Granberry, Mary Mwambay, Francois Kaboya, Laura Sweet Lay Leaders: Harriet Chapman, Don Dixon, Kathy Honeycutt, Mike Macomber, Rufus Manley, Judy Woodall Music: Misha Stefanuk, Chancel Choir, Worship Band, Children’s Choir Ushers: January: Ron Letson, Cathy Letson, Nancy Spickard, Mike Granberry, Gail Granberry February: Tom Preacher, Don Dixon, Alison Dixon, Leon Humphries, Linda Humphries The Fisher · February 2015 Page 3 EASTER BASKET MINISTRY This month we will begin collecting items for Easter baskets for teenage children who are in foster care through Gwinnett County Department of Family and Children’s Services. Please look for a sign-up sheet in the narthex on February 15th. The deadline for donations will be March 15th. We will need baskets, grass, and goodies for the teenagers such as candy (NO CHOCOLATE PLEASE), snacks, school supplies and personal care items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, lip balm, cosmetics…). We are thankful for our generous congregation. For questions or more information, please contact Summer Cannon. OUR GIFTS Each year we focus on ONE of the five vows we made when we joined Winters Chapel United Methodist Church. We have already focused on prayers and presence, and 2015 is the year to focus on GIFTS. Our focus is NOT exclusively on financial gifts, but also on gifts of our time, talent, and our spiritual gifts. All these gifts and more are vital in the life of our church. Financial gifts from some of our internal church organizations and from some of our current and departed members have allowed us to recently acquire new kitchen equipment, a new floor, and a brighter appearance for our Fellowship Hall, plus a new security camera system for our church, and more. Gifts of our time, talent, and spirituality facilitate our worship services include running our audio/visual system, participating in choir or Praise Band, serving as ushers, counters, lay speakers, liturgists, greeters, etc. The success of our special events depend on our gifts of planning, cooking, serving, clean up, music, and much more, as does the success of our various outreach missions. In short, the life of our church in large measure exists on the fruits of our labor, our GIFTS. We are excited about exploring new ways to improve and expand our opportunities to assist the work of Christ here at Winters Chapel through our GIFTS. We are a small church, so there are opportunities for ALL of us to find ways to contribute our GIFTS. You will be hearing more from us and we want to hear from you. Edwin Hall and Harry Honeycutt, Co-Chairmen, Stewardship Committee, 2015 The United Methodist Men will host their annual Sweetheart Breakfast Sunday, February 15th at 8:30 am. You don’t have to be a “couple” to attend! Make plans to enjoy a wonderful breakfast and feel the love of fellowship that morning before service. Page 4 Kids Closet Consignment Sale Kids Closet, the school’s fundraiser will hold its spring Consignment Sale February 6th through February 8th in the Fellowship Hall and Sunday school rooms of the church. We will be open on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.(no kids admitted on Thursday unless babies in a sling/backpack), on Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and on Saturday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. when most items will be half price. Thursday Friday Saturday Feb 5 11am - 7pm (no kids except infants in slings) Feb 6 9am - 3pm Feb 7 9am - 1pm (most items half price) For more information contact Mary Trompeter 770-393-3478 [email protected] Ash Wednesday Service Wednesday, February 18 6:00 pm UMM 2015 Kick-off and Planning Meeting United Methodist Men kicked off the new year with a planning meeting on Jan 18th. In addition to planning activities and events, the group recognized and immediately put to work its newly elected President, Mark Watson. No other changes in the leadership team is anticipated at this time. Mark brings the energy of youth plus a new heart and mind to small group leadership. I encourage all men of the church to join us! We need you because the church gives us lots to do…. To recap event dates for everyone: February 15th 9 am - the annual Sweetheart Breakfast with chefs Steve L. and Tom P. in the kitchen. Also, we think we have talked Mike M. into a return engagement for fun and games during the meal. April 5th 9 am - the Easter Breakfast following the early morning worship. Again chefs Steve L. and Tom P. will be clanging the pots and pans… May 2nd - the Fish Fry from 11 am - 3 pm. Join us on the fishing trip immediately before the cookout. Sept. 20th immediately following morning worship - annual Church Picnic in the Fellowship Hall and games on the grounds (weather permitting) Nov. 7th 11 am - 3 pm. Annual UMM BBQ. But more than a cookout. We have lots of good times in brotherhood and team- building. Now with all of this, surely there is an opportunity for each of you to play a part…. The Fisher · February 2015 Page 5 I'll always be with you... By Michelle Stewart After arriving back home on Saturday night from the week in El Salvador, I have found that acclimating to my “life” is harder than I expected. I can’t exactly put my finger on any one thing to explain my emotional state. There was no jet-lag as we were on central time all week. However coming home with clocks staring at me in every room, I’m reminded of the pace at La Casa de Mi Padre. At La Casa, we were encouraged to place more emphasis on relationships rather than the completion of tasks. Such a change from the whirlwind schedule I keep where I wake up and immediately look at my calendar to see what is on task for the day. However, it is a great reminder of what truly matters at the end of your life. Is it all you accomplished while at work or speeding from one event to the next? Or is it the loved ones who are with you, sharing stories and memories that you built together? I look in my pantry to plan out my dinner and remember that until we delivered the staples on Monday, one or more of those families may not have known from where their next meal was coming. They truly embody the saying, “eat to live, and don’t live to eat.” As I try to make my yearly New Year’s Resolution of eating better or exercising more, I hope that this experience stays with me when I selfishly feel deprived because I’m limiting my sugar or carbs. While I sleep soundly in my bed, with my companion Labrador snoring softly beside the bed, I pray for a peaceful sleep for those families we met. Their dogs are not kept in luxury, but are meant as a warning system. When they have so little, it’s so important that they are able to maintain possession of what they have. I speculate that sleep may not be as deep for some as the ever present threat of gang violence lurks in their minds. With all of that being said, I was truly blessed to see such happiness and contentment shining through the eyes of most we met. El Salvador is among the top five happiest countries. We may ask, “How is that possible?” We see the poverty, the trash, the opportunities we have in the US that the El Salvadorians do not have. However, if you are truly content with what you possess, the relationships you have, and living moment by moment and day by day, then what else would you experience but happiness. Tonight I stand on my back deck looking up at the stars. I see Orion’s Belt and the Little Dipper. Amazingly, I saw these same constellations in El Salvador. It brings a peace to my heart to know that I am looking upon the same stars and moon that the children and staff at La Casa are gazing upon as well. It makes the world a little smaller and brings our hearts a little closer. Most importantly, it reminds me that our God sees all of us gazing up and he showers down his love on us no matter where we are, how much or little we have; we are loved. If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together, there is something you must always remember…you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart, I'll always be with you. A. A. Milne I appreciate the support of my Winters Chapel UMC family for my first ever international missions trip. Your financial support and the continued prayers before, during and after the trip have meant the world to me. I’m blessed to be part of such a fantastic body of Christ. God Bless each and every one of you. Much love - Michelle Page 6 Transitions In Mind, Body and Spirit Thursday, March 12, 2015 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Dunwoody United Methodist Church 1548 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody, Georgia 30338 770-394-0675 "There is a Ɵme for everything, and a season for every acƟvity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 RegistrationFee:$40 IncludesbreakfastandluncheoninFellowshipHallandafternoonsnack Deadline:Thursday,March5 The Fisher · February 2015 Page 7 Sunday Worship Times: Traditional: 11:00 a.m. Small Groups: Sundays 9:45 a.m. Bi-Lingual Worship: Thursdays 6:45 pm Please note that childcare is provided on Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings. Sunday Monday 1 11 Worship 3 Disciple Tuesday Wednesday 7 Women of Faith Friday 4 5 10:30 Disciple 6 Staff 7 Choir practice 8 Band practice 10:30 UMW 3 2 Thursday Saturday 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 Kids Closet NO ESOL 8 11 Worship 3 Disciple 15 10 11 12 12 PrimeTimers 10:30 Disciple 7 Choir practice 8 Band practice 6:45 Bi-Lingual Service 7:15 ESOL 17 18 19 10:30 Disciple 6 Ash Wednesday Service 7 Choir practice 8 Band practice 6:45 Bi-Lingual Service 7:15 ESOL 25 26 10:30 Disciple 7 Choir practice 8 Band practice 6:45 Bi-Lingual Service 7:15 ESOL 9 16 8:30 Valentine Breakfast 10:30 Faith in Action 11 Worship 3 Disciple 22 23 24 11 Worship 3 Disciple 7 City of Peachtree Corners meeting Happy, Happy Birthday to You! February 2 Mary Ellen Albitz February 14 Luke Havard February 15 Tom Preacher February 17 Betty Farmer February 17 Linda Humphries February 20 Martha Beavers February 20 Erica Jones February 20 February 26 February 26 February 27 February 28 February 28 Nomie Truong Jimmy Faulkner Dawn Wade Sandra Lackland Terri Humphries James Faulkner If we are missing your birthday, please let the church office know by emailing [email protected] You can reach us . . . Winters Chapel United Methodist Church Staff Rev. Shelia Preacher, Pastor 770-928-8031 (home); 678-925-0103 (cell); [email protected] Pastor Dorcas Rodriguez, Hispanic Ministry 678-600-3228; [email protected] Leslie Faulkner, Director Children & Youth Ministry 770-396-4550 (office); [email protected] Misha Stefanuk, Organist in Residence, Director of Music 678-520-0749 (cell); [email protected] Michelle Stewart, Administrative Assistant & Bookkeeper 770-396-4550 (office); [email protected] Mary Trompeter, Preschool Director 770-393-3478 (office); [email protected]
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